3ug4632 1aw30 инструкция по настройке



Monitoring Relays

Relais de surveillance

Relé de vigilancia

Relè di sorveglianza

Relé de monitorização


Operating Instructions


Istruzioni operative

Vor der Installation, dem Betrieb oder der Wartung des Geräts muss diese Anleitung gelesen und verstanden werden.

Read and understand these instructions before installing, operating, or maintaining the equipment.

Ne pas installer, utiliser ou intervenir sur cet équipement avant d’avoir lu et assimilé ces instructions.

Leer y comprender este instructivo antes de la instalación, operación o mantenimiento del equipo.

Leggere con attenzione queste istruzioni prima di installare, utilizzare o eseguire manutenzione su questa apparecchiatura.

Ler e compreender estas instruções antes da instalação, operação ou manutenção do equipamento.



Gefährliche Spannung.

Lebensgefahr oder schwere Verletzungs-


Vor Beginn der Arbeiten Anlage und

Gerät spannungsfrei schalten.



Tensión peligrosa.

Puede causar la muerte o lesiones


Desconectar la alimentación eléctrica antes de

trabajar en el equipo.

Eine sichere Gerätefunktion ist nur mit zertifizierten Komponenten gewährleistet.

Reliable functioning of the equipment is only ensured with certified components.

Le fonctionnement sûr de l’appareil n’est garanti qu’avec des composants certifiés.

El funcionamiento seguro del aparato sólo está garantizado con componentes certificados.

Il funzionamento sicuro dell’apparecchiatura è garantito soltanto con componenti certificati.

O funcionamento seguro do aparelho apenas pode ser garantido se forem utilizados os componentes certificados.

1. U = 0 V

2. a, b, c, d




GWA 4NEB 927 0407-10 DS 03

zur einphasigen Spannungsüberwachung

for Single-Phase Voltage Monitoring

de la tension monophasée

de la tensión monofásica

della tensione monofase

de tensão monofásica




Instructions de service

Instruções de Serviço



Hazardous voltage.

Will cause death or serious injury.

Disconnect power before working on




Tensione pericolosa.

Può provocare morte o lesioni gravi.

Scollegare l’alimentazione prima di eseguire

interventi sull’apparecchiatura.

Bestell-Nr./Order No.: 3ZX1012-0UG46-5AA1



Tension dangereuse.

Danger de mort ou risque de blessures


Mettre hors tension avant d’intervenir sur




Tensão perigosa.

Perigo de morte ou ferimentos graves.

Desligue a corrente antes de trabalhar no



DIN ISO 2380 -1A 0,5 x 3








Last update: 15 September 2006



EN 60 947, IEC 60 947




A, B, C









Überwachungsrelais 3UG für elektrische und sonstige Größen



Siemens LV 1 T · 2008


Elektronische Netzüberwachungsrelais ermöglichen einen 
maximalen Schutz für ortsveränderliche Maschinen und 
Anlagen oder bei instabilen Netzen. So können Netz- und 
Spannungsfehler frühzeitig erkannt und darauf reagiert werden, 
bevor weit größere Folgeschäden auftreten.
Je nach Ausführung überwachen die Relais Phasenfolge, 
Phasenausfall mit und ohne N-Leiter-Überwachung, Phasen-
asymmetrie bzw. Unter- oder Überspannung. 
Phasenasymmetrie wird ausgewertet als Differenz der größten 
zur kleinsten Phasenspannung im Verhältnis zur größten Pha-
senspannung. Unter- oder Überspannung liegt vor, wenn min-
destens eine Phasenspannung um 20 % von der eingestellten 
Netznennspannung abweicht bzw. die direkt eingestellten 
Grenzwerte über- oder unterschritten werden. Es wird der 
Effektivwert der Spannung gemessen. 
Mit dem Relais 3UG46 17 oder 3UG46 18 kann auch eine 
automatische Korrektur der Drehrichtung durchgeführt werden.


Überwachungsrelais 3UG45 11

Das Phasenfolgerelais 3UG45 11 überwacht die Phasenfolge in 
einem dreiphasigen Netz. Für den Betrieb sind keine Einstellun-
gen erforderlich. Das Gerät ist eigenversorgt und arbeitet im 
Ruhestromprinzip. Liegt die richtige Phasenfolge an den Klem-
men L1-L2-L3 an, zieht das Ausgangsrelais nach der Reaktions-
zeit an und die grüne LED leuchtet. Bei falscher Phasenfolge 
bleibt das Ausgangsrelais in seiner Ruheposition.

Hinweis: Angeschlossene Lasten (Motorwicklungen, Lampen, 
Trafos, Spulen etc.) erzeugen bei Ausfall einer Phase durch die 
Netzverkopplung eine Rückspannung an der Klemme der 
ausgefallenen Phase. Da die Relais 3UG45 11 nicht rückspan-
nungssicher sind, wird ein derartiger Phasenausfall nicht 
erkannt. Ist dies erforderlich, muss zum Beispiel das Über-
wachungsrelais 3UG45 12 verwendet werden.

Korrekte Phasenfolge

Falsche Phasenfolge

Überwachungsrelais 3UG45 12

Das Netzüberwachungsrelais 3UG45 12 überwacht ein dreipha-
siges Netz auf Phasenfolge, -ausfall und -asymmetrie von 10 %. 
Durch ein spezielles Messverfahren wird trotz Weitspannung 
von AC 160 … 690 V und Rückspeisung bis 90 % durch den Ver-
braucher ein Phasenausfall sicher erkannt. Das Gerät ist 
eigenversorgt und arbeitet im Ruhestromprinzip. Es sind keine 
Einstellungen erforderlich. Wird die Netzspannung eingeschal-
tet, leuchtet die grüne LED. Liegt die richtige Phasenfolge an 
den Klemmen L1-L2-L3 an, zieht das Ausgangsrelais an. Bei 
falscher Phasenfolge blinkt die rote LED und das Ausgangs-
relais bleibt in seiner Ruheposition. Bei einem Phasenausfall 
leuchtet die rote LED dauerhaft und das Ausgangsrelais fällt ab.

Hinweis: Die rote LED ist eine Fehlerdiagnoseanzeige und zeigt 
nicht den aktuellen Relaiszustand. Das Überwachungsrelais 
3UG45 12 ist für Netzfrequenzen von 50/60 Hz geeignet.


Falsche Phasenfolge























LED rd




Phase loss







LED rd


Phase sequence



© Siemens AG 2007

Page 1

… The 3UG45 12 monitoring relay is suitable for line frequencies of 50/60 Hz. Phase failure L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 11/14 11/12 21/24 21/22 LED rd OFF ON Phase loss Wrong phase sequence L3-L2-L1 11/14 11/12 21/24 21/22 LED rd OFF FLASH Phase sequence Siemens · 2007 Line monitoring OFF OFF 7/61 …

Page 2

… OFF FLASH OFF Phase sequence 7/62 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG46 14 monitoring relays The 3UG46 14 line monitoring relay has a wide voltage range and an internal power supply. The device is equipped with a dis- play and is parameterized using three buttons. It monitors three- phase networks with regard to phase unbalance from phase failure, undervoltage and phase sequence …

Page 3

… Hysteresis Overvoltage x-y 11/14 11/12 21/24 21/22 Unbalance Hysteresis 0 % 11/14 11/12 21/24 21/22 Monitoring Relays Line monitoring L1-L2-L3 L2-L3 L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N L1-L2-L3 L1-L2-L3-N 11/14 11/ 21/24 21/22 Hysteresis < Delay > Hysteresis 50 ms Delay Hysteresis > Asy Delay 7/63 Siemens · 2007 …

Page 4

… Hysteresis for unbalance Deviation for frequency fluctuation 1) Note: This is a Class A product. In the household environment this device may cause radio interference. In this case the user must introduce suitable measures. 7/64 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG45 11- 3UG45 11- 3UG45 11- 3UG45 12 ..N20 …

Page 5

… Screw terminal 83 92 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG45 11- 3UG45 11- 3UG45 11- ..N20 ..P20 ..Q20 0 Million 0.1 oper. cycles Million 10 oper. cycles 86 NSB0_01606 3UG46 16 3UG46 18 C 103 102 Monitoring Relays Line monitoring 3UG45 12 3UG45 13 3UG46 14 3UG46 15 3UG46 16 3UG46 17 3UG46 18 7/65 Siemens · 2007 …

Page 6

… Schematics 3UG45 11-.A 3UG45 11-.B 3UG45 12-.A 3UG45 12-.B 3UG45 13 3UG46 14 3UG46 15 3UG46 17 Position of the connection terminals 3UG45 11-.A 3UG45 11-.B 3UG45 12-.A 3UG45 12-.B 3UG45 13 3UG46 14 3UG46 15 3UG46 17 7/66 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG46 16 3UG46 18 3UG46 16 3UG46 18 …

Page 7

… The products differ with regard to their power supply (internal or external). Undervoltage A1- 11/14 11/12 Window monitoring > Hysteresis = 0 11/14 11/12 onDelay Delay Monitoring Relays Voltage monitoring < Hysteresis onDelay Delay A1-A2 = > < Hysteresis Hysteresis Delay Delay Delay = Delay Siemens · 2007 7/67 …

Page 8

… The device can be operated on the basis of either the open-circuit or closed-circuit principle and with manual or auto RESET. One output changeover contact is available as signaling contact. With the closed-circuit principle selected Overvoltage A1-A2 > 11/14 11/12 Delay 7/68 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 Undervoltage A1- 11/14 11/12 Window monitoring A1-A2 Hysteresis 11/14 11/12 < …

Page 9

… V 0.1 … 30 0.1 … 300 0 Million 0.1 oper. cycles Million 10 oper. cycles Siemens · 2007 Voltage monitoring 3UG46 32- 3UG46 33 .AW 24 … 240 17 … 275 AC/DC AC/DC 40 … 500 20.4 … 264 17…275 0.1 … 20 17 … 275 17 … 275 40 … 500 0.1 … 150 7/69 …

Page 10

… AC/DC U AC/DC Load Load A1(+) IN(+) A1(+) IN(+) 11 < U > < U > A2(–) M(–) A2(–) M(–) NSB0_01614a NSB0_01532b Position of the connection terminals 3UG46 31 3UG46 33 3UG46 32 7/70 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 NSB0_01699 3UG46 31 3UG46 32 3UG46 3UG46 33 AC/DC 11 A1(+) 11 < U > A2(–) NSB0_01533b …

Page 11

… They differ with regard to their measuring ranges and voltage types. Current undershoot A1- 11/14 11/12 Window monitoring A1-A2 Hysteresis = 0 11/14 11/12 onDelay Delay Monitoring Relays Current monitoring < Hysteresis onDelay Delay > < Hysteresis Hysteresis Delay Delay Delay = Delay 7/71 Siemens · 2007 …

Page 12

… Electrical endurance AC15 Endurance with contactor relay 1) Note: This is a Class A product. In the household environment this device may cause radio interference. In this case the user must introduce suitable measures. 7/72 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG46 21-.AA 3UG46 21-. … 240 …

Page 13

… A2! The load current must always flow through M or the monitoring relay may be destroyed! Monitoring Relays Current monitoring 3UG46 21 3UG46 o. AC/DC U Load Load < > Load Load o. AC/ Load 3UG3 IN < > Load Siemens · 2007 7/73 …

Page 14

… UP▲ and DOWN▼ key simultaneously for 2 seconds switching the supply voltage off and back on again. 7/74 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 The 3UG46 41 power factor and active current monitoring device enables the load monitoring of motors. …

Page 15

… Window monitoring of power factor cos Hysteresis Hysteresis cos p.f. 11/14 11/12 21/24 21/22 onDelay Legend p.f.: power factor cos j: power factor Monitoring Relays < cos Hysteresis 0,10 cos = 0 onDelay Delay > cos < cos Hysteresis 0,10 cos = 0 Delay Delay 7/75 Siemens · 2007 …

Page 16

… Deviations for temperature fluctuations Hysteresis Phase angle Hysteresis Active current monitoring 1) Note: This is a Class A product. In the household environment this device may cause radio interference. In this case the user must introduce suitable measures. 7/76 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG46 … 690 Hz 50/ …

Page 17

… A Removable terminals Spring-loaded terminals 84 Screw terminal 83 1) For standard mounting rail according to EN 60715. © Siemens AG 2007 Power factor and active current monitoring 3UG46 0 Million 0.1 oper. cycles Million 10 oper. cycles NSB0_01699 Monitoring Relays 7/77 Siemens · 2007 …

Page 18

… L 3UG46 41 12 cos / cos r 24 Ly/N NSB0_01654b N/L Position of the connection terminals 3UG46 7/78 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3-phase motors 1,2 3UG46 41 12 cos cos 21 24 Ly/N NSB0_01655b 3-phase motors with transformers for currents > 1,2 3UG46 41 …

Page 19

… R value value 11/14 5 11/12 = Supply voltage 1 A1-B2/A1-A2 for AC 115V/230V A1-A2 for AC/DC 24 … 240V 2 = Remote connection-Save-Reset = Button on the front Test/Reset Insulation resistance R of the network 5 = Normally open contact t = > approx. 300 ms Test Siemens · 2007 Insulation monitoring NSB0_01393a t Test 7/79 …

Page 20

… Dimensional drawings ■ Schematics Connection diagram for networks up to 400 230/400 230 V N 115 A1-B2/A1-A2 for AC 115 V/230 V ) Only 3UG3081-1AK20. A1-A2 for AC/DC 24…240 V 7/80 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG30 81 -15 %… + … 60 k 1…110 k 100 k 100 415 AC Y1-Y2 …

Page 21

… Button on front – Test L – Test remote connection – Test L = Test remote connection – Test Test remote connection – Store, reset 5 = Insulation resistance R of supply 6 set response value R = Switch on front 7 Open-circuit/closed-circuit principle = NO contact 8 Siemens · 2007 Insulation monitoring NSB0_01395a t > Test x 7/81 …

Page 22

… Circuit diagram Connection diagram for 24…240 V DC 24…240 24…240 V AC/ Test L+ Y1 Reset Y2 Test 7/82 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG30 82 -15 %… + … … 110 … 240 V DC 300 Y1/Y3, Y4/ changeover contact, open-circuit or closed-circuit principle V 400 III 3 4000 IP50 enclosure, IP20 terminals 10 Hz/mm 10-55/0 …

Page 23

… The monitoring relay can therefore also be used for other applications apart from monitoring the levels of liquids. A1/ Maximum level ) Minimum level ) 3 Monitored level Output relay 4 Function OVER 5 Output relay Function UNDER 1 ) Determined by the arrangement of the probes in the monitored liquid. Siemens · 2007 Level monitoring NSB0_00961 T3 3 7/83 …

Page 24

… Type Length Insulation (PTFE) Installation Screw-in gland width A/F Thread Connection cable Operating temperature Operating pressure Assignment • Cable/Electrode Cable brown Cable white Cable green 7/84 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 3UG30/3UG35 A Max 0 /17 V for a fault of 1 ppm …

Page 25

… Schematics 3UG35 01 R © Siemens AG 2007 Monitoring Relays 3UG32 07-1B single-pole bow electrode 3UG32 07-1C single-pole electrode, rugged version Siemens · 2007 Level monitoring 7/85 …

Page 26

… Actual value 3 Output relay 4 7/86 Siemens · 2007 © Siemens AG 2007 The 3UG30 51 monitoring relay is used together with a sensor to monitor operating mechanisms for underspeeding. Speed monitoring with memory (MEMORY) When the output relay drops, this state remains stored even when the speed reaches a permissible value again. The stored state can be ended by a control signal at the reset terminal or by interrupting the supply voltage for at least 200 ms …

Solid-state line monitoring relays provide maximum protection for mobile machines and plants or for unstable networks. Network and voltage faults can be detected early and rectified before far greater damage ensues. Depending on the version, the relays monitor phase sequence, phase failure with and without N conductor monitoring, phase unbalance, undervoltage or overvoltage. With the 3UG46 18 relay, a wrong direction of rotation can also be corrected automatically.

3UG45 11 monitoring relays The 3UG45 11 phase sequenced relay monitors the phase sequence in a three-phase network. No adjustments are required for operation. The device has an internal power supply and works using the closed-circuit principle. If the phase sequence at the terminals L1-L2-L3 is correct, the output relay picks up after the delay time has elapsed and the LED is lit. If the phase sequence is wrong, the output relay remains in its rest position. Note: When one phase fails, connected loads (motor windings, lamps, transformers, coils, etc.) create a feedback voltage at the terminal of the failed phase due to the network coupling. Because the 3UG45 11 relays are not resistant to voltage feedback, such a phase failure is not detected. Should this be required, then the 3UG45 12 monitoring relay must be used. Correct phase sequence 3UG45 12 monitoring relays The 3UG45 12 line monitoring relay monitors three-phase networks with regard to phase sequence, phase failure and phase unbalance of 10 Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is reliably detected in spite of the wide voltage range from V AC and feedback through the load to 90 The device has an internal power supply and works using the closed-circuit principle. No adjustments are required. When the mains voltage is switched on, the green LED is lit. If the phase sequence at the terminals L1-L2-L3 is correct, the output relay picks up. If the phase sequence is wrong, the red LED flashes and the output relay remains in its rest position. If a phase fails, the red LED is permanently lit and the output relay drops. Note: The red LED is a fault diagnostic indicator and does not show the current relay status. The 3UG45 12 monitoring relay is suitable for line frequencies of 50/60 Hz. Phase failure

3UG45 13 monitoring relays The 3UG45 13 line monitoring relay monitors three-phase networks with regard to phase sequence, phase failure, phase unbalance 20 % and undervoltage. The device has an internal power supply and works using the closed-circuit principle. The hysteresis is 5 The integrated response delay time is adjustable from 20 s and responds to undervoltage. If the direction is incorrect, the device switches off immediately. Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is reliably detected in spite of the wide voltage range from V AC and feedback through the load to 80 When the mains voltage is switched on, the green LED is lit. If the phase sequence at the terminals L1-L2-L3 is correct, the output relay picks up. If the phase sequence is wrong, the red LED flashes and the output relay remains in its rest position. If a phase fails, the red LED is permanently lit and the output relay drops. Note: The red LED is a fault diagnostic indicator and does not show the current relay status. The 3UG45 13 monitoring relay is suitable for line frequencies of 50/60 Hz. Phase failure and undervoltage

3UG46 14 monitoring relays The 3UG46 14 line monitoring relay has a wide voltage range and an internal power supply. The device is equipped with a display and is parameterized using three buttons. It monitors threephase networks with regard to phase unbalance from to 20 phase failure, undervoltage and phase sequence. The hysteresis is adjustable from V. In addition the device has a response delay and ON-delay from s in each case. The integrated response delay time responds to phase unbalance and undervoltage. If the direction is incorrect, the device switches off immediately. Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is reliably detected in spite of the wide voltage range from V AC and feedback 80 % through the load. The 3UG46 14 monitoring relay can be operated on the basis of either the open-circuit or closed-circuit principle and with manual or auto RESET. With the closed-circuit principle selected Wrong phase sequence

15/3UG46 16 monitoring relays The 15/3UG46 16 line monitoring relay has a wide voltage range and an internal power supply. The device is equipped with a display and is parameterized using three buttons. The 3UG46 15 device monitors three-phase networks with regard to phase failure, undervoltage, overvoltage and phase sequence. The 3UG46 16 monitoring relay monitors the neutral conductor as well. The hysteresis is adjustable from V. In addition the device has two separately adjustable delay times for overvoltage and undervoltage from s in each case. If the direction is incorrect, the device switches off immediately. Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is reliably detected in spite of the wide voltage range from V AC and feedback through the load to 80 The 3UG46 16 monitoring relay can be operated on the basis of either the open-circuit or closed-circuit principle and with manual or auto RESET. With the closed-circuit principle selected Wrong phase sequence 17/3UG46 18 monitoring relays The 3UG46 18 line monitoring relay has an internal power supply and can automatically correct a wrong direction of rotation. Thanks to a special measuring method, a phase failure is reliably detected in spite of the wide voltage range from V AC and feedback through the load to 80 The device is equipped with a display and is parameterized using three buttons. The 3UG46 17 line monitoring relay monitors three-phase networks with regard to phase sequence, phase failure, phase unbalance, undervoltage and overvoltage. The 3UG46 18 monitoring relay monitors the neutral conductor as well. The hysteresis is adjustable from V. In addition the device has delay times from s in each case for overvoltage, undervoltage, phase failure and phase unbalance. The 3UG46 18 monitoring relay can be operated on the basis of either the open-circuit or closed-circuit principle and with manual or auto RESET. The one changeover contact is used for warning or disconnection in the event of line faults (voltage, unbalance), the other responds only to a wrong phase sequence. In conjunction with a contactor reversing assembly it is thus possible to change the direction automatically. With the closed-circuit principle selected

Voltage Monitoring Relay with NO/NC Contacts, 24 — 240V AC-DC

The 3UG series solid State Monitoring Relay suitable for electrical and additional measurements. This monitoring relay provides maximum protection for mobile machines and plants or for unstable networks. Network and voltage faults can be detected early and rectified before far greater damage ensues. Depending on the version, it monitors phase sequence, phase failure with and without N conductor monitoring, phase unbalance, undervoltage or overvoltage.

Allied Electronics:
Voltage Monitoring Relay with NO/NC Contacts, 24 — 240 V ac/dc

Win Source:

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