Afebryl шипучие таблетки турецкие инструкция

1 шипучая таблетка содержит:

действующее вещество: ацетилцистеин — 100,00 мг;

вспомогательные вещества: лимонная кислота — 679,85 мг; натрия гидрокарбонат — 194,00 мг; натрия карбонат — 97,00 мг; маннитол — 65,00 мг; лактоза — 75,00 мг; аскорбиновая кислота — 12,50 мг; натрия сахаринат — 6,00 мг; натрия цитрат — 0,65 мг; ароматизатор ежевичный «В» — 20,00 мг.

Круглые плоскоцилиндрические таблетки белого цвета с запахом ежевики. Возможно наличие слабого серного запаха.

Восстановленный раствор: бесцветный, прозрачный, свободный от частиц раствор с запахом ежевики. Возможно наличие слабого серного запаха.

Отхаркивающее муколитическое средство

АТХ R05CB01 Ацетилцистеин


Ацетилцистеин является производным аминокислоты цистеина. Оказывает муколитическое действие, облегчает отхождение мокроты за счет прямого воздействия на реологические свойства мокроты. Действие обусловлено способностью разрывать дисульфидные связи мукополисахаридных цепей и вызывать деполимеризацию мукопротеидов мокроты, что приводит к уменьшению вязкости мокроты. Препарат сохраняет активность при наличии гнойной мокроты.

Оказывает антиоксидантное действие, основанное на способности его реактивных сульфгидрильных групп (SH-группы) связываться с окислительными радикалами и, таким образом, нейтрализовать их.

Кроме того, ацетилцистеин
способствует синтезу глутатиона, важного компонента антиокислительной системы и химической детоксикации организма. Антиоксидантное действие ацетилцистеина повышает защиту клеток от повреждающего действия свободнорадикального окисления, свойственного интенсивной воспалительной реакции.

При профилактическом применении ацетилцистеина отмечается уменьшение частоты и тяжести обострений бактериальной этиологии у пациентов с хроническим бронхитом и муковисцидозом.


Абсорбция высокая. Быстро метаболизируется в печени с образованием фармакологически активного метаболита — цистеина, а также диацетилцистеина, цистина и смешанных дисульфидов. Биодоступность при пероральном приеме составляет 10 % (из-за наличия выраженного эффекта «первого прохождения» через печень). Время достижения максимальной концентрации (Сmах) в плазме крови составляет 1 — 3 ч. Связь с белками плазмы крови — 50 %. Выводится почками в виде неактивных метаболитов (неорганические сульфаты, диацетилцистеин). Период полувыведения (Т1/2) составляет около 1 ч, нарушение функции печени приводит к удлинению

Т1/2 до 8 ч. Проникает через плацентарный барьер. Данные о способности ацетилцистеина проникать через гематоэнцефалический барьер и выделяться с грудным молоком отсутствуют.

Заболевания органов дыхания, сопровождающиеся образованием вязкой трудноотделяемой мокроты:

  • острый и хронический бронхит, обструктивный бронхит;
  • трахеит, ларинготрахеит;
  • бронхиолит, пневмония, абсцесс легкого;
  • бронхоэктатическая болезнь, бронхиальная астма,
  • хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ)
  • муковисцидоз;
  • интерстиальные заболевания легких, ателектаз легкого (вследствие закупоркибронхов слизистой пленкой)

Воспаление среднего уха (средний отит), острый и хронический синусит (облегчение отхождения секрета).

  • повышенная чувствительность к ацетилцистеину или другим компонентам препарата;
  • язвенная болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки в стадии обострения;
  • беременность;
  • период грудного вскармливания;
  • кровохаркание, легочное кровотечение;
  • дефицит лактазы, непереносимость лактозы, глюкозо-галактозная мальабсорбция;
  • детский возраст до 2 лет (для данной лекарственной формы).

Язвенная болезнь желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки в анамнезе, бронхиальная астма, обструктивный бронхит, печеночная и/или почечная недостаточность, непереносимость гистамина (следует избегать длительного приема препарата, т.к. ацетилцистеин
влияет на метаболизм гистамина и может привести к возникновению признаков непереносимости, таких как головная боль, вазомоторный ринит, зуд), варикозное расширение вен пищевода, заболевания надпочечников, артериальная гипертензия.

Данные по применению ацетилцистеина в период беременности и грудного вскармливания ограничены, поэтому применение препарата при беременности противопоказано. В случае необходимости применения препарата в период грудного вскармливания следует решить вопрос о его прекращении.

Внутрь, после еды.

Таблетки шипучие следует растворять в одном стакане воды. Таблетки следует принимать сразу после растворения, в исключительных случаях можно оставить готовый к применению раствор на 2 ч. Дополнительный прием жидкости усиливает муколитический эффект препарата. При кратковременных простудных заболеваниях длительность приема составляет 5-7 дней. При хроническом бронхите и муковисцидозе препарат следует принимать более длительное время для достижения профилактического эффекта.

При отсутствии других назначений рекомендуется придерживаться следующих дозировок:

Муколитическая терапия:

взрослые и дети старше 14 лет: по 2 таблетки шипучие 2-3 раза в день (по 400 — 600 мг);

дети от 6 до 14 лет: по 1 таблетке шипучей 3 раза в день, или по 2 шипучие таблетки 2 раза в день (300 — 400 мг);

дети от 2 до б лет: по 1 таблетке шипучей 2-3 раза в день (200 — 300 мг).


дети от 2 до 6 лет: по 1 таблетке шипучей 4 раза в день (400 мг); дети старше 6 лет: по 2 таблетки шипучие 3 раза в день (600 мг).

По данным Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) нежелательные реакции классифицированы в соответствии с их частотой развития следующим образом: очень часто (> 1/10), часто (>1/100, <1/10), нечасто (>1/1000, 4/100), редко (21/10000, <1/1000) и очень редко (<1/10000); частота неизвестна — по имеющимся данным установить частоту возникновения не представлялось возможным.
Нарушения со стороны иммунной системы

нечасто: реакции гиперчувствительности;

очень редко: анафилактический шок, анафилактические/анафилактоидные реакции.
Нарушения со стороны нервной системы

нечасто: головная боль.
Нарушения со стороны органа слуха и лабиринтные нарушения

нечасто: шум в ушах.
Нарушения со стороны сердца сосудов

нечасто: тахикардия;

очень редко: кровотечение*;

частота неизвестна: при приеме ацетилцистеина описаны случаи развития коллапса.
* Единичные сообщения о развитии кровотечений на фоне применения ацетилцистеина, иногда вместе с реакциями гиперчувствительности. Снижение агрегации тромбоцитов на фоне применения ацетилцистеина было подтверждено в некоторых исследованиях, клиническая значимость этого явления пока не выяснена.

Нарушения со стороны дыхательной системы, органов грудной клетки и средостения

редко: одышка, бронхоспазм (преимущественно у пациентов с гиперреактивностью бронхов при бронхиальной астме).
Нарушения со стороны желудочнокишечного тракта

нечасто: боль в области живота, тошнота, рвота, диарея, стоматит;

редко: диспепсия;

частота неизвестна: изжога.
Нарушения со стороны кожи и подкожных тканей

нечасто: кожный зуд, сыпь, экзантема, крапивница, ангионевротический отек;

очень редко: синдром Стивенса Джонсона, токсический эпидермальный некролиз (синдром Лайелла).
Общие расстройства

нечасто: лихорадка;

частота неизвестна: отек лица.
Лабораторные и инструментальные данные

нечасто: артериальная гипотензия.

Отсутствуют случаи токсической передозировки при приеме ацетилцистеиа внутрь.

отсутствовали симптомы интоксикации при приеме ацетилцистеиа внутрь в дозе 500 мг/кг массы тела.

Отстуствовали тяжелые побочные явления при приеме здоровыми доюровольцами ацетилцистеина в дозе 11,6 г в сутки в течение 3 месяцев.

Симптомы: при ошибочной или преднамеренной передозировке наблюдаются такие явления, как понос, рвота и тошнота.

Лечение: симптоматическое.

При одновременном применении ацетилцистеина и противокашлевых средств из-за подавления кашлевого рефлекса может возникнуть застой мокроты.

При одновременном применении с антибиотиками для приема внутрь (пенициллины, тетрациклины, цефалоспорины и др.) возможно их взаимодействие с тиоловой группой ацетилцистеина, что может привести к снижению их антибактериальной активности. Поэтому интервал между приемом антибиотиков и ацетилцистеина должен составлять не менее 2 ч (кроме цефиксима и лоракарбена)

Одновременное применение с вазодилятирующими средствами и нитроглицерином может привести к усилению сосудорасширяющего действия.

Пациентам с бронхиальной астмой и обструктивным бронхитом ацетилцистеин
следует назначать с осторожностью под системным контролем бронхиальной проходимости.
Применение ацетилцистеина, особенно на начальных стадиях лечения, приводит к разжижению и, следовательно, увеличению объема бронхиального секрета. Если пациент не способен эффективно откашливаться, необходимо проводить дренаж или аспирацию секрета.
При растворении ацетилцистеина необходимо пользоваться стеклянной посудой, избегать контакта с металлическими и резиновыми поверхностями. Следует соблюдать осторожность при применении ацетилцистеина у пациентов с язвенной болезнью в анамнезе, особенно при сопутствующем применении других лекарственных средств, способных оказывать раздражающее действие на слизистые оболочки желудочно-кишечного тракта.
При применении ацетилцистеина очень редко сообщалось о случаях развития тяжелых аллергических реакций, таких как синдром Стивенса Джонсона и синдром Лайелла. При возникновении изменений кожи и слизистых оболочек следует немедленно обратиться к врачу, прием препарата необходимо прекратить.
Следует соблюдать осторожность при применении пациентов с непереносимостью гистамина. У таких пациентов следует избегать длительного лечения с применением ацетилцистеина, поскольку ацетилцистеин влияет на метаболизм гистамина и может приводить к развитию симптомов непереносимости (таких как головная боль, вазомоторный ринит, зуд).
Не следует принимать препарат непосредственно перед сном (рекомендуется принимать препарат до 18.00).
Следует избегать применения препарата у пациентов с почечной и/или печеночной недостаточностью во избежание дополнительного образования азотистых соединений.
Влияниее на лабораторные данные.

Ацетилцистеин может влиять на результаты колориметрического определения концентрации салицилатов в плазме крови. В анализе мочи ацетилцистеин может влиять на результаты определения кетоновых тел.
Указание для пациентов с сахарным диабетом:
1 таблетка шипучая соответствует 0,006 ХЕ.

Данных об отрицательном влиянии препарата АЦЦ® 100 в рекомендуемых дозах на способность управлять транспортными средствами, механизмами нет.

При упаковке Гермес Фарма Гес.м.б.Х., Австрия:

Первичная упаковка

По 20 или 25 таблеток шипучих в полипропиленовой или алюминиевой тубе, закрытой полиэтиленовой пробкой, содержащей осушитель.

Вторичная упаковка
По 1 тубе по 20 таблеток шипучих или по 2 или 4 тубы по 25 таблеток шипучих вместе с инструкцией по применению в картонную пачку.
Примечание: допускается наличие контроля первого вскрытия картонной пачки (перфорация).

При упаковке Гермес Арцнаймиттель ГмбХ, Германия:
Первичная упаковка
По 4 таблетки шипучих в стрипы изламинированной фольги: алюминий/бумага.
Вторичная упаковка
По 15 стрипов вместе с инструкцией по применению в картонную пачку. Примечание: с целью контроля первого вскрытия с двух сторон картонной пачки допускается наличие прозрачных наклеек.

При температуре не выше 25°С.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.

Для таблеток шипучих, упакованных в пластмассовые тубы, срок годности составляет 2 года.

Для таблеток шипучих, упакованных в стрипы или алюминиевые тубы — 3 года.

Не использовать по истечении срока годности,

Без рецепта

Регистрационный номер

П N015472/01

Дата регистрации


Владелец регистрационного удостоверения


Гермес Фарма Гес.м.б.Х



Caution is required in patients with certain conditions:

— Systemic lupus erythematosus as well as those with mixed connective tissue disease due to increased risk of aseptic meningitis.

— Gastrointestinal disorders and chronic inflammatory intestinal disease as these conditions may be exacerbated (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease).

— Caution is required prior to starting treatment in patients with a history of hypertension and or heart/failure. Oedema, hypertension and/or cardiac impairment as renal function may deteriorate and/or fluid retention occur.

— Renal impairment as renal function may deteriorate.

— Hepatic dysfunction.

Undesirable effects may be minimised by using the minimum effective dose for the shortest possible duration to control symptoms (see GI and cardiovascular risks below).

The elderly are at increased risk of the serious consequences of adverse reactions especially gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation which may be fatal.

Bronchospasm may be precipitated in patients suffering from or with a previous history of bronchial asthma or allergic disease.

Use with concomitant NSAIDs including cyclo-oxygenase-2 specific inhibitors should be avoided .

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular effects

Clinical studies suggest that use of Afebril, particularly at high doses (2400 mg/day) may be associated with a small increased risk of arterial thrombotic events (for example myocardial infarction or stroke).

Overall, epidemiological studies do not suggest that low dose Afebril (e.g. ≤1200mg daily) is associated with an increased risk of arterial thrombotic events.

Patients with uncontrolled hypertension, congestive heart failure (NYHA II-III), established ischaemic heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, and/or cerebrovascular disease should only be treated with Afebril after careful consideration and high doses (2400 mg/day) should be avoided.

Careful consideration should also be exercised before initiating long-term treatment of patients with risk factors for cardiovascular events (e.g. hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking), particularly if high doses of Afebril (2400 mg/day) are required.

There is some evidence that drugs, which inhibit cyclooxygenase/ prostaglandin synthesis, may cause impairment of female fertility by an effect on ovulation. This is reversible on withdrawal of treatment.

Gastro-intestinal (GI) bleeding, ulceration, or perforation, which can be fatal, has been reported with all NSAIDs at any time during treatment, with or without warning symptoms or a previous history of serious GI effects (including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease).

The risk of GI bleeding, ulceration or perforation is higher with increasing NSAID doses, in patients with a history of ulcer, particularly if complicated with haemorrhage or perforation , and in the elderly. These patients should commence treatment on the lowest dose available.

Patients with a history of GI toxicity, particularly when elderly, should report any unusual abdominal symptoms (especially GI bleeding) particularly in the initial stages of treatment.

Caution should be advised in patients receiving concomitant medications which could increase the risk of gastrotoxicity or bleeding, such as corticosteroids, or anticoagulants such as warfarin, selective serotonin uptake inhibitors or anti-platelet agents such as aspirin.

Where GI bleeding or ulceration occurs in patients receiving Afebril, the treatment should be withdrawn immediately.


Serious skin reactions, some of them fatal, including exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis, have been reported very rarely in association with the use of NSAIDs. Patients appear to be at highest risk for these reactions early in the course of therapy: the onset of the reaction occurring in the majority of cases within the first month of treatment. Afebril should be discontinued at the first appearance of skin rash, mucosal lesions, or any other sign of hypersensitivity.

Patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance should not take this medicine as this product contains sucrose.

Each tablet contains 67mg of sucrose. This should be taken into account in patients with diabetes mellitus.

There is a risk of renal impairment in dehydrated children and adolescents, between the ages of 12-18 year olds.

The label will include:

12-18 years: if symptoms worsen, or persist for more than 3 days, or you get new symptoms consult your doctor.

Adults: if symptoms worsen, or persist for more than 10 days, or you get new symptoms consult your pharmacist or doctor.

Read the enclosed leaflet before taking this product.

Do not take if you:

— have ever had a stomach ulcer, perforation or bleeding

— are allergic to Afebril (or anything else in this medicine), aspirin or other related painkillers

— are taking other NSAID painkillers, or aspirin with a daily dose above 75mg

— are in the last 3 months of pregnancy.

Speak to a pharmacist or your doctor before taking if you:

— have asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, had a stroke, heart, liver, kidney or bowel problems

— are a smoker

— are pregnant

The elderly have an increased frequency of adverse reactions to NSAIDs especially gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation which may be fatal.


Bronchospasm may be precipitated in patients suffering from, or with a previous history of, bronchial asthma or allergic disease.

Other NSAIDs:

The use of Ibuprofen with concomitant NSAIDs including cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors should be avoided.

SLE and mixed connective tissue disease:

Systemic lupus erythematosus as well as those with mixed connective tissue disease — increased risk of aseptic meningitis


Renal impairment as renal function may further deteriorate.

There is a risk of renal impairment in dehydrated children and adolescents


Hepatic dysfunction

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular effects:

Caution (discussion with doctor or pharmacist) is required prior to starting treatment in patients with a history of hypertension and/or heart failure as fluid retention, hypertension and oedema have been reported in association with NSAID therapy.

Clinical studies suggest that use of ibuprofen, particularly at a high dose (2400mg/day) may be associated with a small increased risk of arterial thrombotic events (for example myocardial infarction or stroke). Overall, epidemiological studies do not suggest that low dose ibuprofen (e.g. ≤1200mg/day) is associated with an increased risk of arterial thrombotic events.

Patients with uncontrolled hypertension, congestive heart failure (NYHA II-III), established ischaemic heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, and/or cerebrovascular disease should only be treated with ibuprofen after careful consideration and high doses (2400 mg/day) should be avoided.

Careful consideration should also be exercised before initiating long-term treatment of patients with risk factors for cardiovascular events (e.g. hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking), particularly if high doses of ibuprofen (2400 mg/day) are required.

Impaired female fertility:

There is limited evidence that drugs which inhibit cyclo-oxygenase/ prostaglandin synthesis may cause impairment of female fertility by an effect on ovulation. This is reversible upon withdrawal of treatment.


NSAIDs should be given with care to patients with a history of gastrointestinal disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease) as these conditions may be exacerbated.

GI bleeding, ulceration or perforation, which can be fatal has been reported with all NSAIDs at any time during treatment, with or without warning symptoms or a previous history of GI events.

The risk of GI bleeding, ulceration or perforation is higher with increasing NSAID doses, in patients with a history of ulcer, particularly if complicated with haemorrhage or perforation , and in the elderly. These patients should commence treatment on the lowest dose available.

Patients with a history of GI toxicity, particularly the elderly, should report any unusual abdominal symptoms (especially GI bleeding) particularly in the initial stages of treatment.

Caution should be advised in patients receiving concomitant medications which could increase the risk of ulceration or bleeding, such as oral corticosteroids, anticoagulants such as warfarin, selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors or anti-platelet agents such as aspirin.

When GI bleeding or ulceration occurs in patients receiving ibuprofen, the treatment should be withdrawn.


Serious skin reactions, some of them fatal, including exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis, have been reported very rarely in association with the use of NSAIDs. Patients appear to be at highest risk for these reactions early in the course of therapy: the onset of the reaction occurring in the majority of cases within the first month of treatment. Ibuprofen should be discontinued at the first appearance of skin rash, mucosal lesions, or any other sign of hypersensitivity.

Advice for patients with sugar-related disorders:

Patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase insufficiency should not take this medicine.

Advice for patients on a controlled sodium diet:

This medicinal product contains 1.1 mmol (or 25.3 mg) of sodium per 2 doses (2 tablets). To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.

The leaflet will include:

The quantity of sodium contained in 2 tablets is approximately 1.1mmol, ie about 25.3 mg. This quantity is to be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.

If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicinal product.

The label will include:

Read the enclosed leaflet before taking this product

Do not take if you:

— have (or have had two or more episodes of ) a stomach ulcer, perforation or bleeding

— are allergic to ibuprofen, to any of the ingredients, or to aspirin or other related painkillers

— are taking other NSAID pain killers or aspirin with a daily dose above 75mg

Speak to a pharmacist or your doctor before taking if you:

— have or have had asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, a stroke, heart, liver, kidney or bowel problems

— Are a smoker

— Are pregnant

If symptoms persist or worsen, or if new symptoms occur, consult your doctor or pharmacist.


Allergy alert: Ibuprofen may cause a severe allergic reaction, especially in people allergic to aspirin. Symptoms may include:

  • hives
  • facial swelling
  • asthma (wheezing)
  • shock
  • skin reddening
  • rash
  • blisters

If an allergic reaction occurs, stop use and seek medical help right away.

Stomach bleeding warning: This product contains an NSAID, which may cause severe stomach bleeding. The chance is higher if you:

  • have had stomach ulcers or bleeding problems
  • take a blood thinning (anticoagulant) or steroid drug
  • are age 60 or older
  • take other drugs containing prescription or nonprescription NSAIDs [aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, or others]
  • have 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day while using this product
  • take more or for a longer time than directed

Do not use

  • if you have ever had an allergic reaction to any other pain reliever/fever reducer
  • right before or after heart surgery

Ask a doctor before use if

  • stomach bleeding warning applies to you
  • you have a history of stomach problems, such as heartburn
  • you have high blood pressure, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, or kidney disease
  • you are taking a diuretic
  • you have problems or serious side effects from taking pain relievers or fever reducers
  • you have asthma

Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are

  • under a doctor’s care for any serious condition
  • taking aspirin for heart attack or stroke, because ibuprofen may decrease this benefit of aspirin
  • taking any other drug

When using this product

  • take with food or milk if stomach upset occurs
  • the risk of heart attack or stroke may increase if you use more than directed or for longer than directed

Stop use and ask a doctor if

  • you experience any of the following signs of stomach bleeding:
    • feel faint
    • have bloody or black stools
    • vomit blood
    • have stomach pain that does not get better
  • pain gets worse or lasts more than 10 days
  • fever gets worse or lasts more than 3 days
  • redness or swelling is present in the painful area
  • any new symptoms appear

If pregnant or breast-feeding,

ask a health professional before use. It is especially important not to use ibuprofen during the last 3 months of pregnancy unless definitely directed to do so by a doctor because it may cause problems in the unborn child or complications during delivery.

Keep out of reach of children.


See WARNINGS Section above.

). As with other NSAIDs, ibuprofen may mask the signs of infection.

The use of Brufen with concomitant NSAIDs, including cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors, should be avoided due to the increased risk of ulceration or bleeding.


The elderly have an increased frequency of adverse reactions to NSAIDs, especially gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation, which may be fatal.

Paediatric population

There is a risk of renal impairment in dehydrated children and adolescents.

Gastrointestinal bleeding, ulceration and perforation

GI bleeding, ulceration or perforation, which can be fatal, has been reported with all NSAIDs at anytime during treatment, with or without warning symptoms or a previous history of serious GI events.

The risk of GI bleeding, ulceration or perforation is higher with increasing NSAID doses, in patients with a history of ulcer, particularly if complicated with haemorrhage or perforation , and in the elderly.).

Patients with a history of gastrointestinal disease, particularly when elderly, should report any unusual abdominal symptoms (especially gastrointestinal bleeding) particularly in the initial stages of treatment.

Caution should be advised in patients receiving concomitant medications which could increase the risk of ulceration or bleeding, such as oral corticosteroids, anticoagulants such as warfarin, selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors or anti-platelet agents such as aspirin.

When GI bleeding or ulceration occurs in patients receiving Brufen, the treatment should be withdrawn.

NSAIDs should be given with care to patients with a history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease as these conditions may be exacerbated.

Respiratory disorders and hypersensitivity reactions

Caution is required if Brufen is administered to patients suffering from, or with a previous history of, bronchial asthma, chronic rhinitis or allergic diseases since NSAIDs have been reported to precipitate bronchospasm, urticaria or angioedema in such patients.

Cardiac, renal and hepatic impairment

The administration of an NSAID may cause a dose dependent reduction in prostaglandin formation and precipitate renal failure.).

Brufen should be given with care to patients with a history of heart failure or hypertension since oedema has been reported in association with ibuprofen administration.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular effects

Appropriate monitoring and advice are required for patients with a history of hypertension and/or mild to moderate congestive heart failure as fluid retention and oedema have been reported in association with NSAID therapy.

Clinical studies suggest that use of ibuprofen, particularly at a high dose (2400 mg/day) may be associated with a small increased risk of arterial thrombotic events such as myocardial infarction or stroke. Overall, epidemiological studies do not suggest that low dose ibuprofen (e.g. ≤ 1200mg/day) is associated with an increased risk of arterial thrombotic events.

Patients with uncontrolled hypertension, congestive heart failure (NYHA II-III), established ischaemic heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, and/or cerebrovascular disease should only be treated with ibuprofen after careful consideration and high doses (2400mg/day) should be avoided. Careful consideration should also be exercised before initiating long-term treatment of patients with risk factors for cardiovascular events (e.g. hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes mellitus, smoking), particularly if high doses of ibuprofen (2400mg/day) are required.

Renal effects

Caution should be used when initiating treatment with ibuprofen in patients with considerable dehydration.

As with other NSAIDs, long-term administration of ibuprofen has resulted in renal papillary necrosis and other renal pathologic changes. Renal toxicity has also been seen in patients in whom renal prostaglandins have a compensatory role in the maintenance of renal perfusion. In these patients, administration of an NSAID may cause a dose-dependant reduction in prostaglandin formation and, secondarily, in renal blood flow, which may cause renal failure. Patients at greatest risk of this reaction are those with impaired renal function, heart failure, liver dysfunction, those taking diuretics and ACE inhibitors and the elderly. Discontinuation of NSAID therapy is usually followed by recovery to the pre-treatment state.

SLE and mixed connective tissue disease


Dermatological effects

Serious skin reactions, some of them fatal, including exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis, have been reported very rarely in association with the use of NSAIDs. Patients appear to be at highest risk of these reactions early in the course of therapy, the onset of the reaction occurring within the first month of treatment in the majority of cases. Brufen should be discontinued at the first appearance of skin rash, mucosal lesions, or any other sign of hypersensitivity.

Haematological effects

Ibuprofen, like other NSAIDs, can interfere with platelet aggregation and prolong bleeding time in normal subjects.

Aseptic meningitis

Aseptic meningitis has been observed on rare occasions in patients on ibuprofen therapy. Although it is probably more likely to occur in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and related connective tissue diseases, it has been reported in patients who do not have an underlying chronic disease.

Impaired female fertility

The use of Brufen may impair female fertility and is not recommended in women attempting to conceive. In women who have difficulties conceiving or who are undergoing investigation of infertility, withdrawal of Brufen should be considered.


Included as part of the PRECAUTIONS section.


Cardiovascular Thrombotic Events

Clinical trials of several COX-2 selective and nonselective NSAIDs of up to three years duration have shown an increased risk of serious cardiovascular (CV) thrombotic events, including myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke, which can be fatal. Based on available data, it is unclear that the risk for CV thrombotic events is similar for all NSAIDs. The relative increase in serious CV thrombotic events over baseline conferred by NSAID use appears to be similar in those with and without known CV disease or risk factors for CV disease. However, patients with known CV disease or risk factors had a higher absolute incidence of excess serious CV thrombotic events, due to their increased baseline rate. Some observational studies found that this increased risk of serious CV thrombotic events began as early as the first weeks of treatment. The increase in CV thrombotic risk has been observed most consistently at higher doses.

To minimize the potential risk for an adverse CV event in NSAID-treated patients, use the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration possible. Physicians and patients should remain alert for the development of such events, throughout the entire treatment course, even in the absence of previous CV symptoms. Patients should be informed about the symptoms of serious CV events and the steps to take if they occur.

There is no consistent evidence that concurrent use of aspirin mitigates the increased risk of serious CV thrombotic events associated with NSAID use. The concurrent use of aspirin and an NSAID, such as ibuprofen, increases the risk of serious gastrointestinal (GI) events.

Status Post Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery

Two large, controlled clinical trials of a COX-2 selective NSAID for the treatment of pain in the first 10-14 days following CABG surgery found an increased incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke. NSAIDs are contraindicated in the setting of CABG.

Post-MI Patients

Observational studies conducted in the Danish National Registry have demonstrated that patients treated with NSAIDs in the post-MI period were at increased risk of reinfarction, CV-related death, and all-cause mortality beginning in the first week of treatment. In this same cohort, the incidence of death in the first year post-MI was 20 per 100 person years in NSAID-treated patients compared to 12 per 100 person years in non-NSAID exposed patients. Although the absolute rate of death declined somewhat after the first year post-MI, the increased relative risk of death in NSAID users persisted over at least the next four years of follow-up.

Avoid the use of Afebril in patients with a recent MI unless the benefits are expected to outweigh the risk of recurrent CV thrombotic events. If Afebril is used in patients with a recent MI, monitor patients for signs of cardiac ischemia.

Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Ulceration, And Perforation

NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, cause serious gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events including inflammation, bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, or large intestine, which can be fatal. These serious adverse events can occur at any time, with or without warning symptoms, in patients treated with NSAIDs. Only one in five patients who develop a serious upper GI adverse event on NSAID therapy is symptomatic. Upper GI ulcers, gross bleeding, or perforation caused by NSAIDs occurred in approximately 1% of patients treated for 3-6 months and in about 2%-4% of patients treated for one year. However, even short-term therapy is not without risk.

Risk Factors For GI Bleeding, Ulceration And Perforation

Patients with a prior history of peptic ulcer disease and/or GI bleeding who used NSAIDs had a greater than 10-fold increased risk for developing a GI bleed compared to patients without these risk factors. Other factors that increase the risk of GI bleeding in patients treated with NSAIDs include longer duration of NSAID therapy; concomitant use of oral corticosteroids, aspirin, anticoagulants, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); smoking; use of alcohol; older age; and poor general health status. Most postmarketing reports of fatal GI events occurred in elderly or debilitated patients. Additionally, patients with advanced liver disease and/or coagulopathy are at increased risk for GI bleeding.

Strategies to Minimize the GI Risks in NSAID-treated patients:

  • Use the lowest effective dosage for the shortest possible duration.
  • Avoid administration of more than one NSAID at a time.
  • Avoid use in patients at higher risk unless benefits are expected to outweigh the increased risk of bleeding. For such patients, as well as those with active GI bleeding, consider alternate therapies other than NSAIDs.
  • Remain alert for signs and symptoms of GI ulceration and bleeding during NSAID therapy.
  • If a serious GI adverse event is suspected, promptly initiate evaluation and treatment, and discontinue Afebril until a serious GI adverse event is ruled out.
  • In the setting of concomitant use of low-dose aspirin for cardiac prophylaxis, monitor patients more closely for evidence of GI bleeding.


Elevations of ALT or AST (three or more times the upper limit of normal [ULN]) have been reported in approximately 1% of NSAID-treated patients in clinical trials. In addition, rare, sometimes fatal, cases of severe hepatic injury, including fulminant hepatitis, liver necrosis, and hepatic failure have been reported.

Elevations of ALT or AST (less than three times ULN) may occur in up to 15% of patients treated with NSAIDs, including ibuprofen.

Inform patients of the warning signs and symptoms of hepatotoxicity (e.g., nausea, fatigue, lethargy, diarrhea, pruritus, jaundice, right upper quadrant tenderness, and “flu-like” symptoms).If clinical signs and symptoms consistent with liver disease develop, or if systemic manifestations occur (e.g., eosinophilia, rash, etc.), discontinue Afebril immediately, and perform a clinical evaluation of the patient.


NSAIDs, including Afebril, can lead to new onset of hypertension or worsening of preexisting hypertension, either of which may contribute to the increased incidence of CV events. Patients taking angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, thiazide diuretics, or loop diuretics may have impaired response to these therapies when taking NSAIDs.

Monitor blood pressure (BP) during the initiation of NSAID treatment and throughout the course of therapy.

Heart Failure And Edema

The Coxib and traditional NSAID Trialists’ Collaboration meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials demonstrated an approximately two-fold increase in hospitalizations for heart failure in COX-2 selective-treated patients and nonselective NSAID-treated patients compared to placebo-treated patients. In a Danish National Registry study of patients with heart failure, NSAID use increased the risk of MI, hospitalization for heart failure, and death.

Additionally, fluid retention and edema have been observed in some patients treated with NSAIDs. Use of ibuprofen may blunt the CV effects of several therapeutic agents used to treat these medical conditions (e.g., diuretics, ACE inhibitors, or angiotensin receptor blockers [ARBs]).

Avoid the use of Afebril in patients with severe heart failure unless the benefits are expected to outweigh the risk of worsening heart failure. If Afebril is used in patients with severe heart failure, monitor patients for signs of worsening heart failure.

Renal Toxicity And Hyperkalemia

Renal Toxicity

Long-term administration of NSAIDs has resulted in renal papillary necrosis and other renal injury.

Renal toxicity has also been seen in patients in whom renal prostaglandins have a compensatory role in the maintenance of renal perfusion. In these patients, administration of an NSAID may cause a dose dependent reduction in prostaglandin formation and, secondarily, in renal blood flow, which may precipitate overt renal decompensation. Patients at greatest risk of this reaction are those with impaired renal function, dehydration, hypovolemia, heart failure, liver dysfunction, those taking diuretics and ACE inhibitors or ARBs, and the elderly. Discontinuation of NSAID therapy is usually followed by recovery to the pretreatment state.

No information is available from controlled clinical studies regarding the use of Afebril in patients with advanced renal disease. The renal effects of Afebril may hasten the progression of renal dysfunction in patients with preexisting renal disease.

Correct volume status in dehydrated or hypovolemic patients prior to initiating Afebril. Monitor renal function in patients with renal or hepatic impairment, heart failure, dehydration, or hypovolemia during use of Afebril. Avoid the use of Afebril in patients with advanced renal disease unless the benefits are expected to outweigh the risk of worsening renal function. If Afebril is used in patients with advanced renal disease, monitor patients for signs of worsening renal function.


Increases in serum potassium concentration, including hyperkalemia, have been reported with use of NSAIDs, even in some patients without renal impairment. In patients with normal renal function, these effects have been attributed to a hyporeninemic­hypoaldosteronism state.

Anaphylactic Reactions

Ibuprofen has been associated with anaphylactic reactions in patients with and without known hypersensitivity to ibuprofen and in patients with aspirin-sensitive asthma.

Seek emergency help if anaphylactic reaction occurs.

Exacerbation Of Asthma Related To Aspirin Sensitivity

A subpopulation of patients with asthma may have aspirin-sensitive asthma which may include chronic rhinosinusitis complicated by nasal polyps; severe, potentially fatal bronchospasm; and/or intolerance to aspirin and other NSAIDs. Because cross-reactivity between aspirin and other NSAIDs has been reported in such aspirin-sensitive patients, Afebril is contraindicated in patients with this form of aspirin sensitivity. When Afebril is used in patients with preexisting asthma (without known aspirin sensitivity), monitor patients for changes in the signs and symptoms of asthma.

Serious Skin Reactions

NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, can cause serious skin adverse reactions such as exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), which can be fatal. These serious events may occur without warning. Inform patients about the signs and symptoms of serious skin reactions, and to discontinue the use of Afebril at the first appearance of skin rash or any other sign of hypersensitivity. Afebril is contraindicated in patients with previous serious skin reactions to NSAIDs.

Premature Closure Of Fetal Ductus Arteriosus

Ibuprofen may cause premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus. Avoid use of NSAIDs, including Afebril, in pregnant women starting at 30 weeks of gestation (third trimester).

Hematologic Toxicity

Anemia has occurred in NSAID-treated patients. This may be due to occult or gross GI blood loss, fluid retention, or an incompletely described effect on erythropoiesis. If a patient treated with Afebril has any signs or symptoms of anemia, monitor hemoglobin or hematocrit.

NSAIDs, including Afebril may increase the risk of bleeding events. Co-morbid conditions such as coagulation disorder, concomitant use of warfarin, other anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents (e.g., aspirin), serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) may increase this risk. Monitor these patients for signs of bleeding.

Afebril must be diluted prior to use. Infusion of the drug product without dilution can cause hemolysis.

Masking Of Inflammation And Fever

The pharmacological activity of Afebril in reducing inflammation, and possibly fever, may diminish the utility of diagnostic signs in detecting infections.

Laboratory Monitoring

Because serious GI bleeding, hepatotoxicity, and renal injury can occur without warning symptoms or signs, consider monitoring patients on long-term NSAID treatment with a CBC and a chemistry profile periodically.

Ophthalmological Effects

Blurred or diminished vision, scotomata, and changes in color vision have been reported with oral ibuprofen. Discontinue ibuprofen if a patient develops such complaints, and refer the patient for an ophthalmologic examination that includes central visual fields and color vision testing.

Aseptic Meningitis

Aseptic meningitis with fever and coma has been observed in patients on oral ibuprofen therapy. Although it is probably more likely to occur in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and related connective tissue diseases, it has been reported in patients who do not have underlying chronic disease. If signs or symptoms of meningitis develop in a patient on ibuprofen, give consideration to whether or not the signs or symptoms are related to ibuprofen therapy.

Patient Counseling Information

Advise the patient to read the FDA-approved patient labeling (Medication Guide) that accompanies each prescription dispensed. Patients, families, or their caregivers should be informed of the following information before initiating therapy with Afebril and periodically during the course of ongoing therapy.

Cardiovascular Thrombotic Events

Advise patients to be alert for the symptoms of cardiovascular thrombotic events, including chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, or slurring of speech, and to report any of these symptoms to their health care provider immediately.

Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Ulceration, And Perforation

Advise patients to report symptoms of ulcerations and bleeding, including epigastric pain, dyspepsia, melena, and hematemesis to their health care provider. In the setting of concomitant use of low-dose aspirin for cardiac prophylaxis, inform patients of the increased risk for and the signs and symptoms of GI bleeding.


Inform patients of the warning signs and symptoms of hepatotoxicity (e.g., nausea, fatigue, lethargy, pruritus, diarrhea, jaundice, right upper quadrant tenderness, and “flu-like” symptoms). If these occur, instruct patients to stop Afebril and seek immediate medical therapy.

Heart Failure And Edema

Advise patients to be alert for the symptoms of congestive heart failure including shortness of breath, unexplained weight gain, or edema and to contact their healthcare provider if such symptoms occur.

Anaphylactic Reactions

Inform patients of the signs of an anaphylactic reaction (e.g., difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat). Instruct patients to seek immediate emergency help if these occur.

Serious Skin Reactions

Advise patients to stop Afebril immediately if they develop any type of rash and to contact their healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Female Fertility

Advise females of reproductive potential who desire pregnancy that NSAIDs, including Afebril, may be associated with a reversible delay in ovulation

Fetal Toxicity

Inform pregnant women to avoid use of Afebril and other NSAIDs starting at 30 weeks gestation because of the risk of the premature closing of the fetal ductus arteriosus.

Avoid Concomitant Use Of NSAIDs

Inform patients that the concomitant use of Afebril with other NSAIDs or salicylates (e.g., diflunisal, salsalate) is not recommended due to the increased risk of gastrointestinal toxicity, and little or no increase in efficacy. Alert patients that NSAIDs may be present in “over the counter” medications for treatment of colds, fever, or insomnia.

Use Of NSAIDS And Low-Dose Aspirin

Inform patients not to use low-dose aspirin concomitantly with Afebril until they talk to their healthcare provider.

Nonclinical Toxicology

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of Fertility


Long-term studies in animals to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of ibuprofen have not been conducted.


In published studies, ibuprofen was not mutagenic in the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation assay (Ames assay).

Impairment Of Fertility

In a published study, dietary administration of ibuprofen to male and female rats 8-weeks prior to and during mating at dose levels of 20 mg/kg (0.06-times the MRHD based on body surface area comparison) did not impact male or female fertility or litter size.

In other studies, adult mice were administered ibuprofen intraperitoneally at a dose of 5.6 mg/kg/day (0.0085-times the MRHD based on body surface area comparison) for 35 or 60 days in males and 35 days in females. There was no effect on sperm motility or viability in males but decreased ovulation was reported in females.

Use In Specific Populations


Risk Summary

Use of NSAIDs, including Afebril, during the third trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus. Avoid use of NSAIDs, including Afebril, in pregnant women starting at 30 weeks gestation (third trimester).

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Afebril in pregnant women. Data from observational studies regarding potential embryofetal risks of NSAID use in women in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy are inconclusive. In the general U.S. population, all clinically recognized pregnancies, regardless of drug exposure, have a background rate of 2-4% for major malformations, and 15-20% for pregnancy loss. In published animal reproduction studies, there were no clear developmental effects at doses up to 0.4-times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) in the rabbit and 0.5-times in the MRHD rat when dosed throughout gestation. In contrast, an increase in membranous ventricular septal defects was reported in rats treated on Gestation Days 9 & 10 with 0.8-times the MRHD. Based on animal data, prostaglandins have been shown to have an important role in endometrial vascular permeability, blastocyst implantation, and decidualization. In animal studies, administration of prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors such as ibuprofen, resulted in increased pre-and post-implantation loss. Advise a pregnant woman of the potential risk to a fetus.

Clinical Considerations

Labor or Delivery

There are no studies on the effects of Afebril during labor or delivery. In animal studies, NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, cause delayed parturition, and increase the incidence of stillbirth.

Animal Data

In a published study, female rabbits given 7.5, 20, or 60 mg/kg ibuprofen (0.04, 0.12, or 0.36-times the maximum recommended human daily dose of 3200 mg of ibuprofen based on body surface area) from Gestation Days 1 to 29, no clear treatment-related adverse developmental effects were noted. This dose was associated with significant maternal toxicity (stomach ulcers, gastric lesions). In the same publication, female rats were administered 7.5, 20, 60, 180 mg/kg ibuprofen (0.02, 0.06, 0.18, 0.54-times the maximum daily dose) did not result in clear adverse developmental effects. Maternal toxicity (gastrointestinal lesions) was noted at 20 mg/kg and above.

In a published study, rats were orally dosed with 300 mg/kg ibuprofen (0.912-times the maximum human daily dose of 3200 mg based on body surface area) during Gestation Days 9 and 10 (critical time points for heart development in rats). Ibuprofen treatment resulted in an increase in the incidence of membranous ventricular septal defects. This dose was associated with significant maternal toxicity including gastrointestinal toxicity. One incidence each of a membranous ventricular septal defect and gastroschisis was noted in fetuses from rabbits treated with 500 mg/kg (3-times the maximum human daily dose) from Gestation Day 9-11.


Risk Summary

No lactation studies have been conducted with Afebril; however, limited published literature reports that, following oral administration, ibuprofen is present in human milk at relative infant doses of 0.06% to 0.6% of the maternal weight-adjusted daily dose. There are no reports of adverse effects on the breastfed infant and no effects on milk production. The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother’s clinical need for Afebril and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from the Afebril or from the underlying maternal condition.

Females And Males Of Reproductive Potential



Based on the mechanism of action, the use of prostaglandin-mediated NSAIDs, including Afebril, may delay or prevent rupture of ovarian follicles, which has been associated with reversible infertility in some women. Published animal studies have shown that administration of prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors has the potential to disrupt prostaglandin- mediated follicular rupture required for ovulation. Small studies in women treated with NSAIDs have also shown a reversible delay in ovulation. Consider withdrawal of NSAIDs, including Afebril in women who have difficulties conceiving or who are undergoing investigation of infertility.

Pediatric Use

The safety and effectiveness of Afebril for the treatment of pain and fever in pediatric patients ages 6 months and older is supported by evidence of fever reduction from a multi-center, open-label study of hospitalized febrile pediatric patients along with safety data from exposure to Afebril in 143 pediatric patients ages 6 months and older in two pediatric fever studies and one pediatric pain study, supportive data from other ibuprofen products approved in pediatric patients, and evidence from adequate and well controlled studies in adults. The effectiveness of Afebril for the treatment of pain and fever has not been studied in pediatric patients less than 6 months of age..

Geriatric Use

Elderly patients, compared to younger patients, are at greater risk for NSAID-associated serious cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and/or renal adverse reactions. If the anticipated benefit for the elderly patient outweighs these potential risks, start dosing at the low end of the dosing range, and monitor patients for adverse effects.

Clinical studies of Afebril did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. Elderly patients are at increased risk for serious GI adverse events.

Before administration of Afebril an adequate echocardiographic examination should be performed in order to detect a haemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus and to exclude pulmonary hypertension and ductal-dependent congenital heart disease.

Since prophylactic use in the first 3 days of life (starting within 6 hours of birth) in preterm newborn infants less than 28 weeks of gestational age was associated with increased pulmonary and renal adverse events, Afebril should not be used prophylactically at any gestational age. In particular, severe hypoxemia with pulmonary hypertension was reported in 3 infants within one hour of the first infusion and was reversed within 30 min after start of inhaled nitric oxide therapy.

If hypoxaemia occurs during or following Afebril infusion, close attention should be paid to pulmonary pressure.

Since ibuprofen was shown in vitro to displace bilirubin from its binding site to albumin, the risk of bilirubin encephalopathy in premature newborn infants may be increased. Therefore, ibuprofen should not be used in infants with marked elevated bilirubin concentration.

As a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), ibuprofen may mask the usual signs and symptoms of infection.).

Afebril should be administered carefully to avoid extravasation and potential resultant irritation to tissues.

As ibuprofen may inhibit platelet aggregation, premature neonates should be monitored for signs of bleeding.

As ibuprofen may decrease the clearance of aminoglycosides, strict surveillance of their serum levels is recommended during co-administration with ibuprofen.

Careful monitoring of both renal and gastrointestinal function is recommended.

In preterm newborn infants less than 27 weeks of gestational age, the closure rate of the ductus arteriosus (33 to 50%) was shown to be low at the recommended dose regimen.

This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (15 mg) per 2 ml, i.e. essentially ‘sodium-free’.


Included as part of the «PRECAUTIONS» Section



There are no long-term evaluations of the infants treated with ibuprofen at durations greater than the 36 weeks post-conceptual age observation period. Ibuprofen’s effects on neurodevelopmental outcome and growth as well as disease processes associated with prematurity (such as retinopathy of prematurity and chronic lung disease) have not been assessed.


Afebril may alter the usual signs of infection. The physician must be continually on the alert and should use the drug with extra care in the presence of controlled infection and in infants at risk of infection.

Platelet Aggregation

Afebril, like other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, can inhibit platelet aggregation. Preterm infants should be observed for signs of bleeding. Ibuprofen has been shown to prolong bleeding time (but within the normal range) in normal adult subjects. This effect may be exaggerated in patients with underlying hemostatic defects (see CONTRAINDICATIONS).

Bilirubin Displacement

Ibuprofen has been shown to displace bilirubin from albumin binding-sites; therefore, it should be used with caution in patients with elevated total bilirubin.


Afebril should be administered carefully to avoid extravascular injection or leakage, as solution may be irritating to tissue.

Use In Specific Populations

Pediatric Use

Safety and effectiveness have only been established in premature infants.

Active ingredient:

Acetylsalicylic Acid 300 mg; Paracetamol 200 mg; Povidone 8 mg; Ascorbic Acid 300 mg

Available from:

Laboratoires S.M.B. SA-NV

ATC code:


INN (International Name):

Paracetamol; Ascorbic Acid; Acetylsalicylic Acid

Pharmaceutical form:

Effervescent tablet


Paracetamol 200 mg; Ascorbic Acid 300 mg; Acetylsalicylic Acid 300 mg

Administration route:

Oral use

Therapeutic area:

Paracetamol, Combinations excl. Psycholeptics

Product summary:

CTI code: 465697-02 — Pack size: 32 — Commercialisation status: NO — Delivery mode: Free delivery; CTI code: 075932-01 — Pack size: 16 — Commercialisation status: YES — CNK code: 0100685 — Delivery mode: Free delivery; CTI code: 075932-02 — Pack size: 32 — Commercialisation status: YES — CNK code: 0324095 — Delivery mode: Free delivery; CTI code: 465697-01 — Pack size: 16 — Commercialisation status: NO — Delivery mode: Free delivery

Authorization status:

Commercialised: Yes

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Наиболее частыми нежелательными эффектами, возникающими примерно у 20 % больных, являются желудочнокишечные эффекты, сопровождающиеся болями, тошнотой и рвотой.

Следующие симптомы могут быть признаками поражения печени: увеличение частоты эпилептических приступов, чувство физической слабости, потеря аппе­тита, тошнота и неоднократная рвота, боль в эпигастрии неясного происхожде­ния, отек ног, нарушения сознания и двигательные расстройства. При появлении вышеназванных признаков Вам следует незамедлительно обратиться к врачу. Детей следует контролировать особенно тщательно относительно этих клиничес­ких признаков.

Очень часто возникающие побочные эффекты: боли, тошнота и рвота.

Часто возникающие побочные эффекты: изменения картины крови (пониженное количество тромбоцитов и лейкоцитов, гипераммониемия), прибавка в весе или похудание, повышенный или пониженный аппетит, сонливость, тремор, наруше­ния чувствительности (парестезии), временное выпадение волос, обесцвечи­вание волос, завивание волос, аменорея, изменения функциональных показате­лей печени.

Иногда возникающие побочные эффекты: кровотечение, преходящая кома (в некоторых случаях ассоциирована с повышением частоты эпилептических приступов).

Редко возникающие побочные эффекты: повышение уровня мужских гормонов в крови, нарушение уровня инсулина и инсулиноподобного вещества в крови, отек ног и/или рук, раздражаем ость, галлюцинации, спутанность сознания, головная боль, гиперактивность, подергивание мышц, нарушение координации, состояние пониженного бодрствования, повышенное слюноотделение, диарея, воспаление поджелудочной железы, нарушение функции печени, иммунологические нару­шения кожи (включая аллергические реакции), воспаление сосудов, низкая температура тела, поликистоз яичников.

Очень редко возникающие побочные эффекты: нарушения костного мозга, нару­шение коагуляции крови, изменения состава крови (недостаток различных типов кровяных клеток, анемия), психические расстройства и другие нарушения мозга, синдром Паркинсона (ригидность мышц, гипокинезия, дрожание мышц), нару­шение функции мозга со сморщиванием мозга, ухудшение слуха и шум в ушах, тяжелые кожные нарушения, заболевания почек и ночное недержание мочи у детей.

В отдельных случаях сообщалось об аномальных результатах тестов функции щитовидной железы.

При возникновении побочных эффектов необходимо обратиться к врачу. 

Afebryl is an anti-flu. It is indicated in the symptomatic treatment of pain and fever that occur during flu-like conditions. Available in packs of 16 effervescent tablets.

In what circumstances to use

Symptomatic treatment of pain and fever occurring during flu-like conditions and upper respiratory tract infections.

Treatment of headaches; migraines, transient joint and muscle pain, toothache (except before or after dental surgery).

How to take/use

Adults and children from the age of 12: 1 tablet 1 to 4 times a day.

The maximum recommended dose for adults is 6 tablets a day.

No more than 2 tablets should be taken at a time.

The duration of treatment should be as short as possible, maximum 10 days in adults and 5 days in children.

Dissolve the tablets in ½ cup of water, shake lightly and take immediately.

Package leaflet

Shops to buy online

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