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Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Добрый день! Столкнулись с такой панелью Air Energy Control Fiac инструкции не нашли на него, может у кого есть? Буду благодарен!

IMG_20191125_152259.jpg (68.58 KiB) Просмотров: 911
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Сообщений: 129
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2013, 06:22

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Re: Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Сообщение Valeron82 » 11 дек 2019, 08:41

На такой есть (фото), с кодами доступа, а на этот не могу найти.

IMG_20191125_153222.jpg (80.65 KiB) Просмотров: 903
Ведущий специалист
Сообщений: 129
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2013, 06:22

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Re: Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Сообщение nick » 11 дек 2019, 10:29

Valeron82 писал(а):На такой есть (фото), с кодами доступа, а на этот не могу найти.


Наслаждение качеством длится дольше, чем наслаждение ценой

Сообщений: 85
Зарегистрирован: 26 янв 2016, 07:09
Откуда: Омск
Откуда (город): Омск

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Re: Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Сообщение Valeron82 » 13 дек 2019, 08:19

Да, действительно, доступ тот же.

Ведущий специалист
Сообщений: 129
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2013, 06:22

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Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Добрый день! Столкнулись с такой панелью Air Energy Control Fiac инструкции не нашли на него, может у кого есть? Буду благодарен!

IMG_20191125_152259.jpg (68.58 KiB) Просмотров: 856
Ведущий специалист
Сообщений: 124
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2013, 06:22

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Re: Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Сообщение Valeron82 » 11 дек 2019, 08:41

На такой есть (фото), с кодами доступа, а на этот не могу найти.

IMG_20191125_153222.jpg (80.65 KiB) Просмотров: 848
Ведущий специалист
Сообщений: 124
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2013, 06:22

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Re: Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Сообщение nick » 11 дек 2019, 10:29

Valeron82 писал(а):На такой есть (фото), с кодами доступа, а на этот не могу найти.


Наслаждение качеством длится дольше, чем наслаждение ценой

Сообщений: 85
Зарегистрирован: 26 янв 2016, 07:09
Откуда: Омск
Откуда (город): Омск

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Re: Мануал Air Energy Control Fiac

Сообщение Valeron82 » 13 дек 2019, 08:19

Да, действительно, доступ тот же.

Ведущий специалист
Сообщений: 124
Зарегистрирован: 28 июн 2013, 06:22

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AIR ENERGY CONTROL — Блок управления (панель электронная) для винтового компрессора . Контроллер применяется на компрессорах нового поколения.

Характеристика Значение
Применяется для
  • CRS 7.5 NEW
  • CRS 10 NEW
  • CRS 15 NEW
  • CRS 20 NEW
  • CRS 25 NEW
  • CRS 30 NEW
  • CRS 40 NEW
Вес, кг 0,1
  • AIR ENERGY. Технические характеристики.

  • CRS. Технические характеристики.

  • Прайс-лист FIAC в магазине fiac

    Прайс-лист FIAC


    В ассортименте компании FIAC большое количество компрессоров, которые можно применять в строительстве, машиностроительной отрасли, в автосервисе, в медицине и химической промышленности.


    Высокая надежность и ресурсоемкость компрессорного оборудования FIAC отмечена многими потребителями и проверена долгими годами бесперебойной работы компрессорных установок.


    Специалисты сервисного центра компании FIAC в кратчайшие сроки с выездом на место произведут качественную диагностику и необходимый ремонт винтовых и поршневых компрессоров.

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Код производителя: 7433810000, 1127430381

Производитель: Fiac, Италия

Блок управления (панель электронная) для винтового компрессора Fiac. Контроллер применяется на компрессорах Fiac с частотным преобразователем:
-Fiac CRS 5.5 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 7.5 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 10 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 15 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 20 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 25 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 30 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 40 SD NEW.

Вес: 0.3 кг

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Склад запчастей и офис продаж находятся по адресу: ул. Домодедовская, д. 28, офис 311

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Use & Maintenance manual


3-4-5,5-7,5-10-15-20 Hp

Read all the operational instructions, safety recommendations and all warnings provided in the instruction manual.

Most accidents encountered when using the compressor are merely due to the failed observance of basic safety standards.

Accidents are prevented by foreseeing potentially hazardous situations and observing the appropriate safety standards.

The fundamental safety standards are listed in the «SAFETY» section of this manual and also in the section involving the use and maintenance of the


Hazardous situations to be avoided in order to prevent serious personal injuries and machine damages are listed in the «WARNINGS» section of the

instruction manual or are actually printed on the machine.

Never use the compressor improperly but only as recommended by the Manufacturer.

The Manufacturer reserves the right to up-date the technical information given in this manual without notice.

Summary of Contents for fiac New Silver Series

Почему вы выбрали именно этот товар?

Для каких целей планируете использовать?

Устраивает ли вас соотношение цены и качества?

Не терпим нечестные отзывы, а также:

Мат, ругательства, оскорбления и угрозы

Контактную информацию, рекламу и прочее, не относящиеся к теме

Обсуждение цены товара и ее изменение

Отзывы по обслуживанию и сервису следует оставлять через раздел Гарантийное обслуживание, там они будут рассмотрены в обязательном порядке

Цена по запросу Запросить

Код производителя: 7433810000, 1127430381

Производитель: Fiac, Италия

Блок управления (панель электронная) для винтового компрессора Fiac. Контроллер применяется на компрессорах Fiac с частотным преобразователем:
-Fiac CRS 5.5 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 7.5 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 10 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 15 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 20 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 25 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 30 SD NEW,
-Fiac CRS 40 SD NEW.

Вес: 0.3 кг

Условия доставки запчастей службой СДЭК


Склад запчастей и офис продаж находятся по адресу: ул. Домодедовская, д. 28, офис 311

1 1/44 PRODUCT SERV I CEProduction monitoredSafety testedUSE AND MAINTENANCE MANUALSILENT ELECTRIC ROSILENT ELECTRIC ROSILENT ELECTRIC ROSILENT ELECTRIC ROSILENT ELECTRIC ROTTTTTARARARARARY SCREW COMPRESSORSY SCREW COMPRESSORSY SCREW COMPRESSORSY SCREW COMPRESSORSY SCREW COMPRESSORSWARNING: Read this MANUAL carefully and in full before using the INFORMATIONRead all the operational instructions, safety recommendations and all warnings provided in the instruction accidents encountered when using the compressor are merely due to the failed observance of basic are prevented by foreseeing potentially hazardous situations and observing the appropriate fundamental safety standards are listed in the SAFETY section of this MANUAL and also in the section involvingthe use and MAINTENANCE of the situations to be avoided in order to prevent serious personal injuries and machine damages are listedin the

2 WARNINGS section of the instruction MANUAL or are actually printed on the use the compressor improperly but only as recommended by the Manufacturer reserves the right to up-date the technical information given in this MANUAL without to read and use the instruction MANUAL .. of the MANUAL .. the MANUAL .. the MANUAL .. used .. 61 General information .. data of the manufacturer and the compressor .. on machine technical/ MAINTENANCE safety warnings .. 72 Preliminary machine information .. description .. use.

3 Data .. 113 Transport, Handling, and handling the packed and unpacking .. the packed and unpacked compressor .. 134 Installation .. surrounding conditions .. required for MAINTENANCE .. the compressor .. the compressor to the sources of energy and relative the compressor to the electrical mains power supply .. to the pneumatic mains (compressor a on the ground) .. 195 Using the compressor .. to use the compressor .. , indicators and safety devices of the compressor .. panel .. control the efficiency of the safety devices before starting.

4 254 the compressor .. the compressor .. 266 Compressor relative to inspections and MAINTENANCE jobs.. the oil .. the oil filter cartridge .. the filter cartridge of the oil separator .. the air filter cartridge .. the the belt .. the air/oli radiator .. the dust-removal the electric motor .. the condensate .. the alarm status/inconveniences-faults .. 347 Drawings and diagrams .. diagrams .. diagrams .. 405/44 FOREWORD0 GBMaintenance to read and use the instruction of the manualThis INSTRUCTION MANUAL has been written to guide you through the INSTALLATION.

5 USE andMAINTENANCE of the compressor recommend that you strictly observe all the indications given within as the ideal operational efficiencyand lasting wear of the compressor depend on the correct use and methodical application of themaintenance instructions given that when any doubts or inconveniences arise it is a good rule to always contact theAUTHORISED SERVICE CENTRES. They are at your complete disposal for any explanations or Manufacturer therefore declines all liabilities regarding the incorrect use and poor MAINTENANCE of INSTRUCTION MANUAL is integral part of the that any up-dates forwarded by the Manufacturer are actually added to the the compressor is sold on at a later date the MANUAL must be given to the new the manualUse and read the MANUAL with care being careful not to damage any part of not remove.

6 Tear or re-write any parts of the MANUAL for any reason the MANUAL in a dry and sheltered the manualThis instruction MANUAL is made up of the following: FRONT COVER WITH MACHINE IDENTIFICATION DETAILED INDEX INSTRUCTIONS AND/OR NOTES ON THE COMPRESSORThe model and serial number of the compressor to which the MANUAL refers and that you have purchasedis found on the FRONT various SECTIONS in which all the notes relative to a certain subject are found in the the INSTRUCTIONS AND/OR NOTES ON THE COMPRESSOR aim at pointing out safety warningsand procedures required to use the compressor usedThe SYMBOLS pointed out below are used throughout this MANUAL and their

7 Purpose is that of drawing theoperator s attention, informing the latter how to behave and how to proceed in each operational THE INSTRUCTION MANUALRead the use and MAINTENANCE MANUAL carefully before installing and starting HAZARDOUS SITUATIONAn additional note will point out the type of hazard of the indications:Warning!This points out a potentially hazardous situation, which if ignored, could cause personalinjury and machine !This enhances crucial OF ELECTRIC SHOCKW arning: the electrical power supply of the compressor must be disconnected beforedoing any jobs on the OF SCOLDINGW arning.

8 Be careful when touching the compressor as some parts of it could be very INFORMATION11 General data of the manufacturer and the compressorCOMPRESSORIDENTIFICATIONNAMEPL ATE (Example)Silent electric rotary screw on machine technical/ MAINTENANCE serviceWe remind you that our technical service department is at your complete disposal to help you resolve anyproblems that may possibly be encountered, or to provide you with any other information the case of need contact:Our CUSTOMER TECHNICAL SERVICE department or your local constant and efficient performance of the compressor is ensured only if original spare parts are recommend therefore that you strictly observe the indications provided in the MAINTENANCE sectionand to use EXCLUSIVELY original spare use of NON ORIGINAL spare parts automatically annuls the safety warningsNote!

9 The procedures provided in this MANUAL have been written to assist the operatorthroughout the use and MAINTENANCE of the INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SAFE USE OF THE COMPRESSORWARNING: THE INAPPROPRIATE USE AND POOR MAINTENANCE OF THIS COMPRESSOR MAYCAUSE PHYSICAL INJURY TO THE USER. YOU ARE RECOMMENDED TO CAREFULLY FOLLOWTHE INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED HEREAFTER TO AVOID SUCH INFORMATION1. DO NOT TOUCH MOVING PARTSN ever put your hands, fingers or other parts of the body near moving parts of the NEVER USE THE COMPRESSOR WITHOUT THE SAFETY GUARDS FITTEDN ever use the compressor without all the safety guards fitted perfectly in their correct place ( panelling,belt guard, safety valve).

10 If these parts are to be removed for MAINTENANCE or servicing purposes, ensurethat they are put back in their original place perfectly before using the compressor ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GOGGLESA lways wear goggles or equivalent eye protection means. Never direct compressed air towards any partof your body or that of PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST ELECTRIC SHOCKSA void accidentally touching the metal parts of the compressor with your body, such as pipes, the tank ormetal parts connected to earth. Never use the compressor where there is water or in damp DISCONNECT THE COMPRESSORD isconnect the compressor from the electric power supply and completely discharge the pressure from thetank before carrying out any service, inspection, MAINTENANCE , cleaning, replacing or inspection jobs ofeach ACCIDENTAL START-UPNever move the compressor while it is connected to the electrical power supply or when the tank ispressurised.

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