Anew reversalist infinite effects инструкция по применению

В сентябре 2017 года компания Эйвон официально представила сенсационный комплексный ночной уход – омолаживающий крем «Обновление. Бесконечный эффект» в серии Anew. О новом средстве с революционной омолаживающей формулой сотрудникам Эйвон было заявлено еще в начале года. Мы подписали соглашение о неразглашении информации, и получили приглашение на тестирование ночного крема. Свой пробный образец я получила на конференции в августе. Прошел месяц, новинка уже поступила в продажу – смотрите 14 каталог 2017 года, и теперь могу поделиться с вами своим отзывом и результатами.

Уникальное омолаживающее средство

Двухфазный крем от Эйвон бесконечный эффект

Крем Anew «Обновление. Бесконечный эффект» создан в Глобальном центре научно-исследовательских разработок AVON. Это двухфазное средство anti-age для комплексного ночного ухода за кожей лица в возрасте от 35 до 45 лет. Компоненты каждой фазы дополняют друг друга, запуская процесс омоложения:

  1. Первая неделя – крем №1 с комплексом Phyto+ – АНА-кислоты.
  2. Вторая неделя – крем №2 с комплексом Super-Retinol – ретинол, гиалуроновая кислота, витамин С.

Одного тюбика хватает на месячный курс. Новинка Эйвон подходит для любого типа кожи лица. Первый работает как пилинг, обновляя кожу, второй – восстанавливает и питает. Каждый используется в течение недели, потом меняется. Благодаря чередованию кожа не привыкает и эффект заметен постоянно.

Днем обязательно использовать солнцезащитные средства с SPF-30. Ночной крем «Обновление. Бесконечный эффект» повышает чувствительность к УФ-лучам. Есть риск заработать пигментные пятна. Солнцезащитные кремы для лица представлены в линейке SUN+ AVON. Ассортимент и описание смотрите здесь. Плюс обязательно исключить все средства с АНА-кислотами и ретинолом из дневного ухода за кожей лица.

Ночной омолаживающий крем Anew – уникальная разработка от компании AVON. На протяжении последних 5 лет ученые центра под руководством директора Энтони Гонсалеса улучшали формулу средства. В тестировании омолаживающего средства приняли участие 3 000 женщин, в том числе в клинических испытаниях – 227. Теперь новинка выпущена в продажу в России.

Тестирование новинки

Первая фаза – крем №1. Тестировать новинку я начала в соответствии с инструкциями. Наносила перед сном «Обновление. Бесконечный эффект» на очищенную кожу лица, избегая области вокруг глаз, днем пользовалась серией «Обновление» Anew для 35-45 лет.  Наличие кислот в формуле очевидно. После первого нанесения чувствовалось небольшое кратковременное жжение. Текстура у средства AVON легкая, запах ненавязчивый, впитывался мгновенно. Утром кожа выглядела заметно посвежевшей. За неделю омолаживающий эффект стал заметен даже окружающим. Новинка в серии Anew меня порадовала – недорого, а действует эффективно.

Вторая фаза – крем №2. Наступило время поменять формулу. Второе средство оказалось более плотным по консистенции: впитывалось медленнее, но хорошо увлажняло. В составе питательные элементы, которые должны восстановить кожу лица после первой фазы. Подтягивающий эффект я заметила через пару дней использования. Кожа стала более упругой, мелкие морщинки ушли. Лицо посвежело, общий тон выровнялся.

Через месяц использования мой вывод – средство работает. Компания Эйвон выпустила действительно хороший омолаживающий крем. Особенно, меня порадовала цена – стоимость 1 490 руб. По сравнению с другими марками – это недорого.

Если хотите еще сэкономить, пройдите регистрацию на моем сайте. Зарегистрировавшись официально прямым покупателем или представителем в компании Эйвон, вы получите подарок и скидку 30% на весь ассортимент каталогов, в том числе на новый ночной крем. После регистрации он вам обойдется в 1 043 руб.

Заполнить анкету для скидки

Дополнительный плюс новинки – удобная упаковка. Два средства в одной тубе, фазы пронумерованы. Ни один не потеряешь и не путаешься при использовании. Небольшой тюбик поместиться даже в маленькую косметичку. Крем «Обновление. Бесконечный эффект» удобно брать с собой в поездки. Новинкой AVON я довольна. Рада, что приняла участие в тестировании и одной из первых попробовала омолаживающее средство Anew.

Ночной комплексный уход для лица «Обновление. Непрерывный эффект: крем 1 и крем 2 » - Avon Anew Reversalist Infinite Effects — фото N1

Ночной комплексный уход для лица «Обновление. Непрерывный эффект: крем 1 и крем 2 » - Avon Anew Reversalist Infinite Effects — фото N2

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0 грн — курьером MAKEUP. Минимальная сумма заказа — 169 грн.
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0 грн — курьером MAKEUP. Минимальная сумма заказа — 169 грн.
«Укрпочта» — 0 грн при сумме заказа от 249 грн. Для заказов на сумму от 169 грн до 249 грн — доставка всего 13 грн.
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  • Характеристики
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    антивозрастной, от морщин, от первых признаков старения, питание, увлажнение, укрепление

    Время применения:

    для женщин

    масс маркет

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  • Для того чтобы сохранить кожу молодой, подтянутой и сияющей, следует воспользоваться инновационным средством Avon Anew Reversalist Infinite Effects. Ночной комплексный уход для лица содержит сразу два высокоэффективных крема, которые нужно наносить перед сном. Активные ингредиенты средства будут насыщать клеточки ценными витаминными микроэлементами, поэтому после регулярного использования кожа приобретет свежий и здоровый вид.

    Регенерирующая формула кремов оказывает разглаживающий и успокаивающий эффекты, нейтрализует воздействие свободных радикалов и предотвращает преждевременное старение эпидермиса, борется с морщинками и устраняет следы усталости. Также средство поддерживает оптимальный гидробаланс кожного покрова, не допуская появления сухости, шелушения и раздражения.

    Способ применения: используй каждый вечер, чередуя крем 1 и крем 2. Поверни флакон и измени крем, поскольку последовательное применение одного крема усиливает действие другого. Продолжай менять кремы неделю за неделей для постоянного улучшения результата.

When headlines in newspapers scream that a product you have been trying out for a review has a waiting list of 30,000 people, you do feel quite special. Avon’s NEW Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream launched on September 7th and it has seemingly got everyone into a frenzy trying to get hold of it.


In fairness, Avon has created a world first with this cream in that it is the world’s first rotational anti-ageing night cream and it took more than three years to develop, it has been clinically tested for a whole year being used by over 100 hundred women and when I saw the results from some of these studies I was blown away.  The idea of  the NEW Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream came about via Avon’s own customers who felt that over time they reach a plateau with their skincare, so taking that comment on-board, Avon wanted to create one which continued to work.

Avon’s scientists took inspiration for this product from the wellness trend for rotational exercises and eating plans such as HIIT and 5:2 fasting, both of which keep the body guessing to ensure you don’t ever hit a plateau.  The end result being a two-step night serum which you rotate each week also known as the new Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream.

The black and red tube is split into two phases — the prep phase (red end) and the treatment phase (black end). The Prep phase contains hero ingredients such as Phytol, a plant dervived anti-ageing active and high levels of Humectant. Combing the two, they prep the skin, replenish and moisturise the skin.  


In fairness, Avon has created a world first with this cream in that it is the world’s first rotational anti-ageing night cream and it took more than three years to develop, it has been clinically tested for a whole year being used by over 100 hundred women and when I saw the results from some of these studies I was blown away.  The idea of  the NEW Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream came about via Avon’s own customers who felt that over time they reach a plateau with their skincare, so taking that comment on-board, Avon wanted to create one which continued to work.

Avon’s scientists took inspiration for this product from the wellness trend for rotational exercises and eating plans such as HIIT and 5:2 fasting, both of which keep the body guessing to ensure you don’t ever hit a plateau.  The end result being a two-step night serum which you rotate each week also known as the new Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream.

The black and red tube is split into two phases — the prep phase (red end) and the treatment phase (black end). The Prep phase contains hero ingredients such as Phytol, a plant dervived anti-ageing active and high levels of Humectant. Combing the two, they prep the skin, replenish and moisturise the skin.  



Phase one also prepares your skin to receive the Super Retinol Complex in phase two.  So Phase Twp which is the treatment uses a Super Retinol Complex which helps reduce the signs of ageing and boosts collagen.  So by binding to your skins surface, the Retinol Complex then has the ability to improve the tone and clarity of the skin as well as reduce fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots.  Retinol is an ingredient that we are all now aware of and it is simply a natural form of vitamin A which is found in a lot of over-the-counter skin creams. It works to boost the thickness and elasticity of the skin and is seen as an effective method for decreasing signs of ageing.  

The cream in phrase one is luxurious and not too thick but a little goes a long way and in phase two the cream takes on a serum like cream and again, you need only a little, two-three pumps max to ensure you have covered your face and neck.  To use the treatment, you switch back and forth between phase 1 and 2 every seven days, it is said that by doing this, your skin doesn’t become resistant to the cream and your skin will reap the benefits of the Super Retinol Complex.

By switching back and forth between the two creams every seven days, your skin will reap the benefits of the anti-ageing super retinol complex. And we all know how great retinol is for the skin right? It’s long been considered the best cosmetic treatment for wrinkles. But with this new cream, you get results that intensify over time. As the switching process ensures your skin doesn’t become resistant to the cream.

What I have found since using the cream is that whilst I have minimal lines and wrinkles on my face, I do have lines on my neck and there has been a slight improvement there, but for me the real difference is in how different my skin feels.  Even after just a few weeks, my skin is soft and smooth to the touch, it doesn’t feel dry or dehydrated and when I use a serum in a morning, it definitely doesn’t slurp it up as though I have starved it of moisture for weeks, but instead the serums now absorb at what I would call a normal rate.  

The Avon ANEW Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream is currently on offer for just £25 here.

*this post contains PR samples and/or Affiliate Links unless indicated otherwise — you can learn more on my Disclaimer page.

The Anew Reversalist regime is targetted at the early signs of ageing, typically in those aged 35-55.  Through boosting collagen and elastin it works to restore radiant, smooth skin with bounce.  9 out of 10 women surveyed felt they saw new skin, lines reduced, firmness regained and moisture had doubled.

Anew reversalist regime

Phase one also prepares your skin to receive the Super Retinol Complex in phase two.  So Phase Twp which is the treatment uses a Super Retinol Complex which helps reduce the signs of ageing and boosts collagen.  So by binding to your skins surface, the Retinol Complex then has the ability to improve the tone and clarity of the skin as well as reduce fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots.  Retinol is an ingredient that we are all now aware of and it is simply a natural form of vitamin A which is found in a lot of over-the-counter skin creams. It works to boost the thickness and elasticity of the skin and is seen as an effective method for decreasing signs of ageing.  

The cream in phrase one is luxurious and not too thick but a little goes a long way and in phase two the cream takes on a serum like cream and again, you need only a little, two-three pumps max to ensure you have covered your face and neck.  To use the treatment, you switch back and forth between phase 1 and 2 every seven days, it is said that by doing this, your skin doesn’t become resistant to the cream and your skin will reap the benefits of the Super Retinol Complex.

By switching back and forth between the two creams every seven days, your skin will reap the benefits of the anti-ageing super retinol complex. And we all know how great retinol is for the skin right? It’s long been considered the best cosmetic treatment for wrinkles. But with this new cream, you get results that intensify over time. As the switching process ensures your skin doesn’t become resistant to the cream.

What I have found since using the cream is that whilst I have minimal lines and wrinkles on my face, I do have lines on my neck and there has been a slight improvement there, but for me the real difference is in how different my skin feels.  Even after just a few weeks, my skin is soft and smooth to the touch, it doesn’t feel dry or dehydrated and when I use a serum in a morning, it definitely doesn’t slurp it up as though I have starved it of moisture for weeks, but instead the serums now absorb at what I would call a normal rate.  

The Avon ANEW Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream is currently on offer for just £25 here.

*this post contains PR samples and/or Affiliate Links unless indicated otherwise — you can learn more on my Disclaimer page.

The Anew Reversalist regime is targetted at the early signs of ageing, typically in those aged 35-55.  Through boosting collagen and elastin it works to restore radiant, smooth skin with bounce.  9 out of 10 women surveyed felt they saw new skin, lines reduced, firmness regained and moisture had doubled.

Anew reversalist regime

Anew Reversalist Day Cream

 Anew Reversalist Day Cream 

The day cream includes an SPF25 to aid protection from the sun which is the number one factor in premature ageing of the skin.

Anew Reversalist Night Cream

Anew Reversalist night cream

To complement the day cream there is an Anew Reversalist night cream which includes AHA’s which help to exfoliate the skin.  As we get older the natural exfoliation process slows down, the skin begins to look duller and fine lines get worse.  Using AHA, especially in a night cream helps this.

Anew Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream

what is retinol

Within the reversalist regime, there is also the Anew Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream.  This was a Gold Winner in the Pure Beauty Awards 2018

Reversalist Infinite Effects was the world’s first rotational cream i.e. where you use 2 different creams rotating them on a weekly basis.

Why rotate?

Studies have shown that the long-term benefit of retinol, which is the industry-leading anti-ageing solution begin to fade over time.   Basically, your skin adapts i.e. gets used to it. You hear this similar idea in fitness regimes.  Your instructor will often advise you to change your programme on a regular basis so you use different equipment.  Many diets often recommend you don’t have the same breakfast for weeks and weeks as after a while your body starts to adjust and the benefit isn’t so great.  Well, it seems your skin is no different.  By reversing the creams simply each week, it keeps the ingredients in Reversalist Infinite Effects working more effectively to reduce the wrinkles on your face.

So What is Retinol?

Retinol is a form of Vitamin A. What makes is really special is that it has the ability to speed up skin cell renewal, working to enhance collagen production to improve the look of fine lines, sun damage and wrinkles.  

How Does it Work?

Night creams, such as Reversalist Infinite Effects include retinol. Once absorbed by your skin the retinol breaks down and transforms into retinoic acid. This then transforms your skin’s cell structure, helping to boost collagen levels.   

The benefits take time to show but be patient and use it daily.  The Reversalist Infinite effects makes sure it keeps working by rotating it with another skin hero glycolic acid.

How to apply Reversalist Infinite effects 

Well, basically you cleanse as normal e.g. with the Anew Clean Transforming Cleansing Balm or Anew Anti-Ageing 3-in-1 cleansing water. 

Then you start on week one of your Reversalsit Infinite Effects.  Apply 2-3 pumps of the Phyto+ complex every evening which gently replenishes and prepares the skin for week 2.

Week 2  you reverse the bottle and now apply  2-3 pumps of the Super-Retinol Complex which activates skins receptors to boost collagen and help repair wrinkles.

92% of people who were sampled agreed that age-defying results continued to improve their skin, week after week.     See what our customers have to say.

Without a doubt the earlier you start to introduce retinol into your skincare regime the better.   Many lines can be minimised by or even prevented by regular use of collagen.  Make sure you only use it at night as sunlight will reduce its impact.

Anew Reversalist Dual Eye System

To maximise the benefits of any anti-ageing skincare regime you need to include an eye cream. Eye creams are lighter than normal moisturisers to allow for the fact that the skin around the eye is particularly delicate. It is important not to neglect this area though as it’s here where many of us see our first signs of ageing.

anew reversalist dual eye cream

The Anew Reversalist Dual Eye System is formulated with Avon’s tri-elastinex technology. It contains both a hydrating cream and a brightening veil. To use, simply apply the cream every morning and night to your upper eyelid, under eye area and along the crows feet. Then apply the veil to just the under eye area. If you want, you can reapply the veil at times in the day to keep the eyes looking bright and fresh.

Anew Essential Youth Maximising Serum

anew youth maximising serum

If you want to double the power of your face cream then include the Anew Youth Maximising Serum into your regime. This doesn’t just add nutrients, it works with your skin’s natural processes to boost skin cell activity. It also includes peptides which work to reduce fine lines, improve firmness and gives a general radiance to your skin.

It is has a lightweight formula, that doesn’t feel heavy or sticky on your face. You simply apply it morning and night after cleansing to your dry skin. Then follow this with your Anew day or night cream.    Over time wrinkles and dark spots appear dramatically reduced and the skin looks firmer.

Anew Reversalist Express Wrinkle Smoother

anew reversalist express wrinkle smoother

Most balms simply help to fill small pores and reduce the look of fine lines. However, the Avon Anew Reversalist Express Wrinkle Smoother is formulated with tri-elastinex to enhance the skin cells ability to renew, regenerate and reconstruct itself.

It comes in a compact as a cream that dries as a powder. You simply pat over fine lines with your finger or you could use a sponge if you prefer to blur the look of wrinkles around the forehead and eyes. You can also use it to touch up your skin throughout the day.

Treatments – Anew Clinical

Avon also has a range of treatments eg serems and masks formulated to target particular areas of concern e.g. deeper wrinkles, dehydrated skin and uneven tone. Click here to take a look at the Anew Clinical range.

All Avon products come with a 28-day money back guarantee, so feel free to try with complete peace of mind. If you have any questions, just contact me.

I look forward to catching up with you again soon as I look at the skincare ranges for other age groups.

Debra x

  • Product Listings
  • Face and Body
  • Anti-Ageing Creams
  • Avon Anew Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream


Avon Anew Reversalist Infinite Effects Night Treatment Cream

The world’s first rotational anti-wrinkle night cream, for dramatic results on wrinkles that get better over time.
A breakthrough formulation with super-retinol and phyto+ complexes that when used in rotation help retrain your skin and prevent it from adapting. Proven to be more effective than pure retinol alone.

Contains 0.1% Retinol.

Phase 1- Use for 7 nights then rotate. Phyto+ Complex replenishes and prepares the skin.

Phase 2- Use for 7 nights then rotate. Super-Retinol Complex activates skins receptors to boost collagen and help to repair wrinkles.

Click here to buy

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