Anew ultimate cleanser nettoyant 7s инструкция по применению

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20-ти летний  триумф ANEW

В 1992 году на мировом косметическом рынке появились первые антивозрастные средства Anew

Основные вехи бренда Anew

За 20 лет истории Anew, компания Avon регулярно создавала  высокотехнологичные антивозрастные средства, используя новейшие достижения науки. Средства Anew – это прорыв, это молодость и  преображение кожи.   

Новое поколение средств

антивозрастного ухода

СКРЫТЫЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ силы протеинов

Скрытый потенциал силы протеинов

Научные открытия

Скрытый потенциал силы протеинов

Научная подоплёка

В настоящее время научные открытия подтвердили, что в клетках кожи содержится 7 сиртуинов.  

Все семь необходимы коже. 

Активные Сиртуины помогают клеткам сопротивляться процессу старения.*

Функции сиртуинов угасают с возрастом 

Со временем, клетки кожи перестают сопротивляться старению и отражать удары времени. 

Новые Технологии —    Новое поколение средств антивозрастного ухода

Avon создает и патентует технологию  Pro 7Sirtuin, которая перезапускает механизм  активации всех семи ключевых протеинов кожи. 

Кто они, Клиенты Ultimate 7S

Anew Ultimate 7S предназначена женщинам с выраженными возрастными признаками:

Потеря упругости и эластичности кожи

Выраженные  морщины

Возрастные пятна

Заметные носогубные складки

«Мешки» под глазами, «гусиные лапки»

Эти признаки характерны для возраста 45+.  


Новая усовершенствованная линия Ultimate 7S превосходит предыдущую версию!

Усовершенствованная технология  стимулирует активизацию уже не 1-го, а 7-ми ключевых протеинов  молодости кожи!

Улучшена текстура средств

Они обладают легким ароматом

Средства линии Anew Ultimate 7S 

Формула каждого продукта линии Anew Ultimate 7S  создана на основе технологии Pro 7 Sirtuin и направлена на борьбу с возрастными признаками зрелой кожи. 

Усовершенствованная  формула средств дает потрясающие результаты:                                                                                                            

 возвращает коже упругость и эластичность

 уменьшает морщины

 оказывает лифтинг-эффект

 обесцвечивает возрастные пятна

 улучшает текстуру кожи

 выравнивает цвет лица и рельеф кожи

Очищающее омолаживающее средство для лица

Нежно удаляет загрязнения, оставляя на коже ощущение мягкости и чистоты


Кожа светится чистотой

Испытывает комфорт


Средство легко смывается, не оставляя на лице жирного блеска

Омолаживающий Дневной крем SPF 25 UVA/UVB

Улучшает состояние кожи и защищает её от ультрафиолетового излучения


Кожа выглядит более эластичной

Через две недели

Кожа становится более упругой

Через 4 недели

Заметно сокращается проявление

глубоких морщин

Омолаживающий Ночной крем для лица

Возвращает коже упругость и эластичность.

На следующее утро Кожа выглядит моложе.

Через две недели

Заметно улучшается эластичность кожи

Через 4 недели

Уменьшается проявление 

пигментных пятен.

Омолаживающая система для кожи вокруг глаз

Сокращает глубокие морщины и укрепляет кожу вокруг глаз.


Повышает эластичность кожи.

Через две недели

Заметно сокращает глубокие морщины и «мешки» под глазами. 

Через 4 недели

Глубокие морщины под глазами    практически незаметны.

Омолаживающая Сыворотка-уход для лица

Двойная концентрация Pro 7Sirtuin*. Сокращает проявление морщин и возрастных пятен.


Улучшает состояние кожи.

Через 3 дня

Уменьшает проявление морщин  и возвращает коже молодой вид.

Через две недели

Сокращает глубину морщин , проявление возрастных пятен, выравнивает рельеф кожи.

Омолаживающий ночной гель для лица с минералами

Интенсивно увлажняет кожу, восстанавливает упругость и эластичность. Сокращает проявления морщин.  


Заметно улучшается внешний вид кожи. 

Через 2 недели

Кожа выглядит более молодой

Через 4 недели

Глубокие морщины заметно сокращаются

Лифтинг за минуту

Мгновенно обеспечивает* 

 лифтинг кожи

 четкие контуры  и  подтянутый овал лица 

Отзывы о новых средствах 

Avon проводил потребительский опрос среди женщин, которые стали пользоваться новыми средствами Ultimate 7S!  Вот что они говорят*:

“Дневной крем оставляет на коже чувство комфорта и новизны.”

“Я действительно почувствовала разницу. Кожа стала более эластичной и это заставляет меня чувствовать себя моложе” (о дневном креме)

“Мой муж заметил, что я стала выглядеть моложе. У меня стало намного меньше нитевидных морщинок, а кожа вокруг глаз стала более подтянутой». 

Программа ухода

Средства Anew Ultimate 7S используется как обычная Программа ухода:

Карта ANEW

Кто они, Клиенты Anew Ultimate 7S?

Кто они, Клиенты Anew Ultimate 7S?

Продажа средств Anew Ultimate 7S

После того, как Вы нашли Клиентов, продажа средств Anew Ultimate 7S  не составит труда.

Придерживайтесь простой модели:

Предлагай. Рассказывай. Поддерживай.

Желание  вернуть коже молодость, привлекательность ; тестирование пробных образцов Ultimate 7S  — самое важное в процессе принятия решения о покупке.


Пригласите Вашу знакомую, которая пользуется средствами «Сила протеинов» или ту, которая хочет улучшить внешний вид кожи с помощью новых средств  Anew Ultimate 7S. 

Начните разговор, сделав искренний комплимент и затем предложите протестировать средства Anew Ultimate 7S.

Рассказывай, Консультируй

Используйте все инструменты продаж, собственные знания и опыт, чтобы дать Клиенту полную информацию о средствах Anew Ultimate 7S.

Расскажите об особенностях новой линии.

Объясните, что эффективность любых средств полностью зависит от регулярного ухода за кожей

Покажите, какие средства входят в Программу ухода за кожей лица 

Обсудите тонкости применения каждого средства, входящего в Программу

Дайте протестировать пробные образцы или Демо-продукты Ultimate 7S 

Покажите в каталоге специальные предложения на новые средства

Не забудьте упомянуть, что такие выгодные предложения бывают не в каждом каталоге.


Поддерживайте интерес Клиента к косметической продукции Avon. Вселяйте свою уверенность в собеседника. Средства, которые нравятся Вам, продаются легче всего. Делитесь своими ощущениями и опытом по использованию средств. Ваши эмоции будут самым убедительным аргументом в пользу покупки! 

Упомяните о 100%-ной гарантии качества. 

Предложите свою визитную карточку, чтобы с Вами можно было связаться в любой момент. 

Звоните Клиенту, рассказывайте о новинках и спецпредложениях текущей кампании.

Возможности Anew Ultimate 7S

Средства по уходу за кожей Anew обеспечат быстрый рост Вашего бизнеса с Avon и дадут Вам потрясающие  возможности:

Больше продашь – больше заработаешь

Расчет дохода*

Сколько тратит Клиент на ежедневную Программу?

Программа для Представителей


On-line тренинги:

Молодая кожа с Anew это просто как 1-2-3

Anew Genics: Успех скрыт внутри Вас. Раскройте потенциал Ваших продаж прямо сейчас!

Индивидуальный уход за кожей

Тайны ароматов

 Avon Solutions. Будь красива от природы.

 «Сделай свой бизнес ярче с красками для волос Advance Techniques!». 

 Уроки и секреты макияжа

Поиск новых Клиентов

Социальные сети

 Эффективное общение с Клиентом

Инструменты увеличения продаж

Ваш бизнес вместе с Avon

Желаем ВАМ  огромных продаж и как можно дольше оставаться  молодыми вместе с AVON

Стань Представителем

Зарегистрируйся прямо сейчас и присоединись к команде AVON!

После регистрации с Вами свяжутся в течение 24-х часов

Подпишитесь на обновления сайта

И получайте уведомления об основных новинках и акциях AVON

Гарантируем отсутствие спама и возможность отменить подписку



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Бесплатная доставка!

0 грн — курьером MAKEUP. Минимальная сумма заказа — 169 грн.
«Укрпочта» — 0 грн при сумме заказа от 249 грн. Для заказов на сумму от 169 грн до 249 грн — доставка всего 13 грн.
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При выборе товара с флажком ЕС — бесплатно со склада в ЕС при сумме заказа от 890 грн

0 грн — курьером MAKEUP. Минимальная сумма заказа — 169 грн.
«Укрпочта» — 0 грн при сумме заказа от 249 грн. Для заказов на сумму от 169 грн до 249 грн — доставка всего 13 грн.
Доставка другими перевозчиками — 0 грн. при заказе на сумму от 799 грн.
При выборе товара с флажком ЕС — бесплатно со склада в ЕС при сумме заказа от 890 грн.

  • Характеристики
  • Описание
  • Возраст:

    антивозрастной, восстановление, увлажнение

    Время применения:

    для женщин

    масс маркет

    Тип кожи:
    все типы

    Страна ТМ:

    Сделано в:

  • Зрелая кожа нуждается в интенсивном увлажнении и надежной защите от потери влаги. С этими задачами превосходно справляется ночная эмульсия для лица Avon Anew Ultimate 7S. Данный продукт обогащен биоактивным золотом, которое восстанавливает коллагеновые соединения и эффективно заполняет глубокие морщины.

    Ночная золотая эмульсия насыщает кожу ценными питательными элементами, которые трудно получить из других внешних источников. Уже через 3 дня использования продукта значительно уменьшаются глубокие морщины и полностью пропадают мелкие. Эмульсия мягко обволакивает кожу, мгновенно смягчая и увлажняя ее. Активные компоненты средства увеличивают количество влаги на 406%, существенно замедляя процессы старения клеток эпидермиса. Наутро после использования эмульсии немецкого бренда Avon, ваша кожа будет свежей, подтянутой и сияющей.

    Способ применения: используйте по вечерам попеременно с ночным кремом Anew Ultimate 7S.

Avon Anew Ultimate 7S Cleanser

Uploaded by: marketa on 10/21/2019

Ingredients overview

Isopropyl Palmitate,
Caprylic/​Capric Triglyceride,
Butylene Glycol,
Glyceryl Stearate,
PPG-2 Myristyl Ether Propionate,
Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate,
Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Fruit Cell Extract,

Malus Domestica Fruit Cell Culture Extract,
Eclipta Prostrata Extract,
Palmitoyl Lysyl Aminovaleroyl Lysine,
Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-10,
Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7,
Melicope Hayesii Leaf Extract,
Saccharomyces Ferment Lysate Filtrate,
Mesyloxybenzyl Isobutylbenzenesulfonamide,
Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil,
Sodium Myristoyl Glutamate,
Cetyl Alcohol,
Cetearyl Alcohol,
Cetyl Esters,
Cetyl Ricinoleate,
Xanthan Gum,
Disodium EDTA,
Sodium Hydroxide,
Sd Alcohol 40-B,
Yellow 10,
Red 33


Key Ingredients

Other Ingredients

Isopropyl Palmitate, Caprylic/​Capric Triglyceride, Glyceryl Stearate, PPG-2 Myristyl Ether Propionate, Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Lecithin, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Esters, Cetyl Ricinoleate

Skim through

Ingredient name what-it-does irr.,
Water solvent
Isopropyl Palmitate emollient 1,
Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride emollient
Butylene Glycol moisturizer/​humectant,
Glycerin skin-identical ingredient,
Glyceryl Stearate emollient,
PPG-2 Myristyl Ether Propionate emollient 2,
Ethylhexyl Hydroxystearate emollient
Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Fruit Cell Extract
Malus Domestica Fruit Cell Culture Extract goodie
Eclipta Prostrata Extract
Palmitoyl Lysyl Aminovaleroyl Lysine
Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-10
Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-7 cell-communicating ingredient goodie
Melicope Hayesii Leaf Extract antioxidant
Saccharomyces Ferment Lysate Filtrate
Mesyloxybenzyl Isobutylbenzenesulfonamide
Isomalt moisturizer/​humectant
Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil emollient 0,
Lecithin emollient,
Sodium Myristoyl Glutamate surfactant/​cleansing,
Cetyl Alcohol emollient,
viscosity controlling
Cetearyl Alcohol emollient,
viscosity controlling,
Cetyl Esters emollient
Cetyl Ricinoleate emollient
Steareth-20 emulsifying,
Ceteareth-20 emulsifying,
Choleth-24 emulsifying,
Ceteth-24 surfactant/​cleansing,
Xanthan Gum viscosity controlling
Carbomer viscosity controlling 0,
Disodium EDTA chelating
Phenoxyethanol preservative
Methylisothiazolinone preservative icky
Methylchloroisothiazolinone preservative icky
Sodium Hydroxide buffering
Sd Alcohol 40-B solvent,
viscosity controlling
Parfum/Fragrance perfuming icky
Yellow 10 colorant
Red 33 colorant 2,

Avon Anew Ultimate 7S Cleanser

Ingredients explained

Also-called: Aqua |

Good old water, aka H2O. The most common skincare ingredient of all. You can usually find it right in the very first spot of the ingredient list, meaning it’s the biggest thing out of all the stuff that makes up the product. 

It’s mainly a solvent for ingredients that do not like to dissolve in oils but rather in water. 

Once inside the skin, it hydrates, but not from the outside — putting pure water on the skin (hello long baths!) is drying. 

One more thing: the water used in cosmetics is purified and deionized (it means that almost all of the mineral ions inside it is removed). Like this, the products can stay more stable over time. 



A clear, colorless emollient ester (oily liquid from isopropyl alcohol + palmitic acid) that makes the skin nice and smooth. It has very good spreading properties and gives a silky touch to the products.

A super common emollient that makes your skin feel nice and smooth. It comes from coconut oil and glycerin, it’s light-textured, clear, odorless and non-greasy. It’s a nice ingredient that just feels good on the skin, is super well tolerated by every skin type and easy to formulate with. No wonder it’s popular. 

Butylene glycol, or let’s just call it BG, is a multi-tasking colorless, syrupy liquid. It’s a great pick for creating a nice feeling product.  

BG’s main job is usually to be a solvent for the other ingredients. Other tasks include helping the product to absorb faster and deeper into the skin (penetration enhancer), making the product spread nicely over the skin (slip agent), and attracting water (humectant) into the skin.

It’s an ingredient whose safety hasn’t been questioned so far by anyone (at least not that we know about). BG is approved by Ecocert and is also used enthusiastically in natural products. BTW, it’s also a food additive. 

  • A natural moisturizer that’s also in our skin
  • A super common, safe, effective and cheap molecule used for more than 50 years
  • Not only a simple moisturizer but knows much more: keeps the skin lipids between our skin cells in a healthy (liquid crystal) state, protects against irritation, helps to restore barrier
  • Effective from as low as 3% with even more benefits for dry skin at higher concentrations up to 20-40%
  • High-glycerin moisturizers are awesome for treating severely dry skin

Read all the geeky details about Glycerin here >>

A super common, waxy, white, solid stuff that helps water and oil to mix together, gives body to creams and leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth.

Chemically speaking, it is the attachment of a glycerin molecule to the fatty acid called stearic acid. It can be produced from most vegetable oils (in oils three fatty acid molecules are attached to glycerin instead of just one like here) in a pretty simple, «green» process that is similar to soap making. It’s readily biodegradable.

It also occurs naturally in our body and is used as a food additive. As cosmetic chemist Colins writes it, «its safety really is beyond any doubt».



We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

A heavy-duty emollient ester that comes in the form of a pale yellow semi-solid paste. It mainly stays on the surface of the skin and gives skin protection and occlusivity

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

Also-called: PhytoCellTec

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

Also-called: Part of Matrixyl 3000, Pal-GQPR, Previously Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3 |
cell-communicating ingredient

A four amino acid peptide with the amino sequence of glycine-glutamine-proline-arginine. It is attached to palmitic acid (a fatty acid)  to increase oil solubility and skin penetration. 

It works by reducing the production of the signal molecule, interleukin-6 (IL-6) which promotes inflammation in the skin and less inflammation means slower degradation of important things (like collagen) that results in younger looking skin for a longer time. 

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

Also-called: Jojoba Oil |


Jojoba is a drought resistant evergreen shrub native to South-western North America. It’s known and grown for jojoba oil, the golden yellow liquid coming from the seeds (about 50% of the weight of the seeds will be oil).  

At first glance, it seems like your average emollient plant oil: it looks like an oil and it’s nourishing and moisturizing to the skin but if we dig a bit deeper, it turns out that jojoba oil is really special and unique: technically — or rather chemically — it’s not an oil but a wax ester (and calling it an oil is kind of sloppy). 

So what the heck is a wax ester and why is that important anyway? Well, to understand what a wax ester is, you first have to know that oils are chemically triglycerides: one glycerin + three fatty acids attached to it. The fatty acids attached to the glycerin vary and thus we have many kinds of oils, but they are all triglycerides. Mother Nature created triglycerides to be easily hydrolyzed (be broken down to a glycerin + 3 fatty acid molecules) and oxidized (the fatty acid is broken down into small parts) — this happens basically when we eat fats or oils and our body generates energy from it.

Mother Nature also created wax esters but for a totally different purpose. Chemically, a wax ester is a fatty acid + a fatty alcohol, one long molecule. Wax esters are on the outer surface of several plant leaves to give them environmental protection. 25-30% of human sebum is also wax esters to give us people environmental protection. 

So being a wax ester results in a couple of unique properties: First, jojoba oil is extremely stable. Like crazy stable. Even if you heat it to 370 C (698 F) for 96 hours, it does not budge. (Many plant oils tend to go off pretty quickly). If you have some pure jojoba oil at home, you should be fine using it for years. 

Second, jojoba oil is the most similar to human sebum (both being wax esters), and the two are completely miscible. has this not fully proven theory that thanks to this, jojoba might be able to «trick» the skin into thinking it has already produced enough sebum, so it might have «skin balancing» properties for oily skin.

Third, jojoba oil moisturizes the skin through a unique dual action: on the one hand, it mixes with sebum and forms a thin, non-greasy, semi-occlusive layer; on the other hand, it absorbs into the skin through pores and hair follicles then diffuses into the intercellular spaces of the outer layer of the skin to make it soft and supple.

On balance, the point is this: in contrast to real plant oils, wax esters were designed by Mother Nature to stay on the surface and form a protective, moisturizing barrier and jojoba oil being a wax ester is uniquely excellent at doing that.

A very common ingredient that can be found in all cell membranes. In cosmetics it’s quite the multi-tasker: it’s an emollient and water-binding ingredient but it’s also an emulsifier and can be used for stabilization purposes. It’s also often used to create liposomes

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

A so-called fatty (the good, non-drying kind of) alcohol that does all kinds of things in a skincare product: it makes your skin feel smooth and nice (emollient), helps to thicken up products and also helps water and oil to blend (emulsifier). Can be derived from coconut or palm kernel oil.

An extremely common multitasker ingredient that gives your skin a nice soft feel (emollient) and gives body to creams and lotions. It also helps to stabilize oil-water mixes (emulsions), though it does not function as an emulsifier in itself. Its typical use level in most cream type formulas is 2-3%.  

It’s a so-called fatty alcohol, a mix of cetyl and stearyl alcohol, other two emollient fatty alcohols.  Though chemically speaking, it is alcohol (as in, it has an -OH group in its molecule), its properties are totally different from the properties of low molecular weight or drying alcohols such as denat. alcohol. Fatty alcohols have a long oil-soluble (and thus emollient) tail part that makes them absolutely non-drying and non-irritating and are totally ok for the skin.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

A waxy solid material that helps oil and water to mix together, aka emulsifier. It is derived from the fatty alcohol called stearyl alcohol by ethoxylating it and thus making the molecule more water-soluble.

The end result is a mostly water-loving emulsifier, also called solubilizer that can help to dissolve small amounts of oil-loving ingredients into water-based products. Or it can be combined with more oil-loving emulsifiers (such as its sister, Steareth-2) to create stable emulsions. 

A common functional ingredient that helps to keep the oil-loving and water-loving ingredients together (emulsifier), stabilizes and thickens the products. 

Chemically speaking, it is ethoxylated Cetearyl alcohol, meaning that some ethylene oxide is added to the fatty alcohol to increase the water-soluble part in the molecule. The result is that the mainly oil soluble, emollient fatty alcohol is converted to an emulsifier molecule that keeps oil and water mixed in creams. The number in the name of Ceteareth emulsifiers refers to the average number of ethylene oxide molecules added and 20 makes a good emulsifier.

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We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

It’s one of the most commonly used thickeners and emulsion stabilizers. If the product is too runny, a little xanthan gum will make it more gel-like. Used alone, it can make the formula sticky and it is a good team player so it is usually combined with other thickeners and so-called rheology modifiers (helper ingredients that adjust the flow and thus the feel of the formula). The typical use level of Xantha Gum is below 1%, it is usually in the 0.1-0.5% range. 

Btw, Xanthan gum is all natural, a chain of sugar molecules (polysaccharide) produced from individual sugar molecules (glucose and sucrose) via fermentation. It’s approved by Ecocert and also used in the food industry (E415). 

A big molecule created from repeated subunits (a polymer of acrylic acid) that magically converts a liquid into a nice gel formula.  It usually has to be neutralized with a base (such as sodium hydroxide) for the thickening to occur and it creates viscous, clear gels that also feel nice and non-tacky on the skin. No wonder, it is a very popular and common ingredient. Typically used at 1% or less in most formulations.

Super common little helper ingredient that helps products to remain nice and stable for a longer time. It does so by neutralizing the metal ions in the formula (that usually get into there from water) that would otherwise cause some not so nice changes.

It is typically used in tiny amounts, around 0.1% or less.

It’s pretty much the current IT-preservative. It’s safe and gentle, but even more importantly, it’s not a feared-by-everyone-mostly-without-scientific-reason paraben.

It’s not something new: it was introduced around 1950 and today it can be used up to 1% worldwide. It can be found in nature — in green tea — but the version used in cosmetics is synthetic. 

Other than having a good safety profile and being quite gentle to the skin it has some other advantages too. It can be used in many types of formulations as it has great thermal stability (can be heated up to 85°C) and works on a wide range of pH levels (ph 3-10). 

It’s often used together with ethylhexylglycerin as it nicely improves the preservative activity of phenoxyethanol.

As you may guess, if something is only recommended in products that you rinse off (cleansers and shampoos), then it’s probably not the best ingredient for the skin.

Methylisothiazolinone (MI) is a preservative that’ super efficient against bacteria at surprisingly low concentrations. The problem with it though is that it can also sensitize and irritate the skin quite easily when it comes in leave-on formulas.

Currently, some countries are considering to ban it entirely (like Denmark) and the permitted use level is very low (under 0.01%). Luckily there are plenty of products on the market with other preservative options so if you are a better safe than sorry type it’s probably best to avoid it. 

This totally unpronounceable ingredient (let’s take a shortcut: MCI) is a super effective preservative with both antibacterial and antifungal effects that works at very low concentrations. 

The bad news with it though is that it can sensitize the skin easily (it’s a so-called non-fragrance allergen). It’s not permitted to be used alone, but only with its BFF, methylisothiazolinone (MI), another icky preservative. Together they have a broad spectrum antimicrobial effect but are permitted to be used only in rinse-off products (under 0.0015%).

Also-called: lye |

The unfancy name for it is lye. It’s a solid white stuff that’s very alkaline and used in small amounts to adjust the pH of the product and make it just right. 

For example, in case of AHA or BHA exfoliants, the right pH is super-duper important, and pH adjusters like sodium hydroxide are needed.  

BTW, lye is not something new. It was already used by ancient Egyptians to help oil and fat magically turn into something else. Can you guess what? Yes, it’s soap. It still often shows up in the ingredient list of soaps and other cleansers.

Sodium hydroxide in itself is a potent skin irritant, but once it’s reacted (as it is usually in skin care products, like exfoliants) it is totally harmless.

SD-Alcohol and some numer+letter refers to alcohol (or ethanol) being denaturated with different kind of additives. These additives make sure that the alcohol is poisonous and bad tasting so that nobody drinks their alcohol-loaded toner. 40-B specifically means the additives are denatonium benzoate and t-butyl alcohol.

As for Alcohol Denat in skincare, it’s a controversial ingredient. It’s a great solvent and makes cosmetically elegant, light formulas but at best it’s skin-drying, at worst it’s skin-barrier damaging. We have written about alcohol way more here. 

Also-called: Fragrance, Parfum |

Exactly what it sounds: nice smelling stuff put into cosmetic products so that the end product also smells nice. Fragrance in the US and parfum in the EU is a generic term on the ingredient list that is made up of 30 to 50 chemicals on average (but it can have as much as 200 components!). 

If you are someone who likes to know what you put on your face then fragrance is not your best friend — there’s no way to know what’s really in it.  

Also, if your skin is sensitive, fragrance is again not your best friend. It’s the number one cause of contact allergy to cosmetics. It’s definitely a smart thing to avoid with sensitive skin (and fragrance of any type — natural is just as allergic as synthetic, if not worse!). 

We don’t have description for this ingredient yet.

Also-called: Red 33, D&C Red 33, Red 33 Lake;Ci 17200 |


A super common synthetic colorant that adds a purple-red color — similar to red beet — to a product.

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Normal (well kind of — it’s purified and deionized) water. Usually the main solvent in cosmetic products.

A clear, colorless emollient ester (oily liquid) that makes the skin nice and smooth.

A very common emollient that makes your skin feel nice and smooth. Comes from coconut oil and glycerin, it’s light-textured, clear, odorless and non-greasy.

An often used glycol that works as a solvent, humectant, penetration enhancer and also gives a good slip to the products.

A real oldie but a goodie. Great natural moisturizer and skin-identical ingredient that plays an important role in skin hydration and general skin health.

Waxy, white, solid stuff that helps water and oil to mix together and leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth.

A heavy-duty emollient ester that mainly stays on the surface of the skin and gives skin protection and occlusivity. 

The pal of Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1 in Matrixyl 3000. A four amino acid peptide that works by reducing the production of the signal molecule, inteleukin-6 (IL-6) that promotes inflammation in the skin.

Jojoba oil — a wax ester (chemically not a real oil), that’s very similar to human sebum. It’s uniquely excellent at helping the skin with its protective barrier and helping it to stay moisturized.

It’s quite the multi-tasker: an emollient and water-binding ingredient but also an emulsifier and can be used for stabilization purposes. It’s also often used to create liposomes. 

A fatty (the good, non-drying kind of) alcohol that makes your skin feel smooth and nice (emollient), helps to thicken up products and also helps water and oil to blend (emulsifier).

A super common multitasker ingredient that gives your skin a nice soft feel (emollient) and gives body to creams.

A waxy solid material that helps oil and water to mix together, aka emulsifier. It is derived from the fatty alcohol called stearyl alcohol by ethoxylating it and thus making the molecule more water-soluble.The end result is a mostly water-loving emulsifier, also called solubilizer that can help to dissolve small amounts of oil-loving ingredients into water-based 

A common functional ingredient that helps to keep the oil-loving and water-loving ingredients together (emulsifier), stabilizes and thickens the products. 

A super commonly used thickener and emulsion stabilizer.

A handy white powder that magically converts a liquid into a nice gel formula.

Super common little helper ingredient that helps products to remain nice and stable for a longer time. It does so by neutralizing the metal ions in the formula (that usually get into there from water) that would otherwise cause some not so nice changes.

Pretty much the current IT-preservative. It’s safe and gentle, and can be used up to 1% worldwide.

Preservative with relatively high irritation risk that is used mainly in rinse-off products.

Preservative with relatively high irritation risk. It’s always used together with Methylisothiazolinone.

Lye — A solid white stuff that’s very alkaline and used in small amount to adjust the pH of the product. 

Alcohol with some additives to make it unconsumable. It’s a great solvent and creates cosmetically elegant light formulas but can also be very drying.

The generic term for nice smelling stuff put into cosmetic products so that the end product also smells nice. It is made up of 30 to 50 chemicals on average.

A super common synthetic colorant that adds a purple-red color — similar to red beet — to a product.

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Discover the new & improved Anew Ultimate range, powered with dual collagen-boosting Protinol and L-Argenine for firmer-looking skin. Avon’s exclusive Protinol technology to help activate skin collagen production and target against multiple signs of ageing.

The cleanser is powered with triple youth technology
The gentle cleanser effectively removes all dirt, oil and impurities.
It also helps to remove make-up including waterproof.
It keeps skin feeling hydrated and resilient.
The cleanser leaves skin looking instantly refreshed and revived.

How to use: Apply after cleansing, apply the toner. Take upon palm or a cotton pad and gently pat on skin

Expiry Details — Use Before / Expiry : 36* months from the date of manufacture (*applicable for most of the products, please refer to the actual product for an exact date. Dates may vary from product to product).

Country of Origin: China

Name & address of the manufacturer — Avon Manufacturing (Guangzhou) Ltd. No.11 Industry Road, Conghua, Economic Development Zone, Guangdong, P.R.C. (510900)- China.

Imported & Marketed by — Quest Retail Pvt. Ltd., 7th Floor, Infinity Tower — A ,DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase-II ,Gurgaon 122002 HR IN


Product Ingredient List

(Showing first 5 of 32 Ingredients)

EWG CIR Ingredient Name & Cosmetic Functions Notes



Glyceryl Stearate


Fungal Acne

Fungal Acne Trigger



Cetearyl Alcohol

(Emollient,Viscosity Controlling,Viscosity Increasing Agent,Emulsion Stabilising,Emulsifying,Opacifying,Foam Boosting,Viscosity Increasingagent — Aqueous)


Comedogenic Rating (2)



Cetyl Ricinoleate

(Skin Conditioning,Emollient)

Fungal Acne

Fungal Acne Trigger



Cetyl Alcohol

(Masking,Emollient,Surfactant,Fragrance,Viscosity Controlling,Viscosity Increasing Agent,Emulsion Stabilising,Emulsifying,Opacifying,Foam Boosting)


Comedogenic Rating (2)



Cetyl Esters

(Skin Conditioning,Emollient)

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