Apc line r 1250 инструкция

Архив Форума Hi-Fi.ru
По 23-5-2020
Портал Hi-Fi.ru более не предоставляет возможностей и сервисов по общению пользователей


Sergey Oreshnikov


Сообщений: 248

 Почитав вот эту ссылочку :


решил прикупить данный девайс . Везли мне это чудо неделю . И вот настал «счастливый» момент . Принес я его домой . (Дело было вечером , после работы) . Подключил я через него свой комплект — ARCAM A85 + ARCAM CD82T + DYNAUDIO contour 1.3 MK II . Нажимаю я кнопку Play и  !»№;%:?* . В общем я решил что жена спалила колонки . Они просто рипели и подхрюкивали !!!!!!!!!! Выключаю я все . Отхожу от первого шока . Решаю продолжить эксперимент. Шнур питания CDP я включил в розетку миную APC , а усилитель оставляю . О ЧУДО ! Колонки заиграли как ни в чем не бывало . Просто камень с души … ! Присаживаюсь на диван . Попиваю чай . Слушаю «Акустик Алхимист» и не узнаю его . Как выразилась жена — звук стал мягче . Мягкость эта заключалась в том что напрочь исчезли ВЧ и НЧ регистры . Пропала масса мелких деталей . И исчезло послезвучание гитары . Пропала динамика . Такое впечатление , что музыкантам лень играть .

Подводя итог хочу сказать : я в полном замешательстве . Столько положительных отзывов о APC Line R 1250 и такой плачевный результат ! Может мне попался бракованный экземпляр ? Но с телевизором и DVD плеером проблем не было .  


Васин Василий




26-05-2003 12:08:20

А вилки сфазированы? :)

Серьёзно, для данного устройства это важно,  иногда звук меняется радикально.

Чем подключаются к APC CDP и усилитель, IEC (компьютерным шнуром) или переходником на блок евророзеток? если переходником, попробуй поменять местами вилки CDP и усилителя.


Sergey Oreshnikov


Сообщений: 248



26-05-2003 12:34:29


И усь. и CDP подключал IEC (компьютерным шнуром) непосредственно к APC . У читывая конструкцию этих самых шнуров с фазировкой все было оК .

Пробовал подключать и через Pilot(SVEN) . Результат см. выше .  


Sergey Oreshnikov


Сообщений: 248



26-05-2003 13:07:41


>банально не хватает мощности 1250ВА

По мощности все должно быть в норме у A85 заявлено 800VA , а у CD82T — 32VA .

>Первая — что-то с землёй не так

Есть ли речь идет о заземлении в доме , то у меня его нет .


Sergey Oreshnikov


Сообщений: 248



26-05-2003 14:00:27

> у A85 заявлено 800VA  
>В каком режиме?

800 VA — это максимальная потребляемая мощность .

Да . Такое поведение усилителя можно списать и на не хватку мощности , а почему тогда CDP так «болезненно» отреагировал на подключение через APC ?


Сергей Говядин


Сообщений: 882



26-05-2003 15:37:58

Sergey Oreshnikov!
Я пробовал UPS другого производителя (у меня к АРС-у вообще не очень доброе отношение, — слишком сильно экономят и слишком много «бренчат»). Ничего подобного не наблюдалось. Звук становился действительно мягче, но микродинамика улучшалась, причем и НЧ и ВЧ, по крайней мере, были не хуже. Наилучший эффект был при питании CD.
Если Вы в Москве, готов предоставить свой UPS. мощность того же диапазона — 1600 ВА. Надумаете — пишите.
С уважением…


Sergey Oreshnikov


Сообщений: 248



26-05-2003 15:51:33

to:Сергей Говядин

Проживаю я в славном граде — Запорожье . Поэтому до Москвы мне даликовато . Есть ли есть возможность сбросьте модель предлагаемого Вами UPS мне на мыло : osv@ew.zssm.zp.ua


Sergey Oreshnikov


Сообщений: 248



26-05-2003 16:09:45

to:Демьян Бедный

>CD отключался вами когда усилитель был включён в 1250?

1-й вариант через APC вкл. и усилитель и CDP . Идет очень сильная помеха на CDP .
2-й вариант через APC вкл. усилитель . CDP вкл. в сеть минуя APC . Очень обеднели НЧ и ВЧ регистры . Помеха исчезла .

>надо отключить земляной контакт и на выходе из APC

Не очень понял смысл фразы . На выходе каком ? Между APC и усилителем ?


Виктор Светлов


Сообщений: 696



26-05-2003 17:14:51

Господа, я вообще профан в этой области, но я программист. Так уж случилось, что на нашем предприятии мы комплектуем РС исключительно упсами вышеуказанной фирмы (АРС). Ну так нам нравится. Так вот, фуфло это еще то! Дохлые упсы стоят рядами на складе. Со временем эта контора испортилась: старые  акуммуляторы работали по 4-5 лет, сейчас и пол-года не предел. Думаю, стоит нам попробовать другие. Если коллеги согласятся на смену дизайна.

А вообще, анекдот, знаете, как мы из двух моделей-претендентов комп. техники выбираем, какую покупать? Внимание, держитесь! МЫ БРОСАЕМ МОНЕТКУ! Вот такие веселые парни.


Sergey Oreshnikov


Сообщений: 248



26-05-2003 17:38:47


Модель APC Line R 1250 — это не источник бесперебойного питания . Это стабилизатор напряжения ( у него нет аккумуляторов )

to:Демьян Бедный

Спасибо за совет . На выходных попробую .

to: ALL

Может кто знает аналоги APC Line R 1250 ? Отзовитесь плз.

Архив Форума Hi-Fi.ru
По 23-5-2020
Портал Hi-Fi.ru более не предоставляет возможностей и сервисов по общению пользователей

  • Page 1: APC 1250

    Smart-UPS ® Models 900, 1250 and 2000 User’s User’s User’s User’s User’s Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual TM[…]

  • Page 2: APC 1250

    Important safety instructions! Please r ead this manual! V euillez lir e ce manuel! Bitte lesen Sie dieses Anleitungshandbuch! ¡Se ruega leer este manual de instrucciones! This manual provides safety, installation and operating instructions that will help you derive the fullest performance and service life that the UPS has to offer. PLEASE SAVE TH[…]

  • Page 3: APC 1250

    Page 1 T able of contents 1. 0 Intr oduction ……………………………………………………………. 2 2. 0 Safety! …………………………………………………………………… 4 Sécurité! (Français) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Sicherheit! (Deu[…]

  • Page 4: APC 1250

    Page 2 1.0 Intr oduction 1.1 Over view This equipment is a high performance line interactive uninterr uptible power source (UPS) designed to provide clean, r eliable AC power to computer loads. The UPS’s line interactive cir cuit topology , illustrated below , of fers excellent ef ficiency , on-line voltage regulation and fast utility fault r […]

  • Page 5: APC 1250

    Page 3 1.0 Intr oduction 1.2 SmartBoost SmartBoost allows continuous on-line operation during extended brownouts or low line voltage conditions. The UPS compensates for the r educed line voltage by boosting the load voltage to a value 12% above the input. Reliability is enhanced because the limited battery capacity is saved for complete utility fai[…]

  • Page 6: APC 1250

    Page 4 2.0 Safety ! Caution! CAUTION ! ■ T o r educe the risk of electric shock, disconnect the Uninterr uptible Power Source from the mains before installing computer interface signal cable (when used). Reconnect the power cord only after all signalling inter connections have been made. ■ Connect the Uninterr uptible Power Source to a two-pole[…]

  • Page 7: APC 1250

    Page 5 2.0 Sécurité ! Attention! A TTENTION! ■ Pour réduir e le risque d’électrocution, débranchez la prise principale de la sour ce d’alimentation permanente (Uninterr uptible Power Source), avant d’installer le câble d’interface allant à l’ordinateur (si utilisé). Ne r ebranchez le bloc d’alimentation qu’après avoir effec[…]

  • Page 8: APC 1250

    Page 6 2.0 Sicherheit ! V orsicht! VORSICHT! ■ Um die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages auf ein Minimum zu r eduzier en, die unterbrechungsfr eie Stromversor gung vom Str omnetz trennen, bevor ggf. ein Com- puter -Schnittstellensignalkabel angeschlossen wir d. Das Netzkabel erst nach Herstellung aller Signalverbindungen wieder einstecken. ■ Di[…]

  • Page 9: APC 1250

    Page 7 ESP AÑOL 2.0 ¡ Seguridad ! ¡Atencion! ¡ATENCION! ■ Para r educir el riesgo de descarga eléctrica, desconecte de la r ed la Fuente de energía ininterrumpible antes de instalar el cable de señalización de interfaz de la computadora (si se usa). V uelva a conectar el conductor flexible de alimentación solamente una vez efectuadas tod[…]

  • Page 10: APC 1250

    Page 8 3.0 Pr esentation 3.1 900V A and 1250V A models — 100, 120 V ac versions Rear view Fr ont view Site wiring fault light See section 4.6 . UPS enable switch See section 4.4 . Circuit breaker NEMA 5-15R receptacles On / Test / Alarm disable pushbutton See section 5.1 . Display features See section 5.0 . Power standby pushbutton See section 5.1 […]

  • Page 11: APC 1250

    Page 9 3.0 Pr esentation 3.2 900V A and 1250V A models — 220/230/240 V ac version Rear view Fr ont view On / Test / Alarm disable pushbutton See section 5.1 . Display features See section 5.0 . Power standby pushbutton See section 5.1 . IEC 320 output couplers All couplers are protected by the UPS. IEC 320 inlet Computer interface port See section […]

  • Page 12: APC 1250

    Page 10 3.0 Pr esentation 3.3 2000V A model — 100, 120 V ac versions Fr ont view Rear view Power standby pushbutton See section 5.1 . On / Test / Alarm disable pushbutton See section 5.1 . Battery pack Electronics enclosure 15Amp circuit breaker protects center receptacles NEMA 5-15R receptacles Battery pack cables Display features See section 5.0 […]

  • Page 13: APC 1250

    Page 11 3.0 Pr esentation 3.4 2000V A model — 120 V ac versions options The -1, -2 and -4 wiring device options for the 120 V ac version 2000V A model UPS are shown below for r efer ence. These options allow simple plug-in installation of the UPS where special service or load wiring devices ar e used. Note: Option -3 has been r eplaced by an impr o[…]

  • Page 14: APC 1250

    Page 12 3.0 Pr esentation 3.5 2000V A model — 208 V ac version and options The standar d 208 V ac version 2000V A model UPS and its wiring device options are shown below for r efer ence. These options allow simple plug-in installation of the UPS where special service or load wiring devices ar e used. Standar d Option -1 Option -2 3.5.1 Standar d 20[…]

  • Page 15: APC 1250

    Page 13 3.0 Pr esentation 3.6 2000V A model — 220/230/240 V ac version Power standby pushbutton See section 5.1 . Battery pack Electronics enclosure Battery pack cables Rear view Fr ont view On / Test / Alarm disable pushbutton See section 5.1 . IEC 320 output couplers All couplers are protected by the UPS. IEC 320 inlet Display features See sectio[…]

  • Page 16: APC 1250

    Page 14 4.0 Installation 4.1 Receiving inspection Once the UPS has been r emoved from its shipping container , it should be inspected for damage that may have occurr ed while in transit. Immediately notify the carrier and place of pur chase if any damage is found. The packing materials ar e made from recyclable materials and should be saved for r e[…]

  • Page 17: APC 1250

    Page 15 4.0 Installation 4.3 Connect battery pack — 2000V A model only Follow the instructions listed below to install and lock the battery pack coupler . Note: Use only factory supplied or authorized battery packs! 4.3.1 Use a phillips screwdriver to r emove the battery coupler clamp from the electronics enclosur e. 4.3.2 T urn the battery coupler[…]

  • Page 18: APC 1250

    Page 16 4.0 Installation 4.4 Connect UPS to service and enable — continued ■ 220/230/240 V ac versions The 220/230/240 V ac version UPS is not furnished with an input line cord. Instead, two output cor ds are supplied. However , in most installations it will not be necessary to purchase a UPS input power cord. Simply swap the line cor ds from you[…]

  • Page 19: APC 1250

    Page 17 4.0 Installation 4.5 Plug loads into UPS Plug all loads to be protected into the UPS. Do not exceed the UPS’s capacity as given in section 9.0 . Once switched on, the UPS will monitor and display the magnitude of the applied load. Note: Do not plug laser printers into this UPS. Laser printers draw a considerable amount of power . This […]

  • Page 20: APC 1250

    Page 18 5.0 Operation 5.1 Display featur es 5.1.1 On / T est / Alarm disable pushbutton The On / T est / Alarm disable pushbutton is used to contr ol activation of the UPS and to energize the load. Once the UPS is ener gized, pressing the button will initiate a battery test. This will for ce the UPS to operate on-battery for a brief time during whi[…]

  • Page 21: APC 1250

    Page 19 5.0 Operation 5.2 Battery capacity bar graph The battery capacity bar graph continuously displays the state of battery charge. In the above example, the display shows that 100% of rated battery capacity is available. Wher e power quality is fair , the UPS will be able to maintain the battery at 100% of rated capacity . In the event of an ex[…]

  • Page 22: APC 1250

    Page 20 5.0 Operation 5.4 Line voltage bar graph The line voltage bar graph displays the UPS’s input voltage in discr ete steps. Line voltage is displayed when the I/T es t pushbutton is pr essed and held. The example above shows that the UPS’s input line voltage is between 1 16 and 123 V ac (120 V a c version UPS, see table for values fo[…]

  • Page 23: APC 1250

    Page 21 5.0 Operation Note: Option switches may be thrown at any time and take effect immediately . 5.5.3 Replace battery In the event the UPS’s battery fails a battery test, the UPS will emit «chirps» for a period of 1 minute. If the UPS is left operating while in this condition, the UPS will emits chirps once every 5 hours until a […]

  • Page 24: APC 1250

    Page 22 5.0 Operation 5.6 Option switches — continued 5.6.2 Option switch 2 Option switch 2 controls differ ent functions depending upon the UPS version type. The switch contr ols no functions on 100 V ac and 208 V ac version UPSs. ■ 120 V ac version The UPS’s factory set input voltage limits for on-line and SmartBoost operation are given in[…]

  • Page 25: APC 1250

    Page 23 5.0 Operation 5.7 Extended capabilities The following sections briefly describe the UPS’s extended capabilities. These ad- vanced functions are accessed by a computer running optional PowerDoctor or PowerChute plus UPS monitoring softwar e. See the UPS monitoring software literature for mor e information on the application of these functi[…]

  • Page 26: APC 1250

    Page 24 5.0 Operation 5.7 Extended capabilities — continued ● Output voltage, internal temperature, battery voltage, battery capacity — The UPS continuously monitors the rms output voltage, internal temperatur e in degr ees Celsius, battery voltage, and the r emaining battery capacity as a per centage of the fully char ged condition. This informa[…]

  • Page 27: APC 1250

    Page 25 5.0 Operation 5.7 Extended capabilities — continued ● On-battery output voltage (220/230/240 V ac versions only) — The UPS’s on-battery output voltage may be set to a nominal 220, 225, 230 or 240 V ac. The UPS’s default setting is 225 V ac. ● Utility failure sensitivity — The UPS’s sensitivity to line voltage distortions may be cu[…]

  • Page 28: APC 1250

    Page 26 6.0 UPS Monitoring 6.1 Over view A UPS system alone provides excellent protection fr om brief power problems. How- ever , during an extended power outage an unattended computer system will eventually shut down due to battery capacity exhaustion. T o pr event data corruption when the UPS shuts down, the computer must be informed by the UPS o[…]

  • Page 29: APC 1250

    Page 27 6.0 UPS Monitoring 6.4 Computer interface port The computer interface port is diagramed below for your r eference. Those with technical abilities wishing to use this port in a special application should be awar e of the following limitations and capabilities of the interface. ■ Outputs at pins 3, 5 and 6 are actually open collector output[…]

  • Page 30: APC 1250

    Page 28 7.0 Difficulty Caution ! CAUTION ! ■ This Uninterruptible Power Source contains potentially hazar dous voltages. Do not attempt to disassemble the unit. The unit contains no user serviceable parts. Repairs are performed only by factory trained service personnel. ■ This Uninterr uptible Power Source uses batteries. The batteries will eve[…]

  • Page 31: APC 1250

    Page 29 FRANÇAIS 7.0 Difficulté Attention ! A TTENTION! ■ Cette sour ce d’alimentation permanente (UPS) contient des circuits haute tension présentant un danger . Ne jamais essayer de le démonter . Il n’y a aucun composant qui puisse êtr e réparé par l’utilisateur . T outes les réparations doivent être effectuées par du personnel […]

  • Page 32: APC 1250

    Page 30 DEUTSCH 7.0 Schwierigkeit V orsicht ! VORSICHT! ■ Im Inner en dieser unterbr echungsfr eien Stromversor gung herrschen potentiell gefährliche Spannungen. Nicht versuchen, das Gerät zu öf fnen. Es enthält keine vom Benutzer reparierbar en T eile. Reparatur en dürfen nur von ausgebildetem Kundendienstpersonal durchgeführt werden. ■ […]

  • Page 33: APC 1250

    Page 31 ESP AÑOL 7.0 Dificultad ¡Cuidado! ¡CUIDADO! ■ Esta Fuente de ener gía ininterrumpible contiene niveles de voltaje peligr osos en potencia. No intente desarmar la unidad, pues no contiene piezas que puedan ser reparadas por el usuario. Las r eparaciones deben efectuarse únicamente por parte del personal de mantenimiento capacitado en […]

  • Page 34: APC 1250

    Page 32 7.0 Difficulty 7.1 T roubleshooting chart PR OB LEM POSSIBLE CA USE ACTIO N TO TA K E U PS will not tu rn on . 1 . U PS Enab le s wi t c h is i n t he of f p os i t i on o r f r ont pan el s wi tc h not pr e s sed. 1 . T ur n o n t he r e ar pa nel U PS En abl e s wi t c h. P r es s f r o nt pa nel s wit c h to po w e r U PS an d l o ads. 2[…]

  • Page 35: APC 1250

    Page 33 7.0 Difficulty 7.2 Battery r eplacement check Y ou can expect to r eceive 3 to 6 years of service life fr om the UPS’s batteries when installed in a cool, dry location. Battery life is shortened when operated in an envir onment where the ambient temperatur e is normally above 30 ° C (86 ° F). The UPS automatically performs a battery […]

  • Page 36: APC 1250

    Page 34 7.0 Difficulty 7.3 Obtaining Service The troubleshooting chart in section 7.1 covers most of the difficulties that a user may encounter under conditions other than a failur e of the UPS itself. For problems not cover ed in the chart, the procedur es outlined below should be followed. If your UPS should r equire service: ■ See the tr ouble[…]

  • Page 37: APC 1250

    Page 35 8.0 Storing the UPS 8.1 Storage conditions The UPS should be covered and stor ed upright in a cool dry location. The UPS should be stored with its battery in a fully char ged state. That is, the indicated battery capacity should be 100% befor e the UPS is switched off for storage. Disconnect accessories or cables connected at the computer i[…]

  • Page 38: APC 1250

    Page 36 9.0 Specifications Note: Wher e specifications ratings differ , values for the 100 V ac version are given in { } brackets, values for 208 V ac versions ar e given in ( ) brackets, and values for 220/230/240 V ac versions ar e given in [ ] brackets. 9.1 Input Nominal input voltage: single phase, {100 V ac}, 120 V ac, (208 V ac), [220/230/240[…]

  • Page 39: APC 1250

    Page 37 9.0 Specifications 9.4 Noise and sur ge suppr ession Surge energy rating (one time, 10/1000 µs waveform) : {160 J}, 480 J, (480 J), [480 J]. Surge current capability (one time, 8/20 µs waveform) : 6500 Amp peak maximum. Surge response time: 0 ns (instantaneous) normal mode, <5 ns common mode. Surge voltage let-through: {<0.3%], <[…]

  • Page 40: APC 1250

    Page 38 9.0 Specifications 9.9 T ypical r un time versus load Note: Run times are typical at 25°C (77°F). Load 900VA mod el 1 250VA mo d el 200 0VA mo d e l Typ i cal comp u ter l oad (0.7 v o lt- am ps = Wat ts ) 50 VA 15 0 m in 29 0 mi n 45 0 mi n T y p i ca l A S CI I te rmi n a l 75 VA 12 5 m in 25 0 mi n 40 0 mi n Macintos h SE/30 100 VA 10 […]

  • Page 41: APC 1250

    Page 39 Notes[…]

  • Page 42: APC 1250

    Page 40 DECLARA TION OF CONFORMITY Application of Council Directive(s): 89/336/EEC Standard(s) to which Conformity is Declared: EN55022, EN50082-1 Manufacturer’s Name: AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION Manufacturer’s Address: 132 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD WEST KINGSTON, RI 02892 USA Importer’s Name: Importer’s Address: T ype of Equipment: UNINTE[…]

  • Page 43: APC 1250

    Limited W arranty American Power Conversion (APC) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. Its obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its own sole option, any such defective products. To obtain service under warranty you must obta[…]

  • Page 44: APC 1250

    990-7001-A-8 10/93 ( PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE (+33) in Eur (+33) in Eur (+33) in Eur (+33) in Eur (+33) in Eur ope ope ope ope ope (401) 789-5735 world wide (401) 789-5735 world wide (401) 789-5735 world wide (401) 789-5735 world wide (401) 789-5735 world wide * MAILING MAIL[…]

Displayed below is the user manual for Line-R by APC which is a product in the Voltage Regulators category.
This manual has pages.

Thank you for purchasing APC by Schneider Electric’s Line-R Automatic Voltage

Regulator! Fill out and mail the product warranty registration form, or fill out an online

form at www.apc.com.

The Line-R automatically corrects brownouts (by boosting low voltage) and overvoltages (by

stepping down high voltage) from the power utility service to levels that are safe for computers,

as well as other sensitive equipment. APC by Schneider Electric’s Line-R provides the highest

degree of protection from line voltage sags and swells, and has been designed for many years of

reliable, maintenance-free service.


The Line-R is designed for use with voltage sensitive equipment such as a: computer, monitor,

inkjet printer, scanner or fax. It is also designed for use with home electronics (TVs, stereos,

CD players, etc.).

Appliances not suitable for use with the Line-R are items such as refrigerators, freezers, power

tools, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, blenders, or any device that employs an AC motor for

operation. Not for use with life sustaining equipment and any device with a power requirement

exceeding the “Maximum Output Power Capacity” rating listed in the Specifications table.


Power Switch

The Line-R provides a front panel power switch (l = on) / (O = off) which functions as the

master power switch for the Line-R and all devices connected to the device.

Push Button Circuit Breaker

The Line-R provides a push button circuit breaker on the rear panel of the unit to protect it from

being overloaded. If the circuit breaker “trips”, unplug the last device connected to the unit and

push the circuit breaker fully inward.



The total power consumption of all equipment plugged into the Line-R must not exceed the

ratings listed in the Specifications table below. A total load in excess of the listed ratings will

cause the push button circuit breaker to “trip”.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.


Automatic Voltage Regulator

Models LE600I and LE1200I

Lights when input voltage is high.

Flashes when input voltage is above rated Input

Voltage Range.

Input voltage is normal.

Lights when input voltage is low.

Flashes when input voltage is below rated Input

Voltage Range.

The power switch applies and removes power to/

from the Line-R (l = on) / (O = off).

Power Switch

AC Outlets (4)

(connect equipment here)

User Selectable

Voltage Switch

(see Select Input Voltage)

Push Button

Circuit Breaker

Connect Your

Detachable Device

Power Cord Here and to

an AC Wall Outlet

Connect the Supplied Power

Cord from any Outlet to Your



Placement — Install the Line-R in a protected environment free of excessive dust,

mechanical vibration, inflammable gases and explosive or corrosive atmospheres.

Do not block the top or side air vents on the unit. Allow 1 inch (2.5 cm) minimum vent


Select Input Voltage — The Line-R provides a three-position User Selectable Voltage

Switch for adjusting the input voltage for the region where it is being used (example: Russia

— 220V, Denmark — 230V, United Kingdom — 240V). Slide the switch to select the proper

voltage for your location.

Plug the Line-R into the Wall Outlet — Detach your computer’s power cord from the

back of your computer and use it to plug the Line-R into the wall socket. Use one of the two

power cords supplied with the Line-R to reconnect your computer to any of the four outlets

on the back of the Line-R. The Line-R should only be used in buildings having proper

grounding on a branch circuit protected by a fuse or circuit breaker.

Connect Your Equipment — Plug equipment into the Line-R rear-panel outlets and switch

the equipment ON. The equipment will not be powered until the Line-R is switched ON.

Switch ON the Line-R Press the front panel power switch to the on (l) position. This switch

may be used as the master switch for the device and all equipment connected to it.


Characteristics Model LE600I Model LE1200I

Maximum Output Power Capacity 600 W or 600 VA 1200 W or 1200 VA

Nominal Output Voltage 220, 230, or 240V (User Selectable)

Nominal Input Current 2.6 A 5.2 A

Acceptable Voltage Range Tolerance 160 — 270V (Selector Switch set to 220V)

166 — 280V (Selector Switch set to 230V)

170 — 290V (Selector Switch set to 240V)

Rated Input Voltage 250Vac

Maximum Acceptable Input Voltage 300V

Surge Energy 300 Joules

Output Regulation ±10%

Response Time < 2 AC Cycles

Efficiency >92%

Nominal Frequency 47 — 63 Hz

Number of Outlets 4

Operating Temperature 32 — 104°F (0 — 40°C)

Relative Humidity 0 — 95% Non-condensing

Dimensions 4.6 x 8.4 x 5.5 inches (118 x 214 x 141 mm)

Weight 3.1 kg (6.8 lb) 4.2 kg (9.2 lb)

Limited Warranty

Schneider Electric IT (SEIT) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and

workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase. Its obligation under this

warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its sole option, any such defective products. To

obtain service under warranty you must obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA)

number from SEIT or a SEIT service center. Products must be returned to SEIT or an SEIT

service center with transportation charges prepaid and must be accompanied by a brief

description of the problem encountered and proof of date and place of purchase. This warranty

does not apply to equipment which has been damaged by accident, negligence, or

misapplication or has been altered or modified in any way. This warranty applies to the

original purchaser who must have proper registered the product within 10 days of purchase.



PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some countries do not permit limitation or exclusion of implied

warranties; therefore, the aforesaid limitation(s) or exclusion(s) may not apply to the





POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Specifically, SEIT is not liable for any costs, such as

lost profits or revenue, loss of equipment, loss of use of equipment, loss of software, loss of

data, costs of substitutes, claims by third parties, or otherwise. This warranty gives you

specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which may vary from location to


APC by Schneider Electric IT Customer Support Worldwide

For country specific customer support, go to the APC by Schneider Electric Web site, www.apc.com.

© 2014 APC by Schneider Electric. APC, the APC logo, SurgeArrest and Line-R are owned by Schneider

Electric Industries S.A.S., or their affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective


EN 990-1287B


APC Line-R 1250 / LR1250I

Филиппины, 2001.02

Стабилизатор напряжения APC Line-R 1250, б/у

Производитель: APC

Модель: Line-R 600

Model No: LE600I

Int.~: 50/60Hz-220-240V-7A

Out.~: 1250VA: 50/60Hz-220-240V-700W MAX

>>> Проверка технического состояния:

> Стабилизатор напряжения подключался к сети 220В с помощью кабеля IEC C13 — отсутствует в комплекте.

> Заведомо устанавливался исправный предохранитель BUSS ABC 250V 12A

> При подаче питания есть индикация включения и активность работы.

> Каждый порт стабилизатора напряжения тестировался с подключением нагрузки ~300Вт.

> Для дальнейшего использования требуется приобрести и установить предохранитель BUSS ABC 250V 12A

>>>Описание результатов проверки:

>Тумблер включения — ОК

>Индикаторы — ОК

>Выходы 4×IEC C13 — ОК

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