Apc smart ups 1000xl инструкция

APC Smart-UPS 1000XL Power Supply User's Manual PDF

Summary of Content for APC Smart-UPS 1000XL Power Supply User’s Manual PDF

990-1062A 11/01

Users Manual English


1000VA/1500VA 230VAC/120VAC/100VAC



Tower Uninterruptible Power Supply


Introduction American Power Conversion Corporation (APC) is the leading national and international manufac- turer of state-of-the-art uninterruptible power supplies, redundant switches, power management soft- ware, and related equipment. APC products protect hardware, software, and data from power distur- bances in business and government offices throughout the world. The APC Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is designed to prevent blackouts, brownouts, sags, and surges from reaching your computer and other valuable electronic equipment. The UPS filters small utility line fluctuations and isolates your equipment from large disturbances by internally dis- connecting from the utility line. The UPS provides continuous power from its internal battery until the utility line returns to safe levels or the battery is discharged.


Read the Safety Instruction sheet before installing the UPS.

Unpacking Inspect the UPS upon receipt. APC designed robust packaging for your product. However, accidents and damage may occur during shipment. Notify the carrier and dealer if there is damage.

The packaging is recyclable; save it for reuse or dispose of it properly.

Check the package contents. The package contains the UPS, a literature kit containing one CD, one serial cable, one USB cable, product documentation and Safety Information.

230V models: Two IEC jumper cables are included and a utility connector plug is included for use on servers with permanently attached power cords.

The UPS is shipped with the battery disconnected.

Positioning the UPS The UPS is heavy. Select a location sturdy enough to handle the weight.

Do not operate the UPS where there is excessive dust or the temperature and humidity are outside the specified limits.


2.5cm (1in)

0- 40C (32-104F) 0-95% Relative Humidity


Connecting Equipment and Power to the UPS SMART-UPS REAR PANEL


1. Plug in the battery connector .

2. Connect equipment to the UPS. Note: Do not connect a laser printer to the UPS. A laser printer draws significantly more power than other types of equipment and may overload the UPS.

3. Add any optional accessories to the Smart-Slot .

4. Using the power cord, plug the UPS into a two-pole, three-wire, grounded receptacle only. Avoid using extension cords.

230V models: A utility connector plug is included for use on servers with permanently at- tached power cords.

120V/100V models: The power cord is permanently attached to the rear panel of the UPS. 5. Turn on all connected equipment. To use the UPS as a master ON/OFF switch, be sure all con-

nected equipment is switched ON. The equipment will not be powered until the UPS is turned on.

6. To power up the UPS press the button on the front panel.

The UPS charges its battery when it is connected to utility power. The battery charges to 90% capacity during the first three hours of normal operation. Do not expect full battery run capability during this initial charge period.

120V Models: Check the site wiring fault LED located on the rear panel. It lights up if the UPS is plugged into an improperly wired utility power outlet. Refer to Troubleshooting in this manual.

7. For additional computer system security, install PowerChutePlus UPS Power Management and Diagnostic Software.



Serial Port

USB Port

Power management software and interface kits can be used with the UPS. Use only interface kits supplied or approved by APC.

Use the APC supplied cable to connect to the Serial Port. DO NOT use a standard serial interface cable since it is incompatible with the UPS connector. Both Serial and USB Ports are provided. They cannot be used simultaneously.

External Battery Pack Connector

XL models: Use the battery pack connector to connect optional external battery pack(s). These units support up to ten external battery packs.

See the APC web site, www.apc.com/support for the correct external battery pack model number for your UPS.

TVSS Screw

The UPS features a transient voltage surge-suppression (TVSS) screw for connecting the ground lead on surge suppression devices such as tele- phone and network line protectors.

When connecting grounding cable, disconnect the unit from the utility power outlet.




Power On

Power Off

Load Battery Charge


The onlineLED illuminates when the UPS is supplying utility power to the con- nected equipment. If the LED is not lit, the UPS is either not turned ON, or is sup- plying battery power.

AVR Trim

This LED illuminates to indicate the UPS is compensating for a high utility voltage.


AVR Boost

This LED illuminates to indicate the UPS is compensating for a low utility voltage.

On Battery

When the on battery power LED is lit the UPS is supplying battery power to the connected equipment. When on battery, the UPS sounds an alarmfour beeps every 30 seconds.


The LED illuminates and the UPS emits a sustained alarm tone when an overload condition occurs.

Replace Battery

Failure of a battery self-test causes the UPS to emit short beeps for one minute and the replace battery LED illuminates. Refer to Trou- bleshooting in this manual.

Battery Disconnected

The replace battery LED flashes and short beep is emitted every two seconds to indicate the battery is disconnected.

Automatic Self-Test The UPS performs a self-test automatically when turned on, and every two weeks thereafter (by default).

During the self-test, the UPS briefly operates the connected equip- ment on battery.

If the UPS fails the self-test, the replace battery LED lights and immediately returns to online operation. The connected equipment is not affected by a failed test. Recharge the battery for 24 hours and perform another self-test. If it fails, the battery must be replaced.

Manual Self-Test Press and hold the button for a few seconds to initiate the self- test.

On Battery Operation The Smart-UPS switches to battery operation automatically if the utility power fails. While running on battery, an alarm beeps four times every 30 seconds.

Press the button (front panel) to silence the UPS alarm (for the current alarm only. If the utility power does not return, the UPS continues to supply power to the connected equipment until the bat- tery is exhausted. If PowerChute is not being used you must manually save your files and power down before the UPS turns off.

DETERMINING ON BATTERY RUN TIME UPS battery life differs based on usage and environment. It is recommended that the battery/batteries be changed once every three years. See the APC web site, www.apc.com, for on battery run times.





Automatic Self-Test Every 14 days (336 hours)

Every 7 days (168 hours), On Startup Only, No Self- Test

This function sets the inter- val at which the UPS will execute a self-test. Refer to your software manual for details.

UPS ID UPS_IDEN Up to eight characters to define the UPS

Use this field to uniquely identify the UPS, (ie. server name or location) for net- work management purposes.

Date of Last Battery Re- placement

Manufacture Date

Date of Battery Replacement


Reset this date when you replace the battery module.

Minimum Capacity Be- fore Return from Shut- down

0 percent 15, 30, 45, 50, 60, 75, 90 percent

The UPS will charge its batteries to the specified percentage before return from a shutdown.

Voltage Sensitivity

The UPS detects and reacts to line voltage distortions by transferring to battery operation to protect the connected equipment. Where power quality is poor, the UPS may frequently transfer to battery operation. If the connected equipment can operate normally under such conditions, reduce the sensitivity setting to conserve battery capacity and service life.

Brightly lit: UPS is set to high sensitivity (default).

Dimly lit: UPS is set to medium sensitivity.

Off: Low battery warning interval is about eight minutes.

To change the UPS sensitiv- ity, press the voltage sensi- tivity button (rear panel). Use a pointed object (such as a pen) to do so.

You can change the sensitiv- ity level through Power- Chute software.

Alarm Control Enable Mute, Disable User can mute an ongoing alarm or disable all existing alarms permanently.

Shutdown Delay 90 seconds 0, 180, 270, 360, 450, 540, 630 seconds

Sets the interval between the time when the UPS receives a shutdown command and actual shutdown.




Low Battery Warning.

PowerChute interface software provides auto- matic, unattended shut- down when approxi- mately two minutes (by default) of battery oper- ated run time remains.

Brightly lit: Low battery warning interval is about two minutes. Dimly lit: Low battery warning interval is about five minutes. Off: Low battery warning interval is about eight minutes.

Possible interval settings: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 minutes.

The low battery warning beeps are continuous when two minutes of run time remain.

To change the warning in- terval default setting, press the voltage sensitivity button (use a pointed object such as a pen to do so), while press-

ing and holding the button (front panel).

Synchronized Turn-on Delay

0 seconds 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420 seconds

The UPS will wait the speci- fied time after the return of utility power before turn-on (to avoid branch circuit overload).

High Transfer Point 230V models: 253VAC

120V models: 127VAC

100V models: 108VAC

230V models: 257, 261, 265VAC

120V models: 130, 133, 136VAC

100V models: 110, 112, 114VAC

To avoid unnecessary bat- tery usage, set the high transfer point higher if the utility voltage is chronically high and the connected equipment is known to work under this condition.

Low Transfer Point 230V models: 208VAC

120V models: 106VAC

100V models: 92VAC

230V models: 196, 200, 204VAC

120V models: 97, 100, 103VAC

100V models: 86, 88, 90VAC

Set the low transfer point lower if the utility voltage is chronically low and the con- nected equipment can toler- ate this condition.

Output Voltage 230V models: 230VAC

230V models: 220, 240VAC

230V models ONLY, allow the user to select the output voltage.



Storage Store the UPS covered and positioned as for proper functioning, in a cool, dry location, with the bat- teries fully charged.

At -15 to +30 C (+5 to +86 F), charge the UPS battery every six months. At +30 to +45 C (+86 to +113 F), charge the UPS battery every three months.

Replacing the Battery Module This UPS has an easy to replace, hot-swappable battery module. Replacement is a safe procedure, isolated from electrical hazards. You may leave the UPS and connected equipment on for this proce- dure. See your dealer or contact APC at the web site, www.apc.com/support for information on re- placement battery modules.

Once the battery is disconnected, the connected equipment is not protected from power outages. Be careful during the following steps-the battery module is heavy.


Step 1 Step 2


1500VA Model

Step 3

Pull the battery module out of the compartment until the back of the module is flush with the outer edges of the UPS.

Disconnect the battery connector.

1000VA Model

Step 3

Disconnect the battery cable terminals before removing the battery module from the UPS.

Note: The red cable connects to the red color- coded terminal; the black cable connects to the black color-coded terminal. This will be impor- tant during the battery replacement procedure.

Be sure to deliver the spent battery to a recycling facility or ship it to APC in the re- placement battery packing material.

Battery Terminals

Step B

Step A

Battery Terminals


REPLACING THE BATTERY MODULE To replace the battery module, reverse the directions above for Removing the Front Bezel and Bat- tery Module.

Disconnecting the Battery for Transport

Always DISCONNECT THE BATTERY before shipping in compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

The battery may remain in the UPS; it does not have to be removed.

1. Shut down and disconnect any equipment attached to the UPS.

2. Shut down and disconnect the UPS from the power supply.

3. Unplug the battery connector (rear panel).

For shipping instructions and to obtain appropriate packing materials contact APC at the web site, www.apc.com/support/contact.


5: TROUBLESHOOTING Use the chart below to solve minor Smart-UPS installation and operation problems. Refer to the APC web site, www.apc.com, for assistance with complex UPS problems.



UPS WILL NOT TURN ON Battery not connected prop- erly.

Check that the battery connector (rear panel) is fully engaged.

button not pushed. Press the button once to power the UPS and the connected equipment. UPS not connected to utility power supply.

Check that the power cable from the UPS to the utility power supply is se- curely connected at both ends.

Very low or no utility voltage. Check the utility power supply to the UPS by plugging in a table lamp. If the light is very dim, have the utility voltage checked.

UPS WILL NOT TURN OFF Internal UPS fault. Do not attempt to use the UPS. Unplug the UPS and have it serviced imme-


UPS BEEPS OCCASIONALLY Normal UPS operation. None. The UPS is protecting the connected equipment.

UPS DOES NOT PROVIDE EXPECTED BACKUP TIME The UPS battery is weak due to a recent outage or is near the end of its service life.

Charge the battery. Batteries require recharging after extended outages. They wear faster when put into service often or when operated at elevated temperatures. If the battery is near the end of its service life, consider replac- ing the battery even if the replace battery LED is not yet lit.

ALL LEDS ARE LIT AND THE UPS EMITS A CONSTANT BEEPING Internal UPS fault. Do not attempt to use the UPS. Turn the UPS off and have it serviced imme-


FRONT PANEL LEDS FLASH SEQUENTIALLY The UPS has been shut down remotely through software or an optional accessory card.

None. The UPS will restart automatically when utility power returns.

ALL LEDS ARE OFF AND THE UPS IS PLUGGED INTO A WALL OUTLET The UPS is shut down and the battery is discharged from an extended outage.

None. The UPS will return to normal operation when the power is restored and the battery has a sufficient charge.




THE OVERLOAD LED IS LIT AND THE UPS EMITS A SUSTAINED ALARM TONE The UPS is overloaded. The connected equipment exceeds the specified maximum load as de-

fined in Specifications at the APC web site, www.apc.com. The alarm remains on until the overload is removed. Disconnect nonessen- tial equipment from the UPS to eliminate the overload. The UPS continues to supply power as long as it is online and the circuit breaker does not trip; the UPS will not provide power from batteries in the event of a utility voltage interruption. If a continuous overload occurs while the UPS is on battery, the unit turns off output in order to protect the UPS from possible damage.

THE REPLACE BATTERY LED IS LIT Replace Battery LED flashes and short beep is emitted every two seconds to indicate the battery is disconnected.

Check that the battery connectors are fully engaged.

Weak battery. Allow the battery to recharge for 24 hours. Then, perform a self-test. If the problem persists after recharging, replace the battery.

Failure of a battery self-test. The UPS emits short beeps for one minute and the replace battery LED illuminates. The UPS repeats the alarm every five hours. Perform the self- test procedure after the battery has charged for 24 hours to confirm the replace battery condition. The alarm stops and the LED clears if the bat- tery passes the self-test.


The site wiring LED is lit (rear panel). 120V models only.

The UPS is plugged into an improperly wired utility power outlet. Wiring faults detected include missing ground, hot-neutral polarity reversal, and overloaded neutral circuit. Contact a qualified electrician to correct the building wiring.

THE INPUT CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPS The plunger on the circuit breaker (located above the input cable connection) pops out.

Reduce the load on the UPS by unplugging equipment and press the plunger in.

AVR BOOST OR AVR TRIM LEDS LIGHT AVR Boost or Trim LEDs light Your system is experiencing excessive periods of low r high voltage.

Have qualified service personnel check your facility for electrical prob- lems. If the problem continues, contact the utility company for further assistance.




UTILITY CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPS Utility circuit breaker trips during normal operation.

100V models: In order to operate at the full VA rating of the 1500VA product, the supplied 15A plug must be replaced with a 20A plug. This change must be performed by qualified service personnel.

UPS OPERATES ON BATTERY ALTHOUGH NORMAL LINE VOLTAGE EXISTS UPS input circuit breaker tripped. Reduce the load on the UPS by unplugging equipment and resetting the

circuit breaker (on the back of UPS) by pressing the plunger in. Very high, low, or distorted line voltage. Inexpensive fuel powered generators can distort the voltage.

Move the UPS to a different outlet on a different circuit. Test the input voltage with the utility voltage display (see below). If acceptable to the connected equipment, reduce the UPS sensitivity.


The internal temperature of the UPS has exceeded the allowable threshold for safe operation.

Check that the room temperature is within the specified limits for opera- tion.

Check that the UPS is properly installed allowing for adequate ventila- tion.

Allow the UPS to cool down. Restart the UPS. If the problem continues contact APC at, www.apc.com/supoport.


Utility Voltage

The UPS has a diagnostic feature that displays the utility voltage. Plug the UPS into the normal utility power.

Press and hold the button to view the utility voltage bar graph dis- play. After a few seconds the five-LED, Battery Charge, , display on the right of the front panel shows the utility input voltage. Refer to the figure at left for the voltage reading (values are not listed on the UPS). The display indicates the voltage is between the displayed value on the list and the next higher value. Three LEDs light, indicating utility voltage within the normal range. If no LEDs are lit and the UPS is plugged into a working utility power outlet, the line voltage is extremely low. If all five LEDs are lit, the line voltage is extremely high and should be checked by an electrician.

The UPS starts a self-test as part of this procedure. The self-test does not affect the voltage dis- play.


Service If the UPS requires service do not return it to the dealer. Instead, follow these steps:

1. Review the problems discussed in the Troubleshooting section of this manual to eliminate com- mon problems.

2. If the problem persists, contact APC Customer Service through the APC web site, www.apc.com/support. Note the model number of the UPS, the serial number, and the date purchased. If you call

APC Customer Service, a technician will ask you to describe the problem and try to solve it over the phone, if possible. If this is not possible, the technician will issue a Returned Mate- rial Authorization Number (RMA#).

If the UPS is under warranty, repairs are free. If not, there is a repair charge. 3. Pack the UPS in its original packaging. If the original packing is not available, refer to the APC

web site, www.apc.com/support, for information about obtaining a new set. Pack the UPS properly to avoid damage in transit. Never use Styrofoam beads for packaging.

Damage sustained in transit is not covered under warranty.

Always DISCONNECT THE BATTERY before shipping in compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

The battery may remain in the UPS; it does not have to be removed.

4. Mark the RMA# on the outside of the package. 5. Return the UPS by insured, prepaid carrier to the address given to you by Customer Service.

Contacting APC Refer to the information provided at the APC Internet site,




Regulatory Agency Approvals and Radio Frequency Warnings 230V MODELS

This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take corrective ac- tions.


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be re- quired to correct the interference at his own expense.

Shielded signal cables must be used with this product to ensure compliance with the Class A FCC limits.



Declaration of Conformity

Limited Warranty American Power Conversion (APC) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. Its obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its own sole op- tion, any such defective products. To obtain service under warranty you must obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number from customer support. Products must be returned with transportation charges prepaid and must be accompa- nied by a brief description of the problem encountered and proof of date and place of purchase. This warranty does not apply to equipment that has been damaged by accident, negligence, or misapplication or has been altered or modified in any way. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser who must have properly registered the product within 10 days of pur- chase.

EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not permit limitation or exclusion of implied warranties; therefore, the aforesaid limitation(s) or exclusion(s) may not apply to the purchaser.

EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, IN NO EVENT WILL APC BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCI- DENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Specifically, APC is not liable for any costs, such as lost profits or revenue, loss of equipment, loss of use of equipment, loss of software, loss of data, costs of substitutes, claims by third parties, or oth- erwise.

Entire contents copyright 2001 by American Power Conversion Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

APC, Smart-UPS, and PowerChute are registered trademarks of American Power Conversion Corporation. All other trade- marks are the p

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990-1062A 11/01

Users Manual English


1000VA/1500VA 230VAC/120VAC/100VAC



Tower Uninterruptible Power Supply


Introduction American Power Conversion Corporation (APC) is the leading national and international manufac- turer of state-of-the-art uninterruptible power supplies, redundant switches, power management soft- ware, and related equipment. APC products protect hardware, software, and data from power distur- bances in business and government offices throughout the world. The APC Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is designed to prevent blackouts, brownouts, sags, and surges from reaching your computer and other valuable electronic equipment. The UPS filters small utility line fluctuations and isolates your equipment from large disturbances by internally dis- connecting from the utility line. The UPS provides continuous power from its internal battery until the utility line returns to safe levels or the battery is discharged.


Read the Safety Instruction sheet before installing the UPS.

Unpacking Inspect the UPS upon receipt. APC designed robust packaging for your product. However, accidents and damage may occur during shipment. Notify the carrier and dealer if there is damage.

The packaging is recyclable; save it for reuse or dispose of it properly.

Check the package contents. The package contains the UPS, a literature kit containing one CD, one serial cable, one USB cable, product documentation and Safety Information.

230V models: Two IEC jumper cables are included and a utility connector plug is included for use on servers with permanently attached power cords.

The UPS is shipped with the battery disconnected.

Positioning the UPS The UPS is heavy. Select a location sturdy enough to handle the weight.

Do not operate the UPS where there is excessive dust or the temperature and humidity are outside the specified limits.


2.5cm (1in)

0- 40C (32-104F) 0-95% Relative Humidity


Connecting Equipment and Power to the UPS SMART-UPS REAR PANEL


1. Plug in the battery connector .

2. Connect equipment to the UPS. Note: Do not connect a laser printer to the UPS. A laser printer draws significantly more power than other types of equipment and may overload the UPS.

3. Add any optional accessories to the Smart-Slot .

4. Using the power cord, plug the UPS into a two-pole, three-wire, grounded receptacle only. Avoid using extension cords.

230V models: A utility connector plug is included for use on servers with permanently at- tached power cords.

120V/100V models: The power cord is permanently attached to the rear panel of the UPS. 5. Turn on all connected equipment. To use the UPS as a master ON/OFF switch, be sure all con-

nected equipment is switched ON. The equipment will not be powered until the UPS is turned on.

6. To power up the UPS press the button on the front panel.

The UPS charges its battery when it is connected to utility power. The battery charges to 90% capacity during the first three hours of normal operation. Do not expect full battery run capability during this initial charge period.

120V Models: Check the site wiring fault LED located on the rear panel. It lights up if the UPS is plugged into an improperly wired utility power outlet. Refer to Troubleshooting in this manual.

7. For additional computer system security, install PowerChutePlus UPS Power Management and Diagnostic Software.



Serial Port

USB Port

Power management software and interface kits can be used with the UPS. Use only interface kits supplied or approved by APC.

Use the APC supplied cable to connect to the Serial Port. DO NOT use a standard serial interface cable since it is incompatible with the UPS connector. Both Serial and USB Ports are provided. They cannot be used simultaneously.

External Battery Pack Connector

XL models: Use the battery pack connector to connect optional external battery pack(s). These units support up to ten external battery packs.

See the APC web site, www.apc.com/support for the correct external battery pack model number for your UPS.

TVSS Screw

The UPS features a transient voltage surge-suppression (TVSS) screw for connecting the ground lead on surge suppression devices such as tele- phone and network line protectors.

When connecting grounding cable, disconnect the unit from the utility power outlet.




Power On

Power Off

Load Battery Charge


The onlineLED illuminates when the UPS is supplying utility power to the con- nected equipment. If the LED is not lit, the UPS is either not turned ON, or is sup- plying battery power.

AVR Trim

This LED illuminates to indicate the UPS is compensating for a high utility voltage.


AVR Boost

This LED illuminates to indicate the UPS is compensating for a low utility voltage.

On Battery

When the on battery power LED is lit the UPS is supplying battery power to the connected equipment. When on battery, the UPS sounds an alarmfour beeps every 30 seconds.


The LED illuminates and the UPS emits a sustained alarm tone when an overload condition occurs.

Replace Battery

Failure of a battery self-test causes the UPS to emit short beeps for one minute and the replace battery LED illuminates. Refer to Trou- bleshooting in this manual.

Battery Disconnected

The replace battery LED flashes and short beep is emitted every two seconds to indicate the battery is disconnected.

Automatic Self-Test The UPS performs a self-test automatically when turned on, and every two weeks thereafter (by default).

During the self-test, the UPS briefly operates the connected equip- ment on battery.

If the UPS fails the self-test, the replace battery LED lights and immediately returns to online operation. The connected equipment is not affected by a failed test. Recharge the battery for 24 hours and perform another self-test. If it fails, the battery must be replaced.

Manual Self-Test Press and hold the button for a few seconds to initiate the self- test.

On Battery Operation The Smart-UPS switches to battery operation automatically if the utility power fails. While running on battery, an alarm beeps four times every 30 seconds.

Press the button (front panel) to silence the UPS alarm (for the current alarm only. If the utility power does not return, the UPS continues to supply power to the connected equipment until the bat- tery is exhausted. If PowerChute is not being used you must manually save your files and power down before the UPS turns off.

DETERMINING ON BATTERY RUN TIME UPS battery life differs based on usage and environment. It is recommended that the battery/batteries be changed once every three years. See the APC web site, www.apc.com, for on battery run times.





Automatic Self-Test Every 14 days (336 hours)

Every 7 days (168 hours), On Startup Only, No Self- Test

This function sets the inter- val at which the UPS will execute a self-test. Refer to your software manual for details.

UPS ID UPS_IDEN Up to eight characters to define the UPS

Use this field to uniquely identify the UPS, (ie. server name or location) for net- work management purposes.

Date of Last Battery Re- placement

Manufacture Date

Date of Battery Replacement


Reset this date when you replace the battery module.

Minimum Capacity Be- fore Return from Shut- down

0 percent 15, 30, 45, 50, 60, 75, 90 percent

The UPS will charge its batteries to the specified percentage before return from a shutdown.

Voltage Sensitivity

The UPS detects and reacts to line voltage distortions by transferring to battery operation to protect the connected equipment. Where power quality is poor, the UPS may frequently transfer to battery operation. If the connected equipment can operate normally under such conditions, reduce the sensitivity setting to conserve battery capacity and service life.

Brightly lit: UPS is set to high sensitivity (default).

Dimly lit: UPS is set to medium sensitivity.

Off: Low battery warning interval is about eight minutes.

To change the UPS sensitiv- ity, press the voltage sensi- tivity button (rear panel). Use a pointed object (such as a pen) to do so.

You can change the sensitiv- ity level through Power- Chute software.

Alarm Control Enable Mute, Disable User can mute an ongoing alarm or disable all existing alarms permanently.

Shutdown Delay 90 seconds 0, 180, 270, 360, 450, 540, 630 seconds

Sets the interval between the time when the UPS receives a shutdown command and actual shutdown.




Low Battery Warning.

PowerChute interface software provides auto- matic, unattended shut- down when approxi- mately two minutes (by default) of battery oper- ated run time remains.

Brightly lit: Low battery warning interval is about two minutes. Dimly lit: Low battery warning interval is about five minutes. Off: Low battery warning interval is about eight minutes.

Possible interval settings: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 minutes.

The low battery warning beeps are continuous when two minutes of run time remain.

To change the warning in- terval default setting, press the voltage sensitivity button (use a pointed object such as a pen to do so), while press-

ing and holding the button (front panel).

Synchronized Turn-on Delay

0 seconds 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420 seconds

The UPS will wait the speci- fied time after the return of utility power before turn-on (to avoid branch circuit overload).

High Transfer Point 230V models: 253VAC

120V models: 127VAC

100V models: 108VAC

230V models: 257, 261, 265VAC

120V models: 130, 133, 136VAC

100V models: 110, 112, 114VAC

To avoid unnecessary bat- tery usage, set the high transfer point higher if the utility voltage is chronically high and the connected equipment is known to work under this condition.

Low Transfer Point 230V models: 208VAC

120V models: 106VAC

100V models: 92VAC

230V models: 196, 200, 204VAC

120V models: 97, 100, 103VAC

100V models: 86, 88, 90VAC

Set the low transfer point lower if the utility voltage is chronically low and the con- nected equipment can toler- ate this condition.

Output Voltage 230V models: 230VAC

230V models: 220, 240VAC

230V models ONLY, allow the user to select the output voltage.



Storage Store the UPS covered and positioned as for proper functioning, in a cool, dry location, with the bat- teries fully charged.

At -15 to +30 C (+5 to +86 F), charge the UPS battery every six months. At +30 to +45 C (+86 to +113 F), charge the UPS battery every three months.

Replacing the Battery Module This UPS has an easy to replace, hot-swappable battery module. Replacement is a safe procedure, isolated from electrical hazards. You may leave the UPS and connected equipment on for this proce- dure. See your dealer or contact APC at the web site, www.apc.com/support for information on re- placement battery modules.

Once the battery is disconnected, the connected equipment is not protected from power outages. Be careful during the following steps-the battery module is heavy.


Step 1 Step 2


1500VA Model

Step 3

Pull the battery module out of the compartment until the back of the module is flush with the outer edges of the UPS.

Disconnect the battery connector.

1000VA Model

Step 3

Disconnect the battery cable terminals before removing the battery module from the UPS.

Note: The red cable connects to the red color- coded terminal; the black cable connects to the black color-coded terminal. This will be impor- tant during the battery replacement procedure.

Be sure to deliver the spent battery to a recycling facility or ship it to APC in the re- placement battery packing material.

Battery Terminals

Step B

Step A

Battery Terminals


REPLACING THE BATTERY MODULE To replace the battery module, reverse the directions above for Removing the Front Bezel and Bat- tery Module.

Disconnecting the Battery for Transport

Always DISCONNECT THE BATTERY before shipping in compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

The battery may remain in the UPS; it does not have to be removed.

1. Shut down and disconnect any equipment attached to the UPS.

2. Shut down and disconnect the UPS from the power supply.

3. Unplug the battery connector (rear panel).

For shipping instructions and to obtain appropriate packing materials contact APC at the web site, www.apc.com/support/contact.


5: TROUBLESHOOTING Use the chart below to solve minor Smart-UPS installation and operation problems. Refer to the APC web site, www.apc.com, for assistance with complex UPS problems.



UPS WILL NOT TURN ON Battery not connected prop- erly.

Check that the battery connector (rear panel) is fully engaged.

button not pushed. Press the button once to power the UPS and the connected equipment. UPS not connected to utility power supply.

Check that the power cable from the UPS to the utility power supply is se- curely connected at both ends.

Very low or no utility voltage. Check the utility power supply to the UPS by plugging in a table lamp. If the light is very dim, have the utility voltage checked.

UPS WILL NOT TURN OFF Internal UPS fault. Do not attempt to use the UPS. Unplug the UPS and have it serviced imme-


UPS BEEPS OCCASIONALLY Normal UPS operation. None. The UPS is protecting the connected equipment.

UPS DOES NOT PROVIDE EXPECTED BACKUP TIME The UPS battery is weak due to a recent outage or is near the end of its service life.

Charge the battery. Batteries require recharging after extended outages. They wear faster when put into service often or when operated at elevated temperatures. If the battery is near the end of its service life, consider replac- ing the battery even if the replace battery LED is not yet lit.

ALL LEDS ARE LIT AND THE UPS EMITS A CONSTANT BEEPING Internal UPS fault. Do not attempt to use the UPS. Turn the UPS off and have it serviced imme-


FRONT PANEL LEDS FLASH SEQUENTIALLY The UPS has been shut down remotely through software or an optional accessory card.

None. The UPS will restart automatically when utility power returns.

ALL LEDS ARE OFF AND THE UPS IS PLUGGED INTO A WALL OUTLET The UPS is shut down and the battery is discharged from an extended outage.

None. The UPS will return to normal operation when the power is restored and the battery has a sufficient charge.




THE OVERLOAD LED IS LIT AND THE UPS EMITS A SUSTAINED ALARM TONE The UPS is overloaded. The connected equipment exceeds the specified maximum load as de-

fined in Specifications at the APC web site, www.apc.com. The alarm remains on until the overload is removed. Disconnect nonessen- tial equipment from the UPS to eliminate the overload. The UPS continues to supply power as long as it is online and the circuit breaker does not trip; the UPS will not provide power from batteries in the event of a utility voltage interruption. If a continuous overload occurs while the UPS is on battery, the unit turns off output in order to protect the UPS from possible damage.

THE REPLACE BATTERY LED IS LIT Replace Battery LED flashes and short beep is emitted every two seconds to indicate the battery is disconnected.

Check that the battery connectors are fully engaged.

Weak battery. Allow the battery to recharge for 24 hours. Then, perform a self-test. If the problem persists after recharging, replace the battery.

Failure of a battery self-test. The UPS emits short beeps for one minute and the replace battery LED illuminates. The UPS repeats the alarm every five hours. Perform the self- test procedure after the battery has charged for 24 hours to confirm the replace battery condition. The alarm stops and the LED clears if the bat- tery passes the self-test.


The site wiring LED is lit (rear panel). 120V models only.

The UPS is plugged into an improperly wired utility power outlet. Wiring faults detected include missing ground, hot-neutral polarity reversal, and overloaded neutral circuit. Contact a qualified electrician to correct the building wiring.

THE INPUT CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPS The plunger on the circuit breaker (located above the input cable connection) pops out.

Reduce the load on the UPS by unplugging equipment and press the plunger in.

AVR BOOST OR AVR TRIM LEDS LIGHT AVR Boost or Trim LEDs light Your system is experiencing excessive periods of low r high voltage.

Have qualified service personnel check your facility for electrical prob- lems. If the problem continues, contact the utility company for further assistance.




UTILITY CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPS Utility circuit breaker trips during normal operation.

100V models: In order to operate at the full VA rating of the 1500VA product, the supplied 15A plug must be replaced with a 20A plug. This change must be performed by qualified service personnel.

UPS OPERATES ON BATTERY ALTHOUGH NORMAL LINE VOLTAGE EXISTS UPS input circuit breaker tripped. Reduce the load on the UPS by unplugging equipment and resetting the

circuit breaker (on the back of UPS) by pressing the plunger in. Very high, low, or distorted line voltage. Inexpensive fuel powered generators can distort the voltage.

Move the UPS to a different outlet on a different circuit. Test the input voltage with the utility voltage display (see below). If acceptable to the connected equipment, reduce the UPS sensitivity.


The internal temperature of the UPS has exceeded the allowable threshold for safe operation.

Check that the room temperature is within the specified limits for opera- tion.

Check that the UPS is properly installed allowing for adequate ventila- tion.

Allow the UPS to cool down. Restart the UPS. If the problem continues contact APC at, www.apc.com/supoport.


Utility Voltage

The UPS has a diagnostic feature that displays the utility voltage. Plug the UPS into the normal utility power.

Press and hold the button to view the utility voltage bar graph dis- play. After a few seconds the five-LED, Battery Charge, , display on the right of the front panel shows the utility input voltage. Refer to the figure at left for the voltage reading (values are not listed on the UPS). The display indicates the voltage is between the displayed value on the list and the next higher value. Three LEDs light, indicating utility voltage within the normal range. If no LEDs are lit and the UPS is plugged into a working utility power outlet, the line voltage is extremely low. If all five LEDs are lit, the line voltage is extremely high and should be checked by an electrician.

The UPS starts a self-test as part of this procedure. The self-test does not affect the voltage dis- play.


Service If the UPS requires service do not return it to the dealer. Instead, follow these steps:

1. Review the problems discussed in the Troubleshooting section of this manual to eliminate com- mon problems.

2. If the problem persists, contact APC Customer Service through the APC web site, www.apc.com/support. Note the model number of the UPS, the serial number, and the date purchased. If you call

APC Customer Service, a technician will ask you to describe the problem and try to solve it over the phone, if possible. If this is not possible, the technician will issue a Returned Mate- rial Authorization Number (RMA#).

If the UPS is under warranty, repairs are free. If not, there is a repair charge. 3. Pack the UPS in its original packaging. If the original packing is not available, refer to the APC

web site, www.apc.com/support, for information about obtaining a new set. Pack the UPS properly to avoid damage in transit. Never use Styrofoam beads for packaging.

Damage sustained in transit is not covered under warranty.

Always DISCONNECT THE BATTERY before shipping in compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

The battery may remain in the UPS; it does not have to be removed.

4. Mark the RMA# on the outside of the package. 5. Return the UPS by insured, prepaid carrier to the address given to you by Customer Service.

Contacting APC Refer to the information provided at the APC Internet site,




Regulatory Agency Approvals and Radio Frequency Warnings 230V MODELS

This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take corrective ac- tions.


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be re- quired to correct the interference at his own expense.

Shielded signal cables must be used with this product to ensure compliance with the Class A FCC limits.



Declaration of Conformity

Limited Warranty American Power Conversion (APC) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. Its obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its own sole op- tion, any such defective products. To obtain service under warranty you must obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number from customer support. Products must be returned with transportation charges prepaid and must be accompa- nied by a brief description of the problem encountered and proof of date and place of purchase. This warranty does not apply to equipment that has been damaged by accident, negligence, or misapplication or has been altered or modified in any way. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser who must have properly registered the product within 10 days of pur- chase.

EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, AMERICAN POWER CONVERSION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not permit limitation or exclusion of implied warranties; therefore, the aforesaid limitation(s) or exclusion(s) may not apply to the purchaser.

EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, IN NO EVENT WILL APC BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCI- DENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Specifically, APC is not liable for any costs, such as lost profits or revenue, loss of equipment, loss of use of equipment, loss of software, loss of data, costs of substitutes, claims by third parties, or oth- erwise.

Entire contents copyright 2001 by American Power Conversion Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

APC, Smart-UPS, and PowerChute are registered trademarks of American Power Conversion Corporation. All other trade- marks are the p

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User’s Manual



Uninterruptible Power Supply
990-1062A 11/01

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Introduction American Power Conversion Corporation (APC) is the leading national and international manufac- turer of state-of-the-art uninterruptible power supplies, redundant switches, power management soft- ware, and related equipment. APC products protect hardware, software, and data from power distur- bances in business and government offices throughout the world. The APC Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is designed to prevent blackouts, brownouts, sags, and surges from reaching your

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Connecting Equipment and Power to the UPS SMART-UPS REAR PANEL 230V MODELS 120V/100V MODELS     1. Plug in the battery connector . 2. Connect equipment to the UPS. Note: Do not connect a laser printer to the UPS. A laser printer draws significantly more power than other types of equipment and may overload the UPS. 3. Add any optional accessories to the Smart-Slot . 4. Using the power cord, plug the UPS into a two-pole, three-wire, grounded receptacle only. Avoid using extensi

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BASIC CONNECTORS Power management software and interface kits can be used Serial Port USB Port with the UPS. Use only interface kits supplied or approved by APC. Use the APC supplied cable to connect to the Serial Port. DO NOT use a standard serial interface cable since it is incompatible with the UPS connector. Both Serial and USB Ports are provided. They cannot be used simultaneously. XL models: Use the battery pack connector to connect optional external External Battery batte

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2: OPERATION SMART-UPS FRONT PANEL Power On Power Off Load Battery Charge Online The online LED illuminates when the UPS is supplying utility power to the con- nected equipment. If the LED is not lit, the UPS is either not turned ON, or is sup- plying battery power. This LED illuminates to indicate the UPS is compensating for a high utility voltage. AVR Trim 4

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This LED illuminates to indicate the UPS is compensating for a low AVR Boost utility voltage. When the on battery power LED is lit the UPS is supplying battery On Battery power to the connected equipment. When on battery, the UPS sounds an alarm—four beeps every 30 seconds. Overload The LED illuminates and the UPS emits a sustained alarm tone when an overload condition occurs. Replace Battery Failure of a battery self-test causes the UPS to emit short beeps for one minute and

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3: USER CONFIGURABLE ITEMS NOTE: SETTINGS ARE MADE THROUGH SUPPLIED POWERCHUTE SOFTWARE OR OPTIONAL SMART SLOT ACCESSORY CARDS. FACTORY FUNCTION USER SELECTABLE CHOICES DESCRIPTION DEFAULT Automatic Self-Test Every 14 days Every 7 days This function sets the inter- (336 hours) (168 hours), val at which the UPS will On Startup Only, No Self- execute a self-test. Refer to Test your software manual for details. UPS ID UPS_IDEN Up to eight characters to Use this field to uniquely defi

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NOTE: SETTINGS ARE MADE THROUGH SUPPLIED POWERCHUTE SOFTWARE OR OPTIONAL SMART SLOT ACCESSORY CARDS. FACTORY FUNCTION USER SELECTABLE CHOICES DESCRIPTION DEFAULT Low Battery Warning. Brightly lit: Low battery The low battery warning warning interval is about two beeps are continuous when PowerChute interface minutes. two minutes of run time software provides auto- Dimly lit: Low battery remain. matic, unattended shut- warning interval is about five down when approxi- To change th

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4: STORAGE, MAINTENANCE, AND TRANSPORTING Storage Store the UPS covered and positioned as for proper functioning, in a cool, dry location, with the bat- teries fully charged. At -15 to +30 °C (+5 to +86 °F), charge the UPS battery every six months. At +30 to +45 °C (+86 to +113 °F), charge the UPS battery every three months. Replacing the Battery Module This UPS has an easy to replace, hot-swappable battery module. Replacement is a safe procedure, isolated from electrical hazards. You ma

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1500VA Model Step 3 Pull the battery module out of the compartment until the back of the module is flush with the outer edges of the UPS. Disconnect the battery connector. Step B Step A 1000VA Model Step 3 Disconnect the battery cable terminals before removing the battery module from the UPS. Battery Terminals Note: The red cable connects to the red color- coded terminal; the black cable connects to the black color-coded terminal. This will be impor- tant during the ba

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REPLACING THE BATTERY MODULE To replace the battery module, reverse the directions above for Removing the Front Bezel and Bat- tery Module. Disconnecting the Battery for Transport Always DISCONNECT THE BATTERY before shipping in compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. The battery may remain in the UPS; it does not have to be removed. 1. Shut down and disconnect any equipment attached to the UPS. 2. Shut down and disconnect the UPS from the power supply. 3.

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5: TROUBLESHOOTING Use the chart below to solve minor Smart-UPS installation and operation problems. Refer to the APC web site, www.apc.com, for assistance with complex UPS problems. PROBLEM AND POSSIBLE SOLUTION CAUSE UPS WILL NOT TURN ON Battery not connected prop- erly. Check that the battery connector (rear panel) is fully engaged. button not pushed. Press the button once to power the UPS and the connected equipment. UPS not connected to utility Check that the power cable from

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PROBLEM AND POSSIBLE SOLUTION CAUSE THE OVERLOAD LED IS LIT AND THE UPS EMITS A SUSTAINED ALARM TONE The UPS is overloaded. The connected equipment exceeds the specified “maximum load” as de- fined in Specifications at the APC web site, www.apc.com. The alarm remains on until the overload is removed. Disconnect nonessen- tial equipment from the UPS to eliminate the overload. The UPS continues to supply power as long as it is online and the circuit breaker does not trip; the UPS will not

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

PROBLEM AND POSSIBLE SOLUTION CAUSE UTILITY CIRCUIT BREAKER TRIPS Utility circuit breaker trips during 100V models: In order to operate at the full VA rating of the 1500VA normal operation. product, the supplied 15A plug must be replaced with a 20A plug. This change must be performed by qualified service personnel. UPS OPERATES ON BATTERY ALTHOUGH NORMAL LINE VOLTAGE EXISTS UPS input circuit breaker tripped. Reduce the load on the UPS by unplugging equipment and resetting the circuit

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Service If the UPS requires service do not return it to the dealer. Instead, follow these steps: 1. Review the problems discussed in the Troubleshooting section of this manual to eliminate com- mon problems. 2. If the problem persists, contact APC Customer Service through the APC web site, www.apc.com/support.  Note the model number of the UPS, the serial number, and the date purchased. If you call APC Customer Service, a technician will ask you to describe the problem and try to solve it

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6: REGULATORY AND WARRANTY INFORMATION Regulatory Agency Approvals and Radio Frequency Warnings 230V MODELS This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take corrective ac- tions. 120V MODELS This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against

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Declaration of Conformity Limited Warranty American Power Conversion (APC) warrants its products to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of purchase. Its obligation under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its own sole op- tion, any such defective products. To obtain service under warranty you must obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number from customer support. Products must be returned with transportatio

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