Apiretal инструкция по применению на русском

Что такое Апиреталь?

Он апиреталь Это лекарство обычно используется в качестве анальгетика и жаропонижающего средства (для снижения температуры). Его действующее начало парацетамол, который действует на центральную нервную систему, уменьшая ощущение боли и снижая лихорадку.

Апиретал широко используется для лечения различных состояний, в том числе головной боли, мышечной боли, зубной боли и лихорадки у детей в возрасте примерно до 10 лет (или весом 32 кг). Его также можно использовать в качестве дополнительного лечения боли, связанной с простудой и гриппом.

Состав Апиретала 100 мг/мл

Каждый мл раствора содержит 100 мг парацетамола.

Доза апиретала 100 мг/мл парацетамола

Правильная доза Апиреталя всегда рассчитывается исходя из массы тела ребенка.

Наиболее распространенным является введение его каждые 4-6-8 часов. Важно не превышать рекомендуемую дозу в зависимости от веса детей. Таким образом, если лихорадка недостаточно снижается, можно вводить до 6 доз в течение 24 часов (каждые 4 часа) или с интервалом, равным 4 дозам (каждые 6 часов), уменьшая количество вводимого апиретала. брать.

Для администрации 15 мг/кг каждые 6 часов, схема следующая:

(1) Доза в каплях, идеальная для детей в возрасте до 3 лет.

(2) Доза в шприце, рекомендованная для детей от 3-х лет, хотя ее можно вводить и в случае большего комфорта для ребенка.

Также узнать дозу Апиреталя 100 мг/мл можно, проделав следующий расчет: вес ребенка в кг умножить на 0,15; в результате мл апиретала следует вводить каждые 6 часов.

Например, если вы весите 12 кг, умножьте 12 на 0,15 = 1,8 мл каждые 6 часов.

Чтобы принимать каждые 4 часа, необходимо умножить вес ребенка в кг на 0,10.

Например, если вы весите 12 кг, умножьте 12 на 0,10 = 1,2 мл каждые 4 часа.

Купить Апиретал без рецепта по лучшей цене

В medicinasonline вы можете купить Apiretal без рецепта по лучшей цене. 

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Апиретал: что это такое, для чего оно и доза в зависимости от возраста вашего ребенка

Apiretalвероятно, является одним из самых популярных лекарств среди родителей, обычно потому, что в течение многих лет он становился медицинским справочным пособием, когда речь заходит о облегчении слабой или умеренной боли и снижении повышенной температуры, когда младший из дома у них жар, особенно у детей с 3 лет.

Хотя это правда, что возможно введение апиретала от 3 кг веса(то есть с рождения), настоятельно рекомендуется проконсультироваться с педиатром, прежде чем давать его ему, когда ребенку меньше 3 лет.

Но, учитывая, что количество апиретала для введения нашему сыну варьируется в зависимости от возраста, который у него есть, по мере его роста становится необходимым и необходимым увеличивать дозу так, чтобы она имела ожидаемый или желаемый эффект.

Что такое апиретал?

Как мы можем прочитать в брошюре об этом лекарстве, апиретал состоит из лекарства, которое входит в группу анальгетики и жаропонижающие средства, что означает, что Идеально подходит для облегчения слабой или умеренной боли, а также при лихорадочных состояниях.

Содержит парацетамоли его горький вкус делает его действительно немногим любящим детей, поэтому в его составе мы находим такие ингредиенты, как малина, глицерин (E-422) и сахарин натрия (E-954). Это один из тех ингредиентов, как азоррубин, один из главных «виновников», которые апиретал может вызывать аллергию у детей, например, астму.

Дозировка апиретала в зависимости от возраста. Как часто можно давать ребенка?

Как мы упоминали ранее, правильная доза апиретала будет зависеть не только от возраста ребенка, но и от веса, который он имеет. Таким образом, согласно проспекту, рекомендуемая доза выглядит следующим образом:

Вес ребенка Возраст (приблизительный) Объем в мл. Количество мг. парацетамола Эквивалент в каплях
До 4 кг от 0 до 3 месяцев 0,6 мл 60 мг 15 капель
До 8 кг от 4 до 11 месяцев 1,2 мл 120 мг 30 капель
До 10,5 кг от 12 до 23 месяцев 1,6 мл 160 мг 40 капель
До 13 кг от 2 до 3 лет 2,0 мл 200 мг 50 капель
До 18,5 кг от 4 до 5 лет 2,8 мл 280 мг —-
До 24 кг от 6 до 8 лет 3,6 мл 360 мг —-
До 32 кг с 9 до 10 лет 4,8 мл 480 мг —-

В любом случае, всегда следуйте инструкциям и дозам, отмеченным педиатром, никогда не превышая ни количество доз, ни количество.

Относительно того, сколько Apiretal может быть дано (то есть, сколько доз можно дать и сколько часов), это педиатр, который отметит наиболее подходящую позологию, Однако мы должны помнить, что, как обычно, это Администрирование Apiretal каждые 6-8 часов (что будет эквивалентно от 4 до 6 дублей в день).

В зависимости от того, сильно ли расстроен ребенок или у него очень высокая температура, педиатр может указать на возможность введения Апирала каждые 4 часа, но в этом случае доза всегда будет ниже.

Как сохранить апиретал?

В отличие от других лекарств для детей, таких как амоксициллин (антибиотик), нет необходимости хранить или хранить апиретал в холодильнике. Необходимо только хранить его в оригинальном контейнере внутри коробки и хранить в месте, где не светит солнце.

С другой стороны, настоятельно рекомендуется отметить дату открытия Apiretal, и не использовать его после 6 месяцев после этой даты.

Что делать, если ребенок принял больше апиретала, чем должен был

Не рекомендуется превышать Максимальная доза 60 мг / кг / день, так что, если ребенок случайно получил больше Apiretal, чем он должен, а также не знаю, сколько, очень важно быстро идти в отделение неотложной помощи.

С другой стороны, мы должны учитывать, что дозы парацетамола, превышающие 100 мг / кг / сутки, могут быть токсичнымии его влияние на ребенка будет иметь тенденцию быть серьезным. Поэтому в любом случае важно всегда обращаться в отделение неотложной помощи. Эта статья опубликована только в ознакомительных целях. Вы не можете и не должны заменять консультацию у педиатра. Мы советуем вам проконсультироваться с вашим доверенным педиатром. темыболеутоляющее

Apiretal - изображение 0

Apiretal - изображение 1



Применяется при лечении:

Артралгия,Болезненная менструация,Боли в спине,Боль,Боль в горле,Боль в ухе,Головная боль,Грипп,Зубная боль,Лихорадка,Мигрень,Мышечные Боли,Напряженная головная боль,Невралгия,Простуда,Синдром Прорезывания Зубов

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Топ 20 лекарств с такими-же компонентами:

Топ 20 лекарств с таким-же применением:

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Терапевтические показания

Предоставленная в разделе Терапевтические показания Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


Суспензия для приема внутрь


У детей с 3 мес (от 1 до 3 мес применение Apiretalа по всем показаниям возможно только по назначению врача) до 6 лет в качестве жаропонижающего средства (ОРВИ, грипп, детские инфекции, поствакцинальные реакции и другие состояния, сопровождающиеся повышенной температурой тела) и болеутоляющего средства (болевой синдром слабой и умеренной интенсивности, в т.ч. головная и зубная боль, боль в мышцах, невралгия, боль при травмах и ожогах).

Болевой синдром слабой или умеренной интенсивности (головная боль, невралгия, миалгия, артралгия, альгодисменорея, зубная боль), понижение повышенной температуры тела при инфекционно-воспалительных заболеваниях (в т.ч. простудных).

Способ применения и дозы

Предоставленная в разделе Способ применения и дозы Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


Драже; Суспензия для приема внутрь для детей

Суспензия для приема внутрь


Внутрь. Взрослым по 500 мг до 4 раз в сутки, максимальная разовая доза — 1 г, суточная — 4 г. Курс не более 5 дней. Детям по 10–15 мг/кг каждые 6 ч, курс 3–5 дней.

Внутрь, запивая большим количеством жидкости, через 1–2 ч после приема пищи 3–4 раза в сутки с интервалом не менее 4 ч.

Суспензию Apiretal для детей не следует разводить. Для удобства и точности дозирования используют мерную ложку, отмеряющую 2,5 и 5 мл суспензии.

Рекомендуемые дозы для детей от 3 мес до 6 лет

Возраст Разовые дозы
3 мес — 1 год 60–120 мг парацетамола (2,5–5 мл)
От 1 года до 6 лет 120–240 мг парацетамола (5–10 мл)

Продолжительность лечения: 3 дня в качестве жаропонижающего и до 5 дней в качестве болеутоляющего средства. При необходимости продолжения приема препарата требуется консультация врача.

Внутрь, предпочтительнее между приемами пищи, шипучую таблетку полностью растворяют в стакане воды, а полученный раствор сразу выпивают. Если врачом не даны другие указания, то при применении препарата следует соблюдать следующие дозировки:

взрослые: по 500–1000 мг (1–2 шипучие таблетки) 3–4 раза в сутки, максимальная доза — 4 г/сут.

дети: дозировка по массе тела ребенка подразумевает прием дозы 10–15 мг/кг. Удобная схема дозировок приведена в таблице.

Возраст Масса тела, кг Разовая доза, мг Максимальная суточная доза, г
6–9 лет 22–30 250 (0,5 табл.) 1–1,5 (2–3 табл.)
9–12 лет до 40 500  (1 табл.) 2 (4 табл.)
старше 12 лет >40 500–1000  (1–2 шипучих табл.) 2–4 (4–8 табл.)

Рекомендуемый интервал между приемами — 6–8 ч (не менее 4 ч). Максимальная продолжительность лечения для детей — 3 дня, для взрослых — не более 5 дней при назначении в качестве обезболивающего средства и не более 3 дней при назначении в качестве жаропонижающего средства. После 5 дней лечения проводят анализ периферической крови.


Предоставленная в разделе Противопоказания Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


Суспензия для приема внутрь


Гиперчувствительность, тяжелые нарушения функции печени, почек, заболевания крови, дефицит глюкозо-6-фосфатдегидрогеназы, грудной возраст до 1 мес.

Повышенная чувствительность к компонентам препарата, почечная и печеночная недостаточность, дефицит глюкозо−6-фосфатдегидрогеназы, беременность, кормление грудью, детский возраст до 6 лет.

Побочные эффекты

Предоставленная в разделе Побочные эффекты Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


Суспензия для приема внутрь


Тошнота, рвота, боли в животе, аллергические реакции (кожная сыпь, зуд, крапивница, отек Квинке); редко — тромбоцитопения, агранулоцитоз, лейкопения, анемия; при длительном применении в больших дозах — гепатотоксическое и нефротоксическое действие, панцитопения, метгемоглобинемия.

Аллергические реакции — кожная сыпь, зуд, крапивница, отек Квинке; тошнота, боль в эпигастрии; анемия, тромбоцитопения. При длительном применении в больших дозах — гепатотоксическое действие, нефротоксическое действие (почечная колика, асептическая пиурия, интерстициальный нефрит, папиллярный некроз), гемолитическая анемия, апластическая анемия, метгемоглобинемия, панцитопения, агранулоцитоз. Очень редко — понижение АД, гипогликемия, диспноэ, васкулит.


Предоставленная в разделе Передозировка Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
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Суспензия для приема внутрь


Симптомы: бледность, потливость, боль в желудке, тошнота и рвота, через 1–2 сут — признаки поражения печени (болезненность в области печени, повышение активности печеночных ферментов в крови, увеличение протромбинового времени). В тяжелых случаях — печеночная недостаточность, гепатонекроз, энцефалопатия, коматозное состояние.

Лечение: прекращение приема препарата, промывание желудка, назначение энтеросорбентов (активированный уголь, полифепан), в/в введение антидота — N-ацетилцистеина или назначение внутрь метионина.

Симптомы: бледность кожных покровов, анорексия, тошнота, рвота; гепатонекроз (выраженность некроза вследствие интоксикации прямо зависит от степени передозировки).

Лечение: промывание желудка, назначение активированного угля.


Предоставленная в разделе Фармакодинамика Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
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в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


Обладает чрезвычайно малым влиянием на синтез ПГ в периферических тканях, не изменяет водно-солевой обмен (задержка натрия и воды) и не повреждает слизистую ЖКТ.


Предоставленная в разделе Фармакокинетика Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
внимательны и обязательно уточняйте информацию по разделу Фармакокинетика
в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


Суспензия для приема внутрь


Cmax в плазме достигается через 30–90 мин после приема внутрь. Величина соотношения объема распределения и биодоступности у детей и новорожденных подобна таковым у взрослых. T1/2 — 1,5–2,5 ч. Метаболизируется в печени. У новорожденных и детей до 10 лет основным метаболитом является сульфат парацетамола, у детей 12 лет и старше — конъюгированный глюкуронид. При недостатке глутатиона эти метаболиты могут блокировать ферментные системы гепатоцитов и вызывать их некроз. Примерно 85–95% дозы выводится с мочой за 24 ч (менее 4% препарата — в неизмененном виде).

Абсорбция высокая, связывание с белками плазмы — 15%. Cmax в плазме достигается через 0,5–2 ч. Проходит через ГЭБ, проникает в грудное молоко (менее 1% от принятой дозы). Эффективная терапевтическая концентрация в плазме достигается при назначении в дозе 10–15 мг/кг.

Метаболизируется в печени: 80% конъюгирует с глюкуроновой кислотой и сульфатами с образованием неактивных метаболитов, 17% гидроксилируется с образованием активных метаболитов, которые конъюгируют с глутатионом и образуют неактивные метаболиты. При недостатке глутатиона эти метаболиты могут блокировать ферментные системы гепатоцитов и вызывать их некроз. Т1/2 — 2–3 ч, у пожилых пациентов клиренс препарата снижается и увеличивается период полувыведения. Выводится почками — 3% в неизмененном виде.

Фармокологическая группа

Предоставленная в разделе Фармокологическая группа Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
внимательны и обязательно уточняйте информацию по разделу Фармокологическая группа
в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


  • Анилиды


Предоставленная в разделе Взаимодействие Apiretalинформация составлена на основе данных о другом лекарстве с точно таким же составом как лекарство Apiretal. Будьте
внимательны и обязательно уточняйте информацию по разделу Взаимодействие
в инструкции к лекарству Apiretal непосредственно из упаковки или у фармацевта в аптеке.


Суспензия для приема внутрь


Алкоголь, барбитураты, трициклические антидепрессанты, противосудорожные препараты, фенилбутазон, рифампицин усиливают гепатотоксичность, салицилаты — нефротоксическое действие.

Парацетамол усиливает действие непрямых антикоагулянтов, снижает эффективность урикозурических препаратов, повышает токсичность хлорамфеникола.

Стимуляторы микросомального окисления в печени (фенитоин, этанол, барбитураты, рифампицин, фенилбутазон, трициклические антидепрессанты, эстрогенсодержащие контрацептивы) увеличивают продукцию гидроксилированных активных метаболитов, что обусловливает возможность развития тяжелых интоксикаций при небольших передозировках. Этанол способствует развитию острого панкреатита. Ингибиторы микросомального окисления (циметидин) снижают риск гепатотоксического действия. Снижает эффективность урикозурических препаратов. Усиливает действие препаратов, угнетающих ЦНС, этанола. При замедлении опорожнения желудка (пропантелин) может иметь место замедленное наступление действия парацетамола, а при ускорении (метоклопрамид) — препарат начинает действовать быстрее. Усиливается токсичность хлорамфеникола. Следует соблюдать осторожность при продолжительном применении парацетамола и одновременной терапии пероральными препаратами, тормозящими свертывание крови.

Apiretal цена

У нас нет точных данных по стоимости лекарства.
Однако мы предоставим данные по каждому действующему веществу

Средняя стоимость Acetaminophen 500 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.16$ до 0.31$, за упаковку от 21$ до 31$.

Средняя стоимость Acetaminophen 120 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 2.05$ до 2.05$, за упаковку от 25$ до 25$.

Средняя стоимость Acetaminophen 325 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 0.21$ до 0.21$, за упаковку от 21$ до 21$.

Средняя стоимость Acetaminophen 650 mg за единицу в онлайн аптеках от 2.3$ до 2.3$, за упаковку от 28$ до 28$.


  • https://www.drugs.com/search.php?searchterm=apiretal
  • https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=apiretal

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Top 20 medicines with the same components:

Top 20 medicines with the same treatments:

The information provided in of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.



The information provided in of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.



Therapeutic indications

The information provided in Therapeutic indications of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Therapeutic indications in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

For the treatment of mild to moderate pain including headache, migraine, neuralgia, toothache, sore throat, period pains, aches and pains, symptomatic relief of rheumatic aches and pains and of influenza, feverishness and feverish colds.

Apiretal ActiFast is a mild analgesic and antipyretic, and is recommended for the treatment of most painful and febrile conditions, for example, headache including migraine and tension headaches, toothache, backache, rheumatic and muscle pains, dysmenorrhoea, sore throat, and for relieving the fever, aches and pains of colds and flu.

Apiretal Infant Sugar Free Colour Free 120 mg/5 ml Oral Suspension is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate pain and as an antipyretic. It can be used in many conditions including headache, toothache, earache, teething, sore throat, colds and influenza, aches and pains and post-immunisation fever.

Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

The information provided in Dosage (Posology) and method of administration of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Dosage (Posology) and method of administration in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

Adults, the elderly and young persons 16 years and over:

2 tablets every 4 hours to a maximum of 8 tablets in 24 hours.

Children 6 — 9 years:

½ tablet every 4 hours to a maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours.

Children 10 — 11 years:

1 tablet every 4 hours to a maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours

Adolescents 12 — 15 years:

1 to 1 ½ tablets every 4 hours to a maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours

Do not give to children aged under 6 years of age.

For oral administration.

Adults, including the elderly and children 16 years and over:

Two tablets to be taken with half a tumbler of water (100 ml).

To ensure fast onset of pain relief no less than two tablets must be taken with 100 ml of water. For maximum speed of action this should be on an empty stomach.

Two tablets up to four times daily as required. The dose should not be repeated more frequently than every four hours nor should more than four doses be taken in any 24 hour period.

Children aged 12-15 years:

One tablet to be taken with half a tumbler of water (100ml), up to four times daily as required. The dose should not be repeated more frequently than every four hours nor should more than 4 doses be given in any 24 hour period.

Children under 12 years of age:

Apiretal ActiFast is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

For the relief of fever after vaccinations at 2, 3 and 4 months

2.5ml. This dose may be given up to 4 times a day starting at the time of vaccination. Do not give more than 4 doses in any 24 hour period. Leave at least 4 hours between doses. If your baby still needs this medicine two days after receiving the vaccine talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Age : 2 — 3 months


Pain and other causes of fever — if your baby weighs over 4 kg and was born after 37 weeks

2.5 ml

If necessary, after 4-6 hours, give a second 2.5 ml dose

— Do not give to babies less than 2 months of age.

— Leave at least 4 hours between doses.

— Do not give more than 2 doses. This is to ensure that fever that may be due to a serious infection is quickly diagnosed. If your child is still feverish after two doses, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Children aged 3 months — 6 years:

Child’s Age

How Much

How often (in 24 hours)

3 — 6 months

2.5 ml

4 times

6 — 24 months

5 ml

4 times

2 — 4 years

7.5 ml (5 ml + 2.5 ml)

4 times

4 — 6 years

10 ml (5 ml + 5 ml)

4 times

— Do not give more than 4 doses in any 24 hour period

— Leave at least 4 hours between doses

— Do not give this medicine to your child for more than 3 days without speaking to your doctor or pharmacist

It is important to shake the bottle for at least 10 seconds before use.

The Elderly:

In the elderly, the rate and extent of paracetamol absorption is normal but plasma half-life is longer and paracetamol clearance is lower than in young adults.


The information provided in Contraindications of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Contraindications in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

Hypersensitivity to Apiretal or any of the constituents.

Hypersensitivity to paracetamol or any of the other constituents.

Special warnings and precautions for use

The information provided in Special warnings and precautions for use of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Special warnings and precautions for use in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

Care is advised in the administration of Apiretal to patients with severe renal or severe hepatic impairment. The hazards of overdose are greater in those with non-cirrhotic alcoholic liver disease.

Do not take more medicine than the label tells you to. If you do not get better, talk to your doctor.

Contains Apiretal.

Do not take anything else containing Apiretal while taking this medicine.

Talk to your doctor at once if you take too much of this medicine, even if you feel well. This is because too much Apiretal can cause delayed, serious liver damage.

Patients should be advised that Apiretal may cause severe skin reactions. If a skin reaction such as skin reddening, blisters, or rash occurs, they should stop use and seek medical assistance right away.

Care is advised in the administration of paracetamol to patients with renal or hepatic impairment. The hazard of overdose is greater in those with non-cirrhotic alcoholic liver disease.

Do not exceed the stated dose.

Patients should be advised not to take other paracetamol-containing products concurrently.

Each Apiretal ActiFast tablet contains 173 mg of sodium and should not be taken by patients on a low sodium diet.

Patients should be advised to consult their doctor if their headaches become persistent.

If symptoms persist consult your doctor.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Pack Label:

Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of an overdose, even if you feel well.

Do not take with any other paracetamol-containing products.

Patient Information Leaflet:

Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of an overdose, even if you feel well, because of the risk of delayed, serious liver damage.

Apiretal Infant Sugar Free Colour Free 120 mg/5 ml Oral Suspension should be used with caution in severe renal impairment or severe hepatic impairment. The hazards of overdose are greater in those with non-cirrhotic alcoholic liver disease.

Concomitant use of other paracetamol-containing products should be avoided.

Due to the presence of maltitol liquid (E965) and sorbitol liquid (E420), patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance should not take this medicine.

Ethyl (E214), Propyl (E216) and Methyl (E218) parahydroxybenzoate may cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed).

Patients should be informed about the signs of serious skin reactions, and use of the drug should be discontinued at the first appearance of skin rash or any other sign of hypersensitivity.

The label contains the following statements:

Contains paracetamol.

Do not give anything else containing paracetamol while giving this medicine.

Do not give more medicine than the label tells you to. If your child does not get better, talk to your doctor.

For oral use only.

Always use the syringe supplied with the pack.

Do not give to babies less than 2 months of age.

For infants 2-3 months no more than 2 doses should be given.

Do not give more than 4 doses in any 24 hour period.

Leave at least 4 hours between doses.

Do not give this medicine to your child for more than 3 days without speaking to your doctor or pharmacist.

As with all medicines, if your child is currently taking any other medicine consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this product.

Keep out of the sight and reach of children.

Do not store above 25°C. Keep bottle in the outer carton.

It is important to shake the bottle for at least 10 seconds before use.

Talk to a doctor at once if your child takes too much of this medicine, even if they seem well.

The leaflet contains the following statements:

Talk to a doctor at once if your child takes too much of this medicine, even if they seem well. This is because too much paracetamol can cause delayed, serious liver damage.

Talk to your doctor: If your child has an inherited intolerance to fructose or been diagnosed with an intolerance to some other sugars.

The sorbitol liquid (E420) and maltitol liquid (E965) content of this product means that this product is unsuitable for people with inherited intolerance to fructose.

Very rare cases of serious skin reactions have been reported. Symptoms may include:

— Skin reddening

— Blisters

— Rash

If skin reactions occur or existing skin symptoms worsen, stop use and seek medical help right away.

Effects on ability to drive and use machines

The information provided in Effects on ability to drive and use machines of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Effects on ability to drive and use machines in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.



Undesirable effects

The information provided in Undesirable effects of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Undesirable effects in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

Adverse effects of Apiretal are rare. Very rare cases of serious skin reactions have been reported. There have been reports of blood dyscrasias including thrombocytopenia purpura, methaemoglobenaemia and agranulocytosis, but these were not necessarily causality related to Apiretal.

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Yellow Card Scheme at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard.

Adverse events of paracetamol from historical clinical trial data are both infrequent and from small patient exposure. Accordingly, events reported from extensive post-marketing experience at therapeutic/labelled dose and considered attributable are tabulated below by system class. Due to limited clinical trial data, the frequency of these adverse events is not known (cannot be estimated from available data), but post-marketing experience indicates that adverse reactions to paracetamol are rare and serious reactions are very rare.

Post marketing data

Body System

Undesirable effect

Blood and lymphatic system disorders



Immune system disorders


Cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions including skin rashes, angiodema and Stevens Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders


Hepatobiliary disorders

Hepatic dysfunction

* There have been cases of bronchospasm with paracetamol, but these are more likely in asthmatics sensitive to aspirin or other NSAIDs.

Adverse effects of paracetamol are rare but hypersensitivity/anaphylactic reactions including skin rash may occur. Very rare cases of serious skin reactions have been reported. There have been reports of blood dyscrasias including thrombocytopenia and agranulocytosis but these were not necessarily causally related to paracetamol.

Most reports of adverse reactions to paracetamol relate to overdose with the drug.

Chronic hepatic necrosis has been reported in a patient who took daily therapeutic doses of paracetamol for about a year and liver damage has been reported after daily ingestion of excessive amounts for shorter periods. A review of a group of patients with chronic active hepatitis failed to reveal differences in the abnormalities of liver function in those who were long-term users of paracetamol nor was the control of their disease improved after paracetamol withdrawal.

Nephrotoxicity following therapeutic doses of paracetamol is uncommon, but papillary necrosis has been reported after prolonged administration.

Low level transaminase elevations may occur in some patients taking therapeutic doses of paracetamol; these are not accompanied with liver failure and usually resolve with continued therapy or discontinuation of paracetamol.

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard


The information provided in Overdose of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Overdose in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

Liver damage is possible in adults who have taken 10g or more of Apiretal. Ingestion of 5g or more of Apiretal may lead to liver damage if the patient has risk factors (see below).

Risk Factors

If the patient

a) Is on long term treatment with carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, phenytoin, primidone, rifampicin, St John’s Wort or other drugs that induce liver enzymes.


b) Regularly consumes ethanol in excess of recommended amounts.


c) Is likely to be glutathione deplete e.g. eating disorders, cystic fibrosis, HIV infection, starvation, cachexia.


Symptoms of Apiretal overdosage in the first 24 hours are pallor, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain. Liver damage may become apparent 12 to 48 hours after ingestion. Abnormalities of glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis may occur. In severe poisoning, hepatic failure may progress to encephalopathy, haemorrhage, hypoglycaemia, cerebral oedema, and death. Acute renal failure with acute tubular necrosis, strongly suggested by loin pain, haematuria and proteinuria, may develop even in the absence of severe liver damage. Cardiac arrhythmias and pancreatitis have been reported.


Immediate treatment is essential in the management of Apiretal overdose. Despite a lack of significant early symptoms, patients should be referred to hospital urgently for immediate medical attention. Symptoms may be limited to nausea or vomiting and may not reflect the severity of overdose or the risk of organ damage. Management should be in accordance with established treatment guidelines, see BNF overdose section.

Treatment with activated charcoal should be considered if the overdose has been taken within 1 hour. Plasma Apiretal concentration should be measured at 4 hours or later after ingestion (earlier concentrations are unreliable).

Treatment with N-acetylcysteine may be used up to 24 hours after ingestion of Apiretal however, the maximum protective effect is obtained up to 8 hours post ingestion.

If required the patient should be given intravenous-N-acetylcysteine, in line with the established dosage schedule. If vomiting is not a problem, oral methionine may be a suitable alternative for remote areas, outside hospital.

Management of patients who present with serious hepatic dysfunction beyond 24 hours from ingestion should be discussed with the NPIS or a liver unit.

Liver damage is possible in adults who have taken 10g or more of paracetamol. Ingestion of 5g or more of paracetamol may lead to liver damage if the patient has risk factors (see below).

Risk factors

If the patient

a, Is on long term treatment with carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, phenytoin, primidone, rifampicin, St John’s Wort or other drugs that induce liver enzymes.


b, Regularly consumes ethanol in excess of recommended amounts.


c, Is likely to be glutathione deplete e.g. eating disorders, cystic fibrosis, HIV infection, starvation, cachexia.


Symptoms of paracetamol overdosage in the first 24 hours are pallor, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain. Liver damage may become apparent 12 to 48 hours after ingestion. Abnormalities of glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis may occur. In severe poisoning, hepatic failure may progress to encephalopathy, haemorrhage, hypoglycaemia, cerebral oedema, and death. Acute renal failure with acute tubular necrosis, strongly suggested by loin pain, haematuria and proteinuria, may develop even in the absence of severe liver damage. Cardiac arrhythmias and pancreatitis have been reported.


Immediate treatment is essential in the management of paracetamol overdose. Despite a lack of significant early symptoms, patients should be referred to hospital urgently for immediate medical attention. Symptoms may be limited to nausea or vomiting and may not reflect the severity of overdose or the risk of organ damage. Management should be in accordance with established treatment guidelines, see BNF overdose section.

Treatment with activated charcoal should be considered if the overdose has been taken within 1 hour. Plasma paracetamol concentration should be measured at 4 hours or later after ingestion (earlier concentrations are unreliable). Treatment with N-acetylcysteine may be used up to 24 hours after ingestion of paracetamol, however, the maximum protective effect is obtained up to 8 hours post-ingestion. The effectiveness of the antidote declines sharply after this time. If required the patient should be given intravenous N-acetylcysteine, in line with the established dosage schedule. If vomiting is not a problem, oral methionine may be a suitable alternative for remote areas, outside hospital. Management of patients who present with serious hepatic dysfunction beyond 24h from ingestion should be discussed with the NPIS or a liver unit.

High doses of sodium bicarbonate may be expected to induce gastrointestinal symptoms including belching and nausea. In addition, high doses of sodium bicarbonate may cause hypernatraemia; electrolytes should be monitored and patients managed accordingly.

Liver damage is possible in adults who have taken 10g or more of paracetamol. Ingestion of 5g or more of paracetamol may lead to liver damage if the patient has risk factors (see below)

Risk Factors:

If the patient

a) Is on long term treatment with carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, phenytoin, primidone, rifampicin, St John’s Wort or other drugs that induce liver enzymes


b) Regularly consumes ethanol in excess of recommended amounts


c) Is likely to be glutathione deplete e.g, eating disorders, cystic fibrosis, HIV infection, starvation, cachexia


Symptoms of paracetamol overdosage in the first 24 hours are pallor, nausea, hyperhidrosis, malaise, vomiting, anorexia, and abdominal pain. Liver damage may become apparent 12 to 48 hours after ingestion. This may include hepatomegaly, liver tenderness, jaundice, acute hepatic failure and hepatic necrosis. Abnormalities of glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis may occur. Blood bilirubin, hepatic enzymes, INR, prothrombin time, blood phosphate and blood lactate may be increased. In severe poisoning, hepatic failure may progress to encephalopathy, haemorrhage, hypoglycaemia, cerebral oedema and death. Acute renal failure with acute tubular necrosis, strongly suggested by loin pain, haematuria and proteinuria, may develop even in the absence of severe liver damage. Cardiac arrhythmias and pancreatitis have been reported.


Immediate treatment is essential in the management of paracetamol overdose. Despite a lack of significant early symptoms, patients should be referred to hospital urgently for immediate medical attention. Symptoms may be limited to nausea or vomiting and may not reflect the severity of the overdose or the risk of organ damage. Management should be in accordance with established treatment guidelines, see BNF overdose section.

Treatment with activated charcoal should be considered if the overdose has been taken within 1 hour. Plasma paracetamol concentrations should be measured at 4 hours or later after ingestion (earlier concentrations are unreliable). Treatment with N-acetylcysteine may be used up to 24 hours after ingestion of paracetamol, however the maximum protective effect is obtained up to 8 hours post-ingestion. The effectiveness of the antidote declines sharply after this time. If required the patient should be given intravenous N-acetylcysteine, in line with the established dosage schedule. If vomiting is not a problem oral methionine may be a suitable alternative for remote areas, outside hospital. Management of patient who present with serious hepatic dysfunction beyond 24h from ingestion should be discussed with the NPIS or a liver unit.

Pharmacodynamic properties

The information provided in Pharmacodynamic properties of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Pharmacodynamic properties in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

Mechanisms of Action/Effect

Analgesic — the mechanism of analgesic action has not been fully determined. Apiretal may act predominantly by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis in the central nervous system (CNS) and to a lesser extent, through a peripheral action by blocking pain-impulse generation.

The peripheral action may also be due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis or to inhibition of the synthesis or actions of other substances that sensitise pain receptors to mechanical or chemical stimulation.

Antipyretic — Apiretal probably produces antipyresis by acting centrally on the hypothalamic heat-regulation centre to produce peripheral vasodilation resulting in increased blood flow through the skin, sweating and heat loss. The central action probably involves inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the hypothalamus.

ATC Code N02B E01

Paracetamol has analgesic and antipyretic actions. The mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis.

Paracetamol is poorly absorbed in the stomach but well absorbed in the small intestine due to the greater surface area and hence adsorptive capacity.

Sodium bicarbonate is an excipient in the formulation which has a role in increasing the rates of gastric emptying and of paracetamol dissolution and hence the speed of absorption of paracetamol to provide faster onset of relief.

The amount of sodium bicarbonate contained in 2 tablets of Apiretal ActiFast are required per dose to have such effects. Sodium bicarbonate influences the rate of gastric emptying in a concentration dependant manner with the maximal effect achieved at near isotonic concentrations (150 mmol/litre)(i.e. 150 millimolar) — equivalent to 2 Apiretal ActiFast tablets in 100 ml water.

Hypertonic solutions (500-1,000 mmol/litre)(i.e. 500 to 1,000 millimolar — equivalent to the amount of sodium bicarbonate in 6-12 Apiretal ActiFast tablets given with 100 ml water) appear to inhibit gastric emptying. The therapeutic application of enhanced gastric emptying has previously been demonstrated with significantly faster rate of absorption of paracetamol and significantly faster onset of pain relief from soluble tablets containing sodium bicarbonate compared to conventional tablets. Apiretal ActiFast has been formulated with 630 mg sodium bicarbonate per tablet that results in near isotonicity at a 2-tablet dose in gastric fluid.

The role of the dissolution rate of Apiretal ActiFast Tablets in vivo at gastric pH is unknown. Therefore the role of tablet dissolution in the speed of action of Apiretal ActiFast Tablets is unclear.

It is likely that no single mode of action is responsible for the pharmacokinetic profile observed with Apiretal ActiFast. The relative contributions of the different factors will vary depending on the circumstances under which the product is taken.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Other Analgesics and Antipyretics (Anilides)

ATC Code: N02 BE01

Paracetamol has analgesic and antipyretic effects similar to those of aspirin and is useful in the treatment of mild to moderate pain. It has only weak anti-inflammatory effects.

Pharmacokinetic properties

The information provided in Pharmacokinetic properties of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Pharmacokinetic properties in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

Absorption and Fate

Apiretal is readily absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract with peak plasma concentrations occurring about 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion. It is metabolised in the liver and excreted in the urine mainly as the glucuronide and sulfate conjugates. Less than 5% is excreted as unchanged Apiretal. The elimination half-life varies from about 1 to 4 hours. Plasma-protein binding is negligible at usual therapeutic concentrations but increases with increasing concentrations.

A minor hydroxylated metabolite which is usually produced in very small amounts by mixed-function oxidases in the liver and which is usually detoxified by conjugation with liver glutathione may accumulate following Apiretal overdosage and cause liver damage.

Paracetamol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is metabolised in the liver and excreted in the urine as the glucuronide and sulphate conjugates, — less than 5% is excreted unchanged in the urine as unmodified paracetamol. Binding to plasma proteins is minimal.

The mean elimination half-life of paracetamol following administration of Apiretal ActiFast is 2 to 3 hours and is similar to that achieved following administration of standard paracetamol tablets in fasted and fed states.

Following administration of Apiretal ActiFast, paracetamol has a median time to peak plasma concentrations (tmax) of 25 minutes in fasted subjects and 45 minutes in the fed subjects. Maximum plasma concentrations were reached at least twice as fast for Apiretal ActiFast as for standard paracetamol tablets in both the fed and fasted state (p= 0.0002). Following administration of Apiretal ActiFast, paracetamol is generally measurable in plasma within 10 minutes in both the fed and fasted state.

Two tablets of Apiretal ActiFast are required to be taken with 100 ml of water to obtain this fast rate of absorption of paracetamol. The maximum rate of absorption is obtained on an empty stomach. When one tablet is taken the rate of absorption of paracetamol for Apiretal ActiFast is the same as for standard paracetamol tablets. This is thought to be due to insufficient sodium bicarbonate present in the single tablet dose to increase the rate of paracetamol absorption. In addition, tablets taken with insufficient (<100 mls) water are unlikely to have increased speed of action. (See 5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties).

The extent of absorption of paracetamol from Apiretal ActiFast tablets is equivalent to that of standard paracetamol tablets as shown by AUC in both fed and fasted states.


Paracetamol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Peak plasma concentrations are reached 30-90 minutes post dose and the plasma half-life is in the range of 1 to 3 hours after therapeutic doses.


Drug is widely distributed throughout most body fluids.


Metabolism occurs almost entirely via hepatic conjugation with glucuronic acid (about 60%), sulphuric acid (about 35%) or cysteine (about 3%). Small amounts of hydroxylated and deacetylated metabolites have also been detected.

Children have less capacity for glucuronidation of the drug than do adults.

In overdosage there is increased N-hydroxylation followed by glutathione conjugation. When the latter is exhausted, reaction with hepatic proteins is increased leading to necrosis.


Following therapeutic doses 90-100% of the drug is recovered in the urine within 24 hours.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

The information provided in Pharmacotherapeutic group of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Pharmacotherapeutic group in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Other Analgesics and Antipyretics (Anilides)

Preclinical safety data

The information provided in Preclinical safety data of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Preclinical safety data in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pills; Rectal suppositories; Rectal suppositories for children; Solution for infusion; Substance; Substance-powder; Syrup; Tablets, effervescent

Bolus; Coated tablet; Effervescent tablet; Film-coated tablet; Tablets, soluble

Suspension for ingestion for children

None stated

Preclinical safety data on paracetamol in the literature have not revealed any findings which are of relevance to the recommended dosage and use of the product and which have not been mentioned in other sections of the SmPC.


There are no studies relating to the mutagenic potential of Apiretal Infant Sugar Free Colour Free 120 mg/5 ml Oral Suspension.

In vivo mutagenicity tests of paracetamol in mammals are limited and show conflicting results. Therefore, there is insufficient information to determine whether paracetamol poses a mutagenic risk to man.

Paracetamol has been found to be non-mutagenic in bacterial mutagenicity assays, although a clear clastogenic effect has been observed in mammalian cells in vitro following exposure to paracetamol (3 and 10 mM for 2h).


There are no studies to the carcinogenic potential of Apiretal Infant Sugar Free Colour Free 120 mg/5 ml Oral Suspension.

There is inadequate evidence to determine the carcinogenic potential of paracetamol in humans. A positive association between the use of paracetamol and cancer of the ureter (but not of other sites in the urinary tract) was observed in a case-control study in which approximate lifetime consumption of paracetamol (whether acute or chronic) was estimated. However, other similar studies have failed to demonstrate a statistically significant association between paracetamol and cancer of the urinary tract, or paracetamol and renal cell carcinoma.

There is limited evidence for the carcinogenicity of paracetamol in experimental animals. Liver cell tumours can be detected in rats following chronic feeding of 500 mg/kg/day paracetamol.


There is no information relating to the teratogenic potential of Apiretal Infant Sugar Free Colour Free 120 mg/5 ml Oral Suspension. In humans, paracetamol crosses the placenta and attains concentrations in the foetal circulation similar to those in the maternal circulation. Intermittent maternal ingestion of therapeutic doses of paracetamol are not associated with teratogenic effects in humans.

Paracetamol has been found to be foetotoxic to cultured rat embryo.


A significant decrease in testicular weight was observed when male Sprague-Dawley rats were given daily high doses of paracetamol (500 mg/kg/body weight/day) orally for 70 days.


The information provided in Incompatibilities of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Incompatibilities in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


None known

Special precautions for disposal and other handling

The information provided in Special precautions for disposal and other handling of Apiretal
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Apiretal.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Special precautions for disposal and other handling in the instructions to the drug Apiretal directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


No special requirements for disposal.

Apiretal price

We have no data on the cost of the drug.
However, we will provide data for each active ingredient

The approximate cost of Acetaminophen 500 mg per unit in online pharmacies is from 0.16$ to 0.31$, per package is from 21$ to 31$.

The approximate cost of Acetaminophen 120 mg per unit in online pharmacies is from 2.05$ to 2.05$, per package is from 25$ to 25$.

The approximate cost of Acetaminophen 325 mg per unit in online pharmacies is from 0.21$ to 0.21$, per package is from 21$ to 21$.

The approximate cost of Acetaminophen 650 mg per unit in online pharmacies is from 2.3$ to 2.3$, per package is from 28$ to 28$.

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Apiretal exhibits analgesic action by peripheral blockage of pain impulse generation. It produces antipyresis by inhibiting the hypothalamic heat-regulating centre. Its weak anti-inflammatory activity is related to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the CNS.

Apiretal (Acetaminophen) is thought to act primarily in the CNS, increasing the pain threshold by inhibiting both isoforms of cyclooxygenase, COX-1, COX-2, and COX-3 enzymes involved in prostaglandin (PG) synthesis. Unlike NSAIDs, acetaminophen does not inhibit cyclooxygenase in peripheral tissues and, thus, has no peripheral anti-inflammatory affects. While aspirin acts as an irreversible inhibitor of COX and directly blocks the enzyme’s active site, studies have found that acetaminophen indirectly blocks COX, and that this blockade is ineffective in the presence of peroxides. This might explain why acetaminophen is effective in the central nervous system and in endothelial cells but not in platelets and immune cells which have high levels of peroxides. Studies also report data suggesting that acetaminophen selectively blocks a variant of the COX enzyme that is different from the known variants COX-1 and COX-2. This enzyme is now referred to as COX-3. Its exact mechanism of action is still poorly understood, but future research may provide further insight into how it works. The antipyretic properties of acetaminophen are likely due to direct effects on the heat-regulating centres of the hypothalamus resulting in peripheral vasodilation, sweating and hence heat dissipation.

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Apiretal IV is used for the management of mild to moderate pain, the management of moderate to severe pain with adjunctive opioid analgesics, the reduction of fever.

Apiretal is a non-salicylate antipyretic and non-opioid analgesic agent. Apiretal IV injection is a sterile, clear, colorless, non pyrogenic, isotonic formulation of Apiretal intended for intravenous infusion.

Apiretal is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Acute Gouty Arthritis, Acute Musculoskeletal Pain, Allergies, Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), Arthritis, Chills, Cold, Cold Symptoms, Common Cold, Common Cold/Flu, Cough, Cough caused by Common Cold, Coughing caused by Flu caused by Influenza, Dyskinesia of the Biliary Tract, Dyskinesia of the Urinary Tract, Febrile Convulsions, Febrile Illness Acute, Fever, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Flu caused by Influenza, Headache, Joint dislocations, Menstrual Distress (Dysmenorrhea), Mild pain, Muscle Inflammation, Muscle Injuries, Muscle Spasms, Musculoskeletal Pain, Nasal Congestion, Neuralgia, Osteoarthritis (OA), Pain, Pollen Allergy, Postoperative pain, Premenstrual cramps, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rhinopharyngitis, Rhinorrhoea, Severe Pain, Sinusitis, Soreness, Muscle, Spasms, Spastic Pain of the Gastrointestinal Tract, Sprains, Tension Headache, Toothache, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Whiplash Syndrome, Acute Torticollis, Mild to moderate pain, Minor aches and pains, Minor pain, Moderate Pain, Airway secretion clearance therapy, Antispasmodic, Bronchodilation

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Trade Name Apiretal
Generic Paracetamol
Paracetamol Other Names Acenol, Acetaminofén, Acetaminophen, Acétaminophène, APAP, Paracetamol, Paracétamol, Paracetamolum
Formula C8H9NO2
Weight Average: 151.1626
Monoisotopic: 151.063328537
Protein binding

The binding of acetaminophen to plasma proteins is low (ranging from 10% to 25%), when given at therapeutic doses.

Therapeutic Class Non opioid analgesics
Available Country Spain
Last Updated: June 7, 2022 at 8:55 pm



Paracetamol Structure

Table Of contents

  • Apiretal
  • Uses
  • Dosage
  • Side Effect
  • Precautions
  • Interactions
  • Uses during Pregnancy
  • Uses during Breastfeeding
  • Accute Overdose
  • Food Interaction
  • Half Life
  • Volume of Distribution
  • Clearance
  • Interaction With other Medicine
  • Contradiction
  • Storage

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Apiretal dosage

Adults and adolescents weighing 50 kg and over: the recommended dosage of Apiretal IV is 1000 mg every 6 hours or 650 mg every 4 hours, with a maximum single dose of Apiretal IV of 1000 mg, a minimum dosing interval of 4 hours, and a maximum daily dose of Apiretal of 4000 mg per day.

Adults and adolescents weighing under 50 kg: the recommended dosage of Apiretal IV is 15 mg/kg every 6 hours or 12.5 mg/kg every 4 hours, with a maximum single dose of Apiretal IV of 15 mg/kg, a minimum dosing interval of 4 hours, and a maximum daily dose of Apiretal of 75 mg/kg per day.

Children >2 to 12 years of age: the recommended dosage of Apiretal IV is 15 mg/kg every 6 hours or 12.5 mg/kg every 4 hours, with a maximum single dose of Apiretal IV of 15 mg/kg, a minimum dosing interval of 4 hours, and a maximum daily dose of Apiretal of 75 mg/kg per day.

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Side Effects

As all paracetamol products, adverse drug reactions are rare (>1/10000, <1/1000) or very rare (<1/10000). Frequent adverse reactions at injection site have been reported during clinical trials (pain and burning sensation). Very rare cases of hypersensitivity reactions ranging from simple skin rash or urticaria to anaphylactic shock have been reported and require discontinuation of treatment. Cases of erythema, flushing, pruritus and tachycardia have been reported.

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Administration of Apiretal in doses higher than recommended may result in hepatic injury, including the risk of severe hepatotoxicity and death. Do not exceed the maximum recommended daily dose of Apiretal. Use caution when administering Apiretal in patients with the following conditions: hepatic impairment or active hepatic disease, alcoholism, chronic malnutrition, severe hypovolemia (e.g., due to dehydration or blood loss), or severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min). There were infrequent reports of life-threatening anaphylaxis requiring emergent medical attention. Discontinue Apiretal IV immediately if symptoms associated with allergy or hypersensitivity occurs. Do not use Apiretal IV in patients with Apiretal allergy.

Food Interaction

  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol may increase the risk of hepatotoxicity.

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Volume of Distribution

Volume of distribution is about 0.9L/kg. 10 to 20% of the drug is bound to red blood cells. Acetaminophen appears to be widely distributed throughout most body tissues except in fat.

Half Life

The half-life for adults is 2.5 h after an intravenous dose of 15 mg/kg. After an overdose, the half-life can range from 4 to 8 hours depending on the severity of injury to the liver, as it heavily metabolizes acetaminophen.

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Adults: 0.27 L/h/kg following a 15 mg/kg intravenous (IV) dose. Children: 0.34 L/h/kg following a 15 mg/kg intravenous (IV dose).

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use

Pregnancy Category C. There are no studies of intravenous Apiretal in pregnant women; however, epidemiological data on oral Apiretal use in pregnant women show no increased risk of major congenital malformations. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with IV Apiretal and it is not known whether Apiretal IV can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Apiretal IV should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies with Apiretal IV during labor and delivery; therefore, it should be used in such settings only after a careful benefit-risk assessment. While studies with Apiretal IV have not been conducted, Apiretal is secreted in human milk in small quantities after oral administration.

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Apiretal is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to its active ingredient or to any of the excipients in the intravenous formulation. Also contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment or severe active liver disease

Special Warning

Pediatric Use: The safety and effectiveness of Apiretal IV for the treatment of acute pain and fever in pediatric patients ages 2 years and older is supported by evidence from adequate and well-controlled studies of Apiretal IV in adults.

Geriatric use: No overall differences in safety or effectiveness were observed between these subjects and younger subjects, and other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients.

Patients with Hepatic Impairment: Apiretal is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment or severe active liver disease and should be used with caution in patients with hepatic impairment or active liver disease. A reduced total daily dose of Apiretal may be warranted.

Patients with Renal Impairment: In cases of severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance < 30 ml/min), longer dosing intervals and a reduced total daily dose of Apiretal may be warranted.

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Storage Condition

Store in a cool & dry place & away from children. For single use only. The product should be used within 6 hours after opening. Do not refrigerate or freeze.

Innovators Monograph

You find simplified version here Apiretal


What is Apiretal?

Apiretal is a common painkiller used to treat aches and pain. It can also be used to reduce a high temperature. It’s available combined with other painkillers and anti-sickness medicines. It’s also an ingredient in a wide range of cold and flu remedies.

What are side effects of Apiretal?

  • Skin rash that may include itchy, red, swollen, blistered or peeling skin.
  • Wheezing.
  • Tightness in the chest or throat.
  • Trouble breathing or talking.
  • Mouth, face, lips, tongue or throat start swelling.

How safe is Apiretal?

Apiretal is known to cause liver failure in overdose, but it also causes liver failure in people taking standard doses for pain relief. The risk is only about one in a million, but it is a risk. All these different risks stack up.

What are the types of Apiretal?

Types of Apiretal

  • tablets or caplets.
  • capsules.
  • liquid – usually for children.
  • soluble tablets (tablets that dissolve in water to make a drink)
  • suppositories (capsules inserted into the back passage)
  • an injection given into a vein – normally only used in hospital.

What happens if I take Apiretal without any reason?

Even taking one or two more tablets than recommended can cause serious liver damage and possibly death. Apiretal overdose is one of the leading causes of liver failure.

Why is Apiretal bad for our liver?

Apiretal itself is not toxic, but in large amounts it overwhelms the body’s ability to process it safely. This can lead to build up of a toxic metabolite (or break-down product), which binds to liver cells, causing these cells to die.

What are the indications of Apiretal?

This Apiretal is used to treat mild to moderate pain (from headaches, menstrual periods, toothaches, backaches, osteoarthritis, or cold/flu aches and pains) and to reduce fever.

What happens if I take Apiretal on an empty stomach?

Ibuprofen, aspirin and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can irritate the stomach lining, so it is best to take them with food, or a glass of milk. Apiretal doesn’t irritate the stomach lining so it won’t matter if you haven’t eaten.

Can Apiretal help I sleep?

A successful result is one where the pain is reduced by half or more, or where they have no or only mild pain. That result delivers not just on pain, but also improves sleep, depression, quality of life, work, and the ability to get on with life.

How is Apiretal eliminated from the body?

Apiretal is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with peak plasma concentrations occurring about 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion. It is metabolised in the liver (90-95%) and excreted in the urine mainly as the glucuronide and sulphate conjugates. Less than 5% is excreted as unchanged Apiretal.

Is Apiretal is safe during pregnancy?

Apiretal is the first choice of painkiller if you’re pregnant. Apiretal been taken by many pregnant women with no harmful effects in the mother or baby.

Is Apiretal safe during breastfeeding?

Apiretal is the first choice of painkiller if you’re breastfeeding women. It’s been taken by many breastfeeding women with no harmful effects in the mother or baby.

How does Apiretal work?

Apiretal seems to work by blocking chemical messengers in the brain that tell us we have pain. It also reduces fever by affecting the chemical messengers in an area of the brain that regulates body temperature.

When will I feel better after taking Apiretal?

Apiretal takes up to an hour to work. It keeps on working for about 5 hours.

Can I take Apiretal for a long time?

It’s safe to take Apiretal regularly for many years as long as you don’t take more than the recommended dosage.

Will Apiretal affect my fertility?

There’s no firm evidence to suggest that taking Apiretal will reduce fertility in either men or women.

Will Apiretal affect my contraception?

Apiretal doesn’t affect any type of contraception including the contraceptive pill or emergency contraception.

Can I drink alcohol with Apiretal?

Drinking a small amount of alcohol while taking Apiretal is usually safe. Try to keep to the recommended guidelines of no more than 14 units of alcohol a week. A standard glass of wine (175ml) is 2 units. A pint of lager or beer is usually 2 to 3 units of alcohol.

Is there any food or drink I need to avoid when taking Apiretal?

You can eat and drink normally while taking Apiretal. You can safely take Apiretal (but not ibuprofen) on an empty stomach.

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