Audiocodes 320hd инструкция на русском

Настройка SIP телефона AudioCodes HD320

Настройка этого телефона осуществляется либо через web-интерфейс или из меню самого телефона.

По умолчанию на PC-порту данного телефона стоит получение адреса по DHCP. Для изменения этого параметра заходим на телефоне: «Menu->Administration» и вводим пароль (по умолчанию 1234). Затем заходим в Network Settings -> LAN Connection Type. Выбираем Static IP. По умолчанию статический IP-адрес телефона Его можно изменить, нажав кнопку Edit. После всех изменений нажимаем кнопку Save. На компьютере выставляем соответственно IP-адрес из этой подсети, то есть вида 192.168.0.ХХХ, где ХХХ – число от 1 до 255, исключая 1. В адресной строке браузера вводим адрес и увидим следующую форму авторизации(Рисунок 1):

По умолчанию имя пользователя – «admin», пароль – «1234». После успешной авторизации увидим следующее окно(Рисунок 2):

Заходим во вкладку «Network Connections -> LAN Settings». Увидим следующее окно(Рисунок 3):

Здесь устанавливаем параметры сети – IP-адрес, маску, шлюз, или получаем адрес автоматически. После ввода данных нажимаем кнопку «Submit».

Затем заходим во вкладку Voice over IP -> Signaling Protocol. Увидим следующее окно(Рисунок 4):

Здесь заполняем поля Proxy IP Address or Host Name – IP-адрес сервера регистрации.

Затем заходим во вкладку Media Streaming. Видим следующее окно(Рисунок 5):

Заполняем приоритетные кодеки. После всех изменений нажимаем кнопку Submit.

Затем заходим во вкладку Line Settings. Здесь заполняем User ID, Display Name, Authentication User Name – это логин, который выдан Вам для подключения, то бишь имя учетной записи. Authentication Password – пароль учетной записи. Затем нажимаем кнопку Submit. Настройка завершена, статус регистрации можно посмотреть во вкладке Status And Diagnostics -> System Status -> VoIP Status.

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  • Audiocodes 320HD
Линии IP-телефон с 4 линиями, до 2 одновременных вызовов на каждую
Дисплей Графический ЖК-дисплей 132×64
Ламповое табло индикации занятых линий связи

12 клавиш быстрого набора

Обычные телефонные клавиши Меню и навигация по меню, голосовая почта, громкость, перенаправление вызова, отключение микрофона, удержание, повторный набор, гарнитура и полнодуплексный спикерфон
Возможности телефонии
Дополнительные возможности Ожидание вызова, удержание вызова, перенаправление вызова, переадресация вызова, трехсторонняя конференц-связь (локальная и сетевая), горячая линия, запрет входящих вызовов, отключение микрофона, быстрый набор, порядок набора, напоминание об ожидающем вызове, журналы вызовов, автоответ по голосовому событию, перехват вызова.
Сигнализация Caller ID, MWI, DTMF Relay — RFC2833, DTMF через SIP INFO, настраиваемые тоны состояния вызова
Обработка мультимедиа
Широкополосные кодеки G.722, G.722.2 (WB-AMR) и RTA 
Узкополосные кодеки G.711u/a, G.729A/B, G.723.1 и RTA
Эхоподавление Подавление акустического эха — многовариантное широкополосное подавление акустического эха
Маскировка потери пакетов Патентованный инновационный изменяющийся во времени алгоритм
Подавление пауз VAD, CNG
Адаптивный буфер сглаживания 300 мс — адаптивный буфер с минимальной задержкой
Поддержка протоколов
Сигнализация VoIP SIP — RFC 3261, SDP — RFC 2327, SIP через TLS, DNS_SRV
Протоколы передачи данных IPv4, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, RTP, SRTP, RTCP, статический IP и DHCP IP, IEEE 802.1p/Q, QoS/ToS, HTTP/HTTPS/DHCP, NTP, FTP/TFTP, CDP/LLDP-конфигурация VLAN, LDAP
Настройка и управление Веб-сервер для конфигурации и управления, обновление конфигурации по протоколам FTP, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, DHCP (66,67,160,12,60,77), подготовка массового развертывания на базе TR-069 и TR-104 (клиент)
Физические характеристики
Телефонные интерфейс 1 гнездо RJ-9 для телефонной трубки, 1 гнездо RJ-9 для гарнитуры
Сетевой интерфейс 2 гнезда RJ-45 10/100 Base-T для подключения к ПК и локальной сети
Параметры электропитания 12 В постоянного тока, адаптер питания перем. тока (100 В-240 В/1 А) и/или интегрированная технология РоЕ — IEEE 802.3af ( PoE Class 2)
Температура хранения от -20 до +70 °С
Рабочая температура от 0 до + 45 °С
Размеры  250x183x185 мм (ДхШхВ, в стоячем положении)
Вес 930 г.
Соответствия международным правилам и сертификатам FCC раздел 15 класс В, ICES-003 класс В, EN55022 класс В, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, UL-60950-1, EN60950-1, IEC-60950-1 (СВ), европейский знак соответствия (СЕ), cTUVus, A-Tick (Австралия), AS/NZS60950-1 и AS/ASIF S004, Anatel (Бразилия), VCCI класс В (Япония)
версия для печати
Контактный телефон
+7 (495) 787-76-76

Оставьте контакт,
мы свяжемся с Вами


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  • Брошюра по IP телефонам серии 300HD
    Брошюра по IP телефонам серии 300HD

    (PDF, 5.0 Mb)
  • Краткое руководство на IP-телефон 320HD
    Краткое руководство на IP-телефон 320HD

    (PDF, 280 Kb)

 AudioCodes 320HD — усовершенствованная модель серии IP телефонов AudioCodes. Поддерживает до 4-х одновременных соединений с отображением их состояний, обладает графическим монохромным дисплеем и предоставляет пользователю высокое качество широкополосного звука. Содержит основную клавиатуру и 12 программируемых клавиш скоростного набора с индикацией состояний, , а также функциональные клавиши:

  •     навигации и управления меню телефона (MENU, ENTER)
  •     повторного автонабора (REDIAL)
  •     установка на удержание (HOLD)
  •     перенаправление (передача) соединения (TRANSFER)
  •     вызов функции конференцсвязи (CONFERENCE)
  •     обращение к функциям голосовой почты (VOICE MAIL)
  •     выключения микрофона (MUTE)
  •     раздельное управление уровнем громкости (VOLUME) через телефонную трубку, внешнюю гарнитуру (HEADSET) и полнодуплексную громкоговорящую связь (SPEAKER).

Управление прочими сервисными и телефонными функциями осуществляется с помощью интуитивно понятного меню на дисплее телефона и четырех функционально зависимых клавиш под дисплеем.

IP телефон AudioCodes 320HD снабжен удобной подставкой с регулируемым наклоном и светодиодным индикатором пропущенных вызовов и/или наличия новых сообщений голосовой почты, а также обладает встроенным коммутатором Ethernet (2 x 10/100 Mbps) для подключения внешней сети и персонального компьютера (2 х RJ-45 10/100 Base-T) и двумя разъемами RJ-9 для одновременного подключения HD телефонной трубки и гарнитуры.

Питание телефона возможно через входящий в комплект сетевой адаптер 100V-240V AC / 12V DC, 1A или через порт Ethernet (PoE IEEE 802.3af), опционально. Как и все другие продукты, базирующихся на технологии VoIPerfectHD AudioCodes, в процессе соединений обеспечивается полная и качественная поддержка протокола SIP, сокрытие потери пакетов (packet loss), широкополосная эхокомпенсация (echo canceller), адаптивный буфер дрожания фазы (jitter buffers) и поддержка самых популярных узкополосных и широкополосных кодеков.

Технические характеристики:

Количество линий (соединений)

4 линии с индикацией состояний


графический монохромный (132×64) пикселей

Габариты (HxWxD)




Базовые возможности и поддерживаемые протоколы

встроенный коммутатор Ethernet 10/100 Mbps 2 x IEEE 802.3
IPv4, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, RTP, RTCP, Static & DHCP Assignment,
IEEE 802.1p/Q, QoS/ToS, HTTP/DHCP, CDP VLAN Configuration

Дополнительные и специальные телефонные возможности

Меню навигации, каталоги адресной книги и списков вызовов, поддержка голосовой почты и ДВО, раздельная регулировка громкости наушников и полнодуплексной громкой связи, выключение микрофона.

Функциональная клавиатура

Directory, Voicemail, Menu, Volume, Transfer, Conference, Forward, Mute, Hold, Redial, Headset, Speakerphone, Waiting, DND, Speed Dial & Hot Line

Клавиатура (помимо базовой)

12 клавиш с индикацией состояний

Индикация и отображение

Caller ID (идентификатор вызывающего абонента), MWI (наличие новых сообщений), Call Progress Tones (конфигурируемые сигналы в процессе соединений)

Голосовые кодеки

Narrowband Voice Coders G.711?/a, G.729A/B, G.723.1
Wideband Voice Coder G.722, G.722.2 (WB-AMR)

Echo Cancellation

Acoustic echo cancellation — multiple path, wideband acoustic EC

Packet Loss

Собственные инновационные алгоритмы

Silence Suppression


Adaptive Jitter Buffer

300 MS — адаптивный минимальный буфер задержки

Контроль и управление

Встроенный Web сервер, возможность uрdate через FTP, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS
Mass Deployment Auto Provisioning (TR-069 & TR-104)

Телефонный Интерфейс

2 х RJ-9 Handset Jack

Сетевой Интерфейс

2 х RJ-45 10/100 Base-T (для подключения сети и персонального компьютера)


Адаптер AC 100V-240V/12V DC,1A, или Power over Ethernet (PoE IEEE 802.3af)

Внешняя среда

эксплуатация(0° …+45°C), хранениеL -20° … +70°C)

Table of Contents for AudioCodes 320HD:

  • 320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 30 Document #: LTRT-08108 Loading Ring Tones Follow the procedure below for uploading new ring tones. Instead of using the provided ringing tones, you can upload a different ring tone file and use that ring tone for indicating incoming calls. Notes: • The ring tone file must be in WAV file format (A/Mu-Law, 8-kHz audio sample rate and 8-bit audio sample size or PMC 16-kHz audio sample rate and 16-bit audio sample size, Intel PC

  • Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 39 February 2011 3.6.4 Configuring Voice The voice parameters are configured in the ‘Voice’ page, as described below. ¾ To define the voice parameters: 1. Access the ‘Voice’ page (Configuration tab > Voice Over IP menu > Voice). Figure 3-14: Voice Page 2. Configure voice options according to the parameters in the table below,

  • 320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 34 Document #: LTRT-08108 2. Configure SIP according to the parameters in the table below, and then click Submit. Table 3-5: SIP Parameters Description Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description SIP General Parameters SIP Transport Protocol voip/signalling/sip/transport_protocol Refer to Section TLS Port voip/signalling/sip/tls_port SIP Local Port voip/signalling/sip/port Gateway Name voip/signalling/sip/proxy_gateway PRACK Mode voip/signalling/sip/prack/enabled Enable RPORT v

  • Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 81 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/signalling/sip/keepa live_options/enabled Determines whether keep-alive is performed using SIP OPTIONS messages sent to the Proxy.  [0] Disable (default)  [1] Enable voip/signalling/sip/keepa live_options/timeout Defines the Proxy keep-alive time interval (in seconds) between Keep-Alive messages. The vali

  • 320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 88 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description voip/dialing/automatic_d isconnect Determines whether the phone automatically goes idle (i.e. on-hook) when the last remaining call is disconnected. This is only relevant when the speaker or headset is used.  [0] Disable  [1] Enable(default) Automatic Dialling voip/dialing/auto_dialing /enabled Determines whether automatic dialing is enabled (i.e., phone number is automatically dialed when you off-hook the phone

  • 320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 32 Document #: LTRT-08108 Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description Subnet Mask network/lan/fixed_ip/netmask Default Gateway Address network/lan/fixed_ip/gateway Primary DNS network/lan/fixed_ip/primary_dns Secondary DNS network/lan/fixed_ip/secondary_dns Port Mirroring Activate network/pc_port_mirroring/enabled Refer to Section 4.2.2 VLAN Settings VLAN Discovery Mode network/lan/vlan/mode Refer to Section 4.2.2 Period network

  • 320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 80 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description Quality of Service (QoS) voip/media/media_tos QoS in hexadecimal format. This is a part of the IP header that defines the type of routing service to tag outgoing voice packets originated from the phone. It informs routers that this packet must receive a specific QoS. The default value is 0xb8. Values can be set in decimal (e.g. 184) or hexadecimal (e.g. 0xb8). SIP Signaling Parameters General Parameters Table 4-19: SIP General Co

  • Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 67 February 2011 Parameter Description DHCP-Related Parameters network/lan/dhcp/ntp/ser ver_list/enabled Enables prioritization of the NTP server’s information received from the DHCP server (Option fields 42 or 4), over the static configuration (system/ntp/primary_server_address and system/ntp/secondary_server_address).  [0] Disable  [1] Enable (default) network/lan/dhcp/ntp

  • Administrator’s Manual 6. Built-in Test Plan Version 1.4.1 105 February 2011 4. Press each key on the phone’s keypad; each key that is pressed turns its corresponding indicator on the LCD screen to the color black. Figure 6-3: Keypad Test — Keys 5. Continue with the Green-color LEDs test in Section 6.3 on page 105. 6.3 Green-Color LEDs Test Upon the successful completion of the Keypad and On-Hook/Off-Hook test (in the previous section), the L

  • Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 79 February 2011 SRTP Parameters Table 4-17: SRTP Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/media/srtp/enabled Enables secured RTP (SRTP).  [0] Disable (default)  [1] Enable voip/media/srtp/method The SRTP encryption method.  [AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32] (default)  [AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA

  • Administrator’s Manual 1. Introduction Version 1.4.1 11 February 2011 1 Introduction AudioCodes 320HD IP Phone is based on AudioCodes proprietary High Definition (HD) voice technology, providing clarity and a better audio experience in Voice-over-IP (VoIP) calls. The 320HD IP Phone is a fully-featured telephone that provides voice communication over an IP network, allowing you to place and receive phone calls, put calls on hold, transfer calls, make conference calls, and so on. This manual is intended for the system Administrator w

  • AudioCodes 300HD Series of High Definition IP Phones HD VoIP 320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 320HD IP Phone Version 1.4.1

  • Administrator’s Manual Notices Version 1.4.1 9 February 2011 Notice This manual provides the system administrator a description for setting up and configuring the 320HD IP Phone. Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, AudioCodes cannot guarantee accuracy of printed material after the Date Published nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Updates to this document and other documents as we

  • Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 93 February 2011 Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Parameters Table 4-31: Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/services/busy_lamp _field/enabled Enables the BLF feature:  [0] Disable  [1] Enable (default) voip/services/busy_lamp _field/subscription_perio d The interval between BLF and

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[Page 1] AudioCodes 320HD

AudioCodes 300HD Series of High Definition IP Phones HD VoIP 320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 320HD IP Phone Version 1.4.1

[Page 2] AudioCodes 320HD

[Page 3] AudioCodes 320HD

Administrator’s Manual Contents Version 1.4.1 3 February 2011 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 2 LCD-based Manageme…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 4 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.15.1 Configuring System Logging …………………………………………………………………………………. 57 3.15.2 Configuring Packet Recording…

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Administrator’s Manual Contents Version 1.4.1 5 February 2011 6.2 Keypad and Off-Hook/On-Hook Test ………………………………………………………………….. 104 6.3 Green-Color LEDs Test ……………………..

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 6 Document #: LTRT-08108 List of Figures Figure 3-1: Phone’s URL in Web Browser ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23 Figure…

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Administrator’s Manual Contents Version 1.4.1 7 February 2011 List of Tables Table 3-1: Language Parameter Description ……………………………………………………………………………………… 26 Table 3-2: R…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 8 Document #: LTRT-08108 Reader’s Notes

[Page 9] AudioCodes 320HD

Administrator’s Manual Notices Version 1.4.1 9 February 2011 Notice This manual provides the system administrator a description for setting up and configuring the 320HD IP Phone. Information contained in this document is believed to b…

[Page 10] AudioCodes 320HD

320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 10 Document #: LTRT-08108 Related Documentation Document Name 300HD IP Phone Release Notes 320HD IP Phone Quick Guide 320HD IP Phone User’s Manual

[Page 11] AudioCodes 320HD

Administrator’s Manual 1. Introduction Version 1.4.1 11 February 2011 1 Introduction AudioCodes 320HD IP Phone is based on AudioCodes proprietary High Definition (HD) voice technology, providing clarity and a better audio experience in V…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 12 Document #: LTRT-08108 Reader’s Notes

[Page 13] AudioCodes 320HD

Administrator’s Manual 2. LCD-based Management Version 1.4.1 13 February 2011 2 LCD-based Management The IP phone provides a liquid crystal display (LCD) based screen, offering an intuitive, menu- driven interface for configuring the phon…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 14 Document #: LTRT-08108 2.2 Defining LAN Network The phone’s LAN connection interface can be manually defined (static IP address) or automatically provisioned using a DHCP server from where the …

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Administrator’s Manual 2. LCD-based Management Version 1.4.1 15 February 2011 5. Define a static IP addressing scheme: a. Press the Edit softkey; the Static IP screen appears: b. To configure each required network parameter (i.e., &…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 16 Document #: LTRT-08108 2.3 Defining SIP Accounts You need to configure parameters related to the phone’s SIP account. This also allows you to set up the phone with up to four lines, each with i…

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Administrator’s Manual 2. LCD-based Management Version 1.4.1 17 February 2011 4. Choose the required SIP parameter, and then press the Select softkey to define it: • «User Id» • «Display Name» • «Authe…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 18 Document #: LTRT-08108 2.4 Viewing Network Status You can view the following network status information:  Connection Type (static IP or automatic IP/DHCP).  IP address  Netmask �…

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Administrator’s Manual 2. LCD-based Management Version 1.4.1 19 February 2011 2.5 Viewing Software Version You can view the phone’s model type, firmware version, and configuration file version. ¾ To view the phone’s firmware versi…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 20 Document #: LTRT-08108 2.6 Restoring Factory Defaults The procedure below describes how to restore the phone to factory defaults. ¾ To restore the phone to default settings: 1. Access the Res…

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Administrator’s Manual 2. LCD-based Management Version 1.4.1 21 February 2011 2.7 Restarting Phone The procedure below describes how to restart the phone. Notes: • You can remotely reset the phone by sending a SIP NOTIFY messag…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 22 Document #: LTRT-08108 Reader’s Notes

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 23 February 2011 3 Web-based Management This chapter describes the phone’s embedded Web server (Web interface). Note: Where Web parameters can also be configured using …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 24 Document #: LTRT-08108 4. Alternatively, if your DHCP and DNS servers are synchronized, you can access the phone’s Web browser using the following method: http://320hd-<MAC address>.<d…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 25 February 2011 3.3 Quick Setup The Web interface allows you to quickly configure the main parameters required for basic phone functioning. This is provided by the ‘Quick S…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 26 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.4 Personal Settings The Personal Settings menu allows you to configure the following user interface settings for the phone:  LCD display language (refer to Section …

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 27 February 2011 3.4.2 Adding Contacts to the Phone Directory You can add, edit, or delete directory contacts. A contact’s address can be a telephone number, IP address, or …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 28 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.4.3 Configuring Speed Dials You can add up to 12 speed dials to your phone. In addition, you can enable busy lamp field (BLF) per speed dial if the network includes a thi…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 29 February 2011 3.4.4 Configuring Tones This section describes how to configure the phone’s tones. Selecting Region for Call Progress Tones Follow the procedure b…

[Page 30] AudioCodes 320HD

320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 30 Document #: LTRT-08108 Loading Ring Tones Follow the procedure below for uploading new ring tones. Instead of using the provided ringing tones, you can upload a different ring tone file a…

[Page 31] AudioCodes 320HD

Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 31 February 2011 3.5 Configuring LAN Interface The phone’s LAN configuration includes defining the method for obtaining an IP address, port mirroring activation and VLAN set…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 32 Document #: LTRT-08108 Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description Subnet Mask network/lan/fixed_ip/netmask Default Gateway Address network/lan/fixed_ip/gateway Primary DNS networ…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 33 February 2011 3.6.1 Configuring SIP The ‘Signaling Protocol’ page allows you to define various SIP signaling parameters. ¾ To define the phone’s SIP settings: 1. …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 34 Document #: LTRT-08108 2. Configure SIP according to the parameters in the table below, and then click Submit. Table 3-5: SIP Parameters Description Web Parameter Configuration File Paramet…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 35 February 2011 Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description Use SIP Proxy IP and Port for Registration voip/signalling/sip/use_proxy_ip_port_f or_registrar Use …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 36 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.6.2 Configuring Dialing The dialing parameters can be configured in the ‘Dialing’ page, as described below. ¾ To define the dialing parameters: 1. Access the ‘D…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 37 February 2011 Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description Secondary Dial Tone voip/dialing/secondary_dial_tone/enabl ed Secondary Dial Tone Key voip/dialing/s…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 38 Document #: LTRT-08108 2. Configure media streaming according to the parameters in the table below, and then click Submit. Table 3-7: Media Streaming Parameters Description Web Parameter Confi…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 39 February 2011 3.6.4 Configuring Voice The voice parameters are configured in the ‘Voice’ page, as described below. ¾ To define the voice parameters: 1. Access the �…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 40 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.6.5 Configuring Lines Before you can make a call on your phone, you must configure a phone line. ¾ To define the lines: 1. Access the ‘Line Settings’ page (Config…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 41 February 2011 3.6.6 Configuring Supplementary Services You can configure various supplementary services supported by your phone such as call waiting, call forwarding, three…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 42 Document #: LTRT-08108 2. Configure the services according to the parameters in the table below, and then click Submit. Table 3-10: Supplementary Services Parameters Description Web Parameter …

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 43 February 2011 Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description Out of Service Behavior voip/services/out_of_service_bahavio r Refer to Section Automatic …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 44 Document #: LTRT-08108 Table 3-11: Volume Parameters Description Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description Additional Speaker Gain voip/audio/gain/additional_speaker_g ain Refer …

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 45 February 2011 3.7 Configuring Date and Time Generally, a phone retrieves the date and time from a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server when it connects to the Internet. Alter…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 46 Document #: LTRT-08108 Web Parameter Configuration File Parameter Description Update Interval system/ntp/sync_time Time Display Format system/ntp/time_display_format

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 47 February 2011 3.8 Firmware and Configuration Management The Web interface allows you to perform the following:  Automatic update of firmware and configuration files (re…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 48 Document #: LTRT-08108 ¾ To define automatic update: 1. Access the ‘Automatic Update page (Management tab > Automatic Update menu > Automatic Update). Figure 3-19: Automatic Update Pa…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 49 February 2011 3.8.2 Updating (Manually) Configuration File The phone enables you to view the current configuration file and save it to a folder on your PC (for backup). In …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 50 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.8.3 Recovering Firmware If the phone is powered off for some reason during the firmware upgrade process, the phone becomes unusable. To recover the phone’s firmware, pe…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 51 February 2011 3.9 Changing Login Username and Password You can change the phone’s login user name and password. This is the login required for accessing the Web interface…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 52 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.10 Restoring Phone Defaults You can restore all your phone’s settings to factory default settings. ¾ To restore the phone to factory defaults: 1. Access the ‘Res…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 53 February 2011 3.12 Configuring TR-069 Management To connect to the remote management server, the phone’s embedded TR-069 client must be configured. ¾ To configure the…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 54 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.13 Enabling Telnet Access You can configure the phone through a telnet connection. The procedure below describes how to enable telnet access to the phone. ¾ To enable…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 55 February 2011 3.14 Viewing Status Information The Web interface allows you to view a variety of status information about your phone. Note: Currently, the ‘VoIP Statu…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 56 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.14.3 Viewing Phone’s Version Number You can view the phone’s model name as well as the firmware version currently running on the phone. ¾ To view the phone’s mod…

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Administrator’s Manual 3. Web-based Management Version 1.4.1 57 February 2011 3.15 Diagnostics 3.15.1 Configuring System Logging System logging allows you to debug the different software components of the phone. ¾ To define the logg…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 58 Document #: LTRT-08108 3.15.2 Configuring Packet Recording Recording parameters allows you to debug the voice activity of the phone. ¾ To define the recording parameters: 1. Access the ‘Rec…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 59 February 2011 4 Configuration File-based Management This section describes the Configuration file and the parameters that you can set in the Configuration fi…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 60 Document #: LTRT-08108 In addition, the Configuration file can provide URL paths (FTP, TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS) to where the additional files are located, as shown in the example below (shown in bolde…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 61 February 2011 4.2 Configuration File Parameters The configuration file parameters are described in this subsection. Note: The optional values of the Co…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 62 Document #: LTRT-08108 System Logging (Syslog) Parameters Table 4-3: Syslog Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description Note: To add a value to these parameters, enter system/ …

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 63 February 2011 Daylight Saving Time Parameters Table 4-4: Daylight Saving Time Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description system/ntp/gmt_o…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 64 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description system/ntp/daylight_savi ng/end_date/month The month in a year. The valid range is 1 to 12. system/ntp/daylight_savi ng/end_date/day The day in a m…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 65 February 2011 4.2.2 LAN Parameters Table 4-6: Network Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description Note: To add a value to these parameters, enter …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 66 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description network/lan/fixed_ip/net mask The subnet mask address. network/lan/fixed_ip/gat eway The IP address of the default gateway. network/lan/fixed_ip/do…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 67 February 2011 Parameter Description DHCP-Related Parameters network/lan/dhcp/ntp/ser ver_list/enabled Enables prioritization of the NTP server’s informati…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 68 Document #: LTRT-08108 4.2.3 Provisioning Parameters Table 4-7: Provisioning Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description Note: To add a value to these parameters, enter provisioning/ f…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 69 February 2011 Parameter Description provisioning/period/hour ly/hours_interval The interval in hours for automatically checking for new firmware and configu…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 70 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description  tftp:// — retrieved firmware file is Different_Firmware_Name.img and the configuration file name is <M…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 71 February 2011 Parameter Description provisioning/ring_tone_ uri The URI for retrieving the ring tones file. The ring tones can be compressed to *.zip or *.t…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 72 Document #: LTRT-08108 4.2.4 TR-069 Management Parameters Table 4-8: TR-069 Management Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description Note: To add a value to these parameters, enter manag…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 73 February 2011 4.2.5 Telnet Parameters Table 4-9: Telnet Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description Note: To add a value to these parameters, ente…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 74 Document #: LTRT-08108 Gain Parameters General Parameters Table 4-11: General Gain Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description Hands-free Gain Parameters Note: Val…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 75 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/audio/gain/handsfree_ analog_output_gain Analog output gain (in dB). Valid values: [0db], [minus1_5db], [minus3db],…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 76 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description voip/audio/gain/handset_a nalog_input_gain Analog input gain (in dB). Valid values: [0db], [plus1_5db], [plus3db], [plus4_5db], [plus6db], [plus7_5d…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 77 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/audio/gain/headset_a nalog_input_gain Analog input gain (in dB). Valid values: [0db], [plus1_5db], [plus3db], [plus…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 78 Document #: LTRT-08108 Codec Parameters Table 4-16: Codec Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/codec/codec_info/%d/ enabled Determines the codecs that you want t…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 79 February 2011 SRTP Parameters Table 4-17: SRTP Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/media/srtp/enabled Enables secured RTP (S…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 80 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description Quality of Service (QoS) voip/media/media_tos QoS in hexadecimal format. This is a part of the IP header that defines the type of routing service to…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 81 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/signalling/sip/keepa live_options/enabled Determines whether keep-alive is performed using SIP OPTIONS messages sen…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 82 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description voip/signalling/sip/digit_ map Enables the administrator to predefine possible formats (or patterns) for the dialed number. A match to one of the d…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 83 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/signalling/sip/numb er_rules This parameter works in conjunction with the parameter voip/signalling/sip/digit_map a…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 84 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description voip/signalling/sip/regist rar_ka/timeout Defines the registration keep-alive time interval (in seconds) between Keep- Alive messages. The valid ran…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 85 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/signalling/sip/redun dant_proxy/keepalive_pe riod Defines the interval in seconds for sending keep-alive messages to…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 86 Document #: LTRT-08108 SIP Timers Parameters Table 4-21: SIP Timers Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/signalling/sip/sip_t1 The time interval (in msec) between…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 87 February 2011 Dialing Parameters Table 4-23: Dialing Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/dialing/timeout The duration (in …

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 88 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description voip/dialing/automatic_d isconnect Determines whether the phone automatically goes idle (i.e. on-hook) when the last remaining call is disconnected. …

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 89 February 2011 Supplementary Services Parameters General Parameters Table 4-25: General Supplementary Services Configuration File Paramete…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 90 Document #: LTRT-08108 Parameter Description voip/talk_event/enabled Enables the «talk» event feature.  [0] Disable (default)  [1] Enable The phone automatically answers an…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 91 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/line/%d/call_forwar d/active Activates call forwarding, if it has been enabled (using the parameter voip/line/%d/ca…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 92 Document #: LTRT-08108 Message Waiting Indication Parameters Table 4-30: Message Waiting Indication Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/services/msg_waitin g_ind…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 93 February 2011 Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Parameters Table 4-31: Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/servic…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 94 Document #: LTRT-08108 4.2.7 Regional Settings and Call Progress Tones Parameters Table 4-32: Regional Settings Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/regional_settings/s ele…

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 95 February 2011 Parameter Description voip/regional_settings/c all_progress_tones/%d/f requency_a_level Output level of the low frequency tone (in -dBm) in Cal…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 96 Document #: LTRT-08108 4.2.8 Packet Recording (Debugging) Parameters Table 4-33: Packet recording Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description voip/packet_recording/e nabled Activates …

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Administrator’s Manual 4. Configuration File-based Management Version 1.4.1 97 February 2011 4.2.9 LCD Display Parameters Table 4-34: LCD Display Configuration File Parameters Parameter Description personal_settings/langu age Determ…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 98 Document #: LTRT-08108 4.3 Creating a Corporate Directory File The Configuration file can include a link to a user-defined Corporate Directory file, using the provisioning/corporate_directory_uri…

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Administrator’s Manual 5. Application Server-Specific Configurations Version 1.4.1 99 February 2011 5 Application Server-Specific Configurations This chapter describes configurations specific to third-party Application servers. These con…

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320HD IP Phone Administrator’s Manual 100 Document #: LTRT-08108 c. In the ‘User Resource List’ field (voip/services/busy_lamp_field/uri parameter), enter the resource list URI to which the phone can subscribe to in order to get the …

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