Барьер bwt фильтры для воды инструкция

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Библиотека инструкций к фильтрам для очистки воды Барьер / BWT

Инструкции  к фильтрам-кувшинам Барьер / BWT

  • Барьер Кувшин для детей Скачать инструкцию
  • Фильтры-кувшины Барьер Скачать инструкцию
  • Фильтр-кувшин BWT Пингвин Скачать инструкцию

Инструкции к магистральным фильтрам Барьер / BWT

  • Барьер ПРОФИ ИН-ЛАЙН Скачать инструкцию
  • Фильтр для душа Барьер Бьюти Скачать инструкцию
  • BWT Protector Mini 1/2″, 3/4″ с редуктором Скачать инструкцию
  • BWT Protector Mini  1/2″, 3/4″Скачать инструкцию

Инструкции к проточным фильтрам под мойку Барьер / BWT

  • BWT Aqua Vita Magnesium Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер ПРОФИ Стандарт / Standart Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер ПРОФИ Жесткость / Hard Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер ПРОФИ Железо / Ferrum Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер ПРОФИ Комплекс / Complex Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер ЭКСПЕРТ Стандарт / Жесткость / Железо / Комплекс Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер Профи Осмо / Boost Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер Профи Осмо М / Boost M Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер ЭКСПЕРТ Сингл Скачать инструкцию
  • Барьер АКТИВ Скачать инструкцию


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Источник: https://www.barrier.ru/

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Фильтр-кувшин Барьер

Фильтр-кувшин Барьер

Инструкция по эксплуатации фильтра для очистки воды “БАРЬЕР”
Фильтр-кувшин “БАРЬЕР” предназначен для доочистки питьевой водопроводной воды. Эффективно очищает воду от активного хлора, органических и хлорорганических соединений, ионов тяжѐлых металлов и других вредных веществ. Устраняет неприятные запахи и привкусы.
Фильтр укомплектован сменной фильтрующей кассетой “БАРЬЕР-4”. В состав кассеты входят особая комбинация высококачественных активированных углей для сорбции вредных примесей и специальное ионообменные материалы для удаления из воды ионов тяжѐлых металлов.

1. Крышка.
2. Указатель даты замены кассеты.
3. Воронка.
4. Сменная кассета.
5. Кувшин.
6. Шкала для измерения объѐма очищенной воды, находящейся в фильтре.
7. Шкала для использования кувшина фильтра в качестве мерной ѐмкости (без воронки и сменной кассеты).
• Используйте фильтр только по прямому назначению.
• Перед началом использования необходимо промыть воронку, кувшин и крышку слабым мыльным
раствором, ополоснуть чистой водой и вытереть насухо.
• Содержите детали фильтра в чистоте и оберегайте от ударов.
• Необходимо не реже, чем один раз в месяц промывать воронку и кувшин фильтра слабым мыльным раствором, ополаскивать чистой водой и вытирать насухо.
• До начала эксплуатации храните фильтр в сухом прохладном месте.
• Не допускайте длительного нахождения фильтра под прямыми солнечными лучами.
• При регулярном использовании не оставляйте фильтр без воды.
• В случае длительных перерывов в работе фильтра (более трѐх дней), отфильтрованную воду необходимо слить, а детали фильтра протереть насухо чистым полотенцем. Прежде чем снова начать использовать фильтр, повторите процедуру подготовки фильтра к работе.
• Не используйте фильтр для очистки воды, небезопасной в микробиологическом отношении.
• Кассета “БАРЬЕР-4” не предназначена для уничтожения бактерий и вирусов.
• Не забывайте своевременно менять кассеты.
• Тщательно промойте детали фильтра.
• Вверните сменную кассету в воронку до упора.
• Обязательно слейте первые две порции очищенной воды. В первых литрах очищенной воды возможно появление небольшого количества угольной пыли.
• Наливая очищенную воду из фильтра, придерживайте рычаг воронки пальцем.
Установка/замена фильтрующей кассеты.
• Указатель даты замены кассеты напомнит о том, что ресурс кассеты истѐк и еѐ пора заменить.
• Извлеките старую кассету и повторите процедуру подготовки фильтра к работе.
• После того, как Вы установили сменную кассету, наденьте на неѐ указатель даты замены, совместив стрелку на кассете с датой окончания срока службы кассеты.
Срок службы кассеты.
При потреблении до трѐх литров воды на человека в день, средняя продолжительность работы одной сменной кассеты.
— для семьи из двух человек – 60 дней;
— для семьи из трѐх человек – 40 дней;
— для семьи из четырѐх человек – 30 дней.
Срок службы сменной кассеты с начала использования – не более трѐх месяцев независимо от объѐма очищенной воды.
Технические характеристики.
Объѐм кувшина:3,6 л
Объѐм воронки: 1,65 л
Объѐм очищенной воды: 1,8 л
Ресурс сменной кассеты: до 350 л
Температура очищенной воды: не более +350С
Срок службы изделия (без сменной кассеты) – 5 лет
. Данное изделие соответствует всем требуемым европейским и российским стандартам
безопасности и гигиены.

В этой категории нет товаров.

Barrier iMaster Комплексное оборудование для фильтрации воды

информация о продукте

The BARRIER iMaster is a water filter system designed for
post-treatment of tap water from centralized water utilities. It is
not suitable for treating water with microbiological risks. The
system consists of a filter casing, a set of three filter elements,
a filtered water faucet with gaskets, washers, and nut, a
connecting plastic tube, a filter mounting positioning sticker, a
filtered water faucet fitting, a corner fitting, a water pipe ball
valve, and a wall mounting self-tapping screw.

The system has three treatment stages and can withstand a
maximum permissible water pressure of +5 to +35 atm. The optimum
water flow from the pure water faucet is 2 l/min. The life of the
filter element sets is approximately 8000-10000 liters. The system
weighs 5.5 kg and has dimensions of 240x150x330 mm when
в собранном виде.

Инструкции по использованию продукта

BARRIER iMaster System Installation

  1. Installing the Spigot:
    • Choose a convenient location to install the spigot and ensure
      there is enough space under the sink.
    • Drill a 12 mm diameter hole.
    • Install the spigot and tighten the nut.
    • Screw on the straight fitting.
  2. Installing the Adapter:
    • Turn on the ball valve connected to the cold water main.
    • Disconnect the kitchen mixing faucet from the cold-water inlet
    • Screw the inlet tube onto the ball valve.
  3. Prepare Area for Hanging:
    • Select a location under the sink to hang the filter.
    • Affix the template sticker to the chosen spot, ensuring a
      height of at least 32 cm from the lower edge of the sticker to the
      surface under the filter.
    • Use self-tapping screws to secure the filter at the marked
      points on the template.
  4. Hookup:
    • Hang the filter housing on the self-tapping screws.
    • Unscrew the nut from the ball valve and put it on the plastic
    • Push the plastic tube onto the ball valve and tighten the
    • Insert one end of another white plastic tube into the straight
      fitting of the filtered water spigot.
  5. Installing the Filter Elements:
    • Ensure that the triangular pointer at the top of each filter
      element matches with the symbol on the filter element holder.
    • Install the filter elements from positions 1 to 3, starting

For detailed instructions on starting work with BARRIER iMaster,
обратитесь к странице 18 руководства пользователя.




«BARRIER iMaster» domestic water filtration system is intended for post-treatment of drinking tap water to remove mechanical impurities, active chlorine, organic contaminants, heavy metals and other contaminants. The multi-stage system ensures highly effective purification throughout the service life of the replaceable filter elements. «BARRIER iMaster » water filter is easy to install under the sink. It is completed with everything needed for you to install it. The set includes an elegant filtered water spigot. «BARRIER iMaster » can operate twenty-four hours a day.
Attention! BARRIER iMaster is intended for post-treatment of tap water only from centralized water utilities. It is prohibited to use the water filter to treat water that poses microbiological risks.



Number of treatment stages
Maximum permissible water pressure at the inlet, atm
Temperature of treated water (°C)
Optimum water flow from the pure water faucet (l/min) Life of filter element sets(l) Weight(kg) Dimension of the purifier when assembled (WxDxH), (mm)

3 7
2 8000-10000*
5.5 240х150х330

* The service life may vary from that shown depending on the level of inlet water contamination. The service life of the softening cartridge is shown on page 23 of this manual.


Имя и фамилия

1 Filter casing (filter mounting unit)

2 Set of 3 filter elements

3 Filtered water faucet with gaskets, washers and nut

4 Connecting plastic tube (white), 1m

5 Filter mounting positioning sticker

6 Filtered water faucet fitting

7 Corner fitting

8 Water pipe ball valve

9 Wall mounting self-tapping screw

Qty, pcs 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1





BARRIER iMaster System Installation
Before installation please read the instructions carefully and study the filtration system connection diagram. Check that all the required parts are present in the set. First, decide where you are going to hang the filtration system under the sink, as well as where you plan to install the filtered water spigot to ensure maximum convenience in daily use. The filtration system should be hung on the wall using the screws leaving at least 1 cm of clearance below the assembled system. Ensure that the filtration system and the connecting plastic tubes do not come into contact with hot water pipes.

Не менее 1 см

– Choose a place to install the spigot where it will be convenient to use it, but which also leaves enough space under the sink to fasten and connect the spigot.
– Drill a hole 12 mm in diameter.
– Install spigot. Tighten the nut (See Figure 1).
– Screw on the straight fitting.




Рисунок 2.

– Turn the ball valve on to the cold water main. (Figure 2).

– Disconnect the kitchen mixing faucet from the cold-water inlet tube.

– Screw the inlet tube onto the ball valve.

– Chose a place under the sink to hang the filter. Bear in mind that the filter needs to be connected to the ball valve (water feed) and to the filtered water spigot. For this the filter comes with two plastic tubes, each 1 m long.
– Affix the template sticker to the chosen spot for hanging the filter thus so the height from the lower edge of the sticker to the surface under the filter is at least 32 cm (Figure 3).
– Drive the self- tapping screws into the points shown on the template.

Рисунок 3.


Рисунок 4.1. Рисунок 4.2. Рисунок 4.3.
Рисунок 4.4. Рисунок 4.5.

4. HOOKUP – Hang the filter housing (the rack
holding the filter elements) on the screwed-in self- tapping screws. – Unscrew the nut from the ball valve and put it on the plastic tube (Figure 4.1). – Apply force, pull the tube onto the ball valve and tighten the nut (Figure 4.2).
– Push the other end of the plastic tube as far as it will go into the fitting on the inlet (marked with «IN») on filtration system housing. For proper installation the tube must be 17 mm deep in fitting (for all fittings). (Figure 4.3).
– Push one end of another white plastic tube as far as it will go into the straight fitting of the filtered water spigot (Figure 4.4).
– Push the other end of this second white plastic tube as far as it will go into the outlet fitting (marked with «OUT») in the filtration system housing (Figure 4.5).

– Install the new filter element by inserting it into the filter head and turning it clockwise 90° till you hear a distinctive click and the triangular markings match on the filter element and its holder (Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2).

Рисунок 5.1.

– Ensure that the triangular pointer at the Figure 5.3. top of the filter element matches with the same symbol on the filter element holder (Figure 5.3).
– Install the filter elements from positions 1 to 3 from left to right (Figure 5.4).

Рисунок 5.2. Рисунок 5.4.

Start of work with BARRIER iMaster
Before using «BARRIER iMaster»: 1. Check that the filtration system is properly connected in accordance with the diagram
on page 18 of this Manual. 2. Ensure that the ball valve is shut off. 3. Turn on the filtered water spigot. 4. Open the valve to the cold water main. 5. Open the ball valve. For a few minutes the filtration system will fill with water before it
comes out of the filtered water spigot.* 6. Using the ball valve, set the optimum water flow in accordance with the technical
characteristics of the filtration system.** 7. Turn off the filtered water spigot. 8. Ensure there are no leaks. If needed, tighten the connections and make sure that the
plastic tubes are properly installed in the fittings. 9. Turn on the filtered water spigot and flush 10 I of water through the system to rinse
the filter elements.
” The first few litres of filtered water may have a dark or cloudy appearance. It means that charcoal dust or air bubbles are being rinsed out of the filter elements. The water filter operates correctly.
” During the service life of the filter elements, the flow rate of the filter may decrease. Restore optimum water flow by adjusting the ball valve.


The Water Filter Set includes filter elements made of the most effective materials and components. Nevertheless the service life of the filter elements is limited and for the system to continue purifying the water at the same level of efficiency, the elements must be replaced in due time.
For BARRIER iMaster Filter Element Replacement:
– Close the ball valve at the filter inlet.
– Turn on the filtered water spigot to bleed pressure off the water filtration system then close the spigot.

– Dismantle the filter element by turning it counter-clockwise by 90° and withdrawing it from the filter head.

– Install the new filter element by

inserting it into the filter head and turning


it clockwise 90° till you hear a distinctive

click and the triangular markings on the

filter element and its holder match.

– Ensure that the triangular pointer at the top of the filter element lines up with the same symbol on the filter element holder.


– Open the filtered water spigot. – Open the valve at the inlet to the
водяной фильтр.

– After the water filter fills with water and water comes out of the spigot, close the spigot tap.
– Ensure there are no leaks, and if needed, tighten the connections and ensure the plastic tubes are properly installed in the fittings.

– Turn on the filtered water spigot.

– Set the optimum water flow by adjusting

the ball valve in accordance with the


technical characteristics of the water


– Flush the system with 10 litres of water to rinse the filter elements.


In case, when the water with high levels of mechanical impurities enters the water filter, the first-stage filter element should be changed if the flow rate of filtered water falls below optimum levels.
The recommended replacement frequency for the «BARRIER iMaster» Softening filter element depends on the pre-filtration water hardness.


– Use «BARRIER iMaster» only for intended purpose. – Keep the water purifier clean and protect it from shock and other mechanical damage. – Prevent excessive strain or bending of the plastic tubing. – Do not allow the water filter or plastic tubing to come into contact with hot water pipes. – Do not allow the water in the filter and filter elements to freeze. – When leaving the water filter unused for extended periods (over 2 days), we recommend
shutting off the ball valve at the inlet to the water filter. Before using again, flush the system with at least 10 litres of water.
The manufacturer guarantees the correct operation of the water purifier for a period of 12 months from the date of sale. The service life of the elbow attachment is 5 years. The buyer is entitled to lay claims to the manufacturer (seller) in accordance with Article 18 of the RF Law `On Protecting Consumer Rights’ in the event that flaws are discovered within the warranty period. The Manufacturer is exempt from responsibility in the cases provided for in Article 18, Paragraph 2, Clause 6 of the RF Law `On Protecting Consumer Rights’.
Store at temperature from -25 to +40 °C. The manufacturer retains the right to introduce changes to the design of the water filter that do not worsen its performance. The quality management system at BWT BARRIER RUS is certified as complying with ISO 9001.

Документы / Ресурсы


  • imaster.bwtbarrier.com
    Trang chủ — Máy lọc nước bwt barrier imaster

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