Bmw r1200rt инструкция по эксплуатации

инструкцияBMW R 1200 RT (2013)

Руководство по эксплуатации

R 1200RT

BMW Motorrad

С удовольствием

за рулем

Посмотреть инструкция для BMW R 1200 RT (2013) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории мотоциклы, 21 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9.1. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о BMW R 1200 RT (2013) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Логотип BMW
R 1200 RT (2013)
Руководство пользователя (PDF)

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о BMW R 1200 RT (2013).

Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Какова рекомендуемая частота замены масляного фильтра в двигателе BMW?

В большинстве двигателей масляный фильтр необходимо менять через каждые 6000 километров (около 4000 миль).

Как часто следует менять масло в двигателе BMW?

В большинстве двигателей масло необходимо менять через каждые 6000 километров (около 4000 миль).

Как удалить ржавчину с устройства BMW мотоцикл?

1. Замочите поржавевшую деталь в уксусе, пока ржавчина не размокнет полностью. 2. Обрабатывайте ржавчину уксусом в течение 24 часов. 3. Удалите ржавчину с помощью металлической щетки или алюминиевой фольги.

Инструкция BMW R 1200 RT (2013) доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоBMW R 1200 RT (2013) доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Руководство по эксплуатации и обслуживанию

R 1200RT

BMW Motorrad

С удовольствием

за рулем

Table of Contents

  • Руководство по эксплуатации и обслуживанию R 1200 RT
  • Общие указания
    • Обзор
    • Сокращения и символы
    • Комплектация
    • Технические характеристики
    • Актуальность
  • Обзорная информация
    • Общий вид слева
    • Общий вид справа
    • Под сиденьем
    • Комбинированный выключатель с левой стороны
    • Правый блок рулевых переключателей
    • Комбинация приборов
  • Индикация
    • Сигнальные и контрольные лампы
    • Многофункциональный дисплей
    • Значение символов
    • Предупреждения
    • Температура окружающего воздуха
    • Запас хода
    • Сигнализатор уровня масла
    • Индикатор ТО
    • Давление воздуха в шинах
  • Пользование
    • Зажигание
    • Зажигание с Keyless Ride
    • Многофункциональный дисплей
    • Бортовой компьютер
    • Счетчик разового пробега
    • Экстренный выключатель зажигания
    • Фары
    • Освещение
    • Постоянный ближний свет
    • Указатели поворота
    • Аварийная световая сигнализация
    • ASC
    • Режим движения
    • Круиз-контроль
    • Преднатяг пружины
    • Настройка амортизаторов
    • Электронная система регулировки подвески
    • Сцепление
    • Тормоз
    • Система трогания на подъеме (Hill Start Control)
    • Шины
    • Обогрев
    • Регулировка комбинации приборов
    • Зеркала
    • Ветровое стекло
    • Багажный отсек
    • Центральный замок
    • DWA
    • Сиденье водителя
    • Сиденье пассажира
  • Вождение
    • Указания по технике безопасности
    • Перечень проверок
    • Запуск
    • Обкатка
    • Выбор передач
    • Тормозная система
    • Постановка мотоцикла на стоянку
    • Заправить топливом
    • Крепление мотоцикла для транспортировки
  • Подробное описание системы
    • Режим движения
    • Ассистент переключения Pro
    • Hill Start Control
    • BMW Motorrad Integral ABS
    • BMW Motorrad ASC
    • RDC
    • ESA
  • Техническое обслуживание
    • Общие указания
    • Бортовой инструмент
    • Моторное масло
    • Тормозная система
    • Охлаждающая жидкость
    • Сцепление
    • Диски и шины
    • Колеса
    • Глушитель
    • Подкат под переднее колесо
    • Осветительные приборы
    • Система помощи при пуске
    • Аккумуляторная батарея
    • Предохранители
  • Принадлежности
    • Общие указания
    • Розетки
    • Система навигации
    • Кофр
    • Топкейс
  • Уход
    • Средства по уходу
    • Мойка мотоцикла
    • Чистка деталей, чувствительных к повреждениям
    • Уход за лакокрасочным покрытием
    • Подготовить к длительному хранению
    • Консервация
    • Ввод мотоцикла в эксплуатацию
  • Технические характеристики
    • Таблица неисправностей
    • Резьбовые соединения
    • Двигатель
    • Топливо
    • Моторное масло
    • Сцепление
    • Коробка передач
    • Задний редуктор
    • Ходовая часть
    • Тормозная система
    • Колеса и шины
    • Электрооборудование
    • Рама
    • Система охранной сигнализации
    • Габариты
    • Массы
    • Параметры движения
  • Служба сервиса
    • Сервисная служба BMW Motorrad
    • BMW Motorrad Мобильные услуги
    • Работы по техническому обслуживанию
    • Подтверждение технического обслуживания
    • Подтверждение сервисного обслуживания
  • Приложение
    • Сертификаты
    • Сертификат RDC
  • Алфавитный указатель
    • A
    • D
    • E
    • H
    • K
    • P
    • R
    • А
    • Б
    • В
    • Г
    • Д
    • З
    • И
    • К
    • М
    • Н
    • О
    • П
    • Р
    • С
    • Т
    • У
    • Ф
    • Х
    • Ц
    • Ч
    • Ш
    • Э

Other Manuals

  • Instrukcja Obsługi – 215 pages
  • Εγχειρίδιο ιδιοκτήτη – 226 pages
  • Kullanım kılavuzu – 201 pages
  • Manual do proprietário – 219 pages
  • Omistajan käsikirja – 199 pages

Page 1 — R 1200 RT Seite 9 Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2008 4:21 16BMW MotorradThe Ultimate RidingMachineRider’s ManualR 1200 RT

Page 2 — Dealership details

OverviewChapter 2 of this Rider’s Manu-al will provide you with an initialoverview of your motorcycle. Allmaintenance and repair work onthe motor

Page 3

If the front wheel lifts clear of theground under severe accelera-tion, the ASC reduces enginetorque until the front wheel re-gains contact with the g

Page 4 — *01417712501*

TemperaturecompensationTyre pressure is a temperature-sensitive variable: pressure in-creases as tyre temperature risesand decreases as tyre temper-at

Page 7

General instructionsBMW Motorrad recommendsthe use of parts and accessoriesfor your motorcycle that are ap-proved by BMW for this purpose.Genuine BMW

Page 8

with (additional) on-board sock-etOEOn-board socket, rear leftOperating electricalaccessoriesYou can start using electrical ac-cessories only when the

Page 9

Maximum permissiblespeed for riding withcases fitted to the motorcycle≤180 km/hwith topcaseOANote the maximum permiss-ible payload of the topcase andt

Page 10 — General instructions

Closing casesPull release lever 2 all the wayto the back.Close the lid of the case andpress it down. Check thatnothing is trapped between thelid and t

Page 11 — Currency

The case is released and canbe removed.Installing casesPull the case handle up as faras it will go.Seat the case in holders 4.Push case handle 3 down

Page 12

Lever 2 pops up.Pull the release lever up.The lid of the topcase opens.Closing topcasePull release lever 2 all the wayto the back.Close the lid of the

Page 13 — General views

ESA Electronic SuspensionAdjustmentElectronic SuspensionAdjustment.RDCTyre pressure control(ReifenDruck-Control)EquipmentWhen you ordered your BMWmoto

Page 14

Hook the topcase into positionon the luggage carrier. Makesure that hooks 4 are securelyseated in the correspondingkeepers 5.Push handle 3 down until

Page 16

General instructionsThe Maintenance chapter de-scribes straightforward proced-ures for checking and replacingcertain wear parts.Special tightening tor

Page 17 — General view, right side

5 SocketOpen-ended spanners ofvarious sizes6 AdapterTo accommodate the 1/4″ bits and the 9×12 mmand the 3/8″ universal-jointadapterEngine oi

Page 18

If the oil level is below the MINmark:Top up the engine oil ( 110)If the oil level is above the MAXmark:Have the oil level corrected bya specialist wo

Page 19 — Underneath the seat

Incorrect working practicesendanger the reliability ofthe brakes.Have all work on the brake sys-tem performed by a specialistworkshop, preferably an a

Page 20 — Handlebar fitting, left

Brake-pad wear limit,frontmin 1.0 mm (Friction padonly, without backingplate. The wear indicators(grooves) must be clearlyvisible.)If the wear indicat

Page 21 — Handlebar fitting, right

preferably an authorised BMWMotorrad dealer.Brake-pad wearThe rear brake has a brake-padwear indicator.Shaft 1 with three marker rings 2is between the

Page 22 — Instrument cluster

Brake fluid level, frontDOT4 brake fluidDo not permit the brake fluidlevel to drop below the MINmark. (Brake-fluid reservoirhorizontal. Before reading

Page 23 — Headlight

Brake fluid level, rearDOT4 brake fluidDo not permit the brake fluidlevel to drop below the MINmark. (Brake-fluid reservoirhorizontal)If the brake flu

Page 25 — Status indicators

Visually inspect the rims fordefects.Have damaged rims checkedand, if necessary, replaced by aspecialist workshop, preferablyan authorised BMW Motorra

Page 26 — Standard status

If the motorcycle is equippedwith RDC, each wheel rim bearsan adhesive label indicating theposition of the RDC sensor.When changing the tyre, takecare

Page 27 — Status indicators with

Force the brake pads slightlyapart by rocking brakecalipers 3 back and forth Aagainst brake discs 4.Carefully pull the brake calipersback and out unti

Page 28

Threaded fasteners nottightened to the specifiedtorque can work loose or theirthreads can suffer damage.Always have the security of thefasteners check

Page 29 — Standard warnings

Remove the adhesive tapefrom the wheel rim.Braking efficiency is im-paired if the brake pads arenot correctly bedded against thediscs.Before riding of

Page 30 — EWS ! appears on

Parts of the exhaust systemcan be hot.Do not touch hot parts of theexhaust system.Slacken clamping screw 1 onthe silencer.Do not remove the sealinggre

Page 32

Align clamp 1 so that mark Ais in line with the mark on thesilencer and tighten the screwto the specified torque.Clamp to silencer andmanifold55 NmTig

Page 33

Slacken adjusting screws 1.Push the two adapters 2 apartuntil the front forks fit betweenthem.Use locating pins 3 to set thefront-wheel stand to the d

Page 34 — Warnings issued by the

BulbsGeneral instructionsA warning appears in the multi-function display if a bulb is de-fective. If the brake or rear lightfails, the symbol is accom

Page 35 — Oil appears on

General viewsGeneral viewsGeneral view, left side … 11General view, right side . . … 13Underneath the seat …

Page 36 — ABS warnings

Install the high-beam/low-beamheadlight bulb ( 128)Install cover 1.Check that the bulb is cor-rected seated (by looking inthrough the headlight lens).

Page 37

Make sure the ground is leveland firm and place the motor-cycle on its stand.Switch off the ignition.Turn the handlebars to theleft to facilitate acce

Page 38 — ASC warnings

(preferably by hooking it intothe headlight housing).Remove bulb 3.Installing high-beam/low-beam headlight bulbReplace the defective bulb.Bulb for low

Page 39

motorcycle is stable and firmlysupported.Make sure the ground is leveland firm and place the motor-cycle on its stand.Switch off the ignition.Apply fi

Page 40 — RDC warnings

down (right side of motorcycle:pivot the lever up).Pull bulb 5 out of the bulbholder.Replace the defective bulb.Bulb for parking lightW5W / 12 V / 5 W

Page 41 — RDC is replaced by BC

The mirrors can easily workloose from their anchoringif the rubber holders or snap-fitstuds are greased.Do not grease the rubber holderor snap-fit stu

Page 42 — RDC appears on

Turn bulb holder 3 counter-clockwise to remove it from thebulb housing.Press bulb 4 into its socketand turn it counter-clockwise toremove.Replace the

Page 43

Replacing front turnindicator bulbSwitch off the ignition.Apply firm forward pressurewith the flat of your hand topush the mirror out of the an-chorag

Page 44

if the rubber holders or snap-fitstuds are greased.Do not grease the rubber holderor snap-fit stud.Install the mirror in the mirrorhousing, making sur

Page 45

Allow both engines to idle for afew minutes before disconnect-ing the jump leads.Disconnect the jump lead fromthe negative terminals first,then discon

Page 47

flat. Attempting to charge a com-pletely flat battery via the on-board socket can cause damageto the motorcycle’s electronics.If a battery has di

Page 48

Switch off the ignition.Remove the front seat ( 74)Disconnection in the wrongsequence increases the riskof short-circuits.Always proceed in the correc

Page 50

CareCareCare products … 140Washing motorcycle … 140Cleaning easily damaged compon-ents. …

Page 51 — Ignition switch and

Care productsBMW Motorrad recommendsthat you use the cleaning andcare products you can obtainfrom your authorised BMW Mo-torrad dealer. The substances

Page 52 — EWS warning appears in the

agents, the surfaces can be dam-aged.Do not use cleaning agents thatcontain alcohol, solvents or ab-rasives to clean plastic parts.Even fly-remover pa

Page 53 — Odometer and

Remove stains of this kind im-mediately, using cleaning-gradebenzene or petroleum spirit on aclean cloth or ball of cotton wool.BMW Motorrad recommend

Page 55 — On-board computer

Troubleshooting chartPossible cause RemedyEmergency off switch (kill switch) Kill switch in operating positionSide stand Retract the side stand. ( 80)

Page 57

General view, left side1 Adjuster for headlight beamthrow (underneath the in-strument panel) ( 72)2 Brake-fluid reservoir, front( 113)3 Radio operatin

Page 58

EngineEngine design Four-stroke opposed twin, air-cooled with oil-cooled exhaust ports, installed longitudinally, twooverhead camshafts, electronic fu

Page 59 — Side light

FuelRecommended fuel grade 98 ROZ/RON, Premium plus unleaded95 ROZ/RON, Premium unleaded (fuel grade, us-able with power- and consumption-related rest

Page 60

Permissible viscosity classesSAE 5 W- ≥30 -20…20 °C, Operation at low temperaturesSAE 10 W-40 -10…30 °C, Operation at moderate temperaturesSAE 15

Page 61 — Hazard warning

TransmissionGearbox type Helical 6-speed gearbox with integral reactiondamper, claw-action shift by sliding sleevesGearbox transmission ratios 1.824 (

Page 62 — (kill switch)

Running gearFront wheelType of front suspension BMW Telelever, with anti-dive top fork bridge,leading link pivot-mounted on engine and tele-scopic for

Page 63 — Control ASC

Rear wheelType of rear suspension BMW EVO leverType of rear suspension Central spring strut with single-tube gas-filledshock absorber, adjustable rebo

Page 64 — Seat heating

Wheels and tyresRecommended tyre sets You can obtain an up-to-date list of approvedtyres from your authorised BMW Motorrad dealeror on the Internet at

Page 65

ElectricsElectrical rating of on-board socket max 10 AFuses Electronic fuses protect all the circuits. If an elec-tronic fuse trips and de-energises a

Page 66 — Windscreen

LightingBulb for high-beam headlight H7 / 12 V / 55 WBulb for low-beam headlight H7 / 12 V / 55 WBulb for parking light W5W / 12 V / 5 WBulb for tail

Page 67 — Cruise-control

DimensionsLength of motorcycle 2230 mmHeight of motorcycle 1430 mm, To top of windscreen when lowered, atDIN unladen weightwith lowered suspensionOE14

Page 69 — Stowage compartment

WeightsUnladen weight 259 kg, DIN unladen weight, ready for road 90 %load of fuel, without optional extrasPermissible gross weight 495 kgMaximum paylo

Page 70

ServiceServiceBMW Motorrad service . . … 158BMW Motorrad service quality … 158BMW Motorrad Service Card: on-the-spot breakdown assistance

Page 71 — Spring preload

BMW Motorrad serviceAdvanced technology requiresspecially adapted methods ofmaintenance and repair.If maintenance and re-pair work is performed in-exp

Page 72

down, contact the Mobile Serviceorganisation of BMW Motorrad.The specialists will provide thenecessary advice and assistance.You will find important c

Page 73 — Adjustment ESA

Confirmation of maintenance workBMW Pre-deliveryCheckCompletedonStamp, signatureBMW Running-inCheckCompletedonOdometer readingNext serviceat the lates

Page 74 — SPORT Sporty damping char

BMW ServiceCompletedonOdometer readingNext serviceat the latestonor, if logged beforehand,Odometer readingStamp, signatureBMW ServiceCompletedonOdomet

Page 75

BMW ServiceCompletedonOdometer readingNext serviceat the latestonor, if logged beforehand,Odometer readingStamp, signatureBMW ServiceCompletedonOdomet

Page 76

BMW ServiceCompletedonOdometer readingNext serviceat the latestonor, if logged beforehand,Odometer readingStamp, signatureBMW ServiceCompletedonOdomet

Page 77 — Front and rear seats

BMW ServiceCompletedonOdometer readingNext serviceat the latestonor, if logged beforehand,Odometer readingStamp, signatureBMW ServiceCompletedonOdomet

Page 78

Confirmation of serviceThe table is intended as a record of maintenance, warranty and repair work, the installation of optionalaccessories and, if app

Page 79

General view, right side1 Seat lock ( 73)2 Rear-seat heating(underneath the rearseat)OE( 61)3 Tank rucksack adapter4 Fuel filler neck ( 87)5 Clutch-fl

Page 81

AAbbreviations and symbols, 6ABSEngineering details, 92Self-diagnosis, 81Warnings, 32AccessoriesGeneral instructions, 100Anti-theft alarmTelltale ligh

Page 82 — Safety instructions

ClutchAdjusting clutch lever, 66Fluid reservoir, 13Technical data, 148Confirmation of maintenancework, 160Cruise-control systemControl, 16Operation, 6

Page 83 — Checklist

HHandlebar fittingsGeneral view, left side, 16General view, right side, 17Hazard warning flashersControl, 16, 17Operation, 57HeadlightBeam throw, 72Dr

Page 84 — Starting

On-board computerAmbient temperature, 52Average consumption, 53Average speed, 53Control, 17Oil level, 54Operation, 51Range, 52Status indicators, 23War

Page 85 — CHECK! appears on the dis

Engine oil, 147Frame, 154Fuel, 147Rear-wheel drive, 149Running gear, 150Spark plugs, 153Standards, 7Transmission, 149Weights, 156Wheels and tyres, 152

Page 87 — Running in

Underneath the seat1 Front-seat height adjust-ment ( 62)2 Battery ( 135)3 Brake-fluid reservoir, rear( 114)4 Adjuster for spring preload,rear ( 67)5 T

Page 88

Motorcycle data/dealership detailsMotorcycle dataModelVehicle identification numberColour codeDate of first registrationRegistration numberDealership

Page 89 — Parking your

Handlebar fitting, left1 Cruise-control systemOE( 63)2 Operating ESAOE( 69)3 Radio operating unit (OE)4 Operating ASCOE( 59)5 Windscreen adjustment( 6

Page 90

Handlebar fitting, right1 Control of the on-boardcomputerOE( 51)2 Emergency off switch (killswitch) ( 58)3 Starter button ( 80)4 Grip heatingOE( 60)5

Page 91 — Refuelling

Instrument cluster1 Speedometer2 Telltale lights ( 22)3 Multifunction display( 22)4 Rev. counter5 Anti-theft alarm telltale light(OE) (see the instruc

Page 94

Status indicatorsStatus indicatorsStandard status indicators … 22Status indicators with on-board com-puterOE… 2

Page 95

Standard statusindicatorsMultifunction display1 Fuel capacity ( 22)2 Gear indicator ( 22)3 Engine temperature ( 22)4 Clock ( 49)5 Odometer6 Trip meter

Page 96 — BMW Motorrad Integral

the next service is shown brieflyafter the Pre-Ride Check com-pletes. The month and yearshow, accompanied by the word-ingSERVICE; in this examplethe n

Page 97

Status indicators withradioOE1 Panel for audio-system dis-plays (see the instructionsfor use for the radio)Status indicatorswith tyre pressuremonitori

Page 98 — Motorrad ASC

Telltale light of cruisecontrolOE1 Telltale light of cruise con-trolOE( 63)Standard warningsMode of presentationWarnings are indicated by ‘Gen-er

Page 99

Details described or illustratedin this booklet may differ fromthe motorcycle’s actual specifica-tion as purchased, the accessor-ies fitted or th

Page 100 — Engineering details

Warnings, overviewTelltale lights Status indicators MeaningLights up yellowEWS ! appears onthe displayElectronic immobiliser active ( 27)Lights up yel

Page 101

Electronic immobiliseractiveGeneral warning light showsyellow.EWS ! appears on the display.Possible cause:The key being used is not au-thorised for st

Page 102

an authorised BMW Motorraddealer.Insufficient engine oilpressureGeneral warning lightflashes red.Oil-can symbol appears onthe display.The oil pressure

Page 103 — Accessories

complete set of spare bulbs ifpossible.Possible cause:Rear light or brake light bulb de-fective.Replacing brake-light, rearlight and rear-indicator bu

Page 104 — Power socket

Warnings issued by theon-board computerOEMode of presentationWarnings issued by the on-boardcomputer appear in panel 1.The possible warnings are liste

Page 105

Warnings, overviewTelltale lights Status indicators MeaningOil appears onthe display.Engine-oil level too low ( 32)Appears on the dis-playAmbient-temp

Page 106

Engine-oil level too lowOil appears on the display.Oil-level symbol appears onthe display.Possible cause:The electronic oil-level sensorhas registered

Page 107

Warnings, overviewTelltale lights Status indicators MeaningFlashesSelf-diagnosis not completed ( 34)Lights upABS fault ( 34)333zStatus indicators

Page 108

Self-diagnosis notcompletedABS warning light flashes.Possible cause:The ABS function is notavailable, because self-diagnosis did not complete. Themoto

Page 109

Warnings, overviewTelltale lights Status indicators MeaningQuick-flashes ASC intervention ( 36)Slow-flashes Self-diagnosis not completed ( 36)Lights u

Page 110

The most important data for a filling-station stop can be found in the following chart:FuelRecommended fuel grade 98 ROZ/RON, Premium plus un-leaded95

Page 111 — Maintenance

ASC interventionASC warning light quick-flashes.The ASC has detected a degreeof instability at the rear wheeland has intervened to reducetorque. The w

Page 112

Warning symbol 2 indicates acritical tyre pressure; the corres-ponding reading flashes.If the critical value is close to thelimit of the permissible t

Page 113 — Engine oil

Warnings, overviewTelltale lights Status indicators MeaningLights up yellow Appears on the dis-playTyre pressure close to limit of permittedtolerance

Page 114 — Brake system

Telltale lights Status indicators MeaningAppears on the dis-playTyre-pressure sensor battery weak( 42)339zStatus indicators

Page 115 — Brake pads

Tyre pressure closeto limit of permittedtoleranceGeneral warning light showsyellow.Tyre symbol appears onthe display.The critical pressure flashes.Pos

Page 116

Signal transmissiondisrupted»—«or»— —» appears onthe display.Possible cause:The motorcycle has not yet ac-celerated past the th

Page 117 — Brake fluid

Tyre-pressure sensorbattery weakGeneral warning light showsyellow.RDC appears on the display.Battery symbol appears onthe display.This error message a

Page 118

Warnings, overviewTelltale lights Status indicators MeaningAppears on the dis-playAnti-theft alarm battery weak ( 44)Lights up yellow Appears on the d

Page 119

Anti-theft alarm batteryweakBattery symbol appears onthe display.This error message appearsonly briefly after the pre-ride check completes.Possible ca

Page 120

OperationOperationIgnition switch and steering lock … 47Electronic immobiliser (EWS) … 48Clock … 49Odometer

Page 121

Welcome to BMWWe congratulate you on yourchoice of a motorcycle fromBMW and welcome you to thecommunity of BMW riders.Familiarise yourself with your n

Page 122

Helmet holder . … 76446zOperation

Page 123

Ignition switch andsteering lockKeysYou receive one master key andone spare key. Please consultthe information on the electronicimmobiliser (EWS) if a

Page 124

Locking handlebarsIf the motorcycle is on theside stand, the surface ofthe ground will determine wheth-er it is better to turn the handle-bars to the

Page 125

Replacement and extrakeysYou can obtain replacement/extrakeys only through an authorisedBMW Motorrad dealer. The keysare part of an integrated secur-i

Page 126

The display starts with the cur-rent value and each time the but-ton is pressed it moves one stepthrough the following sequence:Tripmeter 1 (Trip I)Tr

Page 127 — Front-wheel stand

Residual rangewithout on-board computerOEThe residual-range readout in-dicates how far you can ride withthe fuel remaining in the tank.This reading is

Page 128

Press button 1.The display starts with the cur-rent value and each time the but-ton is pressed it moves one stepthrough the following sequence:Ambient

Page 129

A special average-consumptionfigure is used to calculate range;this figure is not necessarily thesame as the value you can callup for viewing on the d

Page 130

the corresponding amount of fuelused.Resetting averageconsumptionSwitch on the ignition.Select average consumption.Press and hold down button 1.Averag

Page 131

Tyre pressuremonitoring RDCOEViewing tyre-pressurereadingsSwitch on the ignition.Repeatedly press button 1 un-til the tyre-pressure readingsappear on

Page 132

Table of ContentsYou can also consult the index atthe end of this Rider’s Manual ifyou want to find a particular topicor item of information.1 Ge

Page 133

Low-beam headlightThe low-beam headlight switcheson automatically when you startthe engine.When the engine is notrunning you can switch onthe lights b

Page 134

Turn indicatorsSwitching on left flashingturn indicatorsSwitch on the ignition.The turn indicators are can-celled automatically afteryou have ridden f

Page 135

warning flashers for longer thanabsolutely necessary.If you press a turn-indicat-or button with the ignitionswitched on, the turn-indicatorfunction is

Page 136

a Normal operating position(run)b Engine switched off.You cannot start the engineunless the kill switch is inthe run position.Automatic StabilityContr

Page 137

switching the ignition off andthen on again.An ASC fault has occurredif the ASC warning lightshows when the motorcycle ac-celerates to a speed in exce

Page 138 — Jump starting

off to ensure the battery’s start-ing capability.2 Heating off.3 50% heating power4 100% heating powerSeat heating, rear seat1 Switch for seat he

Page 139

Indicator in multifunctiondisplayOEThe symbols shown below ap-pear on the display to indicatewhich heating stage has beenselected:Front seat, 50 % hea

Page 140

Cruise-controlsystemOESwitching on cruisecontrolMove switch 1 to ON.Telltale light 2 in the switchlights up red.Setting road speedBriefly push button

Page 141

Stepless accelerationPush button 3 in the SET dir-ection and hold it in this posi-tion.The motorcycle acceleratessteplessly.Release button 3.The motor

Page 142

the throttle twistgrip back pastthe idle position).The cruise-control system isdeactivated.The cruise control telltale lightgoes out.The telltale ligh

Page 143

Clutch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 144 — Plastics

Closing stowagecompartmentSnap the lid of the compart-ment closed and push it down.The lock engages with an aud-ible click.Use the ignition key to tur

Page 145 — Paint care

brake lever unless the motorcycleis at a standstill.Turn adjusting screw 1 to thedesired position.The adjusting screw is easi-er to turn if you push t

Page 146

ection indicated by the HIGHarrow.If you want to reduce springpreload, turn knob 1 in the dir-ection indicated by the LOWarrow.Basic setting of spring

Page 147

If you want a harder dampingcharacteristic, use a screw-driver to turn adjusting screw 1in the direction indicated by theH arrow.If you want a softer

Page 148 — Troubleshooting chart

Press button 1.The current setting isdisplayed.The reading remains visible fora few seconds before disap-pearing automatically.Adjusting suspensiondam

Page 149 — Threaded fasteners

Wait until adjustment com-pletes (reading stops flashing)before pulling away.If the temperature is very low,take the weight off the motor-cycle before

Page 150

If tyre pressure is too low:Correct tyre pressure.HeadlightAdjusting headlight fordriving on left/driving onrightIf the motorcycle is ridden in acount

Page 151

a Normal positionb Position for heavy loadFront and rear seatsRemoving rear seatMake sure the ground is leveland firm and place the motor-cycle on its

Page 152

Removing front seatRemove the rear seat ( 73)Lift the rear of the front seat.with seat heatingOEDisconnect plug 2.Lift the seat up to remove.Installin

Page 153 — Rear-wheel drive

If you install the seat in the lowposition, check that the seat’srubber buffers 3 engage thebottom mounts in the frame.Firmly press the front sea

Page 154 — Running gear

Wheels and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . 152Electrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154Di

Page 155

Helmet holderSecuring helmet tomotorcycleRemove the rear seat ( 73)Use the wire rope available asan optional accessory to securethe helmet to helmet h

Page 157 — Electrics

Safety instructionsRider’s equipmentDo not ride without the correctclothing. Always wear:HelmetMotorcycling jacket andtrousersGlovesBootsThis app

Page 158

Catalytic converterIf misfiring causes unburned fuelto enter the catalytic converter,there is a danger of overheatingand damage.For this reason, obser

Page 159 — Dimensions

BrakesBrake-fluid levels, front and rearClutchClutch fluid levelDamping-characteristic settingand spring preloadTyre-tread depth and tyrepressuresCase

Page 160 — Riding specifications

0 °C, disengage the clutch afterswitching on the ignition.The start attempt is auto-matically interrupted if bat-tery voltage is too low. Rechargethe

Page 161

Phase 2Test of the wheel sensors asthe motorcycle pulls away fromrest.ABS warning light flashes.Possible national variant ofthe ABS warning light.ABS

Page 162

Risk of accident by unex-pectedly early contact withthe ground.Bear in mind that loweredsuspension limits themotorcycle’s angle of heel andground

Page 163 — Maintenance work

cedure is essential if the tyres areto achieve maximum grip.Tyres do not have their fullgrip when new and thereis a risk of accidents at extremeangles

Page 164 — BMW Running-in

discs and brake pads has beenremoved.Oil or grease on brakesOil and grease on the brakediscs and pads considerablydiminish braking efficiency.Especial

Page 165 — BMW Service

General instructionsGeneral instructionsOverview … 6Abbreviations and symbols … 6Equipment …

Page 166

Check that the motorcycle isstanding firmly.On a gradient, the motor-cycle should always faceuphill; select 1st gear.Lock the steering lock.Removing m

Page 167

RefuellingFuel is highly flammable. Anaked flame close to thefuel tank can cause a fire or ex-plosion.Do not smoke. Never bring anaked flame near the

Page 168

Usable fuel capacityapprox. 27 lReserve fuel≥4lPress the fuel tank cap downfirmly to close.Remove the key and close theprotective cap.Securing motorcy

Page 169 — Confirmation of service

At the rear, secure the strapsto the rear footrests on bothsides and tighten the straps.Tighten all the straps uniformly;the motorcycle’s suspens

Page 171

Engineering detailsEngineering detailsBrake system with BMW MotorradIntegral ABS . . … 92Electronic engine management withBMW Mo

Page 172

Brake system withBMW Motorrad IntegralABSPartially integral brakesYour motorcycle is equipped withpartially integral brakes. Bothfront and rear brakes

Page 173

ing force accordingly to achieveoptimum braking.What feedback does therider receive from theBMW Motorrad IntegralABS?If the ABS system has to reducebr

Page 174

exceptional riding conditions canlead to a fault message beingissued.Exceptional ridingconditions:Heating up with the motorcycleon the centre stand or

Page 175

What is the designbaseline for BMWMotorrad ASC?BMW Motorrad ASC is designedas an assistant system for therider and for use on public roads.The extent

  • Page 1
    Rider’s Manual (US Model) R 1200 RT BMW Motorrad Freude am Fahren…
  • Page 2
    Motorcycle/Retailer Data Motorcycle data Retailer Data Model Contact in Service Vehicle identification number Ms./Mr. Color number Phone number First registration Retailer’s address/phone number Registration number (company stamp)
  • Page 3
    We wish you many miles of community of BMW riders. safe and enjoyable riding Familiarize yourself with your new motorcycle so that you BMW Motorrad. can ride it safely and confi- dently in all traffic situations. Please read this Rider’s Man- ual carefully before starting to use your new BMW motor- cycle.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents 3 Status indicators ..21 Heated hand grips ..49 Multifunction display ..22 Seat heating ..49 You can also use the index at Clutch .

  • Page 5
    7 Maintenance ..97 Paint care ….130 BMW Motorrad service General instructions ..98 Protective wax quality .
  • Page 6
    Confirmation of service ….156…
  • Page 7: General Instructions

    General instructions Overview……6 Abbreviations and symbols ..6 Equipment ….. . 7 Technical data .

  • Page 8: Overview

    Optional equipment Overview Abbreviations and BMW equipment avail- symbols Chapter 2 of this Rider’s Man- able only as a factory ual will provide you with an Indicates warnings that installed option. initial overview of your motor- you must comply with for cycle.

  • Page 9: Equipment

    on the basis of the data, illus- Equipment Technical data trations or descriptions in this When you ordered your BMW All dimensions, weights and manual. motorcycle, you chose vari- performance specifications ous items of custom equip- in the Rider’s Manual refer ment.

  • Page 11: Overviews

    Overviews General view, left side ..11 General view, right side ..13 Underneath seat ….15 Left handlebar fitting .

  • Page 13: General View, Left Side

    General view, left side Headlight adjustment (vertical) beneath instru- ment panel ( Brake-fluid reservoir 103) Radio operating unit (OE) Onboard socket ( Onboard socket (OE) Adjuster, rear shock ab- sorber ( Oil sight glass ( Filler neck, engine oil 100)

  • Page 15: General View, Right

    General view, right side Seat lock ( Switch for passenger seat heating (OE) under passenger seat ( Mounting for tank ruck- sack (OA) Filler neck, fuel tank Front clutch fluid reser- voir Electrically adjustable windshield ( Storage or radio com- partment (…

  • Page 17: Underneath Seat

    Underneath seat Height adjuster, front seat ( Battery ( 122) Brake-fluid reservoir, rear 104) Adjuster, spring preload, rear ( Toolkit ( Type plate Helmet holder ( Table of tire pressures Label, payload…

  • Page 18: Left Handlebar Fitting

    Left handlebar fitting Switch for cruise control (OE) ( Radio operating unit (OE) ESA button (OE) ( Button for windshield ad- justment ( Horn button Button for left turn indi- cator and hazard warning flashers ( 55) ( Switch, high-beam head- light and headlight flash- er (…

  • Page 19: Handlebar Fitting, Right

    Handlebar fitting, right Onboard computer but- ton (OE) ( Emergency ON/OFF switch ( Starter button with OE Heated handle- bar grips: Heated hand grips Button for right turn indi- cator and hazard warning flashers ( 55) ( Turn indicators off button Switch for driver’s seat heating (…

  • Page 20: Instrument Cluster

    Instrument cluster Speedometer Warning and indicator lights ( Multifunction display Rev. counter Anti-theft alarm indicator light Setting for clock and display dimming ( Control, odometer ( Sensor for lighting of in- strument panel The instrument-cluster lighting has automatic day and night switchover.

  • Page 21: Headlight

    Headlight High-beam headlight Low-beam headlight Side lights…

  • Page 23: Status Indicators

    Status indicators Multifunction display … 22 Warning and indicator lights..23 ABS warning light … . . 23 Function indicators .

  • Page 24: Multifunction Display

    Multifunction display Fuel gauge ( Area for radio display (see radio operating manual) Area for warning symbols Gear indicator ( Engine temperature indi- cator ( Tripmeter or area for dis- plays of onboard com- puter (OE) ( 41) ( Display area for clock, seat heating (OE), display dimming and ESA (OE) 42) (…

  • Page 25: Warning And Indicator

    Engine temperature Warning and indicator ABS warning light lights The lateral bars under In some countries a different the temperature symbol display of the ABS warning show the engine temperature light is possible. level. Alternative display of General warning indi- ABS warning light.

  • Page 26
    Overview of warning indicators Display Meaning lights up yellow The warning Electronic immobilizer is active EWS! indicated lights up yellow is indicated Fuel down to reserve ( lights up yellow is indicated Engine electronics ( lights up red is indicated Engine oil pressure insufficient lights up red is indicated…
  • Page 27
    Display Meaning is dis- Anti-theft alarm battery weak ( played with note lights up yellow is dis- Anti-theft alarm battery drained played with note…
  • Page 28
    Electronic immobilizer is A fuel shortage can lead The engine is running active to misfiring and to the in emergency operating engine dying unexpectedly. mode. Engine power may be General warning light Misfiring can damage the cat- reduced, and this can cause lights up yellow.
  • Page 29
    Engine oil pressure insuffi- Battery charge current in- If the warning on insufficient cient sufficient engine oil pressure appears General warning light despite a correct engine oil General warning light level: lights up red. lights up red. In addition to an insuf- Engine oil pressure sym- Battery charge current ficient engine oil level,…
  • Page 30
    gine can die suddenly and Replacing left low-beam Tail light or brake light bulb the battery can be exhaus- bulb ( 115) defective. tively discharged and there- Replacing right low-beam Replacing rear brake, tail fore destroyed. bulb ( 116) light or rear turn indicator Have the fault rectified as Replacing side light bulb bulbs (…
  • Page 31: Abs Warning

    Anti-theft alarm battery A combination of several bulb The anti-theft alarm battery weak defects is present. has no capacity. The opera- Battery symbol with note tion of the anti-theft alarm is See the fault descriptions no longer ensured with the above.

  • Page 32
    Display 1. Display 2. The warning indicators in this chapter are described using display 1.
  • Page 33
    Overview of warning indicators Display Meaning lights up red Brake switch defective ( flashes 1x per Pull-away test not completed ( second flashes 4x per Self-diagnosis not completed ( second lights up red lights up ABS warning lights defective ( lights up red flashes 1x per ABS function not available (…
  • Page 34
    Brake switch defective Have the fault rectified as Do not use emergency soon as possible by a spe- braking if possible until the General warning light cialized workshop, prefer- starting-off test has been lights up red. ably an authorized BMW completed.
  • Page 35
    self-diagnosis has not been ior, and therefore accidents ABS warning light flash- completed. may result. es once per second. You can continue to ride. Brake early and avoid hard Without the ABS func- However, bear in mind that braking whenever possible, tion, the wheels may neither the ABS function as functions of the BMW Inte-…
  • Page 36
    Residual braking function the brake booster is avail- Checking front brake pad active able. thickness ( 101) Have the fault rectified as Checking brake pad thick- General warning light soon as possible by a spe- ness at rear ( 102) lights up red.
  • Page 37
    Switch off Ignition, then op- Have the fault rectified as ABS warning light flash- erate handbrake lever and soon as possible by a spe- es four times per sec- footbrake lever consecutive- cialized workshop, prefer- ond. ably an authorized BMW At least two faults have oc- motorcycle retailer.
  • Page 39: Operation

    Operation Headlight ….. 54 Turn indicators ….55 Ignition switch and steering lock .

  • Page 40: Ignition Switch And Steering Lock

    Switching on ignition Switching off ignition Ignition switch and steering lock Keys You receive one master key and one spare key. If a key is lost, please note the informa- tion on the electronic immobi- lizer (EWS) ( 39). Ignition switch and steer- ing lock, tank filler cap Turn the key to position 1.

  • Page 41: Electronic Immobilizer Ews

    The battery can be On level ground, always turn lizer can be started only with recharged via the onboard the handlebars to the left to the keys that belong to the socket. set the steering lock. vehicle. You can also have your authorized BMW motor- Turn the handlebars to the Locking handlebars…

  • Page 42: Hazard Warning Flashers

    A spare key attached keys that belong to the mo- The hazard warning to the same ring as the torcycle. A key that has been flashers place a strain ignition key used to start the barred can subsequently be on the battery. Do not use engine could «irritate»…

  • Page 43: Odometer And Tripmeters

    Switching off hazard Odometer and tripme- warning flashers ters Odometer Press tripmeter button 1 once briefly each time. Press turn-indicator cancel button 3. The odometer reading ap- Hazard warning flashers are pears in display field 1. switched off. Alternative: Press button for Selecting tripmeter left turn indicator 1 and right Switch on the ignition.

  • Page 44: Clock

    Tripmeter and onboard The hour increments by one Clock each time you press the computer Setting clock button. On motorcycles with an on- Attempting to set the Press button 1 for longer board computer, the tripmeter clock while riding the than 2 seconds.

  • Page 45: Onboard Computer Oe

    Adjusting dimming reached, brightness is reduced by one level. Onboard computer Selecting readings The following sequence is shown in the display field of Adjusting the dimming the onboard computer: while driving can lead to Residual range accidents. Average speed Only adjust the dimming when Average consumption the motorcycle is stationary.

  • Page 46
    The determined residu- al range is an approxi- mate reading. BMW Motorrad Repeatedly press BC therefore recommends that button 1 until the average you do not try to use the full…
  • Page 47: Ambient Temperature

    Display shows «—.- mpg». Oil level is correct Ambient temperature The current ambient tempera- Oil level ture is displayed. Check oil level. An ice warning Oil level cannot be mea- appears if the ambient- sured (conditions as temperature reading drops stated above not satisfied).

  • Page 48: Cruise Control Oe

    Setting road speed Step-by-step accelera- Cruise control tion Switching on cruise con- trol Briefly push button 3 in SET direction Briefly push button 3 in SET Cruise-control indicator direction Move switch 1 to ON. light lights up. Speed is increased by 1 Indicator light 2 in switch mph (2 km/h) each time lights up red.

  • Page 49
    Stepless acceleration Step-by-step decelera- Stepless deceleration tion Briefly press button 3 in Briefly press button 3 in SET direction and hold. RES direction and hold. Briefly push button 3 in RES The motorcycle accelerates The motorcycle decelerates direction. steplessly. steplessly. Speed is decreased by ap- Release button 3.
  • Page 50: Emergency On/Off Switch

    Cruise control is deactivat- only to the cruising speed Emergency ON/OFF saved in memory, even switch though you might have Cruise-control indicator light intended slowing to a lower goes out. speed. Indicator light in switch re- mains on. Cruise-control indicator light lights up.

  • Page 51: Heated Hand Grips Oe

    The engine can be easily and grips are switched off to en- Heated hand grips quickly switched off using the sure starting capability. emergency ON/OFF switch. Heated hand grips switch Heating function off. A Operating position. 50% heat output (one dot The handlebar grips can be B Engine switched off.

  • Page 52
    switched off to ensure the Seat heating of passen- battery’s starting capability. ger seat Seat heating, front seat Heating function off. 50% heating power 100% heating power Switch for seat heating, rear seat Switch for seat heating, front seat The passenger seat can be heated at two levels.
  • Page 53: Clutch

    Shown in multifunction Driver’s seat 50% heat- ing capacity display Driver’s seat 100% heat- ing capacity Passenger seat 50% heating capacity Passenger seat 100% heating capacity Switch in middle posi- tion: Heating off. Clutch Switch pressed toward Switch on driver’s or pas- Adjusting clutch lever rear: 50% heating ca- senger heating.

  • Page 54: Brakes

    bars or the handlebars in their Brakes mounts. Adjusting handbrake Attempting to adjust the lever clutch lever while riding The distance between han- the motorcycle can lead to dlebar grip and handbrake accidents. lever can be adjusted to any Adjust the clutch lever only of four positions.

  • Page 55
    switched on longer than Switching on high-beam switch is pressed (headlight absolutely necessary. flasher). headlight Switching on side lights Switching on low-beam headlight Switch off the ignition. The low-beam headlight You can switch on the switches on automatically parking lights only imme- when you start the engine.
  • Page 56: Headlight

    Headlight range and Headlight range adjust- Headlight spring preload ment Adjusting headlight for The headlight range gener- RHD/LHD traffic ally remains constant due to When riding in countries the adjustment of the spring where traffic drives on the op- preload to the loading state. posite side of the road to that Spring preload adjustment in which the motorcycle was…

  • Page 57: Turn Indicators

    A Position with heavy pay- Press left-hand turn indica- Press right-hand turn indi- load tor button 1. cator button 2. B Normal position After driving for approx. After driving for approx. ten seconds or after cov- ten seconds or after cov- Turn indicators ering a distance of approx.

  • Page 58: Storage Compartment

    Switching off turn indica- Opening storage com- Closing storage com- tors partment partment Press turn-indicator cancel Turn lock barrel 1 perpen- Snap lid of compartment button 3. dicular to driving direction closed and push it down. with ignition key. Turn indicator switched off. The lock engages with an Lock of storage compart- audible click.

  • Page 59: Front And Rear Seats

    Front and rear seats Removing passenger seat Make sure the ground is level and firm and park the motorcycle. When doing so, press the Pull the seat to the rear to rear seat down. release it from its holders. Lift the seat at the rear and Removing driver’s seat release the key.

  • Page 60
    Adjusting driver’s seat Installing driver’s seat The front seat can be raised Installing passenger seat or lowered to either of two positions. Installing driver’s seat Adjusting driver’s seat If too much pressure is Make sure the ground is applied in the forward level and firm and park the direction, there is a danger motorcycle.
  • Page 61
    gage in the lower mount on with OE Seat heating: the frame. Slide front seat forward on- to seat supporting rod 1. Close connector 1. Check that the seat is cor- Firmly push the front seat rectly seated. into the mount. Installing passenger seat If too much pressure is applied in the forward…
  • Page 62: Helmet Holder

    Firmly press down on the Removing passenger seat Mirrors seat at the rear. Adjusting mirrors The seat engages with an audible click. Helmet holder Helmet holders under passenger seat Move the mirrors into the The helmet catch can desired position by pressing scratch the paneling.

  • Page 63: Windshield

    Press button 1 at top. acteristic to suit the spring Windshield preload. Windshield is raised. Adjustable windshield Press button 1 at bottom. Adjusting the spring Windshield is lowered. preload while the motorcycle is being ridden Spring preload can lead to accidents. Adjust the spring preload only Adjusting spring preload when the motorcycle is sta-…

  • Page 64: Shock Absorbers

    To decrease spring preload, Shock absorbers turn handwheel 1 in direc- Adjusting damping tion of arrow LOW. The damping must be adapt- ed to the spring preload. An increase in spring preload re- quires firmer damping, a re- duction in spring preload re- quires softer damping.

  • Page 65: Electronic Suspension

    Adjust the rear shock ab- Turn adjusting screw in di- motorcycle to the load and sorber, using a screwdriver rection of arrow H up to the road surface. The damp- to turn adjusting screw 1. stop, then a three-quarter ing setting is displayed in the turn in direction of arrow S multifunction display in the area 1, and the spring preload…

  • Page 66
    Display goes out again au- normal damping tomatically after a few sec- onds. sporty damping Adjusting damping If button 1 is not pressed Switch on the ignition. for a longer time, shock ab- sorbers are set as indicat- ed. During the setting pro- cedure, the display flashes.
  • Page 67: Tires

    Two-up (with luggage) pressure, use a metal valve Tire pressure for rear wheel cap with rubber sealing ring — passenger and luggage on the rear wheel and tighten 42.1 psi (with tire cold) If button 1 is not pressed it securely. In case of insufficient tire for longer than one second, pressure:…

  • Page 69: Riding

    Riding Safety instructions … . . 68 Checklist ….. . 70 Starting .

  • Page 70: Safety Instructions

    settings of the spring-strut Do not ride your motorcy- Safety instructions and shock absorber system cle after consuming alcohol, Rider’s equipment drugs and/or medication. imbalanced load Do not ride without the cor- loose clothing rect clothing. Always wear: Risk of poisoning insufficient tire pressure helmet Exhaust fumes contain car-…

  • Page 71: Catalytic Converter

    tion system when the engine Risk of fire Tampering with the con- is running. trol unit of the electronic Temperatures at the exhaust are high. engine-management sys- Catalytic converter Flammable materials If misfiring causes unburned (e.g. hay, leaves, grass, Tampering with con- fuel to enter the catalytic con- clothing and luggage, etc.) trol unit of electronic…

  • Page 72: Checklist

    engine-management Starting engine Starting system. Side stand You cannot start the Checklist motorcycle with the side Use the following checklist stand extended and a gear to check important functions, engaged. The engine will settings and wear limits be- switch itself off if you start fore you ride off.

  • Page 73
    self-diagnosis has been At ambient temperatures be- a «Pre-ride check», is indicat- performed. low 32 °F (0 °C), actuate the ed by the lettering CHECK! clutch after switching on the in the display. With the OE Emergency ON/OFF ignition. cruise control, the light switch 1 in operating is also displayed.
  • Page 74: Starting Off

    If the general warning Phase 1 The ABS warning light light cannot be dis- does not go out until af- Self-diagnosis is performed. played, several malfunctions ter completion of the starting- General warning light cannot be indicated. off test. lights up red. Watch the display of the gen- ABS warning light flash- Starting off…

  • Page 75: Running In

    The ABS warning light goes Exceeding the specified exerting greater pressure on out after completion of the engine speeds while run- the levers. starting-off test. ning in will lead to increased New brake pads can ex- engine wear. If an error message is shown tend stopping distance after the starting-off test is Adhere to the specified en-…

  • Page 77: Parking Your Motorcycle

    Slowly lean the motorcycle On a grade, the motor- Parking your motorcy- to the side until its weight cycle should always face is taken by the stand and uphill; select 1st gear. Placing on side stand dismount to the left. When you prop the If the ground is soft or motorcycle on the…

  • Page 79
    An extended side stand Remove from side can catch on the ground stand when the motorcycle is mov- ing and lead to a fall. Brake servo assistance Retract the side stand before is not available when the moving the vehicle. ignition is off;…
  • Page 81
    Excessive movements Placing on center could result in the cen- stand ter stand retracting, and the motorcycle would topple as a If the ground is soft or result. uneven, there is no guar- Do not sit on the motorcycle antee that the motorcycle will while it is resting on the cen- rest firmly on the stand.
  • Page 83
    Pushing off center stand Brake servo assistance is not available when the ignition is off; the motorcycle can start to roll. Especially on inclines, switch on the ignition and wait for the ABS self-diagnosis. Switch on the ignition. Wait for ABS self-diagnosis to complete.
  • Page 84: Refueling

    Make sure the ground is Premium grade unleaded Refueling level and firm and park the fuel Fuel is highly flammable. motorcycle. 98 ROZ Fire at the fuel tank can Fuel types can be used with result in fire and explosion. poorer performance and Do not smoke.

  • Page 85: General Brake System

    Salt on brakes Dirt or mud on brakes General brake system The full braking effect When the motorcycle Descending mountain can be delayed if the is ridden on loose sur- passes motorcycle is ridden on salt- faces or muddy roads, the There is a danger of the covered roads and the brakes brakes may fail to take effect…

  • Page 86: Brake System With Bmw Integral Abs

    minimize braking distances Partially integral brake Brake system with noticeably, even when road BMW Integral ABS Your motorcycle is equipped conditions are poor. When with a partially integral brake Sensitive electronic con- driving straight ahead, BMW configuration. Both front and trol Integral ABS enables safe, re- rear brakes are applied simul-…

  • Page 87
    higher braking efficiency than Bear in mind that ABS can- the ABS function is unavail- standard brake systems. not be relied on in all circum- able in the brake system in stances to prevent the rear question. When the residu- ABS anti-lock braking wheel from lifting clear of the al braking function is active,…
  • Page 88
    As the residual braking function means that the lever path before the brake pressure is built up can be longer, BMW Motorrad rec- ommends that a larger lever path be set at the handbrake lever. In the case of residual…
  • Page 89: Accessories

    Accessories General instructions … 88 Onboard socket ….88 Luggage ….. . 91 Case .

  • Page 90: General Instructions

    BMW cannot evaluate General instructions Onboard socket whether every product of BMW Motorrad recommends Ratings other manufacturers is suit- the use of parts and acces- The supply to the socket is able for use on BMW motor- sories for your motorcycle…

  • Page 91
    Cable routing The cables from the onboard socket to the auxiliary device must be routed in such a way that they: do not impede the rider do not restrict or obstruct the steering angle and han- dling characteristics Onboard socket, rear left cannot be trapped Operating electrical ac- Improperly routed cables…
  • Page 93: Luggage

    Make sure that the weight Luggage is uniformly distributed be- Correct loading tween right and left. Pack heavy items at bottom Overloading and uneven and toward inboard side. loading can diminish the Max. load in each case (left riding stability of the motorcy- and right): 22 lbs (10 kg).

  • Page 94: Case

    Closing case Case Opening case Press lock barrel 1. Unlocking lever 2 pops up. Pull lever 2 back as far as it Fold lever 2 toward rear. will go. Turn key in case lock per- Open case lid. Close case lid 3 and press pendicular to direction of down.

  • Page 95
    Removing case Push lever down. Turn the key clockwise (left case) or counterclockwise The lever engages. Turn key in case lock per- (right case). Turn key in case lock paral- pendicular to direction of Handle 4 pops out. lel to direction of travel. travel.
  • Page 96: Topcase Oa

    The case is released and Topcase can be removed. Opening Topcase Mounting case Unlatch the handle and pull it up as far as it will go. Push the handle of the case down until it engages (the colored indicator on the Position lock barrel vertically handle must disappear).

  • Page 97
    Closing Topcase Removing Topcase Lift the Topcase at the rear and pull it off the carrier. Fully open locking lever 8. Position lock barrel horizon- Unlock lid and press down. tally in Topcase. Mounting Topcase Check that nothing is Topcase is locked. Position lock barrel horizon- trapped between the lid and Turn the key clockwise.
  • Page 98
    dicator on the handle must disappear). Topcase is locked. Turn the key clockwise. Hook the Topcase into position on the carrier. Handle 6 pops out. Make sure that hooks 7 are securely seated in corresponding mounts 8. Pull handle 6 up as far as it will go.
  • Page 99: Maintenance

    Maintenance Lamps ….. . . 113 Jump starting ….121 General instructions .

  • Page 100: General Instructions

    General instructions Toolkit Overview of toolkit The ‘Maintenance’ chapter Removing toolkit describes work involving the Make sure the ground is checking and replacement of level and firm and park the wear parts that can be per- motorcycle. formed with a minimum of ef- Removing passenger seat fort.

  • Page 101: Overview Of Supplemental

    can only be checked at the oil Overview of supple- Engine oil sight glass. mental set Checking engine oil level Make sure ground is level The engine can seize if and firm and place motorcy- the oil level is low, and cle at operating temperature this can lead to accidents.

  • Page 102: General Brake System

    Topping up engine oil General brake system Functioning brakes A properly functioning brake system is a basic require- ment for the road safety of your motorcycle. Do not ride the motorcycle if you have any doubts about the dependability of the brake Specified level of engine oil system.

  • Page 103: Brake Pads

    Checking brake opera- preferably an authorized BMW motorcycle retailer. tion Switch on the ignition. Brake pads Wait for ABS self-diagnosis Checking front brake pad to complete. Pull the handbrake lever. thickness The pressure point must be Continuing to use brake clearly perceptible.

  • Page 104
    The wear markings must be Make sure the ground is clearly visible on the brake level and firm and park the pads must. motorcycle. If the wear indicating marks are no longer clearly visible: Have the brake pads re- placed by a specialized workshop, preferably an au- thorized BMW motorcycle The brake disk must not be…
  • Page 105: Brake Fluid

    preferably an authorized Residual brake pad thick- Brake fluid BMW motorcycle retailer. ness Checking front brake flu- at least 75% (3 rings visible) id level at least 50% (2 rings visible) A low fluid level in the 50-25% (1 ring visible) brake reservoir can al- Replace brake pad (No low air to penetrate the brake…

  • Page 106
    system. This significantly re- duces braking efficiency. Brake early. Have the fault remedied as quickly as possible by a certified workshop, preferably an authorized BMW motorcycle retailer. Checking rear brake fluid Read off the brake fluid level Read off the brake fluid level level at the reservoir 1.
  • Page 107: Clutch

    Brake fluid DOT4 Tires have wear indica- If no clear pressure point can tors integrated into the The brake fluid level must be felt: main tread grooves. If the tire not drop. Have the clutch checked tread has worn down to the by a specialized workshop, If the brake fluid level drops level of the marks, the tire is…

  • Page 108: Wheels

    If a risk of the brake pads be- BMW Motorrad has not ap- ing pressed together to the proved the wheels and tires, it extent that they cannot be…

  • Page 109
    Installing front wheel Carefully pull brake calipers BMW Motorrad offers an Threaded fasteners not back and out until clear of adapter piece for remov- tightened to the speci- brake disks.
  • Page 110
    ably an authorized BMW mo- torcycle retailer. During the following work, parts of the front brake, in particular of the BMW Integral ABS, can be damaged. Take care not to damage the brake system, in particular the ABS sensor with cable and Roll the front wheel into the Install quick-release axle 6 the ABS sensor ring.
  • Page 111
    Install mounting screws 2 Install screws 1 on left and The cable of the ABS with torque. right. sensor could chafe Brake caliper on slider tube Switch on the ignition. through if it comes into contact with the brake disk. 22 lb/ft Wait for self-diagnosis to complete.
  • Page 112
    Make sure ground is level and firm and park motorcy- cle on its center stand. Remove screw 2 for bracket Remove screws 3 from rear of end muffler from passen- wheel while supporting ger footrest. wheel. Roll the rear wheel out to- Unscrew clamping screw 1 ward the rear.
  • Page 113
    Insert rear wheel in hole for wheel and the end muffler wheel centering device. must be at least 0,79 in. Install screw 2 for bracket of end muffler on rear footrest, but do not tighten it. Turn the end silencer to its initial position.
  • Page 114: Front Wheel Stand

    14 lb/ft the front wheel stand to the stand before lifting it with the desired height. BMW Motorrad front wheel Front wheel stand Center the front wheel stand stand. relative to the front wheel Front wheel stand…

  • Page 115: Lamps

    Lamps General instructions A bulb failure is signaled to you in the multifunction dis- play by a warning indicator. If the brake or rear light fails, the general warning light al- so lights up in yellow. If the rear light fails, the brake light Align two mounts 2 so that If the motorcycle is rest- is used as a substitute in that…

  • Page 116
    The bulb is pressurized topple in the course of the and can cause injury if operations described below. damaged. Make sure that the motorcy- Wear eye and hand protection cle is steady on its stand. when replacing bulbs. Make sure the ground is An overview of the bulb level and firm and park the types installed in your…
  • Page 117
    Check that the bulb is cor- rected seated (by looking in through the headlight lens). Replacing left low-beam bulb If it is not standing firm- ly, the motorcycle could topple in the course of the operations described below. Remove bulb 4. Turn cover 1 counterclock- Make sure that the motorcy- wise and remove it.
  • Page 118
    Install bulbs in reverse or- Make sure that the motorcy- der. cle is steady on its stand. Make sure the ground is level and firm and park the motorcycle. Switch off the ignition. To achieve better acces- sibility, turn the handle- bars to the left.
  • Page 119
    Check that the bulb is cor- rected seated (by looking in through the headlight lens). Left and right side-light bulb The procedure for replacing the left side-light bulb is de- scribed below. The proce- dure for replacing the right Disconnect plug 2. Remove bulb 4.
  • Page 120
    Apply firm forward pressure Remove screw 1 while Side-light bulb is accessible with the flat of your hand to holding fairing side panel in through opening. push the mirror back out of place. the anchorage. Remove bulb holder 3 from Take off fairing side panel 2.
  • Page 121
    of motorcycle: swivel lever upward). When installing fairing pan- If rubber mounts or re- el 2, make sure that lug of taining pins of the mir- panel is correctly seated in rors are greased, the mirrors Pull bulb 5 out of bulb hold- corresponding recess.
  • Page 122
    Replacing rear brake, tail Press the bulb into its sock- et and turn it counterclock- light or rear turn indica- wise to remove. tor bulbs Install new bulb in reverse If it is not standing firm- order. ly, the motorcycle could topple in the course of the Replacing front turn indi- operations described below.
  • Page 123: Jump Starting

    Press bulb 2 into its socket ly in their corresponding and turn it counterclockwise mounts. to remove. Jump starting Install new bulb in reverse order. Jump starting The wires leading to the onboard socket do not have a load-capacity rating adequate for jump-starting Apply firm forward pressure the engine.

  • Page 124: Battery

    A short-circuit can result battery from the onboard protect starter and donor if the crocodile clips of electrical system. battery. the jump leads are acciden- Remove the protective cap Allow both engines to idle tally brought into contact with from the positive battery ter- for a few minutes before the motorcycle.

  • Page 125
    BMW Motorrad has de- Charging the battery via Keep the surface of the bat- veloped a trickle-charger the onboard socket is…
  • Page 126
    Always charge a completely Charging disconnected Removing passenger seat drained battery directly at the battery terminals of the disconnected Removing driver’s seat Charge the battery using a battery. suitable charger. Switch off the ignition. Charge the disconnect- Comply with the operating ed battery via the onboard instructions of the charger.
  • Page 127
    Then pull off protective cap Then install negative cable 2 and remove battery positive and hand-tighten screw. cable 3. Switch on the ignition. Lift out battery upward; if it Without starting engine, is difficult to move, moving it hold throttle twistgrip in ful- back and forth will help.
  • Page 129: Care

    Care Care products ….128 Washing your motorcycle ..128 Cleaning sensitive motorcycle parts ……129 Paint care .

  • Page 130: Care Products

    Care products Washing your motor- brakes might not take effect cycle BMW Motorrad recommends immediately. that you use the cleaning BMW Motorrad recommends Brake early until the brakes and care products you can that you use BMW insect re- are dry or braked until dry.

  • Page 131: Cleaning Sensitive Motorcycle Parts

    Soften stubborn dirt and Radiator Cleaning sensitive mo- dead insects by covering torcycle parts Clean the radiator regular- the affected areas with a wet ly to prevent overheating of Plastics cloth. the engine due to inadequate Clean plastic parts with water cooling.

  • Page 132: Paint Care

    For the protective wax coat- sponding auxiliary stands. However, remove particularly ing of paint, BMW Motorrad Before storing the aggressive materials imme- recommends using only BMW vehicle, have the engine diately; otherwise changes in…

  • Page 133: Returning Motorcycle To

    Returning motorcycle to use Remove protective wax coating. Clean motorcycle. Install a charged battery. Before starting: Observe checklist.

  • Page 135: Technical Data

    Technical data Troubleshooting chart ..134 Threaded fasteners … 135 Engine ….. . . 136 Riding specifications .

  • Page 136: Chart

    Troubleshooting chart Engine does not start at all or is very difficult to start Possible cause Remedy Emergency ON/OFF switch activated. Emergency ON/OFF switch in operating posi- tion. Side stand extended and gear engaged. Retract side stand ( 70). Gear engaged and clutch not operated. Place transmission in neutral or disengage clutch( 70).

  • Page 137: Threaded Fasteners

    Threaded fasteners Activity Type of threaded fastener Tightening torques Front wheel Clamping screw for quick-release M8 x 35 14 lb/ft axle Quick-release axle in axle mount M24 x 1.5 37 lb/ft Brake caliper on slider tube M8 x 32 — 10.9 22 lb/ft Rear wheel Rear wheel on wheel carrier…

  • Page 138: Engine

    Engine Engine design longitudinally mounted twelve-cylinder, four- cycle opposed-twin engine with one overhead cam each, air cooling, oil-cooled exhaust sys- tem and electronic fuel injection Effective displacement 1170 cc Cylinder bore 4 in Piston stroke 2.9 in Compression ratio 12.0:1 Rated output 110 hp, — at engine speed: 7500 min with OE Power reduction:…

  • Page 139
    Oil grades Engine oils of the API classification SF or bet- ter. Engine oils of the ACEA classification A2 or better. BMW Motorrad recommends not using synthetic oils for the first 6,000 miles (10,000 km). Ask your BMW motorcycle retail-…
  • Page 140: Riding Specifications

    Permissible viscosity classes SAE 5 W-30 -4…68 °F, Operation at low temperatures SAE 10 W-40 14…86 °F, Operation at moderate tempera- tures SAE 15 W-40 or SAE 20 W-40 >32 °F, Operation at high temperatures SAE 5 W-50 or SAE 10 W-50 >-4 °F, Use high-quality and synthetic oils.

  • Page 141: Clutch

    Clutch Clutch design single dry plate with high-leverage pressure plate Transmission Transmission design fully helical 6-speed transmission with inte- grated torsional vibration damper, claw shift- ing via sliding sleeves Gear ratios Transmission primary gear ratio 1.824 (31:17 teeth) Gear ratio in 1st gear 2.277 (41:18 teeth) Gear ratio in 2nd gear 1.583 (38:24 teeth)

  • Page 142: Rear-Wheel Drive

    Rear-wheel drive Rear-wheel drive design shaft drive with bevel gears Gear ratio of rear-wheel drive 2.62:1 Running gear Front-suspension design BMW Telelever, tilt decoupled, leading link centrally mounted in main frame/on engine, with externally seated suspension strut Total suspension travel of front suspension 4.7 in, on wheel Rear suspension strut design Central spring strut with single-tube gas-filled…

  • Page 143: Brakes

    Brakes Front brake design Hydraulic two-disk brake with 4-piston fixed calipers and floating brake disks Front brake pad Sintered metal Front brake pads — wear marking The wear markings must be clearly visible on the brake pads must. Rear brake design Hydraulic disk brake with 2-piston floating caliper and fixed brake disk Rear brake pad…

  • Page 144: Wheels And Tires

    Wheels and tires Front wheel design Cast wheel with 5 double spokes, MT H2 Front-wheel rim size 3.50″ x 17″ Front-wheel tire designation 120/70 ZR 17 Rear wheel design Cast wheel with 5 double spokes, MT H2 Rear-wheel rim size 5.50″…

  • Page 145: Electrical System

    Electrical system Current limit values for onboard sockets 10 A Fuses All circuits are electronically protected, so plug-in fuses are no longer necessary. If an electronic fuse trips and de-energizes a cir- cuit, the circuit is active as soon as the ig- nition is switched on after the fault has been rectified.

  • Page 146
    Bulbs High-beam headlight bulb — standard designa- Halogen bulb H7 tion High-beam headlight bulb — voltage 12 V High-beam headlight bulb — wattage 55 W Low-beam headlight bulb- standard designa- Halogen bulb H7 tion Low-beam headlight bulb — voltage 12 V Low-beam headlight bulb — wattage 55 W Side-light bulb standard designation…
  • Page 147: Frame

    Frame Frame design Steel-tube front frame with steel-tube rear frame and carrying drive unit Location of type plate Rear frame lug on right under passenger seat Location of vehicle identification number (VIN) Front frame, upper center Dimensions Overall length 87.8 in Maximum height 56.3 in, in DIN normal-load position;…

  • Page 148: Weights

    Weights Unladen weight 571 lbs, DIN unladen weight, ready for road, 90% full tank of gas, without OE Permitted total weight 1091 lbs Max. payload 520 lbs…

  • Page 149: Service

    Service BMW Motorrad service ..148 BMW Motorrad service quality ….. . . 148…

  • Page 150: Service

    By dance with BMW specifica- BMW Motorrad stands not having the necessary repairs tions. only for good handling and a done properly and in good You can contact your BMW…

  • Page 151: Bmw Motorrad Service Card — On-The-Spot Breakdown

    BMW Motorrad service certain time, others depend network With all new BMW motorcy- on the distance covered by cles, the BMW Motorrad Ser- With its worldwide service the motorcycle. vice Card protects you in the network BMW Motorrad sup- event of a breakdown with…

  • Page 152: Schedules

    BMW Service Maintenance sched- ules After the first 6,000 miles (10,000 km) and every The maintenance schedule for additional 12,000 miles your motorcycle depends on (20,000 km) (18,000 miles, the equipment installed, and 30,000 miles, 40,000 miles on the motorcycle’s age and etc.

  • Page 153: Confirmation Of Maintenance Work

    Confirmation of maintenance work BMW Pre-delivery BMW Running-in Check Check Carried out properly in Carried out properly in accordance with work- accordance with work- shop specifications. shop specifications. at miles: Brake fluid changed Without BMW Inte- gral ABS With BMW Integral Wheel circuit Control circuit Date, stamp, signature…

  • Page 154
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- spection spection spection BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection Carried out properly in Carried out properly in Carried out properly in accordance with work- accordance with work- accordance with work-…
  • Page 155
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- spection spection spection BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection Carried out properly in Carried out properly in Carried out properly in accordance with work- accordance with work- accordance with work-…
  • Page 156
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- spection spection spection BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection Carried out properly in Carried out properly in Carried out properly in accordance with work- accordance with work- accordance with work-…
  • Page 157
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- BMW Annual In- spection spection spection BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service BMW Inspection BMW Inspection BMW Inspection Carried out properly in Carried out properly in Carried out properly in accordance with work- accordance with work- accordance with work-…
  • Page 158: Confirmation Of Service

    Confirmation of service The table is intended as proof of maintenance, warranty and repair work, the installed optional accessories and any special campaign (recall) work carried out. Work carried out at miles: Date…

  • Page 159
    Work carried out at miles: Date…
  • Page 160
    Brake lever Clock Abbreviations and symbols, 6 adjusting handbrake adjusting, 18 lever, 52 setting, 42 warning light, 23 Brake pads Clutch Accessories check front, 101 adjusting clutch lever, 51 general instructions, 88 check rear, 102 checking operation, 105 Anti-theft alarm, 18 running in, 73 fluid reservoir, 13 Brakes, 101…
  • Page 161
    Hazard warning flashers, 16, Electrical system functional description, 39 technical data, 143 switching off, 41 warning indicator, 26 Emergency ON/OFF switching on, 40 switch, 17, 48 Headlight Frame Engine adjusting for RHD/LHD technical data, 145 engine-electronics warning traffic, 54 Front wheel stand, 112 indicator, 26 adjusting headlight Fuel…
  • Page 162
    Immobilizer replacing rear turn indicator Motorcycle functional description, 39 bulb, 120 general view of left side, 11 warning indicator, 26 replacing right low-beam general view of right bulb, 116 Indicator lights, 18 side, 13 overview, 23 replacing side light returning to use, 131 bulb, 117 Instrument cluster storing, 130…
  • Page 163
    electrical system, 143 Passenger seat Safety instructions, 68 engine, 136 heating, 13, 50 brakes, 83 engine oil, 137 Service, 148 installing, 59 frame, 145 Service Card, 149 removing, 57 fuel, 4, 137 Side stand Pre-ride check, 71 rear-wheel drive, 140 during starting, 70 running gear, 140 placing on side stand, 75…
  • Page 164
    Topcase Wheels installing front wheel, 107 closing, 95 installing rear wheel, 110 mounting, 95 removing front wheel, 106 opening, 94 removing rear wheel, 109 removing, 95 technical data, 142 Torques, 135 Windshield Transmission adjusting, 13, 16, 61 during starting, 70 technical data, 139 Troubleshooting chart, 134 Turn indicators…
  • Page 165
    The right to modify designs, equipment and accessories is reserved. Errors and omissions except- © 2005 BMW Motorrad Not to be reproduced either wholly or in part without writ- ten permission from BMW Motorrad, After Sales.
  • Page 166
    Tire pressure for front wheel — passenger and luggage 36.3 psi, with tire cold Tire pressure for rear wheel — passenger and luggage 42.1 psi, with tire cold BMW Motorrad Order No.: 01 47 7 698 857 BMW recommends 08.2005 2.
  • Page 167
    However, NHTSA cannot become involved in BMW Motorrad Order No: 01 47 7 706 697 08.2006…
  • Page 168
    Information on BMW Motorrad Integral ABS How does ABS work? resulting in a danger of falling. ensure driving stability when The maximum braking force Before this situation occurs, contact with the road surface which can be transferred to the ABS intervenes and is restored.
  • Page 169
    BMW Motorrad and extremely quickly, in com- accessories connected to retailer should be connected bination with a decreasing…
  • Page 170
    This optimally utilizes the rider to brake the motor- A fault in the BMW Motorrad the dynamic load increase on cycle. Integral ABS is indicated by a the front wheel. At the same…
  • Page 171
    • Always brake with the front How important is regular How is the BMW Motorrad maintenance? Integral ABS designed? and rear brakes Any technical system is The BMW Motorrad Integral • In clear situations, carry out always only as good as…

Table of Contents for BMW R 1200 RT — 2006:

  • Fuel Recommended fuel grade Super unleaded (max. 10 % ethanol, E10) 95 ROZ/RON 89 AKI Usable fuel capacity approx. 25 l Reserve fuel approx. 4 l BMW recommends BP fuels Engine oil Engine oil, capacity approx. 4 l, with filter change Viscosity class Product recommended by BMW Motorrad: Castrol Power 1 Racing SAE 5W-40, API SL / JASO MA2 Engine oil, quantity for topping up max 0.95 l, difference between MIN and MAX BMW recommends 10 159 z Technical data

  • Instrument panel 1 Speedometer 2 Warning and telltale lights ( 22) 3 with navigation system OA with preparation for nav- igation system OE Navigation system ( 143) 4 Ambient-light brightness sensor (for adapting the brightness of the instru- ment lighting) 5 Rev. counter 6 with navigation system OA with preparation for nav- igation system OE Release for navigation slot ( 143) 7 Multifunction display ( 24) 8 Trip meter ( 53) 2 18 z General views

  • 7 140 z Maintenance

  • BMW Running-in Check The BMW running-in check has to be performed when the vehicle has covered between 500 km and 1200 km. BMW Service The BMW Service is carried out once a year; the extent of ser- vicing can vary, depending on the age of the vehicle and the distance it has covered. Your au- thorised BMW Motorrad dealer confirms that the service work has been carried out and enters the date when the next service will be due. Rid

  • Warning and telltale lights Warning symbols in the display Meaning appears on the dis- play Central locking locked ( 39) briefly shows yellow appears on the dis- play Service overdue ( 39) lights up Fuel-level reading turns yellow Fuel down to reserve ( 39) 3 31 z Status indicators

  • You select the gear in the usual way by means of the foot-operated shift lever. Sensor 1 on the selector shaft registers the shift request and triggers shift assistance. When riding at a steady speed in a low gear at high engine rpm, an attempt to shift gear without pulling the clutch can cause a severe load-change reaction. BMW Motorrad re- commends disengaging the clutch for shifts in these cir- cumstances. It is adv

  • Seat speaker unit 2 in the mount. Install screws 1. Hold speaker cover 1 in posi- tion and install screws 2. Replacing LED rear light The LED rear light can be re- placed only as a complete unit. Consult a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. Replacing LED turn indicators LED turn indicators can be replaced only as a complete unit. Consult a specialist work- shop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. Replacing wave

  • Certifications Slovensko Meta System S.p.A. izjavlja, da je ta PF240009 v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES. Slovensky Meta System S.p.A. týmto vyhlasuje, že PF240009 spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. Suomi Meta System S.p.A. vakuuttaa täten että PF240009 tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.

  • light. The auxiliary headlight is also switched on again. If the high beam headlight is switched on whilst the daytime running light is switched on, the daytime running light will be switched off after ap- prox. 2 seconds, and the high beam headlight, low beam head- light, front side lights and, if ap- plicable, the auxiliary headlights will be switched on. If the high beam headlight is switched off again, the daytime running light is not automat- ically reactivated, but must b

  • Engine Engine design Air- / fluid-cooled two-cylinder four-stroke opposed-twin engine with two upper spur-gear- driven camshafts and a counterbalance shaft. Displacement 1170 cm 3 Cylinder bore 101 mm Piston stroke 73 mm Compression ratio 12.5:1 Nominal output 92 kW, at engine speed: 7750 min -1 Torque 125 Nm, at engine speed: 6500 min -1 Maximum engine speed max 9000 min -1 Idle speed 1150 min -1 , engine at regular operating tempera- ture 10 158 z Technical data

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