Bmw s1000r инструкция по эксплуатации

Посмотреть инструкция для BMW S 1000 R (2021) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории мотоциклы, 17 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9.2. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о BMW S 1000 R (2021) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Какова рекомендуемая частота замены масляного фильтра в двигателе BMW?

В большинстве двигателей масляный фильтр необходимо менять через каждые 6000 километров (около 4000 миль).

Как часто следует менять масло в двигателе BMW?

В большинстве двигателей масло необходимо менять через каждые 6000 километров (около 4000 миль).

Как удалить ржавчину с устройства BMW мотоцикл?

1. Замочите поржавевшую деталь в уксусе, пока ржавчина не размокнет полностью. 2. Обрабатывайте ржавчину уксусом в течение 24 часов. 3. Удалите ржавчину с помощью металлической щетки или алюминиевой фольги.

Инструкция BMW S 1000 R (2021) доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоBMW S 1000 R (2021) доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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BMW Motorrad

The Ultimate

Riding Machine

Rider’s Manual

S 1000 R


Related Manuals for BMW Motorrad S 1000 R

Summary of Contents for BMW Motorrad S 1000 R

  • Page 1
    BMW Motorrad The Ultimate Riding Machine Rider’s Manual S 1000 R…
  • Page 2
    Vehicle data/dealership details Vehicle data Dealership details Model Person to contact in Service department Ms/Mr Vehicle Identification Number Phone number Colour code Date of first registration Dealership address/phone number (com- Registration number pany stamp)
  • Page 3
    If you have questions concerning We congratulate you on your motorcycle, your authorised your choice of a vehicle from BMW Motorrad dealer will gladly BMW Motorrad and welcome provide advice and assistance. you to the community of BMW riders. Familiarise yourself with…
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    3 Status indicators ..17 BMW Motorrad ASC ..44 6 Riding ….80…

  • Page 5
    ….140 BMW Motorrad Service . . . 154 Paint care ….140 8 Accessories .
  • Page 6
    Confirmation of mainten- ance work ….156 Confirmation of service ..161 13 Index ….163…
  • Page 7: General Instructions

    Optional extras. symbols The vehicles are as- Tightening torque. sembled complete with Indicates warnings that you all the BMW Motorrad must comply with for reas- optional extras originally ons of your safety and the safety Technical data. ordered. of others, and to protect your…

  • Page 8: Equipment

    Rider’s Manual. Nor can of country-specific differences. BMW Motorrad entirely rule out errors and omissions. We…

  • Page 10: General View, Left Side

    General view, left side Adjuster for front compression-stage damping (red scale) Adjuster for spring preload, rear ( Seat lock ( Table of tyre pressures Payload table Chain settings Engine oil level indicator 105) OA connector for naviga- tion system…

  • Page 12: General View, Left Side, With

    General view, left side, with DDC with Dynamic Damping Con- trol Adjusting spring preload for front wheel ( 70). Seat lock ( Table of tyre pressures Payload table Chain settings Adjuster for spring preload, rear ( Engine oil level indicator 105) OA connector for naviga- tion system…

  • Page 14: General View, Right Side

    General view, right side Brake-fluid reservoir, rear 110) Vehicle identification num- ber (VIN) and type plate (on steering-head bearing) Brake-fluid reservoir, front 109) Adjuster for front rebound- stage damping (yellow scale) ( Steering damper Coolant-level indicator 111) OA connector Oil filler neck ( 106) Adjuster for rear rebound- stage damping (low on…

  • Page 15: Underneath The Seat

    Underneath the seat Battery ( 136) Helmet holder ( Luggage loops ( Toolkit ( 102) with anti-theft alarm (DWA) Anti-theft alarm ( Fuse box ( 134) Rider’s Manual Pro riding modes Coding plug (…

  • Page 16: Multifunction Switch, Left

    Multifunction switch, left High-beam headlight and headlight flasher ( Lap timer ( with cruise control Cruise-control system Hazard warning flashers BMW Motorrad Race ABS ASC ( with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) DTC ( with Dynamic Damping Control DDC ( Turn indicators (…

  • Page 17: Right

    Multifunction switch, right with heated handlebar grips Heated handlebar grips Riding mode ( Emergency off switch (kill switch) ( Start engine (…

  • Page 18: Instrument Panel

    Instrument panel Panels for warning and tell- tale lights ( Rev. counter Gearshift light ( Ambient-light brightness sensor (for adapting the brightness of the instru- ment lighting) with anti-theft alarm (DWA) DWA status indicator light Multifunction display…

  • Page 19: Status Indicators

    Warning and telltale lights ASC warning light ( with Dynamic Traction Control (DTC) DTC warning light ( ABS warning light ( Turn indicators, left General warning light (in combination with warnings in the display) ( Turn indicators, right Fuel reserve ( Idle High-beam headlight Warning light for engine…

  • Page 20: Multifunction Display

    Multifunction display Speedometer Gear indicator; «N» indic- ates neutral with heated handlebar grips Operating the heated handlebar grips ( Coolant temperature General information Clock ( Fuel level Riding mode ( See Section 5 for informa- tion on the display modes for the race track.

  • Page 21: Warnings

    Warnings If two or more warnings occur at the same time, all the appropri- Mode of presentation ate warning lights and warning Warnings are indicated by the symbols appear, alternating with corresponding warning lights. warning words as applicable. The possible warnings are listed on the next pages.

  • Page 22
    Warnings, overview Warning and telltale Warning symbols in the Meaning lights display EWS! lights up yellow appears on EWS active ( the display flashes red Coolant-tempera- Coolant temperature too high ( ture reading flashes lights up Engine in emergency-operation mode LAMPR! lights up yellow appears…
  • Page 23
    Warning and telltale Warning symbols in the Meaning lights display VDS! appears on Drop sensor defective ( the display flashes ABS self-diagnosis not completed lights up ABS switched off ( lights up ABS fault ( quick-flashes ASC intervention ( slow-flashes ASC self-diagnosis not completed lights up ASC switched off (…
  • Page 24
    Warning and telltale Warning symbols in the Meaning lights display quick-flashes DTC intervention ( slow-flashes DTC self-diagnosis not completed lights up DTC switched off ( lights up DTC fault ( DDC! lights up yellow appears on DDC fault ( the display DWALO! appears DWA battery weak (…
  • Page 25
    Warning and telltale Warning symbols in the Meaning lights display NO CODING lights up yellow No coding ( appears on the display…
  • Page 26
    BMW Motorrad dealer. gine power or the full range of authorised BMW Motorrad engine rpm might not be avail- dealer.
  • Page 27
    A bulb failure on the mo- workshop, preferably an author- Front lights defective torcycle is a safety risk, be- ised BMW Motorrad dealer. No indication of a fault if the cause it is easy for other road high-beam or low-beam head- users to overlook the vehicle.
  • Page 28
    Seek the advice of a specialist the appropriate warning appears that the ABS function is not workshop, preferably an author- on the display. Activating the available until self-diagnosis has ised BMW Motorrad dealer. EQIP WARN LAMP function in completed. SETUP MENU suppresses…
  • Page 29
    The ASC function is not avail- Possible cause: an authorised BMW Motorrad able, because self-diagnosis The ASC control unit has detec- dealer. did not complete. (The motor- ted a fault. Bear in mind that the…
  • Page 30
    Have the fault rectified as (DTC) with Dynamic Traction Control quickly as possible by a (DTC) DTC warning light flashes. specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad DTC warning light slow- dealer. flashes. Possible cause: Possible cause: DTC intervention The rider has switched off the DTC system.
  • Page 31
    DWA! DWALO! appears on the display. appears on the specialist workshop, preferably display. This error message shows an authorised BMW Motorrad briefly only after the Pre- This error message shows dealer. Ride-Check completes. briefly only after the Pre- DDC fault Ride-Check completes.
  • Page 32: Fuel Down To Reserve

    Range CAN open circuit/short Seek the advice of a specialist workshop, preferably an author- circuit ised BMW Motorrad dealer. General warning light shows red. Fuel down to reserve NO CAN (Controller Area Net- Warning light for fuel down work) appears on the display.

  • Page 33: Service-Due Indicator

    Seek the advice of a specialist countdown distance to the early workshop, preferably an author- service is within the defined dis- ised BMW Motorrad dealer. playable range, this countdown If the next service is due in less distance 1 appears briefly on the…

  • Page 34
    If you want to have the date set consult a specialist work- shop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer.
  • Page 35: Operation

    Ignition switch/steering Ignition lock Switching on ignition Keys You receive 2 ignition keys. Consult the information on the electronic immobiliser (EWS) 34) if a key is lost or mislaid. One-key system Turn the key to position 1, Ignition switch/steering lock while moving the handlebars Tank filler cap slightly.

  • Page 36: Electronic Immobiliser

    You can obtain extra keys ing lock. The engine control unit only through an authorised will only allow the engine to be BMW Motorrad dealer. The started if the key is identified as keys are part of an integrated “authorised”.

  • Page 37: Multifunction Display

    RACE INFO Multifunction display in the display mode. Selecting the display RACE INFO: the information mode LAPTIMER logged with the can be retrieved for viewing here. Note that this display mode can be activated only when the motorcycle is at a standstill.

  • Page 38
    Overview of the display modes — Solid line: short-press the button. ‑ ‑ Broken line: press and hold down the button. On-board computer read- ings ( Starting timing ( Start RACE INFO ( Start SETUP MENU…
  • Page 39
    Selecting readings in Resetting the average values ROAD mode Switch on the ignition. Switch on the ignition. Repeatedly press button 2 until SETUP MENU ENTER pears on the display. Press and hold down button 2. Repeatedly press button 2 Repeatedly short-press but- Repeatedly press button 1 until SETUP EQUIPMENT until…
  • Page 40
    Press button 1 to step the minutes reading up. Press button 2 to step the minutes reading down. When the minutes reading is correct, hold down button 2 until hours reading 3 flashes. Press button 1 to step the hours reading up. Press button 2 to step the hours reading down.
  • Page 41: Anti-Theft Alarm (Dwa)

    Anti-theft alarm (DWA) an authorised BMW motorcycle motion sensor dealer. an attempt to use an unau- with anti-theft alarm (DWA) thorised key to switch on the If an alarm was triggered while ignition Activation the motorcycle was unattended, disconnection of the DWA anti- Switching on ignition ( 33).

  • Page 42
    Turn indicators flash once. Confirmation tone sounds once (if programmed). Anti-theft alarm (DWA) is deac- tivated. DWA adjusting Switching on ignition ( 33). Repeatedly short-press but- Press button 1 briefly to SETUP EQUIP- ton 1 until go to the next menu item MENT ENTER SETUP EQIP DWA appears in…
  • Page 43: Headlight

    If there are doubts about theft alarm is deactivated. the correct headlight range, seek the advice of a specialist Headlight workshop, preferably an author- ised BMW Motorrad dealer. Adjusting headlight for driving on left/driving on Lights right Side light This motorcycle has a…

  • Page 44: Turn Indicators

    Turn indicators Operate centre button 1 to cancel the turn indicators. Operating the turn indicators Hazard warning Switch on the ignition. flashers The turn indicators are can- Switching on hazard celled automatically after warning flashers you have ridden for approximately Switch on the ignition.

  • Page 45: Emergency Off Switch

    Normal operating position until ABS warning light 2 (run) changes status. Emergency off switch (kill ABS warning light flashes. BMW Motorrad Race switch) Switch off the ABS Operating the kill switch when riding can cause function the rear wheel to lock and thus Switch on the ignition.

  • Page 46: Bmw Motorrad Asc

    5 km/h and then ABS warning light 3 Press and hold down button 1 change their status. until ABS warning light 2 BMW Motorrad ASC The DTC setting remains un- changes status. changed. Switch off the ASC ABS warning light goes out;…

  • Page 47: Dynamic Traction Control

    Switch on the ASC switching the ignition off and then on again. function An ASC fault has occurred if the ASC warning light shows when the motorcycle accelerates to a speed in excess of the minimum stated below after the ignition was switched off Press and hold down button 1 and then on again.

  • Page 48: Riding Mode

    Using the riding modes Release button 1 within two DTC warning light goes seconds. out; if self-diagnosis has not BMW Motorrad has developed DTC warning light contin- completed it starts flashing. 4 operational scenarios for your ues to flash. Release button 1 within two motorcycle from which you can seconds.

  • Page 49: Repeatedly Press Button 2 Until

    Pro riding modes See the section entitled «Engineering details» Dynamic riding on a dry road for more information on the surface. various ride modes that can be Sporty riding on a dry road sur- selected. face. The interplay of engine torque, throttle response, ABS control and ASC or DTC control is op- timised for each of these 4 scen-…

  • Page 50: Cruise-Control System

    DYNAMIC PRO Installing coding plug : for sporty riding (only with coding plug Pro riding modes installed). Switching off ignition ( 34). With the motorcycle at a stand- Remove the front seat ( 54). still, the selected mode is ac- tivated after approximately two seconds.

  • Page 51
    Switching on cruise Saving road speed Accelerating control Briefly push button 1 forward. Briefly push button 1 forward. Slide switch 1 to the right. Increasing speed Adjustment range for Button 2 is enabled for opera- cruise control tion. 30…180 km/h Speed is increased each time you press the button.
  • Page 52
    Decelerating Deactivate cruise control Opening the throttle does not deactivate the cruise- Brake, pull the clutch lever control system. If you release or turn the throttle twistgrip the twistgrip the motorcycle will (close the throttle by turning decelerate only to the cruising the twistgrip back past the speed saved in memory, even idle position) to deactivate the…
  • Page 53: Brakes

    Brakes Tyres Adjusting the front brake Check the tyre pressure lever Incorrect tyre pressures im- pair the motorcycle’s hand- Changing the position of ling characteristics and increase the brake-fluid reservoir can the rate of tyre wear. allow air to penetrate the brake Always check that the tyre pres- system.

  • Page 54: Heated Handlebar Grips

    switched off to ensure the bat- Tyre pressure, rear tery’s starting capability. 2.9 bar (Tyre cold) If tyre pressure is too low: Correct tyre pressure. Heated handlebar grips with heated handlebar grips The handlebar grips have two- stage heating. Stage two 1 is Operating the heated for heating the grips quickly: it is handlebar grips…

  • Page 55: Mirrors

    Mirrors Install the rear seat Adjusting mirrors Open seat lock 1 with the igni- tion key. Engage the rear seat in Lift the rear seat at the rear mounts 1 on left and right. Turn the mirror to the correct and then work it back and up position.

  • Page 56: Helmet Holder

    Installing front seat Lock the seat lock with the ig- nition key. Removing front seat Push the upholstery of the front seat forward slightly Engage the front seat in above the screw holes and mount 1, then lower the rear of hold it in this position.

  • Page 57: Luggage Loops

    Luggage loops Securing luggage to motorcycle Removing rear seat ( 53). Turn the rear seat upside down. Use the loops 1 and the rear The helmet catch can footrests, for example, to se- scratch the panelling. cure luggage to the rear seat. Make sure the lock is out of the In this process, take care not to way when you hook the helmet…

  • Page 58: On The Race Track

    LAPTIMER Labels for the values time for the current lap is shown in the fourth line. shown on the display Mode of presentation LAST BEST: The third line The following times can be shows the time needed for displayed in the third line: the preceding lap, the best lap LASTLAP: The time for the currently logged in memory is…

  • Page 59
    Display overview — Solid line: short-press the button. ‑ ‑ Broken line: press and hold down the button. Interrupting timing ( 59). Starting timing ( 58). View the times ( 58).
  • Page 60
    Viewing times Starting timing started only by an external sig- nal. Infrared receiver with infrared receiver An infrared signal provides a con- venient way of operating the lap timer. The instrument can be op- erated in this way only when the infrared receiver available as an To view the time of your Press switch 1 to start timing.
  • Page 61: Setup Menu Enter Ap

    Fastest lap anticipated Signals received before this time The lap section for the elapses are ignored. This function has to be activated intermediate time SETUP RACETRACK in the Interrupting timing 100 m menu (see the section on the SETUP MENU). If your intermediate times show that you are faster than on your previous best lap the processor…

  • Page 62: Race Info

    RACE INFO Last lap logged in memory LAST Selecting saved lap All other laps logged in memory Aggregate time for all laps TOTAL logged in memory Delete lap data logged in DELETE LAPS memory Delete the best-ever lap BEST- logged in memory EVER DELETE RACE INFO EXIT Exit the…

  • Page 63
    Display overview — Solid line: short-press the button. ‑ ‑ Broken line: press and hold down the button. Selecting saved lap 60). Deleting lap times ( 63). Exit the INFO MENU 62). Delete the timing logs 63).
  • Page 64: Press And Hold Down Button 2

    Information for a lap Time for the lap currently displayed. The riding mode most commonly used is dis- played continuously. Exiting INFO MENU Press and hold down button 2 to exit the RACE INFO display In sequence: Top speed mode. (max), average speed (Ø) The readings already recorded and lowest speed (min) on…

  • Page 65: Repeatedly Press Button 2 Until

    Deleting timing logs timed laps are deleted. This Deleting lap times means that other races can sub- sequently be timed and the lap times of those races compared with the best lap from earlier races. The all-time best lap can also be deleted from memory.

  • Page 66
    LAST the last lap in memory the lap in question is deleted. The lap that was the second- last time until the last time was deleted becomes the new last lap. a lap stored in memory, the lap in question is deleted. The numbering of the remaining laps remains unchanged.
  • Page 67: Setup Menu

    BEST SETUP MENU parameters are shown in reverse , total of all laps logged TOTAL sequence. in memory , best-ever Selecting a parameter BEStEV SETUP EQUIPMENT Display-freeze period for the DWA adjusting HOLD most recent time DWA AUTO ON/OFF Debounce time (time that must CLOCK TIME Setting time elapse before a new lap can…

  • Page 68
    Overview SETUP MENU — Solid line: short-press the button. ‑ ‑ Broken line: press and hold down the button. Settings of the display Settings for the racetrack…
  • Page 69
    Setting parameters Exiting SETUP mode SETUP MENU Press and hold down button 2 To exit the until the parameter starts to press and hold down button 1. flash. A value that is still flashing will Repeatedly press button 1 or not be saved.
  • Page 70: Spring Preload

    Spring preload Adjusting spring preload for rear wheel Adjustment for front Make sure the ground is level suspension and firm and place the motor- with Dynamic Damping Con- cycle on its stand. trol Make sure there is no load Front spring preload has to on the motorcycle;…

  • Page 71
    tool from the on-board toolkit Make sure the ground is level Load-dependent adjust- to turn adjusting ring 2 in dir- and firm and place the motor- ment of spring preload ection B. cycle on its stand. To increase negative spring Start the engine.
  • Page 72
    Adjusting spring preload Measure distance D from bot- tom edge 1 of the number- for front wheel plate carrier to screw 2 of the with Dynamic Damping Con- chain guard. trol Apply the rider’s weight to the motorcycle. Make sure the ground is level With the assistance of a and firm and place the motor- cycle on its stand.
  • Page 73: Damping

    tool from the on-board toolkit Load-dependent adjust- to turn adjusting screws 1 in ment of spring preload direction A. To increase negative spring Negative spring displacement displacement (reduce spring of front wheel preload, in other words), 6…10 mm (With rider 85 kg) use the tool from the on- board toolkit to turn adjusting screws 1 in direction B.

  • Page 74
    Adjusting compression- Compression stage, ba- stage damping for front sic setting, front wheel Position 1 (comfortable setting with rider 85 kg) Position 3 (normal setting with rider 85 kg) Position 7 (sports setting with rider 85 kg) To increase damping: Use the tool from the on-board kit to Adjust the rebound-stage turn the adjusting screw in the…
  • Page 75
    Rebound stage, basic setting, front Position 1 (comfortable setting with rider 85 kg) Position 3 (normal setting with rider 85 kg) Position 7 (sports setting with rider 85 kg) To increase damping: Use the Adjust compression-stage tool from the on-board kit to damping by turning adjusting Adjusting rebound-stage turn the adjusting screw in the…
  • Page 76
    mark 1 points to a higher read- Factory default settings ing on the scale. for compression/rebound To reduce damping: Use the stages, front tool from the on-board kit to turn the adjusting screw in the Position 3 appropriate direction so that Factory default settings, mark 1 points to a lower read- ing on the scale.
  • Page 77: Removing/Installing Mir

    The setting shows briefly, then You can adjust the damping Two-up disappears automatically. characteristic while the mo- torcycle is on the move. Adjusting suspension Removing/installing The following settings are avail- damping with DDC mirrors able: with Dynamic Damping Con- SOFT : comfortable damping Removing mirror trol…

  • Page 78: Removing And Installing

    Removing and installing the appropriate warning appears Using the tool from the on- board toolkit, retighten nut 2. on the display. Activating the number-plate carrier EQIP WARN LAMP function in Installing mirrors Remove the number-plate SETUP MENU suppresses carrier this warning. Make sure the ground is level Work plug 1 with the cable and firm and place the motor-…

  • Page 79
    Remove screw 4. Remove anti-theft alarm 2, dis- engaging it from bracket 3. Remove screws 4 with wash- Hold number-plate carrier 2 in ers 3. position and work cable leg 1 into position. Remove number-plate carrier 2 and work cable leg 1 out until Install screws 4 with wash- Disengage plug 1 for the clear.
  • Page 80: Removing And Installing Front

    with anti-theft alarm (DWA) Connect plug 1, hold it in po- sition and secure the cable tie arrow. If the warning for bulb fail- ure is suppressed in pre- paration for a race-track session, before the motorcycle is ridden on public roads the warning has to be reactivated by selecting the EQIP WARN LAMP function in…

  • Page 81
    Remove screw 1 and remove Hold the flashing turn indicator the turn indicator. Work the in position and install screw 1. cable through the fairing side Installing right cover ( 115). panel. Protect the plug on the motor- cycle to prevent the ingress of foreign matter.
  • Page 82: Riding

    If you ride at high speed, always of the year. Your authorised bear in mind that various bound- Risk of burn injury BMW Motorrad dealer will be ary conditions can adversely af- glad to advise you on the correct fect the handling of your motor- Engine and exhaust system clothing for every purpose.

  • Page 83: Checklist

    Catalytic converter Risk of overheating Checklist If misfiring causes unburned fuel Cooling would be Use the following checklist to to enter the catalytic converter, inadequate if the engine check important functions, set- there is a danger of overheating were allowed to idle for a lengthy tings and wear limits before you and damage.

  • Page 84: Starting

    Starting For a cold engine start and low Consult the troubleshooting temperatures: pull clutch. chart below if the engine re- Start engine fuses to start. ( 142) Switch on the ignition. Pre-Ride-Check Pre-Ride-Check is performed. The instrument panel runs a test ABS self-diagnosis is in pro- of the warning lights and the re- gress.

  • Page 85
    Phase 2 Check all the warning and tell- The ‘General’ warning light ABS self-diagnosis tale lights. changes from yellow to red. BMW Motorrad Race ABS per- forms self-diagnosis to ensure its ABS self-diagnosis not Phase 3 completed operability. Self-diagnosis is per-…
  • Page 86
    ASC warning light slow- in mind that the ASC function specialist workshop, preferably is not available or the function- flashes. an authorised BMW Motorrad ality might be subject to certain dealer. ASC self-diagnosis restrictions. completed…
  • Page 87: Running In

    Check all the warning and tell- The authorised BMW Motorrad Have the fault rectified as tale lights. dealer deactivates this monit- quickly as possible by a…

  • Page 88: Shifting Gear

    Shifting gear New brake pads can extend Running-in speed stopping distance by a sig- Gearshift light nificant margin. Apply the brakes in good time. <7000 min (Odometer read- ing 0…300 km) Tyres <9000 min (Odometer read- New tyres have a smooth sur- ing 300…1000 km) face.

  • Page 89
    BMW Motorrad SETUP EQUIPMENT menu. recommends disengaging the clutch for upshifts in these cir- Shift assistant cumstances.
  • Page 90: Brakes

    Brakes Shift assistance is not available in the following situations: How can stopping Gearshifts with the clutch dis- distance be minimised? engaged Each time the brakes are applied, Gearshifts with the throttle a load distribution shift takes valve closed (engine overrun) place with the load shifting for- Downshifts ward from the rear to the front…

  • Page 91: Parking Your Motorcycle

    riding to remove wetness and with the rider’s full force applied and make use of the engine’s to the brake levers; under these braking effect as well. dirt, or dismount and clean the circumstances the dynamic shift brakes. Wet and dirty brakes in load distribution cannot keep Think ahead and brake in good pace with the increase in de-…

  • Page 92: Refuelling

    Do not lean or sit on the vehicle Make sure the ground is level Recommended fuel with the side stand extended. and firm and place the motor- grade cycle on its side stand. If the camber of the roadway Super unleaded (max. 10 % The volume of the tank can permits, turn the handlebars all ethanol, E10)

  • Page 93: Securing Motorcycle For Transportation

    dry and the engine had cut out due to a lack of fuel. Usable fuel capacity approx. 17.5 l Reserve fuel Refuel with fuel of the grade The motorcycle can topple approx. 4 l stated below; do not fill the and fall on its side.

  • Page 94
    At the rear, secure the straps Risk of damaging compon- to the rear footrests on both ents. sides and tighten the straps. Take care not to trap Tighten all the straps uniformly; components such as brake lines the motorcycle’s suspension or wires.
  • Page 95: Engineering Details

    Riding mode for riding with standard tyres re- Mode selection is not available commended by BMW Motorrad. on vehicles with reduced power Riding mode selection DYNAMIC PRO riding output. Four ride modes enable the mo- mode is for race-track condi-…

  • Page 96
    wheel from spinning whenever with Dynamic Traction Control one exception: ABS control is possible. (DTC) not active at the rear wheel when the footbrake lever is pressed. The DTC system intervenes ROAD Under these circumstances, the even later, so dynamic acceler- rear wheel can lock up.
  • Page 97: Mode Changes

    No drive torque at the rear Brake system with depends on factors that include wheel BMW Motorrad Race the coefficient of friction of the No brake pressure in the brake road surface. Loose stones, ice system.

  • Page 98
    At this instant the ground. built up at the rear wheel by BMW Motorrad Integral ABS When you brake, bear in mind the integral function. If the must assume an extremely low that ABS control cannot always…
  • Page 99: Electronic Engine Manage

    In addition to problems with the BMW Motorrad Race ABS is un- the abilities dictated by its level BMW Motorrad Race ABS, ex- able to counteract their effects.

  • Page 100
    BMW Motorrad ASC: BMW Motorrad ASC is an assist- Riding for a lengthy period with ant system for the rider for use Special situations the front wheel lifted off the on public roads.
  • Page 101: Engine Management

    The BMW Motorrad ASC is un- out of very tight bends. the rear wheel. If slip exceeds a able to control a situation of this…

  • Page 102: Dynamic Damping Con

    (Wheelie). The BMW Motorrad DTC is un- Movement of the rear spring Rear wheel rotating with able to control a situation of this strut is registered by the ride the vehicle held stationary nature.

  • Page 103: Accessories

    Tests Your BMW Motorrad dealer can with rear softbag conducted by these instances offer expert advice on the choice Note the maximum payload of…

  • Page 104: Maintenance

    Replacing bulbs for front If you are in doubt, consult a wheel ( 72). and rear turn indicators specialist workshop, preferably Adjusting rebound-stage 131). your authorised BMW Motorrad damping for rear wheel dealer. 73).

  • Page 105: Rear-Wheel Stand

    Use basic stand with the 54). adapters. The basic stand 20 Nm and its accessory components Rear-wheel stand are available from your BMW Motorrad authorised Install the rear-wheel dealer. stand The motorcycle can topple and fall on its side. Secure motorcycle against top-…

  • Page 106: Front-Wheel Stand

    Secure motorcycle against top- pling; this is best done with the support of a 2nd person. Lift the motorcycle, preferably with a BMW Motorrad rear- Turn brackets 1 long ends out. Engage the rear-wheel stand in wheel stand. the rear wheel swinging arm…

  • Page 107: Engine Oil

    BMW Motorrad authorised dealer. Turn brackets 1 with long ends Engage the front-wheel stand facing inwards. in the front suspension and apply even pressure to push it Adjust adapters 2 to the width down to the ground.

  • Page 108
    Check the oil level in oil-level cing environmental impact, indicator 1. If the oil level is above the MAX BMW Motorrad recommends mark: checking the engine oil on oc- Have the oil level corrected casion after a trip of at least 50…
  • Page 109: Brake System

    Have the brakes checked by a Top up the engine oil to the their thickness. Viewing dir- specialist workshop, preferably specified level. ection: From the rear toward an authorised BMW Motorrad Checking engine oil level brake pads 1. dealer. 105). Install oil filler cap 1.

  • Page 110
    Have the brake pads replaced by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. If genuine BMW Motorrad brake pads are not installed, it is absolutely essential to Brake-pad wear limit, Thickness of brake-pad measure the thickness of the…
  • Page 111
    Have the brake pads replaced and firm and place the motor- cycle on its stand. by a specialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. Checking brake-fluid level, front brakes Brake-pad wear limit, Make sure the ground is level rear and firm and hold the motor- cycle upright.
  • Page 112
    Check the brake-fluid level at regular intervals. Have the defect rectified as quickly as possible by a spe- cialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. Checking the brake-fluid level, rear brakes Check the brake fluid level in Brake fluid level, front brake fluid reservoir 1.
  • Page 113: Coolant

    Check the brake-fluid level at regular intervals. Have the defect rectified as quickly as possible by a spe- cialist workshop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. Coolant Check the brake fluid level in Check coolant level Brake fluid level, rear rear reservoir 1.

  • Page 114: Body Panels

    tion: From in front toward the applies by analogy to the left side outside of the right side panel. panel. Switching off ignition ( 34). with engine spoiler Open cap 1 of the expansion tank. Top up coolant to specified level.

  • Page 115
    Installing right side panel with engine spoiler Remove screws 1. Disengage right side panel 2 Install engine spoiler 1, making Begin by seating side panel 1 from grommets 3, taking care sure that retaining hook 2 is at the front and then seat to start by disengaging the rear secured.
  • Page 116
    Disconnect plug 4 for the flashing turn indicators. Remove screws 1 and remove Remove screws 1 and head- windscreen 2. light fairing 2. Installing headlight fairing Remove screw 1. Ease right cover 2 aside and disengage it from both hold- ers 3.
  • Page 117: Clutch

    Work left cover 1 into position Work right cover 1 into position Install windscreen 1 and from above. from above. screws 2. Connect plug 2 for the flashing Connect plug 2 for the flashing Windscreen to holder for turn indicators and route the turn indicators and route the instrument panel cable.

  • Page 118: Chain

    BMW Motorrad Repeat the steps in this pro- Clutch play is out of tolerance: dealer. cedure until clutch play is set Adjust the clutch-lever play correctly. 116). Checking clutch-lever play Chain Adjust the clutch-lever play Lubricating chain Dirt, dust and inadequate…

  • Page 119
    To prolong chain life, cycle on its stand. BMW Motorrad recommends the use of BMW Motorrad chain lubricant or: Lubricant Use a screwdriver to push Chain spray chain 1 up and down at a point midway along the run between Wipe off excess lubricant.
  • Page 120: Wheels

    BMW Motorrad. tightening torque. You can obtain detailed Permissible chain length information from your authorised Rear quick-release axle BMW Motorrad dealer or on in swinging arm the Internet at max 144.30 mm (measured Thread-locking compound: centre to centre over 10…

  • Page 121
    BMW Motorrad dealer. of the tyre, e.g. by the letters TI, the motorcycle’s control sys- TWI or by an arrow.
  • Page 122
    Do not operate the handbrake Lift the motorcycle, preferably lever when the brake calipers with a BMW Motorrad rear- have been removed. wheel stand. Remove screws 1 of the brake Install the rear-wheel stand calipers on left and right.
  • Page 123
    BMW Motorrad front-wheel Remove quick-release axle 2, Note the direction-of-rotation ar- stand. while supporting the wheel. rows on the tyre or the wheel rim. Installing the front-wheel stand Roll the front wheel forward to 104). remove. Roll the front wheel into posi- tion between the front forks.
  • Page 124
    Hold left brake caliper 1 in Insert the wheel-speed sensor Clamping screws in axle place and position cable into the bore and secure it with holder guide 2. screw 1. Install screws 3 and tighten to Tightening sequence: Tighten the specified tightening torque. screws six times in alternate sequence Radial brake caliper to…
  • Page 125
    Press brake caliper 1 against tion several times. brake disc 2 Removing rear wheel Brake pistons are pushed back. Lift the motorcycle, preferably with a BMW Motorrad rear- wheel stand. Install the rear-wheel stand 103). Remove quick-release axle 1 Slip wooden chocks or similar and remove adjusting plate 2.
  • Page 126
    care not to damage wheel- speed sensor 1. Roll the rear wheel as far Remove screw 1 and forward as possible and disengage the brake line from disengage chain 1 from the holder 2. Roll the rear wheel to the rear sprocket.
  • Page 127
    Always have the security of the fasteners checked by a specialist workshop, preferably an author- ised BMW Motorrad dealer. Roll the rear wheel on the sup- port into the swinging arm as far as necessary to permit the…
  • Page 128: Lighting

    Lift the rear wheel and work quick-release axle 3 through the adjusting plate and into the brake-caliper carrier and the rear wheel. Make sure that the quick-re- lease axle is seated against the stop of the adjusting plate. Roll the rear wheel as far Secure the brake line in forward as possible and loop holder 2 and install screw 1.

  • Page 129
    Removing right cover ( 114). Replace the defective bulb. Bulbs with higher light- intensity ratings are avail- able through aftermarket suppli- ers. These bulbs burn out more rapidly and generate more heat than conceptional bulbs. Un- der adverse conditions the extra heat can cause damage to the headlight.
  • Page 130
    Install the cover. Replace the defective bulb. Installing right cover ( 115). Bulbs with higher light- intensity ratings are avail- Replacing bulb for high- able through aftermarket suppli- beam headlight ers. These bulbs burn out more Switching off ignition ( 34).
  • Page 131
    To secure bulb 1 for the high- Disengage the plug from the Remove bulb 1 from the beam headlight, seat the bulb holder arrow (using a screw- socket. in the carrier and turn it clock- driver if necessary) and discon- Replace the defective bulb.
  • Page 132
    Installing headlight fairing 114). Replacing parking-light bulb, right Make sure the ground is level and firm and place the motor- cycle on its stand. Switch off the ignition. Removing right cover ( 114). Insert bulb 1 into the socket. Push aside the retainer (using a screwdriver if necessary) and work socket 1 out of the head- light housing.
  • Page 133
    Replacing bulbs for front Replace the defective bulb. and rear turn indicators Bulb for parking light Switching off ignition ( 34). W5W / 12 V / 5 W Use a clean, dry cloth to hold the bulb in order to keep the glass free of foreign matter.
  • Page 134
    Replace the defective bulb. Bulbs for flashing turn indicators, front RY10W / 12 V / 10 W with LED turn indicators Bulbs for flashing turn Pull the glass out of the light Turn bulb 1 clockwise to install indicators, rear housing at the threaded- it in the light housing.
  • Page 135
    Install screw 1. Remove the bulb from the Push the bulb into the bulb socket. socket. Replacing bulb for Replace the defective bulb. number-plate light Switching off ignition ( 34). Bulb for number-plate light W5W / 12 V / 5 W Use a clean, dry cloth to hold the bulb in order to keep the glass free of foreign matter.
  • Page 136: Fuses

    Seek the advice of a specialist Pull the defective fuse up and workshop, preferably an author- out of the fuse box. ised BMW Motorrad dealer. If fuse defects recur fre- quently have the electric Maximum number of de- circuits checked by a specialist…

  • Page 137: Jump-Starting

    Jump-starting Replacing fuse fully insulated crocodile clips at both ends. The wires leading to the Jump-starting with a donor- power socket do not have battery voltage higher than a load-capacity rating adequate 12 V can damage the vehicle for jump-starting the engine. Ex- electronics.

  • Page 138: Battery

    BMW Motorrad has de- sidered. minutes before repeating the veloped a float charger spe- Compliance with the points be-…

  • Page 139
    Connecting battery to Switch off the ignition. Comply with the operating in- structions of the charger. Remove the front seat ( 54). motorcycle Once the battery is fully charged, disconnect the charger’s terminal clips from the battery terminals. The battery has to be re- charged at regular intervals in the course of a lengthy period of disuse.
  • Page 140
    If you want to have the date set consult a specialist work- shop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. Place the battery in the battery compartment, positive terminal on the right in the forward dir- ection of travel.
  • Page 141: Care

    Washing the vehicle Care products Apply the brakes in good time until the brake discs and brake BMW Motorrad recommends BMW Motorrad recommends pads have dried out. that you use BMW insect re- that you use the cleaning Warm water intensifies the…

  • Page 142: Cleaning Easily Damaged

    Cleaning easily Rubber Windscreens and lenses made of plastic damaged components Treat rubber components with Clean off dirt and insects with a water or BMW rubber-care Plastics soft sponge and plenty of water. products. The use of unsuitable Soften stubborn dirt and Using silicone sprays for products to clean plastic insects by covering the af-…

  • Page 143: Protective Wax Coating

    BMW car wax or shop, preferably an authorised products containing carnauba BMW Motorrad dealer. Com- wax or synthetic wax. bine work for laying up/restoring It is time to rewax the paint- to use with a BMW service or work when water «puddles»…

  • Page 144: Technical Data

    Troubleshooting chart Engine does not start or is difficult to start. Possible cause Rectification Side stand extended and gear engaged Retract the side stand. Gear engaged and clutch not disengaged Select neutral or pull the clutch lever. No fuel in tank Refuelling ( 90).

  • Page 145: Threaded Fasteners

    Threaded fasteners Front wheel Value Valid Quick-release axle in threaded bush M24 x 1.5 50 Nm Clamping screws in axle holder M8 x 35 Tighten screws six times in alternate sequence 19 Nm Radial brake caliper to axle mount M10 x 65 38 Nm Rear wheel Value…

  • Page 146
    Rear wheel Value Valid Swinging-arm adapter to rear wheel swinging arm M8 x 30 20 Nm Spring strut to main frame M10 x 65 56 Nm Mirrors Value Valid Locknut (mirror) to clamping piece M14 x 1 20 Nm Multi-wax spray…
  • Page 147: Engine

    Engine Engine design Transversely mounted, four-cylinder four-stroke in-line engine tilted 32° forward, with four valves per cylinder, two overhead camshafts with cam followers; liquid cooled, with electronic fuel injec- tion, integrated six-speed gearbox, wet-sump lub- rication. Displacement 999 cm Cylinder bore 80 mm Piston stroke 49.7 mm…

  • Page 148: Fuel

    SAE 5W-40, API SL / JASO MA2, additives (e.g. molybdenum-based) are not permissible because they can attack coated components of the en- gine. BMW Motorrad recommends the use of BMW Motorrad oils, obtainable from your author- ised BMW Motorrad dealer.

  • Page 149: Clutch

    Clutch Clutch type Multiplate oil-bath clutch, anti-hopping Transmission Gearbox type Claw-shift 6-speed gearbox, integrated into en- gine block Gearbox transmission ratios 1.652 (76:46 teeth), Primary transmission ratio 2.647 (45:17 teeth), 1st gear 2.091 (46:22 teeth), 2nd gear 1.727 (38:22 teeth), 3rd gear 1.500 (36:24 teeth), 4th gear 1.360 (34:25 teeth), 5th gear 1.261 (29:23 teeth), 6th gear…

  • Page 150: Rear-Wheel Drive

    Rear-wheel drive Type of rear suspension Two-arm aluminium swinging arm Final drive, number of teeth (Pinion / sprocket) 17/45 Secondary transmission ratio 2.647 Running gear Front wheel Type of front suspension Upside-down telescopic fork Spring travel, front 120 mm, at wheel Rear wheel Type of rear suspension Two-arm aluminium swinging arm…

  • Page 151: Brakes

    Brake-pad material, rear Organic material Wheels and tyres Recommended tyre sets You can obtain an up-to-date list of approved tyres from your authorised BMW Motorrad dealer or on the Internet at «». Front wheel Front wheel type Aluminium cast wheel Front wheel rim size 3.50″…

  • Page 152: Electrics

    Rear wheel Rear-wheel type Aluminium cast wheel Rear wheel rim size 6.0″ x 17″ Tyre designation, rear 190/55 ZR 17 Tyre pressure Tyre pressure, front 2.5 bar, tyre cold Tyre pressure, rear 2.9 bar, tyre cold Electrics Fuses Retainer 1 10 A, instrument panel Retainer 2 4 A, master relay, diagnosis plug, anti-theft alarm…

  • Page 153
    Retainer 6 7.5 A, socket for optional accessories, number- plate light Retainer 7 4 A, ignition switch Retainer 8 4 A, angular rate sensor, left multi-function switch Main fuse 40 A Battery Battery type AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) battery Battery rated voltage 12 V Battery rated capacity 9 Ah…
  • Page 154: Frame

    with LED turn indicators Bulbs for flashing turn indicators, rear RY10W / 12 V / 10 W with LED turn indicators Bulb for number-plate light W5W / 12 V / 5 W Frame Frame type Aluminium composite bridge frame, load-bearing engine Type plate location Steering head, right…

  • Page 155: Weights

    Weights Unladen weight 207 kg, DIN unladen weight, ready for road, 90 % load of fuel, without optional extras Permissible gross weight 407 kg Maximum payload 200 kg Riding specifications Top speed >200 km/h…

  • Page 156: Service

    BMW Motorrad Service shop, preferably an authorised BMW Motorrad dealer. services BMW Motorrad has an extensive network of dealerships in place As owner of a new BMW In order to help ensure that your to look after you and your mo-…

  • Page 157
    The countdown distance distance it has covered. Your au- to the upcoming service thorised BMW Motorrad dealer confirms that the service work 1000 km has been carried out and enters the date when the next service The regular service intervals as will be due.
  • Page 158
    Confirmation of maintenance work BMW Pre-delivery BMW Running-in Check Check Completed Completed Odometer reading Next service at the latest or, if logged beforehand, Odometer reading Stamp, signature Stamp, signature…
  • Page 159
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service Completed Completed Completed Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading Next service Next service Next service at the latest at the latest at the latest or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading…
  • Page 160
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service Completed Completed Completed Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading Next service Next service Next service at the latest at the latest at the latest or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading…
  • Page 161
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service Completed Completed Completed Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading Next service Next service Next service at the latest at the latest at the latest or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading…
  • Page 162
    BMW Service BMW Service BMW Service Completed Completed Completed Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading Next service Next service Next service at the latest at the latest at the latest or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, or, if logged beforehand, Odometer reading Odometer reading Odometer reading…
  • Page 163
    Confirmation of service The table is intended as a record of maintenance and repair work, the installation of optional accessories and, if appropriate, special campaign (recall) work. Item Odometer Date reading…
  • Page 164
    Item Odometer Date reading…
  • Page 165
    disconnecting from Abbreviations and symbols, 5 Chain motorcycle, 136 Adjusting tension, 117 Installation, 138 Control, 14 Checking tension, 117 Maintenance instructions, 136 Engineering details, 95 Checking wear, 118 Position on the motorcycle, 13 Operation, 43 Lubricating, 116 Removal, 137 Self-diagnosis, 83 Checklist, 81 Technical data, 151 Warnings, 26…
  • Page 166
    Emergency off switch (kill switch) Fuel reserve Damping Range, 30 Operation, 43 Adjuster, front, 8, 10 Warning, 30 Position on the motorcycle, 15 Adjuster, rear, 8, 10, 12 Fuses Engine Position on the motorcycle, 13 adjusting, 71 starting, 82 Replacing, 134 Technical data, 145 Control, 14 Technical data, 150…
  • Page 167
    Headlight Low-beam headlight, 41 Keys, 33 Adjustment for driving on left/ Parking lights, operating, 41 driving on right, 41 Side light, 41 Beam throw, 41 Luggage Laying up, 141 Heated handlebar grips Instructions for loading, 80, Lighting Control, 15 Rear light, replacing, 134 Luggage loops Operation, 52 Replacing high-beam headlight…
  • Page 168
    Multifunction display, 16 Rear-wheel stand Service, 154 Installing, 103 Shifting gear Control, 14 Refuelling, 90 Gearshift light, 16, 86 LAPTIMER Operation, 56 Rev. counter, 16 Shift assistant, 87 Overview, 18 Rider’s Manual Spark plugs, 151 RACE INFO, operating, 60 Position on the motorcycle, 13 Speedometer, 18 Selecting the display mode, 35 Riding mode…
  • Page 169
    Engine, 145 Turn indicators Warnings Control, 14 ABS, 26 Engine oil, 146 Operation, 42 Anti-theft alarm, 29 Frame, 152 Removing and installing, 78 ASC, 27 Fuel, 146 Type plate Bulb defect, 25 Fuses, 150 Position on the vehicle, 12 Drop sensor, 26 Rear-wheel drive, 148 Tyres DTC, 28…
  • Page 171
    Errors and omissions excepted. © 2014 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft 80788 Munich, Germany Not to be reproduced by any means whatsoever, wholly or in part, without the written per- mission of BMW Motorrad, After Sales.
  • Page 172
    Important data for refuelling: Fuel Recommended fuel grade Super unleaded (max. 10 % ethanol, E10) 95 ROZ/RON 89 AKI Usable fuel capacity approx. 17.5 l Reserve fuel approx. 4 l Tyre pressure Tyre pressure, front 2.5 bar, tyre cold Tyre pressure, rear 2.9 bar, tyre cold BMW recommends *01418557151*…

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