Борк с 700 кофемашина инструкция

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Summary of Contents for BORK C700

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
  • Page 3: Pre-Brewing Function

    DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION PRE-BREWING FuNCTION AuTOMATIC COOlING OF THE HEATING ElEMENT In order to brew espresso hot water is pumped through the heating system for a short time, causing the ground coffee to moisten and swell, and thus After using the Cappuccinatore, a little amount of water is automatically passed increasing the pressure to obtain a rich coffee aroma.

  • Page 4
    DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION CAPPuCCINO OPTION CuP WARMER PANEl The Cappuccinatore tube can be set into any convenient position. You can warm up the dishes and maintain the best temperature before serving coffee. The warmed up cups preserve the creamy texture of espresso. This makes the process easy and practical.
  • Page 5
    DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DOuBlE BOTTOM FIlTERS POWERFul HEATING ElEMENT AND 15 BAR PuMP Double bottom filters slow down the water flow during coffee making to receive high quality of espresso. Provide ultra-fast water heating, maintaining the optimal temperature and Double bottom filters are recommended for coarse-ground coffee. pressure for brewing espresso.
  • Page 6: Operation

    CONFIGuRATION OPERATION Cappuccinatore Filter holder Control panel tube Cup warmer panel Cleaning instrument Cappuccinatore tube nozzle CONTROl PANEl MODE SElECT SWITCH CAPPuCCINATORE TuBE Brewing unit POWER — switch on / off button. In order to switch espresso mode turn the switch to In order to receive milk froth immerse the Removable position…

  • Page 7
    OPERATION OPERATION SPECIAl POD FIlTERS Pods make usage of the coffee maker easy, clean and convenient. • Place the pod in the special pod filter. • Make sure that the pod is evenly spread. • Place the filter in the holder and fix it. Do not use 2 pods simultaneously.
  • Page 8: Milk Frothing

    OPERATION OPERATION Make sure that the mode select switch is in the • Turn the mode select switch into position GRIND MIlK FROTHING Stand by position. Plug and switch on the coffee Place the heated cup under the filter holder. When buying ground coffee make sure that the The coffee maker is completed with a stainless Advice.

  • Page 9
    ClEANING ClEANING ClEANING OF THE FIlTER HOlDER ClEANING OF THE CAPPuCCINATORE • If it did not help and the Cappuccinatore tube REMOVAl OF lIME DEPOSITS FROM THE • Make sure that the mode select switch is in • Once a half of the cleaning agent and water TuBE AND THE FROTHING NOZZlE COFFEE MAKER is still dirty remove the tip with the key in the…
  • Page 10: Safety Precautions

    – the finer and the more compressed Dear customer, if you have any questions connected with purchase, operation and maintenance of BORK appliances, call us unattended children. for no less than 4 hours.

  • Page 11: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS CONFIGuRATION Voltage: ~220–240 V Coffee maker: 1 pc. Frequency: 50 Hz Filter holder: 1 pc. Power: 1100–1300 W 1 cup filter: 1 pc. Weight: 7,2 kg 2 cups filter: 1 pc. 1 cup pod filter: 1 pc. Caution! The manufacturer reserves the right 2 cups pod filter: 1 pc.

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Инструкция кофеварки Bork C700

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Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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