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Bosch Integral TS13 Operating Instructions Manual

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Operating Instructions

Integral TS13 ISDN Telephone

connected to

Integral 33 systems


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Summary of Contents for Bosch Integral TS13

  • Page 1
    Operating Instructions Integral TS13 ISDN Telephone connected to Integral 33 systems…
  • Page 2: Familiarize Yourself With Your Phone

    Familiarize yourself with your phone This manual is designed to help you learn the basics of your telephone quickly and easily. What you should definitely read D Basic operating principles starting on p. 15. You should read this section to learn about the special features of your new tele- phone, even if you are already familiar with deluxe phones.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Familiarize yourself with your phone Familiarize yourself with your phone Table of Contents TS 13 — Overview Which keys for which functions? Special features of your telephone How to use this manual Basic operating rules Making a standard call Making calls Dialing stored numbers Dialing a call number from the call list…

  • Page 4
    Table of contents Setting up the telephone for your own needs Storing call numbers Diverting calls Answering calls at another telephone (Follow me) Double Call Setting function keys Setting up the telephone Switching off autom. postdialing (DTMF) Switching on key beep Handsfree talking with auxiliary loudspeaker –…
  • Page 5: Ts 13 — Overview

    Familiarize yourself with your phone TS 13 — Overview The functions of a number of keys may differ depending on how your telephone is set up and how it is connected to the telephone system. Display Programmable The displays assist you function keys with operation.

  • Page 6: Which Keys For Which Functions

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Which keys for which functions? This section gives you a brief overview of the keys on your phone and their respec- tive functions. The use of the individual keys is explained in detail under the corresponding func- tion on the following pages.

  • Page 7
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Which keys for which functions? » Programmable function keys (standard assignment) The two upper rows of keys on your telephone can be assigned any func- tions. The “Transfer” and “Interchange” keys are programmed as a default. The symbols above these keys indicate the status of your respective partners.
  • Page 8
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Which keys for which functions? A Display call list Call list entries 1 317 10:41 +1 Delete all entries Back Messages Request Server Message Send Minimail View Mailbox Back Call diversion Call div. to Call div. to Call div.
  • Page 9: Special Features Of Your Telephone

    The integrated “lock” allows you to protect your telephone against unauthorized use. Using the phone in a partner group Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative can connect your phone to other phones within your system to form a partner group. A number of functions are parti- cularly easy to use within this partner group.

  • Page 10
    You can equip your telephone with an additional ringing tone. You can then, for ex- ample, receive a signal in the neighbouring room when your telephone rings. The second alarm is connected to the telephone’s AEI interface via a switch con- tact. Please contact BOSCH Telecom as required.
  • Page 11: How To Use This Manual

    Familiarize yourself with your phone How to use this manual A number of abbreviations and symbols are used in this manual to give you a better overview. This section contains a brief description of each of these symbols. The screens used in the manual contain only the texts or symbols that are signifi- cant for the function under consideration.

  • Page 12
    Familiarize yourself with your phone How to use this manual » Note: The main menu contains not just menu Return items but also submenus, where you can call up further menu items. You can always move from these submenus to the previous level with the “Return”…
  • Page 13
    The ringing tone is deactivated. Optional functions The symbol to the left indicates that the described function is not a standard feature of your telephone. Other functions may also be blocked. Consult your BOSCH TELECOM service representative if you wish to use these functions.
  • Page 14: Basic Operating Rules

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules The following pages contain some basic information on how your telephone works. The display assists you. The illustration at the side shows you the 03.10.96 15:34 display as it might look when the telephone is not in use.

  • Page 15
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » Various messages and the menu items from which you can select the next opera- ting step will appear on the display, depen- ding on the function you are currently per- forming. The display generally only displays the menu items associated to the respective function.
  • Page 16
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » Several functions can be activated in a number of different ways. The simplest way: select it from a menu. The quickest way: using a function key. Activating functions Selecting functions from the menu You can select and activate all functions of your phone from the display.
  • Page 17
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » You can cancel all operating procedures at any time. You can clear the current connection in the same way. Activating functions with function keys Several functions can also be activated using a function key, e.g. refer-back. Functions that can be activated using a function key are not contained in the menu selection.
  • Page 18
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » Setting up a call To set up a call you have to carry out the two steps described below: 1. prepare for dialing, 2. activate dialing. The call number is dialed. It doesn‘t matter which of these steps you perform first.
  • Page 19
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules A Dialing Enter a call number. You now have various options. Enter a call number. Lift the handset. The specified call number is dialed. If the called subscriber answers, you can make the call as usual. Press the “Monitor”…
  • Page 20: Making A Standard Call

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Making a standard call You can use your phone to make standard calls as you would with any other telephone. Internal: Dial the desired number directly. External: Dial the external line code for the respective system (e.g. “0”) first. You can redial call numbers or have them automatically redialed.

  • Page 21
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Making a standard call A You can dial code dial numbers that are stored in the system, regardless of your authorization. When you enter the code dial number, the complete number is dialed automatically. If you wish, you can let other people in the room listen to the conver- sation.
  • Page 22: Dialing Stored Numbers

    Making calls Dialing stored numbers You can dial stored speed-dial numbers. Calls that you do not answer are stored in the call list with the respective date and time. You can display this list any time and call back the subscribers specified in the list.

  • Page 23: Dialing A Call Number From The Call List

    Making calls Dialing a call number from the call list If you do not to answer a call—because you are not there or currently busy—the call, date and time are saved in the call list. You can view and return these calls at any time.

  • Page 24
    Making calls Dialing stored numbers Calling a subscriber back: Dial automatically . The call number of the displayed subscriber is dialed automati- cally. When he answers, you can telephone as usual. Notes: The “List” message remains in the idle dis- play until you have scrolled through all the new entries.
  • Page 25: Call Back

    Making calls Call back If a subscriber you call is occupying the line, you can activate a signal which lets you know when the line is free again. Your telephone rings, you pick up, and then the telephone of the previously busy subscriber rings. This is only possible for calls within your system.

  • Page 26: Transmitting Text (Minimail)

    Making calls Transmitting text (Minimail) You can send short texts to one or more recipients. 7 prepared texts which you can add to are available. Sending minimail Select the “Minimail” menu point. ‘Minimailµ Menu Select the menu point “ sending Minimail”. ‘Sending Minimailµ…

  • Page 27
    Making calls Transmitting text (minimail) A Select the “Send” menu point. ‘Sendµ The message is sent. You can see in the display whether the message has been sent successfully or not: “?”: The message is on the way. “+”: The message has arrived. “–”: The subscriber could not be reached.
  • Page 28: Recording Call Charges For Projects

    Making calls Recording call charges for projects Your telephone system can record and calculate call charges for single projects or private calls. You must enter the corresponding project code or the code for private calls in front of an external call number, which you select from your telephone. Selecting dial call number with the project number Enter the special exchange code number e.g.

  • Page 29: Receiving Calls

    Receiving calls Answering calls To speak with a caller you can pick up the receiver as usual. You can accept calls for other subscribers as well. To do this, you must assign the “Pickup” function to one of the fully programmable function keys. Someone calls you.

  • Page 30: Requesting Info Message

    Receiving calls Requesting info message If voicemail is set up in your system, callers can leave info messages for you just like on an answering machine. You can request these info messages by calling. Call forwarding all calls to the voicemail Select the menu item “Call forwarding”.

  • Page 31
    Receiving calls Requesting info message A Removing call forwarding to voicemail Select the menu item “Call forwarding”. ‘Call forwardingµ Menu Select the active call forwarding from ± +CFORW 4041 (e.g. 4041). It is identified by a “+”. Press the “Enter” key. Enter The LED display no longer illuminates and the “+”…
  • Page 32: Receiving Minimail (Mailbox)

    Receiving calls Receiving minimail (Mailbox) The mailbox is a call list for text messages. Your callers can leave up to 10 short minimails here. The telephone indicates in the display if you have recieved a new minimail. Viewing the mailbox The envelope appears in the idle display.

  • Page 33: During A Call

    During a call Monitoring You can listen to your partner over the loudspeaker or have the microphone turned off to prevent your partner from hearing what is said in the room. You can also adjust the volume of the receiver and the loudspeaker. Listening to your partner over the loudspeaker You are telephoning.

  • Page 34: Handsfree Talking

    During a call Handsfree talking You can listen to a caller handsfree and make a telephone call with the handset down. You can alter the volume of the loudspeaker and the handsfree sensitivity during the call. Making a call with handset on-hook (handsfree handset) You are making a call.

  • Page 35
    During a call Handsfree talking A Microphone sensitivity During a call choose the menu item “set set handsfree µ 5595 handsfree”. Note: set microphone sensitivity like described in chapter “Audio and Acustic”. Important information for handsfree calling Do not install the telephone in bare, echo- ing rooms.
  • Page 36: Deactivating The Call Number And Charge Display

    During a call Deactivating the call number and charge display The charge display is automatically suppressed when you deactivate the call number or name display of your partner. Deactivating the call number and charge display You are making a call. You may now deactivate the call number ‘Cha:0023.00µ…

  • Page 37: Temporary Switchover To Dtmf

    During a call Temporary switchover to DTMF While you are making a call you can temporarily switch the dialing method to DTMF (tone dialing). All keystrokes are then transmitted in the form of tones. This permits, for example, the remote control of an answering machine. Switchover to DTMF You are making a call.

  • Page 38: Additional Call During An Existing Call

    During a call Additional call during an existing call You can answer or refuse an additional call during an existing call. If you do not want to be disturbed by additional calls, you can activate the “no knocking” function during a call or while the phone is idle. Answering an additional call You receive a second call while talking 5595…

  • Page 39: Several Calls Simultaneously

    During a call Several calls simultaneously You can maintain several calls simultaneously and toggle between these calls as you wish. You can have up to four calls at a time. Initiating a refer-back You are telephoning. Use the “Refer-back” key to initiate the refer/back. (Return: “Disconnect”…

  • Page 40
    During a call Several calls simultaneously » Note: You can set the volume of the handset and loudspeaker individually for each connec- tion. The setting is retained for the duration of the call. When switching between several connec- tions, each one keeps its own set values. You can only change the basic settings when the telephone is idle.
  • Page 41
    During a call Several calls simultaneously » Transfer additional call While you are making a call you receive an ± 5595 additional call. You will hear an attention tone. Press the “Interchange” function key. You will see the call number and name of the Interchange additional caller.
  • Page 42
    During a call Several calls simultaneously » Conference: You can speak to two parties simultaneously. You can put one of the conference partners temporarily on hold if you wish to speak to the other partner separately. Talking to two parties simultaneously (Conference) You are talking to someone.
  • Page 43
    During a call Several call simultaneously A You can withdraw from the conference and simultaneously connect the other two parties with each other. Two internal parties or one internal and one external party can join you in a confe- rence call. Terminating a conference Press the “Disconnect”…
  • Page 44: Using The Phone In A Partner Group

    Using the phone in a partner group Overview of partner functions The Bosch Service can connect several telephones of your system together to form a partner group. Many functions are especially convenient to use within this group. You can view information on your partners in your display.

  • Page 45: Using The Phone In A Partner Group

    Using the phone in a partner group Using the phone in a partner group You can call a partner or pick up a call for one of your partners by simply pressing a key. You can divert calls from any partner phone to any other partner phones quickly and easily.

  • Page 46
    Using the phone in a partner group Using the phone in a partner group A Switching diversions on and off. Select the menu item “Further functions” in Menu ‘Further functionsµ the main menu. Select the “Partner” menu point. ‘Partnerµ Menu Select the “Partner diversion on”…
  • Page 47: Setting Partner Functions

    Using the phone in a partner group Setting partner functions You can have calls for a partner signaled on your own telephone at the same time (Partner beep). Switching on partner beep Select the menu item “Further functions” in Menu ‘Further functionsµ the main menu.

  • Page 48: Setting Up The Telephone For Your Own Needs

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Storing call numbers You can store ten numbers you frequently use as speed dial numbers; these are dialed using the speed dial key and a digit key. You can also store important call numbers on the first four function keys. To dial these numbers press the corresponding function key.

  • Page 49
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Storing call numbers » Assigning code dial numbers to function keys Select the “Telephone ‘Telephone bookµ Menu book” menu item. Press a function key. Select the “Code dialing? Yes” menu item. SK6: 5595 ‘Code dialing? Yes°…
  • Page 50
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Storing call numbers A Assigning code dial numbers to speed dial keys Select the “Telephone ‘Telephone book.µ Menu book” menu item. The display depicted at the left appears. pos. no.1…0 Press the digit key to which you want to e.g.
  • Page 51: Diverting Calls

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Diverting calls You can divert calls to other subscribers. You can also divert calls when your line is busy. Moreover, you can divert calls for two other partners to your phone. A “number A via number B” message appears in the display for call forwarding. Setting up call diversion Select the menu item “Call diversion”…

  • Page 52: Answering Calls At Another Telephone (Follow Me)

    You first have to prepare this function on your own telephone. This process is set, activated and deactivated with particular codes. Please contact your Bosch Service for the valid codes. Preparing the process at your own telephone Lift the handset.

  • Page 53: Double Call

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Double Call Your telephone and another telephone ring simultaneously for the same call. Double Call is set, activated and deactivated with particular codes. Setting Double Call destination Lift the handset. Press the “Star” key and enter the code e.g.

  • Page 54: Setting Function Keys

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Setting function keys You can assign frequently used functions to the programmable function keys. These functions can be carried out by simply pressing the corresponding key. A complete overview can be found on page p. 72. Setting function keys Select the “Further functions”…

  • Page 55
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Setting up function keys » Deactivating a function key assignment Select the menu item “Further functions” in Menu ‘Further functionsµ the main menu. Select the “Set function keys” menu item. ‘Set function keysµ Select the desired menu item.
  • Page 56
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Setting up function keys A Select the desired macro function; DIV1 “Call diversion 1”, for example. Confirm your entry. Enter The macro function is now stored on the key selected.
  • Page 57: Setting Up The Telephone

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Setting up the telephone You can give your telephone individual settings, e.g. block it for internal calls. Setting the telephone Select the “Further functions” menu item in M…’Further functions: the main menu. Select the desired menu item for the basic ‘Setting the telephone settings of your telephone.

  • Page 58: Switching Off Autom. Postdialing (Dtmf)

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Switching off autom. postdialing (DTMF) Your telephone has been factory-set so that while connected all post dialed number key depressions can be sent as tones. You can, for example, interrogate voicemail or implement remote control on an answering machine. These numbers will neither be displayed, nor entered in the redial memory.

  • Page 59: Switching On Key Beep

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Switching on key beep Every key depression can be signalled by a beep tone (key beep). Activating key beep Select the “Further functions” menu item in M…’Further functions: the main menu. Select the “Setting the telephone” menu ‘Setting the telephone item.

  • Page 60: Handsfree Talking With Auxiliary Loudspeaker

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Handsfree talking with auxiliary loudspeaker — You can connect an auxiliary loudspeaker to your telephone. This will improve handsfree mode. Connecting the auxiliary loudspeaker Plug connection AEI interface to Pull the connector from the telephone’s the underside of the AEI-Z-interface.

  • Page 61
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Handsfree talking with auxiliary loudspeaker » ‘Set microphoneµ Select the “Set microphone” menu item. Menu The current setting is displayed. µ Office normal, Tel. Scroll to the “Office normal, Ext. ” setting. –…
  • Page 62: Displaying Call Charges

    ‘Clear all charges° Press the “Arrow down” key. The charges for the individual call are deleted. Note: If you wish to delete the charge total for all calls, you must have the function enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service repre- sentative.

  • Page 63
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Displaying call charges A You can activate and deactivate the charge display. The incurred charges can be displayed as currency or units. You can select the respective charge display in the “Call charges” menu. Switching the charge display to units The default setting for the charge display is currency.
  • Page 64: Specifying Audio, Contrast And Do Not Disturb

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Specifying audio, contrast and do not disturb You can set various ringing tones and adjust the display contrast. You can also activate and deactivate individual tones. You can change the basic setting for handsfree talking. Specifying audio/contrast Select the menu item “Further functions”…

  • Page 65
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Specifying audio, contrast and do not disturb » The current setting is displayed. You can µ Alerting 1..8 now adjust the volume of the alerting tone. Adjust the volume of the alerting tone by entering a number from 1 to 8.
  • Page 66
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Specifying audio, contrast and do not disturb » Silencing the telephone Select “Further functions“ in the main M…’Further functions: menu. Select “Further settings”. ‘Further settings:µ Select “Silence”. ‘Silenceµ The current setting is displayed. Ringing tone Use the “Enter”…
  • Page 67
    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Setting acoustics and contrast A If your call partner informs you that the transmission quality is not optimal, you can change the handsfree–mode settings. Setting handsfree mode (fixed setting) Select “Further functions” in the main M…’Further functions: menu.
  • Page 68: Private User Mobility (Mobile Direct Dialing Number)

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Private User Mobility (Mobile direct dialing number) You can log in to every telephone in your system with your direct calling number. You can then use this telephone like your own connection. This function is protected with a PIN.

  • Page 69: Storing Personal Data Centrally

    Setting up the telephone for your own needs Storing personal data centrally You can store your personal telephone settings centrally in your telephone system for security. Your data is protected with a password there. If your telephone is repla- ced with a new one or you “move” to another part of your telephone system, you do not need to enter your telephone settings anew.

  • Page 70: Vip Functions

    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions — You can set up team functions between telephones within your system. You then receive a special ringing tone or announcement from your team partners. The VIP tone on your phone must be activated. Setting up the phone for calls from the team Select the “Further functions”…

  • Page 71
    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions A Confirm with the “Enter” key. Enter Calls from this subscriber activate VIP rin- ging only if you have marked him as an au- thorized user. Mark additional partners in the same man- ner, if required. Note: You can adjust the sound of the VIP tone in the “Audio/Contrast”…
  • Page 72: If In Doubt, Look It Up

    If in doubt, look it up Telephone functions overview Look up the name of the function if you do not know what this function does, e.g. code dialing. This alphabetic list contains the functions that you can assign to the programmable function keys (! p.

  • Page 73
    If in doubt, look it up Telephone functions overview » Controls louder This allows you to change the volume of the receiver and the loudspeakers during a conversation. You can set the ringing tone louder while the telephone is ringing. When the telephone is in idle mode, this key brings you into the “Accoustics and contrast setting”…
  • Page 74
    Lock You can protect your telephone from unauthorized users. You determine which functions are to remain available after the lock has been activated (lock levels must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service represen- tative). Mailbox (! p. 32) You can check whether you have received a minimail.
  • Page 75
    PIN number. Part of group — You can switch your phone in and out of a hunt group. This function must be activated by your BOSCH TELECOM service repre- sentative. p. 44)
  • Page 76
    The second alarm is connected to the telephone’s AEI interface via a switch contact. Please contact BOSCH TELECOM as required. p. 38) Transfer call You answer an additional call during an existing call and connect this call to another party.
  • Page 77: Display Messages

    If in doubt, look it up Display messages The display contains important information on calls and telephone settings. This includes the messages that are shown on the idle display. The idle display appears when you press the “Arrow up” or the “Menu” key. Menu displays Assigning line for PAxx (only TH) You have assigned an exchange line for a telephone in your part-…

  • Page 78
    Lock You can protect your telephone from unauthorized users. You can also de- termine which functions are to remain available after the lock is activated (lock levels must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service represen- tative). Messages If the symbol for “Message” appears in the idle display ( ), one or more messages are waiting for you in the telephone system.
  • Page 79
    If in doubt, look it up Display messages » Own emerg. no. Your personal emergency number is dialed immediately. You can dial this emergency number even if the telephone is locked. Partner You can divert calls to other partners, deactivate diversions, have calls for another partner indicated on your telephone and change the partner display.
  • Page 80
    If in doubt, look it up Display messages » Specifications You can switch certain functions of your telephone on or off to suit your personal requirements. Set function key Setting function keys: You can assign functions to the programmable function keys for faster operation. Telephone book You can store up to 10 call numbers and one emergency destination on speed dial keys.
  • Page 81
    If in doubt, look it up Display messages A Symbols on the display Someone calls you. You receive a second call. You are making a call. You have a second connection. You are part of a conference call. The telephone loudspeaker (“Monitor”) is on.
  • Page 82: Menu Items On The Display

    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display The menu items from which you can select the next operating step will appear on the display depending on the function you are currently performing. This overview contains all menu items in alphabetical order. You can connect additional devices, a headset for example, to the AEI in- terface on the underside of the telephone.

  • Page 83
    Your telephone must be designed with the comfort handsfree equipment for this. If necessary, consult your BOSCH TELECOM Service. Call back If the called party is busy, your phone will send a signal as soon as the line is free again.
  • Page 84
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Call charges on Activate call metering for chargeable calls. Call diversion Call diversion: You can divert calls to other phones within your system. Depending on the system, you can also divert calls to an external line. Call list You can activate or deactivate the call list.
  • Page 85
    Menu items on the display » Clear call charges You can reset the charge counter for the displayed call and the total of all calls (the latter if enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service represen- tative). Code dialing This allows you to dial numbers that are stored in the system, regardless of your authorization.
  • Page 86
    Delayed redial If the line is busy, the number is automatically redialed up to five times in 30-second intervals. This setting can be modified by your BOSCH TELECOM service represen- tative. Delete The entry is deleted, e.g. the charge counter.
  • Page 87
    Div-busy. — Call diversion on busy: Divert call if your line is busy (does not function with partner key). This function must be activated by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative. Div. from Call diversion from: Diverts calls from one of your partners to you.
  • Page 88
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Handsfree equipment (! p. 34) (only TH and TM) Headset, microphone unit which can be connected to your telephone so that both hands are free. Handsf. sett.. (! p. LEERER MERKER) Setting handsfree calling: You can adjust handsfree calling to your office and surroundings.
  • Page 89
    The message “No error” appears on the screen and a positive acknow- ledge tone is triggered if the memory is functioning properly. If not, you will hear a negative acknowledge tone. Contact your BOSCH TELECOM service representative if this is the case.
  • Page 90
    Your personal emergency number is dialed immediately. You can dial this emergency number even if the telephone is locked. Part of group — You can switch your phone in and out of a hunt group. This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative.
  • Page 91
    Remote number display: You can decide whether your call number is to be displayed on the screens of the remote subscriber. This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative. Request time Update the time, date and partner display.
  • Page 92
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Ringing tone You can activate or deactivate the ringing tone. If the ringing tone has been deactivated, you will hear a one-time signal to indicate an incoming call. Second call Deactivate second call in the “Specifications”…
  • Page 93
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Speech path Starts the speech path test. You can test the receiver and the monitoring function by blowing into the receiver. The symbol for “Handset off-hook” appears on the display when the hand- set is lifted.
  • Page 94
    Connect an additional caller with a refer-back party. Trap a call — You can register the call number of an unwanted caller in the system. This function must be activated by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative. Turn off ringing Turn off the ringing tone during a call. Calls are then signalled by a one-time special information tone.
  • Page 95
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display A View VIP mess. You can view a message which has come from a subscriber from your part- ner group during a conversation. This menu point only appears in the menu if you have received a VIP message.
  • Page 96: Setting Tones And Distinctive Rings On Your Phone

    If in doubt, look it up Setting tones and distinctive rings on your phone In addition to the ringing tone, your phone has a number of other acoustic signals that inform you of various telephone procedures. You can listen to and adjust almost all tone settings in the menu “Adjust audio + contrast setting”…

  • Page 97: If Something Goes Wrong

    If in doubt, look it up If something goes wrong The incorrect date and time are displayed Select the menu item “Request time”. The system automatically updates the date and time. Unknown message on the display Please see the section Display messages ( p.

  • Page 98
    Perhaps you have entered an incorrect PIN three times consecutively. The telephone is then blocked for 15 minutes. A function is not performed Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative may need to enable this function. Functions which have to be enabled are tagged with -. Telephone prematurely aborts programming You may not have pressed a key during the last 60 seconds.
  • Page 99: Protecting The Phone From Unauthorized Users

    If in doubt, look it up Protecting the phone from unauthorized users You can protect your phone from unauthorized users by locking it with a secret code. You must specify your code before locking the phone for the first time. You may enter it personally and change it at any time.

  • Page 100
    If in doubt, look it up Protecting the phone from unauthorized users A You can choose between five different lock levels (not included as a standard feature; consult your BOSCH TELECOM service representative, if necessary). Unlocking the telephone Select the desired menu item.
  • Page 101: Testing The Telephone

    If in doubt, look it up Testing the telephone You can test various functions on your phone. You cannot receive calls while your phone is in test mode. You should therefore leave the test mode once the tests have been completed. Each test takes just a few seconds.

  • Page 102: Registering For Automatic Call Distribution

    If in doubt, look it up Registering for automatic call distribution Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative must set up your phone for auto- matic call distribution (ACD) by assigning a personal call number (max. 5 digits) and a personal code (max. 6 digits). You must log in using your call number and code.

  • Page 103: Additional Information And Functions

    The affected base may, under some circumstances, leave unpleasant marks on the surface of your furniture. BOSCH TELECOM cannot be held responsible for this type of damage. We there- fore recommend that you place your phone on a non-slip base, particularly if the…

  • Page 104: Index

    If in doubt, look it up Index Accepting a call suppress Activate answering machine (DTMF) 94 Call number display, switch off Call numbers, storing Activating functions 16, 17 Call pick-up Additional call 38, 41 permanently rejecting Calling refuse Partner rejecting Cancel Change pulse duration AEI interface…

  • Page 105
    If in doubt, look it up Index » Dial Handsfree mode, with auxiliary loud- repeat speaker while on-hook Handsfree talking with digit keys dial, with PC Headset Dialing 12, 18, 19, 20 Help 72–79 Display 5, 9 Individual emergency call Partner 44, 47 Interchange key…
  • Page 106
    If in doubt, look it up Index » Menu item Pulse duration (DTMF), change move Receiver:, volume select Receiving calls Message, Send Redial, call up Microphone 34, 90 Refer-back, with R key set (fixed setting) Repairs Minimail receive Retrieve key Send Ringing Modifying basic settings…
  • Page 107
    If in doubt, look it up Index A Storing data 69, 93 Tone dialing next Transfer Switch 39, 94 Transfer call 41, 94 Switching off display Charge display Transfer key display Turning off the microphone Names Unlocking Switching the microphone off VIP functions Team functions on/off…

  • Page 1
    Operating Instructions Integral TH13 ISDN Telephone connected to Integral 33 systems…
  • Page 2: Familiarize Yourself With Your Phone

    Familiarize yourself with your phone This introduction is designed to help you learn the basics of your telephone quickly and easily. You should read this section to learn about the special features of your new telephone, even if you are already familiar with deluxe phones. What you should definitely read D Basic operating principles starting on p.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Familiarize yourself with your phone Familiarize yourself with your phone TH 13 – Overview Which keys for which functions? Special features of your telephone How to use this manual Basic operating rules Putting the telephone into operation Making a standard call Making calls Dialing a call number from the telephone book…

  • Page 4
    Table of Contents » Using the phone in a partner group Overview of partner functions Using the phone in a partner group Setting up partner groups Connection for partner Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Call numbers in the telephone book – overview Storing call numbers in the telephone book Diverting calls Answer calls at another telephone (Follow me)
  • Page 5
    Table of Contents A If in doubt, look it up Telephone functions overview Display messages Display messages during emergency operation Menu items on the display Setting tones and distinctive rings on your phone If something goes wrong Protecting the phone from unauthorized users Testing the telephone Registering for automatic call distribution Additional information and functions…
  • Page 6: Th 13 — Overview

    Familiarize yourself with your phone TH 13 – Overview The functions of a number of keys may differ depending on how your telephone is set up and how it is connected to the telephone system. Softkeys Display for various functions Handsfree The display assists you The current function is shown…

  • Page 7: Which Keys For Which Functions

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Which keys for which functions? This section gives you a brief overview of the keys on your phone and their respec- tive functions. The use of the individual keys is explained in detail under the corresponding func- tion on the following pages.

  • Page 8: Special Features Of Your Telephone

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Special features of your telephone You can of course use your phone to make calls as you would with any ordinary phone. This telephone also offers a variety of functions that make phoning even easier. This chapter contains a brief overview of some of these special features.

  • Page 9
    The integrated “lock” allows you to protect your telephone against unauthorized use. Using the phone in a partner group Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative can connect your phone to other phones within your system to form a partner group. A number of functions are par- ticularly easy to use within this partner group.
  • Page 10
    You can equip your telephone with an additional ringing tone. You can then, for ex- ample, receive a signal in the neighbouring room when your telephone rings. The second alarm is connected to the telephone’s AEI interface via a switch con- tact. Please contact BOSCH Telecom as required.
  • Page 11: How To Use This Manual

    Familiarize yourself with your phone How to use this manual A number of abbreviations and symbols are used in this manual to give you a better overview. This section contains a brief description of each of these symbols. The screens used in the manual contain only the texts or symbols that are signifi- cant for the respective function.

  • Page 12
    Familiarize yourself with your phone How to use this manual » Enter a call number The keys to the left are shown when you are required to enter a number. You can type the numbers manually or en- ter a stored call number. Dialing You can initiate the dialing procedure in two different ways: You can press the “Monitor”…
  • Page 13
    The symbol to the left indicates that the de- scribed function is not a standard feature of your telephone. Other functions may also be disabled. Con- sult your BOSCH TELECOM service repre- sentative if you wish to use these func- tions.
  • Page 14: Basic Operating Rules

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules The following pages contain a few basic rules concerning the function of your phone. The display assists you The figure at the left depicts the display as 2135 Miller 12.04.94 16:50 it could look when the telephone is idle. Telephone status Your name and call number are displayed.

  • Page 15
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » If you see a message in the idle display you can directly activate the corresponding menu item in an easy way. The display shows you the current level of softkeys. The idle display additionally shows you in- formation on the state of your telephone.
  • Page 16
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » The display shows up to three simultaneous connections if you are connected to various subscribers at the same time. Press the “Destination” key to display other assigned functions. You can scroll through the existing pages using this key.
  • Page 17
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » Several functions can be activated in a number of different ways. – The simplest way: select it from a menu, – The quickest way: using a function key. Activating functions Selecting functions from the menu You can select and activate all the func- tions of your phone from the display.
  • Page 18
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » You can abort all operating procedures at any time. You can disconnect the current connection in the same way. Activating functions with function keys Several functions can also be activated us- ing a function key, e.g.
  • Page 19
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » Display menus – three display modes Simple mode: If you are still unfamiliar with the functions, you can have them all displayed on the Telephone book screen. This display mode is the default Monitor setting of your telephone.
  • Page 20
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » Setting up a call To set up a call you have to perform the two steps described below: – prepare for dialing, – activate dialing. The call number is dialed. It does not matter which of the steps is car- ried out first.
  • Page 21
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » Activate dialing Enter a call number. You have three options. Lift the handset. The specified call number is dialed. You can use your phone as usual when the other party answers. Press the “Monitor”…
  • Page 22
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules » You can enter texts in the telephone book using the softkeys. You can then search for the name of a subscriber and the respective call number in the telephone book. Entering text (Example: text for appointment) Enter a short note after “Text”.
  • Page 23
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Basic operating rules A The text is shown on the display. Specify an appointment . . . Text : EVENJ Note: Additional rows of letters appear when you Specify an appointment move the grey bar up or down using the „ “ or „…
  • Page 24: Putting The Telephone Into Operation

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Putting the telephone into operation Select language: Before being able to use your telephone you must first define the language for the display texts and minimail messages. Select language for display and minimail In the idle display you will see the following message.

  • Page 25: Making A Standard Call

    Familiarize yourself with your phone Making a standard call You can of course use your phone to make standard calls as you would with any other telephone. Internal: Dial the desired number directly. External: Dial the external line code of your system (e.g. “0”) first. Making calls Dial call number –…

  • Page 26
    Familiarize yourself with your phone Making a standard call A If busy: Select menu item “Delayed redial”. The Delayed redial number is redialed up to nine times at 30-second intervals. Cancel: Press the “Release” key. This terminates automatic redial. Receiving calls Your telephone rings as usual when some- one calls you, and the LED beside the key- pad flashes.
  • Page 27: Dialing A Call Number From The Telephone Book

    If you would like to use the “Continue” dis- play key with the main telephone book (METB), you can have this feature set up by your Bosch Service. Enter the search string, e.g. the first letter e.g. of the name.

  • Page 28: Dialing A Call Number From The Call List

    Making calls Dialing a call number from the call list If you do not to answer a call—because you are not there or currently busy—the date and time are saved in the call list. You can display this list at any time and return calls to the subscribers entered in it. The list shows the 10 most recent entries.

  • Page 29
    Making calls Dialing a call number from the call list A While calling somebody the date and time of the last call received by this person are shown on the display. The message ”New entry in call list” continues to be displayed until you have paged through all new entries.
  • Page 30: Sending Messages (Minimail)

    Making calls Sending messages (Minimail) You can send short texts to one or several destinations. There are 10 texts you can choose from: – 7 predefined texts which you can modify or complete, – 3 texts which you can enter yourself. Send minimail Select the “Messages:”…

  • Page 31
    Making calls Sending messages (Minimail) » If required you can delete specific subscribers from the list by means of the ”Cor- rect” key. Your minimail can only be received by telephones with the current software. Select the “Send Minimail” menu item. Send Minimail The message is sent once you press the Enter…
  • Page 32
    Making calls Sending texts (Minimail) A Change minimail texts Select the “Messages:” menu item and Send Minimail then “Send Minimail”, and scroll down through all of the texts. A list of texts you can modify will appear on Choose with enter the display.
  • Page 33: Recording Call Charges For Projects

    Making calls Recording call charges for projects Your telephone system can record and calculate call charges for single projects or private calls. To be able to use this function, you must be cleared in the system. You must enter the corresponding project code or the code for private calls in front of an external call number, which you select from your telephone.

  • Page 34: Receiving Calls

    Receiving calls Answering calls You can lift the handset as usual to speak to the caller. You can also answer calls by pressing the “Handsfree” key and leaving the handset on-hook. Incoming call Your telephone rings and the LED beside the handset flashes.

  • Page 35: Requesting Info Message

    Receiving calls Requesting info message If voicemail is set up in your system, callers can leave info messages for you just like on an answering machine. You can request these info messages by calling. Forwarding all calls to the voicemail Press F2 function key “Call forwarding”.

  • Page 36: Picking Up Messages

    Receiving calls Picking up messages If a voice mail system is connected to your telephone system, you can pick up mes- sages by means of a call. Listening to messages The idle display contains the message Telephone status “Server message present”. Server message present Select the desired menu item to listen to Messages…

  • Page 37: Store All Callers (Talk List)

    Receiving calls Store all callers (Talk list) The talk list stores the call numbers of all subscribers who called you and who you actually talked to (max. 10). The most recent entry always appears first in the list. You can select specific numbers and dial them directly from the list if required. Call numbers in the talk list can easily be stored in the telephone book.

  • Page 38: Receiving Minimail (Mailbox)

    Receiving calls Receiving minimail (Mailbox) The mailbox is a call list for texts where callers can leave up to 10 short minimails. The display will show you if you have received a new minimail. View mailbox In the idle display the message shown to the left appears.

  • Page 39: During A Call

    During a call Monitoring You can listen to the caller through the loudspeaker on your phone. Hearing the caller through the loudspeaker (Call monitoring) You are on the phone. Press the “Monitor” key to activate the loudspeaker. You and the caller will hear two short signal tones.

  • Page 40: Handsfree

    During a call Handsfree You can listen to a caller through the loudspeaker, as well as make calls when the handset is on–hook. During the call, you can adjust the loudspeaker volume and the handsfree sensitivity. Phoning with handset on-hook (Handsfree) You are making a call.

  • Page 41
    During a call Handsfree » Important information for handsfree calling Do not install the telephone in bare, echo- ing rooms. Make sure that the handsfree microphone on the underside of the telephone is not obstructed. For example, do not place your telephone on a soft surface into which it could sink.
  • Page 42
    During a call Handsfree » You can change the parameters during a call, in order to find the ideal settings for your workplace. These settings are only sustained during the of time of the call. Switching off microphone Select the menu item “Microphone On/Off”. Microphone On/Off The corresponding symbol appears in the first display line for confirmation.
  • Page 43
    During a call Handsfree A Select menu item “Setting handsfree cal- Setting handsfree calling ling”. The current setting is tagged. Setting handsfree calling Select one of the following four settings for “Office normal, telephone loudspeaker handsfree calling: “Office attenuated, tel. loudsp. –…
  • Page 44: Deactivating The Call Number And Charge Display

    During a call Deactivating the call number and charge display The charge display is automatically suppressed when you deactivate the display of the call number or name of the subscriber you are talking to. Deactivating the call number and charge display You are making a call.

  • Page 45: Temporary Switchover To Dtmf

    During a call Temporary switchover to DTMF While you are making a call you can temporarily switch the dialing method to DTMF (tone dialing). All keystrokes are then transmitted in the form of tones. This permits, for example, remote control of an answering machine. Switchover to DTMF You are making a call.

  • Page 46: Additional Call During An Existing Call

    During a call Additional call during an existing call You can answer or reject an additional call during an existing call. If you do not want to be disturbed by additional calls, you can deactivate a second call during an ongo- ing call or while the phone is idle.

  • Page 47: Several Calls Simultaneously

    During a call Several calls simultaneously You can alternate between conversations with several callers. You can switch back and forth among these parties as desired. Connections to a maximum of four parties can be established simultaneously. Initiating refer-back You are making a call. Initiate a consulta- tion using the “Refer-back”…

  • Page 48
    During a call Several calls simultaneously » You can adjust the volume and handsfree settings for each connection separately. On switching over to another connection the settings for each connection remain unchanged. Toggling between the first party and an additional caller You have accepted an additional call while Connection 5594 Summer talking to the first partner.
  • Page 49
    During a call Several calls simultaneously» During a call you can answer an additional call and transfer it to another extension within your telephone system. Afterwards you are automatically connected to your first call again. Transfer additional call While you are making a call you receive an Call 5312 Nail additional call.
  • Page 50
    During a call Several calls simultaneously » Conference: You can speak to a consulted party and your first partner simultaneously. You can put one conference party on hold temporarily if you wish to speak to the other party alone. Talking to two parties simultaneously (Conference) You are making a call.
  • Page 51
    During a call Several calls simultaneously A You can withdraw from the conference call and simultaneously connect the other two parties with each other. You can set up a conference call with both external and internal parties. Terminating a conference call Press the “Release”…
  • Page 52: Using The Phone In A Partner Group

    Using the phone in a partner group Overview of partner functions Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative can connect up to 8 telephones of your system to form a partner group. A number of functions are particularly easy to use within this partner group.

  • Page 53
    Using the phone in a partner group Overview of partner functions A You can assign your partners to any destination keys. If you do not want information on the phone activities of certain partners, you can deactivate their display. Moving a partner to another destination key Select the desired menu item in the “Furt- Partners her functions:”…
  • Page 54: Using The Phone In A Partner Group

    Using the phone in a partner group Using the phone in a partner group You can call a partner or pick up a call for one of your partners by simply pressing a button. You can divert calls from any partner phone to all other partner phones quickly and easily.

  • Page 55: Setting Up Partner Groups

    Using the phone in a partner group Setting up partner groups Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative can connect extensions in your system to form groups. You can choose up to 16 of these group extensions to create your own partner group. You can also restrict the display of the status of your phone on the phones of your partners.

  • Page 56
    Using the phone in a partner group Setting up partner groups A Restrict partner signaling Note: This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative. Select the menu item ”Partner”. Partners Select the menu item ”Restrict signaling” to Restrict signaling suppress the display of call modes on the phones of your partners.
  • Page 57: Connection For Partner

    Using the phone in a partner group Connection for partner Within a partner group you can complete an exchange connection for a partner tele- phone using your telephone. For example, a secretary can occupy an exchange line for her boss. For this, the secretary must have a “boss line” function key set up on her telephone.

  • Page 58: Setting Up The Telephone For Your Own Specific Needs

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Call numbers in the telephone book – overview You can store all call numbers and destination key assignments in your local tele- phone book. In addition, you can tag entries, e.g. for data connections or the VIP function.

  • Page 59: Storing Call Numbers In The Telephone Book

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book You can store any call number (max. 300) in your local telephone book. Also, during a call you can store the call number of the party you are talking to as a note. Entering new call numbers Call up the telephone book.

  • Page 60
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book » You can store frequently used call numbers on destination keys. These call num- bers are automatically stored in the telephone book. Store call number directly on a destination key Note: The second level of destination keys is re- served for functions.
  • Page 61
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book » You can store call numbers directly under a destination key. This can be accom- plished in two ways. Storing a call number in your telephone book on a destination key S S S Enter the new call number or open the de- sired entry in your telephone book.
  • Page 62
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book » You can permanently store a redial number on a destination key. The previous contents of the destination key will thus be overwritten. The call num- ber is simultaneously stored in the telephone book.
  • Page 63
    Storing call numbers in the telephone book » You can also store additional information such as code-dialing numbers and team functions on your phone if this option has been enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative. The corresponding menu items are marked with a small box.
  • Page 64
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book » The next four pages contain an overview of all of the menu items that you will need to use the telephone book. All entries All telephone book entries are shown on the display in alphabetical order.
  • Page 65
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book » Display entry You can display the entry and all the information it contains. DSS destinations — Allocation: You store the call number under a key on your DSS module. DSS priority destinations — Allocation: You store the call number under a key on your DSS module.
  • Page 66
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book » Note Allocation: Call number is entered as a note during a call. Notes can be listed separately in the telephone book. You can also dial any call number contained in a note.
  • Page 67
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Storing call numbers in the telephone book A VIP number All VIP numbers are displayed. VIP number — You store the call number as a VIP number, i.e. the subscriber with this number is authorized to activate team functions on your phone.
  • Page 68: Diverting Calls

    “Call diversion to” can be set up to all par- ties in your system. You cannot set up “Call diversion busy” for other partners. Moreover, this function must be activated by your BOSCH TELE- COM service representative. Deactivate call diversion Press the F2 function key “Call diversion”.

  • Page 69: Answer Calls At Another Telephone (Follow Me)

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Answer calls at another telephone (Follow me) — You can set up a call diversion for your telephone at other telephones. This function is activated and deactivated by means of codes. Please ask your service represen- tative which codes are valid for your system.

  • Page 70: Double Call

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Double Call Your telephone and another telephone ring simultaneously for the same call. Double Call is set, activated and deactivated with particular codes. Setting Double Call destination Lift the handset. Press the “Star” key and enter the code e.g.

  • Page 71: Setting Up Function Keys

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting up function keys You can assign frequently used functions to the F1-F4 function keys and to the soft- keys. These functions can be carried out by means of a single keystroke. A complete overview can be found on page 101.

  • Page 72: Setting Up Macro Functions

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting up macro functions You can assign macro functions consisting of various steps to the function keys of your telephone. In this way you can, for example, activate and deactivate a fixed call diversion by means of a single keystroke.

  • Page 73
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting up macro functions » If you assign a partner diversion to a function key, you can activate a partner diver- sion or toggle between two fixed call diversion destinations by means of a single keystroke.
  • Page 74
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting up macro functions A Reset function key Select the “Further functions:” menu item. Further functions: Select the “Macro function” menu item. Macro function Select the “Set macro function” menu item. Set macro function Page downwards through all the functions Enter…
  • Page 75: Setting The Telephone

    You can set your phone to meet your own individual needs. You can, for example, activate the call list, program a secretary function or adjust the MF pulse duration. If you have any questions, please consult your BOSCH TELECOM service repre- sentative.

  • Page 76: Turning Off Autom. Postdialing (Dtmf)

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Turning off autom. postdialing (DTMF) Your telephone has been factory-set so that while connected all key depressions can be sent as tones. That way you can transfer information, for example in home banking (ex.

  • Page 77: Switching On Key Beep

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Switching on key beep Every key depression can be signalled by a beep tone (key beep). Activating key beep Select the “Further functions:” menu item. Further functions: Select the “Setting the telephone” menu Setting the telephone item for the basic settings of your tele- phone.

  • Page 78: Handsfree Equipment

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Handsfree equipment — You can connect KonfTel Cu100/AEI handsfree equipment to the AEI interface of your telephone. Setting the handsfree equipment Plug the connecting cable of the handsfree equipment into the AEI interface on the un- derside of your telephone.

  • Page 79
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Handsfree equipment A Using the handsfree equipment Switch the handsfree equipment on and off with the “Handsfree” key. Note: When you switch the equipment on, you will hear a measuring signal in the form of background noise, which indicates equip- ment tuning.
  • Page 80: Handsfree Talking With Auxiliary Loudspeaker

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Handsfree talking with auxiliary loudspeaker — You can connect an auxiliary loudspeaker to your telephone. This will improve handsfree mode. Connecting the auxiliary loudspeaker Connector AEI interface to Pull the connector from the telephone’s the underside of AEI-Z-interface.

  • Page 81
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Handsfree calling with auxiliary loudspeaker A Select menu item “Setting handsfree cal- Setting handsfree calling ling”. The current setting is tagged. Setting handsfree calling Office normal, telephone loudspeaker Office attenuated, tel. loudsp. Office liven, telephone loudspeaker Office normal, auxiliary loudspeaker Scroll to “Office normal, auxiliary loudspea-…
  • Page 82: Displaying Call Charges

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Displaying call charges Call charges are stored and accumulated since the last deletion. You can display the amount and clear the display. During a call, you can choose whether the charges for the current call are to be dis- played as an amount or in units.

  • Page 83: Setting Acoustics And Contrast

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting acoustics and contrast You can change the basic settings for handsfree calling. Setting acoustics and contrast Select the “Further functions:” menu item. Further functions: Select the “Further settings:” menu item. Further settings: Select the “Adjust audio + contrast setting”…

  • Page 84
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting acoustics and contrast » You can change the basic setting for handsfree calling. Setting handsfree calling (fixed setting) – Press “Volume control higher” or “Volume control lower” display key. The current settings are displayed. Setting acoustics+contrast Select the smallest possible setting for the loudspeaker volume.
  • Page 85
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting acoustics and contrast A Select the “Further functions:” menu item. Further functions: Select the “Further settings:” menu item. Further settings: Select the “Adjust audio + contrast setting” Adjust audio+contrast setting menu item.
  • Page 86: Do Not Disturb

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Do not disturb You can deactivate normal ringing, the signal tone and VIP-ringing—if you are in a meeting, for example. Select the “Further functions:” menu item. Further functions: Select the “Further settings:” menu item. Further settings: Select the “Silence the telephone”…

  • Page 87: Setting The Language

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Setting the language You can specify the language of the display texts. Independently, you can also select a language for the predefined minimail texts. The available languages are English, French, German and Italian. Setting the language for the display and minimail Select the “Further functions:”…

  • Page 88: Entering Appointments

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Entering appointments You can program your phone to remind you of important appointments. You can enter up to ten appointments, each of which can be activated and deactivated indi- vidually. Moreover, you can define in an easy way whether you wish to be reminded only once or every day.

  • Page 89
    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Entering appointments A You can set your phone to remind you of your appointments daily. The maximum text length is 25 characters. Appointment reminder The signal tone is triggered and a message Appointment expired appears on the display at the specified 19.07.94 17:25…
  • Page 90: Alternate Time Zone

    Specifying the time zone If you wish to display a time zone other than the pre–set “Frankfurt” time, contact your Bosch Service to make the change.

  • Page 91: Private User Mobility (Mobile Direct Dialing Number)

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Private User Mobility (Mobile direct dialing number) You can log in to every telephone in your system with your direct calling number. You can then use this telephone like your own connection. This function is protected with a PIN.

  • Page 92: Saving Personal Data Centrally

    Setting up the telephone for your own specific needs Saving personal data centrally You can save your personal telephone settings in the central memory of your tele- phone system, where your data will be password–protected. If your telephone is exchanged for a new one, or if you “move” within the system, you will not need to re–enter your telephone settings.

  • Page 93: Vip Functions

    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions When the “Handsfree Answer Back” function is set up and activated, the telephone automatically accepts calls by switching to handsfree calling. In order to avoid abuse and accidental listening possibilities from other subscribers, the set-up of VIP functions is protected with a PIN number.

  • Page 94
    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions » Use executive set as intercom system with secretary set Program executive set Select ”VIP functions“. VIP functions Set „Transmit VIP functions“ to „On“ to acti- vate VIP functions. Transmit VIP functions : Open telephone book to select the secre- tary entry.
  • Page 95: Vip Functions Setting Up Vip Functions

    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions » Use intercom Keep handset on-hook. Secretary Select telephone book entry or press desti- e.g. nation key. Press the ”Handsfree” key or lift the hand- e.g. set. Do not press the ”Monitoring” key!! ”Handsfree” is automatically activated on the secretary set.

  • Page 96
    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions » If you mark entries in the telephone book with “Text if busy”, you can send these subscribers the standard text “Please call back”. This text will be displayed when the line is busy and the call–waiting block is activated. A call and a refer–back are not enough! Send a message from the executive set to the busy secretary set Prepare executive set…
  • Page 97
    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions » You can make an announcement to other extensions of your telecommunications system. To do this, simply call the extension. The loudspeaker of the corresponding telephone will automatically be turned on. Announcements from the executive set Prepare executive set Select “VIP functions”.
  • Page 98
    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions » Switch off all VIP functions At the executive set Select “VIP functions”. VIP functions Switch the “Transmit VIP functions” menu Transmit VIP functions : item to “off”. At the secretary set Set ”Receive VIP functions” to ”Off”. VIP functions Receive VIP funct.: Switch off VIP functions for specific telephones…
  • Page 99
    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions » Menu items to prepare your telephone for incoming VIP calls Announcements with acknowledge (in the menu “Setting the telephone”) An announcement with acknowledge triggers a short signal tone and auto- matically switches your phone to handsfree mode. The calling party must have defined the attribute in his telephone book.
  • Page 100
    VIP functions Setting up VIP functions A Menu items to prepare your telephone for outgoing VIP calls Attribute (in telephone book) Normal call: Calls from VIPs ring with VIP ringing tone. Announcement: You can make an announcement. The loudspeaker is activated on the phone of the called party.
  • Page 101: If In Doubt, Look It Up

    If in doubt, look it up Telephone functions overview Look up the name of the function if you do not know what this function does, e.g. Code dialing. This alphabetic list contains the functions that you can assign to both the F1–F4 function keys and to the softkeys (! p.

  • Page 102
    If in doubt, look it up Telephone functions overview » CUTIN (! p. 140) — If you want to talk to a subscriber before he has finished an ongoing call, you can cut in on the existing call. – Decrease volume/contrast Using this function you can change the volume during a call and also the volume of the loudspeaker provided it has been switched on.
  • Page 103
    Leaving a group line (! p. 122) GROU You can switch your phone in and out of a hunt group. This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service repre- sentative. Local number display You can activate or deactivate the display of the call number of the sub- scriber you are talking to.
  • Page 104
    If in doubt, look it up Telephone functions overview » Log-in If this function is cleared in your system, you can log into every telephone in your system with your direct dialing number and a personal PIN number. Partner (! p. 52) PART You can divert calls to other partners, deactivate diversions, have calls for another partner signaled on your phone and modify the partner display.
  • Page 105
    If in doubt, look it up Telephone functions overview A Text shift key Using this key you can see text which is abbreviated by ”…“ because it is too long for the display. The key moves the text through the display. You can also use this key when its function is not shown on the display.
  • Page 106: Display Messages

    If in doubt, look it up Display messages The display contains important information on calls and telephone settings. This includes the messages that are shown on the idle display. The idle display always appears after 30 seconds if no call is made or if no button has been pressed. Messages on the idle display “Handsfree answer back”…

  • Page 107
    If in doubt, look it up Display messages » Leaving a group line You have switched your phone out of a hunt group. Line assigned (only TH) This status message blinks in your display: An exchange line has been assigned for your connection using a partner telephone. You can now dial or a connection can be completed for you using the partner telephone.
  • Page 108
    If in doubt, look it up Display messages » Other display messages The telephone loudspeaker is on. The loudspeaker and microphone are on (handsfree mode). Call waiting. Press the “Interchange” key to switch to this subscriber. Busy The dialed number is busy. Call You are receiving a call.
  • Page 109
    If in doubt, look it up Display messages » CD no. unknown The number you’ve dialed does not exist in the system. Please check whe- ther you have entered the right call number. Connection You are connected to the displayed call number. Connection not possible The telephone cannot establish the desired connection.
  • Page 110
    If in doubt, look it up Display messages » No authorization The desired feature is not available. No entries present in the call list No calls were entered in the call list. No entry No entry was found under the specified search string (first letter or list type).
  • Page 111
    Symbol for an additional connection established as a refer–back. You can toggle to this call. Switching into the group line not possible A hunt group has not been set up in the system. Consult your BOSCH TELECOM Service representative, if necessary. Telephone out of operation during servicing The data of your telephone is being saved or some other maintenance task is being performed.
  • Page 112: Display Messages During Emergency Operation

    If in doubt, look it up Display messages during emergency operation In the event of a power failure your telephone automatically switches over to emer- gency operation. In this case the settings for some functions are changed. Depen- ding on the default setting, certain functions like handsfree are blocked. If the dis- play has not been switched off corresponding messages will be displayed.

  • Page 113: Menu Items On The Display

    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display Depending on which function you are executing, certain menu items appear from which you can select the next operating step. You will find all the menu items arran- ged in alphabetical order in this overview. Note: Functions which are labeled with -, are not installed as standard with your phone.

  • Page 114
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Alerting tone volume Adjust the volume of the alerting tone. All entries All telephone book entries are shown on the display in alphabetical order. Allocation Select an assignment for the call number. Alternate time zone You can display the current time in 25 cities all over the world.
  • Page 115
    With this you can additionally adjust the setting for handsfree talking to room conditions. Your telephone must be designed with the comfort hands- free equipment for this. If necessary, consult your BOSCH TELECOM Ser- vice. Baud rate for AT command Here you can set the baud rate for the control of your telephone.
  • Page 116
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Call number Enter the call number. Call number display On/Off If you disable the call number display, you are not given any information on the party you are talking to. Moreover, the number is not stored in the redial memory.
  • Page 117
    The dialed number is busy. This function can be used to cut in on the cur- rent call to pass on important information. (Only possible on phones within one system. This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative.) Data bits for AT command Here you can set the character format for the control of your telephone.
  • Page 118
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Destin. (1..64) Assignment: The call number is stored on a destination key. Destination keys All entries assigned to a destination key are shown on the display. Dialing The indicated number is dialed. Direct dialing of destinations Dialing begins as soon as you press a destination key.
  • Page 119
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Divert call? The caller can decide whether to set up a call to the call diversion number or cancel the call. DSS priority destinations — Allocation: You store the call number under a key on your DSS module. Handsfree mode is automatically activated when you press the priority des- tination key.
  • Page 120
    This function permits you to adapt the settings for handsfree to the particu- lar conditions in the room. For this, your telephone needs to be equipped with the deluxe handsfree unit. If required please contact your BOSCH TE- LECOM Service.
  • Page 121
    If your telephone is equipped with a deluxe handsfree unit you can also use this function to vary the echo and the amplification. A lower level results in a reduction of the echo. If required please contact your BOSCH TELECOM Service.
  • Page 122
    Lock You can protect your telephone from unauthorized users. You can also de- termine which functions are to remain available after the lock is activated (lock levels must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service represen- tative). Lock telephone Lock the telephone.
  • Page 123
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Memory Calls up the “Memory test” display. You can test the transient memory. Messages All VIP messages received by your telephone are displayed. The prerequi- site is that the VIP functions in your telephone system have been pro- grammed.
  • Page 124
    All entries stored as notes are shown on the display. Number of redial tries X You can specify the number of redial attempts (max. 9) that your phone is to make if the called party is busy. This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative.
  • Page 125
    Participating in a group line You can switch your phone in and out of a hunt group. This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative. Partner – You can divert calls to other partners, deactivate diversions, have calls for another partner indicated on your telephone and change the partner display.
  • Page 126
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Partner diversion off Deactivate an active partner diversion. Partner diversion on Activate a partner diversion. Pick up a call To pick up calls for other users on your telephone. Enter the call number and then select the menu item.
  • Page 127
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Refuse second call Refuse a second call during an existing call. Remote number display You can decide whether your call number is to be shown on the display of remote subscribers.
  • Page 128
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Set PIN Enter new 4-digit code (PIN). Set the partner beep To activate call duplication for partners. Setting handsfree calling (! p. 84) You can adjust handsfree calling to your office and surroundings. Signal tone You can activate and deactivate the signal tone for appointments.
  • Page 129
    If in doubt, look it up Menu items on the display » Speech path Calls up the “Speech path test” display. You can test the receiver and the monitoring function. When the handset is off-hook, the message “Off–hook” appears; when the handset is on-hook, the message changes accordingly.
  • Page 130
    You can activate or deactivate the transmission of VIP functions. Trap You can register the call number of an unwanted caller in the system. This function must be activated by your BOSCH TELECOM service representa- tive. Turn off charges account…
  • Page 131
    User functions You can log in for automatic call distribution. This function must be enabled by your BOSCH TELECOM service representative. VIP number — You store the call number as a VIP number, i.e. the subscriber with this number is authorized to activate team functions on your phone.
  • Page 132: Setting Tones And Distinctive Rings On Your Phone

    If in doubt, look it up Setting tones and distinctive rings on your phone In addition to the ringing tone, your phone has a number of acoustic signals that inform you of various telephone procedures. You can listen to and modify all tone settings in the “Adjust audio+contrast setting” menu ( p.

  • Page 133: If Something Goes Wrong

    If in doubt, look it up If something goes wrong The incorrect date and time are displayed Select the menu item “Request time or partner”. The system automatically updates the date and time. Unknown message on the display Please see the section Display messages ( p.

  • Page 134
    If in doubt, look it up If something goes wrong A A function is not performed Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative may need to enable this function. Functions that have not been enabled are tagged with -. Telephone prematurely cancels programming You may not have pressed a key during the last 60 seconds.
  • Page 135: Protecting The Phone From Unauthorized Users

    If in doubt, look it up Protecting the phone from unauthorized users You can protect your phone from unauthorized users by locking it with a secret code. Before locking your phone for the first time you must enter this code. You can enter it yourself and change it at any time.

  • Page 136
    Protecting the phone from unauthorized users A You can choose between five different lock levels (not included as a standard feature; consult your BOSCH TELECOM service representative, if necessary). Setting the lock level — Select the menu item for locking and Lock unlocking.
  • Page 137: Testing The Telephone

    Define the necessary settings, e.g. select Transient memory the menu item “Transient memory”. The test procedure is initiated. A function that does not work properly is shown on the display accordingly. Contact your BOSCH TELECOM service represen- tative if this is the case.

  • Page 138: Registering For Automatic Call Distribution

    If in doubt, look it up Registering for automatic call distribution Your BOSCH TELECOM service representative must set up your phone for auto- matic call distribution (ACD) by assigning a personal call number (max. 5 digits) and a personal code (max. 6 digits). You must log in using your call number and code.

  • Page 139: Additional Information And Functions

    The affected base may, under some circumstances, leave unpleasant marks on the surface of your furniture. BOSCH TELECOM cannot be held responsible for this type of damage. We there- fore recommend that you place your phone on a non-slip base, particularly if the…

  • Page 140
    Cut-in: If you do not want to wait until a called party terminates the current call, you can cut-in on this call. This is only possible within your telephone system and must have been enabled for the corresponding telephone. Consult your BOSCH TELE- COM service representative, if necessary.
  • Page 141: Index

    Index Activating functions 17, 18 Call number dial Adjust handsfree 48, 120, 121 enter 12, 59 62, 66, 125 Advanced handsfree equipment store 59, 62 AEI interface suppress 116, 127 Announce and acknowledge 99, 114 Call number display, on/off Announcement Callback 7, 115 Appointment signal…

  • Page 142
    Index » Destination keys Function keys reset Dial 71, 72, 73, 74 emergency number set up from telephone book standard assignment specific redial Handsfree 120, 121 while on-hook 20, 25 with digit keys Handsfree answer back 9, 93, 99, 120 Dialing Handsfree calling, Set (fixed setting) 84 Dialing from call list…
  • Page 143
    Index » Menu item Partners select form groups switchover restrict signaling PC connection Messages send 64, 100, 114 Permanently refuse additional calls Microphone 79, 123 Phone location Phoning while on–hook Minimail modify text Pick up a call 34, 126 receive Postdialing, Automatic send Priority destination…
  • Page 144
    Index A Signal tone 86, 132 Telephone book dialing number Silence when telephoning note 59, 66 Silencing the telephone Telephone status Time zone Simple mode Toggle 47, 48, 122 Softkey mode Transfer call 47, 49, 130 Softkeys Unlock Sound pattern Update time display Specify language User functions…

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Bosch Integral TE 11 Bedienungsanleitung

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Telefon Integral TE 11

angeschlossen an

Anlagen Integral 3 / 33

I.3: SW V09 / I.33: Anl.SW E04 App.SW E5



Snr. 4.998.009.399

Stand 02/98


Verwandte Anleitungen für Bosch Integral TE 11

Inhaltszusammenfassung für Bosch Integral TE 11

  • Seite 1
    Bedienungsanleitung Telefon Integral TE 11 angeschlossen an Anlagen Integral 3 / 33 I.3: SW V09 / I.33: Anl.SW E04 App.SW E5 Snr. 4.998.009.399 Stand 02/98…
  • Seite 2: Was Sie Über Ihr Telefon Wissen Sollten

    Bedienungsanleitung TE11 Übersicht TE 11 4 feste Funktionstasten Zusätzliche Zifferntasten mit Funktionstasten Alphabeschriftung oder zum Wählen von Ruf- blinkt bei Anruf, Zieltasten nummern und zum Ein- leuchtet bei Mitteilung geben von Kennziffern Was Sie über Ihr Telefon wissen sollten Sie können mit Ihrem TE 11 telefonieren wie gewohnt. Darüber hinaus gibt es zahl- reiche Funktionen, die Ihnen das Telefonieren erleichtern.

  • Seite 3
    Bedienungsanleitung TE 11 Tastenübersicht Zifferntasten mit Alphabeschriftung „Zifferntasten mit Alphabeschriftung“ zum Wählen von Rufnum- mern und zum Eingeben von Kennziffern. Die Alphabeschrif- tung erlaubt das Wählen mit Buchstaben (Vanity-Nummern). PQRS WXYZ „Stern“ und „Raute“ für Sonderfunktionen. Funktiostasten „Kurzwahl“ zum Wählen der 10 gespeicherten Kurzwahl- nummern.
  • Seite 4: Wie Sie Ihr Telefon Bedienen

    Bedienungsanleitung TE11 Wie Sie Ihr Telefon bedienen Jemanden anrufen Hörer Rufnummer wählen Gespräch abheben Rückfrage z.B. Rückfrage Interne Rufnummer Rückfrage Zurück zum telefonieren einleiten wählen führen 1. Gespräch Gezielte Wahlwiederholung speichern Hörer Rufnummer Rufnummer abheben eingeben speichern Gezielte Wahlwiederholung wählen Hörer Rufnummer Gespräch…

  • Seite 5
    Bedienungsanleitung TE 11 Amtskennziffer eingeben z.B. Hörer Programmierung Programmnummer Amtskennziffer Programmie- abheben einleiten eingeben eingeben rung beenden Hauptanlagen- Kennziffer (HAKZ) z.B. eingeben Hörer Programmierung Programmnummer HAKZ Programmie- abheben einleiten eingeben eingeben rung beenden Wahlpause 0 2 0 z.B. einstellen Programmierung Hörer Programmnummer Wahlpause…
  • Seite 6
    Bedienungsanleitung TE11 Je nach Anlage können die Funktionstasten M1 bis M4 mit Funktions- festen Funktionen belegt sein (A-, B-, C-, D-Funktionen). tasten M1 — M4 Sie können diese Funktionen dann mit einfachem Tastendruck ausführen. Wenn Sie diese Tasten als Zieltasten nutzen wollen, können Sie die Belegung umschalten.
  • Seite 7
    Nur beim Anschluß an BOSCH TELECOM Telekommunikationsanlagen entspricht dieses Telefon den europäischen Vorschriften für Sicherheit und elektromagneti- sche Verträglichkeit. Dieses Telefon ist nur für den Anschluß an BOSCH TELECOM Telekommunika- tionsanlagen bestimmt. Es darf nicht direkt an ein öffentliches Fernsprechnetz an- geschlossen werden.
  • Seite 8
    Gerätefüße können unter Umständen auf der Oberfläche der Möbel unliebsame Spuren hinterlassen. BOSCH TELENORMA kann aus verständlichen Gründen für derartige Schäden nicht haften. Verwenden Sie daher, besonders bei neuen oder mit Lackpflegemitteln aufgefrischten Möbeln, für Ihr Telefon eine rutschfeste Unterlage.

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