Candy smart cty 8546 инструкция

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Candy Hoover Group S.r.l., группа компаний с единственным акционером, осуществляющая руководство и координацию деятельности компании Candy S.p.A., зарегистрированный офис которой находится по адресу: Виа Комолли, 16 – 20861 Бругерио (провинция Монца и Брианца) — Италия (Via Comolli, 16 — 20861 Brugherio (MB) – Italy), корпоративный капитал в размере € 30.000.000,00 оплачен полностью, идентификационный номер налогоплательщика в Италии и регистрационный номер в Реестре компании провинции Монца и Брианца 04666310158, номер плательщика НДС IT00786860965

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  • Количество программ стирки : 21
  • Скорость вращения при отжиме : до 850 об/мин
  • Габариты (ШxГxВ) : 40x60x85 см
  • Класс энергопотребления : A


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Видео обзоры Candy CTY 8546

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Характеристики Candy CTY 8546

* Точные характеристики уточняйте у продавца.

Основные характеристики

Цвет белый
Управление электронное (интеллектуальное)
Сушка нет
Установка отдельно стоящая
Тип загрузки вертикальная
Максимальная загрузка белья 6 кг
Дополнительные возможности сигнал окончания программы

Программы стирки

Количество программ стирки 21
Стирка шерсти есть
Специальные программы стирка деликатных тканей, супер-полоскание, быстрая стирка


Выбор скорости отжима есть
Скорость вращения при отжиме до 850 об/мин


Габариты (ШxГxВ) 40x60x85 см


Класс энергопотребления A
Класс эффективности стирки A


Контроль за уровнем пены есть
Контроль баланса есть
Защита от протечек есть


* Точные характеристики уточняйте у продавца.

Плюсы и минусы Candy CTY 8546

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Candy CSF 458 E mosogatógépem megadta magát, tegnap este nem akart kimosni,

Hibajelenség: a mosogatógépet, bekapcsolom, bejön a kijelzés minden, aztán kiválasztom a programot és elindítom, ekkor elindul az időszámláló elkezd lefelé számlálni, és kb egy perc után visszaáll alaphelyzetbe, mintha akkor választanám ki a programot, utána elindítva ugyanúgy megy 1 percig és visszaáll…

a szűrőt kitakarítottam, próbáltam kiborítani a vizet is de ugyan az a jelenség, kijelzőn hibakódot nem ír..

bekapcsolás után halllani, hogy a szivattyú elindúl, és a motor is beindúl, de 1perc után minden leáll..

segítséget előre is köszönöm!


Hali. A gépecske,csak egy progit csinál.Vizet vesz ,fölmelegít, mos, szivattyúz,megint ugyan az,semmi centri,meg egyebek ???



A jelzet gép, a címben leírt hibát produkálta. Mosás után a bal felső ledsor felső 3, illetve a bal felső nyomógomb ledje » felecken » villog. Innen tovább indítani semmilyen programban indítani nem lehet. A gép kb fél óra pihenés után újra indítható. A kondik, diódák cseréje nem hatotta meg. A perifériák rendben találtattak. Többszöri mérésre, kiderült, hogy az 5 voltja leesett kb 4.5 tized voltot. Egyéb okát, a fent említett alkatrészek cseréje miatt nem látván a 2Viper 12A » cseréje a problémát megoldotta. A dolog érdekessége, hogy az alkatrészek, hűtésére, » fűtésére a hiba nem múlt el, illetve nem volt előidézhető. Egyszerűen ennyi ideig volt hajlandó működni. Köszönöm a figyelmet !

Itt egy elrettentő példa! A topik nyitása óta született összes hozzászólás szürke. (Volt amit nekem kellett szürkíteni!) Ezért aztán egy kicsit lezárom. Csak amíg összeszeditek a gondolataitokat hogy érdemben is válaszolni tudjatok.

Üdv mindenkinek!
Candy mosogatógép nem melegítette a vizet, de a program futott, tehát mosogatott hideg vízzel. Rossz volt a fűtés reléje, mivel 12V-ot kapott, de már a 230V nem ment át rajta. Kicseréltem, most viszont bármelyik programot elindítom szivattyúzás után beengedi a vizet, majd leszívja, majd újra beengedi, és ezt háromszor megcsinálja, és utána leáll, az öblítés jelzés gyorsan villog. A túlfolyás érzékelőjét néztem az kapcsol rendesen. Ha valaki tudná mit jelent ez a hibajelzés azt megköszönném.

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E-Waste Reduce

Candy Smart Touch Washing Machine 5-12 Kg Manual

Carefully read this manual for correct and safe appliance use and for helpful tips on efficient maintenance.

Only use the washing machine after carefully reading these instructions. We recommend you always keep this manual on hand and in good condition for any future owners.

On receipt of your appliance please check it carefully for damage. Any damage found must be reported to the delivery driver immediately. Alternatively damage found must be reported to the retailer within 2 days of receipt.

Each product is identified by a unique 16character code, also called the «serial number», printed on the sticker. This can be found inside the door opening. This code is a unique code for your product that you will need to register the product warranty, or if you need to contact the Customer Service Centre.

Environmental conditions
This appliance is marked according to the European directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

WEEE contains both polluting substances (which can cause negative consequences for the environment) and basic components (which can be re-used). It is important to have WEEE subjected to specific treatments, in order to remove and dispose properly all pollutants, and recover and recycle all materials. Individuals can play an important role in ensuring that WEEE does not become an environmental issue; it is essential to follow some basic rules:

  • WEEE should not be treated as household waste;
  • WEEE should be handed over to the relevant collection points managed by the municipality or by registered companies. In many countries, for large WEEE, home collection could be present.

In many countries, when you buy a new appliance, the old one may be returned to the retailer who has to collect it free of charge on a one-to-one basis, as long as the equipment is of equivalent type and has the same functions as the supplied equipment.


  • This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:
    • Staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;
    • Farm houses;
    • By clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
    • Bed and breakfast type environments.
      A different use of this appliance from household environment or from typical housekeeping functions, as commercial use by expert or trained users, is excluded even in the above applications. If the appliance is used in a manner inconsistent with this it may reduce the life of the appliance and may void the manufacturer’s warranty. Any damage to the appliance or other damage or loss arising through use that is not consistent with domestic or household use (even if located in a domestic or household environment) shall not be accepted by the manufacturer to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  • This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
  • Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
  • Children of less than 3 years should be kept away unless continuously supervised.
  • If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or its service agent.
  • Only use the hose-sets supplied with the appliance for the water supply connection (do not reuse old hose-sets).
  • Water pressure must be between 0.05 MPa and 0.8 MPa.
  • Make sure carpets or rugs do not obstruct the base or any of the ventilation openings.
  • After installation, the appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible.
  • The maximum load capacity of dry clothes depends on the model used (see control panel).
  • To consult the product technical specification please refer to the manufacturer website.

Electrical connections and safety instructions

  • The technical details (supply voltage and power input) are indicated on the product rating plate.
  • Make sure that the electrical system is earthed, complies with all applicable law and that the (electricity) socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. Otherwise, seek qualified professional assistance.
  • The use of converters, multiple sockets or extension cords is strongly advised against.
  • Before cleaning or maintaining the washing machine, unplug the appliance and turn off the water tap.
  • Do not pull on the power cord or appliance to unplug the machine.
  • Make sure there is no water in the drum before opening the door.

Water may reach very high temperatures during the wash cycle.

  • Do not expose the washing machine to rain, direct sunlight or other weather elements. Protect from possible freezing.
  • When moving, do not lift the washing machine by the knobs or detergent drawer; during transport, never rest the door on the trolley. We recommend two people lift the washing machine.
  • In the event of fault and/or malfunction, turn off the washing machine, close the water tap and do not tamper with the appliance. Immediately contact the Customer Service Centre and only use original spare parts. Failure to observe these instruction may jeopardise appliance safety.


In some models this operation will not be necessary, because the corrugated plastic sheet will be already placed on the bottom of the appliance.

Hydraulic connections


Contact the Customer Service Centre should the power cord need replacement. Installation faults are not covered by the manufacturers warranty.


The detergent draw is split into 3 compartments as illustrated in figure 9:

A liquid detergent cup is also included IN SOME MODELS (fig. 10). To use it, place it in compartment «2». This way, liquid detergent will only enter the drum at the right time. The cup can also be used for bleach when the «Rinse» program is selected.

Some detergents are not designed for use in the dispenser drawer but are supplied with their own dispenser that is placed in the drum directly.

SOME MODELS are provided with the automatic dosage, this carries out a precise measurement of detergent and softener. In this case, refer to the specific section in the CONTROLS AND PROGRAMS chapter for details.


Load tips

When sorting laundry, make sure:

  • have eliminated metallic objects such as hair clips, pins, coins, from laundry;
  • to have buttoned pillow cases, closed zips, tied loose belts and long robe ribbons;
  • to have removed rollers, hooks or clips from curtains;
  • to have carefully read clothing washing labels;
  • to have removed any persistent stains using specific detergents.
  • When washing rugs, bedcovers or other heavy clothing, we recommend you avoid the spinning cycle.
  • To wash wool, make sure the item can be machine washed. Check the fabric label.
  • Leave the appliance’s door slightly open between washes, to prevent possible bad smells developing inside the machine.

Useful advice for saving

Tips on how to save money and not damage the environment when using your appliance.

  • Load the machine to the highest capacity shown in the programme table for each programme — this will allow you to SAVE energy and water.
  • Noise and residual laundry moisture are affected by spin speed: a faster spin is associated with greater noise and lower residual moisture in the laundry.
  • The most efficient programmes in terms of combined use of water and energy are usually the longer-lasting ones with lower temperature.

Maximise the load size

  • Achieve the best use of energy, water, detergent and time by using the recommended maximum load size. Save up to 50% energy by washing a full load instead of 2 half loads.

Do you need to pre-wash?

  • For heavily soiled laundry only! SAVE detergent, time, water and between 5 to 15% energy consumption by NOT selecting Prewash for slight to normally soiled laundry.

Is a hot wash required?

  • Pretreat stains with stain remover or soak dried in stains in water before washing to reduce the necessity of a hot wash programme. Save energy by using a low temperature wash programme.

Before using a drying programme (WASHER-DRYERS)

  • SAVE energy and time by selecting a high spin speed to reduce the water content in laundry before using a drying programme.

Dosing the detergent

Below is a short guide with tips and advice on the use of detergent.

  • Only use detergents suitable for machine washing.
  • Select your detergent according to the type of fabric (cotton, delicates, synthetics, wool, silk, etc.), the colour, the type and level of soiling and the programmed washing temperature.
  • To use the right amount of detergent, softener or any other additives, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions every time: correctly using the appliance with the right dose allows you to avoid waste and to reduce the environmental impact.

When washing heavily soiled whites, we recommend using cotton programs of 60°C or above and a normal washing powder (heavy duty) that contains bleaching agents that at medium/high temperatures provide excellent results.

For washes between 40°C and 60°C the type of detergent used needs to be appropriate for the type of fabric and level of soiling. Normal powders are suitable for «white» or colour fast fabrics with high soiling, while liquid detergents or «colour protecting» powders are suitable for coloured fabrics with light levels of soiling.

For washing at temperatures below 40°C we recommend the use of liquid detergents or detergents specifically labeled as suitable for low temperature washing.

For washing wool or silk, only use detergents specifically formulated for these fabrics.

  • Too much detergent leads to excessive foam, which prevents the cycle being carried out correctly. It could also affect the quality of the washing and rinsing.

The use of ecological detergents without phosphates may cause the following effects:

  • cloudier rinse drain water: This effect is tied to the suspended zeolites which do not have negative effects on rinse efficiency.
  • white powder (zeolites) on laundry at the end of the wash: this is normal, the powder is not absorbed by fabric and does not change its colour. To remove the zeolites, select a rinse programme. In the future consider using slightly less detergent.
  • foam in the water at last rinse: this does not necessary indicate poor rinsing. Consider using less detergent in future washes.
  • abundant foam: This is often due to the anionic surfactants found in the detergents which are hard to eliminate from laundry. In this case, do not re-rinse to eliminate these effects: it will not help at all. We suggest conducting a maintenance wash using a proprietary cleaner.

If the problem persists or if you suspect a malfunction, immediately contact an Authorised Customer Service Centre.


Looking after your appliance correctly can extend its lifespan.

Cleaning the appliance’s exterior

  • Disconnect the machine from the power supply.
  • Clean the appliance’s external cabinet, using a damp cloth and AVOIDING ABRASIVES, ALCOHOL AND/OR DILUENTS.

Drawer cleaning

  • It is advisable to regularly clean the detergent drawer to avoid the accumulation of detergent and additive residues.
  • Remove the drawer gently but firmly.
  • Clean the drawer under running water and put it back into its compartment.


Before proceeding with cleaning, all the compartments must be empty.

DO NOT use acid products (for example vinegar) or aggressive detergents to clean the drawer, in order to avoid damaging the seals and/or internal parts of the appliance.

Cleaning the pump filter

  • The appliance has a special filter that traps larger residues that could block the draining system, such as buttons or coins (depending on the model, consider version A or B).
    We recommend checking and cleaning the filter 5 or 6 times a year.
  • Disconnect the machine from the power supply.
  • Ensure all the water has been emptied from the drum.
  • Before unscrewing the filter, we recommend you place an absorbent cloth under it to keep the floor dry. A small amount of water will come out of the filter as you remove it — this is normal.
  • Turn the filter counter-clockwise to the limit stop.
  • Remove and clean the filter; when finished, replace it turning it clockwise. The filter handle will be locked when it is not possible to turn any further and the handle is horizontal. Smearing a small amount of liquid soap on the filter seal will help refitting.
  • Repeat the previous steps in reverse order to reassemble all parts.

Cleaning the pump filter

Suggestions for moves or prolonged disuse

  • If the appliance is kept in a non-heated room for long periods of time, all water residues must be completely removed from the pipes.
  • Disconnect the machine from the power supply socket.
  • Detach the tube from the drainage system and clip on the rear of the machine and lower it, fully draining water into a bowl.
  • Secure the drain tube with the drainage system and clip on the rear of the machine when finished.
  • Keep the door glass and gasket clean.

FOR MODELS WITH AUTOMATIC LIQUID DETERGENT AND SOFTENER DOSING SYSTEM: should you need to tilt or move the machine, remove the detergent drawer before proceeding, keeping it horizontal so as to avoid any leakage.


This washing machine automatically adjusts the level of the water to the type and quantity of washing. This system gives a reduction in energy consumption and a saving in washing times.

Program selection

  • Turn on the washing machine and select the required program.
  • Adjust the washing temperature if necessary and press the required «option» buttons.
  • Press the START/PAUSE button to start washing.
    If there is a break in the power supply whilst the machine is operating, when the power is restored, the machine will restart from the beginning of the phase it was in when the power was lost.
  • At the end of the programme, the message «End» will appear on the display or, on some models, all wash stage indicator lights will turn on.
    Wait until the DOOR LOCKED light has gone out before opening the door.
  • Turn off the washing machine.
    For any type of wash, see the program table and follow the operating sequence as indicated.

Technical data

Water pressure: min 0.05 Mpa / max 0.8 Mpa (0.05 MPa dispenses approximately 1 litre of water in 10 seconds)

Spin r.p.m.: See rating plate.

Power input / Power current fuse amp / Supply voltage: See rating plate.



A Programme selector with OFF position
D OPTIONS button
H Digital display
I OPTIONS indicator lights
L DOOR LOCKED indicator light
M KG DETECTOR indicator light
N KEY LOCK indicator light
P SPIN SPEED indicator lights

Opening the door

A special safety device prevents the door from being opened immediately after the end of the cycle. Wait for 2 minutes after the wash cycle has finished and the «Door Security» light has gone out before opening the door.

PROGRAMME selector with OFF position

When the programme selector is turned the display lights up to show the settings for the programme selected. For energy saving, at the end of the cycle or with an inactivity period, the display level contrast will decrease. N.B.: To switch the machine off, turn the programme selector to the OFF position.

  • Press the START/PAUSE button to start the selected cycle.
  • Once a programme is selected the programme selector remains stationary on the selected programme till cycle ends.
  • Switch off the washing machine by turning the selector to OFF.

The programme selector must be returned to the OFF position at the end of each cycle or when starting a subsequent wash cycle prior to the next programme being selected and started.


Close the door BEFORE selecting the button START/PAUSE.

  • Press to start the selected cycle.

When the START/PAUSE button has been pressed, the appliance can take few seconds before it starts working.


  • Keep the START/PAUSE button pressed for about 2 seconds (some light indicators and the residual time display will flash, showing that the machine is paused).
    For safety reasons, in some wash cycle phases, the door can be opened only if the level of the water is below its lower edge and if the temperature is less than 45°C. If these conditions are met, wait for the DOOR LOCKED light to switch off before opening the door.
  • Press the START/PAUSE button again to re-start the programme from the point it had been paused at.


  • To cancel the programme, set the selector to the OFF position.


  • This button allows you to pre-programme the wash cycle to delay the start of the cycle for up to 24 hours.
  • To delay the start use the following procedure:
    • Select the required programme.
    • Press the delay start button once to activate it (h00 appears on the display) and then press it again to set a 1 hour delay (h01 appears on the display). The pre-set delay increases by 1 hour each time the button is pressed, until h24 appears on the display, at which point pressing the button again will reset the delay start to zero.
    • Confirm by pressing the START/PAUSE button. The delay countdown will begin and when it has finished the programme will start automatically.
  • It is possible to cancel the delay start by turning the programme selector to OFF.

If there is a break in the power supply whilst the machine is operating, when the power is restored, the machine will restart from the beginning of the phase it was in when the power was lost.

The option buttons should be selected before pressing the START/PAUSE button.

OPTIONS button

This button allows you to choose between three different options:


  • This option allows you to add one rinse at the end of the washing cycle and is useful for people with delicate and sensitive skin, for which a small amount of detergent residue can cause irritations or allergies.
  • It is advisable to also use this function for the children clothes and for the washing of heavily soiled items, which requires a lot of detergent to be used, or for the washing of toweling items whose fibres mostly have the tendency to hold the detergent.

Activated when you set 60°C of temperature. This option allows deep cleaning of your clothes by maintaining the same temperature for the whole wash.

This function allows you to minimizes creases as much as possible, eliminating the intermediate spins or reducing the intensity of the last one.

If an option is selected that is not compatible with the selected programme then the option indicator light first flashes and then goes off.


This button allows you to choose between two different options, depending on the selected programme.

The button becomes active when you select the RAPID (14/30/44 Min.) programme on the knob and allows you to select one of three durations indicated.


  • Once the programme has been selected the wash time set for that programme will be automatically shown.
  • This option allows you to choose between 3 levels of wash intensity modifying the length of the programme, depending on how much the fabrics are soiled (can only be used on some programmes as shown in the table of programmes).


  • This button allows you to change the temperature of the wash cycles.
  • It is not possible to raise the temperature over the maximum allowed for the programme, in order to protect the fabrics.
  • If you want carry out a cold wash all the indicators must be off.


  • By pressing this button, it is possible to reduce the maximum speed, and if you The key lock can be simply cancelled by pressing the two buttons simultaneously again or turning off the appliance.
  • If the label does not indicate specific information, it is possible to use the maximum spin expected in the program.
    To prevent damage to the fabrics, it is not possible to increase the speed over the maximum allowed for the programme.
  • To reactivate the spin cycle press the button until you reach the spin speed you would like to set.
  • It is possible to modify the spin speed without pausing the machine.

An over dosing of detergent can cause excessive foaming. If the appliance detects the presence of excessive foam, it may exclude the spinning phase or extend the duration of the program and increase water consumption.

The machine is fitted with a special electronic device, which prevents the spin cycle should the load be unbalanced. This reduces the noise and vibration in the machine and so prolongs the life of your machine.


  • Pressing simultaneously the buttons TEMPERATURE SELECTION and SPIN SPEED for about 3 seconds, the machine allows you to lock the keys. In this way, you can avoid making accidental or unwanted changes if a button on the display is pressed accidently during a cycle.
  • The key lock can be simply cancelled by pressing the two buttons simultaneously again or turning off the appliance.

Digital Display

The display’s indicator system allows you to be constantly informed about the status of the machine.
Digital Display

    The indicator lights show the options that can be selected by the relevant button.
    • When a programme is selected the display automatically shows the cycle duration, which can vary, depending on the options selected.
    • During the initial filling phase of the cycle the machine calculates the actual cycle time needed based on the load size, content and options selected. The real time of the wash will then be displayed. This time can recaulculate during the wash depending on detergent levels and load balancing.
    • The indicator light is illuminated when the door is fully closed.
      Close the door BEFORE selecting the START/PAUSE button.
    • When START/PAUSE is pressed on the machine with the door closed, the indicator will flash momentarily and then illuminate.
      If the door is not properly closed, the light will continue to flash for about 7 seconds, after which the start command will be automatically cancelled. In this case, close the door in the proper way and press the START/PAUSE button.
    • A special safety device prevents the door from being opened immediately after the end of the cycle. Wait for 2 minutes after the wash cycle has finished and the DOOR LOCKED light has gone out before opening the door. At the end of the cycle turn the programme selector to OFF.
  4. Kg Detector INDICATOR LIGHT (function active only on Cotton and Synthetics programmes)
    • During the first minutes of the cycle, the «Kg Detector» indicator will remain on while the intelligent sensor will weigh the laundry and adjust the cycle time, water and electricity consumption accordingly.
    • Through every wash phase «Kg Detector» allows to monitor information on the wash load in the drum and in the first minutes of the wash it:
      • adjusts the amount of water required;
      • determines the length of the wash cycle;
      • controls rinsing according to the type of fabric selected to be washed it;
      • adjusts the rhythm of drum rotation for the type of fabric being washed;
      • recognises the presence of too much soap suds, and if necessary, adjust the amount of rinse water.
      • adjusts the spin speed according to the load, thus avoiding any imbalance.
    The indicator light show that the keys are locked.
    This show the washing temperature of the selected programme that can be changed (where allowed) by the relevant button. If you want carry out a cold wash all the indicators must be off.
    This show the spin speed of the selected programme, you can reduce or omit by the relevant button.


This appliance is equipped with Smart Touch technology that allows you to interact, via the App, with smartphones based on Android operating system and equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication) function.

  • Download on your smartphone the Candy simply-Fi App.

The Candy simply-Fi App is available for devices running both Android and iOS, both for tablets and for smartphones. However, you can interact with the machine and take advantage of the potential offered by Smart Touch only with Android smartphones equipped with NFC technology, according to following functional scheme:

Android smartphone with NFC technology Interaction with the machine + contents
Android smartphone without NFC technology Contents only
Android Tablet Contents only
Apple iPhone Contents only
Apple iPad Contents only


The main functions available using the App are:

  • Voice Assistant – A guide to help you choose the ideal cycle with only three voice inputs (clothes/fabrics, color, stain level).
  • Cycles – To download and launch new washing programmes.
  • Smart Care – Smart Check-up and AutoClean cycles and a troubleshooting guide.
  • My Statistics – Washing statistics and tips for a more efficient use of your machine.

Get all the details of the Smart Touch functions, browsing the App in DEMO mode or go to:


FIRST TIME — Machine registration

  • Enter the «Settings» menu of your Android smartphone and activate the NFC function inside the «Wireless & Networks» menu.
    Depending on the smartphone model and its Android OS version, the process of the NFC activation may be different. Refer to the smartphone manual for more details.
  • Turn the knob to the Smart Touch position to enable the sensor on the dashboard.
  • Open the App, create the user profile and register the appliance following the instructions on the phone display or the «Quick Guide» attached on the machine.

More information, F.A.Q. and the video for an easy registration are available on:

NEXT TIME – Regular usage

  • Every time you want to manage the machine through the App, first you have to enable the Smart Touch mode by turning the knob to the Smart Touch indicator.
  • Make sure you have unlocked your phone (from stand-by mode) and you have activated the NFC function; following the steps mentioned earlier.
  • If you want to start a washing cycle, load the laundry, the detergent and close the door.
  • Select the desired function in the App (e.g.: starting a programme, the Smart Check-up cycle, update statistics, etc…).
  • Follow the instructions on the phone display, KEEPING IT ON the Smart Touch logo on the machine dashboard, when requested to do so by the App.
    NEXT TIME – Regular usage

Place your smartphone so that the NFC antenna on its back matches the position of the Smart Touch logo on the appliance (as illustrated below).
NEXT TIME – Regular usage Note

If you do not know the position of your NFC antenna, slightly move the smartphone in a circular motion over the Smart Touch logo until the App confirms the connection. In order for the data transfer to be successful, it is essential TO KEEP THE SMARTPHONE ON THE DASHBOARD DURING THESE FEW SECONDS OF THE PROCEDURE; a message on the device will inform about the correct outcome of the operation and advise you when it is possible to move the smartphone away.

Thick cases or metallic stickers on your smartphone could affect or prevent the transmission of data between machine and telephone. If necessary, remove them.

The replacement of some components of the smartphone (e.g. back cover, battery, etc…) with non-original ones, could result in the NFC antenna removal, preventing the full use of the App.

The management and the control of the machine via App is only possible «by proximity»: it is therefore not possible to perform remote operations (e.g.: from another room; outside of the house).

Table of programmes


(see control panel)


2 1
Cottons 2) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 90°
Cotton + Prewash 2) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 60°
ECO 40-60 2) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 60°
20°C 2) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20°
Synthetics 2) 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 60°
Drain + Spin
Jeans 2) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 40°
Hygiene 3,5 4 4,5 5,5 6 6,5 7 8 60°
Wool/Hand Wash 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2,5 30°
Delicates 2 2 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3 40°
Mixed & Coloured 59′ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 40°
Rapid3) 14′ 1 1 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 30°
30′ 1,5 2 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3 30°
44′ 3 3 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5 4 40°
Perfect Cotton 59′ 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 40°
Customizable setting that interacts with the App on your smartphone and to download the cycles (see the dedicated section). The factory sets the default programme Auto-Clean, which will sanitize the machine.

Please read these notes:

* Maximum load capacity of dry clothes, according to the model used (see control panel).

(Only for models with liquid detergent compartment)
When only a limited number of articles have stains which require treatment with liquid bleaching agents, preliminary removal of stain can be carried out in the washing machine. Pour the bleach into the liquid bleach container, inserted into the compartment marked «2» in the detergent drawer, and set the special programme RINSE. When this phase has terminated, switch off the appliance, add the rest of the fabrics and proceed with a normal wash on the most suitable programme.

  1. When a programme is selected, on the display is shown the display shows the recommended wash temperature that can be reduced (where allowed) by the relevant button.
  2. For the programmes shown you can adjust the duration and intensity of the wash using the STAIN LEVEL button.
  3. Selecting the RAPID program on the knob, it will be possible to select with the RAPID button, one of the three rapid programs available among 14′, 30′ and 44′.

ECO 40-60
ECO 40-60

Description of programmes

To clean different types of fabrics and various levels of dirt, the washing machine has specific programs to meet every need of washing (see table of programmes).

Choose programme in accordance with the laundry instructions appearing on labels, especially the maximum recommended temperature.


  • New, coloured garments should be washed separately for at least 5 or 6 washes.
  • Certain large dark items such as jeans and towels should always be washed separately.
  • Never mix NON COLOURFAST fabrics.

Smart Touch
Customizable setting of the knob that you have to select when you would like to transfer a command from the App to the machine and to download/start a cycle (see the dedicated section and the user manual of the App for more info). In the Smart Touch option the factory sets as a default the «Auto-Clean» cycle, made to clean the drum, remove bad smells and extend the life of the washing machine. Make sure there is no load in the drum before starting the «Auto-Clean» cycle, use a proprietary washing machine cleaning agent or powder detergent. Leave the door of the machine open at the end of the cycle to allow the drum to dry. Recommended every 50 washes.

This programme is suitable for washing coloured cotton garments at 40°C or for ensuring the highest degree of cleanliness for cotton resistant laundry washing at 60°C or 90°C. The final spin is at maximum speed that ensures excellent water removal.

Cottons + Prewash
This programme has been designed to remove the stronger stains from cotton white clothes. The prewash guarantees the tough dirt removal. Add into compartment «1» a quantity of detergent equal to 20% of that used for main wash.

ECO 40-60
The ECO 40-60 programme is able to clean normally soiled cotton laundry declared to be washable at 40°C or 60°C, together in the same cycle. This programme is used to assess the compliance with the EU Ecodesign legislation (environmentally friendly products design).

This innovative programme, allows you to wash different fabrics and colours together, such as cottons, synthetics and mixed fabrics at only 20°C and provides an excellent cleaning performance. Consumption on this program is about 40% of a conventional 40°C cottons wash.

This programme allows you to wash different type’s fabrics and different colours all together. The rotation movement of the drum and the water levels are optimized, both during the washing the rinsing phase. The accurate spin action, ensures a reduced formation of creases in the fabrics.

This program performs 3 rinses with an intermediate spin (which can be reduced or excluded by using the appropriate button). It is used for rinsing any type of fabric, for example after a wash carried out by hand.

Drain + Spin
The program completes the drain and a maximum spin. It is possible to delete or reduce the spin through the SPIN SELECTION button.

This programme has been designed to have the highest quality cleaning of fabrics such as denim: ideal for removing dirt without affecting the elasticity of the fibers.

Program for durable fabrics it allows you to sanitize the laundry. We recommend the use of powder detergents to increase the effectiveness of sanitizing.

Wool/Hand Wash
This programme performs a wash cycle dedicated to the wool fabrics that can be washed in a washing machine, the articles to be washed by hand or laundry items made from silk or specified as «Wash as Silk» on the fabric label.

This programme has reduced periods of drum rotation during the cycle and is particularly suitable or washing delicate fabrics. The wash cycle and rinses are carried out with a high level of water to ensure the best performance.

Mixed & Coloured 59′
This programme offers you the freedom to wash all kinds of fabrics and non-fading colours together, with a full load, obtaining excellent results in only 59 minutes. With washing at medium temperature, this programme is recommended for laundry that is not particularly dirty.

Rapid (14’/30’/44′)
Saving without compromising! This new programme may be used to obtain excellent results while saving water, energy, detergent and time. This option washes at a medium temperature suitable for any kind of fabric. Recommended for small loads and lightly soiled items.

Perfect Cotton 59′
This programme guarantees excellent results for cotton laundry. This option was designed to cut washing time at medium temperatures for medium-soiled cotton laundry. Fill the machine only halfway for best results.


If you believe the washing machine is not working correctly, consult the quick guide provided below which includes some practical tips on how to fix the most common problems.

The Candy simply-Fi app has a Smart Check-up function that allows you to confirm the functionality and status of the product at any time. To use the Candy simply-Fi app you will need an Android smartphone with NFC technology. More info can be found on the App. If the display of the machine is showing an error (by a code or blinking LEDs), you
should turn on the App on your Android smartphone, with NFC on. Place your smart phone against the Smart Touch logo on the control panel. You should now be able to read the fault directory to solve the issue.


  • Models with a display: the error is shown by a number preceded by the letter «E» (example: E2 = Error 2).
  • Models without display: an error is shown by a sequence of flashes of every LED. The error code is shown by the number of flashes followed by a pause of 5 seconds (example: two flashes – pause 5 seconds – two flashes – repeating = Error 2).
Error shown Possible causes and practical solutions
E2 (with display) 2 flashes of the LEDs (without display) The machine cannot load water.
Make sure the water supply tap is open.
Make sure the water supply hose isn’t bent, kinked or trapped.
Make sure the drain pipe is at the proper height (see installation section).
Close the water supply tap, unscrew the filler hose from the back of the washing machine and make sure the «anti-sand» filter is clean and not blocked.
Check that the filter is not clogged or that there are no foreign bodies inside the filter compartment that can obstruct the proper flow of water.
E3 (with display) 3 flashes of the LEDs (without display) The washing machine does not drain water.
Check that the filter is not clogged or that there are no foreign bodies inside the filter compartment that can obstruct the proper flow of water.
Make sure the drain hose isn’t bent, kinked or trapped.
Make sure the home drainage system is not blocked and is allowing water to flow through without obstruction. Try to drain the water in the sink.
E4 (with display) 4 flashes of the LEDs (without display) There is too much foam and/or water.
Ensure the correct amount of detergent is being used and the detergent is designed for use in a washing machine.
E7 (with display) 7 flashes of the LEDs (without display) Door problem.
Make sure the door is correctly closed. Make sure the clothes inside the drum are not preventing the door from closing fully.
If the door is locked, turn off and unplug the washing machine from the electrical supply socket, wait 2-3 minutes and reopen the door.
Any other code Turn off and unplug the washing machine, wait a minute. Turn on the machine and restart a program. If the error occurs again contact an Authorised Customer Service Centre directly.


Problem Possible causes and practical solutions
The washing machine does not work / start Make sure the product is plugged into a working supply socket.
Make sure power is on.
Make sure the wall socket is working, testing it with another appliance such as a lamp.
The door may not be correctly closed: open and close it again.
Check whether the required program was correctly selected and the start button pressed.
Make sure the washing machine is not in pause or time delay mode.
Water leaked on the floor near the washing machine This may be due to a leak from the seal between the tap, supply hose and fill valve; in this case, replace it and tighten the hose connections correctly.
Make sure the front filter is correctly closed.
The washing machine does not spin The machine is fitted with a detection system that protects the load and product from damage if the load is not balanced before spinning. This may result in:-

  • The machine attempts to balance the load, increasing the time of spin.
  • Reduction of the speed of spin to decrease vibrations and noise.
  • The spin cycle aborting to protect the machine and load.

If this is experienced remove the load de-tangle it, reload it and restart the spin program.

This could be due to the fact that water has not been completely drained: wait a few minutes. If the problem persists, see Error 3 section.
Some models include a «no spin» function: make sure it is not selected.
Check which options are selected and their effect on the spin cycle.
Excessive detergent can impede the spin cycle, ensure the correct amount of detergent is being used.
Strong vibrations / noises are heard during the spin cycle The washing machine may not be fully levelled: if necessary, adjust the feet as indicated in the specific section.
Make sure transport screws, rubber bungs and spacer tubes were removed.
Make sure there are no foreign objects inside the drum (coins, hinges, buttons, etc…).

The standard manufacturer warranty covers faults caused by electrical or mechanical faults in the product due to an act or omission of the manufacturer. If a fault is found to be caused by factors outside the product supplied, miss-use or as a result of the instructions on use not being followed, a charge may be applied.

It is always recommended to use original spare parts, that are available at our Authorised Customer Service Centres.

The product is guaranteed under the terms and conditions stated on the certificate included with the product. The certificate has to be stored so as to be shown to the Authorized Customer Service Centre in case of need. You can also check the warranty conditions on our web site. To obtain assistance, please fill in the form on-line or contact us at the number indicated on the support page of our web site.

By placing the mark on this product, we are confirming compliance to all relevant European safety, health and environmental requirements which are applicable in legislation for this product.

The manufacturer declines all responsibility for any printing errors in the booklet included with this product. Moreover, it also reserves the right to make any changes deemed useful to its products without changing their essential characteristics.



How to connect your Candy appliance to the hOn app Video

Documents / Resources


Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download Candy Smart Touch Washing Machine 5-12 Kg Manual
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Перед приобретением Candy CTY 8546 по самой низкой цене, изучите характеристики, видео обзоры, плюсы и минусы модели, отзывы покупателей.

Характеристики Candy CTY 8546

Основные характеристики*

Цвет белый
Управление электронное (интеллектуальное)
Сушка нет
Установка отдельно стоящая
Тип загрузки вертикальная
Максимальная загрузка белья 6 кг
Дополнительные возможности сигнал окончания программы

Программы стирки*

Количество программ стирки 21
Стирка шерсти есть
Специальные программы стирка деликатных тканей, супер-полоскание, быстрая стирка


Выбор скорости отжима есть
Скорость вращения при отжиме до 850 об/мин


Класс энергопотребления A
Класс эффективности стирки A


Контроль за уровнем пены есть
Контроль баланса есть
Защита от протечек есть

* Точные параметры уточняйте на сайте продавца.

Отзывы пользователей о Candy CTY 8546

Самая мерзкая, постоянно ломающаяся стиралка. Не покупайте Candy никогда, если не хотите себе проблем…

Достоинства: никаких достоинств

Недостатки: ломается все подряд, особенно электроника

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