Digital network video recorder инструкция на русском

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Логотип POE Network Video Recorder Surveillance

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Продукт для видеонаблюдения

Установка NVR

 Установка жесткого диска

Сначала установите жесткий диск. В противном случае видеомагнитофон может только нормально контролировать, но не может записывать или воспроизводить.

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 04

  • Снять чехол Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 05
  •  Подключите SATA-кабель

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 06

  • Прикрутите HDD к нижней части

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 07

  • Установите корпус обратно

Обратите внимание:
Пожалуйста, попробуйте выбрать специальный жесткий диск для мониторинга, чтобы вести запись в течение более длительного времени. Видеорегистратор поддерживает 3.5-дюймовый или 2.5-дюймовый жесткий диск SATA.
Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что питание выключено перед установкой.

 Загрузка и предварительноеview

Убедитесь, что источник питания соответствует требованиям видеорегистратора с жестким диском. После подключения питания индикатор на передней панели NVR загорится, и вы услышите звук зуммера, затем дисплей загрузится, и устройство получит доступ к предварительномуview изображение. После восстановления ненормального сбоя питания устройство будет автоматически восстановлено до состояния, в котором оно было до отключения питания.

 Настройка функции

Система входа в систему

После обычной загрузки вы должны сначала войти в систему, и система предоставит соответствующую функцию в соответствии с правами пользователя.
Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши – (Главное меню)Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 07
Имя пользователя по умолчанию: Администратор
Пароль:(оставьте поле пустым, нулевой пароль)

Настройка жесткого диска

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню) – (Дополнительно) – (Информация о жестком диске)
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 09
Выберите жесткий диск, нажмите «Форматировать хранилище», начните форматировать HOD.
Обратите внимание:
Подтвердите, что жесткий диск подключен. Жесткий диск следует отформатировать перед первым использованием, чтобы на него можно было записывать. Он будет автоматически перезаписан, когда хранилище на жестком диске будет заполнено, если вы установите перезапись.


Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню) – (Система) – (Общие)
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 10
[Память заполнена]
Выберите перезаписать:
продолжайте запись видео и циклически перекрывайте предыдущее видео, пока хранилище HOD заполнено.
Выберите Стоп:
Остановите запись видео, пока хранилище HOD заполнено.
[Автоматический выход] Вы можете настроить автоматический режим ожидания от 0 до 60 минут, 0 минут означает, что вы не настраиваете время ожидания.
[Мастер запуска] Установите этот флажок, чтобы запускать мастер запуска при перезагрузке системы. (снимите галочку по умолчанию)

 Настройка записи

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню) – (Продолжение записи)
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 11

  • [Длина] Установите продолжительность для каждого видео file, Время по умолчанию — 60 минут.
  • [Период] Установите период записи, он начнет запись в течение этого периода.
  • [Обычный] В течение периода настройки обычная запись видео.
  • [Обнаружение] В течение периода настройки активируйте сигнал «движение», устройство начнет запись движения.
    Обратите внимание:
    По умолчанию установлена ​​24-часовая непрерывная запись для всех каналов.
 Воспроизведение видео

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню) – (Воспроизведение)
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 11

  1. Выберите режим воспроизведения
  2. Выберите ВидеоДату
  3. Вариант канала воспроизведения
  4. Время воспроизведения видео
  5. Клавиша управления воспроизведением
    Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 28

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню] – (Система) – (Резервное копирование)

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 13

Выберите тип видео-выберите канал-выберите время-нажмите кнопку «Добавить», найдите видео file, Выбрать file в списке нажмите кнопку «Пуск» для резервного копирования, она автоматически предложит после завершения резервного копирования.
Обратите внимание:
USB-диск должен быть формата FAT32.
Пожалуйста, выберите формат AVI при резервном копировании, чтобы резервное видео могло воспроизводиться непосредственно на ПК.

 Обнаружение человека

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши — I Главное меню J — (Тревога J — I Intel Ii gent Alert]

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 14

  • [Канал] Выберите канал спроса.
  • [Активация IPC] Установите звуковой сигнал и голосовые подсказки.
  • [Обнаружение человека] Когда он обнаруживает людей, он начинает записывать движение.
  • [Правило] Установите правило обнаружения области.
  • [Период] В течение установленного периода устройство будет подавать сигнал тревоги при обнаружении человека.
  • [Канал записи] Текущий канал, который вы устанавливаете, является каналом записи по умолчанию, когда текущий канал обнаруживает движение, другой канал будет записывать движение, если вы выберете другие каналы.
  • [Интервал MD] В течение интервала времени будет срабатывать один сигнал тревоги, хотя обнаружение движения будет происходить несколько раз.
  • [Показать сообщение] Установите этот флажок, чтобы отображать состояние тревоги при обнаружении движения.
  • [Зуммер] Установите этот флажок, чтобы подавать звуковой сигнал при обнаружении движения.
  • [Загрузка на FTP] Установите этот флажок, чтобы отправлять сообщение на FTP при обнаружении движения.
  • [Отправить электронное письмо] Установите этот флажок, чтобы отправлять электронное письмо при обнаружении движения.
  • [Запись журнала] Установите этот флажок, чтобы записывать журнал при обнаружении движения.
  • [Мобильный сообщил] Установите этот флажок, чтобы отправлять уведомления на мобильный телефон через приложение при обнаружении движения.
    2.8 Настройка сети

Подключите NVR к маршрутизатору — щелкните правой кнопкой мыши — (Главное меню) — Сеть)

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 14

  • [DHCP Enable] Установите этот флажок, чтобы автоматически получать IP-адрес, назначенный сервером.
  • [IP-адрес] Должен быть уникальным IP-адресом в том же сегменте локальной сети, чтобы избежать конфликтов с другим оборудованием в локальной сети.
  • [Порт HTTP] номер порта для удаленного посещения, значение по умолчанию — 80.
    Проверить статус Nat

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню) – (Дополнительно) – (Версия)

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 14

  • [Серийный номер] Серийный номер устройства для удаленного view.
  • [Nat Status] Проверьте состояние сети, начните удаленный мониторинг при подключении.
Настройка электронной почты

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши (Главное меню) (Сеть) (Net Service (Электронная почта)
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 17

  • [SMTP-сервер] Почтовый ящик отправителя (например,ample: электронная почта Gmail).
  • [Порт] SMTP-порт почтового ящика отправителя.
  • [Шифрование] SSL
  • [Имя пользователя] Имя пользователя почтового ящика отправителя (должен поддерживать и открывать функцию SMTP).
  • [Пароль] Пароль почтового ящика отправителя.
  • [Получатель] Почтовый ящик получателя.
  • Нажмите [Тестирование почты] Отправьте электронное письмо получателю, чтобы проверить настройку электронной почты.
    Обратите внимание:
    Перед проверкой электронной почты убедитесь, что сеть успешно подключена.
    Если это не удалось, измените шифрование на TLS или NONE.
Управление пользователями

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на экране- (Главное меню) – (Система) – (Учетная запись)
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 18

  • [Изменить пароль] Войдите на страницу изменения пароля и измените пароль
  • [Добавить пользователя] Добавьте учетную запись пользователя и настройте разрешения пользователя. Войдите на страницу добавления пользователя, введите имя пользователя и пароль.

Обратите внимание:
Пароль может быть установлен как комбинация цифр и букв, пожалуйста, запишите свой пароль другими способами и храните его в надежном месте, чтобы не забыть.

 Настройка звука

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню) – (Система) – (Кодировать)

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 19

  • [Видео/Аудио] Четыре 0 показать видео file для потокового видео и аудио

 Удаленный View

Удаленный View Через ПК

Откройте браузер IE, введите, перейти на страницу просмотра удаленного view, выберите «По устройству». Затем введите серийный номер, имя пользователя, пароль и подтвердите, чтобы реализовать дистанционное управление. view.

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 20
Серийный номер: Введите серийный номер устройства
Имя пользователя: admin (по умолчанию)
Пароль: Просто оставьте его пустым (по умолчанию null)

Удаленный View Через клиентское ПО для ПК

Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, чтобы получить последнюю версию программного обеспечения для управления ПК. Откройте клиентское программное обеспечение CMS для ПК после установки.
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 21

Щелкните меню [Система] [Диспетчер устройств], чтобы добавить устройство. Сначала добавьте область, затем добавьте устройство. Найдите IP-адрес устройства в локальной сети или выберите тип входа в облако и введите серийный идентификатор. После этого вы можете получить удаленный view.

 Удаленный View Через смартфон

 Настройка цифровых каналов

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши- (Главное меню) – (Система) – (Цифровой) – (Тип канала)
Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 24

  • [Канал воспроизведения] количество каналов, которые могут воспроизводиться одновременно.
  • [Максимальное количествоview] количество камер может быть viewизд одновременно.
  • Отметьте маленький □, чтобы переключиться и перезапустить.

Добавить IP-камеру

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши (Набор каналов) (IP-канал) (Быстрый набор)

Сетевой видеорегистратор POE Наблюдение 26
Обратите внимание:
Подтвердите правильность имени пользователя и пароля IPC, иначе видео не выйдет.
Важные заявления

  • Внешний вид продукта зависит от фактического продукта, руководство предназначено только для справки.
  • Руководство пользователя и программное обеспечение будут обновляться в режиме реального времени, никаких специальных уведомлений при обновлении.
  • Руководство может содержать технические неточности, несоответствие функций и операций продукта или некоторые опечатки, все это будет предметом наших окончательных объяснений.
    Предупреждение о безопасности
  • Не ставьте бутылки или чашки с водой на устройство, чтобы не пролить ее.
  • Не подвергайте устройство воздействию высоких температур, сильного запыления, прямых солнечных лучей или вблизи источников тепла.
  • Убедитесь, что рабочая температура находится в диапазоне (-10°C-+S0°C)
  • Не отключайте устройство, когда оно находится под напряжением
    Все права защищены. Никакая часть данной публикации не может быть воспроизведена каким-либо образом без нашего письменного разрешения. Информация в этой публикации считается точной во всех отношениях.
    Мы не можем нести ответственность за любые последствия, связанные с их использованием. Информация, содержащаяся здесь, может быть изменена без предварительного уведомления. Изменения или новые издания данной публикации могут включать такие изменения.

Документы / Ресурсы

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. H.264 Manuals
  4. DVR
  5. 4 CH Multiplex DVR
  6. User manual
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Summary of Contents for H.264 4CH

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    User Manual Table of Contents Date: 08/05/2010 VER: 1.0 ……………………………………………………………….. 4 INSTALLATION SAFEGUARDS Specification ……………………………………………………………….. 5 CHAPTER 1.PREFACE ……………………………………………………………….. 6 1-1.Initial Setup ……………………………………………………………….. 6 ……………………………………………………………….. 8 CHAPTER 2.HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 2-1.FRONT Panel Layout ……………………………………………………………….. 8 2-2.Rare Panel Layout ……………………………………………………………….. 10 2-3.Hard Disk Drive ………………………………………………………………..

  • Page 3
    User Manual ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 7.EVENT 7-1.ALARM ……………………………………………………………….. 7-2.MOTION ……………………………………………………………….. 7-3.VIDEO LOSS ……………………………………………………………….. 7-4.ALARM-OUT ……………………………………………………………….. 7-5.BUZZER ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 8.NETWORK ……………………………………………………………….. 8-1.LAN ……………………………………………………………….. 8-2.NOTIFICATION ……………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 9.SYSTEM 9-1.INFORMATION ……………………………………………………………….. 9-2.DATE/TIME ……………………………………………………………….. 9-3.STORAGE ……………………………………………………………….. 9-4.USER ……………………………………………………………….. 9-5.LOGOUT ……………………………………………………………….. CHAPTER 10.SEARCH & PLAYBACK ………………………………………………………………..
  • Page 4: Installation Safeguards

    User Manual INSTALLATION SAFEGUARDS All the safety and operating instructions should be read before operation. Environment Conditions for Installation 1. To prevent electric shock or other hazard, do not expose this unit to rain, moisture, or dust. 2. Place this unit in a well-ventilated place and do not place heat-generating objects on this unit. 3.

  • Page 5: Specification

    16 CH VIDEO IN / OUT Video Inputs 4 BINC 8 BNC 16 BNC 1 BNC, 1 VGA, 1 Spot(Analog) Video Outputs 4CH Loop outs 8 Loop outs 16 Loop outs Audio Input 1 ch 2 ch 4 ch Audio Output…

  • Page 6: Chapter 1.Preface

    User Manual CHAPTER PREFACE CHAPTER 1. PREFACE 1. Initial Setup As all of the needed connections are made to the DVR unit, follow the instruction provided below to configure Date and Time, Camera, Recording and Network configuration Before powering up Make sure the unit is properly connected with Video Output Device, Cameras and protected by connecting to power surge protector.

  • Page 7
    User Manual Main Menu Icons There are six main menu icons: DISPLAY, RECORD, EVENT, NETWORK, SYSTEM. User must perform «Date and Time Setup», «HDD format», «Factory Default Procedure» and «Reboot» under following circumstances. 1. Operating the DVR unit for the first time. 2.
  • Page 8: Chapter 2.Hardware Configuration

    User Manual HARDWARE CHAPTER CONFIGURATION CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 1. FRONT Panel Layout [1U CASE] [21U CASE] DVD-R DRIVE For Backup purposes. USB PORT Firmware Updates and USB backup IR Receiver. IR Remote Controller Receiver. POWER LED This LED will illuminate when the system is powered on This LED will illuminate when there is activity on the HDD HDD LED This LED will illuminate when there is a remote connection…

  • Page 9
    User Manual MODE To change the live view screen division To initiate video sequence mode ZOOM To digitally zoom into live video Enable picture in picture MENU To open the «Live View Menu» from the Live View Screen Switch audio channel. AUDIO To show the PTZ control Freeze in full screen or split screen…
  • Page 10: Rear Panel Layout

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 2. Rear Panel Layout 1U&2U — 4CH 1U&2U — 8CH 1U — 16CH 2U — 16CH Page…

  • Page 11
    User Manual RS-485 For connection to PTZ cameras. ALARM OUT For Relay output. ALARM IN 1~16 channel alarm input Connection to a VGA monitor or TFT LCD. Connection to PC or other DVR control devices. RS232 PORT ETHERNET The RJ-45 port is used to connect the DVR to a network MOUSE For PS/2 mouse.
  • Page 12: 2-3.Hard Disk Drive

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 3. Hard Disk Drive CAUTION! Electrostatic discharges (ESD) Any electrostatic charge in contact with hard disk drives or other electronic components in the DVR unit will cause damage permanently. Improper handling could void the warranty of the hard disk. When working with electrostatic sensitive devices such as a hard disk drive or the DVR unit, make sure you perform installation from static free workstation.

  • Page 13: 2-4.Monitor Connections

    User Manual For the single Hard Disk Drive installation, please locate the marked SATA 1 or Primary SATA cables and connector and install the HDD to it. Upon completion of your hard disk drive installation, please perform the following procedures. It is critical that you follow this procedure after hard disk installation.

  • Page 14: 2-5.Camera Connections

    User Manual Analog SPOT The analog SPOT is a SPOT monitor output connection that provides single channel view in sequencing mode. Sequencing interval may be defined to regulate the channel switching time. Analog Spot Out (BNC Twist Lock Type Connector) C A M E R A IN M O N IT O R You can use any display device that supports BNC Twist…

  • Page 15: 2-6.Audio Connections

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 6. Audio Connections The audio connections of DVR are used for both recording and monitoring purposes. You have the option to disable both audio recording and monitoring functions in the “Audio Setup Menu”. Connect RCA/Composite audio compatible cables with compatible RCA/Composite audio connectors.

  • Page 16: 2-8.Rs232 Connections

    User Manual [8 Channel] Explain Explain Explain Explain RS485 D- RS485 D+ RELAY-COM RELAY-NC RELAY-NO ALARM D8 ALARM D7 ALARM D6 ALARM D5 ALARM D4 ALARM D3 ALARM D2 ALARM D1 [16 Channel] Explain Explain Explain Explain RS485 D- RS485 D+ RELAY-COM2 RELAY-NC2 RELAY-NO2…

  • Page 17: 2-9.Ethernet Connections

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 9. Ethernet Connections The RJ-45 port is used to connect the DVR to a network through a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) device such as a switch or router with an integrated switch. To connect the system to a network, please use a standard RJ-45 cable (patch/straight through) and make sure both ends of the cable are securely connected to the proper ports.

  • Page 18: 2-10.Usb Connections

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 10. USB Connections The USB port is located on the front side of the DVR. This port may be used for USB memory stick back up procedures and Firmware Updates. CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 11.

  • Page 19: 2-12.Ir Remote Controller

    User Manual CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE CONFIGURATION 12. IR remote controller Live view function control MODE — 4 split display. ZOOM- To enlarge the display. The selected area can be moved by the direction buttons. FRZ — Freeze the display. SEQ – Automatically change the display channel in sequence. PIP — Picture in Picture.

  • Page 20: Chapter 3.Popup Menu

    User Manual CHAPTER POPUP MENU The operation of the DVR is GUI (Graphical User Interface) based. All menus and configuration settings are made graphically for ease of use and navigation. Specific icons are used to represent a menu, e.g. a Camera icon is used to represent the camera settings menu for the DVR.

  • Page 21: 3-2.Monitioring Popup Menu

    User Manual Display Camera Title for Live and Playback display. Shows recording mode. Alarm record Time record Motion record Panic record Live display Stop record icon Shows current date and time. Shows network connection status. Shows audio channel Overwrite icon. Display current Date/Time and Hard Disk allocation (Live view screen).

  • Page 22
    [ 540(450) FPS @ 240 x 160 (240 x 192) ] 16 split : [ 960(800) FPS @ 180 x 120 (180 x 120) ] For 4ch/8ch DVR, 3X3 and 4X4 split sub-menus will not be available. Previous Page By selecting “PREVIOUS PAGE" option in full screen mode, screen display view will switch screen to lower number channel.
  • Page 23
    User Manual [Virtual Joystick] [PTZ Control Toolbar] BUTTON FUNCTION TELE ZOOM IN WIDE ZOOM OUT NEAR FOCUS NEAR FOCUS FAR OPEN IRIS OPEN CLOSE IRIS CLOSE EXIT Exit PTZ control JOYSTICK PAN/TILT control FREEZE (On / Off) Select“FREEZE"from“MONITORING"popup menu. Note: By pressing button marked“FRZ"on frontal key pad or remote controllers will freeze the screen and press it again to unfreeze.
  • Page 24
    User Manual SEQUENCE To enable sequence mode, click on“SEQUENCE"from“MONITORING"menu and select “ON"to enable sequence mode. (Clicking on “OFF" will disable sequence mode.) You may select sequence mode from single view or 4 split view from live display. To configure sequence interval, from “Monitoring" popup menu select “Setup Menu" you will see setup menu with five large icons .
  • Page 25
    User Manual PANIC (Force recording) selecting“PANIC” from“MONITORING" popup menu . Choosing “ON"to enable Panic record and “OFF"to disable Panic record mode. Panic mode indicator will be shown after Panic mode has been enabled. It will appear on upper left corner of the screen as show on the picture below.
  • Page 26
    User Manual Search The “SEARCH" option is accessible by ADMIN and MANAGER accounts as default only. Regular users may enter search option if authority is given by admin. In the “SEARCH" option, you may enable “CALANDER SEARCH", “EVENT SEARCH" and “BOOKMARK SEARCH".
  • Page 27
    User Manual Setup menu To access the main menu, press the “Menu” button on the frontal keypad or remote controller, or you can right click the mouse from the live view display and click on “SETUP MENU”. Setup Group Indication: Indicates which icon selection is currently selected. User Account Indication: Indicates which user account is currently selected Setup Group icon: There are 5 setup group icons “DISPLAY”, “RECORD”, “EVENT”, “NETWORK”…
  • Page 28: Chapter 4.Dvr Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER DVR SETUP CHAPTER 4. DVR SETUP 1.System login 1) Press right button of mouse or press “MENU" button located on remote controller or frontal keypad, and “MONITORING” popup appears. 2) Click“SETUP MENU” and Login window pops up. 3) Select User type from the scroll box.

  • Page 29: 4-2.Main Menu

    User Manual CHAPTER 4. SETUP MENU 2.Main menu DISPLAY Display, Camera, Audio, Remote control RECORD Setup, Schedule, Pre-event, Backup EVENT Alarm, Motion, Video loss, Alarm-out, Buzzer NETWORK LAN, Notification SYSTEM Information, Date/time, Storage, User, Logout Page…

  • Page 30: 4-3.Menu Tree


  • Page 31: Chapter 5.Display

    User Manual CHAPTER DISPLAY Under the “DISPLAY" option in “MAIN SETUP" screen, you will see four tabs:“OSD", “MAIN", “SPOT" and “VGA". CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 1.DISPLAY [1]OSD OSD tab in “DISPLAY" window allows you to select what information you wish to display in Live and Playback screen DATE/TIME Display Date/Time on Live screen.

  • Page 32
    The “EVENT POPUP" will enable the event triggered camera to be displayed on single channel view on the live view. SEQUENCE MODE Define layout to sequence between Full 1ch and 4ch split. Set sequence interval to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds.
  • Page 33
    User Manual [3]SPOT SPOT MONITOR Set Spot monitor “ON” or “OFF”. SPOT EVENT TYPE Select Event type among MOTION, ALARM and ALL.. SPOT DWELL Set dwell time between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds. SPOT CHANNEL Invokes “SELECT SPOT CHANNEL”…
  • Page 34: 5-2.Camera

    User Manual CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 2.CAMERA [1]CAMERA In “CAMERA" tab window, you can set the title and adjust the color, hue, and contrast of each camera. Click the “NO. (Number)” button to show the “COPY SETTINGS” popup menu. TITLE You can change the Title of each camera using the virtual keyboard (Maximum 12 letters) COVERT Select “ON”…

  • Page 35
    User Manual [2]PTZ Configuration for PTZ camera is performed in “PTZ" tab window To open the “Copy” function window, please click on the NO. button (Corresponds with the line number, e.g. NO. 1, NO. 2, etc…). By default, Channel 1 will be selected as the source channel. You can specify which attributes to copy from the selected source channel to the destination channel(s).
  • Page 36: 5-3.Sudio

    User Manual CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 3.AUDIO The “AUDIO" list option item is selectable from “DISPLAY" group icon. By selecting “AUDIO" list option item, window with “AUDIO" tab appears. RECORD Select appropriate checkbox to record audio. PLAYBACK Select appropriate checkbox to playback audio. AUDIO OUT Select appropriate checkbox to turn on audio in Live mode.

  • Page 37: 5-4.Remote Control

    User Manual CHAPTER 5. DISPLAY 4.REMOTE CONTROL The “REMOTE CONTROL" list option item is selectable from “DISPLAY" group icon. By selecting “REMOTE CONTROL" list option item, window with two tabs appears. (“RS232" tab and “REMOTE CONTROL" tab) [1]RS232 Configuration for RS232 is performed in “RS232" tab window. BAUDRATE Set value among 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.

  • Page 38
    User Manual [2]REMOTE CONTROL Configuration for remote controller is performed in “REMOTE CONTROL” tab window. Set Remote Control Type to set configuration for supplied remote controller Set remote Control Type among 7 types: SINGLE, UNIVERSAL-1 ~ UNIVERSAL-6. REMOCON TYPE For multiple DVR control with one remote controller, you need a universal type remote controller.
  • Page 39: Chapter 6.Record

    User Manual CHAPTER RECORD There are three tabs available in “SETUP" list option item in “RECORD" setup group icon. CHANNEL: Set recording for Continuous recording EVENT: Set recording for Alarm and Motion detection PANIC: Set recording for Panic recording CHAPTER 6.RECORD 1.SETUP [1]CHANNEL Set continuous recording quality for each channel.

  • Page 40
    User Manual [2]EVENT Set event recording quality for each channel. (Below is image of an “EVENT" tab window). Click the “NO. (Number)" button to show the “COPY SETTINGS" popup menu. RESOLUTION Set resolution between CIF, H-D1 &D1. QUALITY Set recording quality among Low, Normal, High and Very High. Set frames per second between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7(8), 10(12), 15(25) &…
  • Page 41
    User Manual Below table is created using 500GB hard disk drive to calculate the storage sized used and days estimated. As an example at CIF with Low image quality for 1fps per second will occupy 4.5 GB and will yield 111 days off 500GB Hard disk Drive. This configuration will yield maximum number days. Actual calculation will vary between complexity of patterns and motion change capture by input video.
  • Page 42: 6-2.Schedule

    User Manual CHAPTER 6. RECORD 2.SCHEDULE By clicking the “SCHEDULE" list option item in “RECORD" setup group icon the “SCHEDULE" tab window will appear. set Time and Type of Schedule recording for each channel. TIME : Continuous recording ALARM-IN : Alarm recording RECORD TYPE MOTION : Motion recording OFF : No recording…

  • Page 43: 6-3.Pre-Event

    User Manual CHAPTER 6. RECORD 3.PRE-EVENT The “PRE-EVENT" list option item is selectable from “RECORD" group icon. By selecting “PRE-EVENT" list option item, window with “PRE-EVENT" tab appears. In “PRE-EVENT" tab window, set Quality and recording time for Pre-Event, which will save recorded data before event occurs.

  • Page 44: 6-4.Backup

    User Manual CHAPTER 6. RECORD 4.BACKUP The “BACKUP" list option item is selectable from “RECORD" group icon. By selecting “BACKUP" list option item, window with “CDRW BACKUP" tab and “USB BACKUP" tab appears. [1]CDRW BACKUP FROM — Start time of recorded data on HDD. RECORD VIDEO INFORMATION TO — End time of recorded data on HDD.

  • Page 45
    User Manual [2]USB BACKUP FROM — Start time of recorded data on HDD. RECORD VIDEO INFORMATION TO — End time of recorded data on HDD. MEDIA — Available storage size of the inserted optical media(USB memory stick only). BACKUP FROM — Start time of recorded video data to backup on USB memory media device. INFORMATION TO — End time of recorded video data to backup on USB memory media device.
  • Page 46: Chapter 7.Event

    User Manual CHAPTER EVENT CHAPTER 7. EVENT 1.ALARM The “ALARM" list option item is selectable from “EVENT" group icon. By selecting “ALARM" list option item, “ALARM-IN" tab window appears. [1]ALARM-IN Set sensor On / Off and Dwell time for each channel in case external sensor activates. Click the “NO.

  • Page 47: 7-2.Motion

    User Manual CHAPTER 7. EVENT 2.MOTION The “MOTION" list option item is selectable from “EVENT" group icon. By selecting “MOTION" list option item, window with “SETUP" tab and “ACTION" tab appears. [1]SETUP Set Motion Detection setting for each channel. Click the “NO. (Number)” button to show the “COPY SETTINGS” popup menu. (There are channels 1~4 shown by default) .

  • Page 48
    User Manual [MOTION MASK ZONE SETUP] Deactivates Motion Detection Activates Motion Detection CELL SETUP Click left button on mouse to set Motion Mask Zone by selecting or clearing blocks. Click selected cell and drag it to desired position. All cells within the block will be selected. Select: Deactivate motion detection.
  • Page 49: 7-3.Video Loss

    User Manual [2]ACTION Set Alarm-Out On / Off for each channel in case motion is detected. Click the“Number"button to show the“COPY SETTINGS"popup menu. Set “ON” or “OFF” for sending alarm signal to relay output terminal. ALARM-OUT ※16 channel DVR has 1 and 2 out ports DURATION Set alarm dwell time from 1 to 99 seconds.

  • Page 50: 7-4.Alarm-Out

    User Manual CHAPTER 7. EVENT 4.ALARM-OUT The “ALARM-OUT" list option item is selectable from “EVENT" group icon. By selecting “ALARM-OUT" list option item, window with “SETTING" tab and “SCHEDULE" tab appears. [1]ALARM-OUT Output dwell time for Alarm-Out when triggered by Alarm/Motion/Video-Loss events DURATION configurable between 1 to 99 seconds.

  • Page 51
    User Manual [2]SCHEDULE The Schedule Tab is used to configure when the Alarm-Out function will be enabled. Select day of a week for output selectable by ALL, MONDAY ~ SUNDAY, WEEKDAY and WEEKEND. START TIME Select start time for output. END TIME Select end time for output.
  • Page 52: 7-5.Buzzer

    User Manual CHAPTER 7. EVENT 5.BUZZER The “BUZZER” list option item is selectable from “EVENT” group icon. By selecting “BUZZER” list option item, window with “BUZZER” tab appears. Set “ON” or “OFF” to enable and disable audible beep for mouse, frontal key pad or KEY BEEP remote controller entry.

  • Page 53: Chapter 8.Network

    User Manual CHAPTER NETWORK The“LAN"list option item option is selectable from“NETWORK"group icon. By selecting ”LAN” list option item, window with“ETHERNET” tab,“DDNS” tab and“TRANSMISSION” tab appears CHAPTER 8.NETWORK 1.LAN [1]ETHERNET Set to enable viewing live screen or searching/backup recorded data on HDD remotely over the network. Media Access Control protocol (MAC) address.

  • Page 54
    User Manual [2]DDNS Set DDNS Server Connection. DDNS ON/OFF Select On to enable, Off to disable the DDNS option. Input server domain name address. DDNS SERVER Input server domain name, or select Static IP to input IP address manually Contact your network administrator to enable inbound and outbound port on firewall. PORT Port setup is selectable from 10 to 65000.
  • Page 55: 8-2.Notification

    User Manual CHAPTER 8. NETWORK 2.NOTIFICATION The “NOTIFICATION" list option item is selectable from “NETWORK" group icon. By selecting “NOTIFICATION" list option item, window with “SETTING" tab, “EMAIL" tab and “EVENT" tab appears. [1]SETTING Set notification for both e-mail and event server. RETRY COUNT Number of times of retries (Set from 1~30) SEND INTERVAL…

  • Page 56
    User Manual [2]EMAIL SEND E-MAIL ON/OFF Select ON to enable, OFF to disable SEND SERVER IP Enter the SMTP (out going mail) server IP. Enter the SMTP (out going mail) server port number obtained from your ISP. (in many cases your Internet Service Provider may have special setting requirements or restriction for SMTP settings.
  • Page 57: Chapter 9.System

    User Manual CHAPTER SYSTEM CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 1.INFORMATION Set system language from English, Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, LANGUAGE Dutch, Russian, German, Chinese, Turkish and Polish VERSION Displays current firmware version for the DVR. UPGRADE SW Button used to upgrade current firmware. Copy and apply Setup values from other DVR unit.

  • Page 58
    User Manual [SYSTEM LOG] Click on SYSTEM LOG button to show systems log saved by the DVR unit. Shows list of Start/End time of Panic Recording, Start/End time of Schedule recording, and WHO/WHEN logged in/out. DATE/TIME Date and time of event EVENT INFORMATION Event type (Panic record, start/stop, Schedule record start/stop, HDD full record stop, etc).
  • Page 59: 9-2.Date/Time

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 2.DATE/TIME The “DATE/TIME" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “DATE/TIME" list option item, window with “DATE/TIME" tab, “HOLIDAY" tab and “TIME SYNC" tab appears. [1.DATE/TIME] Set Date/Time of the DVR unit. DATE Set Year, Month, Day.

  • Page 60
    User Manual [2.HOLIDAY] Set national holidays or holidays on calendar to record as setting for Sunday in Schedule Record Setup. The “HOLIDAY" setting allows the option to preset all Holidays on the DVR calendar. You can then specify to record with the “HOLIDAY"…
  • Page 61: Time Sync

    User Manual [3.TIME SYNC] AUTOMATIC SYNC Choose between On/Off TIME SERVER Input sync server IP address (SNTP) RETRY COUNT Select from 1 to 30 retries. INTERVAL Automatic Sync Interval (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 24 hours) LAST SYNC-TIME Shows time of Last Sync.

  • Page 62: 9-3.Storage

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 3.STORAGE The “STORAGE" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “STORAGE" list option item, window with “INFORMATION" tab appears. [1.INFORMATION] Shows HDD total capacity, start time/end time of recorded data and can format HDD. TOTAL CAPACITY Shows total size of HDD [size of HDD1, size of HDD2] USED SPACE…

  • Page 63
    User Manual [2. S.M.A.R.T] S.M.A.R.T tab window is a function to present the bad sector occurrence message on screen. It displays information for HDD, BAD SECTOR and LIFE TIME for each and TEMPERATURE information for each HDD. ‘ MESSAGE MESSAGE pop-up function set up by switching ON/OFF (1)CURRENT STATUS (Percentage) The CURRENT STATUS shows the status of BAD SECTOR existing in percentage format.
  • Page 64
    User Manual Additional Articles 1)After performing first S.M.A.R.T function, below message is shown when Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% 2)The below Message is shown repeatedly when Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% 3)The below message is shown when user exit out of menu and Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% after Menu operation 4) The below message is shown Bad Sector percentage on CURRENT STATUS go over 100% at playback operation…
  • Page 65: 9-4.User

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 4.USER The “USER" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “USER" list option item, window with “USER" tab appears. USER Choose between admin, manager, user 1 ~ user 8. Set password for each user grade. (Maximum 8 characters.

  • Page 66
    User Manual “ ” “ ” If you click EDIT PASSWORD section, CHANGE PASSWORD window pops up. Click Current Password, CURRENT PASSWORD window pops up. Password is from 1 digit to 8 digit number. If you click “EDIT" in “AUTHORITY" section and AUTHORITY SETUP window pops up. Set authority to access for each user type using this method.
  • Page 67: 9-5.Logout

    User Manual CHAPTER 9. SYSTEM 5.LOGOUT The “LOGOUT" list option item is selectable from “SYSTEM" group icon. By selecting “LOGOUT" list option item, window with “LOGOUT" warning message box appears. This message box will log out current user account used to access the system. When menu operation or search operation is initiated system will require log in process again for access rights.

  • Page 68: Chapter 10.Search & Playback

    User Manual CHAPTER SEARCH & PLAYBACK It is to search and playback recorded data in various modes (Schedule, Event, Continuous) easily. Searched by Calendar, Event list and Bookmark are available. Pressing right button of mouse will popup MONITORING popup window, and click Search. Or press [SEARCH] button to enter into Search menu.

  • Page 69
    User Manual Days with recorded data will display on the calendar with white numbers. By clicking the number, information of selected date and time appears as below. White dots represent recorded data; Black dots represent no recorded data. Select white dot, or input time in ‘Goto'box, and press Preview / Playback to begin playback. When white dot is selected, Hour/Minute on the ‘Goto”…
  • Page 70: 10-2.Event Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 10. SEARCH & PLAYBACK 2.EVENT SEARCH Recorded data for Event (Motion, Alarm, Loss, Panic) displays in Event Search. The dates with available recorded video data will be shown in White. You can select the date by left clicking it with the mouse.

  • Page 71
    User Manual Click Time of event you wish to see and click PREVIEW or PLAYBACK. Event selection that shows in ALL TYPE is Motion, Alarm, Loss, and Panic. List of selected event will be shown. Click ALL TYPE button and you can choose an event type to be listed from scroll box. ALL TYPE Channel selection showing 1ch~16ch.
  • Page 72: 10-3.Bookmark Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 10. SEARCH & PLAYBACK 3.BOOKMARK SEARCH The Bookmark search screen displays a list of the video associated with bookmark in the playback mode. TIME Shows time of the bookmarked list. LOGIN Shows user grade that bookmarked the list. DELETE CHECK BOX Check box of the list to delete.

  • Page 73: 10-4.Playback

    (4ch DVR – 1, 4 split screen mode, 8ch DVR – 1, 4, 6, 8 split screen mode). In playback mode, place the mouse pointer at the edge of the screen, and the control toolbar appears as below: Goto the first image and begin forward playback.

  • Page 74: Chapter 11.Remote Software

    User Manual CHAPTER REMOTE SOFTWARE See minimum and recommended system requirements below. Contents Min. Spec Recommended Spec Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz Intel Core2Duo 1.8 or higher Main memory 512MB 1GB or Higher Video memory 128MB 512MB or higher 80GB 120GB or higher Network Cable/DSL Fast Ethernet…

  • Page 75: 11-2.Irs Operation

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 2.IRS OPERATION Integrated Application call buttons IRS is suite of application software that has following applications mentioned below. These applications are called up by clicking on the buttons seen below the main IRS screen. VIEWER View live display of DVR.

  • Page 76: 11-3.Irs Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 3.IRS SETUP Register Values of DVR in IP SETUP box to SITE SETUP box. Update Edit Values of DVR in registered on SITE SETUP box. Delete Delete DVR setting on list. Save Save DVR registered on SITE SETUP box Click OK to popup login window.

  • Page 77
    User Manual [SITE SETUP BOX] ADDRESS Input DVR IP addressor DDNS Domain. PORT Input same Port number set on DVR. Location Enter DVR location. User ID Input same ID as in DVR Password Input same Password as in DVR Save setting. Cancel Exit You must configure below settings before proceeding.
  • Page 78: 11-4.Remote Viewer

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 4.REMOTE VIEWER DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Connect: Connect to DVR via network to view live image. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection. Control PTZ cameras connected to DVR.

  • Page 79: 11-5.Remote Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 5.REMOTE SEARCH [1.REMOTE SEARCH INTERFACE] DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Connect: Connect to DVR via network. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection. Start / End Displays start time and end time of total recorded data.

  • Page 80
    User Manual [2.PERCENT/DATE SEARCH] Click EVENT button from main Search page. Start / End Displays start time and end time of total recorded data on DVR. Date / Time Search by input date and time. Search bar Search by percentage of recorded data on HDD. Request DVR to search data on set time.
  • Page 81
    User Manual [4.BOOKMARK SEARCH] Every time the user, logged in as Admin or Manager, pressed the [BOOKMARK] button, new time data is created on the list. Select time data and click OK to playback, or just double click the time data. Page…
  • Page 82: 11-6.Remote Backup

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 6.REMOTE BACKUP IP Address: Enter the IP address of DVR. Network Port: Enter the port of DVR. User ID: Enter “Admin”. User Password: Enter Admin password. Save File Path: Set a path to save the backup file (This function is active only when Backup Information the connection is established) Start Backup Time: The start time of file backup (This function is only active under…

  • Page 83
    User Manual [Backup Procedure] 1. Select [Connect Test] to test the status to DVR connection. When network connection is successful, “Success Connect Test!“ message will appear in the message box. 2. Select [Lock] to get the record start/End time of DVR. It will automatically update information every 10 seconds, or click Update button for immediate update.
  • Page 84: 11-7.Backup Player

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 7.BACKUP PLAYER [1.PLAYER] TIME Displays start time, end time, current playback time. SPEED : Set fast playback speed : 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x 32x SPEED/SLOW MOTION SLOW MOTION : Set slow playback speed : 1x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x, 1/16x, 1/32x Playback backup file on PC.

  • Page 85
    User Manual [2.EDIT] Edit image in full screen mode. IMAGE SAVE Save full screen freeze image to JPEG file format. IMAGE PRINT Print full screen freeze image. CONTRAST Adjust contrast in full screen mode. BRIGHT Adjust bright in full screen mode. SHARP Adjust sharp in full screen mode.
  • Page 86: 11-8.Remote Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER 11. REMOTE SOFTWARE 8.REMOTE SETUP The functions listed below can be changed over network: There are System, Network, Device, Record, Event can modify on remote site. Main menu Each menu is identical to the setup menus of the DVR. Sub menu The submenu of main menu.

  • Page 87: Chapter 12.Web Irs

    User Manual CHAPTER WEB IRS ※ Directly place DDNS server address or DVR IP address on IE address bar for connection. For instance: (1) http://DVR IP : WEB PORT (2) PORT Integrated Application call buttons IRS is suite of application software that has following applications mentioned below. These applications are called up by clicking on the buttons seen below the main IRS screen.

  • Page 88: 12-1.Remote Setup

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 1.REMOTE SETUP MANUAL Select to input IP address and Port number manually ADDRESS Locate DVR IP address then enter it in this field box. PORT NUMBER Locate DVR TCP port setting then enter it in this field box. Locate ID assigned to the DVR then enter it in this field box.

  • Page 89: 12-2.Remote Viewer

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 2.REMOTE VIEWER DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Connect: Connect to DVR via network to view live image. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection. Control PTZ cameras connected to DVR.

  • Page 90: 12-3.Search

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 3.SEARCH DVR connection setup Input IP address, Port number, ID, Password System Information Displays DVR connection and progress status. Start / End Displays start time and end time of total recorded data. Connect: Connect to DVR via network. Connect/Disconnect Disconnect: Disconnect network connection.

  • Page 91: 12-4.Backup

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 4.BACKUP [1.PLAYER] TIME Displays start time, end time, current playback time. SPEED : Set fast playback speed : 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x 32x SPEED/SLOW MOTION SLOW MOTION : Set slow playback speed : 1x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x, 1/16x, 1/32x Playback backup file on PC.

  • Page 92
    User Manual [2.EDIT] Edit image in full screen mode. IMAGE SAVE Save full screen freeze image to JPEG file format. IMAGE PRINT Print full screen freeze image. CONTRAST Adjust contrast in full screen mode. BRIGHT Adjust bright in full screen mode. SHARP Adjust sharp in full screen mode.
  • Page 93: 12-5.Player

    User Manual CHAPTER 12. WEB IRS 5.PLAYER TIME Displays start time, end time, current playback time. SPEED : Set fast playback speed : 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x 32x SPEED/SLOW MOTION SLOWMOTION : Set slow playback speed : 1x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x, 1/16x, 1/32x Playback backup file on PC.

  • Page 94: Chapter 13.Iphone Connection

    User Manual CHAPTER IPHONE CONNECTION [1.INSTALL DVRWATCHER] 1. Click APP store 2. Input DVRWATCHER and search. 3. Click Install to begin installing software to your iPhone. 4. Once Installion finished you can find DVRWATCHER icon Page…

  • Page 95
    User Manual [2.RUN DVRWATCHER] Click DVRWATCHER icon to start remote viewer. DVR NAME Display DVR name. Option Setup image size and network type. DVR SETUP Add DVR address. < — Switch to previous DVR. < > > — Switch to next DVR. [3.Option] Scale To Fill — Image Resize…
  • Page 96: Dvr Setup

    User Manual [4.DVR SETUP] Click + to add new DVR. DVR SETUP Back to previous page Save Save DVR setting DVR Model Type DVR model name. Site Name Type Site name IP Address Type DVR IP address or domain name Port Type DVR port number MAC Address…

  • Page 97
    User Manual [4.FILL TO FULL SCREEN] Click channel can switch to full screen. Back Back to Split mode. 1~16 Channel 1~16 Capture Capture a picture in the Album Page…

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