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Стиральная машина не реагирует, когда я нажимаю кнопку включения. Что мне делать? Проверенный
Это обычно означает, что дверца стиральной машины недостаточно плотно закрыта. Откройте и закройте дверцу и попробуйте снова.

Это было полезно (22177)

Моя стиральная машина не запускает слив. Что делать? Проверенный
Основной причиной того, что стиральная машина не запускает слив, может быть засор в шланге подачи или слива воды. Если у вас есть доступ к этим шлангам, постарайтесь удалить засорение. Если проблема не решается, или у вас нету доступа к шлангам, обратитесь к специалисту по ремонту машин или к производителю.

Это было полезно (21753)

В стиральную машину не поступает вода, что мне делать? Проверенный
Проверьте, открыт ли входной патрубок для воды и нет ли перегибов в шланге подачи воды. Если это не решит проблему, обратитесь к производителю.

Это было полезно (8477)

Дверца стиральной машины не открывается, что мне делать? Проверенный
Причин может быть несколько. Наиболее частая причина — засорение фильтра. Отключите прибор от сети и проверьте фильтр. При необходимости удалите все засорения. Расположение фильтра зависит от модели. Также возможно наличие специального рычага для открытия двери. Если эти варианты не помогают, последний вариант — отключить прибор от сети на 30-60 минут и после этого попытаться открыть дверцу. Если это не сработает, обратитесь к производителю или механику.

Это было полезно (6965)

Моя стиральная машина громко шумит и/или вибрирует. Что делать? Проверенный
Возможно, вы не выровняли стиральную машину. Это можно сделать, отрегулировав ножки машины. Также причина проблемы может крыться в избыточной загрузке машины. Если причина шума и вибрации не в этом, обратитесь к производителю.

Это было полезно (6138)

В какое отделение должно быть моющее средство? Проверенный
У большинства стиральных машин есть 3 отделения для моющего средства. Эти отделения часто имеют маркировку I, II и *, чтобы показать, куда идет моющее средство. Ячейка I используется для предварительной стирки, II — для основной стирки, а * — для кондиционера. Чаще всего используется второй отсек.

Это было полезно (4119)

Моя стиральная машина пахнет, что мне делать? Проверенный
Есть стиральные машины с функцией самоочистки. Если эти функции недоступны, можно добавить 100 мл белого уксуса или 100 г кристаллов соды и запустить стиральную машину по программе 90 ℃.

Это было полезно (3332)

Могу ли я подключить стиральную машину к розетке с теплой водой? Проверенный
Хотя стиральные машины, вероятно, могут подавать воду до 65 ° C, большинство производителей не рекомендуют это делать. Существуют циклы стирки, в которых используется только холодная вода. В таких случаях теплая вода может повредить результат вашей стирки. Также многие стиральные машины рассчитаны на подключение к розетке холодной воды.

Это было полезно (2754)

На что следует обратить внимание при транспортировке стиральной машины? Проверенный
При транспортировке стиральной машины следует зафиксировать положение барабана. Можно использовать транспортировочный болт, который поставляется в комплекте со стиральной машиной. Он не даст барабану вращаться внтури машины. Также необходимо слить всю воду.

Это было полезно (1311)

Можно ли ставить сушильную и стиральную машину одну на другую? Проверенный
В целом сушильную и стиральную машину возможно поставить прямо одну на другую. Это относится только к моделям с фронтальной загрузкой. Тем не менее для этого рекомендуется использовать крепежные элементы. Это позволит избежать вибрации и падения верхней машины и повреждения нижней машины.

Это было полезно (1030)

Можно ли подключить стиральную машину к удлинителю? Проверенный
Технику, требующую большого количества энергии, например стиральную машину, нельзя подключать ко всем удлинителям. Посмотрите, какова потребляемая мощность стиральной машины, которая указывается в ваттах, и проверьте, может ли удлинитель с этим справиться. Существуют удлинители с более толстыми кабелями, предназначенные для работы с более крупными приборами.

Это было полезно (1023)

В чем разница в использовании стиральной машины с сушилкой и отдельной стиральной машины и сушилки? Проверенный
Самым большим преимуществом стирально-сушильной машины является то, что она занимает меньше места. Однако отдельная сушилка сможет сушить больше, чем стирально-сушильная машина. Стирально-сушильная машина также потребляет относительно больше энергии и требует больше времени.

Это было полезно (1021)

Я хочу знать возраст моего прибора Electrolux. Как мне это сделать? Проверенный
Вы можете определить возраст вашего продукта по серийному номеру. Это можно найти на вашем устройстве. Первый символ серийного номера указывает год (например: 1 = 2001), а два символа после этого указывают неделю производства (например: 35 = 35 неделя этого года). Таким образом, серийный номер 13500016 указывает на то, что машина начиная с 35 недели 2001 года.

Это было полезно (799)

Руководство Electrolux EWT9120W Стиральная машина

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  • Electrolux Washer Intuition 6kg Eco Valve does not open after wash program. There is no water in the machine.
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Electrolux EWT 9120 W — Washing Machine Manual



  1. The control panel
  2. Lid handle
  3. Adjustable levelling feet

Control panel

Description - Control Panel

  1. Pushbuttons and their functions
  2. Lights of cycle progress
  3. «Start/Pause» pushbutton
  4. «Delay start» pushbutton

Dispenser box

Softener (do not fill above the MAX symbol )

Safety Information

Please read these points carefully before installing and using your appliance. Keep this user manual with your appliance.

General safety

  • Do not modify or attempt to modify this appli-ance. This would put yourself in danger.
  • Ensure that all coins, safety pins, brooches, screws etc have been removed before starting a washing programme. If left in washing, they can seriously damage the appliance.
  • Use the recommended quantity of detergent.
  • Put small items together (socks, belts etc.) in asmall linen bag or pillow case.
  • Unplug and close inlet hose tap after using ap-pliance.
  • Always disconnect the power supply from theappliance before cleaning or maintenance.
  • Do not machine wash clothes with ribbing, un-finished or torn material.


  • Unpack or ask for the appliance to be unpackedimmediately upon delivery. Check the outside of the appliance is not damaged in any way. Report all transit damage to your retailer.
  • Remove all transit bolts and packaging beforeinstalling the appliance.
  • Connection to the water supply must be carriedout by a qualified plumber.
  • If your domestic electrical circuit needs adaptingto allow the appliance to be plugged in, use a qualified electrician.
  • Ensure that, after installation, the power cable isnot trapped under the appliance.
  • If the appliance is installed on carpeted floor, ensure that the carpet does not obstruct any ventilation ducts located at the base of the appliance.
  • The appliance must be equipped with an earth-ed power plug which conforms to regulations.
  • Before connecting your appliance to the powersupply, carefully read the instructions in the chapter entitled «Electrical connection».
  • Replacing the power cable should only be car-ried out by an authorised service engineer.
  • The manufacturer cannot be held responsiblefor any damage resulting from incorrect installation.

Precautions to be taken against frost

If your appliance is exposed to temperatures below 0°C, the following precautions must be taken:

  • Close the tap and disconnect the inlet hose.
  • Place the end of this hose and the drain hose in a basin on the floor.
  • Select the Drain programme let it run until theend of the cycle.
  • Disconnect the appliance from the power supplyby turning the programme selector to «Stop» .
  • Unplug the appliance.
  • Replace the inlet hose and drain hose.

This way, the water remaining in the hoses will be drained away, avoiding any ice formation which would damage your appliance. Before turning your appliance on again, ensure that it is installed in an area where the temperature will not fall below freezing.


  • Your appliance is intended for normal domesticuse. Do not use the appliance for commercial or industrial purposes or for any other purpose.
  • Refer to the instructions on the label of each itembefore washing.
  • Do not put items into the washing machine which have had stains removed with petrol, alcohol, trichlorethylen etc. If such stain removers have been used, wait until the product has evaporated before putting these items into the drum.
  • This appliance is not intended for use by per-sons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
    Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

How to run a wash cycle

Using for the first time

  • information Ensure the electrical and water connec-tions comply with the installation instructions.
  • Remove the polystyrene insert and all otheritems inside the drum.
  • Run an initial wash cycle at 90°C, without any washing but with detergent to clean the water tank.

Daily use

Loading washing

  • Open the lid of the appliance.
  • Open the drum bydepressing the locking button A:
    The two shutters unlock automatically.
  • Load the washing, close the drum and the lid of your washing machine.

Before closing the lid of your appliance, ensure that the drum is properly closed:

  • When the two shutters are closed,
  • locking button A released.

Proportioning of detergents

Pour the amount of washing powder into the washing and prewash compartments if you have selected the «prewash» option. Pour fabric softener into the compartment if necessary.

Selection of desired programme

Turn the programme selector to the required programme. The «Start/Pause» pushbutton flashes green.
If you turn the programme selector to another programme while a cycle is in progress, the appliance will ignore the new selected programme. The «Start/Pause» pushbutton flashes red for a few seconds.

Selecting the temperature

Press the «Temperature» pushbutton repeatedly to increase or decrease the temperature (see «Programmes table»). The symbol means a cold wash.

Selecting the spin speed

Turn the spin speed selector on the desired position.
The maximum spin speeds are:
for Cottons, Synthetics, Easy iron, Wool, Handwash: 900 rpm, for Delicates, Silk, Mini programme: 700 rpm.
At the end of the programme, if you have selected «Rinse hold» or «Night silence plus» , you then need to select a «Spin» or «Drain» programme to finish the cycle and empty the water.

Selecting options

You must select the different options after selecting the programme and before pressing the «Start/ Pause» pushbutton (see «Programmes table»). Press the desired button(s): the corresponding lights come on. If pressed again, the lights go out. If one of the options is not compatible with the selected programme, the «Start/Pause» pushbutton flashes red.

Prewash option

The appliance runs a prewash at 30°C max.

Eco option

This option allows you to choose a lower temperature programme which is as effective as a higher temperature wash programme.

Super quick option

The washing time will be reduced depending on the programme selected.

Rinse plus option

The washing machine will add one or more rinses during the cycle. This option is recommended for people with sensitive skin and in soft water areas.

Temporary: Press the «Rinse plus» pushbutton. The option is only active for the selected programme.

Permanent: Hold down the «Temperature» and «Options» pushbuttons for a few seconds. The option is permanently activated, even if the appliance is switched off. To deactivate it, repeat the process.

Delay start

This option allows you to delay the start of a wash programme by 3, 6 or 9 hours by pressing the «Delay start» pushbutton.
You can change or cancel the delayed start time at any time before you press the «Start/Pause» pushbutton by pressing the «Delay start» pushbutton again (when all indicators are off, the wash programme will start immediately).
If you have already pressed the «Start/Pause» pushbutton and you want to change or cancel the delayed start, proceed as follows:

  • To cancel the delay start and start the cycle im-mediately, press «Start/Pause» and then «Delay start». Press «Start/Pause» to start the cycle.
  • To change the timer delay period, you must go through the «Stop» position and reprogramme your cycle.

The lid will be locked during the delayed start time. If you need to open it, you must first pause the appliance by pressing the «Start/Pause» pushbutton. After closing the lid again, press the «Start/Pause» pushbutton.

Start of the programme

Press the «Start/Pause» pushbutton to start the cycle. The corresponding light will come on green. It is normal for the programme selector to remain stationary during the cycle. The light corresponding to the current cycle is illuminated.
: Prewash + Wash
+ : Rinses + Spin
: End of cycle

Interrupting a programme

Adding washing during the first 10 minutes
Press the «Start/Pause» pushbutton: the corresponding light will flash green while the appliance is paused. The lid can only be opened around 2 minutes after the washing machine has come to a stop. Press the «Start/Pause» pushbutton again to continue the programme.
Modifying the programme in progress
Before making any changes to the current programme, you need to pause the washing machine by pressing the «Start/Pause» pushbutton. If the modification is not possible, the «Start/Pause» pushbutton flashes red for a few seconds. If you still decide to change the programme, you must cancel the current programme (see below).
Cancelling the programme
If you want to cancel the programme, turn the programme selector to the «Stop» position.

End of the programme

The washing machine stops automatically, the «Start/Pause» pushbutton goes out and the light «End of cycle» comes on. The lid can only be opened around 2 minutes after the washing machine has come to a stop. Turn the programme selector to the «Stop» position . Remove washing. Unplug and close water inlet tap.

Standby mode

If the appliance is on but no commands are selected for 10 min before or after a cycle, it goes into standby mode. All the lights go out and «Start/ Pause» flashes slowly.
To exit standby mode, simply press any pushbutton or turn the programme selector.

Programmes table

Programme / Type of washing Load/Time Possible options
Cottons1) (cold — 90°): White or colour, e.g. normally soiled work clothes, bed linen, table linen, body linen, towels. 5,5 kg
140-150 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Prewash, Eco2), Super quick, Rinse plus, Delay start
Synthetics (cold — 60°): Synthetic fabrics, body linen, fab, coloured farics, non-iron shirts, blouses. 2,5 kg
90-100 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Prewash, Eco2), Super quick, Rinse plus, Delay start
Easy iron (cold — 60°): Reduces creasing and makes ironing easier. 1,0 kg
100-110 min
Rinse hold, Prewash, Rinse plus, Delay start
Delicates (cold — 40°): For all delicate materials, for example curtains. 2,5 kg
60-70 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Prewash, Super quick, Rinse plus, Delay start
Wool (cold — 40°): Very delicate items carrying the «wash by hand» label. 1,0 kg
55-65 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Delay start
Handwash (cold — 40°): Very delicate items carrying the «wash by hand» label. 1,0 kg
55-65 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Delay start
Silk (30°): Fabric machine washable at 30°C. 1,0 kg
25-35 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Delay start
Soak (30°): Soaking for very dirty washing. The drum stops full of water. 5,5 kg
15-25 min
Delay start
Mini programme (30°): For lightly soiled fabrics except for wool. 2,5 kg
25-35 min
Delay start
Rinses: Hand washed items can be rinsed in this programme. 5,5 kg
50-60 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Rinse plus, Delay start
Delicate rinse: Hand washed items can be rinsed in this programme. 2,5 kg
35-45 min
Night silence plus, Rinse hold, Rinse plus, Delay start
Drain: Runs an empty cycle after a Rinse hold (or Night silence plus). 5,5 kg
0-10 min
Spin: A spin cycle from 500 to 900 rpm after a Rinse hold (or Night silence plus). 5,5 kg
10-20 min
Delay start
Delicate spin: A delicate spin cycle after a Rinse hold (or Night silence plus). 2,5 kg
5-15 min
Delay start

1) Reference programme for test confirming to CEI 456 standard (Cottons 60° programme, Eco option): 49 L / 1,04 kWh / 170 min
2) Available with programmes with wash temperatures of 40°C and above.

Care and cleaning

Unplug the appliance before cleaning.

Descaling the appliance

To descale the appliance, use an appropriate noncorrosive product designed for washing machines. Read product label for recommended amounts and how often descaling should be carried out.

The exterior

Use warm soapy water to clean the exterior of the appliance. Never use alcohol, solvents or similar products.

Dispenser box

To clean, proceed as follows:
Cleaning the Dispenser box

Object trap

Regularly clean out the object trap which is located at the bottom of the drum:
Cleaning the Object trap - Step 1
Cleaning the Object trap - Step 2

Check if the filter being coupled well before closing the trap to pull up and down the central wall.

Water inlet filters

To clean, proceed as follows:
Cleaning the Water inlet filters

Operating Problems

Numerous checks were carried out on your appli- notice a malfunction, please refer to the sections ance before it left the factory. However, should you below before contacting the after-sales service.

Problems Causes
The washing machine doesn’t start or doesn’t fill:
  • the appliance isn’t plugged in correctly, the electrical installation isn’t working, there is a power failure,
  • the lid of your appliance and the drum shutters aren’t closed firmly,
  • the programme start command hasn’t been properly selected,
  • the water supply has been cut off, the water inlet tap is closed,
  • the water inlet filters are dirty,
  • a red tab appears on the water inlet hose.
The appliance fills but empties straight away:
  • the drainage U-piece is fixed too low (see installation section).
The washing machine doesn’t rinse or doesn’t empty:
  • the drain hose is blocked or bent,
  • the object trap is obstructed,
  • the out of balance detector has been activated: washing is unevenly distributed in the drum,
  • the «Drain» programme or «Night Silence Plus» or «Rinse hold» option have been selected,
  • the height of the drainage U-piece is unsuitable.
You have found water around the washing machine:
  • too much detergent has caused foam to overflow,
  • the detergent is unsuitable for machine washing,
  • the drainage U-piece isn’t attached correctly,
  • the water inlet hose is leaking.
Wash is unsatisfactory:
  • the detergent is unsuitable for machine washing,
  • there is too much washing in the drum,
  • the wash cycle is unsuitable,
  • there isn’t enough detergent.
The appliance vibrates, is noisy:
  • all packaging have not been removed from the appliance (see installation section),
  • the appliance isn’t level and is unbalanced,
  • the appliance is too close to the wall or furniture,
  • washing is unevenly distributed in the drum, the load is too small, • the appliance is in running in period.
The wash cycle is much too long:
  • the water inlet filters are dirty,
  • the power or water supply has been cut off,
  • the motor overheating detector has been activated,
  • the water inlet temperature is lower than usual,
  • the foam detection security system has been activated (too much detergent) and the washing machine has begun draining the foam,
  • the out of balance detector has been activated: an extra phase has been added to distribute washing more evenly in the drum.
The washing machine stops during a wash cycle:
  • the water or electricity supply is defective,
  • a Rinse hold has been selected,
  • the drum shutters are open.
The lid doesn’t open at the end of the cycle:
  • the temperature inside the drum is too high,
  • the lid unlocks 1 — 2 minutes after the end of the cycle.
Softener runs directly into the drum when filling the dispenser box:
  • you have gone past the MAX indicator.
The «Start/Pause» pushbutton 1) flashes red 2):
  • the lid is not closed properly,
  • the object trap is obstructed,
  • the drain hose is blocked or bent,
  • the drain hose is fixed to high (see «Installation» section),
  • the drainage pump is blocked,
  • the standpipes blocked,
  • the water tap is closed, the water supply has been cut off.

1) On some models, the auditable signals can sound
2) After solving any problems, press «Start/Pause» pushbutton to restart the interrupted programme.

Detergents and Additives

Only use detergents and additives designed for use in a washing machine. We do not recommend mixing different types of detergents. This may spoil the washing. There are no restrictions on the use of powder detergents. Liquid detergents must not be used when a prewash has been selected. For cycles without prewash, they must be added via means of a dosing ball. Detergent tablets or doses must be placed in the detergent compartment of your appliance’s dispenser box.

Technical Specifications

DIMENSIONS Height 850 mm
Width 400 mm
Depth 600 mm
230 V / 50 Hz
2300 W
WATER PRESSURE Minimum 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar)
Maximum 0,8 MPa (8 bar)
Connection to water supply Type 20/27


Remove all protective packaging for transit before using for the first time. Keep in case needed for future transit: Transporting a non-secured appliance may damage internal components and cause leakages and malfunctions. The appliance can also be damaged through physical contact.


Unpacking - Step 1
Unpacking - Step 2


Installation - Untying

To install your washing machine at the same level as surrounding furniture, proceed as shown on picture 4.

Water supply

Install the supplied water inlet hose at the rear of your washing machine by proceeding as follows. Do not reuse an old hose. The water inlet hose can not be extended. If it is too short, please contact the after-sales service.
Installation - Water Supply

Open the water inlet tap. Check there are no leaks.


Fit the U-piece on the drainage hose. Place everything in a drainage point (or in a sink) at a height of between 70 and 100 cm. Ensure it is positioned securely. Air must be able to enter the end of the hose, to avoid any risk of siphoning.
The drain hose must never be stretched. If it is too short, contact an engineer.

Electrical connection

This washing machine must only be connected in single-phased 230 V. Check the fuse size: 13 A for 230 V. The appliance must not be connected with an extension lead or multi-plug adaptor. Ensure that the plug is earthed and that it is in accordance with current regulations.


Position the appliance on a flat and hard surface in a ventilated location. Ensure the appliance does not come into contact with the wall or other furniture. Accurate levelling avoids vibrations, noise and prevents the appliance from moving when running.
Installation - Positioning the appliance


Disposing of the appliance

All materials carrying the symbol are recyclable. Dispose of them at a waste collection site (enquire at your local council) for collection and recycling. When disposing of your appliance, remove all parts which could be dangerous to others: cut off the power supply cable at the base of the appliance.
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.

Protecting the environment

To save water and energy and therefore help protect the environment, we recommend the following:

  • Whenever possible, use the appliance at full ca-pacity and avoid partial loads.
  • Only use the prewash and soak programmes forheavily soiled items.
  • Use an appropriate amount of detergent for thehardness of the water, the size of the load and how soiled the washing is.

Documents / Resources

Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download Electrolux EWT 9120 W — Washing Machine Manual

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