Esbe 90c 1a 90 инструкция

  • Контроллер серии 90C


    Контроллер Series 90C Full version
    Инструкция по монтажу, эксплуатации и сервисному обслуживанию.

    Pdf 4.64 Mb
    Язык: ru

  • Контроллер серии 90C


    Контроллер Series 90C-2 Full version. Инструкция по монтажу, эксплуатации и сервисному обслуживанию.


    Формат: pdf


    1.72 Mb

    Язык: ru

  • Контроллер серии 90C


    Контроллер Series 90C-1 Full version.
    Инструкция по монтажу, эксплуатации и сервисному обслуживанию.


    Формат: pdf


    5.46 Mb

    Язык: ru

Бренд: Esbe

Категория для инструкций: Автоматика, регуляторы, модули, термостаты

Алфавит (англ.): E

Описание: Контроллер Series 90C Full versionИнструкция по монтажу, эксплуатации и сервисному обслуживанию

Размер файла: 1786878 байт

Инструкции на контроллер серии 90C

ESBE 90C–1 Instructions Manual

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controller series 90c

Please read these instructions in full before using the controller.




3G, 4G


3MG, 4MG, 5MG


VRG140, VRB140



3HG, 3H


Related Manuals for ESBE 90C–1

Summary of Contents for ESBE 90C–1

  • Page 1
    controller series 90c Please read these instructions in full before using the controller. ADAPTER KIT VRG801 ADAPTER KIT VRG900 3G, 4G 3MG, 4MG, 5MG VRG130,VRG230 VRG140, VRB140 T, TM 3HG, 3H…
  • Page 2
    controller series 90c instruction contents Page about contoller series 90c safety instructions EC Declaration of Conformity General instructions Explanation of Symbols Changes Warranty technical data scope of suply fitting the actuator installation of temperature sensors installation Power outputs Power supply — electrical connection set-up Commissioning help / Set-Up Wizard Free commissioning…
  • Page 3: Safety Instructions

    12. Optional high temperature sensor can be connected — Improper installation, commissioning, maintenance and operation Adaptor kit ESBE valves VRG, VRB — Improperly executed repairs Adaptor kit ESBE valves MG, G, 3F, BIV, 3H, 3HG — Unauthorised structural changes to the unit Depending on version.

  • Page 4: Fitting The Actuator

    PoWer suPPly — electrical connection The adaptor kits needed for ESBE mixing valves are supplied safety information: Power supply must be switched off completely before ADAPTER KIT VRG801 ADAPTER KIT VRG900 with the controller. Connect up the actuator work is started on the control and connected loads.

  • Page 5: Useful Notes / Tips & Tricks

    useful notes / tiPs and tricKs Examples of display symbols: — The service values (see menu 17) include not only current measurement values and operating states, but also all of the settings for the controller. Write the service values down just once after commissioning has been suc- Heating circuit pump (rotates when active) cessfully completed.

  • Page 6
    MeasureMents, Menu 1 tiMes, Menu 3 Operating times for heating circuit and hot water setting the clock. Current temperature values with explanations. The associated temperature reference values are specified in 1. exit measurements menu 5 ”Settings”! 1.1 Outdoor 0ºC Measurements” serves to display the currently mea- Menu 3.1 tiMe and date sured temperatures.
  • Page 7: Curve Examples

    Menu 4.3 heat circuit reference exaMPle 3: sPlit +0 °C +0 °C Characteristic curve −5 −5 If operating mode “Reference value” is selected, (Menu 4.1), the reference flow tem- Splitpoint 0° selected -10 -12 -10 -12 perature has to be set here, regardless of the curve/outdoor temperature. with heating curve part 1 selected to 1.1 and heating Settings range: 10 °C to 75 °C, Default: 30 °C…

  • Page 8
    Menu 7.3 dhW target hysteresis Menu 14.5.3 al interVal Hot water heating hysteresis during operating times. Interval in days between Al heatings. Settings range +2°C to +20°C / Default: +10°C Settings range 1 to 28 /Default:7 energy transfer, Menu 8 Menu 14.5.4 al heat Shows last executed Anti-Legionella heating cycle.
  • Page 9: Room Sensor

    Example: Reference roomtemp.: e.g. 25 °C: room temp.: e.g. 20 °C = 5 °C deviation. serVice data, Menu 17 Calculated reference temp.: e.g. 40 °C: room sensor: 10 % = 4 °C. Service data” can be used for remote diagnosis by a 5 X 4 °C = 20 °C According to this 20 °C are added to the reference flow tempera- 17.1 90C 2011/04/09 4436…

  • Page 10
    hydronic Variants Note! All applicationexamples are overall idea sketches, and do not claim to be complete. Always also take locally laws and regulations into consideration. The controller does not replace safety devices under any circumstances. Depending on the specific application, additional system components and safety components may be mandatory, such as check valves, non-return valves, safety temperature limiters, scalding protectors, etc., and must therefore be provided.
  • Page 11
    aVailable electrical aPPl. function 90c settting connection Version PuMP control heat circuit 1 Connect pump heat circ1 as P1 doMestic hot Water (dhW) Connect DHW pump as P2 Menu 15.7.2 Select: Dom. Hot water Settings in menu 7.1-7.3 heat source teMPerature control Connect boiler as P3 Menu 15.7.1 Select: Temperature…
  • Page 12
    aVailable electrical aPPl. function 90c settting connection Version PuMP control heat circuit 1 Connect pump heat circ1 as P1 heat PuMP control (Primary heat source) Connect Heat Pump as P3 Menu 15.7.2 Select: Heating circ 2 By floating temperature Settings in menu 6.1-6.6 Connect Aux.heat source as P2 Menu 15.7.1 Select: Position…
  • Page 13
    90c-1 (90c-2 — 90c-3) 90c-1 (90c-2 — 90c-3) 90c-2 (90c-3) 90C-1 ~230 ~230 ~230 90C-2,3 ~230 ~230 P1/P3 90c-2 (90c-3) 90c-2 (90c-3) ~230 ~230 90c-2 (90c-3) 90c-2 (90c-3) 90c-2 (90c-3) ~230 ~230 6 -11 90c-2 (90c-3) 90c-2 (90c-3) 90c-2 (90c-3) ~230 ~230 ~230…
  • Page 14
    90c-3 90c-3 ~230 13 — 14 90c-3 ~230 90c-3 90c-3 15-16 ~230 90c-3 90c-3 ~230 ~230…

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