Быстрое начало процедуры: непосредственно, через меню памяти или через меню показаний · Возможность проведения сочетанной терапии · Двухканальная терапия со всеми современными токами низкой и средней частоты · Синхронная или поочередная стимуляция · Электродиагностика
Электротерапия представляет собой важнейший элемент физиотерапии. Производится стимуляция тканей током посредством электродов (пластинчатых, клеящихся, вакуумных или специальных, таких как, например, точечные электроды), прикрепленных к определенным участкам тела. В зависимости от вида тока и выбора параметров (форма и продолжительность импульса, длительность интервала, частота и сила тока) стимулирующие токи могут оказывать выраженный терапевтический эффект:
» Обезболивание
» Стимуляция кровообращения и улучшение трофики
» Стимуляция нервов, например улучшение иннервации или терапия параличей
» Мышечная стимуляция
» Мышечная релаксация
» Ионофорез
Описание аппарата
ФИЗИОМЕД-Эксперт – это двухканальный аппарат электротерапии сочетающий в себе все преимущества современной электротерапии и электродиагностики.
ФИЗИОМЕД-Эксперт генерирует токи низкой и средней частоты, которые можно точно адаптировать к необходимому виду терапии с помощью индивидуального выбора дополнительных параметров (длины и формы импульса, частоты, всплесков, двухфазного режима и многих других).
Два независимых канала с индивидуальной установкой силы тока позволяют гибко варьировать виды терапевтического воздействия. Вы можете одновременно проводить воздействие на два участка с разной чувствительностью, проводить процедуру двум пациентам различными видами тока или проводить сочетанную терапию (опция). Дисплей обеспечивает прекрасную наглядность параметров терапии, которые используются в данный момент, включая выведение на дисплей обоих терапевтических таймеров.
Пульт управления для ручной подачи тока обеспечивает возможность проведения интенционных упражнений или может использоваться в качестве кнопки экстренной остановки процедуры.
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Summary of Contents for Physiomed PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert
Page 1
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert 00904 GB… -
Page 2
The technical data in this manual is as at the time of printing and subject to alteration. Copyright © 2001 — 2013 by PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG All rights, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying or similar methods, even of parts are reserved. -
Page 3
Instrument Overview Front Panel Rear Face Legend Mains Module Intensity Control Circuit I Output Indicator Upper Status Bar Pulse Indicator Circuit I Patient Lead Connector Display Intensity Control Circuit II Manual Release Key or Therapy Pause Button Socket Lower Status Bar Pulse Indicator Circuit II SIM Socket Data Selector… -
Page 5: Table Of Contents
Contents Introduction ……………………1 Instrument Description ………………….1 Application ……………………..1 Contraindications ……………………2 Controls and Indicators ………………..3 Function of Controls and Indicators ………………3 2.1.1 Mains Module <1> ……………………3 2.1.2 Upper Status Bar<2> ……………………4 2.1.3 Display <3> ……………………..4 2.1.4 Lower Status Bar<4>…
Page 6
Simultaneous Therapy ………………..30 Indications Menu ………………….30 Individual Programs ………………… 32 Save Individual Therapy Modes ………………..32 Save Potpourri ……………………33 Call Program ……………………..34 Delete Program ……………………34 Basic Settings …………………… 35 Setup Menu ……………………..36 Appendix ……………………37 General Notes …………………….37 Service, Repairs, Maintenance ………………..37 Cleaning and Disinfection ………………….38 Service Life and Disposal …………………..38 Electromagnetic Compatibility ………………..38… -
Page 7: Introduction
Introduction 1 Introduction With your , you have acquired a high-quality and extremely versatile PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert unit for stimulation current therapy. The instrument will only show its true potential, however, if you are well informed about Operating Instructions its functions. For this reason, carefully read the and familiarise your- self with the use of the instrument.
Page 8: Contraindications
Conditions following radiothorium treatments, X-ray therapy • Conditions following laminectomy • Skin lesions (infections, inflammatory processes, naevi) • Tumescences at all stages (pre-/postoperative) • Blood coagulation diseases. Do not apply ultrasound or simultaneous therapy close to the brain, spinal cord and eyes! PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 9: Controls And Indicators
Controls and Indicators 2 Controls and Indicators As its LCD is divided in different function fields, allows for PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert clear and easy operation. The plastic housing and the front panel protect the electronic components and sim- plify cleaning. Safety-related components are continuously monitored by the microprocessor, erro- neously initiated operating steps are suppressed, a self-test routine is performed af- ter switching on and possible malfunctions are displayed.
Page 10: Upper Status Bar<2
(cursor stops flashing). The modified values are displayed in the upper status bar <2> or at the respective position of the display <3>. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 11: Intensity Control Circuit I <6
<4>: Automatic output current switch-off disposes of an automatic output current switch-off acti- PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert vated in case the current flow of the electrodes is interrupted (electrode falls off, plug is disconnected from patient lead etc.). The message…
Page 12: Pulse Indicator Circuit Ii <9
Controls and Indicators Automatic output current switch-off disposes of an automatic output current switch-off acti- PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert vated in case the current flow of the electrodes is interrupted (electrode falls off, plug is disconnected from patient lead etc.). The message will CHECK ELECTRODES II appear in the lower status bar<4>…
Page 13: Patient Lead Connector <12
Colour of the outer circle: red = anode (+), blue = cathode (-) Type BF component, not connected to protective ground wire. Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 14: Manual Release Key Socket <13
The SIM socket <14> serves to connect to a ultrasound ther- Simultaneous Therapy apy unit (see also PHYSIOSON Expert page 30). 2.1.15 VAC Socket <15> The VAC socket <15> serves to connect to a vacuum applica- Connecting other Units tion unit (also see PHYSIOVAC Expert on page 39). PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 15: Overview Of Parameters
2.2.2 Example Menu (2 level) Current Mode current mode selected therapy timer (circuits I & II) parameters circuit I constant voltage operation selection circuit II parameters circuit I back to previous menu individual programs setup menu display electrodes (plate electrodes/ vacuum electrodes) PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 16: Operation
Intensity display circuit I (mA), to be set with intensity control I <6>. The sign (plus/minus) signifies the polar- ity of the red plug of circuit I. Exchange of polarity of the two electrodes; the sign (plus/minus) of the intensity display will be changed re- spectively. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 17
Basic frequency (range: 2.0 to 9.5 kHz) Frequency bands: 4 fixed, one free programmable, fixed frequency (Select 1 – 250 Hz) Interference vector display Note The current mode IF requires both circuit I and II simultaneously. You cannot select any additional therapy for circuit II. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 18: Dual Channel Operation
(possible values: 2 ms, 4 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms, 10 ms, auto) Basic frequency (possible values: 2.0 – 9.5 kHz) Acoustic signal, makes every current pulse audible 2.3.2 Dual channel operation For all current modes except you can select additional current modes (dual IF:: channel operation) in circuit II. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 19
The length of the surge currents in circuits I and II is determined by the pressure on the manual release key. If you have set up the manual release key in both circuits, then simultaneous stimu- lation will also follow. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 20
The surge times and surge pauses are adjusted in circuit I. To do this, carry out steps 1-6, described above. Alternating stimulation can also be controlled with the manual release key. To do this, carry out steps 1-2 and 3a-7a, described above. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 21: Characterisation Of The Individual Current Modes
Iontophoresis, basic therapy for paralysis and atrophy treatment, evoking hyperaemia Note You have to take special care when applying galvanic current. The moistened viscose covers must be well attached to the skin surface. The intensity must not exceed 0.1 mA/cm² of active electrode surface! PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 22
Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation Fixed parameters Adjustable Pulse shape: square Mono-/biphase T = pulse time: 80…400 µs Bursts: 0-10 Hz Frequency bands: 1-150 Hz, 70-150 Hz Fixed frequency: 1-200 Hz monophase biphase Application: Pain therapy for chronic neuralgia and myalgia. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 23: Medium-Frequency Currents
0.1 — 1 Hz, 1 — 25 Hz, 1 — 50 Hz, 1 — 250 Hz, 100 — 250 Hz or any other Select: fixed frequency: 0 – 250 Hz Application: According to choice of parameters: pain therapy, circulatory stimulation, detonisation a. o. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 24
2 ms, 4 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms, 10 ms; auto Pulse shape: sine, triangle, rectangle R = release time: 10 ms Ramp (surge time): 4 modes Modulation frequencies: 0 – 95 Hz = Basic frequency: 2.0 — 9.5 kHz Sine Triangle Rectangle Application: Muscle training PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 25: Notes On Operation
(2) Switch the device off and on with the mains switch (mains module <1>). The instrument will carry out an automatic self-test routine during which all functions and output values are checked. An audible signal is issued. The instrument is ready now. You are in the start menu. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 26: Instrument Errors
Switch off the instrument and switch it on again. If the error code is still displayed after several runs through the self-test routine, contact your service partner. Note Random instrument errors may conceivably occur as the result of harm- less spikes in the power line. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 27: Stimulation Current Therapy
Moreover, both peculiarities and operating steps are described for different modes of treatment with PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert ing low-frequency currents (page 24) and medium-frequency currents (page 26). Warning Always switch on the equipment BEFORE you attach the electrodes to…
Page 28: Safety Precautions For Stimulation Current Intensity
EF 100 12,0 x 9,0 10 mA EF 200 17,5 x 11,0 20 mA Vacuum Electrodes Type Diameter of electrode Area (cm Maximum intensity for (cm) currents with high gal- vanic component 0.7 mA 2 mA 4 mA PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 29: Preparations And Attaching The Electrodes
Preferably used when treating small areas, e.g. nerve and muscle stimulation points, especially on the hands or in the face. This therapy mode includes using two electrodes of different size, with the bigger (indifferent) one being fixed proximally in most cases. The size of the indifferent PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 30: Therapy Using Low-Frequency Current Modes
. Ions migrate as follows: cations cathode anions anode Thus, the particles are named after the pole to which they migrate. The electric charge of the active agents in the medicaments is always named by the manufac- turer. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 31: Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation
The following current modes can be used for these modes of therapy: TENS Working with these current modes, you can always carry out an addi- Note Dual channel operation tional therapy by means of circuit II (see also on page 12). PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 32: Therapy Using Medium-Frequency Current Modes
(5) If necessary, alter the basic frequency. (6) Set the therapy time. (7) If necessary, plug in the manual release key as therapy pause button. (8) Slowly turn up the intensity in circuit I with the intensity control circuit I <6>. The therapy time elapses. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 33: Pain Therapy, Hyperaemisation, Detonisation Using Amf Current
<6> or intensity control circuit II <8>). The therapy time elapses. Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! (8) After treatment, an acoustic signal will be issued. Turn the intensity down to 0. (9) Remove the electrodes. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 34: Muscle Stimulation Using Medium-Frequency Surge Currents
Surge current treatment by manual release key is advisable for individual therapy methods in the field of sports, for intentional exercises according to Förster, as well as for practicing both co-ordination and nerve tracts. This is where the manual trig- ger of the Surge current proves its value. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 35
II <8>) is turned up during the time of release, the following message will appear in the lower status bar <4>: Slowly turn down the intensity of the respective circuit then. The mes- sage will disappear as soon as the previously set value is reached again. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 36: Simultaneous Therapy
Proceed as follows to start a treatment with stimulation current via the indications menu: (1) Select the function from the display <3>. IND. (2) Select the desired indication from the indications menu. Treatments with stimulation current do not contain the abbreviation (US), e.g. Lumbar spine syndrome PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 37
I <6> (and intensity control circuit II <8> if required). Therapy time elapses. Warning Take care that the electrodes are by no means touched after the cur- rent is turned up! (9) After treatment, an acoustic signal will be issued. Turn the intensity down to 0. (10) Remove the electrodes. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 38: Individual Programs
(5) Press the data selector. The cursor moves to the line below. (6) Select the symbol Save therapy form and confirm. (7) The cursor moves to the vacant position 1. Confirm again. (8) Exit the menu. The selected settings are saved in the respective program and can now be accessed. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 39: Save Potpourri
The current settings are saved. Proceed in the same way to save the settings for the third position. (15) Exit the menu. The selected settings are saved in the respective program and can now be accessed. Note To keep track of things you may enter the program settings in the supplied sheet. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 40: Call Program
<5> and confirm. (4) Select the symbol delete programs. The bin symbol starts flashing. (5) Select the program to be deleted and confirm. (6) Exit the menu. Now the program is deleted and can be newly assigned. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 41: Basic Settings
(2) Select the desired parameter with the data selector <5> and confirm. (3) Set the desired value of the parameter. The modification will be confirmed visually and by an acoustic signal. (4) Quit the basic setup. The selected settings are immediately valid. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 42: Setup Menu
Warning Automatic output current switch-off is disabled when the in- strument is in CV operation! When the instrument is switched off, it will be reset to CC op- Note eration. It is always possible to save current modes in CV operation as individual programs. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 43: Appendix
The certification must also contain the date performed, the name of the repair company and the signature of the repairman. When defective, components affecting the safe operation of the instrument must be re- placed by manufacturer’s original parts. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 44: Cleaning And Disinfection
(refer to the supplement on electromagnetic compatibility, technical description). 9.6 Training After instructions and reading of the user manual, training on the instrument is not absolutely essential. If there however is a need, continued training can be provided. Please contact the PHYSIOMED ELECTROMEDIZIN GmbH. PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 45: Connecting Other Units
If the vacuum application unit is connected and switched on, the current is released automatically via the vacuum electrodes. By any means, always refer to the operating in- structions of the vacuum unit! The following vacuum units can be used in combination with PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert • PHYSIOVAC Expert 9.7.2 Ultrasound Therapy Unit…
Page 46: Technical Data
+10°C … +40°C Ambient temperature 30% … 75% Relative humidity 800 hPa … 1.060 hPa Air pressure 9.8.2 Environment Conditions (Transport and Storage) -10°C … +50°C Ambient temperature Relative humidity 20% … 80% Air pressure 500 hPa … 1.060 hPa PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 47: Accessories
10 Accessories Warning For safety reasons, has to be used exclusively with original PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert accessories. The use of other manufacturers’ accessories is at the user’s risk. Warning Plate electrodes are subject to wear and tear. The degree of wearout depends on the current mode, the frequency of use, and the intensity.
Page 48
Plate electrode EF 100 (red/blue) 00535 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/red) 00565 Plate electrode EF 100 (red/red) 1,5 m 00478 Plate electrode EF 100 (set of 2) 00658 Plate electrode EF 100 (set of 4) 00536 Plate electrode EF 200 (blue/blue) PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 49
Trolley Expert 00096 Trolley Expert 01001 Trolley Universal 01003 Trolley Universal II 01005 Trolley Universal III 00541 Vaginal electrode 00149 Viscose cloth 00160 Viscose cover 00158 Viscose cover 00428 Viscose cover 00424 Viscose cover 00433 Viscose cover EF 10 PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 50
Accessories 00437 Viscose cover EF 100 00439 Viscose cover EF 200 00464 Viscose sponge 2 cm 00463 Viscose sponge 4,5 cm PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert… -
Page 51: Manufacturer’s Recommendations
Medical Devices Directive UNIT: PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert MANUFACTURER: PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG Instrument has to undergo a safety regulation control every 18 months. E X T E N T : Visual inspection of the instrument, extras and accompanying papers Function of controls and indicators…
Page 52: Index
21, 23 indications menu 21, 30 stimulation frequency 16 indicator 6, 8, 29 surge current 28 indicators 3 therapeutic manual 41 intensity control 10, 11, 12, 23 therapy dose 5 intensity display 12 therapy time 10, 25, 26, 29, 31 PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Page 53
16 upper status bar 4 transducer 30 VAC socket 8 tumours 2 vacuum application unit 8 ultrasound 1, 5, 30 vector display 11 ultrasound therapy 1 viscose covers 23, 25, 41 ultrasound therapy unit 8, 30 PHYSIOMED-IF-Expert…
Страна-производитель: Германия
Страна-производитель: Германия
Physiomed-Expert — высококачественный многофункциональный прибор, позволяющий проводить электростимуляцию и ультразвуковую терапию.
Physiomed-Expert представляет собой двухканальный прибор для электростимуляции. Он способен генерировать импульсы тока различной частоты (от низкой до средней) и формы, включая классический интерференционный ток. Более того, прибор позволяет программировать диагностическую электростимуляцию. Прибор также можно использовать для комбинированной терапии (одновременной электростимуляции и ультразвуковой терапии).
Режимы работы прибора Physiomed-Expert можно устанавливать самостоятельно или с помощью меню терапевтических режимов. Более того, прибор способен запомнить до 25 различных схем лечения и режимов работы.
Все функции прибора Physiomed-Expert контролируются микропроцессором, который также непрерывно оценивает состояние всех важных компонентов прибора и блокирует неправильные действия оператора. После включения прибора автоматически выполняется самопроверка всех функций. Прибор соответствует всем действующим нормам безопасности.
Прибор соответствует требованиям, предъявляемым к медицинской аппаратуре регламентом ЕС (93/42/EEC), и поэтому имеет маркировку CE.
Области применения PHYSIOMED-Expert
Терапевтическая электростимуляция
Диагностическая электростимуляция
Комбинированная терапия
Терапевтический аппарат PHYSIOMED-Expert Типы токов
IF — классический интерференционный ток: |
AMF -двухполюсный интерференционный ток: |
MT — среднечастотная мышечная стимуляция: |
KOTS (русская методика): |
G – гальванический ток и средне-частотный прерывистый постоянный ток (ионофорез). GMC Гальванический микропоток. |
Диадинамические токи: UR Ток ультрастимулирующий по Треберту 143 Гц. |
HV Ток высокого напряжения: |
MENS Переменный микроток. IG 30 Импульсная гальванизация 12 Гц. IG 50 Импульсная гальванизация 8 Гц. FM Ток частотной модуляции 7-14 Гц. STOCH Стохастический ток 10-100 Гц. |
HVS Высоковольтная стимуляция: |
FaS Фарадеевский ток всплесков: |
T/R Экспоненциальный ток: |
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Physiomed PHYSIOSON-Expert Document (Main Content), UPD: 30 April 2023)
19, Ultrasound Therapy Treatment Procedure (1) Make sure that the instrument is ready. (2) Choose the appropriate transducer and plug it into the transducer connector <11>. (3) Apply ultrasound gel to the area of treatment. (4) Click the TPS symbol. The TPS menu opens: (5) Select the desired values of the variable parameters by rotating and pressing the data selector <5>. (6) Click Therapy to begin the treatment. The selected and calculated parameters becom…
31, Accessories 14 Accessories 14.1 Standard Accessories Ref.-No. Description Number 00178 Accessory tray 1 00380 Fixing rings (set of 4) 1 00776 Mains cable 1 00180 Ultrasound gel 1 00038 Ultrasound transducer 2.5 cm 2 , 7-pole 1 (out of two) 00039 Ultrasound transducer 5 cm 2 , 7-pole 00851 Operating Instructions (English) 1 00626 Introduction to ultrasound therapy (English) 1 For safety reasons, PHYSIOSON-Expert is to be used exclusively with original ac…
13, Controls and Indicators 2.2 Overview of Parameters On the display <3> you can set values for all therapy parameters. The current set- tings are displayed on the upper status bar <2>. The symbols on the display <3> have the following significance. The corresponding symbols which are displayed on the upper status bar <2> when active, are shown in the right column: upper status bar <2> …
26, Physiomed PHYSIOSON-Expert Basic Settings 8 Basic Settings The basic settings serve to define different parameters that are rarely modified. You can get to the basic settings by pressing the data selector <5> when switching on the device with the mains switch. The basic settings also contain parameters of the setup menu <10>. You can select the following values in the basic settings: Intensity control, acoustic signal every 0,1 W/cm 2 Dose limit after coupling o…
18, Ultrasound Therapy Note For reasons of safety, the following option may be selected in the setup menu: Increasing the ultrasound dose after the ultrasound has coupled (marker appears in the upper status bar <2>) is only possible after prior turning down the dose with dose control <6>. (10) Check the coupling confirmation by lifting the transducer shortly from the pa- tients’ tissue. The therapy timer switches of…
7, Introduction 1 Introduction With your PHYSIOSON-Expert, you have acquired a high-tech ultrasound therapy unit. The instrument will only show its true potential, however, if you are well informed about its functions. For this reason, carefully read the Operating Instructions and familiarize yourself with the use of the instrument. 1.1 Description PHYSIOSON-Expert is a modern, easy-to-handle ultrasound therapy unit with LCD. Both transducers (2.5 …
11, Controls and Indicators 2.1.6 Dose Control <6> The dose control <6> serves for setting the therapy dose in steps of 0,1 W/cm 2 . When turning up the dose, the therapy timer is started in the display <3>. Whenever you have to set the dose control <6> to “0”, the following turn-down signal is displayed on the lower status bar <4>: For safety reasons, the dose control <6> is linked with the data selector <5>. With the dose tu…
34, Physiomed PHYSIOSON-Expert Index 16 Index accessories, 22, 25 accompanying papers, 27 acoustic coupling confirmation, 11, 16, 19 automatic coupling confirmation, 6, 12 basic settings, 6, 20, 21 CE characterization, 24 cleaning, 23 contraindications, 2 contrast, 21 controls, 3 data selector, 4, 18, 20, 21 disinfecting agent, 23 disinfection, 23 display, 4, 5, 16 dose control, 5, 9, 11, 17, 19 function check, 9 fuse, 3 general notes, 22 ground wir…
29, Cleaning and Disinfection 11 Cleaning and Disinfection Clean the device and its accessories on a regular basis with a disinfecting agent based on aldehyde. By any means, switch off the device prior to this and pull the mains plug. Use a soft sponge cloth for cleaning. Be careful that no liquid substances invade the instrument. After treatment always remove remaining ultrasound gel from the transducers. Prior to cleaning, switch off …
14, Controls and Indicators Treatment frequency of ultrasound (1 MHz or 3 MHz) Size of the transducer / coupling large transducer (5 cm 2 ) active coupling sufficient (with dose turned high) small transducer (2,5 cm 2 ) active coupling sufficient (with dose turned high) Selected intensity; the marker (arrow) shows the fixed dose which cannot be exceeded during treatment (automatic memory) Selected therapy time Ex…
33, Manufacturer’s Recommendations 15 Manufacturer’s Recommendations MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATIONS SAFETY REGULATIONS CONTROL according to Medical Devices Directive UNIT: PHYSIOSON-Expert MANUFACTURER: PHYSIOMED ELEKTROMEDIZIN AG The apparatus has to undergo a safety regulation control every 18 months. EXTENT: (1) Visual inspection of the apparatus, extras and accompanying papers (2) Funct…
6, 14 Accessories……………………………………………………………………………………………………….25 14.1 Standard Accessories ………………………………………………………………………………………………25 14.2 Other Accessories …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 15 Manufacturer’s Recommend…
ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ <strong>PHYSIOMED</strong>-<strong>Expert</strong> ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕРАПИИ для приборов, начиная с No.: ISE — 001 Вар.: 1.0
Общий вид прибора Передняя панель 2 3 4 Задняя панель 14 13 15 Обозначения 1 Блок питания 6 Регулятор силы тока в цепи I 2 Верхняя строка состояния 7 Индикатор импульсов в цепи I 3 Дисплей 8 Регулятор силы тока/ мощности в цепи II 4 Нижняя строка состояния 9 Индикатор импульсов в цепи II 5 Кнопка выбора данных 10 Индикатор силы тока в рабочем электроде Символы 11 Индикатор наличия выходного напряжения 12 Разъем для кабеля рабочего электрода 13 Разъем для пульта ручного управления 14 Разъем SIM 15 Разъем VAC ОПАСНО! Возможно воздействие на организм, ознакомьтесь с инструкцией по эксплуатации! Компонент типа BF, не заземлен 7 11 9 5 12 6 10 8 1
- Page 1: PHYSIOMED-Expert
- Page 5: 5.1 Проба на фарадич
- Page 8 and 9: Введение 2 Комбинир
- Page 10 and 11: Органы управления
- Page 12 and 13: Органы управления
- Page 14 and 15: Органы управления
- Page 16 and 17: Органы управления
- Page 18 and 19: Органы управления
- Page 20 and 21: Органы управления
- Page 22 and 23: Органы управления
- Page 24 and 25: Органы управления
- Page 26 and 27: Органы управления
- Page 28 and 29: Органы управления
- Page 30 and 31: Подготовка к работ
- Page 32 and 33: Терапия стимулирую
- Page 34 and 35: Терапия стимулирую
- Page 36 and 37: Терапия стимулирую
- Page 38 and 39: Терапия стимулирую
- Page 40 and 41: Терапия стимулирую
- Page 42 and 43: Диагностика с помо
- Page 44 and 45: Диагностика с помо
- Page 46 and 47: Диагностика с помо
- Page 48 and 49: Меню показаний 7 Ме
- Page 50 and 51: Индивидуальные про
- Page 52 and 53:
Индивидуальные про
- Page 54 and 55:
Основные настройки
- Page 56 and 57:
Чистка и дезинфекц
- Page 58 and 59:
Технические характ
- Page 60 and 61:
Рекомендации изгот
- Page 62 and 63:
Алфавитный указате
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