Fleck 2910 nxt 2 инструкция

Table of Contents for Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2:

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 23 / 36 IT Caricamento dei parametri Informazione: Questo parametro consente di caricare e copiare i parametri dall’unità master o da tutte le altre unità col- legate. Questo parametro è visibile solo nei sistemi multi-unità. 4.2. Modo diagnostico 5 . Procedimento 5.1. Raccomandazioni • Utilizzare esclusivamente sali di rigenerazione adatti all’addolcim

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 24 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Algemeenheden Attentie: Voordat het systeem in gebruik wordt genomen, moet elke gebruiker de instructies in dit document doorlezen en begrijpen. De veiligheidsinstructies moeten in acht worden genomen. Bewaar deze handleiding als toekomstig referentiema- teriaal. 1.1. Toepassingsgebied van de documentatie Deze documentatie verschaft de nodige informatie voor het juiste gebruik van het sy

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 27 / 36 NL Instellingen verplaatsen Opmerkingen: Met deze parameter kunnen instellingen van de hoofdeenheid naar alle andere aangesloten eenheden worden verplaatst en gekopieerd. Deze parameter is alleen zichtbaar bij multi-eenheid systemen. 4.2. Diagnosemodus 5 . Bewerking 5.1. Aanbevelingen • Gebruik alleen regeneratiezout dat is ontwikkeld voor waterontharding overeenkomstig EN973; • Voor een optimale systeemwerking wordt het gebruik aanbe

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 20 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Generalità Attenzione: Prima di manipolare il sistema, l’utente deve leggere e comprendere le istruzioni riportate in questo docu- mento. Rispettare le prescrizioni di sicurezza. Conservare il presente documento per futura consultazione. 1.1. Finalità della documentazione La documentazione fornisce le informazioni necessarie all’utilizzo corretto del sistema e informa l’utente sulle procedure d’uso e manu- tenzione. Questo

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 2 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 Original settings Maintenance record book Installation settings 1 Installation no. 2 : Controller type 3 : Valve type 4 : Valve serial no. 5 : Resin type 6 : Resin volume 7 : [L] Inlet water hardness 8 : [°tH] Outlet water hardness 9 : [°tH] Tank size 10 : [L] Tank capacity 11 : [m 3 °tH] Brine tank size 12 : [L] Salt quantity per regeneration 13 : [kg] Hydraulic settings 14 Injector size 15 : BLFC 16 : DLFC 17 : Pressure regulator

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 17 / 36 ES 2 . Seguridad 2.1. Ubicación de la etiqueta serie Información: Asegúrese de que las etiquetas serie y de seguridad del dispositivo sean totalmente legibles y estén limpias. En caso necesario, sustitúyalas por etiquetas nuevas y colóquelas en los mismos lugares. 2.2. Peligros Deberán respetarse todas las instrucciones de seguridad y protección contenidas en este docum

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 29 / 36 PL 2 . Bezpieczeństwo 2.1. Umiejscowienie naklejki z numerem seryjnym Informacja: Należy zadbać o to, aby naklejka z numerem seryjnym i etykiety związane z bezpieczeństwem umieszczone na urządzeniu były całkowicie czytelne i czyste. W razie potrzeby wymienić etykiety na nowe, umieszczając je w tym samym miej- scu. 2.2. Zagrożenia Należy przestrzegać wszystkich zaleceń dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i zapewnienia ochrony, które są podane w tym dokumencie, ponie- waż pozwoli to uniknąć

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 34 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Описание и расположение компонентов 3.4. Байпас Если система оснащена байпасом, при появлении неисправности установите клапаны в положение байпаса, как показано на рисунке ниже. 4 . Программирование Примечания: Д�

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3 / 36 No. FR DE ES IT NL 1 Réglages d’installation Anlageneinstellungen Configuración de instalación Impostazioni installazione Installatie instellingen 2 N° installation Anlagennr. N.º de instalación Installazione N. Installatie nr. 3 Type de contrôleur Steuerungstyp Tipo de programador Tipo di controller Controller type 4 Type de vanne Ventiltyp Tipo de válvula Tipo di valvola Kleptype 5 N° de série de vanne Seriennummer Ventil N.�

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 5 / 36 EN 2 . Safety 2.1. Serial label location Note: Ensure that the serial label and the safety labels on the device are completely legible and clean. If necessary, replace them with new labels and put them in the same positions. 2.2. Hazards All the safety and protection instructions contained in this document must be observed in order to avoid serious or permanent injury, damage to property or environmental pollution. At the same time, any other legal regulations, accident prevention and e

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 7 / 36 EN Push settings Note: This parameter allows to push and copy settings from the master unit to all other connected units. This parameter is visible only in multi-units systems. 4.2. Diagnostic mode 5 . Operation 5.1. Recommendations • Use only regenerate salts designed for water softening in accordance with EN973; • for optimal system operation, the use of clean salt, free from impurities, is re

  • User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 9 / 36 FR 2 . Sécurité 2.1. Emplacement de l’étiquette de série Information: S’assurer que les étiquettes de série et de sécurité sur l’appareil sont parfaitement lisibles et propres. Si nécessaire, les remplacer par de nouvelles étiquettes à disposer au même endroit. 2.2. Risques Toutes les instructions de sécurité et de protection contenues dans ce document doivent être respectées afin d’éviter

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[Page 1] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

Fleck 2910 NXT2

[Page 2] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 2 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 Original settings Maintenance record book Installation settings 1 Installation no. 2 : Controller type 3 : Valve type 4 : Valve serial no. 5 : Resin type 6 : Resin volume 7 : [L] Inle…

[Page 3] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3 / 36 No. FR DE ES IT NL 1 Réglages d’installation Anlageneinstellungen Configuración de instalación Impostazioni installazione Installatie instellingen 2 N° installation Anlagennr. N…

[Page 4] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 4 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Generalities Caution: Before handling the system, each user must read and understand the instructions in this document. The safety instructions must be observed. Retain this docu…

[Page 5] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 5 / 36 EN 2 . Safety 2.1. Serial label location Note: Ensure that the serial label and the safety labels on the device are completely legible and clean. If necessary, replace them with new …

[Page 6] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 6 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Components description and location 3.4. Bypassing If the system is equipped with a bypass and if a problem occurs, turn the valves to bypass the system as shown in the picture …

[Page 7] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 7 / 36 EN Push settings Note: This parameter allows to push and copy settings from the master unit to all other connected units. This parameter is visible only in multi-units systems. 4.2. …

[Page 8] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 8 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Généralités Attention: Avant de manipuler le système, chaque utilisateur doit lire et assimiler les instructions contenues dans le pré- sent document. Les consignes de sécur…

[Page 9] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 9 / 36 FR 2 . Sécurité 2.1. Emplacement de l’étiquette de série Information: S’assurer que les étiquettes de série et de sécurité sur l’appareil sont parfaitement lisibles et p…

[Page 10] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 10 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Description et emplacement des composants 3.4. By-pass Si le système est équipé d’un by-pass et si un problème survient, placer en mode by-pass afin de contourner le syst…

[Page 11] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 11 / 36 FR Chargement des paramètres Information: Ce paramètre permet d’envoyer et de copier des paramètres de l’unité maître vers toutes les autres unités connectées. Ce paramè…

[Page 12] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 12 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Allgemeines Achtung: Jeder Benutzer muss vor der Handhabung der Anlage die Anweisungen in diesem Dokument lesen und verste- hen. Die Sicherheitshinweise müssen beachtet werden. …

[Page 13] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 13 / 36 DE 2 . Sicherheit 2.1. Position des Typenschilds Information: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Typenschild und Sicherheitsetiketten am Gerät sauber und vollständig lesbar sind. Wenn erfo…

[Page 14] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 14 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Beschreibung und Position der Komponenten 3.4. Bypass Wenn das System mit einem Bypass ausgestattet ist und ein Problem auftritt, stellen Sie die Ventile so ein, dass die Anlag…

[Page 15] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 15 / 36 DE Einstellung Upload Information: Mit diesem Parameter können Einstellungen von der Haupteinheit auf alle anderen verbundenen Einheiten übertragen und kopiert werden. Dieser Para…

[Page 16] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 16 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Cuestiones generales Atención: Antes de manejar el sistema, el usuario deberá leer y comprender las instrucciones incluidas en este docu- mento. Deben respetarse las instruccio…

[Page 17] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 17 / 36 ES 2 . Seguridad 2.1. Ubicación de la etiqueta serie Información: Asegúrese de que las etiquetas serie y de seguridad del dispositivo sean totalmente legibles y estén limpias. …

[Page 18] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 18 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Descripción y ubicación de los componentes 3.4. Uso de bypass Si el sistema está equipado con un bypass y ocurre un problema, gire las válvulas para derivar el sistema, tal…

[Page 19] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 19 / 36 ES Pulsar ajustes Información: Este parámetro permite pulsar y copiar ajustes de la unidad maestra al resto de unidades conectadas. Este parámetro está visible solo en los siste…

[Page 20] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 20 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Generalità Attenzione: Prima di manipolare il sistema, l’utente deve leggere e comprendere le istruzioni riportate in questo docu- mento. Rispettare le prescrizioni di sicu…

[Page 21] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 21 / 36 IT 2 . Sicurezza 2.1. Posizione etichetta di identificazione Informazione: Verificare che le etichette di identificazione e di sicurezza sul dispositivo siano perfettamente pulite e…

[Page 22] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 22 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Descrizione e posizione dei componenti 3.4. Bypass Se il sistema è dotato di un bypass e si verifica un problema, agire sulle valvole per bypassare il sistema come illustrato …

[Page 23] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 23 / 36 IT Caricamento dei parametri Informazione: Questo parametro consente di caricare e copiare i parametri dall’unità master o da tutte le altre unità col- legate. Questo parametr…

[Page 24] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 24 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Algemeenheden Attentie: Voordat het systeem in gebruik wordt genomen, moet elke gebruiker de instructies in dit document doorlezen en begrijpen. De veiligheidsinstructies moeten…

[Page 25] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 25 / 36 NL 2 . Veiligheid 2.1. Plaats serielabel Opmerkingen: Zorg ervoor dat het serielabel en de veiligheidslabels op het apparaat volledig leesbaar en schoon zijn. Vervang ze indien nod…

[Page 26] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 26 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Beschrijving en locatie onderdelen 3.4. Bypassing Als het systeem voorzien is van een bypass en er een probleem optreedt, draai de kleppen dan om het systeem te omzeilen zoals …

[Page 27] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 27 / 36 NL Instellingen verplaatsen Opmerkingen: Met deze parameter kunnen instellingen van de hoofdeenheid naar alle andere aangesloten eenheden worden verplaatst en gekopieerd. Deze param…

[Page 28] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 28 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Informacje ogólne Uwaga: Przed rozpoczęciem obsługi systemu każdy użytkownik musi przeczytać i zrozumieć zalecenia określone w tym dokumencie. Należy ściśle przestrze…

[Page 29] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 29 / 36 PL 2 . Bezpieczeństwo 2.1. Umiejscowienie naklejki z numerem seryjnym Informacja: Należy zadbać o to, aby naklejka z numerem seryjnym i etykiety związane z bezpieczeństwem umies…

[Page 30] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 30 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Opis i umiejscowienie podzespołów 3.4. Obejścia Jeżeli system jest wyposażony w zawory obejściowe, w przypadku wystąpienia problemu przełączyć zawory na obejście sys…

[Page 31] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 31 / 36 PL Ustawienia wymuszone Informacja: Ten parametr pozwala wymusić i skopiować ustawienia z jednostki nadrzędnej do wszystkich pozostałych jed- nostek, które są do niej podłącz…

[Page 32] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 32 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 1 . Общая информация Внимание: Перед эксплуатацией прибора каждый пользователь должен внимательно �…

[Page 33] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 33 / 36 RU 2 . Техника безопасности 2.1. Место установки таблички с серийным номером Примечания: Следите за те�…

[Page 34] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 34 / 36 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 3.3. Описание и расположение компонентов 3.4. Байпас Если система оснащена байпасом, при появлении не�…

[Page 35] Pentair Fleck 2910 NXT2

User Guide Fleck 2910-NXT2 Ref. MKT-UG-041 / A — 10.07.2019 35 / 36 RU Настройки передачи данных Примечания: Этот параметр позволяет передавать данные от главного при�…

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Table of Contents

1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………. 71.1 Scope of the documentation …………………………………………………………….. 71.2 Release management ……………………………………………………………………… 71.3 Manufacturer identifier, product ………………………………………………………. 71.4 Intended use …………………………………………………………………………………… 81.5 Abbreviations used………………………………………………………………………….. 81.6 Norms……………………………………………………………………………………………. 81.6.1 Applicable norms …………………………………………………………………………………… 81.6.2 Available certificates………………………………………………………………………………. 9

1.7 Procedure for technical support……………………………………………………….. 91.8 Copyright ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 91.9 Limitation of liability………………………………………………………………………… 101.10 Scan & Service application……………………………………………………………….. 11

2 Safety …………………………………………………………………………………. 122.1 Safety pictograms definition …………………………………………………………….. 122.2 Serial label location…………………………………………………………………………. 132.3 Hazards………………………………………………………………………………………….. 132.3.1 Personnel ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 132.3.2 Material ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

2.4 Hygiene and sanitization ………………………………………………………………….. 142.4.1 Sanitary issues ………………………………………………………………………………………. 142.4.2 Hygiene measures………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

3 Description ………………………………………………………………………….. 153.1 Technical specifications …………………………………………………………………… 153.2 Performance flow rate characteristics………………………………………………. 173.3 Outline drawing ………………………………………………………………………………. 173.4 Components description and location ……………………………………………….. 183.4.1 With NXT controller and AC motor …………………………………………………………… 183.4.2 With NXT controller and DC motor …………………………………………………………… 193.4.3 With NXT2 controller and DC motor …………………………………………………………. 20

3.5 System regeneration cycle……………………………………………………………….. 213.5.1 Downflow regeneration cycle (5-cycles operation) …………………………………….. 213.5.2 Upflow regeneration cycle (5-cycles operation)…………………………………………. 233.5.3 Filter cycle (3-cycles operation) ………………………………………………………………. 25

3.6 Injector block position for DF and UF configurations…………………………… 27

4 System sizing……………………………………………………………………….. 284.1 Recommended Injector/DLFC/BLFC-Valve configuration ……………………. 28

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4.2 Sizing a softener (single unit) …………………………………………………………… 284.2.1 Parameters to be considered ………………………………………………………………….. 284.2.2 Determining the required volume of resin ………………………………………………… 294.2.3 Resin exchange capacity and capacity of the unit ………………………………………. 304.2.4 Valve configuration…………………………………………………………………………………. 314.2.5 Cycle time calculation …………………………………………………………………………….. 32

4.3 Salt amount definition ……………………………………………………………………… 344.4 Injector flow rates …………………………………………………………………………… 344.4.1 1600 injectors ………………………………………………………………………………………… 354.4.2 1650 injectors ………………………………………………………………………………………… 364.4.3 1700/1710 injectors ………………………………………………………………………………… 37

5 Installation ………………………………………………………………………….. 395.1 Warnings………………………………………………………………………………………… 395.2 Safety notices for installation …………………………………………………………… 395.3 Installation environement ………………………………………………………………… 395.3.1 General …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 395.3.2 Water ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 405.3.3 Electrical ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 405.3.4 Mechanical ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 41

5.4 Integration constraints…………………………………………………………………….. 415.5 Valve connection to piping………………………………………………………………… 425.5.1 Top-mounted valve installation ……………………………………………………………….. 425.5.2 Side-mounted valve installation ………………………………………………………………. 44

5.6 Block diagram and configuration example…………………………………………. 455.7 Regeneration flows …………………………………………………………………………. 475.7.1 Single valve (System 4) …………………………………………………………………………… 485.7.2 Multiple valves, parallel interlock system (System 5)…………………………………. 485.7.3 Multiple valves, parallel series regeneration system (System 6) …………………. 485.7.4 Duplex alternating immediate system (System 7) ……………………………………… 495.7.5 Duplex alternating delayed system (System 8) (NXT2 only)…………………………. 505.7.6 Multiple valves, parallel system with standby unit (System 9) …………………….. 505.7.7 Multiple valves, system on-demand (System 14) ……………………………………….. 51

5.8 Electrical connections……………………………………………………………………… 555.8.1 NXT controller connections …………………………………………………………………….. 565.8.2 NXT2 controller connections …………………………………………………………………… 575.8.3 NXT controller connections for multiple valves …………………………………………. 585.8.4 NXT2 controller connections for multiple valves ……………………………………….. 59

5.9 Bypassing ………………………………………………………………………………………. 605.10 Drain line connection ………………………………………………………………………. 605.11 Overflow line connection………………………………………………………………….. 615.12 Brine line connection ………………………………………………………………………. 62

6 Programming ………………………………………………………………………. 636.1 NXT controller ………………………………………………………………………………… 63

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6.1.1 Display ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 636.1.2 Commands ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 646.1.3 Setting the time of the day ………………………………………………………………………. 646.1.4 Basic programming………………………………………………………………………………… 646.1.5 Master programming mode…………………………………………………………………….. 666.1.6 Diagnostic……………………………………………………………………………………………… 806.1.7 Resetting the controller ………………………………………………………………………….. 82

6.2 NXT2 Controller………………………………………………………………………………. 836.2.1 Display ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 836.2.2 Commands ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 856.2.3 Time of day menu …………………………………………………………………………………… 866.2.4 Basic programming………………………………………………………………………………… 876.2.5 Master programming mode…………………………………………………………………….. 896.2.6 Diagnostic……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1146.2.7 Resetting the controller ………………………………………………………………………….. 120

7 Commissioning …………………………………………………………………….. 1217.1 Water filling, draining and waterproofness inspection ………………………… 1217.1.1 Activating a single valve system (System 4) ………………………………………………. 1217.1.2 Activating a multiple valves system (Systems 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 14)………………… 122

7.2 Sanitization …………………………………………………………………………………….. 1227.2.1 Disinfection of water softeners………………………………………………………………… 1227.2.2 Sodium or calcium hypochlorite ………………………………………………………………. 1237.2.3 Electro chlorination………………………………………………………………………………… 123

8 Operation…………………………………………………………………………….. 1248.1 Display …………………………………………………………………………………………… 1248.1.1 NXT controller ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1248.1.2 NXT2 controller ……………………………………………………………………………………… 1248.1.3 LED status …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 126

8.2 Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………….. 1268.3 Manual regeneration……………………………………………………………………….. 1268.3.1 Manual delayed regeneration ………………………………………………………………….. 1268.3.2 Immediate regeneration …………………………………………………………………………. 1278.3.3 To advance regeneration cycles ………………………………………………………………. 1278.3.4 To stop a regeneration (NXT2 only) ………………………………………………………….. 127

8.4 Operation during a power failure………………………………………………………. 127

9 Maintenance ………………………………………………………………………… 1289.1 General system inspection……………………………………………………………….. 1289.1.1 Water quality …………………………………………………………………………………………. 1289.1.2 Mechanical Checks ………………………………………………………………………………… 1289.1.3 Regeneration test…………………………………………………………………………………… 129

9.2 Recommended maintenance plan …………………………………………………….. 1309.2.1 Valve used for softening………………………………………………………………………….. 1309.2.2 Valve used for filtration…………………………………………………………………………… 132

9.3 Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………….. 133

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9.3.1 Use original spare parts………………………………………………………………………….. 1339.3.2 Use original approved lubricants……………………………………………………………… 1339.3.3 Maintenance instructions ……………………………………………………………………….. 133

9.4 Cleaning and maintenance……………………………………………………………….. 1339.4.1 First steps……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1339.4.2 Power head and/or motor replacement ……………………………………………………. 1349.4.3 Lower power head motor replacement …………………………………………………….. 1369.4.4 NXT to NXT2 controller upgrade………………………………………………………………. 1379.4.5 NXT2 controller replacement ………………………………………………………………….. 1399.4.6 Upper piston and/or seal and spacer kit disassembly/replacement…………….. 1409.4.7 Lower piston and/or seal and spacer kit replacement ……………………………….. 1429.4.8 Micro-switches replacement …………………………………………………………………… 1449.4.9 Cams replacement…………………………………………………………………………………. 1469.4.10 Injector cleaning…………………………………………………………………………………….. 1489.4.11 BLFC cleaning ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1499.4.12 DLFC cleaning ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1509.4.13 Valve on tank assembly…………………………………………………………………………… 151

10 Troubleshooting …………………………………………………………………… 15210.1 Error detection ……………………………………………………………………………….. 15210.2 Programming error…………………………………………………………………………. 15410.3 Examples of error displayed …………………………………………………………….. 15510.3.1 NXT controller ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 15510.3.2 NXT2 controller ……………………………………………………………………………………… 155

11 Spare parts and options…………………………………………………………. 15711.1 Valve parts list ………………………………………………………………………………… 15711.2 Power head parts list ………………………………………………………………………. 15911.3 Lower power head parts list …………………………………………………………….. 16011.4 Injector parts list …………………………………………………………………………….. 16111.5 Brine valve parts list ……………………………………………………………………….. 16211.6 Safety brine valves list …………………………………………………………………….. 16311.7 Safety brine valves parts list …………………………………………………………….. 16411.8 Distribution systems parts list………………………………………………………….. 16511.9 Air checks list …………………………………………………………………………………. 16611.10 Meters parts list ……………………………………………………………………………… 16611.10.1 Brass meters parts list …………………………………………………………………………… 16611.10.2 Stainless steel meters parts list………………………………………………………………. 168

11.11 Kit meter & Meter cables list……………………………………………………………. 16811.11.1 Brass kit meter & Meter cables list………………………………………………………….. 16811.11.2 Stainless steel kit meter & Meter cables list …………………………………………….. 168

11.12 Kits………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16911.13 CE compliance parts list ………………………………………………………………….. 17011.14 Other components list……………………………………………………………………… 170

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12 Disposal………………………………………………………………………………. 171

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1 Generalities

1.1 Scope of the documentationThe documentation provides the necessary information for appropriate use of the product. Itinforms the user to ensure efficient execution of the installation, operation or maintenanceprocedures.

The content of this document is based on the information available at the time of publication. Theoriginal version of the document was written in English.

For safety and environmental protection reasons, the safety instructions given in thisdocumentation must be strictly followed.

This manual is a reference and will not include every system installation situation. The personinstalling this equipment should have:

• training in the Fleck series, NXT/NXT2 controllers and water softener installation;

• knowledge of water conditioning and how to determine proper controller settings;

• basic plumbing skills.

This document is available in other languages on https://www.pentairaquaeurope.com/product-finder/product-type/control-valves.

1.2 Release management

Revision Date Authors DescriptionA 12.08.2016 BRY/FLA First edition.B 17.05.2018 BRY/FLA Address change, Bleam information and valve on

tank assembly.C 18.06.2018 BRY/FLA New controller NXT2.D 02.09.2019 BRY/FLA Corrections.E 12.11.2019 BRY Safety messages.

1.3 Manufacturer identifier, product

Manufacturer: Pentair International LLC

Avenue de Sevelin 18

1004 Lausanne

SwitzerlandProduct: Fleck 2910 NXT/NXT2

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1.4 Intended useThe device is intended for industry environment use only and it is purpose-built for watertreatment.

1.5 Abbreviations used

Assy AssemblyBLFC Brine Line Flow ControllerBV Brine ValveCW Cold WaterDF Down FlowDLFC Drain Line Flow ControllerHW Hot WaterInj InjectorNBP No By PassPH Power HeadQC Quick ConnectRegen RegenerationS&S Seals & SpacersSBV Safety Brine ValveSM Side MountedStd StandardTC Time ClockTM Top MountedUF Up Flow

1.6 Norms

1.6.1 Applicable norms

Comply with the following guidelines:

• 2006/42/EC: Machinery Directive;

• 2014/35/UE: Low Voltage Directive;

• 2014/30/UE: Electromagnetic compatibility;

• 2011/65/UE: Restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronicequipment (RoHS);

• UNI EN ISO9001.

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Meets the following technical standards:

• EN 55014-1;

• EN 55014-2;

• EN 61000-6-1;

• EN 61000-6-2;

• EN 61000-6-3;

• EN 61000-6-4;

• EN 61010-1;

• EN 61000-3-2;

• EN 61000-3-3.

1.6.2 Available certificates

• CE;

• DM174;

• ACS.

Please find beside the certifications for some of ourproduct families. Please note that this list is not anexhaustive list of all our certifications. In case of needfor more information please contact us.

1.7 Procedure for technical supportProcedure to follow for any technical support request:

1. Collect the required information for a technical assistance request.

ð Product identification (see Serial label location [}Page 13] and Recommendations [}Page 133]);

ð Description of the device problem.

2. Please refer to the Troubleshooting [}Page 152]. If the problem persists contact yoursupplier.

1.8 Copyright© 2019 Pentair International Sàrl. All rights reserved.

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1.9 Limitation of liabilityPentair Quality System EMEA products benefit, under specific conditions, from a manufacturerwarranty that may be invoked by Pentair’s direct customers. Users should contact the vendor ofthis product for applicable conditions and in case of a potential warranty claim.

Any warranty provided by Pentair regarding the product will become invalid in case of:

• improper installation, improper programming, improper use, improper operation and/ormaintenance leading to any kind of product damages;

• improper or unauthorized intervention on the controller or components;

• incorrect, improper or wrong connection/assembly of systems or products with this productand vice versa;

• use of a non-compatible lubricant, grease or chemicals of any type and not listed by themanufacturer as compatible for the product;

• failure due to wrong configuration and/or sizing.

Pentair accepts no liability for equipment installed by the user upstream or downstream of Pentairproducts, as well as for process/production processes which are installed and connected aroundor even related to the installation. Disturbances, failures, direct or indirect damages that arecaused by such equipment or processes are also excluded from the warranty. Pentair shall notaccept any liability for any loss or damage to profits, revenues, use, production, or contracts, orfor any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage whatsoever. Please refer to the PentairList Price for more information about terms and conditions applicable to this product.

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1.10 Scan & Service applicationScan & Service mobile application is the ideal support for the maintenance person in his dailybusiness. A simple scan of an identification (ID) label (1) present on the valve with a smartphonegives an instantaneously access to all updated information related to the product, such as:

• valve’s and tanks detailed configuration;

• manuals;

• spare parts lists;

• troubleshooting recommendations;

• multi-lingual videos, detailing how to best service a part;

• informations about new products, latest technologies, novelties about the Blue Networkprogram, etc.

1. Download the application «Scan & Service» from or in asmartphone (4).

2. Open the application «Scan & Service».

3. Scan the bleam (3) stuck on the valve (2).

4. Navigate to find information.

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2 Safety

2.1 Safety pictograms definition


This combination of symbol and keyword indicates an imminently hazardous situationthat will result in serious or fatal injury if not avoided.


This combination of symbol and keyword indicates a potentially hazardous situationthat can result in serious or fatal injury if not avoided.


This combination of symbol and keyword indicates a potentially hazardous situationthat can result in minimal or minor injury if not avoided.

Caution — material

This combination of symbol and keyword indicates a potentially hazardous situationthat can result in material damage if not avoided.


Mandatory advice to follow.


Applicable guideline, measure.


Informative comment.

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2.2 Serial label location


Part number

Electrical rating

Serial number

Production date

Production order


Ensure that the serial label and the safety labels on the device are completely legibleand clean !

If necessary, replace them with new labels in the same positions.

2.3 HazardsAll the safety and protection instructions contained in this document must be observed in order toavoid temporary or permanent injury, damage to property or environmental pollution.

At the same time, any other legal regulations, accident prevention and environmental protectionmeasures, as well as any recognized technical regulations relating to appropriate and risk-freemethods of working which apply in the country and place of use of the device must be adhered to.

Any non-observation of the safety and protection rules, as well as any existing legal and technicalregulations, will result in a risk of temporary or permanent injury, damage to property orenvironmental pollution.

2.3.1 Personnel


Risk of injury due to improper handling!

Only qualified and professional personnel, based on their training, experience andinstruction as well as their knowledge of the regulations, safety rules and operationsperformed, are authorized to carry out necessary work.

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2.3.2 Material

The following points must be observed to ensure proper operation of the system and the safety ofuser:

• be careful of high voltages present on the transformer (100 – 240 V);

• do not put your fingers in the system (risk of injuries with moving parts and shock due toelectric voltage).

2.4 Hygiene and sanitization

2.4.1 Sanitary issues

Preliminary checks and storage

• Check the integrity of the packaging. Check that there is no damage and no signs of contactwith liquid to make sure that no external contamination occurred;

• the packaging has a protective function and must be removed just before installation. Fortransportation and storage, appropriate measures should be adopted to prevent thecontamination of materials or the objects themselves.


• Assemble only with components which are in accordance with drinking water standards;

• after installation and before use, perform one or more manual regenerations in order toclean the media bed. During such operations, do not use the water for human consumption.Perform a disinfection of the system in the case of installations for treatment of drinkingwater for human use.


This operation must be repeated in the case of ordinary and extraordinarymaintenance. It should also be repeated whenever the system remains idle for asignificant time.Valid only for Italy

In case of equipment used in accordance with the DM25, apply all the signs andobligations arising from the DM25.

2.4.2 Hygiene measures


• The materials used for the construction of our products meet the standards for use withpotable water; the manufacturing processes are also geared to preserving these criteria.However, the process of production, distribution, assembly and installation, may createconditions of bacterial proliferation, which may lead to odor problems and watercontamination;

• it is therefore strongly recommended to sanitize the products. See Sanitization [}Page 122] ;

• maximum cleanliness is recommended during the assembly and installation;

• for disinfection, use Sodium or Calcium Hypochlorite and perform a manual regeneration.

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3 Description

3.1 Technical specifications

Design specifications/ratings

Valve body BrassRubber components EP or EPDMWeight (valve with controller) 21.0 kg (max)Recommended operating pressure 1.8 — 8.6 barMaximum inlet pressure 8.6 barHydrostatic test pressure 20 barWater temperature std 1 – 43 °CWater temperature for HW electronicvalves

1 – 65 °C

Water temperature for HWmechanical valves

1 – 82 °C

Ambient temperature 5 -40 °CRegeneration flow DF or UFBypass of raw water duringregeneration:Standard YesNBP version No

Flow rates (3.5 bar inlet — valve only — top mount)

Continuous service flow (Δp = 1 bar) 57.0 m3/hPeak service flow (Δp = 1.8 bar) 24.0 m3/hCv* 31.0 gpmKv* 27.0 m3/hMaximum backwash flow(Δp = 1.8 bar)

23.4 m3/h

*Cv: Flow rate in gpm across the valve at a pressure drop of 1 psi at 60°F.

*Kv: Flow rate in m3/h across the valve at a pressure drop of 1 bar at 16°C.

Valve connections

Tank adapter thread 4″8UNInlet/Outlet Female 2″ (DN40) BSPDistributor tube 50 mm O.D. [DN40]Drain line 1″ NPTBrine line (1600/1650) ⅜»Brine line [1700/1710] ½»

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Controller operating voltage 24 VAC for NXT / 24  VDC for NXT2Input supply frequency 50 or 60 Hz (controller configuration

dependent)Transformer voltage 24 VAC for NXT / 24 VDC for NXT2Motor input voltage until March 2019 24 VACMotor input voltage April 2019onwards

24 VDC with AC-DC inverter

Power consumption 60 WController protection rating IP 22Power supply 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz,30 VA, Class IITransient overvoltages within the limits of category IIPollution Degree 3

Temporary overvoltages must be limited in duration and in frequency.

Model without transformer


Risk of injury due to electrical shock !

A switch or circuit-breaker must be included in the installation, it must be suitablylocated and easily reached, it must be marked as the disconnecting device for theequipment.

The power must be achieved by a transformer in which the primary windings areseparated from the secondary windings by REINFORCED INSULATION, DOUBLEINSULATION, or a screen connected to the PROTECTIVE CONDUCTOR TERMINAL.

It is required the installation of a fuse as overcurrent protection, it has to be positionedbetween the system and the secondary of the transformer in the installation with thefollowing characteristics: V ≥ 30 VDC or VAC, Imax = 5.0A (ES. 5×20 5.0A)

Environmental conditions

• Indoor use only;

• temperature from 5°C to 40°C;

• maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31°C decreasing linearly to 50%relative humidity at 40°C;

• mains supply voltage fluctuations up to ±10% of the nominal voltage.

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3.2 Performance flow rate characteristicsThe graph shows the pressure drop created by the valve itself at different flow rates. It allowspredetermining the maximum flow rate going through the valve depending on the system settings(inlet pressure etc). It also allows to determine the valve pressure drop at a given flow rate, andtherefore to evaluate the system pressure drop vs flow rate.








Pressure drop [bar]

3.3 Outline drawing

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3.4 Components description and location

3.4.1 With NXT controller and AC motor

Drain line


Diagnostic button

Status LED

Auxiliary microswitch

NXT controller

Upper piston cam


Brine valve

Lower power head


Regeneration button

Shift button

Setting button

Upper power head

AC upper power head motor

Brine valve cam

Lower piston cam

Lower pistonLower piston switch

AC lower power head motor

Upper piston switch

Upper piston


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3.4.2 With NXT controller and DC motor


As of April 2019, NXT valves are supplied with 24 VDC motor. This motor is equippedwith an AC-DC converter allowing it to be powered with 24 VAC or 24 VDC. Therefore,when used with NXT boards which require 24 VAC power supply and therefore send24 VAC to the motor, the inverter will convert it into 24 VDC.


Diagnostic button

Status LED

NXT controller

Upper piston cam

Brine valve

Lower power head

Upper power head

DC upper power head motorBrine valve cam

Lower piston cam

Lower piston

Lower piston switch

DC lower power head motor

Upper piston switch

Upper piston

AC to DC converter

Setting button

Regeneration button

Shift button

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3.4.3 With NXT2 controller and DC motor


Down button

Status LED

Auxiliary microswitch

NXT2 controller

Upper piston cam

Brine valve

Lower power head


Up buttonRegen button

Left button

Upper power head

DC upper power head motor

Brine valve cam

Lower piston cam

Lower piston

Lower piston switch

DC lower power head motor

Upper piston switch

Upper piston

AC to DC converter

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3.5 System regeneration cycle


This valve allows to do filtration, down flow and up flow regenerations.

3.5.1 Downflow regeneration cycle (5-cycles operation)

Service — normal use

Untreated water is directed down through the resin bed and up through the riser tube. Thehardness ions attach themselves to the resin and are removed from the raw water beingexchanged on the resin beads by sodium ions. The water is conditioned as it passes through theresin bed.

Backwash — cycle C1

The flow of water is reversed by the valve and directed down the riser tube and up through theresin bed. During the backwash cycle, the bed is expanded and debris is flushed to the drain, whilethe media bed is remixed.

Brine draw & slow rinse — cycles C2

The valve directs water through the brine injector and brine is drawn from the brine tank. Thebrine is then directed down through the resin bed and up through the riser tube to the drain. Thehardness ions on the resin beads are replaced by sodium ions and are sent to the drain. The resinis regenerated during the brine cycle. When the air check valve closes brine drawing finishes, andthen the slow rinse phase starts.

Rapid rinse — cycle C3

The valve directs water down through the resin bed and up through the riser tube to the drain. Anyresidual brine is rinsed from the resin bed, while the media bed is re-compacted.

Brine tank refill — cycle C4

Water is directed to the brine tank, at a rate controlled by the refill controller [BLFC], to createbrine for the next regeneration. During brine refill, treated water is already available at the valveoutlet.

Pause & Delay — cycle C5

The valve is in stand-by until the end of the cycle. In multiplex, if the brine tank is shared, allows toleave a brine preparation time.


The cycle Pause & Delay is optional with NXT controller. The factory value is set to0 minute.


For illustration purpose only. Always verify inlet and outlet marking on the valve.

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Outlet Inlet InletOutlet




Outlet Inlet InletOutlet




From brinetank

Outlet Inlet InletOutlet



To brine tank

Valve Valve

Valve Valve

Valve Valve

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3.5.2 Upflow regeneration cycle (5-cycles operation)

Service — normal use

Untreated water is directed down through the resin bed and up through the riser tube. Thehardness ions attach themselves to the resin and are removed from the raw water beingexchanged on the resin beads by sodium ions. The water is conditioned as it passes through theresin bed.

Pause & Delay — cycle C1

The valve is in stand-by until the end of the cycle. In multiplex, if the brine tank is shared, allows toleave a brine preparation time.


The cycle Pause & Delay is optional with NXT controller. The factory value is set to0 minute.

Brine draw & slow rinse — cycles C2

The valve directs water through the brine injector and brine is drawn from the brine tank. Thebrine is then directed down through the riser tube and up through the resin bed to the drain. Thehardness ions are replaced by sodium ions and are sent to the drain. The resin is regeneratedduring the brine cycle. Then the slow rinse phase starts.

Backwash — cycle C3

The flow of water is reversed by the valve and directed down the riser tube and up through theresin bed. During the backwash cycle, the bed is expanded and debris is flushed to the drain, whilethe media bed is remixed.

Rapid rinse — cycle C4

The valve directs water down through the resin bed and up through the riser tube to the drain. Anyresidual brine is rinsed from the resin bed, while the media bed is re-compacted.

Brine tank refill — cycle C5

Water is directed to the brine tank, at a rate controlled by the refill controller, to create brine forthe next regeneration. During brine refill, treated water is already available at the valve outlet.


For illustration purpose only. Always verify inlet and outlet marking on the valve.

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Outlet Inlet InletOutlet




Outlet Inlet InletOutlet




Outlet Inlet InletOutlet



To brine tank

From brinetank

Valve Valve

Valve Valve

Valve Valve

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3.5.3 Filter cycle (3-cycles operation)

Service — normal use

Untreated water is directed down through the filter media and up through the riser tube. Theimpurities are retained by the media. The water is filtered as it passes through the media.

Backwash — cycle C1 for DF configuration, C2 for UF configuration

The flow of water is reversed by the valve and directed down through the riser tube and upthrough the filter media. During the backwash cycle, the filter bed is expanded and debris isflushed to the drain, while the media bed is remixed.

Rapid rinse — cycle C3 for DF configuration, C4 for UF configuration

The valve directs water down through the filter media and up through the riser tube to the drain.The media bed is getting re-compacted.


For illustration purpose only. Always verify inlet and outlet marking on the valve.

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Outlet Inlet InletOutlet




Outlet Inlet InletOutlet




Valve Valve

Valve Valve

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3.6 Injector block position for DF and UF configurations



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4 System sizing

4.1 Recommended Injector/DLFC/BLFC-Valve configuration




Injector DLFC BLFC

[in] L DF Color UF Color [gpm] DF [gpm] UF [gpm]1600/1650

14 60 – 85 3 Yellow 2 Blue 5.0 1.0 1.016 85 – 115 N/A N/A 3 Yellow 7.0 N/A


16 85 – 115 3C Yellow N/A N/A 1.2 N/A18 150 – 165 3C Yellow 10.0 2.0 2.021 115 – 200 4C Green22 115 – 200 4C Green 12.024 200 – 285 5C White 15.030 285 – 425 6C Red 5C White 25.0 4.0 4.036 425 – 525 7C Black 6C Red 30.0 5.0 5.036 500 — 600 7.0 7.0

4.2 Sizing a softener (single unit)

4.2.1 Parameters to be considered

Whenever installing a softener, it is preferable to have full water analysis to ensure the inlet watercontent will not affect the resin bed.


Please consult your resin manufacturer specification !

To ensure that no additional pretreatment prior to softening is required.

The below sizing method can be applied for both residential and industrial softeners.

The sizing of a softener must be based upon certain parameters:

• inlet water hardness;

• peak flow rate and nominal flow rate;

• service velocity;

• salt dosage.

The softening and regeneration reactions are driven under certain conditions. To allow thesereactions to take place, make sure that the velocity is convenient during the different phases forproper ion exchange. This velocity is given in the resin manufacturer specifications sheet.

Depending on the inlet water hardness, the service velocity for standard softening must bebetween:

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Service velocity[bed volume per hour]

Inlet water hardness[mg/l as CaCO3]



8 — 40 <350 <35 <19.68 — 30 350 to 450 35 — 45 19.6 — 25.28 — 20 >450 >45 >25.2

Caution — material

Risk of leakage due to unrespected service velocity !

Failure to respect the service velocity will lead to hardness leakage or even total softenerinefficiency.

Note that the water supply piping size may also be useful when estimating the nominal flow rate,since the size of the piping allows a maximum flow rate to pass. Assuming the maximum velocityof water in pipes is about 3 m/s, a good estimation for most common pressure [3 bar] andtemperature [16°C] is:

Piping size (internal diameter) Max. flow rate[in] [mm] [m3/h at 3 m/s]0.5 12 1.22

0.75 20 3.391 25 5.73

1.25 32 8.691.5 40 13.572.0 50 21.202.5 63 34.23.0 75 49.2

4.2.2 Determining the required volume of resin

When sizing a softener, make sure that the volume of resin in the tank (bed volume) will besufficient so that even when the peak flow rate is reached, the velocity is still between the abovevalues depending on the hardness. When sizing a softener, always choose the resin volume andtank size based on the peak flow rate but not on the nominal flow rate.

Caution — material

Risk of leakage due to wrong sizing !

Sizing on the nominal flow rate without taking the peak flow rate into account wouldresult in choosing smaller tank size and resin volume, and may lead in severe hardnessleakage during the service cycle when the peak flow is reached.

The maximum softened water flow rate that a softener can produce is given by the followingformula:

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Qservice max = Fsservice × BV with:

Qservice max: service flow rate [m3/h]

Fsservice: service velocity [BV/h]

BV: bed volume of resin [m3]

Knowing this required volume of resin, it is possible now to determine the needed tank. Note thatat least a third of the total volume of the tank must be kept as free space so that the bedexpansion during backwash is sufficient to ensure correct cleaning of the resin.

4.2.3 Resin exchange capacity and capacity of the unit

The resin exchange capacity and capacity of the unit are two different things that should not beconfused. The resin exchange capacity is the amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+ that can be retained by1 litre of resin, which will depend on the resin type and salt dosage, whereas the capacity of theunit is the capacity of the system, which will depend on the volume of resin and resin exchangecapacity.

Knowing the required volume of resin, it is possible to determine the exchange capacity of theunit. The capacity of the unit can be expressed in different ways:

• the mass capacity, which corresponds to the weight in equivalent CaCO3 that can be fixed onthe resin, expressed in kg as CaCO3;

• the volume capacity, which represents the maximum amount of water that can be treatedbetween 2 regenerations. This last capacity takes into account the hardness of the water tobe treated and is expressed in m3 or litre;

• the combined capacity, which represents the volume of water that could be treated between2 regenerations if the inlet hardness is 1 °f or °dH. This capacity is expressed in °f.m3 or°dH.m3.

The resin exchange capacity will depend on the amount of salt to be injected into the resin bedduring the regeneration. This amount of salt is given in grams per litre of resin. The next table isshowing the resin exchange capacity in function of the amount of salt for a system with standardefficiency regeneration.

Resin exchange capacity as a function of the salt dosage:

Salt amount[g/Lresin]

Corresponding resinexchange capacity in [g/Lresin]

as CaCO3


[per Lresin]°dH.m3

[per Lresin]

50 29.9 2.99 1.6760 34 3.4 1.970 37.5 3.75 2.0980 40.6 4.06 2.2790 43.4 4.34 2.42

100 45.9 4.59 2.56110 48.2 4.82 2.69120 50.2 5.02 2.8130 52.1 5.21 2.91

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Salt amount[g/Lresin]

Corresponding resinexchange capacity in [g/Lresin]

as CaCO3


[per Lresin]°dH.m3

[per Lresin]

140 53.8 5.38 3.01150 55.5 5.55 3.1170 58.5 5.85 3.27200 62.7 6.27 3.5230 66.9 6.69 3.74260 71 7.1 3.97290 75.3 7.53 4.21

To calculate the system mass capacity:

Mcapacity = Vresin × Cresin ex with:

Mcapacity: system mass capacity [g as CaCO3]

Vresin: volume of resin [L]

Cresin ex: resin exchange capacity [g/Lresin as CaCO3]

To calculate the system combined capacity:

Ccapacity = Vresin × Ccor resin ex with:

Ccapacity: system combined capacity [°f.m3 or °dH.m3]

Vresin: volume of resin [L]

Ccor resin ex: corresponding resin exchange capacity[°f.m3/l or °dH.m3/l]

To calculate the system volume capacity:

Vcapacity = Mcapacity / THinlet


Vcapacity = Ccapacity / THinlet


Vcapacity: system volume capacity [m3]

Mcapacity: system mass capacity [g as CaCO3]

Ccapacity: system combined capacity [°f.m3 or °dH.m3]

THinlet: inlet water hardness [mg/L as CaCO3 or °f or°dH]


If a mixing device is set on the valve before meter, use TH = THINLET — THOUTLET !

Having determined the previous capacity allows the operator to know the service cycle duration.

4.2.4 Valve configuration

Knowing the volume of resin, tank size and specifications of the resin, it is possible to determinethe required valve configuration. The resin specification will give the backwash velocity, as well asthe brine draw and slow rinse velocity that must be respected in order to ensure a proper

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regeneration of the unit. From this data, determine the required backwash flow rate as well as thebrine draw and slow rinse flow rate. In most cases, the fast rinse flow rate will be the same as thebackwash flow rate, however for certain valve types the fast rinse flow rate will be the same as theservice flow rate.

To determine the backwash flow rate:

Qbackwash = Fsbackwash x S with:

Qbackwash: backwash flow rate [m3/h]

Fsbackwash: backwash velocity [m/h]

S: Tank cross section area [m2]

The DLFC installed on the valve has to limit the backwash flow rate to the above calculated flowrate.

To determine the injector size:

The velocities to be respected for brine draw and slow rinse are given on the resin manufacturerspecifications. Generally speaking, the injector has to allow a flow rate of about 4BV / h(corresponding to the flow rate of brine being drawn added to the flow rate of raw water passingthrough the injector nozzle to create the suction effect).

QInj = 4 x BV / h with:

Qinj: total flow rate passing through the injector [L/h]

BV: bed volume of resin [L]


This value does not correspond to the brine draw flow rate but to the total flow ratepassing through the injector.

Refer to the injector diagrams at the inlet pressure in order to check if the injector willgive a correct flow rate.

See chapters Salt amount definition [}Page 34] and Injector flow rates [}Page 34].

4.2.5 Cycle time calculation

From this point, the volume of resin, the tank size, the capacity of the softener and the valveconfiguration are determined. Next step is to calculate the regeneration cycle duration, whichdepends on the valve configuration and once again on the resin specifications.


Preprogrammed cycle times are only factory default programming that need to beadjusted to fit the system requirements.

For cycle time calculation the valve configuration must be known, which depends on:

• the tank size;

• the resin specifications for the velocity for backwashing the resin bed;

• the velocity of water for brine draw, slow rinse and fast rinse.

Further information needed for cycle time calculation are:

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• the resin volume previously determined;

• the salt amount used per regeneration;

• the volume of water to use for backwash, brine draw, slow rinse and fast rinse.

To calculate the backwash duration:

Tbackwash = (NBVbw × BV) / QDLFC with:

Tbackwash: backwash duration [min]

NBVbw: number of bed volume for backwash

BV: bed volume [L]

QDLFC: drain line flow controller size [L/min]


The typical value of the volume of water to be used for backwash is between 1.5 and4 times the bed volume, depending on the inlet water quality.

To calculate the brine draw duration:

Knowing the injector draw flow rate at the working pressure:

Tbrine draw = Vbrine / Qdraw with:

Tbrine draw: brine draw duration [min]

Vbrine: brine volume to be drawn [L], see Refillcalculation [}Page 34].

Qdraw: injection draw flow rate [L/min]


Multiply the amount of salt in kg by 3 to get a approximation of the brine volume todraw !

To calculate slow rinse duration:

The volume of water to be used for slow rinse is given in the resin manufacturers specifications.Generally speaking, it is advised that between 2 and 4 BV of water is used to perform the slowrinse after brine draw. The slow rinse cycle allows brine to be pushed slowly through the resinbed, allowing the resin to be in contact with brine for sufficient time and therefore to beregenerated.

Refer to the injector curve at the common working pressure to determine the slow rinse duration.

Tslow rinse = (NBVsr x BV) / QSR with:

Tslow rinse: slow rinse duration [min]

NBVsr: number of bed volume for slow rinse

BV: bed volume [L]

QSR: injector slow rinse flow rate [L/min]

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To calculate fast rinse duration:

The fast rinse is aimed at eliminating an excess of salt in the resin bed and also recompacting theresin in the tank.

Depending on the valve type, the fast rinse flow rate is controlled by the DLFC or it has about thesame flow rate as in service. The fast rinse velocity can be the same as the service velocity, andthe volume of water to be used for the fast rinse is generally between 1 and 10 BV depending onthe salt dosage.

Tfast rinse = (NBVfr x BV) / QDLFC with:

Tfast rinse: fast rinse duration [min]

NBVfr: number of bed volume for fast rinse

BV: bed volume [L]

QDLFC: drain line flow controller size [L/min]

To calculate the refill duration:

The refill flow rate is controlled by the refill controller (BLFC). The relation between the BLFCsize, the tank size and the resin volume is given in the valve specifications.

To calculate the refill duration:

Trefill = VWB / QBLFC with:

Trefill: refill duration [min]

VWB: Volume of water to be refill to prepare the brine[L]

QBLFC: BLFC size [L/min]

VWB = DSalt x BV / Ssol with:

VWB: Volume of water to be refill to prepare the brine[L]

DSalt: Salt dosage per litre of resin [g/L]

BV: Bed volume [L]

Ssol: 360g/L — Solubility of salt per litre of water


When calculating the time required to draw the brine, take into account that the volumeof brine [Vbrine] will be 1.125 bigger than the volume of water refilled !

4.3 Salt amount definitionThe salt settings are controlled through the controller programming. See Resin exchange capacityand capacity of the unit [}Page 30].

4.4 Injector flow ratesThe following tables and graphics represent the injectors flow rate as a function of the inletpressure for the different injector sizes.

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4.4.1 1600 injectors








Inlet pressure [bar]









Inlet pressure [bar]

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4.4.2 1650 injectors









Inlet pressure [bar]









Inlet pressure [bar]

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4.4.3 1700/1710 injectors









Inlet pressure [bar]










Inlet pressure [bar]








Inlet pressure [bar]

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Inlet pressure [bar]








Inlet pressure [bar]

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5 Installation


Risk of injury due to electrical shock or pressurized elements !

It is strictly forbidden for not qualified personal, to accede to system’s internal parts toperform any kind of technical action.

Be sure to disconnect the electrical power, close the water inlet and depressurize thesystem before opening the front cover to access internal parts !

5.1 WarningsThe manufacturer will not be held liable for any damages to people or properties resulting froman improper use of the device not compliant with the following instructions.

Whenever this guide doesn’t clarify all doubts about installation, service or maintenance, pleasecontact the technical support of the company that has installed the device.

Device installation must be done by a qualified technician according to the current standards andregulations, using tools compliant with a device for a safety use and referring to that technicianalso for device maintenance.

In case of out of order or malfunction, before performing any kind of action on the device, pleaseensure to have disconnected the transformer from the power source, to shut off inlet water supplyto the valve and to drain water pressure opening a tap down-line of the valve.

1. Be careful when removing the valve from the box and during subsequent handling, weight isliable to cause damage to property and persons in case of accidental impact.

2. Before sending the water on the valve, make sure that all plumbing connections are tight andproperly implemented in order to avoid dangerous leaks of pressurized water.

3. Use caution when installing welded metal piping near the valve, the heat may damage theplastic body of the valve and the bypass.

4. Be careful not to let the full weight of the valve on fittings, pipes or bypass.

5. Make sure that the environment in which the valve is installed does not reach freezingtemperatures of the water, the valve may be damaged.

6. Make sure that the tank containing the resin is vertical; otherwise the resin could enter in thevalve and damage it.

5.2 Safety notices for installation• Observe all warnings that appear in this manual;

• only qualified and professional personnel are authorized to carry out installation work.

5.3 Installation environement

5.3.1 General

• Use only brine salts designed for water softening. Do not use ice melt, block, or rock salts;

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• keep the media tank in an upright position. Do not turn on its side, upside down, or drop it.Turning the tank upside down may cause media to enter the valve or might clog the upperscreen;

• follow State and local codes for water testing. Do not use water that is micro-biologicallyunsafe or of unknown quality;

• when filling the media tank, first place the valve in the backwash position, then partly openthe valve. Fill the tank slowly to prevent media from exiting the tank;

• when installing the water connection (bypass or manifold), first connect to the plumbingsystem. Allow heated parts to cool and cemented parts to set before installing any plasticparts. Do not get primer or solvent on O-rings, nuts, or the valve.

5.3.2 Water

• Water temperature must not exceed 43°C for standard version, 65°C for volumetric hot waterversion and 82°C for time clock hot water version;

• a minimum of 1.8 bar of water pressure is required for the regeneration valve to operateeffectively.


Do not exceed a maximum of 8.6 bar inlet pressure. In such cases, it is necessary toinstall a pressure regulator upstream the system.

5.3.3 Electrical

There are no user-serviceable parts in the AC/AC or AC/DC transformer, motor, or controller. Inthe event of a failure, these should be replaced.

• All electrical connections must be completed according to local codes;

• use only the power AC/AC or AC/DC transformer that is supplied;


The use of any other power transformer than the one supplied void the warranty of allelectronic parts of the valve !

• the power outlet must be grounded;

• to disconnect power, unplug the AC/AC or AC/DC transformer from its power source;

• an uninterrupted current supply is required. Please make sure that the voltage supply iscompatible with the unit before installation;

• make sure the controller power source is plugged in;

• if the electrical cable is damaged, it is imperative that it is replaced by a qualified personnel.

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5.3.4 Mechanical

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to wrong lubricant use !

Do not use petroleum-based lubricants such as vaseline, oils, or hydrocarbon-basedlubricants.

Use only approved silicone grease or soapy water !

• All plastic connections should be hand-tightened. PTFE (plumber’s tape) may be used onconnections that do not use an O-ring seal. Do not use pliers or pipe wrenches;

• existing plumbing should be in a good shape and free from limescale. In case of doubt, it ispreferable to replace it;

• all plumbing must be completed according to local codes and installed without tension orbending stresses;

• soldering near the drain line should be done before connecting the drain line to the valve.Excessive heat will cause interior damage to the valve;

• do not use lead-based solder for sweat solder connections;

• the riser tube should be cut 6 mm to 19 mm below the top of the tank. Slightly bevel the ridgein order to avoid deterioration of the seal whilst fitting the valve;

• the drain line must be a minimum of 25.4 mm (1″) in diameter;

• do not support the weight of the system on the valve fittings, plumbing, or the bypass;

• it is not recommended to use sealants on the threads. Use PTFE (plumber’s tape) on thethreads of the drain elbow, and other NPT/BSP threads;

• the installation of a pre-filter is always recommended (100µ nominal);

• valve inlet/outlet must be connected to main piping via flexible.

5.4 Integration constraintsLocation of a water treatment system is important. The following conditions are required:

• flat and firm level platform or floor;

• room to access equipment for maintenance and adding brine (salt) to tank;

• constant electrical supply to operate the controller;

• total minimum pipe run to water heater of 3 m (10 ft) to prevent backup of HW into system;

• always install check valve before water heater to protect the softener from HW return;

• local drain for discharge as close as possible;

• water line connections with shut off or bypass valves;

• must meet any local and state codes for site of installation;

• valve is designed for minor plumbing misalignments. Do not support weight of system on theplumbing;

• be sure all soldered pipes are fully cooled before attaching plastic valve to the plumbing.

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5.5 Valve connection to pipingThe connections should be hand tightened using PTFE (plumber’s tape) on the threads if using thethreaded connection type.

In case of heat welding (metal type connection), the connections should not be made to the valvewhen soldering.


See chapter Components description and location [}Page 18] to identify theconnections.

When pressurized, any composite tank will expand both vertically and circumferential. In order tocompensate the vertical expansion, the piping connections to the valve must be flexible enough toavoid overstress on the valve and tank.

5.5.1 Top-mounted valve installation

The valve and tank should not be supporting any part of the piping weight. This is hencecompulsory to have the piping fixed to a rigid structure (e.g. frame, skid, wall…) so that the weightof it is not applying any stress on the valve and tank.

Support to the wall

min 200 mm flexible

Support to the wall

min 200 mmflexible

• The diagrams above illustrate how the flexible piping connection should be mounted;

• in order to adequately compensate the tank elongation the flexible tubes must be installedhorizontally;

• should the flexible piping connection be installed in vertical position, instead of compensatingthe elongation, it will create additional stresses on the valve & tank assembly. Therefore thisis to be avoided;

• the flexible piping connection must also be installed stretched, avoiding excessive length. Forinstance 20 – 40 cm is enough;

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• excessively long and non-stretched flexible piping connection will create stresses on thevalve and tank assembly when the system is pressurized, as illustrated in the below picture:on the left the assembly when the system is unpressurised, on the right the flexible pipingconnection when put under pressure tends to lift up the valve when stretching up. Thisconfiguration is even more dramatic when using semi-flexible piping;

• failure to provide enough vertical compensation may lead to different kinds of damage, eitheron the valve thread which is connected to the tank, or on the female thread connection of thetank. In some cases, damage may also be seen on the valve inlet and outlet connections;

• in any case, any failure caused by improper installations and/or piping connections may voidthe warranty of Pentair products;

• in the same way, using lubricant* [}Page 43] on the valve thread is not allowed and will voidthe warranty for the valve and tank. Indeed using lubricant there will cause the valve to beover-torqued, which may lead to valve thread or tank thread damage even if the connection topiping has been done following the above procedure.

*Note: Use of petroleum-based grease and mineral based lubricant is totally forbidden, not onlyon the valve thread, since plastics used (especially Noryl) will highly suffer from contact with thistype of grease, leading into structural damage hence to potential failures.

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5.5.2 Side-mounted valve installation

Valid for location having a reduced height.

Inlet Inlet shutoff

Rubber expansion joint

Fleck meter

Outlet shutoff

Support tripod

Manual shutoff valve bypass


Unit 1 lead

Drain line

Rubber expansion joint

• To avoid the piping supporting the valve and side adapter weight, they must be fixed on atripod or any other appropriate support;

• in order to adequately compensate the tank elongation, the rubber expansion joints must bemounted on the top and bottom of the tank. In red on the diagram above.

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5.6 Block diagram and configuration example

Pressure gauge


Resin tank

Filter cartridge



Main inlet

Pressure regulator

Suggested options

Check valve to prevent waterharm



Drain line

Brine line

Brine tank



Block diagram

Top mounted configuration example

User’s line


Mixing device

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18168 (CW)23473 (HW)

27833 (CW)27834 (HW)




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5.7 Regeneration flows


For all multiple tank systems NBP valve version must be used !


In this chapter, systems up to four valves are used to describe and illustrate thedifferent multiple valves systems, even if the described system may control more thanfour valves.

Metered immediate:

The controller monitors the volume of water used. As soon as the capacity is exhausted, thecontroller starts the regeneration process.

Metered delayed:

The controller monitors the volume of water used. When the remaining capacity is less than theprogrammed reserve, the controller queues a regeneration that will start at the programmedregeneration time.

Time clock:

The controller initiates the regeneration at regular preset time interval at the programmedregeneration time.

Remote regen start:

The controller initiates the regeneration when an external dry signal is acquired on the S2terminal (see Electrical connections [}Page 55], signal must last at least the programmed signalduration).

For NXT2 controller onlyDay of the week

The controller initiates the regeneration at the programmed regeneration time on preset day(s) ofthe week.

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5.7.1 Single valve (System 4)

As named, this system works with only one valve. The regen can be initiated upon the treatedvolume (delayed or immediate), time clock mode or an external remote regen signal or day ofweek (NXT2 controller only).



Valve Outlet


5.7.2 Multiple valves, parallel interlock system (System 5)

This system type may be used to build systems from 2 to 4 valves for NXT controller, 2 to 8 valvesforNXT2. Each valve must be equipped with a water meter.

All tanks in parallel are supplying treated water. Each unit in the system has its own flow meter.The controller will delay the start of regeneration if another unit is already regenerating. Once thatunit has completed a regeneration cycle and returned to service, the unit with longestregeneration queue time will begin regeneration. Only one unit regenerates at the time. Automaticregeneration may be triggered by either volumetric mean or external dry contact.





Tank Check valve

5.7.3 Multiple valves, parallel series regeneration system (System 6)

This system type may be used to build systems from 2 to 4 valves for NXT controller, 2 to 8 valvesforNXT2. Only One water meter is required for the whole system.

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During normal operation, the controllers of each valve display the time of day and the volume ofwater remaining. The remaining volume is the total volume of the system. The remaining volumedisplayed drops with water consumption to reach zero. When this happens, if no other valve isregenerating, the lead valve starts regeneration while sending out a regeneration lock out signalto all other valves of the system. If another valve is regenerating, the valve will stay in service untilthe other goes back in service. As soon as the lead valve finishes its regeneration cycle, thesecond valve starts regenerating, then the third, etc. The regenerating valve keeps on sending aregeneration lock out signal to all other valves of the system. A manual regeneration can only bedone on the lead valve and only if the others are not regenerating. Automatic regeneration may betriggered by either volumetric mean or external dry contact.






Check valve

5.7.4 Duplex alternating immediate system (System 7)

This system works with 2 valves and a meter.

During normal operation, the controller of each valve displays the time of day and the remainingvolume. The remaining volume displayed drops with water consumption to reach zero. When thishappens, the regeneration starts immediately. The valve in service sends a signal to the valve instandby that goes in service. Once this occurs, the valve with exhausted capacity starts itsregeneration process.






Check valve

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5.7.5 Duplex alternating delayed system (System 8) (NXT2 only)

This system works with 2 valves and a meter.

During normal operation, the controller of each valve displays the time of day and the volume ofwater remaining. The remaining volume displayed drops with water consumption to reach zero.When this happens, the valve in service books a regeneration that will start at the programmedregeneration time. When the programmed regeneration time is reached, the valve in servicesends a signal to the valve in standby that moves into service position. Once the 2nd valve is inservice, regeneration of the exhausted valve starts.






Check valve

5.7.6 Multiple valves, parallel system with standby unit (System 9)

This system type may be used to build systems from 2 to 4 valves for NXT controller, 2 to 8 valvesfor NXT2. Each valve must be equipped with a water meter.

One to three tanks in service (NXT) or one to seven tanks in service (NXT2) supplying treatedwater, one tank in standby. The regeneration of an exhausted unit can start only after the unit instandby has returned to service position. When the regeneration cycle is complete, theregenerated unit will enter in standby. Standby on each tank is controlled by the drive outputterminals (24 VAC or 24 VDC, see UDM on Electrical connections [}Page 55]) on the NXT/NXT2circuit board.


Check valve





ServiceServiceService Stand-By100%

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5.7.7 Multiple valves, system on-demand (System 14)

This system type may be used to build systems from 2 to 4 valves for NXT controller, 2 to 8 valvesfor NXT2. Each valve must be equipped with a water meter.

The number of tanks in service depends on the flow rate and on programmed settings. Examples of a four units system

1. One tank is in service at all time (the «primary tank»).


Check valve





Stand-By Stand-ByServicePrimary



2. The total flow rate to the primary tank increases and exceeds the first programmed trip point.The flow rate demand stays above the trip point for the preset delay time. The next tank (withthe least remaining volume) changes from standby into service. This then splits the total flowbetween two meters.


Check valve





Service Stand-ByFirst trippoint



Total flow rate is split between two meters

3. The flow rate demand decreases below the first trip point. The tank returns to standby.

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Check valve





Stand-By Stand-ByPrimarytank


Total flow rate demandbelow first trip point

4. Total flow rate demand increases and exceeds the second trip point for a longer period thanthe programmed delay time. The second and third tank (with the least remaining volumes)change from standby to service. The total flow is split between three meters.


Check valve





Service ServiceService Stand-By

Total flow rate is split between three meters

5. The third tank returns to standby as demand decreases and returns below the second trippoint.

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Check valve





Service Stand-ByFirst trippoint



Total flow rate is split between two meters

6. Tanks return to standby due to decreased total flow rate and programmed trip points. Thetank with the most remaining volume will be the first to go into standby.


Check valve





3rd instandby

2nd instandby

4th instandby(Primary


1st instandby System operation in regeneration

The primary tank regenerates when its remaining volume becomes zero. The next tank with theleast remaining volume becomes the new primary tank. The tank with the next least volumeremaining will be the first to be activated when the flow rate reach the programmed trip point.Tanks continue operating in this order.

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Check valve







3rd instandby

In regen1st in


2nd instandby

If two tanks are in service and both becomes exhausted at the same time, the other two tanks willshift from standby into service. The lead tank with exhausted capacity will start regeneration. Thesecond tank with exhausted capacity will enter into standby. If the flow increases and exceed thetrip point, a third tank must move into service position. The tank in standby with exhaustedcapacity will shift into service to maintain a steady flow. Operating for extended periods in thismode may degrade the water quality.

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5.8 Electrical connections

CMN: Common STRT: Remote regen startFM: Flow meter SV: Solenoid valveGND: Ground Sw1: Upper piston switchHCAM: Upper piston cam Sw2: Brine valve switchLCK: Remote regen lock Sw3: Lower piston switchLDCAM: Lower piston cam UDM: Upper power head motorLDM: Lower power head motor W1: Black wireNC: Normally closed W2: Red wireNO: Normally open W3: Brown wireRST: Reset button W4: Yellow wireS1: Inhibition signal (when contact is

closed)W5: White wire

S2: Remote regen signal start (whencontact is closed)

W6: Blue wire

S3: External signal during service orregeneration

W7: Orange wire

S4: Dry contact switch function W8: Violet wireS5: Relay (5A 30 VDC — 10A 250 VAC) W9: Green wireSCAM: Brine valve cam W10: Black and white wire

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5.8.1 NXT controller connections

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5.8.2 NXT2 controller connections

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to wrong connection !

Do not connect 24V (AC or DC) power supply on the Lower piston switch connector P17,as this would immediately and irreversibly damage the electronic board.

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5.8.3 NXT controller connections for multiple valves

2 controllers NXTDuplex system 5, 6, 7, 9 & 14

3 controllers NXTTriplex system 5, 6, 9 & 14

4 controllers NXTQuadriplex system 5, 6, 9 & 14


The valve with address #1 must not be at the left or right extremity of the system inorder to ensure proper information communication in between the 4 valves of thesystem.

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5.8.4 NXT2 controller connections for multiple valves


Use CAT5 (with RJ45 connector) or better twisted pair cables with a maximum length of30 meters !

2 controllers NXT2Duplex system 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 14

3 controllers NXT2Triplex system 5, 6, 9 & 14

4 to 8 controllers NXT2Multiplex system 5, 6, 9 & 14

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5.9 BypassingA bypass valve system should be installed on all water conditioning systems. Bypass valves isolatethe softener from the water system and allow unconditioned water to be used. Service or routinemaintenance procedures may also require that the system is bypassed.


Normal operation


Out In Out In

In Bypass

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to bad mounting !

Do not solder pipes with lead-based solder.

Do not use tools to tighten plastic fittings. Over time, stress may break the connections.

Do not use petroleum grease on gaskets when connecting bypass plumbing. Use only100% silicone grease products when installing any plastic valve. Non-silicone grease maycause plastic components to fail over time.

5.10 Drain line connection


Standard commercial practices are expressed here.

Local codes may require changes to the following suggestions.

Check with local authorities before installing a system.


The drain line must be build with 1″ PVC rigid tube ! An air gap must be present at thedrain!


Risk of injury due to whiping hose !

Flexible and semi-flexible hoses may bend and whip during draining.

The drain line may be elevated up to 1.8 m provided the run does not exceed 4.6 m and waterpressure at the softener is not less than 2.76 bar. Elevation can increase by 61 cm for eachadditional 0.69 bar of water pressure at the drain connector.

Where the drain empties into an overhead sewer line, a sink-type trap must be used.

Secure the end of the drain line to prevent it from moving.

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Waste connections or the drain outlet shall be designed and constructed to provideconnection to the sanitary waste system through an air-gap of 2 pipe diameters or50.8 mm (2″), whichever is larger.

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to lack of gap !

Never insert the drain line directly into a drain, sewer line or trap. Always allow an airgap between the drain line and the waste water to prevent the possibility of sewage beingback-siphoned into the softener.

Air gap


5.11 Overflow line connectionIn the event of a malfunction, the brine tank overflow fitting will direct “overflow” to the draininstead of spilling on the floor. This fitting should be on the side of the brine tank. Most brine tankmanufacturers feature a pre-drilled hole for the tank overflow connector.

To connect the overflow line, locate the hole on the side of the tank. Insert the overflow fitting intothe tank and tighten with plastic thumb nut and gasket as shown below. Attach a 25.4 mm (1″) I.D.tubing (not supplied) to fitting and run to drain.

Do not elevate overflow higher than overflow fitting.

Do not tie into the drain line of the controller unit. The overflow line must be a direct, separate linefrom overflow fitting to drain, sewer or tub. Allow an air gap as per drain line instructions.

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Overflow fitting

Drain tubing

Secure hose in place

Air gap


Caution — material

Risk of flooding due to lack of floor drain !

Floor drain is always recommended to avoid flooding in case of overflow.

5.12 Brine line connection


For brine line with 1600/1650 brine valve, use 3/8» semi rigid piping !For brine line with 1700/1710 brine valve, use 1/2» semi rigid or rigid piping !

Caution — material

Risk of malfunction due to the use of wrong equipment !

Flexible and semi-flexible hoses may shrink because of the vacuum during brine draw.

The brine line from the tank connects to the valve. Make the connections and hand tighten. Besure that the brine line is secure and free from air leaks. Even a small leak may cause the brineline to drain out, and the softener will not draw brine from the tank. This may also introduce airinto the valve, causing problems with the valve operation.

Brine line must be equipped with brine tank air check in the brine tank.

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6 Programming

6.1 NXT controller

6.1.1 Display


1 2 3 4 5

1. System type • 4: single valve;

• 5:Multiple valves, parallel interlock system, 2 to 4 valves;

• 6: Multiple valves, parallel series regeneration system, 2 to4 valves;

• 7: duplex alternating immediate system, 2 valves;

• 9: Multiple valves, parallel system with standby unit, 2 to4 valves;

• 14: Multiple valves, system on-demand, 2 to 4 valves.2. Valve address • #-: single valve;

• #1: address 1, lead valve;

• #2: address 2;

• #3: address 3;

• #4: address 4.3. Valve status • CHG (change of state): lower drive changes position on

double piston valve;

• INI (initializing): after a power failure or a change in theprogramming, the controllers initializes for approximately30 seconds;

• RGQ (regeneration queued): in a meter delayed system, thereserve capacity has been entered or a manual regenerationhas been registered;

• LCK (lock): the controller has acquired the lockout signal;

• SRV (service): valve in service;

• SBY (standby): valve in standby.4. Flow indicator • rotates when flow is going through the meter.5. Time of the day • time of the day in AM/PM or 24 hours mode.6. Operating mode • remaining volume in volumetric mode;

• remaining days before regeneration in timeclock mode.

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6.1.2 Commands


At any time, press D to return to the home screen without saving.Menus are displayed in a defined and incremental order.If none of the buttons are pushed for 5 minutes in the Programming mode, or if there isa power failure, the controller returns to Service mode without saving.


In order to store the new settings in the programming mode, it is necessary to gothrough all the parameters !

1. Press to pass to the next step.

2. Use to move the cursor to the next digit.

3. Use and to adjust the values.

4. Press D at any time to exit programming mode without saving.

6.1.3 Setting the time of the day

Set the time in the system.


In multiple valve systems, set the time of day on the lead valve (#1). !

The time of day will be automatically updated on the other valves in the system within 10seconds.


If, during time setting, no buttons are pushed for 5 seconds, the system leaves setting.

1. Press or for 2 seconds.

2. Set the controller with , and .

3. Press to validate the selection and return to the servicemode.

6.1.4 Basic programming Basic programming mode chart

Parameter Options Definition NoteLANGUAGE ENGLISH English —


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Parameter Options Definition NoteFEED WATERHARDNESS

1 to 1’999 Milligram CaCO3/L This screen will only display on thelead unit for system types 6 & 7. Forall other system types, it will displayfor all units.


OFF to 99 Day. Use the SHIFT button to move to theleft.


00:00:00to 23:59:59

Hour Regeneration time will not appearunless regeneration day override ortimeclock is on. Language setting

Select the displayed language.


• English;

• French;

• German;

• Italian;

• Spanish.

1. Press and simultaneously for 5 seconds to enter themenus sequence.

2. Select the language to be displayed with and .

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Inlet water hardness

Set the inlet water hardness in the unit defined on chapter Display format [}Page 73].

1. Set the inlet water hardness with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Regeneration days override

Set the maximum number of days that the valve is in service without regenerating, regardlessfrom the volume of water used.


For a timeclock valve, this value must be set !

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For metered valves, calendar override parameter would trigger a regeneration only ifthe volumetric control did not start a regeneration before calendar override periodelapsed.Each volumetric regeneration happening reset the calendar override delay.

1. Adjust the number of days with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

ð Can be adjusted from:1 to 99 days for timeclock regeneration;OFF to 99 days for metered regeneration.

Without calendar override.

override every 3 days. Regeneration start time

Set the time for regeneration start.


Must be set when the regeneration flow programmed is timeclock or with a meteredcalendar override !

1. Adjust the time of regeneration with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and return to service.

Regeneration at 2:00 am.

6.1.5 Master programming mode


As soon as programming mode is entered, all parameters can be displayed or set tosuit the needs.

Depending on the current programming, some functions will not be displayed or will notbe changeable. Master programming mode chart

Parameter Options Definition NoteLANGUAGE ENGLISH English —


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Parameter Options Definition NoteSYSTEM TYPE 4 Single unit 1 unit.

5 Parallel interlock 2 to 4 units.6 Parallel series

regeneration7 Alternating immediate 2 units.9 Parallel with standby unit 2 to 4 units.

14 On-demandVALVE ADDRESS #1 First control valve This screen will not be displayed for

system type 4.#2 Second control valve(default)

#3 Third control valve#4 Fourth control valve

SYSTEM SIZE 2 2 valves in the system This screen will not be displayed forsystem type 4.3 3 valves in the system

4 4 valves in the systemREGEN TYPE TIME CLK

DELAYEDTime clock delayed

(default)System 4 only.


— All system types.


Metered delayed fixedreserve

Systems 4 & 6 only.

VALVE TYPE 2750 — -2850 —

2900/2910 -3150 -3900 —





OFF to 99minutes

— This screen will not be displayed forsystem type 14.



US units (default) —


Metric units

UNIT CAPACITY 1 to 198’000 Gram CaCO3 Use the SHIFT button to move to theleft.CAPACITY


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Parameter Options Definition NoteFEED WATERHARDNESS

1 to 1’999 Milligram CaCO3/L This screen will only display on thelead unit for system types 6 & 7. Forall other system types, it will displayfor all units.

Use the SHIFT button to move to theleft.

TRIP POINT 1 1 to 3997 L/m This screen will only display forsystem 14 and will only appear on themaster controller (Valve address #1).

Use the SHIFT button to move to theleft.

TRIP DELAY 1 30 to 99 Second

(30 seconds default)

TRIP POINT 2 1 to 3997 L/m This screen will only display forsystem 14 and will only appear withthe system sized to 3 or 4 on themaster controller (Valve address #1).

Use the SHIFT button to move to theleft.

TRIP DELAY 2 30 to 99 Second

(30 seconds default)

TRIP POINT 3 1 to 3997 L/m This screen will only display forsystem 14 and will only appear withthe system sized to 4 on the mastercontroller (Valve address #1).

Use the SHIFT button to move to theleft.

TRIP DELAY 3 30 to 99 Second

(30 seconds default)


OFF to 99 Day Days between regenerations fortimeclock mode.


00:00:00to 23:59:59

Hour Regeneration time will not appearunless regeneration day override ortimeclock is on.

CYCLE 1 OFF to04:00:00

CYCLE 2 OFFto 04:00:00

CYCLE 3 OFFto 04:00:00

CYCLE 4 OFFto 04:00:00

CYCLE 5 OFFto 04:00:00

This screen will only display whencycle 4 is not OFF.


Enabled — Not compatible with CPO AUXactivation.Disabled (Default)

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Parameter Options Definition NoteAUX RELAY


to 18:00:00Hour Only displayed if auxiliary relay is

enabled in previous screen.

Auxiliary relay will only display ifchemical pump is OFF for systemtypes 6 & 7.


00:00:00to 18:00:00


Enabled — This screen will only display on thelead (#1) unit for system types 6 & 7.

For all other system types, it willdisplay for all units.

Disabled (Default)


1 to 9’999 L Activate the relay output during aservice based upon the volume oftreated water. Relay is activated for aset time after every set volume istreated. Not compatible with aux.relay activation.


00:00:00to 02:00:00


FLOW METER 1.0″ PADDLE — Default flow meter type is based onthe valve type.

This screen will only display on thelead (#1) unit for system types 6 & 7.

All other system types it will displayfor all units.


1.5″ PADDLE -1.5″ TURBIN


2.0″ PADDLE -3.0″ PADDLE —


RATE20 to 2’000 l/min Only displayed if “Generic” is chosen

for the flow meter.ADD XXX LITRES


1 to 255 XXX: number of litre/gallon

YYY: number of pulses Entering master programming mode

1. Press and simultaneously for 5 seconds to enter themaster programming mode. Language setting

Select the displayed language.


• English;

• French;

• German;

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• Italian;

• Spanish.

1. Select the language to be displayed with and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. System type

Select the system in which the valve(s) operate(s).


• 4: single valve;

• 5: multiple valves, parallel interlock system;

• 6: multiple valves, parallel series regeneration system;

• 7: duplex alternating immediate system;

• 9: multiple valves, parallel system with standby unit;

• 14: multiple valves, system on-demand.

1. Set the system type with and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Example: 4 Single valve.

Example: 5 multiple valves. Valve address in the system

Set the valve position in the system.


Only visible in systems 5, 6, 7, 9 and 14.

The number #1 is the lead valve (master) and contains the programmed parameters usedby the other controllers in the system in order to control the regeneration and service orstandby positions.


• address #1: valve 1, lead (master);

• address #2: valve 2;

• address #3: valve 3;

• address #4: valve 4.

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1. Set the valve position with and .

ð Default setting: valve 2 address #2.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Example: Valve #1 (master).

Example: Valve #2. System size

Set the number of valves to be connected (2 to 4 valves) in the system.


Only visible in multiple valve systems and only present on the master #1 valve.


• 2 valves in the system;

• 3 valves in the system;

• 4 valves in the system.

1. Adjust the system size with and .

ð Default setting: 2 valves.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Regeneration type

Select the regeneration type.


• time clock delayed: regeneration will take place, at the programmed regeneration time, afterthe set amount of days has been reached (available only for system type 4);

• volume delayed: regeneration is requested when the volume of treated water reaches thereserve capacity and will take place, at the programmed regeneration time (available only forsystem type 4);

• volume immediate: regeneration is requested when the capacity is fully depleted. Theregeneration starts immediately (available for all system types).

1. Set regeneration type with and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Valve type

Select which valve is being used with the NXT.


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• 2750;

• 2850;

• 2900/2910;

• 3150;

• 3900.

1. Set valve type at 2910 with and .

ð Default setting: 2750

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Regeneration flow

Set the direction of flow during the brine draw cycle.


The availability depends on the valve type programmed in the previous step.


• down flow;

• up flow (not for 2850 valve type);

• up flow fill first (only for 2750 and 2900/2910 types).

1. Set regeneration flow with and .

ð Default setting: down flow

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Remote started regeneration

Start regeneration from an external signal (see chapter Electrical connections [}Page 55]).


The contact will close after a preset duration. When the contact closes, theregeneration starts.This mode can be combined with the other methods of regeneration; it has priority onceit is activated.

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1. Set the remote controller with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from OFF to 01:39:00.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Without remote controller.

With remote controllerand 1 minute contactprogrammed. Display format

Set the unit system to be used.


• US GALLONS: volume in gallons, time display 2 x 12 hours, hardness in grains;

• EU-METRIC-LITRES: volume in litre, time display 24 hours and hardness depends on thelanguage:

EN: mg/L asCaCO3

FR: °F GE: °dH IT: °TH SP: °TH

1. Set the display format with and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. System capacity

Set the capacity of the tank where the valve is installed.


Based on system capacity, safety coefficient and inlet water hardness, the controllercalculates the volume of water that the system can treat between 2 regenerations.

1. Set the unit capacity with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

This volume corresponds to the volume the tank could treat if theinlet water hardness is 1°F, 1°TH or 1°dH.

Example: 3000 g of CaCO3 ofcapacity. Safety coefficient

Set the percentage value by which the total capacity is reduced as a safety coefficient.

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1. Set the safety coefficient with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from 0 to 50%.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

No safety factorprogrammed. Inlet water hardness

Set the inlet water hardness in the unit set on chapter Units [}Page 101]

1. Set the inlet water hardness with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Trip points setting

Set the flow rate and switching delay when another tank is switched to service.


Only visible in system 14.

Trip point 1


Only visible if controller programmed as valve position #1.

1. Set the trip point 1 flow rate with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from 0 to 3997 l/min.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

3. Set the trip point 1 delay with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from 30 to 99 seconds.

4. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Trip point 2


Only visible if controller programmed as valve position #1 and system size to 3 or 4.

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1. Set the trip point 2 flow rate with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from trip point 1+1 to 3998 l/min.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

3. Set the trip point 2 delay with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from 30 to 99 seconds.

4. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Trip point 3


Only visible if controller programmed as valve position #1 and system size to 4.

1. Set the trip point 3 flow rate with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from trip point 2+1 to 3999 l/min.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

3. Set the trip point 3 delay with , and .

ð Can be adjusted from 30 to 99 seconds.

4. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Regeneration days override

Set the maximum number of days that the valve is in service without regenerating, regardlessfrom the volume of water used.


For a timeclock valve, this value must be set as regeneration period in days !


For metered valves, it is regenerated once the amount of days is reached at a presettime unless the meter triggers regeneration before.

Calendar override initiate regeneration only if no regeneration has been initiated withinthe delay programmed in calendar override parameter.

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1. Adjust the number of days with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

ð Can be adjusted from:1 to 99 days for timeclock regeneration;OFF to 99 days for metered regeneration.

Without calendar forcing.

Forcing every 3 days. Regeneration start time

Set the time for regeneration start.


Must be set when the valve is in timeclock mode or with a calendar override !

1. Adjust the time of regeneration with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Regeneration at 2:00 am. Programming regeneration cycle times

Set the cycle times of the regeneration.


Five cycles can be set.

The system displays the programming cycles and allows setting of a specific time foreach cycle. If a cycle is set to NO, the next cycles is not activated.

The sequence of the regeneration cycles depends upon regenerant flow, see Systemregeneration cycle [}Page 21].

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1. Adjust the cycle time with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

3. Repeat for each cycle.

1. Backwash: 10 min.

2. Draw/Slow rinse:1 h 10 min.

3. Fast rinse: 10 min.

4. Refill: 10 min.

5. Pause: not used. Auxiliary relay/Chemical pump


The system can be set only with auxiliary relay or chemical pump !

Auxiliary relay

Set the relay output during regeneration.


This parameter has two steps of settings.

The first one activates the output, and the second one deactivates the output.

The time 00:00:00 correspond to the beginning of regeneration time.

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1. Activate the relay with and .

2. Default setting: disabled.

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

4. Set the relay activation time with , and .

5. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

6. Set the relay deactivation time with , and .

7. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.


Relay enabled at thebeginning of regeneration.

Relay disabled 10 min. afterthe start of regeneration.

Relay enabled during cycle 2as in chapter Programmingregeneration cycles time [}Page 108] .

Chemical pump

Activate the relay output during the service based upon the volume of treated water.


Only visible in metered systems.


This parameter has two steps.

The first one determines the volume which activates the relay.

The second one determines how long the relay has to be activated once the volume haspassed.

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1. Activate the relay with and .

2. Default setting: disabled.

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

4. Set the relay activating time with , and .

5. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

6. Set the relay deactivating time with , and .

7. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.


Relay enabled every 20 litre.

Relay enabled for 1 min. Flow meter selection

Select the size of the flow meter.


• 1.0″ paddle (standard for 2750 valve series);

• 1.0″ turbine;

• 1.5″ paddle (standard for 2815 and 2850 valve series);

• 1.5″ turbine:

• 2.0″ paddle (standard for 2900 and 3150 valve series);

• 3.0″ paddle (standard for 3900 valve series);

• generic meter.

1. Select the flow meter with and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Generic meter


Only visible if «generic» was selected in flow meter selection.

Set the generic meter.


This parameter has two settings.

The first display is to enter the maximum flow rate of the water meter.

The second display is to enter the values for the flow meter (pulses and volume).

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1. Set the maximum flow rate with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

3. Set the number of litres per pulse(s) with , and .

4. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

5. Set the number of pulses for the programmed number of litreswith , and .

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Example: 290 L/min.

Example: 1 litre for 1 pulse.

Example: 5 litres for 1 pulse.

Example: 2 litres for10 pulses. Parameters saving


When the last parameter is set and the button pressed, the controller updates thedatabase based on the new programming.

Wait until programming is finished, this may take a few seconds.

6.1.6 Diagnostic Commands


Depending on current settings, some displays cannot be viewed and there is no timelimit on the displays in the Diagnostic mode.

1. Press D to enter the Diagnostic mode.

2. Press to pass at the next step.

3. Press D to exit the Diagnostic mode at any time. Current flow rate


The display is updated every second.

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The controller registers the highest flow rate since the last regeneration. Totalizer


The controller registers the total volume of treated water that passes through themeter since start-up (or last hard reset).

1. To reset, press and hold the buttons and for5 seconds until the display shows zero. Hours between last two regenerations


Shows the number of hours between the last two regenerations, which indicates theduration of the last service cycle. Hours since last regeneration


Shows the number of hours since the last regeneration, indicating the duration of thecurrent service cycle.

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Shows the volume remaining for the valve where controller is installed, excepted forsystem 6 where it shows the volume remaining of the complete system.

In system 4, 5, 7, 9 and 14.

In system 6 (completesystem). Valve position


Shows the position of the valve in a multiple valve system, also called the valveaddress. Software version


Shows the version of the software used by the controllers.


In case of use of multiple valves system, verify the controller’s software compatibility !

6.1.7 Resetting the controller


Once you have completed this operation, check all programming steps !

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There are two options to reset: partial and hard reset.

Partial reset will set all the parameters to default values, except flow meter totalizervolume in diagnostic mode.

Hard reset will set all the parameters to default values. Partial reset

1. Press and hold and for 25 seconds until the displayshows time of day. Hard reset

1. Disconnect the power supply from the valve, press and hold the button whilereconnecting the power supply.

6.2 NXT2 Controller

6.2.1 Display

71 2 3 4 5 6





1. System type • 4: Single valve;

• 5: Multiple valves, parallel interlock system, 2 to 8 valves;

• 6: Multiple valves, parallel series regeneration system, 2 to8 valves;

• 7: Duplex alternating immediate system, 2 valves;

• 8: Duplex alternating delayed system, 2 valves;

• 9: Multiple valves, parallel system with standby unit, 2 to8 valves;

• 14: Multiple valves, system on-demand, 2 to 8 valves.

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2. Network Indicator • Connected;

• Disconnected;

• Unit missing;

• USB Connected.3. Valve status • Initializing: after a power failure or a change in the

programming, the controllers initializes for approximately30 seconds;

• Lock windows: the controller has acquired the lockoutwindows;

• Lock remote: the controller has acquired the lockoutremote;

• Regeneration Inhibition indicator: In a multi-valvessystem, a valves is in regeneration while another valve iswaiting for regeneration;

• Valve in service;

• Flashing: Regeneration queued;

• Valve in standby;

• Remote Regeneration.4. Flow indicator • Flashing when flow is going through the meter.5. LED Status Indicator • Blue: In Service

• Flashing blue: Regeneration Queued

• Green: Regeneration

• Flashing green: Standby

• Red: Error condition present

• All LED flashing: Delayed unlock6. Master unit indicator • Master unit (auto-assigned) for multi-unit system;

• Empty for single unit.7. Time of the day • 24h mode or 12h am/pm depending on units type selected8. Operating mode • Remaining volume in volumetric mode;

• Remaining days before regeneration in timeclock mode.9. Regen. button • Navigate to next menu option

• Display time of programmed regeneration10. Up button • Adjust menu value up11. Down button • Adjust menu value down12. Left button • Navigate to previous menu option

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6.2.2 Commands Menu commands


At any time, press to return to previous screen without saving.Menus are displayed in a defined and incremental order.Editable digit is marked by two triangles (Cursor).If none of the buttons are pushed for 5 minutes in the Programming mode, or if there isa power failure, the controller returns to Service mode without saving.


In order to store the new settings in the programming mode, it is necessary to gothrough all the parameters !

1. Press to pass to the next step and save programming.

2. Use to move the cursor to the next digit, or use to move the cursor to the previous digit.

3. Use and to adjust the values.

4. Press at any time to return to previous step without saving the current parameterschanges. Access commands

1. Hold pressed 2 seconds the following buttons.

• Enter diagnostic menu

• Enter time of day menu

• Enter time of day menu

• Initiate an immediate regeneration

• Access to user programming menu

• Access to master programming menu

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6.2.3 Time of day menu


In multiple valve systems, set the time of day on the lead valve (#1) !

The time of day will be automatically updated on the other valves in the system within 10seconds. Time of day

Set the time in the system.

1. Press or for 2 seconds.

2. Adjust as desired the time with , and .

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Year

Set the year.

1. Set the year with and :

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Month

Set the month.

1. Set the month with and :

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Calendar day

Set the day of the month.

1. Set the day of the month with and :

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

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6.2.4 Basic programming Basic programming mode chart

Parameter Options Definition NoteDAY OVERRIDE /

TIME DRIVENOFF to 99 Day Days between regenerations only for

metered regeneration types.Hours or days between regenerationsonly for time clock regeneration type.

4, 8, 12, 16,20



TIME00:00 to

23:59Hour Regeneration time will not appear

when day override/time driver is byhours for time clock or OFF for meterimmediate regeneration type.

HARDNESS 1 to 1999 Gram as CaCO3

equivalent if hardnessunit is mg/L

°FTH if hardness unit is°FTH

°dH if hardness unit is°dH

°eH if hardness unit is°eH

Those screens will only display whenregeneration type selected is softenermeter immediate or delayed.


0 to 4820 Litre

PUSH SETTINGS ON (default) Only displayed for multi unit systems.OFF — Day Override / Time-driven

Set the maximum number of days between two regenerations, regardless from the volume ofwater treated.


Must be set for timeclock valve !



For metered valves, calendar override parameter would trigger a regeneration, only ifthe volumetric control did not start a regeneration before calendar override periodelapsed.Each volumetric regeneration happening reset the calendar override delay.Calendar override is not visible in «Day of the week» mode.

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1. Press and hold and simultaneously to enter userprogramming mode.

2. Select the number of days or hours with and .

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

ð Can be adjusted with 4H, 8H, 12H, 16H, 20H or from 1 to99 days for timeclock regeneration and from OFF to99 days for metered regeneration.

Without calendar override.

Override every 3 days. Regeneration time

Set the time for regeneration start.


Must be set when the regeneration flow programmed is timeclock, day of week mode,volumetric delayed mode and any time a calendar override period is set !

1. Adjust the time with and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Hardness

Set the inlet water hardness in the unit defined on chapter Units [}Page 101].


This parameter is not visible in «Filter » mode.

1. Adjust the hardness with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Volume remaining

Display the remaining volume before the system’s capacity is exhausted. This parameter can beadjust if necessary, and will be reset to the programmed capacity after next regeneration.


This parameter is visible only in «Softener meter immediate/delayed » mode

1. Adjust the volume with , and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

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This parameter allows to push and copy settings from the master unit to all other connected units.


This parameter is visible only in multi-units systems.

1. Select OFF or ON with and .

2. Press to validate the selection.

6.2.5 Master programming mode


As soon as programming mode is entered, all parameters can be displayed or set tosuit the needs.

Depending on the current programming, some functions will not be displayed or will notbe changeable. Master programming mode chart

Parameter Options Definition NoteSETTINGS

REVIEWON — When settings review mode is on, no

programming changes can be done.OFF (Default) -LANGUAGE ENGLISH English (default) —





NAME 1- — 12 characters maximum.


— —


— — 14 characters maximum.

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Parameter Options Definition NoteSYSTEM TYPE 4 Single unit (default) 1 unit.

5 Parallel interlock 2 to 8 units.6 Parallel series

regeneration7 Alternating immediate 2 units.8 Alternating delayed9 Parallel with standby

unit2 to 8 units.

14 On-demandNUMBER OF

TANKS2 to 8 Valves in the system This screen will not be displayed for

system type 4, 7 and 8.TRIP POINT #X —

LPM1 to 7563 l/min System 14 only.



1 to 90 Second System 14 only;

Duration for which the service flowrate must be greater than the abovetrip point flow rate to cause the nexttank to move into service position.



60 to 300 Second System 14 only;

Duration for which the service flowrate must become lower than theabove trip point flow rate to causeone of the tank of the system tomove back into stand-by position.

VALVE 2510 — Valve type.2750 (default)2850 -2900 -3150 -3900 -2815 —

REGEN. FLOW DOWN FLOW Down flow softener(default)

UP FLOW Up flow softenerFILTER Filter

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Parameter Options Definition NoteREGEN. TYPE TIME CLOCK Time clock (default) System 4 and 6 only.


Regeneration onselected days

System 4 and 6 only.


Metered immediate All system unless system 8.


Metered delayed Systems 4, 6 and 8 only.

UNITS US US units (default) -METRIC Metric units


0 to 9999999 Litre This screen will only display whenregeneration type selected is filtermeter immediate or Delayed.


equivalent (default)This screen will only display whenregeneration type selected issoftener meter immediate ordelayed with metric units.

*DH -*FTH -*EH —

CAPACITY 0 to 9999999 Gram as CaCO3

equivalent if hardnessunit is mg/L

L x °FTH if hardness unitis °FTH

L x °dH if hardness unitis °dH

L x °eH if hardness unitis °eH

Those screens will only display whenregeneration type selected issoftener meter immediate ordelayed.

HARDNESS 1 to 1999 Gram as CaCO3

equivalent if hardnessunit is mg/L

°FTH if hardness unit is°FTH

°dH if hardness unit is°dH

°eH if hardness unit is°eH

Those screens will only display whenregeneration type selected issoftener meter immediate ordelayed.


(default) This screen will only display whenregeneration type selected issoftener meter delayed.VARIABLE




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Parameter Options Definition NoteFIXED% 0 to 50 % This screen will only display when

regeneration type selected issoftener meter delayed with fixed%reserve;

Any value set above 50% will bediscard and 50% will be consideredas % reserve.

FIXED VOLUME 0 up to thehalf of the

total capacity

Litre This screen will only display whenregeneration type selected issoftener meter delayed with fixedvolume reserve;

Range depend on capacity value.

Any value set above the half of thecapacity will be discarded andconsidered as the half of thecapacity.




1 to 5940 Second Only displayed if immediate ordelayed is chosen for remoteregeneration.

DAY OF WEEK SU Sunday (default) This screen will only display whenregeneration type selected is day ofweek;

Activate or de-activate for eachposition (  = deactivated;  = activated).

MO MondayTU TuesdayWE WednesdayTH ThursdayFR FridaySA Saturday


OFF to 99 Day Days between regenerations only formetered regeneration types.

4, 8, 12, 16,20

Hours Hours or days betweenregenerations only for time clockregeneration type.1 to 99 Day


00:00 to 23:59 Hour Regeneration time will not appearwhen day override/time driver is byhours for time clock or OFF formeter immediate regeneration type.

LOCK WINDOW #1 ON — Period during which no regenerationcan start. Maximum 2 lock windowsprogrammable.

OFF (default)

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Parameter Options Definition NoteLOCK START #1 00:00 to 23:59 Hour This screen will only display when

lock windows #1 is on.LOCK END #1 00:00 to 23:59 Hour This screen will only display when

lock windows #1 is on.LOCK WINDOW #2 ON — This screen will only display when

lock windows #1 is on.OFF (default)LOCK START #2 00:00 to 23:59 Hour This screen will only display when

lock windows #1 and 2 are ON.LOCK END #2 00:00 to 23:59 Hour This screen will only display when

lock windows #1 and 2 are ON.BACKWASH 0 to 240 Minute —

DRAW 0 to 240 Minute Brine draw and slow rinse.

This screen will not be displayed forfilter systems.

RAPID RINSE 0 to 240 Minute -TANK REFILL 0 to 240 Minute Regenerant tank refill.

This screen will not be displayed forfilter systems.

PAUSE 0 to 240 Minute This screen will not be displayed forfilter systems.

METER TYPE GENERIC — Default flow meter type is based onthe valve type;

This screen will only display on thelead (#1) unit for system types 6, 7 &8.

All other system types it will displayfor all units;

This screen will only display whenregeneration type selected issoftener meter immediate ordelayed.


(default for 2510)


1.0″ PADDLE (default for 2750)1.0″ TURBINE —


1.5″ PADDLE (default for 2815 and2850)

1.5″ TURBINE -2.0″ PADDLE (default for 2910 and

3150)3.0″ PADDLE (default for 3900)

PULSES/L 0 to 1500 PULSES/L Only displayed if “Generic” is chosenfor the meter type.MAXIMUM FLOW —

LPM76 to 7570 l/min

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Parameter Options Definition NoteCONTINUOUSFLOW DETECT

ON — This screen will only display whenregeneration type selected issoftener meter immediate ordelayed.

OFF (default)



0.1 to 227.1 l/min Only displayed if continuous flowdetect is ON.

Even if maximum theoreticalprogrammable value is 999.9 l/min,the controller will consider only upto 227.1 l/min.



1 to 255 Hour Only displayed if continuous flowdetect is ON.

AUXILIARY 1 STANDBY Activates relay from beginning ofregeneration and during standbyphase.


— Any alarm or error detected by thecontroller will start signal outputfrom Auxiliary relay#1.


— —


— This choice will only available whenmetered regeneration type.


SP Service position Only displayed if “Cycle based” ischosen for auxiliary 1;

Activate or de-activate for eachposition (  = deactivated;  = activated).

BW Backwash positionBD Draw and slow rinse

positionRR Rapid rinse positionRF Refill positionSB Pause position



0 to totalregenerationtime minus

1 minute

Minute Only displayed if “Time based” ischosen for auxiliary 1.



from starttime#1 plus

1 minute untiltotal



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Parameter Options Definition NoteAUX. 1: TIME



End time #1to total


1 minute

Minute Only displayed if “Time based” ischosen for auxiliary 1 and END TIME#1< total regeneration durationminus 1 minute;

Range depend on Start and end time#1 values.




From starttime

#2 + 1 minuteuntil the totalregeneration


Minute Only displayed if “Time based” ischosen for auxiliary 1 and STARTTIME #2 ON;

Range depends on Start and endtime #1 values.



0 to MAX Litre Only displayed if “volume based” ischosen for auxiliary 1;

Volume range depend on capacity;

Even if maximum theoreticalprogrammable value is 999999 thecontroller will take the unit capacityas maximum volume.



1 to 7200 Second Only displayed if “volume based” ischosen for auxiliary 1;

Volume range depend on capacity;

Even if maximum theoreticalprogrammable value is 9999 thecontroller will take 7200 as duration.

AUXILIARY 2 STANDBY Activates relay from beginning ofregeneration and during standbyphase.


— Any alarm or error detected by thecontroller will start signal outputfrom Auxiliary relay#2.


— —


— This choice will only available whenmetered regeneration type.

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Parameter Options Definition NoteAUX. 2: CYCLE

BASEDSP Service position Only displayed if “Cycle based” is

chosen for auxiliary 2;

Activate or de-activate for eachposition (  = deactivated;  = activated).

BW Backwash positionBD Draw and slow rinse

positionRR Rapid rinse positionRF Refill positionSB Pause position



0 to totalregenerationtime minus

1 minute

Minute Only displayed if “Time based” ischosen for auxiliary 2.



from starttime#1 plus

1 minute untiltotal






End time #1to total


1 minute

Minute Only displayed if “Time based” ischosen for auxiliary 2 and END TIME#1< total regeneration durationminus 1 minute;

Range depend on Start and end time#1 values.




From starttime #2

+ 1 minuteuntil the totalregeneration


Minute Only displayed if “Time based” ischosen for auxiliary 2 and STARTTIME #2 ON;

Range depend on Start and end time#1 values.



0 to MAX Litre Only displayed if “volume based” ischosen for auxiliary 1;

Volume range depend on capacity;

Even if maximum theoreticalprogrammable value is 999999 thecontroller will take the unit capacityas maximum volume.

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Parameter Options Definition NoteAUX. 2: VOLUME


1 to 7200 Second Only displayed if “volume based” ischosen for auxiliary 1;

Volume range depend on capacity;

Even if maximum theoreticalprogrammable value is 9999 thecontroller will take 7200 as duration.

PUSH SETTINGS ON (default) Only displayed for multi unitsystems.OFF —


ON — The non-factory configuration can beused on RESET.

OFF (default) -LOCK OPTIONS OFF (default) Lock setting prevents unexpected

access to master programming.DELAYED -ENTER CODE -TIME BASED — Entering master programming mode

1. Press and hold and simultaneously for two seconds toenter the master programming mode;

2. Set the password using , and ;

ð If the controller calls for a Password that is unknown toyou, please contact your installer.

If lock settings is activated. Settings review

Activate or deactivate the settings review mode.


• on: all parameters and current programming can be displayed but not modified;

• off: all parameters are displayed and programmable.

1. Adjust the time with and .

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Language setting

Select the displayed language.


• English;

• French;

• German;

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• Italian;

• Spanish;

• Dutch;

• Portuguese.

1. Select the system type with and ;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Assistance name 1 and 2

Edit names of assistance.


Maximum 12 characters per screen.


Press the button for 2 seconds to go immediately to next screen.

To correct a digit, Press the or button to move the cursor on a digit to correct.

1. Edit assistance name using , and ;

ð Assistance name is empty by default;

ð Each character can be chose from A to Z or stay empty;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Assistance phone

Edit phone number.


Maximum 14 digits.


Press the button for 2 seconds to go immediately to next screen.

1. Edit assistance phone using , and ;

ð Assistance phone is empty by default;

ð Each character can be chose from 1 to 9 or stay empty;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

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Select the system in which the valve(s) operate(s).


• 4: single valve;

• 5: multiple valves, parallel interlock system (2- 8 units);

• 6: multiple valves, parallel series regeneration system (2- 8 units);

• 7: duplex alternating immediate system (2 units);

• 8: duplex alternating delayed system (2 units);

• 9: multiple valves, parallel system with standby unit (2- 8 units);

• 14: multiple valves, system on-demand (2- 8 units).

1. Select the system type with and ;

ð Default system: system 4;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Example: 4 Single valve.

Example: 5 multiple valves. Number of tanks

Set the number of valves to be connected (2 to 8 valves) in the system.


Only visible in multiple valve systems and only present on the master valve.


• 2 to 8 valves in the system.

1. Select number of tanks with and ;

ð Default setting: 2 valves;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Trip points setting

Set the flow rate and switching service and standby duration.

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Only visible in system 14, and on master valve, identified by on the controllerscreen.Depending on the number of tank used in the system, there might up to 7 trip point toset up (for 8 tanks systems).

Each additional trip point might be set for a flow rate equal to the previous one plus 1 l/min.

1. Set the trip point flow rate with , and ;

ð Can be adjusted from 1 to 7569 l/min;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

3. Set the trip point service duration with , and ;

ð Can be adjusted from 1 to 90 seconds;

4. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

5. Set the trip point service standby with , and ;

ð Can be adjusted from 60 to 300 seconds;

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Example: trip point #1. Valve type

Select which valve is being used with the NXT2.


• 2510

• 2750;

• 2850;

• 2900/2910;

• 3150;

• 3900;

• 2815.

1. Set valve type at 2910 with and ;

2. Default setting: 2750;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Regeneration flow

Set the direction of flow during the brine draw cycle for softener, or set filter.

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• down flow;

• up flow (do not use for 2510 and 2850 valve types);

• filter.

1. Set regeneration flow with and ;

ð Default setting: down flow;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Regeneration type

Select the regeneration type.


The availability depends on regeneration flow (softener or filter) type programmed inthe previous step.This screen will only display for system 4 and 6.

For all other systems the regeneration type is defined by default: meter delayed forsystem 8 and meter immediate for system 5, 7, 9 and 14.


• time clock: The unit will regenerate at the preset regeneration time once the preset intervalbetween two regeneration elapsed;

• day of the week: The unit will regenerate on preset day(s) of the week at the presetregeneration time;

• softener or filter meter delayed: When volume remaining reaches zero and the scheduledregeneration time is reached (default 2 a.m. softener; 12 a.m. filter), the unit will regenerate;

• softener or filter meter immediate: When volume remaining reaches zero, the unit willregenerate.

1. Set regeneration type with and ;

ð Default regen. type: time clock;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Units

Set the unit system to be used.


• US: volume in gallons, time display 2 x  12 hours, hardness in grains;

• metric: volume in litre, time display 24 hours and hardness depends on hardness unit set(see Hardness units [}Page 102] )

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1. Set the unit system with and ;

ð Default system unit: US;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Volume override/ Volumetric

Set the volume of water between 2 cleaning/regeneration cycles.


Available only for filter metered systems.

1. Set the volume override with , and ;

ð Can be adjusted from 0 to 9’999’999 litres;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Hardness units

Set hardness unit system to be used.


This screen is displayed only if units mode programmed is metric (Units [}Page 101]).

1°F = 10 mg/L CaCO3 = 10ppm CaCO3 = 0.56°dH = 0.7 °eH


• mg/L;

• °DH: German;

• °FTH: French;

• °EH: English.

1. Set hardness unit with and ;

ð Default metric hardness unit: mg/L;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Capacity

Set the capacity of the tank where the valve is installed.

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Available only for softening metered systems.Based upon the system capacity, safety coefficient and inlet water hardness, thecontroller calculates the volume of water that the system can treat between2 regenerations.

When hardness unit is programmed in mg/L as CaCO3, the capacity must be programmedin grams as CaCO3 equivalent and correspond to the total equivalent mass of CaCO3 thatthe system can treat before requiring regeneration.

When the hardness unit is programmed in °FTH, °dH or °EH, the capacity must beprogrammed in litre and correspond to the total volume of water the system could treat ifthe inlet water hardness was 1° in the corresponding unit before requiring regeneration.

1. Set the capacity with , and ;

2. Can be adjusted from 0 to 9.999.999 grams;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Example: 3000 g of CaCO3 ofcapacity. Hardness

Set the inlet water hardness in the unit set on chapter Hardness units [}Page 102]

1. Set hardness with and ;

ð Can be adjusted from:

ð 1 – 1999 mg/l;

ð 1- 199 °F;

ð 1 — 112.0 °dH;

ð 1 — 140.2 °eH.

ð Any value programmed above the maximum value foreach unit will be discarded and considered as themaximum above mentioned value for the relevant unit.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Reserve

Set the reserve type.


Available only for softening metered systems.


• weekly reserve;

• variable reserve;

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• fixed%;

• fixed volume.

1. Select reserve type with and ;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.


Set the percentage of the total unit capacity used to calculate the unit safety reserve capacity.


The availability depends on reserve type programmed in the previous step.

1. Set the safety coefficient with , and ;

ð Can be adjusted from 0 to 50%;

ð Any value programmed above the maximum value will bediscarded and considered as the maximum abovementioned value.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

No safety factorprogrammed.

Fixed volume

Set a fixed volume as safety reserve capacity.


The availability depends on reserve type programmed in the previous step.

1. Set the reserve volume with , and ;

ð The volume range depend on capacity, in litre if metricunits were programmed or US gallon if US units wereprogrammed (see Units [}Page 101] );

ð The maximum reserve volume capacity settable willcorrespond to the half of the total volume.

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Remote regeneration

Set the regeneration type for remotely started regeneration (external dry contact input, seechapter NXT2 controller connections [}Page 57]).

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This mode can be combined with the other methods of regeneration

The remotely started regenerations overrule the other regeneration type once the signalis acquired.


• off;

• immediate;

• delayed.

1. Set the remote regeneration mode with and ;

ð Default setting: off;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Remote regenerationdeactivated. Remote signal duration

Set remote signal duration.


The availability depends on remote regeneration option programmed in the previousstep.

The contact will close after a preset signal duration. When the contact closes, remoteregeneration signal is acquired and a regeneration will start (immediate or delayed) asprogrammed in Remote regeneration [}Page 104] .

1. Set the signal duration with and ;

ð Can be adjusted from 1 to 5940 seconds;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Day of the week

Select the day of the week of regeneration.


Available only for day of the week regeneration type.


• Sunday;

• Monday;

• Tuesday;

• Wednesday;

• Thursday;

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• Friday;

• Saturday.

1. Select the days for regeneration with and ;

ð Default setting: Sunday;

ð Multi-selection is possible;

ð Not selected days are marked by and selected daysare marked by ;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Day override/time driven

Set the maximum number of days between two regenerations regardless from any otherregeneration triggering type that could be programmed.


For a timeclock valve, must be set as regeneration period in hours or days !For metered valves, must be set in days !


Not available if the regeneration type programmed is Day of week mode.

1. Adjust the number of days with and ;

ð Can be adjusted with 4H, 8H, 12H, 16H, 20H or from 1 to99 days for timeclock regeneration and from OFF to99 days for metered regeneration;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Calendar overridedeactivated.

Override every 3 days. Regeneration time

Set the time for regeneration start.


Depending on regeneration flow programmed, this parameter may be displayed or not.

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1. Adjust the time of regeneration with , and ;

2. Can be adjusted from: 00:00 to 23:59HR;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Lock setting

Set Lock Window settings: Enable lock windows then select the desired Lock Start time and LockEnd time.


Lock Window prevents the unit from regenerating during a specified time frame.Two lock windows are available (Lock Window #1 and Lock Window #2).


Before deactivating lock window #1, you must deactivate lock window #2 first,otherwise lock window #2 will remain active but not visible anymore in theprogramming.

Lock window #1

Set Lock Window #1 settings.

1. Enable lock window with and ;

ð Default setting: off;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

3. Set lock start time with and ;

4. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

5. Set lock end time with and ;

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Lock window #1 activated.

Lock window #1starts at12:00.

Lock window #1ends at13:00.

Lock window #2

Set Lock Window #2 settings.


Lock Window #2 settings are accessible only if lock windows #1 is on.

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1. Enable lock window with and ;

ð Default setting: off;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

3. Set lock start time with and ;

4. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

5. Set lock end time with and ;

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Lock window #2 activated.

Lock window #2 starts at13:00.

Lock window #2 ends at14:00. Programming regeneration cycles time

Set the regeneration cycles duration in minutes.


A maximum of 5 cycles can be programmed.For filter system only backwash and rapid rinse are available.The sequence of the regeneration cycles depends upon regenerant flow, see Systemregeneration cycle [}Page 21].

1. Adjust the cycle time with and ;

ð Can be adjusted from: 0 to 240 minutes;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

3. Repeat for each cycle.

1. Backwash: 10 min.

2. Draw: 60 min.

3. Rapid rinse: 10 min.

4. Tank Refill: 12 min.

5. Pause: not used.

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Ref. MKT-IM-002 / E — 12.11.2019 109 / 172 Meter type

Select the size of the flow meter.


Available only for softening metered systems.


• 0.75″ paddle (standard for 2510 valve series);

• 0.75″ turbine;

• 1.0″ paddle (standard for 2750 valve series);

• 1.0″ turbine;

• 1.25″ turbine;

• 1.5″ paddle (standard for 2815 and 2850 valve series);

• 1.5″ turbine:

• 2.0″ paddle (standard for 2900 and 3150 valve series);

• 3.0″ paddle (standard for 3900 valve series);

• generic.

1. Select the meter type with and ;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Generic meter

Set the generic meter settings.


Only visible if «generic» was selected as meter type in the previous step.This parameter has two settings.

• Enter the number of pulses per 1 unit of volume.

• Enter the maximum expected flow rate.

1. Set the number of pulses per litre with , and ;

2. Can be adjusted from: 0 to 1500 Pulses/L;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

4. Set the maximum flow with , and ;

5. Can be adjusted from: 67 to 7570 l/min;

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Example: 1 pulse per 1L.

Example: 2000 l/min.

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110 / 172 Ref. MKT-IM-002 / E — 12.11.2019 Continuous flow detect settings

Set continuous flow detect.


Alert appears when specified continuous flow rate is detected during service over aspecified duration.Available only for softening metered systems.Note that flow rate observed due to leaks are generally much smaller than service flowrate and this parameter must therefore be programmed accordingly.This parameter has three settings:

The first one enables or disables continuous flow detection option.

If activated, then 2 step will call for flow rate until which a permanent flow could beconsidered as a leak.

The 3rd step will call for programming the period as of which a flow rate lower or equalto the setting in step 2 is considered as a leak and therefore causes the alarm display onthe screen.



• on;

• off.

1. Set continuous flow on with and ;

2. Default setting: off;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

4. Adjust flow rate with , and ;

5. Can be adjusted from: 0.1 to 227.1 l/min;

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

7. Adjust duration with and ;

8. Can be adjusted from: 1 to 255 Hours;

9. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Continuous flow detectactivated.

Continuous flow detect -Flow rate 0.1 l/min.

Continuous flow detect -Duration 8H. Auxiliary Relays settings

Program auxiliary output relays (dry contact). To locate the relays on the board, see AUX 1 andAUX 2 at NXT2 controller connections [}Page 57].

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The NXT2 has two auxiliary relays available based on alarm, cycle, time or volume.

The following settings are auxiliary 1 settings and are the same for auxiliary 2.


• standby (activates relay from beginning of regeneration and during standby phase);

• off;

• alarm based;

• cycle based;

• time based;

• volume based.

1. Choose the options of relay with and ;

2. Default setting: disabled;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.


Cycle based

Set the cycle based relay output during regeneration.


Only visible if «cycle based» was selected as auxiliary in the previous step.

1. Choose the options of relay with and ;

ð Unselected cycle are marked by ;

ð Activated cycles are marked with a ;

ð Multi-selection is possible;

2. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Activated during selectedcycle step.

Time based

Set the time based relay output during regeneration.


Only visible if «time based» was selected as auxiliary in the previous step.

This parameter has two steps of settings for each time Start time # / End time#.

The first one activates the relay output, and the second one deactivates the relay output.

The time 0 MIN corresponds to the beginning of regeneration time.

If the first interval of activation does not cover the whole regeneration duration, it ispossible to set up a second interval.

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1. Set the relay Start time #1 with and ;

2. Can be adjusted from:0 to the total regeneration durationminus 1 minute;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

4. Set the relay End time #1 with and ;

5. Can be adjusted from: start time #1 + 1 to the totalregeneration time, in minutes;

6. Should the End time#1 be shorter than the total regenerationduration, a second interval may be programmable in theremaining period of regeneration, provide this remainingperiod is long enough to allow activation/deactivation of therelay (minimum 2 minutes are required).

7. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

Activated as of theregeneration starts.


Deactivated 10 minutes afterthe regeneration started.


1. Set the relay Start time #2 with and ;

2. Can be adjusted from: end time #1 +1 to the total regenerationduration minus 1 minute;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

4. Set the relay End time #2 with and ;

5. Can be adjusted from: start time #2 + 1 to the totalregeneration duration;

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Activated 12 minutes afterthe regeneration started.


Deactivated 150 minutesafter the regenerationstarted.


Volume based (Chemical pump)

Activate the relay output during the service for a preset duration based upon the volume of treatedwater.


Only visible for metered systems if «volume based» was selected as auxiliary in theprevious step.This parameter has two steps.

The first one determines the volume which activates the relay.

The second one determines how long the relay has to be activated once the volume haspassed.

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1. Set the relay activation volume with and ;

2. Can be adjusted from: 1L to the total capacity of a service cycleexcluding the reserve capacity.;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter;

4. Set the relay activation duration with and ;

5. Can be adjusted from: 1 to 7200 seconds;

6. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

Activates upon 1 L.


Deactivates upon 10 minute.


Select the desired Master Programming settings on one unit then push the same settings to allother connected units.


Available only for multi-valves systems.

The ability to transmit settings from one unit to all other connected units. After pushsettings are complete, you may still make unique changes to individual units.


• off;

• on.

1. Select the push settings with and ;

2. Default setting: enabled;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter. Save as non-factory


Parameters set on master programming menu can be saved as a non-factory program.

This saved program will be restorable from the reset menu.


• off;

• on.

1. Select save as non-factory option with and ;

2. Default setting: disabled;

3. Press to validate the selection and advance to the nextparameter.

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114 / 172 Ref. MKT-IM-002 / E — 12.11.2019 Lock options

Select the desired lock settings option (off, time based, delayed, or enter code).


Lock Settings prevents unexpected access to master programming.

Once lock settings option is activated, the controller returns to normal service display.

The next time accessing the menu, the controller will call for either a password, or willgrant access to menu only if programmed conditions are fulfilled.

Contact your supplier for more information.


• off;

• delayed;

• enter Code;

• time Based.

1. Select save as non-factory option with and ;

2. Default setting: disabled;

3. Press to validate the selection. Parameters saving


When the last parameter is set and the button pressed (after lock settings), thecontroller updates the database based on the new programming.

The main screen appears and valve status is initializing.

Wait until updating is finished, this may take a few seconds.

6.2.6 Diagnostic Commands


Depending on current settings, some displays cannot be viewed.If none of the buttons are pushed for 5 minutes in the Diagnostic mode, or if there is apower failure, the controller returns to Service mode.

1. Press and hold to enter the Diagnostic mode.

2. Press to see the next data group or press to return to previous data group.

3. Press and hold to exit the Diagnostic mode at any time.

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The display is updated every second. Peak flow rate


The controller registers the highest flow rate since the last regeneration. Totalizer


The controller registers the total volume of treated water that passes through themeter since start-up (or last hard reset).

1. To reset, press and hold the buttons and for 5 secondsuntil the display shows zero. Reserve


Shows the reserve capacity settings. Use since regeneration


Shows the volume at the outlet since last regeneration

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Shows the position of the valve in a multiple valve system. Last regeneration


Shows the number of hours since the last regeneration, indicating the duration of thecurrent service cycle. Software version


Shows the version of the software loaded in the controller.


In case of use of multiple valves system, verify the controller’s software compatibility ! Number of regeneration


Shows number of regeneration since installation. Regeneration interval


Shows duration between regenerations.

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Shows when the last settings change occurred. Error log


The last 20 error or alarm events are registered showing time and date of occurrences. Sunday average daily usage


Shows average water consumption on Sunday. Sunday- daily usage


Shows water consumption for the last 20 Sunday. Monday average daily usage


Shows average water consumption on Monday.

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Shows water consumption for the last 20 Monday. Tuesday average daily usage


Shows average water consumption on Tuesday. Tuesday- daily usage


Shows water consumption for the last 20 Tuesday. Wednesday average daily usage


Shows average water consumption on Wednesday. Wednesday- daily usage


Shows water consumption for the last 20 Wednesday.

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Shows average water consumption on Thursday. Thursday- daily usage


Shows water consumption for the last 20 Thursday. Friday average daily usage


Shows average water consumption on Friday. Friday- daily usage


Shows water consumption for the last 20 Friday. Saturday average daily usage


Shows average water consumption on Saturday.

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Shows water consumption for the last 20 Saturday.

6.2.7 Resetting the controller


Once you have completed this operation, check all programming steps !


There are two options to reset: reset to factory defaults or reset to Non-FactoryDefaults.

Reset to factory defaults will set all the parameters to factory default values.

Reset to non-factory defaults will set all the parameters to previously saved defaultvalues.


• back: acces to main screen without resetting;

• reset to factory defaults;

• reset to non-factory defaults.

1. Power on the unit;

2. WhenPentair’s logo appears, press and hold ;

ð The Reset menu appears;

3. Select reset option with and ;

ð Default setting: reset to factory defaults;

4. Press to validate the selection.

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7 Commissioning


This chapter is available for standard regeneration flows. Contact your supplier if theactual regeneration is not standard and if you need assistance.

7.1 Water filling, draining and waterproofness inspection

7.1.1 Activating a single valve system (System 4)

1. With the bypass still in Bypass position (inlet and outlet of the valve closed), plug in the NXT/NXT2 controller to the power source.

2. Proceed to programming according to system specification if not done yet.

3. Start a manual regeneration by pressing the regen button for 5 seconds. The piston will moveinto backwash position. Once in this position, unplug the NXT/NXT2 controller from the powersource.

4. With the outlet manual valve still closed, slowly open the inlet manual valve. The valve andtank will slowly get filled with raw water, allowing air to be purged by the drain. Open the inletprogressively until fully open position.

5. Once the drain runs clear and the inlet manual valve fully open, plug in again the NXT/NXT2controller to the power source.

6. Push on the regen button once to move the piston to the next regeneration cycle position.Leave the valve 1 minute in each position and move to the next one, until C4 or Cycle 4/5 isdisplayed. When C4 or Cycle 4/5 is displayed, let the valve run the entire cycle and check thelevel of water in the brine tank. The level of water in the brine tank should be about 5 cmabove the salt platform. You may want to mark the level on the brine tank as this can be usedas an indicator for the future lifetime of the softener.

7. Once C5 or Cycle 5/5 is completed, the valve will automatically go back into service position(unless non-standard regen sequence is programmed). Start again a manual regeneration bypressing for 5 seconds on the regen button. The valve will move to backwash position.

8. Press the regen button once to move to brine draw position. Check to see in the brine tank ifthe water level decreases.

9. Once the draw function is observed and confirmed (level of water in the brine tank hasdecreased), you may go through each cycle pushing on the regen button until C5 or Cycle 5/5,leave the water come back to the ‘full’ level, and then push on the regen button so that thevalve returns into service position.

10. Slowly open the outlet manual valve, and close the bypass manual valve. The system is now inservice.

11. Fill the brine tank with salt. You may want to mark the level of water in the brine tank whencompletely refilled with water and full of salt. In the future, after each regeneration, you canvisually control that the quantity of water refilled should be between the 2 marks done.Marking are optional, but may allow to visually detect a irregularity during regeneration thatmay lead to softener inefficiency.

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12. With the brine tank completely refilled and full of salt, adjust the safety brine valve in thebrine well. Make sure the overflow elbow is installed above the float level and the dischargepoint.

13. After the softener has been running a few minutes in service, proceed to hardness test onoutlet water to make sure the water is treated as per requirements.

7.1.2 Activating a multiple valves system (Systems 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 14)

1. Follow the previous procedure for each tank of the system.


In order to save time, program first all tanks as single system 4.

Proceed to start up as described above for each tank, then program the correct systemtype and valve addresses (NXT only, NXT2 featuring automatic valve addressing) andeventually set/trip points in case of system 14. Triplex and quadruplex system

After start up is complete and system is synchronized according to the system type program,adjust manually the tanks remaining capacities per tank in the diagnostic mode. If the capacity ofall tanks in service are equal after start up, then the system could show the unwanted situationwhere several tanks are fully exhausted at the same time, leading to uncertain treated waterquality for a short period. This can be avoided by manually balancing the capacities of the differenttanks at start up. Note that this operation may require to be done regularly during normal servicelife of the system.


Assuming a triplex system 5 or 9. The valve with address 1, is set capacity at 50% of its realcapacity in the diagnostic mode. The valve with address 2 is set it at 75% and the valve withaddress 3 is left at the real capacity. (Depending on the resin volume, you may also choose tobalance on 33%, 66% and 100%). The tanks in service will reach exhausted state at differentmoment.

Once regenerated, each tank will restart its cycle with 100% of its capacity as programmed.

The capacity adjustment in the diagnostic mode is valid only for the current cycle, it does not affectnot modify the programmed system capacity.

7.2 Sanitization

7.2.1 Disinfection of water softeners

The materials of construction of the modern water softener will not support bacterial growth, norwill these materials contaminate a water supply. In addition, during normal use, a softener maybecome polluted with organic matter, or in some cases with bacteria from the water supply. Thismay result in an off-taste or odour in the water.

Thus, your softener may need to be disinfected after installation. Some softeners will requireperiodic disinfection during their normal lifetime. Consult your installing dealer for moreinformation on disinfecting your softener.

Depending on the conditions of use, the softener type, the type of ion exchanger and thedisinfectant available, a choice can be made among the following methods.

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7.2.2 Sodium or calcium hypochlorite

These materials are satisfactory for use with polystyrene resins, synthetic gel zeolite, greensandand bentonites.

5.25% Sodium hypochlorite

If stronger solutions are used, such as those sold for commercial laundries, adjust the dosageaccordingly.


Polystyrene resin: set 1.25 mL fluid per 1 L of resin.

Non-resinous exchangers: set 0.85 mL fluid per 1 L.

Brine tank softeners

Backwash the softener and add the required amount of hypochlorite solution to the well of thebrine tank. The brine tank should have water in it to permit the solution to be carried into thesoftener.

Proceed with the normal regeneration.

Calcium hypochlorite

Calcium hypochlorite, 70% available chlorine, is available in several forms including tablets andgranules. These solid materials may be used directly without dissolving before use.

Do not let the disinfectant stand for more than 3 hours in the brine tank before the regenerationstart.


Measure two grains ~ 0.11 mL for 1 L.

Brine tank softeners

Backwash the softener and add the required amount of hypochlorite to the well of the brine tank.The brine tank should have water in it to permit the chlorine solution to be carried into thesoftener.

Proceed with the normal regeneration.

7.2.3 Electro chlorination

Valves or systems already equipped with an electrochlorinator device or system will be sanitizedduring the brine draw phase.

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8 Operation

8.1 Display

8.1.1 NXT controller During service

• Single valve in service in timeclock mode:

• single valve in service in volume immediate or delayed mode:

• lead valve in regeneration queued in interlock system:

• valve 3 in service in serial regeneration system: During regeneration

During regeneration the display shows the cycle number and the time remaining for that cycle.The countdown for the time remaining starts only when the valve is in the cycle displayed.

• Cycle 1, time remaining 10 min:

• cycle 2, time remaining 1 hour 20 min:

• cycle 3, time remaining 50 min:

• cycle 4, time remaining 2 hours 40 min:

• cycle 5, time remaining 15 min:

8.1.2 NXT2 controller During service

• Single valve in service in timeclock mode:

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• single valve in service in volume immediate or delayed mode:

• lead valve in regeneration queued in interlock system:

• window lock activated in serial regeneration system:

• remote lock activated in serial regeneration system: During regeneration

During regeneration the display shows the cycle number and the time remaining for that cycle.The countdown for the time remaining starts only when the valve is in the cycle displayed.

• The timer advance to regeneration cycle step #1: During transition to cycle:

• cycle step #1, time remaining 10 min: Once in position:

• the timer advance to regeneration cycle step #2: During transition to cycle:

• cycle step #2, time remaining 1 hour 20 min: Once in position:

• the timer advance to regeneration cycle step #3: During transition to cycle:

• cycle step #3, time remaining 50 min: Once in position:

• the timer advance to regeneration cycle step #4: During transition to cycle:

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• cycle step #4, time remaining 2 hours 40 min: Once in position:

• the timer advance to regeneration cycle step #5: During transition to cycle:

• cycle step #5, time remaining 15 min: Once in position:

8.1.3 LED status

Blue → the unit is in service and no errors detected;Blue flashing → the unit is in service with a queued regeneration;Green → the unit is in regeneration;Green flashing → the unit is in standby position, in a multi tank system;Red → the controllers have detected an error;All LED flashing → delayed unlock, only forNXT2.

8.2 Recommendations• Use only regeneration salts designed for water softening in accordance with EN973;

• for optimal system operation, the use of clean salt, free from impurities, is recommended (forexample salt pellets);

• do not use ice melt, block, or rock salts;

• the sanitizing process (both with liquid and electrochlorination) may introduce chlorinecompounds which may reduce the lifetime of the ion exchange resins. Refer to the technicalguides for resins in common use, providing necessary checks on the system.

8.3 Manual regeneration


The controller must be in service in order to enable this procedure !

8.3.1 Manual delayed regeneration

1. Press (for NXT ) or (for NXT2 ) once for delayed regeneration.

ð The regeneration starts on the programmed regeneration time. See chapterRegeneration start time [}Page 76] for NXT and chapter Regeneration time [}Page 106]for NXT2;

ð For NXT: The blue LED flashes and the letters RGQ take place on the valve state;

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ð For NXT2: The blue LED and the symbol on the valve state flash.


To cancel: press (for NXT) or (for NXT2) again.

For NXT: The blue LED stop flashing and the letters SRV take place on the valve status.

For NXT2: The blue LED and the symbol stop flashing.

8.3.2 Immediate regeneration

1. Press and hold (for NXT) or (for NXT2) for 5 seconds to initiate immediate manualregeneration, regardless from the programmed regeneration mode.

8.3.3 To advance regeneration cycles

1. Press (for NXT) or (for NXT2) to pass to the next regeneration cycle.

8.3.4 To stop a regeneration (NXT2 only)

1. Press and hold to stop the regeneration.

8.4 Operation during a power failure• All the program settings are stored in a permanent memory;

• current valve position, cycle step time elapsed, and time of day are stored during a powerfailure, and will be restored upon power restoration;

• time is kept during a power failure and the time of day is adjusted upon restoration of thepower (as long as the power is restored within 12 hours);

• the time of day on the main display screen will flash after a power failure once the power isrestored until any button is pressed on the keyboard.

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9 Maintenance


Cleaning, maintenance and service operation shall take place at regular intervals andmust be done by qualified personnel only in order to guarantee the proper functioningof the complete system.

Report mainteance done in the Maintenance chapter of the User Guide document.

Failure in respecting above instructions may void the warranty!

9.1 General system inspection


Must be done, at minimum, once a year !

9.1.1 Water quality Valve used for softening

1. Raw water total hardness.

2. Treated water hardness. Valve used for filtration

1. Check for raw water analysis and filter’s targeted contaminants concentration.

2. Check for treated water analysis and compare with raw water data.

9.1.2 Mechanical Checks

1. Inspect general condition of softener/filter and associated ancillaries and check for any leaks,ensure valve connection to piping is made with adequate flexibility as per manufacturerinstruction.

2. Inspection of electrical connections, verify wiring connections and search for evidence ofoverloading.

3. Verify settings of electronic timer, verify regeneration frequency, and make sure the valveconfiguration is appropriate for media and tank size.

4. Check water meter, if present, report water meter settings and compare with previousinspection.

5. If water meter is present, verify total water consumption compared to previous visit.

6. If pressure gauges are installed before and after softening/filtering system, verify and recordstatic and dynamic pressure, reporting pressure drop. Verify that inlet pressure respectsvalve and softening/filtering system limits. Verify that pressure drop stay stable year on year,adapt backwash duration if required.

7. If pressure gauges are not present, but suitable points exist, install temporary pressuregauge(s) to perform precedent point.

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9.1.3 Regeneration test Valve used for softening

1. Check condition of brine tank and any associated equipment.

2. Check salt level in brine tank.

3. Initiate regeneration test.

ð Check brine draw during brine draw stage.

ð Check brine tank refill.

ð Check operation of safety brine valve, where fitted.

ð Check for brine draw off levels.

ð Check for resin loss at the drain during regeneration.

ð Where fitted, check for satisfactory operation of solenoid, i.e. outlet shut off duringregeneration and/or brine line shut off valve(s).

4. Test and record Total Hardness of outlet water from softener vessel(s). Valve used for filtration

1. Initiate manual regeneration and observe flow to drain.

2. Make sure flow rate correspond to DLFC configuration.

3. Check for media loss at the drain during backwash.

4. Check to see if water runs clear at the end of the backwash cycle.

5. Observe flow fast rinse cycle and measure pressure drop thought the filter system. Pressuredrop after fast rinse should return equal or very close to pressure drop recorded aftersystem start-up.

6. Where fitted, check for satisfactory operation of solenoid valve(s) i.e. outlet shut off duringregeneration.

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9.2 Recommended maintenance plan

9.2.1 Valve used for softening

Items 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 yearInjector & filter Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean/ replace

if necessaryBLFC*** Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean/ replace

if necessaryDLFC*** Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean/ replace

if necessaryBypass (ifpresent,containsOrings***)

Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean/replaceif necessary

Piston* Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Replace Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Replace Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Seals &spacers*

Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Replace Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Replace Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Brine valve Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Check/clean/replace ifnecessary

Check/clean/replace ifnecessary


O-rings*** Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakageMotors Check Check Check Check ReplaceGearing Check Check Check Check Check/ replace

if necessaryInlet hardness Check Check Check Check CheckResidualhardness

Check/adaptmixing screw if


Check/adaptmixing screw if


Check/adaptmixing screw if


Check/adaptmixing screw if


Check/adaptmixing screw if


Check Check Check Check Check/ replaceif necessary

Transformer** Check Check Check Check Check/ replaceif necessary

Microswitches Check Check Check Check ReplaceMeter(s)*(if present)

Check andClean

Check andClean

Check andClean

Check andClean


Meter cable(s)*(if present)

Check Check Check Check Replace

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Items 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 yearValvewatertightness

Check Check Check Check Check

Valve to pipingwatertightness

Check Check Check Check Check

* Wear parts — durability strongly affected by raw water quality and regeneration frequency.

** Electronic parts – durability strongly affected by power source quality and stability.

*** Elastomer durability is strongly affected by raw water concentration in chlorine and itsderivative.

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9.2.2 Valve used for filtration

Items 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 yearDLFC*** Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean/ replace

if necessaryBypass (ifpresent,containsOrings***)

Clean Clean Clean Clean Clean/replaceif necessary

Piston* Replace Replace Replace Replace ReplaceSeals &spacers*

Replace Replace Replace Replace Replace

O-rings*** Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakage

Check forwatertightness

/clean orreplace in case

of leakageMotors Check Check Check Check ReplaceGearing Check Check Check Check Check/ replace

if necessaryElectronic/settings**

Check Check Check Check Check/ replaceif necessary

Transformer** Check Check Check Check Check/ replaceif necessary

Microswitches Check Check Check Check ReplaceMeter(s)* (ifpresent)

Check andClean

Check andClean

Check andClean

Check andClean


Meter cable(s)*(if present)

Check Check Check Check Replace


Check Check Check Check Check

Valve to pipingwatertightness

Check Check Check Check Check

* Wear parts — durability strongly affected by raw water quality and regeneration frequency.

** Electronic parts – durability strongly affected by power source quality and stability.

*** Elastomer durability is strongly affected by raw water concentration in chlorine and itsderivative.

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9.3 Recommendations

9.3.1 Use original spare parts

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to use of non-genuine spare parts !

To ensure correct operation and safety of the device, only use original spare parts andaccessories recommended by the manufacturer.

Usage of non-genuine spare parts voids all warranties.

Parts to keep in stock for potential replacements are the pistons, S&S kit, injectors, micro-switches and motors. Refer to maintenance sheet.

9.3.2 Use original approved lubricants

• Dow Corning #7 Release Agent.

9.3.3 Maintenance instructions

• Disinfect and clean the system at least once a year or if the treated water has an off-taste oran unusual odor;

• perform a hardness test every year of both inlet and treated water.

9.4 Cleaning and maintenance

9.4.1 First steps

Before any cleaning or maintenance procedure, complete the following steps:


These operations must be performed before any cleaning or maintenance procedure !

1. Unplug the wall-mounted transformer.

2. Shut off water supply or put bypass valve(s) into bypass position.

3. Relieve system pressure before performing any operations.

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9.4.2 Power head and/or motor replacement Valve with NXT controller


As the DC motor is equipped with an AC to DC converter, AC and DC motors can be usedwith the NXT controller.

1. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (1) and open the cover (2).

2. Using a Philips screwdriver, unscrew (3) and open the controller (4).

3. Disconnect the motor (6).

4. Using pliers, remove the connecting pin (5).

5. Using a 19 mm wrench, unscrew the brine valve nut (9).

6. Using a flat screwdriver or an 11 mm wrench, unscrew (8) and remove the motor (6).

7. Remove microswitches (7) and the cams (10), see Micro-switches replacement [}Page 144]and Cams replacement [}Page 146].

8. Change the motor (6) and reverse above procedure steps to rebuild

AC motor DC motor

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Ref. MKT-IM-002 / E — 12.11.2019 135 / 172 Valve with NXT2 controller

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to AC motor use !

Use only DC motor with NXT2 controller.

1. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (1) and open the cover (2).

2. Open the controller (3).

3. Disconnect the motor (5).

4. Using pliers, remove the connecting pin (4).

5. Using a 19 mm wrench, unscrew the brine valve nut (8).

6. Using a flat screwdriver or an 11 mm wrench, unscrew (7) and remove the motor (5).

7. Remove the microswitches (6) and cams (9), see Micro-switches replacement [}Page 144]and Cams replacement [}Page 146].

8. Change the motor (5) and reverse above procedure steps to rebuild

DC motor

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9.4.3 Lower power head motor replacement

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to AC motor use !

Use only DC motor with NXT2 controller.


As the DC motor is equipped with a AC to DC converter, AC and DC motors can be usedwith the NXT controller.

1. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (2) and remove the cover (1).

2. Disconnect the motor (8).

3. Remove the cams and micro-switches, see Cams replacement [}Page 146] and Micro-switches replacement.

4. Using pliers, remove the retaining clip (4).

5. Using a 6 mm Allen key, unscrew (3) and remove the motor (5).

6. Reverse above procedure steps to rebuild

AC motor DC motor

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9.4.4 NXT to NXT2 controller upgrade


As NXT2 controller functions only with DC motors, in case of NXT to NXT2 controllerupgrade, the AC motor must be changed for a DC motor !

1. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (1) and open the cover (2).

2. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (3) and open the NXT controller (4).

3. Disconnect the NXT controller (4).

4. Remove the pin (12), the O-ring (11) ant the NXT controller (4).

5. Remove the cams and micro-switches, see Cams replacement [}Page 146] and Micro-switches replacement [}Page 144].

6. Using pliers, remove the connecting pin (5).

7. Using a 22 mm wrench, unscrew the brine valve nut (9).

8. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (10) and remove the upper AC motor assembly (7) and theback plate (8) from valve body (6).

9. Fit in place the back plate (8) and the new upper DC motor assembly (13) on the body valve(6).

10. Using a flat screwdriver, screw (10) to fix the new upper DC motor assembly (13).

11. Using a 22 mm wrench, screw the brine valve nut (9).

12. Using pliers, fit in place the connecting pin (5).

13. Remount the cams and micro-switches, see Cams replacement [}Page 146] and Micro-switches replacement [}Page 144].

14. Using the pin (12) and the O-ring (11), fix the NXT2 controller holder (14) on the back plate (8).

15. Connect the NXT2 controller (15), see NXT2 controller connections [}Page 57].

16. Clip the NXT2 controller (15) in the controller holder (14).

17. Close the NXT2 controller (15).

18. Close the cover (2), and using a flat screwdriver, screw (1).

19. Change the lower power head AC motor for a DC motor, see Lower power head motorreplacement [}Page 136].

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9.4.5 NXT2 controller replacement

1. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (1) and open the cover (2).

2. Press on the clips (3) and remove the controller (4).

3. Disconnect the controller (4).

4. Connect the new NXT2 controller (5), see NXT2 controller connections [}Page 57].

5. Clip the new NXT2 controller (5) in the controller holder (6).

6. Close the cover (2) and using a flat screwdriver screw (1).

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9.4.6 Upper piston and/or seal and spacer kit disassembly/replacement

1. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (1) and open the cover (2).

2. Using pliers, remove the connecting pin (3).

3. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (4) and remove the motor assembly (6).

4. Using a 22 mm wrench, unscrew the brine valve nut (7) and remove the upper power head (5).

5. Using pliers, remove the piston (10).

Caution — material

Risk of damage on piston due to wrench use !

Usind a wrench on piston rod coating will cause leakages.

6. Using a small hook, remove a seal (9).

7. Using the puller, remove an upper spacer (12).

8. Repeat the two previous steps for all the seals and spacers.

9. Put back the first new spacer (8) using the stuffer.

10. Lubricate each new seals (9).

11. Put back a seal (9) using the stuffer.

12. Put back a spacer (12) using the stuffer.

13. Repeat the two previous steps for all the seals and spacers.

14. Lubricate the piston o-ring (11).

15. Put back the piston (10).

16. Follow the first four steps of this procedure in reverse order to rebuild.

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to wrong lubricant use !

Do not use petroleum-based lubricants such as vaseline, oils, or hydrocarbon-basedlubricants.

Use only approved silicone grease or soapy water ! Special tools needed

1 2

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Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 13061 Puller 12 11098 Stuffer 1

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9.4.7 Lower piston and/or seal and spacer kit replacement

1. Using a flat screwdriver, unscrew (1) and open the cover (2).

2. Using pliers, remove the connecting pin (5).

3. Using a 6 mm Allen key, unscrew (3) and remove the lower power head (4).

4. Using pliers, remove the piston (8).

Caution — material

Risk of damage on piston due to wrench use !

Usind a wrench on piston rod coating will cause leakages.

5. Using a small hook, remove a lower seal (10).

6. Using the puller, remove a thin lower spacer (6).

7. Using a small hook, remove a lower seal (10).

8. Using the puller, remove the large lower spacer (7).

9. Using a small hook, remove a lower seal (10).

10. Using the puller, remove a thin lower spacer (6).

11. Using a small hook, remove a lower seal (10).

12. Put some lubricant on each new seals (10).

13. Lubricate the piston o-ring (9).

14. Using the stuffer, follow 11 first steps of this prucedure in reverse order to rebuild.

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to wrong lubricant use !

Do not use petroleum-based lubricants such as vaseline, oils, or hydrocarbon-basedlubricants.

Use only approved silicone grease or soapy water ! Special tools needed

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 12682 Puller 12 12683 Stuffer 1

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9.4.8 Micro-switches replacement Upper motor

1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew (3), extract the micro-switches (2) and protections (1).

2. Reverse above procedure steps to rebuild.

AC motor

DC motor

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1. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew (3), extract the micro-switches (2) and protections (1).

2. Reverse above procedure steps to rebuild.

AC motor

DC motor

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9.4.9 Cams replacement Upper motor

1. Using a pin punch, remove the pins (2).

2. Remove the cams (1).

3. Replace the cams (1) ensuring they are in the same position.

4. Using pliers, replace the pins (2).

AC motor

DC motor

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1. Using a 6 mm wrench, unscrew (7), remove the washer (6) and the pointer (5).

2. Using pliers, remove the circlip (4) and the arm (3).

3. Using a pin punch, remove the pins (1).

4. Remove the cam (2).

5. Reverse above procedure steps to rebuild.

AC motor

DC motor

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9.4.10 Injector cleaning

1. Using an 8 mm and a 20 mm wrench, unscrew the screws (1) and the brine valve nut (2).

2. Using flat screwdrivers, remove the injectors (5) and (6) from injector body (8).

3. Clean the injectors (5) and (6) and the filter (7) using compressed air, a soft brush or possiblya pin.

4. Lubricate on the gaskets (4) and (9) using silicone grease.

5. Assemble as shown the injector in the valve body (10).

6. Reverse above procedure steps to rebuild.

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9.4.11 BLFC cleaning

1. Using 16 mm and 21 mm wrenches, release the nuts (2) and remove the tube (1).

2. Using a 22 mm wrench, remove the flow washer housing (3) from the brine valve.

3. Using pliers, remove the grid (4) from the flow washer housing (3).

4. Remove the flow washer (5) from grid (4).

5. Clean or change the flow washer (5).

6. Lubricate the seal (6) with approved silicone lubricant only.

7. Reverse the first four steps of the procedure to rebuild.


The flow washers (5) have to be installed with their chamfered side facing the waterstream flow.

Flow indication must be visible after the washer (5) is placed on the flow washer housing(3).

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9.4.12 DLFC cleaning

1. Using a 39 mm wrench, unscrew and remove the flow washer housing (1).

2. Remove the flow washer (2) from the flow washer housing (1).

3. Clean or change the flow washer (2).

4. Reverse above procedure steps to rebuild.


The flow washers (2) have to be installed with their chamfered side facing the waterstream flow.

Flow indication must be visible after the washer (2) is placed on the flow washer housing(1).

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9.4.13 Valve on tank assembly

1. Lubricate the seals with approved silicone grease.

2. Spin the valve (1) onto the tank (2), ensuring the threads are not cross-threaded.

3. Rotate the valve (1) clockwise and freely, without using force until it comes to a stop.


This stop position is considered point zero.

4. Rotate the valve (1) clockwise from point zero to between ¼ turn and ½ turn.

Caution — material

Risk of damage due to excessive force !

Do NOT exceed 27 Nm of torque when installing the valve. Exceeding this limit maydamage the threads and cause failure.

Point 0 ½ turnPoint 0

¼ turn

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10 Troubleshooting

10.1 Error detection


It can take up to 30 seconds before an error can be detected and displayed.


All the errors must be displayed on each controller before they can be corrected !

• If an error is detected, the status LED light will be red;

• during an error condition, the unit continues to monitor flow and update the remainingcapacity. Once an error condition is corrected, the unit returns to the operating status it wasin prior to the error, and regeneration resumes according to normal programming;

• if an error is cleared by reprogramming the unit in the Master Programming Mode, thevolume remaining may be reset to the full unit capacity (as though it had just regenerated);

• if an error is present, a regeneration can only occur manually by pressing and holding or

for 5 seconds;

• if the unit was in regeneration when the error occurred, it completes the regeneration cycleand goes to service;

• when the problem is corrected, and the error no longer displays (it may take several secondsfor the unit to stop displaying the error message), the unit returns to normal operation. Thestatus LED light is no longer Red, and turns Green if the unit is regenerating, or Blue if theunit is in service.

Problem Cause SolutionWater softener fails toregenerate

Electrical service to unit has beeninterrupted.

Assure permanent electricalservice (check fuse, plug,switch…).

Timer is defective. Replace controller.Power failure. Reset time of day.

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Problem Cause SolutionHard water By-pass valve is open. Close by-pass valve.

No salt is in brine tank. Add salt to brine tank andmaintain salt level above waterlevel.

Injector screen plugged. Clean injector screen.Insufficient water flowing intobrine tank.

Check brine tank fill time andclean brine line flow control ifpugged.

Leak at the distributor tube. Make sure distributor tube is notcracked. Check o-ring and tubepilot.

Internal valve leak. Replace seals and spacers and/orpiston.

Excessive saltconsumption

Improper salt setting. Check salt usage and salt setting.Excessive water in brine tank. See problem «Excessive water in

brine tank» below.Controller cyclescontinuously

Maladjusted, broken or shortedmicro-switch.

Determine if micro-switch orcontroller is faulty and replace it,or replace complete power head.

Loss of water pressure Iron buildup in line to watersoftener.

Clean line to water softener.

Iron buildup in water softener. Clean controller and add mineralcleaner to mineral bed. Increasefrequency of regeneration.

Inlet of softener plugged due toforeign material broken loosefrom pipes by recent work doneon plumbing system.

Remove piston and clean thepiston chamber.

Loss of mineral throughdrain line

Air in water system. Assure that well system hasproper air eliminator control.Check for dry well condition.

Improperly sized drain line flowcontrol.

Check for proper drain rate.

Iron in conditioned water Fouled mineral bed. Check backwash, brine draw andbrine tank refill. Increasefrequency of regeneration.Increase backwash time.

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Problem Cause SolutionExcessive water in brinetank

Plugged drain line flow control. Clean flow control.Plugged injector system. Clean injector and screen.Controller is not cycling. Replace controller.Foreign material in brine valve. Replace brine valve seat and clean

valve.Foreign material in brine line flowcontrol.

Clean brine line flow control.

Softener fails to drawbrine

Drain line flow is plugged. Clean drain line flow control.Injector is plugged. Clean injector.Injector screen is plugged. Clean screen.Line pressure is too low. Increase line pressure to 1.4 bar.Internal valve leaks. Change seals, spacers and piston

assembly.Cam did not cycle. Check drive motor and micro-

switches.Drain flows continuously Controller is not programming

correctly.Check controller program andpositioning of controls. Replacepower head assembly if notpositioning properly.

Foreign material in valve body. Remove power head assemblyand inspect bore. Remove foreignmaterial and check valve body invarious regeneration positions.

Internal valve leak. Replace seals and pistonassembly.

10.2 Programming errorIf reprogramming the unit clears the error, the remaining volume may be reset to full unitcapacity (as if it had just regenerated).

• All the units in service remain in service;

• all the units in standby go to service;

• when the error appears, the unit in regeneration finishes the regeneration and goes toservice;

• no regeneration starts while the error condition remains.

When the programming problem is corrected and the error is no longer displayed (it may takeseveral seconds for all the units of the system to stop displaying the error), the system returns tonormal operation.

Some examples of programming errors detected are:

• valve address doubled;

• power failure;

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• system size: ex. programmed for 4 units, but there are only 2 units;

• units of measure do not correspond between the different valves of the system;

• wrong type of valve programmed.

Cause SolutionMore than one unit programmed with the sameposition number.

Program correctly the units using only once perposition number.

Flashing display. There was a power failure.Units of measure do not correspond: units havedifferent units of measure programmed.

Check and program all units in the system withthe same units of measure.

System size: the number of units in the systemdoes not correspond to the numberprogrammed and vice versa.

Check to make sure that system number andnumber of units correspond.

10.3 Examples of error displayed

10.3.1 NXT controller

• The unit 2 has been reset;

– Reprogram the unit.

• there is no message from unit 3;

– The number indicate the unit to be checked in the system.

– Check that communication cables are connected.

– Check the valve address.• there are more units in the system than programmed in the

lead (#1) unit;

• the programmed values do not match, check the valuesprogrammed in each unit;

– Example: Display format different from one unit to theother.

– Example: System of 4 units, but only 2 detected orconnected.

• programmed position of units incorrect.

– Lead unit (#1) not programmed.

– 2 or more units are programmed with the same address.

10.3.2 NXT2 controller

• Number of NXT2 detected does not match selected systemtype in Master Programming;

– Push correct valve settings in Master Settings and checkwiring.

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• the motor is on but no encoder pulses are detected or CAMSwitches change state within a given duration;

– Verify correct valve type is chosen. Trigger a manualregeneration.

• motor current exceeds thresholds;

– Call your supplier.

• flow exceeded specified threshold for a specific duration;

– Call water treatment specialist.

• during a setting push, a packet was missing;

– Reconnect communication cables and push setting inMaster Settings.

• the system type among connected units does not match;

– Push correct system settings in Master Settings. Check allprogramming steps without changing settings.

• hardware or software error;

– Call your supplier.

• 100 Days have expired without a regeneration;

– Trigger a manual regeneration. Check user programming,meter cable and meter functionality.

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11 Spare parts and options

11.1 Valve parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 VCPHINDUS1 Power head 2510/2750/2850/2910

See Power head parts list [}Page 159].


2 28416-US Piston assy 2910 upper DF 1- 28417-US Piston assy 2910 upper UF 13 28415 S&S kit upper 1- BU28414 S&S kit 2750/2900/2910 upper HW 14 — Brine valve

See Brine valve parts list [}Page 162].


5 11893SP Injector flat cover 106 24874SP Screw THM 5×8 inj 507 — Injector

See Injector parts list [}Page 161].


8 BU28515-01 Valve body assy 2910 DF 1- BU28515-02 body assy 2910 DF/NBP 1- BU28515-03 body assy 2910 DF HW 1

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Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

— BU28515-04 body assy 2910 DF/NBP HW 1- BU28515-05 Valve body assy 2910 UF 1- BU28515-06 Valve body assy 2910 UF/NBP 19 19925SP Gasket injector block 10

10 16735SP Flow washer 12 gpm 5- 16736SP Flow washer 15 gpm 5- 16737SP Flow washer 25 gpm 5

11 16738SP Flow control retainer 1012 25581-ALL DLFC kit 1” 2850/9500 10 to 25 gpm 113 28411 VB 2910 without o-ring 114 13575-01SP O-ring 560 CD top of tank 515 13577-01SP O-ring 560 CD distributor tube 1016 24205 S&S kit 2900/2910 lower 1- 26107 S&S kit 2900/2910 lower HW 1

17 28412-US Piston assy lower 2900/2910 WBP Std & HW 1- 28413-US Piston assy lower 2900/2910 NBP Std & HW 1

18 PH2910-001 Power head adapter 2910 adapt 24V/50Hz 1 Msw formechanical valves


— PH2910-002 Power head adapter 2900/2910 adapt NXT/NXT2 24V/50Hz 1- PH2910-006 Power head adapter 2910 230V no controller 1

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11.2 Power head parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 26260 Transformer 24 VAC, 60 VA 1- 44415 Transformer 24 VDC 13 BU28713 Controller assy NXT 14 BR61702-03 Circuit board NXT 1

28008 Harness pulse controller 3230 (not shown) 1- 40400 Harness motor ex 11667 (not shown) 1- 40422SP Wire nut tan (not shown) 50- 40941 Wire Harness, upper driver 15 21595 Circuit board NXT2 16 21594 Controller assy NXT2 17 40941 Wire Harness, upper driver 18 26217-01 Cover assy grey — clear window 19 10231SP Screw hex head industrial 50

10 27204-31 Drive motor assy 2910 DF 24 VAC (Obsolete 04/2019) 1

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Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

— 27927-31 Drive motor assy 24 VAC/50Hz 2910 UF (Obsolete 04/2019) 111 29206 Drive motor assy 2910 DF 24V DC 1- 29207 Drive motor assy 2910 UF 24 VDC 1

12 25351 Guide cable & cable assy 113 28114-06 Meter cable NXT/NXT2 0.7 m 1- 28114-08 Meter cable NXT/NXT2 2.5 m (Std kit NXT/NXT2) 1- 28114-09 Meter cable NXT/NXT2 7.7 m 1

14 28704SP Plug 1015 13547SP Strain relief 24V 50

11.3 Lower power head parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 18709-50 Back plate 2900/2910 Lower 12 18357-01 AC Motor assy 2910 adapt 24 V (Obsolete April 2019) 1- 29208 DC Motor assy 2910 adapt 24 V 13 21361SP Screw TCHCM 8×16 504 26218-01 Cover assy 2900/2910 lower grey 15 40943 Harness 3200 NXT/NXT2 lower 1

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11.4 Injector parts list

1600/1650 1700/1710DF DFUF UF

Brine system Part number Description Packagingquantity

1600 24555-3 Inj 1600 assy HW DF # 3 11650 24199-3 Inj 1650 assy DF # 3 1

26840-2 Inj 1650 assy UF # 2 126840-3 Inj 1650 assy UF # 3 1

1700/1710 24173-3 Inj 1700/1710 assy CW/HW DF #3C 124173-4 Inj 1700/1710 assy CW/HW DF #4C 124173-5 Inj 1700/1710 assy CW/HW DF #5C 1

1700 28422-6 Inj 1700 assy HW DF #6C 128422-7 Inj 1700 assy HW DF #7C 1

1710 26841-3 Inj 1710 assy UF #3C 126841-4 Inj 1710 assy UF #4C 126841-5 Inj 1710 assy UF #5C 126841-6 Inj 1710 assy UF #6C 1

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11.5 Brine valve parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 26909-0.25 BV 1600 assy 2750NBP/2850 0.25 gpm 1- 26909-0.50 BV 1600 assy 2750NBP/2850 0.50 gpm 1- 26909-1 BV 1600 assy 2750NBP/2850 1 gpm 1- BU28796-0.25 BV 1650 assy 2850 NBP 0.25 gpm 1- BU28796-0.50 BV 1650 assy 2850 NBP 0.50 gpm 1- BU28796-1 BV 1650 assy 2850 NBP 1 gpm 1- BU28797-0.25 BV 1650 assy 2750NBP/2850/2910 0.25 gpm 1- BU28797-0.50 BV 1650 assy 2750NBP/2850/2910 0.50 gpm 1- BU28797-1 BV 1650 assy 2750NBP/2850/2910 1 gpm 12 18092-0.25 Kit BV 1600 & BLFC assy indus 0.25 gpm 1- 18092-0.50 Kit BV 1600 & BLFC assy indus 0.50 gpm 1- 18092-1 Kit BV 1600 & BLFC assy indus 1 gpm 1- 26677-0.25 Kit BV 1650 assy 0.25 gpm 1- 26677-0.50 Kit BV 1650 assy 0.50 gpm 1- 26677-1 Kit BV 1650 assy 1 gpm 13 19337 Brine tube 1600 2850 NBP plastic 1- 16508-01 Brine tube 1600/1650 2850 WBP 14 26991-1.2 BV 1700 assy 2750 NBP/2850 WBP/2910 1.20 gpm 1- 26991-2.0 BV 1700 assy 2750 NBP/2850 WBP/2910 2.00 gpm 1- 26991-4.0 BV 1700 assy 2750 NBP/2850 WBP/2910 4.00 gpm 1

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Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

— 26992-1.2 BV 1700 assy 2850 NBP 1.20 gpm 1- 26992-2.0 BV 1700 assy 2850 NBP 2.00 gpm 1- 26992-4.0 BV 1700 assy 2850 NBP 4.00 gpm 1- BU28608-1.2 BV 1710 2850 NBP 1.20 gpm 1- BU28608-2 BV 1710 2850 NBP 2.00 gpm 1- BU28608-4 BV 1710 2850 NBP 4.00 gpm 1- BU28608-7 BV 1710 2850 NBP 7.00 gpm 1- BU28610-1.2 BV 1710 2750 NBP/2850 WBP/2910 1.20gpm 1- BU28610-2 BV 1710 2750 NBP/2850 WBP/2910 2.00 gpm 1- BU28610-4 BV 1710 2750 NBP/2850 WBP/2910 4.00 gpm 1- BU28610-7 BV 1710 2750 NBP/2850 WBP/2910 7.00 gpm 15 24181-1.2 Kit BV 1700 assy 1.20 gpm 1- 24181-2 Kit BV 1700 assy 2.00 gpm 1- 24181-4 Kit BV 1700 assy 4.00 gpm 1- 24181-7 Kit BV 1700 assy 7.00 gpm 1- 28423-1.2 BV 1710 1.2 gpm except 9500 1- 28423-2 BV 1710 2 gpm except 9500 1- 28423-4 BV 1710 4 gpm except 9500 1- 28423-7 BV 1710 7 gpm except 9500 16 BR16460 Brine tube 1710 2850 WBP plastic 1- BU28493 Brine tube 1700 2850 WBP HW copper 1- 19338 Brine tube 1710 2850 NBP plastic 1- BR19338 Brine tube 1700 2850 NBP HW copper 1

11.6 Safety brine valves list

2300 2310 2350 BV 44

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Item Brinesystem


Description Packagingquantity

— 1600 27833 Safety brine valve 2300, without air check 24- 27834 Safety brine valve 2300, HW, without air check 24- 60067-03 Safety brine valve 2310, without air check 24- 25687 Brine valve 44, 914mm 10- 18961 Brine valve 44, 1250mm 10- 1710 25453 Safety brine valve 2350, without air check 5- 25364 Mounting part 1″ NPT male x 3/8″ female 5

11.7 Safety brine valves parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 60014SP Safety brine assy, 2310 102 26746 Elbow assy, safety brine valve 13 11183-01SP O-ring 504 19625SP Brine Valve 1650 plastic nut assy 105 19649 Flow disperser 16 PWG19652-01 Poppet assy, SBV, with o-ring 17 18312SP Retainer, drain 108 PWG19803 Safety brine valve arm assy 1

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Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

9 19645 Body, safety brine valve, 2310 110 19805SP Plastic SBV 2310 Nut 5011 19804 Screw, sckt Hd, set, 10-24 x 0.75″ 112 60068-30SP New Float assy 2310 1013 10150SP Grommet pass rod 2300/2310/2350 5014 18168 Air Check 500 (0,915 m) 48- 26773 Air Check 500 (1,25 m) 48- 23473 Air Check 500 (0,915 m) HW 48

11.8 Distribution systems parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 18404 2″ assy, 1m82 52 18396 2″ distributor 53 BU28649 2″ tube, 1m66 54 21148HW 2″ tube HW, 1m66 55 26050 2″ distributor HW 56 BU26052 2″ assy HW, 1m82 5

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11.9 Air checks list

500 900

Item Brinesystem


Description Packagingquantity

— 1600 18168 Air checks 500A, 915mm (36″) 48- 26773 Air checks 500A, 1m25 48- 23473 Air checks 500 HW 48- 1710 18979 Air checks 900, 1m88 5- BU28510 Air checks 900, 1m10 5

18980 Air check 900 HW 5

11.10 Meters parts list

11.10.1 Brass meters parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 18393 Meter assy 2″ electronic 12 15532 Impeller shaft bearing 1

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Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

3 BR15432 Impeller shaft for impeller 15374-01 14 BR15374 Impeller 2″ 15 18330 Meter cover assy electronic 16 12473SP Screw hex washer 10-24x⅝ 18-8SS 507 60625-10 Meter assy 2″ electronic plastic 1

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11.10.2 Stainless steel meters parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 29094 Meter assy SS 2″ BSP Mechanical 75 m3/ Electronic 12 29095 Meter assy SS 2″ BSP Mechanical 375 m3 1

11.11 Kit meter & Meter cables list

11.11.1 Brass kit meter & Meter cables list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

— 28283 Kit meter assy 1″ NT /NXT 1- 28284 Kit meter assy 1.5″ NT /NXT 1- 28285 Kit meter assy 2″ NT /NXT 1- 28295 Kit meter assy 2″ NT /NXT 1- 28286 Kit meter assy 3″ NT /NXT 1- 28461-04 In-line meter 1¼» BSP plastic 1- 19121-08 Meter cable SE/SXT 0.75 m 1- 19121-09 Meter cable NT /NXT 2.5 m 1- 19121-10 Meter cable NT /NXT 7.7 m 1

11.11.2 Stainless steel kit meter & Meter cables list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

— 29096 Kit meter assy 1″ stainless NXT 1- 29097 Kit meter assy 1.5″ stainless NXT 1- 29098 Kit meter assy 2″ stainless NXT 1- 29082 Kit meter assy 3″ stainless NXT 1

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Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

— BR19791-02 Meter cable electronic 0.75 m 1- BR19791-04 Meter cable electronic 2.5 m 1- BR19791-05 Meter cable electronic 7.7 m 1

11.12 Kits

Kit 51 Kit 57

Item Brinesystem

Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 1600/1650

24575SP Tube guide 102 10330SP Sleeve 3/8″ 503 12767SP Filter 104 12794-01SP Elbow 3/8″ 105 10332SP Insert tube 3/8″ 506 1700/17

1016124SP Sleeve ½» 50

7 15413 Male elbow ½» 18 23804 Fitting 3/8″ 19 16123SP Nut ½» 10

10 15415SP Insert tube ½» 10

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11.13 CE compliance parts list

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 Kit 8 Top distributor 2” & pin assy 1- Kit 9 Top distributor 2” & pin assy HW 1

11.14 Other components list

Mixing assembly Rotating side mount adaptor

Item Part number Description Packagingquantity

1 BU61564-10 Mixing assy 1″ industrial 12 61415-20 Rotating side mount adaptor 1

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Ref. MKT-IM-002 / E — 12.11.2019 171 / 172

12 DisposalThe device must be scrapped in accordance with directive 2012/19/EU or the environmentalstandards in force in the country of installation. The components included in the system must beseparated and recycled in a waste recycling center that conforms with the legislation in force inthe country of installation. This will help to reduce the impact on the environment, health, safetyand help to promote recycling. Pentair do not collect used product for recycling. Contact your localrecycling center for more information.

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