Fybogel orange инструкция на русском

Дозировка форм

Вспомогательная информация, представленная при наличии (ограниченная, особенно для дженериков); обратитесь к конкретной маркировке продукта. [DSC] = Прекращенный продукт



Консил: 520 мг [DSC] [без глютена, без сахара]

Натуральное волокно: 0,52 г [DSC]

Регулоид: 0,52 г [DSC] [содержит желтое алюминиевое озеро № 6 fd & c]

Универсальный: 400 мг [DSC]


Оральный [без консервантов] :

Регулоид: 400 мг [без производных рыб, без глютена, без молока, без искусственного ароматизатора (ов), без орехов, без сои, без крахмала, без сахара, без дрожжей]



Konsyl: 60,3% (1 еа [DSC], 30 еа [DSC]) [без глютена, сертифицирован кошерным, без сахара; содержит аспартам, fd & c желтый # 6 (солнечный желтый); оранжевый аромат]

Konsyl Daily Fiber: 28,3% (1 год, 30 лет) [без глютена; содержит fd & c желтый # 10 (хинолиновый желтый), fd & c желтый # 6 (солнечный желтый); оранжевый аромат]

Konsyl Daily Fiber: 100% (1 год, 30 лет, 100 лет) [без глютена, сертифицирован кошерным, без сахара; мягкий аромат]

Konsyl Daily Fiber: 60,3% (30 евро) [без глютена, без сахара; содержит FD & C желтый # 6 (солнечный желтый)]

Фибогель: 28% (30 евро) [содержит желтый цвет № 6 (желтый закат); оранжевый аромат]

Волокно Fybogel MultiHealth: 58,12% (30 евро) [без глютена, без сахара; содержит аспартам, желтый и желтый № 6 (желтый закат); оранжевый аромат]

Муцилин: 49% (30 евро [DSC]) [содержит желтый цвет № 6 (желтый закат), сахарин натрия, бензоат натрия]

Муцилин SF: 70% (30 евро [DSC]) [без сахара; содержит аспартам, желтый и желтый # 6 (желтый закат)]



Волокнистая терапия: 58,6% (283 г [DSC]) [без сахара; содержит аспартам, желтый и желтый # 6 (желтый закат)]

Джери-Муцил: 68% (368 г)

Geri-Mucil: 68% (368 г) [содержит FD & C желтое # 6 алюминиевое озеро]

Джери-Муцил: 68% (283 г) [без сахара]

Джери-Муцил: 68% (283 г) [без сахара; содержит аспартам, FD & C желтое # 6 алюминиевое озеро]

Консил: 30,9% (397 г [DSC]) [без глютена, сертифицирован кошерным; содержит желтый цвет № 6 (желтый закат); оранжевый аромат]

Консил: 60,3% (450 г [DSC]) [без глютена, сертифицирован кошерным, без сахара; содержит аспартам, желтый и желтый # 6 (солнечный желтый); оранжевый аромат]

Консил: 71,67% (300 г [DSC]) [без глютена, сертифицирован кошерным, без сахара; мягкий вкус]

Консил: 60,3% (283 г) [без сахара; содержит аспартам, желтый и желтый № 6 (желтый закат); оранжевый аромат]

Konsyl Daily Fiber: 28,3% (538 г) [без глютена; содержит желтый цвет # 10 (хинолиновый желтый), желтый цвет # 6 (солнечный желтый); оранжевый аромат]

Konsyl Daily Fiber: 100% (300 г, 450 г) [без глютена, сертифицировано кошерным; мягкий вкус]

Konsyl Daily Fiber: 60,3% (450 г) [без глютена, без сахара; содержит FD & C желтый # 6 (солнечный желтый)]

Konsyl Original Formula: 100% (402 г [DSC]) [без глютена, сертифицирован кошерным]

Консил-Д: 52,3% (397 г) [без запаха; сладкий аромат]

Фибогель: 28,3% (575 г) [апельсиновый ароматизатор]

Волокно Fybogel MultiHealth: 63% (660 г) [без глютена, без сахара]

Муцилин SF: 70% (400 г [DSC]) [без сахара; содержит аспартам, желтый и желтый # 6 (желтый закат)]

Терапия на природном волокне: 48,57% (368 г [DSC], 538 г)

Терапия на природном волокне: 28,3% (368 г [DSC], 538 г [DSC]) [содержит fd & c желтый # 6 (солнечный желтый), fd & c желтый # 6 алюминиевый лак]

Натуральное семя фибогель: 100% (480 г) [животные продукты не содержат, не содержат желатина, не содержат глютена, сертифицированы кошерными, не содержат лактозы, не имеют искусственного цвета, не содержат искусственного вкуса, не содержат крахмала, не содержат сахара, дрожжи не содержат] ,

Натуральное растительное волокно: 48,57% (368 г)

Регулоид: 48,57% (369 г [DSC], 540 г)

Регулоид: 28,3% (369 г, 540 г [DSC]) [содержит fd & c желтый # 6 (солнечный желтый), fd & c желтый # 6 алюминиевый лак; оранжевый аромат]

Регулоид: 58,6% (284 г, 426 г) [без сахара; натуральный аромат]

Регулоид: 58,6% (284 г [DSC], 426 г) [без сахара; содержит аспартам, желтый и желтый № 6 (желтый закат), алюминиевое озеро fd & c желтого цвета № 6]

Сорбулакс: 100% (420 г [DSC])


Оральный [без консервантов] :

Эвак: (480 г) [без красителя]

Дозировка: взрослый

Общие рекомендации по дозированию; проконсультироваться с маркировкой конкретного продукта; однако дозу фибогеля следует постепенно увеличивать, чтобы она действовала вместе с изменениями потребления пищи.


Пероральный: фибогель: от 2,5 до 30 г в день в разделенных дозах

Снизить риск развития ИБС:

Оральный: растворимое волокно ≥7 г (глуша семян фибогеля ≥10,2 г) в день (DHHS 1998)

Сахарный диабет, тип 2 (адъюнктивная терапия) (не по прямому назначению):

Пероральный: от 6,8 до 13,6 г / день в 2 приемах (Abutair 2016; Feinglos 2013)

Синдром раздраженного кишечника (не по прямому назначению):

Пероральный: 10 г / день в 1 или 2 приемах (ACG [Ford 2014]; Bijkerk 2009).

Дозировка: гериатрическая

Обратитесь к дозировке для взрослых.

Дозировка: педиатрическая

Адекватное потребление для общего количества волокна:



Рекомендация AAP / NHLBI (NHLBI 2011): минимальное потребление: дети от 2 до 10 лет: ежедневное диетическое потребление (г / день) = возраст (годы) + 5 г

Рекомендация МОМ:

Дети от 1 до 3 лет: 19 г / день

Дети от 4 до 8 лет: 25 г / день

Дети и подростки от 9 до 13 лет: мужчины: 31 г / день; Женщина: 26 г / день

Подростки: от 14 до 18 лет: мужчины: 38 г / день; Женщина: 26 г / день

Регулярность движения кишечника:



Дети от 6 до <12 лет: от 1,25 до 15 г / день в 1-3 приемах

Дети ≥12 лет и подростки: от 2,5 до 30 г / день в 1-3 приемах

Гиперхолестеринемия; дополнительное лечение с диетическим управлением (NHLBI 2011) :


Дети от 2 до <12 лет: 6 г / день в 1-3 приемах

Дети ≥12 лет и подростки: 12 г / день в 1-3 приемах


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1. Name of the medicinal product

Fybogel Orange.

2. Qualitative and quantitative composition

A unit dose (one sachet or two level 5 ml spoonfuls) contains 3.5 g ispaghula husk EP.

Excipients with known effects:

Aspartame (E 951) 16 mg/sachet

Potassium 9.76mg/Sachet

For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1

3. Pharmaceutical form


4. Clinical particulars

4.1 Therapeutic indications

The treatment of patients requiring a high fibre regime: for example, for the relief of constipation, including constipation in pregnancy and the maintenance of regularity; for the management of bowel function in patients with colostomy, ileostomy, haemorrhoids, anal fissure, chronic diarrhoea associated with diverticular disease, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

4.2 Posology and method of administration

If there has been no bowel movement after three days of treatment a doctor or healthcare professional should be consulted. (See section 4.4 ‘Special warnings and precautions for use’)


Adults: One sachet, morning and evening

Elderly: There is no indication that dosage needs to be modified for the elderly.

Paediatric Population

Children over 12 years: One sachet, morning and evening

Children aged 6 to 12 years: Half to one level 5 ml spoonful, depending on age and size, morning and evening

Children under 6 years: The use in children under 6 years of age is not recommended (See section 4.4 ‘Special warnings and precautions for use’).

The effects start 12-24 hours later.

Method of administration

Fybogel Orange is intended for oral use as a suspension in a full drink of water (See section 4.4). The granules should be stirred into a glass of water and taken as soon as possible, preferably after meals.

The product should be taken during the day at least ½ to 1 hour before or after intake of other medicine and should not be taken immediately before going to sleep

When preparing the product for administration, it is important to try to avoid inhaling any of the powder in order to minimize the risk of sensitisation to the active ingredient.

4.3 Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to ispaghula husk or to any of the excipients listed in Section 6.1 (See Section 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use),

Patients with a sudden change in bowel habit that has persisted more than two weeks.

Undiagnosed rectal bleeding and failure to defecate following the use of a laxative.

Fybogel Orange is contra-indicated in patients suffering from abnormal constrictions in the gastro-intestinal tract, with diseases of the oesophagus and cardia, intestinal obstruction, faecal impaction, natural or drug-induced reduction of gut motility and colonic atony such as senile mega-colon.

Patients who have difficulty in swallowing or any throat problems.

4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use

The product should not be taken dry and should always be taken mixed with fluid (5 fluid ounces or 150 mL of water or other liquid per sachet).

Ispaghula husk should not be used by patients with faecal impaction and symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting unless advised by a doctor because these symptoms can be signs of potential or existing intestinal blockage (ileus).

If abdominal pain occurs or in cases of any irregularity of faeces, the use of psyllium seed should be discontinued and medical advice must be sought.

When taken with inadequate fluid amounts, bulk forming agents can cause obstruction of the throat and oesophagus with choking and intestinal obstruction. Symptoms can be chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty in swallowing or breathing.

The treatment of debilitated patients and / or elderly patients requires medical supervision.

In order to decrease the risk of gastrointestinal obstruction ispaghula husk should not be used together with medicinal products known to inhibit peristaltic movement (e.g. opioids) and then only under medical supervision.

The last dose should not be taken immediately before going to sleep since impaired or reduced gastric motility may impair the intestinal passage and then cause sub-obstruction.

This medicine contains 16mg aspartame in each sachet.

Aspartame is a source of phenylalanine. It may be harmful if you have phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare genetic disorder in which phenylalanine builds up because the body cannot remove it properly.

This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) in each sachet, that is to say essentially ‘sodium-free’.

This medicine contains 0.25 mmol (or 9.76 mg) potassium per sachet. To be taken into consideration by patients with reduced kidney function or patients on a controlled potassium diet.

If symptoms persist longer than 3 days, the patient should consult a doctor or healthcare professional.

Warning on hypersensitivity reactions: In individuals with continued occupational contact to powder of Plantago ovata seeds (i.e. healthcare workers, caregivers) allergic sensitization may occur due to inhalation, this is more frequent in atopic individuals. This sensitization usually leads to hypersensitivity reactions which could be serious (see 4.8 Undesirable effects).

It is recommended to assess clinically the possible sensitization of individuals at risk and, if justified, to perform specific diagnostic tests.

In case of proven sensitisation leading to hypersensitivity reactions, exposure to the product should be stopped immediately and avoided in the future (see 4.3 Contraindications).

Paediatric Population

Use is not recommended in children below 6 years of age due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy. Laxative bulk producers should be used before using other purgatives if change of nutrition is not successful.

4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Enteral absorption of concomitantly administered medicines such as minerals, vitamins (B12), cardiac glycosides, coumarin derivatives, carbamazepine and lithium may be delayed. For this reason the product should not be taken ½ to 1 hour before or after intake of other medicinal products.

Diabetic patients should take ispaghula husk only under medical supervision because adjustment of anti-diabetic therapy may be necessary.

Use of ispaghula husk concomitantly with thyroid hormones requires medical supervision because the dose of the thyroid hormones may have to be adjusted.

4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactation


There are limited amount of data (less than 300 pregnancy outcomes) from the use of ispaghula husk in pregnant women. Animal studies are insufficient with respect to reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3 Preclinical safety data).


The use of ispaghula husk may be considered during pregnancy and lactation, if necessary and if change of nutrition is not successful. Laxative bulk producers should be used before using other purgatives


No known effects

4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines

Fybogel Orange has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

4.8 Undesirable effects

Special attention should be given to individuals manipulating the powder formulations routinely (see 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use).

Adverse events which have been associated with ispaghula husk are given below, tabulated by system organ class and frequency. Frequencies are defined as: Very common (≥1/10); Common (≥1/100 and <1/10); Uncommon (≥1/1000 and <1/100); Rare (≥1/10,000 and <1/1000); Very rare (< 1/10,000); Not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency grouping, adverse events are presented in order of decreasing seriousness

System Organ Class


Adverse Events

Immune System Disorders

Not known

Hypersensitivity disorders1,2

Eye Disorders

Not known


Respiratory, Thoracic and Mediastinal Disorders

Not known


Gastrointestinal Disorders

Not known

Flatulence, abdominal distension, intestinal obstruction, oesophageal obstruction, faecal impaction3

Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders

Not known

Skin Rash2

Description of Selected Adverse Reactions

1 Including rash, anaphylaxis, pruritus, and bronchospasm

2 Ispaghula/psyllium husk contains potent allergens. The exposure to these allergens is possible through oral administration, contact with the skin and, in the case of powder formulations, also by inhalation. As a consequence to this allergic potential, individuals exposed to the product can develop hypersensitivity reactions such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchospasm and in some cases, anaphylaxis. Cutaneous symptoms such as exanthema and/or pruritus have also been reported.

3 A small amount of flatulence and abdominal distension may sometimes occur during the first few days of treatment, but should diminish during continued treatment. Abdominal distension and risk of intestinal or oesophageal obstruction and faecal impaction may occur, particularly if swallowed with insufficient fluid.

Reporting of Suspected Adverse Reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Yellow Card Scheme at: http://www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard.

4.9 Overdose


Overdose with ispaghula husk may cause abdominal discomfort, flatulence and intestinal obstruction.


Adequate fluid intake should be maintained, particularly if the granules have been taken without water contrary to administration instructions, and management should be symptomatic.

5. Pharmacological properties

5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties

Pharmacotherapeutic Group: Ispaghula (psylla seeds); ATC Code: A06AC01 Bulk producer

The active ingredient ispaghula husk consists of the episperm and collapsed adjacent layers removed from the seeds of Plantago ovata Forssk (Plantago ispaghula Roxb.). Ispaghula husk is particularly rich in alimentary fibres and mucilages, its mucilage content being higher than that of other Plantago species. Ispaghula husk is capable of absorbing up to 40 times its own weight in water. Ispaghula husk consists of 85% water-soluble fibre; it is partly fermentable (in vitro 72 % unfermentable residue) and acts by hydration in the bowel.

Gut motility and transit rate can be modified by ispaghula husk through mechanical stimulation of the gut wall as a result of the increase in intestinal bulk by water and the decrease in viscosity of the luminal contents. When taken with a sufficient amount of liquid (at least 30 ml per 1 g of herbal substance) ispaghula husk produces an increased volume of intestinal contents due to its highly bulking properties and hence a stretch stimulus, which triggers defecation; at the same time the swollen mass of mucilage forms a lubricating layer, which makes the transit of intestinal contents easier.

Progress of action: ispaghula husk usually acts within 12 to 24 hours after single administration. Sometimes the maximum effect is reached after 2 to 3 days.

5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties

The material hydrates and swells to form amucilage because it is only partially solubilised. Polysaccharides, such as those which dietary fibres are made of, must be hydrolysed to monosaccharides before intestinal uptake can occur. The sugar residues of the xylan backbone and the side chains are joined by ß-linkages, which cannot be broken by human digestive enzymes.

Less than 10% of the mucilage gets hydrolysed in the stomach, with formation of free arabinose. Intestinal absorption of the free arabinose is approximately 85% to 93%.

To varying degrees, dietary fibre is fermented by bacteria in the colon, resulting in production of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, water, and short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and brought into the hepatic circulation. In humans, such fibre reaches the large bowel in a highly polymerised form that is fermented to a limited extent, resulting in increased faecal concentration and excretion of short-chain fatty acids.

5.3 Preclinical safety data

In a study on fertility, embryo-foetal development and pre- and postnatal development (multigeneration study) ispaghula husk (0, 1, 2.5, or 5% (w/w) of the diet) was administered to rats continuously through two generations. For fertility and foetal development and teratogenesis the no-observed-adverse-effects-limit (NOAEL) was 5% of the diet, while for offspring growth and development the NOAEL was given with 1% of the diet based on reductions in pup weights.

The study on embryo-foetal development in rabbits (ispaghula husk as 0, 2.5, 5 or 10% (w/w) of diet) has to be considered as preliminary. Conclusions cannot be drawn.

The non-clinical data on toxicology of ispaghula husk preparations are incomplete, but available data indicate no signals of toxicological concern. Adequate tests on reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity have not been performed.

6. Pharmaceutical particulars

6.1 List of excipients

Potassium bicarbonate

Ph Eur

Sodium bicarbonate

Ph Eur

Citric acid

Ph Eur

Riboflavin sodium phosphate

Ph Eur

Beta-carotene 10% (E160a)



Ph Eur

Orange flavour


Saccharin sodium

Ph Eur

Polysorbate 80

Ph Eur

Silica, colloidal anhydrous

Ph. Eur

6.2 Incompatibilities

None known.

6.3 Shelf life

Three years.

6.4 Special precautions for storage

Store below 30°C in a dry place.

6.5 Nature and contents of container

Sachets, one, seven, ten or thirty sachets enclosed in a carton. Tub containing 100-300 g Fybogel Orange.

6.6 Special precautions for disposal and other handling

Fybogel Orange granules are to be dispersed in water forming a drink.

7. Marketing authorisation holder

Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited,

Dansom Lane,


HU8 7DS.

8. Marketing authorisation number(s)

PL 00063/0026

9. Date of first authorisation/renewal of the authorisation

24th April 1995 / 26th June 1997.

10. Date of revision of the text


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An easy way to increase fibre in your diet, Fybogel Hi Fibre Orange works naturally with your body to help relieve constipation. Fybogel Hi-Fibre orange helps to restore regularity. fybogel Hi-Fibre can be used during pregnancy, also helps with bowel function for those suffering with haemorrhoids (Piles).

  • Increases the fibre in your diet.
  • Restores regularity.

Do not take if:

  • You are allergic to Ispaghula husk or any of the other ingredients.
  • You are suffering from a blockage of the bowel (Intestinal obstruction, faecal impaction) or muscle weakness of the bowel wall (colonic atony).
  • the speed in which material moves through your gut has always been slow.
  • You are taking medicines which may cause constipation (e.g. Codeine or Morphine)

Talk to your Doctor If :

  • You have phenylketonuria (an inherited genetic disorder)as this product contains Aspartame, a source of Phyenylanine.
  • your symptoms worsen or do not improve after 3 days.

How to take Fybogel Hi-Fibre Orange:

For oral use. Fill a glass with approximately 150 ml of cold water pour in required amount (see dosage). Stir well and drink straight away.

Dosage: Adults and children over 12;

Take one sachet in the morning and one in the evening preferably after meals.

Dosage: Children aged 6-12 years;

Take half to one 5ml spoonful depending on age and size morning and evening preferably after food.

If there has been no bowel movement within three days of treatment, consult your doctor.

Do not take without water.

Do not take more than directed.

If you accidently take more than you should, drink plenty of water.


Each single dose sachet of granules contain 3.5g Ipasaghula husk. Also contains Aspartame, Potassium Bicarbonate, Sodium bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Riboflavin Sodium Phosphate, Beta-Carotene, Orange Flavour, Saccharin Sodium, Polysorbate 80 and Silica Colloidal Anhydrous.


Fybogel Orange

Fybogel Orange flavoured sachets are specially formulated to help to ease constipation and maintain regularity. The ingredients included are natural fibres that help to relieve constipation and help maintain a normal bowel function.

Fybogel Orange contains the active substance Ispaghula Husk. It is an easy and convenient way to increase the fibre in your diet helping your digestive system work more efficiently and gently relieving constipation the natural way. As it works naturally with your body, it takes care of constipation without undue straining, discomfort or unnatural urgency, helping to restore and maintain regularity. Fybogel Orange can be used whenever increased fibre is needed in your diet to relieve constipation; including constipation during pregnancy. It can also be used to help maintain normal bowel function if you suffer from haemorrhoids (piles)

Fybogel is gluten free and contains no chemical stimulants.

Directions for use:

  • Fill a glass with approximately 240ml cold water.
  • Pour in the required amount (see dosage below). Stir well and drink straight away, preferably after meals.
  • Do not take without water. This product should be taken at least 30 mins before or after taking other medicines and should not be taken immediately before going to sleep.

Adults and children over 12 years:

Take one sachet in the morning and one in the evening, preferably after meals.

Children aged 6 to 12 years:

Take half to one level 5 ml spoonful depending on size and age, morning and evening, preferably after meals.

Children under 6 years:

Not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

If symptoms worsen or if there is no bowel movement after 3 days of treatment, consult a doctor.


Do not take if: 

  • You are allergic to Ispaghula husk or any of the other ingredients (see below)
  • You have a sudden change in bowel habit that has persisted for more than two weeks You are suffering from a blockage of the bowel (intestinal obstruction, faecal impaction)
  • If you have a weakness of the bowel wall (colonic atony)
  • The speed in which material moves through your gut has always been slow (naturally occurring reduced gut motility).
  • You have difficulty in swallowing or any throat problems

Tell your doctor, pharmacist or nurse if:

  • You have phenylketonuria (an inherited genetic disorder) as this product contains aspartame, a source of phenylalanine.
  • You are suffering from an undiagnosed rectal bleeding and unable to pass stools following the use of laxatives.
  • Your symptoms worsen or do not improve after 3 days.
  • You have difficulty in swallowing or any throat problems.


Each single dose sachet contains 3.5g Ispaghula Husk. Other ingredients are potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, riboavin sodium phosphate, beta-carotene, aspartame (E951), orange avour, saccharin sodium, polysorbate 80 and silica colloidal anhydrous

Keep all medicines out the sight and reach of children.

Always consult the Patient Information Leaflet before using this medicine

Delivery & Returns

Delivery Cost

A delivery charge of €6.50 is applied to orders under €50. We offer free delivery on orders over €50* (*Large and bulky mobility items may incur an additional fee – this will be communicated to you prior to order confirmation)

Delivery Range

At present, we deliver to anywhere within the Republic of Ireland. We do not ship internationally.

Delivery Schedule

We will ship goods within 5 working days of receipt of payment from our Webstore at our Kinsale Road Roundabout, Cork location. We deliver in partnership with An Post and Fastway Couriers. We do not ship on weekends or Bank Holidays. If any goods are out of stock, we will advise you of an expected availability date. Please ensure you include a contact telephone number when ordering with us online.

Once your order has shipped, it will usually be delivered within 3-5 working days (*This is an estimate, based on our current observed delivery times. Deliveries may take longer during busy periods or due to external factors beyond our control)

Delivery Tracking

You can track your order online with An Post Tracking / Fastway Couriers by entering the tracking number you will have received in your shipping confirmation email.

If you have not received a tracking number or cannot locate it, please contact us and we will provide the tracking details for you.


Damaged Items

All items are carefully inspected by our team prior to dispatch. If an item becomes damaged in transit, you must notify customerservice@phelans.ie no more than 24 hours after receiving your item, as items damaged in transit must be reported within 24 hours of delivery.

Returning Unwanted Items

If your purchase does not fit your needs or requirements, you may notify and return your item within 14 days of receiving your order for a full refund on the price of the product. Returns made up to a maximum of 30 days post-purchase will be issued a credit note for the value of the returned product.

Return Criteria

All items must be returned in «as new» condition, including all original packaging, in order to receive a refund. Please ensure any wheelchairs or rollator is suitable before use, as once the tyres demonstrate signs of use, they cannot be refunded. Where products require assembly, products must be carefully dis-assembled and repackaged before being returned to us.

See our full returns policy here: https://phelans.ie/returns-policy


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