Торговое название:
- Гемостоп
- Haemostop
Каждая таблетка, покрытая пленочной оболочкой, содержит:
Этамзилат 500 мг
Вспомогательные вещества:
Метилцеллюлоза, Просолв 90, кроскармеллоза натрия, стеарат магния, Опадрай 2 Розовый.
- Во внутренней медицине:
Профилактика и лечение капиллярных кровотечений, независимо от их происхождения и локализации: гематурия, кровавая рвота и мелена, носовое кровотечение, кровоточивость десен.
- В гинекологии:
Прорывное кровотечение, первичная меноррагия или меноррагия вследствие внутриматочной спирали, при отсутствии органической патологии.
- В хирургии:
Профилактика и лечение капиллярных кровотечений в предоперационном и послеоперационном периодах при любых деликатных операциях или богато васкуляризированных тканях: ЛОР, гинекология, акушерство, урология, одонтостоматология, офтальмология, пластическая и реконструктивная хирургия.
Способ применения:
Взрослые и подростки:
- При внутренних заболеваниях:
Обычно по 1 таблетке Гемостоп 500 мг 2 или 3 раза в день (1000–1500 мг) вместе с мясом, запивая небольшим количеством воды.
- В гинекологии:
При менометроррагии:
По 1 таблетке Гемостоп 500 мг 3 раза в день (1500 мг) во время еды, запивая небольшим количеством воды.
Лечение длится 10 дней и начинается за 5 дней до даты начала менструации. Дети: Из-за высокого содержания активного вещества Гемостоп 500 мг не подходит для лечения детей.
- До операции:
1 таблетка Гемостоп 500 мг за 1 час до операции.
- После операции:
1 таблетка Гемостоп 500 мг, повторять каждые 4-6 часов, пока сохраняется риск кровотечения.
- Острая порфирия
- Повышенная чувствительность к любому из вспомогательных веществ лекарственного средства.
Предупреждения и меры предосторожности:
Гемостоп 500 мг вводят для облегчения чрезмерных и/или чрезмерно длительных менструальных кровотечений без лечения, после которого следует улучшение, однако следует выявить и исключить возможные патологические причины.
Побочные эффекты:
- Нарушения крово- и лимфообращения.
Очень редко:
Агранулоцитоз, нейтропения, тромбоцитопения.
Нарушения иммунной системы.
Гиперчувствительность, анафилактический шок.
Нарушения нервной системы.
Головная боль
- Сосудистые расстройства:
Очень редко:
тромбоэмболия Желудочно-кишечные расстройства.
Тошнота, диарея, дискомфорт в животе.
Нарушения со стороны кожи и подкожных тканей:
Часто: сыпь.
- Скелетно-мышечные нарушения:
Общие расстройства и несчастные случаи на месте введения
Очень редко:
В целом эти реакции обратимы и исчезают при лечении.
- При появлении кожных реакций или лихорадки лечение следует прекратить и сообщить об этом врачу, так как это может свидетельствовать об аллергической реакции.
Способ хранения:
Хранить при температуре не выше 30°С в сухом месте.
Картонная коробка содержит 2 блистера по 10 таблеток, покрытых пленочной оболочкой, и листок-вкладыш.
Hemostop Capsule
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIONS: Tranexamic acid has a strong inhibitory effect on the activation of plasminogen, i.e. the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, in the fibrinolytic system.The half life is 1-2 hours. Plasma protein binding is 3% at therapeutic plasma levels. The plasma protein binding seems fully accounted by its binding to plasminogen. Tranexamic acid is excreted unchanged in the urine.
PHARMACOKINETICS: Tranexamic acid is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum serum levels are reached within 2-3 hours. After oral administration, about 40% of the dose is excreted in the urine during the first 24 hours. After intravenous administration 45% of the dose is excreted in the urine during the first day.
Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic that competitively inhibits the activation of plasminogen to plasmin. At much higher concentrations it behaves as a noncompetitive inhibitor of plasmin similar to aminocaproic acid, a similar antifibrinolytic which is 10-fold less potent. Tranexamic acid binds more strongly than aminocaproic acid to both the strong and weak receptor sites of the plasminogen molecule in a ratio corresponding to the difference in potency between the compounds. In patients with hereditary angioedema, inhibition of the formation and activity of plasmin by tranexamic acid may prevent attacks of angioedema by decreasing plasmin-induced activation of the first complement protein (C1).
Off-target antagonism of GABA(A) receptors may be associated with the development of convulsions and hyperexcitability following tranexamic acid administration — the risk appears higher with improper administration or administration during cardiovascular surgery. Consider EEG monitoring of patients with a history of seizure.
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Haemorrhage or risk of haemorrhage in increased fibrinolysis or fibrinogenolysis that may occur in conditions:
- Prostatectomy and bladder surgery
- Menorrhagia
- Epistaxis
- Conisation of the cervix
- Management of dental extraction in patients with coagulopathies
- Ulcerative colitis
- Haematuria
- Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
General fibrinolysis as in prostatic and pancreatic cancer, after thoracic and other major surgery, in obstetrical complications such as abruptio placentae and post- partum haemorrhage, in leukaemia and liver diseases and in connection with thrombolytic therapy with streptokinase.
Hereditary angioneurotic oedema.
Hemostop is also used to associated treatment for these conditions: Bleeding, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding, Hereditary Angioedema
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How Hemostop works
Tranexamic acid competitively and reversibly inhibits the activation of plasminogen via binding at several distinct sites, including four or five low-affinity sites and one high-affinity site, the latter of which is involved in its binding to fibrin. The binding of plasminogen to fibrin induces fibrinolysis — by occupying the necessary binding sites tranexamic acid prevents this dissolution of fibrin, thereby stabilizing the clot and preventing hemorrhage.
Trade Name | Hemostop |
Generic | Tranexamic Acid |
Tranexamic Acid Other Names | Acide tranéxamique, ácido tranexámico, Acidum tranexamicum, Tranexamic acid, Tranexamsaeure, Tranexmic acid, Tranhexamic acid, Trans AMCHA, trans-Amcha, trans-Tranexamic acid |
Weight | 500mg |
Type | Capsule |
Formula | C8H15NO2 |
Weight | Average: 157.2102 Monoisotopic: 157.110278729 |
Protein binding |
Tranexamic acid is approximately 3% protein-bound in plasma at therapeutic concentrations. As it does not bind to serum albumin, it is likely that this protein binding is accounted for by tranexamic acid’s binding to serum plasminogen. |
Groups | Approved |
Therapeutic Class | Anti-fibrinolytic drugs, Haemostatic drugs |
Manufacturer | Apex Pharmaceuticals Ltd |
Available Country | Bangladesh |
Last Updated: | June 7, 2022 at 8:54 pm |
Table Of contents
- Hemostop
- Uses
- Dosage
- Side Effect
- Precautions
- Interactions
- Uses during Pregnancy
- Uses during Breastfeeding
- Accute Overdose
- Food Interaction
- Half Life
- Volume of Distribution
- Clearance
- Interaction With other Medicine
- Contradiction
- Storage
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Hemostop dosage
Intravenous administration is necessary only if it is difficult to give adequate doses by mouth. The recommended standard dose is 1 to 1.5 gm or 5-10 ml by slow intravenous injection at a rate of 1 ml/minute, two to three times daily. For the indications listed below the following doses are recommended.
PROSTATECTOMY: 5-10 ml by slow intravenous injection every eight hours (the first injection being given during the operation) for the first three days after surgery; thereafter 1-1.5 gm orally three to four times daily until macroscopic haematuria is no longer present.
MENORRHAGIA: 1-1.5 gm orally three to four times daily for three to four days.
EPISTAXIS: 1.5 gm orally three times daily for four to ten days.
Hemostop injection may be applied topically to the nasal mucosa of patients suffering from epistaxis. This can be done by soaking a gauze strip in the solution, and then packing the nasal cavity.
HAEMATURIA: 1-1.5 gm orally 2-3 times daily until macroscopic haematuria is no longer present.
CONISATION OF THE CERVIX: 1.5 gm orally 3 times a day for 12 to 14 days post-operatively.
DENTAL SURGERY IN PATIENTS WITH COAGULOPATHIES: Immediately before surgery, 10 mg per kg body-weight should be given intravenously. After surgery, 25 mg per kg body-weight are given orally three to four times daily for six to eight days. Coagulation factor concentrate might be necessary to administrate.
GENERAL FIBRINOLYSIS: 1 gm by slow intravenous injection three to four times daily. With fibrinolysis in conjunction with diagnosed, increased intravascular coagulation i.e. defibrillation syndrome, an anticoagulant such as heparin may be given with caution.
HEREDITARY ANGIONEUROTIC OEDEMA: 1-1.5 gm orally two to three times daily as intermittent or continuous treatment depending on whether the patient has prodromal symptoms or not.
- Oral dose: 25 mg/kg 2 to 3 times daily for 7 to 10 days.
- Injection: 10 mg/kg 6 to 8 hours for 7 to 10 days
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Side Effects
Dose-dependent, gastrointestinal discomfort is the most commonly reported undesirable effect, but it is usually of mild and temporary in nature. Allergic skin reactions have been reported as an uncommon undesirable effect. Hypotension may occur after fast injection.
Reported symptoms of tranexamic acid overdose include severe gastrointestinal symptoms, hypotension, thromboembolism, visual impairment, convulsions, mental status changes, and rash.
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Patients with irregular menstrual bleeding, patients with a high risk of thrombosis (a previous thromboembolic event and a family history of thromboembolic disease) should use it only if there is a strong medical indication and under strict medical supervision.
Patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), who require treatment with it must be under the strict supervision of a physician experienced in treating this disorder.
In the long-term treatment of patients, regular eye examination should be performed. If a colour vision disorder should occur during the course of treatment, the drug should be discontinued.
Clinically important interactions have not been observed with Tranexamic acid. Because of the absence of interaction studies, simultaneous treatment with anticoagulants must take place under the strict supervision of a physician experienced in this field.
Food Interaction
- Take with or without food. The co-administration of food does not significantly affect tranexamic acid disposition.
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Volume of Distribution
The initial volume of distribution of tranexamic acid is 0.18 L/kg and its steady-state volume of distribution is 0.39 L/kg. Tranexamic acid distributes into cerebrospinal fluid and the aqueous humor of the eye at concentrations approximately 1/10th of typical plasma concentrations. Tranexamic acid is also able to cross the placenta, found in cord blood at concentrations equivalent to maternal plasma concentrations.
Elimination Route
The bioavailability of tranexamic acid after oral administration in humans is approximately 30 to 50% of the ingested dose and is not affected by food intake. The Cmax and Tmax following multiple oral doses (1300 mg three times daily x 5 days) were 16.41 mcg/mL and 2.5 h, respectively.
Half Life
Following intravenous administration, the apparent elimination half-life is approximately 2 hours and the mean terminal half-life is approximately 11 hours.
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The plasma clearance of tranexamic acid is 110-116 mL/min.
Elimination Route
Urinary excretion is the primary means of tranexamic acid elimination, with >95% of an administered dose excreted in the urine as unchanged parent drug. The rate of excretion is dependent on the route of administration — approximately 90% of an intravenously administered dose is excreted within 24 hours whereas only 39% of an orally administered dose is excreted within the same time frame.
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding use
Pregnancy: Tranexamic acid crosses the placenta. Clinical experience of use in pregnant women is limited. Animal studies have not supplied any evidence of an increased incidence of fetal damage.
Lactation: Tranexamic acid is excreted into breast milk, but it is not likely to influence the child at therapeutic doses.
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- Active thromboembolic disease, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and cerebral thrombosis
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage
- Hypersensitivity to Tranexamic acid or any of the ingredients
Special Warning
Renal Impairment:
Intravenous : Adjust dose based on the serum-creatinine concentration:
- 120-250 micromol/l: 10 mg/kg bid daily;
- 250-500 micromoles/l: 10 mg/kg once daily;
- >500 micromol/l: 5 mg/kg once daily or 10 mg/kg once every 48 hr.
Oral : Adjust dose based on serum creatinine concentration:
- 120-250 micromol/l: 15 mg/kg bid daily;
- 250-500 micromol/l: 15 mg/kg once daily;
- >500 micromol/l: 7.5 mg/kg once daily or 15 mg/kg once every 48 hr.
Pediatric Use: The drug has had limited use in pediatric patients, principally in connection with tooth extraction. The limited data suggest that dosing instructions for adults can be used for pediatric patients needing Tranexamic acid therapy.
Geriatric Use: Clinical studies of Tranexamic acid did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond different y from younger subjects. Other reported clinical experien e has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. This drug is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of toxic reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and it may be useful to monitor renal function. Drug Interaction Hemostop is known to interact with other drugs like Factor VIII. These interactions are sometimes beneficial and sometimes may pose threats to life. Always consult your physician for the change of dose regimen or an alternative drug of choice that may strictly be required. Pharmaceutical Precaution Keep in a cool & dry place, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.
Acute Overdose
Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache.
Treatment of overdose: If justified, initiate vomiting, then gastric lavage, charcoal therapy, and symptomatic treatment. Maintain adequate diuresis.
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Storage Condition
Store at a cool and dry place, protected from light and moisture.
Innovators Monograph
You find simplified version here Hemostop
What is Hemostop used for?
Hemostop is used to control heavy menstrual bleeding. It helps your blood to clot and is used for nosebleeds and heavy periods. If you’re having a tooth taken out, using Hemostop mouthwash can help stop bleeding.
How safe is Hemostop?
Gennerally using Hemostop for a long time doesn’t cause harmful side effects.The medicine was well-tolerated when used properly.
What are the common side effects of Hemostop?
The more common side effects of Hemostop include:
- nausea
- diarrhea
- stomach pain or discomfort
- vomiting
- chills
- fever
- severe headache (throbbing)
- back or joint pain
- muscle pain
- muscle stiffness
- difficulty moving
- runny or stuffy nose
Is Hemostop safe during pregnancy?
Hemostop seems to be safe and effective in the prevention and management of bleeding during pregnancy.
Is Hemostop safe during breastfeeding?
No increase in adverse long-term outcomes was found in infants exposed through breastfeeding to Hemostop. Our data in conjunction with previous estimates of very low drug exposure support continuation of breastfeeding in women requiring treatment with Hemostop.
How long does Hemostop stay in my system?
The mean terminal half-life of Hemostop is approximately 11 hours.
How long does it take for Hemostop to start working?
It can take up to 24 hours for the medicine to take full effect.Hemostop is usually used for a short time to treat bleeding. Usually you will take this medicine for 4 days for heavy periods, or for 7 days to treat other bleeding that does not stop by itself.
Does Hemostop stop bleeding completely?
Hemostop is given to stop or reduce heavy bleeding. When you bleed, your body forms clots to stop the bleeding. In some people, these clots break down and the bleeding continues. Hemostop works by stopping the clots from breaking down and so reduces the unwanted bleeding.
Who should not take Hemostop?
You should not use this medication if you are also using combination hormonal contraception because it may increase your chance of having a blood clot, heart attack, or stroke. Your risk is even higher if you are overweight, if you smoke cigarettes, or if you are over 35 years of age.
When is the best time to take Hemostop?
Hemostop comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It is usually taken with or without food three times a day for up to 5 days during monthly menstruation. You should begin taking this medication each month when your period starts.
Does Hemostop cause stroke?
Some studies have shown that Hemostop increases the risk of stroke.
Does Hemostop lighten skin?
The skin whitening effects of tranexamic acid was incidentally found when it was used in the treatment of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Can I use Hemostop every night?
Hemostop recommends you use the treatment two to three nights a week. This is because their formula doesn’t layer well alongside moisturisers and oils, so to prevent dehydration you should only use it a few times a week.
What does Hemostop do for skin?
Hemostop is primarily used as an ingredient that helps brighten dark spots and improve pigmentation.
What happen If I missed Hemostop?
If you forget to take your dose of Hemostop, take it as soon as you remember, unless it’s nearly time for your next dose. In this case, skip the missed dose and take the next one at the usual time. Do not take 2 doses at the same time.
Is it safe to take Hemostop every month?
Do not take Hemostop tablets for more than 5 days in a menstrual cycle or take more than 6 tablets in a 24 hour period of time.
How many days should I take Hemostop?
Hemostop tablets are usually taken 3 times a day for a maximum of 4 days. You start taking the tablets as soon as your period starts
Can Hemostop stop working?
Hemostop isn’t for everyone. If it stops working or doesn’t decrease heavy menstrual bleeding within two cycles, your doctor might suggest other medications for heavy periods.
What happen if I overdose on Hemostop?
Overdose symptoms may include headache, confusion, vision problems, vomiting, diarrhea, numbness or weakness, problems with speech or balance, feeling light-headed, or fainting.
Can I drink alcohol with Hemostop?
Yes, you can drink alcohol while taking Hemostop.
Will Hemostop affect my fertility?
There is no firm evidence to suggest that taking Hemostop will reduce fertility in either men or women.
Can I drive or ride after taking Hemostop?
Taking Hemostop will not affect your ability to drive a car or ride a bike.
Is there any food or drink I should avoid?
You can eat and drink normally while taking Hemostop.
Unit Price:
৳ 15.00
(30’s pack: ৳ 450.00)
In medicine: Prophylaxis and therapy of hemophtoes, digestive hemorrhages, hemorrhagic syndromes in leukaemia, cirrhosis and hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, accidents during thrombolytic therapy and transfusion.
In surgery: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy during operations of any type and nature and particularly in pulmonary, cardiovascular and abdominal surgery and post-operative and traumatic shock.
In urology: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy of prostatic, vesical and renal surgery. Hematurias.
In obstetrics: Prophylaxis and therapy of post-partum and puerperium hemorrhages, hemorrhagic metrophathies, functional menometrorrhagias, idiopathic or IUD(lntra uterine Device) induced menorrhagias, primitive hyperfibrinolysis (abruptio placentae, premature placenta detachment) and in cervical conization.
In otorhinolaryngology: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy during a tonsillectomy, specialist surgery generally, epistaxis.
In stomatology: Prophylaxis and antihemorrhagic therapy during maxillofacial operations, tooth extractions.
In oncology (as supportive therapy): To promote the formation of a fibrin capsule to wall off and thereby inhibit the growth of ovarian tumors. To cause regression of ascites secondary to carcinoma. To reduce bleeding during surgical interventions.
This is a preparation of tranexamic acid (trans-4 aminomethyl-cyclohexanecarboxylic acid). Tranexamic acid is a substance endowed with a strong antifibrinolytic action and both in vivo and in vitro it has proved to be 10 times more active than conventional hemostatics, depending on the test. The antihemorrhagic action of tranexamic acid is essentially due to an inhibition of the plasminogen activation of both exogenous activators like streptokinase and endogenous ones like urokinase and the plasminogen tissue activator. This fact is particularly important for the clinical use of Tranexamic Acid, because it ensures an antihemorrhagic activity with an antifibrinolytic mechanism under a variety of conditions.
The acute toxicity of Tranexamic Acid is extremely low and chronic toxicity almost non-existent. Tranexamic Acid is well absorbed by oral route and the effect is already seen 15-30 minutes after administration. It is excreted mainly by renal route but more slowly than conventional hemostatics. These features make the Tranexamic Acid effect more lasting than those conventional hemostatics. Considerably lower single doses of Tranexamic Acid can thus be administered at greater intervals without the drug plasma levels dropping to inefficient levels of antifibrinolytic activity between one dose and the other.
Tranexamic Acid at therapeutic doses does not interfere with clotting processes and even a prolonged administration has not been seen to be accompanied by any tendency to thrombophilia.
- The usual dose: 500-1000 mg 3 times daily.
- For prophylaxis: The mean recommended daily doses are 0.5-1 gm orally, 500 mg by the parenteral (intravenous or intramuscular) route.
- For therapy of hemorrhagic manifestations: the oral dose increases to 1-3 gm given in divided doses: in cases of particular seriousness and urgency, begin by injecting an ampoule (500 mg) slowly by intravenous route and administer the necessary subsequent oral doses.
- For prophylaxis: For every kg of body weight from 5-10 mg are orally administered daily in divided doses.
- For therapeutic purposes: The oral doses are doubled (from 10 to 20 mg/kg), while the intravenous and intramuscular treatment is begun with 10 mg/kg (=0.5 ml every 5 kg) by the slow intravenous route, continuing the oral administration up to the required dose. Where it is more convenient (e.g. in small babies) the ampoules, diluted in a little sweetened water, maybe orally administered instead of the Capsules.
Elderly patients: No reduction in dosage is necessary unless there is evidence of renal failure.
Hemostop is a synthetic Amino Acid that is incompatible with solutions containing penicillins (eg: Benzyl penicillin). Thrombolytic drugs like Streptokinase & Urokinase antagonise the antifibrinolytic action of Hemostop. The potential for thrombus formation may be increased by concomitant administration of estrogen containing drugs, like oral contraceptives. Direct admixture of Hemostop with whole blood should be avoided during Transfusion.
Known individual hypersensitivity to the product. Thromboembolic disease, arterial and venous thrombosis, endocavitary hemorrhages, serious kidney failure.
- Hemostop is generally well tolerated; there may be infrequent cases of sense of fatigue, conjunctival irritation, nasal blockage, itching, skin reddening, exanthems.
- After oral administration there may be sign of nausea, diarrhea, gastric pyrosis.
- There are rare cases of postural hypotension.
- In the case of hypersensitivity to Hemostop, avoid or suspend treatment and start a suitable therapy.
Since the transplacental passage of the drug and its possible effects on the fetus are unknown, Tranexamic Acid should not be administered during known and presumed pregnancy. Tranexamic Acid passes into breast milk to a concentration of approximately one hundredth of the concentration in the maternal blood. An antifibrinolytic effect in the infant is unlikely.
- Hemostop should be used in cases where there is hyperfibrinolysis. The prophylactic treatment must begin 24 hours before the operation and continue until 3-4 days after it.
- The therapy of hemorrhages must be prolonged for at least 24 hours after manifestations have disappeared.
- In hematuria, especially when this is not accompanied by any other hemorrhagic manifestations, reduce the doses to prevent formation of clots in the urinary tract.
- Hemostop must not be used in serious renal insufficiency or anuric syndromes and must only be used with caution in less serious renal dysfunctions.
- The administration of product requires particular care in cardiopathic and hepatopathic subjects.
Anti-fibrinolytic drugs, Haemostatic drugs
Store in a dry place at 15-30°C, away from light and keep out of children’s reach.
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Торговое название препарата: Гемостоп
Лекарственная форма: Таблетка
№ |
Активные компоненты (экстракты) |
1 |
Зверобой (Нуреricum perforatum) |
20 мг, |
2 |
Пастушье сумка (Capsella búrsa-pastoris) |
20 мг, |
3 |
Крапива двудомная (Urtica dioica L.) 50 мг, |
4 |
Анис обыкновенный (Anisum vulgare) |
10 мг, |
Вспомогательные вещества |
Крахмал 50мг, Магния стеарат 5мг, Сахарный песок до получения 500 мг. |
Описание: Таблетки от белого до светло желтого цвета круглые двояковыпуклые с вкраплениями коричневого цвета.
Фармакотерапевтическая группа: Кровоостанавливающие препарат растительного происхождения
Код ATX: В02ВА
Фармакологические свойства: Кровоостанавливающее действия препарата обусловлено высоким содержанием в нем антигеморрагического витамина Кı (филлахинон). Этот элемент способствует улучшению циркуляции крови в организме, поддерживает ее нормальную свертываемость. Механизм действия ГЕМОСТОПА так как непрямых коагулянтов связан с участием их в синтезе протромбина и проконвертина в печени, участвует синтезе II, VII, IX, X плазменных факторов, активизации коагуляционного звена гемостаза, повышении свертываемости крови, особенно при гипопротромбинемиях. Помимо участия в синтезе факторов свертывания крови, Гемостоп необходим для синтеза в печени альбуминов, миоальбуминов, факторов сохраняющих и поддерживающих ломкость сосудов.
Фармакокинетика: Данные о фармакокинетике препарата не предоставлены.
Показания к применению: В гинекологии (обильные выделения, вызванные наличием миомы, эндометриоза, эндометрита, длительные менструации на фоне гормональных расстройств) в составе комплексной терапии. Длительное и обильное кровотечение при снижении сократительной способности матки.
Кровотечение из внутренних органов (язвенная болезнь, болезни мочевыделительных путей, кровотечение из пищевода и кишечников). Носовые кровотечение связанные с нарушением целостности сосудов и снижением свертывающий системы.
Противопоказания: Повышенная чувствительность к компонентам препарата.
Способ применения и дозы: Внутрь назначают по 1 таблетке 3 раза в день до еды в течение 20 дней. Длительность лечения по рекомендации врача.
Побочные действия: Возможны аллергические реакции.
Передозировка: В настоящее время о случаях передозировки не сообщалось.
Взаимодействие с другими препаратами: При назначении с другими лекарственными средствами отрицательных эффектов не отмечено.
Особые указания: Случаи препарат ГЕМОСТОП не описаны.
Форма выпуска: Таблетки растительного происхождения, по 30 шт., во флаконе. Пачки картонные с защитной фирменной голографической наклейкой; Инструкция по применению.
Условия хранения: Хранить в недоступном для детей в сухом, защищенном от света месте при температуре не выше +25°С.
Срок годности 2 года. Не применять по истечении срока годности, указанного на упаковке.
Отпуск из аптек: Без рецепта.
Подробную информацию о товаре просим уточнять у продавца, связавшись с ним по указанному выше телефону или посредством электронного запроса через форму обратной связи.
Hemostop — Navil Laboratories
Hemostop (500mg) TabletGeneric : Etamsylate |
Price Updated on Mar 23, 2023
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Drug information on Hemostop (500mg) from Navil Laboratories
It is prescribed for —
Adult: PO- Menorrhagia- The recommended dose is 500 mg 4 times/day during menstruation. Control of hemorrhage after surgery- The recommended dose is 250-500 mg 4-6 hourly as needed.
Headache, skin rash, nausea, and low blood pressure.
It comes as a tablet to take by mouth, with or without food.
It also comes as a solution for injection to be administered by a healthcare provider into the vein.
Contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity and porphyria (a blood disorder).
Caution should be exercised in patients with history of coeliac disease, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Avoid excess dosage.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct heat and light.
Schedule : H Prescription drugs — Drugs to be sold only under the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner.
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