Холодильник тека ci 340 инструкция

Посмотреть инструкция для Teka CI 340 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории холодильники, 22 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Teka CI 340 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Холодильник Teka CI 340 имеет следующие характеристики: ширина составляет 540 мм, глубина — 540 мм, а высота — 1773 мм. Модель оснащена функцией размораживания, системой сигнала, предупреждающего при открытых дверях, и переставляемыми дверцами. Общий объем холодильника составляет 270 л, в то время как объем морозильной камеры и холодильника составляют соответственно 60 л и 200 л. Холодильник может быть встроен в мебель, но не подходит для установки индивидуальных панелей.

Холодильник Teka CI 340 — это надежное и долговечное устройство для хранения продуктов, предназначенное для интеграции в интерьер кухни. Холодильник имеет средний объем как для холодильной, так и для морозильной камеры и может удовлетворить потребности среднестатистической семьи по хранению продуктов. Система переставляемых дверей позволяет установить их по разным сторонам, что повышает удобство использования. Функция оповещения о незакрытых дверях может предотвратить нежелательное повышение температуры внутри холодильника, сохраняя продукты в рабочем состоянии. Встроенная система размораживания облегчает уход и продлевает срок службы устройства. В целом, холодильник Teka CI 340 — это функциональное и надежное устройство, которое может быть хорошим выбором для семейного использования.

CI 340 | 40634011
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Цвет товара Белый
Размещение бытового устройства Встроенный
Реверсивные двери Да
Декоративная панель Нет
Вес и размеры
Ширина 540 mm
Глубина 540 mm
Высота 1773 mm
Прочие свойства
Функция размораживания Да
Встроенный морозильник Да
Требования к питанию 220-240 V, 50 Hz
Сигнал при открытой двери Да
Суммарная полезная емкость 270 L
Полезная емкость холодильника 200 L
Морозильная камера
Полезная емкость морозильной камеры 60 L

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Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Teka CI 340.

Как предотвратить появление капель на стеклянных пластинах холодильника?

Причины появления капель могут быть разными. Рекомендуется проверить следующее: — Прочищено ли сливное отверстие? — Плотно ли закрывается дверца холодильника? — Не находится ли в холодильнике слишком много продуктов, что затрудняет циркуляцию воздуха? — Не установлена ли температура ниже 5 градусов?

Что мне делать при появлении в холодильнике неприятного запаха?

Распространенный метод решения проблемы появления неприятного запаха — налить уксус в слив и на некоторое время разместить стакан с уксусом в самом холодильнике.

Сколько свободного пространства следует оставлять вокруг холодильника?

Для оптимальной вентиляции вокруг холодильника должно быть минимум 2,5 сантиметра свободного пространства.

Что означает R-410A?

R-410A — это хладагент, используемый в устройствах, охлаждающих до нуля градусов по Цельсию.

Какая высота Teka CI 340?

Teka CI 340 имеет высоту 1773 mm.

Какая ширина Teka CI 340?

Teka CI 340 имеет ширину 540 mm.

Какая толщина Teka CI 340?

Teka CI 340 имеет толщину 540 mm.

Инструкция Teka CI 340 доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Teka CI 340, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

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Instruction/ maintenance manual of the product CI 340 Teka

  • File size: N/A
  • Number of pages: 24

Read the Teka CI 340 manual — avoid problems

An important point after buying a device Teka CI 340 (or even before the purchase) is to read its user manual. We should do this for several simple reasons:

  • to know how to properly use the device
  • to know how to perform maintenance/ periodic checks of correct operation of the product Teka CI 340
  • to know what to do in case of failure Teka CI 340

If you have not bought Teka CI 340 yet, this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the basic data on the product. First of all view first pages of the manual, you can find above. You should find there the most important technical data Teka CI 340 — thus you can check whether the hardware meets your expectations. When delving into next pages of the user manual, Teka CI 340 you will learn all the available features of the product, as well as information on its operation. The information that you get Teka CI 340 will certainly help you make a decision on the purchase.

If you already are a holder of Teka CI 340, but have not read the manual yet, you should do it for the reasons described above. You will learn then if you properly used the available features, and whether you have not made any mistakes, which can shorten the lifetime Teka CI 340.

However, one of the most important roles played by the user manual is to help in solving problems with Teka CI 340. Almost always you will find there Troubleshooting, which are the most frequently occurring failures and malfunctions of the device Teka CI 340 along with tips on how to solve them. Even if you fail to solve the problem, the manual will show you a further procedure – contact to the customer service center or the nearest service center

  • Page 1: Teka CI 340


  • Page 2: Teka CI 340

    22 Please determine the cause of the problem before making any repairs. Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Questions and Answers Operation failure of the refrigerator Failure of lamp Excessive noise. Failure of set temperature Strange odor Long operation period of the compressor Thick frost forma[…]

  • Page 3: Teka CI 340

    21 Following circumstances are not problems: *A slight continuous sound will be heard when the liquid refrigerant circulates. *Excessive vibration will be resulted in the following circumstances: a) The refrigerator is not well positioned and adjusted. b) The refrigerator is placed on a wood floor or near to wooden furniture. *Electricity consumpti[…]

  • Page 4: Teka CI 340

    20 Following circumstances are not problems: *A slight sound might be produced by the evaporator and the pipes due to temperature changes. *The compressor will operate for comparatively longer periods if excessive quantity of food is stored or the ambient temperature is high. *A slight sound might be produced by the thermostat, start capacitor or h[…]

  • Page 5: Teka CI 340

    19 Caution:never place the refrigerator horizontally. Moving the refrigerator *Unplug the refrigerator . *Remove all the food. *Secure the shelves and the fresh food container with the tape. *T ightly close and tape the door of the refrigerator . *Do not tilt the refrigerator more than 45 degrees, thus problems may be resulted to the cooling system[…]

  • Page 6: Teka CI 340

    Power failure Even in summer, food can be stored in the refrig- erator for a few hours after a power failure. *Don’t put additional food into the refrigerator during a power failure. *If prior notice of a power failure is given, make some ice and put it in a container in the top of the cold storage compartment. Caution:Temperature in the refri[…]

  • Page 7: Teka CI 340

    Cleaning The refrigerator should be cleaned regularly to prevent the formation of bad odors. *Disconnect the power before cleaning the refrigerator . *Clean the refrigerator with soft towel or sponge wet with warm water . (mild detergent) Caution: Do not use a hard brush, steel brush, detergent, gasoline or other solvents, hot water, acid or alkali[…]

  • Page 8: Teka CI 340

    Defrosting the refrigerator The refrigerator is designed for automatic defrost- ing. Frost formed on the back wall will melt and flow via the drainpipe to the evaporating container over the compressor on the back of the refrigera- tor, where the heat generated by the compressor will evaporate the water. It is normal for frost and water droplets to […]

  • Page 9: Teka CI 340

    Cautions Cautions Cautions Cautions Cautions *Hot food should not be stored in the refrigerator until it has cooled down to room temperature. *Food cut into small portions will freeze faster and be easier to defrost and cook. The recommended weight for each portion is less than 2.5kg. *The outside of any food packing should dried before storage in […]

  • Page 10: Teka CI 340

    Long-term storage of food As the freezer storage temperature is very low, fresh food can be stored in the freezer compartment for a long time. Food requiring long-term storage can be stored in the frozen food compartment. Attention should be paid to the storage information printed on the food packing. Freezer storage Freezer storage Freezer storage[…]

  • Page 11: Teka CI 340

    *Storage period will be extended if vegetables are placed with their roots towards the cold source. *Leaves of carrots or turnips should be removed before storage. *Eggs should be stored vertically in the egg holder . *Frozen food can be placed in the cold compartment before serving, as this will conserve energy . *Onions, garlic, ginger , water ch[…]

  • Page 12: Teka CI 340

    *Hot food must be cooled to room temperature before storing in the refrigerator . *Dry any water droplets on the food before placing it in the refrigerator . *It is recommended that food be sealed in suitable storage bags before placing it in the refrigerator . This will prevent moisture in the food from evaporating and prevent vegetables and fruit[…]

  • Page 13: Teka CI 340

       Refrigerator storage Refrigerator storage Refrigerator storage Refrigerator storage Refrigerator storage The refrigerator is for short-term food storage or for daily con- sumption. Although the temperature in most areas in the refrigeration compartment can be regu- lated between 0  and 10  , extended periods of food storage is not[…]

  • Page 14: Teka CI 340

    1 Connect the refrigerator to the power supply. 2 Temperature setting Temperatures in the refrigerator and the freezer are controlled by the thermostats. With the value increasing, the temperature goes down and vice versa. Operation Operation Operation Operation Operation Caution: Some time will be required for the refrigerator to reach the set lev[…]

  • Page 15: Teka CI 340

    5 Freezer temperature display Temperature of the freezer can be displayed. The indicator F illuminates at different scales for temperature ranges as shown in the table. Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions Indicator -15 -18 -21 -25 -32 Temperature Range -13  ~-16  -16  ~-19  -19  ~-23  -23  ~-25  Quick freezing […]

  • Page 16: Teka CI 340

    8 2 Power indicator The power indicator will illuminate after the appliance is connected to the power resource. Functions Functions Functions Functions Functions ^ _ b ` a c d e 1 Control panel When refrigerator is connected a power source, the green lamp (E) and the red over- temp warning lamp (G) illuminate. A. Refrigerator temperature setting B.[…]

  • Page 17: Teka CI 340

    Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation _ìáäíJáå=áåëí~ää~íáçå _ìáäíJáå=áåëí~ää~íáçå _ìáäíJáå=áåëí~ää~íáçå _ìáäíJáå=áåëí~ää~íáçå _ìáäíJáå=áåëí~ää~íáçå 1. Ensure that the doors of the kitchen unit and the refrigerator are of the same opening direction.[…]

  • Page 18: Teka CI 340

    6 Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation iÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖ iÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖ iÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖ iÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖ iÉÑíLoáÖÜí=aççê=léÉåáåÖ The door of the refrigerator can be opened both from the left or right as required. The […]

  • Page 19: Teka CI 340

    Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation Preparation NK NK NK NK NK Unpacking Remove all packing materials. OK OK OK OK OK Check attached accessories and materials. Checking should be conducted with reference to the Packing List. Contact the local distributor if shortage is found. PK PK PK PK PK Ensure that the refrigerator is properly lo- c[…]

  • Page 20: Teka CI 340

    4 Location Location Location Location Location *The refrigerator should be placed on a flat and solid surface. If the refrigerator is placed on a plinth, flat, strong and fire-resistant materials must be used. The front black foot of the refrigerator can be adjusted clockwise or anti-clockwise to lift or lower the refrigerator if it is placed on an[…]

  • Page 21: Teka CI 340

    Refrigerator Diagram Refrigerator Diagram Refrigerator Diagram Refrigerator Diagram Refrigerator Diagram 3  = Control panel  Lamp  Food shelf ====================  =cêÉëÜ=ÑççÇ=Åçåí~áåÉê  Egg holder =====  = Bottle holder  = Bottle fence ===================  = Drawers qÜáë= Çá~Öê~ã= ã~ó= îÉêó= ë[…]

  • Page 22: Teka CI 340

    *Damaged appliances are not to be put into operation. In case of doubt ,consult your supplier . *Connection and installation of the appliance are not to be carried out in strict compliance with the relative instructions set forth in the Use’s Guide. *For the purpose of safety ,the appliance must be properly grounded in accordance with specificati[…]

  • Page 23: Teka CI 340

    Disposal of the old appliance Before disposing an old appliance, please make sure it’s inoperative and safe. Unplug the appliance and remove or destroy all of the springs, latches, or bolt-locks in order to avoid the risk of child entrapment. It must be noted that the refrigeration system contains insulating gases and refrigerants, which require […]

  • Page 24: Teka CI 340

    CT -340 Domestic Refrigerator Operation Instructions Contents Cautions———————————————————1~2 Refrigerator diagram——————————————-3 Location————————————————————4 Preparation—————————————————-5~7 Functions———[…]

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