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User manual

Built-In Electric Oven

2 Contents

Thank you for choosing one of our high-quality products.

To ensure optimal and regular performance of your appliance please read this instruction manual carefully. It will enable you to navigate all processes perfectly and most efficiently.

To refer to this manual any time you need to, we recommend you to keep it in a safe place. And please pass it to any future owner of the appliance.

We wish you much joy with your new appliance.


Operating Instructions


Safety instructions


Description of the Appliance


General Overview


Control Panel


Oven Features


Oven accessories


Before Using for the first time


Setting and changing the time


Initial Cleaning


Using the Oven


Switching the Oven On and Off


Oven Functions


Inserting the Oven Shelf, Baking Tray

and Roasting Pan


Inserting/Removing the Fat Filter


Additional functions


Mechanical Door Lock


Uses, Tables and Tips






Grill sizes






Making preserves


Cleaning and Care


Outside of the appliance


Oven interior




Fat Filter


Shelf Support Rails


Oven lighting


Oven Ceiling


Oven door


Oven door glass


What to do if …






The following symbols are used in this user manual:

1Important information concerning your personal safety and information on how to avoid damaging the appliance.

3General information and tips

2Environmental information

Operating Instructions

1Safety instructions

Electrical safety

This appliance must be only connected by a registered electrician.

In the event of a fault or damage to the appliance: Take the fuses out or switch off.

Repairs to the appliance must only be carried out by qualified service engineers. Considerable danger may result from improper repairs. If repairs become necessary, please contact our Customer Services or your dealer.

Child Safety

• Never leave children unsupervised when the appliance is in use.

Safety whilst using

People (including children) who, because of their physical, sensory or mental capabilities or their inexperience or ignorance are not able to use the device safely, should not use this device without supervision or instruction by a responsible person.

This appliance is intended to be used for cooking, roasting and baking food in the home.

Take care when connecting electric appliances to sockets nearby. Do not allow connecting leads to come into contact with or to catch beneath the hot oven door.

Warning: Risk of burns! The interior of the oven becomes hot during use.

Using ingredients containing alcohol in the oven may create an alcohol-air mixture that is easily ignited. In this case, open the door carefully. Do not have embers, sparks or naked flames in the vicinity when opening the door.

3Information on acrylamides

According to the latest scientific knowledge, intensive browning of food, especially in products containing starch, can constitute a health risk due to acrylamides. Therefore we recommend cooking at the lowest possible temperatures and not browning foods too much.

How to avoid damage to the appliance

Do not line the oven with aluminium foil and do not place baking trays, pots, etc. on the oven floor, as the heat that builds up will damage the oven enamel.

Fruit juices dripping from the baking tray will leave stains, which you will not be able to remove. For very moist cakes, use a deep tray.

Do not put any strain on the oven door when open.

Never pour water directly into the oven when it is hot. This could cause damage to or discolouration of the enamel.

Rough handling, especially around the edges of the front panel, can cause the glass to break.

Do not store any flammable materials inside the oven. These could ignite when the oven is switched on.

4Description of the Appliance

Do not store any moist foods inside the oven. This could damage the oven enamel.

After switching off the cooling fan, do not keep uncovered dishes in the oven. Moisture may condense in the oven interior or on the glass doors and may get into the units.

3Note on enamel coating

Changes in the colour of the oven’s enamel coating as a result of use do not affect the appliance’s suitability for normal and correct use. They therefore do not constitute a defect in the sense of the warranty law.

Description of the Appliance

General Overview

Control panel

Door handle

Full glass door

Description of the Appliance


Control Panel

Oven Power Indicator

Temperature Pilot Light

Time display

Clock function buttons

Oven Functions Temperature selector

Oven Features

Top heat and heating elements

Oven lighting

Shelf positions

Meat probe socket

Fat Filter

Fan heating element


Bottom Heat

Oven shelf runners, removable

6Description of the Appliance

Inside of door

On the inside of the oven door you will find the numbers of the different oven shelves.

You will also find some brief information about the oven’s functions, recommended shelves and temperatures for cooking the most popular dishes.

Oven accessories

Oven shelf

For cookware, cake tins, roasts and grilled foods.

Baking tray

For cakes and biscuits.

Roasting Pan

For baking and roasting or as a pan for collecting fat.

Meat probe

For determining exactly how far joints of meat are cooked.

Before Using for the first time


Before Using for the first time

Setting and changing the time

After the appliance has been connected to the electrical supply or when there has been a power cut, the function indicator Time of day flashes automatically.

1.To change a time that has already been set,

press the button and the button at the same time, until the function light Time of day flashes.

2.Using the or button, set the current time. 3 Always press the desired button in the middle.

After about 5 seconds, the flashing stops and the clock displays the time of day set.

The appliance is now ready to use.

3The Time of day Minute Minder

can only be changed, if no is set.

Initial Cleaning

Before using the oven for the first time you should clean it thoroughly.

1Caution: Do not use any caustic, abrasive cleaners! The surface could be damaged.

3To clean metal fronts use commercially available cleaning agents.

1.Turn the oven function switch to oven lighting

2.Remove all accessories and the shelf support rails and wash them with warm water and washing up liquid.

3.Then wash out the oven with warm water and washing-up liquid, and dry.

4.Wipe the front of the appliance with a damp cloth.

8 Using the Oven

Using the Oven

3The oven is equipped with retractable buttons for “Oven functions” and “Temperature selection”. To use, press the relevant button. The button then sticks out.

Switching the Oven On and Off

Temperature / Time Display

Oven Power Indicator

Temperature Pilot Light

Meat probe indicator

Oven function selection

Temperature selector

1.Turn the oven functions dial to the desired function.

2.Turn the temperature selector to the desired temperature. The power indicator is lit as long as the oven is in operation.

The temperature pilot light is lit as long as the oven is heating up.

3.To turn the oven off, turn the oven functions dial and the temperature selector to the Off position.

3Cooling fan

The fan switches on automatically in order to keep the appliance’s surfaces cool. When the oven is switched off, the fan continues to run to cool the appliance down, then switches itself off automatically.

Oven Functions

The oven has the following functions:

Oven function



Using this function you can light up the oven interior, e.g. for


True fan

For baking on up to three oven levels at the same time.

Set the oven temperatures 20-40 °C lower than when using


Fan baking

For baking on one oven level dishes that require more inten-

sive browning and a crispy base.

Set the oven temperatures 20-40 °C lower than when using



For baking and roasting on one oven level.

Base heat

For baking cakes with crispy or crusty bases.


For defrosting e. g. flans and gateaux, butter, bread, fruit or

other frozen foods.

Single grill

For grilling flat food items placed in the middle of the grill

and for toasting.

Dual grill

For grilling flat food items in large quantities and for toast-



For roasting larger joints of meat or poultry on one level.

The function is also suitable for gratinating and browning.

Inserting the Oven Shelf, Baking Tray and Roasting Pan

3Shelf runner safety and anti-tip device

As a shelf runner safety device, all insertable components have a small curved indentation at the bottom on the right and left-hand edge.

Always insert insertable components so that this indentation is at the back of the oven interior. This indentation is also important for preventing the insertable components from tipping.

Inserting the baking tray or roasting pan

Push the baking tray or roasting pan between the guide bars of the selected oven level.

AEG B4403-5-M, B4403-5-A Manual

10Using the Oven

Inserting the oven shelf:

Insert the oven shelf so that the feet point downwards.

Push the oven shelf between the guide bars of the selected oven level.

3The high rim around the oven shelf is an additional device to prevent cookware from slipping.

Inserting the oven shelf and roasting pan together

Lay the oven shelf on the roasting pan.

Push the roasting pan between the guide bars of the selected oven level.

Inserting/Removing the Fat Filter

Only use the fat filter when roasting to protect the rear heating elements from fat splashes.

Inserting the fat filter

Hold the fat filter by the grip and insert the two mounts downwards into the opening on the rear wall of the oven (fan opening).

Taking out the fat filter

Hold the fat filter by the grip and unhook it.

Additional functions

Either Minute Minder or Meatprobe can be

Time or temperature display


Minute Minder

To set a countdown.


To set a core temperature.

Selector buttons

2Switching off the time display

You can save energy by switching off the time display.

To switch off the time display

Press the button and the button at the same time until the display goes out.

To switch on the time display

Press any button until the time appears in the display again.

3The display can only be switched off if no clock function or core temperature is entered.

3General Hints

After a function has been selected, the display flashes for about 5 seconds. While it flashes, the desired time can be set using the or buttons.

When the desired time has been set, the display flashes for another 5 seconds. The set time begins to run.

Press any of the buttons to stop the signal.

The desired oven function and temperature can be selected before or after setting the clock functions.

When cooking is finished, turn the oven and temperature selectors back to zero.

12 Using the Oven

Minute Minder

3This function has no effect on the operation of the oven.

1.Press any button.

“0.00” flashes in the display.

2.Within 5 seconds set the desired countdown

using the or buttons (max. 2 hours 30 minutes).

After 5 seconds the display shows the time remaining.

When the time has elapsed, “0.00” is displayed and an audible signal sounds for 2 minutes.

3.The signal can be stopped by pressing any button.


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AEG B 4403-5-M

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Руководство пользователя AEG B 4403-5-M

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