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Инструкция по эксплуатации телевизора Philips 43PUS7406-60.
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- Политика конфиденциальности
43″ (109 см), 4K UltraHD (3840×2160), 60 Гц, Smart TV есть, Wi-Fi есть, HDR есть, Android, HDMI x 4, USB x 2
Характеристики Телевизор Philips 43PUS7406
Основные характеристики
4K UltraHD (3840×2160)
Тип подсветки экрана
Direct LED
Индекс частоты обновления
60 Гц
Операционная система
Все характеристики
Не является публичной офертой
Информация о товаре носит справочный характер и не является публичной офертой. Характеристики, комплект поставки и внешний вид товара могут отличаться от указанных или быть изменены производителем без предварительного уведомления. Перед покупкой проверяйте информацию на официальном сайте производителя.
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Телевизор Philips 43PUS7406
за свою цену 30 т.р. шустрый, громкий, яркий, сочный.
Настраивать нужно цвет в ручную, по умолчанию цвета вырвиглаз, искажаются
очень современно выглядит, по дизайну в этой ценовой категории красивее не найти!
Телевизор Philips 43PUS7406
Цена-качество. Хороший ТВ.
За месяц пользования не заметила.
Отличное качество изображения и звука. Прост и понятен в управлении. Покупкой довольна.
Телевизор Philips 43PUS7406
Отличная картинка. Размер телевизора. Прост в использовании. На пульте управления сразу все удобные приложения.
Не пожалели о приобретенном товаре.
Телевизор Philips 43PUS7406
Качество картинки, сборка, функционал
Картинка не много дёргается не хватает частоты на 120 Гц..
Цена качества этого телевизора совпадает в полной мере. Мне всё понравилось.
Телевизор Philips 43PUS7406
Звук громкий достаточно качественный, картинка отличная, дизайн с узкой рамкой.
Очень огромный пульт с ненужными (для меня) кнопками типа (Netflix, ivi, твич прайм), отсутствие голосового управления. Системные приложения которые (мне) не нужны, но которые занимают память, а удалять их нельзя.
За свои деньги (покупал за 35 000) лучше телевизора не найти. Переживал из за андроида (есть опыт телевизора с андроидом 4 «Тупой до безумия»), но нет андроид 10 вполне хорошо справляется (правда первые 1-2 минуты после запуска подтупливает).
Рекомендую к покупке.
Телевизор Philips 43PUS7406
Цена среди аналогов. Качество картинки хорошее: отсутствие засветов. Контрастность, яркость — равномерная. Smart TV на Андроид 10, работает довольно гладко, памяти хватает, если сильно игрушками не забивать.
за неделю пока не увидел
Использую телевизор 3 недели. Всё показывает отлично. Памяти ТВ для Андроид хватает. Ничего не тормозит и не глючит. Чтобы использовать внешние пульты или смартфон (работающие по сети) необходимо в настройках удалить обновления сервиса Android remoute service
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Table of Contents
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User Manual
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Summary of Contents for Philips 7406 Series
Page 1
7406 Series User Manual 50PUD7406 55PUD7406 Register your product and get support at www.philips.com/TVsupport… -
Page 2: Table Of Contents
Contents 1 Home Screen 10.3 Start or Stop an App 1.1 Home Screen and Channels 10.4 Manage Apps 1.2 Open the Home Screen 11 Sources 1.3 Home Screen Update 11.1 Switch to a device 2 Setting Up 12 Settings 2.1 Read Safety 12.1 TV Options 2.2 TV Stand and Wall Mounting 12.2 Picture Settings…
Page 3
20.4 Support and Repair 21 Safety and Care 21.1 Safety 21.2 Screen Care 22 Terms of Use 23 Copyrights 23.1 HDMI 23.2 Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos 23.3 DTS-HD 23.4 DTVi 23.5 Wi-Fi Alliance 23.6 Kensington 23.7 Other Trademarks 24 Disclaimer regarding services and/or software offered by third parties Index… -
Page 4: Home Screen
This channel contains your Recommended, Subscriptions or Trending YouTube videos. Home Screen Customize channels Click the Customize channels button to add and remove channels from your Home screen. Home Screen and Channels See also www.support.google.com/androidtv The Home launcher To enjoy the benefits of your Android TV, connect the Accessing settings from Home TV to the Internet.
Page 5
Home Screen Update You may receive the update notification from Google and have a new version of Home launcher installed. With the new Home launcher, you will have a new look and features on your TV’s Home screen. New highlights on your home screen With multiple tabs like Home, Discover, Apps and Search, you can discover movies and shows from your services and popular apps. -
Page 6: Setting Up
You can find the instructions for mounting the TV stand in the Quick Start Guide that came with the TV. In case you lose this guide, you can download it from www.philips.com/TVsupport. Use the model number of the TV to look for the Quick Start Guide to download.
Page 7: Antenna Cable
Although this TV has a very low standby power consumption, unplug the power cable to save energy if you do not use the TV for a long period of time. Antenna Cable Insert the antenna plug firmly into the Antenna socket at the back of the TV. You can connect your own antenna or an antenna signal from an antenna distribution system.
Page 8: Remote Control
• To pair the remote control to the TV. Remote Control 10 — Google Assistant™ To launch the Google Assistant™. Key Overview (Type 1) Middle 1 — Power (Standby / On) 1 — OK key To switch the TV on or back to Standby. To confirm a selection or setting.
Page 9: Key Overview (Type 2)
2 — VOICE microphone Bottom 3 — MENU To open the TV Menu with typical TV functions. 4 — Amazon Prime Video To launch the Amazon Prime Video App. 5 — NETFLIX To launch the Netflix App with the TV switched on or from standby.
Page 10: Pair Your Remote Control To The Tv
list while watching TV. mute. 2 — Back • To return to previous menu or TV source. • To go back to the previous App. Pair Your Remote Control to 3 — Playback and Record • Play, to playback. the TV •…
Page 11: Ir Sensor
1 — Press Google Assistant™ on remote control, the blue light on the remote control lights up and the search field opens, the microphone is active. 2 — Speak out what you are looking for with clear pronunciation. You can speak for 10 seconds before the microphone switches off.
Page 12: Switching On And Off
Switching On and Make sure the TV is connected to the mains AC power. The indicator light at the bottom of the TV lights up. Switch on Press Power on the remote control to turn the TV on. You can also press the small joystick key on the bottom of the TV to turn the TV on in case you can’t find the remote control or its batteries are dead.
Page 13: Channel Installation
Cable Installation Channel Installation Please note that before installing channels, you should first change the Channel Installation Mode to First Time to Install Channels the one you want to install. For the Cable channel installation, you need to change Channel Installation Mode to Cable first and then start the installation.
Page 14
* Note: Depending on your installation country or operator setting, channel number editing is not always available. -
Page 15: Channels
Open a Channel List Channels Next to the list with all channels, you can select a filtered list or you can select one of the favorite lists you created. About Channels and Switch To open the current channel list… 1 — While watching TV, press OK to open the current Channels channel list.
Page 16: Watching Channels
Channel List Sorting Program Restrictions To prevent children from watching a program that You can do channel list sorting with all channels. You may not be suitable for them, you can set a rating. can set the channel list to show only TV channels or only Radio stations.
Page 17: Favorite Channels
Favorite Channels About Favorite Channels In a favorite channel list, you can collect the channels you like. You can create 4 different lists of favorite channels for easy channel zapping. With a Favorites List selected, press the Navigation keys up or down to select a channel, then press OK to watch the selected channel.
Page 18: Connect Devices
HDMI ARC Connect Devices Only HDMI 1 connection on the TV has HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel). If the device, typically a Home Theater System (HTS), About Connections also has the HDMI ARC connection, connect it to HDMI 1 on this TV. With the HDMI ARC connection, you do not need to connect the extra audio cable Connectivity Guide that sends the sound of the TV picture to the HTS.
Page 19: Home Theater System — Hts
Connect with HDMI auto power on. Use an HDMI cable to connect a Home Theater System (HTS) to the TV. You can connect a Philips HDMI EDID Version Soundbar or an HTS with a built-in disc player. Check the HDMI EDID version number.
Page 20: Audio Device
Audio Device USB Hard Drive Digital Audio Out — Optical What You Need Audio Out — Optical is a high quality sound If you connect a USB Hard Drive, you can pause or connection. record digital TV broadcasts. The TV broadcast must be a digital broadcast (DVB broadcasts or similar).
Page 21: Usb Flash Drive
Formatting Before you can pause or record a broadcast, or store apps, you must connect and format a USB Hard Drive*. Formatting removes all files from the USB Hard Drive. Warning The USB Hard Drive is formatted exclusively for this TV, you cannot use the stored recordings on another TV or PC.
Page 22: Bluetooth
Select a Device Bluetooth To select a wireless device… 1 — Press MENU > TV What You Need options > Settings > Remote & Accessories and press OK. You can connect a wireless device with Bluetooth® to 2 — In the list, select the wireless device and this TV –…
Page 23
4 — Press Back, repeatedly if necessary, to close the menu. -
Page 24: Connect Your Android Tv
• If the connection to the router is OK, check the router connection to the Internet. To enjoy the full capabilities of your Philips Android The PC and Internet connection are slow TV, your TV must be connected to the Internet.
Page 25: Google Account
IP addressing, set the TV to Static IP. Google Account Sign In To enjoy the full capabilities of your Philips Android TV, you can sign in to Google with your Google Account. By signing in you’ll be able to play your favorite games across phone, tablet and TV.
Page 26: Apps
Find more information on www.support.google.com/androidtv Apps Music 10.1 About Apps With YouTube Music you can play your favorite music on TV and buy new music on your computer or You can find your favorite Apps on Apps row in the mobile device.
Page 27: Start Or Stop An App
4 — When done, press Back repeatedly or Payments press EXIT or stop the app with its dedicated exit/stop button. To make a payment on Google Play on TV, you must If the App is not on you Home screen, you can add add a form of payment — a credit card (outside the via the Apps page or by the Add app to favorites United States) — to your Google Account.
Page 28: Sources
Sources 11.1 Switch to a device From the list of Sources, you can switch to any of the connected devices. You can switch to a tuner to watch TV or switch to your connected devices to watch their program, a digital receiver or a Blu-ray Disc player.
Page 29: Settings
• Dolby Vision Bright • Dolby Vision Dark Settings • Dolby Vision Vivid 12.1 Dolby Vision Notification TV Options MENU > TV options > Picture > Dolby Vision Press MENU while watching TV, press Navigation Notification and press OK. keys up or down to select one of below menus. Press Turn On or Off the Dolby Vision notification when Navigation keys right or left to view more options Dolby Vision content begins to play on your TV.
Page 30: Sound Settings
• HDMI Auto Game Mode Other Picture Settings Allow TV to automatically switch to Game mode when the game content is notified by source. MENU > TV options > Picture and press OK. Backlight Color Tuner Adjust the video backlight intensity. Fine tune the color setting yourself.
Page 31: Power Settings
Turn On or Off for the audio output through USB Set TV switch off timer audio device if there is a USB audio peripheral Power > Switch off timer. attached to the TV USB port. Select Switch off timer, the TV switches off Digital Output automatically at a preset time to save energy.
Page 32: Other Settings
Ambilight function. 12.6 Other settings Storage Device Preferences Check the device storage. Home > Settings > Device Preferences. System Update Home Screen Update TV software from local update or from the Customize the home screen. You can enable or Internet. disable the video and audio previews.
Page 33: Reboot
Remote and Accessories Audio Language Home > Settings > Remote and Accessories. Set audio preference language You can select the stored bluetooth connection from MENU > TV options > Advanced Options > Audio the list. Language/Primary Audio/Secondary Audio or Audio Channel.
Page 34: Accessibility Settings
Timer Set TV switch on or off timer Home > Settings > Device Preferences > Timer. Set Power on time type or Power off type to On or Once. 12.10 Accessibility Settings The TV is prepared for use of the deaf, hard of hearing, blind or partially sighted people.
Page 35: Videos, Photos, Music & Text
13.3 View your Photos Videos, Photos, Music & Text View Photos View a photo 13.1 1 — Press Home, select MMP from the Apps list and From a USB Connection press OK. 2 — Use Navigation keys to select Photo. 3 — Select one of the photos, and press OK.
Page 36: Play Your Music
Display the information of the picture file. Press OK to play or pause the text file preview. Photo Frame image Repeat Set the picture as Photo Frame image. Preview the text files repeatedly or once. Picture Shuffle On, Shuffle Off Adjust the picture settings.
Page 37: Tv Guide
TV guide 14.1 TV Guide Data With the TV Guide you can view a list of the current and scheduled TV programs of your channels. Not all channels offer TV Guide information. The TV Guide receives information (data) from broadcasters. The TV can collect TV Guide information for the channels that are installed on the TV.
Page 38: Recording And Time Shift
3 — Select Set PVR to assign the device for recording data storage. The device will be marked with PVR on Recording and Time Device info list. Shift You cannot record when you are using Time shift function. 15.1 In terms of enforcement of copyright legislation, some Record Options channel providers can apply different restriction by means of DRM (Digital Right Management)
Page 39: Time Shift
List of Recordings Pause a program You can view and manage your recordings in the list To pause and resume a broadcast… of recordings. • To pause a broadcast, press Pause. A progress bar To open the list of recordings… at the bottom of the screen appears briefly.
Page 40: Smartphones And Tablets
Smartphones and Tablets 16.1 Google Cast What You Need If an app on your mobile device has Google Cast, you can cast your app on this TV. On the mobile app, look for the Google Cast icon. You can use your mobile device to control what’s on TV.
Page 41: Netflix
Netflix If you have a Netflix subscription, you can enjoy Netflix on this TV. Your TV must be connected to the Internet. In your region, Netflix might only come available with future software updates. To open Netflix, press NETFLIX on the remote control to open the Netflix App.
Page 42: Software
Software 18.1 Update Software Local Updates You need a computer with a high-speed Internet connection and a USB flash drive to upload the software on the TV. Use a USB flash drive with at least 2GB free space. Make sure that write protection is switched off.
Page 43: Specifications
Specifications Product specifications are subject to change without 19.1 notice. For more specification details of this product, Environmental www.philips.com/TVsupport Power End of Use • Mains power: AC 110-240V +/-10% • Ambient temperature: 5°C to 35°C (40°F to 95°F) • Power saving features: Sleep timer, Switch off timer, Disposal of your old product and batteries Picture off, No Signal Auto Power Off, Auto sleep.
Page 44: Connectivity
• Audio Codecs: MP3, WAV, AAC, WMA (v2 up to Supported Computer/Video resolution v9.2), WMA-PRO (v9 and v10) Resolution — Refresh rate • Subtitles : – Formats : SRT, SMI, SSA, SUB, ASS, TXT • 640 x 480 — 60Hz –…
Page 45: Help And Support
Philips startup screen influence reception quality. If possible, try to improve When the TV is in standby, a Philips startup screen is the reception quality by changing the antenna displayed, then the TV returns to standby mode. This direction or moving devices away from the TV.
Page 46
this channel with Manual Installation. HDMI and USB Poor picture from a device • Make sure that the device is connected properly. HDMI Make sure the device’s output video setting is the • Note that HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content highest possible resolution if applicable. Protection) support can delay the time taken for a TV •… -
Page 47: Online Help
6 — Press Back or EXIT repeatedly to close the menu. 20.3 Online Help To solve any Philips TV related problem, you can consult our online support. You can select your language and enter your product model number. Go to www.philips.com/TVsupport…
Page 48: Safety And Care
If liquids are spilled on or into the TV, disconnect the controls. TV from the power outlet immediately. • ALWAYS route cords and cables connected to the Contact Philips TV Consumer Care to have the TV television so that they cannot be tripped over, pulled checked before use. or grabbed.
Page 49: Screen Care
• Disposal of a battery into fire or a hot oven, or 21.2 mechanically crushing or cutting of a battery, that can Screen Care result in an explosion. • Leaving a battery in an extremely high temperature • Never touch, push, rub or strike the screen with any surrounding environment that can result in an object.
Page 50: Terms Of Use
TP Vision is the warrantor in relation to the products. TV with which this booklet was packaged. Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Page 51: Copyrights
Copyrights 23.1 HDMI 23.4 DTVi HDMI The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia The DTVi brand and logo are registered marks of Interface and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC- registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Rio) and the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB).
Page 52: Other Trademarks
23.7 Other Trademarks All other registered and unregistered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Page 53
Disclaimer regarding services and/or software offered by third parties Services and/or software offered by third parties may be changed, suspended or terminated without prior notice. TP Vision does not bear any responsibility in these sorts of situations. -
Page 54: Index
Channel, switch to a channel Search for a Channel Channel, TV guide Set PIN Code Connectivity Guide Software, Update Consumer Care Sound Mode Contact Philips Sound, style setting Support, online Display Mode Switching On Disposal of TV or batteries Troubleshooting Eco Settings…