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Руководство автовладельца (RU):


Руководство на японском языке с официального сайта:
Автомобиль (JPN):
http://www.honda.co.jp/ownersmanual/pdf/auto/insight/30TM86031_web.pdf (цветные картинки, расписано все по шагам, знание языка не обязательно)
Магнитола Internavi (JPN):
http://www.honda.co.jp/ownersmanual/pdf/auto/insight/30TM8V002_web.pdf (здесь уже сложнее)
Каталог аксессуаров Honda Insight 2010 (JPN):

Руководство по действиям в экстренных ситуациях (ENG):

Руководство по технологиям и оснащению Honda Insight ZE2 2012 (ENG):


Руководство автовладельца (ENG):


Выбираем год и модель, затем переходим по ссылкам.

Видео-описание основных возможностей Honda Insight ZE2 (JPN):

Зарядка батарей, ускорение, салон. Не забудьте включить субтитры.

За ссылку спасибо: @Ars-AngeL

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Посмотреть инструкция для Honda Insight (2019) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 5 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.8. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Honda Insight (2019) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Honda требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Honda?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Honda Insight (2019) доступно в русский?

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Руководство автовладельца (RU):


Руководство на японском языке с официального сайта:
Автомобиль (JPN):
http://www.honda.co.jp/ownersmanual/pdf/auto/insight/30TM86031_web.pdf (цветные картинки, расписано все по шагам, знание языка не обязательно)
Магнитола Internavi (JPN):
http://www.honda.co.jp/ownersmanual/pdf/auto/insight/30TM8V002_web.pdf (здесь уже сложнее)
Каталог аксессуаров Honda Insight 2010 (JPN):

Руководство по действиям в экстренных ситуациях (ENG):

Руководство по технологиям и оснащению Honda Insight ZE2 2012 (ENG):


Руководство автовладельца (ENG):


Выбираем год и модель, затем переходим по ссылкам.

Видео-описание основных возможностей Honda Insight ZE2 (JPN):

Зарядка батарей, ускорение, салон. Не забудьте включить субтитры.

За ссылку спасибо: @Ars-AngeL

  • Page 1: Honda Insight

           […]

  • Page 2: Honda Insight

     2       GENERALINFORMATION ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5  A BOUTTHI S E NCYCLOPEDI A ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6  V EHICUL E I DENTIFI CAT[…]

  • Page 3: Honda Insight

     3 L IGHTW EIGHT B ODY P A NELS ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 26  B ODY R EPAI R I NFORMATIO N ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27  DacroCoatedBolts …………….[…]

  • Page 4: Honda Insight

     4 Design ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58  B ATT ERY M ODULE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 60  J UNCTI ON B OARD …………..[…]

  • Page 5: Honda Insight

     5    G ENERAL  I NFORMA TION  […]

  • Page 6: Honda Insight

     6 A BOUT THIS E NCYC LOPEDIA  This encyclopedia is  pr ovided so that you ca n learn m ore ab out the Insight and how it works. While every effort has been made to  insure its accuracy, this information sh ouldn’t be used as the b[…]

  • Page 7: Honda Insight

     7 V EHICULE I DE NTIFICA T ION N UMBER (VIN) The I nsight’ s VIN c an be found many  places on the car. T he easiest and most v isible location is throughasm allwindow atthebottomdriver’ssidecornero fthew indshield:    An?[…]

  • Page 8: Honda Insight

     8 F EA T URESA N D S PECIFICA T IONS  Overview  Vehicletype  Subco mpact,two- seater,front-wheeldrive,gasoline-electrichy brid Standa rdfeatures  Majorfeatures:  • 5-speedmanualtransm ission • Anti- lockbrakes • Electricpo wersteering • Dualairbags[…]

  • Page 9: Honda Insight

     9 Valvetrain  1 2valveSOHC VTEC-Evariable valvetim ingandlifttechnology  Borexstroke  72 mm x81.5mm Displacement  0. 995liter  Compressionratio  1 0.8:1 Tune-up interval  17 0,000 km(105,000 mi) Engine weight  56kg(12 4lbs.) Electri[…]

  • Page 10: Honda Insight

     10 Wheels&Tires  Wheels  14x5.5J  Castalum inum  Tires  BridgestonePotenzaRE9 2165 /65R147 8S Tread wear260T ractionATemperatureB TubelessSteelBe ltedRadialM+S BodyConstruction Type  Alum inum monocoque Allstructuralcomponents andmost[…]

  • Page 11: Honda Insight

     11 FuelConsum ption&Emissi ons Fuelcon sumption  3 .4l/100 km(EUDC) 61mpgcity/70mpghig hway (EPA) CO2emissions  80g/km California emission stan dards complianc e  ULEV […]

  • Page 12: Honda Insight

     12 S CA LE D R A WINGS          […]

  • Page 13: Honda Insight

     13     Non-ScaleDrawingofCargoArea (CourtesyofJohnJohnson)    […]

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     14    M AINTENANCE  […]

  • Page 15: Honda Insight

     15 S PECIA L M A INT ENA NCE C ONSIDER A TIONS  EngineOil TheInsightusesanAPISJratedo ilwith anSAE0W-20viscosity. Formaxim umf ueleconomy thisoilshouldbeused.  Washing Remove the rear wheel skirts and the roof mounted antenna bef[…]

  • Page 16: Honda Insight

     16 L ONG -T ERM S TORA GE  In ad dition to a conventional 12 V battery, the Insigh t has a     . When the vehicleis stored for a long perio d, the IMA batterywill graduallydischarge andmustbe charged[…]

  • Page 17: Honda Insight

     17 H A TCH A CCESS  The I nsight rear hatch diff ers from m any Honda m odels because there is no mechanical link age between the hatch release on the outside of the vehicle and the ac tual latch. T he exterior latch release is actually?[…]

  • Page 18: Honda Insight

     18 T OWING I NFORMA TION  To accommodate flat-bed towin g equipment, the Ins ight is provided with a f ront towing h ook, and front and rear tie down hook holes. The towing hoo k can be used with a winch to pull the Insight onto the[…]

  • Page 19: Honda Insight

     19 S ERVICE S A FETY C ONS IDERA TIONS  The Insight’ s IMA system em ploys high- voltage components and highly m agnetic components, and so anyonew or kingontheIMAsy stemmus texercisecautionandfollowServiceManualproceduresc arefully .  IMAMot[…]

  • Page 20: Honda Insight

     20 S ERVICE C ONNE CTORS  TheInsightusesanindustry standar dOBD-IIo nboardd iagnosticssy stem. This system  allows standard OB D-II diagnostic too ls (including OBD-II software and co nnector cable available for Windows PCs; see below) to be co[…]

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     21    B ODY  T ECHNOLOGIES  […]

  • Page 22: Honda Insight

     22 A ERODYNA MICS  Regardless of wh at power source a car is using, the less its aer odynam ic drag, the less energy w ill be needed to travel at any given speed. A great deal of effort has gone into designing  the Insight around[…]

  • Page 23: Honda Insight

     23 • Low -dragdoo rmirrors • Rear wh eel wells enclosed by f ender skirts and disk -shaped w heels alum inum alloy w heels smoothairflow  aroundthewheelopenings  • Frontfendersextenddownbelowcenterlineofw heel • Toimproveairflowov[…]

  • Page 24: Honda Insight

     24 A LUMINUM C ONSTRUCT I ON   The Honda Insight’s body is made of aluminum , offering light weight and a high level of body rigidity to enhance overall fuel econom y, handling  and passeng er safety . Alum inum w eighs only one-third a s?[…]

  • Page 25: Honda Insight

     25 On the Insight, each fram e m ember’s size and strength is optimized so that the frame is strongwhere it needs to be, and lighter in less critical areas. A variety of shapes are used, including hexagons, ovals, H- sections a[…]

  • Page 26: Honda Insight

     26 L IGHTWEIGHT  B ODY P A NELS  The Ho nda Insight features lightw eight plastic panels wh ich are used extensively  in non-st ructural applications. T he front fenders, spoilers, under b ody cover and r ear fender skirts are all made o f plastic.?[…]

  • Page 27: Honda Insight

     27 B ODY R EPA IR I NFORMA TION  DacroCoatedBolts Bolts that make c ontact with the aluminu m bo dy o r alumin um suspension components have a special Dacro coating to prevent corr osion b etween two dissimilar metals. If these bolts a re remov[…]

  • Page 28: Honda Insight

     28 P LA STIC F UEL T A NK  TheHonda Insightus esaplasticfueltank. Use of a plastic fuel tank reduces w eight. Also, since the p lastic fuel tank willnot corrode , it isfar less susceptible to developing a leak whereby  gasoline a[…]

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     29  S TEERING /S USP ENSION /B RAKES  […]

  • Page 30: Honda Insight

     30 E LECT RIC P OWER S TEERING  The Honda Insight uses a variab le-assist rac k and pinion e lectric power steering  (EP S) system  rather thanatypicalhy d raulicpowersteeringsy stem. A typical hydraulicp ower steering system  is continually  plac[…]

  • Page 31: Honda Insight

     31   ElectronicConstruction The E PS co ntrol unit is mounted inside the car on the right side bulkhead, underneath the dash. It receivesinputfromtheveh iclespeed sensorandtorquesensormountedonthesteeringpinionshaft. The to rque?[…]

  • Page 32: Honda Insight

     32 F RONT  S USPENSION  The I nsight uses a Ma cpherson Strut type front suspension withstabilizer b ars (0.66  inch). T he front suspension geom etry has been optim ized to exhibit minim al chang es in toe and cam ber throughout its travel,giving[…]

  • Page 33: Honda Insight

     33 R EA R S USPENSION  The I nsight’ s rear suspension uses tr ailing arms. These are co nnected midw ay along their length by a curved, H-section steel torsio n beam that tw ists to allow a controlled level of independent suspension movem en[…]

  • Page 34: Honda Insight

     34 B RA KING S YSTEM  FrontDiscBrakes The front brake single piston calipers fitted to the Insight are made from  alumin um. This h elps to reducetheweightan ddr agofthecomponentssign ificantly with outalossofstrengthinthecomponents[…]

  • Page 35: Honda Insight

     35 While a  typical cast iro n drum might weig h 3.4 kg (7.5  lbs.), the Insight’s  aluminum /cast iron drum weig hs2.1kg(4.6 lbs.).T hedrum’souts idediameteris181 mm .  Anti-LockBrakingSystem The Insight is eq uipped with[…]

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     36  C ABIN I NTERIOR  […]

  • Page 37: Honda Insight

     37 C A BIN I NTERIOR     InteriorFe atures The interior of the Insight is well equipped, w ith automatic climate control, po wer w indows, power mirrors and power doo r locks with  keyless en try. An an ti-theft sy stem prevents the car f[…]

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     38   To assist in holding ca rgo in place, the cargo area is equipped with D-rings in four co rners to w hich a cargonetorca rgobagmaybehooked.     Formoreinformationonthecabininterior,see: • ElectronicInstrum[…]

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     39 E LECT RONIC I NSTRU MENT D ISPLA Y  Housed in a hooded central p od direc tly in  front of the driver, the Insight’s Electronic Instrum ent Displayis a combination analog and digital readout that showsall importantinformation about the[…]

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     40 • Batter y charging : The IM A is recharging  the battery pack, using en ergy from  vehicle mom entum  / the gasoline engine. The amount of r echarge is indicated by the illum ination of green co lored bars on the left side of the[…]

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     41 When the sp eedometer is set to mph, od ometer / trip meter d istances are displayed in miles, and fuel efficiency  is d isplayed in  m iles per gallon. When the s peedo meter is  set to km/h , odometer / trip meter distancesared[…]

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     42 P A SSENGER R EST RA INT S YSTEM  The Honda Insigh t Supplem ental Restraint System  consists of an SRS control unit withintegral impact sensors, driver and passenger airbags, and seat belt tensioners. T he seat belt pretensioner system  also p[…]

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     43 H EA TING ,C OOLING &V ENTILA TION  The Honda Insight Heating and Air Conditioning (optional) achieves a balance between com fort for the passengers and fuel economy  for the vehicle. This unique design allows th e engine ECU and the […]

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     44 M ICRON A IR F ILTRA TION  The Ho nda Insight is equipped  with a cabin air filter located between the blower housin g and the evaporator case. The p urpose of the filter is to pro vide a c omfortable and healthy  environment  for the?[…]

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     45    IMA H Y BRID S YSTEM  […]

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     46 IMAH YB RID S YSTEM  A hybrid power sys tem for an automobile can have a series configuration or  a parallel configuration. With a series sys tem, an engine drives a generator, whichin turnp owersa  motor, whoseo utputp ropels the?[…]

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     47 IMAM ODESOF O PERA TION  As the Insi ght’s g oes from being stationary  to accelerating, cruis ing an d then decelerating, the IMA hybrid system ‘s mode of operation changes. In each mode of operation, the gasoline engine and IMA?[…]

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     48 S TA RTING /R ES TA RTING M ODE    Energyflow from batteryto gasengine(v iaelectric motor)  Under mostconditio ns,the Insight engineis started by theI MAmotor,whichinstantly spinsthe engine to100 0rpm. TheInsightalsohasa[…]

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     49 A CCELERA TION /A SSIST M ODE    Energyflow from gasengineto w heels&f rombatteryt oelectric motort owheels  During acceleratio n and other high load conditions such as climbing a steep slope, curr ent from the BatteryM od[…]

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     50 C RUISING M ODE    Energyflow from gasengineto w heels(&s ometimes alsoto batteryv iamotor/ generator)  When the Insight is cruising at a constant speed and the Battery Module state of c harge is relatively low, some engin[…]

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     51 D ECELE RA TION /R EGENERA TIVE B RA KING    Energyflow from w heelsto battery(v iaelectric motor/generat or)  During deceler ation, the gasoline e ngine is sw itched into fu el cut m o de, and the IMA Moto r/Generator is oper ated in genera[…]

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     52 F UEL C UT  M O DE    Energyflow from w heelsto crankshaft (nofuel burned)  Whenever the Insight is moving wit h the clutch engaged and the transmis sion in gear, the gasoline engine is mechani cally connected to the wheels, and?[…]

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     53 I DLE S TOP M ODE    NoEnergyFlow  (Vehiclestat ionary,coasting ordecelerating)  To prevent unnecessaryfuel consumptionand exhaust emissions , the Insight’ s gasolineengine is turned off when there is no need  for pro pulsion or ?[…]

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     54 may  o ccur, possibly causing the air co nditioning compressor to  temporarily stop. See the climate control pageformoreinformation.  ConditionsforEn gineRestart Theengineisrestartedwhen: • Agearisselectedwithth eclutchdisengaged,[…]

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     55 IMAC OMPONENT  L OCA TIONS     This view  shows  the contents o f the «I PU» compartment, imm ediately b ehind the driver and pa ssenger seats.Thiscompartmentcontainsthef ollowingcom ponents: • Motor Control Module (MCM): T his i[…]

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     56 • Junction Boar d: T his is the black component, lo cated to the right of the DC-DC Converter, and is actually part o f the Battery Module assem bly. The Junction Board contains the battery module sw itch, along with contactors that […]

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     57 IMAM OTOR /G ENERA TOR  Role The thin design motor is located between the 3-cy linder engine and the tr ansm ission. T he IMA motor servesanum bero ffun ctions: • It assistsin vehicle propulsion whenneeded, allo win gthe use of[…]

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     58 Design TheIMAmotorisaper manen t-mag nettype,brushlessDCm otor. The only moving  part in this type of motor, the roto r, consists of nothing but permanent magnets. T he electromagnets ar e located around the perimeter ofthestator.?[…]

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     59  […]

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     60 B A TTER Y M ODULE  The Battery Module uses nickel metal h ydride (NiMH) technologyf orhighenergydensity and longservicelife. The battery is manu factured by P anasonic E V Energy and weig hs only 48 lb s. or 22 kg. Its ope ratingte[…]

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     61 J UNCT ION B OA RD  The J unction Board is located  in the IP U compartment and is attached directly to the Battery M odule. Most small co mponents, and the main connections o f the high voltage system , are lo cated o n the junction b[…]

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     62 B A TTER Y C ONDITION M ONITOR (BCM) The Battery Condition Mo nitor Mod ule (BCM) monitors the condition o f the main b attery, via four temperature sensors and 10 voltage sensors in the Battery Module. It also uses one current sensor to?[…]

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     63 M OTOR C ONTR OL M ODULE (MCM ) The I MA Motor/Generator’s function is to charge the Battery Module, to assist the g asoline engine underacceleration,and tostarttheengineunderspecificconditions. The Motor  Control Module contro ls all?[…]

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     64 M OTOR D RIVE M ODULE  (M DM) The IMA system assists the engine with an ele ctric motorusing powerfro mthe Battery Module. It mustalso recharge the Battery Module by using  power generated by the motor. It is the Motor Drive M[…]

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     65 DC-DCC ONV ERTER  The Insight engine is  not equipped w ith an ACG (AC Generator or Alternator). Instead, recharging of the 12V battery and powering of the conventional 12V electrical system is  performed by a DC-DC co nverter located […]

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     66    A DV ANCED G ASOLINE E N GINE  […]

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     67 A DVA NCED G A SOLINE E NGINE  The Insight’s internal combustion engine is an in-line three-cylinder with a displacement of 995cc. Its design includes comprehensive w eight-reducing and friction-reducing features which ensure fuel-ef ficient, environm en[…]

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     68 E NGINE W EIGHT R ED UCTION T EC HNOLOGIES  Allengin epartshavebeenmadeaslightaspossible.M ajor weig ht-reducingfeatu resare: • Sleevelesscylin derswithm inimaldimensionbetw e enbores • The intake manifold used on the Insight’ s 1. […]

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     69 E NGINE F RICT ION R EDUCTION T EC HNOLOGIES  To minim ize energy losses, friction between m o ving parts is m inim ized by utilizing the f ollowing features: • Offsetcy linderconstruction • In the interest o f friction red uction, Honda engineer[…]

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     70 V IBRA TION C ONTROL S YST EM  A three cy linder engine, w ithout balance shafts (w hich decr ease power and thus fuel efficien cy), is inherently  pro ne to vibration. T o improve idle quality, the IMA m o tor is used to smooth out speed[…]

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     71 O FFSET  C YLINDER C ONST RUCTION  The e ngineb lock has a unique,o ffsetcylinder d esign in which  the b ore centeris offset 14mm  fromthe crank center. Maximum  combustion pressure o ccurs at a point wh ere the connecting r od is str[…]

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     72 S PA RK P LUGS  TheInsightusesanew ,iridiumsparkplugthatisuniquetothisv ehicle. There are  four different pa rtn umbers  for thespark plugs,and eachhasthe electrode aligned differently  with  the plug threads. This allows the?[…]

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     73 R OCKER A RMS &S HA FT  In order to r educe friction and weigh t, L-shaped, roller rocker ar ms are mounted on a single shaft. A narrow valve angle (30 degrees) and a compact combustion chamber contribute toa nincreased  sw irl […]

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     74 VTEC-ES YST EM  The Ho nda Insight’sengine employs a newly  designed VT EC system . I nthis system , thec amfollowers of theintake primaryro cker armsare fitted withroller s thatminim izefrictio nonthe cam’scontactsurfaces. ([…]

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     75 I NTEGRA TE D H EA D  The Honda Insight’s  cylin der head has a unique, cast-in exh aust man ifold that saves w eight and increasesexhaustheatretention. The exhaust ports are loca ted inside the cylinder head and are surrounded bya w[…]

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     76 D IRECT  I GNITION S YSTEM  The Insight engi ne employ s a direct ignition system  similar to those used on the Honda S2000 and the 1999 Odyssey . Separateignitioncoilsforeachcylinderarelo cateddire ctlyabovethesparkplugs. Two T DC?[…]

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     77 CVTT RA NSMISSION   TheInsightismadew ithtw otransmissions: • aconventional5-speedmanualtransm ission,and • a continuously variable automatic transmission, also referred to at the «CVT»  or «Honda Multimatic» tr ansm ission[…]

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     78 Honda claims that their CVT transm ission is the w or ld’s first m ass-pro duced, high- power, stepless transmis sion. While such tr ansm issions existed previously, they claim the CVT is » far super ior in quality, endurance, power output […]

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     79 1) Driven-Shaft- PlacedAccelera tionClutch The Honda Multimatic differs from p reviously existing step-less transmissions  is that the acceleratio n clutch is placed on the d riven shaft. T he p rimary  reason we too k this route was to co n[…]

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     80 changes. At the same time, this allow s for a more dir ect connection to the engine, resulting in less slip-loss -w hichultim atelyleadstohigherfueleconom y.  5) High-Perfo rmanceOilPum p The Honda Multimatic req uires a high-[…]

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     81 2) AccelerationCo ntrol The accelera tion clutch’s  power transfer amoun t is controlled via the clutch piston’s oil pressure. Additionally, the amount of creep is also controlled here as well. T he «smart» creep has two […]

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     82 E NGINE P ERFORMA NCE C URVE S    […]

  • Page 83: Honda Insight

     83 G EA R R A TIO G RAP HIC      […]

  • Page 84: Honda Insight

     84    E MISSIONS C ONTROL  […]

  • Page 85: Honda Insight

     85 E MISSIONS S TA NDA RDS  We know that Honda has gone to  great le ngths in eng ineering the Insig ht in the pursuit of low  emissi onslevels,butjusthowlow havetheyactually achieved?  Therear etwom ajor categoriesofvehicleemissions?[…]

  • Page 86: Honda Insight

     86 ComparisontoVariousCar Em issionsStandards  Smong -CausingComp ounds  Greenhouse Gas  Hydrocarbo ns  Carbon Monoxide  Nitrog en Oxides  Particulate Matter  Carbon Dioxide  Category  TOG (1)  g/km (g/mi)  NMOG (2)  g/km (g/mi)  CO (3)  g/km(g/mi)  […]

  • Page 87: Honda Insight

     87 L EA N -B URN O XYGEN  S ENSOR  A normal zirco nia oxygen sensor is only capa ble of measuring the oxy gen content of the exhaust in a narrow air-fuel mix ture range, r ight around stoichiometric (14. 7:1). T his is fine f or normal operatin[…]

  • Page 88: Honda Insight

     88   Unlike a conventional sensor, the voltage c an be positive or  negative, and it reads the opposite direction. T hat is, positive voltage indicates a lean mixtu re, and negative voltage indicates a rich mixtu re. Thenormaloperating[…]

  • Page 89: Honda Insight

     89 A DVA NCED C A TA LYST S YSTE M  The insightisdesignedto oper ateat averylean air fuelratio duringlightthrottlec ruiseconditions.The mix ture can be as lean as 22:1 ifco nditions allow. This p rovides very good  fuel economy , an[…]

  • Page 90: Honda Insight

     90  CatalyticConverter DeteriorationDet ection/Replaceme nt The Insightuses2 oxygensensorsto monitortheco nditionof the3-way catalystas required byOBD-II and EU2000 regulations. However, the detection system  is not able to directly mo[…]

  • Page 91: Honda Insight

     91 E XHA UST G A S R ECIRCULA TION S YST EM  The Insight uses a linear-s olenoid-oper ated EGR valve that feeds recirculated exhaust g as into an equal-lengthEGRm anifoldthatissandwichedbetweentheint akemanifoldandthecyl inderhead. This design […]

  • Page 92: Honda Insight

     92 ORVR&V A CUUM D ISTRIBU TION  U.S. and Canada model Insights are equipped with On -board Refueling Vapor Recovery (ORVR) syst emsthatareidenticaltothesystem  introducedonthe19 98Accord.   Thefollowingdiagram showsth eentirevacuum?[…]

  • Page 93: Honda Insight

     93 1. Primaryheatedoxygen sensor(pr imary HO2S) 2. Secondaryheatedoxygensensor(secondaryHO2S) 3. Manifoldabsolutep ressure(MAP)sensor 4. Intakeairtemperature(IAT )sensor 5. Enginecoolanttemperature(ECT )sensor 6. To pdead center2(T DC2[…]

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