Инструкция jeep wrangler jl на русском

Manufacturer: JEEP, Model Year: 2020,
Model line: WRANGLER,
Pages: 324, PDF Size: 5.08 MB

Trending: Техническое обслуживание, tpms, oil, аккумулятор, API

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JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) Сиденье пассажира
Помимо функции облегчения входа, си-
денье пассажира также оснащено функ-
цией Tip ‘n Slide. Эта

Page 32 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ!
и также были пристегнуты ремнями
• При столкновении водитель и пасса-
жиры мог

Page 33 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ!
• Незакрепленный должным образом
подголовник может сорваться вперед
в случае дорожно-транс

Page 34 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ!
• Не эксплуатируйте автомобиль, если
на задних сидениях, занятых пасса-
жирами, не установле�

Page 35 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) РУЛЕВОЕ КОЛЕСО
Рулевая колонка, регулируемая по
углу наклона
Эта функция позволяет отрегулировать
высоту по

Page 36 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ВНЕШНЕЕ ОСВЕЩЕНИЕ
Фары и габаритные огни
Поверните наконечник многофункцио-
нального рычага до первого щелч

Page 37 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:
Перед включением фар в автоматичес-
ком режиме необходимо завести двига-
Передние противот�

Page 38 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) Сигнализатор включенного
Если фары, габаритные огни или огни ба-
гажного отделения остаются включ�

Page 39 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЯ!
вы оставите дворники включенными и
они примерзнут к ветровому стеклу, мо-
жет сломаться мот�

Page 40 of 324

JEEP WRANGLER 2020  Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) Стеклоочиститель/омыватель
заднего стекла — при наличии
Поворотный переключатель в централь-
ной части рыч�

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Trending: tpms, Техническое обслуживание, API, аккумулятор, oil

View, print and download for free: JEEP WRANGLER 2020 Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian), 324 Pages, PDF Size: 5.08 MB. Search in JEEP WRANGLER 2020 Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) online. CarManualsOnline.info is the largest online database of car user manuals. JEEP WRANGLER 2020 Руководство по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию (in Russian) PDF Download. Сиденье пассажира
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Посмотреть инструкция для Jeep Wrangler (2016) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 4 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.3. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Jeep Wrangler (2016) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Jeep?

Место размещения идентификационного номера транспортного средства зависит от марки и типа транспортного средства. Номер может быть выбит на раме транспортного средства или указан на номерном знаке. Чтобы узнать место расположения идентификационного номера транспортного средства лучше всего ознакомиться с руководством по эксплуатации Jeep Wrangler (2016).

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — уникальный для каждого транспортного средства идентификационный номер. Аббревиатура VIN расшифровывается как «Vehicle Identification Number» (Идентификационный номер транспортного средства).

Когда транспортному средству Jeep требуется техническое обслуживание?

Регулярное техническое обслуживание необходимо всем транспортным средствам. С информацией о том, как часто необходимо проходить техническое обслуживание и чему именно стоит уделять особое внимание можно ознакомиться в инструкции по техническому обслуживанию. Как правило, транспортное средство требует технического обслуживания каждые 2 года или 30 000 километров пробега.

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Jeep?

Тормозную жидкость рекомендуется менять каждые два года.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Скорее всего, замок оснащен защитой от детей и поэтому не может быть открыт изнутри. Процедура открытия замка с защитой от детей зависит от марки и типа замка.

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.

Инструкция Jeep Wrangler (2016) доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоJeep Wrangler (2016) доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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    Wr angler OWNER’ S MANUAL 2008 2008 Wr angler 81-326-0855 First Edition Printed in U.S.A. I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    INTRODUCTION CONTENTS 䡵 Introduction ……………………… 4 䡵 Rollover W arning …………………… 5 䡵 How T o Use This Manual ……………… 6 䡵 W arnings And Cautions ………………. 8 䡵 V ehicle Identification Number …………… 8 䡵 V ehicle Modifications/Alterations ………… 8 1 I n f o r m a t i o n P r[…]

  • Страница 5

    INTRODUCTION This is a specialized utility vehicle designed for both on-road and off-road use. It can go places and perform tasks for which conventional two-wheel drive enclosed vehicles were not intended. It handles and maneuvers differ ently from many passenger cars both on-road and off-r oad, so take time to become familiar with your vehicle. Th[…]

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    NOTE: After you read the manual, it should be stor ed in the vehicle for convenient refer ence and remain with the vehicle when sold so that the new owner will be aware of all safety warnings. When it comes to service, remember that your authorized dealer knows your vehicle best, has the factory-trained technicians and genuine MOP AR 威 parts, and[…]

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    Do not attempt sharp turns or abrupt maneuvers or other unsafe driving actions that can cause loss of vehicle control. Failure to operate this vehicle safely may result in an accident, rollover of the vehicle and serious injury or death. Because of its open-body construction, your vehicle offers less protection than closed vehicles in the event of […]

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    INTRODUCTION 7 1 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    W ARNINGS AND CAUTIONS This Owner’s Manual contains W ARNINGS against op- erating procedures that could result in an accident or bodily injury . It also contains CAUTIONS against proce- dures that could result in damage to your vehicle. If you do not read this entire manual, you may miss important information. Observe all W arnings and Cautions. […]

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    THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE ST ARTING YOUR VEHICLE CONTENTS 䡵 A W ord About Y our Keys ……………… 1 2 ▫ Ignition Key Removal ………………. 1 2 ▫ Key-In-Ignition Reminder ……………. 1 4 䡵 Steering Wheel Lock ………………… 1 4 ▫ T o Manually Lock The Steering Wheel ……. 1 4 ▫ T o Release The Steering Wheel Lock ..[…]

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    ▫ T o T urn Off “Flash Lights W ith Lock” …….. 2 1 ▫ Programming Additional T ransmitters …….. 2 2 ▫ General Information ……………….. 2 3 ▫ Battery Replacement ……………….. 2 4 䡵 Remote Starting System — If Equipped …….. 2 5 䡵 Doors ………………………….. 2 6 ▫ Upper Half Door W indow Remova[…]

  • Страница 12

    ▫ Seat Belt Pretensioners ………………. 4 8 ▫ Enhanced Seat Belt Use Reminder System (BeltAlert 威 ) …………………….. 4 9 ▫ Seat Belts And Pregnant W omen ………… 5 0 ▫ Seat Belt Extender …………………. 5 0 ▫ Driver And Front Passenger Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS) ……………… 5 1 ▫ Child Rest[…]

  • Страница 13

    A WORD ABOUT YOUR KEYS The keys for your new vehicle are enclosed in a plastic bag with the key code number on it. If you received your keys without the bag, ask your authorized dealer to give you the number . The key code can also be obtained by your authorized dealer from your vehicle invoice. Ignition Key Removal Manual T ransmission — If Equi[…]

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    Automatic T ransmission — If Equipped 1. Place the shift lever in the P ARK position. 2. T urn the ignition switch to the ACC position. 3. Push the ignition key inward. 4. T urn the ignition key to the LOCK position, and remove the key . W ARNING! Leaving unattended children in a vehicle is danger- ous for a number of reasons. A child or others c[…]

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    Key-In-Ignition Reminder Opening the driver’s door when the key is in the ignition, sounds a signal to remind you to remove the key . STEERING WHEEL LOCK Y our vehicle is equipped with a passive steering wheel lock. This lock prevents steering the vehicle without the ignition key . If the steering wheel is moved a half turn in either direction, a[…]

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    the vehicle. The system will shut the engine off in two seconds if someone uses an invalid key to try to start the engine. NOTE: A key that has not been programmed is also considered an invalid key , even if it is cut to fit the ignition switch lock cylinder for that vehicle. During normal operation, after turning on the ignition switch, the V ehic[…]

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    Replacement Keys NOTE: Only keys that are programmed to the vehicle electronics can be used to start and operate the vehicle. Once a Sentry Key 威 is programmed to a vehicle, it cannot be programmed to any other vehicle. CAUTION! Always remove the Sentry Keys 威 from the vehicle and lock all doors when leaving the vehicle unattended. At the time […]

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    3. Insert the second valid key into the ignition switch. T urn the ignition switch to the ON position within 15 seconds. After 10 seconds, a chime will sound. In addi- tion, the V ehicle Security Alarm Indicator Light will begin to flash. T urn the ignition switch to the LOCK position and remove the second key . 4. Insert a blank Sentry Key 威 int[…]

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    • This device must accept any interference that may be received, including interference that may cause undes- ired operation. SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM — IF EQUIPPED This system monitors the vehicle doors, swing gate, and ignition for unauthorized operation. When the alarm is activated, the system provides both audible and visible signals. The horn[…]

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    The Security Alarm System is designed to protect your vehicle; however , you can create conditions where the system will arm unexpectedly . If you remain in the vehicle and lock the doors with the RKE transmitter , once the system is armed (after 16 seconds), when you pull the door handle to exit, the alarm will sound. If this occurs, press the UNL[…]

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    NOTE: The line of transmission must not be blocked with metal objects. T o Unlock the Doors and Swing Gate Press and release the UNLOCK button once to unlock the driver’s door only , or twice to unlock all the doors and swing gate. When the UNLOCK button is pressed, the illuminated entry will initiate and the parking lights will flash twice. The […]

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    2. While the LOCK button is pr essed (after four seconds), press the P ANIC button. Release both buttons. The “Sound Horn On Lock” feature can be reactivated by repeating this procedure. Using The Panic Alarm T o turn the panic alarm feature ON or OFF , press and hold the P ANIC button on the key fob for at least one second and release. When th[…]

  • Страница 23

    Programming Additional T ransmitters V ehicles will be shipped from the assembly plants with two key fob transmitters programmed only for that vehicle. A total of eight key fobs can be programmed for your vehicle. Additional key fobs can be programmed to your vehicle through the use of a currently programmed fob. NOTE: When entering the program mod[…]

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    1 1. A single chime will be heard. 12. Repeat steps 8 through 10 to program up to six additional key fobs. 13. T urn the ignition to the OFF position. 14. Y our vehicle will remain in program mode up to 60 seconds from when the original chime was heard. After 60 seconds, all programmed key fobs function normally . NOTE: If you do not have a program[…]

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    Battery Replacement The recommended replacement battery is CR2032. NOTE: Perchlorate Material – special handling may apply; See www .dtsc.ca.gov/hazar douswaste/ perchlorate. 1. If the key fob is equipped with a screw , remove the screw . W ith the key fob buttons facing down, use a flat blade (screwdriver) to pry the two halves of the trans- mit[…]

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    NOTE: If the key fob is equipped with a screw , reinstall and tighten the screw until snug. REMOTE ST ARTING SYSTEM — IF EQUIPPED Y our vehicle may be equipped with a remote starting system (automatic transmission models only), which will allow the vehicle to be started from distances up to approximately 300 ft (91 m) away from the vehicle using […]

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    The park lamps will remain illuminated to indicate that the vehicle has remote started and the engine is running. The lamps will turn off when the ignition is turned to RUN or the remote start is cancelled. T o enter the vehicle while the engine is running during a remote start, you must first unlock the vehicle using the UNLOCK button on the key f[…]

  • Страница 28

    If any other active warnings including “gA TE”, “gAS- CAP”, “noFUSE”, “CHANgE OIL”, or “ESPOFF” are present, they will be shown in the VF display and will also continue to cycle. If the vehicle is moving, three single chimes will occur , one chime for each complete display cycle (three cycles total). After this, the display will[…]

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    2. Push down to ensure the half door window is fully seated. Front Door Removal 1. Remove the hinge pin screws from the upper and lower outside hinges (using a #T50 T orx 威 head driver). 2. Unplug the wiring harness connector under instru- ment panel. 1 — Harness Connector 2 — Body Hook 3 — Door/Harness Strap 28 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE ST ART[…]

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    3. Unhook the door strap from the body hook. Be careful not to allow the door to swing fully open as the mirror may damage paint. 4. W ith the door open, lift the door to clear hinge pins from their hinges, and remove door . T o reinstall the door(s), perform the previous steps in the opposite order . Rear Door Removal (Four-Door Models) 1. Remove […]

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    3. Remove the trim access door from the bottom of B-pillar . 4. Unplug the wiring harness connector . 5. Unhook the door strap from the body hook. 6. W ith the door open, lift the door to clear hinge pins from their hinges, and remove door . T o reinstall the door(s), perform the previous steps in the opposite order . 30 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE ST AR[…]

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    DOOR LOCKS The vacuum fluorescent (VF) display located in the odometer area displays the word “door” as an indication of a door ajar or door not completely closed. When the vehicle is not moving and the door is ajar or not completely closed, the VF display will show the word “door .” If any other active warnings including “gA TE”, “gA[…]

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    Manual Door Locks The front (two-door models) and rear doors (four-door models) are equipped with a rocker -type interior door lock. T o lock the door when leaving your vehicle, press the Lock position and close the door . W ARNING! • For personal security reasons and safety in an accident, lock the vehicle doors when you drive, as well as when y[…]

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    Power Door Locks — If Equipped The door lock switch is located on each front door panel. Press the switch downward to lock the doors, and upward to unlock the doors. W ARNING! • For personal security reasons and safety in an accident, lock the vehicle doors when you drive, as well as when you park and leave the vehicle. • Never leave children[…]

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    Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit The doors will unlock automatically on vehicles with power door locks if: 1. The “Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit” feature is enabled 2. The transmission was in gear and the vehicle speed returned to 0 mph (0 km/h) 3. The transmission is in NEUTRAL or P ARK 4. The driver door is opened 5. The doors were not previou[…]

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    Automatic Door Locks The doors will lock automatically on vehicles with power door locks if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The “Automatic Door Locks” feature is enabled 2. The transmission is in gear 3. All doors are closed 4. The throttle is pressed 5. The vehicle speed is above 15 mph (24 km/h) 6. The doors wer e not pr eviously […]

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    WINDOWS Power Windows — If Equipped The power window switches are located on the instru- ment panel center stack (below the radio). The top left switch controls the left front window and the top right switch controls the right front window . The lower left switch controls the left rear passenger window (four- door models), and the lower right swi[…]

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    console. T o disable the window controls, press the win- dow lockout button downward. T o enable the window controls, press the window lockout button upward. Auto Down Both the driver and front passenger window switches have an “Auto Down” feature. Press the window switch past the first detent, release, and the window will go down automatically[…]

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    Wind Buffeting W ind buffeting can be described as the perception of pressur e on the ears or a helicopter type sound in the ears. Y our vehicle may exhibit wind buffeting with the windows down in certain open or partially open posi- tions. This is a normal occurrence and can be minimized by adjusting window opening. REAR SWING GA TE The vacuum flu[…]

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    NOTE: Close the rear flip-up window befor e attempting to close the swing gate (hard top models only). CAUTION! Do not press on rear wiper blade when closing the rear flip-up window , as damage to the blade will result. W ARNING! Driving with the flip-up window open can allow poisonous exhaust gases into your vehicle. Y ou and your passengers could[…]

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    OCCUP ANT RESTRAINTS Some of the most important safety features in your vehicle are the restraint systems. These include the front and rear seat belts for the driver and all passengers, front airbags for both the driver and front passenger , and side airbags (if equipped) for both the driver and front passenger . If you will be carrying children to[…]

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    Research has shown that seat belts save lives, and that they can reduce the seriousness of injuries in a collision. Some of the worst injuries happen when people are thrown from the vehicle. Seat belts reduce the possibility of ejection and the risk of injury caused by striking the inside of the vehicle. Everyone in a motor vehicle should be belted[…]

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    W ARNING! • W earing a seat belt incorrectly is dangerous. Seat belts are designed to go around the large bones of your body . These are the strongest parts of your body and take the forces of a collision the best. W earing your belt in the wrong place could make your injuries in a collision much worse. Y ou might suffer internal injuries, or you[…]

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    3. When the belt is long enough to fit, insert the latch plate into the buckle until you hear a “click.” Latch Plate Latch Plate T o Buckle THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE ST ARTING YOUR VEHICLE 43 2 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    W ARNING! A belt that is buckled into the wrong buckle will not protect you properly . The lap portion could ride too high on your body , possibly causing internal injuries. Always buckle your belt into the buckle nearest you. A belt that is loose will not protect you as well. In a sudden stop you could move too far forward, increasing the possibil[…]

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    W ARNING! A lap belt worn too high can increase the risk of internal injury in a collision. The belt forces won’t be at the strong hip and pelvic bones, but across your abdomen. Always wear the lap belt as low as pos- sible and keep it snug. A twisted belt cannot do its job as well. In a collision it could even cut into you. Be sure the belt is s[…]

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    6. T o release the belt, push the red button on the buckle. The belt will automatically retract to its stowed position. If necessary , slide the latch plate down the webbing to allow the belt to retract fully . W ARNING! A frayed or torn belt could rip apart in a collision and leave you with no protection. Inspect the belt system periodically , che[…]

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    W ARNING! The rear center lap/shoulder belt is equipped with a lock-out feature to ensure that the rear seatback is in the fully upright and locked position when occupied. If the rear seatback is not fully upright and locked and the rear center lap/shoulder belt can be pulled out of the retractor , the vehicle should immediately be taken to your au[…]

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    W ARNING! Position the shoulder belt height adjusters so that the belt rests across the middle of your shoulder . Failure to adjust the safety belt properly could reduce the effectiveness of the seat belt and increase the risk of injury in a collision. As a guide, if you are shorter than average, you will prefer a lower position, and if you are tal[…]

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    Enhanced Seat Belt Use Reminder System (BeltAlert 姞 ) If the driver’s seat belt has not been buckled within 60 seconds of starting the vehicle and if the vehicle speed is greater than 5 mph (8 km/h), the Enhanced W arning System (BeltAlert 威 ) will alert the driver to buckle the seat belt. The driver should also instruct all other occupants t[…]

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    The Enhanced W arning System (BeltAlert 威 ) can be reac- tivated by repeating this procedure. NOTE: Although the Enhanced W arning System (BeltAlert 威 ) has been deactivated, the Seat Belt W arning Light will continue to illuminate while the driver’s seat belt remains unfastened. Seat Belts And Pregnant Women W e recommend that pregnant women[…]

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    Driver And Front Passenger Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS) This vehicle has airbags for both the driver and right front passenger as a supplement to the seat belt restraint systems. The driver’s front airbag is mounted in the steering wheel. The front passenger airbag is mounted in the instrument panel, above the glove compartment. The lette[…]

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    If the vehicle is equipped with side airbags, they are located inside the driver and front passenger seats, and their covers are also labeled SRS. NOTE: Airbag covers may not be obvious in the interior trim; but they will open to allow airbag deployment. W ARNING! • Do not put anything on or around the front airbag covers or attempt to manually o[…]

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    The front airbags have a multistage inflator design. This allows the airbag to have differ ent rates of inflation that are based on collision severity . Along with the seat belts, front airbags work with the instrument panel knee bol- sters to provide improved protection for the driver and front passenger . Side airbags also work with seat belts to[…]

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    seat as far back as possible, and use the proper child restraint. Refer to “Child Restraint” in this section. Y ou should read the instructions provided with your child r estraint to make sure that you ar e using it properly . 2. All occupants should use their lap and shoulder belts properly . 3. The driver and front passenger seats should be m[…]

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    Airbag System Components The airbag system consists of the following: • Occupant Restraint Control (ORC) Module • Airbag W arning Light • Driver Airbag • Passenger Airbag • Front Seat-Mounted Side Airbags (If Equipped) • Steering Wheel and Column • Instrument Panel • Interconnecting W iring • Knee Impact Bolsters • Front Acceler[…]

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    Also, the ORC turns on the Airbag W arning Light for six to eight seconds for a self-check when the ignition is first turned on. After the self-check, the Airbag W arning Light will turn off. If the ORC detects a malfunction in any part of the system, it turns on the Airbag W arning Light either momentarily or continuously . A single chime will sou[…]

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    • The Side Impact (SRS) Seat-Mounted Side Airbags (If Equipped) are designed to activate only in certain side collisions. The ORC determines if a side collision is severe enough to requir e the side airbags to inflate. The ORC monitors the r eadiness of the electronic parts of the system whenever the ignition switch is in the ST ART or ON positio[…]

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    passenger as the airbags deploy and unfold. The abrasions are similar to friction rope burns or those you might get sliding along a carpet or gymnasium floor . They are not caused by contact with chemicals. They are not permanent and normally heal quickly . However , if you haven’t healed significantly within a few days, or if you have any bliste[…]

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    Enhanced Accident Response Feature If the airbags deploy after an impact and the electrical system remains functional, vehicles equipped with power door locks will unlock automatically . The hazard lights will flash and the fuel will be cut off to the engine. In addition, after the vehicle has stopped moving, the interior lights will illuminate to […]

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    NOTE: Perchlorate Material – special handling may apply , See www .dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/ perchlorate. Airbag W arning Light Y ou will want to have the airbag system ready to inflate for your protection in an impact. The airbag system is designed to be maintenance free. If any of the following occurs, have an authorized dealer service the sy[…]

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    In the event that an investigation is undertaken by DaimlerChrysler Corporation (regar dless of initiative), the company , or its designated repr esentative, will first obtain permission of the appr opriate custodial entity for the vehicle (usually the vehicle owner or leasee) before accessing the electronic data stored, unless order ed to download[…]

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    • Airbag deployment level (if applicable) • Impact acceleration and angle • Seat belt status • Brake status (service and parking brakes) • Accelerator status (including vehicle speed) • Engine control status (including engine speed) • T ransmission gear selection • Cruise control status • T raction/stability control status • T i[…]

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    W ARNING! In a collision, an unrestrained child, even a tiny baby , can become a missile inside the vehicle. The force required to hold even an infant on your lap could become so great that you could not hold the child, no matter how strong you are. The child and others could be badly injured. Any child riding in your vehicle should be in a proper […]

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    W ARNING! • Improper installation can lead to failure of an infant or child restraint. It could come loose in a collision. The child could be badly injured or killed. Follow the manufacturer’s directions ex- actly when installing an infant or child restraint. • A rearward facing infant restraint should only be used in a rear seat. A rearward […]

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    extracted from the r etractor . Allow the belt to return to the retractor , pulling on the excess webbing to tighten the lap portion about the child restraint. For additional information, refer to ⬙ Automatic Locking Mode ⬙ ear- lier in this section. • In the rear seat, you may have trouble tightening the lap/shoulder belt on the child restra[…]

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    vehicle by the lap/shoulder belt or the LA TCH child restraint anchorage system (Refer to LA TCH — Child Seat Anchorage System in this section). The belt-positioning booster seat is for children weighing more than 40 lbs (18 kg), but who are still too small to fit the vehicle’s seat belts properly . If the child cannot sit with knees bent over […]

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    NOTE: T o reset this feature you must let all of the belt webbing return into the retractor . Y ou will not be able to pull out more webbing until all of the webbing has been returned back into the retractor . Installing the Child Restraint System W e urge you to carefully follow the directions of the manufacturer when installing your child restrai[…]

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    LA TCH — Child Seat Anchorage System (Lower Anchors and T ether for CHildren) Y our vehicle’s rear seat is equipped with the child restraint anchorage system called LA TCH. The LA TCH system provides for the installation of the child restraint without using the vehicle’s seat belts, instead securing the child restraint using lower anchorages […]

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    The r ear seating positions have lower anchorages that are capable of accommodating LA TCH-compatible child seats having flexible, webbing-mounted lower attach- ments. Child seats with fixed lower attachments must be installed in the outboar d positions only . Regardless of the specific type of lower attachment, NEVER install LA TCH-compatible chil[…]

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    Latch Anchorages (T wo-Door Models) Latch Anchorages (Four-Door Models) 70 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE ST ARTING YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    In addition, there ar e tether strap anchorages behind each rear seating position located on the back of the seat. Many , but not all restraint systems will be equipped with separate straps on each side, with each having a hook or connector for attachment to the lower anchorage and a means for adjusting the tension of the strap. Forward- facing tod[…]

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    a hook for attachment to the tether strap anchorage, and a means for adjusting the tension of the strap. Y ou will first loosen the adjusters on the lower straps and on the tether strap so that you can more easily attach the hooks or connectors to the vehicle anchorages. Next, attach the lower hooks or connectors over the top of the anchorage bars,[…]

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    If the seat belt has an automatic locking retractor , it will have a distinctive label. Pull the belt from the retractor until there is enough to allow you to pass through the child restraint and slide the latch plate into the buckle. Then, pull the belt until it is fully extended from the retractor . Allow the belt to return to the retractor , pul[…]

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    Route the tether strap over the seatback and attach the hook to the tether anchor located on the back of the seat. For the outboar d seating positions, r oute the tether under the head rest, and attach the hook to the tether anchor located on the back of the seat. W ARNING! An incorrectly anchored tether strap could lead to increased head motion an[…]

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    ENGINE BREAK-IN RECOMMENDA TIONS A long break-in period is not required for the engine in your vehicle. Drive moderately during the first 300 mi (500 km). After the initial 60 mi (100 km), speeds up to 50 or 55 mph (80 or 90 km/h) are desirable. While cruising, brief full-throttle acceleration, within the limits of local traffic laws, contributes t[…]

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    • Do not inhale exhaust gases. They contain carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas which can kill. Never run the engine in a closed area, such as a garage, and never sit in a parked vehicle with the engine running for an extended period. If the vehicle is stopped in an open area with the engine running for more than a short time, adjust th[…]

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    Airbag W arning Light The light should come on and remain on for six to eight seconds as a indicator check when the ignition switch is first turned on. If the indicator is not lit during starting, have it serviced. If the light stays on or comes on while driving, have the system checked by an authorized dealer . Defrosters Check operation by select[…]

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    I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE CONTENTS 䡵 Mirrors …………………………. 8 3 ▫ Inside Day/Night Mirror …………….. 8 3 ▫ Outside Mirrors ………………….. 8 4 䡵 Hands–Free Communication (UConnect 威 ) …… 8 5 䡵 Seats …………………………… 8 6 ▫ Front Seat Adjustment ………………[…]

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    ▫ T o Raise The Rear Seat ……………… 9 4 䡵 T o Open And Close The Hood ………….. 9 4 䡵 Lights ………………………….. 9 5 ▫ Interior Lights …………………… 9 5 ▫ Multifunction Control Lever …………… 9 7 ▫ Parking Lights, Instrument Panel Lights, And Headlights ………………….. 9 7 ▫ Lights-[…]

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    ▫ T o Accelerate For Passing …………… 1 0 5 䡵 Electronic Brake Control System ………… 1 0 5 ▫ ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) ………… 1 0 5 ▫ TCS (T raction Control System) ………… 1 0 6 ▫ BAS (Brake Assist System) …………… 1 0 7 ▫ ERM (Electronic Roll Mitigation) ………. 1 0 8 ▫ ESP (Electronic Stability […]

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    䡵 Door Frame ……………………… 1 3 2 ▫ Door Frame Removal (T wo-Door Models) …. 1 3 2 ▫ Door Frame Installation (T wo-Door Models) . . 134 ▫ Door Frame Removal (Four-Door Models) …. 1 3 5 ▫ Door Frame Installation (Four-Door Models) . . 138 䡵 Soft T op (T wo-Door Models) …………… 1 4 1 ▫ Folding Down The Soft T op[…]

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    MIRRORS Inside Day/Night Mirror The mirror should be adjusted to center on the view through the rear window . A two-point pivot system allows for horizontal and vertical adjustment of the mirror . Annoying headlight glare can be reduced by moving the small control under the mirror to the night position (toward rear of vehicle). The mirror should be[…]

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    Outside Mirrors T o receive maximum benefit, adjust the outside mirror(s) to center on the adjacent lane of traffic with a slight overlap of the view obtained on the inside mirror . W ARNING! • V ehicles and other objects seen in the right side convex mirror will look smaller and farther away than they really are. Relying too much on your right s[…]

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    HANDS–FREE COMMUNICA TION (UConnect 姞 ) This feature is not available on two–door or four–door models. V oice Recognition Button (UConnect 威 Hands-Free Phone) When you press this button, a “Not Equipped with UConnect” message will display on your radio screen. Phone Button (UConnect 威 Hands-Free Phone) When you press this button, a […]

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    SEA TS W ARNING! Adjusting a seat while the vehicle is moving is dangerous. The sudden movement of the seat could cause you to lose control. The seat belt might not be properly adjusted and you could be injured. Adjust any seat only while the vehicle is parked. Front Seat Adjustment Move seat forward or rearward by lifting the lever . Be sure the l[…]

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    Manual Seat Height Adjustment — If Equipped The driver’s seat height can be raised or lowered by using the ratcheting handle on the outboard side of the seat. Pull upward on the handle to raise the seat. Push downward on the handle to lower the seat. Front Seatback Recline T o recline: 1. Lean forward before lifting the handle, then lean back t[…]

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    Front Easy Entry Seats (T wo-Door Models) Push the lever on the seatback rearward (toward the rear of the vehicle) to tilt the entire seat forward. 1. T o return the seat to a sitting position, rotate the seatback upright until it locks. 2. Push the seat rearward until the track locks. Easy Entry Lever Easy Entry Seat 88 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURE[…]

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    NOTE: The front seats have a full recliner memory , which will allow the seatback to be returned to its original position. NOTE: The front seats have a track memory , which returns the seat to just past the halfway point of the track regar dless of its original position. NOTE: The recliner and easy entry levers should not be used during the automat[…]

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    Also, be sure that the front seats are fully upright and positioned forward. This will allow the rear seat to fold down easily . 1. Lift the seatback release lever and fold seatback for- ward. 2. Slowly flip the entire seat forward. 3. When completed, return the seat to its normal posi- tion. 4. Raise the rear seatback using the assist strap and fi[…]

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    Removing the Rear Seat (T wo-Door Models) W ARNING! • It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo area, inside or outside of a vehicle. In a collision people riding in these areas are more likely to be seri- ously injured or killed. • Do not allow people to ride in any area of your vehicle that is not equipped with seats and seat belts. • Be[…]

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    4. Press down on the release bar on each side, and pull the seat out and away from lower bracket. 5. Remove the seat from the vehicle. Replacing the Rear Seat (T wo-Door Models) Reverse steps for removing the seat. W ARNING! • T o help protect against personal injury , passengers should not be seated in the rear cargo area with the rear seat fold[…]

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    NOTE: Prior to folding the rear seat, it may be necessary to reposition the front seat to its mid-track position. Also, be sure that the front seats are fully upright and positioned forward. This will allow the rear seat to fold down easily . W ARNING! • It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo area, inside or outside of a vehicle. In a colli[…]

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    T o Raise the Rear Seat 1. Raise the seatback and lock it into place. If interfer ence from the cargo area prevents the seatback from fully locking, you will have difficulty returning the seat to its proper position. NOTE: If the rear seatback is not fully latched, the center shoulder belt will not be able to be extended for use. If you cannot exte[…]

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    Next, locate handle in middle of the front end of the hood. Insert hand into gap between hood and top of grille, and push handle to the side to raise hood. Y ou may have to push down slightly on the hood before pushing the handle. Insert the support rod into the slot on the hood panel. T o close the hood, remove the support rod fr om the hood panel[…]

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    Also, the rear cargo lamp may be turned on by pressing the lens. Press the lens again to turn it off. When a door is open and the interior lights are on, rotating the dimmer control all the way down to the OFF detent will cause all the interior lights to turn off. This is also known as the ⬙ Party ⬙ mode because it allows the doors to stay open[…]

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    Daytime Brightness Feature Certain instrument panel components (odometer , radio display) can be illuminated at full brightness during the daytime. This can be helpful when driving with your headlights on during the daytime, such as in a parade or a funeral procession. T o activate this feature, rotate the left stalk one detent lower than the dome […]

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    NOTE: Lens fogging can occur under certain atmo- spheric conditions. This will usually clear as atmospheric conditions change to allow the condensation to change back into a vapor . T urning the lamps on will usually accelerate the clearing process. T o change the brightness of the instrument panel lights, rotate the center portion of the multifunc[…]

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    Passing Light Y ou can signal another vehicle with your headlights by lightly pulling the multifunction control lever toward the steering wheel. This will cause the headlights to turn on at high beam and remain on until the lever is released. Front Fog Lights — If Equipped The front fog light switch is located on the multi- function control lever[…]

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    WINDSHIELD WIPERS AND W ASHERS CAUTION! In cold weather , always turn off the wiper switch and allow the wipers to return to the park position before turning off the engine. If the wiper switch is left on and the wipers freeze to the windshield, damage to the wiper motor may occur when the vehicle is restarted. Intermittent Wiper System Use the int[…]

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    Windshield Washers T o use the washer , pull the lever toward you and hold while spray is desired. If the lever is pulled while in the delay range, the wiper will operate for two wipe cycles after the lever is r eleased, and then resume the intermit- tent interval previously selected. If the lever is pulled while in the OFF position, the wipers wil[…]

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    W ARNING! T ilting the steering column while the vehicle is moving is dangerous. Without a stable steering col- umn, you could lose control of the vehicle and have an accident. Adjust the column only while the ve- hicle is stopped. Be sure it is locked before driving. ELECTRONIC SPEED CONTROL — IF EQUIPPED When engaged, this device takes over the[…]

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    W ARNING! Leaving the Electronic Speed Control System on when not in use is dangerous. Y ou could accidentally set the system or cause it to go faster than you want. Y ou could lose control and have an accident. Always leave the system OFF when you are not using it. T o Set At A Desired Speed When the vehicle has reached the desired speed, press do[…]

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    T apping RESUME ACCEL once will r esult in a 1 mph (1.6 km/h) speed increase. Each time the lever is tapped, speed increases so that tapping the lever three times will increase speed by 3 mph (4.8 km/h), etc. T o decr ease speed while speed control is ON, push down and hold SET DECEL. Release the lever when the desired speed is reached, and the new[…]

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    T o Accelerate For Passing Depress the accelerator as you would normally . When the pedal is released, the vehicle will return to the set speed. Using Speed Control On Hills NOTE: The speed contr ol system maintains speed up and down hills. A slight speed change on moderate hills is normal. On steep hills, a greater speed loss or gain and/or more f[…]

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    W ARNING! ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase the traction afforded by prevailing road conditions. ABS cannot prevent accidents, in- cluding those resulting from excessive speed in turns, driving on very slippery surfaces, or hydro- planing. Only a safe, attentive, […]

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    BAS (Brake Assist System) The BAS is designed to optimize the vehicle’s braking capability during emergency braking maneuvers. The system detects an emergency braking situation by sens- ing the rate and amount of brake application and then applies optimum pressure to the brakes. This can help reduce braking distances. The BAS complements the anti[…]

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    ERM (Electronic Roll Mitigation) This system anticipates the potential for wheel lift by monitoring the driver ’s steering wheel input and the speed of the vehicle. When ERM determines that the rate of change of the steering wheel angle and vehicles speed are sufficient to potentially cause wheel lift, it applies the appropriate brake and may red[…]

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    ESP (Electronic Stability Program) This system enhances directional control and stability of the vehicle under various driving conditions. ESP cor- rects for over/under steering of the vehicle by applying the brake of the appropriate wheel to assist in counter- acting the over/under steer condition. Engine power may also be reduced to help the vehi[…]

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    W ARNING! ESP (Electronic Stability Program) cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase the traction afforded by prevailing road conditions. ESP cannot prevent accidents, in- cluding those resulting from excessive speed in turns, driving on very slippery surfaces, or hydro- planing. Only a safe, atten[…]

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    requir ed to gain traction. T o turn ESP on again, momen- tarily depress the ESP OFF switch. This will restor e the normal “ESP On” mode of operation. NOTE: T o improve the vehicle’s traction when driving with snow chains, or starting off in deep snow , sand, or gravel, it may be desirable to switch to the “Partial Off” mode by pr essing […]

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    again, momentarily depress the ESP OFF switch. This will restor e the normal “ESP On” mode of operation. NOTE: The ESP system will change to “Partial Off” mode if the vehicle speed exceeds 40 mph (64 km/h). After the vehicle speed is reduced below 35 mph (56 km/h), the ESP system will return to “Full Off” mode. NOTE: The “ESP OFF” m[…]

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    40 mph (48 km/h), the normal ESP stability function returns but TCS remains off. When the vehicle speed drops below 35 mph (40 km/h), the ESP system shuts off. ESP is off at low vehicle speeds in 4L range so that it will not interfere with off-r oad driving, but the ESP function returns to provide the stability featur e at speeds above 40 mph (48 k[…]

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    maneuver must be performed to permanently disable ESP and defeat the functionality of the ESP switch. Repeating the procedure will r eturn the system to normal ESP operation and restore ESP switch functionality al- lowing ESP “Partial” or “Off” modes. W ARNING! W ith ESP in the permanent disable mode, enhanced vehicle stability offered by t[…]

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    9. T urn the steering wheel back to center . 10. Press and hold the ESP OFF button for seven seconds. 1 1. Cycle the ignition key to OFF . After performing the ESP disable procedur e correctly , “ESP OFF” will be displayed in the odometer for approxi- mately 12 seconds each time the ignition is moved to ON. Repeating the ESP disable procedure w[…]

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    ELECTRICAL POWER OUTLET This vehicle has two auxiliary power outlets that can provide up to 20 Amps of current for accessories de- signed for use with the standard power outlet adapters. The outlet located in the lower portion of the instrument panel has a snap-on plastic cap so that it can be covered when not in use. As a safety precaution, the ou[…]

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    Electrical Outlet Use With Engine Off W ARNING! • Many accessories that can be plugged in draw power from the vehicle’s battery , even when not in use (i.e., cellular phones, etc.). Eventually , if plugged in long enough, the vehicle’s battery will discharge suffi- ciently to degrade battery life and/or prevent engine starting. • Accessorie[…]

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    Rear Cupholders The rear cupholders are located on the back of the center console. STORAGE Console Storage Compartment T o lock or unlock, insert ignition key and turn. T o open, press the latch and lift cover . Rear Cupholders Center Console 1 18 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    Rear Storage Compartment The rear storage compartment cover is held by a spring- loaded latch. In order to remove the rear storage com- partment cover , use the following procedur e: NOTE: The rear storage compartment latch should not be used as cargo tie-down. 1. Flip up pull loop so it is perpendicular (straight up) to the top surface of the tray[…]

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    DUAL TOP — IF EQUIPPED If your vehicle is equipped with a Dual T op, you must remove one of the tops from the vehicle. If the soft top is removed, the pivot brackets must also be removed from the sport bar . The soft top was installed at the factory for shipping purposes only . The soft top and the hard top are to be used independently . Removal […]

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    3. Remove the soft top bow assembly pivot bracket screws (two per side) using a #T30 T orx 威 head driver . 4. Using a rubber mallet, carefully tap the knuckles from the left and right metal pivot brackets. Remove the soft top from the vehicle and store in a clean, dry location. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 121 3 I n f o r m a t i […]

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    5. Unzip the zipper on the sport bar cover to expose the pivot brackets. Remove the brackets using a #T30 T orx 威 head driver . Recover and re-zip the sports bar cover . Store pivot brackets and screws in a safe place. 6. Reinstall the hard top. Refer to “Freedom T op Three- Piece Modular Hard T op — Front/Rear Panel Installa- tion” later i[…]

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    3. Install the door frames. Refer to “Door Frame” in this section. 4. If the soft top has been removed, follow these steps to reinstall the soft top. If the soft top is on the vehicle, proceed to step #5. a. If the pivot brackets have been removed, unzip the sport bar covers and attach the pivot brackets to the sports bar with the four screws t[…]

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    c. T ap the knuckles on the side with a rubber mallet to reattach them to the metal pivot brackets. d. Screw the pivot screws back into place using a #T30 T orx 威 head driver . Secure them until they are snug being careful not to cross-thr ead the screws or over- tighten. CAUTION! Do not overtighten the screws. Y ou can strip the screws if they a[…]

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    5. Unsnap and remove the black boot cover . This cover should be discarded. It was intended as a protective cover for shipping only . NOTE: A visual instruction sheet is enclosed in the dual top wrap. 6. Remove the swing gate bar (black metal bar for bottom of rear window) and set aside. NOTE: Be sure the wire harness in the left rear corner is not[…]

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    Front Panel(s) Removal NOTE: Left panel must be removed before removing right panel. 1. Fold down the sun visor , and move to the side. 2. T urn center L-shaped locks (2) from center of roof panel. 3. T urn rear L-shaped lock (located above shoulder belt anchorage). 126 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d […]

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    4. T urn rear fasteners (knobs) (located on overhead speaker bar assembly) counterclockwise until they can be removed. 5. Unlatch the header panel latch located at the top of the windshield. 6. Remove panel. T o remove right panel, follow steps above except for step 2. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 127 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v[…]

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    Front Panel(s) Installation NOTE: The front panel(s) must be positioned properly to ensure sealing. Set the panels on the windshield frame so that there is no over hang. Also, make sur e that the panels are sitting flush with the body . 1. Install right panel first, then the left panel. 2. Reinstall panel(s) using the same steps for removal in reve[…]

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    3. Reinstall panel(s) using the same steps for removal in reverse order . Rear Hard T op Removal 1. Remove both front panels. Refer to “Front Panel(s) Removal” in this section. 2. Open both doors. 3. Remove the two T orx 威 head screws that secure the hard top at the B-pillar (near top of door) using a #40 T orx 威 head driver (4–Door Only)[…]

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    6. Locate the wiring harness on the left rear inside corner of the vehicle. 7. Disconnect the rear window washer hose and install the tethered cap. CAUTION! Make sure storage cap is installed to prevent foreign materials from entering washer tube and clogging system, and also to prevent fluid from being sprayed into the rear of the vehicle. 8. Disc[…]

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    9. Close the swing gate. 10. Remove the hard top from the vehicle. Place on a soft surface to prevent damage. Rear Hard T op Installation NOTE: If the door frames are installed from soft top usage, they must be removed prior to installation of the hard top. 1. Inspect the hard top seals for damage and replace if necessary . 2. Install the hard top […]

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    DOOR FRAME W ARNING! Do not drive your vehicle on pavement with the door frame(s) removed as you will lose the protection that they can provide. This procedure is furnished for use during off-road operation only . Door Frame Removal (T wo-Door Models) 1. Unscrew and remove the door frame attachment knobs (two per side). W ARNING! Use both hands to […]

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    2. Place one hand on the upper rear and one hand on the front of the door frame. 3. Pull the frame towards you with your rearward hand to remove the frame from the vehicle. 4. Screw the knobs back into the door frame and fold for storage. Store in a secure location. W ARNING! Never store the door frames in your vehicle. In an event of an accident, […]

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    Door Frame Installation (T wo-Door Models) 1. Unfold door frame and unscrew thumbscrews. 2. Set the door frame pin into the hole on top of the body side, behind the door opening. 3. After the door frame pin has been set into the body side hole, carefully set the front of the door frame into the rubber seal at the top of the windshield. 4. Starting […]

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    5. Starting with the front knob, screw in and tighten both knobs. Repeat on the other side. Door Frame Removal (Four-Door Models) 1. Unscrew and remove the two forward most door frame attachment knobs. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 135 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

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    W ARNING! Use both hands to remove the door frames. The door frames will fold and could cause injury if both hands are not used. 2. Place one hand on the upper rear and one hand on the upper front of the front door frame. 3. Pull the frame towards you with your front hand to remove the frame from the vehicle. 136 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOU[…]

  • Страница 138

    4. Unscrew and remove the remaining door frame at- tachment knob on the rear door frame. 5. Place one hand on the upper rear and one hand on the upper front of the rear door frame. Pull the frame towards you with your rear hand to remove the frame from the vehicle. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 137 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d[…]

  • Страница 139

    6. Screw the knob back into the door frame and fold for storage. Store in a secure location. W ARNING! • Never store the door frames in your vehicle. In an event of an accident, a loose door frame many cause personal injury . If removed, always store the door frames outside of the vehicle. Door Frame Installation (Four-Door Models) 1. Install the[…]

  • Страница 140

    3. Position the top of the door frame against the metal sport bar and press onto the side bar making sure not to pinch the material of the sports bar covers and to ensure it is properly positioned on the seal above the front of the rear door . 4. Loosely install the rear knob (long knob) to hold the door rail in position. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TUR[…]

  • Страница 141

    5. Carefully set the front of the front door frame in the rubber seal at the top of the windshield. Then, clip the front of the door rail over the side bar making sure that the material for the side bar cover is not pinched by the door frame. Position the rear of the front door frame to lay on top of the front of the rear door frame. 6. Loosely ins[…]

  • Страница 142

    SOFT TOP (TWO-DOOR MODELS) CAUTION! • The soft top is not designed to carry any additional loads such as roof racks, spare tires, building, hunting, or camping supplies, and/or luggage, etc. Also, it was not designed as a structural member of the vehicle, and thus cannot properly carry any additional loads other than environmental (rain, snow , e[…]

  • Страница 143

    CAUTION! • Do not run a fabric top through an automatic car wash. W indow scratches and wax build up may result. • Do not lower the top when the temperature is below 41°F (5°C). Damage to the top may result. • Do not move your vehicle until the top has been either fully attached to the windshield frame, or fully lowered. • Do not lower th[…]

  • Страница 144

    Folding Down The Soft T op 1 — Header Bow 6 — Body Side Retainer 2 — 2–Bow 7 — Quarter W indow 3 — 3–Bow 8 — Check Strap 4 — Sail Panel 9 — Front Retainer — Quarter W indow 5 — Plastic Retainer 10 — Bottom Retainer — Quarter W indow UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 143 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d […]

  • Страница 145

    1 — Zipper Start 2 — Zipper Finish 3 — Swing Gate Bar 4 — Swing Gate Brackets 5 — Sail Panels 144 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 146

    NOTE: Clean side and rear windows before removal to assist in preventing scratching during removal of the soft top. If zippers are difficult to operate due to road dust, etc., clean them with a mild soap solution and a small brush. Cleaning products are available through your authorized dealer . 1. If your vehicle has half doors, remove each half d[…]

  • Страница 147

    3. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 4. Release the header latches and leave the hooks in the loops on the windshield. 5. Open the swing gate. 6. Before unzipping the r ear window , release the first 3 in (7.6 cm) of both sail panels from the channel. Remove the swing gate bar by pulling it straight rearward out of the swing gate brackets[…]

  • Страница 148

    • Unzip the rear window starting at the right lower corner of the window . Pull the zipper up, across the top and down to the left lower corner . Zipper pulls will stay on the rear window . Pull down on the rear window to disengage from the zipper on the top cover . Stow the windows carefully to avoid scratch- ing. 7. Undo the V elcro 威 that ru[…]

  • Страница 149

    10. Finish releasing the sail panel r etainers fr om the body side channel at the rear corners of the vehicle. NOTE: When releasing the sail panel retainers, it is helpful to pull down on the rear roof bow . 1 1. As you begin to lower the top, fold the sail panels so that they rest on top of the soft top. 148 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VE[…]

  • Страница 150

    12. The swing gate brackets do not need to be removed unless the hard top is being installed. T o remove the swing gate brackets, pull the front of the bracket forward while rolling the entire bracket back in towards the vehicle to disengage. 13. Completely release the latches from the loops on the windshield frame. If your vehicle is not equipped […]

  • Страница 151

    14. Make sure the plastic sleeves are slid forward over the Sunrider link (Sunrider Models Only). 15. Unlatch the side bows from both door rails (Sunrider Models Only). 150 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 152

    16. Before lowering the top, open the swing gate to prevent possible damage to the r ear center high-mounted brake lamp. Move to the front of the vehicle. Grasp the side bow behind the header and lift the top, folding it toward the rear of the vehicle. 17. T uck the fabric and the check straps between the bows and as far inward as possible. This wi[…]

  • Страница 153

    Putting Up The Soft T op 1 — Header Bow 6 — Body Side Retainer 2 — 2– Bow 7 — Quarter W indow 3 — 3–Bow 8 — Check Strap 4 — Sail Panel 9 — Front Retainer — Quarter W indow 5 — Plastic Retainer 10 — Bottom Retainer — Quarter W indow 152 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y[…]

  • Страница 154

    1 — Zipper Start 2 — Zipper Finish 3 — Swing Gate Bar 4 — Swing Gate Brackets 5 — Sail Panels UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 153 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 155

    1. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 2. Install door frames, if removed. Refer to “Door Frame” in this section. 3. Make sure the plastic sleeve is slid rearward over Sunrider link (Sunrider Models Only). 4. Standing on the side of the vehicle, lift the top by the side bow and the 2–bow (middle bow) up and over the sports bar until t[…]

  • Страница 156

    6. Make sure the Sunrider bracket on the side bows latches to the door rails (Sunrider Models Only). 7. Open the header latches and engage the hook on each side onto the windshield loops (do not close the latches). 8. If the swing gate brackets were removed, install them by hooking the rear edge of the bracket on the interior side of the body chann[…]

  • Страница 157

    9. Move to the rear of the vehicle and gently pull the sail panels over the rear roof bow . 10. Partially install the sail panel retainers into the body side channel, leaving the last 3 in (7.6 cm) towards the rear window loose (on both sides). Pulling down on the rear roof bow (3–bow) will aid to reach the channel with the retainers. 156 UNDERST[…]

  • Страница 158

    1 1. T o install the side windows, affix the window tem- porarily by attaching to the V elcr o 威 in the rear corner . Start the zipper but close only about 1 in (2.5 cm). 12. Insert the front retainer of the window into the door channel, making sure the retainer is fully seated and properly positioned on the door frame. Failure to do so can resul[…]

  • Страница 159

    13. Continue closing the zipper only along the top edge of the window . 14. Insert the retainer along the bottom edge of the window into the bottom side channel, beginning at the front and working to the rear of the vehicle. Finish by closing the zipper completely and attaching the V elcr o 威 along the top and r ear of the window . Repeat this st[…]

  • Страница 160

    15. Locate the black swing gate bar . Slide the swing gate bar over the receiver at the bottom inside of the rear window . The spongy part of the seal should be down and pointed outward to seal with the swing gate when closed. 16. Install the rear window by starting both zipper ends at the lower left corner of the rear window opening. Ensure that t[…]

  • Страница 161

    18. Grasp the swing gate bar and position it into the swing gate brackets. 19. Apply downward pressure on the top corner of the rear soft top bow (3–bow), then complete attaching the sail panel retainers into the body side channel. 20. Open the doors and insert the roof retainers into the channels above the door , starting at the front and work- […]

  • Страница 162

    SUNRIDER (TWO-DOOR MODELS) — IF EQUIPPED NOTE: If you are going to be driving faster than 40 mph (64 km/h) with the Sunrider feature open, it is recom- mended that you remove the rear window of the vehicle. T o Open 1. Insert finger behind the plastic retainer . Pull down and roll the retainer out of the channel. Repeat this on the other side. UN[…]

  • Страница 163

    2. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 3. Release the header latches from the loops on the windshield frame. 4. Slide the plastic sleeve forward. 162 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 164

    5. Grasp the header and lift the top back. Make sure the material is folded back as shown. NOTE: The Sunrider latch on the door rail should not be activated for Sunrider use. If activated, the soft top must be reinstalled starting from the sail panels. 6. Locate straps to secure side bows. W rap straps around bows as shown. Repeat on the other side[…]

  • Страница 165

    T o Close 1. Remove straps from side bows. 2. Unclip and move sun visors to the side. 3. Grasp the front header and pull to the front of the vehicle. 4. Hook header latches to the loops on the windshield frame, close latches, and r eturn sun visor’s to their original position. 5. Slide plastic sleeve rearward over Sunrider link. 6. T uck drip rai[…]

  • Страница 166

    2. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 3. Release the header latches from the loops on the windshield frame. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 165 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 167

    4. Grasp the front side bow behind the header , and lift the top. 5. Fold back the front section of the top, and gently rest the header on top of the rear portion of the deck. 166 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 168

    6. Fold the top material so that the plastic retainers form a “W” as shown. Enter the vehicle, and move the material into two folds. Ensure that the straps ar e securely stowed. 7. Close the front header latches. 8. Secure the top by using the two provided straps. Each strap will wrap around the side bow and V elcr o 威 to itself, use one stra[…]

  • Страница 169

    SOFT TOP (FOUR-DOOR MODELS) CAUTION! • The soft top is not designed to carry any additional loads such as roof racks, spare tires, building, hunting, or camping supplies, and/or luggage, etc. Also, it was not designed as a structural member of the vehicle, and thus cannot properly carry any additional loads other than environmental (rain, snow , […]

  • Страница 170

    CAUTION! • Do not run a fabric top through an automatic car wash. W indow scratches and wax build-up may result. • Do not lower the top when the temperature is below 41°F (5°C). Damage to the top may result. • Do not lower the top when the windows are dirty . Grit may scratch the window . • Do not move your vehicle until the top has been […]

  • Страница 171

    Folding Down The Soft T op 1 — Header Bow 6 — Body Side Retainer 1 1 — Plastic Retainer 2 — 2–Bow 7 — Quarter W indow 3 — 3–Bow 8 — Check Strap 4 — 4–Bow 9 — Front Retainer — Quarter W indow 5 — Sail Panel 10 — Bottom Retainer — Quarter W indow 170 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P […]

  • Страница 172

    1 — Zipper Start 2 — Zipper Finish 3 — Swing Gate Bar 4 — Swing Gate Brackets 5 — Sail Panels UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 171 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 173

    NOTE: Clean side and rear windows before removal to assist in preventing scratching during removal of the soft top. If zippers are difficult to operate due to road dust, etc., clean them with a mild soap solution and a small brush. Cleaning products are available through your authorized dealer . 1. If your vehicle has half-doors, remove each half-d[…]

  • Страница 174

    4. Release the header latches and hooks from the loops on the windshield frame. 5. Open the swing gate. 6. Before unzipping the r ear window , release the first 3 in (7.6 cm) of both sail panels from the channel. Remove the swing gate bar by pulling it straight rearward out of the swing gate brackets. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 17[…]

  • Страница 175

    • Unzip the rear window starting at the right lower corner of the window . Pull the zipper up, across the top and down to the left lower corner . Zipper pulls will stay on the rear window . Pull down on the rear window to disengage from the zipper on the top cover . Stow the windows carefully to avoid scratch- ing. 7. Undo the V elcro 威 that ru[…]

  • Страница 176

    10. Finish releasing the sail panel r etainers fr om the body side channel at the rear corners of the vehicle. NOTE: When releasing the sail panel retainers, it is helpful to pull down on the rear roof bow . 1 1. Fold the sail panels so that they rest on top of the soft top. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 175 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P[…]

  • Страница 177

    12. The swing gate brackets do not need to be removed unless the hard top is being installed. T o remove the swing gate brackets, pull the front of the bracket forward while rolling the entire bracket back in towards the vehicle to disengage. 13. Grasp the front side bow behind the header , and lift the top. 176 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR[…]

  • Страница 178

    14. Fold back the front section of the top, and gently rest the header on top of the rear portion of the deck. 15. Fold the top material so that the plastic retainers form a “W” as shown. Enter the vehicle, and move the material into two folds. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 177 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 179

    16. Release the side bows by pressing down on the latch above the front of the r ear door . Push the top rearwar d to disengage. Repeat this step on the other side. 17. Grasp the folded side bows and slide the top along the door frame track to the rear door frame. 178 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e […]

  • Страница 180

    18. Before lowering the top, open the swing gate to prevent possible damage to the r ear center high-mounted brake lamp. Gently slide the side bows of f the door frame track and lower the top down into the vehicle. 19. T uck the fabric and the check straps between the bows as far inside as possible. This will keep any portion of the top from flappi[…]

  • Страница 181

    Putting Up The Soft T op 1 — Header Bow 6 — Body Side Retainer 1 1 — Plastic Retainer 2 — 2–Bow 7 — Quarter W indow 3 — 3–Bow 8 — Check Strap 4 — 4–Bow 9 — Front Retainer — Quarter W indow 5 — Sail Panel 10 — Bottom Retainer — Quarter W indow 180 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r […]

  • Страница 182

    1 — Zipper Start 2 — Zipper Finish 3 — Swing Gate Bar 4 — Swing Gate Brackets 5 — Sail Panels UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 181 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 183

    NOTE: Be extremely careful when putting up the soft top to prevent the doors fr om getting scratched. It may be helpful to open the rear doors. 1. Install the door frames, if removed. Refer to “Door Frame” in this section. 2. Undo the straps used to secure the top in the down position and store in secure location. 3. Open the swing gate. 4. Gra[…]

  • Страница 184

    5. Insert the slider feature of the knuckles into the door frame tracks and slide the top forward. 6. Ensure that the top locks into Sunrider locking mecha- nisms that are located above the front of the rear doors. UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 183 3 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 185

    7. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side. 8. Standing on the side of the vehicle, lift the top by the side bow until it rests on the windshield frame. 9. Before attaching the header latches, be sure the top retainers above the doors do not get trapped between the top and the door frame. Also, make certain the feet at both ends of the 2–bow ([…]

  • Страница 186

    10. Open the header latches and engage the hook on each side onto the windshield loops (do not close the latches). 1 1. If the swing gate brackets wer e removed, install them by hooking the rear edge of the bracket on the interior side of the body channel. Then, rotate it rearward and over the channel until it snaps onto the exterior part of the ra[…]

  • Страница 187

    13. Partially install the sail panel retainers into the body side channel, leaving the last 3 in (7.6 cm) towards the rear window loose (on both sides). Pulling down on the rear roof bow (4–bow) will aid to reach the channel with the retainers. 14. T o install the side windows, affix the window tem- porarily by attaching to the V elcr o 威 in th[…]

  • Страница 188

    15. Insert the front retainer of the window into the door channel, making sure the retainer is fully seated and properly positioned on the door frame. Failure to do so can result in wind and water leaks or damage to the window . 16. Continue closing the zipper only along the top edge of the window . UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 187 […]

  • Страница 189

    17. Insert the retainer along the bottom edge of the window into the bottom side channel, beginning at the front and working to the rear of the vehicle. Finish by closing the zipper completely and attaching the V elcr o 威 along the top and r ear of the window . Repeat this step for the opposite side. 18. Locate the black swing gate bar . Slide th[…]

  • Страница 190

    19. Install the rear window by starting both zipper ends at the lower left corner of the rear window opening. Ensure that the zippers are properly started and aligned before zipping to prevent damage. 20. Run the first zipper fully around to the right side of the window . 21. Grasp the swing gate bar and position it into the swing gate brackets. 22[…]

  • Страница 191

    23. Open the doors and insert the top retainers into the channels in the door frame above the doors, starting at the front and working toward the rear of the vehicle. 24. Ensure plastic retainer is tucked in properly at B-pillar , not pinching the seal. 190 UNDERST ANDING THE FEA TURES OF YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 192

    25. Close the header latches and return the sun visors to their secured position. FOLDING WINDSHIELD The fold-down windshield and removable side bars on your vehicle are structural elements that can provide some protection in some accidents. The windshield also provides some protection against weather , road debris and intrusion of small branches a[…]

  • Страница 193

    Raise the windshield and r einstall the side bars as soon as the task that required their removal is completed and before you return to on-road driving. Both you and your passenger should wear seat belts at all times, on-r oad and off-r oad, regardless of whether the windshield is raised or folded down. Outside rearview mirrors are mounted on the d[…]

  • Страница 194

    Lowering The Windshield And Removing Side Bars 1. Lower the fabric top or remove the hard top following the instructions in this manual. NOTE: T o assist in properly reinstalling side bars, mark the original locations prior to removing. 2. Remove the two top hex bolts (13 mm), and the one side hex bolt (13 mm) visible through the trim (Do not remov[…]

  • Страница 195

    NOTE: Pull side bar out horizontally when removing. CAUTION! Do not remove the head impact foam from the side bars, as damage to the foam may result. NOTE: Store all of the mounting bolts in their original threaded holes and tighten for safekeeping. 5. Remove side bar assembly , and reattach sport bar V elcro 威 covering. 6. T o safely store the s[…]

  • Страница 196

    7. Remove the windshield wiper arms by first pulling the wiper away from the windshield and out to the “lock” position. Unsnap the wiper arm nut caps, and remove retaining nuts. Lift the wiper arms off and stor e in center console or securely behind the rear seat. 8. Remove the lower windshield plates by removing the six black round-headed T or[…]

  • Страница 197

    Raising The Windshield And Replacing Side Bars 1. Raise the windshield. 2. Loosely attach rear of side bar to sport bar . Refer to Step 4 of “Lowering W indshield And Removing Side Bars” earlier in this section. • Reattach sport bar V elcro 威 covering. 3. Attach front of side bar to windshield frame. • Install top two hex bolts (13 mm) fi[…]

  • Страница 198

    5. Install the lower windshield plates with the six black round-headed T orx 威 head scr ews (using a #40 T orx 威 head driver) on each side of the base of the windshield. 6. Reinstall wiper arms. REAR WINDOW FEA TURES — HARD TOP ONL Y Rear Window Wiper/Washer — If Equipped A rotary ring switch on the control lever (located on the right side […]

  • Страница 199

    If the rear wiper is operating when the ignition is turned OFF , the wiper will automatically r eturn to the “Park” position. When the vehicle is restarted, the wiper will resume function at whichever position the switch is set at. Adding W asher Fluid The fluid reservoir for the windshield washers and the rear window washer is shared. It is lo[…]

  • Страница 200

    The defroster will automatically turn off after about ten minutes. For five more minutes of operation, press the switch again. T o prevent excessive battery drain, use the defroster only when the engine is operating. CAUTION! Use care when washing the inside of the rear window to prevent damage to heating elements. Use a soft cloth and a mild washi[…]

  • Страница 201

    I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 202

    UNDERST ANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT P ANEL CONTENTS 䡵 Instrument Panel And Controls …………. 2 0 4 䡵 Instrument Cluster …………………. 2 0 5 䡵 Instrument Cluster Description …………. 2 0 6 䡵 Compass And T rip Computer — If Equipped . . . 215 ▫ Control Buttons …………………. 2 1 6 ▫ T rip Conditions ……………[…]

  • Страница 203

    ▫ List Button (CD Mode For MP3 Play) ……. 2 3 3 ▫ Info Button (CD Mode For MP3 Play) ……. 2 3 3 䡵 Sales Code REQ — AM/FM Stereo Radio And 6–Disc CD/DVD Changer (MP3/WMA AUX Jack) ……………… 2 3 4 ▫ Operating Instructions — Radio Mode ……. 2 3 5 ▫ Operation Instructions — (Disc Mode For CD And MP3/WMA Audio Play , DVD-[…]

  • Страница 204

    ▫ Operating Instructions — Hands-Free Phone (If Equipped) …………………… 2 5 7 ▫ Operating Instructions — V ideo Entertainment System (VES 威 ) (If Equipped) …………. 2 5 8 䡵 CD/DVD Disc Maintenance …………… 2 5 8 䡵 Radio Operation And Cellular Phones …….. 2 5 8 䡵 Climate Controls ………………….. 2 5 9 ?[…]

  • Страница 205

    INSTRUMENT P ANEL AND CONTROLS 1 — Air Outlet 6 — Climate Controls 2 — Instrument Cluster 7 — Power Outlet 3 — Horn 8 — Lower Switch Bank 4 — Radio 9 — Auxiliary Power Outlet 5 — Glove Box 204 UNDERST ANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT P ANEL I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 206

    INSTRUMENT CLUSTER UNDERST ANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT P ANEL 205 4 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 207

    INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DESCRIPTION Y our vehicle is equipped with the instrument cluster described on the following pages. 1. Fuel Gauge The pointer shows the level of fuel in the fuel tank. NOTE: When the ignition switch is turned to OFF , the fuel gauge, voltmeter , oil pressure and temperature gauges may not show accurate readings. When the engine i[…]

  • Страница 208

    7. Seat Belt Indicator Light A warning chime and an indicator light will alert you to buckle the seat belts. When the belt is buckled, the chime will stop, but the light will stay on until it times out (about six seconds). 8. T urn Signal Indicator Lights The arrows will flash with the exterior turn signals when the turn signal lever is operated. A[…]

  • Страница 209

    off, it indicates a possible brake system fluid leak or low pressur e level, see your authorized dealer immediately . If the parking brake is applied and the vehicle is in motion, the Brake W arning Light will “flash” and a chime will sound. The operation of the Brake W arning Light can be checked by turning the ignition switch from the OFF pos[…]

  • Страница 210

    15. T achometer This light indicates the engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). CAUTION! Do not operate the engine with the tachometer pointer in the red area. Engine damage will occur . 16. Engine Coolant T emperature W arning Light This light warns of an overheated engine condi- tion. If the engine is critically hot, a warning chime will s[…]

  • Страница 211

    21. Odometer/T rip Odometer Reset Button Press this button to change the display from odometer to either of two trip odometer settings. T rip A or T rip B will appear when in the trip odometer mode. Press and hold the button for two seconds to reset the trip odometer to 0 miles or kilometers. The odometer must be in trip mode to reset. 22. T ransmi[…]

  • Страница 212

    Y our vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when the system is not operating properly . The TPMS malfunction indicator is combined with the low tire pressure telltale. When the system detects a malfunction, the telltale will flash for approximately one minute and then remain continuously illuminated. This sequ[…]

  • Страница 213

    U.S. federal regulations require that upon transfer of vehicle ownership, the seller certify to the purchaser the correct mileage that the vehicle has been driven. There- fore, if the odometer reading is changed during repair or replacement, be sure to keep a record of the reading before and after the service so the correct mileage can be determine[…]

  • Страница 214

    2. Fully depress the accelerator pedal slowly three times within 10 seconds. 3. T urn the ignition switch to the OFF/LOCK position. NOTE: If the indicator message illuminates when you start the vehicle, the oil change indicator system did not reset. If necessary repeat this procedur e. 25. Malfunction Indicator Light This light is a part of an Onbo[…]

  • Страница 215

    will flash anytime the ESP or TCS is active and helping to improve vehicle stability . If the ESP/TCS Indicator Light is on solid, the ESP system has been turned off by the driver or a temporary condition exists that will not allow full ESP function. 27. O/D (Overdrive) Off Indicator Light This light will illuminate when the O/D OFF button has been[…]

  • Страница 216

    If the light continues to flash when the engine is running, immediate service is required and you may experience reduced performance, an elevated/rough idle, or engine stall and your vehicle may requir e towing. The light will come on when the ignition is first turned on and remain on briefly as a bulb check. If the light does not come on during st[…]

  • Страница 217

    Control Buttons Press and release the left button (on the instrument cluster) to access the computer displays. Press and hold the left button (on the instrument cluster) for two to three seconds to switch from English to Metric displays. Reset Press and hold the right button (on the instrument cluster) while function is being displayed to reset. Th[…]

  • Страница 218

    T rip Odometer (ODO) This display shows the distance traveled since the last reset. Press and release the right button (on the instru- ment cluster) to switch from odometer , to T rip A or T rip B. Press and hold the right button while the odometer/ trip odometer is displayed to reset. T rip A Shows the total distance traveled for T rip A since the[…]

  • Страница 219

    NOTE: Magnetic materials should be kept away from the top of the instrument panel above the radio. This is where the compass sensor is located. Automatic Compass Calibration The self-calibrating feature of the compass eliminates the need to calibrate the compass for normal conditions. During a short initial period, the compass may appear erratic an[…]

  • Страница 220

    When the CAL symbol is no longer displayed, the compass is calibrated and should display correct head- ings. V erify proper calibration by checking North (N), South (S), East (E), and W est (W). If the compass does not appear accurate, repeat the calibration procedure in an- other area. Compass V ariance (V AR) V ariance is the difference between m[…]

  • Страница 221

    Outside T emperature If the outside temperature is more than 131°F (55°C), the display will show 131°F (55°C). When the outside tem- perature is less than ⫺ 40°F ( ⫺ 40°C), the display will show ⫺ 40°F ( ⫺ 40°C). RADIO GENERAL INFORMA TION Radio Broadcast Signals The radio will provide excellent reception under most operating condit[…]

  • Страница 222

    T wo T ypes of Signals There ar e two basic types of radio signals: AM or Amplitude Modulation, in which the transmitted sound causes the amplitude, or height, of the radio waves to vary; and FM or Frequency Modulation, in which the frequency of the wave is varied to carry the sound. Electrical Disturbances Radio waves may pick up electrical distur[…]

  • Страница 223

    SALES CODE RES — AM/FM STEREO RADIO WITH CD PLA YER (MP3 AUX JACK) NOTE: The radio sales code is located on the lower right side of your radio faceplate. Operating Instructions — Radio Mode NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON or ACC position to operate the radio. Power Switch/V olume Control (Rotary) Push the ON/VOLUME control knob to tur[…]

  • Страница 224

    to seek up and the left switch to seek down. The radio will remain tuned to the new station until you make another selection. Holding either button will bypass stations without stopping until you release it. SCAN Button Pressing the SCAN button causes the tuner to search for the next listenable station in AM or FM frequencies, pausing for five seco[…]

  • Страница 225

    Clock Setting Procedure 1. Press and hold the TIME button, until the hours blink. 2. Adjust the hours by turning the right side TUNE/ SCROLL control knob. 3. After adjusting the hours, press the right side TUNE/ SCROLL control knob to set the minutes. The minutes will begin to blink. 4. Adjust the minutes using the right side TUNE/ SCROLL control k[…]

  • Страница 226

    Setting the T one, Balance, and Fade Push the rotary TUNE/SCROLL control knob and BASS will display . T urn the TUNE/SCROLL control knob to the right or left to increase or decrease the bass tones. Push the rotary TUNE/SCROLL control knob a second time and MID will display . T urn the TUNE/SCROLL control knob to the right or left to increase or dec[…]

  • Страница 227

    T oggle the MUSIC TYPE button to select the following format types: Program T ype 16-Digit Character Display No program type or undefined None Adult Hits Adlt Hit Classical Classicl Classic Rock Cls Rock College College Country Country Foreign Language Language Information Inform Jazz Jazz News News Nostalgia Nostalga Oldies Oldies Program T ype 16[…]

  • Страница 228

    station with the same selected Music T ype name. The Music T ype function only operates when in the FM mode. If a preset button is activated while in the Music T ype (Program T ype) mode, the Music T ype mode will be exited and the radio will tune to the preset station. SETUP Button Pressing the SETUP button allows you to select between the followi[…]

  • Страница 229

    Every time a preset button is used, a corresponding button number will display . Button s1-6 These buttons tune the radio to the stations that you commit to pushbutton memory (12 AM and 12 FM stations). DISC Button Pressing the DISC button will allow you to switch from AM/FM modes to Disc modes. Operation Instructions — CD MODE for CD and MP3 Audio[…]

  • Страница 230

    CAUTION! • This CD player will accept 4–3/4 in (12 cm) discs only . The use of other sized discs may damage the CD player mechanism. • Do not use adhesive labels. These labels can peel away and jam the player mechanism. • RES is a single CD player . Do not attempt to insert a second CD if one is already loaded. • Dual-media disc types (on[…]

  • Страница 231

    TIME Button Press this button to change the display from a large CD playing time display to a small CD playing time display . R W/FF Press the R W button to stop the CD at the beginning of the current CD track/title. Press and hold FF (Fast Forward) and the CD player will begin to fast forward until FF is released or RW or another CD button is pres[…]

  • Страница 232

    files properly and may be unable to play the file nor- mally . UDF and Apple HFS formats are not supported. The radio uses the following limits for file systems: • Maximum number of folder levels: 8 • Maximum number of files: 255 • Maximum number of folders. (The radio display of file names and folder names is limited. For large numbers of fi[…]

  • Страница 233

    rates (VBR) are also supported. The majority of MP3 files use a 44.1 kHz sampling rate and a 192, 160, 128, 96 or VBR bit rates. MPEG Specifi- cation Sampling Fre- quency (kHz) Bit Rate (kbps) MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 48, 44.1, 32 320, 256, 224, 192, 160, 128, 1 12, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32 MPEG-2 Audio Layer 3 24, 22.05, 16 160, 128, 144, 1 12, 96, […]

  • Страница 234

    LIST Button (CD Mode for MP3 Play) Pressing the LIST button will bring up a list of all folders on the disc. Scrolling up or down the list is done by turning the TUNE/SCROLL control knob. Selecting a folder by pressing the TUNE/SCROLL control knob will begin playing the files contained in that folder (or the next folder in sequence if the selection[…]

  • Страница 235

    TIME Button (Auxiliary Mode) Press this button to change the display to time of day . The time of day will display for five seconds (when ignition is OFF). Operating Instructions — Hands-Free Phone (UConnect 威 ) (If Equipped) Refer to “Hands-Free Communication (UConnect 威 )” in Section 3. Operating Instructions — Satellite Radio Mode (If Eq[…]

  • Страница 236

    Operating Instructions — Radio Mode NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON or ACC position to operate the radio. Power Switch/V olume Control (Rotary) Push the ON/VOLUME control knob to turn on the radio. Press the ON/VOLUME control knob a second time to turn off the radio. Electronic V olume Control The electronic volume control turns continu[…]

  • Страница 237

    Phone Button (UConnect 威 Hands-Free Phone) — If Equipped Press this button to operate the Hands-Free Phone (UConnect 威 ) feature (if equipped). Refer to “Hands-Free Communication (UConnect 威 )” in Section 3. If your vehicle is not equipped with or this feature is not available on your vehicle, a “Not Equipped W ith UConnect” message[…]

  • Страница 238

    R W/FF Pressing the RW (Rewind) or FF (Fast Forward) buttons causes the tuner to search for the next frequency in the direction of the arrows. This feature operates in AM, FM or Satellite (if equipped) frequencies. TUNE Control T urn the rotary TUNE/SCROLL control knob clockwise to incr ease or counter clockwise to decrease the frequency . Setting […]

  • Страница 239

    MUSIC TYPE Button Pressing this button once will turn on the Music T ype mode for five seconds. Pressing the MUSIC TYPE button or turning the TUNE/SCROLL control knob within five seconds will allow the program format type to be se- lected. Many radio stations do not currently broadcast Music T ype information. T oggle the MUSIC TYPE button to selec[…]

  • Страница 240

    Program T ype 16-Digit Character Dis- play Sports Sports T alk T alk T op 40 T op 40 W eather W eather By pressing the SEEK button when the Music T ype icon is displayed, the radio will be tuned to the next fr equency station with the same selected Music T ype name. The Music T ype function only operates when in the FM mode. If a preset button is a[…]

  • Страница 241

    • Audio Stream – Repeatedly pressing SELECT will switch to differ ent audio languages (if supported on the disc) (if equipped). • Angle – Repeatedly pressing SELECT will change the viewing angle if supported by the DVD disc (if equipped). NOTE: The available selections for each of the above entries varies depending upon the disc. NOTE: Thes[…]

  • Страница 242

    Enter the four-digit country code using the TUNE/ SCROLL contr ol knob to scroll up and down to select the number and then push to select. Audio Language — If Equipped Selecting this item allows you to choose a default audio language (effective only if the language is supported by the disc). Y ou can select a language not listed by scrolling down[…]

  • Страница 243

    auto-play the main title. In such cases, use the MENU button on the remote control to select desired title to play . NOTE: The user will have to set these defaults before loading a disc. If changes are made to these settings after a disc is loaded, changes will not be effective. Also, the defaults are effective only if the disc supports the custome[…]

  • Страница 244

    Operation Instructions — (DISC MODE for CD and MP3/WMA Audio Play , DVD-VIDEO) The radio DVD player and many DVD discs are coded by geographic region. These region codes must match in order for the disc to play . If the region code for the DVD disc does not match the region code for the radio DVD player , it will not play the disc. Customers may ta[…]

  • Страница 245

    Eject Button — Ejecting Compact Disc(s) Press the EJECT button and the pushbutton with the corresponding number (1-6) wher e the CD was loaded and the disc will unload and move to the entrance for easy removal. Radio display will show ⬙ EJECTING DISC ⬙ when the disc is being ejected and prompt the user to remove the disc. Press and hold the E[…]

  • Страница 246

    Notes On Playing MP3/WMA Files The radio can play MP3/WMA files; however , acceptable MP3/WMA file r ecording media and formats ar e limited. When writing MP3/WMA files, pay attention to the following restrictions. Supported Media (Disc T ypes) The MP3/WMA file recor ding media supported by the radio are CDDA, CD-R, CD-R W , MP3,WMA, DVD V ideo, DV[…]

  • Страница 247

    If a disc contains multi-formats, such as CD audio and MP3/WMA tracks, the radio will only play the MP3/ WMA tracks on that disc. Supported MP3/WMA File Formats The radio will recognize only files with the *.MP3/WMA extension as MP3/WMA files. Non-MP3/WMA files named with the *.MP3/WMA extension may cause play- back pr oblems. The radio is designed[…]

  • Страница 248

    Playback of MP3/WMA Files When a medium containing MP3/WMA data is loaded, the radio checks all files on the medium. If the medium contains a lot of folders or files, the radio will take more time to start playing the MP3/WMA files. Loading times for playback of MP3/WMA files may be affected by the following: • Media — CD-R W media may take longe[…]

  • Страница 249

    Press and hold the INFO button again for three seconds to return to ⬙ elapsed time ⬙ display . Operation Instructions — Auxiliary Mode The auxiliary (AUX) jack is an audio input jack, which allows the user to plug in a portable device such as an MP3/WMA player , cassette player , or microphone and utilize the vehicle’s audio system to amplify[…]

  • Страница 250

    Operating Instructions — V oice Recognition System (VR) (If Equipped) For the radio, r efer to “V oice Recognition System (VR)” in Section 3. For UConnect 威 “V oice Recognition System (VR),” r efer to “Hands-Free Communication (UConnect 威 )” in Section 3. Operating Instructions — Hands-Free Phone (UConnect 威 ) (If Equipped) Refe[…]

  • Страница 251

    SALES CODE RER — MUL TIMEDIA SYSTEM — IF EQUIPPED NOTE: The sales code is located on the lower right side of the unit’s faceplate. The RER Multimedia system contains a radio, Sirius Satellite Radio player , navigation system, CD/DVD player , USB port, 20-gigabyte hard drive (HDD), and the UConnect 威 Hands-Free Bluetooth 威 cellular system.[…]

  • Страница 252

    Other special features include direct tune, music type selections, traf fic messaging (optional), easy store pr esets, parental lockout for VES 威 (if equipped), backup camera display for vehicles equipped with a backup camera, and on some models, a dual display scr een operation. Refer to your “Navigation User’s Manual” for detailed operati[…]

  • Страница 253

    4. T ouch the screen wher e the words “Set T ime Zone” ar e displayed. The time zone selection menu will appear on the screen. 5. Select a time zone by touching the screen where your selection appears. If you do not see a time zone that you want to select, touch the screen wher e the word “Page” is displayed to view additional time zones in[…]

  • Страница 254

    4. T o move the hour forward, touch the screen where the word “Hour” with the arrow pointing upward is dis- played. T o move the hour backward, touch the screen where the word “Hour” with the arrow pointing down- ward is displayed. 5. T o move the minute forward, touch the screen where the word “Min” with the arrow pointing upward is di[…]

  • Страница 255

    System Activation Sirius Satellite Radio service is pre-activated, and you may begin listening immediately to the one year of audio service that is included with the factory-installed satellite radio system in your vehicle. Sirius will supply a wel- come kit that contains general information, including how to setup your on-line listening account at[…]

  • Страница 256

    Selecting Satellite Mode Press the SA T button until ⬙ SA T ⬙ appears in the display . A CD may remain in the radio while in the Satellite radio mode. Satellite Antenna T o ensure optimum reception, do not place items on the roof around the r ooftop antenna location or strap items to the trunk lid around the trunk lid antenna (if equipped). Met[…]

  • Страница 257

    SCAN Button Pressing the SCAN button causes the tuner to search for the next channel, pausing for eight seconds before con- tinuing to the next. T o stop the search, press the SCAN button a second time. INFO Button Pressing the INFO button will cycle between Artist, Song T itle, and Composer (if available) information. Also, pressing and holding th[…]

  • Страница 258

    SETUP Button Pressing the SETUP button allows you to select the following items: • Display Sirius ID number — Press the AUDIO/ SELECT button to display the Sirius ID number . This number is used to activate, deactivate, or change the Sirius subscription. SET Button – T o Set the Pushbutton Memory When you are receiving a channel that you wish[…]

  • Страница 259

    Operating Instructions — Video Entertainment System (VES 姞 ) (If Equipped) Refer to separate “V ideo Entertainment System (VES 威 ) Guide.” CD/DVD DISC MAINTENANCE T o keep the CD/DVD discs in good condition, take the following precautions: 1. Handle the disc by its edge; avoid touching the surface. 2. If the disc is stained, clean the surfa[…]

  • Страница 260

    CLIMA TE CONTROLS Manual Heater Only The controls for the heating/ventilation system in this vehicle consist of a series of rotary knobs. These comfort controls can be set to obtain desired interior conditions. Mode Control The mode control allows you to choose from several pat- terns of air distribution. Y ou can select either a primary mode, as i[…]

  • Страница 261

    NOTE: There is a dif ference in temperature between the upper and lower outlets for added comfort. The warmer air goes to the floor outlets. This feature gives improved comfort during sunny but cool conditions. Floor Air is directed through the floor outlets and side window demist outlets with a small amount through the defrost outlet. Mix Air is d[…]

  • Страница 262

    Manual Air Conditioning and Heating System — If Equipped The controls for the heating/air conditioning and venti- lation system in this vehicle consist of a series of rotary knobs. These comfort contr ols can be set to obtain desired interior conditions. The instrument panel features four airflow r egisters. T wo registers are located on the oute[…]

  • Страница 263

    Panel Air is directed through the outlets in the instrument panel. These outlets can be adjusted to direct airflow . Bi-Level Air is directed through the panel and floor outlets. NOTE: There is a dif ference in temperature between the upper and lower outlets for added comfort. The warmer air goes to the floor outlets. This feature gives improved co[…]

  • Страница 264

    Blower Control Use this control to regulate the amount of air forced through the system in any mode you select. The fan speed increases as you move the control to the right from the OFF position. T emperature Control Use this control to regulate the temperature of the air inside the passenger compartment. The blue area of the scale indicates cooler[…]

  • Страница 265

    NOTE: Continuous use of the “Recirculate” mode may make the inside air stuffy and window fogging may occur . Extended use of this mode is not recommended. In cold or damp weather , the use of the “Recirculate” mode will cause windows to fog on the inside because of moisture buildup inside the vehicle. For maximum de- fogging, select the Out[…]

  • Страница 266

    MAX A/C For maximum cooling, select ei- ther the Panel or Bi-Level position using the mode control. Then, press the “A/C” and the “Recir- culate” buttons so that both lamps are illuminated, and set the tem- perature control to its coolest set- ting. NOTE: • Recirculation Mode will not operate in floor , mix or defrost modes. • Refer to […]

  • Страница 267

    Regular cleaning of the inside of the windows with a non-filming cleaning solution (vinegar and water works very well) will help prevent contaminates (cigarette smoke, perfumes, etc.) from sticking to the windows. Contaminates increase the rate of window fogging. Summer Operation Air conditioned vehicles must be protected with a high quality antifr[…]

  • Страница 268

    ST ARTING AND OPERA TING CONTENTS 䡵 Starting Procedures ………………… 2 7 1 ▫ Manual T ransmission ……………… 2 7 1 ▫ Automatic T ransmission ……………. 2 7 1 ▫ Normal Starting …………………. 2 7 1 ▫ Extreme Cold W eather (Below –20°F Or –29°C) ……………………… 2 7 2 ▫ If Engine Fails T o S[…]

  • Страница 269

    䡵 Four–Wheel Drive Operation (Command-T rac™ Or Rock-T rac™) — If Equipped …………. 2 8 5 ▫ Operating Instructions/Precautions ……… 2 8 5 ▫ Shift Positions …………………… 2 8 7 ▫ Shifting Procedure ……………….. 2 8 8 䡵 T rac-Lok™ Rear Axle — If Equipped ……… 2 8 9 䡵 Axle Lock (T ru–Lok™) […]

  • Страница 270

    ▫ T ire Identification Number (TIN) ………. 3 1 6 ▫ T ire Loading And T ire Pressur e ……….. 3 1 7 䡵 T ires — General Information …………… 3 2 1 ▫ T ire Pressur e ……………………. 3 2 1 ▫ T ire Inflation Pressur es …………….. 3 2 2 ▫ T ire Pressur es For High-Speed Operation …. 3 2 4 ▫ Radial-Ply T i[…]

  • Страница 271

    䡵 V ehicle Loading …………………… 3 4 2 ▫ Certification Label ………………… 3 4 2 䡵 T railer T owing ……………………. 3 4 4 ▫ Common T owing Definitions …………. 3 4 5 ▫ T railer Hitch Classification …………… 3 4 8 ▫ T railer T owing W eights (Maximum T railer W eight Ratings) …………………[…]

  • Страница 272

    ST ARTING PROCEDURES Before starting your vehicle, adjust your seat, adjust both inside and outside mirrors, and fasten your seat belts. W ARNING! Do not leave children or animals inside parked vehicles in hot weather . Interior heat buildup may cause serious injury or death. Manual T ransmission Apply the parking brake, place the shift lever in NE[…]

  • Страница 273

    T urn the ignition switch to the ST AR T position and release when the engine starts. If the engine fails to start within 10 seconds, turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position, wait 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat the normal starting procedur e. T ip Start Feature — Automatic T ransmission Only T urn the ignition switch to ST AR T position and […]

  • Страница 274

    If Engine Fails to Start W ARNING! • Never pour fuel or other flammable liquids into the throttle body air inlet opening in an attempt to start the vehicle. This could result in a flash fire causing serious personal injury . • Do not attempt to push or tow your vehicle to get it started. V ehicles equipped with an automatic transmission cannot […]

  • Страница 275

    If the engine shows no sign of starting after two 15 second periods of cranking with the accelerator pedal held to the floor , repeat the “Normal Starting” or “Ex- treme Cold W eather” procedur es. W ith T ip Start (Automatic T ransmission Only) If the engine fails to start after you have followed the “Normal Starting” or “Extreme Col[…]

  • Страница 276

    ENGINE BLOCK HEA TER — IF EQUIPPED The engine block heater warms engine coolant and permits quicker starts in cold weather . Connect the cord to a standard 1 10-1 15 V olt AC electrical outlet with a grounded, three wire extension cord. The engine block heater cord is found under the hood bundled in front of the battery tray . W ARNING! Remember […]

  • Страница 277

    NOTE: During cold weather , you may experience in- creased effort in shifting until the transmission fluid warms up. This is normal. Shifting Fully depress the clutch pedal before shifting gears. As you release the clutch pedal, lightly depress the accelera- tor pedal. Y ou should always use 1st gear when starting from a standing position if under […]

  • Страница 278

    Manual T ransmission Shift Speeds in MPH (KM/H) En- gine Speeds 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 6 3.8L Accel. 15 (24) 24 (39) 34 (55) 47 (76) 56 (90) Cruise 10 (16) 19 (31) 27 (43) 37 (60) 41 (66) Downshifting Moving from a high gear down to a lower gear is recommended to preserve brakes when driving down steep hills. In addition, downshifting at […]

  • Страница 279

    Maximum Recommended Downshift Speeds CAUTION! Failure to follow the maximum recommended down- shifting speeds may cause the engine to overspeed and/or damage the clutch disc even if the clutch pedal is depressed. Manual T ransmission Downshift Speeds in MPH (KM/H) Gear Selec- tion 6t o5 5t o4 4t o3 3t o2 2t o1 Maxi- mum Speed 80 (129) 70 (1 13) 50 […]

  • Страница 280

    AUTOMA TIC TRANSMISSION CAUTION! Damage to the transmission may occur if the follow- ing precautions are not observed: • Shift into P ARK only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. • Shift into or out of REVERSE only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop and the engine is at idle speed. • Do not shift from REVERSE, P ARK, or […]

  • Страница 281

    Shift Lock Manual Override Y our vehicle may be equipped with a shift lock manual override. The manual override may be used in the event that the shift lever should fail to move from P ARK with the key in the ON position and the brake pedal de- pressed. T o operate the shift lock manual override, per- form the following steps: 1. Firmly set the par[…]

  • Страница 282

    Brake/T ransmission Interlock System This system pr events you fr om moving the shift lever out of P ARK and into any gear unless the brake pedal is pressed. This system is active only while the ignition switch is in the ON position. Always depress the brake pedal first, before moving the shift lever out of P ARK. Automatic T ransmission with Overd[…]

  • Страница 283

    P ARK This gear position supplements the parking brake by locking the transmission. The engine can be started in this range. Never use P ARK while the vehicle is in motion. Apply the parking brake when leaving the vehicle in this range. Always apply parking brake first, then place the shift lever in the P ARK position. W ARNING! Never use the P ARK[…]

  • Страница 284

    NOTE: T owing, coasting, or driving the vehicle for any other reason with the shift lever in NEUTRAL can result in severe transmission damage. Refer to “Recreational T owing” in Section 5 and “T owing a Disabled V ehicle” in Section 6 of this manual. OVERDRIVE For most city and highway driving. The transmission contains an electronically-co[…]

  • Страница 285

    Overdrive can be locked out by pressing the O/D OFF switch located on the center console. The O/D OFF indicator light (on the switch) will illuminate to show that the switch has been activated. When the indicator light is on, Overdrive is locked out. Pressing the switch a second time restores the Overdrive function. The lockout feature is useful wh[…]

  • Страница 286

    T orque Converter Clutch A feature designed to improve fuel economy has been added to the automatic transmission of this vehicle. A clutch within the torque converter engages automatically at calibrated speeds. This may result in a slightly differ- ent feeling or response during normal operation in high gear . When the vehicle speed drops or during[…]

  • Страница 287

    rear wheels to rotate at the same speed. This is accom- plished by simply moving the shift lever to one of these positions. The 4H and 4L positions are intended for loose, slippery road surfaces only , and not intended for normal driving. Driving in the 4H and 4L positions on hard surfaced roads will cause increased tire wear and damage to the driv[…]

  • Страница 288

    W ARNING! Y ou or others could be injured if you leave the vehicle unattended with the transfer case in the N (Neutral) position without first fully engaging the parking brake. The transfer case N (Neutral) position disengages both the front and rear driveshaft from the powertrain, and will allow the vehicle to move regardless of the transmission p[…]

  • Страница 289

    N (Neutral) Position This range disengages the fr ont and r ear driveshafts from the powertrain. T o be used for flat towing behind another vehicle. Refer to “Recreational T owing” in Section 5 of this manual. 4L Position This range locks the front and rear driveshafts together , forcing the front and rear wheels to rotate at the same speed. Th[…]

  • Страница 290

    4H to 4L or 4L to 4H W ith the vehicle rolling at 2 to 3 mph (3 to 5 km/h), shift an automatic transmission into NEUTRAL (N), or de- press the clutch pedal on a manual transmission. While the vehicle is coasting at 2 to 3 mph (3 to 5 km/h), shift the transfer case lever firmly to the desired position. Do not pause with the transfer case in N (Neutr[…]

  • Страница 291

    T rac-Lok™ is especially helpful during slippery driving conditions. W ith both rear wheels on a slippery surface, a slight application of the accelerator will supply maxi- mum traction. W ARNING! On vehicles equipped with a limited-slip differen- tial, never run the engine with one rear wheel off the ground. The vehicle may drive through the rea[…]

  • Страница 292

    • V ehicle speed should be 10 mph (16 km/h) or less. T o activate the system, press the bottom of the AXLE LOCK switch once to lock the rear axle only (the Rear Axle Lock Indicator Light will illuminate), press the bottom of the switch again to lock the front axle (the Front Axle Lock Indicator Light will illuminate). When the rear axle is locked[…]

  • Страница 293

    The rear axle lock will disengage if the vehicle is taken out of 4L (Low) range, or the ignition switch is turned to the OFF position. ELECTRONIC SW A Y BAR DISCONNECT — IF EQUIPPED Y our vehicle may be equipped with an electronic discon- necting stabilizer/sway bar . This system allows greater front suspension travel in off-road situations. This[…]

  • Страница 294

    when activation conditions are not met. The stabilizer/ sway bar should remain in on-road mode during normal driving conditions. W ARNING! Do not disconnect the stabilizer bar and drive on hard surfaced roads or at speeds above 18 mph (29 km/h), you may lose control of the vehicle, which could result in serious injury . The front stabilizer bar enh[…]

  • Страница 295

    W ARNING! If the stabilizer/sway bar will not return to on-road mode, vehicle stability is greatly reduced. Do not attempt to drive vehicle over 18 mph (29 km/h). Driving faster than 18 mph (29 km/h) may cause loss of control of the vehicle, which could result in serious injury . Contact your local authorized dealer for assistance. ON-ROAD DRIVING […]

  • Страница 296

    2. Remove one bolt from underside of vehicle. 3. Remove side step assembly . ST ARTING AND OPERA TING 295 5 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 297

    The Basics of Off-Road Driving Y ou will encounter many types of terrain driving off- road. Y ou should be familiar with the terrain and area before proceeding. There are many types of surface conditions: hard packed dirt, gravel, rocks, grass, sand, mud, snow and ice. Every surface has a different effect on your vehicle’s steering, handling and […]

  • Страница 298

    When T o Use 4L (Low) Range When off-road driving, shift into 4L (Low) for additional traction and control on slippery or difficult terrain, ascending or descending steep hills, and to increase low speed pulling power . This range should be limited to extreme situations such as deep snow , mud, steep in- clines, or sand wher e additional low speed […]

  • Страница 299

    Mud Deep mud creates a great deal of suction around the tires and is very difficult to get through. Y ou should use 2nd gear (manual transmission), or DRIVE (automatic trans- mission), with the transfer case in the 4L (Low) position to maintain your momentum. If you start to slow to a stop, try turning your steering wheel no more than a 1/4 turn qu[…]

  • Страница 300

    Crossing Obstacles (Rocks And Other High Points) While driving off-road, you will encounter many types of terrain. These varying types of terrain bring differ ent types of obstacles. Before proceeding, review the path ahead to determine the correct approach and your ability to safely recover the vehicle if something goes wrong. Keeping a firm grip […]

  • Страница 301

    CAUTION! Never attempt to straddle a rock that is large enough to strike your axles or undercarriage. CAUTION! Never attempt to drive over a rock which is large enough to contact the door sills. Crossing A Ravine, Gully , Ditch, W ashout Or Rut When crossing a ravine, gully , ditch, washout or a large rut, the angled approach is the key to maintain[…]

  • Страница 302

    accelerator to avoid spinning the log out from under your tires. Then ease the vehicle off the log using your brakes. CAUTION! Do not attempted to cross a log with a greater diameter than the running ground clearance or the vehicle will become high centered. Getting High-Centered If you get hung up or high-centered on an object, get out of the vehi[…]

  • Страница 303

    branches or other obstacles on the path? Can you safely recover the vehicle if something goes wrong? If every- thing looks good and you feel confident, shift the trans- mission into a lower gear with 4L (Low) engaged, and proceed with caution maintaining your momentum as you climb the hill. Driving Up Hill Once you have determined your ability to p[…]

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    descent? Is there plenty of distance at the base of the hill to regain control if the vehicle descends to fast? If you feel confident in your ability to proceed then make sure you are in 4L (Low) and proceed with caution. Allow engine braking to control the descent and apply your brakes if necessary , but do not allow the tires to lock. W ARNING! D[…]

  • Страница 305

    W ARNING! If the engine stalls or you lose headway or cannot make it to the top of a steep hill or grade, never attempt to turn around. T o do so may result in tipping and rolling the vehicle, which may result in severe injury . Always back carefully straight down a hill in REVERSE gear . Never back down a hill in NEUTRAL using only the vehicle bra[…]

  • Страница 306

    CAUTION! W ater ingestion into the axles, transmission, transfer case, engine or vehicle interior can occur if you drive too fast or through too deep of water . W ater can cause permanent damage to engine, driveline or other vehicle components and your brakes will be less effective once wet and/or muddy . Before Y ou Cross Any T ype Of W ater As yo[…]

  • Страница 307

    CAUTION! Muddy waters can reduce the cooling system effec- tiveness by depositing debris onto the radiator . Crossing Ditches, Streams, Shallow Rivers Or Other Flowing W ater Flowing water can be extremely dangerous. Never at- tempt to cross a fast running stream or river even in shallow water . Fast moving water can easily push your vehicle downst[…]

  • Страница 308

    After Driving Off-Road Off-r oad operation puts more stress on your vehicle than does most on-road driving. After going off-road it is always a good idea to check for damage. That way you can get any problems taken care of right away and have your vehicle ready when you need it. • Completely inspect the underbody of your vehicle. Check tires, bod[…]

  • Страница 309

    P ARKING BRAKE T o set the parking brake, pull the lever up as firmly as possible. When the parking brake is applied with the ignition ON, the Brake W arning Light in the instrument cluster will light. T o release the parking brake, pull up slightly , press the center button, then lower the lever completely . NOTE: The instrument cluster Brake W ar[…]

  • Страница 310

    the load on the transmission locking mechanism may make it difficult to move the shifter out of P ARK. W ARNING! • Always fully apply the parking brake when leav- ing your vehicle, or it may roll and cause damage or injury . Also, be certain to leave an automatic transmission in P ARK, a manual transmission in REVERSE or 1st gear . Failure to do […]

  • Страница 311

    W ARNING! Significant over or under-inflation of tires, or mixing sizes of tires or wheels on the vehicle can lead to loss of braking effectiveness. The Anti-Lock Brake System conducts a low speed self- test at about 12 mph (20 km/h). If for any reason, your foot is on the brake when the vehicle reaches 12 mph (20 km/h), this check will be delayed […]

  • Страница 312

    W ARNING! • Anti-Lock Brake Systems (ABS) cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase braking or steering efficiency beyond that afforded by the condition of the vehicle brakes and tires or the traction afforded. • The ABS cannot prevent accidents, including those resulting from excessive speed in […]

  • Страница 313

    If for some r eason the power assist is interrupted, it will still be possible to steer your vehicle. Under these condi- tions, you will observe a substantial increase in steering effort, especially at very low vehicle speeds and during parking maneuvers. NOTE: Increased noise levels at the end of the steering wheel travel are considered normal and[…]

  • Страница 314

    TIRE SAFETY INFORMA TION Tire Markings NOTE: • P(Passenger)-Metric tire sizing is based on U.S. design standards. P-Metric tires have the letter “P” molded into the sidewall preceding the size designation. Ex- ample: P215/65R15 95H. • European Metric tire sizing is based on European design standards. T ires designed to this standard have th[…]

  • Страница 315

    T ire Sizing Chart EXAMPLE: Size Designation: P = Passenger car tire size based on U.S. design standards ⴖ ….blank…. ⴖ = Passenger car tire based on European design standards LT = Light T ruck tire based on U.S. design standards T = T emporary Spare tire 31 = Overall Diameter in Inches (in) 215 = Section W idth in Millimeters (mm) 65 = Aspe[…]

  • Страница 316

    EXAMPLE: Service Description: 95 = Load Index —A numerical code associated with the maximum load a tire can carry H = Speed Symbol —A symbol indicating the range of speeds at which a tire can carry a load corresponding to its load index under certain operating conditions —The maximum speed corresponding to the Speed Symbol should only be achi[…]

  • Страница 317

    Tire Identification Number (TIN) The TIN may be found on one or both sides of the tire however the date code may only be on one side. T ires with white sidewalls will have the full TIN including date code located on the white sidewall side of the tire. Look for the TIN on the outboar d side of black sidewall tires as mounted on the vehicle. If the […]

  • Страница 318

    Tire Loading and Tire Pressure T ire Placard Location T ire Placard Location (T wo-Door Models) T ire Placard Location (Four-Door Models) ST ARTING AND OPERA TING 317 5 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 319

    T ire and Loading Information Placard This placard tells you important information about the 1) number of people that can be carried in the vehicle 2) total weight your vehicle can carry 3) tire size designed for your vehicle 4) cold tire inflation pressures for the front, r ear and spare tires. Loading The vehicle maximum load on the tire must not[…]

  • Страница 320

    lbs.” on the T ire and Loading Information placard. The combined weight of occupants, cargo/luggage and trailer tongue weight (if applicable) should never exceed the weight refer enced here. Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit 1. Locate the statement “The combined weight of occu- pants and cargo should never exceed XXX pounds” on your ve[…]

  • Страница 321

    320 ST ARTING AND OPERA TING I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 322

    W ARNING! Overloading of your tires is dangerous. Overloading can cause tire failure, affect vehicle handling, and increase your stopping distance. Use tires of the recommended load capacity for your vehicle. Never overload them. TIRES — GENERAL INFORMA TION Tire Pressure Proper tire inflation pressur e is essential to the safe and satisfactory o[…]

  • Страница 323

    Economy Improper inflation pressur es can cause uneven wear patterns to develop across the tire tread. These abnormal wear patterns will r educe tread life resulting in a need for earlier tire replacement. Under-inflation also increases tire r olling resistance and results in higher fuel consump- tion. Ride Comfort and V ehicle Stability Proper tir[…]

  • Страница 324

    T ire pressur e should be checked and adjusted as well as inspecting for signs of tire wear or visible damage, at least once a month. Use a good quality pocket-type gauge to check tire pressure. Do not make a visual judgement when determining pr oper inflation. Radial tires may look properly inflated even when they are under inflated. CAUTION! Afte[…]

  • Страница 325

    T ire pressures change by approximately 1 psi (7 kPa) per 12° F (7° C) of air temperature change. Keep this in mind when checking tire pressure inside a garage especially in the winter . Example: If garage temperature = 68° F (20° C) and the outside temperature = 32° F (0° C) then the cold tire inflation pressur e should be increased by 3 psi[…]

  • Страница 326

    Radial-Ply Tires W ARNING! Combining radial ply tires with other types of tires on your vehicle will cause your vehicle to handle poorly . The instability could cause an accident. Al- ways use radial tires in sets of four . Never combine them with other types of tires. Cuts and punctures in radial tires are repairable only in the tread area because[…]

  • Страница 327

    T read Wear Indicators T r ead wear indicators are in the original equipment tires to help you in determining when your tires should be replaced. These indicators are molded into the bottom of the tread grooves and will appear as bands when the tread depth becomes 1/16 inch (2 mm). When the indicators appear in two or more adjacent grooves, the tir[…]

  • Страница 328

    W ARNING! T ires and spare tire should be replaced after six years, regardless of the remaining tread. Failure to follow this warning can result in sudden tire failure. Y ou could lose control and have an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Keep unmounted tires in a cool, dry place with as little exposure to light as possible. Protect ti[…]

  • Страница 329

    W ARNING! • Do not use a tire, wheel size or rating other than that specified for your vehicle. Some combinations of unapproved tires and wheels may change suspension dimensions and performance characteristics, result- ing in changes to steering, handling, and braking of your vehicle. This can cause unpredictable handling and stress to steering a[…]

  • Страница 330

    Improper alignment will not cause vehicle vibration. V ibration may be a result of tire and wheel out-of- balance. Proper balancing will reduce vibration and avoid tire cupping and spotty wear . TIRE CHAINS Install chains on rear tires only . T ire chains may be installed on all models except the Sahara and Rubicon. Follow these recommendations to […]

  • Страница 331

    Follow the r ecommended tire r otation frequency for your type of driving. Refer to the “Maintenance Schedule” in Section 8 of this manual. Mor e frequent rotation is permissible if desired. The reasons for any rapid or unusual wear should be corrected prior to rotation being performed. The suggested rotation method is the “forward-cr oss” […]

  • Страница 332

    The TPMS will warn the driver of a low tire pressure if the tire pressur e falls below the low pr essure warning threshold for any reason, including low temperature effects, or natural pressure loss through the tir e. The TPMS will continue to warn the driver of low tire pressur e as long as the condition exists, and will not turn off until the tir[…]

  • Страница 333

    CAUTION! The TPMS has been optimized for the original equipment tires and wheels. TPMS pressures have been established for the tire size equipped on your vehicle. Undesirable system operation or sensor damage may result when using replacement equip- ment that is not of the same size, type, and/or style. Aftermarket wheels can cause sensor damage. D[…]

  • Страница 334

    • The TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire mainte- nance, and it is the driver ’s responsibility to maintain correct tire pressur e, even if under-inflation has not reached the level to trigger illumination of the T ire Pressur e Monitoring T elltale Light. • Seasonal temperature changes will affect tire pressure, and the TPM System will […]

  • Страница 335

    inflation pressur e of each tire on your vehicle, and inflate each tire to the vehicle’s recommended cold placard pressur e value. The system will automatically update and the T ire Pressure Monitoring T elltale Light will extinguish once the updated tire pressur es have been received. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 10 minutes above […]

  • Страница 336

    NOTE: If your vehicle is not equipped with a matching full-size spare wheel and tir e assembly , it does not have a tire pressure monitoring sensor in the spare tire. The TPMS will not be able to monitor the tire pressur e. If you install the spare tire in place of a road tire that has a pressur e below the low-pressur e warning limit, upon the nex[…]

  • Страница 337

    FUEL REQUIREMENTS All engines (except 5.7L engines) are de- signed to meet all emissions regulations and provide excellent fuel economy and performance when using high quality un- leaded “regular” gasoline having an oc- tane rating of 87. The use of premium gasoline is not recommended. Under normal conditions, the use of premium gasoline will n[…]

  • Страница 338

    The manufactur er supports the use of reformulated gaso- line. Properly blended reformulated gasoline will pro- vide excellent performance and durability for the engine and fuel system components. Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends Some fuel suppliers blend unleaded gasoline with oxy- genates such as 10% ethanol, MTBE, and ETBE. Oxygen- ates are required in[…]

  • Страница 339

    It is even more important to look for gasoline without MMT in Canada, because MMT can be used at levels higher than those allowed in the United States. MMT is prohibited in Federal and California- reformulated gasoline. Materials Added T o Fuel All gasoline sold in the United States is requir ed to contain effective deter gent additives. Use of add[…]

  • Страница 340

    • The use of fuel additives which are now being sold as octane enhancers is not recommended. Most of these products contain high concentrations of methanol. Fuel system damage or vehicle performance problems resulting from the use of such fuels or additives is not the responsibility of the manufacturer . NOTE: Intentional tampering with emissions[…]

  • Страница 341

    ADDING FUEL Fuel Filler Cap (Gas Cap) The gas cap is located on the driver’s side of the vehicle. If the gas cap is lost or damaged, be sure the replacement cap is the correct one for this vehicle. Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message (gASCAP) After fuel has been added, the vehicle diagnostic system can determine if the fuel filler cap is possibly loose[…]

  • Страница 342

    CAUTION! Damage to the fuel system or emission control sys- tem could result from using an improper fuel cap (gas cap). A poorly fitting cap could let impurities into the fuel system. Also, a poorly fitting after- market cap can cause the Malfunction Indicator Light to illuminate, due to fuel vapors escaping from the system. CAUTION! T o avoid fuel[…]

  • Страница 343

    W ARNING! A fire may result if gasoline is pumped into a portable container that is inside of a vehicle. Y ou could be burned. Always place gas containers on the ground while filling. VEHICLE LOADING Certification Label As required by National Highway T raffic Safety Admin- istration regulations, your vehicle has a certification label affixed to th[…]

  • Страница 344

    Each axle’s GA WR is determined by the components in the system with the lowest load carrying capacity (axle, springs, tires, or wheels). Heavier axles or suspension components, sometimes specified by purchasers for in- creased durability , does not necessarily increase the ve- hicle’s GVWR. T ire Size The tire size on the label represents the […]

  • Страница 345

    the front or rear axles has been exceeded, but the total load is within the specified GVWR. If so, weight must be shifted from front to rear , or rear to front, as appropriate until the specified weight limitations are met. Store the heavier items down low and be sure that the weight is distributed equally . Stow all loose items securely before dri[…]

  • Страница 346

    Common T owing Definitions The following trailer towing-related definitions will as- sist you in understanding the following information: Gross V ehicle W eight Rating (GVWR) The GVWR is the total allowable weight of your vehicle. This includes driver , passengers, car go and trailer tongue weight. The total load must be limited so that you do not […]

  • Страница 347

    T railer T ongue W eight (TW) The trailer tongue weight is the downward force exerted on the hitch ball by the trailer . In most cases it should not be less than 10% or more than 15% of the trailer load. Y ou must consider this as part of the load on your vehicle. Frontal Area The frontal area is the maximum height and maximum width of the front of[…]

  • Страница 348

    W ARNING! An improperly adjusted weight-distributing hitch system may reduce handling, stability , braking per- formance, and could result in an accident. W eight-Distributing Hitch Systems may not be com- patible with Surge Brake Couplers. Consult with your hitch and trailer manufacturer or a reputable Recreational V ehicle dealer for additional i[…]

  • Страница 349

    T railer Hitch Classification The following chart provides the industry standard for the maximum trailer weight a given trailer hitch class can tow and should be used to assist you in selecting the correct trailer hitch for your intended towing condition. Refer to the T railer T owing W eights (Maximum T railer W eight Ratings) chart for the Max. G[…]

  • Страница 350

    Engine/ T ransmission Axle Model GCWR (Gross Combined Wt. Rating) Frontal Area Max. GTW (Gross T railer Wt.) Max. T railer T ongue Wt. (See Note) 3.8L/Manual 3.21 2–Door X Model (4WD) 4,987 lbs (2 262 kg) 25 sq ft (2.32 sq m) 1,000 lbs (453 kg) 100 lbs (45 kg) 3.8L/Manual 3.73 2–Door X Model (4WD) 5,987 lbs (2 716 kg) 25 sq ft (2.32 sq m) 2,000[…]

  • Страница 351

    3.8L/ Automatic 4.10 2–Door Rubi- con Model (4WD) 6,281 lbs (2 849 kg) 25 sq ft (2.32 sq m) 2,000 lbs (907 kg) 200 lbs (91 kg) 3.8L/Manual 3.21 4–Door X Model (2WD) 5,121 lbs (2 323 kg) 32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 1,000 lb s (453 kg) 100 lbs (45 kg) 3.8L/Manual 3.73 4–Door X Model (2WD) 7,621 lbs (3 457 kg) 32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 3,500 lbs (1 587 kg) […]

  • Страница 352

    3.8L/ Automatic 3.73 4–Door X Model (4WD) 7,825 lbs (3 549 kg) 32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 3,500 lbs (1 587 kg) 350 lbs (159 kg) 3.8L/Manual 3.21 4–Door Sahara Model (4WD) 5,481 lbs (2 486 kg) 32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 1,000 lbs (453 kg) 100 lbs (45 kg) 3.8L/Manual 3.73 4–Door Sahara Model (4WD) 7,981 lbs (3 620 kg) 32 sq ft (2.97 sq m) 3,500 lbs (1 587 […]

  • Страница 353

    T railer and T railer T ongue Weight Always load a trailer with 60% to 65% of the weight in the front of the trailer . This places 10% to 15% of the Gross T railer W eight (GTW) on the tow hitch of your vehicle. Loads balanced over the wheels or heavier in the rear can cause the trailer to sway severely side-to-side which will cause loss of control[…]

  • Страница 354

    NOTE: Remember that everything put into or on the trailer adds to the load on your vehicle. Also, additional factory-installed options, or authorized dealer-installed options, must be considered as part of the total load on your vehicle. Refer to the T ire and Loading Information placard in the “T ire Safety Information” section of this manual […]

  • Страница 355

    W ARNING! Improper towing can lead to an injury accident. Follow these guidelines to make your trailer towing as safe as possible: Make certain that the load is secured in the trailer and will not shift during travel. When trailering cargo that is not fully secured, dynamic load shifts can occur that may be difficult for the driver to control. Y ou[…]

  • Страница 356

    2. GTW 3. GA WR 4. T ongue weight rating for the trailer hitch utilized (This requir ement may limit the ability to always achieve the 10% to 15% range of tongue weight as a percentage of total trailer weight). T owing Requirements — T ires − Do not attempt to tow a trailer while using a compact spare tire. − Proper tire inflation pressures a[…]

  • Страница 357

    − An electronically-actuated trailer brake controller is requir ed when towing a trailer with electronically actuated brakes. When towing a trailer equipped with a hydraulic surge-actuated brake system, an electronic brake controller is not required. − T railer brakes are recommended for trailers over 1,000 lbs (454 kg) and requir ed for traile[…]

  • Страница 358

    The T railer T ow Package will include a 4–pin wiring harness. Use a factory-approved trailer harness and connector . NOTE: Do not cut or splice wiring into the vehicles wiring harness. The electrical connections are all complete to the vehicle but you must mate the harness to a trailer connector . Refer to the following illustration. T owing Tip[…]

  • Страница 359

    If using a manual transmission vehicle for trailer towing, all starts must be in 1st gear to avoid excessive clutch slippage. T owing T ips — Automatic T ransmission The DRIVE range can be selected when towing. How- ever , if frequent shifting occurs while in this range, the OVERDRIVE range should be selected. NOTE: Using “O/D OFF” while oper[…]

  • Страница 360

    T owing T ips — Cooling System T o reduce potential for engine and transmission over- heating, take the following actions: − Highway Driving Reduce speed. − Air Conditioning T urn off temporarily . − refer to Cooling System Operating information in the Maintenance section of this manual for more informa- tion. RECREA TIONAL TOWING (BEHIND M[…]

  • Страница 361

    T owing – 4WD Models NOTE: The transfer case must be shifted into N (Neu- tral) for recr eational towing. Shifting Into Neutral (N) Use the following procedure to prepar e your vehicle for recr eational towing. CAUTION! It is necessary to follow these steps to be certain that the transfer case is fully in N (Neutral) before recre- ational towing […]

  • Страница 362

    CAUTION! Damage to the transmission may occur if the trans- mission is shifted into P ARK with the transfer case in N (Neutral) and the engine running. W ith the trans- fer case in N (Neutral) ensure that the engine is off prior to shifting the transmission into P ARK (refer to step s7–8 above). Shifting Out Of Neutral (N) Use the following proce[…]

  • Страница 363

    CAUTION! • Do not use a bumper-mounted clamp-on tow bar on your vehicle. The bumper face bar will be damaged. 362 ST ARTING AND OPERA TING I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 364

    WHA T T O DO IN EMERGENCIES CONTENTS 䡵 Hazard W arning Flashers …………….. 3 6 4 䡵 If Y our Engine Overheats …………….. 3 6 5 䡵 Jacking And T ire Changing ……………. 3 6 6 ▫ Jack Location …………………… 3 6 6 ▫ Spare T ire Stowage ……………….. 3 6 7 ▫ Preparations For Jacking ……………. 3 6 7 […]

  • Страница 365

    HAZARD W ARNING FLASHERS Y our vehicle’s hazard warning flasher is an emergency warning system. When you activate it, all front and rear directional signals will flash intermittently . Use it when your vehicle is disabled on or near the road. It warns other drivers to steer clear of you and your vehicle. This is an emer gency warning system, not […]

  • Страница 366

    IF YOUR ENGINE OVERHEA TS In any of the following situations, you can reduce the potential for overheating by taking the appropriate ac- tion. • On the highways — Slow down. • In city traffic — While stopped, shift transmission into NEUTRAL, but do not increase engine idle speed. NOTE: There are steps that you can take to slow down an impen[…]

  • Страница 367

    JACKING AND TIRE CHANGING W ARNING! • Getting under a jacked-up vehicle is dangerous. The vehicle could slip off the jack and fall on you. Y ou could be crushed. Never get any part of your body under a vehicle that is on a jack. If you need to get under a raised vehicle, take it to a service center where it can be raised on a lift. • The jack i[…]

  • Страница 368

    Spare Tire Stowage T o remove the spare tire from the carrier , remove the tire cover , if equipped, and remove the lug nuts with the lug wrench turning them counterclockwise. NOTE: If you have added aftermarket accessories to the spare tire mounted carrier , it cannot exceed a gross weight of 50 lbs (23 kg) including the weight of the spare tire. […]

  • Страница 369

    Jacking Instructions W ARNING! Carefully follow these tire changing warnings to help prevent personal injury or damage to your vehicle: • Always park on a firm, level surface as far from the edge of the roadway as possible before raising the vehicle. • Block the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel to be raised. • Set the parking brake firmly […]

  • Страница 370

    1. Remove spare tire, jack and tools from stored location. 2. Loosen (but do not remove) the wheel lug nuts by turning them to the left one turn while the wheel is still on the ground. 3. Assemble the jack and jacking tools. Connect jack handle driver to extension, then to lug wrench. 4. Operate jack from the front or the rear of the vehicle. Place[…]

  • Страница 371

    W ARNING! Raising the vehicle higher than necessary can make the vehicle less stable and cause an accident. It could slip off the jack and hurt someone near it. Raise the vehicle only enough to remove the tire. 6. Remove the lug nuts and wheel. 7. Position spare wheel/tir e on vehicle and install lug nuts with cone-shaped end towar d wheel. Lightly[…]

  • Страница 372

    JUMP ST ARTING If the vehicle has a discharged battery , booster cables may be used to obtain a start from a booster battery or the battery in another vehicle. This type of start can be dangerous if done improperly , so follow this procedur e carefully . W ARNING! Battery fluid is a corrosive acid solution; do not allow battery fluid to contact eye[…]

  • Страница 373

    2. Park the booster vehicle within cable reach but with- out letting the vehicles touch. Set the parking brake on both vehicles, shift the automatic transmission into P ARK, or the manual transmission into NEUTRAL, and turn the ignition OFF . 3. T urn off the heater , radio, and all unnecessary electri- cal loads. 4. Connect one end of a jumper cab[…]

  • Страница 374

    W ARNING! Any procedure other than above could result in: 1. Personal injury caused by electrolyte squirting out the battery vent; 2. Personal injury or property damage due to battery explosion; 3. Damage to charging system of booster vehicle or of immobilized vehicle. W ARNING! • Y ou should not try to start your vehicle by pushing or towing. ?[…]

  • Страница 375

    EMERGENCY TOW HOOKS — IF EQUIPPED If your vehicle is equipped with tow hooks, they are mounted in the front and the rear . CAUTION! T ow hooks are for emergency use only , to rescue a vehicle stranded off road. Do not use tow hooks for tow truck hookup or highway towing. Y ou could damage your vehicle. T ow straps are recommended when towing the […]

  • Страница 376

    MAINT AINING YOUR VEHICLE CONTENTS 䡵 Engine Compartment – 3.8L …………… 3 7 8 䡵 Onboard Diagnostic System — OBD II …….. 3 7 9 ▫ Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message ………… 3 8 0 䡵 Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs ………………………. 3 8 0 䡵 Replacement Parts …………………. 3 8 2 䡵 Authorized D[…]

  • Страница 377

    ▫ Driveline And Steering Component Lubrication …………………….. 3 9 2 ▫ Body Lubrication ………………… 3 9 2 ▫ W indshield W iper Blades ……………. 3 9 2 ▫ W indshield And Rear W indow W ashers ….. 3 9 3 ▫ Exhaust System …………………. 3 9 3 ▫ Cooling System ………………….. 3 9 4 ▫ Hoses And V[…]

  • Страница 378

    ▫ Center High-Mounted Stop Light (CHMSL) . . . 423 䡵 Fluid Capacities …………………… 4 2 4 䡵 Fluids, Lubricants And Genuine Parts …….. 4 2 4 ▫ Engine ……………………….. 4 2 4 ▫ Chassis ………………………. 4 2 5 MAINT AINING YOUR VEHICLE 377 7 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 379

    ENGINE COMP ARTMENT – 3.8L 378 MAINT AINING YOUR VEHICLE I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 380

    ONBOARD DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM — OBD II Y our vehicle is equipped with a sophisticated onboard diagnostic system called OBD II. This system monitors the performance of the emissions, engine, and automatic transmission control systems. When these systems are operating properly , your vehicle will provide excellent performance and fuel economy , as well[…]

  • Страница 381

    Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message After fuel is added, the vehicle diagnostic system can determine if the fuel filler cap is possibly loose, improp- erly installed, or damaged. A “gASCAP” message will be displayed in the odometer . T ighten the gas cap until a ⬙ clicking ⬙ sound is heard. This is an indication that the gas cap is properly tight[…]

  • Страница 382

    Y our vehicle has a simple ignition key-actuated test, which you can use prior to going to the test station. T o check if your vehicle’s OBD II system is ready , you must do the following: 1. Insert your ignition key into the ignition switch. 2. T urn the ignition to the ON position, but do not crank or start the engine. 3. If you crank or start […]

  • Страница 383

    serviced before going to the I/M station. The I/M station can fail your vehicle because the MIL is on with the engine running. REPLACEMENT P ARTS Use of genuine MOP AR 威 parts for normal/scheduled maintenance and repairs is highly recommended to en- sure the designed performance. Damage or failur es caused by the use of non-MOP AR 威 parts for m[…]

  • Страница 384

    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES The pages that follow contain the required maintenance services determined by the engineers who designed your vehicle. Besides the maintenance items for which there are fixed maintenance intervals, there are other items that should operate satisfactorily without periodic maintenance. However , if a malfunction of these items […]

  • Страница 385

    CAUTION! Overfilling or underfilling the crankcase will cause aeration or loss of oil pressure. This could damage your engine. Change Engine Oil Refer to the Maintenance Schedule in Section 8 for recommended engine oil change intervals. Engine Oil Selection For best performance and maximum protection for all engines under all types of operating con[…]

  • Страница 386

    Lubricants which do not have both, the engine oil certi- fication mark and the correct SAE viscosity grade num- ber , should not be used. Synthetic Engine Oils Synthetic engine oils can be used if the recommended oil quality requir ements are met, and the recommended maintenance intervals for oil and filter changes are followed. Materials Added T o[…]

  • Страница 387

    Drive Belts — Check Condition and T ension Belt tension is controlled by means of an automatic tensioner . No belt tension adjustments are requir ed. However , belt and belt tensioner condition should be inspected at the specified intervals, and replaced if re- quired. See your authorized dealer for service At the mileage indicated in the Mainten[…]

  • Страница 388

    CAUTION! Damage to the catalytic converter can result if your vehicle is not kept in proper operating condition. In the event of engine malfunction, particularly involv- ing engine misfire or other apparent loss of perfor- mance, have your vehicle serviced promptly . Contin- ued operation of your vehicle with a severe malfunction could cause the co[…]

  • Страница 389

    T o minimize the possibility of catalytic converter dam- age: • Do not shut off the engine or interrupt the ignition when the transmission is in gear and the vehicle is in motion. • Do not try to start the engine by pushing or towing the vehicle. • Do not idle the engine with any spark plug wires disconnected or removed, such as when diagnost[…]

  • Страница 390

    Engine Air Cleaner Filter Refer to the Maintenance Schedule in Section 8 for recommended engine air cleaner filter change intervals. W ARNING! The air cleaner can provide protection in the case of engine backfire. Do not remove the air cleaner unless it is necessary for repair or maintenance. Make sure that no one is near the engine compartment bef[…]

  • Страница 391

    Air Conditioner Maintenance For best possible performance, your air conditioner should be checked and serviced by an authorized dealer at the start of each warm season. This service should include cleaning of the condenser fins and a performance test. Drive belt tension should also be checked at this time. W ARNING! • Use only refrigerants and co[…]

  • Страница 392

    NOTE: Use only manufacturer approved A/C System Sealers, Stop Leak Products, Seal Conditioners, Compr es- sor Oil, and Refrigerants. Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling R-134a Air Conditioning Refrigerant is a hydrofluoro- carbon (HFC) that is endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EP A) and is an ozone-saving product. However , the manufa[…]

  • Страница 393

    Driveline And Steering Component Lubrication All driveline and steering components are sealed and do not requir e lubrication. Driveshafts are not serviceable. Body Lubrication Locks and all body pivot points, including such items as seat tracks, doors, tailgate and hood hinges, should be lubricated periodically to assure quiet, easy operation and […]

  • Страница 394

    Windshield And Rear Window W ashers The fluid reservoir for the windshield washers and the rear window washer (if equipped) is shared. The fluid reservoir is located in the engine compartment. Be sure to check the fluid level at regular intervals. Fill the r eservoir with windshield washer solvent only (not radiator anti- freeze). When refilling th[…]

  • Страница 395

    into the passenger compartment. In addition, inspect the exhaust system each time the vehicle is raised for lubri- cation or oil change. Replace as requir ed. Cooling System W ARNING! Y ou or others can be badly burned by hot antifreeze/ coolant or steam from your radiator . If you see or hear steam coming from under the hood, don’t open the hood[…]

  • Страница 396

    Cooling System — Drain, Flush, And Refill The cooling system should be drained, flushed, and refilled, at the intervals shown on the Maintenance Schedule. Refer to Section 8 of this manual. If the solution is dirty and contains a considerable amount of sediment, clean and flush with reliable cooling system cleaner . Follow with a thor ough rinsin[…]

  • Страница 397

    Adding Engine Coolant Y our vehicle has been built with an impr oved antifreeze/ coolant that allows extended maintenance intervals. This antifreeze/coolant can be used up to 5 Y ears or 100,000 mi (160 000 km) before replacement. T o prevent reducing this extended maintenance period, it is important that you use the same antifreeze/coolant through[…]

  • Страница 398

    The cap should be inspected and cleaned if there is any accumulation of foreign material on the sealing surfaces. W ARNING! The warning words DO NOT OPEN HOT on the cooling system pressure cap are a safety precaution. Never add antifreeze/coolant when the engine is overheated. Do not loosen or remove the cap to cool an overheated engine. Heat cause[…]

  • Страница 399

    When additional antifreeze/coolant is needed to main- tain the proper level, it should be added to the coolant bottle. Do not overfill. Points T o Remember NOTE: When the vehicle is stopped after a few miles of operation, you may observe vapor coming from the front of the engine compartment. This is normally a result of moisture from rain, snow , o[…]

  • Страница 400

    ONL Y the correct type thermostat. Other designs may result in unsatisfactory cooling performance, poor gas mileage, and increased emissions. Hoses and V acuum/V apor Harnesses Inspect surfaces of hoses and nylon tubing for evidence of heat and mechanical damage. Hard or soft spots, brittle rubber , cracking, tears, cuts, abrasions, and exces- sive[…]

  • Страница 401

    Brake and Power Steering System Hoses When servicing the vehicle for scheduled maintenance, inspect surface of hoses for evidence of heat and me- chanical damage. Hard and brittle rubber , cracking, tears, cuts, abrasion, and excessive swelling suggest deteriora- tion of the rubber . Particular attention should be made to examining those hose surfa[…]

  • Страница 402

    Use only brake fluid that has been in a tightly closed container to avoid contamination from foreign matter or moisture. CAUTION! Do not allow petroleum base fluid to contaminate the brake fluid. Seal damage will result. Automatic T ransmission Selection of Lubricant It is important that the proper lubricant is used in the transmission to assure op[…]

  • Страница 403

    T o properly check the automatic transmission fluid level, the following procedur e must be used: 1. Operate the engine at idle speed and normal operating temperature. 2. The vehicle must be on level ground. 3. Fully apply parking brake. 4. Place the gear selector momentarily in each gear position ending with the lever in P ARK. 5. Remove the dipst[…]

  • Страница 404

    CAUTION! Be aware that if the fluid temperature is below 50° F (10° C), it may not register on the dipstick. Do not add fluid until the temperature is elevated enough to produce an accurate reading. 7. Check for leaks. Release the parking brake. NOTE: T o prevent dirt and water from entering the transmission after checking or replenishing fluid, […]

  • Страница 405

    Fluid Level Check Check the fluid level by removing the fill plug. The fluid level should be between the bottom of the fill hole and a point not more than 3/16 in (4.76 mm) below the bottom of the hole. Add fluid, if necessary , to maintain the proper level. Frequency of Fluid Change Under normal operating conditions, the fluid installed at the fac[…]

  • Страница 406

    Drain First remove fill plug (B), then drain plug (C). Recom- mended tightening torque for drain and fill plugs is 15 to 25 ft lbs (20 to 34 N·m). CAUTION! When replacing plugs, do not overtighten. Y ou could damage them and cause them to leak. Selection of Lubricant Use only manufacturer’s recommended fluid. Refer to Fluids, Lubricants, and Gen[…]

  • Страница 407

    Following off-r oad usage, completely inspect the under- body of your vehicle. Check tires, body structure, steer- ing, suspension and exhaust system for damage. Check threaded fasteners for looseness, particularly on the chassis, drivetrain components, steering and suspension. Retighten, if requir ed, to torque values specified in the Service Manu[…]

  • Страница 408

    hot or cold weather and other extreme conditions will have an adverse effect on paint, metal trim, and under- body protection. The following maintenance r ecommendations will enable you to obtain maximum benefit from the corrosion resistance built into your vehicle. What Causes Corrosion? Corrosion is the result of deterioration or removal of paint[…]

  • Страница 409

    CAUTION! • Do not use abrasive or strong cleaning materials such as steel wool or scouring powder , which will scratch metal and painted surfaces. • Use of power washers exceeding 1,200 psi (8 274 kPa) can result in damage or removal of paint and decals. Special Care • If you drive on salted or dusty roads or if you drive near the ocean, hose[…]

  • Страница 410

    Wheel and Wheel T rim Care All wheels and wheel trim, especially aluminum and chrome plated wheels should be cleaned r egularly with a mild soap and water to prevent corrosion. T o remove heavy soil, use MOP AR 威 Wheel Cleaner or select a nonabrasive, non-acidic cleaner . Do not use scouring pads, steel wool, a bristle brush or metal polishes. On[…]

  • Страница 411

    W ARNING! Do not use volatile solvents for cleaning purposes. Many are potentially flammable, and if used in closed areas they may cause respiratory harm. CAUTION! When installing hanging air fresheners in your ve- hicle, read the installation instructions carefully . Some air fresheners will damage the finish of painted or decorated parts if allow[…]

  • Страница 412

    Seat Belt Maintenance Do not bleach, dye or clean the belts with chemical solvents or abrasive cleaners. This will weaken the fabric. Sun damage will also weaken the fabric. If the belts need cleaning, use MOP AR 威 T otal Clean, a mild soap solution, or lukewarm water . Do not remove the belts from the vehicle to wash them. Replace the belts if t[…]

  • Страница 413

    RINSING — Be sure to remove all trace of cleaner by rinsing the top thoroughly with clean water . Remember to allow the top to dry before lowering it. Care Of Fabric T op W indows CAUTION! Y our vehicle’s fabric top has pliable plastic windows which can be scratched unless special care is taken by following these directions: 1. Never use a dry […]

  • Страница 414

    zipper halves with fresh water and allow to dry . Aggres- sively work the MOP AR 威 Soft T op Zipper Cleaner and Lubricant into the zipper teeth. If a stuck zipper slide is experienced, work the MOP AR 威 Soft T op Zipper Cleaner and Lubricant into the zipper slide. Several applications may be requir ed before the zipper comes free. 6. Never past[…]

  • Страница 415

    Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description J4 25 Amp Natural Driver Door Node J5 25 Amp Natural Passenger Door Node J6 40 Amp Green Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Pump Feed/ESP J7 30 Amp Pink Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) V alve Feed/ESP J8 — — J9 40 Amp Green PZEV Sec Motor Feed/ Flex Fuel J10 30 Amp Pink Headlamp W ash Relay/ Manifold T uning V[…]

  • Страница 416

    Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description J21 20 Amp Y ellow Front/Rear W asher J22 — Spare M1 15 Amp Blue Center High-Mounted Stop Light (CHMSL)/ Switch Stop Lamp Feed M2 20 Amp Y ellow Relay T railer Lighting (Stop) M3 20 Amp Y ellow Frt/Rear Axle Locker Relay M4 — — M5 — — M6 20 Amp Y ellow Power Outlet #1/Rain Sensor M7 20 Amp Y ell[…]

  • Страница 417

    Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description M1 1 10 Amp Red (Ignition Off Draw) IOD-HV AC/A TC, MW SENSR, Underhood Lamp (UH LMP) M12 30 Amp Green Amplifier (AMP) M13 20 Amp Y ellow Ignition Off Draw— Cabin Compartment Node (IOD-CCN), W ireless Control Mod- ule (WCM), SIREN, Multifunction Control Switch (MUL TIFCTN SW) M14 20 Amp Y ellow T railer[…]

  • Страница 418

    Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description M16 10 Amp Red Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC) M17 15 Amp Blue Left T ail/License/Park Lamp (L T -T AIL/LIC/ PRK LMP) M18 15 Amp Blue Right T ail/Park/Run Lamp (R T -T AIL/PRK/ RUN LMP) M19 25 Amp Natural Auto Shut Down (ASD #1 and #2) M20 15 Amp Blue Cabin Compartment Node Interior Light (CCN INT LIG[…]

  • Страница 419

    Cavity Cartridge Fuse Mini Fuse Description M30 15 Amp Blue W iper Motor Frt, J1962 Diagnostic Feed M31 20 Amp Y ellow Backup Lamps (B/U LAMPS) M32 10 Amp Red Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC), TT EUROPE M33 10 Amp Red Next Generation Con- troller (NGC), Global Powertrain Engine Controller (GPEC) M34 10 Amp Red Park Assist (PRK ASST), Heater V en[…]

  • Страница 420

    CAUTION! • When installing the Integrated Power Module cover , it is important to ensure the cover is prop- erly positioned and fully latched. Failure to do so may allow water to get into the Integrated Power Module, and possibly result in an electrical system failure. • When replacing a blown fuse, it is important to use only a fuse having the[…]

  • Страница 421

    REPLACEMENT BULBS — IF EQUIPPED Interior Lights Bulb T ype Auto. T rans. Indicator Light …………….. 6 5 8 Courtesy Lights, Under Dash (1) ………….. 9 0 6 Heater Control Lights (2) ………………. 1 9 4 Rocker Switch Indicator Light (Rear W indow Defogger , and Rear W ash/W ipe) …………… * * Soundbar Dome Light ………….[…]

  • Страница 422

    4. T urn both park and turn signal socket assemblies 1/4 turn counterclockwise and remove. 5. Remove the four screws holding the metal retaining ring. 6. Remove the lamp from the collar . 7. Grasp the bulb and turn 1/4 turn counterclockwise. 8. Pull the bulb from the housing. 9. Push connector locking tab to the unlock position. 10. Remove connecto[…]

  • Страница 423

    3. T urn the socket assembly 1/4 turn counterclockwise and r emove fr om housing. Pull the bulb straight fr om the socket to replace. Front Side Marker 1. Reach under the front fender flar e and locate the front side marker socket. 2. T urn the socket assembly counterclockwise 1/3 turn and remove it from the housing. Pull the bulb straight from the[…]

  • Страница 424

    2. Separate the housing from the body by pushing the lamp inboard while pulling the lamp away from the body . 3. Rotate the appropriate socket 1/4 turn counterclock- wise, then remove it from the housing. 4. Pull the bulb straight from the socket to replace. Center High-Mounted Stop Light (CHMSL) The stop lamp is mounted on a bracket that extends u[…]

  • Страница 425

    FLUID CAP ACITIES U.S. Metric Fuel (Approximate) — 2–Door Models 18.5 Gallons 70 Liters Fuel (Approximate) — 4–Door Models 22.5 Gallons 85 Liters Engine Oil with Filter 3.8 Liter Engine (SAE 5W -20, API Certified Engine Oil) 6 Quarts 5.7 Liters Cooling System * 3.8 Liter Engine (MOP AR 威 Antifreeze/Engine Coolant 5 Y ear/ 100,000 Mile For[…]

  • Страница 426

    FLUIDS, LUBRICANTS AND GENUINE P ARTS Engine Component Fluid, Lubricant, or Genuine Part Engine Coolant MOP AR 威 Antifreeze/Coolant 5 Y ear/100,000 Mile Formula HOA T (Hybrid Organic Additive T echnology) Engine Oil Use API Certified SAE 5W -20 Engine Oil, meeting the requirements of DaimlerChrysler Material Standard MS-6395. Refer to your engine[…]

  • Страница 427

    Chassis Component Fluid, Lubricant, or Genuine Part Automatic T ransmission MOP AR 威 A TF+4 Automatic T ransmission Fluid Manual T ransmission MOP AR 威 Manual T ransmission Lubricant or equivalent (meeting the requir e- ments of DaimlerChrysler Material Standard MS-9224) T ransfer Case MOP AR 威 A TF+4 Automatic T ransmission Fluid or equivale[…]

  • Страница 428

    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES CONTENTS 䡵 Emissions Control System Maintenance ……. 4 2 8 䡵 Maintenance Schedule ………………. 4 2 8 ▫ Required Maintenance Intervals ……….. 4 3 1 8 M A I N T E N A N C E S C H E D U L E S I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 429

    EMISSIONS CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The Scheduled Maintenance services listed in bold type must be done at the times or mileages specified to ensure the continued proper functioning of the emission control system. These, and all other maintenance services in- cluded in this manual, should be done to provide best vehicle performance and reliability[…]

  • Страница 430

    • Change your engine oil more often if you drive your vehicle off-r oad for an extended period of time. • Under no circumstances should oil change intervals exceed 6,000 mi (10,000 km) or 6 months, whichever comes first. Y our dealer will reset the oil change indicator message after completing the scheduled oil change. If this sched- uled oil c[…]

  • Страница 431

    At Each Oil Change • Change the engine oil filter . • Inspect the brake hoses and lines. • Check the manual transmission fluid level. CAUTION! Failure to perform the required maintenance items may result in damage to the vehicle. 430 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES 8 M A I N T E N A N C E S C H E D U L E S I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 432

    Required Maintenance Intervals Perform Maintenance Every (Where time and mileage are listed, follow the interval that occurs first.) Maintenance Items Miles Kilometers or Months Change the engine oil and engine oil filter . 6,000 10 000 6 Rotate tires. 6,000 10 000 6 If using your vehicle for any of the following: Dusty or off-r oad conditions. Ins[…]

  • Страница 433

    Perform Maintenance Every (Where time and mileage are listed, follow the interval that occurs first.) Maintenance Items Miles Kilometers or Months Inspect the front suspension, tie rod ends and boot seals, replace if necessary . 24,000 40 000 24 Replace the engine air cleaner filter . 30,000 50 000 30 Change the manual transmission fluid if using y[…]

  • Страница 434

    Perform Maintenance Every (Where time and mileage are listed, follow the interval that occurs first.) Maintenance Items Miles Kilometers or Months Change the transfer case fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: police, taxi, fleet, off-r oad or fre- quent trailer towing. 60,000 100 000 60 Inspect and replace PCV valve if necessary . […]

  • Страница 435

    W ARNING! Y ou can be badly injured working on or around a motor vehicle. Do only that service work for which you have the knowledge and the right equipment. If you have any doubt about your ability to perform a service job, take your vehicle to a competent mechanic. 434 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES 8 M A I N T E N A N C E S C H E D U L E S I n f o r m a […]

  • Страница 436

    IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSIST ANCE CONTENTS 䡵 Suggestions For Obtaining Service For Y our V ehicle ………………………… 4 3 7 ▫ Prepare For The Appointment ………… 4 3 7 ▫ Prepare A List …………………… 4 3 7 ▫ Be Reasonable W ith Requests …………. 4 3 7 䡵 If Y ou Need Assistance ………………. 4 3 7 ▫ Da[…]

  • Страница 437

    䡵 Publication Order Forms ……………… 4 4 1 䡵 Department Of T ransportation Uniform T ire Quality Grades …………………… 4 4 2 ▫ T readwear …………………….. 4 4 3 ▫ T raction Grades …………………. 4 4 3 ▫ T emperature Grades ………………. 4 4 4 436 IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSIST ANCE I n f o r m a t i […]

  • Страница 438

    SUGGESTIONS FOR OBT AINING SERVICE FOR YOUR VEHICLE Prepare For The Appointment If you’re having warranty work done, be sur e to have the right papers with you. T ake your warranty folder . All work to be performed may not be covered by the warranty . Discuss additional charges with the service manager . Keep a maintenance log of your vehicle’s[…]

  • Страница 439

    special tools, and the latest information to ensure your vehicle is fixed correctly and in a timely manner . This is why you should always talk to your authorized dealer’s service manager first. Most matters can be re- solved with this process. • If for some reason you are still not satisfied, talk to the general manager or owner of the authori[…]

  • Страница 440

    Customer Assistance For The Hearing Or Speech Impaired (TDD/TTY) T o assist customers who have hearing difficulties, the manufacturer has installed special TDD (T elecommuni- cation Devices for the Deaf) equipment at its Customer Center . Any hearing or speech impaired customer , who has access to a TDD or a conventional teletypewriter (TTY) in the[…]

  • Страница 441

    W ARNING! Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain, or emit, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. In addition, certain fluids contained in vehicles and certain prod- ucts of component wear contain, or emit, chemicals known to the State of Cal[…]

  • Страница 442

    T o contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll free at 1–888–327–4236 (TTY : 1–800–424– 9153), or go to http://www .safercar .gov; or write to: Administrator , NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW ., W ash- ington, D.C. 20590. Y ou can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from http:// www .safer car .go[…]

  • Страница 443

    • Diagnostic Procedure Manuals Diagnostic Procedur e Manuals are filled with dia- grams, charts and detailed illustrations. These practi- cal manuals make it easy for students and technicians to find and fix problems on computer-controlled ve- hicle systems and features. They show exactly how to find and corr ect problems the first time, using st[…]

  • Страница 444

    All passenger car tires must conform to Federal safety requir ements in addition to these grades. T readwear The treadwear grade is a comparative rating, based on the wear rate of the tire when tested under controlled conditions on a specified government test course. For example, a tire graded 150 would wear 1-1/2 times as well on the government co[…]

  • Страница 445

    T emperature Grades The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, repr esenting the tire’s resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat, when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. Sustained high temperature can cause the material of the tire to degenerate and reduce tire […]

  • Страница 446

    INDEX 10 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y :[…]

  • Страница 447

    ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) ………… 208,309 Adding Fuel ……………………… 3 4 0 Adding W asher Fluid ………………… 1 9 8 Air Cleaner , Engine (Engine Air Cleaner Filter) . . . 389 Air Conditioner Maintenance …………… 3 9 0 Air Conditioning ………………… 261,264 Air Conditioning Controls …………….. 2 6 4[…]

  • Страница 448

    Axle Lock …………………….. 290,291 Battery …………………………. 3 8 9 Emergency Starting ………………… 3 7 1 Keyless T ransmitter Replacement (RKE) ……. 2 4 Belts, Drive ………………………. 3 8 6 Belts, Seat ………………………… 4 1 Body Mechanism Lubrication …………… 3 9 2 Brake Assist Syst[…]

  • Страница 449

    Charging System Light ……………….. 2 0 6 Chart, T ire Sizing …………………… 3 1 4 Check Engine Light (Malfunction Indicator Light) …………. 213,380 Child Restraint ……………….. 62,63,69,72 Child Restraint T ether Anchors …………. 68,69 Child Seat ………………………… 6 7 Climate Control …………….[…]

  • Страница 450

    Defroster , W indshield ……………… 260,262 Delay (Intermittent) W ipers …………….. 1 0 0 Diagnostic System, Onboard ……………. 3 7 9 Digital V ideo Disc (DVD) Player …………. 2 5 0 Dimmer Switch, Headlight ……………… 9 8 Dipsticks Oil (Engine) …………………….. 3 8 3 Disabled V ehicle T owing ………….[…]

  • Страница 451

    Jacking ……………………….. 3 6 6 Jump Starting ……………………. 3 7 1 T ow Hooks …………………….. 3 7 4 Emission Control System Maintenance …… 380,428 Engine ………………………….. 7 5 Air Cleaner …………………….. 3 8 9 Block Heater ……………………. 2 7 5 Break-In Recommendations ……[…]

  • Страница 452

    Engine Oil ……………………… 3 8 5 Finish Care ………………………. 4 0 7 Flashers Hazard W arning ………………….. 3 6 4 T urn Signal ………………… 207,421,422 Flooded Engine Starting ………………. 2 7 3 Fluid Capacities ……………………. 4 2 4 Fluid Level Checks …………………. 4 0 5 Automatic[…]

  • Страница 453

    Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends ……………. 3 3 7 Gauges Coolant T emperatur e ……………….. 2 0 9 Fuel ………………………….. 2 0 6 Odometer ………………………. 2 1 1 Speedometer ……………………. 2 0 6 T achometer …………………….. 2 0 9 Gear Ranges …………………… 276,281 General Information …[…]

  • Страница 454

    K e y …………………………… 1 2 Ignition Key Removal ………………… 1 2 Illuminated Entry …………………… 1 9 Immobilizer (Sentry Key) ………………. 1 4 Infant Restraint …………………….. 6 3 Inflation Pressur e T ires ……………….. 3 2 2 Inside Rearview Mirror ……………….. 8 3 Instrument Cl[…]

  • Страница 455

    Back-Up ……………………….. 4 2 2 Brake Assist W arning …………….. 1 15,214 Brake W arning …………………… 2 0 7 Bulb Replacement …………………. 4 2 0 C a r g o …………………………. 9 5 Center Mounted Stop ………………. 4 2 3 Check Engine (Malfunction Indicator) …….. 2 1 3 Cruise …………..[…]

  • Страница 456

    T i r e s …………………………. 3 1 7 Locking Axle …………………… 290,291 Locks Door ………………………… 31,32 Power Door ……………………… 3 3 Steering Wheel ……………………. 1 4 Lower Anchors and T ether for CHildren (LA TCH) ………………………. 68,69 Lubrication, Body ……………….[…]

  • Страница 457

    T r i p ……………………….. 210,21 1 Off-Pavement Driving (Off-Road) ………… 2 9 4 Off-Road Driving (Off-Pavement) ………… 2 9 4 Oil Change Indicator ………………… 2 1 2 Oil Change Indicator , Reset …………….. 2 1 2 Oil, Engine ………………………. 3 8 3 Capacity ………………………. 4 2 4 Dipstick[…]

  • Страница 458

    Pregnant W omen and Seat Belts ………….. 5 0 Preparation for Jacking ……………….. 3 6 7 Pretensioners Seat Belts ……………………….. 4 8 Programming T ransmitters (Remote Keyless Entry) ……………….. 2 2 Radial Ply T ires ……………………. 3 2 5 Radio Broadcast Signals ………………. 2 2 0 Radio, Navigatio[…]

  • Страница 459

    Restraints, Child ………………….. 62,67 Restraints, Occupant …………………. 4 0 Roll Over W arning …………………… 5 Rotation, T ires …………………….. 3 2 9 Safety Checks Inside V ehicle …………….. 7 6 Safety Checks Outside V ehicle …………… 7 7 Safety Defects, Reporting ……………… 4 4 0 Safe[…]

  • Страница 460

    Sentry Key Programming ………………. 1 6 Sentry Key Replacement ………………. 1 6 Service Assistance ………………….. 4 3 7 Service Contract ……………………. 4 3 9 Service Manuals …………………… 4 4 1 Setting the Clock ……………… 224,236,251 Shift Lock Manual Override ……………. 2 8 0 Shifting …[…]

  • Страница 461

    Storage, V ehicle …………………. 266,419 Storing Y our V ehicle …………………. 4 1 9 Sunrider ……………………… 161,164 Supplemental Restraint System — Airbag …….. 5 1 Sway Bar Disconnect, Electronic …………. 2 9 2 Swing Gate, Rear ……………………. 3 8 System, Navigation …………………. 2 5 0 Syste[…]

  • Страница 462

    Spare T ire ……………………… 3 6 7 Spinning ………………………. 3 2 5 T r ead W ear Indicators ………………. 3 2 6 T o Open Hood …………………….. 9 4 T ongue W eight/T railer W eight ………….. 3 5 2 T or que Converter Clutch ……………… 2 8 5 T ow Hooks, Emergency ………………. 3 7 4 T owing …[…]

  • Страница 463

    T rip Computer …………………….. 2 1 5 T rip Odometer …………………….. 2 1 1 T rip Odometer Reset Button ……………. 2 1 0 T urn Signals ……………….. 99,207,421,422 UConnect™ (Hands-Free Phone) ……….. 85,250 Uniform T ire Quality Grades ……………. 4 4 2 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Port ………….. 2 5 […]

  • Страница 464

    W indshield W ashers ………………. 100,393 Fluid …………………………. 3 9 3 W indshield W iper Blades ……………… 3 9 2 W indshield W ipers ………………….. 1 0 0 W iper , Rear ………………………. 1 9 7 YES Essentials 威 Fabric Cleaning Procedur e …… 4 0 9 INDEX 463 10 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e[…]

  • Страница 465


  • Страница 466

    Wr angler OWNER’ S MANUAL 2008 2008 Wr angler I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : 81-326-0855 Printed in U.S.A. Second Edition[…]

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