Инструкция к bios gigabyte b450m ds3h на русском

Инструкция к BIOS GIGABYTE B450M DS3H на русском

Основные пункты меню #BIOS #GIGABYTE #B450M DS3H:
M.I.T., Advanced Frequency Settings, GFX Core Voltage, CPU Clock Ratio, CPU Frequency, Core Performance Boost, AMD Cool&Quiet function, #SVM Mode, Global C-state Control, Power Supply Idle Control, #SMT Mode, Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.), Memory Frequency, Timing Control, CAD Bus Setup Timing, 3DMark01 Enhancement, Smart Fan, Fan Speed, Boot Option Priorities, Fast Boot, Administrator Password, #AMD CPU fTPM, RGB Fusion (Onboard LED), AMD CBS, #IOMMU, UMA Mode, UMA Frame Buffer Size, ErP, CEC 2019 Ready, Configuring a RAID, BIOS Update Utilities, GIGABYTE Q-Flash, @BIOS

Это инструкция с офф. сайта GIGABYTE к биос материнской платы B450M DS3H на русском языке (вольный перевод)

Оригинальную документацию и свежие версии биос вы можете скачать с сайта GIGABYTE goo.gl/iZMMjL

Gigabyte B450M DS3H User Manual

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B450M DS3H

User’s Manual

Rev. 1001

For more product details, please visit GIGABYTE’s website.

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Summary of Contents for Gigabyte B450M DS3H

  • Page 1
    B450M DS3H User’s Manual Rev. 1001 For more product details, please visit GIGABYTE’s website. To reduce the impacts on global warming, the packaging materials of this product are recyclable and reusable. GIGABYTE works with you to protect the environment.
  • Page 2: Identifying Motherboard Revision

    Information in this manual is protected by copyright laws and is the property of GIGABYTE. Changes to the specifications and features in this manual may be made by GIGABYTE without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated, transmitted, or published in any form or by any means without GIGABYTE’s prior written permission.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents B450M DS3H Motherboard Layout ……………..4 Chapter 1 Hardware Installation ………………5 Installation Precautions ………………5 1-2 Product Specifications ………………6 Installing the CPU ……………….. 9 Installing the Memory ………………9 Installing an Expansion Card …………….. 10 Back Panel Connectors ……………… 10 Internal Connectors ………………

  • Page 4: B450M Ds3H Motherboard Layout


  • Page 5: Chapter 1 Hardware Installation

    Chapter 1 Hardware Installation Installation Precautions The motherboard contains numerous delicate electronic circuits and components which can become damaged as a result of electrostatic discharge (ESD). Prior to installation, carefully read the user’s manual and follow these procedures: • Prior to installation, make sure the chassis is suitable for the motherboard. •…

  • Page 6: 1-2 Product Specifications

    S upport for ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8 memory modules (operate in Š non-ECC mode) Support for non-ECC Un-buffered DIMM 1Rx8/2Rx8/1Rx16 memory modules Š Support for Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) memory modules Š (Go to GIGABYTE’s website for the latest supported memory speeds and memory modules.) Onboard Integrated Graphics Processor: Š Graphics 1 x DVI-D port, supporting a maximum resolution of 1920×1200@60 Hz * The DVI-D port does not support D-Sub connection by adapter.

  • Page 7
    Chipset: Š 2 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports available through the internal USB header 8 x USB 2.0/1.1 ports (4 ports on the back panel, 4 ports available through the internal USB headers) CPU: Š 4 x USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports on the back panel Internal 1 x 24-pin ATX main power connector Š…
  • Page 8
    * G IGABYTE reserves the right to make any changes to the product specifications and product-related information without prior notice. Please visit the SupportUtility List Please visit GIGABYTE’s website for support lists of CPU, memory page on GIGABYTE’s website to modules, SSDs, and M.2 devices. download the latest version of apps. — 8 -…
  • Page 9: Installing The Cpu

    • Make sure that the motherboard supports the memory. It is recommended that memory of the same capacity, brand, speed, and chips be used. (Go to GIGABYTE’s website for the latest supported memory speeds and memory modules.) • Always turn off the computer and unplug the power cord from the power outlet before installing the memory to prevent hardware damage.

  • Page 10: Installing An Expansion Card

    Dual Channel Memory Configurations Table DDR4_4 DDR4_2 DDR4_3 DDR4_1 2 Modules DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS 4 Modules DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS DS/SS (SS=Single-Sided, DS=Double-Sided, «- -«=No Memory) Due to CPU limitations, read the following guidelines before installing the memory in Dual Channel mode. Dual Channel mode cannot be enabled if only one memory module is installed. When enabling Dual Channel mode with two or four memory modules, it is recommended that memory of the same capacity, brand, speed, and chips be used.

  • Page 11
    • When removing the cable, pull it straight out from the connector. Do not rock it side to side to prevent an electrical short inside the cable connector. To configure 7.1-channel audio, you have to use an HD front panel audio module and enable the multi-channel audio feature through the audio driver. Please visit GIGABYTE’s website for details on configuring the audio software. — 11 -…
  • Page 12: Internal Connectors

    Internal Connectors ATX_12V F_PANEL F_AUDIO CPU_FAN F_USB30 SYS_FAN1 F_USB1/F_USB2 LED_CPU SATA3 0/1/2/3 M2A_SOCKET SPDIF_O CLR_CMOS Read the following guidelines before connecting external devices: • First make sure your devices are compliant with the connectors you wish to connect. • Before installing the devices, be sure to turn off the devices and your computer. Unplug the power cord from the power outlet to prevent damage to the devices.

  • Page 13: Cpu_Fan/Sys_Fan Fan Headers

    1/2) ATX_12V/ATX (2×4 12V Power Connector and 2×12 Main Power Connector) With the use of the power connector, the power supply can supply enough stable power to all the components on the motherboard. Before connecting the power connector, first make sure the power supply is turned off and all devices are properly installed. The power connector possesses a foolproof design. Connect the power supply cable to the power connector in the correct orientation.

  • Page 14
    5) LED_CPU (CPU Cooler LED Strip/RGB LED Strip Header) The header can be used to connect a CPU cooler LED strip or a standard 5050 RGB LED strip (12V/G/R/B), with maximum power rating of 2A (12V) and maximum length of 2m. Pin No. Definition Connect the CPU cooler LED strip/RGB LED strip to the header. The RGB power pin (marked with a triangle on the plug) of the LED strip must be LED Strip connected to Pin 1 (12V) of this header.
  • Page 15
    B S_ S B_ 7) M2A_SOCKET (M.2 Socket 3 Connector) The M.2 connectors support M.2 SATA SSDs or M.2 PCIe SSDs and support RAID configuration. Please note that an M.2 PCIe SSD cannot be used to create a RAID set either with a SATA hard drive. To create a RAID array with an M.2 PCIe SSD, you must set up the configuration in UEFI BIOS mode. Refer to Chapter 3, «Configuring a RAID Set,» for instructions on configuring a RAID array. Follow the steps below to correctly install an M.2 SSD in the M.2 connector. Step 1: Use a screw driver to unfasten the screw and nut from the motherboard. Locate the proper mounting hole F_USB3 F for the M.2 SSD to be installed and then screw the nut first.
  • Page 16: F_Panel (Front Panel Header)

    9) F_PANEL (Front Panel Header) Connect the power switch, reset switch, speaker, chassis intrusion switch/sensor and system status indicator on the chassis to this header according to the pin assignments below. Note the positive and negative pins before connecting the cables. •…

  • Page 17
    11) F_USB30 (USB 3.1 Gen 1 Header) The header conforms to USB 3.1 Gen 1 and USB 2.0 specification and can provide two USB ports. For purchasing the optional 3.5″ front panel that provides two USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports, please contact the local dealer. Pin No. Definition Pin No. Definition VBUS SSRX1- SSRX1+ F_USB30 F_ U SSTX2+ SSTX1- SSTX2- SSTX1+ SSRX2+ SSRX2- VBUS No Pin B S S 12) F_USB1/F_USB2 (USB 2.0/1.1 Headers) The headers conform to USB 2.0/1.1 specification. Each USB header can provide two USB ports via an optional USB bracket.
  • Page 18: Battery

    14) TPM (Trusted Platform Module Header) You may connect a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) to this header. Pin No. Definition Pin No. Definition LCLK LAD0 LFRAME No Pin LRESET SB3V SERIRQ DEBUG LAD3 PORT LAD2 VCC3 LAD1 15) BAT (Battery) The battery provides power to keep the values (such as BIOS configurations, date, and time information) in the CMOS when the computer is turned off. Replace the battery when the battery voltage drops to a low level, or the CMOS values may not be accurate or may be lost.

  • Page 19: Chapter 2 Bios Setup

    To access the BIOS Setup program, press the <Delete> key during the POST when the power is turned on. To upgrade the BIOS, use either the GIGABYTE Q-Flash or @BIOS utility. Q-Flash allows the user to quickly and easily upgrade or back up BIOS without entering the operating system.

  • Page 20: The Main Menu

    The Main Menu System Time Setup Menus Hardware Information Configuration Items Current Settings Quick Access Bar allows you to enter Easy Mode, select BIOS default language, configure fan settings, or enter Q-Flash. Classic Setup Function Keys <f><g> Move the selection bar to select a setup menu <h><i> Move the selection bar to select an configuration item on a menu <Enter>…

  • Page 21
    M.I.T. Whether the system will work stably with the overclock/overvoltage settings you made is dependent on your overall system configurations. Incorrectly doing overclock/overvoltage may result in damage to CPU, chipset, or memory and reduce the useful life of these components. This page is for advanced users only and we recommend you not to alter the default settings to prevent system instability or other unexpected results.
  • Page 22
    & Core Performance Boost Allows you to determine whether to enable the Core Performance Boost (CPB) technology, a CPU performance-boost technology. (Default: Auto) & AMD Cool&Quiet function Lets the AMD Cool’n’Quiet driver dynamically adjust the CPU clock and VID to Enabled reduce heat output from your computer and its power consumption.
  • Page 23
    & Memory Timing Mode Manual allows the memory timing settings below to be configurable. Options are: Auto (default), Manual. & Profile DDR Voltage When using a non-XMP memory module or Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) is set to Disabled, the value is displayed according to your memory specification. When Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) is set to Profile1 or Profile2, the value is displayed according to the SPD data on the XMP memory. ` Standard Timing Control, Advanced Timing Control, CAD Bus Setup Timing, CAD Bus Drive Strength, Data Bus Configuration These sections provide memory timing settings. The respective timing setting screens are configurable only…
  • Page 24
    ` Smart Fan 5 Settings & Monitor Allows you to select a target to monitor and to make further adjustment. (Default: CPU FAN) & Fan Speed Control Allows you to determine whether to enable the fan speed control function and adjust the fan speed. Allows the fan to run at different speeds according to the temperature.
  • Page 25: System

    System This section provides information on your motherboard model and BIOS version. You can also select the default language used by the BIOS and manually set the system time. & System Language Selects the default language used by the BIOS. &…

  • Page 26: Bios

    System program. (Default) & Full Screen LOGO Show Allows you to determine whether to display the GIGABYTE Logo at system startup. Disabled skips the GIGABYTE Logo when the system starts up. (Default: Enabled) & Fast Boot Enables or disables Fast Boot to shorten the OS boot process. Ultra Fast provides the fastest bootup speed.

  • Page 27
    & SATA Support All Sata Devices All SATA devices are functional in the operating system and during the POST. Last Boot HDD Only Except for the previous boot drive, all SATA devices are disabled before the OS boot process completes. (Default) This item is configurable only when Fast Boot is set to Enabled or Ultra Fast.
  • Page 28
    & Network Stack Disables or enables booting from the network to install a GPT format OS, such as installing the OS from the Windows Deployment Services server. (Default: Disabled) & Ipv4 PXE Support Enables or disables IPv4 PXE Support. This item is configurable only when Network Stack is enabled. & Ipv4 HTTP Support Enables or disables HTTP boot support for IPv4. This item is configurable only when Network Stack is enabled.
  • Page 29: Peripherals

    Peripherals & AMD CPU fTPM Enables or disables the TPM 2.0 function integrated in the AMD CPU. (Default: Disabled) & Initial Display Output (Note) Specifies the first initiation of the monitor display from the installed PCI Express graphics card or the onboard graphics. IGD Video Sets the onboard graphics as the first display. Sets the graphics card on the PCIEX16 slot as the first display. (Default) PCIe 1 Slot & Legacy USB Support Allows USB keyboard/mouse to be used in MS-DOS. (Default: Enabled) &…

  • Page 30
    & RGB Fusion (Onboard LED) Allows you to set the LED lighting mode for the motherboard. Enables this function. (Default) Disables this function. Off Pulse Mode All LEDs simultaneously fade in and fade out. & RGB Fusion (LED strip) Allows you to set the display color of the external LED strip. &…
  • Page 31: Chipset

    Chipset & IOMMU Enables or disables AMD IOMMU support. (Default: Auto) & Integrated Graphics (Note) Enables or disables the onboard graphics function. The BIOS will automatically enable or disable the onboard graphics depending on the Auto graphics card being installed. (Default) Enables the onboard graphics.

  • Page 32
    & SATA Mode Enables or disables RAID for the integrated SATA controllers or configures the SATA controllers to AHCI mode. RAID Enables RAID for the SATA controller. AHCI C onfigures the SATA controllers to AHCI mode. Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI) is an interface specification that allows the storage driver to enable advanced Serial ATA features such as Native Command Queuing and hot plug. (Default) & NVMe RAID mode (M2A_SOCKET Connector) Allows you to determine whether to use your M.2 NVMe PCIe SSDs to configure RAID. (Default: Disabled) & Chipset SATA Port Enable (SATA3 0, 1, 2, 3 Connectors) Enables or disables the integrated SATA controllers.
  • Page 33: Power

    Power & AC BACK Determines the state of the system after the return of power from an AC power loss. The system returns to its last known awake state upon the return of the AC power. Memory Always On The system is turned on upon the return of the AC power. Always Off The system stays off upon the return of the AC power.

  • Page 34
    & ErP Determines whether to let the system consume least power in S5 (shutdown) state. Note: When this item is set to Enabled, the following functions will become unavailable: Resume by Alarm, power on by mouse, and power on by keyboard. & Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN Configures the way to turn off the computer in MS-DOS mode using the power button. Press the power button and then the system will be turned off instantly. (Default) Instant-Off Delay 4 Sec.
  • Page 35: Save & Exit

    Save & Exit & Save & Exit Setup Press <Enter> on this item and select Yes. This saves the changes to the CMOS and exits the BIOS Setup program. Select No or press <Esc> to return to the BIOS Setup Main Menu. &…

  • Page 36: Chapter 3 Appendix

    Chapter 3 Appendix 3-1 Configuring a RAID Set RAID Levels RAID 0 RAID 1 RAID 10 Minimum Number of ≥2 Hard Drives Array Capacity Number of hard drives * Size of the smallest drive (Number of hard drives/2) * Size of the smallest drive Size of the smallest drive Fault Tolerance Before you begin, please prepare the following items: •…

  • Page 37
    3. Insert the USB thumb drive and then browse to the location of the driver. The location of the drivers is as follows: Hw10RAIDx64 4. Select AMD-RAID Bottom Device first and click Next to load the driver. Then select AMD-RAID Controller and click Next to load the driver. Finally, continue the OS installation. Please visit GIGABYTE’s website for details on configuring a RAID array. — 37 -…
  • Page 38: Drivers Installation

    Run.exe program.) «Xpress Install» will automatically scan your system and then list all of the drivers that are recommended to install. You can click the Xpress Install button and «Xpress Install» will install all of the selected drivers. Or click the arrow icon to individually install the drivers you need. Please visit GIGABYTE’s website for Please visit GIGABYTE’s website for more software information. more troubleshooting information. — 38 -…

  • Page 39: Regulatory Statements

    This document must not be copied without our written permission, and the contents there of must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose. Contravention will be prosecuted. We believe that the information contained herein was accurate in all respects at the time of printing. GIGABYTE cannot, however, assume any responsibility for errors or omissions in this text. Also note that the information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by GIGABYTE.

  • Page 40
    FCC Notice (U.S.A. Only) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
  • Page 41
    — 41 -…
  • Page 42: Contact Us

    Contact Us GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Address: No.6, Baoqiang Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan TEL: +886-2-8912-4000, FAX: +886-2-8912-4005 Tech. and Non-Tech. Support (Sales/Marketing) : https://esupport.gigabyte.com WEB address (English): https://www.gigabyte.com WEB address (Chinese): https://www.gigabyte.com/tw GIGABYTE eSupport • To submit a technical or non-technical (Sales/Marketing) question, please link to: https://esupport.gigabyte.com…

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Клинический случай. Сердце Эйзенштейна

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ОК, мам, поехали! Интересные места Владивостока

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December 22 2018, 19:57

Инструкция к BIOS GIGABYTE B450M DS3H на русском

Основные пункты меню #BIOS #GIGABYTE #B450M DS3H:
M.I.T., Advanced Frequency Settings, GFX Core Voltage, CPU Clock Ratio, CPU Frequency, Core Performance Boost, AMD Cool&Quiet function, #SVM Mode, Global C-state Control, Power Supply Idle Control, #SMT Mode, Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.), Memory Frequency, Timing Control, CAD Bus Setup Timing, 3DMark01 Enhancement, Smart Fan, Fan Speed, Boot Option Priorities, Fast Boot, Administrator Password, #AMD CPU fTPM, RGB Fusion (Onboard LED), AMD CBS, #IOMMU, UMA Mode, UMA Frame Buffer Size, ErP, CEC 2019 Ready, Configuring a RAID, BIOS Update Utilities, GIGABYTE Q-Flash, @BIOS

Это инструкция с офф. сайта GIGABYTE к биос материнской платы B450M DS3H на русском языке (вольный перевод)

Оригинальную документацию и свежие версии биос вы можете скачать с сайта GIGABYTE https://goo.gl/iZMMjL

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