Инструкция к электронному градуснику омрон

  • OMRON Eco Temp Basic, электронный термометр (1 Mb)
  • OMRON Eco Temp Basic, электронный термометр (588 Kb)
  • OMRON Eco Temp II, электронный термометр (275 Kb)
  • OMRON Eco Temp Smart, электронный термометр (571 Kb)
  • OMRON Eco Temp, электронный термометр (111 Kb)
  • OMRON Flex Temp II, электронный термометр (161 Kb)
  • OMRON Flex Temp Smart, электронный термометр (1013 Kb)
  • OMRON Flex Temp, электронный термометр (110 Kb)
  • OMRON Gentle Temp 510, инфракрасный ушной термометр (384 Kb)
  • OMRON i-Temp mini, электронный термометр (2 Mb)
  • OMRON i-Temp, электронный термометр (3 Mb)
  • Термометр электронный медицинский Eco Temp Basic MC-246-RU, инструкция (1 Mb)
  • Термометр электронный медицинский Eco Temp Smart (MC-341-RU), инструкция (1 Mb)
  • Термометр электронный медицинский Flex Temp Smart (MC-343F-RU), инструкция (950 Kb)
  • Термометр электронный медицинский Gentle Temp 720 (19 Mb)

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Электронный термометр, измерение от 10 сек.

Термометр Omron Eco Temp Smart

Термометр Omron Eco Temp Smart - 1

Арт.: MC-341-RU



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Описание Термометр Omron Eco Temp Smart

Термометр Omron Eco Temp Smart (или Омрон Эко Темп Смарт), модель MC-341-RU, — это электронный прибор для быстрого измерения тела ректальным, аксиллярным и оральным методами, которое относится к категории приборов домашнего назначения и может быть использован всеми членами семьи. Отличие модели термометра Omron Eco Temp Smart от младшей модели термометра Omron Eco Temp Basic состоит в сокращенном минимальном времени измерения температуры.

Результаты измерений могут отображаться на экране как в формате градусов Цельсия, так и по Фаренгейту.

Управление термометром Omron Eco Temp Smart крайне простое и осуществляется единственной кнопкой, которая расположена рядом с дисплеем. Прибор оснащен функцией автоматического отключения, что позволяет экономить заряд батареи и максимально долго продлить срок службы.

В конструкции термометра нет ртути и стекла, что делает термометр Omron Eco Temp Smart совершенно безопасным высокоточным прибором для измерения температуры тела. Корпус надежно защищен от влаги, так что, при необходимости, термометр можно использовать даже в ванночках во время купания малыша. Устройство запоминает результаты последнего измерения, что удобно для анализа динамики изменения температуры тела.

Минимальное время измерения электронным термометром Omron Eco Temp Smart составляет всего 10 секунд.

В комплект поставки электронного термометра Омрон Эко Темп Смарт (МС-341-RU) входит специальный чехол, в котором удобно и надежно хранить устройство, так как он защищает моноблок от повреждений даже при падении. Термометр работает от одной батарейки, он экономичен и имеет продуманную конструкцию корпуса, за счет чего замена элемента питания производится быстро и самостоятельно.

Интервал подачи звукового сигнала:

  • Оральное измерение: приблизительно 20 секунд
  • Ректальное измерение: приблизительно 10 секунд
  • Измерение в подмышечной впадине: приблизительно 25 секунд*

* 25 секунд – это минимальное время измерения в подмышечной впадине, позволяющее оценить общее состояние организма. Для получения окончательного результата рекомендуется проводить измерение в течение 2-5 минут (в зависимости от условий окружающей среды и состояния организма).


Измерение продолжается даже после подачи звукового сигнала.

Поскольку оральный и аксиллярный способы измерения дают менее точные результаты, для получения наиболее точного результата рекомендуется ректальный способ. При измерении температуры в подмышечной впадине неплотный тепловой контакт наконечника термометра с кожей, а также индивидуальные физиологические особенности организма могут привести к преждевременному срабатыванию звукового сигнала и заниженному результату измерения. Если продолжить измерение, не выключая термометр, и обеспечить более плотное прилегание измерительного наконечника, то показания термометра будут увеличиваться до достижения температуры, соответствующей температуре тела в точке соприкосновения наконечника термометра.

Купить электронный термометр Omron Eco Temp Smart (МС-341-RU) по низкой цене Вы всегда можете в нашем интернет-магазине. Заказ можно разместить через Корзину, заполнить форму быстрого заказа в 1 Клик или позвонить по нашим номерам телефонов.

Отличительные особенности:

  • Способы измерения: аксиллярный (подмышкой), оральный, ректальный
  • Время измерения: от 10 секунд
  • Водонепроницаемый корпус
  • Звуковой сигнал окончания измерения
  • Память последнего измерения
  • Сменная батарейка
  • Выбор единицы измерения (ºС или ºF)
  • Автоматическое выключение для увеличения срока службы элемента питания
  • Пределы допускаемой погрешности измерений: +/- 0,1 ºС
  • Футляр для хранения
  • Гарантия 3 года

Водонепроницаемый корпус

Водонепроницаемый корпус термометров Omron помогает родителям — высокая скорость измерения позволяет контролировать температуру воды при купании ребенка. Прибор с точностью определит температуру и подскажет родителям, что температура воды комфортная для малыша.

Технические характеристики:

  • Наименование: Термометр электронный, медицинский
  • Модель: Omron Eco Temp Smart (MC-341-RU)
  • Тип датчика: Терморезистор
  • Метод измерения: Фактическое измерение (не прогнозирование)
  • Способ измерения: ректальный, оральный или аксиллярный (подмышкой)
  • Время измерения: не менее 10 сек.(ректальный), не менее 20 сек.(оральный), не менее 25 сек.(аксиллярный)
  • Индикатор температуры: 3-разрядный (°C), отображение температуры с дискретностью 0,1 градуса
  • Пределы допускаемой погрешности: не более 0,1 °C (32,0 — 42,0 °C)
  • Диапазон измерений температуры: от 32,0 до 42,0 °C
  • Звуковой сигнал: Есть, оповещает об окончании минимального времени измерения (Измерение продолжается даже после подачи звукового сигнала)
  • Автоматическое отключение: Есть (Термометр автоматически выключится через 30 минут после использования или через 3 минуты после включения, если он не использовался)
  • Гибкий наконечник: Нет
  • Водонепроницаемый корпус: Да
  • Память: Есть (отображение последнего измерения)
  • Источник питания: 1 щелочно-марганцевый элемент питания типа LR41
  • Срок службы элемента питания: 2 года или более (при измерении 3 раза в день)
  • Футляр для хранения: Есть
  • Размеры прибора: 19,4 X 132,5 X 10,0 мм
  • Вес прибора: 12 грамм (с установленной батареей)
  • Особенности: более короткий интервал минимального измерения

Omron MC-341 — Digital Thermometer Manual


Thank you for purchasing Omron Digital Thermometer.
The thermometer you purchased offers a safe, accurate and quick temperature reading. You can measure your temperature through oral, rectal or underarm. This thermometer eliminates any worries about broken glass or mercury hazards. Note that your temperature is affected by smoking, eating or drinking. Thoroughly read this instruction manual before using your OMRON MC-341 Digital Thermometer. We recommend that you practice taking your temperature with the thermometer. In this way you will gain confidence in your technique when using the thermometer. Contact your doctor if you have any questions regarding specific temperatures.




To assure the correct use of the product basic safety, measures should always be followed including the precautions listed below.

  • A high or prolonged fever requires medical attention, especially for young children. Please contact your doctor.
  • Carefully read and follow the enclosed instructions to ensure accurate temperature readings. Note that temperature readings are affected by many factors including physical exertion, the drinking of hot or cold beverages before measurement, as well as measuring technique.
  • Please keep still during measurement.
  • The use of temperature readings for self-diagnosis is dangerous. Consult with your doctor for the interpretation of results. Self-diagnosis may lead to the worsening of existing disease conditions.
  • This thermometer is used for taking temperatures through oral, rectal or underarm. Do not attempt to take temperatures at other sites, such as in the ear, as it may result in false readings and may lead to injury.
  • Store the thermometer out of the reach of children. Do not allow children to take their temperatures unattended. Children may injure themselves when attempting to take temperatures without supervision.
  • Do not leave the battery, battery cover or probe cover where children can get to them. Children may swallow them. Should a child swallow the battery, battery cover or probe cover, contact a doctor immediately.
  • Do not attempt measurements when the thermometer is wet as inaccurate readings may result.

  • Do not bite on the thermometer. Doing so may lead to breakage and/or injury.
  • Do not share the thermometer among individuals.
  • Do not attempt to disassemble or repair the thermometer. Doing so may result in inaccurate readings.
  • Do not attempt to incinerate the battery. It may burst.
  • Pay attention to polarity (+ –) when replacing the battery. Failure to do so may lead to fluid leakage, heat generation or bursting, resulting in damage to the unit.
  • Remove the battery when the thermometer will not be used for 3 months or more. Failure to do so may lead to fluid leakage, heat generation or bursting, resulting in damage to the unit.
  • Do not use mobile phones near the thermometer.
  • Do not use the thermometer in places where strong static electricity or electromagnetic fields are present. Doing so may lead to inaccurate readings and may contribute to instrument failure.
  • Do not force the thermometer into the rectum. Stop insertion and abort the measurement when pain is present. Failure to do so may lead to injury.
  • Do not attempt rectal measurements on persons with rectal disorders. Doing so may aggravate or worsen the disorder.
  • Do not step on the unit or the hard case.
  • Do not attempt to disinfect the sensing section of the thermometer by immersing in alcohol or in hot water (water over 50°C).
  • Failure to use a probe cover may lead to bacteria and viral infection.


  • Do not use the thermometer to measure anything other than human body temperatures.
  • Do not drop the thermometer and protective case or expose them to shock or vibration.
  • Do not store the thermometer in the protective case when it is damp. Wipe it off with a dry cloth first.
  • Avoid taking the temperature until after 30 minutes has lapsed after exercise, bathing or eating/drinking.


Press the button for 7 seconds until a beep is emitted.

The display will change to the other measurement scale at the time when the beep sounds.

All of the display symbols appear.

The thermometer will automatically switch itself off.


If possible, a full probe cover covering all sections should be used. Replace the probe cover with a new one after each use.
Probe covers are included with the thermometer, place a probe cover carefully over the tip.

  1. Press the button.

    A default temperature 37.0°C (98.6°F) is shown up on display.
    warningNOTE: When a temperature other than 37.0°C (98.6°F) is displayed, please refer to the «TROUBLESHOOTING» section for details to correct the problem.

    All of the display symbols appear.
    The most recently measured temperature is displayed together with the M indicator.
    Waiting for use.
  1. Apply the thermometer to the measurement site.
    Use the oral, rectal or underarm site for measurement.
    warningNOTE: Even if the «L» indicator fails to display (when only the temperature is displayed), this is not an error. So the temperature may be taken as is.

    When the [°C (°F)] indicator symbol blinks, the thermometer is ready for use.
    Temperature measurement will commence and the [°C (°F)] indicator symbol will blink.
  2. For Oral and rectal measurement:
    When the reading is ready, the thermometer will emit a [beep-beep-beep] sound three times. Remove the thermometer from the measurement site and read the result.
    For underarm, please continue to hold for 2 — 5 minutes to complete the measurement.

    The [°C (°F)] indicator symbol will stop blinking and stay on when the reading is ready.

Oral : approx. 20 seconds
Rectal : approx. 10 seconds
Underarm : approx. 25 seconds

* 25 seconds is the earliest estimated temperature indication. To complete the measurement, it is required to measure the temperature in the underarm between 2 — 5 minutes (depending on the ambient temperature and condition).


  • The buzzer notification timing is based on an environmental temperature of 23 degrees without the probe cover.
  • There will be individual differences in the measurement results.
  1. Turn off the thermometer and store it in the protective case.


  • The reading will automatically be stored in memory.
  • Although the thermometer will automatically switch itself off 30 minutes after use or after 3 minutes when it has not been used; it should beturned off manually to conserve the battery.


Press the button to display the temperature that was measured most recently. For details, please refer to the «TAKING THE TEMPERATURE» section.


Measurement accuracy cannot be assured when the method used to measure the temperature is incorrect.

ORAL USE (for ages 4 and older):

The mouth should remain closed up to 5 minutes before attempting a reading.


  • Place the thermometer in the mouth under the tongue so that it rests to the left or right of the root of the tongue.
  • Use downward tongue pressure to hold the thermometer in place.
  • Hold the thermometer to keep it from sliding around in the mouth.


Always use a probe cover when taking rectal measurements.

  • Commonly used for young children when it is difficult to take an oral or underarm temperature.
  • Lubricate with a water-soluble gel. Do not use petroleum jelly.
  • Gently insert the probe tip no more than 1.3 cm into the rectum. Do not force the tip into the rectum if resistance is encountered.
  • Disinfect the thermometer after use.


* In the case of infants and very young children, gently hold the arm to prevent movement.


  • Taking the temperature immediately after exercising, bathing, eating or drinking will result in an incorrect measurement.
    Correct: Wait at least 30 minutes before taking the temperature.
  • Taking the temperature after moving around.
    Correct: Take the temperature immediately after waking up or wait for at least 30 minutes after moving around.
    * Moving around after awakening increases the body temperature.
Only applies when taking underarm temperatures — The following may result in incorrect measurements.

  • Heavy underarm perspiration
  • Taking the temperature after being under the blankets for a long time.
    Correct: Wipe off any underarm perspiration before taking the temperature.


Battery: Alkaline-Manganese Button Battery LR41 (available commercially)

Battery Replacement Indicator ( )
Replace the battery when the battery replacement indicator appears when the thermometer is switched on.

  1. Use a coin to take off the battery cover.
  2. Remove the battery.
  3. Insert the new battery with the «+» pole facing up as shown in the diagram.

    The «+» mark faces upwards
  4. Use a coin to replace the battery cover.


  • The thermometer comes fitted with a battery for testing purposes. This battery may not provide the same amount of battery life as a new battery.
  • Consult your local authorities and follow their instructions for the disposal of batteries and/or the thermometer.
  • Do not loose the O-ring around the battery cover. Water-resistant will fail and can lead to misreading and failure of the unit.


Displayed when the temperature of the sensing section is less than 32°C (89.6°F). This is not an error so it may be ignored and the temperature taken.
Displayed when the temperature of the sensing section is greater than 42°C (107.6°F). Cool the sensing section and then take the temperature.
Temperature Displayed Displayed when the surrounding temperature exceeds 32°C (89.6°F). This is not an error, so the temperature may be taken as is.


Wide differences in readings
  • The temperature sensing part of the thermometer is being placed at a different location for each reading.
  • The thermometer is moved while the temperature is being taken.
  • The mouth is kept open while the measurement is in progress.
Check to see that the thermometer is being placed at the location as described in the «CORRECT MEASUREMENT» section.
Nothing appears in the display section when the power switch is pressed. The polarity is reversed. Take out the battery and replace using the correct polarity.
The battery is depleted. Check to see if appears in the display section. Replace with a new battery (LR41).
[37.0°C (98.6°F)] is not displayed during the measurement preparation period. A temperature from [36.9°C (98.4°F)] to [37.1°C (98.8°F)] is displayed. The thermometer may be used as it is.
A temperature other than that in the range from [36.9°C (98.4°F)] to [37.1°C (98.8°F)] is displayed, even after turning the thermometer on and off several times. Please contact your nearest authorized OMRON dealer.


Keep the thermometer clean

  • Do not use strong jets of water to clean the thermometer or leave it immersed in water for long periods of time.
  • Wipe the thermometer with a soft clean cloth.
  • When using alcohol to clean the thermometer, make sure that it does not come into contact with the indicator section.
  • For stubborn stains, wipe the thermometer with a cloth that has been dampened with water or a neutral detergent solution and then wring thoroughly. Finish by wiping with a soft dry cloth.
  • Observe the following to prevent damage to the thermometer.
    • Do not use benzene, thinner, gasoline or other strong solvents to clean the thermometer.
    • Do not soak the sensing section in alcohol for long periods of time or attempt to sterilize it using hot water (water at a temperature of 50°C (122°F) or higher).
    • Do not use ultrasonic washing to clean the thermometer.

Store the thermometer in its protective case

  • Do not store the thermometer in the following types of places. Doing so may damage the thermometer.
    • Wet locations.
    • Locations with high heat and humidity or those that are exposed to direct sunlight. Areas close to heating equipment, dusty locations, or environments where there are high salt concentrations in the air.
    • Locations where the unit will be subjected to leaning, shock or vibration.
    • Pharmaceutical storage areas or locations where corrosive gases are present.


Power Consumption: 0.1mW
Sensing Unit: Thermistor
Temperature Display: 3-digit, +°C (°F) display in 0.1 degree increments
Measurement Accuracy: ± 0.1°C (32.0 to 42.0°C) ± 0.2°F (89.6 to 107.6°F) (when measured at a standard room temperature of 23°C (73.4°F) in a test tank held at constant temperature)
Power Supply: 1.5V DC, 1 LR41 Alkaline-Manganese Button Battery
Battery Life: Approx. 2 years or more (3 times per day)
Measurement Method: Actual measurement
Applied Part: =Type B
Protection Against Electric Shock: Internally powered ME equipment
Measurement Range: 32.0 to 42.0°C (89.6 to 107.6°F)
Usage Environment Temp and Humidity: Surrounding temperature +10 to +40°C (+50 to +104°F), Relative Humidity 30-85%RH
Storage Environment Temp and Humidity: Surrounding temperature -20 to +60°C (–4 to +140°F), Relative Humidity 10-95%RH
Weight: Approx. 12g (with battery installed)
External Dimensions: 19.4 mm (w) × 132.5 mm (l) × 10.0 mm (d)
Accessories: Test Battery (Alkaline-Manganese Button Battery LR41), Protective Case, Instruction Sheet, 5 Probe Covers.

The specifications may be changed without prior notice.
This OMRON product is produced under the strict quality system of OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd., Japan.

OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. 53, Kunotsubo, Terado-cho, Muko, Kyoto 617-0002 JAPAN
Production Facility OMRON (DALIAN) CO., LTD. Dalian, China
438A Alexandra Road, #05-05/08, Alexandra Technopark Singapore 119967

information Read the instruction in this manual carefully.

This device fulfills the provisions of the EC directive
93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive) and the European Standard EN12470-3:2000, Clinical thermometers — Part 3: Performance of compact electrical thermometers (nonpredictive and predictive) with maximum device.

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Download Omron MC-341 — Digital Thermometer Manual

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