Инструкция к посудомоечной машине электролюкс inspire

  • Инструкции

  • Посудомоечные машины

  • Electrolux

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL2450W

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL2450W
PDF, 1.1 Мб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Electrolux EKA12111L

Инструкция по эксплуатации
PDF, 844.81 Кб

Схема встраивания
JPG, 33.16 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Electrolux EEC967310L

Схема встраивания с размерами
PNG, 176.07 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Electrolux EEZ969410W

Схема встраивания с размерами
PNG, 168.29 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Electrolux EEC987300W

Схема встраивания с размерами
PNG, 168.11 Кб

Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Electrolux ETM43211L

Инструкция к Electrolux ETM43211L
PDF, 1.49 Мб

Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 87.81 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL94200LO

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94200LO
PDF, 1.01 Мб

Схема встраивания
JPEG, 47.39 Кб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 695.97 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 617.18 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESF9552LOX

Инструкция к Electrolux ESF9552LOX
PDF, 987.77 Кб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 258.43 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618.81 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESF9552LOW

Инструкция к Electrolux ESF9552LOW
PDF, 987.77 Кб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 177.27 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618.86 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL94321LA

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94321LA
PDF, 1.37 Мб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 451.37 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618 Кб

Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL94511LO

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94511LO
PDF, 1.39 Мб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 423.26 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 617.61 Кб

Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL94201LO

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94201LO
PDF, 1.69 Мб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 349.44 Кб

Схема встраивания
PNG, 186.95 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 617.19 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESF2400OS

Инструкция к Electrolux ESF2400OS
PDF, 1.02 Мб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 654.52 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618.16 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL94585RO

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94585RO
PDF, 1.36 Мб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 438.75 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 619.33 Кб

Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL 7310 RA

Схема встраивания
JPG, 172.18 Кб

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL 7310 RA
PDF, 1.95 Мб

Посудомоечная машина Electrolux ESL94655RO

Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94655RO
PDF, 1.42 Мб

Информация о приборе
PDF, 537.17 Кб

Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 620.24 Кб

Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб

Требуется руководство для вашей Electrolux ESF45010 Посудомоечная машина? Ниже вы можете просмотреть и загрузить бесплатно руководство в формате PDF. Кроме того, приведены часто задаваемые вопросы, рейтинг изделия и отзывы пользователей, что позволит оптимально использовать ваше изделие. Если это не то руководство, которое вы искали, – свяжитесь с нами.

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Сообщите нам, что вы думаете о Electrolux ESF45010 Посудомоечная машина, оставив оценку продукта. Хотите поделиться вашими впечатлениями от данного изделия или задать вопрос? Вы можете оставить комментарий в нижней части страницы.

Довольны ли вы данным изделием Electrolux?
Да Нет

Будьте первым, кто оценит это изделие

0 голоса

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

После завершения цикла посудомоечной машины отсек с моющим средством не открылся. Почему? Проверенный
Данная проблема часто возникает, когда посуда блокирует отсек. Прежде, чем запускать машину, убедитесь, что отсек не заблокирован.

Это было полезно (7684)

Почему посудомоечная машина перестала нагревать воду? Проверенный
Скорее всего, нагревательный элемент неисправен. Его следует заменить. В случае сомнений обратитесь к производителю.

Это было полезно (6981)

Можно ли в посудомоечной машине использовать обычную соль? Проверенный
Нет, поваренная соль может содержать вещества, которые споcобны повредить ваше устройство.

Это было полезно (2994)

Нужно ли ополаскивать посуду, прежде чем поместить ее в посудомоечную машину? Проверенный
Ополаскивать посуду необязательно, однако следует удалить все крупные, твердые и жирные остатки пищи. Со временем они могут засорить слив.

Это было полезно (1191)

Могу ли я открыть посудомоечную машину во время ее работы? Проверенный
Большинство посудомоечных машин оснащены устройством остановки подачи воды, благодаря чему программа останавливается сразу же при открытии дверцы, что означает, что вода не будет вытекать. С некоторыми моделями со временем это может вызвать проблемы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.

Это было полезно (911)

Я хочу знать возраст моего прибора Electrolux. Как мне это сделать? Проверенный
Вы можете определить возраст вашего продукта по серийному номеру. Это можно найти на вашем устройстве. Первый символ серийного номера указывает год (например: 1 = 2001), а два символа после этого указывают неделю производства (например: 35 = 35 неделя этого года). Таким образом, серийный номер 13500016 указывает на то, что машина начиная с 35 недели 2001 года.

Это было полезно (790)

Следует ли открывать посудомоечную машину после того, как она закончила работу, чтобы посуда высохла быстрее? Проверенный
Это зависит от типа посудомоечной машины и ее расположения. Некоторые посудомоечные машины оснащены функцией сушки посуды после программы мойки. В этом случае открытие посудомоечной машины не принесет никакой пользы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.

Это было полезно (728)

После того, как посудомоечная машина завершит свой цикл, пластиковая посуда еще влажная, а остальная — нет. Это почему? Проверенный
Пластик — плохой проводник тепла, позволяющий продуктам быстро остывать. Влага, которая остается на нем, испаряется гораздо меньше, чем, например, на керамике или металле.

Это было полезно (647)

Царапины на металле внутри посудомоечной машины — это проблема? Проверенный
Внутренняя часть большинства посудомоечных машин изготовлена ​​из нержавеющей стали и не подвержена царапинам.

Это было полезно (582)

Можно ли мыть в посудомоечной машине деревянные предметы, например, шпатели и разделочные доски? Проверенный
Нет. Деревянные предметы можно повредить или покоробить в посудомоечной машине. Кроме того, высвобождающиеся древесные волокна могут повредить посудомоечную машину. Деревянные разделочные доски часто изготавливаются с использованием клея, который может отслоиться после нескольких раз мытья в посудомоечной машине.

Это было полезно (582)

Можно ли мыть посуду с тефлоном в посудомоечной машине? Проверенный
Да, ты можешь. Однако сковорода изнашивается быстрее, чем при ручной очистке. При чистке сковороды тефлоном вручную никогда не используйте мочалку, а используйте мягкую губку или ткань.

Это было полезно (581)

Можно ли подключить посудомоечную машину к удлинителю? Проверенный
Технику, требующую большого количества энергии, например посудомоечную машину, нельзя подключать ко всем удлинителям. Посмотрите, какова потребляемая мощность посудомоечной машины, которая указывается в ваттах, и проверьте, справится ли с этим удлинитель. Существуют удлинители с более толстыми кабелями, предназначенные для работы с более крупными приборами.

Это было полезно (581)

Моя посудомоечная машина Electrolux отображает ошибку «i30», что это означает? Проверенный
Эта ошибка указывает на возможную утечку и на то, что на дне устройства есть вода. Отключите подачу воды и обратитесь к специалисту по обслуживанию.

Это было полезно (386)

Руководство Electrolux ESF45010 Посудомоечная машина

Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Посудомоечная Машина

Характеристики, спецификации

Корзина для стол. приборов:


Тип управления:


Защита от протечек:

доп. опция

Наим. защиты от протечек:


Габаритные размеры (В*Ш*Г):

46*45*48 см

Потребляемая мощность:

1300 Вт

Возможность встраивания:


Складные держатели тарелок:


Максимальная вместимость:

5 комплектов

Количество программ мойки:


Энергопотребление за цикл:

0.75 кВтч

Класс энергоэффективности:


Инструкция к Посудомоечной Машиной Electrolux ESF 235

Blagodarim was za to, ^to w ka^estwe swoej nowoj posudomoe^noj ma[iny

wy wybrali ma[inu na[ej firmy Electrolux. My nadeemsq, ^to wy budete

polnostx@ udowletworeny ee rabotoj.

Povalujsta, wnimatelxno oznakomxtesx s nastoq]im rukowodstwom, s ego

pomo]x@ wy bystro nau^itesx obra]atxsq s posudomoe^noj ma[inoj i

ispolxzowatx bolx[u@ ^astx ee funkcionalxnyh wozmovnostej.

~itaq nastoq]ee rukowodstwo po ustanowke i kspluatacii, postarajtesx

nahoditxsq rqdom s posudomoe^noj ma[inoj — to pomovet wam oznakomitxsq

s razli^nymi lementami uprawleniq i funkciqmi.

Wnimanie! Sohranite nastoq]ee rukowodstwo. Poskolxku posudomoe^naq

ma[ina rass^itana na dlitelxnyj srok sluvby, ono prigoditsq kak wam,

tak i ee wozmovnym budu]im wladelxcam w ka^estwe sprawo^nogo materiala.


Dlq polxzowatelq

Dlq montavnika

Informaciq po bezopanosti 3

Tehni^eskie dannye 11

Ob]ie ukazaniq 4

Razme]enie i ustanowka 12

— Powrevdeniq pri dostawke

— Razme]enie

— Nazna^enie

— Podsoedinenie posudomoe^noj

— Za]ita ma[iny ot zamoraviwaniq

— ma[iny k wodoprowodnoj seti

— Ustrojstwo dlq smqg^eniq wody

— Organizaciq sliwa

— Wstraiwanie posudomoe^noj ma[iny

— Podkl@^enie lektropitaniq

w kuhonnu@ mebelx

Opisanie pribora 5

Instruction book 13

— Dozator opolaskiwatelq

— Raspylitelx

— Setka dlq krupnyh ^astic

— Filxtr tonkoj o^istki

— Dozator mo@]ego sredstwa

— Ustrojstwo dlq smqg^eniq wody

— Zaglu[ka ustrojstwa dlq smqg^eniq wody

Tablica organow uprawleniq

i programm ESF 235 6

Tablica organow uprawleniq

i programm ESF 245 7

Zagruzka posudy 8

— Kak zagruzitx posudomoe^nu@ ma]inu

— Ukazaniq po prowedeni@ sertifikacionnyh


Prowerka ma[iny w rabote 9

Dejstwiq w slu^ae neisprawnostej 10

— Pere^enx neisprawnostej

Obsluviwanie i zapasnye ^asti 11

— 2 —

Informaciq po bezopanosti

Prevde ^em pristupitx k ustanowke i kspluatacii posudomoe^noj ma[iny, oznakomxtesx s nastoq]im

rukowodstwom, obra]aq osoboe wnimanie na rekomendacii, sowety i preduprevdeniq.

Wo izbevanie o[ibo^nyh dejstwij i nes^astnyh slu^aew neobhodimo, ^toby wse lica, polxzu@]iesq

posudomoe^noj ma[inoj, polnostx@ oznakomilisx s prawilami kspluatacii i tehniki bezopasnosti.

Sohranite nastoq]ee rukowodstwo. Posudomoe^naq ma[ina rass^itana na mytxe posudy w te^enie mnogih

let, potomu kak wy, tak i budu]ie wladelxcy wsegda smogut najti w tom rukowodstwe ^to-nibudx


Pomnite, ^to plastikowye pakety, ispolxzowannye dlq

W slu^ae ute^ki wody sdelajte sledu@]ee:

upakowki posudomoe^noj ma[iny, mogut bytx krajne

Nemedlenno prekratite poda^u wody w posudomoe^nu@

opasny dlq malenxkih detej.

ma[inu, zakryw wentilx, i otkl@^ite ee ot lektroseti,

Posudomoe^naq ma[ina prednazna^ena tolxko dlq mytxq

wynuw wilku iz rozetki, ili udalite predohranitelx.

doma[nej posudy, dopuska@]ej ma[innu@ mojku.

Prowerxte germeti^nostx wseh [wow, prokladok i

Ispolxzowanie posudomoe^noj ma[iny dlq drugih


celej movet priwesti k trawmam ili powrevdeniqm


Wyzowite kwalificirowannogo specialista po remontu.

Tolxko wzroslye mogut polxzowatxsq posudomoe^noj

Pri podkl@^enii k wodoprowodu l@bogo bytowogo pribora

ma[inoj. Ne pozwolqjte detqm igratx s organami

su]estwuet opasnostx wozniknoweniq ute^ki, nezawisimo

uprawleniq ili drugimi ^astqmi posudomoe^noj ma[iny.

ot prinqtyh mer predostorovnosti. Potomu

rekomenduetsq zakrywatx wodoprowodnyj kran kavdyj

Ustanowka posudomoe^noj ma[iny dolvna proizwoditxsq

raz, kogda posudomoe^naq ma[ina ne ispolxzuetsq.

personalom, oblada@]im neobhodimoj kwalifikaciej

i opytom dlq wypolneniq soedinenij, obespe^iwa@]ih

Obsluviwanie i remont posudomoe^noj ma[iny dolvny

poda^u i sliw wody. Ustanowku sleduet proizwoditx w

proizwoditxsq tolxko serwisnymi organizaciqmi ili

sootwetstwii s ukazaniqmi po ustanowke i kspluatacii.

specialistami po remontu, upolnomo^ennymi na[ej

firmoj Electrolux. Ispolxzujte tolxko predostawlennye

Sistema wodosnabveniq posudomoe^noj ma[iny dolvna

imi komplektu@]ie.

imetx wentilx w legkodostupnom meste.

Wilku setewogo [nura neobhodimo wkl@^atx w zazemlennu@

Mo@]ee sredstwo dlq posudomoe^noj

rozetku lektroseti. Pri ustanowke posudomoe^noj

ma[iny trebuet ostorovnogo obra]eniq!

ma[iny dlq postoqnnoj kspluatacii podkl@^enie

W slu^ae proglatywaniq kem-libo mo@]ego

lektropitaniq dolven wypolnqtx kwalificirowannyj

sredstwa dlq posudomoe^noj ma[iny


nemedlenno dajte emu ili ej wypitx

Pered prowedeniem kakoj-libo prowerki ili remonta

neskolxko stakanow wody ili moloka. Ne

posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu neobhodimo otkl@^itx ot

sleduet wyzywatx u postradaw[ego rwotu.

lektroseti. Dlq togo wynxte wilku setewogo [nura iz

Obratitesx k wra^u.

rozetki lektroseti.

Pri popadanii mo@]ego sredstwa w glaza

nemedlenno promojte ih bolx[im

Ne razre[ajte detqm sidetx, raska^iwatxsq na otkrytoj

koli^estwom wody. Obratitesx k wra^u.

dwerce ili nastupatx na nee.

Sledite za tem, ^toby deti ne imeli dostupa

Pri wstraiwanii posudomoe^noj ma[iny w kuhonnu@

k mo@]emu sredstwu dlq posudomoe^noj

mebelx neobhodimo ispolxzowatx prednazna^ennyj dlq

ma[iny. Hranite ego w nadevnom meste,

togo komplekt na[ej firmy.

srazu ve wytirajte prolitoe sredstwo.

Takve zapre}aetsq ostawlqtx otkrytoj

Pri ustanowke, uborke i t.p. sledite za tem, ^toby setewoj

dwercu posudomoe~noj ma{iny, esli w

[nur ne byl za]emlen ili powrevden kakim-libo

nej nahoditsq mo`}ee sredstwo.


Ne kladite ostrozato^ennye novi ostriem wwerh.

Zna^itelxno bezopasnee polovitx ih w setku dlq posudy


Ne otkrywajte dwercu posudomoe^noj ma[iny wo wremq


Pri izwle^enii ^asti posudy iz posudomoe^noj ma[iny

do okon^aniq cikla mytxq tu posudu obqzatelxno sleduet

t]atelxno opolosnutx proto^noj wodoj dlq udaleniq

ostatkow mo@]ego sredstwa.

— 3 —

822 90 11-31

Ob]ie ukazaniq

Powrevdeniq pri dostawke

Esli wy obnaruvite, ^to wo wremq dostawki posudomoe^naq

Pri raspakowke posudomoe^noj ma[iny ubeditesx w tom, ^to

ma[ina polu^ila kakie-libo powrevdeniq, ob tom sleduet

w komplekte postawki ime@tsq sledu@]ie prinadlevnosti:

w te^enie semi dnej izwestitx firmu, osu]estwlqw[u@

Sliwnoj [lang (1)


Woronka dlq dobawleniq soli (2)

Koleno dlq sliwnogo [langa (3)


Homut [langa (4)

Dannaq posudomoe^naq ma[ina prednazna^ena tolxko dlq

{ajba/filxtr dlq wpusknogo [langa (5)

bytowogo primeneniq. Ispolxzowanie ee w drugih celqh

{tucer dlq wpusknogo [langa (6)

movet priwesti k polomke ma[iny i potere prawa na

Rezinowaq prokladka (7)

garantijnoe obsluviwanie.

Za]ita ma[iny ot zamoraviwaniq

Esli ma[ina hranitsq w meste, gde temperatura movet inogda

opuskatxsq nive 0°C, su]estwuet risk togo, ^to nebolx[oe


koli^estwo wody, kotoroe ostaetsq wnutri ma[iny posle



normalxnogo ispolxzowaniq, zamerznet, i to movet priwesti

k ee powrevdeni@.

Dlq predotwra]eniq togo neobhodimo:

Otkl@^itx poda^u wody w ma[inu i otsoedinitx


wpusknoj [lang ot wodoprowodnoj truby.


Wybratx programmu mojki, zapustitx ma[inu i

datx ma[ine porabotatx po programme w te^enie


neprodolvitelxnogo wremeni.


Ustrojstwo dlq smqg^eniq wody

Esli wa[a posudomoe^naq ma[ina osna]ena ustrojstwom

umqg^eniq wody, dolvna imetxsq s_emnaq plastmassowaq

woronka, ustanawliwaemaq tak, kak pokazano na risunke.

Neobhodimo snqtx woronku i pered perwym ispolxzowaniem

ma[iny napolnitx emkostx solx@ grubogo pomola. |to

^rezwy^ajno wavno.

Posledowatelxnostx dejstwij sledu@]aq:

1. Otwernite kry[ku kontejnera dlq soli.

2. Napolnite kontejner dlq soli wodoprowodnoj wodoj s

pomo]x@ kuw[ina.

3. Napolnite kontejner krupnozernistoj solx@. ~toby ne

prosypatx pri tom solx, ispolxzujte woronku. Ne

zapolnqjte kontejner powarennoj solx@.

4. Snimite woronku i wytrite wyliw[u@sq iz kontejnera


5. Zawernite kry[ku gorlowiny kontejnera dlq soli.

Ustrojstwo umqg^eniq wody teperx gotowo dlq perwoj

zagruzki posudy. Ubeditesx w tom, ^to w emkosti dlq soli

wsegda imeetsq dostato^noe koli^estwo soli grubogo pomola.

Wstraiwanie posudomoe^noj ma[iny w

kuhonnu@ mebelx

Esli wy hotite wstroitx posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu w wa[u

kuhonnu@ mebelx, wam neobhodim dlq togo specialxnyj

nabor, wypuskaemyj na[ej firmoj. K nemu prilagaetsq

dejstwu@]ee rukowodstwo s ukazaniqmi po sobl@deni@

wseh neobhodimyh trebowanij. Dannyj nabor wy movete

priobresti w tom ve torgowom predpriqtii, gde wy pokupali

posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu.

— 4 —

Dozator opolaskiwatelq (1)

k su]estwennomu uhud[eni@ ffektiwnosti mytxq. Filxtr

Ispolxzowanie opolaskiwatelq pridaet posude blesk i

tonkoj o^istki movet bytx legko snqt s celx@ promywki

uskorqet ee wysyhanie, tak kak on sposobstwuet udaleni@

posle togo, kak wy udalite setku dlq krupnyh ^astic.

wody i zagrqznenij. Sli[kom bolx[oe koli^estwo

opolaskiwatelq movet priwesti k poqwleni@ razwodow, a

Dozator mo@]ego sredstwa (5)

ego nedostatok — k poqwleni@ belyh pqten na posude.

Ispolxzujte tolxko specialxnye mo@]ie sredstwa, pred-

Dozator wme]aet primerno 140 ml opolaskiwatelq. |togo

nazna^ennye dlq mytxq posudy w posudomoe^nyh ma[inah.

dostato^no dlq 40-70 ciklow promywki, w zawisimosti ot

Dlq mytxq oby^nogo koli^estwa posudy nasypxte w dozator

ustanowlennoj dozirowki. Dozator neobhodimo napolnqtx

1-2 stolowyh lovki mo@]ego sredstwa. Ne zabudxte zakrytx

wsqkij raz, kogda urowenx opolaskiwatelq priblivaetsq k

kry[ku dozatora (modelx ESF 245).

nivnej otmetke [kaly. Otkrojte gorlo-winu dozatora i

akkuratno zaliwajte w nego opolaskiwatelx do teh por, poka

Ustrojstwo dlq smqg^eniq wody (6)

ego urowenx ne dostignet krasnoj metki na trubke indikatora

Posudomoe^nye ma[iny nekotoryh modelej snabveny

urownq. Ne perepolnqjte dozator; t]atelxno wytirajte

ustrojstwom dlq smqg^eniq vestkoj (izwestkowoj) wody.

proliw[ijsq opolaskiwatelx wo izbevanie penoobrazowaniq.

Esli wa[a ma[ina imeet takoe ustrojstwo, dozator

Posle napolneniq dozatora ne zabudxte zakrytx ego.

opolaskiwatelq dolven bytx ustanowlen na minimum.

Ustanowite dozirowku opolaskiwatelq w sootwetstwii s

Izwestkowaq ili vestkaq woda wyzywaet poqwlenie belowatyh

vestkostx@ wody. Sna^ala ustanowite minimalxnu@

otlovenij na posude i wnutrennej powerhnosti posudo-

dozirowku. Zatem uweli^iwajte ee po mere neobhodimosti,

moe^noj ma[iny. Wo izbevanie togo woda propuskaetsq

powora^iwaq ukazatelx po ^asowoj strelke.

^erez specialxnyj kontejner, gde ee vestkostx umenx[aetsq.

Wnimanie! Ne zapolnqjte dozator opolaskiwatelq vidkim

Poskolxku w ustrojstwe dlq smqg^eniq wody ispolxzuetsq

mo@]im sredstwom.

specialxnaq krupnozernistaq solx dlq posudomoe^noj

ma[iny, to posle opredelennogo koli^estwa ciklow mytxq

Raspylitelx (2)

wam neobhodimo popolnqtx sodervimoe kontejnera. |to

Neobhodimo, ^toby wse otwerstiq raspylitelq byli ^istymi, w

neobhodimo delatx, kogda na paneli uprawleniq zagoraetsq

protiwnom slu^ae ffektiwnostx mytxq movet su]estwenno

indikator. Wmestimostx kontejnera dlq soli sostawlqet

snizitxsq. Esli raspylitelx nuvdaetsq w o^istke, otwernite

okolo 1 l, ^to dostato^no dlq 20-30 ciklow mytxq.

gajku po ^asowoj strelke (lewaq rezxba), a zatem snimite

raspylitelx. Pro^istite otwerstiq i udalite wse ostatki

Zaglu[ka ustrojstwa dlq smqg^eniq wody


Na predpriqtii-izgotowitele ustrojstwo dlq smqg^eniq

wody ustanawliwaetsq na vestkostx wody do 20°dH.

Setka dlq krupnyh ^astic (3)

Esli woda w wa[em dome imeet bolee wysoku@ vestkostx, wy

Setka dlq krupnyh ^astic prednazna^ena dlq otfilxtro-

movete uweli^itx emkostx smqg^itelq wody, wynuw rezinowu@

wywaniq krupnyh predmetow, takih kak zubo^istki i kuso^ki

zaglu[ku, raspolovennu@ na zadnej ^asti posudomoe^noj

qi^noj skorlupy. Sledite za tem, ^toby setka ne zasorqlasx.

ma[iny s prawoj storony.

Pri neobhodimosti wynxte ee i promojte w proto^noj wode .

Sm. risunok.

Filxtr tonkoj o^istki (4)

O^enx wavno, ^toby tot filxtr wsegda byl ^istym.

Zagrqznenie ili zasorenie filxtra obqzatelxno priwedet

— 5 —

Opisanie pribora

Tablica organow uprawleniq i programm ESF 235

— Wremq raboty po programme i potrebpenie nergii awisqt ot temperatury ispolxzuemoj wody i koli^estwa posudy.


1 Selektor temperatury

Za]elka dwercy

55° — Knopka utoplena

Navmite wniz ru^ku i otkrojte dwercu. Ne otkrywajte dwercu

65° — Knopka wydwinuta

pri rabote ma[iny. Esli dwerca otperta i nahoditsq w

otkrytom sostoqnii posle wypolneniq programmy, posuda

2 Selektor wybora programm

wysu[itsq bystree.

~toby wkl@^itx ma[inu:

Powernite selektor wybora programm po ^asowoj

strelke na na^alo programmy. Perekl@^atelx

WKL./WYKL. wstroen w selektor programm.

~toby polnostx@ otkl@^itx ma[inu ot lektroseti,

wynxte wilku lektro[nura iz rozetki.

3 Indikator wypolneniq programmy

|tot indikator ukazywaet na to, ^to w dannyj moment

wypolnqetsq programma mojki.

— 6 —

— 7 —


Tablica organow uprawleniq i programm ESF 245

— Wremq raboty po programme i potrebpenie nergii awisqt ot temperatury ispolxzuemoj wody i koli^estwa posudy.

14652 3

1 Knopka wkl@^eniq/wykl@^eniq

Za]elka dwercy

Navmite knopku, ^toby na^atx wypolnenie trebuemoj

Navmite wniz ru^ku i otkrojte dwercu. Ne otkrywajte dwercu


pri rabote ma[iny. Esli dwerca otperta i nahoditsq w

otkrytom sostoqnii posle wypolneniq programmy, posuda

2 Selektor temperatury

wysu[itsq bystree.

55° — Knopka utoplena

65° — Knopka wydwinuta

3 Revim ffektiwnoj su[ki


Pri navatoj knopke temperatura poslednej promywo^noj

Predwaritelxnaq promywka ispolxzuetsq, esli wy ne zagru-

wody budet wy[e i ffektiwnostx su[ki budet wy[e.

zili posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu za odin raz i ne wypolnqete

«nadleva]u@» programmu, otloviw ee wypolnenie na

4 Selektor programmy

bolee pozdnee wremq. Programma promywki — to revim

Powernite selektor programmy po ^asowoj strelke w

wodosbereveniq, pri tom potreblqetsq o^enx malo nergii,

polovenie, sootwetstwu@]ee trebuemoj programme i

tak kak ne ispolxzuetsq podogrew. Nikakie mo@]ie

navmite knopku wkl@^eniq/wykl@^eniq.

sredstwa ne sleduet ispolxzowatx. Ne imeet zna^eniq,

~toby polnostx@ otkl@^itx ma[inu ot lektroseti,

kaku@ wy wybrali temperaturu.

wynxte wilku lektro[nura iz rozetki.

Intensiwnaq — dlq posudy, na kotoroj ime@tsq pro^no

prisoh[ie ostatki pi]i ili dlq silxno zagrqznennoj

5 Indikator wypolneniq programmy


|tot indikator ukazywaet na to, ^to w dannyj moment

wypolnqetsq programma mojki.

Normalxnaq — dlq umerenno grqznoj posudy. Zamenqet

predwaritelxnu@ mojku odnoj promywkoj bez nagrewa.

6 Lampa kontrolq nali^iq soli

|konomi^naq — ispolxzuetsq dlq slegka zagrqznennoj

|ta indikatornaq lampa pokazywaet, ^to neobhodimo

posudy, kotoraq ne trebuet nikakoj promywki posle mojki,

dobawitx solx do trebuemogo koli^estwa. Dlq odnoj ili

naprimer, ^a[ek, bl@dec i stakanow.

bolx[ego ^isla programm lampa movet prodolvatx

swetitxsq posle dobawleniq soli, ^to wpolne normalxno.

Zagruzka posudy

Kak zagruzitx posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu


Stakany, ^a[ki i miski wsegda pome]ajte w posudo

moe^nu@ ma[inu dnom wwerh.

Gluboku@ posudu (supowye tarelki i t.p.) ustanawliwajte

pod naklonom, tak ^toby pri su[ke s nih mogla ste^x woda.

Razlovite posudu tak, ^toby stolowye predmety ne

soprikasalisx drug s drugom. Osobenno t]atelxno

sleduet proweritx ukladku stolowyh priborow w korzine,

tak kak slip[iesq lovki, naprimer, prosto newozmovno

wymytx dolvnym obrazom. UBEDITESX W TOM, ~TO



Sledite za tem, ^toby stolowye pribory s tonkimi

ru^kami i drugie predmety ne wystupali iz otwerstij

korziny — to prepqtstwuet wra]eni@ raspylitelq.

Nekotorye izdeliq iz plastmassy ne prigodny dlq

mytxq w posudomoe^noj ma[ine. Esli wy somnewaetesx,

Ni w koem slu^ae ne raspolagajte rqdom predmety iz

movno li mytx w ma[ine kaku@-libo plastmassowu@

serebra i nervawe@]ej stali. Pri soprikosnowenii

posudu, rekomenduetsq proweritx to, zagruziw w ma[inu

tih metallow proishodit himi^eskaq reakciq, w

tolxko odin plastmassowyj predmet, ili mytx taku@

rezulxtate kotoroj serebro pokrywaetsq pqtnami.

posudu wru^nu@.

Farforowye izdeliq s risunkom na powerhnosti glazuri

Pri mytxe hrupkoj posudy ustanawliwajte bolee nizku@

mogut okazatxsq neprigodnymi dlq mytxq w posudomoe^noj

temperaturu wody.

ma[ine, tak kak cwetnoj risunok movet poterqtx qrkostx

i pobleknutx. |to kasaetsq takve stolowyh priborow s

We]estwa, soderva]ie stojkie krasiteli (naprimer,

derewqnnymi i plastmassowymi ru^kami.

ket^up), mogut wyzwatx obrazowanie pqten w posudomoe^noj

ma[ine, kotorye ^erez nekotoroe wremq is^eznut.




Setka i korzina

Korzina dlq stolowyh priborow

Al@miniewye izdeliq pri mytxe w posudomoe^noj ma[ine

Setka dlq posudy

tuskne@t i terq@t blesk. Takie izdeliq stanowqtsq

^istymi, no ih wne[nij wid uhud[aetsq.


Ukazaniq po prowedeni@ sertifikacionnyh ispytanij

Standart ispytanij: EN 50242

Ras^etnaq emkostx: 5 stolowyh priborow

Zagruzka moe^noj stojki: Soglasno risunku 1

Programma, ispolxzuemaq pri ispytaniqh: Normalxnyj revim 65°C (+ dopolnitelxnaq su[ka)

Mo@]ee sredstwo (tip W po IEC): 15 grammow w dozator

Dozator opolaskiwatelq (tip III): W srednem polovenii

Dawlenie poda^i wody: Minimum 0,8 bar, maksimum 10 bar

Sliw otrabotannoj wody: Ustanowitx w sootwetstwii s risunkom 2

Kontejner dlq soli i dozator opolaskiwatelq dolvny bytx zapolneny w sootwetstwii s rukowodstwom po kspluatacii.

Pered prowedeniem zamerow posudomoe^naq ma[ina dolvna otrabotatx dwa polnyh cikla s primeneniem mo@]ego

sredstwa, i odin — bez mo@]ego sredstwa.

— 8 —

Prowerka ma]iny w rabote

Soskrebite ili smojte

Zagruzite posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu

Zakrojte dwercu

twerdye ostatki pi]i s

(sm. str. 8: “Zagruzka posudy”).

posudomoe^noj ma[iny.


Zapolnite dozator opolaskiwatelq.

Pomestite w dozator mo@]ego sredstwa

neobhodimoe koli^estwo mo@]ego sredstwa i

zakrojte kry[ku dozatora (modelx ESF 245).

Wyberite neobhodimu@

Wkl@^ite posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu,

Po okon^anii mytxq posudy

temperaturu mojki.

ustanowiw selektor wybora programm na

prowerxte, ne trebuetsq li

na^alo programmy.

o^istka filxtrow i setok.

— 9 —


Wyberite neobhodimu@

Wyberite trebuemu@ temperaturu i, pri

Po okon^anii mytxq posudy


neobhodimosti, revim ffektiwnoj su[ki.

prowerxte, ne trebuetsq li

Programma na^inaet wypolnqtxsq pri navatii

o^istka filxtrow i setok.

knopki wkl@^eniq/wykl@^eniq.


Porqdok dejstwij ESF 235 i ESF 245

Porqdok dejstwij ESF 235

Porqdok dejstwij ESF 245

Dejstwiq w slu^ae neisprawnostej

Pere^enx neisprawnostej

Esli iz-pod posudomoe^noj ma[iny Nemedlenno zakrojte wodoprowodnyj kran i

wytekaet woda otkl@^ite posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu ot lektroseti,

wynuw wilku iz rozetki.

Prowerxte germeti^nostx wseh uplotnenij, [wow

i soedinenij.

Pri podkl@^enii k wodoprowodu l@bogo bytowogo pribora su]estwuet opasnostx wozniknoweniq ute^ki nezawisimo ot

prinqtyh mer predostorovnosti. Potomu rekomenduetsq wsegda zakrywatx wodoprowodnyj kran, poka posudomoe^naq

ma[ina ne ispolxzuetsq.

Prevde ^em wyzwatx mastera po remontu, prowerxte sledu@]ee:

Esliposudomoe^naqma[ina ne wkl@^aetsq Nadevno li zakryta dwerca ma[iny?

Otkryty li wodoprowodnyj kran ili wentilx?

Wkl@^ena li posudomoe^naq ma[ina w lektrosetx?

Ne peregorel li predohranitelx?

Eslipo okon^anii cikla mytxq ne Otkrywali li wy dwercu posudomoe^noj ma[iny do togo,

sliwaetsqwoda kak pogas indikator i zawer[ilsq cikl mytxq?

Ne zasorilisx li setki/filxtry?

Ne zasorilsq li sliwnoj [lang?

Pri neudowletworitelxnom ka^estwe mytxq Ne prepqtstwuet li ^to-libo wra]eni@ raspylitelq?

Ne sli[kom li plotno ulovena posuda?

Dostato^noe li koli^estwo mo@]ego sredstwa wy

ispolxzowali? (Neobhodimaq dozirowka: primerno

odna-dwe stolowye lovki mo@]ego sredstwa dlq

polnostx@ zagruvennoj posudomoe^noj ma[iny).

Pro^istite setki/filxtry.

Prowerxte, zapolnen li dozator opolaskiwatelq.

Prowerxte, ne trebuetsq li pro^istitx otwerstiq


Prowerxte, prawilxno li ustanowleny setki/filxtry.

Posle mytxq posuda ne imeet bleska ili Wozmovno, wnutri posudomoe^noj ma[iny obrazowalsq

ve na nej widny razwody izwestkowyj osadok iz vestkoj wody, kotoryj takve

osavdaetsq i na posude. Priobretite sredstwo dlq udaleniq

izwestkowogo naleta i sledujte instrukciqm, pome]ennym

na upakowke.

Ni w koem slu^ae ne pytajtesx sami po^initx

posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu. Prowedenie remonta licom,

ne oblada@]im nadleva]ej kwalifikaciej, movet

priwesti k powrevdeni@ posudomoe^noj ma[iny.

— 10 —

Obluviwanie i zapasnye ^asti

Esli, posle wypolneniq opisannyh wy[e dejstwij, wam ne

udalosx ustranitx nepoladki w rabote ma[iny, obratitesx

w remontnoe predpriqtie.

Dlq priobreteniq komplektu@]ih k posudomoe^noj ma[ine

i ee tehni^eskogo obsluviwaniq obratitesx w torgowoe

predpriqtie. Zdesx wam takve posowetu@t, kak samostoq-

telxno ustranitx neisprawnostx, esli to wozmovno.

Prevde ^em obratitxsq w torgowoe predpriqtie ili ser-

wisnyj centr, spi[ite sledu@]ie dannye s zawodskoj

tabli^ki, raspolovennoj na zadnej stenke posudomoe^noj


Tip: ………………………………………………………………………………

Modelx: …………………………………………………………………………

Towarnyj nomer:…………………………………………………………….

Serijnyj nomer: …………………………………………………………..

Data priobreteniq: ……………………………………………………….



Tehni^eskie dannye

Razowaq zagruzka: Komplekt posudy na 5 persony po standartu M|K

Gabaritnye razmery: {irina 450 mm

Wysota 460 mm

Glubina 480 mm

Wes: 17 kg

Naprqvenie pitaniq: 230 W, odnofaznoe, 50 Gc

Predohranitelx: 10 A

Setewoj [nur: Dlina 1,7 m, imeet wilku dlq podkl@^eniq k zazemlennoj

rozetke lektroseti naprqveniem 230 W

Potreblqemaq mo]nostx:

Nagrewatelxnyj lement: 1200 Wt

Ob]aq: 1280 Wt

Dawlenie wody: 50-1000 kPa (0,5-10 kg/sm



Temperatura wody: Maksimalxnaq 65°C

— 11 —

Razme]enie i ustanowka


Standartnyj wariant posudomoe^noj ma[iny prednazna^en

dlq razme]eniq na kuhne w rakowine ili na rabo^ej

powerhnosti stola. Dlq prawilxnogo funkcionirowaniq

posudomoe^noj ma[iny ona dolvna bytx raspolovena

strogo gorizontalxno. |togo movno dobitxsq s pomo]x@

reguliruemyh novek (dlinoj 8 mm kavdaq).

Podsoedinenie k wodoprowodu

Temperatura podawaemoj w posudomoe^nu@ ma[inu wody ne

dolvna prewy[atx 65°C, ee dawlenie dolvno nahoditxsq


w predelah ot 50 do 1000 kPa (ot 0,5 do 10 kg/sm


Wavno, ^toby wodoprowodnyj kran ili wentilx raspolagalisx

rqdom s posudomoe^noj ma[inoj w legkodostupnom meste.

Wy movete priobresti kak specialxnye smesiteli,

rass^itannye na podkl@^enie posudomoe^noj ma[iny,

tak i adaptery dlq smesitelej starogo tipa.

Ustanowite kombinirowannu@ detalx iz rezinowoj [ajby

i filxtra i podsoedinite wpusknoj [lang k patrubku s

trubnoj rezxboj 3/4″. Pri neobhodimosti wospolxzujtesx

[tucerom (1/2″) iz komplekta postawki.

Wpusknoj [lang (1) nelxzq soedinqtx s kakim-libo

udlinitelxnym [langom. Esli on sli[kom korotkij, ego

neobhodimo zamenitx na bolee dlinnyj [lang wysokogo

dawleniq, specialxno razrabotannyj dlq dannogo primeneniq.

Konec [langa, prisoedinqemyj k ma[ine, movno wwora^iwatx

w l@bom naprawlenii. Otwernite fiksiru@]u@ gajku,

wwernite [lang, zatem snowa zatqnite gajku.

Organizaciq sliwa

Podsoedinite sliwnoj [lang k [tuceru, raspolovennomu

na zadnej ^asti posudomoe^noj ma[iny, s pomo]x@ zavima

dlq [langa, whodq]ego w komplekt postawki. Neobhodimo

natqnutx sliwnoj [lang (2) na [tucer, naskolxko to

wozmovno, i zawernutx zavim (3) dlq [langa movno tuve.

Drugoj konec sliwnogo [langa opustite w rakowinu, kak

pokazano na risunke.

L@baq to^ka sliwnogo [langa dolvna nahoditxsq nive

werhnej ^asti posudomoe^noj ma[iny, w protiwnom slu^ae

rabota ma[iny budet naru[ena. Krome togo, wavno proweritx,

^to wnutrennij diametr sliwnogo [langa po wsej ego dline

rawen ne menee 13 mm. Esli sliwnoj [lang okazalsq sli[kom

dlinnym, ego movno legko obrezatx do neobhodimoj dliny.

Obrevxte sliwnoj [lang do neobhodimoj dliny ostrym


Nadenxte na konec sliwnogo [langa koleno, whodq]ee w

komplekt postawki.

Podkl@^enie lektropitaniq

Posudomoe^naq ma[ina wkl@^aetsq w zazemlennu@ setewu@

rozetku, raspolovennu@ w udobnom meste i snabvennu@

predohranitelem na 10A. Podkl@^enie posudomoe^noj

ma[iny k lektroseti dlq postoqnnoj raboty dolvno

proizwoditxsq kwalificirowannym lektrikom. Prevde

^em wypolnqtx kakoe-libo tehni^eskoe obsluviwanie

posudomoe^noj ma[iny, ee neobhodimo otkl@^itx ot

lektroseti, naprimer, wynuw wilku iz rozetki lektroseti.

— 12 —




Thank you for choosing your new dishwasher from us. We hope it will give you

every satisfaction.

Please read through these instructions carefully. You will then quickly learn how

to use the machine and make the most of its features. Pull up a chair beside the

machine so that you can familiarise yourself with the various controls and

functions as you read the instructions.

Note! Save these instructions. Both you and any future owners will find them

useful to refer to periodically, as this dishwasher is made to last for many years.


For the User

For the Installer

Safety information 14

Technical data 22

General advice 15

Positioning and installation 23

— Damage in transit

— Positioning

— Applications

— Water supply

— Protecting the machine against freezing

— Discharge connection

— Water softener for hard (chalky) water

— Electrical connection

— Building-in

Description of the appliance 16

— Rinse conditioner dispenser

— Spray arm

— Coarse strainer

— Fine filter

— Detergent dispenser

— Water softener

— Water softener plug

Controls and programme

table ESF 235 17

Controls and programme

table ESF 245 18

Loading 19

— How to load the dishwasher

— Instruction for verification tests.

Test the machine by running a cycle 20

In the event of a fault 21

— Trouble shooting list

Service and spare parts 22

— 13

Safety information

Read through these instructions carefully, taking note of all directions, advice and warnings before installing

the dishwasher and using it. To avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all

persons using the dishwasher are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features.

Save these instructions. The dishwasher is built to wash your dishes for many years ahead and both you and

any future owners can always find useful information in these pages.

Remember that the plastic bags included in the packa-

In the event of flooding or leakage:

ging can be fatal playthings for small children.

Shut off the water supply immediately by closing the

This dishwasher is designed solely for washing house-

stopcock and disconnect the power supply by unplugging

hold utensils suitable for machine washing. Using it for

the power cord or removing the fuse.

other purposes could lead to physical injury or damage

Check that all seals, seams and connections are water-

to property.


The dishwasher should be used by adults only. Do not

Call an authorised repairman.

let children play with the controls or other parts of it.

There is always a certain risk of leakages in any machine

Installation must be carried out by persons with the neces-

connected to a water supply, no matter what water

sary knowledge and experience of water and drainage

safety features it may have. Therefore it is advisable

connections in accordance with the instructions in these

always to turn off the water supply tap when the machine

directions for use and installation.

is not in use.

Water connection shall be made via an easily accessible

Service and repairs should only be performed by service


companies or repairmen approved and authorised by us.

Use only spare parts supplied by them.

The power cord must be plugged into an earthed socket.

Permanent installation must only be carried out by an

authorised electrician.

Dishwasher detergent should be handled

Before performing any checks or repairs on the machine

with care!

If someone swallows dishwasher detergent,

it must be isolated from the electrical supply. To do this

make him or her drink several glasses of milk

the power plug must be removed from the wall socket.

or water immediately. Do not induce vomiting.

Prevent children from sitting, swinging or standing on

Seek medical advice.

the open door.

If someone gets dishwasher detergent in their

eyes, bathe immediately in plenty of water.

Our approved build-in kit must be used if the dishwasher

Seek medical advice.

is to be built into the kitchen furnishings.

Make sure that children never come into con-

tact with the dishwasher detergent. Keep it in

Make sure that the power cord is not nipped or otherwise

a safe place, wipe away any spillage at once

damaged when moving the dishwasher in connection

and never leave the door open with detergent

with installation or cleaning etc.

in the machine.

Do not place sharp knives with their points upwards. It

is much safer to lay them along the dish rack.

Do not open the door while the dishwasher is running.

If you take any dishes out of the machine before the

end of the dishwashing cycle, it is extremely important

to rinse them thoroughly under running water to remove

any remaining detergent.

— 14

General advice

Damage in transit

If the machine has been damaged during transportation,

Check that the following accessories are supplied with the

you should immediately notify the company responsible

dishwasher when you unpack it:

for delivering it. Check that the dishwasher is undamaged.

— Discharge hose (1)

If you discover any damage, faults or that anything is mis-

— Funnel for filling with salt (2)

sing, you should notify the seller immediately.

— Elbow for discharge hose (3)

Never leave packaging material in a place where children

— Hose clip (4)

may play with it.

— Washer/filter for inlet hose (5)

— Restrictor for inlet hose (6)


— Rubber gasket (7)

This dishwasher is designed for washing household uten-

sils only. Using it for other purposes may damage it and

invalidate the guarantee.



Protecting the machine against freezing


If the machine is kept in a place where the temperature

may sometimes fall below 0° C, there is a risk that the

small amount of water which remains inside parts of the

machine after normal use will freeze and damage it.


To prevent this you should:


— Turn off the water supply to the machine and disconnect


the water intake hose from the supply pipe.

— Select a wash programme, start the machine and let the


programme run for a short time.

Water softener for hard (chalky) water

If your dishwasher is fitted with a water softener, there will

be a removable plastic filler cap positioned as shown in

the adjacted illustration. You must remove this filler cap

and fill the container with coarse-grained salt before using

the machine for the first time. This is extremely important.

Proceed as follows:

1. Unscrew the salt container filler cap.

2. Fill the salt container with tap water, usin a jug.

3. Fill the container with coarse salt. Use the funnel so as

not to spill the salt. Do not use household salt.

4. Remove the funnel and wipe off any spillage.

5. Screw the filler cap back in place.

The water softener is now ready for the first load of dishes.

Make sure that there is always coarse-grained salt in the

salt container.


If you want to build the dishwasher into your kitchen furni-

ture, it is important to use our approved build-in kit. This

comes with the correct instructions needed to observe all

the relevant regulations. You can obtain the build-in kit

from the same place where you bought the dishwasher.

— 15

Rinse conditioner dispenser (1)

Detergent dispenser (5)

Use of a rinse conditioner will result in cleaner and faster

Only use detergents specially designed for dishwashers.

drying of the load, since it helps water and soil to run off.

For a normal load pour about 1-2 tablespoons of deter-

Too much conditioner may result in streakiness, too little

gent into the detergent dispenser. Don’t forget to close

may cause white spots. The dispenser holds about 140 ml.

the dispenser lid (model ESF 245).

This is enough for 40-70 wash cycles, depending on the

dosage setting. When the rinse conditioner level is appro-

Water softener (6)

aching the bottom of the scale it is time to refill the dispenser.

Some dishwasher models are equipped with a water sof-

Swivel out the filler trough and carefully fill up with rinse

tener for hard (chalky) water. If your dishwasher has a

conditioner until the level reaches up to the red mark on

water softener, the rinse conditioner dispenser should be

the level indicator tube. Do not overfill, and carefully wipe

set for a low dosage.

off any spillage to prevent sudsing problems. Don’t forget

The lime (chalk) an hard water causes white deposits to

the close the filler trough afterwards. Adjust the dosage

occur on dishes and the interior of the dishwasher. To

setting according to the hardness if the water. Begin with

prevent this, the water has to pass through a special con-

the lowest dosage setting and increase as necessary by

tainer where its hardness is removed. Since the water sof-

turning the arrow clockwise.

tener consumes coarse dishwasher salt, you will have to

Note! Do not fill the rinse conditioner dispenser with liquid

replenish the salt container after a certain number of dish-


washing cycles. When the indicator lamp on the control

panel lights up it is time to fill up with salt.

Spray arm (2)

The salt container holds about 1 litre, which is enough for

It is important to keep all the holes in the spray arm clear.

about 20 — 30 dishwashing cycles.

A clogged hole can seriously affect washing efficiency. If

the spray arm needs cleaning, unscrew the nut clockwise

Water softener plug

(left-hand thread) and lift off the spray arm. Clear the holes

As supplied from the factory, the water softener is set for

and shake out any food remnants.

a water hardness of up to 20°dH. If your water is harder

than this, you can increase the capacity of the water sof-

Coarse strainer (3)

tener by pulling out the ruber plug at the rear of the dish-

The purpose of the coarse strainer is to catch large objects

washer on the right.

such as toothpicks and pieces of eggshell. Make sure that

See illustration.

the strainer is always clean. Lift it out and rinse it under

running water whenever necessary.

Fine filter (4)

It is just as important to keep this filter clean. A dirty or

clogged filter will always impair washing efficiency. The

fine filter can easily be lifted out for cleaning when you

have removed the coarse strainer.

Description of the appliance

— 16 —

Controls and programme table ESF 235

— All figures are nominal and vary for example due to temperature variations on the inlet water.

— The figures apply to washing up 5 IEC-settings.


1 Temperature selector

Door lock

55° — Button in

Press the handle down and open the door. Avoid opening

65° — Button out

the door while the machine is running. If the door is opened

and is put standing ajar after a completed programme, the

dishes will dry faster.

2 Selector knob

To start the machine:

Turn the selector knob clockwise to the programme

start. The ON/OFF switch is built into the programme

selector. To isolate the dishwasher from the mains

completely, unplug it from the wall socket.

3 Indicator lamp

While the programme is in progress, the operating

lamp is lit and it goes out when the programme is


— 17

Controls and programme table ESF 245

1 On/Off-button

Door lock

Press the button in order to start the required

Press the handle down and open the door. Avoid opening


the door while the machine is running. If the door is opened

and is put standing ajar after a completed programme, the

2 Temperature selector

dishes will dry faster.

55° — Button in

65° — Button out


3 Extra drying effect

Pre rinse is used if you do not fill the dishwasher in one

If the button is pressed in, the temperature of the final

go and do not run a ”proper” programme until later. The

rinse water will be higher and the drying effect will be

rinse programme is economical with water and consumes


extremely little energy since no heating is used.

No detergent should be used. It does not matter which

4 Programme selector

temperature you select.

Turn the programme selector clockwise to the pro-

gramme required and press in the On/Off button.

Intensive for loads which have heavily dried-on food rem-

To isolate the dishwasher from the mains completely,

nants and for those which are heavily soiled.

unplug it from the wall socket.

5 Indicator lamp

Normal for normal soiled loads. Replaces the pre wash

with one rinse without heating.

While the programme is in progress, the operating

lamp is lit and it goes out when the programme is ready.

Economy is used for lightly soiled loads which do not

6 Salt indicator lamp

need any rinse off, such as cups, saucers and glasses.

The operating lamp indicates when the salt needs to be

replenished. The lamp may remain lit for one or more

programmes after replenishment, which is fully normal.

— 18


— All figures are nominal and vary for example due to temperature variations on the inlet water.

— The figures apply to washing up 5 IEC-settings.

14652 3


How to load the dishwasher

The illustration shows the machine loaded with five stan-


dard place settings. Your own dishes are not likely to be

identical to this load, but if you follow the advice below we

are sure you will be pleased with the results.

— Always place glasses, cups and bowls upside down.

— Incline deep dishes (soup plates etc.) so that the water

can run off when drying.

— Make sure that the dishes do not rest against each

other. This is particularly important in regard to the cut-

lery basket — nested spoons, etc. simply cannot be pro-



— Make sure that cutlery with slender handles and other

items do not protrude through the openings in the bas-

ket and prevent the spray arm from rotating.

— Not all plastic articles are machine washable. If you are

in doubt as to whether your plastic-ware can be washed

— Never put silver and stainless steel objects together.

in the machine, we suggest you check by washing a

When these metals come into contact with each other a

single item or else wash them by hand.

chemical reaction occurs which stains the silver.

— When washing delicate items, select the lower wash

— China with a pattern applied on top of the glaze may not


be suitable for machine washing as the colours may

fade and lose their lustre. The same applies to cutlery

— Substances such as ketchup containing strong colou-

with wooden or plastic handles.

ring agents can cause temporary discoloration in the




— Aluminium becomes dull and tarnished when machine

Rack and basket

washed. The machine gets it clean, but at the expense

Cutlery basket

of its appearance.

Dish rack


Instruction for verification tests.

Test standard: EN 50242

Rated capacity: 5 place settings

Loading of rack: According to figure 1

Test program: Normal 65° C (+ Extra Drying)

Detergent (IEC type B): 15 gram in the dispenser

Rinse aid (typ III): Setting medium

Feed water pressure: Minimum 0,8 bar, maximum 10 bar

Waste water outlet: Install according to figure 2

The salt container and rinse aid dispenser shall be filled in accordance with the instruction manual.

Before conducting the measurements the dishwasher shall be operated for one or two complete cycles using

detergent and a clean load.

— 19

Test the machine by running a cycle

Scrape or rinse off solid food

Load the dishwasher. (See page 19:

Close the door.


«Loading») Fill up the rinse con-

ditioner dispenser. Put the correct

amount of detergent into the deter-

gent dispenser and close the dis-

penser lid (model ESF 245).

Select a suitable programme.

Select the required temperature and

Check the strainers to see

eventually the option for extra drying.

whether they need cleaning

The programme gets started when

when the dishwasher has

the On/Off-button is pressed in.

finished the wash.

— 20


Procedure ESF 235 and ESF 245

Procedure ESF 235

Select the required tempera-

Start the dishwasher by turning

Check the strainers to see


the programme knob to the

whether they need cleaning

start position.

when the dishwasher has

finished the wash.

Procedure ESF 245


In the event of a fault

Trouble shooting list

If water leaks from the machine Turn off the water supply tap or stopcock immediately

and isolate the machine from the electrical supply by

removing the plug from the wall socket.

Check that all seals, seams and connections are


There is always a certain risk of leakages in any machine connected to a water supply, no matter what water safety

features it may have. Therefore it is advisable always to turn off the water supply tap when the machine is not in use.

Check the following before calling a repairman:

Dishwasher fails to start Is the door properly closed?

Is the water tap or stopcock on?

Is the dishwasher plugged in?

Has the fuse blown?

Water not discharged at end of cycle Did you open the door before the light went out and the

cycle ended?

Are the strainers/filters clogged?

Is the discharge hose blocked?

Dishes not washed satisfactorily Has anything prevented the spray arm from rotating?

Were the dishes packed too close together?

Did you use enough detergent?

(Correct amount: about 1-2 tablespoons/load)

Clean the strainers/filters!

Check that the rinse conditioner dispenser is not empty.

Check that the spray arm holes are not clogged.

Are the strainers/filters fitted correctly in place?

Dishes dull or streaky Limescale from hard water has probably formed in the

machine and is being deposited on the dishes. Buy a

limescale remover and follow the instructions on the

package to descale the dishwasher.

Never attempt to repair the dishwasher yourself.

Repairs carried our by unauthorised or inexperienced

persons can cause injury or other machine faults.

— 21

Service and spare parts

If you still cannot remedy the problem after following the

”Trouble shooting list”, call a repairman.

Service and spare parts can be ordered from your dealer.

There you will also be able to obtain advice on how to

rectify the fault yourself, if possible.

Before calling the dealer or a service centre, make a note

of the details on the data plate affixed to the rear of the

dishwasher. Make a note of the following:

Type: …………………………………………………………………..

Model: …………………………………………………………………

Product number: …………………………………………………..

Serial number: ……………………………………………………..

Date of purchase: …………………………………………………



Technical data

Capacity: 5 standard IEC place settings

Dimensions: Width 450 mm

Height 460 mm

Depth 480 mm

Weight: 17 kg

Voltage: 230 V, single-phase, 50 Hz

Fuse: 10 A

Mains lead: Length 1.7 m with plug for connection

to 230 V earthed socket.

Rating: Heating element: 1200 W

Total: 1280 W

Water pressure: 50-1000 kPa (0.5-10 kp/cm



Temperature: Max. 65°C

— 22


In its standard version the machine is intended for instal-

lation on a kitchen sink or worktop. To function properly

the machine must be fully level. Its height can be adjusted

with the adjustable feet (8 mm each).

Water supply

The temperature of the water supply should not exceed

65°C and the pressure should be between 50-1000 kPa

(0.5-10 kp/cm2). It is important to have a tap or stopcock,

positioned close to the machine and with easy access.

Special mixer taps with dishwasher connections are avai-

lable, as well as adaptors for older mixer taps.

Insert the combination rubber washer/filter and connect the

inlet hose to a tap with a 3/4″ pipe thread. If necessary,

use the restrictor (1/2″) supplied.

The inlet hose (1) must not be joined onto any form of

extension hose. If it is too short, the entire hose must be

replaced with a longer high-pressure hose, specially

designed for the purpose. The machine end of this hose

can be turned in any direction. Loosen the retaining nut,

turn the hose, then retighten the nut.

Discharge connection

Connect the discharge hose to the pipe stub at the rear

of the dishwasher, using the hose clip supplied. It is

important to push the discharge hose (2) onto the pipe

stub as far as it will go and tighten the hose clip (3) as

hard as possible. Place the other end of the discharge

hose over the sink as illustrated.

The discharge hose must not at any point rise higher than

the top of the dishwasher. If it runs higher, operation of

the dishwasher might be impaired. It is also important to

ensure that the inside diameter of the hose is not less

than 13 mm at any point. If the discharge hose is too long

it can easily be cut to the right length.

— Cut the hose to a suitable length, using a sharp knife.

— Fit the elbow supplied onto the end of the hose.

Electrical connection

The dishwasher must be connected to an earthed wall

socket which must be easily accessible and protected by

a 10 Amp fuse. Permanent electrical installation must be

carried out by an authorised electrician. Before any work

is carried out on the machine it must be isolated from the

electric mains supply, for example by removing the plug

from the wall socket.

— 23




Positioning and installation

Аннотации для Посудомоечной Машиной Electrolux ESF 235 в формате PDF

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