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В наборе нет одного элемента Lego, где можно заказать запасной? Проверенный
В компании Lego работает служба, где можно заказать отдельные элементы или куда можно обратиться в случае нехватки элементов в наборе. Дополнительную информацию см. на веб-сайте.

Это было полезно (4264)

Как предотвратить изменение цвета игрушек Lego? Проверенный
Цвет пластиковых игрушек Lego меняется по двум главным причинам: длительное воздействие солнечного света или сигаретного дыма. Постарайтесь минимизировать воздействие этих факторов на ваши игрушки Playmobil.

Это было полезно (1432)

Как лучше всего чистить детали конструктора Lego? Проверенный
Lego советуют чистить детали вручную с помощью воды (не выше 40°C) и щадящего чистящего средства. Никогда не мойте детали Lego в посудомоечной или стиральной машине. Оставьте детали сушиться на воздухе. Очищайте электрические детали исключительно сухой тканью.

Это было полезно (1315)

Каждый раз после сборки нового набора Lego у меня остается несколько маленьких деталей. Я забыл(-а) ими воспользоваться? Проверенный
Нет, во многих наборах Lego есть запасные детали для мелких элементов.

Это было полезно (1071)

Как лучше всего наносить наклейки на детали Lego? Проверенный
Чтобы наклейки можно было переклеить, рекомендуется обработать место нанесения наклейки средством для очистки стекол. После размещения наклейки дайте ей высохнуть, чтобы она держалась на месте.

Это было полезно (951)

Где я могу найти список деталей моего набора Lego? Проверенный
Многие современные инструкции Lego включают список деталей в конце буклета. В случае нескольких буклетов список можно найти в середине PDF-файла.

Это было полезно (932)

Можно ли использовать детали Lego и Duplo вместе? Проверенный
Да, детали Lego и Duplo совместимы. Детали Lego устанавливаются на детали Duplo с полыми шипами. Детали Duplo лучше всего устанавливаются на более крупные детали Lego, на мелких деталях они могут держаться хуже.

Это было полезно (829)

С какого возраста можно играть с Lego? Проверенный
Большинство наборов Lego предназначены для детей от 4 лет, поскольку содержат мелкие детали. Специальная серия Duplo предназначена для детей от 1,5 лет. Возрастные ограничения всегда указываются на коробке.

Это было полезно (817)

Руководство ЛЕГО set 75956 Harry Potter Матч по квиддичу


Jump on your broom and enter the LEGO® Harry Potter™ 75956 Quidditch™ Match! Join Harry, Hermione and Professor Snape™ for some magical mischief, and experience the thrill as you fly through the Gryffindor™ house tower hatch and onto the pitch. Score a point by throwing the Quaffle past the keeper and through the ring! Fire the Bludger to knock your opponents off their brooms and catch the Golden Snitch™ to score 150 points and end the match! Whether you’re a Keeper, Seeker, Chaser or Beater, there’s always plenty of fast-action fun at the Quidditch Match!

  • Gringotts™ Wizarding Bank – Collectors’ Edition

    Relive spellbinding Harry Potter™ movie scenes as you recreate Gringotts™ Wizarding Bank in LEGO® style. Capture authentic details of the bank and the Magical Menagerie shop next door. Build a vault-cart track for the minifigures to travel down to the bank’s vaults. Stack the models with the Ukrainian Ironbelly dragon perched on top of the bank to complete a magical, spectacular centerpiece.

  • Advent Calendar 2023

    Build excitement for Christmas with the Hogsmeade™ village-themed 2023 LEGO® Harry Potter™ Advent Calendar. Find mini builds to recreate iconic features of the Three Broomsticks™ Inn, the Hog’s Head™ Inn, Zonko’s™ Joke Shop and Honeydukes™ candy store. And look out for favorite characters in winter outfits to role-play spellbinding Hogsmeade scenes. There’s a magical surprise behind every door!

  • Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake

    Begin the second task of the Triwizard Tournament™ at the Black Lake! With Hermione Granger™ and Ron Weasley™ suspended underwater, Harry Potter™ and Viktor Krum, with his transfigured shark head, must race to save them. Find the Gillyweed to help Harry breathe underwater and give him flippers. Dive from the pier to rescue Hermione and Ron. But watch out for the Merperson and Grindylow!

  • The Shrieking Shack & Whomping Willow™

    Take a secret passage to the Shrieking Shack to rescue Ron; the Whomping Willow™ swings round and grabs Hermione; Harry tries to rescue his friend; it’s a full moon, which makes Lupin turn into a werewolf… Recreate amazing scenes from Harry Potter™ and the Prisoner of Azkaban™ and share endless, new, magical adventures with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius Black™, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin.

  • Slytherin™ House Banner

    Pledge your loyalty to Slytherin™ with this magical house banner! Display the Slytherin crest on the wall or open the banner to join Draco Malfoy™, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini in the underground Slytherin common room. Sit by the flickering fire and look out the window at the underwater Black Lake scene. Search for the secret message. But beware of the eyes watching your every move!

  • Hogwarts™: Room of Requirement

    Help Harry Potter™ and Hermione Granger™ find the diadem Horcrux! Follow The Grey Lady’s instructions and head to the mysterious Room of Requirement. Rummage through stacks of junk to find the diadem. But watch out – Fiendfyre has transformed into a fire serpent! Fly on broomsticks to escape the blaze. Rescue Draco Malfoy™ and Blaise Zabini and get out of there before Fiendfyre gets you!

  • Hogwarts™ Castle and Grounds

    Lose yourself in a magical creative experience with the first LEGO® brick model of the Hogwarts™ Castle and Grounds. Construct the Main Tower, Astronomy Tower, Great Hall and more. Explore iconic rooms such as the Chamber of Secrets™ and Potions Classroom. Add the Hogwarts architect minifigure, Durmstrang Ship and other instantly recognizable builds to complete an enchanting display.

  • Diagon Alley™: Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes™

    Enjoy a magical shopping trip in Diagon Alley™ with Romilda Vane, Lavender Brown and Ginny and Ron Weasley™! Drop off your mail at the Owl Post and then visit Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes™ joke shop. Check out all the amazing products, from Puking Pastilles to Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. Buy a Pygmy Puff and a Fanged Frisbee and take them back to Hogwarts™ to show your friends.

  • Hogwarts Express™ – Collectors’ Edition

    Complete your own special journey aboard the most iconic vehicle in the Wizarding World: the Hogwarts Express™. Approximately 1:32 in scale, authentically detailed inside and out, and sited on a railway track base measuring over 46.5 in. (118 cm) long, this impressive model includes the famous red engine, a coal tender, a 3-room passenger car and a cast of 20 LEGO® Harry Potter™ minifigures.

  • Quidditch™ Trunk

    Unlock a trunk full of magical Quidditch™ fun! Team up with Harry Potter™, Draco Malfoy™, Cedric Diggory or Cho Chang… or build your own players. Play solo or compete against a friend in 3 games: shoot the Quaffle through the goal hoops, launch the bludgers at the beater and catch the Golden Snitch™. When the house cup is won, pack up your trunk ready for your next visit to the Wizarding World!

  • Hogwarts™ Carriage and Thestrals

    Enter the Forbidden Forest with Harry Potter™ and Luna Lovegood™ and encounter an adult and baby Thestral looking for food among the trees! Befriend the mysterious winged creatures by offering them an apple and a piece of meat to eat. Then, attach the carriage to the adult Thestral and take a ride from Hogwarts™ to Hogsmeade™ and back again!

  • Hufflepuff™ House Banner

    Honor Hufflepuff™ House with this fantastic banner! Hang it on the wall to display the Hufflepuff crest or open it for adventures in the plant-filled common room with Cedric Diggory, Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott. Eat delicious food from the table. Find the magical Hufflepuff’s Cup on the shelf. Look out for the Mandrake popping up and down outside. But beware – the Niffler is stealing coins!

This guide will show you how to achieve 100% completion on LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Year 4: Part 1 – The Quidditch World Cup.

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Full Guide

The video will show you what is required to 100% the level with additional detail below for each part. Each level of the core story requires you to collect the following:

  • Three Character Tokens
  • Four House Crests
  • A Student in Peril

Please support our YouTube channel by subscribing and liking this video. We aim to provide easy to follow guides and any feedback is welcome.

House Crest 1 (00:34):
There are eight fires to put out around the first area. Make sure you do this before saving everyone. The fires are easy to spot as they have a small magic controlled barrel of water next to them. Put out all eight and the crest will appear.

House Crest 2 (01:24):
On the right side of the first area, there is a tent with a front that can be broken by dark magic. Use a dark wizard to break in and grab the crest.

House Crest 3 (01:58, 02:21, 03:19):
In the second part of the level, there are five wizards to save for the crest:

  1. After you jump over the first fire, head to the back to find a wizard behind a small fire.
  2. From the previous one, head down to find a wizard under a pile of wood.
  3. In the final section of the level, head down to find another wizard under wood.
  4. From the previous wizard, head up and magic open the panel as you would for ingredients as per the story. To the left there is a wizard behind a small fire.
  5. At the very end of the level, shoot the pixie, grab the trap and place it on the the barrel to put out the fire. Then jump over to find the final wizard.

House Crest 4 (02:29):
After you’ve put the green wheel on and moved on to the final section of the level, head down to find some silver rubble. Blast it to uncover a dig spot a painting for the crest. You require a Ravenclaw character to get this.

Student In Peril(00:24):
As soon as you begin the level, head down to find a cabinet with a large silver lock on. Blast it open to save the student.

Character Token #1 – Death Eater (01:33):
From the beginning of the level, head right to find a large dark magic boulder. Use a dark wizard to destroy it for the token.

Character Token #2 – Ginny (Hooded Top) (02:08):
After you jump over the fire at the beginning of the second area, head down and destroy a pile of rubble for the token.

Character Token #3 – Barty Crouch Jr (04:12):
At the very end of the level, shoot the pixie, grab the trap and place it on the the barrel to put out the fire. Then jump over to find a chest with a silver lock on it. Blast it open for the token.

Keep up to date with all the latest from Life In Brick’s videos by heading over to our YouTube Channel and subscribing.

The Quiddich World Cup


The stage begins with most of the central cast vanishing. You’re left in control of Hermione (Red Hooded Top) and Ginny (Hooded Top) as they try to reunite the cast.

(Left Image) Use barrels of water to douse the flaming tents. There are eight of them in this first portion of the level. (Right Image) You can use the frying pan to give the Death Eater a whack on the head that he won’t soon forget, freeing your dazed friend in the process.

Begin by heading toward the tents to the lower right. As you work throughout this area, collect any obvious LEGO pieces but watch out for Death Eater foes that flash into existence and hurl magic at their surroundings. Most of the obvious LEGO paths with blue studs at the end lead to such foes, but you can collect the goodies and steer clear of attacks rather easily if you keep moving. Then you can worry about freeing your friends.


You’ll find the first of your friends if you head toward the right along the dirt trail, generally veering toward the lower path when you come to any forks. You’ll see him standing in the middle of the path with a rocket spiraling up and down over his head. Hit the rocket with your magic to eliminate it and free your pal.

Another friend is located toward the right from there. A Death Eater is pelting him with magic and your buddy is standing around in a daze. You can hit the Death Eater with magic, but it will just reappear and continue tormenting your chum. You can save your pal by finding a nearby frying pan, tan in color. Lift it up with magic and you’ll whack the Death Eater. He’ll flee, freeing your friend in the process.

(Left Image) You need to move the automobile and also a tent to find one of your missing friends. (Right Image) Go to the lower left corner of the map and free the Student in Peril from the cart.

Now it’s time to make a potion, using the nearby cauldron. You can find one ingredient by shooting the web, just right of where the dazed student was standing. Another ingredient is found by looking just to the right of the cauldron. You’ll see a patch of soil that Hermione’s cat can dig. That’ll reveal a plant. Knock it around a bit to free the second ingredient. Finally, you can snag the third ingredient by heading up toward the back row of tents. There’s a barbecue spit in front of one of them. Hit it with magic, then grab the bit of meat from it and take that meat over to the cauldron. Drop it into the mixture and you’ll create a potion.

Drink the potion to turn invisible. Now head toward the left, where a vicious book is patrolling in front of a parked automobile. Since you’re invisible, it won’t see you approaching. You can get close and then press the button indicated on-screen to leap onto it. With the book eliminated, you can move the nearby car, which gives you access to a small, dead-end area. Raise the beige tent with Wingardium Leviosa magic. That’ll free up another friend.

Now head back toward the top left side of the area. You’ll see a Death Eater and several wizards battling near a pile of rubble. The Death Eater is distracted, so have Arthur use his magic to blast the villain. LEGO studs will appear over the pile of debris around which the wizards were battling. Hop onto the pile and let one of your friends lift you to high ground, where you can collect the studs.

Your efforts as Arthur Weasley should have freed all but one of your friends: Harry. You’ll now be taken to a new area, where Harry is the final one in need of rescue.


(Left Image) Make sure that you find Ginny among the rubble. She’s easily missed. (Right Image) Have Hermione’s cat dig up a wheel, then affix it to the nearby car so that you can move the vehicle out of your way and proceed toward the right.

Up Next: The Quidditch Cup — Part 2

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In This Guide

LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4

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