Фортрекс — мобильная крепость
Номер конструктора: 70317
Кол-во деталей: 1140
Кол-во минифигурок: 7
Модельный ряд: 2016 год
Цена: 7999 руб.
Стоимость 1 детали: 7 руб.
Серия: NEXO Knights
Где купить: поиск лучшей цены в интернет-магазинах
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Данный набор состоит из 1140, которые в конечном итоге собираются в оригинальную мобильную крепость. В комплект также включены «главные герои»: рыцари, нападающие, монстры и гоблины. Всего насчитывается 7 фигурок.
Особенность крепости в том, что она передвигается благодаря четырем гусиным тракам. Помимо такого новшества в ней так же имеются и классические детали: смотровые башни, пушки, ракетницы, поднимающийся мост. Безусловно, все двери в наборе открываются, а боевые позиции защитников расположены удобно и грамотно.
Все фигуры в наборе «оснащены» собственным уникальным оружием: щитом, мечом, метателем снарядов, копьем, динамитом, пилой и прочими оружиями.
Кроме того, что сама крепость легко передвигается, у героев есть собственный «транспорт»: внедорожник и летательный аппарат у рыцарей, а у монстров — реактивный летающий мотоцикл.
В комплект также входят дополнительные аксессуары: книга монстров, диски для метания, разделитель элементов, посуда для повара, вертикальные знамена.
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LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ Merlok Power – The Hammer of Merlok
Axl is the biggest NEXO KNIGHTS™ hero in the kingdom, but even he needs to power up to defeat evil! When he needs that extra charge on the battlefield, Axl summons The Hammer of Merlok. With this Merlok Power, a giant electric charged hammer falls from the sky in the middle of the screen, flattening enemies, and discharging a wave of golden electrical energy every 3 seconds that damages and paralyzes enemies!
72005 Aaron’s X-bow
LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ Merlok Power – The Staff of Merlok
Macy is leading the charge into battle! To conquer evil she powers up with The Staff of Merlok! This Merlok Power generates Merlok’s staff which descends from the sky in golden light. Enemies are blinded, and when the staff hits the ground, it sends a wave of force all around that pushes back enemies around the edge of the screen. For 10 seconds the staff sends golden energy toward the nearest enemy. If an enemy is defeated this way, the knight regains 10% of their total HP.
LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ Merlok Power – The Crossbow of Merlok
Clay has arrived to the battlefield ready to fight, but he needs some help! Watch him power up by summoning The Crossbow of Merlok with his shield. With this special Merlok Power, a mounted crossbow appears in the middle of the screen and shoots in a circular motion for 20 seconds, dealing area-of-effect damage. Every 3 seconds, the crossbow stops and then starts to rotate again in the opposite direction.
72001 Lance’s Hover Jouster + 72002 Twinfector
LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ Merlok Power – The Sword of Merlok
Never fear – Aaron is here! For this battle, Aaron is charging up and using The Sword of Merlok to help him beat these monsters! This Merlok Power creates a giant sword that falls and lands in the middle of the battlefield, causing huge cracks in the ground that deal area-of-effect damage to all enemies. Additionally, golden eggs fall from the sky, crushing enemies beneath them.
Brave and Bold (and Short) Sir Robin
Robin wants to join the NEXO KNIGHTS heroes in battle, but he is too small. Robin starts developing extra legs to make him taller and ends up developing the powerful Ultra Armor. The knights use the ultra armor to defeat the monsters even more easily than before. All cheer Robin’s great idea.
The Proposal Prank
Don’t let the Book of Monsters ruin Clay’s knightly proposal!
Download the free Merlok 2.0 App and collect over 150 NEXO Powers!
LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ Merlok Power – The Lance of Merlok
Clay has been called to the battlefield to deal with a serious infestation of evil. To win this battle, he’ll need to use the Merlok Power The Lance of Merlok! This shield power generates powerful golden lances that emerge from the ground: one in the center, and four smaller ones in an X formation. Lances continue to appear in the X formation, disappearing 1 second after they have appeared, dealing serious damage to enemies they hit!
LEGO® NEXO KNIGHTS™ Merlok Power – The Mace of Merlok
Handsome Lance is ready to do battle, but he wants to win quick so he can take a selfie. Power up with The Mace of Merlok to crush the bad guys! This Merlok Power creates a giant mace that swings like a pendulum. Enemies hit take serious damage, and after the mace swings 4 times, for the 5th pass, the mace falls on the ground, crushing enemies beneath it.

LEGO Lance’s Mecha Horse Set 70312 Instructions
From: ₽7.27

LEGO Chaos Catapult Set 70311 Instructions
From: ₽4.77

LEGO Knighton Battle Blaster Set 70310 Instructions
From: ₽5.96

LEGO The Fortrex Set 70317 Instructions
From: ₽16.69

LEGO Jestro’s Evil Mobile Set 70316 Instructions
From: ₽16.69

LEGO Moltor’s Lava Smasher Set 70313 Instructions
From: ₽13.35

LEGO The Lava Slinger Set 30374 Instructions
From: ₽0.95

LEGO Jestro’s Volcano Lair Set 70323 Instructions
From: ₽47.20

LEGO Battle Suit Lance Set 70366 Instructions
From: ₽15.14

LEGO Battle Suit Clay Set 70362 Instructions
From: ₽2.26

LEGO Axl’s Rumble Maker Set 70354 Instructions
From: ₽45.65

LEGO Knighton Castle Set 70357 Instructions
From: ₽60.67

LEGO Combo NEXO Powers Wave 2 Set 70373 Instructions
From: ₽10.25

LEGO Axl’s Rolling Arsenal Set 72006 Instructions
From: ₽22.65

LEGO Ultimate Clay Set 70330 Instructions
From: ₽5.12

LEGO Clay’s Rumble Blade Set 70315 Instructions
From: ₽13.83

LEGO Robin’s Mini Fortrex Set 30372 Instructions
From: ₽5.48

LEGO Knight’s Cycle Set 30371 Instructions
From: ₽0.95

LEGO Knighton Hyper Cannon Set 30373 Instructions
From: ₽11.92

LEGO Ultimate Aaron Set 70332 Instructions
From: ₽5.96

LEGO Merlok’s Library 2.0 Set 70324 Instructions
From: ₽3.69

LEGO Infernox captures the Queen Set 70325 Instructions
From: ₽8.82

LEGO Macy’s Thunder Mace Set 70319 Instructions
From: ₽11.92

LEGO Aaron Fox’s Aero-Striker V2 Set 70320 Instructions
From: ₽10.37

LEGO General Magmar’s Siege Machine of Doom Set 70321 Instructions
From: ₽25.03

LEGO Ultimate General Magmar Set 70338 Instructions
From: ₽2.86

LEGO Ultimate Axl Set 70336 Instructions
From: ₽11.92

LEGO Battle Suit Macy Set 70363 Instructions
From: ₽5.36

LEGO Battle Suit Aaron Set 70364 Instructions
From: ₽15.14

LEGO Battle Suit Axl Set 70365 Instructions
From: ₽25.98

LEGO Ruina’s Lock & Roller Set 70349 Instructions
From: ₽3.69

LEGO Jestro’s Headquarters Set 70352 Instructions
From: ₽41.95

LEGO The Three Brothers Set 70350 Instructions
From: ₽17.28

LEGO The Heligoyle Set 70353 Instructions
From: ₽10.13

LEGO Knighton Rider Set 30376 Instructions
From: ₽3.81

LEGO Berserker Bomber Set 72003 Instructions
From: ₽25.27

LEGO Twinfector Set 72002 Instructions
From: ₽10.13

LEGO Tech Wizard Showdown Set 72004 Instructions
From: ₽24.08

LEGO Aaron’s X-bow Set 72005 Instructions
From: ₽18.12

LEGO Lance’s Hover Jouster Set 72001 Instructions
From: ₽11.08

LEGO Ultimate Lavaria Set 70335 Instructions
From: ₽8.22

LEGO The Glob Lobber Set 70318 Instructions
From: ₽5.12

LEGO Ultimate Flama Set 70339 Instructions
From: ₽8.70

LEGO Ultimate Lance Set 70337 Instructions
From: ₽5.12

LEGO King’s Guard Artillery Set 70347 Instructions
From: ₽6.20

LEGO Lance’s Twin Jouster Set 70348 Instructions
From: ₽10.73

LEGO Clay’s Falcon Fighter Blaster Set 70351 Instructions
From: ₽38.50

LEGO Lance vs. Lightning Set 70359 Instructions

LEGO Combo NEXO Powers Wave 1 Set 70372 Instructions
From: ₽2.98

LEGO Aaron’s Stone Destroyer Set 70358 Instructions
From: ₽61.74

LEGO Motor Horse Set 30377 Instructions
From: ₽5.12

LEGO Aaron’s Rock Climber Set 70355 Instructions
From: ₽40.40

LEGO Macy’s Bot Drop Dragon Set 70361 Instructions
From: ₽10.13

LEGO The Stone Colossus of Ultimate Destruction Set 70356 Instructions
From: ₽35.40

LEGO Stone Monsters Accessory Set 853677 Instructions
From: ₽4.77

LEGO Armor Pod Set 5004914 Instructions
From: ₽25.74

LEGO Ultimate Macy Set 70331 Instructions
From: ₽8.10

LEGO Ultimate Robin Set 70333 Instructions
From: ₽4.29

LEGO Ultimate Beast Master Set 70334 Instructions
From: ₽0.12

LEGO The King’s Mech Set 70327 Instructions
From: ₽24.67