Инструкция native instruments komplete audio 2

NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 — 2-канальный аудио интерфейс


• Легкая запись аудио на компьютер
• Выбор из двух продуктов – то же качество звука, различные способы подключения и воспроизведения
• Полноценный пакет для творчества — весь софт, необходимый для записи и построения треков, плюс синтезаторы, эффекты и многое другое

Запись, создание, готовый продукт

KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 — это простой, великолепно звучащий аудио интерфейс с софтом, необходимым для воплощения идей в жизнь. От записи композиций, до микширования и воспроизведения — AUDIO 2 поможет вам перейти от вдохновения к итоговым результатам, которыми вы сможете гордиться. Тот же звук и программный софт, различные соединения — всё, что необходимо для создания и готово к работе сразу после распаковки!

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• Для композиторов — легкая запись вокала, гитары или любых других инструментов в высоком качестве напрямую в DAW. С включенным в комплект Ableton Live 10 Lite, синтезаторами и эффектами вы получаете всё необходимое для создания композиций.
• Для истории — независимо от того, создаете ли вы видеоблог или подкаст, этот интерфейс предоставит вам всё необходимое. Записывайте речь в высоком качестве, придавайте ей профессиональный мастеринг с включенными плагинами.

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• Для исполнителей — AUDIO 2 это простой и быстрый способ для работы в ходе вашего выступления: подключите лэптоп и отрегулируйте уровень, используя большой регулятор громкости. Нет ничего проще!
• Для продюсеров — вносите в свой производственный процесс синтезаторы, эффекты и многое другое …. флип сэмплы из стерео источников и полируйте свои произведения с инструментами и эффектами студийного класса.

Недостаточно просто записывать высококачественное аудио — также необходимы инструменты для воплощения ваших звуков в жизнь. Для этого Native добавили топ лучшего музыкального софта, помогающего запечатлеть собственные идеи, добавить в творчество магии для завершения своих проектов.

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• MONARK — синтезатор, захватывающий каждый звуковой нюанс «короля» аналоговых моносинтезов с потрясающей детализацией — Святой Грааль аналогового моделирования. Добавляет аналоговое тепло к любому треку.
• 3 STUDIO-GRADE FX — мощная задержка REPLIKA, творческий фазер PHASIS и пробивной компрессор SOLID BUS COMP для скульптурирования ваших звуков.
• MASCHINE Essentials — мощный грувбокс, оснащенный инструментами, эффектами и звуками для зарисовки своих идей, компоновки внутри треков, микширования и т.д.

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• ABLETON LIVE 10 LITE — облегченная версия Ableton Live 10, включающая все основные рабочие процессы, инструменты и эффекты Live — всё, что необходимо для записи композиций.
• KOMPLETE START — исследуйте подборку синтезаторов, инструментов, эффектов и многого другого, взятых из готового продакшн пакета для музыкантов: KOMPLETE.
• SOUNDS.COM — два месяца бесплатного доступа к миллионам сэмплов и лупов от лучших исполнителей и ведущих звукорежиссеров – интегрировано с программным обеспечением MASCHINE.


• 2 входа: 2 x комбинированных XLR/jack входа с фантомным питанием 48 В и индивидуальным регулятором усиления
• Выходы: стерео джек
• Светодиодные индикаторы для регулировки уровней
• Прямой мониторинг
• Большой регулятор громкости
• Выход на наушники с высокой выходной мощностью и регулятором громкости
• Питание от шины USB 2.0
• Качество звука: высочайшее качество при 192 кГц и 24-бит
• Входящее в комплект программное обеспечение: Ableton Live 10 Lite, MASCHINE Essentials, MONARK, REPLIKA, PHASIS, SOLID BUS COMP и KOMPLETE START

Системные требования

• macOS 10.12, 10.13 или 10.14 (последнее обновление), i5, 4 ГБ оперативной памяти
• Windows 10 (последний пакет обновления), Intel Core i5 или эквивалентный процессор, 2 ГБ оперативной памяти
• USB 2.0 или выше (кабель в комплекте)
• Графическая карта с поддержкой Open GL 2.1 или выше
• 3 ГБ свободного дискового пространства для MASCHINE Essentials, плюс 1 ГБ свободного дискового пространства для остального софта


• Совместим с Mac и PC (ASIO / Core Audio / DirectSound / WASAPI)

• Размеры: 140 х 112 х 52 мм
• Вес: 360 г

Технические данные

• Выход: балансный
• Максимальный выходной уровень: +12 дБу
• THD + N (полномасштабный уровень, единичное усиление): 0.002 %
• Динамический диапазон (A-взвешенный): 106 дБ
• Частотный диапазон: 20 Гц — 20 кГц +/- 0,1 дБ


• Максимальный выходной уровень: +4,2 дБу (48 мВт при 33 Ом)
• THD+N: 0.02 %
• Динамический диапазон (A-взвешенный): 103 дБ
• Частотный диапазон: 20 Гц — 20 кГц +/- 0,1 дБ

Инструментальный вход

• Максимальный входной уровень: +10 дБу
• THD+N: 0.005 %
• Динамический диапазон (A-взвешенный): 108 дБ
• Частотный диапазон: 20 Гц — 20 кГц +/- 0,03 дБ

Линейный вход

• Максимальный входной уровень: +20 дБу
• THD+N: 0.001 %
• Динамический диапазон (A-взвешенный): 109 дБ
• Частотный диапазон: 20 Гц — 20 кГц +/- 0,02 дБ


• Максимальный входной уровень: +7 дБу
• THD+N: 0.001 %
• Динамический диапазон (A-взвешенный): 108 дБ
• Частотный диапазон: 20 Гц — 20 кГц +/- 0,02 дБ
• Эквивалентный входной шум при максимальном усилении: -127 дБу

Примеры сетапа

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Welcome to the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Quick Start Guide.

You will learn how to use the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 for audio playback and recording. If you have some experience already, feel free to jump straight into any section using the navigation above. For beginners, we recommend spending some time reading through the whole guide.

First take a look at the features to get an overview:

IN 1

Connect your microphone, guitar, bass, or synthesizer here. For microphones, use an XLR cable. For guitars, basses, and synthesizers, use a 1/4 inch jack cable. The GAIN knob next to the input controls the input level.

IN 2

Connect your microphone, guitar, bass, or synthesizer here. For microphones, use an XLR cable. For guitars, basses, and synthesizers, use a 1/4 inch jack cable. The GAIN knob next to the input controls the input level.


Select LINE when using the corresponding input with a synthesizer or any other line level source. Select INST when using a guitar or bass.


Select LINE when using the corresponding input with a synthesizer or any other line level source. Select INST when using a guitar or bass.


Enable the 48V power supply (phantom power) for IN 1’s and IN 2’s XLR connector when using a condenser microphone.


Adjust the balance between the inputs (direct monitoring) and the audio from the computer for the headphones output.


Connect your headphones here. The knob above controls the headphones volume.


Control the output level of the outputs on the back of the device, OUT 1 and OUT 2.


Shows the input level of IN 1 and IN 2 as well as the status of the USB connection and the 48V phantom power.


Connect your stereo system or active loudspeakers here using 1/4 inch jack cables.


Connect your computer here using the provided USB cable.

Note: If you want to learn about the technical specifications of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2, click here.


Before you begin, make sure everything is set up and ready to go.

Using Native Access, download and install the included Native Instruments software. If you are a Windows user, learn how to install the ASIO driver here.

Install the included Ableton Live 10 Lite software. Learn how here.

Ensure the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is connected to your computer using the provided USB cable.

Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 Manual

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  5. Komplete Audio 6
  6. Manual

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  • Troubleshooting

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Related Manuals for Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6

Summary of Contents for Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Native Instruments GmbH. The software described by this docu- ment is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media. No part of this…
  • Page 3
    6725 Sunset Boulevard 5th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90028 www.native-instruments.com NATIVE INSTRUMENTS K.K. YO Building 3F Jingumae 6-7-15, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001 Japan www.native-instruments.co.jp NATIVE INSTRUMENTS UK Limited 18 Phipp Street London EC2A 4NU www.native-instruments.com © NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH, 2016. All rights reserved.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    On Windows ………………….. 14 3.1.2 On Mac OS X ………………….14 Using the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 as an Audio Output Device with Music Software ……15 The Hardware in Detail ………………..16 Front Panel ……………………..17 Rear Panel ……………………..18 Top Panel ……………………….

  • Page 5
    Direct Monitoring ……………………49 Troubleshooting ………………….50 Solving Hardware-related Problems ………………. 50 How to Check Whether the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 Drivers are Installed Correctly ……51 Troubleshooting (Windows) ………………….52 Choosing the Correct USB Cable ………………..52 Getting Help ……………………..52 7.5.1…
  • Page 6
    Table of Contents Appendix ……………………55 Technical Specifications ………………….55 About Latency and Buffers ………………….55 Different Types of ASIO (Windows) ………………..56 Index ……………………57 KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 6…
  • Page 7: Welcome To Komplete Audio 6

    ▪ The KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 audio interface ▪ A USB 2.0 cable ▪ A registration flyer with your KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 hardware serial number and a link to the hardware registration page, where you can register your hardware and download the driver software for your Windows computer.

  • Page 8: Document Conventions

    ▪ References to keys on your computer’s keyboard you’ll find put in square brackets (e.g., “Press [Shift] + [Enter]”). Single instructions are introduced by this play button type arrow. ► Results of actions are introduced by this smaller arrow. → KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 8…

  • Page 9: Installing Komplete Audio 6

    Apple. To connect the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to your computer: Connect the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to a USB 2.0 port on your computer using the USB ► cable provided in the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 box.

  • Page 10: Installing Komplete Audio 6 On Windows

    Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 on Windows Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 on Windows In order for the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to work with your Windows computer, the following two components will be installed on your system during the software installation process: ▪…

  • Page 11: Installing The Driver Software

    Installing the Driver Software To install the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 driver software on Windows: Locate and double-click the Komplete Audio 6 Driver Setup PC.exe file to start the installa- tion procedure. In the installation prorgam’s Welcome screen, click Next. Then, follow the on-screen in- structions.

  • Page 12: Connecting The Komplete Audio 6 To Your Computer

    Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 on Windows On the last screen of the software installation, click Finish. All software components are now installed, and the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 can be con- → nected to your computer as described in the following section.

  • Page 13
    Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 on Windows Connect the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to a USB 2.0 port on your computer using the USB ► cable provided in the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 box. KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 13…
  • Page 14: Basic Configuration

    Music Software. Selecting the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 as Your System’s Default Audio Output Device In the following sections, you will learn how to set up the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 as your sys- tem’s default audio output device. 3.1.1 On Windows Open Start >…

  • Page 15: Using The Komplete Audio 6 As An Audio Output Device With Music Software

    Using the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 as an Audio Output Device with Music Software Before using the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 with music production or DJ software, you will need to set it up as the software’s audio output device. Most music production and DJ programs pro- vide direct access to the soundcard properties in the audio and MIDI setup section of their preferences dialog.

  • Page 16: The Hardware In Detail

    The Hardware in Detail The Hardware in Detail The KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 processes both incoming audio and the audio sent to your computer (and external equipment) in analog and digital form. It is a stand-alone device which draws power from the USB connection of your computer. Thus, an external power supply is unneces- sary.

  • Page 17: Front Panel

    XLR or 1/4″ jack connectors. When connecting an XLR connector, an XLR lock latch- es. You can easily release the connector by pressing the release tab. The input GAIN knob lowers/raises the amount of signal going into the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. LINE/INST toggle button selects either LINE…

  • Page 18: Rear Panel

    Rear Panel The rear panel of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. (1) Phantom power button (48V): The phantom power button supplies 48V to condenser micro- phones, which need this DC voltage to power their active electrical circuitry. This feature elimi- nates the need for direct boxes or other additional hardware when using a condenser micro- phone.

  • Page 19
    The Hardware in Detail Rear Panel port: The port socket connects the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 device to your computer laptop or workstation via USB 2.0. (3) MIDI: The MIDI input (IN) and output (OUT) sockets connect to MIDI devices such as MIDI controllers and hardware synths or workstations.
  • Page 20: Top Panel

    The Hardware in Detail Top Panel Top Panel The top panel of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. ▪ Volume control knob (MAIN VOLUME 1/2): The knob at the center of the top panel provides a master volume control for the main outputs (MAIN 1/2).

  • Page 21
    SYNC: Lights orange when External Digital Clock Sync is established; does not ◦ light when the internal clock is used (see chapters ↑5.1.1, Audio Settings Page ↑5.2.1, Input Pane for further information on synchronizing the KOMPLETE AU- DIO 6’s clock to external equipment). KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 21…
  • Page 22: Advanced Configuration

    The Control Panel software allows you to change the driver’s performance settings, monitor per- formance and detect errors. To open the Control Panel: Navigate to Start > All Programs > Native Instruments > KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 Driver > ► Control Panel.

  • Page 23: Audio Settings Page

    Audio Settings page consists of four sections: Audio Processing, Device Monitor, Digital Sync Source, and Direct Monitoring. See the following subchapters for further information. KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 23…

  • Page 24
    Process Buffer: Lower the buffer size value for a quicker response time from your computer ▪ to audio software and MIDI controller actions. KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 24…
  • Page 25
    ◦ Streaming: driver is working and processing audio data. ◦ Panic: driver stopped streaming. Too many USB I/O errors occurred in the interface communication. Output Latency: Shows the amount of output latency in milliseconds. ▪ KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 25…
  • Page 26
    This function can be accessed from the MONITOR section on the device’s front panel too; see chapter ↑4.1, Front Panel for further information. Direct Monitoring section has a button and a drop-down menu: KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 26…
  • Page 27: Diagnostics Page

    The Diagnostics page consists of the four sec- tions: Drop-Out Detection; Connection Monitor; System erformance Test; and Information. See the following subchapters for further information on these sections. KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 27…

  • Page 28
    Clients: displays the number of clients connected to the interface. Multiple ▪ ASIO applications are counted separately. WDM and WASAPI increase the number by one, no matter how many WDM / WASAPI applications play audio. KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 28…
  • Page 29
    Reset button: Press this button to reset the Maximum Latency value to zero. ▪ ▪ Start/Stop: Press this button to start monitoring DPC latency. Once started, the button la- bel changes to Stop. KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 29…
  • Page 30: Advanced Configuration On Mac Os X (Audio Midi Setup)

    To open the Audio MIDI Setup utility: Go to Applications > Utilities > Audio and MIDI Setup. ► The Audio MIDI Setup utility will pop up in a window, entitled Audio Devices. → KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 30…

  • Page 31: Input Pane

    This is relevant when connecting to an external device via the digital In/Out 5/6 sockets (see also chapter ↑4.2, Rear Panel). The drop-down menu holds the following entries: KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 31…

  • Page 32: Output Pane

    (see chapter ↑4, The Hardware in Detail). 5.2.2 Output Pane All relevant output settings of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 are controlled from the hardware (see ↑4, The Hardware in Detail). See chapter ↑5.2.1, Input Pane for general settings and input channel settings.

  • Page 33: Using The Komplete Audio 6 (Setup Scenarios)

    Connecting Speakers Using the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 (Setup Scenarios) In this chapter, you will learn how to connect the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 in various setup sce- narios. Although we cannot cover all imaginable setups here, the examples are general enough to apply the information to most situations.

  • Page 34: Using Komplete Audio 6 In A Setup With Passive Speakers

    Configuration). Passive speakers require amplification, so there will be an amplifier or powered mixer between the speakers and the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. To use the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 in a setup with passive speakers: Turn your stereo amplifier / mixer off.

  • Page 35: Connecting Headphones

    Gradually raise your stereo console’s / mixer’s volume control level until you reach a good listening level. Connecting Headphones KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 setup with headphones. Make sure the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 is connected to your computer as described during the installation chapter (chapter ↑2, Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6), and configured as your com- puter’s main audio output device (see chapter ↑3, Basic…

  • Page 36: Komplete Audio 6 In A Recording Setup

    DIO 6 to the right until you reach a good listening level. KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 in a Recording Setup The following instructions will assist you in using the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 in a recording sit- uation for capturing audio to your computer, and monitoring the input and result over your speakers or headphones.

  • Page 37: Connecting A Condenser Microphone

    6.3.1 Connecting a Condenser Microphone KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 setup with microphone and headphones. Make sure to have connected the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to your computer as described during the installation chapter (chapter ↑2, Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6) of this manual.

  • Page 38
    AUDIO 6’s front panel. Turn the Volume Control knob (VOLUME) in the headphone sec- tion of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to the left-end stop to set the volume to minimum. Open the audio preferences of your audio recording software, and select KOMPLETE AU- DIO 6 as your input and output device (you may have to restart your host software for the changes to become active).
  • Page 39: Connecting A Dynamic Microphone

    6.3.2 Connecting a Dynamic Microphone KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 setup with microphone and headphones. Make sure to have connected the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to your computer as described during the installation chapter (chapter ↑2, Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6) of this manual.

  • Page 40
    AUDIO 6’s front panel. Turn the Volume Control knob (VOLUME) in the headphone sec- tion of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to the left-end stop to set the volume to minimum. Open the audio preferences of your audio recording software, and select KOMPLETE AU- DIO 6 as your input and output device (you may have to restart your host software for the changes to become active).
  • Page 41: Connecting A Guitar / Bass Guitar (With Headphones)

    (chapter ↑2, Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6) of this manual. To use the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 in a recording setup with a guitar / bass guitar: Turn the Volume Control knob (MAIN VOLUME 1/2) on the top panel of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to the left-end stop to set the volume to minimum.

  • Page 42
    (INPUT 1 LEDs on the top panel of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6) to make sure your input signal does not clip; adjust the input level so that the LEDs lights green on input. A red lighting LED indicates signal clipping.
  • Page 43: Connecting Line Level Equipment (Synthesizer/Computer/Tapedeck/Mixer Line Out)

    See the relevant chapters for information on how to connect speakers to the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. Always make sure the volume is set to minimum when con- necting the instrument, and gradually raise the volume afterwards until you reach a good listening level.

  • Page 44
    Plug a pair of stereo 1/4″ TRS cables from the outputs of your device into the inputs IN 3 IN 4 on the rear panel of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 or unbalanced ¼” cable if you are using a mono device. Open the audio preferences of your audio recording software, and select the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 as your input and output device (you may have to restart your host software for the changes to become active).
  • Page 45: Komplete Audio 6 With Midi Devices

    Connecting Speakers for instructions on how to connect speakers (active and passive) to your KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. To use the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 in a setup with a MIDI controller: Make sure to have the Volume Control knob (MAIN VOLUME 1/2) on the top panel of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 turned to the left-end stop so the volume is set to minimum.

  • Page 46
    Open the audio and MIDI settings dialog of your digital audio workstation software and ac- tivate the MIDI input and the MIDI output channel of your KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. For in- formation on where to find the relevant dialog and how to apply the settings, please refer to the documentation of your digital audio workstation software.
  • Page 47: Using The Digital Input And Output

    The KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 can be set to act as a slave, and sync to external devices in such a setup.

  • Page 48: Connecting A Synthesizer Via Digital I/O

    ↑4.3, Panel). 6.5.2 Connecting a Synthesizer via Digital I/O Make sure to connect the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 to your computer as described during the in- stallation chapter (chapter ↑2, Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6) of this manual. To use the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 with a synthesizer with digital output:…

  • Page 49: Direct Monitoring

    You can activate Direct Monitoring via the switch in the Monitor section, which is located on the front panel of the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6. This routes the signal of the inputs IN 1 IN 2 directly to the selected outputs. The…

  • Page 50: Troubleshooting

    ▪ Verify that you have installed the latest driver and the latest software update. Check the Native Instruments website for further information. ▪ Make sure the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 interface is connected to a USB 2.0 port on your com- puter (see also ↑7.3, Troubleshooting…

  • Page 51: How To Check Whether The Komplete Audio 6 Drivers Are Installed Correctly

    Correctly Windows Open Start > All Programs > Native Instruments > KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 Driver. There you will find the helper application Control Panel. Make sure that the device is connected to the com- puter and open the Control Panel. If all the drop-down menus are grayed out (i.e., there are no presets in the preset drop-down list and no sample rate values to choose from) there must be something wrong with the connection.

  • Page 52: Troubleshooting (Windows)

    Knowledge Base article: http://www.native-instruments.com/en/support/knowledge-base/show/2085/choosing-the-cor- rect-usb-cable-for-your-ni-hardware-device/ Getting Help Native Instruments provides various sources of support and information. 7.5.1 Readme, Knowledge Base, Technical Support Readme Always read the “Readme” file found on the installation CD. It contains important information and all last minute changes that could not be included in this manual.

  • Page 53: Forum

    ▪ The exact model and technical specifications of your computer 7.5.2 Forum Check out the NI online forum to discuss all aspects of KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 with other users: http://www.native-instruments.com/forum/. Updates Whenever you encounter problems, you should also check if you have the latest driver is instal- led.

  • Page 54: Resolving Ground Loop Issues

    For information on how to resolve issues related to ground loops, please see this Knowledge Base article: http://www.native-instruments.com/en/support/knowledge-base/show/250/how-to-resolve- ground-loop-issues-humming-and-buzzing-sounds/ KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 54…

  • Page 55: Appendix

    (audio buffers) which are then sent to and processed by the CPU of your computer. The larger the buffer, the more delay. You might experience this as late re- sponse between hitting a key on a controller which controls music software on your computer, KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 55…

  • Page 56: Different Types Of Asio (Windows)

    DPC latency) using the DPC Latency Checker program, which is found on the web at http://www.thesycon.de/eng/latency_check.shtml. Different Types of ASIO (Windows) It is extremely important to use the dedicated ASIO driver written for the KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 and installed during software installation (chapter ↑2, Installing KOMPLETE AUDIO 6).

  • Page 57: Index

    [48] Hardware overview [16] Connecting an instrument [41] Connecting headphones [35] Instrument mode [17] Connecting line level equipment [44] Connecting MIDI [45] Connecting Speakers [33] active [34] passive Contact [52] Control Panel [22] KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 57…

  • Page 58
    Latency optimization [24] Windows Volume control [20] Line mode [17] Phantom power [18] Sample rate setting [32] [24] Windows SPDIF SYNC [21] Sync Source [31] Windows [26] Syncing to external gear [31] Windows [26] KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 — Manual — 58…

Product description

  • Introducing KOMPLETE AUDIO 1 and 2 For the Music in You | Native Instruments

The Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is a portable desktop audio interface offering high-resolution recording at up to 24-bit / 192 kHz for musicians, producers, and traveling engineers. It features two XLR-1/4″ combo inputs with selectable phantom power and line/instrument switches, making the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 ideal for mic-, line-, and instrument-level sources. Effectively manage your input levels via per-channel gain controls and dual five-segment LED input meters. Dedicated level controls for the 1/4″ monitor outputs and headphone jack enable convenient listening through your favorite active speakers and stereo headphones. The direct monitoring function utilizes a mix knob to allow zero-latency monitoring during recording, a custom blend of input and playback signals for overdubbing, or monitoring of only playback for mixing. The USB 2.0 bus-powered KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is compatible with Mac and Windows systems, and includes a robust software collection with instruments, effects, samples, loops, and more.

    Essential Interface Features
    • Supports high-resolution conversion at up to 24-bit / 192 kHz
    • Two XLR-1/4″ combo inputs with separate gain controls and line/instrument switches
    • Selectable 48 VDC phantom power
    • 1/4″ TRS monitor outputs with large volume control
    • Front-panel 1/4″ headphone output with dedicated volume knob
    • Dual 5-segment input meters
    • Direct monitoring with adjustable mix blend
    Included Software
    • Ableton Live 10 Lite: A limited version of Ableton Live 10 that comes with all of Live’s essential workflows, instruments, and effects
    • MASCHINE Essentials: Full MASCHINE software plus 1.6GB of samples, one shots, loops, and instruments
    • MONARK: Modeled on a famous hardware synth for powerful bass and lead sounds
    • Studio-Grade FX: REPLIKA creative delay, SOLID BUS COMP mixing/mastering compressor, and PHASIS phaser
    • KOMPLETE START: Produce and perform with over 2000 studio-quality sounds such as drums, percussion, bass, acoustic instruments, synths, pads, atmospheres, and effects
    • Enjoy two months of free access to over a million samples and loops from top artists and leading sound creators via Sounds.com

In the Box Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

  • USB Cable
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty on Interface
  • Limited 90-Day Warranty on Cable
  • Table of Contents

    Upload User Manual

    Have you got an user manual for the Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface in electronic form? Please send it to us and help us expand our library of instruction manuals.
    Thank you, too, on behalf of other users.

    To upload the product manual, we first need to check and make sure you are not a robot. After that, your «Submit Link» or «Upload File» will appear.

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    View a manual of the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2 below. All manuals on ManualsCat.com can be viewed completely free of charge. By using the ‘Select a language’ button, you can choose the language of the manual you want to view.


    Question & answers

    Have a question about the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2 but cannot find the answer in the user manual? Perhaps the users of ManualsCat.com can help you answer your question. By filling in the form below, your question will appear below the manual of the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2. Please make sure that you describe your difficulty with the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2 as precisely as you can. The more precies your question is, the higher the chances of quickly receiving an answer from another user. You will automatically be sent an e-mail to inform you when someone has reacted to your question.

    Ask a question about the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2

    Page: 1

    SKU: 24580
    Made for easy stereo recording, the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is perfect for musicians, beat makers,
    or performers who want to capture ideas, produce, or play out with high-quality audio. Two
    combi-XLR/jack inputs make it easy to capture stereo sounds, bring in outboard gear like
    synths, and more. It also comes with all the software needed to bring ideas to life, including
    MASCHINE Essentials, Ableton Live Lite, MONARK, and top NI effects for polishing recordings.
    Pricing: 129 € (MSRP)
    Dimensions: 140 x 112 x 52 mm /
    5.51» x 4.41» x 2.04»
    Weight: 360 g / 0.79 lbs
    SKU: 26148
    • 2 x inputs: 2x combi-XLR/jack inputs with 48V phantom power for flexible
    stereo recording
    • Outputs: Stereo jack out for use at home, the studio, or on stage
    • VU Meter for accurately adjusting levels
    • Direct Monitoring: zero-latency, high-power output
    • Big volume knob for easily adjusting output level
    • Input/host mix allows the option to hear playback while recording
    • USB 2.0 powered for maximum portability
    • Audio Quality: Premium quality at 192 kHz and 24 bit
    • Compatible with Mac and PC (ASIO®/Core Audio/DirectSound®/
    • MASCHINE Essentials: Full MASCHINE software (same as MIKRO,
    MASCHINE MK3, JAM) with 1.6 GB MASCHINE Factory Selection of samples,
    one shots, loops, and instruments. Option to upgrade to full MASCHINE
    Factory Library and KOMPLETE 12 Select
    • REPLIKA: professional creative delay plugin
    • SOLID BUS COMP: powerful compressor for mixing and mastering
    • PHASIS: timeless phasing effects for adding movement to any
    • MONARK: warm vintage tones from the undisputed king of mono-
    phonic analog synths
    • KOMPLETE START: NI’s free production suite is automatically
    • Ableton Live Lite: music creation software
    • 2 Months free subscription at Sounds.com
    • macOS 10.12, 10.13 or 10.14 (latest update), Intel Core i5,
    4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
    • Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU,
    4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
    • USB 2.0 or higher (cable included)
    • Graphics Card which Supports Open GL 2.1 or higher
    • 3 GB free disk space for MASCHINE Essentials, plus 1 GB free disk
    space for all other software
    All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any
    affiliation with or endorsement by them. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

    SKU: 24580

    Made for easy stereo recording, the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is perfect for musicians, beat makers,

    or performers who want to capture ideas, produce, or play out with high-quality audio. Two

    combi-XLR/jack inputs make it easy to capture stereo sounds, bring in outboard gear like

    synths, and more. It also comes with all the software needed to bring ideas to life, including

    MASCHINE Essentials, Ableton Live Lite, MONARK, and top NI effects for polishing recordings.

    Pricing: 129 € (MSRP)

    Dimensions: 140 x 112 x 52 mm /

    5.51» x 4.41» x 2.04»

    Weight: 360 g / 0.79 lbs

    SKU: 26148

    2 x inputs:

    2x combi-XLR/jack inputs with 48V phantom power for flexible

    stereo recording


    Stereo jack out for use at home, the studio, or on stage

    VU Meter

    for accurately adjusting levels

    Direct Monitoring:

    zero-latency, high-power output

    Big volume knob

    for easily adjusting output level

    Input/host mix

    allows the option to hear playback while recording

    USB 2.0 powered

    for maximum portability

    Audio Quality:

    Premium quality at 192 kHz and 24 bit

    Compatible with Mac and PC (ASIO®/Core Audio/DirectSound®/


    MASCHINE Essentials:

    Full MASCHINE software (same as MIKRO,

    MASCHINE MK3, JAM) with 1.6 GB MASCHINE Factory Selection of samples,

    one shots, loops, and instruments. Option to upgrade to full MASCHINE

    Factory Library and KOMPLETE 12 Select

    REPLIKA: professional creative delay plugin

    SOLID BUS COMP: powerful compressor for mixing and mastering

    PHASIS: timeless phasing effects for adding movement to any


    MONARK: warm vintage tones from the undisputed king of mono-

    phonic analog synths

    KOMPLETE START: NI’s free production suite is automatically


    Ableton Live Lite: music creation software

    2 Months free subscription at Sounds.com


    macOS 10.12, 10.13 or 10.14 (latest update), Intel Core i5,

    4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)

    Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU,

    4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)

    • USB 2.0 or higher (cable included)

    • Graphics Card which Supports Open GL 2.1 or higher

    • 3 GB free disk space for MASCHINE Essentials, plus 1 GB free disk

    space for all other software


    All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any

    affiliation with or endorsement by them. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

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  • User Manual for Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

    Click to enlarge the picture

    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

    Contents of the user manual for the Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop

    • Product category: Audio Interfaces & Systems Native Instruments
    • Brand: Native Instruments
    • Description and content of package
    • Technical information and basic settings
    • Frequently asked questions – FAQ
    • Troubleshooting (does not switch on, does not respond, error message, what do I do if…)
    • Authorized service for Native Instruments Audio Interfaces & Systems

    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

    User manual for the Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop contain basic instructions
    that need to be followed during installation and operation.
    Before starting your appliance, the user manual should be read through carefully.
    Follow all the safety instructions and warnings, and be guided by the given recommendations.
    User manual is an integral part of any Native Instruments product,
    and if it is sold or transferred, they should be handed over jointly with the product.
    Following the instructions for use is an essential prerequisite for protecting
    health and property during use, as well as recognition of liability on the part of the manufacturer
    for possible defects should you make a warranty claim. Download an official Native Instruments user manual in which you will find instructions on how to install, use, maintain and service your product.

    And do not forget – unsuitable use of a Native Instruments product will considerably shorten its lifespan!

    Product description

    • Introducing KOMPLETE AUDIO 1 and 2 For the Music in You | Native Instruments

    The Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is a portable desktop audio interface offering high-resolution recording at up to 24-bit / 192 kHz for musicians, producers, and traveling engineers. It features two XLR-1/4″ combo inputs with selectable phantom power and line/instrument switches, making the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 ideal for mic-, line-, and instrument-level sources. Effectively manage your input levels via per-channel gain controls and dual five-segment LED input meters. Dedicated level controls for the 1/4″ monitor outputs and headphone jack enable convenient listening through your favorite active speakers and stereo headphones. The direct monitoring function utilizes a mix knob to allow zero-latency monitoring during recording, a custom blend of input and playback signals for overdubbing, or monitoring of only playback for mixing. The USB 2.0 bus-powered KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is compatible with Mac and Windows systems, and includes a robust software collection with instruments, effects, samples, loops, and more.

      Essential Interface Features
      • Supports high-resolution conversion at up to 24-bit / 192 kHz
      • Two XLR-1/4″ combo inputs with separate gain controls and line/instrument switches
      • Selectable 48 VDC phantom power
      • 1/4″ TRS monitor outputs with large volume control
      • Front-panel 1/4″ headphone output with dedicated volume knob
      • Dual 5-segment input meters
      • Direct monitoring with adjustable mix blend
      Included Software
      • Ableton Live 10 Lite: A limited version of Ableton Live 10 that comes with all of Live’s essential workflows, instruments, and effects
      • MASCHINE Essentials: Full MASCHINE software plus 1.6GB of samples, one shots, loops, and instruments
      • MONARK: Modeled on a famous hardware synth for powerful bass and lead sounds
      • Studio-Grade FX: REPLIKA creative delay, SOLID BUS COMP mixing/mastering compressor, and PHASIS phaser
      • KOMPLETE START: Produce and perform with over 2000 studio-quality sounds such as drums, percussion, bass, acoustic instruments, synths, pads, atmospheres, and effects
      • Enjoy two months of free access to over a million samples and loops from top artists and leading sound creators via Sounds.com

    In the Box Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

  • USB Cable
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty on Interface
  • Limited 90-Day Warranty on Cable
  • Table of Contents

    Upload User Manual

    Have you got an user manual for the Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface in electronic form? Please send it to us and help us expand our library of instruction manuals.
    Thank you, too, on behalf of other users.

    To upload the product manual, we first need to check and make sure you are not a robot. After that, your «Submit Link» or «Upload File» will appear.

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    You can only view or download manuals with

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    Upload your files to the site. You get 1 for each file you add

    Get 1 for every time someone downloads your manual

    Buy as many  as you need

    View a manual of the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2 below. All manuals on ManualsCat.com can be viewed completely free of charge. By using the ‘Select a language’ button, you can choose the language of the manual you want to view.


    Question & answers

    Have a question about the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2 but cannot find the answer in the user manual? Perhaps the users of ManualsCat.com can help you answer your question. By filling in the form below, your question will appear below the manual of the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2. Please make sure that you describe your difficulty with the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2 as precisely as you can. The more precies your question is, the higher the chances of quickly receiving an answer from another user. You will automatically be sent an e-mail to inform you when someone has reacted to your question.

    Ask a question about the Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2

    Page: 1

    SKU: 24580
    Made for easy stereo recording, the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is perfect for musicians, beat makers,
    or performers who want to capture ideas, produce, or play out with high-quality audio. Two
    combi-XLR/jack inputs make it easy to capture stereo sounds, bring in outboard gear like
    synths, and more. It also comes with all the software needed to bring ideas to life, including
    MASCHINE Essentials, Ableton Live Lite, MONARK, and top NI effects for polishing recordings.
    Pricing: 129 € (MSRP)
    Dimensions: 140 x 112 x 52 mm /
    5.51» x 4.41» x 2.04»
    Weight: 360 g / 0.79 lbs
    SKU: 26148
    • 2 x inputs: 2x combi-XLR/jack inputs with 48V phantom power for flexible
    stereo recording
    • Outputs: Stereo jack out for use at home, the studio, or on stage
    • VU Meter for accurately adjusting levels
    • Direct Monitoring: zero-latency, high-power output
    • Big volume knob for easily adjusting output level
    • Input/host mix allows the option to hear playback while recording
    • USB 2.0 powered for maximum portability
    • Audio Quality: Premium quality at 192 kHz and 24 bit
    • Compatible with Mac and PC (ASIO®/Core Audio/DirectSound®/
    • MASCHINE Essentials: Full MASCHINE software (same as MIKRO,
    MASCHINE MK3, JAM) with 1.6 GB MASCHINE Factory Selection of samples,
    one shots, loops, and instruments. Option to upgrade to full MASCHINE
    Factory Library and KOMPLETE 12 Select
    • REPLIKA: professional creative delay plugin
    • SOLID BUS COMP: powerful compressor for mixing and mastering
    • PHASIS: timeless phasing effects for adding movement to any
    • MONARK: warm vintage tones from the undisputed king of mono-
    phonic analog synths
    • KOMPLETE START: NI’s free production suite is automatically
    • Ableton Live Lite: music creation software
    • 2 Months free subscription at Sounds.com
    • macOS 10.12, 10.13 or 10.14 (latest update), Intel Core i5,
    4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
    • Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU,
    4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
    • USB 2.0 or higher (cable included)
    • Graphics Card which Supports Open GL 2.1 or higher
    • 3 GB free disk space for MASCHINE Essentials, plus 1 GB free disk
    space for all other software
    All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any
    affiliation with or endorsement by them. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

    User Manual for Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

    Click to enlarge the picture

    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

    Contents of the user manual for the Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop

    • Product category: Audio Interfaces & Systems Native Instruments
    • Brand: Native Instruments
    • Description and content of package
    • Technical information and basic settings
    • Frequently asked questions – FAQ
    • Troubleshooting (does not switch on, does not respond, error message, what do I do if…)
    • Authorized service for Native Instruments Audio Interfaces & Systems

    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface
    Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

    User manual for the Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop contain basic instructions
    that need to be followed during installation and operation.
    Before starting your appliance, the user manual should be read through carefully.
    Follow all the safety instructions and warnings, and be guided by the given recommendations.
    User manual is an integral part of any Native Instruments product,
    and if it is sold or transferred, they should be handed over jointly with the product.
    Following the instructions for use is an essential prerequisite for protecting
    health and property during use, as well as recognition of liability on the part of the manufacturer
    for possible defects should you make a warranty claim. Download an official Native Instruments user manual in which you will find instructions on how to install, use, maintain and service your product.

    And do not forget – unsuitable use of a Native Instruments product will considerably shorten its lifespan!

    Product description

    • Introducing KOMPLETE AUDIO 1 and 2 For the Music in You | Native Instruments

    The Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is a portable desktop audio interface offering high-resolution recording at up to 24-bit / 192 kHz for musicians, producers, and traveling engineers. It features two XLR-1/4″ combo inputs with selectable phantom power and line/instrument switches, making the KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 ideal for mic-, line-, and instrument-level sources. Effectively manage your input levels via per-channel gain controls and dual five-segment LED input meters. Dedicated level controls for the 1/4″ monitor outputs and headphone jack enable convenient listening through your favorite active speakers and stereo headphones. The direct monitoring function utilizes a mix knob to allow zero-latency monitoring during recording, a custom blend of input and playback signals for overdubbing, or monitoring of only playback for mixing. The USB 2.0 bus-powered KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 is compatible with Mac and Windows systems, and includes a robust software collection with instruments, effects, samples, loops, and more.

      Essential Interface Features
      • Supports high-resolution conversion at up to 24-bit / 192 kHz
      • Two XLR-1/4″ combo inputs with separate gain controls and line/instrument switches
      • Selectable 48 VDC phantom power
      • 1/4″ TRS monitor outputs with large volume control
      • Front-panel 1/4″ headphone output with dedicated volume knob
      • Dual 5-segment input meters
      • Direct monitoring with adjustable mix blend
      Included Software
      • Ableton Live 10 Lite: A limited version of Ableton Live 10 that comes with all of Live’s essential workflows, instruments, and effects
      • MASCHINE Essentials: Full MASCHINE software plus 1.6GB of samples, one shots, loops, and instruments
      • MONARK: Modeled on a famous hardware synth for powerful bass and lead sounds
      • Studio-Grade FX: REPLIKA creative delay, SOLID BUS COMP mixing/mastering compressor, and PHASIS phaser
      • KOMPLETE START: Produce and perform with over 2000 studio-quality sounds such as drums, percussion, bass, acoustic instruments, synths, pads, atmospheres, and effects
      • Enjoy two months of free access to over a million samples and loops from top artists and leading sound creators via Sounds.com

    In the Box Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface

  • USB Cable
  • Limited 1-Year Warranty on Interface
  • Limited 90-Day Warranty on Cable
  • Table of Contents

    Upload User Manual

    Have you got an user manual for the Native Instruments KOMPLETE AUDIO 2 Desktop USB Audio Interface in electronic form? Please send it to us and help us expand our library of instruction manuals.
    Thank you, too, on behalf of other users.

    To upload the product manual, we first need to check and make sure you are not a robot. After that, your «Submit Link» or «Upload File» will appear.

    Upload PDF user manual

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    Please enter here the link to the user manual of this product:


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    file with the user manual of this product from your computer/phone:(60MB max; Permitted formats: PDF)


    Technical parameters

    Native Instruments Komplete Specs

    Channels of I/O Analog:
    2 Inputs / 2 Outputs at 192 kHz
    Max Sample Rate/Resolution 192 kHz / 24-Bit
    Display and Indicators 1 x LED (Host Connection)
    1 x LED (+48V)
    2 x Multi-Segment LED Meters (Input Level)
    Host Connection 1 x USB Type-B (USB 2.0)
    Analog I/O 2 x Combo XLR / 1/4″ Balanced/Unbalanced Mic/Line/Hi-Z Input
    2 x 1/4″ TRS Balanced Monitor Output
    1 x 1/4″ TRS Unbalanced Headphone Output
    Phantom Power +48 V (Applied to All Inputs)
    Digital I/O None
    MIDI I/O None
    Memory Card Slot None
    Sample Rates Up to 192 kHz (AD/DA Conversion)
    Bit Depth Up to 24-Bit (AD/DA Conversion)
    Sync Sources Internal
    OS Compatibility macOS 10.12 or Later
    Windows 10
    Processor Requirement Intel Core i5
    RAM Requirements 4 GB Minimum RAM Requirement of 4 GB on Mac or 2 GB on Windows
    Storage Requirements 4 GB
    Required Hardware Available USB 2.0 Port
    USB Cable (Included)
    Internet Connection Required for Registration and Software/Driver Download
    Power Requirements USB Bus-Power
    Anti-Theft Features Kensington Security Slot
    Dimensions 5.51 x 4.41 x 2.04″ / 14 x 11.2 x 5.18 cm
    Weight 12.7 oz / 360.0 g
    Package Weight 1.275 lb
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 8.4 x 5.7 x 3.0″


    100% users recommend this product to others. And what about you?
    Rating: 5 of 5

    Please enter here the link to the user manual of this product:


    Enter here the

    file with the user manual of this product from your computer/phone:(60MB max; Permitted formats: PDF)


    Technical parameters

    Native Instruments Komplete Specs

    Channels of I/O Analog:
    2 Inputs / 2 Outputs at 192 kHz
    Max Sample Rate/Resolution 192 kHz / 24-Bit
    Display and Indicators 1 x LED (Host Connection)
    1 x LED (+48V)
    2 x Multi-Segment LED Meters (Input Level)
    Host Connection 1 x USB Type-B (USB 2.0)
    Analog I/O 2 x Combo XLR / 1/4″ Balanced/Unbalanced Mic/Line/Hi-Z Input
    2 x 1/4″ TRS Balanced Monitor Output
    1 x 1/4″ TRS Unbalanced Headphone Output
    Phantom Power +48 V (Applied to All Inputs)
    Digital I/O None
    MIDI I/O None
    Memory Card Slot None
    Sample Rates Up to 192 kHz (AD/DA Conversion)
    Bit Depth Up to 24-Bit (AD/DA Conversion)
    Sync Sources Internal
    OS Compatibility macOS 10.12 or Later
    Windows 10
    Processor Requirement Intel Core i5
    RAM Requirements 4 GB Minimum RAM Requirement of 4 GB on Mac or 2 GB on Windows
    Storage Requirements 4 GB
    Required Hardware Available USB 2.0 Port
    USB Cable (Included)
    Internet Connection Required for Registration and Software/Driver Download
    Power Requirements USB Bus-Power
    Anti-Theft Features Kensington Security Slot
    Dimensions 5.51 x 4.41 x 2.04″ / 14 x 11.2 x 5.18 cm
    Weight 12.7 oz / 360.0 g
    Package Weight 1.275 lb
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 8.4 x 5.7 x 3.0″


    100% users recommend this product to others. And what about you?
    Rating: 5 of 5

    This product has already been rated by 55 owners. Add your rating and experience with the product.



    Please enter here the link to the user manual of this product:


    Enter here the

    file with the user manual of this product from your computer/phone:(60MB max; Permitted formats: PDF)


    Technical parameters

    Native Instruments Komplete Specs

    Channels of I/O Analog:
    2 Inputs / 2 Outputs at 192 kHz
    Max Sample Rate/Resolution 192 kHz / 24-Bit
    Display and Indicators 1 x LED (Host Connection)
    1 x LED (+48V)
    2 x Multi-Segment LED Meters (Input Level)
    Host Connection 1 x USB Type-B (USB 2.0)
    Analog I/O 2 x Combo XLR / 1/4″ Balanced/Unbalanced Mic/Line/Hi-Z Input
    2 x 1/4″ TRS Balanced Monitor Output
    1 x 1/4″ TRS Unbalanced Headphone Output
    Phantom Power +48 V (Applied to All Inputs)
    Digital I/O None
    MIDI I/O None
    Memory Card Slot None
    Sample Rates Up to 192 kHz (AD/DA Conversion)
    Bit Depth Up to 24-Bit (AD/DA Conversion)
    Sync Sources Internal
    OS Compatibility macOS 10.12 or Later
    Windows 10
    Processor Requirement Intel Core i5
    RAM Requirements 4 GB Minimum RAM Requirement of 4 GB on Mac or 2 GB on Windows
    Storage Requirements 4 GB
    Required Hardware Available USB 2.0 Port
    USB Cable (Included)
    Internet Connection Required for Registration and Software/Driver Download
    Power Requirements USB Bus-Power
    Anti-Theft Features Kensington Security Slot
    Dimensions 5.51 x 4.41 x 2.04″ / 14 x 11.2 x 5.18 cm
    Weight 12.7 oz / 360.0 g
    Package Weight 1.275 lb
    Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 8.4 x 5.7 x 3.0″


    100% users recommend this product to others. And what about you?
    Rating: 5 of 5

    This product has already been rated by 55 owners. Add your rating and experience with the product.


    Ask our technicians if you have a problem with your settings,
    or if anything is unclear in the user manual you have downloaded.
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    The discussion is public and helps other users of our website who may be encountering similar problems.

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    I’m looking for a manual / Request for manual

    Current requests for instruction manuals:


    vc-818 ettl high speed wireless radio trigger manual…

    How are you doing? My name is Mr Michalak Aleksandra, and I am a financial consultant. I am reaching out to you today to offer my expertise, …

    Polaris LED strip lights…

    Device ID: C06FA83E-6AF1-4BAA-8D7D-7656C8C9192C
    Product ID: 00326-10000-00000-AA413
    System type: 64-but operating system, x64-based processor…

    Latest contributions to the discussion:

    Password — Change
    Name: Joe
    ASUS 15.6″ VivoBook S15 S530UN Laptop
    I’ve tried to CHG my password…seem toi hgave a problrm….no internet?…

    Foot bedal fsb 106a
    Name: Freddie Hollamby
    Behringer FSB106A Heavy-Duty 6-Button Footswitch for
    Can I use a fsb106a on a bugera infinitum amp as it says only use a fsb104 only on the back of the amp ??????…

    RCF 8003
    RCF SUB 8003-AS II Active Subwoofer
    Hi, im looking if the 8003 sub has a fuse or something. Im connected the sub last night i heard a click an now No power on. Thanks…

    The Manual to repair Bulbs & batteries
    Name: Suzanne Patton
    Pana-Vue 6562 Slide Viewer #2
    I want to try opening a manual, It’s a Manual, guys not Jack the rippee…

    Can I use the pom gear power2go 10400 in a foreign country?
    Name: Michael Barber
    POM GEAR Power2Go 10 10,400mAh Power
    Can I charge up this product abroad from a wall socket in, say, Finland? In other words, is it duel voltage?
