Посудомоечные машины
- Electrolux
Инструкция к Electrolux ESF9552LOX
PDF, 987.77 Кб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 258.43 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618.81 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL2450W
PDF, 1.1 Мб
Инструкция по эксплуатации
PDF, 844.81 Кб
Схема встраивания
JPG, 33.16 Кб
Схема встраивания с размерами
PNG, 176.07 Кб
Схема встраивания с размерами
PNG, 168.29 Кб
Схема встраивания с размерами
PNG, 168.11 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ETM43211L
PDF, 1.49 Мб
Схема встраивания с размерами
JPG, 87.81 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94200LO
PDF, 1.01 Мб
Схема встраивания
JPEG, 47.39 Кб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 695.97 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 617.18 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESF9552LOW
PDF, 987.77 Кб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 177.27 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618.86 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94321LA
PDF, 1.37 Мб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 451.37 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618 Кб
Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94511LO
PDF, 1.39 Мб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 423.26 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 617.61 Кб
Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94201LO
PDF, 1.69 Мб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 349.44 Кб
Схема встраивания
PNG, 186.95 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 617.19 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESF2400OS
PDF, 1.02 Мб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 654.52 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 618.16 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94585RO
PDF, 1.36 Мб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 438.75 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 619.33 Кб
Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб
Схема встраивания
JPG, 172.18 Кб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL 7310 RA
PDF, 1.95 Мб
Инструкция к Electrolux ESL94655RO
PDF, 1.42 Мб
Информация о приборе
PDF, 537.17 Кб
Класс энергоэффективности
PDF, 620.24 Кб
Схема встраивания
PNG, 197.36 Кб
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После завершения цикла посудомоечной машины отсек с моющим средством не открылся. Почему? Проверенный
Данная проблема часто возникает, когда посуда блокирует отсек. Прежде, чем запускать машину, убедитесь, что отсек не заблокирован.
Это было полезно (7705)
Почему посудомоечная машина перестала нагревать воду? Проверенный
Скорее всего, нагревательный элемент неисправен. Его следует заменить. В случае сомнений обратитесь к производителю.
Это было полезно (7018)
Можно ли в посудомоечной машине использовать обычную соль? Проверенный
Нет, поваренная соль может содержать вещества, которые споcобны повредить ваше устройство.
Это было полезно (2998)
Нужно ли ополаскивать посуду, прежде чем поместить ее в посудомоечную машину? Проверенный
Ополаскивать посуду необязательно, однако следует удалить все крупные, твердые и жирные остатки пищи. Со временем они могут засорить слив.
Это было полезно (1195)
Могу ли я открыть посудомоечную машину во время ее работы? Проверенный
Большинство посудомоечных машин оснащены устройством остановки подачи воды, благодаря чему программа останавливается сразу же при открытии дверцы, что означает, что вода не будет вытекать. С некоторыми моделями со временем это может вызвать проблемы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.
Это было полезно (916)
Я хочу знать возраст моего прибора Electrolux. Как мне это сделать? Проверенный
Вы можете определить возраст вашего продукта по серийному номеру. Это можно найти на вашем устройстве. Первый символ серийного номера указывает год (например: 1 = 2001), а два символа после этого указывают неделю производства (например: 35 = 35 неделя этого года). Таким образом, серийный номер 13500016 указывает на то, что машина начиная с 35 недели 2001 года.
Это было полезно (799)
Следует ли открывать посудомоечную машину после того, как она закончила работу, чтобы посуда высохла быстрее? Проверенный
Это зависит от типа посудомоечной машины и ее расположения. Некоторые посудомоечные машины оснащены функцией сушки посуды после программы мойки. В этом случае открытие посудомоечной машины не принесет никакой пользы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.
Это было полезно (732)
После того, как посудомоечная машина завершит свой цикл, пластиковая посуда еще влажная, а остальная — нет. Это почему? Проверенный
Пластик — плохой проводник тепла, позволяющий продуктам быстро остывать. Влага, которая остается на нем, испаряется гораздо меньше, чем, например, на керамике или металле.
Это было полезно (653)
Можно ли мыть в посудомоечной машине деревянные предметы, например, шпатели и разделочные доски? Проверенный
Нет. Деревянные предметы можно повредить или покоробить в посудомоечной машине. Кроме того, высвобождающиеся древесные волокна могут повредить посудомоечную машину. Деревянные разделочные доски часто изготавливаются с использованием клея, который может отслоиться после нескольких раз мытья в посудомоечной машине.
Это было полезно (589)
Можно ли мыть посуду с тефлоном в посудомоечной машине? Проверенный
Да, ты можешь. Однако сковорода изнашивается быстрее, чем при ручной очистке. При чистке сковороды тефлоном вручную никогда не используйте мочалку, а используйте мягкую губку или ткань.
Это было полезно (588)
Можно ли подключить посудомоечную машину к удлинителю? Проверенный
Технику, требующую большого количества энергии, например посудомоечную машину, нельзя подключать ко всем удлинителям. Посмотрите, какова потребляемая мощность посудомоечной машины, которая указывается в ваттах, и проверьте, справится ли с этим удлинитель. Существуют удлинители с более толстыми кабелями, предназначенные для работы с более крупными приборами.
Это было полезно (588)
Царапины на металле внутри посудомоечной машины — это проблема? Проверенный
Внутренняя часть большинства посудомоечных машин изготовлена из нержавеющей стали и не подвержена царапинам.
Это было полезно (588)
Моя посудомоечная машина Electrolux отображает ошибку «i30», что это означает? Проверенный
Эта ошибка указывает на возможную утечку и на то, что на дне устройства есть вода. Отключите подачу воды и обратитесь к специалисту по обслуживанию.
Это было полезно (389)
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Also See for 2008 Caliber:
- Manual (19 pages)
Table of Contents
Related Manuals for Dodge 2008 Caliber
Summary of Contents for Dodge 2008 Caliber
Page 1
Caliber 2 0 0 8 O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L… -
Page 2
VEHICLES SOLD IN CANADA With respect to any Vehicles Sold in Canada, the name Chrysler LLC shall be deemed to be deleted and the name Chrysler Canada Inc. used in substitution therefor. DRIVING AND ALCOHOL Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents. -
Page 3: Introduction
Page 5: Table Of Contents
CONTENTS Introduction ……4 How To Use This Manual ….4 Warnings And Cautions .
Page 6: Introduction
4 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION This Owner’s Manual has been prepared with the assis- tance of service and engineering specialists to acquaint you with the operation and maintenance of your vehicle. It is supplemented by a Warranty Information Booklet and various customer-oriented documents. You are urged to read these publications carefully.
Page 7
Page 8: Vehicle Identification Number
6 INTRODUCTION WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS This Owner’s Manual contains WARNINGS against op- erating procedures that could result in an accident or bodily injury. It also contains CAUTIONS against proce- dures that could result in damage to your vehicle. If you do not read this entire manual, you may miss important information.
Page 9: Vehicle Modifications/Alterations
INTRODUCTION 7 VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS/ALTERATIONS WARNING! Any modifications or alterations to this vehicle could seriously affect its roadworthiness and safety and may lead to an accident resulting in serious injury or death.
Page 11
THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE CONTENTS A Word About Your Keys ….12 Ignition Key Removal ….12 Locking Doors With The Key . -
Page 12
10 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE To Lock The Doors And Liftgate … .22 Using The Panic Alarm ….22 To Turn Off “Flash Lights With Lock”… -
Page 13
Child Restraint ……60 Engine Break-In Recommendations …69 Safety Tips . -
Page 14: Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle 9
12 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE A WORD ABOUT YOUR KEYS The authorized dealer that sold you your new vehicle has the key code numbers for your vehicle locks. These numbers can be used to order duplicate keys. Ask your authorized dealer for these numbers and keep them in a safe place.
Page 15
Automatic Transmission — If Equipped 1. Place the shift lever in PARK. 2. Turn the ignition switch to the ACC position. 3. Push the key and cylinder inward and rotate the key to the LOCK position 4. remove the key from the lock cylinder. THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 13 Ignition Key Positions NOTE: If you try to remove the key before you place the… -
Page 16: Locking Doors With The Key
14 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE feature is inoperable. The engine can be started and stopped but the key cannot be removed until you obtain service. WARNING! Never leave children alone in a vehicle. Leaving unattended children in a vehicle is dangerous for a number of reasons.
Page 17: Steering Wheel Lock — Manual Transmission Only
STEERING WHEEL LOCK — MANUAL TRANSMISSION ONLY Your manual transmission vehicle is equipped with a passive steering wheel lock. This lock prevents steering the vehicle without the ignition key. If the steering wheel is moved no more than one-half turn in either direction and the key is not in the ignition switch, the steering wheel will lock.
Page 18
16 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: A key that has not been programmed is also considered an invalid key, even if it is cut to fit the ignition switch lock cylinder for that vehicle. During normal operation, after turning on the ignition switch, the Vehicle Security Alarm Indicator Light will turn on for three seconds for a bulb check. -
Page 19: Replacement Keys
Replacement Keys NOTE: Only keys that are programmed to the vehicle electronics can be used to start and operate the vehicle. Once a Sentry Key is programmed to a vehicle, it cannot be programmed to any other vehicle. CAUTION! Always remove the Sentry Keys from the vehicle and lock all doors when leaving the vehicle unattended.
Page 20: General Information
18 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 3. Insert the second valid key into the ignition switch. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position within 15 seconds. After 10 seconds, a chime will sound. In addi- tion, the Vehicle Security Alarm Indicator Light will begin to flash.
Page 21: Security Alarm System — If Equipped
• This device must accept any interference that may be received, including interference that may cause undes- ired operation. SECURITY ALARM SYSTEM — IF EQUIPPED This Security Alarm System monitors the doors, hood, liftgate, and ignition switch for unauthorized operation. If something triggers the Security Alarm, the Security Alarm System will sound the horn for 30 seconds and flash the lights for 60 seconds.
Page 22: To Disarm The Security Alarm System
20 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE To Disarm The Security Alarm System 1. Press UNLOCK on the RKE transmitter. 2. Starting the vehicle with a valid Sentry Key will disarm the Security Alarm. A valid key is one that is programmed to your vehicle.
Page 23: To Unlock The Doors And Liftgate
NOTE: The line of transmission must not be blocked with metal objects. To Unlock The Doors And Liftgate Press and release the UNLOCK button on the RKE transmitter once to unlock only the driver’s door or twice to unlock all the doors and liftgate. When the UNLOCK button is pressed, the illuminated entry will initiate, and the parking lights will flash on twice.
Page 24: To Lock The Doors And Liftgate
22 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE activated will cause the alarm to sound. Press the UN- LOCK button to deactivate the Security Alarm. 5. If the desired programming was not achieved or to reactivate this feature, repeat the above steps. To Lock The Doors And Liftgate Press and release the LOCK button on the RKE transmit- ter to lock all doors.
Page 25: To Turn Off «Flash Lights With Lock
To Turn Off “Flash Lights With Lock” NOTE: The “Flash Lights With Lock” feature can be turned on or off. On EVIC equipped vehicles refer to Personal Settings under “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)” in Section 4. For vehicles not equipped with an EVIC, perform the following steps: 1.
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24 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE Use the following procedure to program additional RKE transmitters if the vehicle is not equipped with Sentry Key : 1. Enter your vehicle and close all doors. 2. Fasten your seat belt (fastening the seat belt will cancel any chiming that may confuse you during this program- ming procedure). -
Page 27: General Information
14. Your vehicle will remain in program mode up to 60 seconds from when the original chime was heard. After 60 seconds, all programmed RKE transmitters function normally. NOTE: If you do not have a programmed RKE trans- mitter, contact your authorized dealer for details. General Information This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules and with RS-210 of Industry Canada.
Page 28: Door Locks
26 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 1. If the RKE transmitter is equipped with a screw, remove the screw. With the RKE transmitter buttons facing down, use a flat blade to pry the two halves of the RKE transmitter apart. Make sure not to damage the elastomer seal during removal.
Page 29
Manual Door Lock Plunger WARNING! For personal security and safety in the event of an accident, lock the vehicle doors as you drive as well as when you park and leave the vehicle. THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 27 WARNING! When leaving the vehicle, always remove the key from the ignition lock and lock your vehicle. -
Page 30: Power Door Locks
28 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE Power Door Locks A power door lock switch is located on the drivers door panel. Press this switch to lock or unlock the doors. Power Door Lock Switches Automatic Door Locks — If Equipped The doors will lock automatically on vehicles with power door locks if all of the following conditions are met: 1.
Page 31
For vehicles not equipped with the EVIC, the Automatic Door Locks can be enabled or disabled by performing the following procedure: 1. Close all doors and place the key in the ignition. 2. Cycle the ignition switch between LOCK and ON and back to LOCK four times, ending up in the LOCK position. -
Page 32
30 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE The Auto Unlock feature can be enabled or disabled. Refer to “Personal Settings” under “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) — (if equipped)” in Section 4. For vehicles not equipped with the EVIC, the Auto Unlock Feature can be enabled or disabled by performing the following procedure: 1. -
Page 33: Child-Protection Door Lock System (Rear Doors) — If Equipped
THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 31 NOTE: Use the Auto Door Locks and Auto Unlock features in accordance with local laws. Child-Protection Door Lock System (Rear Doors) — If Equipped Insert the tip of the ignition key into the lock and rotate to the LOCK or UNLOCK position.
Page 34: Power Windows — If Equipped
32 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! Avoid trapping anyone in a vehicle in a collision. Remember that the rear doors can only be opened from the outside when the child protection locks are engaged. NOTE: For emergency exit with the system engaged, move the lock plunger up (unlocked position), roll down the window and open the door with the outside door handle.
Page 35: Auto Down
The driver’s door panel has up-down switches that give you finger-tip control of all four power windows. There is a single open and close switch on each passenger door panel for passenger window control. The windows will operate only when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position, ACC position, and for up to 10 minutes after the ignition is turned OFF or the driver’s door is opened.
Page 36: Liftgate
34 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE LIFTGATE NOTE: The key that is used to start your vehicle is also used to lock or unlock the doors and open the liftgate. To unlock the liftgate, insert the key into the lock and turn it to the right (manual lock models only).
Page 37: Occupant Restraints
• Although the liftgate has no inside release mechanism, the liftgate trim panel includes an opening with a snap-in cap that provides access to release the latch in the event of an electrical system malfunction. WARNING! • Driving with the liftgate open can allow poison- ous exhaust gases into your vehicle.
Page 38: Lap/Shoulder Belts
36 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! In a collision, you and your passengers can suffer much greater injuries if you are not properly buckled up. You can strike the interior of your vehicle or other passengers, or you can be thrown out of the vehicle. Always be sure you and others in your vehicle are buckled up properly.
Page 39
WARNING! • It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo area, inside or outside of a vehicle. In a collision, people riding in these areas are more likely to be seri- ously injured or killed. • Do not allow people to ride in any area of your vehicle that is not equipped with seats and seat belts. -
Page 40
38 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE Lap/Shoulder Belt Operating Instructions 1. Enter the vehicle and close the door. Sit back and adjust the seat. 2. The seat belt latch plate is above the back of the front seat, next to your arm. Grasp the latch plate and pull out the belt. -
Page 41
3. When the belt is long enough to fit, insert the latch plate into the buckle until you hear a “click.” Inserting Latch Plate Into Buckle THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 39 WARNING! • A belt that is buckled into the wrong buckle will not protect you properly. -
Page 42
40 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 4. Position the lap belt across your thighs, below your abdomen. To remove slack in the lap belt portion, pull up on the shoulder belt. To loosen the lap belt if it is too tight, tilt the latch plate and pull on the lap belt. -
Page 43: Adjustable Upper Shoulder Belt Anchorage
6. To release the belt, push the red button on the buckle. The belt will automatically retract to its stowed position. If necessary, slide the latch plate down the webbing to allow the belt to retract fully. WARNING! A frayed or torn belt could rip apart in a collision and leave you with no protection.
Page 44: Second Row Center Lap/Shoulder Belt Operating Instructions
42 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE As a guide, if you are shorter than average, you will prefer a lower position, and if you are taller than average, you’ll prefer a higher position. When you release the anchorage, try to move it up or down to make sure that it is locked in position.
Page 45
THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 43 Routing The Rear Center Shoulder Belt Routing The Rear Center Shoulder Belt 4. When the belt is long enough to fit, insert the mini- latch plate into the mini-buckle until you hear a “click.” 5. -
Page 46
44 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 6. When the belt is long enough to fit, insert the latch plate into the buckle until you hear a “click.” Connecting Mini-Latch to Buckle 7. Position the lap belt across your thighs, below your abdomen. -
Page 47: Seat Belt Pretensioners
9. To release the belt, push the red button on the buckle. Detaching Mini-Latch And Buckle 10. To disengage the mini-latch from the mini-buckle for storage, insert the regular latch plate into the black button on the top of the mini-buckle. The belt will automatically retract to its stowed position.
Page 48: Enhanced Driver And Seat Belt Reminder System (Beltalert )
46 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE the pretensioners are single use items. After a collision that is severe enough to deploy the airbags and preten- sioners, both must be replaced. Enhanced Driver And Seat Belt Reminder System (BeltAlert ) If the driver’s seat belt has not been buckled within 60 seconds of starting the vehicle and if the vehicle speed is greater than 5 mph (8 km/h), the Enhanced Warning…
Page 49: Seat Belts And Pregnant Women
NOTE: Watch for the Seat Belt Warning Light to turn on while unbuckling and off while re-buckling the seat belt. It may be necessary to retract the seat belt. 4. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position. A single chime will sound to signify that you have success- fully completed the programming.
Page 50: Driver And Front Passenger Supplemental Restraint System (Srs) — Airbag
48 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE Driver And Front Passenger Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) — Airbag This vehicle has airbags for both the driver and front passenger as a supplement to the seat belt restraint systems. The driver’s front airbag is mounted in the center of the steering wheel.
Page 51
This vehicle may also be equipped with side curtain airbags to protect the driver and passengers sitting next to a window. If the vehicle is equipped with side curtain airbags, they are located above the side windows. Their covers are also labeled SRS AIRBAG. Side Curtain Airbag Location THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE 49 WARNING! -
Page 52
50 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE Airbags inflate in moderate to high speed impacts. Along with seat belts and pretensioners, front airbags work with the driver inflatable knee blocker and the integrated passenger knee blocker (non-inflatable) to provide im- proved protection for the driver and front passenger. -
Page 53
You should read the instructions provided with your child restraint to make sure that you are using it properly. 2. All occupants should wear their lap and shoulder belts properly. 3. The driver and front passenger seats should be moved back as far as practical to allow the front airbags room to inflate. -
Page 54
52 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE The front airbag system consists of the following: • Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC) • Side Remote Acceleration Sensors (If Equipped) • Airbag Warning Light • Driver Airbag • Front Passenger Airbag • Supplemental Side Curtain Airbags Above Side Win- dows (If Equipped) •… -
Page 55
The ORC also turns on the Airbag Warning Light in the instrument panel for six to eight seconds as a self-check when the ignition is first turned on. After the self-check, the Airbag Warning Light will turn off. If the ORC detects a malfunction in any part of the system, it turns on the Airbag Warning Light either momentarily or continu- ously. -
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54 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE • The Side Impact (SRS) Side Curtain Airbags (If Equipped) are designed to activate only in certain side collisions. The ORC module determines if a side collision is severe enough to require the side airbags to inflate. The side airbag control module will not detect roll over, front or rear collisions. -
Page 57
this is only about half of the time it takes you to blink your eyes. It then quickly deflates while helping to protect the driver’s knees. • The Knee Impact Bolsters help protect the knees and position everyone for the best interaction with the front airbag. -
Page 58
56 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE However, if you haven’t healed significantly within a few days, or if you have any blistering, see your doctor immediately. • As the airbags deflate you may see some smoke-like particles. The particles are a normal by-product of the process that generates the nontoxic gas used for airbag inflation. -
Page 59
Maintaining Your Airbag System WARNING! • Modifications to any part of the airbag system could cause it to fail when you need it. You could be injured because the airbags are not there to protect you. Do not modify the components or wiring, including adding any kind of badges or stickers to the steering wheel hub trim cover or the upper passenger side of the instrument panel. -
Page 60
58 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE moment of airbag deployment, or near-deployment, and up to a quarter-second of high-speed deceleration data during and/or after airbag deployment or near- deployment. EDR data are ONLY recorded if an airbag deploys, or nearly deploys, and are otherwise unavail- able. -
Page 61
identify a particular driver, vehicle, or crash, will be treated confidentially. Confidential data will not be dis- closed by DaimlerChrysler to any third party except when: 1. Used for research purposes, such as to match data with a particular crash record in an aggregate database, provided confidentiality of personal data is thereafter preserved. -
Page 62: 60 Things To Know Before Starting Your Vehicle
60 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE Child Restraint Everyone in your vehicle needs to be buckled up at all times — babies and children, too. Every state in the United States and all Canadian provinces require that small children ride in proper restraint systems. This is the law, and you can be prosecuted for ignoring it.
Page 63
• Safety experts recommend that rearward-facing in the vehicle until they are at least one year old and weigh at least 20 lbs (9 kg). Two types of child restraints can be used rearward-facing: infant carriers and convertible child seats. Both types of child restraints are held in the vehicle by the lap/ shoulder belt or the LATCH child restraint anchorage system. -
Page 64
62 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE and booster seat are held in the vehicle by the lap/ shoulder belt. (Some booster seats are equipped with a front shield and are held in the vehicle by the lap portion). additional information, NOTE:… -
Page 65
Here are some tips on getting the most out of your child restraint: • Before buying any restraint system, make sure that it has a label certifying that it meets all applicable Safety Standards. We also recommend that you make sure that you can install the child restraint in the vehicle where you will use it before you buy it. -
Page 66
64 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE • If the belt still can’t be tightened, or if by pulling and pushing on the restraint loosens the belt, disconnect the latch plate from the buckle, turn the latch plate around, and insert the latch plate into the buckle again. -
Page 67
Your vehicle is equipped with the child restraint anchor- age system called LATCH, which stands for Lower Anchors and Tether for CHildren. The LATCH system provides for the installation of the child restraint without using the vehicle seat belt. All three rear seating positions have lower anchorages that are capable of accommodat- ing LATCH-compatible child seats having flexible, webbing-mounted lower attachments. -
Page 68
66 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE Child restraint systems having attachments designed to connect to the lower anchorages are now available. Child restraints having tether straps and hooks for connection to the top tether anchorage have been available for some time. -
Page 69
rearward-facing infant restraints will also be equipped with a tether strap with a hook and means for adjusting the tension in the strap. In general, you will first loosen the adjusters on the lower and tether straps so that you can more easily attach the hook or connector to the lower and tether anchorages. -
Page 70
68 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! An incorrectly anchored tether strap could lead to increased head motion and possible injury to the child. Use only the anchor position directly behind the child seat to secure a child restraint top tether strap. -
Page 71: Engine Break-In Recommendations
ENGINE BREAK-IN RECOMMENDATIONS A long break-in period is not required for the engine in your new vehicle. Drive moderately during the first 300 mi (500 km). After the initial 60 mi (100 km), speeds up to 50 or 55 mph (80 or 90 km/h) are desirable.
Page 72: Vehicle
70 THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE STARTING YOUR VEHICLE If it is necessary to sit in a parked vehicle with the engine running, adjust your heating or cooling controls to force outside air into the vehicle. Set the blower at high speed. WARNING! If you are required to drive with the deck lid/liftgate open, make sure that all windows are closed, and the…
Page 73: Periodic Safety Checks You Should Make Outside The Vehicle
Periodic Safety Checks You Should Make Outside The Vehicle Tires Examine tires for excessive tread wear or uneven wear patterns. Check for stones, nails, glass, or other objects lodged in the tread. Inspect tread and sidewall for cuts or cracks. Check wheel nuts for tightness and tires (includ- ing spare) for proper pressure.
Page 75: Understanding The Features Of Your Vehicle
UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE CONTENTS Mirrors …….77 Inside Day/Night Mirror — If Equipped ..77 Outside Mirror —…
Page 76
74 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Manual Seat Height Adjustment — If Equipped ……108 Manual Lumbar —… -
Page 77
Intermittent Wiper System ….124 Adding Washer Fluid ….124 Tilt Steering Column . -
Page 78
76 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Opening Sunroof — Manual … . . 142 Opening Sunroof — Express Mode ..142 Closing Sunroof —… -
Page 79: Mirrors
MIRRORS Inside Day/Night Mirror — If Equipped Adjust the mirror to center on the view through the rear window. A two-point pivot system allows for horizontal and vertical mirror adjustment. Annoying headlight glare can be reduced by moving the small control under the mirror to the night position (toward the rear of vehicle).
Page 80: Outside Mirror — Passenger’s Side
78 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Outside Mirror — Passenger’s Side Adjust the convex outside mirror so you can just see the side of your vehicle in the part of the mirror closest to the vehicle with your head close to the center of the vehicle. WARNING! Vehicles and other objects seen in the passenger side convex mirror will look smaller and farther away…
Page 81
Mirror Directions UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 79 To adjust a mirror, turn the control wand toward the left or right mirror positions indicated. Tilt the control wand in the direction you want the mirror to move. When finished adjusting the mirror, turn the control to the center position to prevent accidentally moving a mirror. -
Page 82: Vanity Mirrors — If Equipped
80 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Vanity Mirrors — If Equipped To use the vanity mirror, rotate the sun visor down and swing the mirror cover upward. Vanity Mirror Sun Visor Sliding Feature The sun visors may be extended out to provide more coverage of the side glass.
Page 83
NOTE: For UConnect customer support, visit the following websites: • www.chrysler.com/uconnect • www.dodge.com/uconnect • www.jeep.com/uconnect • or call 1–877–855–8400 UConnect allows you to transfer calls between the system and your cellular phone as you enter or exit your vehicle and enables you to mute the system’s microphone… -
Page 84: Operation
82 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE radio or the mirror has the two control buttons (PHONE Button and VOICE RECOGNITION button) that will enable you to access the system. Voice Recognition Button Actual button location may vary with radio. The individual buttons are described in the “Operation”…
Page 85
• For certain operations, compound commands can be used. For example, instead of saying Setup and then Phone Pairing, the following compound command can be said: Setup Phone Pairing. • For each feature explanation in this section, only the combined form of the voice command is given. You can also break the commands into parts and say each part of the command when you are asked for it. -
Page 86
84 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE To complete the pairing process, you will need to refer- ence your cellular phone Owner’s Manual. The UConnect website may also provide detailed instruc- tions for pairing. The following are general phone to UConnect system pairing instructions: •… -
Page 87
Dial by Saying a Number • Press the PHONE button to begin. • After the Ready prompt and the following beep, say Dial. • The system will prompt you to say the number you want to call. • For example, you can say 234-567-8901. The phone number that you enter must be of valid length and combination. -
Page 88
86 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Add Names to Your UConnect Phonebook NOTE: Adding names to the phonebook is recom- mended when the vehicle is not in motion. • Press the PHONE button to begin. • After the Ready prompt and the following beep, say Phonebook New Entry. -
Page 89
Object Exchange Profile (OBEX). Please see your phone Owner’s Manual for specific instructions on how to send these entries from your phone. NOTE: • The phone handset must support Bluetooth OBEX transfers of phonebook entries to use this feature. • Some phones cannot send phonebook entries if they are already connected to any system via Bluetooth , and you may see a message on the phone display that the Bluetooth link is busy. -
Page 90
88 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Phonebook Edit can be used to add another phone number to a name entry that already exists in the phonebook. For example, the entry John Doe may have a mobile and a home number, but you can add ”John Doe’s”… -
Page 91: Phone Call Features
• After confirmation, the phonebook entries will be deleted. • Note that only the phonebook in the current language is deleted. List All Names in the UConnect Phonebook • Press the PHONE button to begin. • After the Ready prompt and the following beep, say Phonebook List Names.
Page 92
90 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE the call, press and hold the PHONE button until you hear a single beep, indicating that the incoming call was rejected. Answer or Reject an Incoming Call — Call Currently in Progress If a call is currently in progress and you have another incoming call, you will hear the same network tones for call waiting that you normally hear when using your cell phone. -
Page 93
indicating that the active and hold status of the two calls have switched. Only one call can be placed on hold at one time. Conference Call When two calls are in progress (one active and one on hold), press and hold the PHONE button until you hear a double beep indicating that the two calls have been joined into one conference call. -
Page 94: Uconnect System Features
92 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Call Continuation Call continuation is the progression of a phone call on the UConnect system after the vehicle ignition key has been switched to OFF. Call continuation functionality avail- able on the vehicle can be any one of three types: •…
Page 95
Emergency Assistance If you are in an emergency and the mobile phone is reachable: • Pick up the phone and manually dial the emergency number for your area. If the phone is not reachable and the UConnect system is operational, you may reach the emergency number as follows: •… -
Page 96
94 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: The Towing Assistance number dialed is based on the country where the vehicle is purchased (1-800-528- 2069 for the U.S., 1-877-213-4525 for Canada, 55-14-3454 for Mexico City and 1-800-712-3040 for outside Mexico City in Mexico). -
Page 97
numbers, followed by Send, is also to be used for navigating through an automated customer service cen- ter menu structure, and to leave a number on a pager. You can also send stored UConnect phonebook entries as tones for fast and easy access to voice mail and pager entries. -
Page 98
96 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Phone and Network Status Indicators If available on the radio and/or on a premium display such as the instrument panel cluster, and supported by your cell phone, the UConnect notification to inform you of your phone and network status when you are attempting to make a phone call using UConnect . -
Page 99: Advanced Phone Connectivity
Advanced Phone Connectivity Transfer Call to and from Cellular Phone The UConnect system allows ongoing calls to be trans- ferred from your cellular phone to the UConnect system without terminating the call. To transfer an ongoing call from your UConnect paired cellular phone to the UConnect system or vice versa, press the “Voice Recog- nition”…
Page 100: Things You Should Know About Your Uconnect System
98 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Select Another Cellular Phone This feature allows you to select and start using another phone paired with the UConnect system. • Press the PHONE button to begin. • After the Ready prompt and the following beep, say Setup Select Phone and follow the prompts.
Page 101
Voice Training For users experiencing difficulty with the system recog- nizing their voice commands or numbers, the UConnect system Voice Training feature may be used. To enter this training mode, follow one of the two following proce- dures: From outside the UConnect mode (e.g., from radio mode): •… -
Page 102
100 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE • Performance is maximized under: • low-to-medium blower setting, • low-to-medium vehicle speed, • low road noise, • smooth road surface, • fully closed windows, • dry weather condition. • Even though the system is designed for users speaking in North American English, French, and Spanish ac- cents, the system may not always work for some. -
Page 103
• low-to-medium vehicle speed, • low road noise, • smooth road surface, • fully closed windows, • dry weather conditions, and • operation from the drivers seat. • Performance, such as audio clarity, echo, and loudness to a large degree rely on the phone and network, and not the UConnect system. -
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Page 107
Voice Commands Primary Alternate(s) zero three four five seven eight nine star (*) plus (+) pound (#) add location UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 105 Voice Commands Primary Alternate(s) call cancel confirmation prompts continue delete dial download edit emergency English erase all Espanol… -
Page 108
106 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Voice Commands Primary Alternate(s) language list names list phones mobile mute mute off new entry pager pair a phone phone pairing pairing phonebook phone book previous record again redial Voice Commands Primary Alternate(s) return to main menu return or main menu select phone… -
Page 109: General Information
General Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and RSS 210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following conditions: • This device may not cause harmful interference. • This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired op- eration.
Page 110: Manual Seat Height Adjustment — If Equipped
108 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! • Adjusting a seat while the vehicle is moving is dangerous. The sudden movement of the seat could cause you to lose control. The seat belt might not be properly adjusted and you could be injured. Adjust the seat only while the vehicle is parked.
Page 111: Manual Lumbar — If Equipped
Manual Lumbar — If Equipped The lumbar adjustment is located on the outboard side of the driver’s seat. To increase or decrease support, rotate the handle up or down. Lumbar Adjustment UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 109 Driver’s Seatback Recline To recline: 1.
Page 112: Adjustable Head Restraints
110 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Adjustable Head Restraints Head restraints can reduce the risk of whiplash injury in the event of impact from the rear. Pull up or push down on the head restraints so that the upper edge is as high as practical.
Page 113: Heated Seats — If Equipped
Heated Seats — If Equipped WARNING! Persons who are unable to feel pain to the skin because of advanced age, chronic illness, diabetes, spinal cord injury, medication, alcohol use, exhaus- tion or other physical condition must exercise care when using the seat heater. It may cause burns even at low temperatures, especially if used for long periods of time.
Page 114: Fold Flat Front Passenger Seat
112 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Pressing the switch once will select HIGH-level heating. Pressing the switch a second time will select LOW-level heating. Pressing the switch a third time will shut the heating elements OFF. When HIGH-level heating is selected, the heaters provide a boosted heat level during the first four minutes of operation after heating is activated.
Page 115: Folding Rear Seat
UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 113 Folding Rear Seat To provide additional storage, each rear seatback can be folded forward. Pull the strap forward to move the seat forward and flat. Front Passenger Seat Folded Flat Folding Rear Seat…
Page 116: Reclining Rear Seat — If Equipped
114 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Reclining Rear Seat — If Equipped Rear Seat Folded Flat Reclining The Rear Seat For additional comfort, pull the strap forward just enough to release the seatback latch. Then push the seatback to a reclined position, approximately 35 degrees maximum, and release the strap.
Page 117: To Open And Close The Hood
WARNING! • It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo area, inside or outside of a vehicle. In a collision, people riding in these areas are more likely to be seri- ously injured or killed. • Do not allow people to ride in any area of your vehicle that is not equipped with seats and seat belts •…
Page 118
116 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Then move the safety catch located under the front edge of the hood, near the center and raise the hood. Secondary Hood Latch Location Lift the hood prop rod, clipped to the left side (right side facing hood) of the engine compartment, to secure the hood in the open position. -
Page 119: Lights
LIGHTS Map/Reading Lights These lights are mounted between the sun visors above the rearview mirror. Each light is turned on by pressing the button. Press the button a second time to turn the light OFF. The lights also come on when a door is opened or the dimmer control is turned fully upward, past the second detent.
Page 120: Headlights, Parking Lights And Instrument Panel Lights
118 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Headlights, Parking Lights and Instrument Panel Lights Turn the end of the Multifunction Control Lever to the first detent for parking light operation. Turn to the second detent for headlight operation. Headlight Control To change the brightness of the instrument panel lights, rotate the center portion of the Multifunction Control Lever up or down.
Page 121: Lights-On Reminder
Lights-on Reminder If the headlights or parking lights are on after the ignition is turned OFF, a chime will sound to alert the driver when the driver’s door is opened. Fog Lights — If Equipped Fog Light Control UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 119 The front fog light switch is on the Multifunction Control Lever.
Page 122: Turn Signals
120 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Turn Signals Turn Signal Control Move the Multifunction Control Lever up or down and the arrows on each side of the instrument cluster flash to show proper operation of the front and rear turn signal lights.
Page 123: Highbeam/Lowbeam Select Switch
Highbeam/Lowbeam Select Switch High Beam Control Push the Multifunction Control Lever away from you to switch the headlights to HIGH beam. Push the Multi- function Control Lever away from you again to switch the headlights back to LOW beam. UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 121 Passing Light You can signal another vehicle with your headlights by lightly pulling the Multifunction Control Lever toward…
Page 124: Windshield Wipers And Washers
122 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: On this vehicle, the DRLs will automatically turn off when the turn signals or hazard warning flashers are in operation and automatically turn back on when the turn signals or hazard warning flashers are not operating. WINDSHIELD WIPERS AND WASHERS The wipers and washers are operated by a switch on the Multifunction Control Lever.
Page 125: Mist Feature
Mist Feature Push down on the Multifunction Control Lever to acti- vate a single wipe to clear the windshield of road mist or spray from a passing vehicle. As long as the Multifunc- tion Control Lever is held down, the wipers will continue to operate.
Page 126: Windshield Wiper Operation
124 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Windshield Wiper Operation Turn the end of the handle to select the desired wiper speed. Wiper Control Intermittent Wiper System Use the intermittent wiper when weather conditions make a single wiping cycle, with a variable pause be- tween cycles, desirable.
Page 127: Tilt Steering Column
TILT STEERING COLUMN To tilt the steering column, push down on the lever below the Multifunction Control Lever. With one hand firmly on the wheel, move the steering column up or down as desired. Push the lever back up to lock the column firmly in place.
Page 128: Electronic Speed Control — If Equipped
126 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE ELECTRONIC SPEED CONTROL — IF EQUIPPED When engaged, this device takes over the accelerator operation at speeds greater than 25 mph (40 km/h). The speed control lever is located on the right side of the steering wheel.
Page 129: To Set At A Desired Speed
To Set At A Desired Speed When the vehicle has reached the desired speed, press down on the lever and release. Release the accelerator and the vehicle will operate at the selected speed. NOTE: The vehicle should be traveling at a steady speed and on level ground before pressing the SET lever.
Page 130: Manual Transaxle
128 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Manual Transaxle Depressing the clutch pedal will disengage the speed control. A slight increase in engine RPM before the speed control disengages is normal. Vehicles equipped with manual transaxles may need to be shifted into a lower gear to climb hills without speed loss.
Page 131: Electronic Brake Control System
WARNING! • The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) cannot prevent the natural laws of physics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase the traction afforded by prevailing road conditions. • The ABS cannot prevent accidents, including those resulting from excessive speed in turns, driving on very slippery surfaces, or hydroplan- ing.
Page 132: Brake Assist System (Bas)
130 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Brake Assist System (BAS) The BAS is designed to optimize the vehicle’s braking capability during emergency braking maneuvers. The system detects an emergency braking situation by sens- ing the rate and amount of brake application and then applies optimum pressure to the brakes.
Page 133: Traction Control System (Tcs)
Traction Control System (TCS) This system monitors the amount of wheel spin of each of the driven wheels. If wheel spin is detected, brake pressure is applied to the slipping wheel(s) and engine power is reduced to provide enhanced acceleration and stability.
Page 134
132 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE ESP Indicator Light The “ESP Indicator Light” located in the instrument cluster, starts to flash as soon as the tires lose traction and the ESP system becomes active. If the “ESP Indicator Light” begins to flash during acceleration, ease up on the accelerator and apply as little throttle as possible. -
Page 135
Full On This is the normal operating mode for ESP. Whenever the vehicle is started the ESP system will be in this “On” mode. This mode should be used for most driving situations. ESP should only be turned to “Partial Off” for specific reasons as noted below. -
Page 136: Garage Door Opener — If Equipped
134 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: • The “ESP Indicator Light” and the “ESP/BAS Warning Light” come on momentarily each time the ignition switch is turned ON. • Each time the ignition is turned ON, the ESP System will be ON even if it was turned off previously.
Page 137: Programming Homelink
WARNING! Your motorized door or gate will open and close while you are training the Universal Transceiver. Do not train the transceiver if people or pets are in the path of the door or gate. Only use this transceiver with a garage door opener that has a “stop and reverse”…
Page 138
136 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Your vehicle should be parked outside of the garage when programming. 1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON/RUN position. 2. Hold the battery side of the hand-held transmitter away from the HomeLink button you wish to program. Place the hand-held transmitter 1–3 in (3-8 cm) away from the HomeLink button you wish to program while keeping the indicator light in view. -
Page 139
If the indicator light blinks rapidly for two seconds, and then turns to a constant light, continue with program- ming for a Rolling Code. 5. PROGRAMMING A ROLLING CODE SYSTEM At the garage door opener motor (in the garage), locate the “Learn”… -
Page 140: Gate Operator/Canadian Programming
138 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: There are 30 seconds in which to initiate the next step after the “Learn” button has been pressed. 7. Return to the vehicle and press the programmed HomeLink button twice (holding the button for two seconds each time).
Page 141: Using Homelink
has successfully accepted the frequency signal. The indicator light will flash slowly and then rapidly when fully trained. If you unplugged the device for training, plug it back in at this time. Then proceed with Step 4 under “Programming HomeLink ” earlier in this section. Using HomeLink To operate, simply press and release the programmed HomeLink button.
Page 142: Troubleshooting Tips
140 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE The HomeLink Universal Transceiver is disabled when the Vehicle Security Alarm is active. Troubleshooting Tips If you are having trouble programming HomeLink , here are some of the most common solutions: • Replace the battery in the original transmitter. •…
Page 143: Power Sunroof — If Equipped
POWER SUNROOF — IF EQUIPPED The power sunroof switch is located in the reading light. Power Sunroof Switch UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 141 WARNING! • Never leave unattended children in a vehicle, with the key in the ignition switch. Occupants, particu- larly unattended children, can become entrapped by the power sunroof while operating the power sunroof switch.
Page 144: Opening Sunroof — Manual
142 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Opening Sunroof — Manual To open the sunroof, press and hold the switch rearward to full open. Any release of the switch will stop the movement, and the sunroof will remain in a partial open condition until the switch is pushed and held rearward again.
Page 145: Pinch Protect Override
Pinch Protect Override If a known obstruction (ice, debris, etc.) prevents closing, press the switch forward and hold it for two seconds after the reversal occurs. This allows the sunroof to move toward the close position. NOTE: Pinch protection is disabled while the switch is pressed.
Page 146: Sunroof Maintenance
144 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Sunroof Maintenance Use only a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth to clean the glass panel. Ignition Off Operation The sunroof will also operate up to 45 seconds after the ignition has been turned OFF. The sunroof operation will be canceled if either of the front doors are opened during the accessory delay time or set accessory delay time.
Page 147
UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 145 Power Outlet 12 Volts Power Outlet — 115 Volts (150 Watts) -
Page 148: Electrical Outlet Use With Engine Off
146 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Electrical Outlet Use With Engine Off CAUTION! • Many accessories that can be plugged in draw power from the vehicle’s battery, even when not in use (i.e., cellular phones, etc.). Eventually, if plugged in long enough, the vehicle’s battery will discharge sufficiently to degrade battery life and/or prevent engine starting.
Page 149: Cargo Area Features
Floor Console A 115 Volt outlet to power small electronics is on the console and is standard on all models except the SE model. For more information on this outlet, refer to the “Electrical Power Outlets” section in this book. UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 147 NOTE: The flip pocket and console lid features are intended to be used in the upright or open position only…
Page 150
148 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE To operate the flashlight, press the switch once for high, twice for low, and a third time to return to off. Removing Flashlight Press And Release… -
Page 151: Tonneau Cover — If Equipped
Three-Press Switch UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 149 Tonneau Cover — If Equipped The cargo area trim panels include two notches for mounting the available tonneau cover that accommo- dates the reclining rear seat. WARNING! In an accident a cargo cover loose in the vehicle could cause injury.
Page 152: Removable Load Floor
150 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE Removable Load Floor The cargo area load floor is removable and can be washed with mild soap and water. Rear Cargo Area Cargo Tie-Down Loops There are two D-rings installed on the D-pillars for securing a net across the liftgate opening.
Page 153: Fold Down Speakers — If Equipped
• Always place cargo evenly on the cargo floor. Put heavier objects as low and as far forward as possible. • Place as much cargo as possible in front of the rear axle. Too much weight or improperly placed weight over or behind the rear axle can cause the rear of the vehicle to sway.
Page 154: Rear Window Features
152 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE REAR WINDOW FEATURES Rear Window Wiper/Washer A switch on the right side of the steering column controls operation of the rear wiper/washer function. Rotating the center of the switch forward to the ON position will activate the wiper.
Page 155: Rear Window Defroster
Adding Washer Fluid The fluid reservoir for the windshield washers and the rear window washer (if equipped) is shared. It is located in the front of the engine compartment on the passenger side and should be checked for fluid level at regular intervals.
Page 156: Cooled Beverage Storage Bin/Glove Compartment — If Equipped
154 UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE COOLED BEVERAGE STORAGE BIN/GLOVE COMPARTMENT — IF EQUIPPED NOTE: The use of the Cooled Beverage Storage Bin is for non-perishable beverages only. The upper storage bin door swings upward to present the contents of the long shallow bin that can store items out of sight.
Page 157
UNDERSTANDING THE FEATURES OF YOUR VEHICLE 155 Positioning Slide Control Slide Control Movement Vehicles without air conditioning can use that space for storage. The lower bin holds the Owner’s Manual and other important documents. Another storage bin is lo- cated on the outboard side of the steering wheel and can hold small items like parking cards for easy access. -
Page 159
UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL CONTENTS Instrument Panel Features ….161 Instrument Cluster — Base ….162 Instrument Cluster —… -
Page 160
158 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Radio General Information ….185 Radio Broadcast Signals ….185 Two Types Of Signals . -
Page 161
Changing Tape Direction ….201 Metal Tape Selection ….201 Pinch Roller Release . -
Page 162
160 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL PTY Button Seek ….. . 216 Satellite Antenna ….. . 216 Reception Quality . -
Page 163: Instrument Panel Features
Page 164: Instrument Cluster — Base
Page 165: Instrument Cluster — Premium
Page 166: Instrument Cluster Descriptions
164 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTRUMENT CLUSTER DESCRIPTIONS 1. Fuel Gauge When the ignition switch is in the ON position, the pointer will show the level of fuel remaining in the fuel tank. 2. Fuel Door Indicator This indicates that the Fuel Filler Door is located on the left side of the vehicle.
Page 167
5. Tachometer The white area of the scale shows the permissible engine revolutions-per-minute (RPM x 1000) for each gear range. Before reaching the red area, ease up on the accelerator to prevent engine damage. 6. Low Fuel Light When the fuel level drops to two gallons, the fuel symbol will light and a single chime will sound. -
Page 168
166 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 11. Oil Pressure Light Shows low engine oil pressure. The light will come on and remain on when the ignition switch is turned from the OFF to the ON position, and the light will turn off after the engine is started. If the bulb does not come on during starting, have the system checked by an authorized dealer. -
Page 169
that illuminates a low tire pressure telltale when one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. Accord- ingly, when the low tire pressure telltale illuminates, you should stop and check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate them to the proper pressure. Driving on a signifi- cantly under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. -
Page 170
168 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL CAUTION! The TPMS has been optimized for the original equipment tires and wheels. TPMS pressures and warning have been established for the tire size equipped on your vehicle. Undesirable system opera- tion or sensor damage may result when using re- placement equipment that is not of the same size, type, and/or style. -
Page 171
indicator system is duty cycle based, which means the engine oil change interval may fluctuate dependent upon your personal driving style. Unless reset, this message will continue to display each time you turn the ignition switch to the ON/RUN position. To turn off the message temporarily, press and release the Trip Odometer button on the instrument cluster. -
Page 172
170 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL If the MIL flashes when the engine is running, serious conditions may exist that could lead to immediate loss of power or severe catalytic converter damage. The vehicle should be serviced as soon as possible if this occurs. 17. -
Page 173
20. Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Indicator Light/Traction Control System (TCS) Indicator Light — If Equipped If this indicator light flashes during accelera- tion, apply as little throttle as possible. While driving, ease up on the accelerator. Adapt your speed and driving to the prevailing road con- ditions, and do not switch off the ESP, or TCS —… -
Page 174
172 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL When lit solid: There is an AWD system fault. AWD performance will be at a reduced level. Service the AWD system soon. When blinking: The AWD system is temporarily dis- abled due to overload condition. 25. -
Page 175
parking brake is applied, there is a low brake fluid level or there is a problem with the Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS). The dual brake system provides a reserve braking capac- ity in the event of a failure to a portion of the hydraulic system. -
Page 176
174 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL turn off unless the parking brake is applied or a brake fault is detected. If the light does not illuminate, have the light inspected by an authorized dealer. The Brake System Warning Light will also turn on when the parking brake is applied with the ignition switch in the ON position. -
Page 177: Electronic Vehicle Information Center (Evic) — If Equipped
ELECTRONIC VEHICLE INFORMATION CENTER (EVIC) — If Equipped EVIC Location UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 175 The Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) fea- tures a driver-interactive display. It is located in the lower left part of the cluster below the fuel and engine tem- perature gauge.
Page 178: Oil Change Required
176 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL When the appropriate conditions exist, the EVIC displays the following messages. • Turn Signal On (with a continuous warning chime) • Left Front Turn Signal Light Out (with a single chime) • Left Rear Turn Signal Light Out (with a single chime) •…
Page 179: Evic Functions
indicator system is duty cycle based, which means the engine oil change interval may fluctuate dependent upon your personal driving style. Unless reset, this message will continue to display each time you turn the ignition switch to the ON/RUN position. To turn off the message temporarily, press and release the Trip Odometer button on the instrument cluster.
Page 180: Compass/Temperature/Audio
178 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Press the EVIC button until one of the following func- tions are displayed on the EVIC: • Compass/Temperature/Audio • Average Fuel Economy • Distance To Empty (DTE) • Elapsed Time • Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) •…
Page 181: Distance To Empty (Dte)
Distance To Empty (DTE) Shows the estimated distance that can be travelled with the fuel remaining in the tank. This estimated distance is determined by a weighted average of the instantaneous and average fuel economy, according to the current fuel tank level.
Page 182
180 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Use the EVIC button to display one of the following choices: Language When in this display you may select different languages for all display nomenclature, including the trip functions. Pressing the EVIC button while in this display selects English, Espanol, or Francais depending on availability. -
Page 183
Sound Horn with Remote Key Lock When ON is selected, a short horn sound will occur when the RKE transmitter LOCK button is pressed. This feature may be selected with or without the flash lights on lock/unlock feature. Press and hold the EVIC button when in this display until “ON”… -
Page 184
182 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Delay Power Off to Accessories Until Exit When this feature is selected, the power window switches, radio, hands–free system, power sunroof, and power outlets will remain active for up to 60 minutes after the ignition switch has been turned off. Opening a vehicle door will cancel this feature. -
Page 185: Setting The Compass Variance And Compass Calibration
UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 183 Setting The Compass Variance And Compass Calibration Compass Variance Compass Variance is the difference between magnetic North and geographic North. In some areas of the country, the difference between magnetic and geographic North is great enough to cause the compass to give false readings.
Page 186: Compass Calibration
184 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL To Set the Variance: with the ignition in the ON position, with a short button press (less than one second) press and release the EVIC button several times until you have displayed “Personal Programmable Features)” menu. Once in the “Personal Settings (Customer-Programmable Features)”…
Page 187: Understanding Your Instrument Panel 185
Settings (Customer-Programmable Features)” menu, press and release (less than one second) the EVIC button several times until “Calibrate Compass (Yes)” is dis- played. Using a long button press (more than one sec- ond), pressing the EVIC button will place the Compass in calibration mode.
Page 188: Electrical Disturbances
186 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Electrical Disturbances Radio waves may pick up electrical disturbances during transmission. They mainly affect the wave amplitude, and thus remain a part of the AM reception. They interfere very little with the frequency variations that carry the FM signal.
Page 189: Clock Setting Procedure
Clock Setting Procedure 1. Press and hold the TIME button until the hours blink. 2. Adjust the hours by turning the TUNE/AUDIO con- trol knob. 3. After the hours are adjusted, push the TUNE/AUDIO control knob to set the minutes. 4.
Page 190: Operating Instructions — Radio Mode
188 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Operating Instructions — Radio Mode NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON or ACC position to operate the radio. Power Switch/Volume Control (Rotary) Press the ON/VOL control to turn the radio ON. Press the ON/VOL a second time to turn OFF the radio.
Page 191
NOTE: In Hands-Free Phone (if equipped) mode, the MUTE button mutes the microphone. SCAN Button (Radio Mode) Pressing the SCAN button causes the tuner to search for the next listenable station in either, AM, FM, or Satellite (if equipped) frequencies, pausing for five seconds at each listenable station before continuing to the next. -
Page 192
190 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL TUNE Control (Radio Mode) Turn the rotary TUNE control clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to decrease the frequency. AM/FM Button (Radio Mode) Press the button to select AM or FM modes. Setting the Tone, Balance, and Fade Press the rotary TUNE control, and BASS will display. -
Page 193: Operating Instructions — Cd Mode
selected within five seconds after pressing the SET but- ton, the station will continue to play but will not be stored into pushbutton memory. You may add a second station to each pushbutton by repeating the above procedure with this exception: Press the SET button twice and SET 2 will show in the display window.
Page 194
192 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL • If you insert a disc with the ignition ON and the radio OFF, the CD will automatically be pulled into the CD player. • This radio does not play discs with MP3 tracks. SEEK Button (CD Mode) Press the right side of the SEEK button for the next track on the CD. -
Page 195: Operating Instructions — Auxiliary Mode
Press and hold the FF button to fast forward through the tracks. Release the FF button to stop the fast forward feature. If the RW button is pressed, the current track will reverse to the beginning of the track and begin playing. RND/SET Button (Random Play Button) (CD Mode) Press this button while the CD is playing to activate…
Page 196: Operating Instructions — Hands-Free Phone — If Equipped
194 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL MUTE Button (Auxiliary Mode) Press the MUTE button to cancel the sound from the speakers. MUTE will display. Press the MUTE button a second time and the sound from the speakers will return. Rotating the volume control or turning off the ignition will also return the sound from the speakers.
Page 197: Operating Instructions — Satellite Radio — If Equipped
Operating Instructions — Satellite Radio — If Equipped Refer to the “Satellite Radio” section of this Owner’s Manual. SALES CODE RAK – AM/FM/CASSETTE/CD (6-DISC) RADIO WITH OPTIONAL SATELLITE RADIO, HANDS FREE PHONE, VIDEO, MP3, and WMA CAPABILITIES NOTE: The radio sales code is located on the lower right side of your radio faceplate.
Page 198
196 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Power Switch/Volume Control (Rotary) Press the ON/VOL control to turn the radio ON. Press the ON/VOL a second time to turn OFF the radio. Electronic Volume Control The electronic volume control turns continuously (360 degrees) in either direction without stopping. Turning the volume control to the right increases the volume and to the left decreases it. -
Page 199
Clock Setting Procedure 1. Press and hold the TIME button until the hours blink. 2. Adjust the hours by turning the right side Tune/ Audio control. 3. After the hours are adjusted, press the right side Tune/Audio control to set the minutes. The minutes will begin to blink. -
Page 200
198 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Press the rotary TUNE control a third time and TREBLE will display. Turn the TUNE control to the right or left to increase or decrease the Treble tones. Press the rotary TUNE control a fourth time and BAL will display. -
Page 201
Program Type 16 Digit-Character Display Oldies Soft Nostalgia Nostalgia Jazz Classical Classical Rhythm and Blues Rhythm_and_Blues Soft Rhythm and Blues Soft_R_&_B Foreign Language Foreign_Language Religious Music Religious_Music Religious Talk Religious_Talk Personality Personality Public College Unassigned Weather Weather UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 199 By pressing the SEEK button when the PTY icon is displayed, the radio will be tuned to the next frequency Oldies… -
Page 202: Operating Instructions — Tape Player
200 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Operating Instructions — Tape Player Insert the cassette with the exposed tape side toward the left and the mechanical action of the player will gently pull the cassette into the play position. NOTE: When subjected to extremely cold temperatures, the tape mechanism may require a few minutes to warm up for proper operation.
Page 203: Scan Button
SCAN Button Press this button to play 10 seconds of each selection. Press the SCAN button a second time to cancel the feature. Changing Tape Direction If you wish to change the direction of tape travel (side being played), press Preset 6. The lighted arrow in the display window will show the new direction.
Page 204
202 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL NOTE: This Radio is capable of playing compact discs (CD), recordable compact discs (CD-R), rewritable com- pact discs (CD-RW) compact discs with MP3 tracks and multisession compact discs with CD and MP3 tracks and WMA. Inserting Compact Disc(s) CAUTION! This CD player will accept 4 3/4 inch (12 cm) discs… -
Page 205: Load/Eject Button (Cd Mode For Cd Audio Play)
LOAD/EJECT Button (CD Mode for CD Audio Play) LOAD/EJECT — Load Press the LOAD/EJT button and the push- button with the corresponding number where the CD is being loaded. The radio will display PLEASE WAIT and prompt when to INSERT DISC.
Page 206
204 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL RW/FF (CD Mode for CD Audio Play) Press and hold FF (Fast Forward) and the CD player will begin to fast forward until FF is released or RW or another CD button is pressed. The RW (Reverse) button works in a similar manner. -
Page 207: Notes On Playing Mp3 Files
Notes On Playing MP3 Files The radio can play MP3 files; however, acceptable MP3 file recording media and formats are limited. When writing MP3 files, pay attention to the following restric- tions. Supported Media (Disc Types) The MP3 file recording media supported by the radio are CD-ROM, CD-R, and CD-RW.
Page 208
206 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Supported MP3 File Formats The radio will recognize only files with the *.mp3 exten- sion as MP3 files. Non-MP3 files named with the *.mp3 extension may cause playback problems. The radio is designed to recognize the file as an invalid MP3 and will not play the file. -
Page 209: Operating Instructions
Playback of MP3 and WMA Files When a medium containing MP3 data is loaded, the radio checks all files on the medium. If the medium contains a lot of folders or files, the radio will take more time to start playing the MP3 files. Loading times for playback of MP3 and WMA files may be affected by the following: •…
Page 210
208 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL The radio display will show LOADING DISC when the disc is loading. LOAD/EJT — Eject Press the LOAD/EJT button and the push- button with the corresponding number where the CD was loaded and the disc will unload and move to the entrance for easy removal. -
Page 211
AM/FM Button (CD Mode for MP3 Play) Switches back to Radio mode. RND/PTY Button (CD Mode for MP3 Play) Pressing this button plays files randomly. SET/DIR Button (CD Mode for MP3 Play) Press the SET/DIR Button to display folders, when playing an MP3 discs that have a file/folder structure. -
Page 212: Sales Code Rec — Am/Fm/Cd (6-Disc) Radio With Navigation System
210 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL SALES CODE REC — AM/FM/CD (6–DISC) RADIO WITH NAVIGATION SYSTEM Satellite Navigation Radio with CD Player with MP3 Capability (REC) — combines a Global-Positioning System-based navigation system with an integrated color screen to provide maps, turn identification, selection menus and instructions for selecting a variety of destina- tions and routes, AM/FM stereo radio and six-disc CD changer with MP3 capability.
Page 213
the worldwide standard for time. This makes the sys- tem’s clock very accurate once the appropriate time zone and daylight savings information is set. 1. At the Main Menu screen, highlight “Clock Setup” and press ENTER OR press and hold for three seconds the TIME button on the unit’s faceplate. -
Page 214
212 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 1. At the Clock Setup screen highlight “Displayed Clock: User Defined Clock”. 2. To increase the clock by hours, make sure “HR +” is highlighted and press ENTER. Press ENTER again to increase the clock by another hour. You will see on the “User Defined Time”… -
Page 215: Satellite Radio — If Equipped
SATELLITE RADIO — IF EQUIPPED Satellite radio uses direct satellite to receiver broadcast- ing technology to provide clear digital sound, coast to coast. The subscription service provider is Sirius™ Satel- lite Radio. This service offers over 130 channels of music, sports, news, entertainment, and programming for chil- dren, directly from its satellites and broadcasting studios.
Page 216: Selecting Satellite Mode In Ref, Raq, And Rak Radios
214 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL press the SEEK UP button until all 12 ESN/SID digits display. The SEEK DOWN will page down until the first four digits display. The radio will exit the ESN/SID mode when any other button is pushed, the ignition is turned OFF, or five minutes have passed since any button was pushed.
Page 217: Selecting A Channel
A CD or tape may remain in the radio while in the Satellite radio mode. Selecting A Channel Press and release the SEEK or TUNE knob to search for the next channel. Press the top of the button to search up and the bottom of the button to search down.
Page 218: Pty Button Seek
216 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL one and stop the search. Pressing a preset memory button during a music type scan will call up the memory channel and stop the search. PTY Button SEEK When the desired program is obtained, press the SEEK button within five seconds.
Page 219: Remote Sound System Controls — If Equipped
REMOTE SOUND SYSTEM CONTROLS — IF EQUIPPED The remote sound system controls are located on the rear surface of the steering wheel. Reach behind the wheel to access the switches. UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 217 The right-hand control is a rocker type switch with a pushbutton in the center.
Page 220: Cd Player
218 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL The button located in the center of the left-hand control will tune to the next preset station that you have pro- grammed in the radio preset pushbuttons. CD Player Press the top of the switch once to go to the next track on the CD.
Page 221: Radio Operation And Cellular Phones
RADIO OPERATION AND CELLULAR PHONES Under certain conditions, the cellular phone being ON in your vehicle can cause erratic or noisy performance from your radio. This condition may be lessened or eliminated by relocating the cellular phone antenna. This condition is not harmful to the radio.
Page 222
220 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL The controls are as follows: Mode Control (Air Direction) The mode control allows you to choose from several patterns of air distribution. You can select either a primary mode, as identified by the symbols, or a blend of two of these modes. -
Page 223
Defrost Air is directed through the windshield and side window demister outlets. Use this mode with maximum fan and temperature settings for best wind- shield and side window defrosting. NOTE: The air conditioning compressor operates in both Mix and Defrost or a blend of these modes even if the Air Conditioning Snowflake button is not pressed. -
Page 224
222 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Temperature Control Use this control to regulate the temperature of the air inside the passenger compartment. The blue area of the scale indicates cooler temperatures while the red area indicates warmer temperatures. NOTE: If your air conditioning performance seems lower than expected, check the front of the A/C con- denser, located in front of the radiator, for an accumula- tion of dirt or insects. -
Page 225
NOTE: Recirculation Mode will not operate in floor, mix or defrost modes. Air Conditioning (Normal) Use this button to engage the Air Conditioning. A light will illumi- nate when the Air Conditioning System is engaged. NOTE: The air conditioning compressor will not engage until the engine has been running for about 10 seconds. -
Page 226: Air Filtration System — If Equipped
224 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Air Filtration System – If Equipped An air filter is included in the optional Security Group. Filter media includes a particle filtration layer and a charcoal layer. The filter will reduce, but not eliminate, diesel and agricultural smells. The filter acts only on air coming from outside the vehicle;…
Page 227: Operating Tips
Page 228
226 UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL Window Fogging Vehicle side windows tend to fog on the inside in mild rainy or humid weather. To clear the windows, set mode to the mix or defrost position. Direct the panel outlets toward the side windows. Do not use recirculate without A/C for long periods as fogging may occur. -
Page 229
UNDERSTANDING YOUR INSTRUMENT PANEL 227 Side Window Demisters A side window demister outlet is at each end of the instrument panel. These nonadjustable outlets direct air toward the side windows when the system is in either the FLOOR, MIX, or DEFROST mode. The air is directed at the area of the windows through which you view the outside mirrors. -
Page 231
STARTING AND OPERATING CONTENTS Starting Procedures ….. 233 Manual Transmission ….233 Automatic Transmission . -
Page 232
230 STARTING AND OPERATING Downshifting ……243 All Wheel Drive System — If Equipped ..244 Parking Brake . -
Page 233
Replacement Tires ….. 269 Alignment And Balance ….270 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) —… -
Page 234
232 STARTING AND OPERATING Trailer Hitch Classification ….290 Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings) ….. . 291 Trailer And Tongue Weight . -
Page 235: Starting Procedures
STARTING PROCEDURES Before starting your vehicle, adjust your seat, adjust both inside and outside mirrors, and fasten your seat belts. WARNING! Never leave children alone in a vehicle. Leaving unattended children in a vehicle is dangerous for a number of reasons. A child or others could be seri- ously or fatally injured.
Page 236: Extremely Cold Weather (Below 20°F Or 29°C)
234 STARTING AND OPERATING start within 15 seconds, turn the ignition switch to the OFF position, wait 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat the normal starting procedure. WARNING! Do not attempt to push or tow your vehicle to get it started.
Page 237: After Starting
WARNING! Never pour fuel or other flammable liquid into the throttle body air inlet opening in an attempt to start the vehicle. This could result in flash fire causing serious personal injury. CAUTION! To prevent damage to the starter, do not crank the engine for more than 15 seconds at a time.
Page 238
236 STARTING AND OPERATING sometimes feel as if it is slipping, but this is normal and does not harm anything. CAUTION! Damage to the transaxle may occur if the following precautions are not observed: • Shift into PARK only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. -
Page 239: Brake/Transmission Interlock System
Brake/Transmission Interlock System This system prevents you from moving the shift lever out of PARK and into any gear unless the brake pedal is pressed. This system is active only while the ignition switch is in the ON or ACC position. Always depress the brake pedal first, before moving the shift lever out of PARK.
Page 240
238 STARTING AND OPERATING WARNING! Unintended movement of a vehicle could injure those in and near the vehicle. As with all vehicles, you should never exit a vehicle while the engine is running. Before exiting a vehicle, you should always shift the vehicle into PARK, remove the key from the ignition, and apply the parking brake. -
Page 241: Autostick — If Equipped
REVERSE Shift into this range only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. NEUTRAL The engine may be started in this range. DRIVE This should be used for most driving and provides the best ratio for optimum drivability, fuel economy, and performance.
Page 242: Autostick Operation
240 STARTING AND OPERATING Autostick Operation Autostick Shifter NOTE: Autostick is not functional until the CVT warms up in cold weather. Autostick operation is activated in the DRIVE position by moving the shift lever side-to-side. Moving the shift lever to the (+) side will activate Autostick and shift up to the next higher manual ratio, unless you are already operating in or near Overdrive, in which case 6th ratio will be selected.
Page 243: Autostick General Information
Autostick is deactivated: • By holding the shift lever to (+) momentarily • When the shift lever is shifted out of DRIVE • When in 6th position, touching the shift lever to the right • When heavy Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) applica- tion is detected Autostick General Information •…
Page 244: Manual Transaxle — If Equipped
242 STARTING AND OPERATING MANUAL TRANSAXLE — IF EQUIPPED WARNING! You or others could be injured if you leave the vehicle unattended without having the parking brake fully applied. The parking brake should al- ways be applied when the driver is not in the vehicle, especially on an incline.
Page 245: Recommended Shift Speeds
For most city driving, you will find it easier to use only the lower gears. For steady highway driving with light accelerations, 5th gear is recommended. Never drive with your foot resting on the clutch pedal, and never try to hold the vehicle on a hill with the clutch pedal partially engaged.
Page 246: All Wheel Drive System — If Equipped
244 STARTING AND OPERATING To maintain a safe speed and prolong brake life, shift down to 2nd or 1st gear when descending a steep grade. When turning a corner or driving up a steep grade, downshift early so that the engine will not be overbur- dened.
Page 247
Before leaving the vehicle, make sure that the parking brake is set. To set the parking brake, pull up firmly on the lever. Also, place the shift lever in the PARK position (automatic transmission) or REVERSE position (manual transmission). To release the parking brake, apply the brake pedal, pull up slightly on the lever, then depress the button on the end of the lever and push the lever fully down toward the floor. -
Page 248: Brake System
246 STARTING AND OPERATING PARK. As an added precaution, turn the front wheels toward the curb on a downhill grade and away from the curb on a uphill grade. You should always apply the parking brake before leav- ing the vehicle. WARNING! •…
Page 249: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs) — If Equipped
If either of the two hydraulic systems lose normal capa- bility, the remaining system will still function with some loss of overall braking effectiveness. This will be evident by increased pedal travel during application and greater pedal force required to slow or stop. In addition, if the malfunction is caused by an internal leak, as the brake fluid in the master cylinder drops, the brake warning indicator will light.
Page 250
248 STARTING AND OPERATING WARNING! • The ABS cannot prevent the natural laws of phys- ics from acting on the vehicle, nor can it increase braking or steering efficiency beyond that af- forded by the condition of the vehicle brakes and tires or the traction afforded. -
Page 251
When the vehicle is driven over 7 mph (11 km/h), you may also hear a slight clicking sound as well as some related motor noises. These noises are the system per- forming its self-check cycle to ensure that the ABS working properly. -
Page 252: Power Steering
250 STARTING AND OPERATING POWER STEERING The standard power steering system will give you good vehicle response and increased ease of maneuverability in tight spaces. The system will provide mechanical steering capability if power assist is lost. If for some reason the power assist is interrupted, it will still be possible to steer your vehicle.
Page 253: Driving On Slippery Surfaces
DRIVING ON SLIPPERY SURFACES ACCELERATION Rapid acceleration on snow covered, wet, or other slip- pery surfaces may cause the front wheels to pull errati- cally to the right or left. This phenomenon occurs when there is a difference in the surface traction under the front (driving) wheels.
Page 254: Driving Through Water
252 STARTING AND OPERATING DRIVING THROUGH WATER Driving through water more than a few inches/ centimeters deep will require extra caution to ensure safety and prevent damage to your vehicle. FLOWING/RISING WATER WARNING! Do not drive on, or cross, a road or a path where water is flowing and/or rising (as in storm run-off).
Page 255
CAUTION! • Driving through standing water may cause dam- age to your vehicle’s drivetrain components. Al- ways inspect your vehicle’s fluids (i.e., engine oil, transmission, axle, etc.) for signs of contamination (i.e., fluid that is milky or foamy in appearance) after driving through standing water. -
Page 256: Tire Safety Information
254 STARTING AND OPERATING TIRE SAFETY INFORMATION TIRE MARKINGS NOTE: • P (Passenger)-Metric tire sizing is based on U.S. design standards. P-Metric tires have the letter “P” molded into the sidewall preceding the size designation. Ex- ample: P215/65R15 95H. • European Metric tire sizing is based on European design standards.
Page 257
Tire Sizing Chart Size Designation: P = Passenger Car tire size based on U.S. design standards …blank… = Passenger Car tire based on European design standards LT = Light Truck tire based on U.S. design standards T = Temporary spare tire 31 = Overall diameter in inches (in) 215 = Section width in millimeters (mm) 65 = Aspect ratio in percent (%). -
Page 258
256 STARTING AND OPERATING Service Description: 95 = Load Index — A numerical code associated with the maximum load a tire can carry H = Speed Symbol — A symbol indicating the range of speeds at which a tire can carry a load correspond- ing to its load index under certain operating conditions —… -
Page 259: Tire Identification Number (Tin)
TIRE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (TIN) The TIN may be found on one or both sides of the tire, however, the date code may only be on one side. Tires with white sidewalls will have the full TIN, including the date code, DOT = Department of Transportation —…
Page 260: Tire Loading And Tire Pressure
258 STARTING AND OPERATING TIRE LOADING AND TIRE PRESSURE Tire Placard Location NOTE: The proper cold tire inflation pressure is listed on either the face of the driver’s door or the driver’s side B-Pillar. Tire Placard Location Tire and Loading Information Placard Tire And Loading Information Placard This placard tells you important information about the: 1) number of people that can be carried in the vehicle…
Page 261
Loading The vehicle maximum load on the tire must not exceed the load carrying capacity of the tire on your vehicle. You will not exceed the tire’s load carrying capacity if you adhere to the loading conditions, tire size, and cold tire inflation pressures specified on the Tire and Loading Information placard and in the “Vehicle Loading”… -
Page 262
260 STARTING AND OPERATING available cargo and luggage load capacity is 650 lbs (295 kg) {(since 5 x 150 = 750, and 1400 – 750 = 650 lbs (295 kg)}. 5. Determine the combined weight of luggage and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That weight may not safely exceed the available cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in Step 4. -
Page 263
Page 264: Tires — General Information
262 STARTING AND OPERATING WARNING! Overloading of your tires is dangerous. Overloading can cause tire failure, affect vehicle handling, and increase your stopping distance. Use tires of the recommended load capacity for your vehicle. Never overload them. TIRES — GENERAL INFORMATION Tire Pressure Proper tire inflation pressure is essential to the safe and satisfactory operation of your vehicle.
Page 265: Tire Inflation Pressures
2. Economy— Improper inflation pressures can cause uneven wear patterns to develop across the tire tread. These abnormal wear patterns will reduce tread life resulting in a need for earlier tire replacement. Under-inflation also increases tire rolling resistance and results in higher fuel consump- tion.
Page 266
264 STARTING AND OPERATING check tire pressure. Do not make a visual judgement when determining proper inflation. Radial tires may look properly inflated even when they are under-inflated. CAUTION! After inspecting or adjusting the tire pressure, al- ways reinstall the valve stem cap (if equipped). This will prevent moisture and dirt from entering the valve stem, which could damage the valve stem. -
Page 267: Radial Ply Tires
Tire Pressures for High Speed Operation The manufacturer advocates driving at safe speeds within posted speed limits. Where speed limits or condi- tions are such that the vehicle can be driven at high speeds, maintaining correct tire inflation pressure is very important.
Page 268: Compact Spare Tire — If Equipped
266 STARTING AND OPERATING Compact Spare Tire — If Equipped The compact spare is for temporary emergency use with radial tires. It is engineered to be used on your style vehicle only. Since this tire has limited tread life, the original tire should be repaired (or replaced) and rein- stalled at the first opportunity.
Page 269: Tire Spinning
original equipped tire on the front or rear axle of your vehicle, but it is not. Installation of this limited-use spare tire affects vehicle handling. Since it is not the same tire, replace (or repair) the original tire and reinstall on the vehicle at the first opportunity.
Page 270: Tread Wear Indicators
268 STARTING AND OPERATING Tread Wear Indicators Tread wear indicators are in the original equipment tires to help you in determining when your tires should be replaced. These indicators are molded into the bottom of the tread grooves. They will appear as bands when the tread depth becomes 1/16 in (2 mm).
Page 271: Replacement Tires
WARNING! Tires and the spare tire should be replaced after six years, regardless of the remaining tread. Failure to follow this warning can result in sudden tire failure. You could lose control and have an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Keep dismounted tires in a cool, dry place with as little exposure to light as possible.
Page 272: Alignment And Balance
270 STARTING AND OPERATING WARNING! • Do not use a tire, wheel size or rating other than that specified for your vehicle. Some combinations of unapproved tires and wheels may change suspension dimensions and performance characteristics, result- ing in changes to steering, handling, and braking of your vehicle.
Page 273: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (Tpms) — If Equipped
Improper alignment will not cause vehicle vibration. Vibration may be a result of tire and wheel out-of- balance. Proper balancing will reduce vibration and avoid tire cupping and spotty wear. TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM (TPMS) — IF EQUIPPED • The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) will warn the driver of a low tire pressure based on the vehicle recommended cold placard pressure.
Page 274
272 STARTING AND OPERATING The system will automatically update and the Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light will turn off once the system receives the updated tire pressures. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 10 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information. -
Page 275: Base System — If Equipped
NOTE: • The TPMS is not intended to replace normal tire care and maintenance or to provide warning of a tire failure or condition. • The TPMS should not be used as a tire pressure gauge while adjusting your tire pressure. •…
Page 276
274 STARTING AND OPERATING The TPMS consists of the following components: • Receiver Module • Four Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors • Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light The Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light will illumi- nate in the instrument cluster, and an audible chime will be activated when one or more of the four active road tire pressures are low. -
Page 277: Premium System — If Equipped
NOTE: Your vehicle is equipped with a compact spare wheel and tire assembly. 1. The compact spare tire does not have a tire pressure monitoring sensor. Therefore, the TPMS will not monitor the tire pressure in the compact spare tire. 2.
Page 278
276 STARTING AND OPERATING NOTE: It is particularly important for you to check the tire pressure in all of your tires regularly and to maintain the proper pressure. The TPMS consists of the following components: • Receiver Module • Four Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors •… -
Page 279
and inflate the low tire(s) that is flashing on the graphic display to the vehicle’s recommended cold placard pres- sure value. The system will automatically update, the graphic display of the pressure value(s) will stop flash- ing, and the Tire Pressure Monitoring Light will extin- guish once the updated tire pressure(s) have been re- ceived. -
Page 280
278 STARTING AND OPERATING will be displayed instead of dashes. A system fault can occur with any of the following scenarios: 1. Jamming due to electronic devices or driving next to facilities emitting the same radio frequencies as the TPM sensors. -
Page 281: General Information
limit in any of the four active road tires. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to 10 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information. General Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and RSS 210 of Industry Canada.
Page 282: Tire Rotation Recommendations
280 STARTING AND OPERATING Snow tires generally have lower speed ratings than what was originally equipped with your vehicle and should not be operated at sustained speeds over 75 mph (120 km/h). TIRE ROTATION RECOMMENDATIONS Tires on the front and rear axles of vehicles operate at different loads and perform different steering, driving, and braking functions.
Page 283: Fuel Requirements
FUEL REQUIREMENTS GASOLINE ENGINES Your vehicle is designed to meet all emis- sion regulations and provide excellent fuel economy when using high-quality regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87. The use of premium gasoline is not recommended. The use of premium gaso- line will provide no benefit over high-quality regular gasolines and, in some circumstances may result in poorer performance.
Page 284: Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends
282 STARTING AND OPERATING Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends Some fuel suppliers blend unleaded gasoline with oxy- genates such as 10% ethanol, MTBE, and ETBE. Oxygen- ates are required in some areas of the country during the winter months to reduce carbon monoxide emissions. Fuels blended with these oxygenates may be used in your vehicle.
Page 285: Materials Added To Fuel
Materials Added To Fuel All gasoline sold in the United States is required to contain effective detergent additives. Use of additional detergents or other additives is not needed under normal conditions and would result in additional cost. Therefore you should not have to add anything to the fuel. Fuel System Cautions CAUTION! Follow these guidelines to maintain your vehicle’s…
Page 286: Carbon Monoxide Warnings
284 STARTING AND OPERATING Carbon Monoxide Warnings WARNING! Carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases is deadly. Follow the precautions below to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning: • Do not inhale exhaust gases. They contain carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas which can kill. Never run the engine in a closed area, such as a garage, and never sit in a parked vehicle with the engine running for an extended period of time.
Page 287
Fuel Filler Door STARTING AND OPERATING 285 CAUTION! • A poorly fitting gas cap may cause the Malfunc- tion Indicator Light (MIL) to turn on. • To avoid fuel spillage and overfilling, do not “top off” the fuel tank after filling. NOTE: When the fuel nozzle “clicks”… -
Page 288: Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message
286 STARTING AND OPERATING NOTE: Tighten the gas cap about one-quarter turn until you hear one click. This is an indication that cap is properly tightened. If the gas cap is not tightened properly, the MIL will come on. Be sure that the gas cap is tightened every time the vehicle is refueled.
Page 289: Vehicle Loading
VEHICLE LOADING Vehicle Loading Capacities Front Seat Occupants ….. . . 2 Rear Seat Occupants ….. . . 3 Luggage .
Page 290
288 STARTING AND OPERATING Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) The Gross Trailer Weight (GTW) is the weight of the trailer plus the weight of all cargo, consumables and equipment (permanent or temporary) loaded in or on the trailer in its loaded and ready for operation condition. The recommended way to measure GTW is to put your fully loaded trailer on a vehicle scale. -
Page 291
Frontal Area The Frontal Area is the maximum height and maximum width of the front of a trailer. Trailer Sway Control The Trailer Sway Control is a telescoping link that can be installed between the hitch receiver and the trailer tongue that typically provides adjustable friction associated with the telescoping motion to dampen any unwanted trailer swaying motions while traveling. -
Page 292: Installing A Trailer Hitch
290 STARTING AND OPERATING Installing A Trailer Hitch NOTE: If you install a trailer hitch after you purchase the vehicle, you must install a Mopar spare tire hold down kit. The kit will allow you to properly secure the spare tire and jack assembly. WARNING! Do not operate the vehicle without a properly se- cured tire and jack assembly.
Page 293: Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings)
Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings) The following chart provides the maximum trailer weight ratings towable for your given drivetrain. Engine/Transmission Frontal Area 2.0L Auto 22 sq ft (2.04 sq m) 2.4L Auto 22 sq ft (2.04 sq m) 1.8L Manual 22 sq ft (2.04 sq m) 2.4L Auto/Man with…
Page 294
292 STARTING AND OPERATING severely from side-to-side which will cause loss of con- trol of vehicle and trailer. Failure to load trailers heavier in front is the cause of many trailer accidents. Never exceed the maximum tongue weight stamped on your bumper or trailer hitch. -
Page 295: Towing Requirements
Towing Requirements To promote proper break-in of your new vehicle driv- etrain components, the following guidelines are recom- mended: CAUTION! • Avoid towing a trailer for the first 500 mi (805 km) of vehicle operation. Doing so may damage your vehicle.
Page 296
294 STARTING AND OPERATING • Safety chains must always be used between your vehicle and trailer. Always connect the chains to the frame or hook retainers of the vehicle hitch. Cross the chains under the trailer tongue and allow enough slack for turning corners. -
Page 297
− Check for signs of tire wear or visible tire damage before towing a trailer. Refer to “Tread Wear Indica- tors” under “Tires–General Information” in Section 5 under for the proper inspection procedure. − When replacing tires refer to the Tires–General Infor- mation section of this manual on Replacement Tires for proper tire replacement procedures. -
Page 298
296 STARTING AND OPERATING WARNING! Do not connect trailer brakes to your vehicle’s hy- draulic brake lines. It can overload your brake sys- tem and cause it to fail. You might not have brakes when you need them and could have an accident. Towing any trailer will increase your stopping dis- tance. -
Page 299
STARTING AND OPERATING 297 4-Pin Connector 7-Pin Connector… -
Page 300: Towing Tips
298 STARTING AND OPERATING Towing Tips Before setting out on a trip, practice turning, stopping and backing the trailer in an area away from heavy traffic. If using a manual transmission vehicle for trailer towing, all starts must be in 1st gear to avoid excessive clutch slippage.
Page 301: Recreational Towing (Behind Motorhome, Etc.)
RECREATIONAL TOWING (BEHIND MOTORHOME, ETC.) Towing This Vehicle Behind Another Vehicle (Flat Towing With All Four Wheels On The Ground) Recreational Towing Chart Recreational Towing Condition Four Wheel Flat Tow (all wheels on ground) Two Wheel Dolly Tow (rear wheels on ground) Flat Bed Tow (all wheels on bed of truck)
Page 302
300 STARTING AND OPERATING CAUTION! • DO NOT FLAT TOW any vehicles equipped with an AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE. Damage to the drivetrain will result. If these vehicles require towing, make sure all four wheels are off the ground. • Front or rear wheel lifts should not be used. Internal damage to the transmission will occur if a front or rear wheel lift is used when recreational towing. -
Page 303: What To Do In Emergencies
WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES CONTENTS Hazard Warning Flasher ….302 If Your Engine Overheats ….302 Automatic Transaxle Overheating .
Page 304: Hazard Warning Flasher
302 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES HAZARD WARNING FLASHER Hazard Warning Flasher The flasher switch is located on the instrument panel below the radio. Depress the switch and both cluster indicators and all front and rear directional signals will flash. Depress the switch again to turn Hazard Warning Flashers off.
Page 305
the normal range. If the pointer remains on the H (red) mark for more than a minute, turn the engine off imme- diately and call for service. NOTE: There are steps that you can take to slow down an impending overheat condition. If your air conditioner is on, turn it off. -
Page 306: Automatic Transaxle Overheating
304 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES WARNING! A hot engine cooling system is dangerous. You or others could be badly burned by steam or boiling coolant. You may want to call a service center if your vehicle overheats. If you decide to look under the hood yourself, refer to “Maintenance”, Section 7 of this manual.
Page 307: Jack Location
Jack Location The jack and jack-handle are stowed under the load floor in the cargo area. Spare Tire and Jack Stowage WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES 305 Spare Tire Stowage The compact spare tire is stowed under the rear load floor in the cargo area.
Page 308: Jacking Instructions
306 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES • Turn on the Hazard Warning Flasher. • Block both the front and rear of the wheel diagonally oppo- site the jacking position. For example, if changing the right front tire, block the left rear wheel.
Page 309
1. Remove the scissors jack and lug wrench from the spare wheel as an assembly. Turn the jack screw to the left to loosen the lug wrench and remove the wrench from the jack assembly. 2. Loosen, but do not remove, the wheel nuts by turning them to the left one turn while the wheel is still on the ground. -
Page 310
308 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES 3. There are two front jacking locations and two rear jacking locations on each side of the body. The front locations are outlined by two triangular cutouts, the rear ones by two rectangular cutouts. For vehicles equipped with plastic trim, the plastic has been cut away to expose the jacking locations in the body. -
Page 311
WARNING! To avoid possible personal injury, handle the wheel covers with care to avoid contact with any sharp edges. NOTE: The wheel cover is held on the wheel by the wheel nuts. When reinstalling the original wheel, prop- erly align the wheel cover to the valve stem, place the wheel cover onto the wheel, then install the wheel nuts. -
Page 312: Jump-Starting Procedures Due To A Low Battery
310 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES WARNING! A loose tire thrown forward in a collision or hard stop could injure the occupants in the vehicle. Have the deflated (flat) tire repaired or replaced immediately. 11. Check the tire pressure as soon as possible. Correct the tire pressure as required.
Page 313
WARNING! Wear eye protection and remove any metal jewelry such as watch bands or bracelets that might make an inadvertent electrical contact. You could be seriously injured. NOTE: Disconnecting the battery with the ignition in the ON position will cause vehicles with an automatic transaxle (CVT2) to go into “default mode”… -
Page 314: Freeing A Stuck Vehicle
312 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES WARNING! Battery fluid is a corrosive acid solution; do not allow battery fluid to contact eyes, skin or clothing. Don’t lean over the battery when attaching the clamps or allow the clamps to touch each other. If acid splashes in your eyes or on your skin, flush the contaminated area immediately with large quantities of water.
Page 315: Towing A Disabled Vehicle
front wheels. Then shift back and forth between RE- VERSE and 1st gear. Usually the least accelerator pedal pressure to maintain the rocking motion without spin- ning the wheels is most effective. WARNING! Fast spinning tires can be dangerous. Forces gener- ated by excessive wheel speeds may cause axle, tire damage or failure.
Page 316: Without The Ignition Key
314 WHAT TO DO IN EMERGENCIES All Transaxles CAUTION! If the vehicle being towed requires steering, the ignition switch must be in the ACC position, not in the LOCK position. Do not attempt to use sling type equipment when towing. When securing the vehicle to a flat bed truck, do not attach to front or rear suspension components.
Page 317: Maintaining Your Vehicle
MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE CONTENTS Engine Compartment — Gasoline Engines ..318 Onboard Diagnostic System — OBD II ..319 Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message … . 319 Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs .
Page 318
316 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Front Suspension Ball Joints ….332 Body Lubrication ….. 333 Windshield Wiper Blades . -
Page 319
Fluids And Capacities ….360 Fluids, Lubricants, And Genuine Parts ..361 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE 317 Engine . -
Page 320: Engine Compartment — Gasoline Engines
Page 321: Onboard Diagnostic System — Obd Ii
ONBOARD DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM — OBD II Your vehicle is equipped with a sophisticated Onboard Diagnostic system called OBD II. This system monitors the performance of the emissions, engine, and automatic transaxle control systems. When these systems are oper- ating properly, your vehicle will provide excellent per- formance and fuel economy, as well as engine emissions well within current government regulations.
Page 322: Emissions Inspection And Maintenance Programs
320 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE RESET button to turn off the message. If the problem persists, the message will appear the next time the vehicle is started. This might indicate a damaged cap. If the problem is detected twice in a row, the system will turn on the MIL.
Page 323: Replacement Parts
5. Approximately 15 seconds later, one of two things will happen: a. The MIL will flash for about 10 seconds and then return to being fully illuminated until you turn OFF the ignition key or start the engine. This means that your vehicle’s OBD II system is not ready and you should not proceed to the I/M station.
Page 324: Authorized Dealer Service
322 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE AUTHORIZED DEALER SERVICE Your authorized dealer has the qualified service person- nel, special tools, and equipment to perform all service operations in an expert manner. Service manuals are available which include detailed service information for your vehicle. Refer to these Service manuals before attempting any procedure yourself.
Page 325
The best time to check the engine oil level is about five minutes after a fully warmed engine is shut off. Do not check oil level before starting the engine after it has sat overnight. Checking engine oil level when the engine is cold will give you an incorrect reading. -
Page 326
324 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Change Engine Oil Refer to the “Maintenance Schedule” in Section 8 for recommended engine oil change intervals. Engine Oil Selection (Gasoline Engines) For best performance and maximum protection for all engines under all types of operating conditions, the manufacturer recommends engine oils that are API Cer- tified and meet the requirements of DaimlerChrysler Material Standard MS-6395. -
Page 327
Lubricants which do not have both the engine oil certi- fication mark and the correct SAE viscosity grade num- ber should not be used. Synthetic Engine Oils You may use synthetic engine oils provided the recom- mended oil quality requirements are met, and the recom- mended maintenance intervals for oil and filter changes are followed. -
Page 328: Drive Belt — Check Condition
326 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Drive Belt — Check Condition Check the drive belt condition. Refer to the “Maintenance Schedule” in Section 8 of this manual. Inspect the drive belt for evidence of cuts, cracks, or glazing and replace the belt for any sign of damage which could result in belt failure.
Page 329
CAUTION! Damage to the catalytic converter can result if your vehicle is not kept in proper operating condition. In the event of engine malfunction, particularly involv- ing engine misfire or other apparent loss of perfor- mance, have your vehicle serviced promptly. Contin- ued operation of your vehicle with a severe malfunction could cause the converter to overheat, resulting in possible damage to the converter and the… -
Page 330: Crankcase Emission Control System
328 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE To minimize the possibility of catalyst damage: • Do not shut off the engine or interrupt the ignition when the transaxle is in gear and the vehicle is in motion. • Do not try to start the engine by pushing or towing the vehicle.
Page 331: Maintenance-Free Battery
WARNING! The air cleaner can provide a measure of protection in the case of engine backfire. Do not remove the air cleaner unless such removal is necessary for repair or maintenance. Make sure that no one is near the engine compartment before starting the vehicle with the air cleaner removed.
Page 332
330 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! Battery fluid is a corrosive acid solution and can burn or even blind you. Don’t allow battery fluid to contact your eyes, skin or clothing. Don’t lean over a battery when attaching clamps. If acid splashes in eyes or on skin, flush the area immediately with large amounts of water. -
Page 333: Air Conditioner Maintenance
Air Conditioner Maintenance For best possible performance, your air conditioner should be checked and serviced by an authorized dealer at the start of each warm season. This service should include cleaning of the condenser fins and a performance test. Drive belt tension should also be checked at this time.
Page 334: Power Steering — Fluid Check
332 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Refrigerant Recovery And Recycling R-134a Air Conditioning Refrigerant is a hydrofluoro- carbon (HFC) that is endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency and is an ozone-saving product. How- ever, the manufacturer recommends that air conditioning service be performed by authorized dealers or other service facilities using recovery and recycling equipment.
Page 335: Body Lubrication
Body Lubrication Locks and all body pivot points, including such items as seat tracks, doors, liftgate and hood hinges, should be lubricated periodically to assure quiet, easy operation and to protect against rust and wear. Prior to the appli- cation of any lubricant, the parts concerned should be wiped clean to remove dust and grit.
Page 336: Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir
334 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE 2. Push the release tab and slide the wiper blade assem- bly down along the arm. Gently place the wiper arm on the windshield. 3. Install the new blade assembly onto the wiper arm tip until it locks in place. Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir The windshield washer fluid reservoir is located in the rear of the engine compartment on the right side and…
Page 337: Cooling System
Cooling System WARNING! • When working near the radiator cooling fan, dis- connect the fan motor lead or turn the ignition switch to the OFF position. The fan is temperature controlled and can start at any time the ignition switch is in the ON position. •…
Page 338
336 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Cooling System — Drain, Flush And Refill Refer to “Maintenance Schedule” under Section 8. If the solution is dirty or contains a considerable amount of sediment, clean and flush with a reliable cooling system cleaner. Follow with a thorough rinsing to remove all deposits and chemicals. -
Page 339
Adding Coolant Your vehicle has been built with an improved engine coolant that allows extended maintenance intervals. This coolant can be used up to five years or 100,000 miles before replacement. To prevent reducing this extended maintenance period, it is important that you use the same coolant throughout the life of your vehicle. -
Page 340
338 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE WARNING! • The warning words “DO NOT OPEN HOT” on the cooling system pressure cap are a safety pre- caution. Never add coolant when the engine is overheated. Do not loosen or remove the cap to cool an overheated engine. -
Page 341
When additional coolant is needed to maintain the proper level, it should be added to the coolant bottle. Do not overfill. Points To Remember NOTE: When the vehicle is stopped after a few miles/ kilometers of operation, you may observe vapor coming from the front of the engine compartment. -
Page 342: Hoses And Vacuum/Vapor Harnesses
340 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE • Do not change the thermostat for summer or winter operation. If replacement is ever necessary, install ONLY the correct type thermostat. Other designs may result in unsatisfactory coolant performance, poor gas mileage, and increased emissions. Hoses And Vacuum/Vapor Harnesses Inspect surfaces of hoses and nylon tubing for evidence of heat and mechanical damage.
Page 343: Brake System
Brake System In order to assure brake system performance, all brake system components should be inspected periodically. Refer to “Maintenance Schedule” under Section 8. WARNING! Riding the brakes can lead to brake failure and possibly an accident. Driving with your foot resting or riding on the brake pedal can result in abnormally high brake temperatures, excessive lining wear, and possible brake damage.
Page 344
342 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE NOTE: Inspection of brake hoses should be done when- ever the brake system is serviced and at every engine oil change. WARNING! Worn brake hoses can burst and cause brake failure. You could have an accident. If you see any signs of cracking, scuffing, or worn spots, have the brake hoses replaced immediately. -
Page 345: Automatic Transaxle (Cvt)
WARNING! Use of a brake fluid that may have a lower initial boiling point or is unidentified as to specification, may result in sudden brake failure during hard prolonged braking. You could have an accident. CAUTION! Use of improper brake fluids will affect overall clutch system performance.
Page 346: Manual Transaxle
344 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE steel belt traction on the drive and driven pulleys. Refer to “Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts” for correct fluid type. CAUTION! Using a transmission fluid other than the manufac- turer’s recommended fluid will cause belt slip and result in a complete transmission failure! Refer to “Fluids, Lubricants, and Genuine Parts”…
Page 347: Rear Drive Assembly (Rda) — Awd/4Wd Models Only
Frequency Of Fluid Change Under normal operating conditions, the fluid installed at the factory will give satisfactory lubrication for the life of the vehicle. Fluid changes are not necessary lubricant has become contaminated with water. NOTE: If contaminated with water, the fluid should be changed immediately.
Page 348: Appearance Care And Protection From Corrosion
346 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Add fluid, if necessary, to maintain the proper level. Frequency Of Fluid Change Refer to the “Maintenance Schedule” under Section 8. Appearance Care And Protection From Corrosion Protection Of Body And Paint From Corrosion Vehicle body care requirements vary according to geo- graphic locations and usage.
Page 349
Washing • Wash your vehicle regularly. Always wash your ve- hicle in the shade using Mopar Car Wash or a mild car wash soap, and rinse the panels completely with clear water. • If insects, tar or other similar deposits have accumu- lated on your vehicle, use Mopar Super Kleen Bug and Tar Remover to remove. -
Page 350
348 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE • If your vehicle is damaged due to an accident or similar cause which destroys the paint and protective coating, have your vehicle repaired as soon as pos- sible. The cost of such repairs is considered the respon- sibility of the owner. -
Page 351
• For grease stains, apply Mopar Cleaner to a clean, damp cloth and remove the stain. Use a fresh, damp towel to remove soap residue. • Do not use any solvents or protectants on Yes Essen- tials products. Interior Care Use Mopar Total Clean to clean fabric upholstery and carpeting. -
Page 352
350 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE To minimize the possibility of scratching the lenses and reducing light output, avoid wiping with a dry cloth. To remove road dirt, wash with a mild soap solution fol- lowed by rinsing. Do not use abrasive cleaning components, solvents, steel wool or other aggressive material to clean the lenses. -
Page 353: Fuses/Integrated Power Module (Ipm)
Cleaning Plastic Instrument Cluster Lenses The lenses in front of the instruments in this vehicle are molded in clear plastic. When cleaning the lenses, care must be taken to avoid scratching the plastic. 1. Clean with a wet, soft rag. A mild soap solution may be used, but do not use high alcohol content or abrasive cleaners.
Page 354
352 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Cavity Cartridge Mini- Fuse Fuse 10 Amp 10 Amp 20 Amp Yellow 10 Amp 30 Amp Green 30 Amp Green 40 Amp Green Description Cavity Cartridge CHMSL Brake Switch Feed Ignition Switch Feed Trailer Tow IOD Sw/Pwr Mir/ Ocm Steering Cntrl Sdar/Hands-Free Phone… -
Page 355
Cavity Cartridge Mini- Fuse Fuse 40 Amp ASD Relay Contact Green PWR Feed 20 Amp PWR Amp 1 & Amp Yellow 2 Feed 15 Amp IOD Feed Radio Lt Blue 10 Amp IOD Feed Intrus Mod/Siren 10 Amp IGN RUN Heat/AC/ Compass Sensor 15 Amp ENG ASD Relay Feed… -
Page 356
354 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Cavity Cartridge Mini- Fuse Fuse 30 Amp Pink 40 Amp Green 30 Amp Pink 25 Amp Natural Description • When installing the IPM cover, it is important to ABS Valve Feed ensure the cover is properly positioned and fully latched. -
Page 357: Vehicle Storage
VEHICLE STORAGE If you will not be using your vehicle for more than 21 days, you may want to take steps to preserve your battery. You may: • Disengage the mini-fuse in the Power Distribution Center labeled IOD (Ignition Off-Draw). •…
Page 358: Fog Lights
356 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Fog Lights 1. Access light through the lower fascia cutout. 2. Rotate bulb and connector 1/4 turn counterclockwise. 3. Pull bulb off connector. Fog Light and Connector Tail Lights, Rear Turn Signals And Backup Lights — Replacement 1.
Page 359
MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE 357 3. Twist and remove socket from light. Pulling Tail Light From Body Removing Socket And Bulb… -
Page 360: License Lights
358 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE 4. Remove the bulb from the socket and replace. Removing Bulb From Socket License Lights 1. Use a screw driver to gently pry against the side of the snap tab to remove the light from the liftgate. Prying Lamp from Liftgate…
Page 361: Center High-Mounted Stoplight
2. Rotate the socket 1/4 turn counterclockwise. Removing Socket From Lamp 3. Pull The Bulb From The Socket. MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE 359 Removing Bulb From Socket Center High-Mounted Stoplight This light is an LED assembly. See your authorized dealer for replacement.
Page 362: Fluids And Capacities
360 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE FLUIDS AND CAPACITIES Fuel (Approximate) Engine Oil-With Filter All Gasoline Engines (use API Certified SAE 5W-20 Engine Oil) Cooling System * Mopar Antifreeze/Coolant 5 Year/100,000 Miles Formula), or equivalent. * Includes heater and coolant recovery bottle filled to MAX level. U.S.
Page 363: Engine
FLUIDS, LUBRICANTS, AND GENUINE PARTS Engine Component Engine Coolant Engine Oil Engine Oil Filter Spark Plugs Fuel Selection Fluids, Lubricants And Genuine Parts Mopar Antifreeze/Coolant 5 Year/100,000 Mile Formula HOAT (Hybrid Or- ganic Additive Technology) or equivalent. Use API Certified SAE 5W-20 Engine Oil. Refer to your engine oil filler cap for correct SAE grade meeting DaimlerChrysler Material Standard MS-6395.
Page 364: Chassis
362 MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE Chassis Component Automatic Transaxle (CVT) Fluid Manual Transaxle Fluid Rear Drive Assembly (RDA) Power Transfer Unit (PTU) Brake Master Cylinder Power Steering Reservoir Fluids, Lubricants And Genuine Parts Mopar CVTF + 4 Mopar ATF+4 MS9602 Mopar Gear & Axle Lubricant SAE 80W-90 API GL 5 or equivalent non- synthetic product.
Page 365
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES CONTENTS Emissions Control System Maintenance ..364 Maintenance Schedule ….364 Required Maintenance Intervals … 367… -
Page 366
364 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES EMISSIONS CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The Scheduled Maintenance services listed in bold type must be done at the times or mileages specified to ensure the continued proper functioning of the emission control system. These, and all other maintenance services in- cluded in this manual, should be done to provide best vehicle performance and reliability. -
Page 367
if it has been six months since your last oil change and even if the oil change indicator message is NOT illuminated. • Change your engine oil more often if you drive your vehicle off-road for an extended period of time. •… -
Page 368
366 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES • Check all lights and other electrical items for correct operation. At Each Oil Change • Change the engine oil filter. • Inspect the brake hoses and lines. • Check the manual transmission fluid level. CAUTION! Failure to perform the required maintenance items may result in damage to the vehicle. -
Page 369
Required Maintenance Intervals Maintenance Items Change the engine oil and engine oil filter. Rotate tires. If using your vehicle for dusty or off-road conditions, inspect the engine air cleaner filter; replace if neces- sary. Inspect the brake linings; replace if necessary. Replace the air conditioning filter. -
Page 370
368 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES Maintenance Items Replace the engine air cleaner filter. Replace the spark plugs. Change the manual transmission fluid if using your vehicle for any of the following: trailer towing, snow plowing, heavy loading, taxi, police, delivery service (commercial service), off-road, desert operation or more then 50% of your driving is at sustained high speeds during hot weather, above 90°F (32°C). -
Page 371
Maintenance Items Change the automatic transmission fluid and filter. Replace Accessory Drive Belt(s). WARNING! You can be badly injured working on or around a motor vehicle. Do only that service work for which you have the knowledge and the right equipment. If you have any doubt about your ability to perform a service job, take your vehicle to a competent mechanic. -
Page 373: If You Need Consumer Assistance
IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE CONTENTS Suggestions For Obtaining Service For Your Vehicle ……373 Prepare For The Appointment .
Page 374
372 IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE Publication Order Forms ….377 Department Of Transportation Uniform Tire Quality Grades ……379 Treadwear . -
Page 375: Suggestions For Obtaining Service For Your Vehicle
SUGGESTIONS FOR OBTAINING SERVICE FOR YOUR VEHICLE Prepare For The Appointment If you’re having warranty work done, be sure to have the right papers with you. Take your warranty folder. All work to be performed may not be covered by the warranty.
Page 376: Daimlerchrysler Motors Corporation Customer Center
374 IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE special tools, and the latest information to ensure your vehicle is fixed correctly and in a timely manner. This is why you should always talk to your authorized dealer’s service manager first. Most matters can be re- solved with this process.
Page 377: Customer Assistance For The Hearing Or Speech Impaired (Tdd/Tty)
Customer Assistance For The Hearing Or Speech Impaired (TDD/TTY) To assist customers who have hearing difficulties, the manufacturer has installed special TDD (Telecommuni- cation Devices for the Deaf) equipment at its Customer Center. Any hearing or speech impaired customer, who has access to a TDD or a conventional teletypewriter (TTY) in the United States, can communicate with the manufacturer by dialing 1–800–380–CHRY.
Page 378: Warranty Information (U.s. Vehicles Only)
376 IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE WARNING! Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, and certain vehicle components contain, or emit, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. In addition, certain fluids contained in vehicles and certain prod- ucts of component wear contain, or emit, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Page 379: In Canada
To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll free at 1–888–327–4236 (TTY: 1–800–424– 9153), or go to http://www.safercar.gov; or write to: Administra- tor, NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, D.C. 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from http://www.safercar.gov.
Page 380
378 IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE • Diagnostic Procedure Manuals Diagnostic Procedure Manuals are filled with dia- grams, charts and detailed illustrations. These practi- cal manuals make it easy for students and technicians to find and fix problems on computer-controlled ve- hicle systems and features. -
Page 381: Traction Grades
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM TIRE QUALITY GRADES The following tire grading categories were established by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The specific grade rating assigned by the tire’s manufacturer in each category is shown on the sidewall of the tires on your vehicle.
Page 382
380 IF YOU NEED CONSUMER ASSISTANCE Temperature Grades The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, representing the tire’s resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat, when tested under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel. -
Page 383
Page 384
382 INDEX ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) ….247 Adding Engine Coolant (Antifreeze) ..337 Adding Fuel ……284 Adding Washer Fluid . -
Page 385
Autostick ……239 Ball Joints ……332 Battery . -
Page 386
384 INDEX Cargo Load Floor ……150 Cargo Tie-Downs ……150 Carrier, Luggage . -
Page 387
Coolant Level ….. . 335,338 Disposal of Used Coolant ….338 Drain, Flush, and Refill . -
Page 388
386 INDEX Brake Assist System ….130 Electronic Stability Program ….131 Traction Control System . -
Page 389
Flashers ……302 Hazard Warning ….. . . 302 Turn Signal . -
Page 390
388 INDEX Gasoline, Clean Air ….. . 281 Gasoline (Fuel) ….. . . 281,360 Gasoline, Reformulated . -
Page 391
Ignition ……. 12 Key ……. . . 12 Ignition Key Removal . -
Page 392
390 INDEX Airbag ……57,70,165 Back-Up ……356 Brake Warning . -
Page 393
Lumbar Support ……109 Maintenance Free Battery ….329 Maintenance, General . -
Page 394
392 INDEX Disposal ……325 Filter ……. 325 Identification Logo . -
Page 395
Preparation for Jacking ….305 Pretensioners Seat Belts ……45 Programmable Electronic Features . -
Page 396
394 INDEX Roof Rack (Luggage Rack) ….153 Rotation, Tires ……280 Safety Checks Inside Vehicle . -
Page 397
Service Assistance ….. . . 373 Service Contract ……375 Service Manuals . -
Page 398
396 INDEX Tachometer ……165 Taillights ……356 Temperature Gauge, Engine Coolant . -
Page 399
Towing ……. 287 24-Hour Towing Assistance ….93 Disabled Vehicle . -
Page 400
398 INDEX Uniform Tire Quality Grades ….379 Universal Transmitter ….. 134 Unleaded Gasoline . -
Page 401
INSTALLATION OF RADIO TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT Special design considerations are incorporated into this vehicle’s electronic system to provide immunity to radio frequency signals. Mobile two-way radios and telephone equipment must be installed properly by trained person- nel. The following must be observed during installation. The positive power connection should be made directly to the battery and fused as close to the battery as possible. -
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81-226-0839 Second Edition Printed in U.S.A.