Irmpxmb000 инструкция на русском carel


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Артикул: IRMPXMB000
Производитель: Carel
Степень защиты, IP: 65
Размер посадочного места, мм: 71х29
Способ монтажа: на панель
Тип датчика: NTC/цифр.вх.
Тип напряжения: Перем.
Количество выходов: 4
Тип выхода: Реле
Размер габаритный, мм: 75х34х75

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Summary of Contents for Carel IRMPX00000

  • Page 1
    User manual…
  • Page 3
    We wish to save you time and money! We can assure you that a thorough reading of this manual will guarantee correct installation and safe use of the product described.
  • Page 5
    CONTENTS General Features ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Main features of the multiplexed Master/Slave units……………………3 Models in the MPX series…………………………… 5 Installation ………………………………..6 Electrical connections …………………………..6 User interface — Buttons and display…………………………7 The LED display …………………………….7 Operating indications …………………………… 7 Keypad …………………………………
  • Page 7: General Features

    General Features The multiplexed Master/Slave units belong to the MPX Series for refrigeration, made up of microprocessor-controlled electronic controllers with LED display, specifically designed for the management of refrigeration units. In this particular case the refrigeration units may be stand-alone type or grouped together as multiplexed cabinets. 1.

  • Page 8
    Quality control includes a rigorous ‘TEST-IN-CIRCUIT’ on each single component to ensure that the controller is completely reliable. NTC probe The MPX instruments have been designed to be connected to Carel NTC probes, as these offer greater precision than other probe types. Watchdog A special device that protects the microprocessor of the controller even in the event of strong electromagnetic noise.
  • Page 9: Models In The Mpx Series

    The models in the MPX series have different codes according to their features. The table below lists the various codes and the corresponding options that characterise each model: OPTIONS MODEL CODE RS485 4 RELAY BUZZER IRMPX00000 • IRMPX0M000 • IRMPX0A000 • IRMPX10000 •…

  • Page 10: Installation

    3. Installation Actual installation: 1) insert the instrument into the previously-created opening; 2) fasten the instrument to the panel by sliding it onto the fastening bracket. 3) insert the rear connectors of the instrument into the corresponding pre-wired connectors 4) close the panel 5) connect the power and configure the operating parameters.

  • Page 11: User Interface — Buttons And Display

    4. User interface — Buttons and display Each instrument features: • 12Vac power supply; • two and a half digit display; • temperature display to the tenths; • LED indicating the output state; • 4 buttons for programming; • buzzer (according to model) PANEL-MOUNTED VERSION 4.1 The LED display The display shows temperature in the range -55 to 95ºC.

  • Page 12
    — stops the audible alarm for 10 minutes(only if fitted); if pressed for over 5 seconds: — accesses the menu of the type “F” parameters (frequent); if pressed for more than 5 seconds together with button 9: — accesses the menu of the type ‘C’ parameters (configuration); — accesses the alarm log via password ( = 44) — activates the parameter download from the Master units, via password (=66) if pressed at instrument start-up:…
  • Page 13: Configuration Of The Controllers

    5. Configuration of the controllers. The multiplexed units are supplied ready for use. They have in fact been programmed using a default configuration so as to satisfy the more common requirements. Programming is performed by assigning all the parameters the more-frequently required value. These values are listed in the table of parameters at the end of the manual.

  • Page 14: Other Important Parameters

    5.3 Other important parameters LAN configuration parameters: For the Master: • parameter “Sn” (Slave number): from 1 to 5; number of Slaves in the LAN; during boot the display shows “uM” : unit-Master • parameters for setting defrost times: “hx”, “mx”; x = 1, 2,… , 8: hours and minutes of defrost times; the tens of minutes can be set (only if RTC is present) •…

  • Page 15: List Of Parameters To Be Checked During Installation

    dt: End defrost temperature This parameter allows the end defrost temperature, as measured on the evaporator, to be set. In any case, the maximum defrost time is equal to the value, in minutes, set for parameter dP. When the temperature measured by the defrost end probe is higher than the defrost end temperature set by the user, the defrost cycle will not be performed, that is, only the following dripping and, if required, post-dripping phases will take place.

  • Page 16: Programming

    6. Programming The microprocessor in the MPX instruments allows the configuration of the functions of the controller according to the application requirements. To simplify this operation, we have divided the operating parameters into two main groups: • frequently used parameters (indicated as ‘F’ parameters in the tables below); •…

  • Page 17: Exiting The Programming Procedure

    How to exit the procedure How to save the new set values • Press to save the new values and exit the procedure. Important: press to save the new values. In the case of power failure before has been pressed, all changes will be lost. 6.3 Exiting the programming procedure To exit the programming procedure without saving the changes, do not press any key for at least 60 seconds (TIME OUT).

  • Page 18: Programming By Remote Control

    7. Programming by remote control (AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING MODELS: IRMPX0A000, IRMPX1A000, IRMPXMA000) 7.1 Remote control layout Remote-local interface buttons: PRG, SEL, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN Numeric keypad Fig. 1 (I): Function buttons; History, PSW, ESC, ENABLE. 7.2 Introduction. The remote control for the IRMPX series has been designed to provide the user, in the palm of their hand, all the functions offered by the MPX family instruments and its local network structure: 1.

  • Page 19: Technical Specifications

    7.3 Technical specifications Power supply 2 alkaline batteries, 1.5V (type UM-4 AAA, IEC R03) Case plastic Dimensions 60x160x18mm Storage -25°C÷ +70°C Operating temperature 0°C÷ 50°C Type of transmission Infrared Weight 80 g (without batteries) 7.4 Description of the keypad The buttons can be divided into the following groups, based on their functions,: •…

  • Page 20: The Psw Button And The Command Buttons

    7.5 The PSW button and the command buttons. 7.5.1 The button: enter the system password from the remote control Pressing the PSW button for at least 5 seconds accesses the enter prompt for the system password (see using the local keypad and Table of parameters): •…

  • Page 21
    7.6.3 ENABLING THE CONTROLLER FOR RECEIVING COMMANDS FROM THE REMOTE CONTROL ENABLE • press the button to enable the use of the remote control; • the instrument will display a two digit code (the value of parameter H3); enter the code displayed using the numeric keypad on the remote control. The code must be entered correctly, without ignoring the zeroes (e.g.
  • Page 22: Re-Configuring A Control With The Default Parameters

    8. Re-configuring a control with the default parameters Under exceptional conditions − high electromagnetic noise levels, for example − there may be errors when storing data. Consequently, the unit may not work correctly. When the microprocessor identifies an error in the process of storing data, one of the following groups of letters will be displayed: EA, EB, -E- The last symbol will only appear at the start-up of the instrument.

  • Page 23: The Alarm Log

    9. The alarm log All the models in the MPX Series are fitted with an alarm log that records up to until 9 alarm signals. The models configured as Master and fitted with RTC also allow the display of the age of each alarm, that is, the time in hours elapsed between the moment in which the log is consulted and the time the alarm was recorded.

  • Page 24: New Local Network Functions

    10. New local network functions 10.1 Network defrost for multiplexed systems The Master controls the defrost in the entire multiplexed island (cabinet controlled by the Master + cabinets controlled by the Slaves). This waits for all units to exit the actual defrost stage before sending the end defrost command to the entire network. The Slaves which have exited the actual defrost stage, await the end defrost command from the Master before passing to the dripping stage.

  • Page 25: Description Of The Configuration Parameters

    11. DESCRIPTION OF THE CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS 11.1 Configuration parameters As already mentioned, (see chapter on how to modify the operating parameters), there are two types of parameter: • parameters used frequently (indicated by ‘F’ in the following tables) • configuration parameters (type C), which are protected by a password to prevent unwanted modification. 11.2 Parameter categories Besides being divided into TYPES, the parameters are grouped into logical categories labelled by letters indicating their function.

  • Page 26: Parameters For The Management Of The Temperature Probes

    Short descriptive note about probes with NTC- and PTC-type thermistors: Units in the MPX series are designed to work with Carel NTC temperature probes, or probes using thermistors with a negative characteristic (NTC stands for Negative Temperature Coefficient). This type of thermistor modifies an electrical parameter (its own resistance) in inverse proportion to any change in temperature;…

  • Page 27
    /2: Stability of measurement This parameter is used to control the stability with which the temperature is measured. Low values assigned to this parameter produce a prompt response by the probe to variations in temperature; however, the display becomes correspondingly sensitive to changes. High values slow down the response, causing less fluctuation and a more stable reading.
  • Page 28: R = Parameters For Temperature Regulation

    /9: defrost with probe 3 This parameter allows a defrost to be carried out using probes S2 and S3 together, if set to 1. In this case the temperature defrost ends when the temperature measured by both probes is greater than or equal to that set as the end defrost temperature (See parameter “dt”). Probe 3 can therefore be used as a defrost probe on a second evaporator.

  • Page 29
    rd: Regulation delta Sets the value of the differential, or hysteresis, used in regulating the temperature. A narrow differential, i.e. one with a low number, ensures a temperature that differs little from the set-point (or optimal operating temperature), but one that requires the frequent switching on and off of the main operating components (normally the compressor).
  • Page 30: C = Parameters For Compressor Management

    To inhibit monitoring and/or reset the values recorded, set “r5” to 0. After 199 hours the measuring of the max. and min. temperatures is halted, having reached the maximum monitoring time allowed by the instrument. Modify “r5” to perform monitoring again (first set to 0 using the arrows and the SEL button and then to the required value between 1 and 5, again using the arrows and SEL.

  • Page 31
    c0: Delay in switching on the compressor and fans (if controlled) after switching on the instrument From when power is supplied to the controller, the start-up of the compressor is delayed by a time (in minutes) equal to the value assigned a this parameter.
  • Page 32
    c4: Duty setting or safety relay If the “regulation error” alarm occurs (that is, probes S1 and/or S3 are short-circuited or disconnected) this parameter ensures the operation of the compressor until of the elimination of the fault. As the compressor is unable to function based on the temperature (because of the faulty probe), it is activated cyclically with an operating time («ON time») in minutes equivalent to the value assigned to c4 and a fixed OFF time of 15 minutes.
  • Page 33: D = Parameters For Defrost Management

    11.7 d = Parameters for defrost management DEFROST PARAMETERS Type Max. Def. To LAN • Defrost types 0 = electrical: ends by temperature and/or for timeout 1 = hot gas: ends by temperature and/or for timeout 2 = electrical: ends for timeout 3= hot gas: ends for timeout •…

  • Page 34
    dt: End defrost temperature set-point This parameter allows the setting of the temperature of the evaporator at which the defrost is ended (the temperature of the evaporator is measured by the defrost probe: probe 2). If at the start of a defrost (d0 = 0) the temperature measured by the defrost probe is greater than the set end defrost temperature, the unit goes directly to the dripping phase (See further on, network defrost).
  • Page 35
    The defrost cycle thus becomes the condensate discharge cycle, which needs to be started at short intervals (minutes) and for very brief periods (seconds). Contact your Carel agent for further information. — Parameter can be transferred via LAN from the Master to its connected Slaves.
  • Page 36: A = Parameters For Alarm Control

    11.8 A = parameters for alarm control ALARM PARAMETERS Type Max. Def. °C/°F • Fan and alarm differential °C/°F • High temperature alarm: indicates the maximum variation from +199 the set-point. AH = 0 excludes the high temperature alarm °C/°F •…

  • Page 37: Digital Inputs And Description Of The Interface Commands For The Supervisor

    AL: Minimum temperature alarm This parameter allows the low temperature alarm to be selected. The value of AL does not indicate the temperature at which the alarm will sound, but rather the maximum deviation from the set-point (i.e. the requested operating temperature) that is permitted. The low temperature alarm is given as follows: Low temperature alarm <…

  • Page 38
    When the alarm ceases the unit resumes normal temperature control operation. WARNING: If A8 = 1 the alarm can be activated by a specific command from the supervisory system (if the latter exploits the functions supplied by the MPXs) or, on Slave units where A8 = 1, by the opening of the digital input DIN2 on the Master. Important note: it should be remembered that to guarantee the safety of the unit in the case of serious alarms, the unit itself must always be fitted with all the electro-mechanical safety devices needed to ensure correct operation.
  • Page 39
    A4/A5/A8 = 5: Door Switch Setting A4/A5/A8= 5 controls the switch on the store-room door. When the switch is opened the compressor and the fans are switched off and the lights are switched on (if at least one of the two fan or AUX relays is configured as an auxiliary and is used as a light relay). When the door is closed (as well as the Multifunction contact), the unit resumes the previous operation, delaying any temperature alarm by a number of hours equivalent to the value of d8.
  • Page 40
    A9: Enable the propagation via the LAN of the Master’s second digital input This parameter is accessible only for instruments configured as Master. It allows “parallel connection” to the virtual digital input on the connected Slave units of the Master’s second (physical) digital input DIN2. In this way, the second digital input of the Master may be propagated or not to the Slaves.
  • Page 41: F = Parameters For Controlling The Evaporator Fans

    11.10 F = parameters for controlling the evaporator fans FAN PARAMETERS Type Max. Def. To LAN • Fan management: flag 0 = fan always ON (except in special cases: see parameters F2, F3, Fd) 1 = fans thermostat-controlled in accordance with the absolute set-point F1 °C/°F •…

  • Page 42: H = Other Settings

    11.11 H = other settings OTHER PRE-SETTINGS Type Max. Def. To LAN Serial address (only for the network Master) Relay 4 selection: flag 0 = auxiliary output 1 = alarm relay, normally open (closed in alarm) 2 = alarm relay, normally closed (open in alarm) 3 = auxiliary relay: Master serves the Slaves;…

  • Page 43
    • In = 0: unit configured as Slave — Available on all models — The default for this parameter depends on the model of the instrument; see the second row of the following table for the default values of the various models: IRMPX00000 IRMPX0M000 IRMPX0A000 IRMPX10000…
  • Page 44: Operating States Of The Units

    12. Operating states of the units As indicated above, the display LEDs can be in three states: • off, when the function indicated or the actuator is not operative; • on, when the function indicated or the actuator is operative; •…

  • Page 45
    13. Alarms 13.1 Defective or incorrect operation The units in the MPX range are able to signal most incorrect operations automatically. When a malfunction occurs, the microprocessor initiates the following actions: • the malfunction is signalled on the display by an appropriate alarm code. More specifically, the display shows the alarm code and the temperature read by the probe, alternating in sequence.
  • Page 46: Alarms

    HI FLASHING High temperature alarm. The probe has measured a temperature further above the set value than the value set for parameter AH. • Check parameters AH, Ad and A0. • The alarm will cease as soon as the temperature returns within the set limits (see parameter AH). EA, EB DISPLAYED DURING OPERATION OR WHEN SWITCHING-ON Data acquisition error.

  • Page 47: Troubleshooting

    14. Troubleshooting PROBLEM CAUSE CHECK compressor does not start : compressor delay in progress parameters c0, c1 and c2 • power on • compressor LED flashing temperature is outside set limits but no alarm alarm delay in progress check Ad signalled and the buzzer, if fitted, does not sound the AL or Ad alarm signalled (Multi-function…

  • Page 48: Technical Specifications

    15. Technical specifications 15.1 Technical characteristics: Probe type: NTC Carel Operating field: -55°c — +95°c ± 0.5°C Precision : Storage: -10°C/ 70°c Operating conditions: 0°C/+50°c Power supply: 12Vac Power consumption: 150mA Front panel index of protection: IP65 with panel mounted and gasket inserted…

  • Page 49: Temperature/Resistance Ratios For Ntc Thermistors

    Rmax is the maximum value. For the sake of simplicity, the values corresponding to only a limited number of temperatures are given. Intermediate values can be determined by interpolation. Temperature/Resistance ratios for the Carel NTC temperature probe Temperature Rmin Rstd Rmax -40 ºC…

  • Page 50: View Of The Instrument

    15.3 View of the instrument Dimensions of the MPX in mm: 25/06/01 Cod. +030220191 rel. 2.0 dated…

  • Page 51: Wiring Diagrams

    16. WIRING DIAGRAMS Master/Slave connection wiring diagram: Transformer Transformer Transformer (*) Insulating Transformer transformer Example of wiring for serial connection of the instruments: Main = mains power supply TRF = transformer INS TRF = insulating transformer = earth SER = multiple connection to the controller system 16.1 MPX contact rear view: Label of connections for the IRMPX10000 model (slave with 4 relays): Label of connections for the IRMPXM0000 model (Master with 485):…

  • Page 52: Summary Of Parameters

    17. Summary of parameters PARAMETER Type Min. Max. Def. To LAN 2 PASSWORD PARAMETERS LOG PASSWORD DOWNLOAD PASSWORD PROBE PARAMETERS Type Min. Max. Def. To LAN Temperature set-point °C/°F -10.0 • °C/°F Regulation probe calibration Measurement stability Probe reading rate •…

  • Page 53
    COMPRESSOR PARAMETERS Type Min. Max. Def. To LAN • Compressor start delay when the instrument is turned ON min. • Minimum time between two successive compressor starts min. • Minimum compressor off time min. • Minimum compressor on time min. •…
  • Page 54
    FAN PARAMETERS Type Min. Max. Def. To LAN • Fan management: flag 0 = fan always ON (except in special cases: see parameters F2, F3, 1 = fans thermostat-controlled in accordance with the absolute set- point F1 °C/°F • Fan start absolute set-point Active if F0 = 1 •…
  • Page 55
    Note: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________…
  • Page 56
    Note: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________…
  • Page 57
    Note: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________…
  • Page 59
    Agency: CAREL srl Via dell’Industria, 11 — 35020 Brugine — Padova (Italy) Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 Fax (+39) 049.9716600 — e-mail:…

IRMPXMB000 Универсальный контроллер CAREL IR33 4 реле, питание 12 Vac, часы, RS485, звуковой сигнал



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На сайте «Дом холода» предлагается контроллер серии IRMPXMB000 от известного итальянского бренда Carel. Данное устройство широко задействуется в различном холодильном оборудовании: чиллерах, централях, домашних холодильника, индустриальных системах, кондиционерах и т.д.














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