Киа рио 2010 инструкция по эксплуатации

инструкцияKia Rio (2010)


Теперь, когда Вы стали владельцем автомобиля Киа, Вы

наверно будете получать много вопросов относительно

Вашего автомобиля, как напр.: “Что это за название – Киа?”

“Кто такой – Киа?” “Что это значит – Киа?”

Вот несколько ответов на эти вопросы. Сначала следует

отметить, что компания Киа – это самый старый

производитель автомобилей в Корее. Она имеет более чем

тысячу работников, стремящихся производить

высококачественные автомобили по доступным ценам.

Первый слог, “Ки”, в слове “Киа” значит” выйти во вес

мир”. Второй слог, “а”, значит “Азиа”. Следовательно, слово

“Киа” значит “выйти из Азии во весь мир”.

Желаем Вам много радости от Вашего автомобиля

Посмотреть инструкция для Kia Rio (2010) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 22 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.9. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Kia Rio (2010) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Логотип Kia

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Kia Rio (2010).

Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Kia?

Место размещения идентификационного номера транспортного средства зависит от марки и типа транспортного средства. Номер может быть выбит на раме транспортного средства или указан на номерном знаке. Чтобы узнать место расположения идентификационного номера транспортного средства лучше всего ознакомиться с руководством по эксплуатации Kia Rio (2010).

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — уникальный для каждого транспортного средства идентификационный номер. Аббревиатура VIN расшифровывается как «Vehicle Identification Number» (Идентификационный номер транспортного средства).

Когда транспортному средству Kia требуется техническое обслуживание?

Регулярное техническое обслуживание необходимо всем транспортным средствам. С информацией о том, как часто необходимо проходить техническое обслуживание и чему именно стоит уделять особое внимание можно ознакомиться в инструкции по техническому обслуживанию. Как правило, транспортное средство требует технического обслуживания каждые 2 года или 30 000 километров пробега.

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Kia?

Тормозную жидкость рекомендуется менять каждые два года.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Скорее всего, замок оснащен защитой от детей и поэтому не может быть открыт изнутри. Процедура открытия замка с защитой от детей зависит от марки и типа замка.

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.

Инструкция Kia Rio (2010) доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоKia Rio (2010) доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

В руководстве дается пошаговое описание процедур по эксплуатации, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Kia Rio 2 с 2005 года выпуска, оборудованных бензиновыми двигателями G4EE (1,4 л) и G4ED (1,6 л). Рассмотрены рейсталинговые модели с 2009 года.

Издание содержит руководство по эксплуатации, подробные сведения по техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Киа Рио 2 и диагностике, ремонту и регулировке систем двигателя (в т.ч. систем впрыска топлива, зажигания, запуска и зарядки), рекомендации по регулировке и ремонту механических и автоматических коробок передач, элементов тормозной системы (включая ABS и ESP), рулевого управления (в т.ч. с электроусили­телем) и подвески.

Приведены инструкции по использованию самодиагностики системы управления двигателем, АКПП, антиблокировочной системы тормозов (ABS), системы курсовой устойчивости (ESP), электро­усилителя рулевого управления (EPS), системы кондиционирования и системы SRS, процедуры проверки параметров в разъемах электронных блоков управления различными системами. Представлены подробные электросхемы (в т.ч. для моделей с 2009 года выпуска).

Ссылка в разных форматах на этот раздел


Автосервис АвтоМиг в Коптево

Автосервис САО — МЦД Красный Балтиец:

Ближайшие для подъезда улицы – Космонавта Волкова, Приорова, Новая Ипатовка, Большая Академическая.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Лефортово

Автосервис ЮВАО, ВАО — метро Авиамоторная:

Ближайшие станции метро — Авиамоторная, Площадь Ильича, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Чкаловская, Бауманская, Семеновская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — третье транспортное кольцо (ТТК), проезд завода Серп и Молот, Лефортовский вал, Красноказарменная улица.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Щукино

Автосервис СЗАО, САО — метро Октябрьское поле, станция Зорге МЦК (район Щукино, Хорошёво—Мнёвники)

Ближайшие станции метро — Октябрьское поле, Полежаевская. Станция Московского Центрального Кольца — Зорге. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Маршала Бирюзова, Берзарина, Народного ополчения, Зорге, Куусинена, Расплетина.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Измайлово

Автосервис ВАО — метро Соколиная гора (район Измайлово)
Ближайшие станции метро — Соколиная гора, Партизанская, Измайлово, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Черкизовская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Вернисажная, Шоссе Энтузиастов, проспект Будённого, Северо-Восточная хорда, Щербаковская улица, Большая Черкизовская улица.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Гольяново

Автосервис ВАО — метро Щелковская (район Гольяново)
Ближайшие станции метро — Щелковская, Черкизовская, Бульвар Рокоссовского, Первомайская, Партизанская, Измайловская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Щелковское шоссе, Амурская, Сиреневый бульвар, Монтажная улица, Байкальская улица, Открытое шоссе.


Франшиза автосервиса, Вакансии автосервиса, Инструкции к корейским авто, Инструкции к китайским авто

Ремонт (сервис) корейских автомобилей. Специализированный техцентр (автосервис) в Москве. Copyright © 2000-2023. Все права сохранены. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данный сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.

Компания «АвтоМиг» является НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ техническим центром по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей марок KIA и HYUNDAI. Никакого отношения ни к официальным представителям (дилерам), ни к самим производителям транспортных средств автосервис не имеет! Все упоминания торговых знаков (марок автомобилей) на данном сайте носят исключительно ИДЕНТИФИЦИРУЮЩИЙ характер (используются не в качестве средства индивидуализации), указывают, какие именно автомобили обслуживает техцентр (в соответствии со ст. 1474, 1487 Гражданского Кодекса РФ).

  • Page 1: Kia Rio (2010)

    k k i i a a , , t t h h e e c c o o m m p p a a n n y y Congratulations! Y our selection of a Kia was a wise investment. It will give you years of driving pleasure. Now that you are the owner of a Kia vehicle, you’ll probably be asked a lot of questions about your vehicle and the company like “What is a Kia?”, “Who is Kia?”, “What does […]

  • Page 2: Kia Rio (2010)

    i Thank you for choosing a Kia vehicle. When you require service, remember that your KIA Dealer knows your vehicle best. Y our dealer has factory-trained tech- nicians, recommended special tools, genuine Kia replacement parts and is dedicated to your complete satisfaction. Because subsequent owners require this important information as well, this p[…]

  • Page 3: Kia Rio (2010)

    ii 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Y our v ehicle at a glance Knowing y our v ehicle Driving your v ehicle Driving tips In case of an emergency Maintenance Specifications Inde x table of contents 9[…]

  • Page 4: Kia Rio (2010)

    1 How to use this manual / 1-2 V ehicle break-in process / 1-2 Introduction[…]

  • Page 5: Kia Rio (2010)

    Introduction 2 1 W e want to help you get the g reatest possible driving pleasure from your v ehi- cle. Y our Owner’ s Manual can assist you in many w ays . W e strongly recommend that you read the entire man ual. Especially , in order to minimize the chance of death or injur y , you must read the W ARNING and CA UTION sections spread throughout […]

  • Page 6: Kia Rio (2010)

    2 Interior overview / 2-2 Instrument panel overview / 2-3 Engine compartment / 2-4 Y our v ehicle at a glance[…]

  • Page 7: Kia Rio (2010)

    Y our vehicle at a glance 2 2 INTERIOR O VER VIEW OJB00002/1JBA3077/1JBA3082/1JBA3207 4Door 5Door 1. Door lock/unloc k button…………………3-10 2. Outside rear view mirror control switch* ………………………………………..3-71 3. P ower windo w switches* ……………….3-14 4. Master power door loc k control* …….3- 9 5. […]

  • Page 8: Kia Rio (2010)

    23 Y our vehicle at a glance INSTRUMENT P ANEL O VER VIEW 1. Driver’ s air bag …………………………….3-51 2. Light control / T ur n signals …………….4-31 3. Instrument cluster ………………………..4-20 4. Wiper/W asher ………………………………4-35 5. Ignition switch………………………………4- 2 6.[…]

  • Page 9: Kia Rio (2010)

    Y our vehicle at a glance 4 2 ENGINE COMP ARTMENT OJB050002 1. Engine coolant reser voir ……………….7-12 2. Engine oil filler cap ……………………….7-11 3. Brake fluid reservoir ……………………..7-14 4. Air cleaner …………………………………..7-18 5. Fuse box …………………………………….6- 6 6.[…]

  • Page 10: Kia Rio (2010)

    3 Keys / 3-2 Remote keyless entry / 3-3 Theft-alarm system / 3-5 Immobilizer system / 3-7 Door locks / 3-9 Windows / 3-14 Seat / 3-17 Safety belts / 3-28 Air bags-supplemental r estraint system / 3-49 T runk / 3-64 Hood / 3-66 Fuel filler lid / 3-67 Mirrors / 3-70 Interior lights / 3-73 S torage compartment / 3-74 Interior featur es / 3-76 Sunroof […]

  • Page 11: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 2 3 The ke y code number is stamped on the plate attached to the ke y set. Should you lose your k eys , this number will enable an authorized Kia dealer to duplicate the ke ys easily . Remov e the plate and store it in a saf e place. Also , record the code number and k eep it in a safe and handy place, b ut not in the vehicle .[…]

  • Page 12: Kia Rio (2010)

    33 Knowing your vehicle ➀ Lock button ➁ Unlock button ➂ Panic b utton ➀ Lock ( ) All doors are lock ed if the lock b utton is pressed. ➁ Unlock ( ) T w o turn unlock mode The driver’s door is unloc ked if the unlock b utton is pressed once. All doors are unlock ed if the unlock b utton is pressed again within 4 seconds. Central door […]

  • Page 13: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 4 3 Operational distance ma y vary depend- ing upon the area the transmitter is used in. For e xample, if the v ehicle is parked near police stations, go vernment and public offices , broadcasting stations, mil- itar y installations, airpor ts, or transmit- ting towers , etc. This device complies with Industry canada standard R[…]

  • Page 14: Kia Rio (2010)

    35 Knowing your vehicle Theft alarm system will not operate when the ignition ke y is in the ignition switch. If the lock b utton on the transmitter is pressed when the ke y is not in the igni- tion and any v ehicle door or the trunk (if equipped) is open, then, the doors will lock b ut the theft alar m system will not activate . How ev er , the th[…]

  • Page 15: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 6 3 Opening the trunk with the alarm armed (if equipped) When the alarm is ar med, the alar m will not sound if the trunk lid is opened with the ke y . Also , if any of the doors or hood is opened while the trunk lid is open and the alarm ar med, the alar m will sound. Disarmed stage The system will be disarmed when the doors a[…]

  • Page 16: Kia Rio (2010)

    37 Knowing your vehicle Y our v ehicle is equipped with an elec- tronic engine immobilizer system to reduce the risk of unauthor ized v ehicle use. Y our immobiliz er system is comprised of a small transponder in the ignition k ey , and antenna coil in the ke y cylinder and Immobilizer Control Unit (or Smartra Unit). With this system, whene ver y o[…]

  • Page 17: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 8 3 3. T o enter the first digit (in this example “2”), turn the ignition key to the ON and A CC position twice. Perf orm the same procedure f or the next digits between 3 seconds and 10 seconds (f or example , f or “3”, turn the ignition ON and ACC 3 times). 4. If all of the digits have been input suc- cessfully , you […]

  • Page 18: Kia Rio (2010)

    39 Knowing your vehicle Operating door locks fr om out- side the vehicle • T urn the key to ward rear of v ehicle to unlock and to ward front of v ehicle to lock. • If you loc k the driver’ s door with a key , all vehicle doors will loc k automatically (if equipped). • T urn the key to the right once to unlock the driver’ s door and to th[…]

  • Page 19: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 10 3 Operating door locks fr om inside the vehicle With the door lock b utton • T o unlock a door , push the door lock button f orward to the “Unlock” position (red mark on button visible). • T o lock a door , push the door lock but- ton (1) f orward to the “Lock” position. If the door is lock ed properly , the red […]

  • Page 20: Kia Rio (2010)

    31 1 Knowing your vehicle Impact sensing door unlock sys- tem (if equipped) All doors will be automatically unlock ed when the impact is delivered to impact sensors while the ignition s witch is in the ON position. Howe v er , if the impact causes damage to the vehicle electrical system or the mechanical door lock mechanisms , the impact sensing do[…]

  • Page 21: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 12 3 Rear door child safety loc k The child saf ety lock is provided to help pre vent children from accidentally open- ing the rear doors from inside the vehicle . The rear door saf ety locks should be used whene ver children are in the v ehi- cle. 1. Open the rear door . 2. Push the child safety loc k located on the rear edge […]

  • Page 22: Kia Rio (2010)

    31 3 Knowing your vehicle Cargo area lamp (if equipped) The cargo area lamp turns on when the rear hatch is opened. It remains on until the rear hatch is securely closed. ✽ ✽ NO TICE Make sure to close the r ear hatch securely . If it remains open while engine is not running, it may cause battery dis- charge because cargo area lamp remains on. […]

  • Page 23: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 14 3 P ower windo ws (if equipped) (1) Driver’ s door po wer window s witch (2) Front passenger’ s door power win- dow s witch (3) Rear door (left) power window s witch* (4) Rear door (r ight) power windo w s witch* (5) Window opening and closing (6) A utomatic pow er window down* (Driver’ s windo w) (7) P ower window loc[…]

  • Page 24: Kia Rio (2010)

    31 5 Knowing your vehicle P ower windows (if equipped) The ignition s witch must be in the ON position f or power windows to oper ate. Each door has a power windo w switch that controls that door’ s window . Howe v er , the driver has a pow er window lock s witch which can bloc k the operation of passenger windows . ✽ ✽ NO TICE While driving […]

  • Page 25: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 16 3 Power window lock switch (if equipped) • The driver can disab le the power win- dow s witches on on all passenger doors by depressing the po wer window lock s witch located on the driver’ s door to LOCK (pressed). • When the power windo w lock switc h is ON, the driver’ s master control cannot operate the passenger[…]

  • Page 26: Kia Rio (2010)

    31 7 Knowing your vehicle Driver’ s seat (1) Seat adjustment, f orward / bac kward (2) Seatback recliner (3) Seat height adjustment (4) Seat heater s witch* (5) Headrest adjustment Front passenger seat (6) Seat adjustment, f orward / bac kward (7) Seatback recliner (8) Seat heater s witch* (9) Headrest adjustment Rear seat (10) Split f olding rea[…]

  • Page 27: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 18 3 Front seat adjustment Adjusting the seat forwar d and back- ward T o mov e the seat forw ard or backward: 1. Pull the seat slide adjustment lev er under the front edge of the seat cush- ion up and hold it. 2. Slide the seat to the desired position. 3. Release the lev er and make sure the seat is lock ed in place. Adjust th[…]

  • Page 28: Kia Rio (2010)

    31 9 Knowing your vehicle Adjusting height of the driver’ s seat cushion T o change the height of the seat cushion, rotate the knob located on the outside of the seat cushion. Adjusting the seatback rec liner T o recline the seatback: 1. Lean forward slightly and lift up on the seatback recline le v er located on the outside of the seat, at the r[…]

  • Page 29: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 20 3 W arming the front seat (if equipped) The front seats can be electrically heated individually when the ignition s witch is ON. When you depress the seat w ar mer s witch, a ther mostat regulates seat tem- perature. T o deactiv ate the heating sys- tem, depress the s witch once again. ✽ ✽ NO TICE • The seat warmer may[…]

  • Page 30: Kia Rio (2010)

    32 1 Knowing your vehicle Headrest The driver’s and front passenger’s seats are equipped with a headrest f or the occupant’s saf ety and comfort. The headrest not only provides comf or t f or the dr iver and front passenger , but also helps to protect the head and neck in the e vent of a collision. Adjusting the height up and down T […]

  • Page 31: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 22 3 Removal T o remov e the headrest, raise it as f ar as it can go then press the release button (1) while pulling upward (2). T o reinstall the headrest, put the head- rest poles (3) into the holes while press- ing the release button (1). Then adjust it to the appropriate height. Active headrest (if equipped) The active head[…]

  • Page 32: Kia Rio (2010)

    32 3 Knowing your vehicle Rear seat Split folding rear seat (if equipped) The rear seatbacks f old f orward to pro- vide additional cargo space and to pro- vide access to the cargo area. • T o f old the rear seatback(s) down, pull the lock release le v er , then fold the seatback f orward and do wn. • T o raise the seatbac k, lift and push it f[…]

  • Page 33: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 24 3 5. Move the rear lap/shoulder belt to the outside (2) so that they don’t interf ere with the seatback when lo wering (3). 6. Fold the seatbac k forw ard and down firmly (4). ✽ ✽ NO TICE — Damaging rear safe- ty buc kles When you fold the rear seatback or put luggage on the rear seat cushion, insert the buckle in the […]

  • Page 34: Kia Rio (2010)

    32 5 Knowing your vehicle T o unfold the rear seat: 1. Move the rear lap/shoulder belt (1, if equipped) to the side so that it is clear of the seatback. 2. Lift and push the seatback backw ard firmly until it clicks into place (2). 3. Retur n the rear safety belt to the prop- er position. ✽ ✽ NO TICE If the seat belt is locked during the seat- […]

  • Page 35: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 26 3 Armrest (if equipped) The armrest is located in the center of the rear seat. Pull the ar mrest down from the seatback. Headrest The rear seat(s) is equipped with head- rests in all the seating positions f or the occupant’s saf ety and comfort. The headrest not only provides comf or t f or passengers, but also helps to[…]

  • Page 36: Kia Rio (2010)

    32 7 Knowing your vehicle Adjusting the height up and down (if equipped) T o raise the headrest, pull it up to the desired position (1). T o lower the head- rest, push and hold the release button (2) on the headrest suppor t and lower the headrest to the desired position (3). Removal (if equipped) T o remov e the headrest, raise it as f ar as it ca[…]

  • Page 37: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 28 3 Pre-tensioner seat belt (if equipped) Y our v ehicle is equipped with driver’s and front passenger’s pre-tensioner saf ety belts. The pur pose of the pre-tensioner is to make sure that e xcess slack is tak en up in cer tain frontal collisions. The pre- tensioner seat belts will activate together with the air bags[…]

  • Page 38: Kia Rio (2010)

    32 9 Knowing your vehicle CA UTION — Air bag/Pre- tensioner dust When the air bags and pre-tension- ers are activ ated, a loud noise may be heard and fine dust, which may appear to be smoke, may be visib le in the passenger compar tment. This dust is not to xic. The dust may cause skin irritation and should not be breathed for pr olonged periods. V[…]

  • Page 39: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 30 3 Safety belt restraint system W e strongly recommend that the dr iver and all passengers be properly restrained at all times b y using the safety belts provided with the v ehicle. Proper use of the saf ety belts decreases the r isk of se vere injury or death in accidents or sudden stops. In most states, and in Canada, the l[…]

  • Page 40: Kia Rio (2010)

    33 1 Knowing your vehicle Saf ety belts provide the best restraint when: • The seatback is upright. • The occupant is sitting upright (not slouched). • The lap belt is snug across the hips. • The shoulder belt is snug across the chest. • The knees are straight f orward. W ARNING — After a collision • Lap/shoulder belt assemblies may be […]

  • Page 41: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 32 3 W ARNING — Safety belt care • A damaged belt may not give y ou the protection y ou need in an accident. • Inspect y our safety belts periodi- cally f or excessive wear or dam- age. Pull out eac h belt fully and look for fra ying, cuts, burns or other damage. Pull the saf ety belt out and let it retract a number of time[…]

  • Page 42: Kia Rio (2010)

    33 3 Knowing your vehicle Safety belt warning light and chime As a reminder to the driver and passen- ger , saf ety belt warning light will blink f or appro ximately 6 seconds each time you turn the ignition switch ON. If the driver’s lap/shoulder belt is not f as- tened when the ke y is tur ned ON or if it is disconnected after the ke y is tu[…]

  • Page 43: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 34 3 3. Inser t the tongue plate (1) into the open end of the buc kle (2) until an audible “click” is heard, indicating the belt is lock ed in the buc kle. 4. P osition the lap por tion (1) of the belt across your lap as LO W ON THE HIPS as possible to reduce the risk of sliding under it during an accident. Adjust the belt […]

  • Page 44: Kia Rio (2010)

    33 5 Knowing your vehicle T o unfasten the front lap/shoulder belt: Press the release button on the b uckle and allow the belt to slo wly retract. Rear lap/shoulder belt T o fasten the rear lap/shoulder belt: 1. Grasp the buc kle and tongue plate. 2. Slowly pull the lap/shoulder belt out. 3. Inser t the tongue plate (1) into the open end of the buc[…]

  • Page 45: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 36 3 4. P osition the lap por tion (1) of the belt across your lap as LO W ON THE HIPS as possible to reduce the risk of sliding under it during an accident. Adjust the belt to a SNUG FIT by pulling up on the shoulder por tion (2) of the safety belt. The belt retractor is designed to take up e xcess webbing automatically and to[…]

  • Page 46: Kia Rio (2010)

    33 7 Knowing your vehicle 3 P oint rear center belt (if equipped) T o fasten the rear center belt 1. Inser t the tongue plate (A) into the open end of the anchor connector (B) until an audible “click» is heard, indi- cating the latch is lock ed. Make sure the belt is not twisted. 2. Pull the tongue plate (C) and insert the tongue plate (C) i[…]

  • Page 47: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 38 3 When using the rear center seat belt, the buc kle with the “CENTER” mar k must be used. Stowing the rear safety belt The rear saf ety belt buckles can be stowed in the poc ket betw een the rear seatback and cushion when not in use . 1JBN3046 1JBE3053 1JBE3053A 4 Door 5 Door W ARNING • When using the rear center belt,[…]

  • Page 48: Kia Rio (2010)

    33 9 Knowing your vehicle T o unfasten the rear center belt 1. Press the release button on the buc kle (D) and remov e the tongue plate (C) from the buc kle (D). 2. T o retract the rear center seatbelt, inser t the ke y or similar small r igid de vice into the web release button (B) on the anchor connector . Pull up on the seat belt web (A) and all[…]

  • Page 49: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 40 3 Restraint of pregnant women Pregnant women should wear lap/shoul- der belt assemblies whene v er possible according to specific recommendations by their doctors . The lap por tion of the belt should be worn AS SNUGL Y AND LO W AS POSSIBLE. Restraint of infants and small children T o increase their safety , inf ants and you[…]

  • Page 50: Kia Rio (2010)

    34 1 Knowing your vehicle Restraint of larger children As children grow , they ma y need to use new child-restr aint systems, including larger child seats or booster seats, which are appropriate for their increased siz e. A child who has outgrown a vailab le child- restraint systems should use the belts provided in the v ehicle. When seated in the […]

  • Page 51: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 42 3 Child restraint system F or small children and babies, the use of a child seat or inf ant seat is strongly rec- ommended and is required by la w in almost all states. This child seat or infant seat should be of appropriate size f or the child and should be installed in accor- dance with the manuf acturer’s instruc- ti[…]

  • Page 52: Kia Rio (2010)

    34 3 Knowing your vehicle Installing a child restraint system F or safety reasons , we recommend that the child restraint system be used in the rear seats. Never place a rear -facing child restraint in the front passenger seat, because of the danger that an inflat- ing passenger side air bag could impact the rear-facing c hild restraint and kill th[…]

  • Page 53: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 44 3 Placing a passenger safety belt into the auto lock mode The use of the auto lock mode will ensure that the normal movement of the child in the vehicle does not cause the saf ety belt to be pulled out and loosen the firmness of its hold on the child restraint system. T o secure a child restraint system, use the f ollowing p[…]

  • Page 54: Kia Rio (2010)

    34 5 Knowing your vehicle 3. Pull the shoulder por tion of the saf ety belt all the wa y out. When the shoulder por tion of the safety belt is fully e xtended, it will shift the retractor to the “Auto Loc k” (child restraint) mode . 4. Slowly allow the shoulder por tion of the saf ety belt to retract and listen for an audible “clic king” or[…]

  • Page 55: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 46 3 When the safety belt is allowed to retract to its fully sto wed position, the retractor will automatically s witch from the “Auto Loc k” mode to the emergency loc k mode for normal adult usage. Securing a child restraint seat with “T ether Anchor” system (if equipped) Child restraint hook holders are located on the[…]

  • Page 56: Kia Rio (2010)

    34 7 Knowing your vehicle Child seat lower anchor s Some child seat manuf acturers make child restraint seats that are labeled as LA TCH or LA TCH-compatible child restraint system. LA TCH stands for «Lower Anchors and T ethers for Children». These seats include two rigid or webbing mounted attachments that connect to two LA TCH anchors a[…]

  • Page 57: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 48 3 LA TCH anchors hav e been provided in your v ehicle. The LA TCH anchors are located in the left and right outboard rear seating positions. Their locations are shown in the illustration. There is no LA TCH anchor provided f or the center rear seating position. The LA TCH anchors are located between the seatback and the seat[…]

  • Page 58: Kia Rio (2010)

    34 9 Knowing your vehicle AIR B A G — SUPPLEMENT AL RESTRAINT SYSTEM 1JBC3511/OJB030055/1JBA3056/1JBA3057/1JBA3059/1JBA3060/1JBA3061/1JBA3062/1LDN2168 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 (1) Driver’ s air bag (2) F ront passenger’ s air bag (3) Side air bag* (4) Cur tain air bag* (5) SRS Control Module (6) Side impact sensor* (7) F ront impact sensor * : if equipped[…]

  • Page 59: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 50 3 What y our air bag system does Driver’ s air bag and front passenger’ s air bag are designed to supplement the pro- tection off ered by the saf ety belt in cer- tain frontal collisions. Likewise , side air bag and cur tain air bags are designed to supplement the protection off ered by the saf ety belt in side collision[…]

  • Page 60: Kia Rio (2010)

    35 1 Knowing your vehicle Air bag system components The main components of your SRS are: • T o indicate that your v ehicle is equipped with air bags, the correspon- ding air bag cov ers are marked with “SRS AIR BA G”. — Driver’ s air bag — P assenger’ s air bag — Side air bag (if equipped) — Curtain air bag (if equipped) • A diagnostic […]

  • Page 61: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 52 3 Front passenger’ s air bag F ront passenger’ s air bag is stored in the instrument panel on the glove bo x. Ne ver put any objects or ornaments on the instrument panel. 1JBA3056 HLZ2121 W ARNING — Steering wheel • Y ou must alwa ys sit as far back from the steering wheel air ba g as possible (chest at least 250 mm (1[…]

  • Page 62: Kia Rio (2010)

    35 3 Knowing your vehicle Side air bag (if equipped) Side air bags are stored in the left side of the driver’ s seat and right side of the front passenger’ s seat. If air bag inflation conditions are met (side collision), they will inflate . (Continued) • Never allo w front passenger to put their hands, feet or face on or close to the instrum[…]

  • Page 63: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 54 3 Curtain air bag (if equipped) Cur tain air bags are located along both sides of the roof rails abov e the front and rear doors. They are designed to help protect the heads of the front seat occupants and the rear outboard seat occupants in cer tain side impact collisions. • The cur tain air bag deployment occurs only on […]

  • Page 64: Kia Rio (2010)

    35 5 Knowing your vehicle Why didn’t m y air bag go off in a collision? (Inflation and non-inflation conditions of the air bag) There are many types of accidents in which one or more of the air bags would not be e xpected to pro vide additional pr otection. These include rear impacts, second or third collisions in m ultiple impact acci- dents, as[…]

  • Page 65: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 56 3 Air bag inflation condition Front air bag F ront air bags (driver’ s and front passen- ger’ s air bags) are designed to inflate when the impact is delivered to front col- lision sensors depending on the intensity , speed or angles of impact of the front collision — generally from an area a little to the left to a littl[…]

  • Page 66: Kia Rio (2010)

    35 7 Knowing your vehicle Side air bags (if equipped) Side air bags (side and/or cur tain air bags) are designed to inflate when an impact is detected by side collision sen- sors depending on the strength, speed or angles of impact of side impact of side impact collision or rollov er . Although the front air bags (driver’ s and front passenger’[…]

  • Page 67: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 58 3 • F rontal air bags are not designed to inflate in rear collisions, because occu- pants are mov ed backw ard by the f orce of the impact. In this case, the air bags do not provide protection. • F ront air bags ma y not inflate in side impact collision, because occupants mov e to the direction of the collision, and thus[…]

  • Page 68: Kia Rio (2010)

    35 9 Knowing your vehicle • Just bef ore impact, drivers often br ake heavily . Such heavy br aking lowers the front por tion of the vehicle causing it to “ride” under a v ehicle with a higher ground clearance . Air bags may not inflate in this «under-ride» situation because deceleration f orces that are detected by sensors ma y be […]

  • Page 69: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 60 3 Air bag system operation • Air bags only operate when the ignition s witch is tur ned to the ON or ST ART positions. • Air bags inflate instantly in the e vent of serious frontal or side collision (if equipped with side air bag or cur tain air bag) in order to help protect the occupants from serious physical injury . ?[…]

  • Page 70: Kia Rio (2010)

    36 1 Knowing your vehicle Noise and smoke When the air bags inflate, the y make a loud noise and they lea ve smok e and powder in the air inside of the v ehicle. This is normal. After the air bag inflates, you ma y f eel substantial discomfort in breathing due to the contact of your chest to both the saf ety belt and the air bag, as well as from br[…]

  • Page 71: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 62 3 Air bag warning light The pur pose of air bag warning light in your instrument panel is to aler t you of a potential problem with y our air bag — Supplemental Restraint System (SRS). When the ignition s witch is tur ned ON, the indicator light should blink or illumi- nate f or approximately 6 seconds , then go off . Hav e […]

  • Page 72: Kia Rio (2010)

    36 3 Knowing your vehicle Repairing or scrapping the vehicle • Repairing/replacing the steer ing wheel, instrument panel, center con- sole headliner/pillar trim, or modifying vehicle sheet metal components could disable the air bag system. Have such repairs and maintenance perf or med by an authorized Kia dealer . • Special care must be tak en […]

  • Page 73: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 64 3 Outside the vehicle • T o open the trunk, inser t the key into the lock and turn it to the right (clock- wise). • T o close the trunk, use both hands to push the trunk lid down. Check to see if the trunk is completely shut. T runk room lamp T runk room lamp tur ns on when the trunk is opened. It remains on until the tr[…]

  • Page 74: Kia Rio (2010)

    36 5 Knowing your vehicle Inside the vehicle T o open the trunk from inside the vehicle, pull the trunk lid release lev er . Emergency trunk saf ety release (if equipped) Y our v ehicle is equipped with an emer- gency trunk release cable located inside the trunk. The lev er glows in the dark when the trunk lid is closed. If someone is inadvertently[…]

  • Page 75: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 66 3 Opening the hood: 1. Pull the release lev er on the lower left side of the instrument panel to unlatch the hood. The hood should pop open slightly . 2. Go to the front of the vehicle, r aise the hood slightly , pull the secondar y latch (1) inside of the hood center and lift (2) the hood. 3. Lift the hood and hold it open […]

  • Page 76: Kia Rio (2010)

    36 7 Knowing your vehicle Closing the hood 1. Before closing the hood, chec k the fol- lowing: • All filler caps in engine compar tment must be correctly installed. • Glov es, rags or an y other com- bustib le material must be remov ed from the engine compar tment. 2. Secure the suppor t rod in its clip . 3. Lower the hood to about 30 cm (12 in[…]

  • Page 77: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 68 3 3. Pull the fuel filler lid out to open. 4. T o remove the cap , turn the fuel tank cap counterclockwise . 5. Refuel as needed. 6. T o install the cap, turn it clockwise until it “clicks”. This indicates that the cap is securely tightened. 7. Close the fuel filler lid and push it light- ly and make sure that it is secu[…]

  • Page 78: Kia Rio (2010)

    36 9 Knowing your vehicle ✽ ✽ NO TICE • Make sur e to refuel your vehicle according to the «Fuel requir ements» suggested in section 5. • Check to make sure the fuel filler cap is securely closed after refueling. A loose fuel filler cap may cause the “Check fuel filler cap ( )” light in the instrument panel to illuminate unnec[…]

  • Page 79: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 70 3 Outside rearview mirror Be sure to adjust mirror angles bef ore driving. Y our v ehicle is equipped with both left- hand and right-hand outside rear view mirrors. The mirrors can be adjusted remotely with the control le vers or remote s witch, depending on the type of mirror control installed. The mirror heads can be f old[…]

  • Page 80: Kia Rio (2010)

    37 1 Knowing your vehicle Electric remote control (if equipped) The electric remote control mirror switch allows y ou to adjust the position of the left and right outside rear view mirrors. T o adjust the position of either mirror , mov e the le ver (1) to R or L to select the right side mirror or the left side mirror , then press a corresponding p[…]

  • Page 81: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 72 3 Outside rearview mirror heater (if equipped) The outside rear view mirror heater is automatically turned on when the rear window defroster is turned on. T o heat the outside rear view mirror glass , push the button f or the rear window defroster . The rear view mirror heater (and rear win- dow defroster) will not operate u[…]

  • Page 82: Kia Rio (2010)

    37 3 Knowing your vehicle Map light (if equipped) T ype A The lights are turned ON or OFF by pressing the corresponding s witch. T ype B (1) Map light : The lights are tur ned ON or OFF by pressing the corresponding s witch. (2) DOOR : The light tur ns on when a door is opened or when a door is unlock ed by the tr ansmitter (if equipped). Interior […]

  • Page 83: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 74 3 ✽ ✽ NO TICE Do not use the interior lights for extend- ed periods when engine is not running. It may cause battery discharge. ✽ ✽ NO TICE • T o avoid possible theft, do not leave valuables in the storage compartment. • Since stored items may move while driving, be sure to position them in the storage compartmen[…]

  • Page 84: Kia Rio (2010)

    37 5 Knowing your vehicle Multi bo x (if equipped) T o open the cov er located abov e the cig- arette lighter/power outlet, push the b ut- ton and pull the cov er down. It can be used f or stor ing small items. Glove bo x T o open the glov e box, pull the handle (1) and the glov e box will automatically open (2). Close the glov e box after use . Su[…]

  • Page 85: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 76 3 ✽ ✽ NO TICE Make sure the sunglass holder is closed while driving. Cup holder Cups or small be verage cans ma y be placed in the cup holders. OJB020100 W ARNING — Hot liquids • Do not place uncovered cups of hot liquid in the cup holder while the vehicle is in motion. If the hot liquid spills, you could be b urned. S[…]

  • Page 86: Kia Rio (2010)

    37 7 Knowing your vehicle Sun visor Use the sunvisor to shield direct light through the front or side windows . T o use a sunvisor , pull it downward. T o use a sunvisor f or a side window shade, pull it do wnward, unsnap it from the brac ket (1) and s wing it to the side. T o use the vanity mirror , pull down the visor and pull up the mirror cov e[…]

  • Page 87: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 78 3 Digital cloc k (if equipped) Whene ver the battery ter minals or mem- or y fuse are disconnected, you m ust reset the time. When the ignition s witch is in the ACC or ON position, the clock b uttons operates as f ollows: • HOUR: Pressing the “H” b utton with your fin- ger , a pencil or similar object will advance the[…]

  • Page 88: Kia Rio (2010)

    37 9 Knowing your vehicle (1) SLIDE OPEN (TIL T DO WN) button (2) Tilt UP (slide close) BUTTON If your v ehicle is equipped with this f ea- ture, y ou can slide or tilt your sunroof with the sunroof control buttons located on the ov erhead console. The sunroof can only be opened, closed, or tilted when the ignition s witch is in the “ON” positi[…]

  • Page 89: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 80 3 Sunshade The sunshade will be opened with the glass panel automatically when the glass panel is slid. Y ou will hav e to close it man- ually if you w ant it closed. ✽ ✽ NO TICE • Do not press any sunroof contr ol but- ton longer than necessary . Damage to the motor or system components could occur . • Periodically […]

  • Page 90: Kia Rio (2010)

    38 1 Knowing your vehicle T o keep items from shifting in the trunk, you can use the f our rings located in the trunk to attach the cargo net. ✽ ✽ NO TICE Do not put fragile, bulky or an excessive quantity of items into luggage net. They could be damaged. LUGGA GE NET (IF EQ UIPPED) 1JBA3113 1JBA3216 4 Door 5 Door W ARNING T o av oid eye injury[…]

  • Page 91: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 82 3 Roof type antenna (if equipped) If your v ehicle has an audio system, an amplifying antenna is installed in your vehicle . This antenna can be remov ed from the vehicle when y ou wash y our vehicle . ✽ ✽ NO TICE • Be sure to remove the antenna befor e washing the car in an automatic car wash or it may be damaged. •[…]

  • Page 92: Kia Rio (2010)

    38 3 Knowing your vehicle The steering wheel audio remote control button is installed to promote saf e driv- ing. V OLUME ( / ) (1) • Push up the le ver to increase v olume. • Push down the le v er to decrease vol- ume. SEEK/PRESET ( / ) (2) If the SEEK/PRESET button is pressed f or 0.8 second or more, it will work as fol- lows in each mode . R[…]

  • Page 93: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 84 3 AM and FM radio signals are broadcast from transmitter tow ers located around your city . They are intercepted b y the radio antenna on y our car . This signal is then received b y the radio and sent to your car speak ers. When a strong radio signal has reached your v ehicle, the precise engineering of your audio system en[…]

  • Page 94: Kia Rio (2010)

    38 5 Knowing your vehicle • F ading — As y our car moves a wa y from the radio station, the signal will weak en and sound will begin to f ade. When this occurs, we suggest that y ou select another stronger station. • Flutter/Static — W eak FM signals or large obstructions between the trans- mitter and your r adio can disturb the signal causing […]

  • Page 95: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 86 3 • If you are driving on a mountain road where is bloc ked b y mountains. • If you are driving in an area with tall trees that bloc k the signal(10m or more), f or example on an road that goes through a dense f orset. • The signal can become weak in some areas that are not cov ered by the repeater station network. Ple[…]

  • Page 96: Kia Rio (2010)

    38 7 Knowing your vehicle • K eep CDs in their cases after use to protect them from scratches or dir t. • Depending on the type of CD-R/CD- R W CDs, cer tain CDs may not oper ate normally according to manufacturing companies or making and recording methods. In such circumstances, if you still continue to use those CDs, the y ma y cause the malf[…]

  • Page 97: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 88 3 Satellite radio channels: SIRIUS Satellite Radio has ov er 130 chan- nels, including 69 channels of 100% com- mercial-free music, plus sports, news , talk and enter tainment av ailable nationwide in your v ehicle. For more inf ormation and a complete list of SIRIUS Satellite Radio channels, visit sirius.com in the United S[…]

  • Page 98: Kia Rio (2010)

    38 9 Knowing your vehicle 1. FM/AM Selection Button 2. Automatic Channel Selection Button 3. P ower ON/OFF Button & V olume Control Knob 4. Preset Button 5. Manual Channel Selection & Sound Quality Control Knob 6. SETUP Button 7. SCAN Button RADIO , SET UP , V OLUME, A UDIO CONTROL(P A910L, SIRIUS SA TELLITE RADIO MODEL) (IF EQUIPPED)[…]

  • Page 99: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 90 3 1. FM/AM Selection Button T urns to FM or AM mode, and toggles in the order of FM1 ➟ FM2 ➟ AM ➟ FM1… when the button is pressed each time . 2. A utomatic Channel Selection Button • When the [SEEK ] b utton is pressed, it increases the band frequency to auto- matically select a channel. Stops at the pre vious freq[…]

  • Page 100: Kia Rio (2010)

    39 1 Knowing your vehicle 6. SETUP Button Press this button to access the SIRIUS option, TEXT SCROLL, and adjustment mode. If no action is taken f or 5 seconds after pressing the button, it will return to the pla y mode.(After entering SETUP mode, mov e between items using the left, right and PUSH functions of the [TUNE] button.) The setup item cha[…]

  • Page 101: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 92 3 1. CD Loading Slot 2. CD Eject Button 3. CD Selection Button 4. A UX Selection Button 5. Automatic T rack Selection Button 6. RANDOM Play Button 7. REPEA T Button 8. SEARCH Knob & ENTER Button 9. FOLDER Moving Button 10. INFO Button 11. SCAN Play Button 12. CD Indicator CDP , A UX(P A910L, SIRIUS SA TELLITE RADIO MODEL[…]

  • Page 102: Kia Rio (2010)

    39 3 Knowing your vehicle 1. CD Loading Slot Please f ace pr inted side upward and gen- tly push in. When the ignition switch is on A CC or ON and power is off , power is automatically turned on if the CD is loaded. This CDP suppor ts only 12cm CD . If a VCD , Data CD are loaded, «Reading Error» message will appear and CD will be ejected.[…]

  • Page 103: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 94 3 CA UTION IN USING USB DEVICE • T o use an external USB device, make sure the device is not mounted when starting up the vehicle and mount the de vice after starting up. • If you start the vehicle when the USB device is mounted, it may damage the USB device. (USB is not ESA) • If the vehicle is started up or turned of[…]

  • Page 104: Kia Rio (2010)

    39 5 Knowing your vehicle (Continued) • I f you dismount the e xternal USB device during pla yback in USB mode, the external USB device can be damaged or malfunction. Therefore, mount the external USB device when the engine is turned off or in another mode. • Depending on the type and capac- ity of the external USB de vice or the type of the fi[…]

  • Page 105: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 96 3 1. USB Selection Button 2. TRA CK Moving Button 3. RANDOM Playbac k Button 4. REPEA T Button 5. SEARCH Knob & ENTER Button 6. FOLDER Moving Button 7. INFO Selection Button 8. SCAN Selection Button USING USB(P A910L, SIRIUS SA TELLITE RADIO MODEL) (IF EQUIPPED)[…]

  • Page 106: Kia Rio (2010)

    39 7 Knowing your vehicle 1. USB Selection Button If USB is connected, it s witches to the USB mode from the other mode to pla y the song files stored in the USB. If no CD and auxiliar y de vice is not con- nected, it displa ys «NO Media» for 3 sec- onds and returns to the previous mode. 2. TRA CK Moving Button • Press the [TRA CK ] but[…]

  • Page 107: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 98 3 1. iP od Selection Button 2. TRA CK Moving Button 3. RANDOM Playbac k Button 4. REPEA T Button 5. CA TEGORY Selection Button 6. SEARCH Knob & ENTER Button 7. INFO Selection Button RUNNING iP od ® (P A910L, SIRIUS SA TELLITE RADIO MODEL) (IF EQUIPPED) iP od ® is a trademark of Apple Inc.[…]

  • Page 108: Kia Rio (2010)

    39 9 Knowing your vehicle In case the iP od e xclusive cab le is con- nected to the multiple terminal inside the console on the right hand side of the dr i- ver’s seat. When the iPod is connected, the ‘iP od’ icon will be displa yed on the top left corner of the display screen. 1. iP od Selection Button If iP od is connected, it s wi[…]

  • Page 109: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 100 3 ✽ ✽ NO TICE FOR USING iP od DEVICE • Some iPod models might not sup- port the communication protocol and the files will not be played. (iPod models supported: Mini, 4G , Photo, Nano, 5G) • The order of search or playback of songs in the iPod can be different from the order searched in the audio system. • If the […]

  • Page 110: Kia Rio (2010)

    31 0 1 Knowing your vehicle 1. SA TELLITE RADIO Selection Button 2. Channel Selection Button 3. Preset Selection Button 4. TUNE Knob and ENTER Button 5. CA T/FOLDER Button 6. INFO Selection Button 7. SETUP Button 8. SCAN Button SIRIUS SA TELLITE RADIO(P A910L, SIRIUS SA TELLITE RADIO MODEL) (IF EQUIPPED)[…]

  • Page 111: Kia Rio (2010)

    Knowing your vehicle 102 3 How to Use SIRIUS Satellite Radio Y our vehicle is equipped with a 3 month complimentar y period of SIRIUS Satellite Radio so you ha ve access to o ver 130 channels of music, inf ormation, and enter tainment programming. Activation In order to e xtend or reactivate y our sub- scription to SIRIUS Satellite Radio, y ou will[…]

  • Page 112: Kia Rio (2010)

    31 0 3 Knowing your vehicle 7. SETUP Button Press this button to adjust to the SCR OLL, SIRIUS and adjustment mode. If no action is taken f or 5 seconds after pressing the button, it will return to the pre- vious radio mode.(After entering SETUP mode, mo ve between items using the left,right and PUSH functions of the [TUNE] button.) The setup item […]

  • Page 113: Kia Rio (2010)

    4 Ignition switch / 4-2 S tarting the engine / 4-3 Manual transaxle / 4-4 Automatic transaxle / 4-6 Brake system / 4-9 Cruise control system / 4-14 S teering wheel / 4-18 Instrument cluster / 4-20 Gauges / 4-21 W arnings and indicators / 4-25 Lighting / 4-31 Wipers and washers / 4-35 Defroster / 4-38 Hazard warning flasher / 4-38 Climate control sy[…]

  • Page 114: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 2 4 Ignition switc h and anti-theft steering column lock Ignition switch position LOCK The steering wheel locks to protect against theft. The ignition key can be remov ed only in the LOCK position. When turning the ignition switch to the LOCK position, push the ke y inward at the A CC position and tur n the ke y toward the LOCK[…]

  • Page 115: Kia Rio (2010)

    43 Driving your vehicle 1. Make sure the parking brake is applied. 2. Manual T ransaxle — Depress the clutch pedal fully and shift the transaxle into Neutral. K eep the clutch pedal depressed while turning the ignition s witch to the star t position. The star ter will not operate if the clutch pedal is not fully depressed. A utomatic T ransaxle — P[…]

  • Page 116: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 4 4 Manual transaxle operation The manual transaxle has fiv e f orward gears. Press the clutch pedal down fully while shifting, then release it slowly . The gearshift le ver must be returned to the neutral position bef ore shifting into R (Re verse). The ring located immediately below the shift knob must be pulled upward while […]

  • Page 117: Kia Rio (2010)

    45 Driving your vehicle ✽ ✽ NO TICE T o avoid premature clutch wear and damage, do not drive with your foot resting on the clutch pedal. Also, don’t use the clutch to hold the vehicle stopped on an uphill grade, while wait- ing for a traffic light, etc.. Downshifting When you m ust slow down in hea vy traf- fic or while driving up steep hills[…]

  • Page 118: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 6 4 A utomatic transaxle operation All normal forward driving is done with the shift le ver in the D (Drive) position. T o mov e the shift lev er from the P (P ark) position, the brak e pedal must be depressed and the lock release b utton must be pressed. F or smooth operation, depress the brake pedal when shifting from N (Neut[…]

  • Page 119: Kia Rio (2010)

    47 Driving your vehicle (Continued) • Do not shift from N (Neutral) or P (Park) into D (Drive), or R (Reverse) when the engine is above idle speed. T ransaxle ranges P (P ark) This position locks the tr ansaxle and pre- vents the front wheels from rotating. Alwa ys come to a complete stop bef ore shifting into this position. ✽ ✽ NO TICE The t[…]

  • Page 120: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 8 4 2 (Second Gear) Use 2 (Second Gear) f or more power when climbing hills and f or increased braking when going down hills . This posi- tion also helps reduce wheel spin on slip- per y surf aces. When the shift lev er is placed in 2 (Second Gear), the transaxle will automatically shift from first to sec- ond gear . L (Low) Mo[…]

  • Page 121: Kia Rio (2010)

    49 Driving your vehicle Shift lock system F or your saf ety , the A utomatic T ransaxle has a shift lock system which pre v ents shifting the transaxle out of P (P ark) unless the brak e pedal is depressed. T o shift the transaxle out of P (P ark): 1. Depress and hold the brake pedal. 2. Star t the engine or turn the ignition to the ON position. 3.[…]

  • Page 122: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 10 4 Disc brakes wear indicator Y our vehicle has disc brak es. When your br ake pads are worn and it’s time f or new pads, y ou will hear a high- pitched warning sound from your front brak es or rear brakes (if equipped). Y ou ma y hear this sound come and go or it ma y occur whenev er you depress the brak e pedal. Please[…]

  • Page 123: Kia Rio (2010)

    41 1 Driving your vehicle Releasing the parking brake T o release the parking brake, first apply the f oot brake and pull up the parking brak e lev er slightly . Secondly , depress the release button and lo wer the parking brak e lev er while holding the button. Check the br ake warning light by turning the ignition s witch ON (do not star t the en[…]

  • Page 124: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 12 4 P arking on curbed streets • When parking your v ehicle on an uphill grade , park as close to the curb as possible and turn the front wheels aw ay from the curb so that the front wheels will contact the curb if the vehi- cle mov es backw ard. • When parking your v ehicle on a down- hill grade , park as close to the cur[…]

  • Page 125: Kia Rio (2010)

    41 3 Driving your vehicle ✽ ✽ NO TICE • If the ABS warning light is on and stays on, you may have a problem with the ABS. In this case, however , your r egular brakes will work nor- mally . • The ABS warning light will stay on for approximately 3 seconds after the ignition switch is ON. During that time, the ABS will go thr ough self- diagn[…]

  • Page 126: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 14 4 The cruise control system allows you to program the v ehicle to maintain a con- stant speed without resting your f oot on the accelerator pedal. This system is designed to function abov e approximately 40 km/h (25 mph). ✽ ✽ NO TICE During normal cruise control operation, when the SET — switch is activated or reactivate[…]

  • Page 127: Kia Rio (2010)

    41 5 Driving your vehicle 3. Push the SET — switch, and release it at the desired speed. The SET indicator light in the instrument cluster will illu- minate. Release the accelerator at the same time. The desired speed will automatically be maintained. On a steep grade , the vehicle ma y slow down or speed up slightly while going downhill. ✽ ✽ N[…]

  • Page 128: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 16 4 T o decrease the cruising speed: F ollow either of these procedures: • Push the SET — switch and hold it. Y our vehicle will g radually slow do wn. Release the s witch at the speed you want to maintain. • Push the SET — switch and release it immediately . The cruising speed will decrease by 1.6 km/h (1 mph) each time t[…]

  • Page 129: Kia Rio (2010)

    41 7 Driving your vehicle Each of these actions will cancel cruise control operation (the SET indicator light in the instrument cluster will go off), but it will not turn the system off. If you wish to resume cruise control operation, push the RES+ s witch located on your steering wheel. Y ou will retur n to your previously preset speed. T o resume[…]

  • Page 130: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 18 4 P ower steering (if equipped) P ow er steer ing uses energy from the engine to assist you in steering the v ehi- cle. If the engine is off or if the power steering system becomes inoperative , the vehicle ma y still be steered, b ut it will require increased steering effort. Should you notice an y change in the eff or t re[…]

  • Page 131: Kia Rio (2010)

    41 9 Driving your vehicle T o change the steering wheel angle, pull down ( 1 ) the lock release le v er , adjust the steering wheel to the desired angle ( 2 ), then pull up the lock-release le v er to lock the steering wheel in place. Be sure to adjust the steering wheel to the desired position bef ore dr iving. Horn T o sound the horn, press the h[…]

  • Page 132: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 20 4 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER 1. T achometer 2. T ur n signal indicators 3. Speedometer 4. Engine temperature warning light 5. W ar ning and indicator lights 6. Odometer / T r ipmeter 7. Shift position indicator (Automatic tr ansaxle only) 8. Fuel gauge OJB040100C/OJB040103C ■ ■ T ype A ■ ■ T ype B[…]

  • Page 133: Kia Rio (2010)

    42 1 Driving your vehicle Speedometer The speedometer indicates the f orward speed of the vehicle . T achometer The tachometer indicates the appro xi- mate number of engine re volutions per minute (rpm). Use the tachometer to select the correct shift points and to pre vent lugging and/or ov er-revving the engine . The tachometer pointer ma y move s[…]

  • Page 134: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 22 4 T ripmeter Y ou can choose the tr ipmeter A and trip- meter B by pressing the tripmeter mode button. TRIP A: T ripmeter A (if equipped) TRIP B: T ripmeter B (if equipped) The tripmeter indicates the distance of individual trips selected by the driver . T ripmeter A and B can be reset to 0 by pressing the reset button f or […]

  • Page 135: Kia Rio (2010)

    42 3 Driving your vehicle Ambient temperature This mode indicates the current ambient temperature. The meter’ s working range — 40°F to 176°F . T ripmeter This mode indicates the total distance tra veled since the last tripmeter reset. The meter’s working range is from 0.0 to 999.9 km (mile). Pressing the TRIP button f or more than 1 secon[…]

  • Page 136: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 24 4 A verage fuel consumption This mode calculates the av erage fuel consumption from the total fuel used and the distance since the last av erage con- sumption reset. The total fuel used is cal- culated from the fuel consumption input. F or an accurate calculation, drive more than 500m (0.5 mile). The meter’s working ran[…]

  • Page 137: Kia Rio (2010)

    42 5 Driving your vehicle ECO ON/OFF mode (if equipped) Y ou can tur n the ECO indicator on/off on the instrument cluster in this mode. If you push the TRIP button more than 1 second in the ECO ON mode, ECO OFF is displa yed and the ECO indicator turns off . If you w ant to display the ECO indicator again, press the TRIP button more than 1 second i[…]

  • Page 138: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 26 4 Electronic brake f orce distribution (EBD) sys- tem warning (if equipped) If ABS and BRAKE warning lights illumi- nate at the same time while driving, your vehicle has a prob lem with ABS and EBD system. In this case, y our ABS and regular brake system ma y not work nor mally . Have the vehicle chec ked b y an authorized K[…]

  • Page 139: Kia Rio (2010)

    42 7 Driving your vehicle Charging system warning This warning light indicates a malfunction of either the generator or electrical charging system. If the warning light comes on while the vehicle is in motion: 1. Drive to the nearest saf e location. 2. With the engine off, chec k the genera- tor drive belt f or looseness or break- age. 3. If the be[…]

  • Page 140: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 28 4 Low brake fluid le vel warning If the warning light remains on, it may indicate that the brak e fluid lev el in the reser voir is lo w . If the warning light remains on: 1. Dr ive carefully to the nearest saf e location and stop your v ehicle. 2. With the engine stopped, check the brak e fluid lev el immediately and add fl[…]

  • Page 141: Kia Rio (2010)

    42 9 Driving your vehicle Malfunction indicator (if equipped) This indicator light is par t of the Engine Control System which monitors various emission control system components. If this light illuminates while driving, it indi- cates that a potential problem has been detected somewhere in the emission control system. Generally , your v ehicle wil[…]

  • Page 142: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 30 4 Cruise indicators (if equipped) CRUISE indicator The indicator illuminates when the cruise control system is enabled. The cruise indicator in the instr ument cluster is illuminated when the cruise control ON-OFF s witch on the steer ing wheel is pushed. The indicator goes off when the cruise control ON-OFF s witch is pushe[…]

  • Page 143: Kia Rio (2010)

    43 1 Driving your vehicle Safety belt warning chime (if equipped) If the driver’s seat belt is not f astened when the ignition ke y is tur ned “ON” or if it is disconnected after the ke y is tur n ON, the saf ety belt warning chime will sound f or approximately 6 seconds . If the driver’ s lap/shoulder belt is not f as- tened within 30 s[…]

  • Page 144: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 32 4 P arking light position ( ) When the light s witch is in the par king light position (1st position), the tail, posi- tion, license and instrument panel lights are ON. Headlight position ( ) When the light s witch is in the headlight position (2nd position) the head, tail, position, license and instrument panel lights are O[…]

  • Page 145: Kia Rio (2010)

    43 3 Driving your vehicle Flashing headlights T o flash the headlights, pull the le ver tow ards you. It will retur n to the nor mal (low-beam) position when released. The headlight s witch does not need to be on to use this flashing f eature. T urn signals (A) The ignition s witch must be on for the turn signals to function. T o tur n on the turn […]

  • Page 146: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 34 4 Front f og light (if equipped) F og lights are used to provide improv ed visibility and av oid accidents when visibili- ty is poor due to f og, rain or snow etc. The f og lights will tur n on when the fog light b ut- ton is pressed after the headlight s witch is turned on. T o turn off the fog lights, press the f og light […]

  • Page 147: Kia Rio (2010)

    43 5 Driving your vehicle A : Wiper speed control · MIST – Single wipe · OFF – Off · INT – Intermittent wipe · LO – Low wiper speed · HI – High wiper speed B : Intermittent wipe time adjustment C : W ash with brief wipes D : Rear wiper/washer control · – W ash with br ief wipes · ON – Continuous wipe · OFF – Off Windshield w[…]

  • Page 148: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 36 4 ✽ ✽ NO TICE Before using the windshield wipers when there is a heavy accumulation of snow or ice on the windshield, defr ost the windshield for about 10 minutes, or until the snow or ice is r emoved. This will help ensure pr oper windshield wiper operation and will pr event dam- age to the wiper blades, wiper linkage, […]

  • Page 149: Kia Rio (2010)

    43 7 Driving your vehicle Windshield washers In the OFF position, pull the le ver gently tow ard you to spra y washer fluid on the windshield and to run the wipers 2-3 cycles. Use this function when the windshield is dir ty . The spra y and wiper operation will con- tinue until y ou release the lev er . If the washer does not work, chec k the washe[…]

  • Page 150: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 38 4 HAZARD W ARNING FLASHER The defroster heats the window to remov e frost, fog and thin ice from the interior and exterior of the rear window , while engine is running. ✽ ✽ NO TICE • T o prevent damage to the conductors bonded to the inside surface of the rear window , never use sharp instru- ments or window cleaners c[…]

  • Page 151: Kia Rio (2010)

    43 9 Driving your vehicle CLIMA TE CONTROL SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) OJB040200L 1. T emperature control knob 2. Air conditioning button (if equipped) 3. Air intake control b utton 4. Mode selection knob 5. F an speed control knob[…]

  • Page 152: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 40 4 Fan speed contr ol knob F our (4) adjustable f an speeds are pro- vided which increase as the number increases. The ignition switch must be in the ON position f or fan operation. 0- F an off 1- Low speed 2- Medium speed 3- High speed 4- Maximum speed T emperature control knob The temperature control knob allows y ou to con[…]

  • Page 153: Kia Rio (2010)

    44 1 Driving your vehicle MAX/ A/C position (if equipped) When you select the MAX A/C mode while the f an is on, the f ollowing system settings will be made automatically; • the air conditioning system will be turned on. • the recirculated air position will be selected. • the f ace mode will be selected. If you select MAX A/C mode , you will […]

  • Page 154: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 42 4 Face — floor position Air flow is directed to wards the f ace and the floor . The air to the floor is warmer than the air to the f ace (except when the temperature control is set to the e xtreme cold position). (outlet por t: B, C , E, D) Floor position Most of the air flow is direct- ed to the floor , with a small amount […]

  • Page 155: Kia Rio (2010)

    44 3 Driving your vehicle Air intake control b utton This is used to select outside (fresh) air position or recirculated air position. T o change the air intake control position, push the control button. Recirculated air position The indicator light on the but- ton is illuminated when the recirculated air position is selected. With the recirculated[…]

  • Page 156: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving your vehicle 44 4 Air conditioning button (if equipped) Push the A/C button to turn the air condi- tioning system on (indicator light will illu- minate). Push the button again to turn the air conditioning system off . System operation V entilation 1. Set the mode to the position. 2. Set the air intake control to the outside (fresh) air posi[…]

  • Page 157: Kia Rio (2010)

    44 5 Driving your vehicle Air conditioning system opera- tion tips • If the v ehicle has been par ked in direct sunlight during hot weather , open the windows f or a shor t time to let the hot air inside the vehicle escape . • T o help reduce moisture inside of win- dows on rain y or humid days , decrease the humidity inside the vehicle b y ope[…]

  • Page 158: Kia Rio (2010)

    Manual c limate control system T o defog inside windshield 1. Select any f an speed. 2. Select desired temperature. 3. Select the or position. 4. The outside (fresh) air and air condi- tioning will be selected. T o reduce the probability of f ogging up the inside of the windshield, the air intake control is set to the outside (fresh) air position a[…]

  • Page 159: Kia Rio (2010)

    5 Fuel requir ements / 5-2 Emission control system / 5-2 Before driving / 5-4 Suggestions for economical operation / 5-5 Special driving conditions / 5-6 T railer towing / 5-9 Overloading / 5-9 Label information / 5-10 Driving tips[…]

  • Page 160: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving tips 2 5 FUEL REQUIREMENTS Gasoline engine (unleaded) Y our new Kia vehicle is designed to use only unleaded fuel with a minimum Octane Rating of 87 Anti-Knock Inde x (AKI). ✽ ✽ NO TICE NEVER USE LEADED FUEL. The use of leaded fuel is detrimental to the cat- alytic converter and will damage the engine control system’ s oxygen sensor a[…]

  • Page 161: Kia Rio (2010)

    53 Driving tips • Carbon mono xide can be present with other e xhaust fumes. Therefore , if you smell e xhaust fumes of any kind inside your v ehicle, ha ve it inspected and repaired immediately . If you e ver sus- pect e xhaust fumes are coming into your v ehicle, drive it only with all the windows fully open. Ha ve y our vehicle check ed and re[…]

  • Page 162: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving tips 4 5 BEFORE DRIVING Before entering vehic le: • Be sure that all windows , outside mir- ror(s), and outside lights are clean. • Check the condition of the tires . • Check under the v ehicle f or any sign of leaks. • Be sure there are no obstacles behind you if y ou intend to back up . Necessary inspections Fluid le vels, such as[…]

  • Page 163: Kia Rio (2010)

    55 Driving tips SUGGESTIONS FOR ECONOMICAL OPERA TION Y our vehicle’s fuel economy depends mainly on your style of driving, where you drive and when y ou dr ive . Each of these f actors affects ho w many kilometers (miles) you can get from a liter (gallon) of fuel. T o operate y our vehi- cle as economically as possible , use the f ollowing dr[…]

  • Page 164: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving tips 6 5 SPECIAL DRIVING CONDITIONS Hazardous driving conditions When hazardous driving conditions are encountered such as water , snow , ice, mud, sand, or similar hazards, f ollow these suggestions: • Drive cautiously and allo w extra dis- tance f or braking. • A void sudden mo vements in br aking or steering. • When br aking with n[…]

  • Page 165: Kia Rio (2010)

    57 Driving tips Driving at night Because night driving presents more hazards than driving in the daylight, here are some impor tant tips to remember : • Slow do wn and keep more distance between y ou and other vehicles, as it ma y be more difficult to see at night, especially in areas where there ma y not be any street lights . • Adjust your mi[…]

  • Page 166: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving tips 8 5 Snow tires If you mount sno w tires on your Kia, make sure the y are radial tires of the same size and load range as the original tires. Mount snow tires on all f our wheels to balance your v ehicle’ s handling in all weather conditions. Keep in mind that the traction provided b y snow tires on dry roads ma y not be as high as yo[…]

  • Page 167: Kia Rio (2010)

    59 Driving tips TRAILER T O WING W e do not recommend using this vehicle f or trailer towing. Steps for determining correct load limit 1. Locate the statement «The combined weight of occupants and cargo should ne ver e xceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.» on y our vehicle’s placard. 2. Deter mine the combined weight of the driver and pass[…]

  • Page 168: Kia Rio (2010)

    Driving tips 10 5 LABEL INFORMA TION V ehic le identification number (VIN) The vehicle identification n umber (VIN) is the number used in registering your car and in all legal matters per taining to its ownership , etc. It can be f ound on the floor under the passenger seat. T o check the number , remov e the cov er . The VIN is also on a plate att[…]

  • Page 169: Kia Rio (2010)

    51 1 Driving tips The vehicle certification label attached on the driver’ s side center pillar giv es the vehicle identification n umber (VIN). Tire specification and pressure label The tires supplied on your ne w vehicle are chosen to provide the best perf orm- ance f or nor mal driving. The tire label located on the driver’s side center pi[…]

  • Page 170: Kia Rio (2010)

    6 Road warning / 6-2 In case of an emergency while driving / 6-2 Overheating / 6-3 Emergency starting / 6-4 Electrical circuit pr otection / 6-6 T owing / 6-12 If you have a flat tire / 6-17 In case of an emergency[…]

  • Page 171: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 2 6 RO AD W ARNING Hazard warning flasher The hazard warning flasher ser ves as a warning to other drivers to e xercise e xtreme caution when approaching, ov er taking, or passing your v ehicle. It should be used whene ver emergency repairs are being made or when the vehi- cle is stopped near the edge of a road- way . Depres[…]

  • Page 172: Kia Rio (2010)

    63 In case of an emergency If engine stalls while driving 1. Reduce your speed gradually , keeping a straight line. Mov e cautiously off the road to a saf e place. 2. T ur n on your emergency flashers . 3. T r y to star t the engine again. If your vehicle will not start, contact an authorized Kia dealer or seek other qualified assistance. If your t[…]

  • Page 173: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 4 6 Connecting jumper cables Jump starting Jump starting can be dangerous if done incorrectly . Theref ore, to av oid harm to yourself or damage to y our vehicle or batter y , follow the jump starting proce- dures. If in doubt, we strongly recom- mend that you ha ve a competent techni- cian or towing service jump star t your[…]

  • Page 174: Kia Rio (2010)

    65 In case of an emergency Jump starting procedure 1. Make sure the booster batter y is 12- volt and that its negativ e terminal is grounded. 2. If the booster batter y is in another vehicle , do not allow the v ehicles to touch. 3. T ur n off all unnecessar y electrical loads. 4. Connect the jumper cables in the e xact sequence shown in the pre vi[…]

  • Page 175: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 6 6 ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT PRO TECTION Fuses A vehicle’ s electr ical system is protected from electrical overload damage b y fuses. This vehicle has tw o fuse panels, one located in the driver’s side panel bolster , the other in the engine compar tment near the batter y . If any of y our vehicle’ s lights, acces- sorie[…]

  • Page 176: Kia Rio (2010)

    67 In case of an emergency Driver-side panel bolster 1. T ur n the ignition switch and all other s witches off. 2. Open the cov er . 4. Pull the suspected fuse straight out. Use the remov al tool (1) provided in the engine compar tment fuse/relay bo x. 5. Check the remov ed fuse; replace it if it is blo wn. Spare fuses are provided in the fuse pane[…]

  • Page 177: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 8 6 Engine compartment 1. T ur n the ignition switch and all other s witches off. 2. Remove the fuse bo x cov er by press- ing the taps and pulling up . 3. Check the remov ed fuse; replace it if it is blo wn. 4. Push in a new fuse of the same rating, and make sure it fits tightly in the clips . If it fits loosely , consult a[…]

  • Page 178: Kia Rio (2010)

    69 In case of an emergency Engine compartment Fuse/Relay panel description Inside the fuse/rela y box co vers, y ou can find the fuse/rela y label describing fuse/relay name and capacity . Description Fuse rating Protected component BA TT_1 50A Alternator, Battery ECU A 30A Engine control unit RAD 30A Radiator fan COND 30A Condenser fan ECU B 10A E[…]

  • Page 179: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 10 6 Description Fuse rating Protected component FUEL PUMP — Fuel pump relay RAD F AN — Radiator fan rela y COND F AN2 — Condenser fan rela y FUEL HTR — Fuel filter heater relay BLOWER — Blower motor rela y ST ART — Star t motor relay COND F AN1 — Condenser fan rela y A/CON — Air conditioner rela y 1JBH6009 Driver -side knee[…]

  • Page 180: Kia Rio (2010)

    61 1 In case of an emergency Driver -side knee bolster Description Fuse rating Protected component RR WIPER 15A Rear wiper H/LP(LH) 10A Headlight (left) FR WIPER 25A F ront wiper BLOWER 10A Blower H/LP(RH) 10A Headlight (right) S/ROOF 20A Sunroof ST OP LP 15A Stop light C/DR LOCK 20A Central door lock IGN COIL 15A Ignition coil ABS 10A ABS B/UP LP […]

  • Page 181: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 12 6 Memory fuse Y our vehicle is equipped with a memory fuse to pre vent battery discharge if your vehicle is park ed without being operated f or prolonged per iods. Use the following procedures bef ore par king the vehicle f or prolonged period. 1. T ur n off the engine. 2. T ur n off the headlights and tail lights. 3. Ope[…]

  • Page 182: Kia Rio (2010)

    61 3 In case of an emergency It is acceptable to to w the vehicle with the rear wheels on the ground (without dol- lies) and the front wheels off the ground. When being towed b y a commercial tow truck and wheel dollies are not used, the front of the vehicle should alw ays be lift- ed, not the rear . ✽ ✽ NO TICE • Do not tow the vehicle backw[…]

  • Page 183: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 14 6 Tie-down hook (for flatbed to wing) Front to wing hook 1. Open the tr unk lid or rear hatch, and remov e the towing hook from the tool bag. 2. Remove the hole co ver pressing the lower part of the cover on the front bumper (1). Tie-down hook 1JBA6028/1JBA6029 CA UTION Do not use the hooks under the front of the vehic le[…]

  • Page 184: Kia Rio (2010)

    61 5 In case of an emergency 3. Install the towing hook by turning it clockwise into the hole until it is fully secured (2). 4. Remove the to wing hook and install the cov er after use. T owing with a vehic le other than a tow truc k If towing is necessary , we recommend you to ha ve it done b y an authorized Kia dealer or a commercial tow truck se[…]

  • Page 185: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 16 6 • Bef ore emergency towing, check that the hook is not broken or damaged. • F asten the towing cab le or chain securely to the hook. • Do not jerk the hook. Apply steady and e ven f orce. • T o av oid damaging the hook, do not pull from the side or at a vertical angle. Alwa ys pull straight ahead. • Use a towi[…]

  • Page 186: Kia Rio (2010)

    61 7 In case of an emergency Tips for to wing a stuck vehic le The f ollowing methods are eff ective when your v ehicle is stuck in m ud, sand or similar substances that pre vent the vehicle from being driv en out under its own po wer . • Remov e the soil and sand, etc. from the front and the back of the tires . • Place a stone or wood under th[…]

  • Page 187: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 18 6 Important — use of compact spare tire your v ehicle is equipped with a com- pact spare tire. This compact spare tire takes up less space than a regu- lar-size tire . This tire is smaller than a conv entional tire and is designed f or temporary use only . The compact spare should be inflat- ed to 60 psi (420 kP a). ✽ ?[…]

  • Page 188: Kia Rio (2010)

    61 9 In case of an emergency Changing tires Jacking instructions The jack is pro vided for emergency tire changing only . F ollow jacking instructions to reduce the possibility of personal injur y . Tire replacement 1. Park on a le vel surf ace and apply the parking brake firmly . 2. Shift the shift le ver into R (Re verse) with manual tr ansaxle o[…]

  • Page 189: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 20 6 4. Remo ve the wheel lug nut wrench, jack, jac k handle, and spare tire from the vehicle . 5. Bloc k both the front and rear of the wheel that is diagonally opposite the jack position. 6. Wrap a piece of cloth around the tip of the screwdriv er to av oid scratching. Inser t a screwdriver into the notch of the wheel cov […]

  • Page 190: Kia Rio (2010)

    62 1 In case of an emergency 7. Loosen the wheel lug nuts coun- terclockwise one turn each, but do not remov e any nut until the tire has been raised off the ground. 8. Place the jack at the front or rear jacking position closest to the tire you are changing. Place the jack at the designated locations under the frame . The jacking positions are pla[…]

  • Page 191: Kia Rio (2010)

    In case of an emergency 22 6 12. Once the wheel lug nuts ha v e been tightened, lower the v ehicle fully to the ground and continue to tighten the lug nuts until the y are fully secured. Tighten the wheel lug nuts firmly in a “X” patter n. If you are unsure of the tightness of the wheel lug nuts, ha v e them check ed at the nearest ser vice sta[…]

  • Page 192: Kia Rio (2010)

    7 Maintenance services / 7-2 Maintenance schedule / 7-3 Owner maintenance / 7-7 Engine compartment / 7-9 Engine oil / 7-1 1 Engine cooling system / 7-12 Brake fluid / 7-14 Drive belts / 7-15 Power steering / 7-15 Automatic transaxle / 7-16 Lubricants and fluids / 7-17 Air cleaner / 7-18 Climate control air filter / 7-19 Wiper blades / 7-20 Battery […]

  • Page 193: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 2 7 MAINTENANCE SER VICES Y ou should ex ercise the utmost care to pre vent damage to y our vehicle and injur y to yourself whene v er performing any maintenance or inspection proce- dures. Should you ha ve an y doubts concer ning the inspection or ser vicing of your v ehi- cle, we strongly recommend that y ou hav e an authorized Kia de[…]

  • Page 194: Kia Rio (2010)

    73 Maintenance MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Engine control system Kilometers or time in months, whichever comes first × 1,000 km 8 16 2 4 32 40 4 8 56 64 7 2 8 0 8 8 9 6 10 4 11 2 1 20 128 # Months 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 Engine oil & engine oil filter (1) Drive belts (tension) I I I I Cooling system hoses & connections I I I[…]

  • Page 195: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 4 7 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (CONTINUED) Chassis and body Kilometers or time in months, whichever comes first × 1,000 km 8 16 2 4 32 4 0 48 56 64 72 8 0 8 8 9 6 10 4 11 2 1 20 128 # Months 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 Air conditioner compressor operation & II II I refrigerant amount (if equipped) Exhaust pipes, heat sh[…]

  • Page 196: Kia Rio (2010)

    75 Maintenance MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE (CONTINUED) Chassis and body (Contin ued) Kilometers or time in months, whichever comes first × 1,000 km 8 16 2 4 32 4 0 48 56 64 72 8 0 8 8 9 6 10 4 11 2 1 20 128 # Months 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 Automatic tr ansaxle fluid (1) I I I R I I I R I I I R I I I R Chassis & underbody bolts &[…]

  • Page 197: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 6 7 Chart symbols: I- Inspect these items and their related par ts. If necessar y , correct, clean, refill, adjust or replace. R- Replace or change L- Lubricate. (1) Ref er to the lubr icant and coolant specifications in the Owner’ s Manual. (2) More frequent maintenance is required if driving under dusty conditions. (3) More frequent[…]

  • Page 198: Kia Rio (2010)

    77 Maintenance O WNER MAINTENANCE Owner maintenance schedule The f ollowing lists are vehicle chec ks and inspections that should be perf or med by the owner or an authorized Kia dealer at the frequencies indicated to help ensure saf e, dependable oper ation of your v ehi- cle. Any adv erse conditions should be brought to the attention of your deal[…]

  • Page 199: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 8 7 At least once a year : • Clean body and door drain holes . • Lubricate door hinges and checks, and hood hinges. • Lubricate door and hood locks and latches. • Lubricate door rubber weatherstrips. • Check the air conditioning system bef ore the warm weather season. • Check the po wer steering fluid lev el. • Inspect and[…]

  • Page 200: Kia Rio (2010)

    79 Maintenance ENGINE COMP ARTMENT OJB050002 1. Engine coolant reser voir 2. Engine oil filler cap 3. Brake fluid reservoir 4. Air cleaner 5. Fuse box 6. Negative battery ter minal 7. P ositive battery ter minal 8. Auto tr ansaxle oil dipstick (if equipped) 9. Radiator cap 10. Engine oil dipstick 11. P ower steering fluid reservoir (if equipped) 12[…]

  • Page 201: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 10 7 OJB050001C 1. Engine coolant reser voir 2. Engine oil filler cap 3. Brake fluid reservoir 4. Air cleaner 5. Fuse box 6. Negative battery ter minal 7. P ositive battery ter minal 8. Auto tr ansaxle oil dipstick (if equipped) 9. Radiator cap 10. Engine oil dipstick 11. P ower steering fluid reservoir (if equipped) 12. Windshield wash[…]

  • Page 202: Kia Rio (2010)

    71 1 Maintenance ENGINE OIL Checking the engine oil le vel 1. Be sure the vehicle is on le vel ground. 2. Star t the engine and allow it to reach normal operating temperature. 3. T ur n the engine off and wait f or a fe w minutes (about 5 minutes) f or the oil to return to the oil pan. 4. Pull the dipstick out, wipe it clean, and re-inser t it full[…]

  • Page 203: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 12 7 ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM The high-pressure cooling system has a reser voir filled with y ear-round antifreeze coolant. The reser voir is filled at the f ac- tor y . Check the antifreez e protection and coolant le vel at least once a y ear , at the beginning of the winter season, and bef ore trav eling to a colder climate. Checking the[…]

  • Page 204: Kia Rio (2010)

    71 3 Maintenance If the coolant le vel is low , add enough specified coolant to provide protection against freezing and corrosion. Bring the le vel to F , but do not o verfill. If frequent additions are required, see an authorized Kia dealer f or a cooling system inspec- tion. Engine coolant Hav e coolant changed by an authorized Kia dealer accordi[…]

  • Page 205: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 14 7 BRAKE FLUID (IF EQUIPPED) Checking brake fluid le vel Check the fluid le v el in the reser voir peri- odically . The fluid lev el should be between MAX and MIN marks on the side of the reser voir . Bef ore removing the reser voir cap and adding brak e fluid, clean the area around the reser voir cap thoroughly to pre v ent brak e fl[…]

  • Page 206: Kia Rio (2010)

    71 5 Maintenance DRIVE BEL TS Drive belts should be chec ked periodical- ly f or proper tension and adjusted if nec- essar y . At the same time, belts should be e xamined for crac ks, wear , fraying or other e vidence of deter ioration and replaced if necessar y . Belt routing should also be check ed to be sure there is no interf erence between the[…]

  • Page 207: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 16 7 A UT OMA TIC TRANSAXLE (IF EQUIPPED) Checking the automatic transaxle fluid level The automatic transaxle fluid le vel should be check ed regularly . K eep the vehicle on the le v el ground with the parking brake applied and chec k the fluid le vel according to the f ollowing pro- cedure. 1. Place the selector lev er in N (Neutral)[…]

  • Page 208: Kia Rio (2010)

    71 7 Maintenance ✽ ✽ NO TICE “COLD” scale is for r eference only and should NOT be used to determine transaxle fluid level. New automatic transaxle fluid should be red. The red dye is ad ded so the assembly plant can identify it as auto- matic transaxle fluid and distinguish it from engine oil or antifreeze. The red dye, which is not an ind[…]

  • Page 209: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 18 7 Body lubrication All moving points of the body , such as door hinges, hood hinges , and locks, should be lubricated each time the engine oil is changed. Use a non-freez- ing lubricant on locks during cold weath- er . Make sure the engine hood secondary latch keeps the hood from opening when the primar y latch is released. Element c[…]

  • Page 210: Kia Rio (2010)

    71 9 Maintenance CLIMA TE CONTROL AIR FIL TER The climate control air filter installed behind the glov e box filters the dust or other pollutants that come into the vehi- cle from the outside through the heating and air conditioning system. If dust or other pollutants accumulate in the filter ov er a period of time, the air flow from the air vents […]

  • Page 211: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 20 7 WIPER BLADES Wiper blade maintenance Commercial hot wax es applied by automatic car washes have been known to make the windshield diffi- cult to clean. Contamination of either the windshield or the wiper blades with f oreign matter can reduce the eff ectiveness of the wind- shield wipers. Common sources of con- tamination are insec[…]

  • Page 212: Kia Rio (2010)

    72 1 Maintenance 2. Compress the clip and slide the blade assembly do wnward. 3. Lift it off the arm. 4. Install the blade assembly in the re verse order of remov al. Rear window wiper blade replacement (if equipped) 1. Raise the wiper ar m and pull out the wiper blade assemb ly . 2. Install the new blade assemb ly by inser ting the center par t (1[…]

  • Page 213: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 22 7 B A TTER Y W ARNING — Battery dangers Alwa ys read the following instructions carefully when handling a battery . Keep lighted cigarettes and all other flames or sparks awa y from the battery . Hydrogen, which is a highly combustib le gas, is al ways present in battery cells and may e xplode if ignited. Keep batteries out of the re[…]

  • Page 214: Kia Rio (2010)

    72 3 Maintenance For best battery service : • K eep the batter y securely mounted. • K eep the top of the batter y clean and dr y . • K eep the ter minals and connections clean, tight, and coated with petroleum jelly or terminal grease. • Rinse any spilled electrolyte from the batter y immediately with a solution of water and baking soda. ?[…]

  • Page 215: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 24 7 TIRES AND WHEELS Tire care F or proper maintenance, saf ety , and maximum fuel econom y , you m ust alwa ys maintain recommended tire inflation pressures and sta y within the load limits and weight distribution recommended f or your v ehicle. Recommended cold tire inflation pressures All tire pressures (including the spare) should […]

  • Page 216: Kia Rio (2010)

    72 5 Maintenance ✽ ✽ NO TICE • W arm tires normally exceed r ec- ommended cold tire pr essures by 28 to 41 kPa (4 to 6 psi). Do not release air from warm tir es to adjust the pressur e or the tir es will be underinflated. • Be sure to reinstall the tir e infla- tion valve caps. W ithout the valve cap, dirt or moistur e could get into the va[…]

  • Page 217: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 26 7 Remov e the valv e cap from the tire valv e stem. Press the tire gage fir m- ly onto the v alve to get a pressure measurement. If the cold tire inflation pressure matches the recommended pressure on the tire and loading inf or mation label, no fur ther adjust- ment is necessar y . If the pressure is low , add air until you reach th[…]

  • Page 218: Kia Rio (2010)

    72 7 Maintenance Tire replacement If the tire is worn ev enly , a tread wear indicator will appear as a solid band across the tread. This shows there is less than 1.6 mm (1/16 inch) of tread left on the tire. Replace the tire when this happens. Do not wait f or the band to appear across the entire tread bef ore replac- ing the tire. Compact spare t[…]

  • Page 219: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 28 7 Wheel replacement When replacing the metal wheels f or any reason, mak e sure the new wheels are equivalent to the original f actor y units in diameter , rim width and offset. (Continued) • Y our vehicle is equipped with tires designed to pro vide for safe ride and handling capa- bility . Do not use a size and type of tire and wh[…]

  • Page 220: Kia Rio (2010)

    72 9 Maintenance Tire maintenance In addition to proper inflation, correct wheel alignment helps to decrease tire wear . If y ou find a tire is worn une venly , hav e y our dealer check the wheel alignment. When you ha ve ne w tires installed, make sure the y are balanced. This will increase vehicle ride comf or t and tire lif e. Additionally , a t[…]

  • Page 221: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 30 7 86 — Load Inde x, a numerical code associated with the maximum load the tire can carr y . H — Speed Rating Symbol. See the speed rating char t in this section f or additional information. Wheel size designation Wheels are also marked with impor- tant inf or mation that you need if y ou e ver ha ve to replace one . The f ollow- ing […]

  • Page 222: Kia Rio (2010)

    73 1 Maintenance 4. Tire ply composition and material The number of la yers or plies of rub- ber-coated f abr ic in the tire. Tire manuf acturers also must indicate the materials in the tire, which include steel, nylon, poly ester , and others. The letter «R» means radial ply con- struction; the letter «D» means diago- nal or bi[…]

  • Page 223: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 32 7 T raction — AA, A, B & C The traction gr ades, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, B and C . The grades represent the tires ability to stop on wet pa vement as measured under controlled conditions on spec- ified gov er nment test surf aces of asphalt and concrete. A tire mar ked C ma y hav e poor traction perf or m- ance. T empe[…]

  • Page 224: Kia Rio (2010)

    73 3 Maintenance LUBRICANT SPECIFICA TIONS Recommended lubricants T o help achie ve proper engine and pow er train performance and durability , use only lubricants of the proper quality . The correct lubricants also help promote engine efficiency that results in improv ed fuel economy . Engine oils labeled Energy Conser ving Oil are now a vailab le[…]

  • Page 225: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 34 7 EXTERIOR CARE Exterior general caution It is very impor tant to follo w the label directions when using any chemical cleaner or polish. Read all warning and caution statements that appear on the label. Finish maintenance W ashing T o help protect your v ehicle’ s finish from rust and deter ioration, wash it thoroughly and frequen[…]

  • Page 226: Kia Rio (2010)

    73 5 Maintenance W axing W ax the vehicle when w ater will no longer bead on the paint. Alwa ys wash and dry the vehicle bef ore waxing. Use a good quality liquid or paste wax, and f ollow the manuf acturer’ s instructions. W ax all metal trim to protect it and to maintain its luster . Removing oil, tar , and similar mater ials with a spot remov […]

  • Page 227: Kia Rio (2010)

    Maintenance 36 7 Aluminum wheel maintenance The aluminum wheels are coated with a clear protective finish. • Do not use any abr asive cleaner , pol- ishing compound, solvent, or wire brushes on aluminum wheels. They ma y scratch or damage the finish. • Use only a mild soap or neutral deter- gent, and rinse thoroughly with water . Also , be sure[…]

  • Page 228: Kia Rio (2010)

    73 7 Maintenance Cleaning the lap/shoulder belt webbing Clean the belt webbing with an y mild soap solution recommended f or cleaning upholster y or car pet. Follo w the instruc- tions provided with the soap . Do not bleach or re-dy e the webbing because this ma y weaken it. Cleaning the interior window glass If the interior glass surfaces of the v[…]

  • Page 229: Kia Rio (2010)

    8 Specifications / 8-2 Specifications[…]

  • Page 230: Kia Rio (2010)

    Specifications 2 8 Item 4 Door 5 Door Over all length 4,250 (167.3) 4,025 (158.5) Over all width 1,695 (66.7) 1,695 (66.7) Over all height 1,470 (57.9) 1,470 (57.9) F ront tread 1,470/1,485 *1 (57.9/58.5 *1 ) 1,470/1,485 *1 (57.9/58.5 *1 ) Rear tread 1,460/1,475 *1 (57.5/58.1 *1 ) 1,460/1,475 *1 (57.5/58.1 *1 ) Wheelbase 2,500 (98.4) 2,500 (98.4) *[…]

  • Page 231: Kia Rio (2010)

    83 Specifications W eights Ref er to the label descr ibing GVWR & GA WR weights attached to your v ehicle. (see page 5-10, Label inf or mation) Size Gasoline Engine Batter y 12V / 55AH (20HR) Generator 13.5V / 90A Star ter 12V -0.9kW Gap 1.0 mm ~ 1.1 mm Spec. BKR5ES-11, RC10YC4 Spark Plug Engine Electrical system Item Gasoline Engine BoreXStrok[…]

  • Page 232: Kia Rio (2010)

    Specifications 4 8 Light Bulbs Capacities Light Bulb 4 Door 5 Door Headlights (Low/High) 55/60 55/60 F ront turn signal lights/ 28/8 28/8 P osition lights Side repeater lights 0.4 0.4 (if equipped) F ront f og lights (if equipped) 27 27 F ront side mark light 8 8 Stop and tail lights 27/8 28/8 Rear turn signal lights 27 27 Back-up lights 18 18 High[…]

  • Page 233: Kia Rio (2010)

    9 Inde x[…]

  • Page 234: Kia Rio (2010)

    Index 2 9 Air bags-supplemental restraint system·························3-49 Air cleaner ·····································································7-18 Antenna ··········································[…]

  • Page 235: Kia Rio (2010)

    93 Index In case of an emergency while driving····························6-2 Instrument cluster ··························································4-20 Instrument panel overview ·······································[…]

  • Page 236: Kia Rio (2010)

    Index 4 9 W arnings and indicators ················································4-25 W indows ········································································3-14 W indshield defrosting and defogging ·········?[…]

Много инструкций

Kia Rio JB (2005 — 2011)

Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для автомобиля
Kia Rio JB (2005 — 2011)
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Комментарии про другие Автомобили

Другие Автомобили Kia

Автосервис Москва, Авиамоторная

Автосервис ЮВАО, ВАО — метро Авиамоторная:

Автосервис Серп и Молот | Автосервис Красноказарменная | Автосервис Лефортово

Ближайшие станции метро — Авиамоторная, Площадь Ильича, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Чкаловская, Бауманская, Семеновская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — третье транспортное кольцо (ТТК), проезд завода Серп и Молот, Лефортовский вал, Красноказарменная улица.

Автосервис Москва, Октябрьское поле

Автосервис СЗАО, САО — метро Октябрьское поле, станция Зорге МЦК (район Щукино, Хорошёво—Мнёвники)

Ближайшие станции метро — Октябрьское поле, Полежаевская. Станция Московского Центрального Кольца — Зорге. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Маршала Бирюзова, Берзарина, Народного ополчения, Зорге, Куусинена, Расплетина.

Автосервис Москва, Измайлово

Автосервис ВАО — метро Соколиная гора (район Измайлово)

Ближайшие станции метро — Соколиная гора, Партизанская, Измайлово, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Черкизовская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Вернисажная, Шоссе Энтузиастов, проспект Будённого, Северо-Восточная хорда, Щербаковская улица, Большая Черкизовская улица.

Автосервис Москва, Щелковская

Автосервис ВАО — метро Щелковская (район Гольяново)

Ближайшие станции метро — Щелковская, Черкизовская, Бульвар Рокоссовского, Первомайская, Партизанская, Измайловская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Щелковское шоссе, Амурская, Сиреневый бульвар, Монтажная улица, Байкальская улица, Открытое шоссе.


Франшиза автосервиса, Вакансии автосервиса

Ремонт (сервис) корейских автомобилей. Специализированный техцентр (автосервис) в Москве. Copyright © 2000-2023. Все права сохранены. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данный сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.

Компания «АвтоМиг» является НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ техническим центром по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей марок KIA и HYUNDAI. Никакого отношения ни к официальным представителям (дилерам), ни к самим производителям транспортных средств автосервис не имеет! Все упоминания торговых знаков (марок автомобилей) на данном сайте носят исключительно ИДЕНТИФИЦИРУЮЩИЙ характер (используются не в качестве средства индивидуализации), указывают, какие именно автомобили обслуживает техцентр (в соответствии со ст. 1474, 1487 Гражданского Кодекса РФ).

инструкцияKia Rio (2010)


Теперь, когда Вы стали владельцем автомобиля Киа, Вы

наверно будете получать много вопросов относительно

Вашего автомобиля, как напр.: “Что это за название – Киа?”

“Кто такой – Киа?” “Что это значит – Киа?”

Вот несколько ответов на эти вопросы. Сначала следует

отметить, что компания Киа – это самый старый

производитель автомобилей в Корее. Она имеет более чем

тысячу работников, стремящихся производить

высококачественные автомобили по доступным ценам.

Первый слог, “Ки”, в слове “Киа” значит” выйти во вес

мир”. Второй слог, “а”, значит “Азиа”. Следовательно, слово

“Киа” значит “выйти из Азии во весь мир”.

Желаем Вам много радости от Вашего автомобиля

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Логотип Kia


Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Kia Rio (2010).

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Идентификация автомобиля
Примечание: расположение идентификационных номеров автомобиля и агрегатов показано на рисунке «Расположение идентификационного номера автомобиля (VIN) и идентиф

Технические характеристики двигателей
Примечание: приведенные значения мощности и крутящего момента являются ориентировочными и могут изменяться в зависимости от конкретной модификации и года выпуск

Сокращения и условные обозначения
Сокращения А/С — кондиционер воздуха ABS — антиблокировочная система тормозов CWT — система изменения фаз газораспределения DLC — диагностический разъем DOНС —

Общие инструкции по ремонту
1. Пользуйтесь чехлами на крылья, сиденья и напольными ковриками, чтобы предохранить автомобиль от загрязнения и повреждений. 2. При разборке укладывайте детали

Блокировка дверей
Внимание: при проведении работ в салоне автомобиля, оборудованного системой подушек безопасности и преднатяжителей ремней (система SRS), следует быть особенно в

Противоугонная система (модификации)
Примечание: противоугонная система предназначена для защиты от несанкционированного проникновения в автомобиль. 1. Активация режима охраны. Внимание: запуск дви

Одометр и счетчики пробега
Примечание: ЖК-дисплей одометра работает, когда ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «АСС» или ‘»ON». 1. Одометр показывает общий пробег автомобиля. 2.

Маршрутный компьютер (модификации)
Примечание: показания маршрутного компьютера отображаются на ЖК-дисплее одометра, когда ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «АСС» или «ON». 1. Переключ

Тахометр — общие сведения
Тахометр показывает частоту вращения (обороты) коленчатого вала двигателя в минуту (об/мин). Внимание: во время движения следите за показаниями тахометра. Его с

Указатель количества топлива
1. Указатель показывает уровень топлива в топливном баке, когда ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON» («F» — полный бак; «Е» — пустой). Метка (1) ук

Индикаторы комбинации приборов
Примечание: номер индикатора в таблице «Индикаторы комбинации приборов» соответствует номеру пункта. 1. Индикатор состояния стояночной тормозной системы и низко

Часы — общие сведения
1. Часы расположены на центральной отделке панели приборов и работают, когда ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON» или «АСС». 2. Настройка времени о

Стеклоподъемники — общие сведения
1. Стеклоподъемники работают, когда ключ в замке зажигания установлен в положение «ON» или в течение 30 секунд после выключения зажигания (ключ в положении «АСС

Световая сигнализация на автомобиле
Примечание: С целью предотвращения разряда аккумуляторной батареи, наружное освещение будет выключено автоматически при открывании двери водителя, когда ключ за

Капот — общие сведения
1. Для открывания капота необходимо произвести следующие процедуры: а) Потяните рычаг привода замка капота на себя, как показано на рисунке. б) Слега приподними

Задняя дверь (хэтчбек)
1. Чтобы отпереть заднюю дверь снаружи, необходимо вставить ключ в дверной замок и повернуть его по часовой стрелке. 2. Для открывания задней двери потяните на

Крышка багажника (седан)
1. Чтобы открыть крышку багажника снаружи автомобиля, вставьте ключ в замок крышки багажника и поверните по часовой стрелке. Примечание: на моделях с центральны

Лючок заливной горловины топливного бака
1. Заглушите двигатель перед заправкой топливом. 2. Для открывания лючка заливной горловины потяните вверх рычаг, расположенный слева от сиденья водителя. Седан

Регулировка положения рулевого колеса
Для регулировки расположения рулевого колеса потяните рычаг блокировки рулевой колонки вниз и, перемещая рулевое колесо по вертикали, установите его в нужное по

Управление зеркалами
Внимание: не удаляйте лед с зеркального элемента зеркала при помощи скребка, так как это может привести к повреждению зеркальной поверхности. Если лед мешает пе

Обогреватель заднего стекла
Примечание: на моделях с подогревом боковых зеркал заднего вида при включении обогревателя заднего стекла одновременно включается подогрев боковых зеркал для уд

Сиденья — общие сведения
Внимание: Обязательно отрегулируйте сиденье перед поездкой. Отрегулируйте высоту подголовника так, чтобы его центр находился на уровне глаз. После регулировки у

Обогреватель передних сидений
Обогреватель передних сидений может быть включен, когда ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON». Для включения обогревателя сиденья нажмите на соответ

Ремни безопасности
Общие сведения 1. Чтобы защитить Вас и Ваших пассажиров в случае дорожно-транспортного происшествия, рекомендуется всем людям, находящимся в автомобиле, пристег

Люк (модификации)
Управление люком возможно, когда ключ в замке зажигания установлен в положение «ON». Внимание: При закрытии и открытии люка или при регулировке наклона люка буд

Управление отопителем и кондиционером
Общие сведения 1. На моделях с автоматическим управлением кондиционером и отопителем не кладите вещи на датчик солнечного света. Кроме того, не закрывайте отвер

Прикуриватель — общие сведения
Прикуриватель работает, если ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON» или «АСС». Для включения прикуривателя нажмите на него; когда прикуриватель накал

Стояночный тормоз
Чтобы включить стояночный тормоз при парковке автомобиля, нажмите на педаль тормоза и потяните рычаг стояночного тормоза на себя. Чтобы выключить стояночный тор

Управление автомобилем с АКПП
Положения селектора Для управления автоматической коробкой передач на напольной консоли, сбоку от водителя, установлен селектор, с помощью которого можно задава

Управление автомобилем с МКПП
Схема переключения передач показана на рисунке. Кроме того, схема изображена на ручке рычага. Прежде чем переключать передачу, всегда полностью выжимайте педаль

Советы по вождению в различных условиях
Общие рекомендации Внимание: Перед началом движения убедитесь, что стояночный тормоз полностью отпущен. Не держите ногу на педали тормоза во время движения. Это

Буксировка автомобиля
Для буксировки автомобиля обратитесь к технической службе по эвакуации автомобилей. Выполнение буксировки автомобиля неквалифицированными службами может привест

Запуск двигателя
Внимание: не допускайте длительной работы двигателя на повышенных оборотах и резких ускорений при непрогретом двигателе. Замок зажигания 1. Положение «LOCK». Дв

Запасное колесо, домкрат и инструменты
1. Домкрат хранится в специальном кронштейне крепления, который расположен в нише под накладкой пола багажника. Там же хранится запасное колесо (или докатка) и

Поддомкрачивание автомобиля
1. Установите автомобиль на ровной, горизонтальной твердой поверхности. 2. Заглушите двигатель, поверните ключ в замке зажигания в положение «LOCK» и включите а

Замена колеса
1. Если необходимо заменить колесо в дороге, то постепенно снизьте скорость и отведите автомобиль в безопасное место. 2. Отведите автомобиль на ровном месте с т

Замена на «докатку»
1. «Докатка» (запасное колесо) используется в качестве экстренной замены. Она меньше диаметром, чем стандартное колесо. Внимание: При использовании «докатки» во

Рекомендации по выбору шин
1. При выборе шин обращайте внимание на маркировку. Геометрические размеры, грузоподъемность и максимальная скорость должны строго соответствовать рекомендациям

Проверка давления и состояния шин
1. Регулярно проверяйте шины на отсутствие повреждений и утечки воздуха. Проверяйте давление в шинах через каждые две недели или, по меньшей мере, раз в месяц.

Замена шин
1. Рекомендуется менять все шины или, по меньшей мере, обе передние или задние шины одновременно (см. «Рекомендации по выбору шин»). 2. После ремонта шины колес

Замена дисков колес
1. Замене дисков колес следует уделять должное внимание. Убедитесь, что устанавливаются диски с одинаковыми нагрузочной способностью, диаметром, шириной обода и

Предохранители — общие сведения
Расположение 1. Для предотвращения повреждения электрической системы в результате короткого замыкания или перегрузки каждая отдельная электрическая цепь оснащен

Замена ламп
Примечание: процедура замены и номинальное значение мощности ламп осветительных приборов автомобиля приведены в главе » Электрооборудование кузова «. При замене

Ссылка в разных форматах на этот раздел


Ремонт без проблем. Kia Rio III с 2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio с 2011 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Третий Рим
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Страниц: 321
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Ремонт и эксплуатация автомобиля Kia Rio.

Мультимедийное руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio.

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  • Размер: 229,8 Mb

Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Kia Rio.

Мультимедийное руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio.

  • Автор:
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  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: ISO
  • Размер: 415,0 Mb

Руководство по ремонту Kia Rio/Rio II.

Руководство по ремонту автомобилей Kia Rio и Kio Rio II с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,3/1,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Морозов
  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц: 303
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 21,2 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Kia Rio II с 2005 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Kia Pride и Kia Rio II с 2005 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 340
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Kia Rio с 2000 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio с 2000 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,3/1,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 229
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Kia Rio с 2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Kia Rio и Kia K2 с 2011 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 380
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Руководство по ресонту и эксплуатации Kia Rio с 2017 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Kia Rio и Kia K2 с 2017 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 406
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Руководство по ресонту и эксплуатации Kia K2 с 2017 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Kia Rio и Kia K2 с 2017 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 406
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Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Kia Rio X и Kia Rio X-line с 2017 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 472
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Руководство по эксплуатации Kia Rio 2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Kia Rio 2011 г.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 370
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,7 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Kia Rio 2012 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Kia Rio 2012 г.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 388
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,8 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Kia Rio 2005-2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio 2005-2011 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 424
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Kia Rio с 2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio с 2011 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 672
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Устройство, обслуживание, диагностика, ремонт Kia Rio с 2011 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio с 2011 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: За рулем
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 288
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Устройство, ТО и ремонт Kia Rio 2000-2005 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio 2000-2005 годов выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 313
  • Формат:
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Устройство, ТО и ремонт Kia Rio с 2005 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio 2005 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 393
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Экономим на сервисе. Kia Rio 2003-2005 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Kia Rio 2003-2005 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: За рулем
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 100
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 14,4 Mb

Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Kia Rio X-Line с 2017 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio X-Line с 2017 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир Автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 301
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Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Kia Rio с 2017 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio с 2017 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир Автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 300
  • Формат:
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Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Kia Rio с 2017 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio с 2017 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир Автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 300
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Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Kia Rio X-line с 2017 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Kia Rio X-line с 2017 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир Автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 302
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Доп информация

тут же вставлю ссылки на свои записи, связанные с заменой масла
-моторное масло:

Замена масла. KIA Rio JB. (часть 1)
Намешал остатков. Замена масла. KIA Rio JB. (часть 2)
Замена масла. KIA Rio JB. (часть 3)
Наблюдения о заливаемом масле Hyundai Turbo SYN (S-oil) и Premium LF(S-oil).
-28 °C. Hyundai Premium LF Gasoline 5w-20 (Michang)
Фильтр масляный — HYUNDAI-KIA 2630035503 и 530.
504 вместо 503. Это что еще за фильтр такой? 2630035504.
Съемник масляного фильтра для KIA

В поисках информации по маслам и жидкостям, на сайте одного магазина нашел сборный каталог по ГСМ от HYUNDAI и KIA, который продавец, видимо, сам и собрал воедино из того что было.
Расписано, какое минеральное, какое полу- или синтетика. Масла, жидкости, антифризы с кодами.
Обращаем Ваше внимание, что предоставляемая нами справочная
информация является выдержками из оригинальных программ Hyundai Kia.
Данная информация является первоисточником. В России зачастую
сервисная информация корректируется исходя из интересов поставщиков
расходных материалов. Классический пример – моторное масло с вязкостью
5W-20. Начиная с 2005-2006 года, почти во все современные двигатели,
Hyundai Kia особо рекомендует к применению масла вязкостью 5W-20, так
как именно под эту вязкость расчитанна конструкция двигателя,
производительность маслонасоса, пропускная способность маслоканалов,
скорость циркуляции масла и соответственно охлаждение смазываемых
узлов. Однако высокотехнологичные масла с указанной вязкостью не
производятся в России и до последнего времени не поставлялись в России
компаниями, с которыми Hyundai Kia заключали соглашения о
централизованных поставках в СНГ. Соответственно из сервисных книжек на
русском языке убирается информация о приоритетном использовании масел
с вязкостью 5W-20, хотя в оригинальных мануалах масло с взякостью 5W-30
рекомендуется к применению только в случае, если масло 5W-20 недоступно
к покупке. Похожая история и с трансмиссиооным масла: в оригинальной
программе и мануале на английском языке рекомендуется масло 75W-85, а в
русскоязычной иснтрукции уже 75W-90 отсюда и многочисленные жалобы
автовладельцев на затруднительное переключение передач в некоторых
режимах работы.

Фото в бортжурнале KIA Rio 5-door (2G)

Сохранил на обменнике. Вот тут.

Там же лежит книжка по ремонту KIA RIO JB от издательства Третий Рим.

Фото в бортжурнале KIA Rio 5-door (2G)

Вот тут веду записи по замене масла.

Если считаете пост полезным, жмем лайки)))) кнопку «рекомендую».

Иногда делаю поиски по коду и ничего не находится, поэтому ниже расписал всякие коды из книжки, в качестве тегов. Не знаю как по другому сделать, сделал как набор символов и цифр (из каталога).

A6LF1/2/3, A6GF1 Aisin B-600 (AISIN TB-61SN Toyota A761) Hyundai: GALLOPER 00-03 2.5L AISIN 03-71LE (Toyota A43DE); GRACE 00-04 2.5L AISIN 03-71LE (Toyota A43DE); H1 02-07 2.4L Aisin 03-72LS (Toyota A44DL); H1 02-07 2.5L 2.6L AISIN 03-71LE (Toyota A43DE); STAREX 00-07 2.4L Aisin 03-72LS (Toyota A44DL); STAREX 2.6L AISIN 03-71LE (Toyota A43DE); KIA: POTENTIA 00-02 2.0L AISIN 03-70LE (Toyota A42DE); PREGIO 00-03 3.0L AISIN 03-70LE (Toyota A42DE); RETONA 00-03 2.0L AISIN 03-71LE (Toyota A43DE);SPORTAGE 97-02 2.0L AISIN 03-72LE (Toyota A44DE)
АКПП A5SR1 или A5SR2
Hyundai GENESIS Coupe 08-11 2.0L, STAREX 07-11 2.5L; KIA BORREGO 09-11 3.8L, MOHAVE 07-11 3.8L, SORENTO 02-09 2.5L 3.3L 3.5L 3.8L ZF ASTRONIC АКПП A6LF1/2/3, A6GF1, A6MF1/2. Hyundai: Elantra UD 2011- L4 1.6L — A6GF, Elantra UD 2011- L4 2.0L —
A6MF1, iX35 2004- L4 2.0L 2.4L — A6MF1, Santa Fe 2009 — L4 2.0L 2.2L V6 3.5L — A6LF1/2/3, Santa Fe 2011- L4 2.4L V6 3.5L — A6LF2, Sonata 2009- L4 2.0L V6 3.5L — A6MF2, Sonata 2010- L4 2.4L — A6MF2, Tucson 2009- L4 2.0L — A6LF1/2, Tucson 2009- L4 2.0L 2.4L — A6MF1, Veracruz 2011- V6 3.0 — A6LF3, Grandeur HG/Azera TG 2011- V6 3.3L 3.8L A6LF1/2; KIA Sorento 2009- V6 3.3L 3.5L 3.8L — A6LF2/A6MF2, Sportage 2010- L4 2.0L — A6LF2, Sportage 2010- L4 2.4L — A6MF1, Forte/Forte Koup 2010- L4 2.0L 2.4L — A6MF1, Optima TF HEV 2011- L4 2.4L – A6MF2H, Optima TF 2011- L4 2.0L – A6LF2, Optima TF 2011- L4 2.4L – A6MF2, Sedona VQ 2011- V6 3.5L – A6LF2, Sorento XM 2011 – L4 2.4L – A6MF2, Sorento XM 2011 – V6 3.5L – A6LF2 05100-00441, 05100-00410, 05100-00421, 05100-00451, 04300-00110, 04300-00140, 04300-5L1A0, 04500-00100, 04500-00400, 04500-00130, 04500-00440, 03100-00100, 03100-00110, 03100-00130, 04500-00121, 04500-00140,04500-00150, 04500-00180, 04500-00160, 02300-00100, 04500-00115, 07100-00400, 07100-00200

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