Киа соренто инструкция по эксплуатации 2014

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Thank you for becoming the owner of a new Kia vehicle.

As a global vehicle manufacturer focused on building high-qual-

ity, value for money prices, Kia Motors is dedicated to provid-

ing you with a customer service experience that exceeds your


All information contained in this Owner’s Manual is accurate at

the time of publication. However, Kia reserves the right to make

changes at any time so that our policy of continual product

improvement can be carried out.

This manual applies to all Kia models and includes descriptions

and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment. As

a result, you may encounter material in this manual that is not

applicable to your specific Kia vehicle.

Drive safely and enjoy your Kia!



Summary of Contents for Kia Sorento 2014

Наслаждайтесь вашим автомобилем и «семейной» заботой от Kia!

Поздравляем вас с приобретением нового автомобиля Kia.

Являясь признанным в мире производителем автомобилей, известных

своим высоким качеством и справедливой ценой, компания Kia Motors

считает своим долгом предоставлять клиентам услуги на уровне выше их

ожиданий и полностью удовлетворяющем их потребности.

В дилерской сети Kia вас ожидает “семейное” отношение, которое создает

ощущение тепла, гостеприимства и доверия – ощущения, что за тобой

ухаживают заботливые люди.

Вся информация, содержащаяся в этом руководстве пользователя, является

точной на момент ее опубликования. Тем не менее, Kia оставляет за собой

право в любое время вносить изменения, потому что таким образом

реализуется наша политика непрерывного усовершенствования продукции.

Данное руководство относится ко всем моделям этого автомобиля и

включает в себя описания и пояснения дополнительного и стандартного

оборудования. В результате этого в руководстве могут встречаться

материалы, которые не соответствуют вашей конкретной модели

автомобиля Kia.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Коптево

Автосервис САО — МЦД Красный Балтиец:

Ближайшие для подъезда улицы – Космонавта Волкова, Приорова, Новая Ипатовка, Большая Академическая.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Лефортово

Автосервис ЮВАО, ВАО — метро Авиамоторная:

Ближайшие станции метро — Авиамоторная, Площадь Ильича, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Чкаловская, Бауманская, Семеновская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — третье транспортное кольцо (ТТК), проезд завода Серп и Молот, Лефортовский вал, Красноказарменная улица.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Щукино

Автосервис СЗАО, САО — метро Октябрьское поле, станция Зорге МЦК (район Щукино, Хорошёво—Мнёвники)

Ближайшие станции метро — Октябрьское поле, Полежаевская. Станция Московского Центрального Кольца — Зорге. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Маршала Бирюзова, Берзарина, Народного ополчения, Зорге, Куусинена, Расплетина.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Измайлово

Автосервис ВАО — метро Соколиная гора (район Измайлово)
Ближайшие станции метро — Соколиная гора, Партизанская, Измайлово, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Черкизовская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Вернисажная, Шоссе Энтузиастов, проспект Будённого, Северо-Восточная хорда, Щербаковская улица, Большая Черкизовская улица.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Гольяново

Автосервис ВАО — метро Щелковская (район Гольяново)
Ближайшие станции метро — Щелковская, Черкизовская, Бульвар Рокоссовского, Первомайская, Партизанская, Измайловская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Щелковское шоссе, Амурская, Сиреневый бульвар, Монтажная улица, Байкальская улица, Открытое шоссе.


Франшиза автосервиса, Вакансии автосервиса, Инструкции к корейским авто, Инструкции к китайским авто

Ремонт (сервис) корейских автомобилей. Специализированный техцентр (автосервис) в Москве. Copyright © 2000-2023. Все права сохранены. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данный сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.

Компания «АвтоМиг» является НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ техническим центром по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей марок KIA и HYUNDAI. Никакого отношения ни к официальным представителям (дилерам), ни к самим производителям транспортных средств автосервис не имеет! Все упоминания торговых знаков (марок автомобилей) на данном сайте носят исключительно ИДЕНТИФИЦИРУЮЩИЙ характер (используются не в качестве средства индивидуализации), указывают, какие именно автомобили обслуживает техцентр (в соответствии со ст. 1474, 1487 Гражданского Кодекса РФ).


Thank you for becoming the owner of a new Kia vehicle.

As a global vehicle manufacturer focused on building high-qual-

ity, value for money prices, Kia Motors is dedicated to provid-

ing you with a customer service experience that exceeds your


All information contained in this Owner’s Manual is accurate at

the time of publication. However, Kia reserves the right to make

changes at any time so that our policy of continual product

improvement can be carried out.

This manual applies to all Kia models and includes descriptions

and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment. As

a result, you may encounter material in this manual that is not

applicable to your specific Kia vehicle.

Drive safely and enjoy your Kia!


Thank you for choosing a Kia vehicle.

When you require service, remember that your Kia Dealer knows your vehicle best. Your dealer has factory-trained

technicians, recommended special tools, genuine Kia replacement parts and is dedicated to your complete satisfac-

tion. Because subsequent owners require this important information as well, this publication should remain with the

vehicle if it is sold. This manual will familiarize you with operational, maintenance and safety information about

your new vehicle. It is supplemented by a Warranty and Consumer Information manual that provides important infor-

mation on all warranties regarding your vehicle. We urge you to read these publications carefully and follow the rec-

ommendations to help assure enjoyable and safe operation of your new vehicle.

Kia offers a great variety of options, components and features for its various models. Therefore, some of the equip-

ment described in this manual, along with the various illustrations, may not be applicable to your particular vehicle.

The information and specifications provided in this manual were accurate at the time of printing. Kia reserves the

right to discontinue or change specifications or design at any time without notice and without incurring any obliga-

tion. If you have questions, always check with your Kia dealer.

We assure you of our continuing interest in your motoring pleasure and satisfaction in your Kia vehicle.

© 2013 Kia Canada Inc.

All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by

any information storage and retrieval system or translation in whole or part is not permitted without written author-

ization from Kia Canada Inc.

Printed in U. S. A.













How to use this manual / Fuel requirements / Vehicle break-in process / Vehicle handling instructions /

Vehicle data collection and event data recorders

Your vehicle at a glance

Exterior overview / Interior overview / Instrument panel overview / Engine compartment

Safety features of your vehicle

Seats / Seat belts / Child restraint system / Air bag

Features of your vehicle

Keys / Door locks / Tailgate / Windows / Hood / Fuel filler lid / Panoramic sunroof / Steering wheel / Mirrors

/ Instrument cluster / Lighting / Wipers & Washers / Climate control system / Multimedia system / Etc.

Driving your vehicle

Before driving / Engine start/stop button / Transaxle / All Wheel Drive (AWD) / Brake system /

Cruise control system / Active ECO system / Winter driving / Vehicle load limit / Etc.

What to do in an emergency

Road warning / Emergency while driving / Emergency starting / Engine overheat / Flat tire / Towing / Etc.


Engine compartment / Maintenance service / Engine oil / Engine coolant / Brake fluid / Washer fluid /

Parking brake / Air cleaner / Wiper blades / Battery / Tire and wheels / Fuses / Etc.

Specifications & Consumer information


table of contents



How to use this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Fuel requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

• Gasoline containing alcohol and methanol. . . . . . . . . 1-3

• Do not use methanol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

• Fuel Additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

• Operation in foreign countries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

Vehicle handling instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

Vehicle break-in process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5




We want to help you get the greatest

possible driving pleasure from your

vehicle. Your Owner’s Manual can

assist you in many ways.We strong-

ly recommend that you read the

entire manual. In order to minimize

the chance of death or injury, you

must read the WARNING and CAU-

TION sections in the manual.

Illustrations complement the words

in this manual to best explain how to

enjoy your vehicle. By reading your

manual, you will learn about fea-

tures, important safety information,

and driving tips under various road


The general layout of the manual is

provided in the Table of Contents.

Use the index when looking for a

specific area or subject; it has an

alphabetical listing of all information

in your manual.

Sections:This manual has eight sec-

tions plus an index. Each section

begins with a brief list of contents so

you can tell at a glance if that section

has the information you want.

You will find various WARNINGs,

CAUTIONs, and NOTICEs in this

manual.These WARNINGs were pre-

pared to enhance your personal safe-

ty.You should carefully read and follow

ALL procedures and recommenda-

tions provided in these WARNINGs,



A NOTICE indicates interesting or

helpful information is being provided.


A WARNING indicates a situa-

tion in which harm,serious bod-

ily injury or death could result if

the warning is ignored.


A CAUTION indicates a situation

in which damage to your vehicle

could result if the caution is




Your new vehicle is designed to use

only unleaded fuel having a pump

octane number ((R+M)/2) of 87

(Research Octane Number 91) or


Your new vehicle is designed to

obtain maximum performance with

UNLEADED FUEL, as well as mini-

mize exhaust emissions and spark

plug fouling.

Gasoline containing alcohol and


Gasohol, a mixture of gasoline and

ethanol (also known as grain alco-

hol), and gasoline or gasohol con-

taining methanol (also known as

wood alcohol) are being marketed

along with or instead of leaded or

unleaded gasoline.

Pursuant to EPA regulations, ethanol

may be used in your vehicle.

Do not use gasohol containing more

than 10% ethanol, and do not use

gasoline or gasohol containing any

methanol. Ethanol provides less

energy than gasoline and it attracts

water, and it is thus likely to reduce

your fuel efficiency and could lower

your MPG results.

Methanol may cause drivability prob-

lems and damage to the fuel system.

Discontinue using gasohol of any

kind if drivability problems occur.

Vehicle damage or drivability prob-

lems may not be covered by the

manufacturer’s warranty if they result

from the use of:

1. Gasoline or gasohol containing


2. Leaded fuel or leaded gasohol.



Never add any fuel system

cleaning agents to the fuel tank

other than what has been speci-

fied. (Consult an authorized Kia

dealer for details.)


Do not «top off» after the noz-

zle automatically shuts off

when refueling.

Tighten the cap until it clicks

one time, otherwise the Check

Engine light will illumi-


Always check that the fuel cap

is installed securely to pre-

vent fuel spillage, especially

in the event of an accident.



«E85» fuel is an alternative fuel com-

prised of 85 percent ethanol and 15

percent gasoline, and is manufac-

tured exclusively for use in Flexible

Fuel Vehicles. “E85” is not compati-

ble with your vehicle. Use of “E85”

may result in poor engine perform-

ance and damage to your vehicle’s

engine and fuel system. Kia recom-

mends that customers do not use

fuel with an ethanol content exceed-

ing 15%.

Use of MTBE

Kia recommends avoiding fuels con-

taining MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl

Ether) over 15.0% vol. (Oxygen

Content 2.7% weight) in your vehicle .

Fuel containing MTBE over 15.0%

vol. (Oxygen Content 2.7% weight)

may reduce vehicle perf ormance and

produce vapor lock or hard starting.

Do not use methanol

Fuels containing methanol (wood

alcohol) should not be used in your

vehicle.This type of fuel can reduce

vehicle performance and damage

components of the fuel system.

Fuel Additives

Kia recommends that you use good

quality gasolines treated with deter-

gent additives such as TOP TIER

Detergent Gasoline, which help pre-

vent deposit formation in the engine.

These gasolines will help the engine

run cleaner and enhance perform-

ance of the Emission Control

System. For more information on

TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline,

please go to the website (www.top-


For customers who do not use TOP

TIER Detergent Gasoline regularly,

and have problems starting or the

engine does not run smoothly, addi-

tives that you can buy separately

may be added to the gasoline.

If TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline is

not available, one bottle of additive

should be added to the fuel tank at

every 7,500miles or every engine oil

change is recommended. Additives

are available from your authorized

Kia dealer along with information on

how to use them. Do not mix other



Never use gasohol which con-

tains methanol. Discontinue use

of any gasohol product which

impairs drivability.


Your New Vehicle Limited

Warranty does not cover dam-

age to the fuel system or any

performance problems caused

by the use of “E85” fuel.


Your New Vehicle Limited

Warranty may not co ver damage

to the fuel system and any per-

formance problems that are

caused by the use of fuels con-

taining methanol or fuels con-

taining MTBE (Methyl Tertiary

Butyl Ether) over 15.0% vol.

(Oxygen Content 2.7% weight.)



Operation in foreign countries

If you are going to drive your vehicle

in another country, be sure to:

Observe all regulations regarding

registration and insurance.

Determine that acceptable fuel is


As with other vehicles of this type,

failure to operate this vehicle correct-

ly may result in loss of control, an

accident or vehicle rollover.

Specific design characteristics (high-

er ground clearance, track, etc.) give

this vehicle a higher center of gravity

than other types of vehicles. In other

words they are not designed for cor-

nering at the same speeds as con-

ventional 2-wheel drive vehicles.

Avoid sharp turns or abrupt maneu-

vers. Again, failure to operate this

vehicle correctly may result in loss of

control, an accident or vehicle

rollover. Be sure to read the

“Reducing the risk of a rollover”

driving guidelines, in section 5 of

this manual.

No special break-in period is need-

ed.By following a fe w simple precau-

tions for the first 1,000 km (600

miles) you may add to the perform-

ance, economy and life of your vehi-


Do not race the engine.

While driving, keep your engine

speed (rpm, or revolutions per

minute) between 2,000 rpm and

4,000 rpm.

Do not maintain a single speed for

long periods of time, either fast or

slow. Varying engine speed is

needed to properly break-in the


Avoid hard stops, except in emer-

gencies, to allow the brakes to seat


Don’t let the engine idle longer

than 3 minutes at one time.

Don’t tow a trailer during the first

2,000 km (1,200 miles) of opera-






Exterior overview I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

Exterior overview II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

Interior overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Instrument panel overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

Engine compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6


Your vehicle at a glance

Exterior overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

Interior overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Instrument panel overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

Engine compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6


Your vehicle at a glance



1. Hood………………………………………………4-38

2. Head lamp…………………………………….4-108

3. Fog lamp ………………………………………4-112

4.Wheel and tire…………………………………7-50

5. Outside rearview mirror …………………….4-64

6. Panorama sunroof……………………………4-44

7. Front windshield wiper blades……………7-44



Front view

The actual shape may differ from the illustration.


Your vehicle at a glance

9. Door locks ………………………………………4-21

10. Fuel filler lid…………………………………..4-40

11. Rear combination lamp

12. High mounted stop lamp

13. Rear window wiper blade………………..7-45

14.Tailgate …………………………………………4-25

15. Antenna………………………………………4-159

16. Rearview camera …………………………4-106

17. Parking assist system …………………..4-102


Rear view

The actual shape may differ from the illustration.

Your vehicle at a glance



1. Driver position memory system button …..3-8

2. Inside door handle……………………………..4-22

3. Power window switch………………………….4-33

4. Central door lock switch……………………..4-23

5. Power window lock button…………………..4-36

6. Outside rearview mirror control……………4-65

7. Outside rearview mirror folding……………4-66

8. Fuel filler lid open switch…………………….4-40

9. Parking assist system On/Off button…..4-102

10. AWD Lock button ……………………………..5-23

11. ESC Off button ………………………………..5-36

12. Instrument panel illumination

control switch…………………………………..4-69

13. BSD On/OFF button…………………………5-49

14. Steering wheel…………………………………4-49

15. Steering wheel warmer On/Off Button..4-51

16.Tilt and telescopic steering

control lever…………………………………..4-50

17. Lighting control lever……………………….4-109

18. Inner panel fuse panel………………………7-65

19. Parking brake pedal………………………….5-32

20. Hood release lever……………………………4-38

21. AC inverter…………………………………….4-152

22. Active ECO …………………………………….5-54

23. Seat………………………………………………….3-2


The actual interior in the vehicle may differ from the illustration


Your vehicle at a glance


1. Audio remote control buttons…………4-160

2. Driver’s front air bag ……………………….3-60

3. Horn……………………………………………..4-51

4. Instrument cluster …………………………..4-68

5.Wiper and washer control lever ………4-113

6. Ignition switch or

Engine start/stop button……………..5-5, 5-8

7. Cruise control button………………………5-44

8. Digital clock…………………………………4-154

9. Audio ………………………………………….4-159

10. Hazard warning flasher …………………..6-2

11. Climate control system………4-121, 4-131

12. Front seat warmer /

Seat cooler………………………….3-12, 3-14

13. Power outlet……………………………….4-151

14. Cup holder …………………………………4-149

15. Center console storage box…………4-146

16. Rear seat warmer…………………………3-21

17. Glove box………………………………….4-146

18. Passenger’s front air bag………………3-60


The actual instrument panel in the vehicle may differ from the illustration

Your vehicle at a glance




Gasoline Engine (Theta II 2.4L) — GDI

The actual engine compartment in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.

Gasoline Engine (Lambda II 3.3L) — GDI

1. Engine coolant reservoir……………….7-34

2. Engine oil filler cap ………………………7-31

3. Brake/clutch fluid reservoir ……………7-36

4. Air cleaner…………………………………..7-39

5. Fuse box…………………………………….7-64

6. Negative battery terminal………………7-47

7. Positive battery terminal ……………….7-47

8. Radiator cap ……………………………….7-35

9. Engine oil dipstick………………………..7-31

10.Windshield washer fluid reservoir …7-37

Safety features of your vehicle

Seats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

• Front seat adjustment — Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

• Front seat adjustment — Power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

• Seat warmer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12

• Seat cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14

• Rear seat adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15

Seat belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25

• Seat belt restraint system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25

• Pre-tensioner seat belt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31

• Seat belt precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34

• Care of seat belts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37

Child restraint system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38

• Using a child restraint system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40

• Tether Anchor system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43

• Securing a child restraint seat with

child seat lower anchor system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-44

Air bag — supplemental restraint system . . . . . . . 3-47

• How does the air bag system operate . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48

• Do not Installing a child restraint on a front

passenger’s seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50

• Air bag warning light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50

• SRS components and functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51

• Occupant classification system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54

• Main components of occupant detection system . . . 3-55

• Driver’s and passenger’s front air bag . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60

• Side air bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66

• Curtain air bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67

Inflation and non-inflation conditions of

the air bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-70, 3-72

• SRS Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-74

• Additional safety precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-75

• Air bag warning label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77


Safety features of your vehicle


Front seat

(1) Forward and backward

(2) Seatback angle

(3) Seat cushion height

(Driver’s seat)

(4) Lumbar support (Driver’s seat)*

(5) Seat warmer* /

Seat cooler (Air ventilation seat)*

(6) Headrest

2nd row seat

(7) Forward and backward*

(8) Seatback angle and folding

(9) Headrest

(10) Armrest

(11) Seat warmer*

3rd row seat*

(12) Seatback folding

(13) Headrest

* if equipped



Manual seat

Manual seat

Power seat

Power seat


Safety features of your vehicle

WARNING — Driver’s seat

Never attempt to adjust the

seat while the vehicle is mov-

ing. This could result in loss

of control, and an accident

causing death, serious injur y,

or property damage.

Do not allow anything to inter-

fere with the normal position

of the seatback. Storing items

against a seatback or in any

other way interfering with

proper locking of a seatback

could result in serious or fatal

injury in a sudden stop or col-


Always drive and ride with

your seatback upright and the

lap portion of the seat belt

snug and low across the hips.

This is the best position to

protect you in case of an acci-



WARNING — Uprighting


When you return the seatback

to its upright position, hold the

seatback and return it slowly

and be sure there are no other

passengers around the seat. If

the seatback is returned with-

out being held and controlled,

the back of the seat could

spring forward resulting in acci-

dental injury to a person struck

by the seatback.



Loose objects in the driver’s

foot area could interfere with

the operation of the foot pedals,

possibly causing an accident.

Do not place anything under the

front seats.


responsibility for front seat


Riding in a vehicle with a front

seatback reclined could lead to

serious or fatal injury in an acci-

dent. If a front seat is reclined

during an accident, the occu-

pant’s hips may slide under the

lap portion of the seat belt, apply-

ing great force to the unprotect-

ed abdomen. Serious or fatal

internal injuries could result.The

driver must advise the front pas-

senger to keep the seatback in

an upright position whenever the

vehicle is in motion.


Do not use a sitting cushion that

reduces friction between the seat

and passenger.The passenger’s

hips may slide under the lap por-

tion of the seat belt during an

accident or a sudden stop.

Serious or fatal internal injuries

could result because the seat

belt cannot operate normally.

Safety features of your vehicle



When resetting the seatback to

the upright position, make sure

it is securely latched by push-

ing it forward and backwards.

To avoid the possibility of

burns, do not remove the car-

pet in the cargo area. Emission

control devices beneath this

floor generate high tempera-



After adjusting the seat, always

check that it is securely locked

into place by attempting to

move the seat forward or back-

ward without using the lock

release lever. Sudden or unex-

pected movement of the dri-

ver’s seat could cause you to

lose control of the vehicle

resulting in an accident.


In order to avoid unnecessary

and perhaps severe air bag

injuries, always sit as far back

as possible from the steering

wheel while maintaining com-

fortable control of the vehicle.

We recommend that your c hest

be at least 25 cm (10 inches)

away from the steering wheel.

W ARNING— Rear seat-


The rear seatback must be

securely latched. If not, pas-

sengers and objects could be

thrown forward resulting in

serious injury or death in the

event of a sudden stop or col-


Luggage and other cargo

should be laid flat in the cargo

area. If objects are large, heavy,

or must be piled, they must be

secured. Under no circum-

stances should cargo be piled

higher than the seatbacks.

Failure to follow these warnings

could result in serious injury or

death in the event of a sudden

stop, collision or rollover.

No passenger should ride in

the cargo area or sit or lie on

folded seatbacks while the

vehicle is moving. All passen-

gers must be properly seated

in seats and restrained proper-

ly while riding.



Safety features of your vehicle

Front seat adjustment — manual

Forward and backward

To move the seat forward or back-


1.Pull the seat slide adjustment

lever up and hold it.

2. Slide the seat to the position you


3. Release the lever and make sure

the seat is locked in place.

Adjust the seat before driving, and

make sure the seat is locked securely

by trying to move forward and back-

ward without using the lever. If the

seat moves, it is not locked properly.

Seatback angle

To recline the seatback:

1. Lean forward slightly and lift up the

seatback recline lever.

2. Carefully lean back on the seat

and adjust the seatback of the

seat to the position you desire.

3. Release the lever and make sure

the seatback is locked in place.

(The lever MUST return to its orig-

inal position for the seatback to





Do not adjust the seat while

wearing seat belts. Moving the

seat cushion forward may

cause strong pressure on the


Use extreme caution so that

hands or other objects are not

caught in the seat mechanisms

while the seat is moving.

Do not put a cigarette lighter

on the floor or seat.When you

operate the seat, gas may

gush out of the lighter and

cause fire.

Safety features of your vehicle


Seat height (for driver’s seat)

To change the height of the seat,

push the lever upwards or down-


To lo wer the seat cushion, push the

lever down several times.

To raise the seat cushion, pull the

lever up several times.

Lumbar support (if equipped)

The lumbar support can be adjusted

by pressing the lumbar support

switch on the side of the seat.

1.Press the front portion of the

switch to increase support, or the

rear portion of the switch, to

decrease support.

2. Release the switch once it reach-

es the desired position.

Front seat adjustment — power

(if equipped)

The front seat can be adjusted by

using the control switches located on

the outside of the seat cushion.

Before driving, adjust the seat to the

proper position so you can easily

control the steering wheel, pedals

and switches on the instrument



The power seat is operable with

the ignition OFF.

Therefore, children should

never be left unattended in the





Safety features of your vehicle

Forward and backward

Push the control switch forward or

backward to move the seat to the

desired position. Release the switch

once the seat reaches the desired


Seatback angle

Push the control switch forward or

backward to move the seatback to

the desired angle. Release the

switch once the seat reaches the

desired position.


The power seat is driven by an

electric motor. Stop operating

once the adjustment is com-

pleted. Excessive operation

may damage the electrical


When in operation, the power

seat consumes a large

amount of electrical power. To

prevent unnecessary charging

system drain, don’t adjust the

power seat longer than neces-

sary while the engine is not


Do not operate two or more

power seat control switches at

the same time. Doing so may

result in power seat motor or

electrical component malfunc-


OXM039006 OXM039007

Safety features of your vehicle


Seat height (for driver’s seat)

Pull the front portion of the control

switch up to raise or press down to

lower the front part of the seat cush-

ion. Pull the rear por tion of the con-

trol switch up to raise or press down

to lower the rear part of the seat

cushion.Release the switch once the

seat reaches the desired position.

Lumbar support (for driver’s seat)

The lumbar support can be adjusted

by pressing the button.

Driver position memory system

(if equipped, for power seat)

A driver position memory system is

provided to store and recall the driv-

er seat and outside rearview mirror

position with a simple button opera-

tion. By saving the desired position

into the system memory, different

drivers can reposition the driver seat

based upon their driving preference.

If the battery is disconnected, the

desired seat position memory will

need to be re-saved.

OXM039008 OXM039009



Safety features of your vehicle

Storing positions into memory

using the buttons on the door

Storing driver’s seat positions

1. Shift the shift lever into P (for

Automatic transaxle) while the

engine start/stop button is ON or

ignition switch ON.

2. Adjust the driver’s seat and out-

side rearview mirror comfortable

for the driver.

3. Press SET button on the control

panel.The system will beep once.

4. Press one of the memor y buttons

(1 or 2) within 5 seconds after

pressing the SET button.The sys-

tem will beep twice when memory

has been successfully stored.

Recalling positions from memory

1. Shift the shift lever into P (for

Automatic transaxle) while the

engine start/stop button is ON or

ignition switch ON.

2.To recall the position in the memo-

ry, press the desired memory but-

ton (1 or 2). The system will beep

once, then the driver’s seat will

automatically adjust to the stored


Adjusting the control switch for the

driver’s seat while the system is

recalling the stored position will

cause the movement to stop and

move in the direction that the control

switch is moved.


Use caution when recalling the

adjustment memory while sit-

ting in the vehicle. Push the seat

position control switch to the

desired position immediately if

the seat moves too far in any



Never attempt to operate the

driver position memory system

while the vehicle is moving.

This could result in loss of con-

trol, and an accident causing

death, serious injury,or property


Safety features of your vehicle


Easy access function

(if equipped)

The system will move the driver’s

seat automatically as follows:

Without smart key system

— It will move the driver’s seat rear-

ward when the ignition key is


It will move the driver’s seat for-

ward when the ignition key is


With smart key system

— It will move the driver’s seat rear-

ward when the engine start/stop

button is changed to the OFF


It will move the driver’s seat for-

ward when the engine start/stop

button is changed to the ACC or

START position.

You can activate or deactivate this

feature. Refer to «User settings» in

chapter 4.

Headrest (for front seat)

The driver’s and front passenger’s

seats are equipped with a headrest

for the occupant’s safety and comf ort.

The headrest not only provides com-

fort for the driver and front passenger ,

but also helps protect the head and

neck in the event of a rear collision.



For maximum effectiveness in

case of an accident, the head-

rest should be adjusted so the

middle of the headrest is at

the same height of the center

of gravity of an occupant’s

head. Generally, the center of

gravity of most people’s head

is similar with the height of

the top of their eyes. Also,

adjust the headrest as close

to your head as possible. For

this reason, the use of a cush-

ion that holds the body away

from the seatback is not rec-


Do not operate the vehicle

with the headrests removed.

Severe injury to the occu-

pants may occur in the event

of an accident. Headrests may

provide protection against

neck injuries when properly


Do not adjust the headrest

position of the driver’s seat

while the vehicle is in motion.


Safety features of your vehicle

Adjusting the height up and down

To raise the headrest, pull it up to the

desired position (1). To lower the

headrest, push and hold the release

button (2) on the headrest support

and lower the headrest to the desired

position (3).

Adjusting the angle (if equipped)

The headrest angle may be adjusted

by pulling or pushing the lower part of

the headrest.

Adjust the headrest so that it properly

supports the head and neck.




Excessive pulling or pushing

may damage the headrest.

Safety features of your vehicle


Active headrest

The active headrest is designed to

move forward and upward during a

rear impact. This helps prevent the

driver’s and front passenger’s heads

from moving backward and thus

helps minimize neck injuries.

For your safety, the active headrest

can’t be removed. If there is any

problem with the active headrest,

take your vehicle to an authorized

Kia dealer and have the system


Seat warmer (if equipped)

The seat warmer is provided to warm

the front seats during cold weather.

With the ignition switch in the ON

position, push either of the switches

to warm the driver’s seat or the front

passenger’s seat.


A gap between the seat and the

headrest release button may

appear when sitting on the seat

or when you push or pull the

seat. Be careful not to g et your

finger, etc. caught in the gap.



Type A

Type B



Safety features of your vehicle

During mild weather or under condi-

tions where the operation of the seat

warmer is not needed, keep the

switches in the «OFF» position.

Each time you press the switch,

the temperature setting of the seat

will change as follows :

The seat warmer defaults to the

OFF position whenever the ignition

switch is turned on.


With the seat warmer switch in the

ON position, the heating system in

the seat turns off or on automatical-

ly depending on the seat tempera-




When cleaning the seats, do

not use an organic solvent

such as paint thinner, ben-

zene, alcohol and gasoline.

Doing so may damage the sur-

face of the heater or seats.

To prevent overheating the

seat warmer,do not place any-

thing on the seats that insu-

lates against heat, such as

blankets, cushions or seat

covers while the seat warmer

is in operation.

Do not place heavy or sharp

objects on seats equipped

with seat warmers. Damage to

the seat warming components

could occur.

Be careful not to spill liquid

such as water or beverages on

the seat. If you spill some liq-

uid, wipe the seat with a dry

towel. Before using the seat

warmer, dry the seat com-


WARNING Seat warmer


Passengers should use extreme

caution when using seat warm-

ers due to the possibility of

excess heating or burns. The

seat warmer may cause burns

even at low temperatures, espe-

cially if used for long periods of

time. In particular, the driver

must exercise extreme care for

the following types of passen-


1. Infants, children, elderly or

handicapped persons, or

hospital outpatients

2. Persons with sensitive skin

or those that burn easily

3. Fatigued individuals

4. Intoxicated individuals

5. Individuals taking medication

that can cause drowsiness or

sleepiness (sleeping pills,

cold tablets, etc.)

Safety features of your vehicle


Seat cooler (Air ventilation seat)

(if equipped)

The temperature setting of the seat

changes according to the switch


If you want to cool your seat cush-

ion, press the switch (blue color).

Each time you press the button,

the airflow will change as follows:

The seat war mer (with air ventila-

tion) defaults to the OFF position

whenever the ignition switch is

turned on.

Seatback pocket

The seatback pocket is provided on

the back of the front passenger’ s and

driver’s seatbacks.




WARNING Seatback


Do not put heavy or sharp

objects in the seatback pockets.

In an accident they could come

loose from the pocket and

injure vehicle occupants.

CAUTION — Seat damage

When cleaning the seats, do

not use an organic solvent

such as paint thinner, ben-

zene, alcohol and gasoline.

Doing so may damage the air

ventilation seat.

Do not place heavy or sharp

objects on the seat. Those

things may damage the air

ventilation seat.

Be careful not to spill liquid

such as water or beverages on

the seat.If you spill some liquid,

wipe the seat with a dry towel.

Before using the air ventilation

seat, dry the seat completely.


Safety features of your vehicle

Rear seat adjustment

Forward and backward

(2nd row seat)

To move the seat forward or back-


1. Pull the seat slide adjustment lever

up and hold it.

2. Slide the seat to the position you


3. Release the lever and make sure

the seat is locked in place.

Adjust the seat before driving, and

make sure the seat is locked securely

by trying to move forward and back-

ward without using the lever. If the

seat moves, it is not locked properly.

Seatback angle (2nd row seat)

To recline the seatback:

1. Pull up the seatback recline lever.

2. Hold the lever and adjust the seat-

back of the seat to the position you


3. Release the lever and make sure

the seatback is locked in place.

(The lever MUST return to its orig-

inal position for the seatback to


Walk-in seat

(2nd row seat, if equipped)

To get in or out of the 3rd row seat,

1.Route the seat belt webbing

through the rear seat belt guide clip.

After inserting the seat belt, tighten

the belt webbing by pulling it up.

2. Pull up the walk-in lever (1) on the

2nd row seatback.





Safety features of your vehicle


3. Fold the 2nd row seatback and

push the seat to the farthest for-

ward position.

After getting in or out, slide the 2nd

row seat to the farthest rearward

position and pull the seatback firm-

ly backward until it clicks into

place. Make sure that the seat is

locked in place.

Folding the rear seat

The rear seatbacks can be folded to

facilitate carrying long items or to

increase the luggage capacity of the




Never attempt to adjust the 2nd

row seat while the vehicle is

moving or the seat is occupied

as the seat may suddenly move

and cause the passenger on the

seat to be injured.


The purpose of the fold-down

rear seatbacks is to allow you to

carry longer objects that could

not be accommodated in the

cargo area.

Never allow passengers to sit

on top of the folded down seat-

back while the vehicle is mov-

ing.This is not a proper seating

position and no seat belts are

available for use. This could

result in serious injury or death

in case of an accident or sud-

den stop. Objects carried on the

folded down seatback should

not extend higher than the top

of the front seatbacks. This

could allow cargo to slide for-

ward and cause injury or dam-

age during sudden stops.


Safety features of your vehicle

To fold down the rear seatback

1. Inser t the rear seat belt buckle in

the pocket between the rear seat-

back and cushion, and insert the

rear seat belt webbing in the guide

to prevent the seat belt from being


2.Set the front seatback to the

upright position and if necessary,

slide the front seat forward.

3. Lower the rear headrests to the

lowest position.

2nd row seat

3rd row seat (if equipped)


Safety features of your vehicle


4.Pull on the seatback folding lever

or strap, then fold the seat toward

the front of the vehicle. When you

return the seatback to its upright

position, always be sure it has

locked into position by pushing on

the top of the seatback.

5.To use the rear seat, lift and pull

the seatback backward by pulling

on the folding lever or strap.

Pull the seatback firmly until it

clicks into place.

Make sure the seatback is locked

in place.

6.Return the rear seat belt to the

proper position.

3rd row seat (if equipped)


2nd row seat


Safety features of your vehicle

To fold down the rear center seat-

back (for 2nd row seat)

1. Lower the rear headrests to the

lowest position.

2. Push the center seatback folding

lever up, then fold the seat toward

the front of the vehicle.

When you return the seatback to its

upright position, always be sure it

has locked into position by pushing

on the top of the seatback.


WARNING — 2nd row cen-

ter seat folding

Do not fold the 2nd row center

seat, if there are occupants in

the 3rd row seats, as this may

result in injury to occupants if

the seat moves during a colli-

sion. If occupants in the 3rd

row seats,fix the 2nd row cen-

ter seat in its upright and

locked position.

The 2nd row center seat back

does not lock into position

when it is folded toward the

front of the vehicle. If you use

the 2nd row center seat back

folding function to carry long

objects, you should fix the

long object to prevent it from

being thrown about the vehi-

cle in a collision and causing

injury to vehicle occupants.

WARNING — Uprighting


When you return the seatback

to its upright position, hold the

seatback and return it slowly. If

the seatback is returned with-

out holding it, the back of the

seat could spring forward

resulting in injury caused by

being struck by the seatback.

CAUTION — Damaging

rear seat belt buckles

When you fold the rear (2nd

and/or 3rd row) seatback, insert

the buckle in the pocket between

the rear seatback and cushion.

Doing so can prevent the buckle

from being damaged by the rear


Safety features of your vehicle


CAUTION — Rear seat belts

When returning the rear (2nd

and/or 3rd row) seatbacks to the

upright position, remember to

return the rear shoulder belts to

their proper position. Routing the

seat belt webbing through the

rear seat belt guides will help

keep the belts from being trapped

behind or under the seats.


WARNING — 3rd row seat

3rd row occupants should

always remain in the center of

the seat cushion so the occu-

pants head is protected by the


If not, the tailgate may hit the

occupant’s head, which could

cause injury.


Cargo should always be

secured to prevent it from being

thrown about the vehicle in a

collision and causing injury to

the vehicle occupants. Do not

place objects in the rear (2nd

and/or 3rd row) seats,since they

cannot be properly secured and

may hit the front seat occupants

in a collision.

WARNING — Cargo loading

Make sure the engine is off, the

automatic transaxle is in P (Park)

or the manual transaxle is in R

(Reverse) or 1st, and the parking

brake is securely applied when-

ever loading or unloading cargo.

Failure to take these steps may

allow the vehicle to move if the

shift lever is inadvertently

moved to another position.


Safety features of your vehicle

Rear seat warmer (if equipped)

The seat warmer is provided to warm

the rear seats during cold weather.

With the ignition switch in the ON

position, push either of the switches

to warm rear seats.

During mild weather or under condi-

tions where the operation of the seat

warmer is not needed, keep the

switches in the «OFF» position.

The seat warmer defaults to the OFF

position whenever the ignition switch

is turned on.


With the seat warmer switch in ON

position, the heating system in the

seat turns off or on automatically

depending on the seat temperature.


When cleaning the seats, do

not use an organic solvent

such as thinner, benzene, alco-

hol and gasoline. Doing so may

damage the surface of the

heater or seats.

To prevent overheating the seat

warmer, do not place anything

on the seats that insulates

against heat, such as blankets,

cushions or seat covers while

the seat warmer is in operation.

Do not place heavy or sharp

objects on seats equipped

with seat warmers. Damage to

the seat warming components

could occur.

Be careful not to spill liquid

such as water or beverages on

the seat.If you spill some liquid,

wipe the seat with a dry towel.

Before using the seat warmer,

dry the seat completely.

WARNING — Seat warmer


Passengers should use extreme

caution when using seat warm-

ers due to the possibility of

excess heating or burns. The

seat warmer may cause burns

even at low temperatures, espe-

cially if used for long periods of

time. In particular, the driver

must exercise extreme care for

the following types of passen-


1. Infants, children, elderly or

handicapped persons, or

hospital outpatients

2. Persons with sensitive skin

or those that burn easily

3. Fatigued individuals

4. Intoxicated individuals

5. Individuals taking medication

that can cause drowsiness or

sleepiness (sleeping pills,

cold tablets, etc.)


Safety features of your vehicle



The rear seat(s) is equipped with

headrests in all the seating positions

for the occupant’s safety and com-


The headrest not only provides com-

fort for passengers, but also helps

protect the head and neck in the

event of a collision.




* if equipped

WARNING — Headrest


For maximum effectiveness in

case of an accident, the head-

rest should be adjusted so the

middle of the headrest is at the

same height as the center of

gravity of an occupant’s head.

Generally, the center of gravi-

ty of most people’s head is

similar with the height of the

top of their eyes.

Also adjust the headrest as

close to your head as possi-

ble. For this reason, the use of

a cushion that holds the body

away from the seatback is not




Do not operate the vehicle

with the headrests removed.

Severe injury to an occupant

may occur in the event of an

accident. Headrests may pro-

vide protection against severe

neck injuries when properly


Do not adjust the headrest

height while the vehicle is in



Safety features of your vehicle

Adjusting the height up and down

(for 2nd row seats)

To raise the headrest :

1. Pull it up to the desired position (1).

To lower the headrest :

1. Push and hold the release button

(2) on the headrest support

2. Lower the headrest to the desired

position (3).

Removal and installation

(for 2nd row seats)

To remove the headrest :

1. Raise it as far as it can go then

press the release button (1) while

pulling the headrest up (2).

To reinstall the headrest :

1. Put the headrest poles (3) into the

holes while pressing the release

button (1).

2. Adjust it to the appropr iate height.






Safety features of your vehicle


3rd row headrest (if equipped)

The headrest will fold down automat-

ically when the seatback folding.

Always be sure the headrest has

locked into position after you return

the seatback.

Armrest (2nd row seat)

To use the armrest, pull it forward

from the seatback.


Make sure the headrest locks

in position after adjusting it to

properly protect the occu-


After installing the headrest,

make sure that it is installed

in the right direction.

A headrest installed reversely

could increase whiplash

injury during rear impact.




Safety features of your vehicle


Seat belt restraint system


For maximum restraint sys-

tem protection, the seat belts

must always be used whenev-

er the vehicle is moving.

Seat belts are most effective

when seatbacks are in the

upright position.

Children age 12 and under

must always be properly

restrained in the rear seat.

Never allow children to ride in

the front passenger seat. If a

child over 12 must be seated

in the front seat, he/she must

be properly belted and the

seat should be moved as far

back as possible.



Never wear the shoulder belt

under your arm or behind

your back. An improperly

positioned shoulder belt can

cause serious injuries in a

crash. The shoulder belt

should be positioned midway

over your shoulder across

your collarbone.

Avoid wearing twisted seat

belts. A twisted belt can’t do

its job well. In a collision, it

could even cut into you. Be

sure the belt webbing is

straight and not twisted.

Be careful not to damage the

belt webbing or hardware. If

the belt webbing or hardware

is damaged, replace it.


Seat belts are designed to bear

upon the bony structure of the

body, and should be worn low

across the front of the pelvis or

the pelvis, chest and shoulders,

as applicable; wearing the lap

section of the belt across the

abdominal area must be avoided.

Seat belts should be adjusted as

firmly as possible, consistent

with comfort, to provide the pro-

tection for which they have been


A slack belt will greatly reduce

the protection afforded to the


Care should be taken to avoid

contamination of the webbing

with polishes,oils and chemicals,

and particularly battery acid.

Cleaning may safely be carried

out using mild soap and water.

The belt should be replaced if

webbing becomes frayed, con-

taminated or damaged.


Safety features of your vehicle


Seat belt warning (for driver’s seat)

The driver’s seat belt warning light

and chime will activate pursuant to

the following table when the ignition

switch is in «ON» position.



It is essential to replace the

entire assembly after it has been

worn in a severe impact even if

damage to the assembly is not


Belts should not be worn with

straps twisted. Each belt assem-

bly must only be used by one

occupant; it is dangerous to put

a belt around a child being car-

ried on the occupant’s lap.


No modifications or additions

should be made by the user

which will either prevent the

seat belt adjusting devices

from operating to remove

slack, or prevent the seat belt

assembly from being adjusted

to remove slack.

When you fasten the seat belt,

be careful not to latch the seat

belt in buckles of other seat.It’s

very dangerous and you may

not be protected by the seat

belt properly.

Do not unfasten the seat belt

and do not fasten and unfasten

the seat belt repeatedly while

driving. This could result in

loss of control,and an accident

causing death, serious injury,

or property damage.

When fastening the seat belt,

make sure that the seat belt

does not pass over objects that

are hard or can break easily.

Make sure there is nothing in

the buckle. The seat belt may

not be fastened securely.


Safety features of your vehicle



Warning pattern repeats 11 times

with an interval of 24 seconds. If

the driver’s seat belt is buckled, the

light will stop within 6 seconds and

chime will stop immediately.



The light will stop within 6 seconds

and chime will stop immediately.

Seat belt — Driver’s 3-point system

with emergency locking retractor

To fasten your seat belt:

To fasten your seat belt, pull it out of

the retractor and insert the metal tab

(1) into the buckle (2). There will be

an audible «click» when the tab locks

into the buckle.

The seat belt automatically adjusts to

the proper length only after the lap

belt portion is adjusted manually so

that it fits snugly around your hips. If

you lean forward in a slow, easy

motion, the belt will extend and let

you move around. If there is a sud-

den stop or impact, however, the belt

will lock into position. It will also lock

if you try to lean forward too quickly.


If you are not able to pull out the

seat belt from the retractor, firmly

pull the belt out and release it. Then

you will be able to pull the belt out



Conditions Warning Pattern

Seat Belt






Unbuckled 6 seconds

Buckled 6 seconds None



Below 5 km/h

(3 mph)

6 seconds None

5 km/h~

10 km/h

6 seconds

Above 10 km/h

(6 mph)

6 sec. on / 24 sec. off

(11 times)


Above 10 km/h

(6 mph)

Below 5 km/h

(3 mph)

6 seconds *


Stop *


Safety features of your vehicle


Height adjustment

You can adjust the height of the shoul-

der belt anchor to one of the 4 posi-

tions for maximum comf ort and safety.

The height of the adjusting seat belt

should not be too close to your neck.

The shoulder portion should be

adjusted so that it lies across your

chest and midway over your shoulder

near the door and not your neck.

To adjust the height of the seat belt

anchor, lower or raise the height

adjuster into an appropriate position.

To raise the height adjuster, pull it up

(1).To lower it, push it down (3) while

pressing the height adjuster button


Release the button to lock the

anchor into position. Try sliding the

height adjuster to make sure that it

has locked into position.



You should place the lap belt

portion as low as possible and

snugly across your hips, not on

your waist.If the lap belt is locat-

ed too high on your waist, it may

increase the chance of injury in

the event of a collision. Both

arms should not be under or

over the belt. Rather, one should

be over and the other under, as

shown in the illustration.

Never wear the seat belt under

the arm that is near the door.


Verify that the shoulder belt

anchor is locked into position

at the appropriate height.

Never position the shoulder

belt across your neck or face.

Improperly positioned seat

belts can cause serious

injuries in an accident.

Failure to replace seat belts

after an accident could leave

you with damaged seat belts

that will not provide protec-

tion in the event of another

collision leading to personal

injury or death. Replace your

seat belts after being in an

accident as soon as possible.


Front seat


Safety features of your vehicle

Seat belts — Front passenger and

rear seat 3-point system with

combination locking retractor

To fasten your seat belt:

Combination retractor type seat belts

are installed in the rear seat posi-

tions to help accommodate the

installation of child restraint systems.

Although a combination retractor is

also installed in the front passenger

seat position, it is strongly recom-

mended that children always be

seated in the rear seat. NEVER

place any infant restraint system in

the front seat of the vehicle.

This type of seat belt combines the

features of both an emergency lock-

ing retractor seat belt and an auto-

matic locking retractor seat belt. To

fasten your seat belt, pull it out of the

retractor and insert the metal tab into

the buckle. There will be an audible

«click» when the tab locks into the

buckle. When not securing a child

restraint, the seat belt operates in the

same way as the driver’s seat belt

(Emergency Locking Retractor Type).

It automatically adjusts to the proper

length only after the lap belt portion

of the seat belt is adjusted manually

so that it fits snugly around your hips.

When the seat belt is fully extended

from the retractor to allow the instal-

lation of a child restraint system, the

seat belt operation changes to allow

the belt to retract, but not to extend

(Automatic Locking Retractor Type).

Refer to “Using a child restraint sys-

tem” in this section.


Although the combination retractor

provides the same level of protection

for seated passengers in either emer-

gency or automatic locking modes,

have the seated passengers use the

emergency locking feature for

improved convenience. The auto-

matic locking function is intended to

facilitate child restraint installation.

To convert from the automatic lock-

ing feature to the emergency locking

operation mode, allow the unbuck-

led seat belt to fully retract.


Do NOT fold down the left por-

tion of the rear seat back when

the rear center seat belt is buck-


rear center seat belt before fold-

ing down the left portion of the

rear seat back. If the rear center

seat belt is buckled when the

left portion of the rear seat back

is folded down, distortion and

damage to the top portion of the

seat back and seat belt garnish

may result, causing the seat

back to lock into the folded

down position.

Safety features of your vehicle


When using the rear center seat belt,

the buckle with the “CENTER” mark

must be used.

To release the seat belt:

The seat belt is released by pressing

the release button (1) on the locking

buckle. When it is released, the belt

should automatically draw back into

the retractor.

If this does not happen, check the

belt to be sure it is not twisted, then

try again.

Stowing the rear seat belt

The rear seat belt buckles can be

stowed in the pocket between the

rear seatback and cushion when not

in use.





2nd row seat

3rd row seat (if equipped)


Safety features of your vehicle

Routing the seat belt webbing

through the rear seat belt guides will

help keep the belts from being

trapped behind or under the seats.

After inserting the seat belt, tighten

the belt webbing by pulling it up.

Pre-tensioner seat belt

Your vehicle is equipped with driver’s

and front passenger’s pre-tensioner

seat belts (retractor pretensioner and

EFD (Emergency Fastening Device)).

The pre-tensioner seat belts may be

activated, when a frontal collision is

severe enough, together with the air


When the vehicle stops suddenly, or

if the occupant tries to lean forward

too quickly, the seat belt retractor

may lock into position. In certain

frontal collisions, the pre-tensioner

will activate and pull the seat belt into

tighter contact against the occu-

pant’s body.


Remove the seat belt from the

guides before using. If you pull

on the seat belt when it is stored

in the guides, it may damage the

guides and/or belt webbing.



2nd row seat

3rd row seat (if equipped)


Safety features of your vehicle


(1) Retractor Pretensioner

The purpose of the retractor pre-

tensioner is to make sure that the

shoulder belts fit in tightly against

the occupant’s upper body in cer-

tain frontal collisions.

(2) EFD (Emergency Fastening Device)

The purpose of the EFD is to

make sure that the pelvis belts fit

in tightly against the occupant’s

lower body in certain frontal colli-


If the system senses excessive ten-

sion on the driver or passenger’s

seat belt when the pre-tensioner sys-

tem activates, the load limiter inside

the retractor pre-tensioner will release

some of the pressure on the affected

seat belt.

The seat belt pre-tensioner system

consists mainly of the following com-

ponents.Their locations are shown in

the illustration:

1. SRS air bag war ning light

2. Retractor pre-tensioner assembly

3. SRS control module

4.Emergency fastening device (EFD)


Do not put anything near the

buckle. Placing objects near

the buckle may increase the

risk of personal injury in the

event of a collision.

For your safety, be sure that

the belt webbing is not loose

or twisted and always sit

properly on your seat.



Safety features of your vehicle


To obtain maximum benefit

from a pre-tensioner seat belt:

1.The seat belt must be worn

correctly and adjusted to the

proper position. Please read

and follow all of the important

information and precautions

about your vehicle’s occupant

safety features – including

seat belts and air bags – that

are provided in this manual.

2. Be sure you and your passen-

gers always wear seat belts



Both the driver’s and front pas-

senger’s seat belt pre-tensioner

system may be activated not only

in certain frontal collision but also

in certain side collision or rollover,

if the vehicle is equipped with a

side or curtain air bag.

When the pre-tensioner seat belts

are activated, a loud noise may be

heard and fine dust, which may

appear to be smoke, may be visible

in the passenger compartment.

These are normal operating condi-

tions and are not hazardous.

Although it is harmless, the fine

dust may cause skin irritation and

should not be breathed for pro-

longed periods. Wash all exposed

skin areas thoroughly after an

accident in which the pre-tension-

er seat belts were activated.

Because the sensor that activates

the SRS air bag is connected with

the pre-tensioner seat belt, the

SRS air bag warning light on

the instrument panel will illumi-

nate for approximately 6 seconds

after the ignition switch has been

turned to the ON position, and

then it should turn off.


If the pre-tensioner seat belt

system are not working proper-

ly, this warning light will illumi-

nate even if there is no malfunc-

tion of the SRS air bag. If the

SRS air bag warning light does

not illuminate when the ignition

switch is turned ON, or if it

remains illuminated after illumi-

nating for approximately 6 sec-

onds, or if it illuminates while

the vehicle is being driven, have

an authorized Kia dealer inspect

the pre-tensioner seat belt and

SRS air bag system as soon as


Safety features of your vehicle


Seat belt precautions


Pre-tensioners are designed

to operate only one time. After

activation, pre-tensioner seat

belts must be replaced. All

seat belts, of any type, should

always be replaced after they

have been worn during a colli-


The pre-tensioner seat belt

assembly mechanisms become

hot during activation. Do not

touch the pre-tensioner seat

belt assemblies for several min-

utes after they have been acti-


Do not attempt to inspect or

replace the pre-tensioner seat

belts yourself. This must be

done by an authorized Kia


Do not strike the pre-tension-

er seat belt assemblies.

Do not attempt to service or

repair the pre-tensioner seat

belt system in any manner.



Improper handling of the pre-

tensioner seat belt assem-

blies, and failure to heed the

warnings not to strike, modify,

inspect, replace, service or

repair the pre-tensioner seat

belt assemblies may lead to

improper operation or inad-

vertent activation and serious


Always wear the seat belts

when driving or riding in a

motor vehicle.

If the vehicle or pre-tensioner

seat belt must be discarded,

contact an authorized Kia



All occupants of the vehicle

must wear their seat belts at all

times. Seat belts and child

restraints reduce the risk of

serious or fatal injuries for all

occupants in the event of a col-

lision or sudden stop.Without a

seat belt, occupants could be

shifted too close to a deploying

air bag, strike the interior struc-

ture or be thrown from the vehi-

cle. Properly worn seat belts

greatly reduce these hazards.

Even with advanced air bags,

unbelted occupants can be

severely injured by a deploying

air bag.

Always follow the precautions

about seat belts, air bags and

occupant seating contained in

this manual.


Safety features of your vehicle

Infant or small child

You should be aware of the specific

requirements in your state. Child

and/or infant seats must be properly

placed and installed in the rear coun-

try. For more information about the

use of these restraints, refer to “Child

restraint system” in this section.


Small children are best protected

from injury in an accident when

properly restrained in the rear seat

by a child restraint system that

meets the requirements of the safety

standards of your country. Before

buying any child restraint system,

make sure that it has a label certify-

ing that it meets safety standards of

your country. The restraint must be

appropriate for your child’s height

and weight. Check the label on the

child restraint for this information.

Refer to “Child restraint system” in

this section.

Larger children

Children who are too large for child

restraint systems should always

occupy the rear seat and use the

available lap/shoulder belts. The lap

portion should be fastened and

snugged on the hips and as low as

possible.Check if the belt fits period-

ically. A child’s squirming could put

the belt out of position. Children are

given the most safety in the event of

an accident when they are restrained

by a proper restraint system in the

rear seat. If a larger child (over age

12) must be seated in the front seat,

the child should be securely

restrained by the available lap/shoul-

der belt and the seat should be

placed in the rearmost position.

Children age 12 and under should be

restrained securely in the rear seat.

NEVER place a child age 12 and

under in the front seat.NEVER place

a rear facing child seat in the front

seat of a vehicle.


Every person in your vehicle

needs to be properly restrained

at all times, including infants

and children. Never hold a child

in your arms or lap when riding

in a vehicle. The violent forces

created during a crash will tear

the child from your arms and

throw the child against the inte-

rior.Always use a c hild restraint

appropriate for your child’s

height and weight.

Safety features of your vehicle


If the shoulder belt portion slightly

touches the child’s neck or face, try

placing the child closer to the center of

the vehicle. If the shoulder belt still

touches their face or neck the y need to

be returned to a child restraint system.

Restraint of pregnant women

Pregnant women should wear

lap/shoulder belt assemblies when-

ever possible according to specific

recommendations by their doctors.

The lap portion of the belt should be



Injured person

A seat belt should be used when an

injured person is being transported.

When this is necessary, you should

consult a physician for recommenda-


One person per belt

Two people (including children)

should never attempt to use a single

seat belt. This could increase the

severity of injuries in case of an acci-


Do not lie down

To reduce the chance of injuries in

the event of an accident and to

achieve maximum effectiveness of

the restraint system, all passengers

should be sitting up and the front and

rear seats should be in an upright

position when the vehicle is moving.

A seat belt cannot provide proper

protection if the person is lying down

in the rear seat or if the front and rear

seats are in a reclined position.

WARNING — Pregnant


Pregnant women must never

place the lap portion of the

safety belt over the area of the

abdomen where the fetus is

located or above the abdomen

where the belt could crush the

fetus during an impact.

WARNING — Shoulder

belts on small children

Do not allow small children to

ride in the vehicle without an

appropriate child restrain sys-


Never allow a shoulder belt to

be in contact with a child’s

neck or face while the vehicle

is in motion.

If seat belts are not properly

worn and adjusted on chil-

dren,there is a risk of death or

serious injury.


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Подголовник активного типа предназначен для того, чтобы сместиться вперед и вверх при получении сигнала об ударе в автомобиль сзади. Это предотвращает резкое откидывание назад головы водителя и пассажира, находящегося на переднем сиденье, что помогает защищать их от получения травм шеи. В целях безопасности активный подголовник сделан несъемным. В случае возникновения проблем с активным подголовником, рекомендуем обратиться к уполномоченному дилеру Kia для проверки системы. Никогда не размещайте плечевой ремень безопасности под рукой или за спиной. Неправильное положение плечевого ремня безопасности может привести к получению серьезных травм при столкновении. Плечевой ремень безопасности должен лежать на плече так, чтобы пересекать ключицу в ее средней точке. • Недопустимо накидывать ремень безопасности поверх хрупких предметов. В случае резкого торможения или столкновения они могут быть повреждены ремнем. • Избегайте перекручивания ремней безопасности при их застегивании. Эффективность перекрученного ремня безопасности невысока. При столкновении он может даже врезаться в тело человека. Убедитесь в том, что ремень безопасности не перекручен и лежит прямо.

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