Клапан управляющий runxin f73a инструкция


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Блок управления Runxin TM.F73A TWIN


  • Производительность: 3 м³/час
  • Рабочее давление: до 6.0 бар
  • Рабочая температура: +5°С — +45°С
  • Присоединительный размер: 1″
  • Управление: автоматическое
  • Тип управляющего клапана: умягчение
  • Регенерация: по расходу и времени
  • Дренаж: 1/2”
  • Солевая линия: 3/8”
  • Посадочный размер: 2,5”
  • Водоподъемная труба: 1.05″ (26,7 мм)
  • Расположение УК: верхнее
  • Для фильтров/умягчителей: 8-14″
  • Питание: 240 В
  • Вес: 5 кг

Автоматический клапан управления Runxin TM.F73A TWIN с расходомером предназначен для засыпных фильтров очистки воды. Помогает координировать и контролировать работу бытовых и коммерческих комплексов оборудования очистки и водоподготовки. Применяется в системах умягчения воды. Отсчитывает объем умягченной воды. 

Модель Runxin TM.F73A TWIN предназначена для использования на дуплексных колоннах для бесперебойной подачи воды.


  • Возможность задания потока регенерации как сверху-вниз, так и снизу-вверх
  • Использование высококачественной керамики обеспечивает предотвращение накипеобразования, надежную коррозийную стойкость и защиту от протечек
  • Возможность ручного управления
  • Функция блокировки клавиатуры (в случает неиспользования в течение одной минуты, клавиатура блокируется автоматически). Помогает избежать неправильной эксплуатации изделия. Для снятия блокировки достаточно нажать определенное сочетание клавиш
  • Цветной светодиодный экран показывает состояние устройства (режимы рабочий и регенерации)
  • Индикация отключения электричества
  • Удаленное управление (разъем для подключения внешнего управления)
  • Возможность соединения выходного сигнала с повышающим насосом, соленоидным клапаном и другим оборудованием
  • Регенерация системы может продолжаться неоднократно, при этом возможно задавать количество обратных промывок в зависимости от мутности воды

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Runxin 17603 Instruction Manual

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Chinese Patent No.: ZL02220153.X


Multi-functional Flow Control Valve for

Water Treatment Systems

17603(Old Model:F73)

Instruction Manual

Please read this manual in details before using the valve

and keep it properly in order to consult in the future.



Related Manuals for Runxin 17603

Summary of Contents for Runxin 17603

  • Page 1
    Chinese Patent No.: ZL02220153.X ZL200620108588.0 Multi-functional Flow Control Valve for Water Treatment Systems 17603(Old Model:F73) Instruction Manual Please read this manual in details before using the valve and keep it properly in order to consult in the future. 0WRX.466.509…
  • Page 2
    MODEL F73(17603) Before the valve put into use, please fill in the below content so as to help us to refer in the future. Softener System Configuration Tank Size:Dia. mm,Height mm; Resin Volume L;Brine Tank Capacity L; Hardness of Raw water mmol/L;…
  • Page 3
    MODEL 17603 Catalogue Notice ………………….1. Product Overview ………………1.1. Main Application &Applicability …………. 1.2. Product Characteristics …………….. 1.3. Service Condition ……………… 1.4. Product Structure and Technical Parameters (The appearance is just for reference. It is subjected to the real product.) ……..
  • Page 4
    MODEL 17603 Notice  To ensure normal operation of the valve, please consult with professional installation or repairing personnel before use it.  If there are any of pipeline engineering and electric works, there must be finished by professional at the time of installation.
  • Page 5
    MODEL F73(17603)  Please use this product under the water temperature between 5~50℃, water pressure 0.15~0.6MPa. Failure to use this product under such conditions voids the warranty.  If the water pressure exceeds 0.6Mpa, a pressure reducing valve must be installed before the water inlet. While, if the water pressure under 0.15MPa, a booster pump must be installed before the water inlet.
  • Page 6: Product Overview

    MODEL F73(17603) 1. Product Overview 1.1. Main Application &Applicability Used for softening or demineralization water treatment systems Be suitable for continuing supply water occasion 1.2. Product Characteristics  Simple structure and reliable sealing It adopts hermetic head faces with high degree pottery and corrosion resistance for opening and closing.

  • Page 7
    MODEL F73(17603) interchanged in a valve. By program selection to choose down-flow regeneration and up-flow regeneration.  Interval backwash times (Suitable for up-flow regeneration type) It could set up interval backwash times for up-flow regeneration type, which means several times of services but one time of backwash. The setting of interval backwash time is depending on the local water turbidity.
  • Page 8: Service Condition

     All parameters can be modified According to the water quality and usage, the parameters in the process can be adjusted. 1.3. Service Condition Runxin Valve should be used under the below conditions: Items Requirement Water pressure 0.15MPa~0.6MPa Working…

  • Page 9
    MODEL F73(17603) In the above table, First Grade Na+ represents First Grade Na+ Exchanger. Second Grade Na+ represents Second Grade Na+ Exchanger.  When the water turbidity exceeds the conditions, a filter should be installed on the inlet of control valve.
  • Page 10: Installation

    MODEL F73(17603) @0.3MPa F73(17603) DC12V、1.5A Down-flow/Up-flow 1.5. Installation A. Installation notice Before installation, read all those instructions completely. Then obtain all materials and tools needed for installation. The installation of product, pipes and circuits, should be accomplished by professional to ensure the product can operate normally.

  • Page 11
    MODEL F73(17603) C. Pipeline installation ① Install control valve a. As the Figure 1-1 shows, select the riser pipe with 26.7mm OD, glue the riser pipe to the bottom strainer and put it into the mineral tank, cut off the exceeding tube out of tank top opening.
  • Page 12
    MODEL F73(17603) ④ Pipeline connection a. As Figure1-3 shows, install a pressure gauge in water inlet. b. Install valve A, valve B, valve C and valve D in inlet, outlet and between the inlet and outlet pipeline. Valve D is a sample valve. (Or adopt F70C bypass valve).
  • Page 13
    MODEL F73(17603) Notice ● If making a soldered copper installation should do all sweat soldering before connecting pipes to the valve. Torch heat will damage plastic parts. ● When turning threaded pipe fittings onto plastic fitting, use care not to cross thread or broken valve.
  • Page 14
    MODEL F73(17603) ⑥ Connect brine tube a. As Figure1-5 shows, slide 3/8″ brine tube hose connector over end of brine tube. b. Insert tube bushing into the end of brine tube. c. Insert the red brine line flow control into valve brine line connector (Attention: cone side of control should face into valve) d.
  • Page 15
    MODEL F73(17603) 2. Basic Setting & Usage 2.1. The Function of PC Board Time of day indicator  Light on,display the time of day.  Light flash,remind you to reset the time of day if electrical service interrupted 3 days more (If electrical service interrupted within 3 days, it doesn’t need to reset the time.
  • Page 16
    MODEL F73(17603)  Flash, enter program set mode. Press to adjust values. Manu/Confirm button  In menu mode, press light on, then enter program display mode, viewing all values.  In program display mode, press light on, then enter program set mode, adjusting all values.
  • Page 17
    MODEL F73(17603) 2.2.Basic Setting & Usage A. Parameter specification Indicat Factory Parameter Function Instruction Default Set Range Set the time of day when use; “ : ” Time of 00:00~ Random 23:59 flash. Down-flow regeneration, regeneration immediately when the A-01 available volume of treated water drops to zero (0).
  • Page 18
    MODEL F73(17603) Fast Rinse 10min. 0~99∶ 59 Fast rinse time (Minute) Time Backwash 10min. 0~99∶ 59 Backwash time (Minute) Time Brine & Slow 60min. 0~99∶ 59 Brine &Slow rinse time (Minute) Rinse Time Brine Refill 5min. 0~99∶ 59 Brine refill time (Minute)
  • Page 19
    MODEL F73(17603) Notice:  When tank U1 in Service while tank U2 is standby: Figure A/B/C/D displayed every 5 seconds in cycle.  When tank U1 in Service while tank U2 in Fast Rinse: Figure E/F/G/H/J displayed every 5 seconds in cycle.
  • Page 20
    MODEL F73(17603) When the outlet water hardness is unqualified, please press the the valve will temporary regenerate again (It will not affect the original set operation cycle). ③ When the feed water hardness change a lot, you can adjust the…
  • Page 21
    MODEL F73(17603) 3.Applications 3.1. Softener Flow Chart…
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    MODEL F73(17603)…
  • Page 23
    MODEL F73(17603) 3.2. The Function and Connection of PC Board Open the front cover of control valve, you will see the main control board and connection port as Figure 3-1: The main functions on main control board: Function Application Explanation…
  • Page 24
    MODEL F73(17603) To ensure not only Use in RO Pre-treatment, water supply Interlock one control valve together but regeneration in turn. connector regeneration Second grade exchange washing in system. equipment, etc. It is used for online inspection system, Remote Receipt…
  • Page 25
    MODEL F73(17603) ② Control Inlet Solenoid Valve (Set b-02) Instruction: When inlet pressure exceeds 0.6MPa, install a solenoid valve on inlet. Control mode is b-02. Pressure relieved when valve switching, the wiring refer to Figure 3-3. As Figure 3-4 shows, it also can use the pressure relief port to work.
  • Page 26
    When valve in regeneration cycle, inlet always has water no matter what water condition in water tank is. As Runxin valve no water pass outlet in regeneration cycle, it ensure no lots of water fill into brine tank.
  • Page 27
    Figure3-8. B. Pressure Relief Output Runxin valve will cut off feeding water to drain line when it switches in regeneration cycles. Thus in some water treatment system, e.g. Deep Well, one booster pump was installed on the inlet to increase the system water feeding pressure, this cut-off will cause pressure on inlet rising too fast to damage the valve.
  • Page 28
    MODEL F73(17603) C. Remote Handling Connector Online TDS meter monitors treated water other than a flow meter, or PLC controls the regeneration time. When the controller receives a contact closure from above instruments, regeneration begins. The wiring refers to Figure3-10: 3.3.
  • Page 29
    MODEL F73(17603) 2)Injector parameter table Inlet Draw Rate(L/M) Pressure 6305 6307 6310 6301 6302 6303 6304 6306 6308 6309 Whit Purpl Orang Coffee Pink Yellow Blue Black Green 0.15 0.81 1.12 1.58 2.21 2.45 3.30 3.44 4.08 5.19 5.69 0.20 0.95…
  • Page 30
    MODEL F73(17603) 3.4. Parameter settlement ① Service TimeT1 Water Treatment Capacity: (m ) ×K÷Y Hardness of Inlet Water (mmol/L). Exchange factor (mmol/L) 400~1000. Down-flow regeneration, 400~750; Up-flow regeneration, 450~1000. If the inlet water hardness is higher, the factor is smaller.
  • Page 31
    MODEL F73(17603) Up-flow regeneration: T4=0.34×V ÷Brine refill speed ——Resin volume (m In this formula, V The Brine refill speed is related to inlet water pressure. It is suggested to lengthen 1~2 minutes of calculated brine refilling time to make sure there is enough water in tank. (The condition is that the there is a level controller installed in the brine tank)…
  • Page 32: Parameter Setting

    MODEL F73(17603) 3.5. Parameter Enquiry and Setting (1) Parameter Enquiry When light on, press and hold both for 5 seconds to lift the button lock status; then press light on, enter into program display mode; press to view each value according to below process.(Press…

  • Page 33
    MODEL F73(17603) (3) The steps of parameter setting Item Process Step Symbol When time of day “12:12” continuously flash, it reminds to reset 1. Press to enter into program display mode; both symbol light on. 2. Press , both and hour value…
  • Page 34
    MODEL F73(17603) 1. In resin volume display status, it shows 100 L. Press and enters into program set mode. and 100 value flash. Resin 2. Press to adjust the Volume volume value (L). 3. Press to finish adjustment then press to turn back.
  • Page 35
    MODEL F73(17603) 1. In backwash time display status, it shows and 2-10. Press enter into program set mode. 10 flash. Backwash 2. Press to adjust the backwash Time time (minute). 3. Press to finish adjustment then press to turn back.
  • Page 36
    MODEL F73(17603) regeneration, the chloridion in the outlet water is always higher than normal, indicating that there is not enough time for fast rinse. If you want the time to set to 15 minutes, the modification steps as follows: ① Press and hold both to lift the button lock status (…
  • Page 37: Trial Running

    MODEL F73(17603) 3.6. Trial running After installing the multi-functional flow control valve on the resin tank with the connected pipes, as well as setting up the relevant parameter, please conduct the trail running as follows: A. Close the inlet valve B & C, and open the bypass valve A. After cleaning the foreign materials in the pipe, close the bypass valve A.

  • Page 38
    MODEL F73(17603) Notice:  If water inflow too fast, the media in tank will be damaged. When water inflow slowly, there is a sound of air emptying from drain pipeline.  After changing resin, please empty air in the resin according to the above Step C.
  • Page 39: Troubleshooting

    MODEL F73(17603) 3.7. Trouble-Shooting A. Control Valve Fault Problem Cause Correction A. Electrical service to A. Assure permanent electrical unit has been interrupted. service (Check fuse, plug, pull 1. Softener fails B. Regeneration cycles chain or switch). to regenerate. set incorrect.

  • Page 40
    MODEL F73(17603) A. Line pressure is too A. Increase line pressure. low. B. Clean brine line. B. Brine line is plugged. C. Replace brine line. C. Brine line is leaking. D. Clean or replace injector. 4. Softener fails D. Injector is plugged.
  • Page 41
    MODEL F73(17603) A. Locating signal wiring A. Check and connect locating breakdown. signal wiring. Control B. Controller is faulty. B. Replace controller. cycle C. Foreign material stuck C. Take out foreign material. continuously. the driving gear. D. Check program setting and D.
  • Page 42
    MODEL F73(17603) A. Regenerate according to the correct operation requirement. A. Regenerate not properly. B. Increase backwash flow rate B. Fouled resin bed. and time then clean or change C. Salt setting not proper. resin. D. Softener setting not 14. Circle C.
  • Page 43
    MODEL F73(17603) controller fails to work. C. Control board is faulty. 5. E3 or E4 Flash A. Control board is faulty. A. Replace control board.
  • Page 44
    MODEL F73(17603) 3.8. Spare Parts and Part Number F73 Valve Body Assembly (17603):…
  • Page 45
    MODEL F73(17603) Spare Parts and Code for F73 Item Quant Item Description Part No. Description Part No. ntity Clip 8270005 O-ring 84×3.5 8378102 O-ring 8378064 Fitting Nut 8092012 21.89×2.62 Valve Body 8022051 Locating Board 6380010 O-ring Screw, Cross 8378078 8909008 25.8×2.65…
  • Page 46
    MODEL F73(17603) Moving Seal 8370001 Screw, Cross 8940002 Ring Screw, Cross Shaft 8258011 8909003 ST3.9X19 Anti-friction 8216012 Connection Plate 8152006 Washer Screw, Cross O-ring 43.7×3.55 8378123 8909016 ST3.9X19 Flow Meter Connector & Animated Connector: 5447007 Flow Meter with Part Number:…
  • Page 47: Warranty Card

    This warranty card is the guarantee proof of RUNXIN brand multi-functional flow control valve. It is kept by client self. You could get the after-sales services from the supplier which is appointed by RUNXIN manufacturer. Please keep it properly. It couldn’t be retrieved if lost.

  • Page 48
    Ground-water □ Tap Water Capacity □ Brine & Slow Rinse Time Brine Refill Time Fast Rinse Time Problem Description WENZHOU RUNXIN MANUFACTURING MACHINE CO., LTD. ADD:Jinger Road, Shatou Group, Linjiang, Lucheng District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China TEL:0577-88630038 88576511 FAX:0577-88633258 http://www.run-xin.com Email:sales@run-xin.com…

Клапан управляющий RunXin F73A - реагентный блок управления, устанавливается на установки умягчения непрерывного действия. Тип работы — попеременный, twin (один клапан управляет работой двух корпусов). Один корпус находится в режиме работы, другой в режиме регенерации или ожидания. Клапан управляется электронным контроллером с LED дисплеем, имеет встроенный расходомер. Выход на регенерацию — по счетчику/таймеру. В данном клапане реализована возможность проведения нисходящей и восходящей регенерации. 

Технические характеристики:

Материал: Норил (Noryl)
Рабочее давление: 1 — 6 бар
Рабочая температура: 4 — 45°С
Питание сети: 220 В, 50Гц

Габариты и масса

Ширина: 465 мм
Глубина: 382 мм
Масса: 5 кг

Корпус фильтра: 8″ – 14″
Номинальная пропускная способность: 3,5 м3/ч

Присоединение к корпусу фильтра: 2,5″- 8 NPSM
Вход — выход: 1″
Дренаж (Канализация): 1/2″
Водоподъемная труба (дистрибьютор): 26,7 мм
Расположение управляющего клапана: верхнее

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