Ключ карта рено аркана инструкция

Инструкция по эксплуатации Renault Arkana c 2018 г. в. Ключ, радиочастотный пульт дистанционного управления

1. Ключ, радиочастотный пульт дистанционного управления

Автомобиль Renault Arkana с 2018 года

1. Запирание всех открывающихся элементов кузова.
2. Отпирание всех открывающихся элементов кузова.
3. Ключ зажигания и передней двери. Дистанционное управление с выдвижным ключом.
4. Запирание и отпирание с помощью выдвижного ключа. Для извлечения ключевой вставки из пульта нажмите на кнопку (4)— вставка выйдет из корпуса. Нажмите на кнопку (4) и направьте ключевую вставку внутрь ее корпуса.
5. Отпирание/запирание только багажного отделения.
Не подносите пульт дистанционного управления к источнику тепла, холода или влажности.
Ключ не должен использоваться в иных случаях (для открывания бутылок ит.п.), чем те, которые указаны в руководстве по эксплуатации.

Ответственность водителя при стоянке или остановке автомобиля
Никогда не оставляйте без присмотра в вашем автомобиле даже на короткое время животное, ребенка или взрослого с ограниченными возможностями. Они могут причинить вред себе или другим людям, например запустив двигатель, включив такие устройства, как стеклоподъемники, или же заблокировав двери. Кроме того, нужно учитывать, что в теплую и/или солнечную погоду температура в салоне автомобиля поднимается очень быстро. Существует опасность тяжелых травм или летального исхода.

Радиус действия пульта дистанционного управления

Дальность действия зависит от окружающих условий. Во избежание непреднамеренного отпирания или запирания дверей вследствие случайного нажатия на кнопки обращайтесь с пультом осторожно!
Если боковая дверь или дверь багажного отделения открыта или неплотно закрыта, существует быстрый способ запирания и последующего отпирания дверей.


Работа пульта может быть нарушена из-за помех, создаваемых находящимися поблизости различными объектами или приборами, работающими на той же частоте.

Запирание дверей

Нажмите кнопку запирания дверей (1). Запирание сопровождается двукратным включением указателей поворота и боковых повторителей указателей поворота в режиме аварийной сигнализации. Если один из открывающихся элементов кузова открыт или неплотно закрыт, происходит запирание, затем быстрое отпирание открывающихся элементов без мигания аварийной сигнализации ибоковых повторителей указателей поворота.
Ключ не должен использоваться в иных случаях (для открывания бутылок и т.п.), чем те, которые указаны в руководстве по эксплуатации.
Отпирание дверей
Нажмите на кнопку отпирания дверей (2). Отпирание сопровождается однократным включением указателей поворота и боковых повторителей указателей поворота в режиме аварийной сигнализации.
В случае, когда автомобиль был разблокирован, но ни один из открывающихся элементов кузова не открыт, автомобиль автоматически запирается примерно через 2 минуты.

Отпирание и запирание только багажного отделения

Нажмите кнопку (3).
Ответственность водителя при стоянке или остановке автомобиля
Даже на короткое время не покидайте автомобиль, в котором находится ребенок, взрослый с ограниченными возможностями или животное, оставив ключ в замке зажигания. Они могут причинить вред себе или другим людям, запустив двигатель, включив оборудование, например стеклоподъемники, или заблокировав двери. Кроме того, нужно учитывать, что в теплую и/или солнечную погоду температура в салоне автомобиля поднимается очень быстро. Существует опасность тяжелых травм или летального исхода.


Ключ-карта Renault Arkana с 2018 года

1. Отпирание всех открывающихся элементов кузова.
2. Запирание всех открывающихся элементов кузова.
3. Отпирание/запирание двери багажного отделения.
4. Дистанционный запуск двигателя.
С помощью ключа-карты можно:
•запирать/отпирать открывающиеся элементы кузова (двери, в том числе двери багажного отделения, лючок заливной горловины топливного бака);
•запустить двигатель.

Срок службы элемента питания

Убедитесь в том, что используется элемент питания надлежащего типа, что он не разряжен и правильно установлен. Его срок службы составляет приблизительно 2 года: при появлении на щитке приборов сообщения «Ключ-карта разряжен» его следует заменить.

Дистанционный запуск двигателя

Нажмите кнопку (4) для включения дистанционного запуска двигателя.

Зона действия ключа-карты

Дальность действия зависит от окружающих условий: будьте внимательны при обращении с ключом-картой во избежание запирания или отпирания дверей при случайном нажатии на кнопки.
Примечание: если хотя бы одна из боковых дверей или дверь багажного отделения открыта или неплотно закрыта, после запирания сразу же происходит отпирание.
Работа ключа-карты может быть нарушена из-за помех, создаваемых находящимися поблизости различными объектами или приборами, работающими на той же частоте.
При разряженном элементе питания у вас сохраняется возможность запирать/отпирать автомобиль и запускать двигатель.

Не подносите ключ-карту к источнику тепла, холода или влажности.
Не храните ключ-карту в месте, где он может быть случайно деформирован или поврежден (например, в заднем кармане брюк).
Замена: получение дополнительного ключа-карты
В случае потери или необходимости приобретения дополнительного ключа-карты обращайтесь только к официальному дилеру.
Для замены ключа-карты необходимо доставить автомобиль и все его ключи-карты на сервисную станцию официального дилера для повторной инициализации всего комплекта. Для одного автомобиля можно использовать до четырех ключей-карт.

Ответственность водителя при стоянке или остановке автомобиля
Никогда не оставляйте в вашем автомобиле без присмотра даже на короткое время животное, ребенка или взрослого с ограниченными возможностями. Они могут причинить вред себе или другим людям, например запустив двигатель, включив такие устройства, как стеклоподъемники, или же заблокировав двери. Кроме того, нужно учитывать, что в теплую и/или солнечную погоду температура в салоне автомобиля поднимается очень быстро. Существует смертельная опасность или опасность тяжелых травм.


Вы можете использовать два режима запирания/отпирания автомобиля:
•ключ-карта в режиме «Свободные руки»;
•ключ-карта в режиме дистанционного управления.
Не оставляйте ключ-карту рядом с другим электронным оборудованием (компьютер, телефон ит.п.), которое может нарушить его работу.
Использование ключа-карты в режиме «Свободные руки»
В режиме «свободные руки» можно запирать и отпирать автомобиль без нажатия кнопок на ключе-карте, пока он находится в зоне доступа (1).
Если автомобиль не используется более 8 дней, система «Свободные руки» переходит в ждущий режим. Для ее повторной активации нажмите кнопку разблокировки на ключе-карте.

Ключ-карта Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Никогда не оставляйте без присмотра в вашем автомобиле даже на короткое время животное, ребенка или взрослого с ограниченными возможностями. Они могут причинить вред себе или другим людям, например запустив двигатель, включив такие устройства, как электростеклоподъемники, или же заблокировав двери. Кроме того, нужно учитывать, что в теплую и/или солнечную погоду температура в салоне автомобиля поднимается очень быстро. Существует смертельная опасность или опасность тяжелых травм.

Дистанционное отпирание в режиме «Свободные руки»

Когда ключ-карта будет внесена в зону (1), двери автомобиля будут разблокированы. Отпирание замков дверей сопровождается однократным миганием указателей поворота и боковых повторителей указателей поворота в режиме аварийной сигнализации.

Дистанционное отпирание Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Дистанционное запирание в режиме «Свободные руки»

Закройте боковые двери и дверь багажного отделения и отойдите от автомобиля, держа при себе ключ-карту: автомобиль заблокируется автоматически, как только вы выйдете из зоны действия (1).
Отпирание сопровождается двукратным миганием огней аварийной сигнализации (указателей поворота) и включением передних изадних габаритных огней.
Запирание сопровождается звуковым сигналом.
В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля, на экране мультимедийной системы можно включить или выключить звуковое сопровождение дистанционного запирания (см. руководство по эксплуатации мультимедийного оборудования).
Расстояние, на котором происходит запирание замков дверей автомобиля, зависит от окружающих условий.

Запирание в режиме «Свободные руки» с помощью кнопки (2)

Если вы хотите запереть свой автомобиль, когда ключ-карта находится рядом с ним, или запереть свой автомобиль без включения звукового сигнала при закрытых дверях, в том числе двери багажного отделения, нажмите кнопку (2) на ручке одной из двух передних дверей. Автомобиль запирается.
Для запирания замков необходимо, чтобы ключ-карта был рядом с автомобилем в зоне (1).

Запирание Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Особенности системы запирания

Если хотя бы одна из дверей открыта или закрыта неплотно, то, когда вы отойдете от автомобиля за пределы зоны действия ключа-карты, двери заперты не будут. Если ключ-карта находится в зоне обнаружения (1) в течение примерно 15минут, функция дистанционного запирания отключается. Автомобиль невозможно запереть дистанционно, если ключ-карта находится в зоне (3).

Запирание Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Отпирание в режиме «Свободные руки» с помощью кнопки (2)
Если ключ-карта находится в зоне (1) и двери автомобиля заперты, нажмите кнопку (2) на ручке одной из двух передних дверей: замки разблокируются.
При нажатии кнопки на двери багажного отделения отпираются все двери автомобиля и открывается багажное отделение. Отпирание дверей сопровождается однократным миганием аварийной сигнализации и включением передних и задних габаритных огней.

Запирание Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Никогда не оставляйте без присмотра в вашем автомобиле даже на короткое время животное, ребенка или взрослого с ограниченными возможностями. Они могут причинить вред себе или другим людям, например запустив двигатель, включив такие устройства, как электростеклоподъемники, или же заблокировав двери. Кроме того, нужно учитывать, что в теплую и/или солнечную погоду температура в салоне автомобиля поднимается очень быстро. Существует смертельная опасность или опасность тяжелых травм.

Отключение режима «Свободные руки»

•Нажмите и удерживайте более 5 секунд кнопку (5).
•В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля доступ в режиме «Свободные руки» можно отключить на экране мультимедийной системы (см. руководство по эксплуатации мультимедийного оборудования).

Запирание Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Включение режима «Свободные руки»

•Нажмите кнопку (4).
•В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля доступ в режиме «Свободные руки» можно включить на экране мультимедийной системы (см. руководство по эксплуатации мультимедийного оборудования).
Включение и отключение режима «Свободные руки» с помощью кнопки (4 или 5) сопровождается звуковым сигналом.
Отключение/включение дистанционной функции «Свободные руки»
В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля дистанционный доступ в режиме «Свободные руки» можно отключить на экране мультимедийной системы (см. руководство по эксплуатации мультимедийного оборудования). Для включения дистанционной функции «Свободные руки» используйте экран мультимедийной системы (см. руководство по эксплуатации мультимедийного оборудования) или нажмите и удерживайте кнопку (5) в течение более 5 секунд, затем нажмите кнопку (4).
Если функция «Свободные руки» отключена, режим «Свободные руки» будет работать только при нажатии кнопки (2).

Запирание Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Использование ключа-карты в качестве пульта дистанционного управления

Для отпирания с помощью ключа-карты нажмите на кнопку (4). Отпирание замков дверей сопровождается однократным миганием указателей поворота и боковых повторителей указателей поворота в режиме аварийной сигнализации.
Для запирания с помощью ключа-карты, когда двери салона и багажного отделения закрыты, нажмите на кнопку (5). Автомобиль запирается. О блокировке автомобиля свидетельствует двукратное мигание огней аварийной сигнализации (указателей поворота).

Ключ-карты Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Отпирание и запирание только багажного отделения

Нажмите на кнопку (6) для запирания и отпирания только двери багажного отделения.
Максимальное расстояние, на котором происходит запирание замков дверей автомобиля, зависит от окружающей обстановки.


Если хотя бы одна из дверей салона или багажного отделения открыта или неплотно закрыта, автомобиль невозможно запереть. Автомобиль будет быстро заблокирован и сразу же разблокирован, однако при этом указатели поворота в режиме аварийной сигнализации мигать не будут.
Оповещение о необнаружении ключа-карты «Свободные руки»
Если при работающем двигателе и при отсутствии ключа-карты в зоне действия (3) открыть и закрыть одну из дверей, появится сообщение об отсутствии ключа-карты в салоне автомобиля «Ключ-карта не обнаружен». Это позволит предупредить ситуацию, когда, например, вы высадили пассажира, у которого остался ключ-карта, а сами намереваетесь уехать. Предупреждающее сообщение пропадет, как только ключ-карта будет обнаружен.

Ключ-карты Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Отказ в работе пульта дистанционного управления или ключа-карты (в зависимости от комплектации автомобиля)

В некоторых случаях радиочастотный пульт дистанционного управления или ключ-карта могут не работать:
•повреждение ключа-карты, низкий уровень заряда элемента питания в радиочастотном пульте дистанционного управления или аккумуляторной батареи автомобиля ит.д.;
•работа на частоте ключа-карты другого радиоустройства (например, мобильного телефона);
•сильные внешние электромагнитные помехи.
Если это произошло, можно:
•в зависимости от комплектации, воспользоваться радиочастотным пультом дистанционного управления или запасным ключом, встроенным в ключ-карту, для отпирания левой передней (водительской) двери автомобиля;
•использовать внутреннюю блокировку и разблокировку дверей (см. следующие страницы).

Механический ключ, встроенный в ключ-карту

Встроенный ключ (2) используется для открывания передней левой двери в случае неисправности ключа-карты.
Доступ в автомобиль с помощью ключа (2)
Сдвиньте заднюю часть корпуса (1) вниз, нажимая в зоне (А).

Механический ключ, встроенный в ключ-карту Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Механический ключ, встроенный в ключ-карту Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Блокировка и разблокировка дверей салона и багажного отделения

Запирание/отпирание дверей изнутри

В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля, данная кнопка управляет одновременным запиранием и отпиранием замков (4) боковых дверей и двери багажного отделения. Заблокируйте или разблокируйте замки дверей, нажав на выключатель (5).
Если хотя бы одна из боковых дверей или дверь багажного отделения открыта или неплотно закрыта, после запирания сразу же происходит отпирание.

Блокировка и разблокировка дверей салона и багажного отделения Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Сигнальная лампа состояния замков открывающихся элементов кузова (взависимости от комплектации автомобиля)

При включенном зажигании сигнальная лампа над переключателем (5) информирует о состоянии открывающихся элементов кузова:
•сигнальная лампа горит, если они заперты;
•сигнальная лампа не горит, если они не заперты.
Если вы запираете двери, сигнальная лампа остается включенной, а затем гаснет.

Запирание открывающихся элементов кузова без ключа-карты или штатного ключа

Это может потребоваться, например, при разрядившемся элементе питания, временном отказе ключа-карты или штатного ключа ит.д.
При выключенном двигателе и одной открытой боковой двери или двери багажного отделения удерживайте нажатым переключатель (5) более 5секунд.
После закрытия двери все открывающиеся элементы кузова будут заперты.
Снаружи автомобиль можно будет отпереть только с помощью исправного ключа-карты, находящегося рядом с автомобилем, или штатного ключа.
Автоматическое запирание открывающихся элементов кузова при движении

Принцип действия

После того как автомобиль трогается с места, система автоматически запирает открывающиеся элементы кузова при достижении скорости 7км/ч.
При открывании или закрывании двери она вновь автоматически запирается по достижении скорости 7км/ч.

Блокировка и разблокировка дверей салона и багажного отделения Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Включение/выключение функции

Включение: в неподвижном автомобиле с работающим двигателем нажмите на выключатель (1) и удерживайте его до появления звукового сигнала.
Выключение: в неподвижном автомобиле с работающим двигателем нажмите на выключатель (1) и удерживайте его до появления звукового сигнала.


При возникновении неисправности (замки дверей не запираются автоматически, сигнальная лампа в переключателе (1) не загорается при запирании боковых дверей, двери багажного отделения ит.п.) убедитесь, что функция запирания не была отключена по ошибке ичто двери, в том числе дверь багажного отделения, надлежащим образом закрыты. Если они плотно закрыты, но неисправность по-прежнему присутствует, обратитесь к официальному дилеру.

Безопасность детей

Чтобы сделать невозможным открывание задних боковых дверей автомобиля изнутри, передвиньте рычажок (3) на каждой двери, закройте двери и изнутри проверьте надежность их блокировки.

Безопасность детей Renault Arkana с 2018 года

Предупреждение о незакрытом открывающемся элементе кузова

В зависимости от автомобиля такая сигнализация может срабатывать также и при открытии других дверей.
Если на неподвижном автомобиле какой-либо открывающийся элемент открыт или плохо закрыт, загорится сигнальная лампа Сигнальные лампы Renault Arkana с 2018 года
В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля дополнительное оборудование (радио ит.п.) выключается при выключении двигателя, при открытии дверей водителя либо при блокировке дверей.

Ответственность водителя при стоянке или остановке автомобиля
Даже на короткое время не покидайте автомобиль, в котором находится ребенок, взрослый сограниченными возможностями или животное, оставив ключ в замке зажигания. Они могут причинить вред себе или другим людям, запустив двигатель, включив оборудование, например стеклоподъемники, или заблокировав двери. Кроме того, нужно учитывать, что в теплую и/или солнечную погоду температура в салоне автомобиля поднимается очень быстро. Существует опасность тяжелых травм или летального исхода.

Всем привет!
Сегодня я хочу рассказать Вам о лайфхаках и скрытых функциях автомобиля Renault Kaptur и Arkana.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


Предупреждаю, не все функции могут работать на Ваших автомобилях, из-за разницы в комплектациях.

Итак начнем с простого:
1) Аватарка на свой профиль в мультимедийной системе (ММС).
— Формат флешки FAT32.
— В программе Paint меняем размер фотографий, можно сделать несколько разных размеров заранее.
— Записываем на флешку фотографии в папку с любым названием (название я писал по англ.)
— Вставляем флешку в USB разъем ММС и заходим в свой профиль. Нажимаем редактировать и устанавливаем аватар с флешки.
— Вуаля, готово.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


2) Пол в багажнике регулируется в 2х положениях, можно сделать как вровень так и выпирает =)
— Вытащить полку и вставить ниже или выше)

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

No photo

3) У климат контроля есть режим рециркуляции воздуха, его многие используют для того, что бы посторонний запах не попадал в салон автомобиля, например от вонючего выхлопа впереди идущего грузовика.
Так же его можно использовать для более быстрого прогрева салона автомобиля, например пока вы чистите автомобиль от снега.
Но самое главное, мало кто знает даже из менеджеров в автосалоне Renault, что режим рециркуляции воздуха отключается сам, примерно через 3-5 минут.
Так как с таким режимом ездить как вредно так и опасно. Это продумано и это хорошо!

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Air rec

4) Регулировка ближнего света светодиодных фар.
По сколько светодиодная оптика очень яркая, то во избежание ослепления встречных авто (на горках или кочках) можно выставить на незаслуженном автомобиле регулировку в положение 2.
В этом случае мы так же освещаем себе путь и никаким образом не ослепим встречных водителей.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Down headlight
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Front light

5) Дворники в сервисный режим, что бы не замерзали и отогревались при автозапуске.
— После того, как заглушили двигатель опускаем рычажок включения дворников в самое нижнее положение (крайнее).
— Дворники встанут в сервисный режим и во время автозапуска не опустятся вниз, а прогреются перед поездкой. С ними даже можно немного проехать, например выехать из двора, там скорость маленькая, а дворники не сильно мешают.
— Для того, что бы вернуть дворники на место, просто возвращаем рычажок переключения режимов дворников в свое обычное положение.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


6) Все обогревы во время автозапуска.
— Зимой можно перед выходом из автомобиля включить все подогревы и заглушить автомобиль.
— Тогда во время автозапуска все обогревы включатся и Вас будет ждать тепленький руль и салон, а так же оттаявшие от льда стекла.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Запчасти на фото: 1501000. Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

7) Магнитола ярко светит после того, как заглушили двигатель.
— Не беда, включите габариты и магнитола будет светить приглушенно и не будет мешать.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Bright light
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Dim light

8) Авто блокировка ЦЗ при наборе скорости
— Для активации просто удерживаем кнопку блокировки ЦЗ несколько секунд, до появления уведомления на БК о том, что данная функция включена. А так же будет щелчок или Бип, подтверждающий активацию.
— Теперь при наборе скорости ЦЗ будет срабатывать автоматически.

(Внимание! В инструкции указано, что при активации данной функции, при аварии двери могут быть заблокированы!)

Данную функцию мы активируем на свой страх и риск. Но это и наша безопасность.

Теперь перейдем к очень полезным функциям и безопасности.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


1) Провожающий свет.

В автомобиле есть функция провожающего света. Как это работает:
— Вы глушите автомобиль и левым рычажком, отвечающим за свет, моргаете один или несколько раз дальним светом.
— Включается ближний свет фар, который будет светить 30-60-90 или 120 сек. МАКС 2 мин. (120 сек.)
— На приборной панели будет продублировано уведомление о том, что вы активировали данную функцию, а так же время, которое будут светить фары после выхода из авто.
— Для отключения функции нужно нажать левый рычажок от себя.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Set function on display
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Front light #2
Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)
Front light #3

2) Самое важная функция на мой взгляд в мегаполисе — это отключение бесключевого доступа одной кнопкой.
ВНИМАНИЕ если у Вас установлена дополнительная сигнализация, то может не работать.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Car lock #2

Автомобили с бесключевым доступом очень легко угнать, обычно это делают «удочкой». Кто-то идет за вами с ретранслятором и ловит сигнал от ключа, ведь он постоянный. И автомобиль думает, что его открыли родным ключом, заводится и уезжает. Отсутствие ключа после заведения двигателя и во время поездки автомобиль никак не смутит, так как это функция безопасности. Двигатель не должен заглохнуть на ходу, может произойти авария.

Так вот, что бы деактивировать одной кнопкой бесключевой доступ, выполняем следующее:
— Глушим двигатель и выходим из автомобиля.
— Берем ключ-карту и долго удерживаем кнопку закрывания автомобиля. Сек 5-7 до 2х коротких сигналов.
— Автомобиль закроется и через несколько секунд издаст противные 2 бипа.
— После этого система бесключевого доступа будет отключена и автомобиль откроется только с кнопки на брелке.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Car lock

Далее для ее включения нужно зайти в настройки ММС и активировать бесключевой доступ. Но в инструкции сказано, что он активируется сам, но мне пока не довелось проверить.

Эта функция имбовая для парковок торговых комплексов или центра города, где теоретически могут поджидать злоумышленники для угона.

3) Запись на обслуживание автомобиля в официальный ДЦ через приложение или официальный сайт производителя.
Эта функция может сэкономить Вам денежку.
— Заходим в приложение My Renault и выбираем пункт в меню «Сервис».
— В данном разделе можно узнать когда у Вас следующее ТО и записаться в сервис со скидкой на официальном сайте.
— А так же можно перед заменой масла или ТО зайти на сайт Renault.ru и зайти в раздел «Владельцам» — «Акции и с хорошей скидкой записаться к любому дилеру в любом регионе нашей страны со скидкой.

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Renault app

К примеру замена масла с фильтром у дилера для приходящего человека с «улицы» 5500, а через сайт 3300. (700р скидка за запись на сайте).

Запчасти на фото: 40005700. Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)


Разница есть и у Renault на сайте постоянно висят сезонные акции, как на переобуть резину так и на замену масла и ТО.

На сегодня у меня все, пишите о тех лайфхаках, которые узнали Вы за свой период эксплуатации.
Сильно не ругайте, многие люди действительно не знают о большей части этих фишек автомобиля.
Если Вы все это знали, то Вы большой молодец

Фото в бортжурнале Renault Kaptur (2020)

Front light #4

P.S. Владею данным авто всего 1.5 месяца…

Фотобанк StylishBag


Ключ карта рено аркана инструкция — 88 фото

Обновлено: 05.09.2023

Ключ карта рено аркана инструкция

Ключ карта рено аркана инструкция

Ключ карта рено аркана инструкция

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Ключ карта рено аркана инструкция

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Renault Arcana User Manual

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Summary of Contents for Renault Arcana

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  • Page 13
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  • Page 14
  • Page 15: Table Of Contents

    Section 1: Getting to know your vehicle Key, radio frequency remote control: general information, use, deadlocking ….Card: general information, use, deadlocking ……… . . Opening and closing the doors .

  • Page 16
    KEY, RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: general information (1/2) Driver’s responsibility when parking or stopping the vehicle Never leave an animal, child or adult who is not self-suffi- cient alone on your vehicle, even for a short time. They may pose a risk to themselves or to others by starting the engine, 1 Locks all the opening elements.
  • Page 17
    KEY, RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: general information (2/2) Radio frequency remote control operating range This varies according to the surround- ings: take care not to lock or unlock the doors by inadvertently pressing the but- tons on the remote control. Replacement and additional keys Note: if a door or the boot is open or not or remote controls.
  • Page 18
    RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: use Unlocking the doors The remote control A can be used to lock or unlock the doors and boot. It is Pressing button 2 unlocks the doors powered by a battery which can be re- and tailgate. placed.
  • Page 19
    RADIO FREQUENCY REMOTE CONTROL: deadlocking If the vehicle is equipped with a dead- locking function, this allows you to lock the opening elements and to prevent the doors from being unlocked using the interior handles (for example, by breaking the window and then trying to open the door from the inside).
  • Page 20
    CARD: general information (1/3) The card is used for: Card operating range – locking/unlocking the doors and tail- This varies according to the environ- gate (doors, tailgate) and the fuel ment: take care not to accidentally lock filler flap (see the following pages); or unlock the vehicle by inadvertently pressing the buttons on the card.
  • Page 21
    CARD: general information (2/3) Interference Interference by factors in the immediate vicinity (external installations or the use Advice of equipment operating on the same frequency as the card) may disrupt its Avoid leaving the card in hot, cold or operation. humid areas.
  • Page 22
    CARDS: general information (3/3) Fitting a strap 7 Insert the hand strap into the 8 com- ponent and pass the end of the strap Slide the rear casing 5 downwards through the buckle. while pressing on zone A. Position the strap at the 6 opening and close the cartridge.
  • Page 23
    “HANDS-FREE” CARD: use (1/4) Deactivating/activating the «hands-free» mode Depending on the vehicle, you can de- activate/activate: – unlocking when approaching and locking when moving away from the vehicle; – locking and unlocking by pressing on Driver’s responsibility the buttons on the door handle. when parking or stopping You can also disable/activate the sound the vehicle…
  • Page 24
    “HANDS-FREE” CARD: use (2/4) Hands-free unlocking, when Hands-free locking when If the card has been within the detec- tion area 3 for approximately 15 min- approaching the vehicle; moving away from the utes, remote locking is disabled. To lock vehicle With the card in access zone 3, the ve- the vehicle, press the 2 button on the 1 hicle will unlock.
  • Page 25
    “HANDS-FREE” CARD: use (3/4) The hazard warning lights flash twice to indicate that the vehicle is locked and, depending on the vehicle, the door mirrors automatically fold in. Special features of the unlocking system In certain circumstances, approach un- locking is disabled: –…
  • Page 26
    “HANDS-FREE” CARD: use (4/4) Locking using the card With the doors and boot closed, press button 5: the vehicle locks. The hazard warning lights flash twice to indicate that the vehicle is locked and, depending on the vehicle, the door mirrors automatically fold in.
  • Page 27
    “HANDS-FREE” CARD: deadlocking If the vehicle is equipped with a dead- locking function, this allows you to lock the opening elements and to prevent the doors from being unlocked using the interior handles (for example, by breaking the window and then trying to open the door from the inside).
  • Page 28: Opening And Closing The Doors

    OPENING AND CLOSING THE DOORS (1/2) Opening the doors from the Opening from the inside Rear doors outside With the doors unlocked or the card on Pull handle 3 once. you, hold the 2 handle and pull towards Depending on the vehicle, it may be Front doors you.

  • Page 29
    OPENING AND CLOSING THE DOORS (2/2) Lights-on reminder buzzer If you have switched off the ignition and left the lights switched on, a re- minder buzzer will sound when a door is opened. Door/tailgate open buzzer When the vehicle is stationary, the warning light appears on the instrument panel accompanied by a warning light indicating which of the opening ele-…
  • Page 30
    LOCKING, UNLOCKING THE DOORS (1/4) If the remote control or, depending on the vehicle, the card does not work In some cases, the radio frequency remote control or the card may not work: – card or radio frequency remote con- trol battery worn or run flat, vehicle battery flat etc.
  • Page 31
    LOCKING, UNLOCKING THE DOORS (2/4) Using the key integrated in Vehicles with key/remote the card control – Pull handle 3; Using the key – press the cover B on the driver’s – Pull handle 3; door down; – press the cover B on the driver’s –…
  • Page 32
    LOCKING, UNLOCKING THE DOORS (3/4) Locking the doors manually Interior locking/unlocking door control Turn screw 5 with the door open (using the end of the key) and close the door. Switch 6 controls the doors, the boot and the fuel filler flap simultaneously. This means that the doors are then locked from the outside.
  • Page 33
    LOCKING, UNLOCKING THE DOORS (4/4) Door and tailgate status Locking the opening indicator elements without the card or the key When the ignition is on, the 6 switch warning light indicates the locking For example, in the event of a dis- status of the opening elements: charged battery or the card or key tem- porarily not working etc.
  • Page 34: Automatic Locking When Driving

    AUTOMATIC LOCKING WHEN DRIVING Operating faults NB: if a door is opened or closed, it will automatically lock again when the vehi- If you experience an operating fault cle reaches a speed of 6 mph (10 km/h). (no central locking, the indicator light 1 does not light up when trying to lock the Activating/deactivating the doors and luggage compartment etc.),…

  • Page 35
    VEHICLE SETTINGS CUSTOMISATION MENU (1/3) Adjusting the settings d) “Welcome”: Select a menu then the function to be – External welcome; modified (the display depends on the – Automatic fold-out of mirrors; vehicle equipment and country): – Interior welcome; a) “Driving”: –…
  • Page 36
    VEHICLE SETTINGS CUSTOMISATION MENU (2/3) Adjusting the settings d) “DRIVING ASSIST”: – Lane departure sensitivity; Navigate using the 4 or 5 control to – Lane departure vibration; select the function to be modified and – Lane keeping sensitivity; press 6 “OK” to confirm (display may –…
  • Page 37
    VEHICLE SETTINGS CUSTOMISATION MENU (3/3) To exit the menu, press 4 or 5 to access “BACK” and confirm by pressing 6 “OK”. It may be necessary to carry out this operation more than once. Once a line has been selected, press 6 “OK”…
  • Page 38
    FRONT HEADRESTS To raise the headrest Raise it to its highest position (tilt the seatback backwards if necessary). Press button 2 and lift the headrest to release it. To refit the headrest Check that the headrest rods are clean 3. Insert the headrest rods into the holes 1 (tilt the seatback backwards if neces- sary).
  • Page 39
    FRONT SEATS (1/3) Release the handle at the desired posi- tion and make sure that it is locked. To adjust the seat’s lumbar position Push left or right of the button 3 to in- crease or decrease the support. Adjusting the seat position To raise or lower the seat base Move the 1 switch up or down or, de- To move the seat forwards or back…
  • Page 40
    FRONT SEATS (2/3) Central armrest 7 – pressing the switch for the second Pressing 8 again turns the heated seat time changes the heating to low. One off. Its warning lights go off. (depending on the vehicle) integrated warning light comes on; To adjust the position of the central arm- Operating faults –…
  • Page 41
    FRONT SEATS (3/3) Operating faults When an operating fault is detected, the warning light of the 8 switch for the seat concerned switches-off after ap- proximately five seconds. Consult an approved dealer. Ventilated seats While the engine is running: (depending on the vehicle) –…
  • Page 42: Seat Belts

    SEAT BELTS (1/5) Adjusting your driving Always wear your seat belt when trav- elling in your vehicle. You must also position comply with the legislation of the par- – Sit well back in your seat (having ticular country you are in. first removed your coat or jacket).

  • Page 43
    SEAT BELTS (2/5) ß Locking Driver’s seat belt reminder and, depending on the vehi- Unwind the belt slowly and smoothly cle, front passenger seat belt re- and ensure that buckle 3 locks into minder catch 5 (check that it is locked by pull- This appears on the central display ing on buckle 3).
  • Page 44
    SEAT BELTS (3/5) Rear seat belt reminder (depending It is accompanied by the 6 symbol which on vehicle) appears for approximately 60 seconds each time one of the rear seat belts is The 6 graphic is displayed on the in- fastened or unfastened.
  • Page 45
    SEAT BELTS (4/5) Adjusting the height of the Rear side seat belts 8 Rear centre seat belt front seat belts The belts are locked, unlocked and Slowly unwind belt 9. adjusted in the same way as the front Use button 7 to adjust the seat belt Click buckle into black catch 10.
  • Page 46
    SEAT BELTS (5/5) The following information applies to the vehicle’s front and rear seat belts. – No modification may be made to the component parts of the originally fitted restraint system: seat belts, seats and their mountings. For special operations (e.g. fitting child seats), contact an authorised dealer. –…
  • Page 47
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (1/5) Depending on the vehicle, they will con- sist of: – seat belt inertia reel pretension- ers; – central seat belt pretensioners; – chest-level load limiters; – Have the entire restraint system checked following –…
  • Page 48
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (2/5) Load limiter Operating faults å Above a certain severity of impact, this This warning light comes on mechanism is used to limit the force of when the engine is started and then the belt against the body so that it is at goes out after approximately three sec- an acceptable level.
  • Page 49
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (3/5) The following conditions will trigger In a frontal impact with another vehi- In a side impact with another vehicle the pretensioners or airbags. cle of an equivalent or higher category, of an equivalent or higher category, at with an impact area equal to or greater an impact speed equal to or greater…
  • Page 50
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (4/5) In the following examples, the pre- In the following examples, there is a – side impact, affecting the front of the tensioners or the airbags could op- risk that pretensioners orairbags may vehicle;…
  • Page 51
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE FRONT SEAT BELTS (5/5) All of the warnings below are given so that the airbag is not obstructed in any way when it is inflated and also to prevent the risk of serious injuries caused by items which may be dislodged when it inflates. Warnings concerning the driver’s airbag –…
  • Page 52
    METHODS OF RESTRAINT IN ADDITION TO THE REAR SEAT BELTS Depending on the vehicle, they will con- – Have the entire restraint sist of: system checked following – side seat belt inertia reel preten- an accident. sioners; – No operation whatso- –…
  • Page 53
    SIDE PROTECTION DEVICES Side Airbag This airbag may be fitted to each of the front seats and is activated at the sides of the seats (door side) to protect the occupants in the event of a severe side impact. Curtain Airbag This is an airbag fitted along the upper sides of the vehicle –…
  • Page 54: Additional Methods Of Restraint

    ADDITIONAL METHODS OF RESTRAINT All of the warnings below are given so that the airbag is not obstructed in any way when it is inflated and also to prevent the risk of serious injuries caused by items which may be dislodged when it inflates. The airbag is designed to complement the action of the seat belt.

  • Page 55: Child Safety: General Information

    CHILD SAFETY: General information (1/2) Carrying children Please ensure that you comply with the legislation of your country. Children, and adults, must be correctly seated and strapped in for all journeys. The children being carried in your vehi- cle are your responsibility. A child is not a miniature adult.

  • Page 56
    CHILD SAFETY: General information (2/2) Using a child seat Before fitting a child seat, read the manual and respect its instructions. If The level of protection offered by the you experience any difficulties during child seat depends on its ability to re- installation, contact the manufacturer strain your child and on its installation.
  • Page 57
    CHILD SAFETY: choosing a child seat Rear-facing child seats Forward-facing child seats Booster cushions A baby’s head is, proportionally, heavier The child’s head and abdomen need to From 15 kg or 4 years, the child can than that of an adult and its neck is very be protected as a priority.
  • Page 58: Choosing A Child Seat Mounting

    CHILD SAFETY: choosing a child seat mounting (1/3) There are two ways of attaching child Attachment using the ISOFIX seats: via the seat belt or using the system ISOFIX system. Approved child seats ISOFIX are stand- ardised in accordance with current reg- Attachment via the seat belt ulations if any of the four cases below The seat belt must be adjusted to…

  • Page 59
    CHILD SAFETY: choosing a child seat mounting (2/3) No modifications may be made to the component parts of the restraint system (seat belts, ISOFIX and seats and their mountings) originally fitted. The ISOFIX anchorage points have been exclu- sively designed for child seats with the ISOFIX system.
  • Page 60
    CHILD SAFETY: choosing a child seat mounting (3/3) Attachment using the ISOFIX The ISOFIX anchorage system (continued) points have been exclu- The third ring 4 is used to attach the sively designed for child upper strap 2 on some child seats. seats with the ISOFIX system.
  • Page 61: Fitting A Child Seat, General Information

    CHILD SAFETY: fitting a child seat, general information (1/2) Some seats are not suitable for fitting The types of child seat indicated may After installing the child seat, when this child seats. The diagram on the follow- not be available. Before using a differ- is possible, you can move the vehi- ing page shows you how to attach a ent child seat, check with the manufac-…

  • Page 62
    CHILD SAFETY: fitting a child seat, general information (2/2) In the rear side seat Always remove the headrest from the rear seat on which the child seat is po- A carrycot can be installed across the sitioned. ➥ 3.31. If necessary, posi- vehicle and will take up at least two tion the rear seat as far back as pos- seats.
  • Page 63
    CHILD SEATS: attachment by seat belt (1/3) Fitting diagram ³ Check the status of the airbag before fitting a child seat or allowing a passenger to use the seat. ² Seat not suitable for fitting child seats. Child seat attached using the belt ¬…
  • Page 64
    CHILD SEATS: attachment by seat belt (2/3) The table below summarises the information already shown on the diagram on the previous page, to ensure the regula- tions in force are respected. Five-seater version Front passenger seat Rear side Rear centre Type of child seat Weight of the child seats…
  • Page 65
    CHILD SEATS: attachment by seat belt (3/3) X = Seat not suitable for fitting child seats of this type. U = Seat which allows a child seat with “Universal” approval to be installed using a seat belt; check that it can be fitted. (2) A carrycot can be installed across the vehicle and will take up at least two seats.
  • Page 66
    CHILD SEATS: fitted using the ISOFIX SYSTEM (1/3) The table below summarises the information already shown in the diagram on the following pages, to ensure the appli- cable regulations are respected. Front passenger seat Weight of Rear side Rear centre Type of child seat the child With airbag…
  • Page 67
    CHILD SEATS: fitted using the ISOFIX SYSTEM (2/3) X = Seat not suitable for fitting child seats of this type. IUF/IL = On equipped vehicles, seat which allows an approved “Universal/semi-universal” or “vehicle specific” child seat to be at- tached using the ISOFIX system; check that it can be fitted. i-U = Suitable for “universal”…
  • Page 68
    CHILD SEATS: fitted using the ISOFIX SYSTEM (3/3) Fitting diagram Child seat fitted using the ISOFIX mounting  Seat which allows an ISOFIX child seat to be fitted. ± The rear seats are fitted with an anchorage point which allows a forward-facing ISOFIX child seat with universal approval to be attached.
  • Page 69
    CHILD SAFETY: deactivating, activating AIRBAG front passenger (1/3) The passenger airbag may only be activated or deacti- vated when the vehicle is stationary with the igni- tion off. If it is interfered with when the ve- hicle is being driven, indicator lights å…
  • Page 70
    CHILD SAFETY: deactivating, activating AIRBAG front passenger (2/3) The markings on the dashboard and labels A on each side of the passen- ger sun visor 3 (example: label shown above) remind you of these instruc- tions. DANGER Since operation of the front passenger airbag is not compatible with the po- sition of a rear-facing child seat,…
  • Page 71
    CHILD SAFETY: deactivating, activating AIRBAG front passenger (3/3) Operating faults It is forbidden to fit a rear-facing child seat to the front passenger seat if the airbag activation/deactivation system is faulty. Allowing any other passenger to sit in that seat is not recommended. Contact your approved dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 72: Driving Position


  • Page 73: Instrument Panel

    DRIVING POSITION: LEFT-HAND DRIVE (2/2) The equipment fitted, described below, DEPENDS ON THE VERSION AND COUNTRY. 1 Side air vent. 12 Controls for: 18 Cup holder. 2 Stalk for: – front seat heating/ventilating; 19 “Hands-free” card storage. – direction indicator lights; –…

  • Page 74
  • Page 75
    DRIVING POSITION: RIGHT-HAND DRIVE (2/2) The equipment fitted, described below, DEPENDS ON THE VERSION AND COUNTRY. 1 Side air vent. 8 General cruise control switch/ 14 Automatic gearbox paddles. speed limiter/Stop and Go adaptive 2 Passenger airbag location. 15 Control for adjusting steering cruise control controls.
  • Page 76
    WARNING LIGHTS (1/6) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Instrument panel A or B: it illuminates In some cases, the appearance of a when the ignition is switched on. Press warning light is accompanied by a mes- or lift the 1 switch as many times as re- sage on the instrument panel.
  • Page 77
    WARNING LIGHTS (2/6) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. š å Side light warning light Indicator light airbag Brake circuit fault warning light It lights up when the ignition or á Main beam headlight tell- the engine is switched on and goes off It lights up when the ignition or the tale…
  • Page 78
    WARNING LIGHTS (3/6) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. À Oil pressure warning light Warning light Handbrake “on” and elec- © tronic parking brake warn- It lights up when the ignition or This lights up when the ignition ing light ➥…
  • Page 79
    WARNING LIGHTS (4/6) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Ä  Anti-lock braking warning Toxic Fume Filter System Mode warning light ECO light Warning Light It comes on when ECO mode It lights up when the ignition or the On vehicles that are equipped, this light is active.
  • Page 80
    WARNING LIGHTS (5/6) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Ô   Coolant temperature warn- Speed limiter warning lights Assisted parking brake fault ing light ➥ 2.81 light ➥ 2.132 Ï  This lights up blue when you switch on Cruise control warning…
  • Page 81
    WARNING LIGHTS (6/6) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. ß Seat belt reminder warning lights. ➥ 1.28 On display D  Passenger Airbag ON ➥ 1.55 ¹ Passenger Airbag OFF ➥ 1.55 1.67…
  • Page 82: Displays And Indicators

    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (1/7) Instrument panel in miles (option to switch to km/h) Vehicles not fitted with a multimedia screen – With the ignition off, press the 2 switch as many times as required to reach the vehicle tab 5; –…

  • Page 83
    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (2/7) Instrument panel A Rev counter 7 Total mileage recorder 9 ➥ 1.79 (graduations x 1000) It lights up when the ignition is switched Trip computer 10 ➥ 1.75 Depending on the selected customisa- on. In some cases, the appearance of a tion, it may not be displayed.
  • Page 84
    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (3/7) Coolant temperature indicator 14 Fuel gauge 15 In normal use, indicator 14 should be If the level is at the minimum, warn- before area 13. Under “intensive” op- ing light integrated in the indica- erating conditions, the needle may ap- tor comes on orange, accompanied by proach this zone.
  • Page 85
    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (4/7) Instrument panel B Coolant temperature indicator 16 Overspeed buzzer Depending on the vehicle and coun- In normal use, the indicator 16 should It lights up when the ignition is switched  be before area 17. Under “intensive” on.
  • Page 86
    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (5/7) Multimedia information 21 Fuel gauge 25 Depending on the vehicle, you can dis- If the level is at the minimum, warn- play information from the multimedia screen (the compass, telephone, navi- ing light integrated in the indica- gation, etc.).
  • Page 87
    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (6/7) Instrument panel C Rev counter 26 Trip computer 29 ➥ 1.75 (graduations x 1000) It lights up when the ignition is switched Estimated mileage with remaining on. In some cases, the appearance of a Coolant temperature indicator 28 fuel 30 warning light is accompanied by a mes- In normal use, the indicator 28 should…
  • Page 88
    DISPLAYS AND INDICATORS (7/7) Fuel gauge 34 If the level is at the minimum, warn- ing light integrated in the indica- tor comes on orange, accompanied by a beep. Fill up as soon as possible. Speedometer 33 Driving style indicator 32 ➥ 2.19 Overspeed buzzer Depending on the vehicle and coun- …
  • Page 89: Trip Computer

    TRIP COMPUTER: general information (1/4) Trip computer A, B or C – warning messages (connected to the ® warning light); Depending on the vehicle, this includes the following functions: – vehicle settings customisation menu. ➥ 1.21 – distance travelled; All these functions are described on the –…

  • Page 90
    TRIP COMPUTER: general information (2/4) Vehicle fitted with A instrument panel The functions will be distributed in zones 5, 6, 7, and 8. The location of the zones differs depending on the style selected. Press the 1 switch to browse between menus and select functions by repeat- edly pressing switch 2 or 3, then if nec- essary use the 4 switch to confirm “OK”.
  • Page 91
    TRIP COMPUTER: general information (3/4) Vehicle fitted with B instrument Vehicle fitted with C instrument panel panel The function will be distributed in Press the 1 switch as many times as re- zones 5, 6, 7 and 8. quired to reach the “Vehicle” tab. Press switch 1 to browse between the Press repeatedly using the 2 or 3 con- zones and select the functions by re-…
  • Page 92
    TRIP COMPUTER: general information (4/4) Interpreting some of the Selections (the display depends on the vehicle values displayed after equipment and country) resetting a) Trip log, operating faults and infor- The values showing average fuel con- mation message readout; sumption, range and average speed b) current fuel consumption and aver- will become more stable and reliable age fuel consumption;…
  • Page 93
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: journey parameters (1/4) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected a) Trip log. Successive display: Vehicle Systems OK – information messages (passenger airbag OFF etc.); –…
  • Page 94
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: journey parameters (2/4) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected SET tyre pressure d) Reset the tyre pressure. [press and hold] ➥ 2.28 e) Setting the time.
  • Page 95
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: journey parameters (3/4) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected On-board computer with mileage- before-service message f) Service distance. Mileage before service Service in With the ignition on and engine not running, access the “Mileage 30 000 km / 12 months…
  • Page 96
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: journey parameters (4/4) The display of information shown below DEPENDS ON THE VEHICLE EQUIPMENT AND COUNTRY. Examples of selections Interpreting the display selected On-board computer with distance before next service message (cntd.) f) Service distance. Mileage before service Oil change in With the ignition on and the engine not running, access the mileage…
  • Page 97
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: information messages These can help in the vehicle starting phase, or give information about a selection or a driving status. Examples of information messages are given in the following pages. Examples of messages Interpreting the display selected “Parking Brake ON”…
  • Page 98
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: operating fault messages © These appear with the warning light and mean that you should drive very carefully to an authorised dealer as soon as possible. If you fail to follow this recommendation, you risk damaging your vehicle. They disappear when the display selection key is pressed or after several seconds and are stored in the computer log.
  • Page 99
    TRIP COMPUTER AND WARNING SYSTEM: warning message ® These appear with the warning light and require you to stop immediately, for your own safety, as soon as traf- fic conditions allow. Stop your engine and do not restart it. Contact an approved Dealer. Examples of warning messages are given in the following pages.
  • Page 100
    CLOCK AND EXTERIOR TEMPERATURE (1/2) Vehicles fitted with a multimedia Vehicles not fitted with a multimedia Set the clock using control 3 or 4, then screen screen press switch 5 “OK” to confirm. The time and exterior temperature are Press the 2 switch as many times as re- Set the minutes using control 3 or 4, displayed on the multimedia screen 1.
  • Page 101
    CLOCK AND EXTERIOR TEMPERATURE (2/2) External temperature indicator Depending on the vehicle, If the Special note: electrical supply is cut (battery dis- connected, broken supply wire, When the external temperature is be- etc.), the clock will automatically tween -3°C and +3°C, the °C figures go back to the right time after a few flash (indicates risk of ice).
  • Page 102
    STEERING WHEEL Activating the function With the ignition on, press the switch 3, the warning light integrated in the switch lights up. Deactivating the function — Automatic: The function switches off automatically after the regulation phase of approxi- mately 30 minutes. The warning light integrated in the switch 3 remains on.
  • Page 103: Steering Wheel, Power-Assisted Steering

    STEERING WHEEL , POWER-ASSISTED STEERING Power-assisted steering Note: the power-assisted steering sense depends on the driving mode Never drive with an inadequately selected in the “MULTI-SENSE” menu. charged battery. ➥ 3.2 Speed sensitive power steering The speed sensitive power steering system is equipped with an electronic control system which alters the level of assistance to suit the vehicle speed.

  • Page 104: Rear View Mirrors

    REAR VIEW MIRRORS (1/2) Folding door mirrors Special case The door mirrors will fold-out automati- When the rear view mirror has been cally when the vehicle is unlocked. The manually deployed or folded back, it is door mirrors fold in when the vehicle is possible to reset it to a usage position.

  • Page 105
    REAR VIEW MIRRORS (2/2) Interior rear view mirror Its position can be adjusted. For safety reasons, carry out any adjustments when Rear view mirror with lever 4 the vehicle is not being When driving at night, to avoid being driven. dazzled by the headlights of the vehicle behind, depress the little lever located behind rear view mirror 4.
  • Page 106: Exterior Lighting And Signals

    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (1/5) Depending on the vehicle, the dipped beam headlights will appear automati- cally after several sweeps of the wind- screen wiper blades. Side lights Dipped beam š headlights Turn ring 2 until the symbol is Manual operation opposite mark 3.

  • Page 107
    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (2/5) During deactivation of the main beam The main beam headlights come on au- headlights, the dipped beam headlights tomatically if: return to their original position. – exterior light is weak; – no other vehicles or lighting are de- …
  • Page 108
    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (3/5) Switching off the lights Depending on the vehicle: – the lights will go out automatically when the engine is switched off, the driver’s door is opened or the vehicle is locked. In this case, the next time the engine is started the lights will be switched back on according to the position of the ring 2.
  • Page 109
    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (4/5) Activating/deactivating the To increase this duration, you may pull the stalk up to four times (total time re- function stricted to approximately two minutes). For activation or deactivation of the ex- On the instrument panel, the message ternal reception, refer to the multimedia “lighting on _ _ _”…
  • Page 110
    EXTERIOR LIGHTING AND SIGNALS (5/5) Switching off the lights Cornering function (depending on vehicle) Turn the ring 4 again until the mark 3 is opposite the symbol for the fog light Driving in forward gear at a speed that you wish to switch off. The corre- below approximately 25 mph (40 km/h), sponding indicator light on the instru- with dipped beam headlights on and…
  • Page 111: Audible And Visual Signals

    AUDIBLE AND VISUAL SIGNALS Direction indicators Move the stalk 1 in the same direc- tion as you want to move the steering wheel. One-touch mode Briefly shift the stalk 1 upwards or downwards, not exceeding the point of resistance, then release it: the stalk will return to its original position and the direction indicator light concerned will flash three times.

  • Page 112: Headlight Beam Adjustment

    HEADLIGHT BEAM ADJUSTMENT Examples of positions for adjusting control A according to the load Driver alone or with front passenger All seats occupied Switch A is used to adjust the height of Driver with passengers and luggage the headlight beams according to the (or load) reaching the maximum 2 or 3* load.

  • Page 113
    WINDSCREEN WASH, WIPE (1/5) Vehicle fitted with intermittent Special note windscreen wipers When driving the vehicle, the wiping speed slows down whenever the ve- A single sweep hicle stops. For example, fast wiping A short push will trigger one sweep speed will slow to normal wiping speed.
  • Page 114
    WINDSCREEN WASH, WIPE (2/5) When activating automatic wiping or when increasing sensitivity, one sweep of the blades is performed. Note: – the rain sensor is only intended as a driving aid. In the event of reduced visibility, the driver should manually activate the wipers.
  • Page 115
    WINDSCREEN WASH, WIPE (3/5) Operating faults Special note When driving the vehicle, the wiping In the event of a malfunction of the au- tomatic wiping, the wiper is set to inter- speed slows down whenever the vehi- mittent wiping. Contact an authorised cle stops.
  • Page 116
    WINDSCREEN WASH, WIPE (4/5) Specific front wiper position (service position) This position enables the blades to be lifted to remove them from the wind- screen. This can be useful: – to clean the blades; – to release the blades from the wind- screen in winter;…
  • Page 117
    WINDSCREEN WASH, WIPE (5/5) Note: In temperatures below zero, the washer liquid risks freezing to the windscreen, thereby reducing visibility. Heat the windscreen using the demister control before cleaning. Efficiency of a wiper blade Check the condition of the wiper blades.
  • Page 118: Fuel Tank (Filling With Fuel)

    FUEL TANK (1/3) Fuel grade Use a high-grade fuel that complies with the legislation in force in each country and which must comply with the specifications given on the label on the cover 1. ➥ 6.5. After filling, check that the cap and cover are closed.

  • Page 119
    FUEL TANK (2/3) Filling with fuel If it is not possible to add at least 1.10 gallons (5 litres) of fuel due to the With the ignition off, insert the nozzle fuel level in the tank, drive the vehicle and insert it fully before turning it on to until the tank has capacity.
  • Page 120
    FUEL TANK (3/3) To fill up with fuel, the engine must be stopped (and not only on standby in case of vehicles equipped with the STOP and START function): you must switch off the engine. ➥ 2.4 ➥ 2.5 Fire hazzard. Persistent fuel odour If you notice a persistent fuel odour you should:…
  • Page 121
    Section 2: Driving Running in …………..Ignition switch .
  • Page 122: Running In

    RUNNING IN Petrol version Service intervals: refer to the Maintenance Document for your vehi- For the first 600 miles (1,000 km), do cle. not exceed 78 mph (130 km/h) in the highest gear, or 3,000 to 3,500 rpm. You may only expect top performance from your vehicle after approximately 1,800 miles (3,000 km).

  • Page 123: Ignition Switch

    IGNITION SWITCH: vehicle with key “Ignition” position ON 2 The ignition is switched on: Any acces- sories (radio etc.) can be used. “Start” position START 3 If the engine fails to start at the first attempt, the key must be turned back before the starter can be activated again.

  • Page 124: Starting, Stopping The Engine

    STARTING, STOPPING THE ENGINE: vehicle with key Starting the engine To start: On vehicles equipped with automatic gearboxes with a mechanical lever, set the lever to position P. – Activate the starter without acceler- ating; Driver’s responsibility when parking or stopping –…

  • Page 125
    STARTING, STOPPING THE ENGINE: vehicle with card (1/3) Driver’s responsibility when parking or stopping the vehicle Never leave an animal, child or adult who is not self-suffi- cient alone in your vehicle, even for a short time. They may pose a risk to themselves The card must be inserted in detection Special features or to others by starting the engine,…
  • Page 126
    STARTING, STOPPING THE ENGINE: vehicle with card (2/3) “Hands-free” starting with Operating faults The message “Place card on zone + START” appears on the instrument the tailgate open In certain cases, the hands-free card panel. may not work: In this case, the card should not be lo- Press the brake or clutch pedal, then cated in the luggage compartment, to –…
  • Page 127
    STARTING, STOPPING THE ENGINE: vehicle with card (3/3) If the card is no longer in the passenger When you leave your vehi- compartment when you try to switch the cle, especially if you have engine off, the message “Card miss- your card with you, check ing: press and hold”…
  • Page 128: Stop And Start Function

    STOP AND START FUNCTION (1/4) This system enables a reduced fuel In this case it becomes operational consumption and lower greenhouse again when the engine is no longer on – the accelerator pedal is not de- gas emissions. The system is acti- standby or the speed exceeds approxi- pressed;…

  • Page 129
    STOP AND START FUNCTION (2/4) Preventing the engine from Conditions for coming out of standing by engine standby In certain situations, such as negotiat- – when the driver’s door is opened; ing a crossroads for instance, it is pos- sible (with the system activated) to keep –…
  • Page 130
    STOP AND START FUNCTION (3/4) Conditions preventing the – the gradient is too steep for vehicles fitted with an automatic gearbox; standby of the engine – the “Clear view” function is activated Certain conditions prevent the system ➥ 3.9; from using the engine standby function, including when: –…
  • Page 131
    STOP AND START FUNCTION (4/4) Deactivating, activating the Special feature of the automatic engine re-start function Under certain conditions, the engine Press 1 to deactivate the function. The can restart on its own in order to guar- message “Stop & Start deactivated” ap- antee your safety and comfort.
  • Page 132: Special Features Of Petrol Versions

    SPECIAL FEATURES OF PETROL VERSIONS (1/2) The following operating conditions If you notice any of the above operating should be avoided: faults, have the necessary repairs car- ried out as soon as possible by an ap- – driving for long periods when the low proved dealer.

  • Page 133
    SPECIAL FEATURES OF PETROL VERSIONS (2/2) Particle filter Note: The indicator light may go out If the filter becomes saturated, the © after 20 minutes when the driving con- warning light and, depending The particle filter is used in the treat- …
  • Page 134: Electronic Parking Brake

    ELECTRONIC PARKING BRAKE (1/4) In all other instances, for example the engine has stalled or is in standby due to the Stop and Start ➥ 2.8, the assisted parking brake is not ap- plied automatically. Manual mode must be used. For certain country-specific model versions, the assisted brake ap- plication function is not activated.

  • Page 135
    ELECTRONIC PARKING BRAKE (2/4) Assisted operation (continued) Note: in some situations (electronic parking brake failure, manual release of the parking brake, etc.), a beep sounds and the message “WARNING: Apply Parking Brake” appears on the instru- ment panel to warn you that the elec- tronic parking brake has been released.
  • Page 136
    ELECTRONIC PARKING BRAKE (3/4) Brief stop To park the vehicle without applying the electronic parking brake (if there is a To apply the electronic parking brake risk of freezing, for example): manually (when stopping at a red light, – switch off the engine by pressing the or stopping when the engine is running, engine start/stop button 1 or by turn- etc.): pull and release the switch 4.
  • Page 137
    ELECTRONIC PARKING BRAKE (4/4) Versions with an automatic Contact your approved Dealer straight If no lights or sounds are ap- away. gearbox parent, this indicates a fault – If there is an assisted parking brake in the instrument panel. This For safety reasons, automatic release ®…
  • Page 138: Autohold» Function

    “AUTOHOLD” FUNCTION Vehicle stopped (e.g. at a red light, an Conditions for interrupting the intersection, a traffic jam, etc.), the func- braking force tion ensures braking force even when The following conditions must be met: the driver releases the brake pedal. –…

  • Page 139: Eco Driving

    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO DRIVING (1/7) Fuel consumption is accredited in ac- Depending on the vehicle, you will have cordance with a standard regulatory various functions which enable you to method. Identical for all manufactur- lower your fuel consumption: ers, this enables vehicles to be com- –…

  • Page 140
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO DRIVING (2/7) On the instrument panel A, B Driving style indicator 1 or C Informs you about the driving style adopted in real time. This is shown by Depending on the vehicle, the informa- indicator light 1. tion display can be organised and cus- tomised based on the instrument panel The more petals displayed on 1, the…
  • Page 141
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO DRIVING (3/7) Acceleration indicator Eco 2 This informs you in real time whether you are accelerating moderately or strongly. This is shown by the 2 warning light: – green: acceleration is moderate and correct; – white: acceleration is too high; –…
  • Page 142
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO DRIVING (4/7) Please refer to the multimedia instruc- tions for further information. An overall rating from 0 to 100 is dis- played to let you assess your eco driv- ing performance. The higher the rating, the lower the fuel consumption. Eco advice is given to help improve your performance.
  • Page 143
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO DRIVING (5/7) ECO mode  The warning light comes on on ECO mode is a function which opti- the instrument panel to confirm activa- mises fuel consumption. It acts upon tion. certain power consuming systems in the vehicle (heating, air conditioning, While driving, it is possible to leave the power-assisted steering, etc.) and on ECO mode temporarily in order to im-…
  • Page 144
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO DRIVING (6/7) – Do not over rev the engine in the in- termediate gears. You should always use the highest gear possible. – Avoid sudden acceleration. – Brake as little as possible. If you an- ticipate an obstacle or bend in ad- vance, you may then simply release the accelerator pedal.
  • Page 145
    DRIVING ADVICE, ECO DRIVING (7/7) – In vehicles fitted with air condi- tioning, it is normal to observe an increase in fuel consumption (espe- cially in urban conditions) when it is used. For vehicles fitted with manual air conditioning, switch off the system when it is not required.
  • Page 146: Maintenance And Antipollution Advice

    MAINTENANCE AND ANTIPOLLUTION ADVICE Your vehicle complies with criteria for In addition, replacing engine, fuel – Air filter : a choked element will recycling and recovering vehicles at the supply system and exhaust compo- reduce efficiency. It must be re- end of their service life, which entered nents with parts other than those origi- placed.

  • Page 147: Environment

    ENVIRONMENT Emissions Your vehicle has been designed with – At the end of the vehicle’s service respect for the environment in mind for life, it should be sent to approved Your vehicle has been designed to emit its entire service life: during production, centres to ensure that it is recycled.

  • Page 148: Tyre Pressure Loss Warning

    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (1/4) When fitted to the vehicle, this system The system is fitted if there is a 1 label Operating principle notifies the driver if one or more tyres in the vehicle. This system detects a loss of pressure lose pressure.

  • Page 149
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (2/4) Operating conditions – fitting a single new tyre; Resetting the standard level for the tyre pressures The system has to be reset with an – use of tyres not approved by the net- It must be carried out with the vehicle inflation pressure equal to that writ- work;…
  • Page 150
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (3/4) The display of the message “If pressure “Check tyre press and init.” OK [hold on]” for around five seconds  indicates that the reset request for the Warning light comes on, along tyre pressure reference value has been with the message “Check tyre press taken into account.
  • Page 151
    TYRE PRESSURE LOSS WARNING (4/4) “TPW not available” Readjustment of tyre pressures After each change of wheel/tyre, read- just the tyre pressure and launch the  The tyre pressures must be adjusted reset of the tyre pressure reference The warning light flashes for when cold (please refer to the label lo- value.
  • Page 152
    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (1/5) Anti-lock braking system Depending on the vehicle, this is com- posed of: (ABS) – anti-lock braking system (ABS); Under heavy braking, the ABS prevents the wheels from locking, allowing the – electronic stability program (ESC) stopping distance to be managed and with understeer control and trac- keeping control of the vehicle.
  • Page 153
    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (2/5) Operating faults: © – lit up on the in- strument panel accompanied by the messages “Check ABS”, “WARNING: Check Braking System” and “Check ESC”: the ABS, the ESC and the emergency brake assist are disabled.
  • Page 154
    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (3/5) Electronic stability program Understeer control Operating faults (ESC) with understeer control This system optimises the action of the When the system detects an operat- and traction control ESC in the case of pronounced under- ing fault the message “Check ESC”…
  • Page 155
    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (4/5) Emergency brake assist Hazard warning lights switching on Depending on the vehicle, these may This system supplements the ABS light up in the event of sudden decel- and helps reduce vehicle stopping dis- eration. tances.
  • Page 156
    DRIVING CORRECTION DEVICES AND AIDS (5/5) Hill start assistance The hill start assistance Depending on the gradient of the in- system cannot completely cline, this system assists the driver prevent the vehicle from when starting on a hill. It prevents the rolling backwards in all sit- vehicle from rolling backwards by au- uations (extremely steep gradients…
  • Page 157: Lane Departure Warning

    LANE DEPARTURE WARNING (1/5) Using information from the 1 camera, the function warns the driver when a continuous or broken line is crossed or when approaching the roadside (di- vider, barrier, pavement, embankment, This function is an addi- etc.) without the direction indicator tional driving aid.

  • Page 158
    LANE DEPARTURE WARNING (2/5) Operation When the function is activated, the  warning light and the left and right lines 3 are displayed in grey on the instrument panel. The function is set to notify the driver if: – speed is between approximately 43 mph (70 km/h) and 112 mph (180 km/h);…
  • Page 159
    LANE DEPARTURE WARNING (3/5) Temporarily not available Conditions for non-activation of the system – very fast lane departure; The system cannot be activated when: – driving continuously on a line; – reverse gear is engaged; – four seconds approximately after changing lanes;…
  • Page 160
    LANE DEPARTURE WARNING (4/5) Operating faults – press the 6 or 7 control repeatedly to reach the “DRIVING ASSIST” menu. In the event of a malfunction, the left Press the switch 8 OK; and right line indicators (and, depend-  –…
  • Page 161
    LANE DEPARTURE WARNING (5/5) This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle. System servicing/repairs –…
  • Page 162: Lane Keeping Assist

    LANE KEEPING ASSIST (1/6) Note: make sure the windscreen is not obscured (dirt, mud, snow, condensa- tion etc.). Using information from the 1 camera, This function is an addi- the function triggers corrective action tional driving aid and the on the vehicle steering system when driver is responsible for a continuous or broken line is crossed steering wheel operation.

  • Page 163
    LANE KEEPING ASSIST (2/6) To disable the function, press the 2 switch as many times as required to select “Lane Keeping deactivated” on the instrument panel.  Warning light goes out on the in- strument panel. Note: deactivating the “Lane Keeping Assist”…
  • Page 164
    LANE KEEPING ASSIST (3/6) The function operates if the vehicle Special case breaches a line or if the vehicle ap- When using the system: proaches the roadside (divider, barrier, — If the system can no longer detect pavement, embankment, etc.) without any action by the driver on the steer- the direction indicator lights being ac- …
  • Page 165
    LANE KEEPING ASSIST (4/6) Temporarily not available Conditions for non-activation of the system – very fast lane departure; The system cannot be activated when: – driving continuously on a line; – reverse gear is engaged; – four seconds approximately after changing lanes;…
  • Page 166
    LANE KEEPING ASSIST (5/6) Operating faults – press the 6 or 7 control repeatedly to reach the “DRIVING ASSIST” menu. When the system detects an operating Press the switch 8 OK; © fault, the warning light lights up – scroll repeatedly by pressing 6 or 7 on the instrument panel, with the mes- to reach the “Lane Keeping sen- sage “Front camera to check”.
  • Page 167
    LANE KEEPING ASSIST (6/6) This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle. System servicing/repairs –…
  • Page 168: Blind Spot Warning

    BLIND SPOT WARNING (1/7) Special feature Using information from the sensors in- stalled on each side of the rear bumper Ensure that the C area around the (area C), the function warns the driver: radars on each side of the rear bumper are not obstructed (by dirt, mud, snow –…

  • Page 169
    BLIND SPOT WARNING (2/7) – press the switch 5 OK again to acti- vate or deactivate the function: function activated < function deactivated Activation/deactivation – press the 3 or 4 control repeatedly to reach the “Settings” menu. Press the Vehicles fitted with a multimedia switch 5 OK;…
  • Page 170
    BLIND SPOT WARNING (3/7) Indicator 6 Operation An indicator light 6 is located on each The function warns you when the speed rear view mirror 7. of your vehicle is over 9 mph (15 km/h): – when another vehicle is in the blind Note: clean the rear view mirrors 7 reg- spot area A and travelling in the ularly so that the indicators 6 can be…
  • Page 171
    BLIND SPOT WARNING (4/7) Display E Conditions for non-function Direction indicator activated, the 6 – When driving on a road with tight warning light flashes when the func- bends; tion detects a vehicle in the blind spot – in reverse. warning area and/or a vehicle is rapidly If the vehicle is equipped with a towbar approaching from the rear on the side…
  • Page 172
    BLIND SPOT WARNING (5/7) Operating faults If the system detects a fault, the mes- sage “Check Side radars” is displayed on the instrument panel. Consult an ap- proved dealer. – The system’s detection range operates according to a standard lane width. If you are driving in wide traf- fic lanes, the system might not be able to detect a vehicle in the…
  • Page 173
    BLIND SPOT WARNING (6/7) This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle. The driver should always adapt their speed to the traffic conditions, regardless of the system indications.
  • Page 174
    BLIND SPOT WARNING (7/7) Limitation of the system operation – The radar area should be kept clean and free of any modifications in order to ensure the proper operation of the system. – Small objects moving close to the vehicle (motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, etc.) may not be recognised by the system. –…
  • Page 175: Safe Distance Alert

    SAFE DISTANCE ALERT (1/4) Note: ensure that the windscreen and the bumper are not obscured (by dirt, mud, snow, condensation forming, etc.). The function is activated when the vehi- cle speed is between about 19 and 124 mph (30 and 200 km/h). Using the information from the radar 2 and camera 1, this function informs the driver of the time interval between their…

  • Page 176
    SAFE DISTANCE ALERT (2/4) – press the 5 or 6 control repeatedly to reach the “Distance warning” menu. Press the switch 7 OK; – Press the switch 7 OK again to acti- vate or deactivate the function: function activated < function deactivated Activating/deactivating the Vehicles not fitted with a multimedia…
  • Page 177
    SAFE DISTANCE ALERT (3/4) – C (orange): the time interval falls be- tween around 1 and 2 seconds (in- sufficient distance between the two vehicles); – D (red): the time interval is less than The measurement is dis- or equal to around one second (very played for information: the insufficient distance between the two system does not carry out…
  • Page 178
    SAFE DISTANCE ALERT (4/4) This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle. System servicing/repairs –…
  • Page 179: 360° Camera

    360° CAMERA (1/10) Operation Using information from cameras 1, 2, – front side view (depending on the ve- and 3 located in the front bumper, door hicle): using camera 2 (passenger The cameras transmit four separate mirrors and on the tailgate, as well as side).

  • Page 180
    360° CAMERA (2/10) Front view 1 The fixed clearance gauge comprises coloured markers A and B indicating The view of the front camera is dis- the distance behind the vehicle: played on the multimedia screen 5. – B(yellow) approximately 70 centi- The driver should be aware about Fixed clearance gauge 6 metres from the vehicle;…
  • Page 181
    360° CAMERA (3/10) Rear view 3 The fixed clearance gauge comprises Dynamic gauge 7 (depending on the coloured markers A, B and C indicating vehicle) The view of the rear camera is dis- the distance behind the vehicle: This is shown in blue on the multime- played on the multimedia screen 5.
  • Page 182
    360° CAMERA (4/10) In front view or rear view: when manoeuvring on a The front, rear and side view guide- slope, objects shown on lines are a representation projected the multimedia screen may onto flat ground; this information be closer or further away than they must not be taken into account seem.
  • Page 183
    360° CAMERA (5/10) Bird’s eye view Front side view on passenger side 2 The bird’s eye view is a combined rep- (depending on the vehicle) resentation from cameras 1, 2 and 3. The camera, fitted in the door mirror, It displays a view of the top of the vehi- transmits a side view to the multimedia cle and its surroundings.
  • Page 184
    360° CAMERA (6/10) In addition to the sound alert, these in- dicator lines show the proximity of ob- stacles via different colours: – Green: obstacle between 50 and 70 cm; – Yellow: obstacle between 30 and 50 cm; – Red: obstacle within 30 cm. These indicator lines also show the location where the obstacles are de- tected, as indicated by their positions in…
  • Page 185
    360° CAMERA (7/10) Automatic mode is disabled: – when the gear lever is in neutral (manual gearbox) or in position N or P (automatic gearbox) for approxi- mately three seconds; – when the vehicle speed moving for- ward exceeds 6 mph (10 km/h). Manual mode To activate manual mode, with the ve- hicle stopped and the engine running,…
  • Page 186
    360° CAMERA (8/10) Difference between the Driving or reversing towards a steep Driving or reversing towards a downhill slope protruding object estimated distance and actual distance The fixed guidelines 15 show the dis- Position H seems further than posi- tances as further than they actually are. tion J on the screen.
  • Page 187
    360° CAMERA (9/10) Adjusting the display Limits of the feature The system is unable to display objects With the ignition on, press the 14 switch located in certain areas. or move the selection lever to position R (on an automatic gearbox) or to re- In the front or rear view mode, the verse gear (on a manual gearbox) in system cannot be used to view an…
  • Page 188
    360° CAMERA (10/10) Adjusting the camera If the gear lever is in position R (on an When shifting from reverse gear to po- automatic gearbox) or in reverse (on a sition D (on an automatic gearbox) or settings manual gearbox), the following views into a gear (on a manual gearbox), the The following settings can be modified: are available:…
  • Page 189: Active Emergency Braking

    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (1/8) Depending on the reactivity of the driver, the system can assist with brak- ing in order to limit damage or prevent a collision. Note: ensure that the windscreen and front bumper are not obstructed (by dirt, mud, snow, condensation, number plate, etc.).

  • Page 190
    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (2/8) Operation Special features of warnings Depending on the speed, the warning Detection of vehicles and braking may be activated simulta- When driving, in the event of a risk of neously. collision with the vehicle in front, the Special features of stationary system will: vehicles…
  • Page 191
    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (3/8) Detection of pedestrians and Special features of warnings cyclists Depending on the speed, the warning (depending on the vehicle) and braking may be activated simulta- When driving at a speed between ap- neously. proximately 4 mph (7 km/h) and 50 mph (80 km/h), if there is a risk of collision with a cyclist or pedestrian, the system: –…
  • Page 192
    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (4/8) – press the 6 or 7 control repeatedly to reach the “Active braking” menu and press the 8 OK switch. Press the switch 8 OK again to activate or deactivate the function: function activated < function deactivated Upon deactivation of the system, the …
  • Page 193
    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (5/8) Temporarily not available Operating faults  If the system detects a temporary fault ©  or, depending on the  warning light illuminates, or ©  vehicle, illuminates depending on the vehicle, the on the instrument panel: this indicates warning light illuminates on the instru- that the system has detected an oper- ment panel.
  • Page 194
    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (6/8) Active emergency braking This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle. The triggering of this function may be delayed or prevented when the system detects clear signs of control of the vehicle by the driver (action on the steer- ing wheel, pedals etc.).
  • Page 195
    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (7/8) System disturbance Some conditions can disturb or damage the operation of the system, such as: – a complex environment (metal bridge, tunnel etc.); – poor weather conditions (snow, hail, black ice etc.); – poor visibility (night, fog etc.); –…
  • Page 196
    ACTIVE EMERGENCY BRAKING (8/8) Deactivating the function You must disable the function if: – the brake lights are not functioning; – the area of the camera has been damaged (on the windscreen side or the interior rear-view mirror side); – the front of the vehicle was damaged (impact, scratch on the radar, etc.); –…
  • Page 197: Detection Of Road Signs

    DETECTION OF ROAD SIGNS (1/4) Note: make sure the windscreen is not For vehicles equipped with a navigation obscured (dirt, mud, snow, condensa- system and if the vehicle is travelling in tion etc.). a country where the speed units differ from those of the vehicle, the system For vehicles which are equipped with it, displays the speed limit sign in the unit…

  • Page 198
    DETECTION OF ROAD SIGNS (2/4) – press the 4 or 5 control repeatedly to reach the “Settings” menu. Press the switch 6 OK; – press the 4 or 5 control repeatedly to reach the “DRIVING ASSIST” menu. Press the switch 6 OK; –…
  • Page 199
    DETECTION OF ROAD SIGNS (3/4) If the speed limit is exceeded, the circle around the panel flashes (7 warning light) along with a sound signal to warn the driver. Operation Varying the limit speed If the speed limit notification differs from Warning lights the detected speed value, press and The function displays the following…
  • Page 200
    DETECTION OF ROAD SIGNS (4/4) Operating faults The system cannot detect the speed limit if: – the windscreen is not clean; – the camera is blinded by the sun; – there is insufficient visibility (night, fog etc.); – the signs are not legible (snow, etc.) or are hidden (by another vehicle or by trees);…
  • Page 201: Speed Limiter

    SPEED LIMITER (1/3) 4 Switch to activate and increase the limit speed or to set the stored limit speed (RES/+). 5 Speed limiter function standby (with limited speed memory) (0). Driving When a limit speed has been set but not yet reached, driving is similar to driving a vehicle without the speed lim- iter function.

  • Page 202
    SPEED LIMITER (2/3) Exceeding the limit speed Limited speed cannot be maintained When driving down a steep gradient, It is possible to exceed the limit speed the system may not maintain the limit at any time. To do this: press the accel- speed: the limit speed flashes in red erator pedal firmly and fully (beyond on the instrument panel and an audi-…
  • Page 203
    SPEED LIMITER (3/3) Switching off the function The speed limiter function is inter- rupted: – when you press the 1 switch. In this case, the speed is no longer stored; – when you press the 2 switch. In this case the cruise control is selected and there is no stored speed.
  • Page 204: Cruise Control

    CRUISE CONTROL (1/5) Controls 1 Cruise control On/Off switch. 2 Switch to activate and decrease cruising speed (SET/-). 3 Switch to activate and increase cruising speed or to recall the mem- orised cruising speed (RES/+). 4 Switch the function to standby (with cruising speed saved) (0).

  • Page 205
    CRUISE CONTROL (2/5) If you try to activate the function below 19 mph (30 km/h), the message “Invalid Speed” will be displayed and the func- tion will remain inactive. Driving Once a cruising speed is registered and the cruise control function is active, you may lift your foot off the accelera- tor pedal.
  • Page 206
    CRUISE CONTROL (3/5) Exceeding the cruising speed It is possible to exceed the limit speed at any moment. To do this: depress the accelerator pedal firmly and fully (beyond the kickdown point). While it is being exceeded, the cruising speed flashes in red on the instrument panel.
  • Page 207
    CRUISE CONTROL (4/5) NB: if the speed previously stored is much higher than the current speed, the vehicle will accelerate more rapidly to reach this threshold. When the cruise control is set to standby, pressing switch 2 (SET/-) re- activates the cruise control function without taking into account the stored speed: it is the speed at which the vehi- cle is moving that is taken into account.
  • Page 208
    CRUISE CONTROL (5/5) Switching off the function The 6 warning light disappears from the instrument panel to confirm that the The cruise control function is inter- function is disabled. rupted: – when you press the 1 switch. In this case, the speed is no longer stored; –…
  • Page 209: Stop And Go Adaptive Cruise Control

    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (1/14) Based on information from a radar or Note: camera, the Stop and Go adaptive – the driver must observe the maxi- cruise control function gives you the mum speed limit and safe distances option of maintaining a selected speed, in the country where they are driving;…

  • Page 210
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (2/14) Location of the camera 1 Controls 6 Cruising speed activation, storage and decrease switch (SET/-). Make sure the windscreen is not ob- 3 Safe distance settings 7 Switch to activate and increase cruis- scured (by dirt, mud, snow, etc.).
  • Page 211
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (3/14) Switching on The cruising speed 11 replaces the dashes and cruise control is confirmed Press switch 5. by the appearance of the cruising Warning light  appears in grey, and speed in green and warning light …
  • Page 212
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (4/14) Safe distance control activation As soon as cruise control is activated, the default safe distance 10 is displayed in green on the instrument panel. The default safe distance corresponds to approximately two seconds (see follow- ing pages).
  • Page 213
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (5/14) Adjusting the safe distance Then, release the accelerator pedal: the cruise control and safe distance (cont.) control will automatically resume the – distance gauge B: intermediate dis- speed and distance instructions that tance 2 (corresponding to approxi- you had previously selected.
  • Page 214
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (6/14) Stop and start Putting the function on standby If the vehicle in front slows down the system adapts its speed, to a com- You can set the function to standby plete stop if necessary (in the event of when: a traffic jam, etc).
  • Page 215
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (7/14) Exit from standby Depending on the situation, the system sounds a beep associated with: Based on the stored cruising speed – the orange alert E if the situation re- If a speed is stored, it can be recalled, quires the driver’s attention;…
  • Page 216
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (8/14) Operating faults If the radar detection area is obstructed or the radar signal is disrupted, the If the Stop and Go adaptive cruise con- message “Front radar no visibility” is trol function operating fault is detected, displayed on the instrument panel and the message “Check adaptive Cruise the Stop and Go adaptive cruise con-…
  • Page 217
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (9/14) Limitations of system The system cannot detect: – vehicles driving on the wrong side of the road or reversing towards you. operation – vehicles arriving at intersections: slip road (e.g. H) etc; Detection during cornering Vehicle detection When entering a corner or bend, the The system detects only vehicles (cars,…
  • Page 218
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (10/14) Detection of vehicles in adjacent Vehicles hidden due to variations in – vehicles transporting long objects lanes ground relief which exceed the line; The system may detect vehicles driving The system will not detect vehicles –…
  • Page 219
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (11/14) Stationary and slow moving – vehicles in front 12 which change – when the vehicle is stationary 14, vehicles lane, revealing a stationary vehi- when you change lane (e.g. Q). cle 13 (e.g. P). When your speed is over approximately 31 mph (50 km/h), the system does not detect:…
  • Page 220
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (12/14) Non-detection of fixed obstacles Detection of vehicles moving into and objects of a small size lane at high speed The system cannot detect: If your vehicle is overtaken by another vehicle driving at high speed 15 (mo- –…
  • Page 221
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (13/14) This function is an additional driving aid. It can under no circumstances replace the driver’s responsibility to respect speed limits and safe distances and to be vigilant. The driver must always be in control of the vehicle. The driver must always adapt their speed to the surroundings and driving conditions, regardless of system indications.
  • Page 222
    STOP AND GO ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (14/14) In the event of system disturbance Some conditions can disturb or damage the operation of the system, such as: – the windscreen or bumper is obscured in the area of the radar (dirt, ice, snow, condensation, number plate etc.); –…
  • Page 223
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (1/16) The “Stop and Go adaptive The Motorway and Traffic Assistant is a Note: driving aid system designed for use on cruise control” function – the driver must observe the maxi- long motorway journeys, where traffic is mum speed limit and safe distances Based on information from a radar or flowing or in jams.
  • Page 224
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (2/16) The “Lane centring” function Additional information Using information from a camera, the Depending on the vehicle, the “Lane Centring” function manipulates “Motorway and Traffic Assistant” func- the steering system to direct the vehi- tion may be used with other driving aid cle to the middle of the lane.
  • Page 225
  • Page 226
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (4/16) Computer 1 Power-assisted steering 4 Active vehicle control 7 Receives information from the radar Operates the front wheels to assist the This system provides information on and camera to determine the vehi- trajectory of your vehicle according to vehicle dynamics to the computer 1 cle trajectory and speed (acceleration details transmitted by the 1 computer.
  • Page 227
  • Page 228
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (6/16) Controls Displays on the instrument Steering wheel 21 panel Safe distance settings. The driver must always keep their hands on the steering wheel. If too “Stop and Go adaptive cruise con- Set active functions to standby …
  • Page 229
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (7/16) Note: if you press button 11 when the Stop and Go adaptive cruise control is not activated, the message: “First acti- vate Adapt. cruise ct” appears on the instrument panel. Activating the “Lane Note: you must keep your hands on the driving wheel when using the “Lane Centring”…
  • Page 230
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (8/16) “Lane Centring” function on Certain actions carried out by the driver also suspend the “Lane Centring” func- standby tion: The “Lane Centring” function is put on – activating the indicators; standby automatically when: – too much force is used when han- –…
  • Page 231
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (9/16) Note: in some situations, the “Lane Centring” function may no longer detect your hands on the steering wheel and may sound a signal: – the vehicle is moving along a long straight lane and the driver’s hands are immobile on the steering wheel;…
  • Page 232
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (10/16) If the vehicle crosses a line com- pletely and moves out of lane, the “Lane Centring” function is put on standby. Standby of the function is  confirmed by the 15 warning light and the left-hand and right-hand line indicators 17 appearing in grey on the instrument panel.
  • Page 233
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (11/16) – the Stop and Go adaptive cruise con- trol is deactivated; ➥ 2.89  Note: pressing the 10 button once deactivates both the “Stop and Go adaptive cruise control” function and the “Lane Centring” function. –…
  • Page 234
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (12/16) Temporary unavailability Conditions in certain geographical If a “Stop and Go adaptive cruise con- areas may hinder the function, for ex- trol” function operating fault is detected, The radar is able to detect vehicles ample: the “Check Adaptive Cruise control”…
  • Page 235
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (13/16) The “Motorway and Traffic Assistant” function is an additional driving aid. This system does not take the place of the driver. Therefore, it can under no circumstances replace the driver’s responsibility to respect speed limits and safe distances and to be vigilant (the driver must always be ready to brake).
  • Page 236
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (14/16) The “Motorway and Traffic Assistant” function is an additional driving aid. it can under no circumstances replace the driver’s responsibility to respect speed limits and safe distances and to be vigilant. The driver must always be in control of the vehicle. The driver must always adapt their trajectory and speed according to the surroundings and driving conditions, regardless of system indications.
  • Page 237
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (15/16) Deactivating the system You must deactivate the system if: – the vehicle is travelling on a windy road; – the vehicle is being towed (breakdowns); – the vehicle is being driven with an emergency spare wheel; –…
  • Page 238
    MOTORWAY AND TRAFFIC ASSISTANT (16/16) Some conditions can disrupt or damage the operation of the system, for example: – obstruction of the windscreen or the radar area (by dirt, ice, snow, condensation etc.) Frequently check the cleanli- ness and condition of the windscreen, front wiper blades and front bumper; –…
  • Page 239: Parking Distance Control

    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (1/7) Operating principle Ultrasonic sensors, indicated by arrows 1, are fitted in the bumpers to measure the distance between the ve- hicle and an obstacle. This measurement is indicated by beeps which become more frequent the closer you come to the obstacle, until they become a continuous beep when the vehicle is approximately 20 to This function is an addi-…

  • Page 240
    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (2/7) Note: for vehicles fitted with the “360° camera” function ➥ 2.59, analy- sis of the vehicle surroundings (areas A and B) is not displayed in “Bird’s eye view” or “Side view” mode. Operation Most objects located less near the front, rear and sides of the vehicle are detected.
  • Page 241
    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (3/7) If a side obstacle is detected: – the beeps become faster and then sound continuously as the obstacle gets nearer. Green, orange and red zones will be displayed on the dis- play D; – if there is no risk of collision, no beep will sound when approaching the ob- stacle.
  • Page 242
    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (4/7) Vehicles not fitted with a multimedia screen With the vehicle stopped, press the 5 switch as many times as required to reach the “Vehicle” tab; press the 6 or 7 control repeatedly to reach the “Settings” menu. Press the switch 8 OK;…
  • Page 243
    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (5/7) – select “Bip volume” to adjust the Note: if the vehicle is fitted with a volume of Park Assist using control 6 towbar recognised by the system, only or 7. the rear Park Assist function is deacti- vated.
  • Page 244
    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (6/7) System servicing/repairs – In the event of an impact, the alignment of the sensors may be altered and their operation may consequently be affected. Deactivate the function and consult an authorised dealer. – Any work in the area where the sensors are located (repairs, replacements, etc.) must be carried out by a qualified profes- sional.
  • Page 245
    PARKING DISTANCE CONTROL (7/7) Limitation of the system operation – The area around the sensors must be kept clean and free of any modifications in order to ensure the proper operation of the system. – Small objects moving close to the vehicle (motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, etc.) may not be recognised by the system. –…
  • Page 246: Reversing Camera

    REVERSING CAMERA (1/2) Operation Fixed clearance gauge 3 4 moving guide line: The fixed clearance gauge comprises This is shown in blue on the multime- When the vehicle is reversing, the coloured markers A, B and C indicating dia screen 2. It indicates the vehicle tra- camera 1 on the luggage compart- the distance behind the vehicle: jectory according to the position of the…

  • Page 247
    REVERSING CAMERA (2/2) The screen shows a reverse mirror image. The frames are a representation projected on a flat surface. This in- formation is to not be taken into ac- count when superimposed on a vertical object or an object on the ground.
  • Page 248: Parking Exit Warning

    PARKING EXIT WARNING (1/4) Using information from the radars in- stalled on each side of the rear bumper (area A), the system notifies the driver The system’s detection capability when another vehicle appears in the depends on the vehicle’s surround- detection zone B.

  • Page 249
    PARKING EXIT WARNING (2/4) Activation/deactivation from Operation The indicators 4 on the multimedia screen show you on which side the ap- the multimedia screen 1 The function warns when a vehicle is proaching vehicle has been detected. in area B and approaching your vehicle To activate or deactivate the function, Note: clean the camera regularly so refer to the multimedia instructions.
  • Page 250
    PARKING EXIT WARNING (3/4) Operating faults If the system detects a fault, the mes- sage “Check Side radars” is displayed on the instrument panel. Consult an ap- proved dealer. Limitation of the system operation – The radar area should be kept clean and free of any modifications in order to ensure the proper operation of the system.
  • Page 251
    PARKING EXIT WARNING (4/4) This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle. The system should under no circumstances be taken to be an obstacle detector or an anti-collision system.
  • Page 252: Assisted Parking

    ASSISTED PARKING (1/5) Switching on Special features Using ultrasonic detectors as indicated by the 3 arrows installed in the vehicle While the engine is running, vehicle Ensure that the ultrasonic sensors indi- bumpers, this function helps to find ac- stationary or driving at less than ap- cated by arrows 3 are not obscured (by cessible parking spaces and assists in proximately 19 mph (30 km/h):…

  • Page 253
    ASSISTED PARKING (2/5) Operation Note: when starting the vehicle, or after having successfully completed parallel Parking parking using the system, the default manoeuvre proposed by the system is As long as the vehicle speed is less assistance in exiting a parallel parking than 19 mph (30 km/h), the system space.
  • Page 254
    ASSISTED PARKING (3/5) The space is then indicated on the mul- – Release the steering wheel; timedia screen by a capital letter “P”. – carry out manoeuvres at the front – Stop the vehicle; and rear by following the instructions shown on the multimedia screen 1 –…
  • Page 255
    ASSISTED PARKING (4/5) Cancelling the manoeuvre The warning light on the 2 switch turns  The manoeuvre is cancelled in the fol- off and the warning light disap- lowing cases: pears from the instrument panel and a sound signal confirms that the manoeu- –…
  • Page 256
    ASSISTED PARKING (5/5) This function is an additional driving aid. This function is not under any circumstances intended to replace the due care and attention of the driver, who should at all times be in control of the vehicle. Make sure that the manoeuvre complies with the applicable traffic regulations in your location.
  • Page 257: Automatic Gearbox, Manual Lever

    AUTOMATIC GEARBOX, MANUAL LEVER (1/4) Driving in automatic mode Put lever 1 into position D. In most road conditions you will en- counter, you will not need to touch your lever again: the gears will change au- tomatically at the right time and at the most suitable engine speed because the automatic system takes into ac- count the vehicle load and road contour…

  • Page 258
    AUTOMATIC GEARBOX, MANUAL LEVER (2/4) Driving in manual mode When driving in position D you can switch to manual driving mode using paddles 5 and 6 on the steering wheel. Depending on the vehicle, two manual driving modes are available: –…
  • Page 259
    AUTOMATIC GEARBOX, MANUAL LEVER (3/4) Special cases Special circumstances Parking the vehicle In certain driving conditions (result- – If the road type or weather condi- When the vehicle is stopped, move the tions (steep uphill slopes, sudden lever to position P while keeping your ing in, for example, engine protection, operation of the Electronic Stability downhill slopes, deep snow, sand…
  • Page 260
    AUTOMATIC GEARBOX, MANUAL LEVER (4/4) Maintenance period Refer to the maintenance document for your vehicle or consult an Approved Dealer to check whether the automatic gearbox requires scheduled mainte- nance. If it does not need to be serviced, there is no need to top up the oil. Operating faults –…
  • Page 261: Emergency Call

    EMERGENCY CALL (1/3) If the vehicle is equipped, the emer- gency call function can be used to call the emergency services (without charge) automatically or manually in the event of an accident or illness, re- ducing the time it takes for the emer- gency services to arrive.

  • Page 262
    EMERGENCY CALL (2/3) Automatic mode In the event of unintended operation, it is possible to cancel the call by press- If the automatic mode 2 warning light ing the 3 button for around two sec- appears in green this confirms that the onds, before the call is connected to automatic system is activated.
  • Page 263
    EMERGENCY CALL (3/3) The system operates with a dedi- cated battery. The battery service life is approximately four years (the 1 warning light lights up in red to warn you when approaching Without the emergency call feature, expiry). the system is not trackable and will not be under constant surveillance.
  • Page 264
  • Page 265
    Section 3: Your comfort Multi-Sense …………..Air Vents .
  • Page 266: Multi-Sense

    MULTI-SENSE Eco mode The MULTI-SENSE system enables a choice between three driving modes Eco mode focuses on energy saving. that can be used to control, depending The steering is smooth, engine and on the vehicle: driving, ambient lighting, gearbox management enable fuel con- comfort and engine sound: sumption to be lowered.

  • Page 267
    AIR VENTS, air outlets (1/2) 5 Footwell heater outlets for front passengers 1 Side air vents 6 Control panel 2 Demister outlets for side windows 7 Footwell heater outlets for rear 3 Windscreen demisting vents passengers (depending on the 4 Centre air vents vehicle) 8 Rear console air vents…
  • Page 268: Air Vents

    AIR VENTS, air outlets (2/2) Central 4, side 1 and rear air Rear seats vents 8 (depending on vehicle) Passenger footwell heater outlets 8. Air flow To close: move the cursor 9 towards the outside of the vehicle beyond the resist- ance point.

  • Page 269: Manual Air Conditioning, Heating System

    MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING SYSTEM (1/4) The air conditioning system is used for: – lowering the temperature inside the passenger compartment; – eliminating condensation more quickly. The controls Switching air conditioning on or off (depending on vehicle) 1 Distribution of air in the passenger The air conditioning is switched on (in- compartment.

  • Page 270
    MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING SYSTEM (2/4) Distribution of air in the passenger compartment There are five air distribution options. Turn control 1 to choose the distribution option. The air flow is directed to the windscreen and the front side window demisting vents. …
  • Page 271
    MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING SYSTEM (3/4) Adjusting the air temperature Turn control 5 to obtain the desired temperature. The further towards the red the slide is, the higher the tempera- ture will be. When the air conditioning system is used for long periods, it may begin to feel cold.
  • Page 272
    MANUAL AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING SYSTEM (4/4) Rear screen de-icing/ Rapid demisting demisting Turn controls 1, 3 and 5 to positions With the engine running, press button 2. The operating tell-tale comes – demisting; – blower at speed 3 or 4 ; This function permits rapid demisting/ de-icing of the rear screen and de-icing –…
  • Page 273: Automatic Climate Control

    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (1/4) Adjusting the ventilation speed. In automatic mode, the system uses the most suitable amount of air to reach and maintain the desired comfort level. You can still adjust the ventilation speed by turning control 1 to increase or reduce the ventilation speed.

  • Page 274
    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (2/4) Clear View function Press the 2 button: the integrated indi- cator light comes on. This function quickly demists and de- ices the windscreen, the rear screen, the front side windows, and the door mirrors (depending on the vehicle). It automatically activates the air condi- tioning and rear screen de-icing func- tions.
  • Page 275
    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (3/4) Rear screen de-icing/ Switching air conditioning on demisting or off Press the 8 button: the integrated in- In automatic mode, the system switches dicator light comes on. This function the air conditioning system on or off, enables rapid demisting or de-icing of depending on the climate conditions.
  • Page 276
    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL (4/4) Stopping the system Turn the control 1 to “OFF” to stop the system. To start it, turn the control 1 again, then adjust the fan speed or press the button 4. Air recirculation (isolation of Manual use the passenger compartment) Press the 7 button: the integrated indi- cator light comes on.
  • Page 277
    AIR CONDITIONING: information and operating instructions (1/2) Advice on use Fuel consumption Operating faults In some situations (air conditioning off, You will normally notice an increase in As a general rule, contact your ap- air recirculation activated, ventilation fuel consumption (especially in town) proved dealer in the event of an oper- speed at zero or low etc.), you may when the air conditioning is operating.
  • Page 278
    AIR CONDITIONING: information and operating instructions (2/2) Ñ Type of refrigerant fluid  Type of oil in the air condi- tioning circuit  Inflammable product  Consult the driver’s hand- book  Maintenance Quantity of refrigerant fluid present in the ve- x.xxx kg hicle.
  • Page 279: Multimedia Equipment

    MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT (1/3) Multimedia system A, B or Multimedia sockets 2 The sockets USB can also be used to recharge accessories with a maximum radio C You can use the USB sockets to access power rating of 12 Watts (5 Volts) per the multimedia content of your acces- The location and operation of equip- socket, which have been approved by…

  • Page 280
    MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT (2/3) Steering column controls 4 Microphone 8 You can use the hands-free telephone 6 and voice recognition 7 controls on ve- hicles fitted with these. Using the telephone We remind you of the need to conform to the legislation in force concerning the use of such equipment.
  • Page 281
    MULTIMEDIA EQUIPMENT (3/3) Wireless charger 9 Multimedia sockets 10 (depending on the vehicle) (depending on the vehicle) ➥ 3.26 You can use the USB sockets. The sockets USB can be used to re- charge accessories with a maximum power rating of 10.5 Watts (5 Volts) per socket, which have been approved by our Technical Department.
  • Page 282: Electric Windows

    ELECTRIC WINDOWS (1/2) These systems operate with the igni- tion on or off, until one of the front doors is opened (limited to about 3 minutes). Driver’s responsibility Never leave your vehicle One-touch electric windows with the card or key inside, Avoid resting any objects against a with a child, adult who is not Briefly press or pull a window switch…

  • Page 283
    ELECTRIC WINDOWS (2/2) One-touch electric windows Operating faults (continued) In case of a fault when closing a window, the system reverts to normal mode: Note: if the window detects resistance pull the switch concerned up as often when closing (e.g. tree branch etc.), it as necessary to fully close the window stops and then lowers again by a few (the window will close gradually), hold…
  • Page 284: Electric Sunroof

    ELECTRIC SUNROOF (1/3) Driver’s responsibility Never leave an animal, child or non-autonomous adult alone in your vehicle, even for a short time. The reason for this is that the child may endanger himself or others by starting the engine, activating equip- ment such as the window winders for example, or locking the doors.

  • Page 285
    ELECTRIC SUNROOF (2/3) Closing the sunroof by remote control If you press the locking button on the card twice in quick succession, the windows and sunroof will close auto- matically. It is recommended that the user only operates the system when the vehi- cle can be seen clearly and no one is inside.
  • Page 286
    ELECTRIC SUNROOF (3/3) Precautions during use – Vehicle with loaded roof bars. As a general rule, if there is a load on the roof, use of the sunroof is not recommended. Before using the sunroof, check the objects and/or accessories (bike racks, roof boxes, etc.) attached to the roof bars: they should be prop- erly arranged and secured and…
  • Page 287: Sun Visor

    SUN VISOR Front sun visor Lower sun visor 1. Courtesy mirrors (depending on the vehicle) Lift the cover 2. The light 3 switches on automatically. For safety reason, carry out any adjustments when the When driving, ensure the vehicle is not being driven. courtesy mirror cover is Risk of accident.

  • Page 288
    INTERIOR LIGHTING (1/2) Courtesy light Map reading lights A Map reading lights B Press switch 1 for: Press switch 2 for: Press switch 3, 4 or 5 for constant light- ing. – permanent lighting; – permanent lighting; Note: on vehicles fitted with a multime- –…
  • Page 289
    INTERIOR LIGHTING (2/2) Glove box light Luggage compartment light Front door ambient light (depending on the vehicle) Depending on the vehicle, the 6 light Light 7 comes on when the luggage switches on when the cover is opened. compartment is opened. Front door ambient light 8 comes on when the function is activated and the vehicle is unlocked.
  • Page 290: Passenger Compartment Storage, Fittings

    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (1/4) Front door storage pockets 1 Sun blind storage Centre console storage compartment 2 compartment/induction They can hold a 1.5-litre bottle. charging zone 3 This can be used for storing motorway tickets, cards, etc. For more information on the induction charging zone, please refer to the mul- timedia instructions.

  • Page 291
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (2/4) Centre console pocket 4 Passenger storage Cup holders 6 compartment Depending on the vehicle, the cup holder may be equipped with retaining Pull handle 5 to open it. hooks to keep the cup in place. The glove box can hold A4-sized docu- This can be used to store a mobile ash- ments, a bottle etc.
  • Page 292
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (3/4) Centre armrest storage Rear door storage compartment 9 compartment 10 Lift the cover 7 of the sliding armrest by They can hold a 0.5-litre bottle. pressing the 8 button. When turning corners, accelerating or braking, ensure that the recepta- cle being held by the cup holder is not dislodged.
  • Page 293
    PASSENGER COMPARTMENT STORAGE, FITTINGS (4/4) Rear seat storage pockets 11 Grab handle 12 Rear seat cup holder 14 This offers support and can be held Lower the rear seat armrest. when the vehicle is moving. Do not use it for getting into or out of the vehicle.
  • Page 294: Accessories Socket

    ACCESSORIES SOCKET Accessories socket 1 You can use the socket 1, or 2 depend- ing on the vehicle. It is provided for con- necting accessories approved by our Technical Department. C o n n e c t a c c e s s o r i e s with a maximum power of 120 watts (12 V) only.

  • Page 295: Rear Headrests

    REAR HEADRESTS Position for use To refit the headrest When the headrest is set at the lowest position, this is for storage Raise the headrest as far as possible to Fit the rods into their housing and push only. It should not be in this position use it in the high position.

  • Page 296: Rear Bench Seat: Functions

    REAR BENCH SEAT: functions To replace the seatback, proceed in the reverse order to removal. Raise the seatback again until it reaches the locking joint of the seat- back. Be careful not to jam the safety strap between the backrest and the parcel shelf.

  • Page 297: Luggage Compartment

    BOOT To open Opening the doors manually from the inside Press the 1 button to open the luggage compartment lid a few centimetres. If it is impossible to unlock the tailgate, it can be done manually from inside: Lift the luggage compartment lid. –…

  • Page 298: Rear Parcel Shelf

    REAR PARCEL SHELF Removal – Unhook the two straps 1 of the door of the boot; – lift the shelf 2 to unclip it (move- ment A); – pull the shelf towards you. To refit, proceed in the reverse order to removal.

  • Page 299
    BOOT ARRANGEMENTS Mobile floor 1 Intermediate position B Storage position C (depending on the vehicle) In the position A, it allows you to use This position allows for more space to under the floor 1 and access the tools store things in the boot. Mobile floor 1 position can be changed stored under the boot carpet.
  • Page 300: Transporting Objects In The Luggage Compartment

    TRANSPORTING OBJECTS IN THE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT Always position the objects transported so that the largest surface is against: – the rear bench seatback, for normal loading (example A); – the front seatbacks with the rear seatbacks folded down, as is the case for maxi- mum loads (example B).

  • Page 301: Transporting Objects Towbar

    TRANSPORTING OBJECTS towbar Permissible nose weight, maxi- mum permissible towing weight braked and unbraked: ➥ 6.6. Choice and fitting of towing equipment Maximum weight of towing equip- ment: Maximum dimension A: 1097 mm. – 35 kg on a vehicle with towing pre-equipment;…

  • Page 302: Roof Bars, Antenna

    ROOF BARS, ANTENNA (1/2) Precautions during use Handling the tailgate Before handling the tailgate, check the objects and/or accessories (bike rack, roof box, etc.) fitted to the roof bars: these must be correctly positioned and secured, so as not to hinder the opera- tion of the tailgate.

  • Page 303
    ROOF BARS, ANTENNA (2/2) Antenna On equipped vehicle, pole type an- tenna 2 can be removed by turning it anti-clockwise. It is prohibited to attach any carrying equipment (bike rack, luggage box etc.) resting against the spoiler or tailgate. To install a carrying device on your vehicle, contact an Approved Dealer.
  • Page 304
  • Page 305
    Section 4: Maintenance Bonnet …………… . Engine oil level: general information .
  • Page 306: Bonnet

    BONNET (1/2) Opening the bonnet — Slightly lift the bonnet : — push the tab 2 towards the left (with- out lifting the bonnet) to unlock the safety mechanism; — then lift the bonnet. Note: safety unlocking may not take place if you lift the bonnet and move the tab 2 simultaneously.

  • Page 307
    BONNET (2/2) Closing the bonnet Before closing the bonnet, make sure that nothing has been left in the engine compartment. To close the bonnet, hold the bonnet in the middle and lower it to 30cm above the closed position, then push the bonnet with your hands slightly towards the closing direction until it is com- pletely colsed.
  • Page 308: Engine Oil Level: General Information

    ENGINE OIL LEVEL: general information It is normal for an engine to use oil for Adding engine oil lubrication and cooling of moving parts and it is normal to top up the level be- Use a funnel or protect the tween oil changes.

  • Page 309: Engine Oil Level: Topping Up, Filling

    ENGINE OIL LEVEL: topping up, filling, oil change (1/2) – Unscrew cap 1; – top up the level (capacity between “mini” and “maxi” of the gauge 2 and between 0.9 to 2 litres according to the engine); – wait for approximately 20 minutes to allow the oil to flow into the engine;…

  • Page 310: Oil Change

    ENGINE OIL LEVEL: topping up, filling, oil change (2/2) Oil change Filling and/or checking Service interval: refer the oil level: when topping Maintenance Service Booklet for your up or checking the oil level, vehicle. ensure that no oil leaks onto engine components.

  • Page 311: Levels

    LEVELS, FILTERS (1/3) Frequency of checking coolant level Replacement interval Check the coolant level regularly Refer to the Maintenance Document for (very severe damage is likely to be your vehicle. caused to the engine if it runs out of coolant). If the level needs to be topped up, only use products approved by our Technical Department which ensure:…

  • Page 312: Brake Fluid

    LEVELS, FILTERS (2/3) Level 2 It is normal for the level to drop as the brake shoes become worn, but it must never drop lower than the “MINI» warn- ing line. If you wish to check the disc wear your- self, you should obtain the document explaining the checking procedure from the manufacturer’s network or website.

  • Page 313: Windscreen Washer Reservoir

    LEVELS, FILTERS (3/3) Filters Liquid Windscreen washer fluid. In winter, use The replacement of filter components anti-freeze product. Use products rec- (air filter, cabin filter, diesel filter, etc.) ommended by an authorised dealer. is scheduled in the maintenance opera- tions for your vehicle. Note: do not use pure water (risk of damage to the priming pump, limescale Replacement intervals for filter el-…

  • Page 314: Tyre Pressure

    TYRE PRESSURE (1/2) Vehicle fitted with a tyre pressure loss warning system In the event of under-inflation (punc-  tures, under-inflation etc.), the warning light appears on the instrument panel. ➥ 2.28. Label A B: dimension of the tyres fitted to the vehicle.

  • Page 315
    TYRE PRESSURE (2/2) Tyre safety and chain fitting: for infor- Vehicles used fully laden mation on servicing conditions and, de- (Maximum Permissible pending on the vehicle version, the use All-up Weight) and towing of chains. ➥ 5.10. a trailer The maximum speed must be lim- For your safety, please re- ited to 62 mph (100 km/h) and the spect the speed limit.
  • Page 316: Battery

    BATTERY (1/2) Depending on the vehicle, a system continuously checks the battery charge status. If this decreases, the “Battery Now In Standby Mode” message ap- pears on the instrument panel followed by “Battery Low Start Engine”. In this case, start the engine and the message on the instrument panel will disappear.

  • Page 317
    BATTERY (2/2) Replacing the battery As this operation is complex, we advise you to contact an approved Dealer. For your own safety and for the proper operation of the vehicle’s electrical equip- ment (lights, windscreen wipers, ABS, etc.), any intervention on the battery (removal, disconnec- tion, etc.) must categorically be per- Label A…
  • Page 318
    SECONDARY BATTERY For your own safety and for Depending on the vehicle, a secondary Label A the proper operation of the battery 1 is located under the front pas- vehicle’s electrical equip- Label A is located on the battery 1: senger seat in a specific compartment: ment (lights, windscreen –…
  • Page 319: Bodywork Maintenance

    BODYWORK MAINTENANCE (1/3) You should A well-maintained vehicle will last Respect local regulations about wash- longer. It is therefore recommended to ing vehicles (e.g. do not wash your ve- Wash your car frequently, with the maintain the exterior of the vehicle reg- hicle on a public highway).

  • Page 320
    BODYWORK MAINTENANCE (2/3) What you should not do Wash the vehicle in bright sunlight or Degrease or clean using freezing temperatures. high-pressure cleaning Do not scrape off mud or dirt without equipment or by spray- pre-wetting. ing on products not ap- Allow dirt to accumulate on the exterior.
  • Page 321
    BODYWORK MAINTENANCE (3/3) Vehicles with a matte paint Using a roller type car wash Cleaning the headlights, finish sensors and cameras Return the wiper stalk to the park po- sition. ➥ 1.99. Check the mounting of This type of paint requires certain pre- Use a soft cloth or cotton wool.
  • Page 322: Interior Trim Maintenance

    INTERIOR TRIM MAINTENANCE (1/2) Glass instrument panel Textiles (seats, door trim, etc) A well-maintained vehicle will last longer. It is therefore recommended to (e.g. instrument panel, clock, exterior Vacuum-clean the textiles regularly. maintain the interior of the vehicle regu- temperature display, radio display, etc.) larly.

  • Page 323
    INTERIOR TRIM MAINTENANCE (2/2) Removal/replacing removable You should not: equipment originally fitted in Position objects such as deodorants, the vehicle scents etc. near air vents as this could damage your dashboard trim. If you need to remove equipment in order to clean the passenger com- partment (for example, mats), always ensure that they are correctly refitted and are the right way around (the driv-…
  • Page 324
  • Page 325
    Section 5: Practical advice Puncture, emergency spare wheel ……….Tyre inflation kit .
  • Page 326: Puncture, Emergency Spare Wheel

    PUNCTURE, EMERGENCY SPARE WHEEL (1/2) If the emergency spare wheel has been stored for several years, have it checked by your Dealer to ensure that it is safe to use. Vehicle fitted with an emergency spare wheel that differs from the other wheels: –…

  • Page 327
    PUNCTURE, EMERGENCY SPARE WHEEL (2/2) Emergency spare wheel Note: in the absence of an emergency spare wheel or tyre inflation kit, do not To get to it: load the bottom of the luggage com- – open the boot; partment. – depending on the vehicle, lift up the Depending on the vehicle, the tool movable floor and the luggage com- block is located under or above the…
  • Page 328
    TYRE PRESSURE KIT (1/3) Do not attempt to use the The kit is only approved for inflation kit if the tyre has inflating the tyres of the ve- been damaged as a result hicle originally equipped of driving with a puncture. with the kit.
  • Page 329
    TYRE PRESSURE KIT (2/3) Engine running, handbrake applied: If a minimum pressure of 1.8 bar is – Disconnect any accessories previ- not reached after 15 minutes, repair is not possible; do not drive the ve- ously connected to the vehicle’s ac- cessories sockets;…
  • Page 330
    TYRE PRESSURE KIT (3/3) – Start immediately and drive at a speed between 12 to 37 mph (20 to 60 km/h) in order to distribute the product evenly in the tyre; after driv- ing a distance of 2 miles (3 km), stop and check the pressure.
  • Page 331: Tools

    TOOLS Jack 1 Wrench 2 Tow eye 3 ➥ 5.30 The tools included in the tool kit de- pending on the vehicle. After use, ensure the tools are correctly stored. Do not leave the tools unsecured inside the vehicle as they may come loose under braking.

  • Page 332: Changing A Wheel

    CHANGING A WHEEL (1/2) Vehicles equipped with a jack Start cranking the jack by hand, posi- tioning the jack support plate 3 in the and wheelbrace slightly indented groove underneath If necessary, remove the wheel trim. the vehicle, located between the two notches 4.

  • Page 333
    CHANGING A WHEEL (2/2) Undo the bolts and take off the wheel. Vehicle fitted with a tyre pressure loss warning system Fit the emergency spare wheel on the central hub and turn it to locate the In the event of under-inflation (punc- …
  • Page 334: Tyres (Tyre And Wheel Safety, Use In Winter)

    TYRES (1/3) Tyre pressures Tyre and wheel safety The tyres are the only contact between Adhere to the tyre pressures (including the vehicle and the road, so it is essen- the emergency spare wheel). The tyre tial to keep them in good condition. pressures should be checked at least once a month and additionally before You must make sure that your tyres…

  • Page 335
    TYRES (2/3) Fitting new tyres Pressures should be checked when the Vehicle fitted with a tyre pressure tyres are cold; ignore higher pressures loss warning system which may be reached in hot weather In the event of under-inflation (punc- or following a fast journey. …
  • Page 336
    TYRES (3/3) Use in winter Snow or Winter tyres We would recommend that these be Chains fitted to all four wheels to ensure that For safety reasons, fitting snow your vehicle retains maximum adhe- chains to the rear axle is strictly for- sion.
  • Page 337: Headlights: Changing Bulbs

    HEADLIGHTS: changing bulbs Your vehicle is fitted with lights with LED, contact an Approved Dealer for replacement. Direction indicators/dipped beam headlights/LED main Any operation on (or modi- beam headlights 1 fication to) the electrical system must be performed Please see an authorised dealer. by an approved dealer since an incorrect connection might LED daytime running lights/…

  • Page 338: Rear Lights And Side Lights (Replacing Bulbs)

    REAR LIGHTS AND SIDE LIGHTS: replacing the bulbs (1/2) LED side light 1 Direction indicator 2, reverse LED high-level brake light 5 light 4, and bulb brake light 3 Consult an approved dealer. Consult an approved dealer. Consult an approved dealer. 5.14…

  • Page 339
    REAR LIGHTS AND SIDE LIGHTS: replacing the bulbs (2/2) LED number plate lights 6 LED side repeaters 7 Consult an approved dealer. Consult an approved dealer. 5.15…
  • Page 340: Interior Lighting: Changing Bulbs

    INTERIOR LIGHTING: changing bulbs (1/2) Bulb/LED Courtesy light 1 Courtesy light A LED reading lights B Consult an approved dealer. Depending on the vehicle, there are Consult an authorised dealer. two types of courtesy light A or B. In case of A type, –…

  • Page 341
    INTERIOR LIGHTING: changing bulbs (2/2) Luggage compartment light Glovebox light Courtesy mirror lights 4 – Unclip the light 2 by pressing the tab – Unclip the light 3 by pressing the tab Please consult an authorised dealer. on its left side (using a flat-bladed on its left side (using a flat-bladed screwdriver or similar);…
  • Page 342: Remote Control Key: Battery

    REMOTE CONTROL KEY: BATTERY: battery (1/2) Replacing the battery Note: It is not advisable to touch the electronic circuit in the key cover when Open the case at slot 1 using a flat- replacing the battery. blade screwdriver or similar, and re- When refitting, ensure that the cover is place the battery 2, observing the type correctly clipped on and the screw tight-…

  • Page 343
    REMOTE CONTROL KEY: BATTERY: battery (2/2) Operating faults If the battery is too weak to ensure cor- rect operation, you will still be able to start and lock/unlock the vehicle ➥ 1.16. Precautions relating to Do not throw away your used bat- batteries: teries;…
  • Page 344: Hands-Free» Card: Battery

    “HANDS-FREE” CARD: battery (1/2) The batteries are available from ap- proved Dealers, and their service life approximately two years. Check that there is no dye on the battery: risk of an incorrect electrical con- tact. If they need to be replaced, Replacing the battery When refitting, proceed in the reverse be sure to use the same…

  • Page 345
    “HANDS-FREE” CARD: battery (2/2) Operating faults If the battery is too weak to ensure correct operation, you will still be able to start and lock/unlock the vehicle ➥ 1.16. Precautions relating to batteries: – keep (new or used) bat- teries out of reach of chil- dren;…
  • Page 346
    BATTERY: troubleshooting (1/2) To avoid all risk of sparks: Connecting a battery charger – Ensure that any power consumers The battery charger must be com- (courtesy lights, etc.) are switched patible with a battery with nominal off before disconnecting or recon- voltage of 12 volts.
  • Page 347
    BATTERY: troubleshooting (2/2) Starting the vehicle using the battery from another vehicle If you have to use the battery from an- other vehicle to start, obtain suitable jump leads (with a large cross section) from an approved dealer or, if you al- ready have jump leads, ensure that they are in perfect condition.
  • Page 348: Accessories

    ACCESSORIES Electrical and electronic accessories Before installing this type of accessory (particularly for transmitters/receivers: frequency bandwidth, power level, po- sition of the aerial, etc.), make sure it is compatible with your vehicle. You can get advice from an authorised dealer. Before connecting an accessory to a socket, please ensure that you do not exceed the maximum power authorised for the socket ➥…

  • Page 349: Fuses

    FUSES (1/3) Fuse boxes Fuses located in the passenger Tweezers 3 compartment behind a flap in the B Remove the fuse using the tweezers 3 If any electrical component does not glovebox on the back of the flap. work, check the condition of the fuses. Unclip the access flap 2.

  • Page 350
    FUSES (2/3) Allocation of fuses (the presence of certain fuse depends on the vehicle equipment level) Symbol Allocation Windscreen washer Multimedia accessories socket, multimedia î screen Æ Front and rear second row accessories socket Ì Horn Ý Towbar socket  Heated rear view mirrors Use the fuse allocation label in the ×…
  • Page 351
    FUSES (3/3) Please note when work- ing close to the engine that it may be hot. In addition, Fuses in engine compartment C the engine cooling fan may  Some functions are protected by fuses start at any moment. The located in the engine compartment warning light in the engine compart- (unit C).
  • Page 352: Wiper Blades: Replacement

    WIPER BLADES: replacement (1/2) Replacing the windscreen To refit wiper blades 2 To refit the wiper blade 2, insert it in its housing in the arm 3, then clip it until To replace the wipers, first put them in you hear a click. Make sure that the the service position B.

  • Page 353
    WIPER BLADES: replacement (2/2) Check the condition of the wiper blades. – clean the blades, windscreen regularly with soapy water; – do not use them when the wind- screen is dry; – free them from the windscreen when they have not been used for a long time.
  • Page 354
    TOWING: breakdown recovery (1/2) Before carrying out any towing, posi- The speed specified by current legis- tion the gearbox in neutral position (po- lation for towing must always be ob- sition N on vehicles equipped with an served. If you are driving the towing automatic gearbox), unlock the steering vehicle, do not exceed the permissible column then release the parking brake.
  • Page 355
    TOWING: breakdown recovery (2/2) Tighten the towing hitch 5 fully: first by hand until it stops, then finish by locking it with the wheel brace or a sim- ilar tool. Only use the towing hitch 5 provided with the tools. ➥ 5.7 Ensure that the towing eye is bolted correctly.
  • Page 356: Operating Faults

    OPERATING FAULTS (1/7) Using the card POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO The card does not lock or unlock the Card battery is flat. Replace the battery. You will still be doors. able to lock/unlock and start your ve- hicle. ➥ 1.16 and ➥ 2.5 Use of appliances operating on the same Stop using the devices or use the key frequency as the card (mobile phone,…

  • Page 357
    OPERATING FAULTS (2/7) The following advice will enable you to carry out quick, temporary repairs. For safety reasons you should always contact an approved dealer as soon as possible. Using the remote control POSSIBLE CAUSES ACTION REQUIRED The remote control does not lock or The remote control battery is flat.
  • Page 358
    OPERATING FAULTS (3/7) The starter is activated POSSIBLE CAUSES ACTION REQUIRED The instrument panel indicator lights Battery terminals not tight, bat- Retighten or reconnect the terminals, or clean them if are weak or fail to light up and the tery terminals disconnected or they are oxidised.
  • Page 359
    OPERATING FAULTS (4/7) On the road POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO Vibrations. Tyres not inflated to correct pressures, Check the tyre pressures: if this is not the incorrectly balanced or damaged. problem, have them checked by an ap- proved Dealer. White smoke from the exhaust.
  • Page 360
    OPERATING FAULTS (5/7) On the road POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO Steering becomes heavy. Assistance overheating. Drive carefully at reduced speed, be aware of the level of force in the steering wheel needed to turn the wheels. Fault with the electric assistance motor. Consult an authorised dealer.
  • Page 361
    OPERATING FAULTS (6/7) Electrical equipment POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO The wipers do not work. Wiper blades stuck. Free the blades before using the wipers. Faulty electrical circuit. Consult an approved dealer. Fuse damaged. Replace the fuse or have it replaced ➥…
  • Page 362
    OPERATING FAULTS (7/7) Electrical equipment POSSIBLE CAUSES WHAT TO DO Traces of condensation in the head- Traces of condensation may be a natu- lights or rear lights. ral phenomenon caused by variations in temperature and humidity. In this case, the traces will disappear slowly once the lights are switched on.
  • Page 363
    Section 6: Technical specifications Vehicle identification plate …………Engine identification plate .
  • Page 364: Vehicle Identification Plate

    VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION PLATES The information shown on the ve- 4 MMAC (Maximum authorised hicle identification plate should be Mass). quoted on all correspondence or 5 MTR (Gross Train Weight: vehicle orders. fully loaded, with trailer). The presence and location of the in- 6 MMTA (Maximum Permissible formation depends on the vehicle.

  • Page 365: Engine Identification Plate

    ENGINE IDENTIFICATION PLATES Please quote the information on the engine plate or label A in all corre- spondence or orders. (Location varies depending on engine) 1 Engine type. 2 Engine suffix. 3 Engine number.

  • Page 366: Dimensions

    DIMENSIONS (in metres) 2,720 1,562 4,568 1,571* 1,584 2,035 * unladen…

  • Page 367: Engine Specifications

    ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Versions TCe 260 Engine type (see engine plate) Cubic capacity (cc) 1,332 Type of fuel Petrol Octane rating You must use unleaded petrol with the octane rating stated on the label inside the fuel filler flap. ➥ 1.104 Spark plugs Only use the spark plugs specified for your vehicle’s engine.

  • Page 368: Weights

    WEIGHTS (in kg) The weights indicated for a basic vehicle without options: they vary depending on your vehicle’s equipment. Consult your approved Dealer. Maximum Authorised Mass (MMAC) Maximum Permissible Weight (MMTA) Weights indicated on the vehicle identification plate ➥ 6.2 Gross Train Weight (MTR) Braked Trailer Weight* found by calculating: MTR — MMAC…

  • Page 369: Replacement Parts And Repairs

    REPLACEMENT PARTS AND REPAIRS Original parts are based on strict specifications and are subject to highly-specialised tests. Therefore, they are of at least the same level of quality as the parts fitted originally. If you always fit genuine replacement parts to your vehicle, you will ensure that it performs well. Furthermore, repairs carried out within the manufacturer’s Network using original parts are guaranteed according to the conditions set out on the reverse of the repair order.

  • Page 370: Service Sheets

    SERVICE SHEETS (1/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…

  • Page 371
    SERVICE SHEETS (2/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 372
    SERVICE SHEETS (3/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 373
    SERVICE SHEETS (4/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 374
    SERVICE SHEETS (5/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 375
    SERVICE SHEETS (6/6) VIN: ……………… Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □ ……..□ Anti-corrosion check: OK □ Not OK* □ *See specific page Date: Miles (Km): Invoice number: Comments/miscellaneous Type of operation: Stamp Service □…
  • Page 376: Anticorrosion Check

    ANTICORROSION CHECK (1/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Stamp Repair to be carried out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.14…

  • Page 377
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (2/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Stamp Repair to be carried out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.15…
  • Page 378
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (3/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Stamp Repair to be carried out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.16…
  • Page 379
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (4/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Stamp Repair to be carried out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.17…
  • Page 380
    ANTICORROSION CHECK (5/5) If the continuation of the warranty is subject to repair, it is indicated below. VIN: …………Corrosion repair operation to be carried Stamp out: Date of repair: Stamp Repair to be carried out: Date of repair: Repair to be carried out: Stamp Date of repair: 6.18…
  • Page 381
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (1/7) assisted parking….1.66, 2.119 → 2.127, 2.132 → 2.136 ABS ………….1.64, 1.66, 2.32 → 2.36 audible and visual signals……….1.97 AUTO mode …………1.92 → 1.94 access vehicle …………0.2, 1.2 → 1.13 automatic gearbox accessories …………2.6, 5.24 breakdown recovery …………
  • Page 382
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (2/7) child seats……….1.41 – 1.42, 1.44 → 1.54 driver assistance..0.5, 2.32, 2.37 → 2.102, 2.119 → 2.127, children ….0.3, 1.41 – 1.42, 1.47 → 1.57, 3.18 – 3.19 2.132 → 2.136, 2.141 → 2.143, 3.2 driver’s position ……0.4, 1.58 → 1.67, 1.63 → 1.67 children (safety) ……….
  • Page 383
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (3/7) engine specifications ………… 6.3, 6.5 fuel tank engine standby ……….1.66, 2.8 → 2.11 capacity …………..1.104 fuel tank capacity ……….1.104 → 1.106 engine start/stop button ……….2.5 → 2.7 environment …………… 2.27 fuses ……………0.9, 5.25 → 5.27 ESC: electronic stability control …1.64, 1.66, 2.32 → 2.36 external temperature ……….
  • Page 384
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (4/7) information and general advice interior ……..3.24 – 3.25, 5.16 – 5.17, 5.17 welcome aboard your vehicle ……..0.1 see-me-home ……….. 1.21 – 1.22, 1.96 instrument panel .. 0.4, 1.22 – 1.23, 1.62 → 1.67, 1.63 → 1.67, lights 1.69 →…
  • Page 385
    2.140, 2.143, 3.13, 3.19, 5.25 → 5.27, 5.32 → 5.38 map …………..1.6 → 1.8 operation…………….2.137 remote control …………1.9 → 1.13 overspeed buzzer …………. 1.69, 1.74 remote control door locking unit ……..1.2 → 1.5 overspeed warning ……..1.66, 2.77 → 2.81 RENAULT ANTI-INTRUDER DEVICE (RAID) ….1.20…
  • Page 386
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (6/7) replacement sign detection: overspeed warning ……2.77 → 2.80 remote control batteries ……..5.18 – 5.19 signals and lights ………..1.92 → 1.98 special features of petrol vehicles ……2.12 – 2.13 replacement parts …………..6.7 reversing sensor ……….2.119 → 2.125 speed limiter ……….1.66, 2.81 →…
  • Page 387
    ALPHABETICAL INDEX (7/7) towing equipment fitting …………….3.37 warning lights….. 1.62 → 1.67, 1.63 → 1.67, 1.69 → 1.85 towing hitch…………5.7, 5.30 – 5.31 washing …………..4.15 → 4.17 towing rings …………3.35 – 3.36 weights …………….6.6 towing weights …………..6.6 welcome aboard your vehicle ……….
  • Page 390
    à999104893Sô ë î ä KL RENAULT S.A.S. SOCIÉTÉ PAR ACTIONS SIMPLIFIÉE AU CAPITAL DE 533 941 113 € / 13-15, QUAI LE GALLO 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT R.C.S. NANTERRE 780 129 987 — SIRET 780 129 987 03591 / renaultgroup.com NU 1313-5 – 99 91 048 93S – 05/2022 – Edition anglaise…

Обкатка автомобиля

При обкатке нового автомобиля нужно соблюдать следующие правила:

Во время пробега первых 1000 км нельзя превышать скорость движения в 130 км/ч на высшей передаче

Не допускать увеличения частоты вращения коленчатого вала двигателя свыше 3000-3500 об/мин.

Автомобиль сможет полностью реализовать свои рабочие характеристики примерно после первых 3000 км пробега

Положение ключа зажигания

Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana

Положение ключа зажигания «стоянка и блокировка рулевого управления» A

Для блокировки рулевого вала нужно извлечь ключ из замка зажигания и повернуть рулевое колесо в ту или иную сторону до блокировки замка рулевой колонки

Для разблокировки рулевого вала слегка поворачиваем ключ в замке зажигания и руль

Положение «дополнительное оборудование» B

В этом положении дополнительное оборудование (радио и т. п.) продолжает работать

Положение ключа зажигания «зажигание включено» C

Зажигание включено, двигатель можно запускать

Положение ключа зажигания «запуск двигателя» D

Если двигатель не запустился с первой попытки, перед повторным включением стартера ключ необходимо установить в исходное положение

Сразу после запуска двигателя отпускаем ключ зажигания

Запуск и остановка двигателя: автомобиль с ключом (ключ, радиочастотный пульт дистанционного управления)

Запуск двигателя

В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля, при включенной передаче, для запуска двигателя автомобиля с механической коробкой передач, необходимо до упора нажать на педаль сцепления или переместить рычаг коробки передач в нейтральное положение.

На экране бортового компьютера появится сообщение «Вкл. Нейтраль + нажмите Start»

Для облегчения запуска двигателя при очень низких температурах наружного воздуха (ниже -20ºC) нужно на несколько секунд включить зажигание перед тем, как включать стартер.

При запуске двигателя в условиях низкой температуры (ниже -10º С), нужно удерживать педаль сцепления нажатой до запуска двигателя

Запуск двигателя с бензиновым двигателем

  • — включите стартер, не нажимая на педаль акселератора
  • — сразу же после запуска двигателя отпустите ключ зажигания

Нельзя заводить двигатель автомобиля на холостом ходу, находясь на склоне. Опасность отключения рулевого управления!

Автомобили с автоматической коробкой передач

Перед запуском двигателя рычаг должен быть установлен в положение «P»

Остановка двигателя:

— при работе двигателя на холостом ходу нужно повернуть ключ зажигания в положение «Стоп» A

Особенность – в зависимости от комплектации автомобиля, дополнительное оборудование (радио и т.п.) выключается при выключении двигателя, при открывании дверей водителя либо блокировке дверей

Запуск и остановка двигателя: автомобиль с ключом-картой

 Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana

Ключ-карта должен находиться в зоне действия 1

Запуск двигателя:

  • — автомобили с автоматической коробкой передач: устанавливаем рычаг коробки передач в положение «P», нажимаем на педаль тормоза и нажимаем кнопку 2;
  • — в автомобиле с механической коробкой передач: нажимаем на педаль тормоза и, в зависимости от положения рычага коробки передач, на педаль сцепления и нажимаем на кнопку 2.

Если в механической коробке передач одна из передач включена, запуск будет возможен только при нажатии на педаль сцепления

Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana 


  • — При несоблюдении какого-либо условия запуска двигателя на щитке приборов появляется сообщение «Нажмите тормоз + нажмите Start» или «Выжать сцепление + нажать Start», или «Селектор в P + нажмите Start»;
  • — в некоторых случаях для разблокировки рулевой колонки необходимо слегка повернуть руль, нажимая при этом на кнопку запуска 2; сообщение «Поверните руль + нажмите Start» предупредит вас об этом;

Запуск двигателя с помощью системы «свободные руки» при открытой двери багажного отделения

В данной ситуации ключ-карта не должен находиться в багажном отделении

Функция «дополнительное оборудование»

(включение зажигания)

Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana

После открытия автомобиля можно использовать некоторые его системы (радио, система навигации, стеклоочистители и т.д.)

Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana

Для использования других функций: при нахождении ключа-карты в салоне нажмите на кнопку 2, не нажимая на педали


В некоторых случаях ключ-карта с функцией «свободные руки» может не работать:

  • — разряжен элемент питания карты, разряжен аккумулятор и т.д.;
  • — близость электронного устройства, работающего на этой же частоте (мобильный телефон, видиоигра и т.д.);
  • — автомобиль находится в зоне сильных электромагнитных помех.

На щитке появляется сообщение «Поднести карту к символу + Start»

Нажимаем на педаль тормоза или сцепления, затем положите ключ-карту 3 на символ 4.

Нажмите на кнопку 2 для запуска двигателя. Сообщение исчезнет.

Условия выключения двигателя

Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana

Автомобиль должен быть неподвижным, рычаг коробки передач должен находиться в положении «P» для автомобилей с АКП

При нахождении ключа-карты в салоне нажимаем на кнопку 2: двигатель остановится. Рулевая колонка блокируется при открывании двери водителя или при блокировке автомобиля.

Если при попытке выключения двигателя ключа-карты в салоне автомобиля нет, на щитке приборов появится сообщение «Нет ключа-карты.

Нажать и держать»: удерживайте кнопку 2 нажатой более двух секунд.

Если ключа-карты в салоне нет, перед нажатием и удержанием кнопки убедитесь, что Вы сможете его вновь обрести после блокирования автомобиля.

Без ключа-карты Вы не сможете вновь запустить двигатель

При остановленном двигателе дополнительное оборудование (радио, и т.д.) продолжат работать еще примерно десять минут.

При открытии двери водителя дополнительное оборудование выключится

Дистанционный запуск двигателя


Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana

Если данная система входит в комплектацию автомобиля, для ее инициализации необходимо нажать и отпустить кнопку разблокировки 6, а затем дважды подряд кнопку дистанционного запуска 5, каждый раз удерживая ее нажатой около трех секунд.

Время между нажатиями должно быть не более пяти секунд. Включение и постоянное горение огней аварийной сигнализации на протяжении трех секунд подтвердит инициализацию системы

Примечание: после инициализации функции дезактивировать ее впоследствии будет невозможно

Рекомендуем обратиться к официальному дилеру компании-производителя

Операция запуска

Эта функция разрешает дистанционный запуск двигателя

Установите заранее требуемый режим системы отопления и вентиляции (подогрев, оттаивание)

Для дистанционного запуска двигателя нажмите кнопку блокировки 7, а затем не позднее двух секунд – кнопку дистанционного запуска 5, удерживая ее нажатой около трех секунд.

Огни аварийной сигнализации будут непрерывно гореть на протяжении приблизительно трех секунд.

После этого двигатель будет запущен

Двигатель будет работать в течение десяти минут. Время работы двигателя можно продлить на десять минут, еще раз нажав на кнопку дистанционного запуска 5.

Включение огней аварийной сигнализации и их непрерывное горение в течение трех секунд подтвердит продление работы двигателя

Помимо этого, можно запрограммировать время запуска двигателя для прогрева или вентиляции салона в период до 24 часов перед использованием автомобиля.

Запуск и останов двигателя автомобиля Renault Arkana

В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля, конфигурирование и программирование выполняется с помощью мультимедийного дисплея 8, (см. инструкцию по использованию мультимедийного оборудования автомобиля).

На эффективность дистанционного запуска двигателя влияют следующие факторы окружающей обстановки:

  • — наличие препятствий, зданий, стен, других автомобилей и.т.д.;
  • — радиопомехи (телевидение, радио, мобильные телефоны, другой пульт дистанционного управления и т.д.);
  • — состояние элемента питания пульта дистанционного управления, или ключа-карты автомобиля.

Дистанционное включение двигателя работает, если:

  • — рычаг находится в нейтральном положении для автомобилей с ручной или роботизированной коробкой передач;
  • — рычаг находится в положении «Р» для автомобилей с автоматической коробкой передач;
  • — зажигание выключено;
  • — капот закрыт;
  • — все открывающиеся элементы кузова (двери и багажное отделение) были закрыты и заперты, когда Вы покинули автомобиль;
  • — в неблагоприятных для запуска двигателя условиях (экстремальные погодные условия, ненадлежащее техническое состояние автомобиля, топливо и масло, разряженная аккумуляторная батарея и т.д.) запрограммированный дистанционный запуск двигателя может не осуществиться.

Если одно из перечисленных выше условий не соблюдается, огни аварийной сигнализации будут мигать в течение приблизительно трех секунд.

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