Контроллер pro dialog plus инструкция на русском

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11- 2016

I n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l


Related Manuals for CIAT PRO-DIALOG+

Summary of Contents for CIAT PRO-DIALOG+

  • Page 1
    10183 11- 2016 I n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS 1 — SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS……2 6 — DIAGNOSTICS — TROUBLESHOOTING..22 1.1 — General…………2 6.1 — General…………22 1.2 — Avoid electrocution………. 2 6.2 — Displaying alarms……….. 22 6.3 — Resetting alarms……….22 2 — GENERAL DESCRIPTION.

  • Page 4: Safety Considerations

    1 — SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 1.1 — General 1.2 — Avoid electrocution Only personnel qualified in accordance with IEC (International Installation, start-up and servicing of equipment can be hazardous if certain factors particular to the installation are not considered: Electrotechnical Commission) recommendations may be permitted operating pressures, presence of electrical components and volt- access to electrical components.

  • Page 5: Hardware Description

    3 — HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 3.1 — General All boards communicate via an internal LEN bus. The NRCP2- The control system consists of an NRCP2-BASE board for sin- BASE boards continuously manage the information received gle-circuit units (up to two compressors) and two NRCP2-BASE from the various pressure and temperature probes.

  • Page 6: Connections At The User Terminal Block

    3 — HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 3.6 — Connections at the user terminal block 3.6.1 — General description The contacts below are available at the user terminal block on the NRCP2-BASE boards. Some contacts can only be used if the unit operates in remote operating type (Remote). NRCP2-BASE control board Optional PD-AUX board The following table summarises the connections at the user terminal block.

  • Page 7
    3 — HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 3.6.2 — Volt-free contact on/off/cooling/heating If the unit works in the remote operating mode (Remote) and the automatic heating/cooling changeover function is not selected and if the user configuration allows this (heat pump and Pro-Dialog in- terface selection) the operation of the on/off contacts and the heat- ing/cooling contacts is as follows: Without multiplexing…
  • Page 8: Setting Up Pro-Dialog+ Control

    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.1 — General features The interface includes different screens that are listed below: NOTE: If the interface is not used for a long period, it will go • Default screens with direct display of the main parameters, black.

  • Page 9: Parameter Modification

    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.6 — Parameter modification 4.7 — Operating mode screen A configuration parameter can be modified by positioning the The unit is in Local Off mode, pressing the on/off (0/1) key once cursor and then pressing the Enter key. activates the display of the operating mode screen.

  • Page 10: Menu Tree Structure

    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.8 — Menu tree structure EREBA ACCESS EN — 8…

  • Page 11: Detailed Menu Description

    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9 — Detailed menu description ATTENTION: Depending on the unit characteristics, certain menu items are not used. 4.9.1 — GENUNIT menu NAME FORMAT UNIT DESCRIPTION ctrl_typ 0/1/2 Local = 0. Net. = 1. Remote = 2 STATUS Running/Off/Stopping/ Operating status…

  • Page 12
    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9.5 — INPUTS menu NAME FORMAT UNIT DESCRIPTION ONOFF_SW Open/Close Remote start/stop contact HC_SW Open/Close Remote heating/cooling contact on_ctrl Off, On Cool, On Heat, Current control On Auto SETP_SW Open/Close Remote setpoint contact LIM_SW1 Open/Close Remote demand limit contact 1 LIM_SW2…
  • Page 13
    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9.8 — RUNTIME menu NAME FORMAT UNIT DESCRIPTION HR_MACH nnnnn hours Unit operating hours st_mach nnnnn Number of start-ups, unit HR_CP_A1 nnnnn hours Operating hours compressor A1 st_cp_a1 nnnnn Number of start-ups compressor A1 HR_CP_A2 nnnnn hours…
  • Page 14
    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9.10 — ALARMS menu NAME DESCRIPTION ALARMRST Alarm reset CUR_ALRM Current alarms ALMHIST1 Alarm history 4.9.11 — CONFIG menu NAME DESCRIPTION GEN_CONF General configuration menu PUMPCONF Water pump configuration menu HC_CONFIG Heating/cooling configuration menu RESETCFG Reset configuration menu USERCONFIG…
  • Page 15
    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9.15 — SCHEDULE menu NAME DESCRIPTION OCC1P01S Unit on/off time schedule OCC1P02S Unit setpoint selection time schedule 4.9.16 — HOLIDAY menu NAME DESCRIPTION HOLDY_01 Holiday period 1 HOLDY_02 Holiday period 2 HOLDY_03 Holiday period 3 HOLDY_04 Holiday period 4 HOLDY_05…
  • Page 16
    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9.20 — HCCONFIG menu FORMAT DEFAULT UNIT DESCRIPTION auto_sel No/Yes Automatic change-over selection cr_sel 0 to 2 Cooling reset selection hr_sel 0 to 2 Heating reset selection 1 = outside temp., 0 = none, 2 = delta T heat_th -20 to 0 °C…
  • Page 17
    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9.25 — OCC1PSX menu Time schedule type: The control provides two timer programs: Time MON: Monday schedule 1 and schedule 2 that can be activated. TUE: Tuesday The first timer program (schedule 1) provides a means to auto- WED: Wednesday matically switch the unit from an occupied mode to an unoccupied…
  • Page 18
    4 — SETTING UP PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL 4.9.26 — HOLIDY0XS menu This function is used to define 16 public holiday periods. Each ATTENTION: The broadcast function must be activated to period is defined with the aid of three parameters: the month, utilise the holiday schedule, even if the unit is running in starting day and duration of the public holiday period.
  • Page 19: Pro-Dialog+ Control Operation

    5 — PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL OPERATION 5.1 — Start/stop control The table below summarises the unit control type and stop or go status with regard to the following parameters. • Operating type: this is selected using the start/stop button • Start/Stop schedule: occupied or unoccupied status of on the front of the user interface.

  • Page 20: Heat Exchanger Water Pump Control

    5 — PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL OPERATION 5.2.2 — Heating/cooling/auto selection The table below summarises the unit heating/cooling opera- tion, based on the following parameters: • Control type: indicates whether the unit operates in local, • Remote heating/cooling contacts: these contacts are only remote or Network mode.

  • Page 21: Control Point

    5 — PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL OPERATION 5.6 — Control point 5.6.2 — Reset Reset means that the active setpoint is modified so that less The control point represents the water temperature that the unit must produce. The heat exchanger entering water temperature machine capacity is required (in cooling mode, the setpoint is increased, in heating mode it is decreased).

  • Page 22: Capacity Control

    5 — PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL OPERATION 5.9 — Capacity control 5.14 — Control of a boiler This function adjusts the number of active compressors to keep the heat exchanger water temperature at its setpoint. The preci- NOTE: The control of the electric heating stages or of a sion with which this is achieved depends on the capacity of the boiler is not authorised for slave units.

  • Page 23
    5 — PRO-DIALOG+ CONTROL OPERATION The changeover between lead machine and follower may take place when the assembly is started up, or even whilst running. The running time balancing function is not active if it has not been configured: in this case the lead machine is always the master unit.
  • Page 24: Diagnostics — Troubleshooting

    6 — DIAGNOSTICS — TROUBLESHOOTING 6.1 — General The Pro-Dialog+ control system has many fault tracing aid func- tions. The local interface and its various menus give access to all unit operating conditions. If an operating fault is detected, an alarm is activated and an alarm code is stored in the Alarms menu, sub-menus CUR_ALRM and ALARMRST.

  • Page 25: Alarm Codes

    6 — DIAGNOSTICS — TROUBLESHOOTING 6.4 — Alarm codes Alarm Alarm Alarm description Reset type Probable cause Action taken by the code control Thermistor faults th-01 Sensor fault, fluid entering water Automatic when the temperature Defective thermistor Unit is shut down heat exchanger measured by the sensor returns to normal…

  • Page 26
    6 — DIAGNOSTICS — TROUBLESHOOTING 6.4 — Alarm codes (cont.) Alarm Alarm Alarm description Reset type Probable cause Action taken by the code control Process faults (cont.) P-29 Communication loss with the Automatic when communication is Installation bus defective Unit goes into autonomous System Manager re-established mode…
  • Page 28
    (0,15 € / mn) Compagnie Industrielle Non-contractual document. With the thought of material improvement d’Applications Thermiques always in mind, CIAT reserves the right, without notice S.A. au capital de 26 728 480 € to proceed with any technical modification. R.C.S. Bourg-en-Bresse B 545.620.114…

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Pro-Dialog Plus 30RB – это система управления одноконтурными, двухконтурными или трехконтурными жидкостными чиллерами с воздушным охлаждением 30RВ или тепловыми насосами воздух-вода 30RQ. Система Pro-Dialog Plus управляет пуском компрессоров, что необходимо для поддержания нужной температуры воды на входе и выходе теплообменника. В режиме охлаждения система управляет работой вентиляторов для поддержания требуемого давления конденсации в каждом контуре.


 В режиме охлаждения система управляет работой вентиляторов для поддержания требуемого давления конденсации в каждом контуре. В тепловых насосах система регулирует и оптимизирует циклы размораживания каждого контура с целью минимизации уменьшения теплопроизводительности. Система Pro-Dialog Plus осуществляет постоянный мониторинг предохранительных устройств для обеспечения их надежной работы. Система Pro-Dialog Plus  также обеспечивает доступ к программе Quick Test (быстрое тестирование), контролирующей все входы и выходы.

 Все системы Pro-Dialog Plus могут работать в трех независимых режимах:
— Режим местного управления: управление машиной осуществляется командами с интерфейса пользователя.
— Режим дистанционного управления: управление машиной осуществляется удаленными контактами (контактами без напряжения).
— Режим CCN: управление машиной осуществляется командами из сети Carrier Comfort Network (CCN). В этом случае используется кабель передачи данных для соединения агрегата с коммуникационной шиной CCN.  

 Выбор режима работы осуществляется кнопкой Start/Stop(пуск/остановка). В случае автономной работы системы PRO-DIALOG Plus (в режиме местного или дистанционного управления) она сохраняет все свои возможности управления, но при этом не предусмотрено использование каких-либо возможностей сети CCN.

Электропитание всех плат осуществляется от общей шины 24 В переменного тока с заземленным нулем.
Предупреждение: При подключении плат к системе электропитания обеспечивайте правильную полярность, поскольку неправильное подключение приводит к повреждению платы.
В случае перерыва в подаче электропитания автоматически осуществляется повторный пуск агрегата без внешней команды. Но если в момент прекращения подачи электропитания имели место какие-либо ошибки, то они сохраняются  и в некоторых случаях могут воспрепятствовать повторному пуску контура или агрегата. Все платы непрерывно осуществляют контроль и индикацию работы своих электронных схем. При нормальной работе на каждой плате светится светодиод.
— На плате NRCP-BASE красный светодиод мерцает с интервалом 2 секунды, что свидетельствует о нормальной работе платы. Другая периодичность мерцания светодиода указывает на наличие неисправности платы или программного обеспечения.
— Непрерывное мерцание зеленого светодиода на всех платах свидетельствует о наличии правильной связи платы по своей внутренней шине. Отсутствие мерцания светодиода указывает на наличие неисправности в электромонтаже шины  LEN.
— Оранжевый светодиод ведущей платы мерцает в течение сеанса связи через шину CCN.

 Датчики давления
Для измерения давлений нагнетания и всасывания в каждомконтуре используются электронные датчики двух типов.

Датчики температуры воды испарителя установлены навходе и выходе. Датчик температуры наружного воздуха установлен под блоком управления. Для регулирования работы комплекса «ведомый/ведущий» (в случае необходимости регулирования выходящей воды) может быть
установлен дополнительный датчик температуры в системе циркуляции воды. 

  • Page 1
    30HZ/HZV 043-280 Water-Cooled/Condenserless Liquid Chillers Nominal cooling capacity 30HZ: 134-783 kW Nominal cooling capacity 30HZV: 126-735 kW 50 Hz Installation, operation and maintenance instructions…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents 1 — IntRoDUCtIon …………………………….4 1.1 — Installation safety considerations ……………………….4 1.2 — Equipment and components under pressure ……………………4 1.3 — Maintenance safety considerations ……………………….4 1.4 — Repair safety considerations …………………………5 2 — PRelImInaRy CheCks …………………………6 2.1 — Check equipment received …………………………

  • Page 3
    8 — maIn oPtIons anD aCCessoRIes ……………………..24 8.1 — Units for low evaporator outlet temperature applications (options 5 and 6) …………..24 8.2 — Electrical protection to IP44 (option 20)……………………..24 8.3 — High- and low-pressure gauges (option 26) ……………………24 8.4 — Compressor oil pressure safety device ……………………..
  • Page 4: Introduction

    These products incorporate equipment or components under tightness check and verify with the manufacturer that the pressure, manufactured by Carrier or other manufacturers. circuit integrity has not been impaired. If damage is detected We recommend that you consult your appropriate national…

  • Page 5: Repair Safety Considerations

    NOTE: The unit must never be left shut down with the • At least once a year thoroughly inspect the protection liquid line valve closed, as liquid refrigerant can be trapped devices (valves). If the machine operates in a corrosive between this valve and the expansion device.

  • Page 6: Preliminary Checks

    Never apply an open flame or live steam to a refrigerant Close the entering and leaving water shutoff valves and container. Dangerous overpressure can result. If it is purge the unit hydronic circuit, before working on the necessary to heat refrigerant, use only warm water. components installed on the circuit (screen filter, pump, water flow switch, etc.).

  • Page 7: Moving And Siting The Unit

    2.2 — Moving and siting the unit • Verify that all safety and environmental protection devices and arrangements are in place and comply 2.2.1 — moving with the current European standard. • Verify that all document for pressure containers, cer- See chapter 1.1 “Installation safety considerations”.

  • Page 8: Dimensions, Clearances

    3 — DIMENsIONs, ClEaRaNCEs 3.1 — 30hZ/hZV 043-065 3.2 — 30hZ/hZV 091-225 2550…

  • Page 9: 30Hz/Hzv 250-280

    3.3 — 30hZ/hZV 250-280 legend 30hZ — units with condenser 2452 1520 Evaporator 2750 1505 2750 1505 Condensers 2630 1915 2940 1915 Clearances required for operation and maintenance 2940 1915 Clearances recommended for heat exchanger tube removal 2940 1915 3550 1915 Power supply 3550…

  • Page 10: Physical And Electrical Data For 30Hz/Hzv

    4 — PhysICal aND ElECTRICal DaTa FOR 30hZ/hZV 4.1 — Physical data 30hZ/hZV Net nominal cooling capacity* 30HZ 30HZV Operating weight** 30HZ 1090 1183 1252 2039 2370 2460 2510 2730 2830 3505 3805 4470 4900 30HZV 1018 1672 1960 2000 2040 2260 2300…

  • Page 11: Electrical Data

    Power supply frequency variation: ± 2 Hz. accordance with all applicable codes. • The Carrier 30HZ/HZV chillers are designed and built to ensure conformance The neutral (N) conductor must not be connected directly to the unit (if necessary use a transformer).

  • Page 12: Power Supply

    The following is only to be used as a guide- refer to the wiring diagrams. line, and does not make Carrier in any way liable. After wire sizing has been completed, using the certified dimensional WARNINg: Operation of the chiller with an improper…

  • Page 13: Application Data

    °C Notes For minimum chilled water flow rate For application requiring operation at less than 6.8°C, contact Carrier for unit selection using the Carrier electronic catalog. For operation between 4°C and -15°C, the unit must be equipped with option 5 or 6, and the use of anti-freeze is required.

  • Page 14: Variable Flow Evaporator

    5.4 — Variable flow evaporator It is often necessary to add a buffer water tank to the circuit in order to achieve the required volume. The tank must Variable evaporator flow can be used in standard chillers. itself be internally baffled in order to ensure proper mixing The chillers maintain a constant leaving water temperature of the liquid (water or brine).

  • Page 15: Condenser Water Flow Rates

    5.7 — Condenser water flow rates 5.8 — Condenser water flow restrictor 30hZ/hZV Passes Minimum flow rate, l/s* Maximum flow rate, l/s** CAUTION: To ensure correct operation of the units, these Closed loop Open loop restrictors must be installed. The restrictor is supplied with 1.20 3.60 14.80…

  • Page 16: Water Connections

    In case additives or other fluids than those recommend- ed by Carrier are used, ensure that the fluids are not considered as a gas, and that they belong to class 2, as defined in directive 97/23/EC.

  • Page 17: Water Connections

    Tighten in the pairs and instruction will void the Carrier guarantee. sequence indicated according to the size of bolt (see below) using a torque value at the low end of the range given.

  • Page 18: Frost Protection

    6.6 — Refrigerant line connections (30hZV) 6.4.2 — Pipe connections After welding the pipes to the flanges previously removed 6.6.1 — Recommendations for the installation of liquid from the water boxes: chillers with remote condensers Reinstall the pipes and tighten lightly to a torque at To guarantee optimum and reliable performance of the the low end of the range.

  • Page 19
    6.6.3 — Use of pipe sizing diagrams 6.6.5 — liquid line sizing On page 23 of this document two pipe sizing diagrams are The 30HZV compressors are supplied with an oil that is shown. They allow an estimate of the cooling capacity, corre- fully miscible with refrigerant R-407C in the liquid phase.
  • Page 20
    Table 1 — R-407C correction factors for copper tube 30hZV saturated suction temperature, °C Cond. temp. °C 2.01 1.36 1.09 1.61 1.34 1.07 1.31 1.30 1.06 1.07 1.26 1.04 0.89 1.23 1.03 0.74 1.19 1.01 2.11 1.27 1.08 1.69 1.23 1.06 1.37 1.19…
  • Page 21
    Discharge piping legend 1/2” 3/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1-1/8” 1-3/8” 1-5/8” 2-1/8” Cooling capacity (kW) liquid piping legend 3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 7/8” 1-1/8” 1-3/8” Cooling capacity (kW)
  • Page 22: Operation Of Two Units In Master/Slave Mode

    NOTE: Use only oils which have been approved for the compressors. Never use oils which have been exposed to air. Recommended oils: • Carrier specification: PP 47 26 • Mobiloil EAL 68 (original charge) 7.3 — Pressure vessels 7.3.1 — Condensers (30hZ units) The condensers (one per circuit) are shell-and-tube conden- sers.

  • Page 23: Electronic Expansion Device (Exv)

    7.4 — Electronic expansion device (EXV) coatings to which they are applied. This is also the case for the products originally supplied by Carrier. These are an option for sizes 30HZ/HZV 043-065. The NOTES: Monitoring during operation, re-qualification,…

  • Page 24: Main Options And Accessories

    8 — MaIN OPTIONs aND aCCEssORIEs 8.7 — additional capacity step 30hZ/hZV 043 to 065 (option 94) Depending on the applications for which the units are selected, they can be equipped with options. This chapter Compressor B1 of the 30HZ 043-065 units is equipped with describes the main components that require special infor- a capacity reduction that increases the available capacity mation for correct start-up and maintenance of these units,…

  • Page 25: Maintenance

    9 — MaINTENaNCE 9.2 — Maintenance of the refrigerant circuit During the unit operating life the service checks and tests • Keep the unit itself and the space around it clean and must be carried out in accordance with applicable national free of obstructions.

  • Page 26: Electrical Maintenance

    apparent and actual subcooling Leak detection is especially important for units charged with refrigerant R-407C. Depending on whether the leak R-407C occurs in the liquid or in the vapour phase, the proportion of the different components in the remaining liquid is not the same.

  • Page 27: Evaporator Maintenance

    • the insulating foam is intact and securely in place. be replaced. Check with Carrier the effect upon chiller per- • the sensors are correctly operating, secured and formance of plugging a number of tubes. Carrier will need positioned.

  • Page 28: Corrosion Control

    When rebuilding the cooler, new gaskets must always be by a coating of powder or liquid paint. To prevent the risk used. They must conform to the Carrier specification for of blistering corrosion that can appear when moisture compressed gaskets.

  • Page 29: Start-Up Checklist For 30Hz/Hzv Liquid Chillers (Use For Job File)

    10 — sTaRT-UP ChECklIsT FOR 30hZ/hZV lIqUID ChIllERs (UsE FOR jOB FIlE) Preliminary information Job name: ………………………………… Location: …………………………………. Installing contractor:………………………………. Distributor: ………………………………..Start-up preformed by: …………………………….equipment Model No………………Serial No………………Compressors Circuit a Circuit b 1. Model No……………… 1. Model No…………….Serial No.

  • Page 30
    Unit start-up CWP starter has been properly interlocked with the chiller Oil heaters have been energized for at least 24 hours Oil level is correct All discharge, suction and liquid valves are open Unit has been leak checked (including fittings) Locate, repair, and report any refrigerant leaks ……………………………………
  • Page 31
    Perform test function (indicate positive result): WARNINg: Once power is supplied to the unit, check the display for any alarms, such as phase reversal. follow the TEST function instructions in the Controls and Troubleshooting literature (follow the procedure in the Controls IOM). Be sure all service valves are open before beginning the compressor test section.
  • Page 32
    Order No.: 13412-76, 12.2008 — Supersedes order No.: 13412-76, 03.2003. Manufactured by: Carrier SCS, Montluel, France Manufacturer reserves the right to change any product specifications without notice. Printed in the Netherlands…

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