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/ lego digital designer модели
Модель для lego digital designer “Уточка”
Набор”робот шпион” WeDo 2.0 для lego digital designer
Модель “робот шпион” набор WeDo 2.0 для lego digital designer
Модель “Слон” из набора WeDo 2.0 в виртуальном конструкторе
Инструкция по сборке модели “Голодный крокодил” из набора WeDo 2. 0 в виртуальном конструкторе LEGO Digital Designer
Набор деталей LEGO WeDo 2.0 для сборки модели “слон” в LDD
Модель “Слон” из набора WeDo 2.0 в LDD
Модель “Кот” из набора WeDo 2.0
Набор деталей LEGO WeDo 2.0 для сборки модели “кот” в LDD
Модель “улитка”
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Сортировать по: Robot / Робот (Lego System 6949) LEGO Digital Designer 4.3.11! Собрание по инструкции | Robot / Робот (Lego System 6889) LEGO Digital Designer 4.3.11! Собрание по инструкции | Mortal Kombat \ Мортал Комбат \ Смертельная Битва Собрание по инструкции | LEGO 7620 Indiana Jones Motorbike Chase [img]https:// Собрание по инструкции | LEGO 7620 Indiana Jones Motorbike Chase LEGO 7620 Indiana Jones Motorbike Chase [img]https:// Собрание по инструкции | LEGO 7620 Indiana Jones Motorbike Chase LEGO 7620 Indiana Jones Motorbike Chase [img]https:// Собрание по инструкции | LEGO 7620 Indiana Jones Motorbike Chase LEGO 7620 Indiana Jones Motorbike Chase Собрание по инструкции | Пистолет LEGO Digital Designer 4.3.11! Собрание по инструкции | Автомат Калашникова LEGO Digital Designer 4.3.11! Собрание по инструкции | Пассажирский самолет LEGO Digital Designer 4.3.11! Собрание по инструкции | 1-10 11-20 21-30 … 51-60 61-69 |
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Всё просто, дети с 5 лет легко осваивают работу с инструкциями в LDD.
To open .lxf flies, download LEGO Digital Designer (LDD). EV3Lessons does not take responsibility for the quality of build instructions provided. If you use any of these designs as a base for a competition or in a class, you need to cite the source.
This is replacement for DroidBot 1.0. It has all the features of 1.0 and then a few more.
DroidBot 2.0 is a robot build using only parts from 45544 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set + 1 color sensor. There is also an optional handle that can be added when the robots are used in camps or classrooms.
Designed by: Sanjay and Arvind Seshan
- Instructions:
This is a base robot built with one EV3 Education Core Set (45544). This robot can be used as a learning tool as well as a basic design for FIRST LEGO League.
Designed by: Michael Buss Anderson
- Instructions:
Droid Bot JR is a robot build using only parts from 31313 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 Set. This build is slightly smaller than Droid Bot 2.0, but still has many similar features. An optional handle allows for easy carrying in classrooms. It has been designed to allow the builder to easily replace the infrared sensor with the ultrasonic, use a rechargeable battery, and add a gyro sensor if needed.
Designed by: Sanjay and Arvind Seshan
- Instructions:
PDF (infrared missing)
This is a base robot built with one EV3 Retail Set (31313). This robot can be used as a learning tool.
Designed by: Markus Böge, Team SAPfinity
- Instructions:
EV3 Enterprise is a robot built using parts from the 31313 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 Set. This robot has a base that only uses 82 pieces. Sensor and motor modules easily snap on to the base robot as the student needs. (The robot has optional instructions for adding a gyro and second color sensor. The infrared can also replaced with the ultrasonic if needed.)
This robot has been tested and approved by EV3Lessons.com
Designed by: Sanjay and Arvind Seshan
- Instructions:
Endeavour is a basic robot build using only one 45544 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set.
Designed by: Sanjay and Arvind Seshan
- Instructions:
Driving Bas3 is designed to look like the EV3 Education Core set base robot. However, it is constructed just with parts available in one Retail (#31313) Set.
Designed by: Ahmad Sahar, Tomafuwi Productions
- Instructions:
EV3 Discovery is a robot built using parts from the 45544 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 Set. Sensor and motor modules easily snap on to the base robot as the student needs. (The robot has optional instructions for adding a second color sensor.)
Designed by: Sanjay and Arvind Seshan
- Instructions:
Compact Bot is a basic robot build using the 45544 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set + 1 motor. It has a back bumper for aligning (straightening the robot by bumping into walls and objects) and a third large motor for attachments. There are a few variations on the build available on this site.
Designed by: Brian Wheeler, Hoosier Girlz
- Instructions:
Caster Wheel LXF,
Wheel LXF
With NXT Motor
This new NXT robot design is compact and very sturdy — ideal for classroom usage. It has been designed for use in our lessons and also works well on our Training Mats. We name it Cyberbot because of its distinctive handle which makes it look like a Cyberman from Dr. Who. The robot features a shielded color sensor as well as modular/easy to add sensors and a third motor.
Designed by: Sanjay and Arvind Seshan
- Instructions:
This is a base robot similar to the one available in the Educational EV3 set (45544), but constructed with parts available in the NXT set.
This is great starting robot design that uses the NXT. It features an outer wall as well as two touch sensors. This robot can also line follow.
Designed by: Tim, Team Cassapeia
- Instructions:
This is a base robot similar to the one available in the Educational EV3 set (45544), but constructed with the NXT.
Designed by: Muhannad Al-Khodari, roboticarena.net
- Instructions:
This is a simple, quick-build design that can be built easily by students in a camp.
Designed by: Sam Last
- Instructions:
This is a basic robot using the NXT that is good for classrooms. Since the brick is low to the ground, this design is a very stable build. The design incorporates all the basic sensors needed for classroom activities.
Designed by: Dr. Damien Kee.
- Instructions:
Build Instructions
This LEGO MINDTORMS EV3 Sumo Bot uses three EV3 Large Motors, two of which have “triple torque” due to gearing. In the false-colored picture, the pink 12-tooth gear that is directly connected to the EV3 Large Motor touches the turquoise 36-tooth gear. This “gearing down” increases its torque three times, for increased pushing power. The center motor operates the yellow “flipper” arms for upending opposing robots in a Lego Sumo or Battlebot competition. Parts from the EV3 45544 Education Set are supplemented by the third motor and EV3 Color Sensor (for detecting the edge of a Lego Sumo arena). You can use your spare parts to make the flipper larger; with it in the “up” position, it measures ~7”x7” (~22×22 studs). The EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor detects the opposing robot, or it can be replaced by a Mindsensors “Sumo Eyes” sensor for SuGObot competitions.
Designed by: David Luders
- Instructions:
This is an EV3 Sumo Bot design by Mr. Phil. It uses Mindsensor’s SumoEyes. It is shared here with his permission. For more information on this design as well as lots of resources and documentation on the SuGO competitions visit the GEARS website devoted to SuGO .
Designed by: Phil Malone, GEARS
- Instructions:
Website for rules,
SamBot is an EV3 Sumobot design by Anderson Harayashiki Moreira. It features two ultrasonic sensors and a ramp made of LEGO Brick Separators.
Designed by: Anderson Harayashiki Moreira
- Instructions:
This is a four-wheel drive LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Sumo Bot.
Designed by:Sam Last
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This Sumo Bot can be built using the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 31313 retail set’s parts. It features a front flipper, wide rubber tires for good traction, and the EV3 Infrared Sensor for manual operation via the EV3 Remote Control. Download the “Custom Remote” .ev3 project file for Remote Control operation. The EV3 Color Sensor allows for the robot to back up when “seeing” the perimeter line around the Lego Sumo ring. As an option, the pair of red 2L Technic Axles allow for mounting the Mindsensors “Sumo Eyes” to run the SuGObot program.
Designed by: David Luders
- Instructions:
Custom Remote ev3 file
These designs are contributed by the community. While they are not designed to go with our lessons, we believe that you will be able to learn some new building and programming skills through these projects. If you wish to contribute a design to this page, please contact us.
This is a quadcopter model for teaching Physics with Edu Core set plus extra motors.
Designed by: Seshan Brothers
- Instructions:
- Instructions:
This robot is a fun design with two people playing on a seesaw. It is made with parts in the 45544 set.
Designed by: Young-jun Yi, Funers
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This robot is a porter pushing a wheelbarrow. It is made with parts in the 31313 set.
Designed by: Young-jun Yi, Funers
- Instructions:
I’m Possible Too is an autonomous biped walker using just one medium motor. It is built using parts from the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Home Edition and EV3 Expansion Set and some parts from other technic sets such as the turntable type 2. When you are done building this design, visit Stu’s website to try all his other walkers.
Designed by: Stu Nichols
- Instructions:
PDF, EV3 Code
- Instructions:
This is a bunny that is made with one 31313 set. It has very realistic movements.
Designed by: Ahmad Sahar, Tomafuwi Productions
- Instructions:
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