Лего френдс инструкция комната стефани

Требуются инструкции по сборке из вашего набора ЛЕГО set 41328 Friends Спальня Стефани? Ниже вы можете просмотреть и загрузить бесплатно инструкции по сборке в формате PDF. Кроме того, приведены часто задаваемые вопросы, рейтинг изделия и отзывы пользователей, что позволит оптимально использовать ваше изделие. Если это не то руководство, которое вы искали, – свяжитесь с нами.

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

В наборе нет одного элемента Lego, где можно заказать запасной? Проверенный
В компании Lego работает служба, где можно заказать отдельные элементы или куда можно обратиться в случае нехватки элементов в наборе. Дополнительную информацию см. на веб-сайте.

Это было полезно (4255)

Как предотвратить изменение цвета игрушек Lego? Проверенный
Цвет пластиковых игрушек Lego меняется по двум главным причинам: длительное воздействие солнечного света или сигаретного дыма. Постарайтесь минимизировать воздействие этих факторов на ваши игрушки Playmobil.

Это было полезно (1428)

Как лучше всего чистить детали конструктора Lego? Проверенный
Lego советуют чистить детали вручную с помощью воды (не выше 40°C) и щадящего чистящего средства. Никогда не мойте детали Lego в посудомоечной или стиральной машине. Оставьте детали сушиться на воздухе. Очищайте электрические детали исключительно сухой тканью.

Это было полезно (1314)

Каждый раз после сборки нового набора Lego у меня остается несколько маленьких деталей. Я забыл(-а) ими воспользоваться? Проверенный
Нет, во многих наборах Lego есть запасные детали для мелких элементов.

Это было полезно (1070)

Как лучше всего наносить наклейки на детали Lego? Проверенный
Чтобы наклейки можно было переклеить, рекомендуется обработать место нанесения наклейки средством для очистки стекол. После размещения наклейки дайте ей высохнуть, чтобы она держалась на месте.

Это было полезно (949)

Где я могу найти список деталей моего набора Lego? Проверенный
Многие современные инструкции Lego включают список деталей в конце буклета. В случае нескольких буклетов список можно найти в середине PDF-файла.

Это было полезно (931)

Можно ли использовать детали Lego и Duplo вместе? Проверенный
Да, детали Lego и Duplo совместимы. Детали Lego устанавливаются на детали Duplo с полыми шипами. Детали Duplo лучше всего устанавливаются на более крупные детали Lego, на мелких деталях они могут держаться хуже.

Это было полезно (828)

С какого возраста можно играть с Lego? Проверенный
Большинство наборов Lego предназначены для детей от 4 лет, поскольку содержат мелкие детали. Специальная серия Duplo предназначена для детей от 1,5 лет. Возрастные ограничения всегда указываются на коробке.

Это было полезно (817)

Руководство ЛЕГО set 41328 Friends Спальня Стефани

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(2 votes, 4.00 out of 5)

Created on: 09 января 2020


Hits: 1732

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  1. Инструкции по эксплуатации

  2. Игровой стол

  3. LEGO

  4. Friends 41328 Stephanies Bedroom (Комната Стефани)

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для LEGO Friends 41328 Stephanies Bedroom (Комната Стефани). Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации LEGO Friends 41328 Stephanies Bedroom (Комната Стефани). Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить LEGO Friends 41328 Stephanies Bedroom (Комната Стефани), исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.



Practice your aim on Stephanie’s own personal mini golf putting green in LEGO® Friends 41328 Stephanie’s Bedroom, but make sure her cute little dog Dash doesn’t run off with the ball! Settle him down in his dog bed and give him a bone as a treat, then help Stephanie lie down and admire one of her many sporting trophies. Don’t forget to set the alarm clock for another early morning sports training session!

  • Pet Playground

    Give your pooch a fun day out. Andrea is taking her little sister Liz and their dog Opal for exercise at the pet playground. Spin Liz and Opal on the merry-go-round. 2 pups need a hand. Tip the seesaw to give them a fun ride. Let the dogs cool off with a dip in the pool. Someone’s done a poop! Shovel it into the trash can. The fun’s not just for dogs. Climb the wall and whoosh down the slide.

  • Recycling Truck

    Join the clean team to tidy up Heartlake City beach. Emma and River are patrolling the shore in their cool recycling truck. Use the grabber tool to pick up the trash before the raccoon runs away with it. Sort the garbage into the correct pail. Help Emma attach the garbage cans to the truck’s arm. Lift the handle to tip the trash into the containers.

  • Ice-Cream Truck

    Flag down the LEGO® Friends Ice-Cream Truck and buy a cool treat. Choose from ice creams or a popsicle. Hand over your cash as Roxy makes your order. Join Andrea and Dash at the table and give the patient pup a bone.

  • Vacation Beach House

    Dive on into the Vacation Beach House where great times await. Ride into town on your electric scooter to buy supplies to stock the fridge. Back at the house, if you’re feeling energetic, have a game of table tennis with Mia. If not, relax in the rooftop pool. Swim out to the water scooter and jump on the banana inflatable. Hold on tight… or not, because being thrown off is half the fun!

  • Roller Disco Arcade

    Get ready for a great night out at the roller disco! Lace up your skates and take a spin around the rink as Andrea performs a song. Add your cell phone to the stand to get the skaters dancing to your tunes. Take on Evelyn at the dancing game. Challenge Jackson to an air-hockey battle. Cool off after all that fun activity with a soda from the vending machine.

  • Organic Farm

    Grandpa Marcel needs your help! He’s hurt his arm and can’t work on his farm. The roof of the farmhouse needs repairing. Hold the ladder steady for Mia as she climbs up with her tools. Harvest the vegetables in the field with the tractor. Collect the eggs and apples. Sell them on the stall. Whip up a tasty meal in the kitchen to feed the workers. It’s a fresh as it gets – from farm to the fork!

  • Pet Adoption Café

    Hang out at the Pet Adoption Café and help furry friends in need. Lift the rescued animals from Priyanka’s trike. Help them into the building through the pet door. Make the new animals comfortable in their new home. Get to know them while you grab a coffee and relax in the cozy reception area. Perhaps one will become a forever friend you can take home!

  • Water Park

    Dive into a great day at the water park. Take a shower in the locker room before you enter the pool. Help little Santiago on the climbing net. In the tower, aim the water cannon at Nandi to give her a soaking. Buy your friends a cool treat at the popsicle stand before relaxing under the sunshades.

  • Olivia’s Space Academy

    Boldly go where no kid has gone before! Join Olivia as her dreams come true and she gains entry to the Space Academy. Thanks to all her hard work she’s earned a place in the Academy where she can train to be an astronaut! Learn about space travel in the high-tech academy building. Go for a spin in the multi-axis trainer. Take the helm in mission control and monitor the Space Shuttle’s progress.

  • Horse Show Trailer

    Hit the road in style with your friends. Savannah, Emma and Elijah are on tour, taking their horses to shows. The trailer is packed with all that you need to keep you and the animals comfortable on the road. Walk the horses inside and give them a drink and snack for the ride. Hitch the trailer to the cool SUV. Don’t forget Goldie, Savannah’s guide dog. Help her hop in the car and you’re off!

  • Mia’s Wildlife Rescue

    Get ready for a safari adventure. Mia has won a place at a wildlife rescue center, caring for the safari animals. A scorpion has bitten a zebra. Jump into your SUV to find the injured animal. Back at the center stroke the zebra as Dr Makena gives it a scan. A giraffe has come to say hello. Climb up to the balcony and feed it a leaf.

  • Heartlake City Pizzeria

    Something smells good – It’s the aroma of freshly cooked pizza! Follow your nose to the Heartlake City Pizzeria where Olivia is busy in the kitchen. Ethan arrives on his skateboard. Hand him his takeout through the window. Prepare the next pizza and load it into the oven. When it’s ready, take it out and serve it at the outdoor seating area. Don’t forget the cheese and the grater!

LEGO® Friends Videos

  • Friends

    Follow your passion and make new friends along the way!

    Hi guys, Olivia here! I’m just here to give the biggest shout-out to friendships of all kinds! If you want to, you can make new friends everywhere! Just look at me, going to the space academy has given me so many amazing new friendships! It really helped that we all shared the same passion, SPACE. Watch this video to see some great examples of friendships… also some unexpected ones!

  • Friends

    Work together to put on a show

    Peep behind the curtain at this very special theater school. Learn how to act, see how the rigging works, get dressed as a character then share your passion with all your new friends and put on an awesome production.

  • Friends

    Meet Olivia’s super cute cat!

    Olivia is a bit sad when her rescue cat gets adopted by a new family. But with the help of her friend Priyanka, she finds happiness when she sees her furry friend has found a new life and a lovely new family!

  • Friends

    Making wild new friends!

    Have a wild time meeting exotic animals, exploring the savanna and taking part in a conservation project with Mia and animal expert Dr. Makena.

    Check out the video to ignite your passion for animal conservation!

  • Friends

    Watch Three New LEGO Friends Episodes! Trailer 2

    Big changes are coming to the lives of Stephanie, Olivia, Emma, Mia and Andrea and you won’t want to miss out. Check out three new videos featuring your favorite characters from Heartlake City, plus some new faces!

  • Friends

    Act out your creative ideas at Andrea’s Theater School

    Raise the curtain on a thrilling theatrical extravaganza! Put on a show and let your imagination take center stage along with Andrea and all her friends at the awesome LEGO® Friends Theater! From costume changes to unexpected props, and even a fully customizable, buildable backdrop, there is plenty to plan out before opening night!

  • Friends

    Combining creativity to make wonderful works of art

    Picture this: push through the doors of this awesome art school and a world of creativity awaits. Express yourself however you like, with clay, paints, textiles or photography.

    Check out the video to see how you and your friends can combine your talents and ideas to make awesome art.

  • Friends

    Meet Henry and his Hamster!

    River and his friends do their best to include a shy Henry and his hamster in the fun times at the Pet Day-Care Center.
    Henry loves his new friends and has a super fun time with his hamster.

  • Friends

    Shoot for the stars with Olivia and Pooja!

    Welcome to Olivia’s Space Academy, where everyone thinks space is out of this world!

  • Friends

    Creative Friends Come Together to Fix up the Tree House – LEGO® Friends

    Mia, River and Jackson have a surprise for Olivia. They’ve nearly finished building the tree house! It needs a few finishing touches, so Olivia pulls out the tools she’s brought in her cargo bike and joins the team painting and perfecting until the tree house looks amazing. Everyone gets involved, with Mia and River grabbing paint rollers and Jackson delivering supplies in the wind-powered elevator. Now the repairs are complete, the team can set to work making bird boxes and collecting honey to sell to raise money for good causes. When the work’s done it’s time to play on the giant swing and slide. As evening draws in the friends gather in the den for pizza and a sing-along and some stargazing with Olivia’s telescope on the roof.

LEGO® Friends Games

  • Friends

    LEGO® Friends Heartlake Rush

    Race through Heartlake City in LEGO® Friends: Heartlake Rush! This fast, fun and furious endless runner puts you in the driver’s seat as you jump, duck and swerve through the busy streets in your LEGO racer! Can you complete all 60 levels? Drive as Andrea, Mia, Olivia, Emma, Stephanie or their friends as you zip through the city and collect coins and other special items. Unlock decorations, new vehicles and new playable characters! Find and collect Zobo, and he’ll transform your racer into a jet plane soaring above Heartlake City!

  • Race through Heartlake City in this free LEGO racing game! Have fun with Olivia on the race track or download the app for the full play experience.

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