Лего небесный замок скайры инструкция

Небесный замок Скайры

Номер конструктора: 41078

Кол-во деталей: 808

Кол-во минифигурок: 3

Модельный ряд: 2015 год

Цена: 5999 руб.

Стоимость 1 детали: 7 руб.

Серия: Эльфы

Небесный замок Скайры

Где купить: поиск лучшей цены в интернет-магазинах

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Конструктор Lego 41078 завершает игровую серию Lego Elves. Для того чтобы вернуться из страны эльфов, Эмили Джонс должна попасть в небесный замок и, пройдя все испытания, уговорить Скайру открыть ей портал. Элементы набора и красочная инструкция позволяют возвести замок Скайры, вход в который перекрыт каменной аркой, прикрытой колючим кустарником.


С помощью волшебства девочка пробирается сквозь заросли и попадает в зал для приема гостей, за которым виднеется просторное помещение с цветником. Находящийся справа от него Спа-комплекс доступен лишь настоящим волшебницам. В замке также имеется кухня с плитой и второй этаж с тремя башнями и резными балконами. Здесь же находится тронный зал и рабочий кабинет. В центральной башне есть большой балкон со стеной-порталом, открытие которого подвластно лишь хозяйке замка. В набор входит пять фигурок с необходимыми аксессуарами: золотой пегас, почтовая сова, эльф Воды Наида, Эмили Джонс и Скайра.

О проекте

Уникальный сервис в России для любителей лего-конструирования. Сборка различных моделей из своих конструкторов LEGO. Список своих наборов, вишлист и анализ всех своих деталей LEGO.

Полный каталог конструкторов ЛЕГО с пошаговыми инструкциями и база MOC-моделей со схемами для сборки.

Рекомендации и помощь при выборе нового набора.

У нас на сайте

21 281 набор LEGO
10 072 авторские модели для сборки
8 178 инструкций Лего
8 178 схем сборки Лего
68 748 деталей в 190 цветах
145 тематик и 898 серий Лего

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Find the magic portal to send Emily Jones back to the human world! The LEGO® Elves have completed their quest to find all 4 magic keys needed to open the portal. Now Emily and Naida Riverheart, the Water Elf, must make their way through the obstacles in the amazing Sky Castle to reach the portal while Skyra, the guardian of the portal, watches on from above with her owl, Nascha. Help the elves make their way through the overgrown entrance and use Naida’s magic water powers to find the secret door in the spa behind the waterfall. Then reveal the enchanted staircase to get past the lava kitchen and overcome Skyra’s protective Pegasus, to place all 4 keys into the portal. When you finally face Skyra, convince her to open the portal using her staff. Who knows when Emily will visit the incredible universe of the LEGO Elves again! Includes 3 mini-doll figures: Emily Jones, Naida Riverheart and Skyra, plus Golden Glow the Pegasus and Nascha the owl.

  • The Precious Crystal Mine

    Join Naida and Farran as they travel through Elvendale and make an exciting find! Help them protect the newly-hatched baby earth dragon Floria and meet the mouse jeweler who makes beautiful jewels from the crystals in the mine. Ride the mine cart with Naida and Floria into the mine and find the hidden map. Stop at the shop and buy a sparkly jewel before heading on your way!

  • Aira’s Pegasus Sleigh

    Build a flying sleigh with Aira Windwhistler, the Wind Elf! Fly up to the clouds pulled by Starshine and Rufus, the 2 pegasi to help the LEGO® Elves find the magic wind key they need to send their lost friend Emily Jones back to the human world. Load up the chest with cookies for the journey and then follow the magic map with Aira and Azari Firedancer, the Fire Elf, to an ancient windmill in the sky. Miku the baby dragon has the last key, but how will the elf friends get it from her? Help Aira muster her magic wind powers to blow cookies towards Miku, and distract her long enough to grab the key. Includes Aira Windwhistler and Azari Firedancer mini-doll figures, plus Miku the baby dragon and 2 pegasi: Starshine and Rufus.

  • Naida & the Water Turtle Ambush

    Look out! That mischievous shadow bat is attacking Cory the Guardian Water Turtle in this exciting LEGO® Elves 41191 Naida & The Water Turtle Ambush set! Help Naida use her power to distract Furi the bat with the disc shooter on the small island, while Cory and Calypso the baby turtle try to escape. Oh no, Furi is shooting its evil chain at Cory to try to capture her! Get Calypso to safety on Cory’s back, before you shoot more discs at Furi’s boat. Can you protect the turtles and the magic Waterdiamond?

  • The Water Dragon Adventure

    Help Naida Riverheart the water elf, hold on tight as Merina the water dragon, flies around Elvendale in search of new and interesting places! Explore the waterfall while Naida feeds Merina by using her magic water powers to toss food to the dragon. Discover hidden treasures in the magic waterfall, and help Naida brush her hair and try out the other magical beauty accessories before the next adventure!

  • Noctura’s Tower & the Earth Fox Rescue

    Head into the mysterious Tower of Shadows with Farran to free Liska the captured Guardian Earth Fox in this suspense-filled LEGO® Elves 41194 Noctura’s Tower & the Earth Fox Rescue set! Hop up on Liska’s back and help Farran break the chain holding her to the tower. Oh no, Noctura heard the noise and is sending her bats and spider after you! Use Farran’s magical earth shield to defend yourself while you recover the magical Elemental diamonds. Watch out for the lurking spiderweb trap and try to make your escape!

  • Magic Rescue from the Goblin Village

    Join Azari Firedancer and Farran Leafshade as they rescue the captured animals while they search for Sophie Jones! Check out the crystal and cage-making workshops, and watch goofy Fibblin try to catch Hidee the Chameleon. Help the elves deflect the evil seeds Bieblin is shooting at them from the catapult and avoid Smilin the guard and the carnivorous plants. Then free Panthara the Panther before continuing the search for Sophie!

  • The Secret Market Place

    Join Farran Leafshade the earth elf, and Aira Windwhistler the wind elf, as they find the Secret Market Place, run entirely by animals! Meet Thorne the earth dragon and feed him pumpkins. Visit Owlyver the post owl at the post office and watch Flamy the goldsmith at work. Search through the library with Aira then help Farran use his magic earth powers to reveal the Book of Dragons’ hiding place!

  • Aira’s Airship & the Amulet Chase

    Fly on a daring chase and search mission in Elvendale! Dukelin the Goblin has spotted Emily Jones with her amulet on Aira’s airship and swoops in with the goblin glider. Oh no, Dukelin stolen the amulet and is getting away! Use Aira’s wind powers to transform the airship to super-fast flight mode and catch the goblin before it returns the amulet to the Goblin King!

  • Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon

    Meet up with Aira and Lumia at the music school on the floating island for some adventuring with this thrilling LEGO® Elves 41193 Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon set! Listen to Sebastian the bird sing a tune while the elves accompany him on the instruments. Wait, what’s that in the sky? It’s Phyll the evil shadow bat in an airship, and it’s attacking Cyclo the Guardian Wind Dragon! Find and build the hidden cyclone bow to help protect the magic Wind diamond before Phyll flies away with it!

  • Naida’s Gondola & the Goblin Thief

    Row through the streams of the unexplored goblin forest with Naida Riverheart the water elf as she searches for rare ingredients and crystals! Use the map and compass to find new places to explore on the way. But wait, Roblin the Goblin has spotted her and is firing evil seeds from the catapult, because the Goblin King wants the crystals to power his evil portal. Help Naida fight the goblin and protect the crystals!

  • Breakout from the Goblin King’s Fortress

    Be careful, the Goblin King is holding Sophie Jones captive in his fortress! He’s waiting for Emily Jones to try and rescue her, so he can steal her amulet and use it to open his portal to the human world! Toss Emily’s grappling hook onto the upper level of the fortress and help sneak her past the goblin guarding the drawbridge. Can Emily release Sophie from the cage hanging over the traps and stop the Goblin King? Only you can decide…

  • The Goblin King’s Evil Dragon

    Fly with the Goblin King on the back of his mind-controlled dragon, Ashwing, as he hunts for crystals to power his portal! Grab Blubeary the momma bear with Ashwing’s claw as she explores the empty cave with Lil’ Blu, and then have Jimblin the Goblin use the dynamite to blow up part of the cave and find the special crystal. Store the crystal in the cage on Ashwing’s back and fly back to the Goblin King’s fortress!

LEGO® Elves Videos

  • LEGO® Elves

    Uniting the Sisters

    Emily Jones’ little sister, Sophie, sneaks through the portal to Elvendale and is immediately captured by the Goblin King. To save her, Emily must get help from her elf friends and a new ally in the former queen Rosalyn and her dragon, Sapphire. Can they all unite their magic powers and save Emily’s sister from the Goblin King? Build the whole story yourself with LEGO® bricks!

  • LEGO® Elves

    Part 4 – Webisode 11: Lights Out

    Cory and Cyclo have lost two friends to the Shadow World and know that they must do something, but what can it be? Do they join forces with Emily Jones and the Elves to battle Noctura? They took on Ragana and the Goblin King and proved that they can fight, but Noctura may be a different type of foe…

    Considering that Noctura is eternal, can she even be defeated? Is it too dangerous to take her on in a battle of magic? The stakes are high: if the Guardian Creatures, the Elves, and Emily lose the battle, they could lose what little magic they have left.

  • LEGO® Elves

    What will you build for the Earth Fox?

    Help us build something fun for Liska, the Guardian Earth Fox of Elvendale! Watch the video to discover the world of the fox. Then start building something cool and upload a picture of your creation. If you’re lucky, we might show your build in the Elvendale 360° experience video!

  • LEGO® Elves

    41191 Naida & the Water Turtle Ambush

    A sly shadow bat is attacking Cory the Guardian Water Turtle! Naida has to use her power to distract Furi the bat with the disc shooter on the small island, while Cory and Calypso the baby turtle try to escape! Can she protect the turtles and the magic Water diamond?

    Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the water turtle, Naida mini-doll figure, the island with disc shooter and the boat with chain shooter and space for a bat.

  • LEGO® Elves

    41193 Aira & the Song of the Wind Dragon

    Aira and Lumia are at the Elvendale music school on the floating island with Sebastian the bird. But what should have been a fun day quickly turns bad! Phyll the evil shadow bat is planning an attack in his airship! The elves must find and build the hidden cyclone bow, save Cyclo the Guardian Wind Dragon, and protect the magic Wind diamond!

    Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories with the buildable wind dragon that seats 2 mini-doll figures, the cool bat airship with shooting function, and the ‘floating’ island music school with opening entrance door, hidden chest and rotating sign.

  • LEGO® Elves

    Part 4 – Webisode 8: Making Waves

    To protect the Elemental Guardians in Elvendale from the evil Noctura, Naida the water elf must learn to harness the power of the Monsoon Staff. She sets out to sea on the back of Cory, the Guardian Water Turtle. But things don’t go as planned. It seems Cory and Naida have very different opinions on what it means to stand up for yourself in life…

    What is Naida supposed to do?

  • LEGO® Elves

    41195 Emily & Noctura’s Showdown

    Emily Jones discovers that Noctura’s evil bat minions are creating hordes of new, cursed bats in her laboratory. Lumia, who can shapeshift into a white wolf, and Emily rush to stop Noctura’s plans. But can the Guardian of Light and a human girl bring down the darkest elf in thousands of years in Elvendale?
    Be inspired to play out your own LEGO® Elves stories! There are plenty of scary scenarios and chances to save the day at Noctura’s creepy laboratory. Someone has to stop her from destroying Elvendale in her flying carriage. Emily and the buildable white wolf, Lumia, must combine all their strengths. Luckily, they have the Sword of Light! What will happen?

  • LEGO® Elves

    What will you build for the Wind Dragon?

    Cyclo, the Guardian Wind Dragon of Elvendale needs you! Do you have a fun idea for what to build for it? Watch the video and discover more about dragons. Start building and upload a picture here! We might show your creation in our big Elvendale 360° experience video!

  • LEGO® Elves

    Did you miss us?

    Meet all the LEGO® Elves characters: Emily Jones, her little sister Sophie, and the elves of Elvendale: Azari, Aira, Naida, Farran – and Rosalyn, the healer elf. And what about Cronan the Goblin King who rules his mind-controlled goblins? Is he dreamy or creepy, or maybe both?

  • LEGO® Elves

    Part 4 – Webisode 7: Chill

    Farran the earth elf is falling all over himself to bond with the Guardian Earth Fox, the guardian of earth magic. (And if she hadn’t looked out for him, he would probably fall over lots of other things, too!) But what do you say to your greatest hero of all time when you finally meet her?

    The clever fox tries to get Farran to calm down, just a little, so they can focus on the task at hand: Farran must learn to control the Quake Shield. Because dark forces may be much closer than they appear…

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