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Lowrance HDS Live Operator's Manual

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HDS Live

Operator Manual




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Summary of Contents for Lowrance HDS Live

  • Page 1
    HDS Live Operator Manual ENGLISH www.lowrance.com…
  • Page 3
    Power Products LLC. ® Evinrude is a registered trademark of BRP US, Inc. FUSION-Link™ Marine Entertainment Standard™ is a registered trademark of FUSION Electronics Ltd. ® Mercury is a registered trademark of Mercury. Preface | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 4
    StructureMap™ (StructureMap) Copyright Copyright © 2018 Navico Holding AS. Warranty The warranty card is supplied as a separate document. In case of any queries, refer to the brand website of your unit or system: www.lowrance.com Preface | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 5
    Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation Preface | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 6
    Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication. Preface | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 7
    Important text that requires special attention from the reader is emphasized as follows: Ú Note: Used to draw the reader’s attention to a comment or some important information. Preface | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 8
    PDF files on the screen. Manuals can be downloaded from the product’s support section at the following website: • www.lowrance.com The manuals can be read from a storage device connected to the unit or copied to the unit’s internal memory. Preface | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    Data overlay Favorite pages Configuring the quick access keys Enabling or disabling features 31 Charts The Chart panel Chart data Selecting chart source Vessel symbol Zooming the chart Panning the chart Chart orientation Look ahead Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 10
    Zooming the image Using the cursor on the image Viewing history Recording log data Setting up the image Advanced options More options Sonar settings 79 SideScan About SideScan The SideScan panel Zooming the image Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 11
    Fish renderings Viewing image history Setting up the image Advanced options More options 93 SpotlightScan The SpotlightScan image Zooming the image SpotlightScan setup Setting up the image Advanced options More options SpotlightScan operation tips Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 12
    114 Outboard autopilot 114 Safe operation with the autopilot 114 Selecting active autopilot 115 The autopilot controller for outboard motors 115 Engaging and disengaging the autopilot 116 Autopilot indication 116 Autopilot modes 122 Autopilot settings Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 13
    150 Sirius radio 151 Viewing DVD video 153 AIS 153 About AIS 153 Selecting an AIS target 153 Searching for AIS vessels 153 Displaying target information 155 Calling an AIS vessel 155 AIS SART Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 14
    176 The toolbar 177 Settings 182 Alarms 182 About the alarm system 182 Type of messages 182 Alarm indication 183 Acknowledging a message 183 Alarm settings 184 Alarm dialogs 185 Maintenance 185 Preventive maintenance Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 15
    189 Backing up your system data 192 Integration of 3 party devices 192 SmartCraft VesselView integration 192 Suzuki engine integration 193 Yamaha engine integration 193 Evinrude engine integration 194 FUSION-Link integration 194 BEP CZone integration 194 Power-Pole anchors Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 16
    Contents | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 17: Introduction

    Exit (X) key • Press to exit a dialog, to return to previous menu level, to remove the cursor from the panel or to restore the cursor on the panel Introduction | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 18: Card Reader

    Do not download, transfer or copy files to a chart card. Doing so can damage chart information on the chart card. The protective door should always be securely shut immediately after inserting or removing a card, in order to prevent possible water ingress. Introduction | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 19: Feature Unlock

    System settings dialog. Registration can be done: • From the device if it is connected to the internet • From a smart device with internet access • Over the phone Introduction | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 20: The User Interface

    Press and hold a favorite button to enter edit mode for the Favorites panel. Toolbar Select a button to access dialogs used for carrying out a task, or for browsing stored information. The user interface | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 21: Multiple Panel Pages

    You can only access the page menu of an active panel. To activate a panel: • Press the panel key to toggle between panels • Tap the panel you want to activate 2 panels page 3 panels page Application pages Control bar The user interface | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 22: System Controls Dialog

    The icons displayed on the dialog vary with operational mode and connected equipment. For those functions that toggle on and off, an orange bar across the top of the icon indicates the function is activated. Display the dialog by: The user interface | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 23
    • pressing the power key The user interface | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 24: Basic Operation

    The display backlighting can also be adjusted from the System Controls dialog. Night mode The night mode can be activated from the System Controls dialog. The night mode option optimizes the color palette and backlight for low light conditions. Basic operation | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 25: Pages And Panels

    On menu level one press the exit key Man Overboard waypoint If an emergency situation should occur, you can save a Man Overboard (MOB) waypoint at the vessel’s current position. Create a MOB To create a Man Overboard (MOB) waypoint: Basic operation | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 26: Locking The Touchscreen

    You remove the lock function by pressing on the power key. Screen capture To take a screen capture: • Simultaneously press the home key and the power key Screen captures are saved to internal memory. Basic operation | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 27: Customizing Your System

    Select the adjust splits option. The adjustment icon appears on the multiple panel page. Select the adjustment icon and move the split to the desired position Use menu options to save or discard your changes. Customizing your system | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 28: Data Overlay

    Select the New icon in the favorite panel on the Home page to open the page editor dialog Drag and drop page icons to set up a new page (Optional) Change the panel arrangement (only possible when 2 or more panels) Customizing your system | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 29: Configuring The Quick Access Keys

    Configuring the quick access keys The key presses for the quick access keys and the home key can be configured. Ú Note: The number of configurable keys depends on the size of your unit. Customizing your system | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 30: Enabling Or Disabling Features

    A compatible device connected to the NMEA 2000 network should automatically be identified by the system. If not, enable the feature from the advanced settings dialog. Features can also be disabled using this dialog. Customizing your system | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 31: Charts

    Charts on chart cards are shared over the Ethernet network, so only one chart card per vessel is required. Ú Note: The system does not automatically switch to preloaded cartography if the chart card is removed. A low-resolution chart Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 32: Selecting Chart Source

    You can move the chart in any direction by: • Dragging your finger on the screen • Using the cursor keys to move the cursor to the edge of the chart panel in the desired direction Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 33: Chart Orientation

    When you select a chart item, a waypoint, a route, or a target, basic information for the selected item is displayed. Select the chart item’s pop-up to display all available information for that item. You can also activate the detailed information dialog from the menu. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 34: Using The Cursor On The Chart Panel

    Go to cursor You can navigate to a selected position on the image by positioning the cursor on the panel, and then using the go to cursor menu option. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 35: Find Objects On Chart Panels

    Terminate the measuring function by selecting the finish measuring menu option or by pressing the exit key. Find objects on chart panels You can search for other vessels or various chart items from a chart panel. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 36: Color Trails

    To change the tilt angle of the view, pan vertically Ú Note: When centered on the vessel position, only the tilt angle can be adjusted. The view direction is controlled by the chart orientation setting. Refer to «Chart orientation» on page 33. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 37: Chart Overlay

    Clear history Deletes all heat map data gathered up to the moment it is selected. Heat map data is automatically deleted when the unit is turned off. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 38
    Genesis live Ú Note: Only available when viewing Lowrance or C-MAP chart source. Genesis live is a real-time feature where the unit creates an overlay of depth contour mapping based on live sonar soundings. The Genesis live sonar soundings are recorded onto and viewed from the unit’s memory card.
  • Page 39: Map Charts

    The features and menu options available can vary depending on the charts you use. This section shows menus from a C-MAP chart. Ú Note: A menu option is greyed out if the feature is not available on the chart displayed. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 40
    (equal to or less than 1 knot), depending on the current in that location. If there is no current (0 knots) this will be shown as a white, square icon. Static Current and Tide icons Dynamic Current icons Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 41
    With minimum transparency settings the chart details are almost hidden by the photo. Minimum transparency Transparency at 80 Raster charts Changes the view to that of a traditional paper chart. Raster transparency Controls the transparency of raster imagery. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 42
    (lighter shades) and deep (darker shades) water. After enabling Safety depth, specify the desired safety depth limit. The Safety depth sets the limit at which depths will be drawn without blue shading. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 43
    The Genesis Layer displays high-resolution contours contributed by Genesis users that have passed a quality check. This option toggles the Genesis layer on/off on the chart image. Available only if the C-MAP chart contains Genesis Layer data. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 44: Navionics Charts

    No Photo overlay Photo overlay, land only Full Photo overlay Photo transparency The Photo transparency sets the opaqueness of the photo overlay. With minimum transparency settings the chart details are almost hidden by the photo. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 45
    No Depth highlight range Depth highlight range: 6 m — 12 m Shallow water highlight This highlights areas of shallow water between 0 and the selected depth (up to 10 meters/30 feet). Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 46
    SonarChart Live is a real-time feature where the device creates an overlay of depth contours based on your own live sonar soundings. When you select SonarChart Live overlay the menu expands to display SonarChart Live options. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 47
    The tide and current data available in Navionics charts are related to a specific date and time. The system animates the arrows and/or gauges to show the tides and currents evolution over time. Dynamic tide information Dynamic current information Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 48
    Provides you with different levels of geographical layer information. Easy View Magnifying feature that increases the size of chart items and text. Ú Note: There is no indication on the chart showing that this feature is active. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 49: Chart Settings

    The lengths of the extension lines are either set as a fixed distance, or to indicate the distance the vessel moves in the selected time period. If no options are turned on for the vessel then no extension lines are shown for your vessel. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 50
    Routes Turns on/off displaying routes on charts. Trails Turns on/off displaying trails on charts. Waypoints, Routes, Trails Opens the Waypoints, Routes, and Trails dialog where these items can be created, edited, deleted, and searched. Charts | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 51: Waypoints, Routes, And Trails

    Saving waypoints A waypoint is saved at the cursor position if active or at the vessel’s position if the cursor is not active on the panel. To save a waypoint: Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 52
    This dialog is activated by selecting the waypoint’s pop-up, or from the menu when the waypoint is activated. The dialog can also be accessed from the Waypoints tool on the Home page. Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 53: Routes

    You can use the feature when you create a new route, or you can use it to edit already saved routes. Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 54
    Trail menu option. The Edit Trail dialog can also be accessed by selecting the Waypoints tool on the Home page. Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 55
    Selected routepoints are colored red. Only two routepoints can be selected, and the system discards any routepoints between your selected start and end points. Select the accept option to start the automatic routing. Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 56
    Two routepoints selected Result after automatic routing The edit route dialog You can add and remove routepoints, and change route properties using the Edit Route dialog. This dialog is activated by selecting an Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 57: About Trails

    Waypoints tool on the Home page and selecting the Trails tab. Trails settings Trails are made up of a series of points connected by line segments whose length depends on the frequency of the recording. Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 58
    Red is for the low limit. If the value is between the high and the middle values, it appears as a greenish-yellow color. If the value is between the middle and the low, it appears as an orange color. Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 59
    The system records data according to your settings in the edit Trail dialog. Source data points are recorded when there is a change in the course or heading. Waypoints, routes, and trails | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 60: Navigating

    For information about positioning waypoints and creating routes, refer to «Waypoints, routes, and trails» on page 51. Steer panel The Steer panel can be used to display information when you are navigating. Data fields Vessel heading Bearing to waypoint Destination point Navigating | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 61: Navigate To Cursor Position

    Starting a route from the chart panel Activate a route on the panel, and then select the route navigation option from the menu. You can select a routepoint to start navigating from a selected position. Navigating | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 62: Navigating With The Autopilot

    Autopilot Controller later on. For more information about autopilot functionality, depending on the autopilot being used refer to «Trolling motor autopilot» on page 105 or «Outboard autopilot» on page 114 Navigating | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 63: Navigation Settings

    You can select to record trail points based on time, distance, or by letting the unit position a point automatically when a course change is registered. Specify one of the following logging types in the Navigating Settings dialog: Navigating | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 64
    Defines Loran chains (GRI) and preferred station for waypoint entry, cursor position and position panel. The graphic example shows a cursor position window with Loran position information. For more information refer to your Loran system documentation. Navigating | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 65: Sonar

    Depth at cursor Amplitude scope* Zoom (range) buttons Water depth and Water temperature at cursor location Range scale Bottom * Optional items that you can turn on/off individually. Refer to «More options» on page 73. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 66: Multiple Sources

    Position the cursor on the point from where you want to measure the distance Select the measure menu option Ú Note: The measure option is not available unless the cursor is placed on the image. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 67: Viewing History

    When the data is being recorded, there is a flashing red symbol in the top left corner and a message appears periodically at the bottom of the screen. When you select to start recording, the record sonar log dialog is displayed where you specify recording settings. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 68
    If a StructureScan transducer is connected to the unit, you can convert the .sl2 or .sl3 logs to StructureMap format (.smf) when recording completes. The log file can also be converted to StructureMap format from the files manager. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 69
    You can use the cursor on the replay image, and pan the image as on a live image. If more than one channel was recorded in the selected file, you can select which channel to display. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 70: Setting Up The Image

    Select a preset range level manually from the menu. Auto range In auto range, the system automatically displays the whole range from the water surface to the bottom. Auto is the preferred setting for fish finding. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 71
    Allows the user to adjust the colors of the display to help differentiate softer targets from harder ones. Adjusting the Colorline can help separate fish and important structures on or near the bottom from the actual bottom. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 72: Advanced Options

    Menu options for each panel are independent. Ú Note: Using transducers at the same frequency can cause interference. For source setup information, refer to the HDS Live Installation Manual. Advanced options The Advanced option is only available when the cursor is not active. Noise rejection Signal interference from bilge pumps, engine vibration and air bubbles can clutter the image.

  • Page 73: More Options

    More options Stop Sonar When selected, stops the sonar from pinging. Use the option anytime you want to disable the sonar but not power off the unit. Split screen options Zoom Zoom level Zoom bars Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 74
    Zoom option. Flasher The Flasher mode shows a flasher-style sonar view in the left panel and a normal sonar view in the right panel. Palettes You can select between several display palettes. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 75
    You can select how you want the fish targets to appear on the screen. You can also select if you want to be notified by a beep when a fish ID appears on the panel. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 76: Sonar Settings

    Network Sonar Select to share transducers from this unit with other units connected on the Ethernet network. In addition, the setting must be selected in order to see other enabled sonar devices on the network. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 77
    For more information about how to setup Sonar, refer to the separate HDS Live Installation manual. Log sonar Select to start and stop recording of Sonar data. For more information, refer to «Start recording log data»…
  • Page 78
    Selects from which source the depth and temperature data is shared on the NMEA 2000 network. Installation Used for installation and setup. See the separate Installation manual. Restore sonar defaults Restore sonar settings to the factory supplied defaults. Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 79: Sidescan

    Using the cursor on the panel When you position the cursor on the panel, the image pauses and the cursor information window is activated. The left/right distance from the vessel to the cursor are shown at the cursor position. SideScan | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 80: Viewing History

    You can display different sources simultaneously, using a multi- panel page configuration. Menu options for each panel are independent. Ú Note: Using transducers at the same frequency can cause interference. For source setup information, refer to the HDS Live Installation Manual. SideScan | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 81: Advanced Options

    The surface clarity option reduces surface clutter by decreasing the sensitivity of the receiver near the surface. Flipping the image left/right If required, flips the left/right side of the image to match the direction of the transducer installation. SideScan | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 82: More Options

    Specifies if the SideScan page displays the left side of the image only, right side only, or left and right side at the same time. Range Lines Range lines can be added to the image to make it easier to estimate distance. SideScan | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 83: Downscan

    Viewing DownScan history You can pan the image history by dragging the image to the left and right. To resume normal DownScan scrolling, select the Clear cursor menu option. DownScan | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 84: Recording Downscan Data

    Menu options for each panel are independent. Ú Note: Using transducers at the same frequency can cause interference. For source setup information, refer to the HDS Live Installation Manual. Range The range setting determines the water depth that is visible on the image.

  • Page 85: Advanced Options

    FishReveal Select FishReveal to display fish arches in the image. When FishReveal is enabled, the menu expands to include FishReveal options. DownScan | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 86
    The Preview bar is a snapshot of available sonar history. You can scroll through sonar history by dragging the preview slider horizontally. By default, Preview is turned on when the cursor is active. DownScan | HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 87: 3D Sonar

    You can also see other underwater objects and clusters of fish. The 3D view shows both the left and right channels of data. Depth and temperature Transducer beam Range 3D panel buttons Depth indication line Zoom panel buttons 3D Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 88: Zooming The Image

    The history bar can be turned off. Refer to «Clear live history» on page 92. Saving waypoints To save a waypoint, position the cursor on the panel and then select the new waypoint menu option. 3D Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 89: 3D Mode Options

    When objects are identified in the water column, they are shown as clusters of dots. The point color corresponds to the target intensity, and the point colors are automatically adjusted to complement the chosen palette. 3D Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 90: Viewing Image History

    Menu options for each panel are independent. Ú Note: Using transducers at the same frequency can cause interference. For source setup information, refer to the HDS Live Installation Manual. Range The range setting determines the distance out to the left and right of the center.

  • Page 91: Advanced Options

    This setting adjusts how many and what intensity points are included in the water column. Turn it down to see less noise or things you don’t want to see, and turn it up to see more information. 3D Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 92: More Options

    When enabled, the camera will maintain the set relative rotation from the vessel. For example, if you rotate to face the starboard side of the vessel, the camera will rotate to maintain the starboard view when the vessel rotates. 3D Sonar | HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 93: Spotlightscan

    The SpotlightScan transducer works with most MotorGuide and Minn Kota cable steer trolling motors. Its scanning speed is controlled by how fast the trolling motor is rotated with the foot pedal. The SpotlightScan image Water column Bottom Twin scanning beams SpotlightScan| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 94: Zooming The Image

    If the image is not correctly aligned with the trolling motor, the orientation of the image does not match the underwater environment around your boat. Position your trolling motor so it is pointing straight ahead Select the position adjustment menu option SpotlightScan| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 95: Setting Up The Image

    Ú Note: Using transducers at the same frequency can cause interference. For source setup information, refer to the HDS Live Installation Manual. Range You can control how much of the area around your boat appears on the display by increasing or decreasing the range.

  • Page 96: Advanced Options

    Refer to «Aligning the SpotlightScan image» on page 94. More options Stop Sonar When selected, stops the sonar from pinging. Use the option anytime you want to disable the sonar but not power off the unit. SpotlightScan| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 97: Spotlightscan Operation Tips

    Rotate the trolling motor at a slow, constant speed to achieve the best results. • Reducing the range increases the size of the water column, providing the best view of fish activity beneath the boat. SpotlightScan| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 98: Structuremap

    • Live data — Used when SideScan data is available • Saved files — recorded SideScan (*.sl2 or *.sl3) data that are converted to StructureMap (*.smf) format StructureMap| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 99: Structuremap Tips

    To get a picture of taller structures (a wreck, etc.) — do not drive over it, instead, steer the boat so the structure is on the left or right side of your vessel. • Do not overlap history trails when conducting a side-by-side scan of an area. StructureMap| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 100: Using Structuremap With Mapping Cards

    Shows/hides the water column in Live mode. If turned OFF schools of bait fish might not be seen on the SideScan image. If turned ON the accuracy of the SideScan image on the map might be affected by the water depth. StructureMap| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 101
    455 kHz has greater depth and range coverage. Clear live history Clears existing live history data from the screen and begins showing only the most current data. Log sonar data Displays the log sonar dialog. Source Selects StructureMap source. StructureMap| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 102: Info Panels

    Adding and deleting new dashboards You can also set limits for analog gauges. All edit options are available from the panel menu. Available editing options depend on which data sources are connected to your system. Info panels| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 103: Video

    This unit supports NTSC and PAL video. Check the local video standard or the standard of your cameras. Adjusting the video image You can optimize the video display by adjusting the video image settings. The settings are adjusted individually for each video source. Video| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 104
    Mirroring the video image Video input can be set to display a mirrored image. This setting can be helpful for rear-facing cameras used to back-down the vessel. Video| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 105: Trolling Motor Autopilot

    MFD control, only one of them can be active at a time. Buttons for both autopilots are shown in the control bar. Activate an autopilot by selecting the relevant button in the control bar, then select the switch button in the autopilot controller. Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 106: The Autopilot Controller For Trolling Motor

    When the autopilot controller is the active panel, it is outlined with a border. Ú Note: The autopilot controller can also be activated from the system controls dialog. Engaging and disengaging the autopilot To engage the autopilot: • Select the preferred mode button Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 107: Autopilot Indication

    When in anchor mode, the vessel heading can be affected by wind or current. The following anchor options are available: Cursor Navigates to cursor position, and then maintains the vessel at that position. Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 108
    When arriving at the destination, the autopilot switches to the selected arrival mode. It is important to select an arrival mode that Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 109
    The last waypoint on the turn is the final waypoint. When the vessel reaches the final waypoint, the vessel goes into arrival mode. Refer to «Arrival mode» on page 112. Starting a turn • Select the port or starboard button Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 110
    Makes the vessel turn in a spiral with a decreasing or increasing radius. Turn variables: • Initial radius • Radius change per loop • Number of loops Zigzag-turn Steers the vessel in a zigzag pattern. Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 111: Trolling Motor Speed Control

    (C). Recording and saving a trail A trail can be saved as a route from the autopilot controller. If trail recording is disabled, the function can be enabled from the autopilot controller. Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 112: Autopilot Settings

    Controls whether the autopilot information bar is shown when the autopilot is in standby. Arrival mode The autopilot switches from navigation mode to the selected arrival mode when the vessel reaches the destination point. Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 113
    These MTG anchor points can be saved as a waypoint in the MFD system. The position of an MTG anchor point can be redefined to be identical to an existing waypoint, or to the current vessel position. Trolling motor autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 114: Outboard Autopilot

    MFD control, only one of them can be active at a time. Buttons for both autopilots are shown in the control bar. Activate an autopilot by selecting the relevant button in the control bar, then select the switch button in the autopilot controller. Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 115: The Autopilot Controller For Outboard Motors

    When the autopilot controller is the active panel, it is outlined with a border. Ú Note: The autopilot controller can also be activated from the system controls dialog. Engaging and disengaging the autopilot To engage the autopilot: • Select the preferred mode button Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 116: Autopilot Indication

    In this mode the port and starboard buttons are used to control the rudder. Activate this mode by pressing the port or starboard button when the autopilot is in standby. To change the rudder position • Select a port or starboard button. Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 117
    • Select a port or starboard button NAV mode Warning: NAV mode should only be used in open waters. Prior to entering NAV mode you must be navigating a route or towards a waypoint. Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 118
    • If the required course change to next waypoint is more than the set limit, you are prompted to verify that the upcoming course Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 119
    U-turn Changes the current set heading by 180°. The turn rate is identical to Turn rate setting. C-turn Steers the vessel in a circle. Turn variable: Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 120
    Turn variables: • Course change • Turn radius Depth contour tracking Makes the autopilot follow a depth contour. Ú Note: DCT turn pattern is only available if the system has a valid depth input. Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 121
    Select the port or starboard button to initiate the depth contour steering to follow the bottom sloping to starboard or to port Port option Starboard option (depth decreases to port) (depth decreases to starboard) Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 122: Autopilot Settings

    Autopilot settings dialog shows option for the active autopilot. Chart compass Select to display a compass symbol around your boat on the chart panel. The compass symbol is off when the cursor is active on the panel. Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 123
    A high response level increases the rudder activity and provides more tight steering. A too high response level will cause the boat to make S movements. Outboard autopilot| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 124: Simulator

    You can select which data files that are used by the simulator. It can be either pre-recorded data files included in your device, your own recorded log files, or log files on a mass storage device connected to the unit. Simulator| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 125: Advanced Simulator Settings

    Set start position Sets your simulated vessel position to the current cursor position. Ú Note: This option is only available when the GPS source is set to Simulated course. Simulator| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 126: Radar

    Several radar sensors are supported. The menu options available depend on the radar sensor(s) connected to the system. The Radar panel Orientation Range Heading line* Cursor Compass* Range markers* Range rings* Cursor position window * Optional radar symbology. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 127: Dual Radar

    The radar’s operational modes are controlled from the Radar menu. The following modes are available: Power off The power to the radar scanner is turned off. Power off is only available when radar is in standby mode. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 128: Radar Sector Blanking

    An enabled sector is shown as a magenta outline with 3 arcs crossing the blanking area. To specify radar sector blanking, refer to the HDS Live Installation Manual. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 129: Radar Range

    Up to two independent Guard Zones may also be defined for each virtual radar source. Using the cursor on a radar panel By default, the cursor is not shown on a radar panel. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 130: Adjusting The Radar Image

    Harbor — In this mode the radar settings are optimized for areas • such as busy waterways and large man-made structures where good target discrimination and rapid image updates are needed. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 131
    Offshore: Adjustable Offshore: Adjustable Weather: Adjustable Weather: Adjustable Bird: Adjustable Bird: Adjustable Rain Target Separation Custom: Adjustable Custom: Adjustable Harbor: Adjustable Harbor: Medium Offshore: Adjustable Offshore: OFF Weather: Adjustable Weather: OFF Bird: Adjustable Bird: OFF Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 132
    In addition, CALM, MODERATE or ROUGH STC Curve settings are available in the Radar options menu to better optimize the radar image to your liking. Gain The gain controls the sensitivity of the radar receiver. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 133
    Rain clutter Rain clutter is used to reduce the effect of rain, snow or other weather conditions on the radar image. The value should not be increased too much as this may filter out real targets. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 134: Advanced Radar Options

    In order not to miss weak targets, the interference rejection should be set to low when no interference exists. Target separation (Broadband 4G and Halo Radar only) Controls the target discrimination of the radar (separation between objects is more prominent). Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 135: Radar View Options

    • The target is not geo-stationary (e.g. land or a marker buoy). The following options are available: • Off — turns off Doppler coloring • Normal — approaching targets and diverging targets are colored. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 136
    VelocityTrack feature as an aid for collision avoidance. Examples of how VelocityTrack behaves in 2 navigation scenarios is illustrated below. The illustrations show a target (A) crossing own vessel’s (B) path. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 137
    VelocityTrack speed threshold. Blue (C4/C5 and D5), indicating the target is diverging away • from own vessel and its relative speed at that point is greater than the VelocityTrack speed threshold. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 138
    PPI is oriented according to own ship heading obtained from the gyro compass. When the ship turns the heading line changes its direction according to the ship’s heading, while the radar image remains stabilized. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 139
    75% of the radius at the current range. This may result in the CCRP being outside of the bearing scale. In such cases the measurements are still taken by the CCRP and the bearing scale is compressed accordingly. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 140
    This allows for manually resetting the radar image and vessel symbol to its starting position. Ú Note: True motion is only available when the PPI is in either north up or course up orientation mode. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 141: Ebl/Vrm Markers

    Activate the menu, select EBL/VRM, then select the marker you wish to offset Select the set offset option Position the cursor on the radar panel to set the offset position Select the save option to save your settings. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 142: Setting A Guard Zone Around Your Vessel

    Select the save option to save your settings. Shape: Sector Shape: Circle Turning guard zones on and off When a guard zone is defined, you can turn it on/off by: • deselecting the guard zone from the menu Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 143: Marpa Targets

    When no signals have been received within a time limit a target will be defined as lost. The target symbol represents the last valid position of the target before the reception of data was lost. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 144
    Target details in the menu. MARPA alarm settings You can define the following MARPA alarms: MARPA target lost • Controls whether an alarm is activated when a MARPA target is lost. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 145: Recording Radar Data

    Ú Note: The record menu option is available if recording is turned on in the Advanced system settings. If more than one radar is available, you can select which source you want to record. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 146: Radar Settings

    The radius of the ring is the same as the closest point of approach as set in the Dangerous Vessels dialog. Refer to «Defining dangerous vessels» on page 159. An alarm triggers if a vessel is tracking into your safe zone. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 147
    Installation The Installation option is used for radar installation, described in the separate Radar or HDS Live Installation manuals. Radar| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 148: Audio

    The control buttons, tools and options vary from one audio source to another. Control bar Audio controller, small and large displays Source and source information Control buttons ON/OFF button Ú Note: The OFF button is located in the source list on small displays. Audio| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 149: Setting Up The Audio System

    If your audio server support Bluetooth, Bluetooth will be listed as a source. Use the Bluetooth devices icon in the audio controller to pair the audio server with a Bluetooth enabled devices such as a smart phone or tablet. Audio| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 150: Using An Am/Fm Radio

    Sirius service covers inland U.S. waters and coastal areas into the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea. The SiriusXM products received vary depending on your selected subscription package. For more information, refer to www.siriusXM.com and the server documentation. Audio| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 151: Viewing Dvd Video

    You can view DVD video from a FUSION-Link device on units with a Video Adapter cable (000-11010-001, sold separately). The DVD is shown on a video panel. You control the video from the audio controller when the audio source is set to DVD. Audio| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 152
    Video standard This unit supports NTSC and PAL video. Check the local video standard or the standard of your cameras. Audio| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 153: Ais

    You can search for AIS targets by using the find option in the menu. If the cursor is active, the system searches for vessels around the cursor position. Without an active cursor, the system searches for vessels around your vessel’s position. Displaying target information AIS| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 154
    AIS vessel details Detailed information about an AIS target is available from the AIS vessels details dialog. To display the dialog: • select the AIS pop-up • select the info option in the menu AIS| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 155: Calling An Ais Vessel

    When data is received from an AIS SART, an alarm message is displayed. This message includes the AIS SART’s unique MMSI number, and its position, distance, and bearing from your vessel. You have the following options: AIS| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 156: Vessel Alarms

    SART remains in the vessels list for 10 minutes after it receives the last signal. Vessel alarms You can define several alarms to alert you if a target shows up within predefined range limits, or if a previously identified target is lost. AIS| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 157: Ais Target Symbols

    Lost AIS target, indicated with a line on the target symbol. The symbol is located at the last received position from the target AIS SART (AIS Search And Rescue Transmitter) AtoN (Aids To Navigation) AIS| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 158: Vessel Settings

    You can set the length of the Course Over Ground (COG) extension line for AIS vessels. The length of the extension line is either set as a fixed distance, or to indicate the distance the vessel will move in a selected time period. AIS| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 159
    When a target comes within the distance for CPA or within the time limit for TCPA, the symbol changes to the dangerous target symbol. AIS| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 160: Siriusxm Weather

    Sirius weather panel Sirius weather can be displayed as an overlay on your chart panel. When weather overlay is selected, the chart menu increases to show the available weather options. SiriusXM weather| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 161: Showing Weather Details

    If pop-up is enabled, you can select a weather icon to display the identity of the observation. If you select the pop-up, detailed information about the observation is displayed. You can also display the detailed information from the menu when the weather icon is selected. SiriusXM weather| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 162: Local Weather

    When color coding is selected, the SST color bar is shown on the left side of the display. You define how the color codes are used to identify sea surface temperature. Refer to «Adjusting color codes» on page 165. SiriusXM weather| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 163
    1 x arrow barb + 1 x large barb. Wind speed: 35 knots Wind speed: 60 knots Weather icons Several weather icons are available to show current or predicted weather conditions. SiriusXM weather| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 164
    You can select a marine zone and view its forecast. You can also select a marine zone as your current zone of interest to be notified of any weather warnings in that zone. SiriusXM weather| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 165: Weather Alarms

    You can setup lightning or storm alarms to occur when the conditions are within a certain range of your vessel. You can also set up an alarm as a severe weather forecast alarm issued for your chosen marine zone. SiriusXM weather| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 166
    A watchbox is defined by the National weather service. When the alarm for watchbox is turned on, an alarm occurs when your vessel is entering or inside a watchbox. SiriusXM weather| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 167: Remote Control Of The Mfd

    Connecting via a hotspot If you connect a phone/tablet and the MFD(s) to the same hotspot, you can use your phone/tablet to control all MFDs on the same network. Remote control of the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 168
    The MFD network name (SSID) will be displayed as an available network in the phone/tablet. Remote control of the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 169: Lr-1 Remote Control

    You can change the access level and remove the wifi connected remote controllers. LR-1 Remote control Configuring the keys on the LR-1 The key presses for the optional wireless remote must be configured before the unit can be used. Remote control of the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 170
    Press the dedicated key on the LR-1 to remotely control the MFD. A green LED on the remote flashes for each key press to indicate that the remote is connected and working. Remote control of the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 171: Using Your Phone With The Mfd

    Use the phone icon to connect your phone to the MFD. When the icon is selected the following happens: • Bluetooth is turned ON in the MFD • the Bluetooth devices dialog opens, listing all Bluetooth enabled devices within range Using your phone with the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 172: Phone Notifications

    Incoming messages and phone notifications will now pop-up on the MFD. Phone notifications After the phone and unit are paired and connected, use the phone icon to display the list of messages and the call history. Using your phone with the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 173: Phone Troubleshooting

    You can respond to an incoming call by a text message (not available for iPhones). Message settings You can define message templates and set how you want the alert to appear in the settings dialog. Phone troubleshooting Using your phone with the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 174
    • the phone is connected and there is no sound on the phone when talking Using your phone with the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 175: Managing Bluetooth Devices

    Check that the text app is not open and active on the iPhone. Managing Bluetooth devices Bluetooth enabled devices within range are shown in the Bluetooth devices dialog. Refer to «Bluetooth devices» on page 181. Using your phone with the MFD| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 176: Tools And Settings

    Phone Used for connecting a phone to the MFD. See «Using your phone with the MFD» on page 171. Tools and settings| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 177: Settings

    Used to specify the physical attributes of the boat. Text size Used for setting the text size in menus and dialogs. Default setting: Normal Key beeps Controls the loudness of the beep sound when a key is pressed. Tools and settings| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 178
    Datum Most paper charts are made in the WGS84 format, which also is used by the HDS Live. If your paper charts are in a different format, you can change the datum settings accordingly to match your paper charts.
  • Page 179
    Services Used for accessing web sites that provide feature services. Navigation Used for defining navigation settings. Refer to «Navigating» on page 60. Wireless settings Provides configuration and setup options for the wireless functionality. Tools and settings| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 180
    DHCP servers. To make it easy to find all DHCP servers on a network, dhcp_probe may be run from the HDS Live. Only one DHCP device may be operational Tools and…
  • Page 181
    • connect, disconnect or remove the device from the device list Internal Wireless Select this option to enable or disable the internal wireless. Disabling the wireless reduces the unit’s power consumption. Tools and settings| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 182: Alarms

    A single alarm is displayed with the name of the alarm as the title, and details for the alarm. If more than one alarm is activated simultaneously, the alarm pop- up can display 3 alarms. The alarms are listed in the order they occur Alarms| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 183: Acknowledging A Message

    Alarm settings You enable or disable the alarm siren from the alarm settings dialog. This dialog also give access to the settings dialog from where you enable or disable all system alarms. Alarms| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 184: Alarm Dialogs

    • Active: lists all active alarms with details • History: lists the alarm history with time stamp. The alarms remain in the list until they are manually cleared Alarms| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 185: Maintenance

    Do not use a jet or high pressure wash. Do not run your unit through a car wash. Touchscreen calibration Ú Note: Ensure the screen is clean and dry before doing the calibration. Do not touch the screen unless prompted to do so. Maintenance| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 186: Nmea Data Logging

    189. Installed software and sw updates The about dialog shows the software version currently installed on this unit (A). If the unit is connected to internet, the dialog also shows available software updates (B). Maintenance| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 187
    Do not add software update files to a chart card. Ú Note: Do not turn off the unit or remote device until the update is completed, or until you are prompted to restart the unit. You start the update from the updates dialog. Maintenance| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 188: Service Report

    Update the software from a storage device You can download the software update from www.lowrance.com. Transfer the update file(s) to a compatible storage device, and then insert the storage device in the unit. Ú Note: Do not add software update files to a chart card.

  • Page 189: Backing Up Your System Data

    The export option is used for exporting all waypoints, routes, trails and trips. Export region The export region option allows you to select the area from where you want to export data. Select the export region option Maintenance| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 190
    User Data file version 3 (w/depth) • Should be used when transferring user data from one system to a legacy product (Lowrance LMS, LCX) Maintenance| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 191
    GPS systems in the world. Use this format if you are taking data to a competitor’s unit. Exporting the settings database Use the settings database option in the storage dialog to export your user settings. Maintenance| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 192: Integration Of 3 Rd Party Devices

    Integration of 3 party devices Several 3 party devices can be connected to the HDS Live. The applications are displayed on separate panels or integrated with other panels. A device connected to the NMEA 2000 network should automatically be identified by the system. If not, enable the feature from the advanced option in the System settings dialog.

  • Page 193: Yamaha Engine Integration

    You can customize which data is displayed on the info panel. Refer to «Info panels» on page 102. • An Evinrude settings dialog is added — use this dialog to change engine settings. Integration of 3 party devices| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 194: Fusion-Link Integration

    For more information, refer to «Info panels» on page 102. Power-Pole anchors Power-Pole anchors, which can be controlled by the C-Monster Control System installed on your boat, can be controlled from the Integration of 3 party devices| HDS Live Operator Manual…

  • Page 195
    The manual up and down buttons raise and lower the poles as high or low as you want. Single Power-Pole controller Dual Power-Poles controller Integration of 3 party devices| HDS Live Operator Manual…
  • Page 196
    Bluetooth in the Wireless settings dialog to reset the Bluetooth memory. Once Bluetooth has been toggled back on, proceed in pairing the Power-Poles in the correct order. Integration of 3 party devices| HDS Live Operator Manual…


Compliance statements


Navico declare under our sole responsibility that the product

conforms with the requirements of:

CE under RED 2014/53/EU

The relevant declaration of conformity is available in the product’s

section at the following website:


Countries of intended use in the EU

AT — Austria

BE — Belgium

BG — Bulgaria

CY — Cyprus

CZ — Czech Republic

DK — Denmark

EE — Estonia

FI — Finland

FR — France

DE — Germany

GR — Greece

HU — Hungary

IS — Iceland

IE — Ireland

IT — Italy

LV — Latvia

United States of America

Navico declare under our sole responsibility that the product

conforms with the requirements of:

Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following

two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful

interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference

received, including interference that may cause undesired



| HDS Live Installation Manual

LI — Liechtenstein

LT — Lithuania

LU — Luxembourg

MT — Malta

NL — Netherlands

NO — Norway

PL — Poland

PT — Portugal

RO — Romania

SK — Slovak Republic

SI — Slovenia

ES — Spain

SE — Sweden

CH — Switzerland

TR — Turkey

UK — United Kingdom

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Summary of Contents for Lowrance HDS Live

  • Page 1
    HDS Live Installation Manual ENGLISH www.lowrance.com…
  • Page 3
    Documentation will be the official version of the Documentation. Copyright Copyright © 2018 Navico Holding AS. Warranty The warranty card is supplied as a separate document. In case of any queries, refer to the brand website of your unit or system: www.lowrance.com Preface | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 4
    Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation Preface | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 5
    Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication. Preface | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 6
    Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries. ® Mercury is a registered trademark of Mercury. ® ® NMEA and NMEA 2000 are registered trademarks of the National Marine Electronics Association. Preface | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 7
    Used to draw the reader’s attention to a comment or some important information. Warning: Used when it is necessary to warn personnel that they should proceed carefully to prevent risk of injury and/or damage to equipment/ personnel. Preface | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 8
    Preface | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    Software setup sequence Turning the system on and off The settings dialog System settings Alarms Radar settings Sonar settings Autopilot settings Fuel settings Wireless settings Network settings 52 3rd party support SmartCraft VesselView integration Contents | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 10
    Evinrude engine integration Power-Pole anchors C-Zone 56 Accessories 57 Supported data NMEA 2000 compliant PGN List NMEA 0183 supported sentences 63 Technical specifications HDS Live 66 Dimensional drawings 7″ unit 9″ unit 12″ unit 16″ unit Contents | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 11: Introduction

    Introduction Parts included HDS Live HDS Live unit B1 U-bracket kit (plastic), HDS-7 Live and HDS-9 Live B2 U-bracket kit (metal), HDS-12 Live and HDS-16 Live Sun cover Power cable kit Gasket Documentation pack Introduction | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 12: Keys

    Exit (X) key • Press to exit a dialog, to return to previous menu level, to remove the cursor from the panel or to restore the cursor on the panel Introduction | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 13
    When ON, press once to display the System Controls dialog. Repeat short presses to cycle the backlight brightness Quick access keys (HDS-12 Live and HDS-16 Live units only) • For configuration of the quick access keys refer to the operator manual. Introduction | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 14: Card Reader

    Do not download, transfer or copy files to a chart card. Doing so can damage chart information on the chart card. The protective door should always be securely shut immediately after inserting or removing a card, in order to prevent possible water ingress. Introduction | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 15: Connectors

    12″ and 16″ unit Power, video input and NMEA 0183 connector Sonar CH1 — blue 9-pin connector Sonar CH2 — black 9-pin connector Ethernet connector (5-pin) NMEA 2000 connector HDMI output connector USB connector Introduction | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 16: Installation

    Exposing the unit to conditions that exceeds the specifications could invalidate your warranty. Refer to the technical specifications in the on page 63. «Technical specifications» Installation | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 17: Bracket Mounting

    Use fasteners suited to the mounting surface material. Screw down the bracket. Mount the unit to the bracket using the knobs. Hand tighten only. Panel mounting Refer to the separate mounting template for panel mounting instructions. Installation | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 18: Wiring

    Be sure that the voltage of the power supply is compatible with the unit. Warning: The positive supply wire (red) should always be connected to (+) DC with a fuse or a circuit breaker (closest available to fuse rating). Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 19: Power, Nmea 0183 And Video Input

    To use the video input functionality, an adapter cable has to be used (sold separately). Power The unit is designed to be powered by 12 V DC. It is protected against reverse polarity, under voltage and over voltage (for a limited duration). Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 20
    Ú Note: Both NTSC and PAL formats are supported. Video input configuration Configurations to video input are made in the video panel, refer to the Operator Manual for more information. Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 21
    Combine all accessory wake up wires on a common bus or to a single termination point. When connected in this manner, the connected equipment will turn on the moment the unit is powered up. Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 22: Usb Devices

    Accessory wake up line Video adapter cable (sold separately) Description Video adapter cable (Connects to the unit socket) BNC connector (female) Power and NMEA 0183 cable USB devices The USB port(s) can be used to: Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 23: Nmea 2000

    NMEA 2000 The NMEA 2000 data port allows receiving and sharing of a multitude of data from various sources. Connector details Unit socket (male) Purpose Shield NET-S (+12 V DC) NET-C (DC negative) NET-H Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 24
    3 amp fuse. For smaller systems: connect power at any location in the backbone. For larger systems: connect power at a central point in the backbone to balance the voltage drop of the network. Make the Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 25: Ethernet Device Connection

    Connection of network devices can be made directly to the Ethernet port, or via a network expansion device to the Ethernet port. Ethernet connector details Unit socket (female) Purpose Transmit positive TX+ Transmit negative TX- Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 26: Hdmi Input

    Navico or other high quality HDMI certified cables. 3rd party cables should be tested before installation. On runs over 10 m it may be required to add an HDMI amplifier or use HDMI-CAT6 adaptors. Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 27: Sonar Ch1 — Blue 9-Pin Connector

    A 7-pin transducer cable can be connected to a 9-pin port using a 7-pin to 9-pin adaptor cable. However, if the transducer has a paddle wheel speed sensor, the water-speed data will not be displayed on the unit. Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 28: Software Setup

    You can also turn the unit off from the System Controls dialog. If the Power key is released before the shut-down is completed, the power off process is cancelled. The settings dialog The software setup is done from the settings dialog. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 29: System Settings

    Used for configuration of advanced settings and how your system displays various user interface information. Enabling or disabling features Use the feature option to enable or disable features that are not automatically enabled or disabled by the system. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 30: Alarms

    Siren enable The Siren enabled option must be set in order for the unit to activate the buzzer when an alarm condition arises. Its setting also determines the operation of the external alarm output. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 31: Radar Settings

    In a system with more than one radar sensor, the device to configure is selected from this menu. Ú Note: Radars that support dual radar mode are represented twice in the source list, with an A and B suffix. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 32
    (50 to 100 yards) from a straight-walled jetty or similar feature that produces a straight line echo on the display. Point the vessel towards the jetty Adjust the range offset to make the jetty echo appear as a straight line on the display Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 33
    The returns caused by sidelobes tend to appear as arcs. Ú Note: This control should only be adjusted by experienced radar users. Target loss in harbor environments may occur if this control is not adjusted correctly. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 34
    The bearing of the sector is measured from the center line of the sector. Ú Note: Sector blanking should be applied very carefully to avoid reducing the radar’s usefulness in identifying valid and potentially dangerous targets. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 35
    Check your local boating regulations before turning the blue accent lights ON. Reset radar to factory defaults Clears all user and installer settings applied to the selected radar source, and restores factory settings. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 36: Sonar Settings

    The network sonar mode setting selects whether only one or multiple sonar sources can be selected at the same time. Ú Note: Changing the mode requires that all connected sources are restarted. Structure depth offset Setting for Structure transducers. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 37
    For depth below transducer, set the offset to 0. Use temp data from Selects from which source the temperature data is shared on the NMEA 2000 network. Installation Use this dialog to setup and configure available sources. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 38
    As a result, water depth readings do not account for the distance from the transducer to the lowest point of the boat in the water or from the transducer to the water surface. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 39
    It may be required to correct for localized influences to the measured temperature. Calibration range: -9.9° — +9.9°. Default is 0°. Ú Note: Water temperature calibration only appears if the transducer is temperature capable. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 40: Autopilot Settings

    Ú Note: The autopilot must be commissioned prior to first use and any time after autopilot default settings have been restored. Cablesteer rudder calibration Select Commissioning. Select Rudder feedback calibration. Follow the onscreen instructions. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 41
    Steering response Used to increase or decrease the steering sensitivity. A low response level reduces the rudder activity and provides a more loose steering. A high response level increases the rudder activity and provides Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 42
    Check the GPS antenna location. • Check that the correct position source is selected. (Run a new source selection.) AP Depth data missing* Probable cause: Missing or invalid depth data. Recommended action: • Check the depth transducer. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 43
    Check the steering response setting and increase the steering response setting. • Increase the boat speed if possible, or steer by hand. AP clutch overload (For Helm-1/ cable steer only)* Probable cause: The clutch in Helm-1 is drawing too much current. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 44
    Recommended action: Contact support. Low CAN bus voltage Probable cause: The CAN bus voltage is less than 9V. Recommended action: • Check cabling. • Check battery condition. • Check charging voltage. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 45: Fuel Settings

    Fuel flow configuration After the number of engines is set, it is required to set which fuel flow sensor is connected to which engine. Under Device list on the Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 46
    The Calibrate option is only available when Set to full is selected, and a Fuel Flow is connected and set up as a source. Ú Note: A maximum of 8 engines is supported using Fuel Flow sensors. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 47: Wireless Settings

    Wireless settings Provides configuration and setup options for the wireless functionality. Refer to the Operator Manual for details about wireless setup and connectivity. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 48: Network Settings

    Manual selection is generally only required where there is more than one source for the same data, and the automatically selected source is not the one desired. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 49
    However, Rx and Tx errors are most likely indicating issues with the physical network, which may be resolved by Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 50
    NMEA 0183 setup The NMEA 0183 port(s) must be set to suit the speed of connected devices, and can be configured to output only the sentences required by listening devices. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 51
    Ú Note: Other MFDs cannot decode this information back to NMEA 0183, to use the data as a source. To share data a physical NMEA 2000 or NMEA 0183 connection is still required. Software setup | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 52: 3Rd Party Support

    If a compatible Yamaha gateway is connected to the NMEA 2000 network, the engines can be monitored from the unit. When the feature is also enabled in the advanced settings features dialog: 3rd party support | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 53: Evinrude Engine Integration

    Bluetooth wireless technology available in both products. C-Zone CZone connection to NMEA 2000 When interfacing to CZone network it is recommended to use a BEP Network interface bridge to join the two network backbones together. 3rd party support | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 54
    Dipswitch setting. The functionality of the CZone system is determined by the CZone Config File which is stored on all CZone modules and the HDS Live. The file is created using the CZone Configuration Tool, a specialized PC application available from BEP Marine Ltd, and associated CZone distributors.
  • Page 55
    Enabling this causes the HDS Live to synchronize its backlight setting with that of any CZone Display Interfaces set up to share backlight settings. Ú Note: CZone Config also needs to have the HDS Live set as a controller. 3rd party support | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 56: Accessories

    Accessories The most up-to-date accessories list is available at: • www.lowrance.com Accessories | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 57: Supported Data

    127489 Engine Parameters, Dynamic 127493 Transmission Parameters, Dynamic 127500 Load Controller Connection State / Control 127501 Binary Status Report 127503 AC input status 127504 AC Output Status 127505 Fluid Level 127506 DC Detailed Status Supported data | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 58
    129802 AIS Safety Related Broadcast Message 129283 Cross Track Error 129284 Navigation Data 129539 GNSS DOPs 129540 GNSS Sats in View 129794 AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data 129801 AIS Addressed Safety Related Message Supported data | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 59
    130580 Entertainment — System Configuration Status 130581 Entertainment — Zone Configuration Status 130582 Entertainment — Zone Volume Status 130583 Entertainment — Available Audio EQ Presets 130584 Entertainment — Bluetooth Devices 130585 Entertainment — Bluetooth Source Status Supported data | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 60
    129540 GNSS Sats in View 130074 Route and WP Service — WP List — WP Name & Position 130306 Wind Data 130310 Environmental Parameters 130311 Environmental Parameters 130312 Temperature 130577 Direction Data 130578 Vessel Speed Components Supported data | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 61: Nmea 0183 Supported Sentences

    TX / RX — GPS Receive Transmit TX / RX — Navigation Receive Transmit Receive Transmit TX / RX — Sonar Receive Transmit TX / RX — Compass Receive Transmit TX / RX — Wind Receive Transmit Supported data | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 62
    TX / RX — AIS / DSC Receive Ú Note: AIS sentences are not bridged to or from NMEA 2000. TX / RX — MARPA Transmit Ú Note: These are only output sentences. Supported data | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 63: Technical Specifications

    12″ unit 5 A at 12 V DC 16″ unit 6.5 A at 12 V DC Environmental Operating temperature range -15°C to +55°C (5°F to 131°F) Storage temperature -20°C to +60°C (4°F to 140°F) Waterproof rating IPX6 and IPX7 Technical specifications | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 64
    Weight (display only) 7″ unit 1.04 kg (2.29 lbs.) 9″ unit 1.38 kg (3.04 lbs.) 12″ unit 2.6 kg (5.73 lbs.) 16″ unit 3.57 kg (7.87 lbs.) Compass Safe Distance — 50 cm Metric, imperial Technical specifications | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 65
    Mounting type Panel mount or bracket mount Technical specifications | HDS Live Installation Manual…
  • Page 66: Dimensional Drawings

    (9.21”) 72.7 mm (2.86”) 94.3 mm (3.71”) 104.3 mm (4.11”) 9″ unit 308.0 mm (12.13”) 13.0 mm 64.6 mm 280.0 mm (0.51”) (2.54”) (11.02”) 73.1 mm (2.88”) 93.7 mm (3.69”) 103.22 mm (4.06”) Dimensional drawings | HDS Live Installation Manual…

  • Page 67: 12″ Unit

    (2.75”) 80.0 mm (3.15”) 99.0 mm (3.90”) 130.2 mm (5.13”) 16″ unit 463.1 mm (18.23”) 13.0 mm 74.8 mm 430.5 mm (0.51”) (2.95”) (16.95”) 80.0 mm (3.15”) 102.0 mm (4.01”) 134.1 mm (5.28”) Dimensional drawings | HDS Live Installation Manual…

низкий уровень

Мультисенсорный экран Lowrance HDS-LIVE

Эхолот Lowrance HDS-Live


  • BRAND: Lowrance
  • РАЗМЕР ЭКРАНА: 7 дюймов
  • ВЕС ПРЕДМЕТА:74 Pounds
  • РАЗМЕРЫ ПАКЕТА ДХШХВ: 12.5 х 10 х 9 дюйма
  • ВЕС УПАКОВКИ:04 килограмм
  • РАЗМЕРЫ ПУНКТА ДХШХВ: 12.6 х 9.06 х 9.84 дюйма
  • ЦВЕТ: ‎Активная визуализация 3-в-1
  • МАТЕРИАЛ: Пластиковый
  • СТИЛЬ: ‎Активная визуализация 3-в-1


Для получения наилучшего изображения рыбы и структуры как под, так и по бокам лодки, объедините сонар CHIRP со StructureScan 3D или StructureScan HD. Благодаря двухъядерному процессору HDS может легко работать с такими технологиями, как StructureScan 3D, Mercury Vessel.View Link и Lowrance Outboard Pilot с более быстрой перерисовкой и меньшим временем отклика. Новая динамическая цветовая гамма обеспечивает высокую контрастность, ранее невиданную в сканирующих эхолотах. Качество почти фотографического изображения SideScan, DownScan Imaging, TotalScan и StructureScan HD/3D улучшается за счет большего цветового спектра.

При просмотре двух каналов CHIRP одновременно вы никогда не пропустите свои цели. Поддерживайте видимость предпочитаемой вами высокой частоты CHIRP для улучшения разделения целей вблизи дна или в небольших школах. Быстрее объезжайте фиксированные препятствия с помощью автоматического планирования маршрута, которое рассчитывает кратчайший и безопасный курс на основе осадки, ширины и высоты лодки. требуются карты Navionics+, Navionics Platinum или C-MAP MAX-N+.


Обратите внимание на кабель датчика, который находится примерно в дюйме от разъема. серебро tag с напечатанной на нем моделью преобразователя крепится к кабелю.


Начните с нажатия кнопки страниц на устройстве HDS live> настройки> беспроводная связь> включите Bluetooth> параметры Bluetooth> выберите свой телефон и нажмите сопряжение.


Перейдите к ключу страниц> настройки> беспроводная связь> подключиться к беспроводной точке доступа> выберите беспроводной доступ> если сеть зашифрована, введите ключ шифрования> выберите подключение.


  • Ваше устройство Lowrance должно запуститься после его включения.
  • Вставьте SD-карту в устройство.
  • Пункт меню «Путевые точки, маршруты, маршруты» «Загрузить с карты» в меню.
  • Выберите GPX file и нажмите Enter.


После входа в мобильное приложение Lowrance выберите «Меню» > «Мои устройства» и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы включить все МФУ и связанные с ними устройства. затем выполните сканирование QR-кода на многофункциональном дисплее, как показано на рисунке. Вы получите уведомление о сопряжении МФУ и мобильного устройства.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Датчик 3-в-1 входит в комплект?

Это действительно так.

Могу ли я просто загрузить свою SD-карту, потому что в этой ситуации карты c не работают?

Чтобы убедиться в совместимости, нам нужно знать, какой тип SD-карты вы используете. Написать нам напрямую можно по адресу lowrance.tech@navico.com.

Есть ли на него объективы 77-160?

Объективов 77-160 на HDS-7 Live нет. Дисплей этого устройства имеет разрешение 1024×600. >1200 нит яркости присутствуют. Дисплей модели IPS 7″. Он имеет мультисенсорный экран с углом обзора 80° вверх/вниз и 80° влево/вправо. viewугол наклона.

Доступен ли комплект для скрытого монтажа HDS9 Live?

Для этих устройств не требуется комплект для скрытого монтажа. После снятия лицевой панели устройства у вас есть 4 отверстия, которые позволяют установить его заподлицо.

Нужна ли лодке с жесткой крышей внешняя антенна?

Нет, лодка с жесткой крышей прекрасно работает с внутренней антенной.

Как вы собираетесь заставить это работать на Гуаме?

Гуам находится за пределами заблокированных линий сетки, поэтому вы получаете уведомление о блокировке GeoFence. Однако, поскольку это территория США, вы можете получить код разблокировки, ничего не платя.

Подключается ли он к Yamaha, Sonic Hub, Nema-2000 и Point One?

HDS-16 Live, несомненно, будет подключаться к интерфейсу двигателя Yamaha, Sonic Hub, NMEA 2000 и Point-1.

Могу ли я использовать датчики моего HDS Gen 3 с этим устройством?

Да, но требуется переходник с 7-контактного на 9-контактный, номер компонента LOW-000-13313-001.

Будет ли он соответствовать направляющей двигателя xi5? У пин-пойнта и головы вверх?

Да, они будут работать вместе с адаптером.

Существуют ли адаптеры для быстрого подключения, чтобы устройство можно было снять, когда оно не используется, без необходимости отсоединения всех шнуров?

Я вынимаю свое оборудование из лодки после каждого использования. Подключение соединений занимает менее двух минут (5)!

Заказал только сейчас. Чехол входит в комплект?

Устройство HDS-12 Live поставляется с солнцезащитным чехлом.

Работает ли это с радаром 3G от Lowrance?

Да, Lowrance Broadband 3G Radar поддерживает это.

Есть ли в нем слот для SD?

Есть два слота под микро SD.


Compliance statements


Navico declare under our sole responsibility that the product

conforms with the requirements of:

CE under RED 2014/53/EU

The relevant declaration of conformity is available in the product’s

section at the following website:


Countries of intended use in the EU

AT — Austria

BE — Belgium

BG — Bulgaria

CY — Cyprus

CZ — Czech Republic

DK — Denmark

EE — Estonia

FI — Finland

FR — France

DE — Germany

GR — Greece

HU — Hungary

IS — Iceland

IE — Ireland

IT — Italy

LV — Latvia

United States of America

Navico declare under our sole responsibility that the product

conforms with the requirements of:

Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following

two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful

interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference

received, including interference that may cause undesired



| HDS Live Installation Manual

LI — Liechtenstein

LT — Lithuania

LU — Luxembourg

MT — Malta

NL — Netherlands

NO — Norway

PL — Poland

PT — Portugal

RO — Romania

SK — Slovak Republic

SI — Slovenia

ES — Spain

SE — Sweden

CH — Switzerland

TR — Turkey

UK — United Kingdom



DO NOT SCALE PRINT 1:1MaterialSoft materials e.g. PlywoodHard material e.g. Fiberglass, Acrylic, HardwoodsRecommended pilot holes #6 screwØ 2.3-2.5 mm (3/32”)Ø 2.7-3.1 mm (7/64”)Maximum curve of the dash0.5 mm (0.02”)

HDS-9 Live

Mounting Template

IMPORTANT. Do not use this template if it has been rescaled by copying or


dimension lines below are to scale before use.








escala antes de usar.

























중요: 복사나 출력으로 크기가 조정 된 경우 이 템플릿을 사용하지

마십시오. 원본이 아니거나 인쇄물이면, 사용하기 전 아래 치수선의

눈금을 확인 해 주십시오.





ВНИМАНИЕ: Не используйте эту инструкцию, если она б

ыла изменена в размерах при копировании или распечат

ке. Если вы используете не оригинал, а распечатку из фа

йла, убедитесь в соответствии размеров линейки в нижн

ей части инструкции с действительными размерами.

Check dimensions before cutting12″300 mm103.2 mm (4.06”)77.6 mm (3.06”)









109.5 mm (4.31”)136.4 mm (5.37”)139.9 mm (5.51”)143.3 mm (5.64”)166.6 mm (6.56”)157.0 mm (6.18”)149.3 mm (5.88”)173.2 mm (6.82”)109.5 mm (4.31”)136.4 mm (5.37”)139.9 mm (5.51”)143.3 mm (5.64”)78.5 mm (3.09”)83.3 mm (3.28”)86.6 mm (3.41”)78.5 mm (3.09”)83.3 mm (3.28”)86.6 mm (3.41”)286.5 mm (11.28”)279.9 mm (11.02”)272.8 mm (10.74”)219.0 mm (8.62”)74.7 mm (2.94”) 74.7 mm (2.94”)


* Dash gasket sold separately 000-15888-00x

Detail Specifications:

1426/1426008-hds_live.pdf file (07 Nov 2022)

Accompanying Data:

Lowrance HDS Live GPS, Marine Equipment PDF Installation Manual (Updated: Monday 7th of November 2022 01:13:27 AM)

Rating: 4.7 (rated by 58 users)

Compatible devices: LCX-15 CI, M52 S/GPS, LMS-350A, EP-35, LGC-12S, HOOK2 5, GlobalMap 6500C, Endura Safari.

Recommended Documentation:

Text Version of Installation Manual

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents, UPD: 07 November 2022)

  • 28, Software setup First time startup When the unit is started for the first time, or after a factory default, the unit displays a series of dialogs. Respond to the dialog prompts to make fundamental settings. You can perform further setup and later change settings using the system settings dialogs. Software setup sequence 1 General settings — refer to «System settings» on page 29…

  • 47, Fuel Level With the use of a Navico Fluid Level device connected to a suitable tank level sensor, it is possible to measure the amount of fuel remaining in any equipped tank. The number of tanks must be set in Vessel Setup dialog, initiated from the Fuel setting options page, to allow discrete tank assignment of the Fluid Level devices. Select Device list on the Network …

  • 49, Lowrance HDS Live Damping If data appears erratic or too sensitive, damping may be applied to make the information appear more stable. With damping set to off, the data is presented in raw form with no damping applied. Device list Selecting a device in this list will bring up additional details and options for the device. All devices allow allocation of an instance number in the configure option.…

  • 22, Lowrance HDS Live A A B Key Purpose Color A Accessory wake up wire Yellow B Accessory wake up line Video adapter cable (sold separately) A C B Key Description A Video adapter cable (Connects to the unit socket) B BNC connector (female) C Power and NMEA 0183 cable USB devices The USB port(s) can be used to: 22 Wiring | HDS Live Installation Manual

  • 36, Ú Note: Use this option with caution. Take note of current settings first, especially those set by the operator if radar has already been in active service. Sonar settings Internal sonar Used for making the internal sonar available for selection in the sonar panel menu. When de-activated, the internal sonar will not be listed as a sonar source for any unit on the ne…

  • 3, Preface Disclaimer As Navico is continuously improving this product, we retain the right to make changes to the product at any time which may not be reflected in this version of the manual. Please contact your nearest distributor if you require any further assistance. It is the owner’s sole responsibility to install and use the equipment in a manner that will not cause accidents, personal injur…

  • 45, Fuel settings The fuel utility monitors a vessel’s fuel consumption. This information is totaled to indicate trip and seasonal fuel usage, and is used to calculate fuel economy for display on instrument pages and the data bar. To use the utility, a Navico Fuel Flow sensor, or a NMEA 2000 engine adaptor cable/gateway with Navico Fuel Data Storage device must be fitted to …

  • 37, All transducers measure water depth from the transducer to the bottom. As a result, water depth readings do not account for the distance from the transducer to the lowest point of the boat in the water or from the transducer to the water surface. A B • To show the depth from the lowest point of the vessel to the bottom, set the offset equal to the vertical distance between the transducer an…

  • 46, Network page, view the Device Configuration dialog for each sensor, and set the Location to match the engine the device is connected to. Unconfigure — defaults the device which clears all user settings. Reset Fuel Flow — restores only the Fuel K-Value setting, if set in Calibrate. Only Navico devices can be reset. Calibrate Calibration may be required to accurately match m…

  • 14, Card reader A memory card can be used for: • Chart data • Software updates • Transfer of user data • System backup Ú Note: Do not download, transfer or copy files to a chart card. Doing so can damage chart information on the chart card. The protective door should always be securely shut immediately after inserting or removing a card, in order to prevent possible water ingress. 14…

  • 18, Lowrance HDS Live Wiring Connectors Different models have different connectors. For available connectors and connector layout refer to «Connectors» on page 15. Wiring guidelines Don’t: • Make sharp bends in the cables • Run cables in a way that allows water to flow down into the connectors • Run the data cables adjacent to radar, transmitter, or large/high current carrying cables or high freq…

Recommended Instructions:

DUF138E1WDD, 9661, FC-1400, ARCTIS G 9 88 50-5I

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    1824C 91

  • PUB. NO. OME-44461-A(0804, DAMI) MFDBBThe purpose of this User’s Handbook is to provide everyday operating procedures for this equip-ment. For more detailed information see the Operator’s Manual.Table of ContentsOperating Controls…………………………………………………………………………………………..2How to Use the Controls …………………………… …

    MFDBB 21

  • Lezyne L ED User Guide — V1-R1Lezyne LED User GuideOverview:Accessories:Do It In The Dark:Warnings:Warranty:Model Guide:Thank you for choosing Lezyne LED Lights. Our LED lights are cordless, self-contained units with high-powered LEDs and rechargeable/replaceable Lithium Ion batteries. Lezyne LED Lights are high-performance sporting lights intended for various outdoor activities …

    Super Drive 2

  • Main Support no.: +370 5 2045030 Polish Support no.: +48 22 2092532 Ukrainian Support no.: +380 947 107319 Web: www.ruptela.lt Email: [email protected] Contacts: Connection Instructions Tracking devices and LLS (RS485 Digital Fuel level Sensor) LLS Configuration It is very important to configure your LLS correctly before connecting it to the tracking device. …

    HCV5 Series 4

Additional Information:

Popular Right Now:

Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

низкий уровень

Мультисенсорный экран Lowrance HDS-LIVE

Эхолот Lowrance HDS-Live


  • BRAND: Lowrance
  • РАЗМЕР ЭКРАНА: 7 дюймов
  • ВЕС ПРЕДМЕТА:74 Pounds
  • РАЗМЕРЫ ПАКЕТА ДХШХВ: 12.5 х 10 х 9 дюйма
  • ВЕС УПАКОВКИ:04 килограмм
  • РАЗМЕРЫ ПУНКТА ДХШХВ: 12.6 х 9.06 х 9.84 дюйма
  • ЦВЕТ: ‎Активная визуализация 3-в-1
  • МАТЕРИАЛ: Пластиковый
  • СТИЛЬ: ‎Активная визуализация 3-в-1


Для получения наилучшего изображения рыбы и структуры как под, так и по бокам лодки, объедините сонар CHIRP со StructureScan 3D или StructureScan HD. Благодаря двухъядерному процессору HDS может легко работать с такими технологиями, как StructureScan 3D, Mercury Vessel.View Link и Lowrance Outboard Pilot с более быстрой перерисовкой и меньшим временем отклика. Новая динамическая цветовая гамма обеспечивает высокую контрастность, ранее невиданную в сканирующих эхолотах. Качество почти фотографического изображения SideScan, DownScan Imaging, TotalScan и StructureScan HD/3D улучшается за счет большего цветового спектра.

При просмотре двух каналов CHIRP одновременно вы никогда не пропустите свои цели. Поддерживайте видимость предпочитаемой вами высокой частоты CHIRP для улучшения разделения целей вблизи дна или в небольших школах. Быстрее объезжайте фиксированные препятствия с помощью автоматического планирования маршрута, которое рассчитывает кратчайший и безопасный курс на основе осадки, ширины и высоты лодки. требуются карты Navionics+, Navionics Platinum или C-MAP MAX-N+.


Обратите внимание на кабель датчика, который находится примерно в дюйме от разъема. серебро tag с напечатанной на нем моделью преобразователя крепится к кабелю.


Начните с нажатия кнопки страниц на устройстве HDS live> настройки> беспроводная связь> включите Bluetooth> параметры Bluetooth> выберите свой телефон и нажмите сопряжение.


Перейдите к ключу страниц> настройки> беспроводная связь> подключиться к беспроводной точке доступа> выберите беспроводной доступ> если сеть зашифрована, введите ключ шифрования> выберите подключение.


  • Ваше устройство Lowrance должно запуститься после его включения.
  • Вставьте SD-карту в устройство.
  • Пункт меню «Путевые точки, маршруты, маршруты» «Загрузить с карты» в меню.
  • Выберите GPX file и нажмите Enter.


После входа в мобильное приложение Lowrance выберите «Меню» > «Мои устройства» и следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы включить все МФУ и связанные с ними устройства. затем выполните сканирование QR-кода на многофункциональном дисплее, как показано на рисунке. Вы получите уведомление о сопряжении МФУ и мобильного устройства.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Датчик 3-в-1 входит в комплект?

Это действительно так.

Могу ли я просто загрузить свою SD-карту, потому что в этой ситуации карты c не работают?

Чтобы убедиться в совместимости, нам нужно знать, какой тип SD-карты вы используете. Написать нам напрямую можно по адресу lowrance.tech@navico.com.

Есть ли на него объективы 77-160?

Объективов 77-160 на HDS-7 Live нет. Дисплей этого устройства имеет разрешение 1024×600. >1200 нит яркости присутствуют. Дисплей модели IPS 7″. Он имеет мультисенсорный экран с углом обзора 80° вверх/вниз и 80° влево/вправо. viewугол наклона.

Доступен ли комплект для скрытого монтажа HDS9 Live?

Для этих устройств не требуется комплект для скрытого монтажа. После снятия лицевой панели устройства у вас есть 4 отверстия, которые позволяют установить его заподлицо.

Нужна ли лодке с жесткой крышей внешняя антенна?

Нет, лодка с жесткой крышей прекрасно работает с внутренней антенной.

Как вы собираетесь заставить это работать на Гуаме?

Гуам находится за пределами заблокированных линий сетки, поэтому вы получаете уведомление о блокировке GeoFence. Однако, поскольку это территория США, вы можете получить код разблокировки, ничего не платя.

Подключается ли он к Yamaha, Sonic Hub, Nema-2000 и Point One?

HDS-16 Live, несомненно, будет подключаться к интерфейсу двигателя Yamaha, Sonic Hub, NMEA 2000 и Point-1.

Могу ли я использовать датчики моего HDS Gen 3 с этим устройством?

Да, но требуется переходник с 7-контактного на 9-контактный, номер компонента LOW-000-13313-001.

Будет ли он соответствовать направляющей двигателя xi5? У пин-пойнта и головы вверх?

Да, они будут работать вместе с адаптером.

Существуют ли адаптеры для быстрого подключения, чтобы устройство можно было снять, когда оно не используется, без необходимости отсоединения всех шнуров?

Я вынимаю свое оборудование из лодки после каждого использования. Подключение соединений занимает менее двух минут (5)!

Заказал только сейчас. Чехол входит в комплект?

Устройство HDS-12 Live поставляется с солнцезащитным чехлом.

Работает ли это с радаром 3G от Lowrance?

Да, Lowrance Broadband 3G Radar поддерживает это.

Есть ли в нем слот для SD?

Есть два слота под микро SD.

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