- Возможность работы с прозрачными этикетками, этикетами любого цвета, с голографией т.д.;
- 3 режима обучения на работу с этикетками различной плотности;
- Время отклика менее 300 мкс;
- 2 дискретных выхода для контроля наличия этикетки / обрыв ленты;
- Габаритные размеры полностью соответствуют размерам оптических датчиков этикеток;
- Возможность настройки посредством LinkControl (требуется LCA-2 Koffer).
Контроль этикетки на производстве
Контроль этикетки на производстве фармакологических средств Применение датчика esf-1 позволяет успешно контролировать момент наклейки этикетки на каждое изделие благодаря очень малому времени отклика 300 мкс. При этом в случае обрыва ленты, датчик одновременно информирует об этом это путем срабатывания 2-го дискретного выхода
Артикул | esf-1/CF | esf-1/CDF |
Выходы | 1×Push-Pull (PNP/NPN) | 1×Push-Pull + 1 PNP |
Характеристики выходов | Push-Pull, +UB -4 В, -UB +2 В, Imax = 100 мА, с защитой от КЗ, переключаемый НО/НЗ |
PNP, +UВ -3 В, Imax= 100 мА, защита от КЗ |
Подключение | коннектор M8×1, 4-контакта | коннектор M12×1, 5-контактов |
Управление | кнопка «Teach-in» | кнопка «Teach-in» + pin-5 |
Время отклика | От 300 мкс до 2,25 мс, в зависимости от материала |
Параметр | Значение |
Частота ультразвука | 500 кГц |
Рабочие поверхности | полотно от 20 до 400 г/м², ламинированная бумага и плёнки до 0,2 мм толщиной, самоклеющиеся плёнки, этикетки, наклейки с подложкой и т.д. |
Напряжение питания, UB | = 20…30 В |
Материал корпуса | анодированный алюминий пластик: PBT,PA |
Материал сенсора | полиуретан эпоксидная смола с содержанием стекла |
Степень защиты | IP65 |
Индикаторы | 3 LED-индикатора (красный, жёлтый, зелёный) |
Рабочая температура | +5…+60 °С |
Температура хранения | -40…+85 °С |
При коммутации индуктивной нагрузки (катушек соленоидных
клапанов, э/м реле, контакторов) транзисторным выходом датчика,
рекомендуется обеспечить дополнительную защиту схемотехники
от возникающих импульсных перенапряжений.
Например, использовать устройство защиты от перенапряжений microsonic SF1 (поставляется отдельно).
esf-1/C | / | ||
Количество и тип выходов | |||
1 × Push-Pull (PNP/NPN) | F | ||
1 × Push-Pull + 1 PNP | DF | ||
Интерфейс | |||
IO-Link v 1.1 | A | ||
Нет | — |
Пример: esf-1/CDF
Номер заказаesf-1/CDF/A
1 х Push-Pull + 1 х PNP
рабочий диапазонпленка с весом 20 г / м 2 до > 400 г / м 2, металлические ламинированные листы и пленки до 0,2 мм, самоклеящаяся пленка , наклейки на материал подложки
режим работыIO-Link
обнаружение метки/стыка
Smart Sensor Profile
средств измеренийимпульсном режиме с оценкой амплитуды
Преобразователь частоты500 kHz
рабочее напряжение UB20 — 30 VDC, защита от обратной полярности
пульсации напряжения± 10 %
ток холостого потребления≤ 50 mA
тип соединения5-контактным разъемом M12 инициатора
Выход 1релейный выход, метка/стык обнаружены
Push-Pull, UB-3 V, -UB+3 V,Imax = 100 mA
НЗК/НОК выбираемые, защита от короткого замыкания
Выход 2релейный выход
метка/стык обнаружены
web ошибка
PNP: I max = 200 mA (+U B -2 В)
НЗК/НОК выбираемые
защита от короткого замыкания
время реакцииот 300 мкс до 2,25 мс, в зависимости от материала
задержка до наличия< 300 ms
вход 1Вход COM порт синхронизационный вход teach-in вход
название продуктаesf-1/CDF/A
Код продукта16950
SIO поддержка режимада
COM режимеCOM2 (38,4 kBaud)
минута Время цикла4 ms
Формат данных процесса32 Bit PDI
Содержание данных процессаBit 0: initial state Pin 4; Bit 1: initial state Pin 2; Bit 2: web break; Bit 8-15: scale (Int. 8); Bit 16-31: measured value (Int. 16)
ISDU paramterIdentification, switched output, add-ons, temperature compensation, operation
Система командSP1 Teach-in, SP2 Teach-in, factory settings
IODD версияIODD версии 1.1
Ширина вил6 mm
Вилка глубины70 mm
материаланодированный алюминий
ультразвукового преобразователяполиуретановой пены, эпоксидной смолы с содержанием стекла
Класс защиты по EN 60529IP 65
Рабочая температура+5°C до +60°C
температура хранения-40 ° C до +85 ° C
вес80 g
последующие версиибольшая ширина вилки / глубина
управления1 push-button
com input
возможности для настройкиРежим «обучения» через кнопки режим «обучения» через COM вход на контакт 5
LCA-2 c LinkControl
Индикаторы1x зелёный светодиод: рабочее состояние, 1x жёлтый светодиод: состояние выхода, второй контакт, 1x красный светодиод: состояние выхода, четвёртый контакт
Smart Sensor Profile
IO-Link Data Sheet esf-1/CDF/A esf-1/7/CDF/A esf-1/15/CDF/A microsonic GmbH / Phoenixseestraße 7 / 44263 Dortmund / Germany T +49 231 975151-0 / F +49 231 975151-51 / E [email protected] / W microsonic.de The content of this document is subject to technical changes. Specifications in this document are presented in a descriptive way only. They do not warrant any product features. MV-DO-198513-629461 1 IO-Link Data Sheet Physical layer esf-1/CDF/A Ultrasonic label and splice sensor with pnp and PushPull switching output with IO-Link interface. The fork depth is 55 mm. esf-1/7/CDF/A Ultrasonic label and splice sensor with pnp and PushPull switching output with IO-Link interface. The fork depth is 70 mm. esf-1/15/CDF/A Ultrasonic label and splice sensor with pnp and PushPull switching output with IO-Link interface. The fork depth is 150 mm. Vendor Name microsonic GmbH Vendor ID 419 (0x01a3) Device ID 72 (0x000048) IO-Link Specification 1.1 Transmission Rate COM 2 (38,400 Bd) Process Data Length 32 Bit PDI Minimum Cycle Time 4 ms IO-Link Port Type A (<200mA) SIO Mode Supported Yes Smart Sensor Profile Yes Block Parameter Yes Data Storage Yes Product Name Product ID esf-1/CDF/A 16950 esf-1/7/CDF/A 16953 esf-1/15/CDF/A 16952 Pin assignment IO-Link mode The sensors esf-1/CDF/A, esf-1/7/CDF/A and esf-1/15/CDF/A are IO-Link capable in accordance with IO-Link specification 1.1. Each sensor has an IO-Link communication interface on pin 4. Direct access to process and diagnosis data is possible via the IOLink interface. The parameterization of the sensors is possible during operation. IODD description file The sensors have a common device description file. The IODD contains: › Communication features › Device parameter with allowed values and default value › Identification-, processing and diagnostic data › Device data › Text description › Picture of the device › Logo of the manufacturer 2 Label and splice sensor A label sensor has the task to detect labels glued to a backing material. For this purpose, the label sensor evaluates the signal level difference between the backing material and the backing material with labels. then stored in the parameter material adjustment. The thresholds to detect labels and splices are then calculated and stored in SP1 and SP2. The parameters are newly determined with each Teach-in process. A splice sensor has the task to detect a splice in a web material. The end and beginning of the web material can be joined together as a splice and glued with an adhesive tape, or can be glued overlappingly. For this purpose, the splice sensor evaluates the signal level difference between the web material and the splice. The Teach-in procedure can be carried out manually with the button on the label and splice sensor or with pin 5 via the controls. The signal differences between backing material and backing material with labels or web material and splice can be very slight. To ensure a reliable distinction, the label as well as the splice sensor has to learn each respective material: During the Teach-in process, the ultrasonic transmitter output and ampflification factor of the internal analog amplifier will be adjusted to the backing material of the labels or the web material. The determined parameters are Many parameters of the sensor are accessible via IO-Link. The parameter can be read or even partly written. The parameters can be read out to set up a recipe management. Optionally, Teach-in procedures via button or pin 5 can be started with IO-Link. The label and splice sensor has to be calibrated to every material via the Teach-in procedures. For data storage or recipe management, the material-specific parameters can be read out and written back. It is not recommendable to change the determined parameters via IO-Link afterwards. 3 Process data The process data are cyclically transmitted data. The length of the process data of esf-1 sensors are 4 byte. Byte 1 31 30 29 28 27 Byte 2 26 25 24 23 22 21 Byte 3 15 14 13 12 11 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 Byte 4 10 9 8 7 6 Description Value range 5 4 3 0 = 1 Initial state (SSC1) 0 = False 1 = True 1 = 2 Initial state (SSC2) 0 = False 1 = True 2 = Web break 0 = False 1 = True 8 15 = Process data scale -1 Process data 0...1,023 = Measured value 32,764 = No measurement data -32,760 = Outside the detection range (-) 32,760 = Outside the detection range (+) 16 31 = Scale is the scaling of the process data. The measured value of the sensor is calculated as stated Process data x 10(Scale) = measured value For example: 642 x 10 -1 = 64,2 Measurement data channel description Index Subindex Term Data type 16512 0 Measurement data channel description Record Access Default value 1 Lower limit UInt32 RO 0 2 3 Upper limit UInt32 RO 1,023 Unit code UInt16 RO 0 4 Scale Int8 RO -1 Lower limit The lower limit is the smallest measured value that the sensor can output. Upper limit The upper limit is the biggest measured value that the sensor can output. Unit code The measuring value is dimensionsless. Scale is the scaling of the process data. The measured value of the sensor is calculated as stated: Process data x 10(Scale) = measured value For example: 642 x 10 -1 = 64,2 4 Teach-in Index Subindex Term Data type Access 2 System Commando UInt8 WO 58 Teach-in channel UInt8 RW 0 0 = SSC1: Default: pin 4 (push-pull) 1 = SSC1: Pin 4 (push-pull) 59 Teach-in status UInt8 RO 0 Bit 0...3: 0 = Idle 1 = SP1 success 2 = SP2 success 3 = SP12 success 4 = Wait for command 5 = Busy 7 = Error 0 Teach-in configuration Record 1 Splice threshold UINT8 RW 20 5...50 %; resolution in % 2 Teach-in type UINT8 RW 0 0 = Label dynamic 1 = Label static 2 = Splice Material adjustment UINT32 RW 400 500 Event number dec hex 36003 0x8ca3 Default value Value range 75 = Teach-in start 76 = Teach-in next step / end 79 = Teach-in abort Event type Event description Warning Material adjustment data record does not match the sensor. System Commando The system command is used to execute application commands, Teach-in commands and IO-Link specific commands. and stored in SSC1 and in material adjustment. In addition, the threshold values are determined and stored in SSC2 for optional splice evaluation. Teach-in channel The target channel of the Teach-in can be selected via this index. SSC1 can be parametericed. 1 = Label static With this static Teach-in for labels, the sensor first learns the backing material, then the backing material with label. The calculated parameters are stored in SSC1. In addition, the threshold values are determind and stored in SSC2 for optional splice evaluation. Teach-in status The Teach-in status indicates the state of the current adjustment. Splice threshold The threshold value for the splice is the percentage reduction on SP1, see description Switched Signal Channel (SSC), and the percentage surcharge on SP2, see description SSC. To detect a splice, the measuring value has to be below or above the value of the splice threshold. After changing the splice threshold, the Teach-in procedure for the splice sensor has to be started again. Teach-in type 0 = Label dynamic The backing material with labels must be guided through the fork at a constant speed. With this Teach-in type, the parameters for backing material and backing material with labels are determined esf-1 as label sensor 5 Teach-in 2 = Splice The web material is guided through the fork at a constant speed. The parameters for the backing material are determined and stored in the parameter material adjustment as well as in SSC1 and SSC2. Material adjustment The parameter material adjustment is the hardware-specific adjustment from a previous Teach-in procedure. The material adjustment is sensor-specific and should not be transmitted from one sensor to another. The parameter material adjustment can be used together with the settings of SSC1, SP1 and SP2 as well as SSC2, SP1 and SP2 to create a material management for this sensor. If the material adjustment does not match the sensor or was not generated by the sensor, a warning event (36003) is set by the sensor. This event will not be cancelled until the parameter material adjustment matches the sensor again. esf-1 as splice sensor Teach-in - procedure for Teach-in initiated by the master Teach-in type label dynamic Initialization 1. In parameter <Teach-in type> (index 400.2) write the value 0 for "Label dynamic". 2. Insert backing material with labels into the fork. Teach-in process 1. Move the backing material with labels through the fork at approx. 100 ... 200 mm/sec. 2. Write the value 75 for "Teach-in start" in parameter <system command> (index 2). Read out the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59). 3.1 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59) contains the value 5, repeat step 3 after a waiting time of e.g. 500 ms. 3.2 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59) contains the value 1, 2 or 3, the process is successfully completed. End 3.3 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59) contains the value 7, the Teach-in procedure was not successful. Abort 3.4 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59) still contains the value 5 after a time to be defined (e.g. 10 seconds), continue with step 4. 4. Write the value 79 for "Teach-in abort" in parameter <system command> (index 2). The sensor aborts the adjustment. Abort 6 Teach-in - procedure for Teach-in initiated by the master Teach-in type label static Initialization 1. In parameter <Teach-in type> (index 400.2) write the value 1 for "static label". 2. Place 5 to 30 cm of backing material without labels in the fork. Teach-in procedure 1. Write the value 75 for "Teach-in start" in parameter <system command> (index 2). 2. Move the backing material in the fork slowly back and forth over the length at least 3 times, this process must take at least 3 seconds. 3. Write the value 76 for "Teach-in next step / end" in parameter <system command> (index 2). 4. Place the backing material with labels in the fork. Make sure that the fork now measures a label in the middle. 5. Write the value 76 for "Teach-in next step / end" in parameter <system command> (index 2). 6. Move the label in the fork slowly back and forth over the label length at least 3 times. Make sure that only the label and not the edge of the label is measured. 7. Write the value 76 for "Teach-in next step / end" in parameter <system command> (index 2). 8. Read the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59). 8.1 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59) contains the value 1, 2 or 3, the Teach-in process is successfully completed. End 8.2 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (index 59) contains the value 7, the Teach-in process was not successful. Abort Teach-in type splice Initialization 1. In parameter <Teach-in type> (index 400.2) write the value 2 for "splice". 2. Select the value for the splice threshold in parameter <splice threshold> (index 400.1). The recommended default value is 20%. 3. Insert web material without splice into the sensor. Teach-in procedure 1. Write the value 75 for "Teach-in start" in parameter <system command> (index 2). 2. Move the web material slowly through the fork, depending on the material, 20 cm (plastic foils) to 2 m (recycled paper). The process must take at least 3 seconds. 3. Write the value 76 for "Teach-in next step / end" in parameter <system command> (index 2). 4. Read out the parameter <Teach-in status> (Index 59). 4.1 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (Index 59) contains the value 1, 2 or 3, the Teach-in process is successfully completed. End 4.2 If the parameter <Teach-in status> (Index 59) contains the value 7, the Teach-in process was not successful. Abort 7 SSC - Switched Signal Channel SSC1 - Switched Signal Channel 1 - Pin 4 Index Subindex Term Data type Access 60 0 SSC1 parameter Record 1 SP1, setpoint 1 Int16 2 SP1, setpoint 2 Int16 0 SSC1 configuration Record 1 Logic 2 61 100 Default value Value range RW 300 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 RW 508 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 UInt8 RW 0 0 = High active 1 = Low active Mode UInt8 RW 1 0 = Output deactivated 1 = Only lower threshold (SP1) (label/splice) 2 = Both thresholds (SP1 and SP2) (splice) 130 = Only upper threshold (SP2) (splice) 0 SSC1 advanced configuration Record 2 Switch-off delay UInt8 RW 0 0…255; resolution in measuring repetition rates Default value Value range SSC2 - Switched Signal Channel 2 - Pin 2 Index Subindex Term Data type Access 62 0 SSC2 parameter 32-bit Record 1 SP1, setpoint 1 Int16 RW 300 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 2 SP2, setpoint 2 Int16 RW 508 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 0 SSC2 Configuration 32-bit Record 1 Logic UInt8 RW 0 0 = High active 1 = Low active 2 Mode UInt8 RW 132 0 = Output deactivated 1 = Only lower threshold (SP1) (label/splice) 2 = Both thresholds (SP1 and SP2) (splice) 130 = Only upper threshold (SP2) (splice) 132 = Web break 134 = Missing label 135 = Mismatched label length 0 SSC2 advanced configuration Record 2 Switch-off delay UInt8 63 100 RW 0…255; resolution in measuring repetition rates 8 SSC - Switched Signal Channel SP1, Setpoint 1 and SP2, Setpoint 2 SP1 and SP2 are the threshold levels to detect label and splice. These threshold values are determined by a Teach-in procedure. Mode is selected by the Teach-in type and can optionally be changed later. The special functions "Web break", "Missing label" and "Mismatched label length" are available for SSC2, which can only selected via IO-Link. 0 = Output deactivated The switching output is deactivated and is not set. 1 = Only lower threshold (SP1) (label/splice) If the measured value of the sensor is below the value of SP1, the output is set. SP2 is not used in this evaluation. This is the default setting for scanning labels. 2 = Both thresholds (SP1 and SP2) (splice), If the measured value of the sensor is below the value of SP1 and above the value of SP2, the output is set. This is the default setting for detecting a splice. 130 = Only upper threshold (SP2) (splice) If the measured value of the sensor is above the value of SP2, the output is set. 132 = Web break The output is set as soon as the sensor detects a web break. 134 = Missing label The output is set if the sensor detects a missing label. The prerequisite for this is a constant material flow at a constant speed. 135 = Mismatched label length The output is set if the sensor detects a faulty label (± 50% of the usual length). The prerequisite for this is a constant material flow at a constant speed. Logic 0 = High active The output is set = +UB 1 = Low active The output is set = -UB Switch-off delay The switch-off delay specified as the number of measurement repetition rate extends the status output set. The measurement repetition rate is dependent on scanned material. With the same switch-off delay, but with different materials, the real switch-off delay varies in ms. 9 User interface Index Subindex Term Data type 370 0 Button and pin 5 Record 1 Teach-in input 2 371 372 Access Default value Value range UInt8 RW 1 0 = Inactive 1 = Button and pin 5 active 2 = Only pin 5 active 3 = Only button active Manual Teach-in mode UInt8 RW 0 0 = Standard Teach-in methods 1 = QuickTeach label sensor 2 = QuickTeach splice sensor 0 LED Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW 1 0 = off 1 = on 4 = Find me! 0 Teach-in feedback Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW 0 0 = Inactive 1 = Feedback on pin 2 and pin 4 2 = Feedback on pin 2 3 = Feedback on pin 4 Event code Type Description dezimal hex 36000 0x8CA0 Notification Teach-in is not successful. 36001 0x8CA1 Notification Teach-in is successful. 36004 0x8CA4 Warning Manual Teach-in is executed. The sensor has three LEDs, a button and a control input via pin 5. Teach-in input 0 = Inactive 1 = Button and pin 5 active 2 = Only pin 5 active 3 = Only button active The LEDs can be switched off in normal operation and only temporarily activated for a teach-in. In Find me! operation, all LEDs of the sensor flash simultaneously. This helps to locate the sensor in a machine. The Teach-in input parameter can be used to switch off specific input options. Teach-in feedback mode 0 = Inactive 1 = Feedback on pin 2 and pin 4 2 = Feedback on pin 2 3 = Feedback on pin 4 Manual Teach-in mode 0 = Standard Teach-in methods 1 = QuickTeach label sensor 2 = QuickTeach splice sensor The Teach-in feedback is intended for the QuickTeach in SIO mode: If the controller initiates a QuickTeach in SIO mode via pin 5 (or if the button is pressed), the controller can query at pin 2 and/or pin 4 whether this teach-in was successful. The selection of the Teach-in mode facilitates the manual Teach-in of the sensor. If the sensor is only used for one operating mode - label or splice - you can use QuickTeach to set a simplified Teachin, which you must activate and define once. The QuickTeach label sensor corresponds to the Teach-in type Label dynamic (Index 400.2 = 0). The QuickTeach splice sensor corresponds to the Teach-in type splice (Index 400.2 = 2). This function is activated with the parameter Teach-in feedback mode (Index 372.1). If QuickTeach is successfully performed via pin 5 (or the key), output pin 2, pin 4 or both will be set for 300 ms 200 ms after the end of this process. LED mode 0 = off 1 = on 4 = Find me! 10 User interface QuickTeach 1 Pin 5 or button A) 0 1 Pin 2 / Pin 4 0 QuickTeach successful B) Normal operation 200 ms { 300 ms Query window for the control A) With QuickTeach labels, the controls can reset pin 5 at an early stage as soon as there is a change of flankes "QuickTeach successful" has been detected. Or the controls ask 200 ms after pin 5 has been reset in the 300 ms wide query window whether QuickTeach was successful. B) With QuickTeach splice, the change of flankes "QuickTeach successful" only occurs 200 ms later after the controls have reset pin 5. In the 300 ms wide query window, the controls can query whether QuickTeach was successful. 11 Synchronization Index Subindex Term Data type Access 350 0 Synchronization Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW Default value Value range 0 0 = off 1 = on control inputs must be connected to each other and mode 1 (= on) must be selected. If several esf-1 sensors are operated in a confined space, they can influence each other. To avoid this, the esf-1 sensors can be synchronized with each other. For this purpose, all Teach-in/Com Temperature compensation Index Subindex Term Data type Access 300 0 Temperatur compensation Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW Default value Value range 0 0 = off 1 = on compensation. Only when the ambient temperature fluctuates by more than 20 °C in a short time should temperature compensation be switched on as an option. The sensor is equipped with an internal temperature sensor, which can compensate the temperature dependence of the amplitude loss in the air. Normally it is not necessary to activate temperature Sensor diagnosis Index Subindex Term Data type Access 2000 0 Temperature Record 1 Sensor temperature Int16 RO Default value Value range 200 -560...1,560; resolution in 0,1 °C Default value Value range The sensor displays the current sensor temperature. Measurement diagnosis Index Subindex Term Date type Access 2001 0 Measurement Record 1 Measurement repetition rate in SIO mode UInt16 RO 30 30...195 resolution in 0,1 ms 2 Measurement repetition rate in IO-Link mode UInt16 RO 400 400...13,000 resolution in 0,1 ms 3 Quality of the last Teach-in UInt8 RO Measurement repetition rate in SIO mode The value indicates the repetition rate of the sensor when it is operated with the current material adjustment in SIO mode. Measurement repetition rate in IO-Link mode The value specifies the repetition rate under IO-Link. This depends on the master, which determines the time. 0...255: 0 = low quality 255 = high quality Quality of the last Teach-in The quality of the Teach-in is a value to provide a direct comparison between several identical adjustment processes with the same material. The larger it is, the better the adjustment. 12 Identification Index Term Data type Access Default value 13 ProfileCharacteristic Array UINT16 RO 14 PDInputDescriptor Array OctetString3 RO 16 VendorName String RO microsonic GmbH 17 VendorText String RO Unser Herz schallt ultra. 18 ProductName String RO 19 ProductID String RO 20 ProductText String RO 21 SerialNumber String RO 23 FirmwareRevision String RO 24 ApplicationSpecificTag String RW ProfileCharacteristic The ProfileCharacteristic is an array of all profiles and function classes supported by the sensor. PDInputDescriptor The PDInputDescriptor displays the breakdown of all data present in the PDI in an array. VendorName The VendorName contains the name of the manufacturer. VendorText The VendorText contains the claim of the manufacturer. ProductName The ProductName contains the designation of the sensor used. Ultrasonic sensor *** ProductID The ProductID contains the part number of the sensor used. ProductText The ProductText describes the sensor used. SerialNumber The SerialNumber is defined by the manufacturer. FirmwareRevision The FirmwareRevision shows the firmware version of the application used by the manufacturer. ApplicationSpecificTag The ApplicationSpecificTag can be used to store information about the location or use of this sensor in the sensor setting. System Command Index Subindex Term Data type Access 2 System Command UInt8 RW Default value Value range 130 = Restore factory settings Back to factory setting If the value 130 is written into index 2, all parameters of the sensor are reset to factory setting. 13 Parameter access The sensor is cyclically requested by the master to communicate. With each communication the measured value is sent from the sensor to the master. Part of this communication is the Indexed Service Data Unit channel (ISDU channel). This channel is used to write or read data acyclically to the sensor. This means that writing or reading a parameter can take several communication cycles. Error Code Each communication of the master via the ISDU channel is answered by the sensor. The sensor only processes aparameter after it has been fully transmitted. Parameters, diagnostic data, events and system commands are sent via this ISDU channel. If the sensor discovers errors during parameter accessing, it reports these with corresponding error codes. Description dezimal hex 0 0x0000 No error 32768 0x8000 Device application error – no details 32785 0x8011 Index not available 32786 0x8012 Subindex not available 32800 0x8020 Service temporarily not available 32801 0x8021 Service temporarily not available – local control 32802 0x8022 Service temporarily not available 32803 0x8023 Access denied 32816 0x8030 Parameter value out of range 32817 0x8031 Parameter value above limit 32818 0x8032 Parameter value below limit 32819 0x8033 Parameter length overrun 32820 0x8034 Parameter length underrun 32821 0x8035 Function not available 32822 0x8036 Function temporarily unavailable 32832 0x8040 Invalid parameter set 32833 0x8041 Inconsistent parameter set 32898 0x8082 Application not ready Device Access Locks Index Subindex Term Data type Access Default value 12 Device Access Locks UInt16 RW 0 Bit 0: Parameter (write) Access Lock RW 0 0 = off 1 = on Bit 2: Local Parameterization Lock RW 0 0 = off 1 = on Bit 3: Local User Interface Lock RW 0 0 = off 1 = on The Device Access Locks are a specified IO-Link function. The parameter DeviceAccessLocks enables the control of the device behavior. Device functions can be deactivated via defined bits in this parameter. Parameter (write) Access Lock If this bit is set, write access to application parameters and some IO-Link specific parameters is disabled. Value range Local Parameterization Lock If this bit is set, the parameterization is disabled via local operating elements such as button / pin 5 on the device. Local User Interface Lock If this bit is set, use of the user interface on the device is disabled and the display is switched off. 14 Events Code Type Description dezimal hex 16384 0x4000 Error Temperature fault 16912 0x4210 Warning Device temperature over-run 16928 0x4220 Warning Device temperature under-run 36000 0x8ca0 Notification Manual Teach-in is not successful. 36001 0x8ca1 Notification Manual Teach-in is successful. 36003 0x8ca3 Warning Material adjustment data record does not match the sensor. 36004 0x8ca4 Warning Manual Teach-in is executed. Events are sent from the sensor to the master. This is done asynchronously via the ISDU channel of IO-Link. The master acknowledges these events in the sensor and stores them in the master memory. There a PLC can read out the events. Several events can be present simultaneously in the sensor. Events are divided into three types. • "Notifications" are for general information or non-critical states of the sensor and are sent each time the sensor state occurs again. • "Warnings" indicate a possible functional limitation of the sensor. These events are present until the reason for the function restriction is eliminated or switched off. • "Error" events indicate a sensor that is not functional. These events are present until the reason for the function restriction is removed or switched off. Manual Teach-in is successful A Teach-in via button or pin 5 was executed and successfully completed. The parameters have changed. Material adjustment data record does not match the sensor The transfered parameter material adjustment does not match with this sensor. The function of the sensor cannot be guaranteed. Manual Teach-in is executed At the sensor, a Teach-in is carried out via button or pin 5. (During a Teach-in process, the status of the outputs are frozen.) Temperature fault The operating temperature of the sensor has been significantly exceeded, the function cannot be guaranteed. The sensor may be damaged. Device temperature over-run The operating temperature of the sensor has be exceeded. A correct functioning of the sensor cannot be ensured. Device temperature under-run The operating temperature of the sensor has fallen below the minimum. A correct functioning of the sensor cannot to ensured. Manual Teach-in is not successful A Teach-in via button or pin 5 was executed and terminated incorrectly. The parameters have not changed. 15 Device status Index Subindex Term Data type Access Default value Value range 32 Int16 Error count RO 0 0...65,535 36 UInt8 Device status RO 0 0 = Device is OK. 1 = Maintance required 2 = Out of specification 3 = Functional check 4 = Failure 37 Array Detailed device status RO 0 Error count As soon as an event of the type error is detected in the sensor, the error counter is incremented. The counter is set to 0 each time operating voltage is switched on. Device status If no events can be read out or the sensor is switched from SIO mode to IO-Link mode and the sensor is still to be monitored, it is recommended to read this variable cyclically. The device status shows the entire status of the sensor depending on the problem that has occurred. Detailed device status In the detailed device status, all active error and warning events are listed until they are reset by the sensor as soon as the root cause has been eliminated. Data storage The sensors support data storage according to IO-Link version 1.1. Data storage enables the master to store the entire parameter set of the sensor. If the sensor has to be replaced, the data set is loaded from the master into the replacement device. The parameter material adjustment and SP1 as well as SP2 are hardware dependent. After exchanging a sensor it is recommended to carry out the material adjustment again. The data storage is completely controlled by the master and is a function of IO-Link to be configured in the master. Nothing has to be configured in the sensor. Block parameterization Index 2 Subindex Term Data type Access System Commando UInt8 WO The block parameterization is a specified IO-Link function. The use of this function is recommended if several parameters have to be changed simultneously. Each individual parameter write access is immediately implemented in the sensor. This also includes a consistency check against other parameters and immediate transfer to the application if the inspection is successful. If parameters are transferred in an unfavourable sequence, the consistency check may fail. Default value Value range 1 = ParamUploadStart 2 = ParamUploadEnd 3 = ParamDownloadStart 4 = ParamDownloadEnd 5 = ParamDownloadStore 6 = ParamBreak In block parameterization, on the other hand, all parameters are first written and then the consistency check is performed for all transferred parameters. The parameters are only stored in the sensor if this consistency check was successful. This block parameterization also applies analogously to reading out parameters. 16 Appendix: IO-Link data overview Index Subindex Term Data Type Access 2 System Commando UInt8 WO Device Access Locks UINT16 12 13 Default Value 1 = ParamUploadStart 2 = ParamUploadEnd 3 = ParamDownloadStart 4 = ParamDownloadEnd 5 = ParamDownloadStore 6 = ParamBreak 75 = Teach-in start 76 = Teach-in next step / end 79 = Teach-in abort 130 = Restore factory settings RW 0 Bit 0: Parameter (write) Access Lock RW 0 0 = off 1 = on Bit 2: Local Parameterization Lock RW 0 0 = off 1 = on Bit 3: Local User Interface Lock RW 0 0 = off 1 = on ProfileCharacteristic Array UINT16 PDInputDescriptor Array OctetString3 16 VendorName String microsonic GmbH 17 VendorText String Unser Herz schallt ultra. 18 ProductName String 19 ProductID String 20 ProductText String 21 SerialNumber String 23 FirmwareRevision String 24 ApplicationSpecificTag String 32 Error count Int16 RO 0 36 Device status UInt8 RO 0 37 Detailed device status Array RO 0 Process data input OctetString4 RO Teach-in channel UInt8 RW 0 Teach-in status UInt8 R/O 0 14 40 58 59 Value Range Ultrasonic sensor *** 0 = Device is OK. 1 = Maintance required 2 = Out of specification 3 = Functional check 4 = Failure 0 = SSC1: Default: Pin 4 (push-pull) 1 = SSC1: Pin 4 (push-pull) Bit 0..3: 0 = Idle 1 = SP1 success 2 = SP2 success 3 = SP12 success 4 = Wait for command 5 = Busy 7 = Error 17 Appendix: IO-Link data overview Index Subindex Term Data Type 60 0 SSC1 parameter Record 1 SP1, Setpoint 1 61 62 63 100 101 300 350 Access Default Value Value Range Int16 RW 300 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 Int16 RW 392 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 0 0 = High active 1 = Low active 2 SP1, Setpoint 1 0 SCC1 configuration 1 Logic UInt8 RW 2 Mode UInt8 RW 0 SSC2 parameter Record 1 SP1, Setpoint 1 Int16 RW 300 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 2 SP2, Setpoint 2 Int16 RW 392 0..1,023; resolution in 0,1 0 SSC2 configuration Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW 132 0 = Output deactivated 1 = Only low threshold (SP1) (label/splice) 2 = Both thresholds (SP1 and SP2) (splice) 130 = Only high threshold (SP2) (splice) 132 = Web break 134 = Missing label 135 = Mismatched label length 2 Logic UInt8 RW 0 0 = High active 1 = Low active 0 SSC1 advanced configuration Record 1 Switch-On delay UInt8 RW 0 0…255; resolution in measurement cycle 2 Switch-Off delay UInt8 RW 0 0…255; resolution in measurement cycle 0 SSC2 advanced configuration Record 1 Switch-On delay UInt8 RW 0 0…255; resolution in measurement cycle 2 Switch-Off delay UInt8 RW 0 0…255; resolution in measurement cycle 0 Temperature compensation Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW 0 0 = off 1 = on 0 Synchronization Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW 0 0 = off 1 = on 0 = Output deactivated 1 = Only low threshold (SP1) (label/splice) 2 = Both thresholds (SP1 and SP2) (splice) 130 = Only high threshold (SP2) (splice) 18 Appendix: IO-Link data overview Index Subindex Term Data Type 370 0 Button and pin 5 Record 1 Teach-in input 2 371 372 400 Access Default Value Value Range UInt8 RW 1 0 = Inactive 1 = Button and pin 5 active 2 = Only Pin 5 active 3 = Only Taste active Manual Teach-in mode UInt8 RW 0 0 = Standard Teach-in methods 1 = QuickTeach label sensor 2 = QuickTeach splice sensor 0 LED Record 1 Mode UInt8 RW 1 0 = off 1 = on 4 = Find me! RW 0 0 = Inactive 1 = Feedback on pin 2 and pin 4 2 = Feedback on pin 2 3 = Feedback on pin 4 0 Teach-in feedback Record 1 Mode UInt8 0 Teach-in configuration Record 1 Splice threshold value UInt8 RW 20 5..50 %, resolution in 1 % 2 Teach-in type UInt8 RW 0 0 = Dynamic label 1 = Static label 2 = Splice dynamic Material adjustment UInt8 RW Temperature Record RO 200 -560.. 1,056; resolution in 0,1 °C 500 2000 0 1 Sensor temperature Int16 2001 0 Measurement Record 1 Measurement repetition rate in SIO mode UInt16 RO 30 30...195 resolution in 0,1 ms 2 Measurement repetition rate in IO-Link mode UInt16 RO 400 400...13,000 resolution in 0,1 ms 3 Quality of the last Teach-in UInt8 RO 16512 0...255: 0 = low quality 255 = high quality 0 Measurement data channel description Record 1 Lower limit UInt32 RO 0 0...1,023 2 Upper limit UInt32 RO 1,023 0...1,023 3 Unit code UInt16 RO 0 4 Scale Int8 RO -1 19 Appendix: IO-Link data overview Events Type Description 16384 Code 0x4000 Error Temperature fault 16912 0x4210 Warning Device temperature over-run 16928 0x4220 Warning Device temperature under-run 36000 0x8ca0 Notification Manual Teach-in is not successful. 36001 0x8ca1 Notification Manual Teach-in is successful. 36003 0x8ca3 Warning Material adjustment data record does not match the sensor. 36004 0x8ca4 Warning Manual Teach-in is executed. Error Codes Error Code Term dezimal hex 0 0x0000 No error 32768 0x8000 Device application error – no details 32785 0x8011 Index not available 32786 0x8012 Subindex not available 32800 0x8020 Service temporarily not available 32801 0x8021 Service temporarily not available – local control 32802 0x8022 Service temporarily not available 32803 0x8023 Access denied 32816 0x8030 Parameter value out of range 32817 0x8031 Parameter value above limit 32818 0x8032 Parameter value below limit 32819 0x8033 Parameter length overrun 32820 0x8034 Parameter length underrun 32821 0x8035 Function not available 32822 0x8036 Function temporarily unavailable 32832 0x8040 Invalid parameter set 32833 0x8041 Inconsistent parameter set 32898 0x8082 Application not ready 20
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Operating Instructions
Ultrasonic label and splice sensor with 1 or 2 switched outputs
esf-1/CF esf-1/CDF esf-1/15/CDF
Functional principle
An ultrasonic transmitter in the lower tine of the fork beams a fast sequence of pulses through the backing material. The sound pulses cause the backing material to vibration, so that a greatly attenuated sound save is beamed from the opposite side. The receiver in the upper tine of the fork receives and evaluates this sound wave.
The backing material transmits a different signal level from the level with label or from a splice. The difference between the backing material and backing with label or the web material and splice can be very subtle. To ensure reliable detection, the esf-1 sensor must therefore initially learn the signal level for the backing or web material.
The esf-1 sensor can be used as a label sensor or a splice sensor.
With its three Teach-in methods, the esf-1 sensor can optimally be adjusted to any task configuration.
With QuickTeach, there is also a simplified Teach-in procedure available.
Product description
■Assured detection of labels made of paper, metal or (transparent) plastic.
■Detection of splices of paperwebs, plastic webs or metal webs.
■Detection of materials with weights from <20 g/m2 to >>400 g/m2; sheet metals and plastic films up to 0,2 mm thickness.
■3 Teach-in methods + QuickTeach.
■Parameterisable with LinkControl.
■Response time of 300 µs until label/splice is detected.
■Two fork depths of 67 mm and 150 mm.
Safety tips
■Read instruction manual before commissioning.
■Connection, installation and adjustment may only be carried out by trained technicians.
■Not a safety component as defined by the EU Machinery Directive.
Install the esf-1 in such a way that the tine with the button is on top. This installation orientation permits you to keep the measuring track optimally clean.
Connect the connection line with the 4-pin M8 connector as shown in Fig 1, and that with the 5-pin M12 connector as shown in Fig. 2.
2 |
4 |
1 |
3 |
colour |
1 |
operating voltage +UB |
brown |
3 |
operating voltage -UB |
blue |
4 |
label/splice output F |
black |
2 |
Teach-In/Com |
white |
Fig. 1: Pin assignment of esf-1/CF and colour coding for microsonic connection lines
2 |
1 |
3 |
5 |
4 |
colour |
1 |
operating voltage +UB |
brown |
3 |
operating voltage -UB |
blue |
4 |
label/splice output F |
black |
2 |
web break output D |
white |
5 |
Teach-in/Com |
grey |
Fig. 2: Pin assignment of esf-1/CDF an esf-1/15/CDF and colour coding of the microsonic connection lines
Turn the power supply to the esf-1 on.
operation |
LED green LED yellow LED red |
mode |
ready to |
on |
— |
— |
operate |
backing |
on |
off |
off |
material |
label/splice |
on |
on |
off |
web break |
on |
off |
on |
error in |
on |
off |
on |
Teach-In |
Fig. 3: LED display
Teach-in with push-button and control input
The Teach-in process can optionally be carried out with the button on the top tine of the fork or with the Teach-in input on pin 5 on the M12 connector or pin 2 on the M8 connector.
■The Teach-in/Com control input is parallel with the push-button.
■+UB connected to the control input correponds to a key press.
Standard Teach-in
There are 3 Teach-in methods available:
■Dynamic Teach-in of label
■Separate Teach-in for backing material and labels
■Splice sensor
With QuickTeach, you have a simplified Teach-in process that you have to activate once before initial commissioning.
■To use QuickTeach, you have to decide whether the sensor will act as a label or a splice detector.
■Once QuickTeach is activated, you can’t switch between NCC/NOC any more.
■The QuickTeach functionality is available for sensors with lot numbers > 12xxxxx.
Insert the web material into the fork and carry out one of the three standard Teach-in methods or QuickTeach.
The esf-1 continually performs measurements and sets the switched outputs based on its results.
Factory setting
The esf-1 sensors have the following settings configured at the factory:
■Label/splice output F on NOC.
■QuickTeach is deactivated.
esf-1/CDF and esf-1/15/CDF
■Label/splice output F on NOC.
■Output D2 on web break display.
■Output web break on NOC.
■QuickTeach is deactivated.
If multiple esf-1 sensors are operated in tight quarters, they can influence one another. To avoid this, the esf-1 sensors can be synchronised. To do this, all Teach-in/com control inputs are connected together (see Figs. 1 and 2 for the connector pinouts).
■A Teach-in using the control input can also be carried out with synchronisation active.
Parameterisation with LinkControl
The esf-1 can be extensively parameterised with LinkControl. To do this, you need the optionally available LCA-2 LinkControl adapter and the LinkControl software for Windows©.
Use in LinkControl
Install the LinkControl software onto your PC.
Connect the LinkControl adapter to your PC using the USB cable. Connect esf-1 to the LCA-2 as shown in the table in Fig. 4. Connect the cable for the power supply to the LCA-2 on the other side of the T plug.
Start the LinkControl software and follow the instructions on the screen.
Pin |
adapter |
Pin |
(esf-1) |
cable colour |
(LCA-2) |
+UB |
1 |
brown |
1 |
-UB |
3 |
blue |
3 |
Com |
2/5 |
grey |
5 |
Fig. 4: Connection of esf-1 to the LCA-2
You can change the following settings:
■NOC/NCC function of the switched outputs.
■Switched output function D.
There is also a graphical representation of the measured values available.
The esf-1 is maintenance-free. For significant deposits of dirt, we recommend carefully blowing out the measuring track with clean, oil-free compressed air.