Микроволновая печь с грилем bosch serie 2 fel023ms2 инструкция

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Микроволновая печь не реагирует, когда я нажимаю кнопку включения. Что мне делать? Проверенный
Это обычно означает, что дверца микроволновой печи недостаточно плотно закрыта. Откройте и закройте дверцу и попробуйте снова.

Это было полезно (2918)

Можно ли использовать микроволновку, если в ней не вращается тарелка? Проверенный
Вращение тарелки необходимо для равномерного прогревания. Если она не работает, микроволновку нельзя полноценно использовать. Ее нужно отремонтировать.

Это было полезно (1832)

Микроволновая печь включена, но не работает. Это почему? Проверенный
Возможно, дверь закрывается неправильно. В целях безопасности микроволновая печь не будет работать, пока дверца не будет полностью закрыта. Иногда это можно исправить, отрегулировав дверную петлю.

Это было полезно (1165)

Слюдяная/картонная пластина внутри микроволновой печи отвалилась. Могу ли я продолжать использовать СВЧ-печь? Проверенный
Нет, это категорически запрещено. Слюдяная/картонная пластина — это волновод, распределяющий СВЧ-излучение. Верните пластину на место или замените ее.

Это было полезно (1123)

Микроволновая печь продолжает издавать шум после завершения программы. Это нормально? Проверенный
Да, этот звук является нормальным. Это звук вентилятора, охлаждающего микроволновую печь после использования. Длительность охлаждения зависит от того, как долго микроволновая печь работала.

Это было полезно (958)

Можно ли кипятить воду в микроволновке? Проверенный
Нет, абсолютно нет. Вода может перегреться. Это означает, что вода может достигать температуры выше 100 ℃ без кипячения. Когда эта вода затем соприкасается с каким-либо предметом, она может мгновенно закипеть и разбрызгиваться, вызывая ожоги.

Это было полезно (676)

Почему я не могу положить металл в микроволновую печь? Проверенный
Металл не пропускает микроволны, но отбрасывает их обратно. Когда эти микроволны отражаются в одном и том же месте, это может вызвать искры.

Это было полезно (673)

Руководство Bosch FEL023MS2 Микроволновая печь

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    Bosch FEL023MS2 User Manual And Installation Instructions

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    6. User manual and installation instructions

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    Microwave Oven



    User manual and installation instructions



    Related Manuals for Bosch FEL023MS2

    Summary of Contents for Bosch FEL023MS2

    • Page 1
      Microwave Oven FEL023M… FEL053M… User manual and installation instructions [en]…
    • Page 2: Table Of Contents

      en Safety ¡ For household use and similar applications, Table of contents such as: In kitchens for employees in shops, offices and other commercial sec- tors; in agriculture; by customers in hotels INFORMATION FOR USE and other residential facilities; in bed and breakfasts.

    • Page 3: Safety

      Safety en WARNING ‒ Risk of burns! WARNING ‒ Risk of electric shock! The appliance and its parts that can be If the insulation of the power cord is dam- touched become hot during use. aged, this is dangerous. ▶ Caution should be exercised here in order ▶…

    • Page 4
      en Safety Food and its packaging and containers may Airtight packaging may burst when food is catch fire. heated. ▶ Never heat food in heat-retaining pack- ▶ Always follow the instructions on the pack- aging. aging. ▶ Do not leave food unattended while it is ▶…
    • Page 5: Preventing Material Damage

      Preventing material damage en WARNING ‒ Risk of injury! WARNING ‒ Risk of serious harm to health! Unsuitable cookware may crack. Porcelain or ceramic cookware can have small perfora- Inadequate cleaning may destroy the surface tions in the handles and lid. These perfora- of the appliance, reduce its service life, and tions conceal a cavity below.

    • Page 6: Environmental Protection And Saving En- Ergy

      en Environmental protection and saving energy If you prepare several bags of microwave popcorn in Removing the transparent film from the inside of the immediate succession at a microwave power level that door damages the appliance door. is too high, the cooking compartment may be dam- Never remove the transparent film on the inside of ▶…

    • Page 7: Familiarising Yourself With Your Appliance

      Familiarising yourself with your appliance en Place the appliance on a level, solid surface with WARNING ‒ Risk of burns! sufficient load-bearing capacity. The rear of the appliance becomes very hot during op- Ensure that the ventilation slots are clear. eration. → «Safety clearances», Page 6 Place the appliance with the back panel against a ▶…

    • Page 8: Accessories

      en Accessories Door opener If you open the appliance door during operation, this pauses operation. When you close the appliance door, When you press the door opener, the appliance door the operation does not continue automatically. You springs open. You can fully open the appliance door must restart the operation.

    • Page 9
      Before using for the first time en 7  Before using for the first time Configure the settings for initial start-up. Clean the ap- Before heating, wipe the smooth surfaces in the pliance and accessories. cooking compartment with a soft, damp cloth. Close the appliance door.
    • Page 10
      en Basic operation – If the cookware becomes hot or sparks are cre- Microwave-safe ated, stop the cookware test. The cookware is Cookware and accessor- Reason not microwave-safe. Cookware made from These materials allow mi- 8.4 Configuring the microwave settings heat-resistant, microwave- crowaves to pass safe material: through.
    • Page 11
      Grill en Changing the cooking time 8.5 QuickStart You can change the cooking time at any time. You can use a button to start the maximum microwave Use the rotary selector to set the required cooking ▶ power setting. time. Press ​ ⁠ . ▶…
    • Page 12
      en Programmes 11  Programmes The programmes help you to use your appliance to To start operation, press ​ ⁠ . prepare different dishes by selecting the optimum set- If a signal sounds during the programme, open the tings automatically. appliance door. Cut, stir or turn the food.
    • Page 13: Childproof Lock

      Childproof lock en Programme Food Cookware Weight range Information in kg Potatoes With lid 0.15–1.00 ¡ For boiled potatoes, cut fresh potatoes into small, equally sized pieces. ¡ Add one tablespoon of water and a little salt for every 100 g boiled potatoes. Vegetables With lid 0.15–1.00…

    • Page 14: Basic Settings

      en Basic settings 13  Basic settings You can configure the basic settings for your appliance to meet your needs. 13.1 Overview of the basic settings Here you can find an overview of the basic settings and factory settings. The basic settings depend on the features of your appliance.

    • Page 15
      Cleaning and servicing en New sponge cloths contain residues from production. 14.4 Cleaning the front of the appliance Wash new sponge cloths thoroughly before use. ▶ ATTENTION! You can find out which cleaning products are suitable Incorrect cleaning may damage the front of the appli- for each surface or part of the appliance in the indi- ance.
    • Page 16
      en Troubleshooting Place a spoon in the cup to prevent delayed boiling. 14.8 Cleaning aid Place the cup in the centre of the cooking compart- The cleaning aid is a quick alternative for occasionally ment. cleaning the cooking compartment. The cleaning aid Press and hold ​…
    • Page 17
      Disposal en 16  Disposal 16.1 Disposing of old appliance This appliance is labelled in accord- ance with European Directive Valuable raw materials can be reused by recycling. 2012/19/EU concerning used elec- Dispose of the appliance in an environmentally ▶ trical and electronic appliances friendly manner.
    • Page 18
      en How it works Delicate parts, such as the legs and wings of Issue chicken or fatty outer layers of roasts, can be After defrosting, poultry or ¡ Set a lower microwave covered with small pieces of aluminium foil. The foil meat should not be de- power setting.
    • Page 19
      How it works en Food Weight in g Microwave power Cooking time in mins setting in W Fruit, e.g. raspberries 7–10 Fruit, e.g. raspberries 1. 180 1. 8 2. 90 2. 5–10 Butter, defrosting 1. 180 1. 1 2. 90 2. 2–3 Butter, defrosting 1.
    • Page 20
      en How it works Heating frozen food in the microwave Observe the recommended settings for using the microwave to heat frozen food. Food Weight in g Microwave power Cooking time in mins setting in W Set menu, plated meal, ready meal with 2–3 300–400 8–11 components Soup…
    • Page 21
      How it works en Do not cover the food when grilling. 18.5 Cooking ‒ Do not cover the food when combining the mi- ‒ With your appliance you can cook food. crowave and grill. Always place the cookware on the turntable. Cooking food Always place the wire rack on the turntable when ‒…
    • Page 22
      en How it works Food Amount Accessories Type of Cooking Information crowave heating time power in mins setting in W Vegetables, fresh 250 g Cookware with 5-10 Cut the ingredients into equal-sized pieces. Add 1 to 2 tbsp water for every 100 g. Stir the food occa- sionally.
    • Page 23
      How it works en Food Microwave power Cooking time in mins Note: setting in W Biscuit 8–10 Place a 22 cm diameter Pyrex dish on the turntable. Meatloaf 23 — 28 Place a Pyrex dish on the turntable. Defrosting with the microwave Recommended settings for using the microwave to defrost food. Food Microwave power Cooking time in mins Note:…
    • Page 24
      Expert advice for your Bosch home appliances, help with problems or a repair from Bosch experts. Find out everything about the many ways Bosch can support you: www.bosch-home.com/service Contact data of all countries are listed in the attached service directory.

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