Мини атс панасоник 616 инструкция

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Manuals and User Guides for Panasonic KX-TA616. We have 6 Panasonic KX-TA616 manuals available for free PDF download: Manual De Instalación, Installation Manual, Operating Instructions Manual, Instrucciones De Funcionamiento

Описание мини-АТС Panasonic KX-TA616

Узнать цену KX-TA616

Оптимальное решение Ваших потребностей в телефонной связи

Телефон является для Вас самым главным средством связи — это контакты с партнерами по бизнесу, заказчиками, друзьями и даже членами Вашей семьи — как в офисе, так и за его пределами. Усовершенствованные гибридные системы КХ-ТА308 и КХ-ТА616 в полной мере отвечают Вашим потребностям в связи и по деловым, и по личным вопросам. КХ-ТА308 поддерживает 3 внешние (СО) линии и 8 добавочных номеров. Если Ваши потребности возрастут, то с помощью приобретаемых дополнительно плат можно без особого труда увеличить емкость системы до 6 внешних (СО) линий и до 24 добавочных номеров*. Обе системы имеют характеристики, способные удовлетворить самого взыскательного потребителя. К ним можно подсоединить целый ряд коммуникационных устройств, таких как беспроводные телефоны, автоответчики, компьютерные модемы, устройство для контроля кредитных карт, факсы и любое иное устройство, которое работает с обычными телефонными линиями. Гибридные системы Panasonic КХ-ТА308 и КХ-ТА616 идеально подходят для малого бизнеса и домашнего офиса, нуждающегося в гибкой системе с широким выбором технических возможностей.

Аналоговые системные телефоны для мини-АТС KX-TA308

Краткое описание телефонов

Системный телефон КХ-Т7330 КХ-Т7320 КХ-Т7350 КХ-Т7130 КХ-Т7030 КХ-Т7020 КХ-Т7050
Функциональные кнопки 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Программируемые кнопки функций       12 4 4 4
Лампа ожидания ответного звонка Есть Есть Есть Есть Есть Есть Есть
Алфавитно-цифровой ЖК-дисплей 1х16     1х16 1х16    
Спикерфон Есть Есть Монитор Есть Есть Есть Монитор
Совместимость с наушниками Есть     Есть Есть    

Характеристики мини-АТС Panasonic KX-TA616

Перечень функций мини-АТС KX-TA308 / более подробное описание функций

  • Возможность сообщения об отсутствии
  • Ввод расчетного кода (Опция / Принудительный / Подтверждение кода)
  • Альтернативный вызов — Звонок / Голос
  • Автоматический ответный звонок при освобождении линии
  • Автоматическая переадресация факсов*
  • Интерфейс батареи резервной поддержки (встроенный)
  • Сигнал занятому абоненту (BSS)
  • Переназначение звонка: по всем абонентам; занято / номер не отвечает; переназначение на добавочный номер, переназначение звонка на другой номер
  • Обнаружение управляющего сигнала вызывающего абонента
  • Перевод удерживаемого звонка в системный буфер
  • Прием звонка
  • Альтернативный прием двух звонков
  • Переадресацин звонка: на добавочный номер, на внешнюю линию (СО)
  • Ожидание звонка
  • Конференц-связь (3-сторонняя / 5-сторонняя)
  • Автономная конференц-свяэь (3-сторонняя)
  • Конфиденциальность линии связи
  • Прямая линия связи (OIL)
  • Блок прямого внутреннего системного доступа без исходящего сообщения
  • Блок прямого внутреннего системного доступа с исходящим сообщением»
  • Избирательный тон готовности
  • Режим DND («Не беспокоить»)
  • Принудительное отключение режима DND
  • Звонок от домофона»
  • Устройство открывания двери’
  • Консоль DSS
  • Срочный звонок
  • Принудительное подключение при сигнале «занято» (К добавочному номеру / К веншней линии)
  • Отмена принудительного подключения при сигнале «занято»
  • Группа добавочных номеров
  • Добавочный пароль / Системный пароль
  • Доступ к внешней функции
  • Ответный звонок в режиме спикерфона
  • Удержание звонка
  • Перемаршрутизация
  • Звонок по интеркому
  • Ограниченная продолжительность звонка (1—32 минуты)
  • Вход в систему / Выход из системы
  • Ожидание ответного звонка
  • Музыка при удержании линии / Фоновая музыка (BQM)
  • Однокнопочный набор
  • Звонок оператора
  • Исходящее сообщение (OGM)*
  • Пейджинг: по всем добавочным номерам; групповой; внешний
  • Блокировка пейджинга
  • Параллельное подключение телефона
  • Автоматический набор при снятии трубки (Линия прямой связи)
  • Детектирование обратной полярности*
  • Переадресация при сбое питания
  • Назначение приоритетной линии: входящие звонки; исходящие звонки
  • Переключение тональный/импульсный набор
  • Повторный набор: автоматический; последнего номера; сохраненного номера
  • Выбор характеристики звонка
  • Спикерфон (Аналоговый системный телефон/Домофон)
  • Режим конфиденциальности набора
  • Скорость набора: системный; персональный
  • Сброс абонентской функции
  • Поиск абонента
  • Блокировка абонента
  • Дистанционная блокировка абонента
  • SMDR (Подробное протоколирование трафика станции)
  • Временной режим функционирования (Дневной / Ночной / Режим Обеденного перерыва)— автоматический; ручной
  • Таймерное напоминание
  • Дистационное таймерное напоминание
  • Ограничение платных звонков
  • Принудительное отключение ограничения платных звонков
  • UCD (Равномерное распределение звонков) с сообщением (необходима приобретаемая дополнительно плата)
  • Интегрирование голосовой почты (DTMF)
  • Переназначаемый класс сервиса (COS)

*Сервис детектирования обратной полярности зависит от услуг, предоставляемых телефонной компанией в Вашей стране.


МОДЕЛЬ База Опция (КХ-ТА30877) 3 внешних линии / 8 добавочных номеров. Плата для аналогового системного или однолинейного телефонов Опция (КХ-ТА30874) 8 добавочных номеров. Плата для однолинейного телефона
КХ-ТА308 Внешние линии 3 — —> 6  
Добавочные номера 8 — —> 16 — —> 24
KX-TA616 Внешние линии 6    
Добавочные номера 16 —   —> 24

Емкость системы (макс.)

Оператор 1 1
Система ускоренного набора 100 100
Перснальный укоренный набор 10 / добавочный номер 10 / добавочный номер
Однокнопочный набор Макс. 12 / добавочный номер Макс. 12 / добавочный номер
Группы добавочных номеров 8 8
Группа равномерного распределения звонков {UCD) 1 1
Уровни ограничения платных звонков 5 5
Подтверждение расчетных кодов 24 24
Перевод удерживаемого звонка в системный буфер 10 10
Сообщение об отсутствии 6 6
Ожидание ответного звонка 6 / добавочный номер 8 / добавочныи номер
Код срочного вызова 5 5
Внешний источник музыки 1 1
Внешний пейджер 1 1
Домофоны 4 4
Устройства открывания двери 4 4
Консоли DSS 2 2
OGM ^исходящее сообщение) 2 по 30 сек 2 по 30 сек

Технические характеристики

Максимальная Емкость 6 внешних линии 24 добавочных номера (16: аналого-цифровых телефонов, 8: однолинейных телефонов) 6 внешних линий 24 добавочных номера (16: аналого-цифровых телефонов, 8: однолинейных телефонов)
Каналы интеркома 4 4
Принцип набора Внешний номер. Тональный / Импульсный набор (10п/сек, 20п/сек) Внутренний номер: Тональный / Импульсный набор (10п/сек, 20п/сек)
Преобразование набора От тонального к импульсному или от импульсного к тональному
Подсоединения Внешняя линия: Модульное гнездо (2-жильное). Интерком: Модульное гнездо (4-жильное). Пейджинг: Гнездо проводки. Внешний источник музыки: Гнездо проводки. Подробное протоколирование трафика станции: RS-232C I/F порт (9-игольный D-SUB»)
Подробное протоколирование трафика станции Подробное протоколирование: дата, время, добавочный номер, внешняя линия номера, набор, продолжительность звонка, расчетный код
Обратное детектирование’ Есть Есть
Порт голосовой почты 2 порта (тональный набор) 4 порта (тональный набор)
Ресивер DTMF 2 4
Генератор DTMF 1 1
Внешняя линия — Канал внешних линий 2 2
Переадресация при сбое питания 1 2
Прямое подключение к внутренней батарее Есть Есть
Источник питания AC 115-24 В. 50/60 Гц
Размеры 284мм*368мм*95мм 284мм*368мм*95мм
Масса 2,5кг 2.9кг


Опция Описание КХ-ТА308 КХ-ТА616
КХ-ТА30877 Плата на 3 внешних линии/ 8 добавочных номеров 3 внешних линии 8 добавочных номеров (аналоговый системный или однолинейный телефоны) Макс. 1 /
КХ-ТА30874 Плата на 8 однолинейных телефонов 8 добавочных номеров (однолинейный телефон) Макс. 1 Макс. 1
КХ.ТА30860 Интерфейсная плата домофона/ Устройства открывания двери 4домофона/1 плата’ 4 устройства открывания двери/ 1 плата Макс. 1 Макс. 1
КХ-ТА30891 Исходящее сообщение/ Плата детектирования факса Исходящее сообщение: 30 секх2 Тональный детектор факса Макс. 1 Макс. 1
КХ-Т30865 Домофон Макс. 4 Макс. 4
КХ-Т7090 Переносная трубка
КХ-А227 Резервный кабель для батареи

*Домофон #1 и Домофон #2 не могут использоваться одновременно, Домофон #3 и Домофон #4 не могут использоваться одновременно.
PT: Системный телефон
APT: Аналоговый системный телефон
SLT: Однолинейный телефон


  • RS-232C
  • Интерфейс батареи
  • Домофон /Устройство открывания двери
  • Внешний источник музыки
  • Внешний пейджер

Документация. Инструкции по установке, программированию и эксплуатации KX-TA308

Инструкция по установке и программированию офисной мини-АТС Panasonic KX-TA308.
Конструкция базовой системы. Установка. Описание функций. Системное программирование. Поиск и устранение неисправностей. (русск.)
Размер zip-файла 2457 КБ, формат PDF.

Руководство по эксплуатации офисной мини-АТС Panasonic KX-TA308.
Эксплуатация. Приложение: список тонов/звонков, светодиодной индикации, номеров функций и возможных неполадок. (русск.)
Размер файла 1029 КБ, формат PDF.

Инструкции по эксплуатации мини-АТС Panasonic, Siemens, LG, Samsung, Karel
Обсуждение вопросов (F.A.Q.) по установке, программированию и обслуживанию офисных и мини-АТС на нашем форуме.


  1. Мини атс panasonic kx ta616 программирование
  2. Мини атс panasonic kx ta616 программирование
  4. МИНИ АТС Panasonic KX-TA308 | 616 снята с производства!
  5. Мини атс panasonic kx ta616 программирование

Мини атс panasonic kx ta616 программирование

1 . С системного телефона подключенного к АТС

Переход в режим програмирования осуществляется либо кнопкой Programm либо переводом переключателя сбоку телефона из положеия Set в Programm

2 . При помощи программы через кабель подключенный к АТС посредством разъёма RS-232
Едиственно известная мне программа это Программатор Panasonic KX-TA/KX-TE от PBX Software

Кабель 9pin — 9pin : Кабель 25pin — 9pin:
2 3 2 2
3 2 3 3
4 6 4 8
5 5 5 7
6 4 6 4
7 8 7 5
8 7 20 6

Программа может использоваться со следующими станциями семейства PANASONIC KX-TA:

Поддерживаются только станции с версией ROM Y581 , Y591 или Y451 — более ранние модели (c ROM Y501 или Y551 ) не имели функции программирования с внешнего компьютера (хотя Y501С , Y501D и Y501T все же могут программироваться). При желании, прошивку ROM можно заменить на более современную.
Версию ROM Вы можете проверить, используя команду 998 с системного телефона.

Ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы

Некоторые экземпляры KX TA «требуют» выключения/включения тумблера питания после нажатия на кнопку «соединиться» в программаторе. Только в этом случае происходит соединение. К сожалению, кнопка «reset» в этих станциях находится внутри.

Настоятельная рекомендация — перед началом программирования мини-АТС Panasonic KX TA произвести сброс системных данных не с помощью режима 999, как советуют на листочке, вложенном в коробку со станцией, а, открыв крышку станции, перевести переключатель Clear-Normal в Clear, нажать кнопку Reset и, секунд через 5, вернуть переключатель в Normal. Признак того, что очистка прошла — системная дата в станции будет выставлена на 1-е января.

При подключении к станции при помощи программатора (может использоваться демо-версия, выложенная на сайте) версия ПЗУ мини-АТС высветится в левом нижнем углу рабочего окна. Напоминаем, что использоваться Программатор может только с версиями ROM от Y581 (включительно).

Необходимо выставить тип станции «KX TA616» ( или «KX TA624» в случае установки двух карт расширения ) в пункте меню: Установки — Системные.

Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » В помощь системному администратору » Мини-АТС Panasonic KX-TA308/616/624

Реклама на форуме Ru.Board.

  • Page 1: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Advanced Hybrid System Operating Instructions KX-TA308 MODEL KX-TA616 Please read this manual before connecting the Advanced Hybrid System. This manual was printed with soy based ink.[…]

  • Page 2: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Service Unit Telephone Optional Equipment Description Model No. 2 System Components Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic Telephone System. NOTICE: • A Proprietary Telephone is abbreviated as PT. • A Single Line Telephone is abbreviated as SLT. • This Operating Instructions does not show the complete model number that indicates the country whe[…]

  • Page 3: Panasonic KX-TA616

    3 Important Information Satisfactory performance cannot be guaranteed for each combination of host and subsidiary equipment. ‘Prevention of access by user.’ This equipment is intended to be accessible only by authorized personnel. It must be installed in a locked room or similar environment, so that user access is prevented. Failure to prevent […]

  • Page 4: Panasonic KX-TA616

    4 Precautions • Keep the unit away from heating and electrical noise generating devices such as fluorescent lamps, motors and televisions. • This unit should be kept free of dust, moisture, high temperature (more than 40 ˚C {104 ˚F}) and vibration, and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. • Never attempt to insert wires, pins, etc. in[…]

  • Page 5: Panasonic KX-TA616

    5 Introduction Structure of the Manual This manual consists of the following sections. Section 1. Operations Describes the features and their operations. It also provides information about the programming required, conditions and connection references for each feature. Section 2. Appendix Provides the Tone/Ring Tone List, LED Indication, Feature Nu[…]

  • Page 6: Panasonic KX-TA616

    6 Contents Section 1 Operations Basic Operations 1.1 Before Operating ……………………………………………………………………….. 1-2 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings ………………………………………………….. 1-4 Customizing Your Telephone Functions ……………………………………… 1-5 Custom[…]

  • Page 7: Panasonic KX-TA616

    7 Contents Basic Operations Advanced Operations Operator / Manager / DSS Console Operations Appendix 1.5 During a Conversation ……………………………………………………………….. 1-38 <Placing a Call on Hold> Placing a Call on Hold (Call Hold) …………………………………………….. 1-38 Placing a Call on […]

  • Page 8: Panasonic KX-TA616

    8 Contents Extension Button Confirmation (KX-T7330/KX-T7030/KX-T7130/KX-T7033 only) ………………… 1-81 Pulse to Tone Conversion …………………………………………………………. 1-81 Canceling the Feature Settings (Station Feature Clear) …………………. 1-82 Alternate Calling — Ring/Voice ……………………[…]

  • Page 9: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Basic Operations Advanced Operations Operator / Manager / DSS Console Operations Section 1 Operations[…]

  • Page 10: Panasonic KX-TA616

    • For proprietary telephone operations, all button illustrations are based on the KX-T7130 model. • The AUTO ANSWER/MUTE button corresponds to the AUTO ANS/MUTE button on a KX-T7300 series. • The AUTO DIAL/STORE button corresponds to the AUTO/STORE button on a KX-T7300 series. Lift the handset, or press the SP-PHONE or MONITOR button (Off-hoo[…]

  • Page 11: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-3 1.1 Before Operating Basic Operations Operating example Example: “Interrupting an Existing Call (Executive Busy Override)”, Executive Busy Override — Extension Sub-feature title Operation steps Feature description Main feature title The feature and program reference Applicable telephone: A PT (Proprietary Telephone) user can fo[…]

  • Page 12: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-4 Operations 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings If you use a Panasonic proprietary telephone, you can customize your telephone functions. For example, you can change the initial settings according to your needs or the button functions on your telephone. To program, you need to switch your telephone to the programming mode. During the programming […]

  • Page 13: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-5 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings Basic Operations You can change the initial settings of your telephone. Check the available items in the list and change the settings, if required. Preferred Line Assignment — Outgoing Idle Line Preference: You can access any enabled idle outside (CO) line to make a call directly by going off-hook[…]

  • Page 14: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-6 Operations 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings P ROGRAMMING I NPUT 3 Enter the outside (CO) line numbers you want to ring (1 through 6). outside (CO) line no. AUTO DIAL STORE Outside (CO) Line Ringing Selection You can select whether the extension will ring or not when an outside call is received at your extension. • The “Flexible Ringing As[…]

  • Page 15: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-7 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings Basic Operations O PERATION • 1.5 During a Conversation, “Call Waiting” • 2.1 Tone / Ring Tone List Proprietary Telephone Setting Data Default Set Allows you to reset the proprietary telephone settings at an extension to the default settings. • Preferred Line Assignment — Outgoing (defau[…]

  • Page 16: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-8 Operations 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings “ ✔ ” indicates that the feature is available. • To confirm the stored function data Press the button you want to confirm. • As to the buttons on your proprietary telephone, please refer to your proprietary telephone manual. ! ! P ROGRAMMABLE B UTTON CO DSS PF F UNCTION MESSAGE ✔ ✔ ?[…]

  • Page 17: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-9 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings Basic Operations Line Access Buttons One of the following 3 types of CO buttons must be used to seize an outside (CO) line when making a call. • Group-CO (G-CO) button • Other-CO (O-CO) button • Single-CO (S-CO) button • A flexible CO button can be assigned as a Line Access Button (G-CO, O-[…]

  • Page 18: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-10 Operations 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings PT DSS (Direct Station Selection) Button Press the programmable button. Press STORE. Dial 1. 1 AUTO DIAL STORE extension no. Enter an extension number (100 through 199). CO MESSAGE Group-CO (G-CO) Button To use outside (CO) lines efficiently, a group of outside (CO) lines (outside (CO) line group) […]

  • Page 19: Panasonic KX-TA616

    • To store the telephone number of an external party, a line access code (9, 0 or 81 through 86) must be stored as the first digit. • You can use 0 through 9, , #, PAUSE and INTERCOM (Secret) as follows. PAUSE: inserts a pause. INTERCOM: conceals all or part of a stored number. • The number of Personal Speed Dialing numbers corresponds to th[…]

  • Page 20: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-12 Operations 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings • 1.7 Useful Features, “Joining or Leaving a Call Distribution Group (Log-In/Log-out)” • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Log-In/Log-Out”. ☞ PT Log-In/Log-Out Button Press the programmable button. Dial 8. 8 Press STORE. AUTO DIAL STORE CO PT SAVE Button Press the programmable […]

  • Page 21: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-13 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings Basic Operations PT Restoring the MESSAGE Button Allows you to restore the message waiting feature to the MESSAGE button. Press MESSAGE. Dial 3. 3 Press STORE. AUTO DIAL STORE MESSAGE One-Touch Access for System Features Features that can be accessed using the dialing buttons can also be programmed[…]

  • Page 22: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-14 Operations 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings The CONTRAST selector is used to adjust the display contrast. Display Contrast Adjustment The Panasonic Advanced Hybrid System supports the use of a headset on a proprietary telephone (PT). When you use the headset (optional), you should switch the selection mode first. When Using the Headset PT H[…]

  • Page 23: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-15 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings Basic Operations Allows you to adjust the following volume settings as necessary. To adjust the handset receiver volume Volume Control — Handset Receiver/Headset/Ringer/Speaker To adjust the headset volume To adjust the ringer volume To adjust the speaker volume PT or VOLUME NORMAL HIGH HANDSET V[…]

  • Page 24: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-16 Operations 1.3 Making Calls Intercom Calling • After dialing an extension number, you will hear one of the following tones. Ringback tone: Indicates the destination extension is being called. Confirmation tone: Indicates you can perform voice calling (e.g. Paging). Busy tone: Indicates the destination extension is busy. Do Not Disturb (DND)[…]

  • Page 25: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-17 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations Outside Calling Allows you to make a call to an external party using one of the following line access methods. 1.) Making Outside Calls Using Automatic Line Access 2.) Making Outside Calls Using Individual Line Access 3.) Making Outside Calls Using Outside (CO) Line Group Access • An outside (CO) […]

  • Page 26: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-18 Operations 1.3 Making Calls Making Outside Calls Using Automatic Line Access Allows you to select an available outside (CO) line automatically. Any Telephone Dial 9 or 0. Enter the phone number. 9 0 phone no. Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Hang up or press SP-PHONE. Dial tone Talk. or • The selected CO indicator light turns gree[…]

  • Page 27: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-19 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations PT and SLT For a PT: Press the CO assigned as the Group-CO button. For an SLT: Dial 8 and the outside (CO) line group number (1 through 6). Enter the phone number. phone no. Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR . Hang up or press SP-PHONE . Dial tone Talk. For an SLT For a PT 8 outside (CO) li[…]

  • Page 28: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-20 Operations 1.3 Making Calls • Helpful hints for the Handsfree operation: — Use this unit in a quiet room for best performance. — If you and the other party talk at the same time, parts of your conversation will be lost. To avoid this, talk alternately. • The handsfree mode is canceled if you do not start dialing within 10 seconds. • […]

  • Page 29: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-21 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations • An emergency call is allowed even in the following cases, — Account Code – Verify–All mode — Any toll restriction COS number — Electronic Station Lockout • If your system is connected to a host PBX, you must dial the host PBX line access code after the line access code. • See the I[…]

  • Page 30: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-22 Operations 1.3 Making Calls • The destination numbers are stored in Proprietary Telephone Settings. • You may press a CO button to select a desired outside (CO) line before pressing the One-Touch Dialing button. • “Speed Dialing”, “One-Touch Dialing” and manual dialing can be used together. • You can store a number consisting o[…]

  • Page 31: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-23 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations Dialing with System Speed Dialing (System Speed Dialing) Allows you to make a call using pre-programmed speed dial numbers. This system supports 100 speed dial numbers which are available to all extension users. PT and SLT Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. system speed dial no. Enter a sys[…]

  • Page 32: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-24 Operations 1.3 Making Calls • An account code must be stored by pressing “ ” and entering the account code after the line access code. • You can store an extension number, telephone number, or feature number of up to 24 digits. Valid digits are “0 through 9”. • A pause can be stored by pressing the key. However, in the account co[…]

  • Page 33: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-25 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations PT Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR . 3 # Dial 3 . Enter the personal speed dial number (0 through 9). personal speed dial no. Dial #. Checking the stored personal speed dialing numbers[…]

  • Page 34: Panasonic KX-TA616

    • This feature will not work if you answer an incoming call or retrieve a call on hold. • Up to 32 digits, consisting of “0 through 9” and “ ”, can be stored. The “ ” button is used as a PAUSE. However, in the account code verify-all, verify-toll and forced modes, “ ” is not regarded as a pause. • An account code must be store[…]

  • Page 35: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-27 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations Redialing Automatically (Automatic Redial) • The number of times can be changed by System Programming. • If another operation is performed during automatic redial, this function will be canceled. • To cancel automatic redial, press the FLASH button. • This feature is not available for a KX-T[…]

  • Page 36: Panasonic KX-TA616

    • 1.3 Making Calls, “Redialing Automatically (Automatic Redial)” • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Redial”. 1-28 Operations 1.3 Making Calls Redialing the Saved Number (Saved Number Redial) Allows you to save the current external telephone number during a conversation, so that you can redial the same party later using a simple […]

  • Page 37: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-29 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations Sending a Call Waiting Tone to a Busy Extension (Busy Station Signaling – BSS) The busy extension that you called will hear the assigned Call Waiting tone and know that you are waiting. Any Telephone Dial 2. 2 If you make an intercom call and hear a busy tone Wait for an answer and talk. • To an[…]

  • Page 38: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-30 Operations 1.3 Making Calls Canceling Any Telephone Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. • If you do not answer within 4 callback ring signals (within 10 seconds), this feature will be canceled. • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-On)”. ! ! Making Your Telephone Ring Back Automatically When a[…]

  • Page 39: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-31 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations To terminate one party and talk to the other PT Confirmation tone (optional) Press the CO or INTERCOM of the party to remain connected. CO or INTERCOM Interrupting an Existing Call (Executive Busy Override) Executive Busy Override — Extension Allows you to connect to an existing intercom (extensio[…]

  • Page 40: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1-32 Operations 1.3 Making Calls • This feature does not work when “Data Line Security” or “Executive Busy Override Deny” is set at the extension engaged in the existing outside call. • When a 2-party call is changed to a 3-party call or vice versa, a confirmation tone is sent to all parties. Eliminating the tone is programmable. • 1[…]

  • Page 41: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Operations 1-33 1.3 Making Calls Basic Operations Denying “Interrupting an Existing Call” (Executive Busy Override Deny) • 1.3 Making Calls, “Interrupting an Existing Call (Executive Busy Override)”, Executive Busy Override — Extension, Executive Busy Override — Outside (CO) Line • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Executiv[…]

  • Page 42: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.4 Receiving Calls 1-34 Operations Receiving Calls • The CO or INTERCOM indicator light turns steady green. • There are 3 types of Line Preference for incoming outside calls (— No Line/Prime Outside (CO) Line/Ringing Line). Each preference can be selected by Proprietary Telephone Settings. • When receiving an incoming call, you may press t[…]

  • Page 43: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.4 Receiving Calls Operations 1-35 Basic Operations • This feature does not work for incoming outside calls or doorphone calls. • When an outside call is transferred to your extension, this feature is overridden and a ring tone is heard. • 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings, “Customizing Your Telephone Functions”, Intercom Alert Assignme[…]

  • Page 44: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.4 Receiving Calls 1-36 Operations Picking up a Call Ringing at Another Extension (Call Pickup) • Doorphone calls can be picked up from extensions that are not programmed to answer doorphone calls. • You can hear a confirmation tone when the call is picked up. The tone can be disabled. • If a ringing extension sets the Call Pickup Deny feat[…]

  • Page 45: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.4 Receiving Calls Operations 1-37 Basic Operations • 1.4 Receiving Calls, “Picking up a Call Ringing at Another Extension (Call Pickup)”, Directed Call Pickup, Group Call Pickup • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Call Pickup”. Denying/allowing your call to be picked up (Call Pickup Deny) Allows you to prevent another extension[…]

  • Page 46: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation 1-38 Operations Placing a Call on Hold (Call Hold) Allows you to place a call on hold. Placing a call on hold PT SLT Flash the hookswitch. Confirmation tone and dial tone During a conversation Press HOLD. Confirmation tone and dial tone HOLD During a conversation • The corresponding CO or INTERCOM indicator light flashe[…]

  • Page 47: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation Operations 1-39 Basic Operations • During a 5-party conference, you cannot use this feature. • With outside calls, you can put multiple calls on hold. However, with intercom calls, you can put only one call on hold. One way around this is to use the Call Park feature. See two pages ahead. • If a call is placed on hol[…]

  • Page 48: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation 1-40 Operations Retrieving a Call on Hold (Call Hold Retrieve) • “Call Park” and “Exclusive Hold” cannot be retrieved by this feature. • You can hear a confirmation tone when the call is retrieved by entering the feature number. • 1.5 During a Conversation, “Placing a Call on Hold (Call Hold)” • See th[…]

  • Page 49: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation Operations 1-41 Basic Operations Placing a Call in System Parking Area (Call Park) Allows you to place a held call into a system parking area so that you can perform other tasks. The parked call can be retrieved by any extension user. Up to 10 calls can be parked. PT and SLT For a PT: Press HOLD. For an SLT: Flash the hook[…]

  • Page 50: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation 1-42 Operations Transferring a Call to an Extension (Call Transfer – to Extension) Allows you to transfer a received call to another extension. There are 2 ways. Screened Call Transfer: The destination confirms the transfer before sending. Unscreened Call Transfer: The line is released after transferring the call withou[…]

  • Page 51: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation Operations 1-43 Basic Operations Call Transfer using a DSS button Allows you to perform a Screened or Unscreened Call Transfer by using a DSS button. There are 2 operations, depending on whether or not One-Touch Transfer* is set. * One-Touch Transfer allows you to hold an outside call and transfer it to an extension by pre[…]

  • Page 52: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation 1-44 Operations Transferring a Call to an Outside (CO) Line (Call Transfer – to Outside (CO) Line) Allows you to transfer a received call to an external party. System Programming is required to execute this feature. PT Press TRANSFER. Enter the phone number where the call will be transferred. TRANSFER phone no. During a […]

  • Page 53: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation Operations 1-45 Basic Operations PT SLT Call Waiting Talk to the new caller. While hearing a Call Waiting tone Press the flashing CO or INTERCOM. CO or INTERCOM Talk to the new caller. While hearing a Call Waiting tone Lift the handset. Hang up. • The current call is disconnected. • The current call is disconnected. Du[…]

  • Page 54: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation 1-46 Operations • The default is “OFF”. • When Call Waiting is enabled, a Call Waiting tone is sent to the user under the following conditions. 1) When an outside call (except a doorphone call) is received, or 2) When another extension executes the “Busy Station Signaling (BSS)” feature. • Setting “Data Lin[…]

  • Page 55: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation Operations 1-47 Basic Operations Call Splitting • This feature does not work during a doorphone call or paging. • During a 5-party conference, you cannot use this feature. • 1.5 During a Conversation, “Placing a Call on Hold (Call Hold)” • 1.5 During a Conversation, “Placing a Call on Hold Exclusively (Exclus[…]

  • Page 56: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation 1-48 Operations Paging Allows you to make a voice announcement to several people at the same time. Your message is announced over built-in speakers of proprietary telephones and/or the external pager. The paged person can answer your page from any telephone. You can also transfer a call after paging or denying to be paged.[…]

  • Page 57: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation Operations 1-49 Basic Operations All extensions & External Allows you to make a voice announcement to all extensions. Your message is announced over the built-in speakers of proprietary telephones (PT) and the external pager. Any Telephone Confirmation tone Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Announce. Wait for[…]

  • Page 58: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.5 During a Conversation 1-50 Operations Transferring after paging (Paging and Transfer) You can transfer a call using the paging function (All Extensions, Group, External, or All Extensions & External). PT and SLT Dial tone Confirmation tone Confirmation tone Wait for an answer. Announce. During a conversation Hang up or press SP-PHONE . For […]

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    1.5 During a Conversation Operations 1-51 Basic Operations Turning off the Microphone (Microphone Mute) • This feature is only available during a handsfree conversation. • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Microphone Mute”. PT Allows you to turn off the microphone so you can consult privately with others in the room. You will still b[…]

  • Page 60: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk 1-52 Operations Forwarding a Call (Call Forwarding) Automatically transfers incoming calls to another extension or to an external destination. The following types are available. Note: You can also set Voice Mail as the forwarding destination. Refer to “Voice Mail Integration for KX-TVP75/KX-TVP100” in this manual. ?[…]

  • Page 61: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk Operations 1-53 Basic Operations PT and SLT • A flexible CO button on a proprietary telephone which is not provided with FWD/DND button can be assigned as the FWD/DND button. • The lighting patterns of the FWD/DND button are as follows. Off: Both functions are not set. Red: DND mode Flashing red slowly: FWD mode ?[…]

  • Page 62: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk 1-54 Operations PT and SLT Busy or No Answer You can forward your calls to another extension when your extension is busy or if you do not answer the call within a pre-determined time. Setting • 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings, “Customizing Your Telephone Functions”, Intercom Alert Assignment Lift the handset or[…]

  • Page 63: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk Operations 1-55 Basic Operations Follow Me You can set the “Call Forwarding” feature from the destination extension. This is useful if you forget to set “Call Forwarding — All Calls” before you leave your desk. Setting • This feature can be canceled at your extension or the destination extension. PT and SLT […]

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    1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk 1-56 Operations Canceling Call Forwarding at the destination extension — “Follow Me (All Calls)” only • You may press the flexible button assigned as the FWD/DND button instead. PT and SLT For a PT: Press FWD/DND. For an SLT: Dial 71. Enter your extension number. Dial #. 7 1 For an SLT For a PT FWD/DND Dial 8. […]

  • Page 65: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk Operations 1-57 Basic Operations Locking Your Telephone (Electronic Station Lockout) • If another user tries to access an outside (CO) line and presses a dial key from a locked extension, the user will hear a reorder tone and for PT users “Restricted” is shown on the display. However, calls can be made at a locked[…]

  • Page 66: Panasonic KX-TA616

    D ISPLAY M ESSAGE P ARAMETER M ESSAGE N O . 1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk 1-58 Operations Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE /MONITOR. Dial 75. Dial the message number. Hang up or press SP-PHONE /MONITOR. Enter the required parameter. Dial #. parameter 7 5 X # When a caller using a proprietary telephone with a LCD dials another extension, a programm[…]

  • Page 67: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-59 Advanced Operations Conference (3-party) During a 2-party conversation, you can add a third party to make a 3-party conference. The maximum number of extensions and outside (CO) lines in a conference can be changed by System Programming. Establishing a conference SLT Enter the phone number of the third party. Tal[…]

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    1.7 Useful Features 1-60 Operations ! ! To leave the conference Any telephone Hang up or press SP-PHONE. • A conversation with the desired party is established and the other party is disconnected. To talk to the original party while holding the third party To terminate one party and talk to the other SLT Talk to the original party. Flash the hook[…]

  • Page 69: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-61 Advanced Operations PT Press CONF to leave the conference. CONF During a conversation with two outside parties PT Press the CO flashing green moderately. CO • An outside-to-outside (CO-to-CO) line call between the other two parties is established. To return to the conference • 1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settin[…]

  • Page 70: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-62 Operations Conference (5-party) Allows you to establish a 5-party conference. The members of a conference may be up to 5 extensions, or 3 extensions and 2 outside (CO) lines. Establishing a conference PT Enter the phone number of the first party. Talk to the first party. A 5-party conference is now established. phone no. Pr[…]

  • Page 71: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-63 Advanced Operations PT During a 3-party conversation Press CONF. CONF Press HOLD. HOLD 2 2 Dial 22 . Enter the phone number of the fourth party. Talk. phone no. Enter the phone number of the fifth party. Talk. phone no. Press CONF. Press CONF. A 5-party conference is now established. CONF CONF • The other two p[…]

  • Page 72: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-64 Operations • System programming is required to execute this feature. • Up to 2 outside (CO) lines can join a conference. • When a 5-party conference is changed to a 4-party conference, a confirmation tone is sent to all parties. The tone can be disabled. • A 3-party conference between 3 extensions cannot be changed[…]

  • Page 73: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-65 Advanced Operations Leaving a Message Notification (Message Waiting) When the called extension is busy or does not answer your call, you can leave a notification so that the called party may call you back. As a message receiver, the MESSAGE button light lets you know that a call has been received. If you receiv[…]

  • Page 74: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-66 Operations • If you have more than one message at your extension, the line connects you to the selected message sender. • The message is cleared after the conversation. Calling back the message notification sender Clearing all message notifications by the message receiver PT Press MESSAGE. MESSAGE Lift the handset or […]

  • Page 75: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-67 Advanced Operations PT account code Enter an account code (4 digits). Press FWD/DND. During a conversation or while hearing a reorder tone after the other party hangs up (within 30 seconds) FWD/DND • You can keep talking. Making calls with account codes in the Option mode and receiving calls Calling with Accoun[…]

  • Page 76: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-68 Operations • In the Verify-All mode, you must always enter a pre-assigned account code when making an outside call. In the Verify-Toll mode, you can enter a pre-assigned account code only when you need to override toll restriction. • You do not need to make an account code entry when receiving incoming calls. • You ca[…]

  • Page 77: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-69 Advanced Operations • A calling extension that has “Do Not Disturb (DND) Override” enabled can override your extension when the “Do Not Disturb (DND)” mode is set. • DND also inhibits for paging. • If the Call Forwarding feature has already been set, setting the DND feature will cancel Call Forwardi[…]

  • Page 78: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-70 Operations Any Telephone • If you hear a reorder tone after dialing 2, the “Do Not Disturb Override” feature is not set at your extension. • If you hear a busy tone after dialing 2, the line is busy. You can use the Automatic Callback Busy feature. • 1.7 Useful Features, “Rejecting Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb[…]

  • Page 79: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-71 Advanced Operations • A secret code, “[” or “]” (pressing the INTERCOM button), are counted as 1 digit. • You can conceal one or more parts of a telephone number. • If the phone number “9-1-[201]-431-21xx” has been stored, the display will show the following when the call is made. • You can pr[…]

  • Page 80: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-72 Operations Canceling Any Telephone Dial 762#. 7 6 2 # Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Confirmation tone and dial tone • Single line telephone users can dial “0” instead of “#”. Alarm Setting (Timed Reminder) You can receive a ringback at your telephone to remind you o[…]

  • Page 81: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-73 Advanced Operations • Be sure the system clock is set correctly. • The alarm continues for 30 seconds. • If you receive an incoming call during the alarm, ringing starts after the alarm stops. • If the alarm is set to sound during a conversation, the alarm will start after the conversation. • If you set[…]

  • Page 82: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-74 Operations • The Day/Night/Lunch mode is automatically switched at a predetermined time (default: 9:00 a.m. for every day, 5:00 p.m. for every night), if the automatic mode is selected. • 1.8 Operator/Manager Service Features, “Time(Day/Night/Lunch) Service Setting” • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Tim[…]

  • Page 83: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-75 Advanced Operations Joining or Leaving a Call Distribution Group (Log-In/Log-Out) Allows you to assign the Log-In mode or Log-Out mode within a hunting, DISA ring or UCD group. When in the Log-Out mode, you can leave the group temporarily, preventing hunting calls from being sent to your extension. The lighting p[…]

  • Page 84: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Canceling a monitor temporarily 1.7 Useful Features 1-76 Operations Canceling PT Dial 7350#. 7 3 5 0 # Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Confirmation tone Room Monitor Allows you to monitor a room through a proprietary telephone with an AUTO ANSWER/MUTE button (AUTO ANS/MUTE button on a KX-T7300 series).[…]

  • Page 85: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-77 Advanced Operations • The doorphone access tone can be eliminated by System Programming. • System Programming is required to monitor through a PT. • The access tone will not be sent to the monitored PT. The paging tone will also not be sent to the monitored PT. • This feature is not available for the KX-T[…]

  • Page 86: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-78 Operations Parallel Connection of a Proprietary Telephone and Single Line Telephone (Paralleled Telephone Connection) Any extension connected to extension jacks 01 through 16 can be connected in parallel with a proprietary telephone and a single line telephone. In the event of a power failure, CO1 and CO4 can be accessed us[…]

  • Page 87: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-79 Advanced Operations External Feature Access • A “Flash Time” must be assigned as required by the host PBX, or outside (CO) line. • You may access some features of the host PBX using the FLASH button. If the system is connected to a host PBX and the flash operation is required, follow the flash operation[…]

  • Page 88: Panasonic KX-TA616

    • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Music on Hold/Background Music (BGM)”. 1.7 Useful Features 1-80 Operations Self-Extension Number Confirmation (KX-T7330/KX-T7030/KX-T7130/KX-T7033 only) • Be sure the handset is on the cradle and the SP-PHONE button is off. • After programming, return the MEMORY switch to the “SET” position […]

  • Page 89: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-81 Advanced Operations Extension Button Confirmation (KX-T7330/KX-T7030/KX-T7130/KX-T7033 only) You can confirm the values stored in the button using the LCD. Checking Press the button you want to confirm. PT DSS Console • Be sure the handset is on the cradle and the SP-PHONE button is off. • When the display[…]

  • Page 90: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-82 Operations Canceling the Feature Settings (Station Feature Clear) Allows you to reset the following station features to the default settings. a) Absent Message Capability i) Executive Busy Override Deny b) Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-On) j) Log-In/Log-Out c) Background Music (BGM) k) Message Waiting – (All messages will[…]

  • Page 91: Panasonic KX-TA616

    • An optional doorphone/door opener card and doorphones are necessary for this feature. • If you do not answer an incoming doorphone call within 15 or 30 seconds, the call will be canceled. • You must program the extensions which can receive calls from each doorphone for the day, night and lunch modes. • Any extension user can call a doorph[…]

  • Page 92: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-84 Operations Allows you to unlock the door from your telephone. Up to 4 door openers can be connected to the system. To unlock the door from an assigned extension Any Telephone Enter a door opener number (1 through 4). Dial 55. door opener no. 5 5 Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Confirmation tone Hang up or press […]

  • Page 93: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-85 Advanced Operations Voice Mail Integration for KX-TVP75/KX-TVP100 Allows you to use a Panasonic Voice Processing System (KX-TVP75/KX-TVP100) to forward your calls to a mailbox in the system. A caller can leave a message in your mailbox. If you use a proprietary telephone which has a MESSAGE button, the button lig[…]

  • Page 94: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-86 Operations By manual dialing Any Telephone Enter the Voice Mail extension number. Voice Mail extension no. Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. • You can listen to the stored message by following the Voice Mail prompts. • To forward your calls to your mailbox by the Call Forwarding feature, you have to set “Cal[…]

  • Page 95: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-87 Advanced Operations Calling Using Your Privileges at Another Extension (Walking COS) • TRS Class of Service (COS) is used to define the feature. Each extension is assigned a TRS COS number. • A rotary telephone cannot use this feature. • 1.8 Operator/Manager Service Features, “Extension Password Set (Man[…]

  • Page 96: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features 1-88 Operations • 2.1 Tone / Ring Tone List • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Ringing Pattern Selection”. A different ringing pattern is used to distinguish intercom calls from incoming outside calls. • You can select the ringing pattern as follows in System Programming. — Outside (CO) line : 3 patterns (A, […]

  • Page 97: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.7 Useful Features Operations 1-89 Advanced Operations Power Failure Transfer Lockout If one party in a conversation goes on-hook, both parties will be disconnected from the speech path automatically. A reorder tone is sent to the off-hook party before it is disconnected. No operation is necessary. During a power failure, each of the following out[…]

  • Page 98: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.8 Operator / Manager Service Features 1-90 Operations Date and Time Setting The system supports one operator and one manager. Any extension can be appointed as the operator and extension jack 01 is appointed as the manager. System Programming is required to assign the operator. They can perform the following features. 1) Date and Time Setting 2) […]

  • Page 99: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.8 Operator / Manager Service Features Operations 1-91 Operator / Manager / DSS Console Operations Electronic Station Lockout — CANCEL ALL You can cancel Electronic Station Lockout at all extensions. Setting PT 8 Dial 8. Press AUTO DIAL/STORE. AUTO DIAL STORE Timed Reminder, Remote (Wake-Up Call) The operator or manager can remotely set or cance[…]

  • Page 100: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.8 Operator / Manager Service Features 1-92 Operations PT Lift the handset or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Dial 764. Dial the desired extension number (100 through 199). Dial #. 7 6 4 Hang up or press SP-PHONE/MONITOR. Confirmation tone Confirmation tone and dial tone Dial 762#. 7 6 2 extension no. # # Canceling Checking the time setting (with a displa[…]

  • Page 101: Panasonic KX-TA616

    • Be sure the handset is on the cradle and the SP-PHONE button is off. • After programming, return the MEMORY switch to the “SET” position or press the PROGRAM button on the KX-T7300 series. • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Direct Inward System Access (DISA)”. • See the Installation Manual, Section 3, “Uniform Call Distr[…]

  • Page 102: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.8 Operator / Manager Service Features 1-94 Operations • This feature overrides the “Electronic Station Lockout” feature. If “Electronic Station Lockout” has already been set by the extension user and this feature is set afterwards, the extension user cannot cancel the lock. Only the operator or manager can cancel the lock. • Extension[…]

  • Page 103: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.8 Operator / Manager Service Features Operations 1-95 Operator / Manager / DSS Console Operations Time (Day/Night/Lunch) Service Setting This system supports the day, night and lunch modes. The system operation for originating and receiving calls can be different in the day, night and lunch modes. Toll restriction can be programmed to prevent una[…]

  • Page 104: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.8 Operator / Manager Service Features 1-96 Operations • The day/night/lunch mode can be changed either automatically at a predetermined time (default: 9:00 a.m. for every day, 5:00 p.m. for every night) or manually at any time by System Programming. • Even if the automatic mode has been selected by System Programming, the operator or manager […]

  • Page 105: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.8 Operator / Manager Service Features Operations 1-97 Operator / Manager / DSS Console Operations • Be sure the handset is on the cradle and the SP-PHONE button is off. • To program, set the MEMORY switch on the proprietary telephone to “PROGRAM” or press the PROGRAM button on the KX-T7300 series. • After programming, return the MEMORY […]

  • Page 106: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.9 DSS Console Features 1-98 Operations PF buttons are provided with no default settings, while each DSS button has a default setting as follows. DSS 01–24: extension numbers 101–124 DSS 25–32: no default settings To meet your various needs, DSS buttons can be changed to other function buttons. Every DSS or PF button can be assigned to anoth[…]

  • Page 107: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.9 DSS Console Features Operations 1-99 Operator / Manager / DSS Console Operations PT and DSS Console Enter the desired number. phone no. Press the desired DSS button (on the DSS Console) and dial 2 (on the paired telephone), or press the PF button (on the DSS Console). Press AUTO DIAL/STORE. AUTO DIAL STORE [DSS Console and Paired telephone] [Pa[…]

  • Page 108: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.9 DSS Console Features 1-100 Operations PT and DSS Console Dial 2. 2 Press the DSS or PF button which you wish to cancel. Press AUTO DIAL/STORE. AUTO DIAL STORE [DSS Console] [Paired telephone] [Paired telephone] • The number is canceled. To cancel after programming Day, Night and Lunch Buttons Assignment (Operator/Manager only) You can assign […]

  • Page 109: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.9 DSS Console Features Operations 1-101 Operator / Manager / DSS Console Operations • DSS buttons can be changed to any of the following function buttons by Initial Settings. a) Another DSS Button (Every DSS button can be assigned to another extension number.) b) One-Touch Dialing Button c) Day Button (Operator/Manager only) d) Night Button (Op[…]

  • Page 110: Panasonic KX-TA616

    1.9 DSS Console Features 1-102 Operations A call can be transferred to an extension using a DSS button. Without Transfer PT and DSS Console Press the desired DSS button. [DSS Console] Press TRANSFER. [Paired Telephone] During a conversation TRANSFER With Transfer An outside call can be transferred to an extension using a one-touch operation. The On[…]

  • Page 111: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Appendix Section 2 Appendix[…]

  • Page 112: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.1 Tone / Ring Tone List 2-2 Appendix 1 s Confirmation Tone 1 Confirmation Tone 2 Confirmation Tone 3 Dial Tone 1 Dial Tone 2 Dial Tone 3 Busy Tone Reorder Tone Ringback Tone < TONE > Do Not Disturb (DND) Tone Outside-to-Outside (CO-to-CO) Line Call Limit Warning Tone Call Waiting Tone 1 Call Waiting Tone 2 (Single) 5 s Call Waiting Tone 2 ([…]

  • Page 113: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Appendix 2.2 LED Indication Appendix 2-3 INTERCOM button Off Green On Flashing Green Slowly Flashing Green Moderately Flashing Green Rapidly Intercom Line Condition Idle You are using the line. You are holding a line. Intercom call exclusive hold Incoming intercom/doorphone call LED Indication on the INTERCOM Button The table below shows the lighti[…]

  • Page 114: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.3 Feature Number List 2-4 Appendix A DDITIONAL R EQUIRED D IGITS N UMBER F EATURE Feature Numbers and Additional Required Digits Absent Message Capability set / cancel Account Code Entry for an SLT Call Forwarding set / cancel Call Forwarding — Follow Me set / cancel Call Hold (Hold Mode 2 or 3) for an SLT Call Hold, Retrieve outside call / int[…]

  • Page 115: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.3 Feature Number List Appendix 2-5 Appendix A DDITIONAL R EQUIRED D IGITS N UMBER F EATURE 33 34 33 43 734 1 or # 2 3 74 ## or 80 735 79 76 76 764 764 764 78 719 7 Paging — All extensions & External Paging — External Paging — All extensions / Group Paging — Answer Paging Deny set / cancel Personal Speed Dialing Personal Speed Dialing […]

  • Page 116: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.3 Feature Number List 2-6 Appendix N UMBER F EATURE Feature Numbers • When “ ” or “#” are included in a feature number, users with rotary telephones cannot access the feature except fot the ones which can use “0” instead of “#” . While a busy tone is heard Automatic Callback Busy (Camp-On) Busy Station Signaling (BSS) Executive […]

  • Page 117: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.4 Display Example Appendix 2-7 Appendix S PANISH D ISPLAY D ESCRIPTION E NGLISH D ISPLAY Set Time & Date Jan 1 12:00AM 1 Jan 20:00 Jan 1,1998 Thu 123: 123:Tony Viola 101: Busy 101: DND 950-1001PP12345& → 123:Tony Viola → 101: Busy Alarm 10:15AM Alarm 10:15AM Alarm Cancel Alarm Not Stored At Ext 101 Factory setting. The system clock is[…]

  • Page 118: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.4 Display Example 2-8 Appendix E NGLISH D ISPLAY S PANISH D ISPLAY D ESCRIPTION Back at 11:00AM BGM off BGM on Busy Busy Ovrde Allow Busy Ovrde Deny C.Pickup Allow C.Pickup Deny Call on CO 1 Call Prked at 1 Callback All COs Callback CO 1 Callback CO G1 Callback Ext 101 CO 1 CO 1 0:01’15 CO 1 & CO 2 CO 3 Free Conference CO in Use CO Not Assi[…]

  • Page 119: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.4 Display Example Appendix 2-9 Appendix E NGLISH D ISPLAY S PANISH D ISPLAY D ESCRIPTION D — Opener 1-On Door Phone 1 Ext101 & CO 1 Ext101 & Ext102 Enter ACCNT Code Ext Data Clear External Page FWD(ALL) All COs FWD (All) CO G1 FWD(ALL) Ext101 FWD(B/NA) Ext101 FWD(From) Ext101 FWD/DND Cancel FWD V.M. Off FWD V.M. On FWD V.M.(#6) On Gone Ho[…]

  • Page 120: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.4 Display Example 2-10 Appendix E NGLISH D ISPLAY S PANISH D ISPLAY D ESCRIPTION MW at Ext 101 MW Not Accepted MW Cancelled Night Mode No Held Call No Incoming Call No Page Not Valid Out Until 12/12 Paging All Paging All Ext Paging Allow Paging Deny Paging Group 1 Park at 1 N/A PITS-PGM NO? r PSD Set 1 PSD 1 Not Stored RCL: Ext 101 Restricted Roo[…]

  • Page 121: Panasonic KX-TA616

    2.5 Troubleshooting Appendix 2-11 Appendix Problem Probable Cause Possible Solution Nothing is heard in the handsfree mode. The unit does not ring. The display flashes the following message. Set Time & Date The “Headset” mode is selected. • An outside (CO) line number is not programmed. • The Ringer Volume is set to “OFF”. The syst[…]

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    2-12 Appendix[…]

  • Page 123: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Index Index -1 Index A Absent Message Capability …………………….. 1-58 Account Code Entry ……………………………… 1-67 Adjustment → Control Alarm Setting (Timed Reminder) ……………. 1-72 Alternate Calling — Ring/Voice ……………… 1-82 Answering → Receiving Calls Automatic Callback Busy — Camp-On …… 1-[…]

  • Page 124: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Index Index -2 D Data Line Security …………………………………. 1-77 Date and Time Setting ……………………………. 1-90 Day Button ………………………………………….. 1-100 Direct Station Dialing ………………………….. 1-101 Display Absent Message …………………………………. 1-58 English[…]

  • Page 125: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Index Index -3 L Last Number Redial ……………………………….. 1-27 LED Indication ………………………………………. 2-3 CO Button ………………………………………….. 2-3 INTERCOM Button……………………………… 2-3 Lever CONTRAST …………………………………….. 1-14 HANDSET/HEADSET ..[…]

  • Page 126: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Index Index -4 N Night Button ………………………………………. 1-100 No Line Preference……………………………. 1-5, 1-6 O One-Touch Access for System Features ………………………. 1-13, 1-102 One-Touch Dialing ………………………. 1-22, 1-101 One-Touch Dialing Button …………………….. 1-11 Operator […]

  • Page 127: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Index Index -5 S SAVE Button ………………………………………… 1-12 Saved Number Redial ……………………………. 1-28 Secret Dialing ………………………………………. 1-71 Self-Extension Number Confirmation ………. 1-80 Single-CO (S-CO) Button ………………………… 1-9 Station Feature Clear …….[…]

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  • Page 132: Panasonic KX-TA616

    Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. 1-62, 4-chome, Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8531, Japan Printed in Japan PSQX1317WA-H KF0598CM3089 D Copyright: This manual is copyrighted by Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. (KME). Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or part, without the prior written conse[…]

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Advanced Hybrid System

Operating Instructions




Please read this manual before connecting
the Advanced Hybrid System.

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with soy based ink.

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