Table of Contents
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Related Manuals for Mitsubishi Electric FR-E540 K-EC Series
Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Electric FR-E540 K-EC Series
Page 2: Table Of Contents
CONTENTS 1 OUTLINE 1.1 Pre-Operation Information……………….1 1.1.1 Precautions for operation ………………1 1.2 Basic Configuration …………………3 1.2.1 Basic configuration ………………..3 1.3 Structure……………………4 1.3.1 Appearance and structure ………………4 1.3.2 Removal and reinstallation of the front cover …………5 1.3.3 Removal and reinstallation of the wiring cover ………….6 1.3.4 Removal and reinstallation of the accessory cover……….7 1.3.5 Reinstallation and removal of the control panel…………8 1.3.6 Removal of the operation panel (FR-PA02-…
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3 OPERATON 3.1 Pre-Operation Information………………46 3.1.1 Types of operation modes ………………46 3.1.2 Power on ………………….48 3.2 About the Control Panel ………………..49 3.2.1 Names and functions of the control panel (FR-PA02- ) ……..49 3.2.2 Control panel mode is changed by pressing the key ………50 MODE 3.2.3 Monitoring mode ………………..50… -
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4.2.7 DC dynamic brake (Pr. 10 to Pr. 12)…………..76 4.2.8 Starting frequency (Pr. 13)………………77 4.2.9 Load pattern selection (Pr. 14) …………….78 4.2.10 Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16) …………….79 4.2.11 Stall prevention (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 66)………….80 4.2.12 Acceleration/deceleration pattern (Pr. 29) …………82 4.2.13 Regenerative brake duty (Pr. -
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4.2.42 Actual operation hour meter clear (Pr. 171)…………142 4.2.43 Input terminal function selection (Pr. 180 to Pr. 183)……..142 4.2.44 Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192)……..144 4.2.45 Cooling fan operation selection (Pr. 244) …………145 4.2.46 Slip compensation (Pr. 245 to Pr. 247)…………146 4.2.47 Stop selection (Pr. -
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5.3.7 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers……177 6 SPECIFICATIONS 6.1 Standard Specifications ………………179 6.1.1 Model specifications ………………179 6.1.2 Common specifications ………………181 6.1.3 Outline drawings ………………..183 APPENDIX Appendix 1 Data Code List ……………….185… -
Page 7: Outline
C H A P T E R 1 CHAPTER 1 O U T L I N E OUTLINE This chapter gives information on the basic «outline» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment. 1.1 Pre-Operation Information………..1 Chapter 1 1.2 Basic Configuration………….3 1.3 Structure …………..4…
Page 8: Pre-Operation Information
1.1 Pre-Operation Information OUTLINE 1 OUTLINE 1.1 Pre-Operation Information 1.1.1 Precautions for operation This manual is written for the FR-E500 series transistorized inverters. Incorrect handling may cause the inverter to operate incorrectly, causing its life to be reduced considerably, or at the worst, the inverter to be damaged. Handle the inverter properly in accordance with the information in each section as well as the precautions and instructions of this manual to use it correctly.
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OUTLINE (2) Preparation of instruments and parts required for operation Instruments and parts to be prepared depend on how the inverter is operated. Prepare equipment and parts as necessary. (Refer to page 46.) (3) Installation To operate the inverter with high performance for a long time, install the inverter in a proper place, in the correct direction, with proper clearances. -
Page 10: Basic Configuration
1.2 Basic Configuration OUTLINE 1.2 Basic Configuration 1.2.1 Basic configuration The following devices are required to operate the inverter. Proper peripheral devices must be selected and correct connections made to ensure proper operation. Incorrect system configuration and connections can cause the inverter to operate improperly, its life to be reduced considerably, and in the worst case, the inverter to be damaged.
Page 11: Structure
1.3 Structure OUTLINE 1.3 Structure 1.3.1 Appearance and structure (1) Front view Accessory cover Front cover Capacity plate Rating plate Wiring port cover for option (2) Without front cover and accessory cover PU connector* Inboard option mounting position POWER lamp (yellow) ALARM lamp (red) Connector for connection of inboard option…
Page 12: Removal And Reinstallation Of The
OUTLINE 1.3.2 Removal and reinstallation of the front cover Removal The front cover is fixed with catches in positions A, B and C. Push A and B in the directions of arrows at the same time and remove the cover using C as supporting points. Reinstallation When reinstalling the front cover after wiring, fix the catches securely.
Page 13: Removal And Reinstallation Of The Wiring Cover
OUTLINE 1.3.3 Removal and reinstallation of the wiring cover Removal Remove the wiring cover by pulling it in the direction of arrow A. Wiring hole Reinstallation Pass the cables through the wiring hole and reinstall the cover in the original position.
Page 14: Removal And Reinstallation Of The Accessory Cover
OUTLINE 1.3.4 Removal and reinstallation of the accessory cover Removal Hold down and press the side of the accessory cover, A indicated by the arrow in Fig. 1) and remove the accessory cover as shown in Fig. 2). Reinstallation Install the accessory cover straight as shown in Fig. 1).
Page 15: Reinstallation And Removal Of The Control Panel
OUTLINE 1.3.5 Reinstallation and removal of the control panel To ensure safety, reinstall and remove the optional control panel (FR-PA02- ) after switching power off. The charging area and control printed board are exposed on the rear surface of the control panel.
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OUTLINE Using the connection cable for operation 1) Fit the rear cover option FR-E5P to the back surface of the control panel. 2) Securely plug one end of the connection cable into the PU connector of the inverter and the other end into the adaptor of the FR-E5P option to connect it to the control panel. -
Page 17: Removal Of The Operation Panel (Fr-Pa02- )
OUTLINE 1.3.6 Removal of the operation panel (FR-PA02- ) front cover 1) Open the control panel front cover to 90 degrees. 2) Pull out the control panel front cover to the left to remove it. 90 degrees 1.3.7 Exploded view Control panel(FR-PA02- Front cover Accessory…
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CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION AND INSTALLATION AND WIRING WIRINNG This chapter gives information on the basic «installation and wiring» for use of this product. Always read the instructions in this chapter before using the equipment. 2.1 Installation…………..11 Chapter 1 2.2 Wiring…………….13 2.3 Other Wiring………….. -
Page 19: Installation And Wiring
2.1 Installation INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2 INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.1 Installation 2.1.1 Instructions for installation 1) Handle the unit carefully. The inverter uses plastic parts. Handle it gently to protect it from damage. Also, hold the unit with even strength and do not apply too much strength to the front cover alone.
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING 3) Note on ambient 4) Clearances around the inverter temperatures 10cm Leave sufficient or more Cooling air clearances above and under the Measurement inverter to ensure position adequate ventilation. Cooling fan FR-E500 1cm or 1cm or FR-E500 built in the more* more*… -
Page 21: Wiring
2.2 Wiring INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.2 Wiring 2.2.1 Terminal connection diagram (when source logic is selected) 3-phase 400V power input Motor 3-phase AC power supply Earth(Ground) 24VDC power output and contact input common Jumper Note 4 Remove this jumper when using the optional power-factor improving DC reactor.
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING Single-phase 200V power input Motor Power supply Earth(Ground) Note: 1. To ensure safety, connect the power input to the inverter via a magnetic contactor and earth leakage circuit breaker or no-fuse breaker, and use the magnetic contactor to switch power on-off. 2. -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING (2) Description of the control circuit terminals Terminal Type Symbol Description Name Forward Turn on the STF signal to start forward When the STF rotation start rotation and turn it off to stop. and STR signals are turned on Reverse Turn on the STR signal to start reverse simultaneously,… -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING Terminal Type Symbol Description Name Change-over contact output indicating that the output has been stopped by the inverter protective function activated. 230VAC 0.3A, A, B, C Alarm output 30VDC 0.3A. Alarm: discontinuity across B-C (continuity across A-C), normal: continuity Output across B-C (discontinuity across A-C). -
Page 25: Wiring Of The Main Circuit
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.2.2 Wiring of the Main Circuit (1) Wiring instructions 1) It is recommended to use insulation-sleeved solderless terminals for power supply and motor wiring. 2) Power must not be applied to the output terminals (U, V, W) of the inverter. Otherwise the inverter will be damaged.
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING 6) Connect only the recommended optional brake resistor between the + — PR. These terminals must not be shorted. 7) Electromagnetic wave interference The input/output (main circuit) of the inverter includes harmonic components, which may interfere with the communication devices (such as AM radios) used near the inverter. -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING (2) Terminal block layout FR-E540-0.4K to 7.5K-EC FR-E520S-0.4K to 2.2K-EC Screw size (M4) Screw size (M4) Screw size (M4) Screw size (M4) (3) Cables, crimping terminals, etc. The following table lists the cables and crimping terminals used with the inputs (L ) and outputs (U, V, W) of the inverter and the torques for tightening the screws: FR-E540-0.4K to 7.5K-EC PVC Insulated… -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING FR-E520S-0.4K to 2.2K-EC PVC Insulated Tight- Crimping Cables Applicable Terminal Cables ening Inverter Screw Terminals Torque Type Size kg cm U, V, W U, V, W U, V, W U, V, W FR-E520S- 2-3.5 2-3.5 0.4K-EC FR-E520S- 0.75K-EC FR-E520S- 1.5K-EC… -
Page 29
INSTALLATION AND WIRING (4) Connection of the power supply and motor Three-phase power input Three-phase power supply 400V Motor Earth(Ground) Earth(Ground) terminal No-fuse breaker Earth(Ground) The power supply cables must be connected Connect the motor to U, V, W. In the above to L . -
Page 30: Wiring Of The Control Circuit
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.2.3 Wiring of the control circuit (1) Wiring instructions 1) Terminals PC, SE and 5 (and SD when sink logic is selected) are common to the I/O signals. These common terminals must not be earthed to the ground. 2) Use shielded or twisted cables for connection to the control circuit terminals and run them away from the main and power circuits (including the 200V relay sequence circuit).
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2) When using bar terminals and solid wires for wiring, their diameters should be 0.9mm maximum. If they are larger, the threads may be damaged during tightening. 3) Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. 4) Tighten the screw to the specified torque. -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2) Source logic type In this logic, a signal switches on when a current flows into the corresponding signal input terminal. Terminal PC is common to the contact input signals. Terminal SE common to the open collector output signals. A current flows out of the corresponding signal RUN Current… -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING When using an external power supply for transistor output, use terminal PC as a common to prevent misoperation caused by leakage current. (Do not connect terminal SD of the inverter with terminal 0V of the external power supply. -
Page 34: Connection To The Pu Connector
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.2.4 Connection to the PU connector (1) When connecting the control panel or parameter unit using a cable Use the option FR-CB2 or the following connector and commercially available cable: <Connection cable> Connector : RJ45 connector Example: 5-554720-3, Nippon AMP Cable : Cable conforming to EIA568 (e.g.
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Example: 5-554720-3, Nippon AMP Co., Ltd. 2. Cable : Cable conforming to EIA568 (such as 10BASE-T cable) Example: SGLPEV 0.5mm 4P, Mitsubishi Cable Industries, Ltd. 3.*Commercially available converter examples Model: FA-T-RS40 Converter Industrial System Division Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Co., Ltd. -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING <Wiring methods> 1) Wiring of one RS-485 computer and one inverter Computer Side Terminals Cable connection and signal direction Inverter PU connector Signal name Description 10 BASE-T Cable Receive data Receive data Send data Send data Request to send Request to send (Note 2) Clear to send… -
Page 37: Connection Of Stand-Alone Option Units
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.2.5 Connection of stand-alone option units The inverter accepts a variety of stand-alone option units as required. Incorrect connection will cause inverter damage or an accident. Connect and operate the option unit carefully in accordance with the corresponding option unit manual. (1) Connection of the dedicated external brake resistor (option) Connect a brake resistor across terminals + and PR.
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING (3) Connection of the FR-HC high power factor converter (option unit) (In the case of single-phase power input, the FR-HC cannot be connected.) When connecting the high power factor converter (FR-HC) to suppress power harmonics, wire as shown below. Wrong connection will damage the high power factor converter and inverter. -
Page 39: Design Information
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.2.6 Design information 1) Provide electrical and mechanical interlocks for MC1 and MC2 which are used for commercial power supply-inverter switch-over. When there is a commercial power supply-inverter switch-over circuit as shown below, the inverter will be damaged by leakage current from the power supply due to arcs generated at the time of switch-over or chattering caused by a sequence error.
Page 40: Other Wiring
2.3 Other Wiring INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.3 Other wiring 2.3.1 Power supply harmonics Power supply harmonics may be generated from the converter section of the inverter, affecting the power supply equipment, power capacitor, etc. Power supply harmonics are different in generation source, frequency band and transmission path from radio frequency (RF) noise and leakage currents.
Page 41: Japanese Harmonic Suppression Guideline
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.3.2 Japanese harmonic suppression guideline Harmonic currents flow from the inverter to a power receiving point via a power transformer. The harmonic suppression guideline was established to protect other consumers from these outgoing harmonic currents. 1) «Harmonic suppression guideline for household appliances and general-purpose products»…
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING 3) Measures against noises which are radiated by the inverter causing misoperation of peripheral devices. Inverter-generated noises are largely classified into those radiated by the cables connected to the inverter and inverter main circuit (I/O), those electromagnetically and electrostatically inducted to the signal cables of the peripheral devices close to the main circuit power supply, and those transmitted through the power supply cables. -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING Noise Path Measures When devices which handle low-level signals and are susceptible to misoperation due to noise (such as instruments, receivers and sensors) are installed near the inverter and their signal cables are contained in the same panel as the inverter or are run near the inverter, the devices may be misoperated by air-propagated noise and the following measures must be taken: (1) Install easily affected devices as far away as possible from the… -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING Data line filter Noise entry can be prevented by providing a data line filter for the detector or other cable. Example of measures against noise FR-BLF Install filter Control box Reduce carrier frequency. FR-BLF FR-BSF01 Install filter FR-BSF01 inverter output side. -
Page 45: Leakage Currents And Countermeasures
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.3.4 Leakage currents and countermeasures Due to the static capacitance existing in the inverter I/O wiring and motor, leakage currents flow through them. Since their values depend on the static capacitance, carrier frequency, etc., take the following measures. (1) To-earth (ground) leakage currents Leakage currents may flow not only into the inverter’s own line but also into the other lines through the earth (ground) cable, etc.
Page 46: Inverter-Driven 400V Class Motor
INSTALLATION AND WIRING Countermeasures Use the electronic overcurrent protection of the inverter. Decrease the carrier frequency. Note that motor noise increases. Selection of Soft-PWM will make it unoffending. To ensure that the motor is protected against line-to-line leakage currents, it is recommended to use a temperature sensor to directly detect motor temperature.
Page 47: Peripheral Devices
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.3.6 Peripheral devices (1) Selection of peripheral devices Check the capacity of the motor to be used with the inverter you purchased. Appropriate peripheral devices must be selected according to the capacity. Refer to the following list and prepare appropriate peripheral devices: Power No-Fuse Breaker (NFB) or Earth Leakage Magnetic Contactor…
Page 48
INSTALLATION AND WIRING Installation and selection of no-fuse breaker Install a no-fuse breaker (NFB) in the power supply side for protection of the inverter’s primary wiring. Refer to the above table and choose the NFB according to the inverter’s power supply side power factor (which changes with the power supply voltage, output frequency and load). -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING Progressive Super Series (Type SP, CF, SF, CP) Rated sensitivity current: I n 10 (lg1+Ign+lg2+lgm) Conventional NV series (Type CA, CS, SS produced prior to ’91) Rated sensitivity current: I n 10 {lg1+lgn+3 (lg2+lgm)} lg1, lg2 : Leakage currents of cable path during commercial power supply operation lgn* : Leakage current of noise filter on inverter input side : Leakage current of motor during commercial power supply operation… -
Page 50: Instructions For Compliance With The Ul And Csa Standards
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.3.7 Instructions for compliance with the UL and CSA standards (Since we obtained the approval of the UL and CSA Standards from the UL, the products conforming to the Standards carry the US, Canada UL mark.) (1) Wiring of the power supply and motor Use the UL-listed cables (rated at 75 C) and round crimping terminals to wire the input ) and output (U, V, W) terminals of the inverter.
Page 51: Instructions For Compliance With The European Standards
INSTALLATION AND WIRING 2.3.8 Instructions for compliance with the European standards (The products conforming to the Low Voltage Directive carry the CE mark.) (1) EMC Directive 1) Our view of transistorized inverters for the EMC Directive A transistorized inverter does not function independently. It is a component designed for installation in a control box and for use with the other equipment to control the equipment/device.
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING (2) Low Voltage Directive 1) Our view of transistorized inverters for the Low Voltage Directive Transistorized inverters are covered by the Low Voltage Directive. 2) Compliance We have self-confirmed our inverters as products compliant to the Low Voltage Directive and place the CE mark on the inverters. -
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INSTALLATION AND WIRING * The control circuit terminals shown with on page 13 provide safe separation to the main circuit terminal (primary circuit). Environment During During In storage operation transportation Ambient -10 C to 50 C -20 C to 65 C -20 C to 65 C Temperature Ambient Humidity… -
Page 54
C H A P T E R 3 CHAPTER 3 O P E R A T I O N OPERATION This chapter provides the basic «operation» for use of this product. Always read this chapter before using the equipment. 3.1 Pre-Operation Information……… 46 Chapter 1 3.2 About the Control Panel ………. -
Page 55: Operaton
3.1 Pre-Operation Information OPERATION 3 OPERATON 3.1 Pre-Operation Information 3.1.1 Types of operation modes The inverter can be operated in any of «PU operation mode», «external operation mode», «combined operation mode» and «communication operation mode». Prepare required instruments and parts according to the operation mode. For the way of changing the operation mode, refer to page 52.
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OPERATION (3) Combined operation mode 1 (Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» = 3) The start signal is an external signal. The frequency setting signal is made setting using the optional control panel or parameter unit. Preparation Start signal ….. Switch, relay, etc. Operation unit.. -
Page 57: Power On
OPERATION (5) Communication operation mode (Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» = 0 or 1) Communication operation can be performed by connecting a personal computer and the PU connector with the RS-485 communication cable. Preparation Connection cable ……Connector: RJ45 connector Cable: Cable conforming to EIA568 (e.g.
Page 58: About The Control Panel
3.2 About the Control Panel OPERATION 3.2 About the Control Panel With the optional control panel (FR-PA02- ), you can run the inverter, set the frequency, monitor the operation command display, set parameters, and display an error. 3.2.1 Names and functions of the control panel (FR-PA02- Cover opened Unit indication Display…
Page 59: Control Panel Mode Is Changed By Pressing The
OPERATION 3.2.2 Control panel mode is changed by pressing the MODE Monitoring mode Frequency setting Parameter setting mode (Note) mode MODE MODE PU EXT MODE MODE MODE STOP STOP STOP RESET RESET RESET MODE Help mode Operation mode MODE MODE PU EXT MODE MODE…
Page 60: Frequency Setting Mode
OPERATION 3.2.4 Frequency setting mode Set the frequency value used for operation performed under the operation command given by the key ( key) in the PU operation mode. This mode is displayed only in PU operation. To frequency monitoring Frequency setting mode MODE Set frequency changing Set frequency write…
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OPERATION (1) Example: To change the Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» setting from «2» (external operation mode) to «1» (PU operation mode) (For details of Pr. 79, refer to page 105.) Press the key, to choose the MODE parameter setting mode. Parameter setting mode Most significant Least significant… -
Page 62: Operation Mode
OPERATION 3.2.6 Operation mode The operation mode change method which is shown below is only allowed when Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» is «0». PU operation PU jog operation External operation MODE STOP MODE MODE RESET MODE To 3.2.7 Help mode Note: If the operation mode cannot be changed, refer to page 167.
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OPERATION (1) Alarm history Four past alarms can be displayed with the key. («.» is appended to the most recent alarm.) When no alarm exists, E._ _0 is displayed. Most recent alarm When alarm occurs Frequency Current PU EXT Voltage Energization time PU EXT PU EXT… -
Page 64: Operation
3.3 Operation OPERATION 3.3 Operation 3.3.1 Pre-operation checks Before starting operation, check the following: Safety Perform test operation after making sure that safety is ensured if the machine should become out of control. Machine Make sure that the machine is free of damage. Parameters Set the parameter values to match the operating machine (system) environment.
Page 65: External Operation Mode (Operation Using The External Frequency Setting Potentiometer And External Start Signal)
OPERATION 3.3.2 External operation mode (Operation using the external frequency setting potentiometer and external start signal) (1) Operation at 50Hz Operation command: Externally connected start signal Frequency setting: Externally connected frequency setting potentiometer Step Description Image Power on Operation mode check With the factory setting, the external operation mode is selected and the [EXT] indication is lit when power is switched on.
Page 66: Pu Operation Mode (Operation Using The Control Panel)
OPERATION 3.3.3 PU operation mode (Operation using the control panel) (1) Using the control panel (FR-PA02- ) for operation at 50Hz with digital frequency setting Operation command: key or control panel (FR-PA02-02) Frequency setting: Related parameters: Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» By repeating step 2 below during motor run, speed can be varied.
Page 67: Combined Operation Mode 1 (Operation Using Both External Signal And Control Panel)
OPERATION 3.3.4 Combined operation mode 1 (Operation using both external start signal and control panel) When the start signal is provided externally (switch etc.) and the running frequency is set from the control panel (Pr. 79 = 3). The external frequency setting signal and PU’s forward rotation, reverse rotation and stop keys are not accepted.
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OPERATION 3.3.5 Combined operation mode 2 When the running frequency is set from a potentiometer connected across terminals 2-5 (frequency setting potentiometer) and the start signal is provided by the key or key of the control panel (FR-PA02- ). (Pr.79 Operation command: key (or key) of the control panel… -
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C H A P T E R 4 CHAPTER 4 P A R A M E T E R S PARAMETERS This chapter explains the «parameters» of this product. With the factory settings, the inverter is designed to perform simple variable-speed operation. Set necessary parameter values according to the load and operating specifications. -
Page 70: Parameters
4.1 Parameter List PARAMETERS 4 PARAMETERS 4.1 Parameter List 4.1.1 Parameter list Para- Minimum Custo- Func- Setting Factory Refer meter Name Setting tion Range Setting Number Increments Setting 6%/4% Torque boost (Note 1) 0 to 30% 0.1% (Note
0.01Hz Maximum frequency 0 to 120Hz 120Hz…
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PARAMETERS Para- Minimum Custo- Func- Setting Factory Refer meter Name Setting tion Range Setting Number Increments Setting 0 to 400Hz, 0.01Hz Multi-speed setting (speed 7) 9999 9999 (Note 3) Acceleration/deceleration 0, 1, 2 pattern Regenerative function 0, 1 selection 0 to 400Hz, 0.01Hz Frequency jump 1A 9999… -
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PARAMETERS Para- Minimum Custo- Func- Setting Factory Refer meter Name Setting tion Range Setting Number Increments Setting Shortest acceleration/ 0, 1, 2, 11, deceleration mode 0 to 500A, Reference current 0.01A 9999 9999 Reference current for 0 to 200%, 9999 acceleration 9999 Reference current for… -
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PARAMETERS Para- Minimum Custo- Func- Setting Factory Refer meter Name Setting tion Range Setting Number Increments Setting Station number 0 to 31 Communication speed 48, 96, 192 0, 1 (data lengthStop bit length/data length 10, 11 (data length 7) Parity check presence/ 0, 1, 2 absence…
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PARAMETERS Para- Minimum Custo- Func- Setting Factory Refer meter Name Setting tion Range Setting Number Increments Setting User group read selection 0, 1, 10, 11 Parameters set by manufacturer. Do not set. Actual operation hour meter clear User group 1 registration 0 to 999 0 to User group 1 deletion… -
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PARAMETERS Para- Minimum Custo- Func- Setting Factory Refer meter Name Setting tion Range Setting Number Increments Setting 0 to 100 s, 1000 to Stop selection 9999 1100 s, 8888, 9999 AM terminal calibration Frequency setting voltage 0 to 0 to 0.01Hz 0V 0Hz bias… -
Page 76: List Of Parameters Classified By Purpose Of Use
PARAMETERS 4.1.2 List of Parameters Classified by Purpose of Use Set the parameters according to the operating conditions. The following list indicates purpose of use and corresponding parameters. Parameter Numbers Purpose of Use Parameter numbers which must be set Operation mode selection Pr.
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PARAMETERS Parameter Numbers Purpose of Use Parameter numbers which must be set Frequency meter calibration Pr. 55, Pr. 56, Pr. 158, Pr. 901 Monitor display on control panel (FR-PA02- ) or parameter unit Pr. 55, Pr. 56, Pr. 158, Pr. 901 (FR-PU04) Display of speed, etc. -
Page 78: Parameters Recommended To Be Set By The User
PARAMETERS 4.1.3 Parameters recommended to be set by the user We recommend the following parameters to be set by the user. Set them according to the operation specifications, load, etc. Parameter Name Application Number Maximum frequency Used to set the maximum and minimum output frequencies.
Page 79: Parameter Function Details
4.2 Parameter Function Details PARAMETERS 4.2 Parameter Function Details 4.2.1 Torque boost (Pr. 0, Pr. 46) Related parameters Pr. 0 «torque boost» Pr. 3 «base frequency» Pr. 46 «second torque boost» Pr. 19 «base frequency voltage» Pr. 71 «applied motor» Pr.
Page 80: Output Frequency Range (Pr. 1, Pr. 2, Pr. 18)
PARAMETERS 4.2.2 Output frequency range (Pr. 1, Pr. 2, Pr. 18) Related parameters Pr. 1 «maximum frequency» Pr. 13 «starting frequency» Pr. 38 «frequency at 5V (10V) input» Pr. 2 «minimum frequency» Pr. 39 «frequency at 20m A input» Pr. 79 «operation m ode selection» Pr.
Page 81: Base Frequency, Base Frequency Voltage (Pr. 3, Pr. 19, Pr. 47)
PARAMETERS Base frequency, base frequency voltage (Pr. 3, Pr. 19, Pr. 47) 4.2.3 Base frequency, base frequency voltage (Pr. 3, Pr. 19, Pr. 47) Related parameters Pr. 3 «base frequency» Pr. 71 «applied motor» Pr. 80 «motor capacity» Pr. 19 «base frequency voltage» Pr.
Page 82: Multi-Speed Operation
PARAMETERS Multi-speed operation (Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239) 4.2.4 Multi-speed operation (Pr. 4, Pr. 5, Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239) Related parameters Pr. 4 «3-speed setting (high speed)» Pr.
Page 83: Acceleration/Deceleration Time (Pr. 7, Pr. 8, Pr. 20, Pr. 21, Pr. 44, Pr. 45)
PARAMETERS Note: 1. The multi-speed settings override the main speeds (across terminals 2-5, 4-5). 2. The multi-speeds can also be set in the PU or external operation mode. 3. For 3-speed setting, if two or three speeds are simultaneously selected, priority is given to the frequency setting of the lower signal.
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PARAMETERS <Setting> Use Pr. 21 to set the acceleration/deceleration time and minimum setting increments: Set value «0» (factory setting) ..0 to 3600 seconds (minimum setting increments: 0.1 second) Set value «1»……0 to 360 seconds (minimum setting increments: 0.01 second) Use Pr. 7 and Pr. 44 to set the acceleration time required to reach the frequency set in Pr. -
Page 85: Electronic Overcurrent Protection (Pr. 9, Pr. 48)
PARAMETERS 4.2.6 Electronic overcurrent protection (Pr. 9, Pr. 48) Related parameter Pr. 9 «electronic overcurrent protection» Pr. 71 «applied motor» Pr. 180 to Pr. 183 Pr. 48 «second electronic overcurrent «input terminal function protection» selection» Set the current of the electronic overcurrent protection to protect the motor from overheat.
Page 86: Dc Dynamic Brake (Pr. 10 To Pr. 12)
PARAMETERS DC dynamic brake (Pr. 10, Pr. 11, Pr. 12) 4.2.7 DC dynamic brake (Pr. 10 to Pr. 12) Pr. 10 «DC injection brake operation frequency» Pr. 11 «DC injection brake operation time» Pr. 12 «DC injection brake voltage» By setting the DC injection brake voltage (torque), operation time and operation starting frequency, the stopping accuracy of positioning operation, etc.
Page 87: Starting Frequency (Pr. 13)
PARAMETERS 4.2.8 Starting frequency (Pr. 13) Related parameter Pr. 13 «starting frequency» Pr. 2 «minimum frequency» You can set the starting frequency between 0 and 60Hz. Set the starting frequency at which the start signal is switched on. Parameter Factory Setting Output frequency (Hz)
Page 88: Load Pattern Selection (Pr. 14)
PARAMETERS 4.2.9 Load pattern selection (Pr. 14) Load pattern selection (Pr. 14) Related parameter Pr. 14 «load pattern selection» Pr. 0 «torque boost» Pr.46 «second torque boost» Pr. 80 «motor capacity» Pr.180 to Pr.183 (input terminal function selection) You can select the optimum output characteristic (V/F characteristic) for the application and load characteristics.
Page 89: Jog Operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16)
PARAMETERS Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16) 4.2.10 Jog operation (Pr. 15, Pr. 16) Related parameters Pr. 15 «jog frequency» Pr. 20 «acceleration/deceleration reference frequency» Pr. 16 «jog acceleration/deceleration Pr. 21 «acceleration/deceleration time increments» time» Jog operation can be started and stopped by selecting the jog mode from the control panel and pressing and releasing the key ( key).
Page 90: Stall Prevention (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 66)
PARAMETERS Stall prevention (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 66) 4.2.11 Stall prevention (Pr. 22, Pr. 23, Pr. 66) Related parameters Pr. 22 «stall prevention operation level» Pr. 9 «electronic overcurrent protection» Pr. 48 «second electronic Pr. 23 «stall prevention operation level at overcurrent protection»…
Page 91
PARAMETERS <Setting> In Pr. 22, set the stall prevention operation level. Normally set it to 150% (factory setting). Set «0» in Pr. 22 to disable the stall prevention operation. To reduce the stall prevention operation level in the high-frequency range, set the reduction starting frequency in Pr. -
Page 92: Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern (Pr. 29)
PARAMETERS Acceleration/deceleration pattern (Pr. 29) 4.2.12 Acceleration/deceleration pattern (Pr. 29) Related parameters Pr. 29 «acceleration/deceleration pattern» Pr. 3 «base frequency» Pr. 7 «acceleration time» Pr. 8 «deceleration time» Pr. 20 «acceleration/deceleration reference frequency» Pr. 44 «second Set the acceleration/deceleration pattern. acceleration/deceleration time»…
Page 93: Regenerative Brake Duty (Pr. 30, Pr. 70)
PARAMETERS Regenerative brake duty (Pr. 30, Pr. 70) 4.2.13 Regenerative brake duty (Pr. 30, Pr. 70) Pr. 30 «regenerative function selection» Pr. 70 «special regenerative brake duty» When making frequent starts/stops, use the optional «brake resistor» to increase the regenerative brake duty. Parameter Factory Setting…
Page 94: Frequency Jump (Pr. 31 To Pr. 36)
PARAMETERS Frequency jump (Pr. 31 to Pr. 36) 4.2.14 Frequency jump (Pr. 31 to Pr. 36) Pr. 31 «frequency jump 1A» Pr. 32 «frequency jump 1B» Pr. 33 «frequency jump 2A» Pr. 34 «frequency jump 2B» Pr. 35 «frequency jump 3A» Pr.
Page 95: Speed Display (Pr. 37)
PARAMETERS Speed display (Pr. 37) 4.2.15 Speed display (Pr. 37) Related parameter Pr. 37 «speed display» Pr. 52 «control panel/PU main display data selection» The unit of the output frequency display of the control panel (FR-PA02- ) and PU (FR-PU04) can be changed from the frequency to the motor speed or machine speed. Parameter Factory Setting…
Page 96: Frequency At 5V (10V) Input (Pr. 38)
PARAMETERS Frequency at 5V (10V) input (Pr. 38) 4.2.16 Frequency at 5V (10V) input (Pr. 38) Related parameters Pr. 38 «frequency at 5V (10V)» Pr. 73 «0 to 5V, 0 to 10V selection» Pr. 79 «operation m ode selection» Pr. 902 «frequency setting voltage bias» Pr.
Page 97: Up-To-Frequency Sensitivity (Pr. 41)
PARAMETERS Up-to-frequency sensitivity (Pr. 41) 4.2.18 Up-to-frequency sensitivity (Pr. 41) Related parameters Pr. 41 «up-to-frequency sensitivity» Pr. 190 «RUN term inal function selection» Pr. 191 «FU term inal function selection» Pr. 192 «A, B, C output terminal function selection» The ON range of the up-to-frequency signal (SU) output when the output frequency reaches the running frequency can be adjusted between 0 and 100% of the running frequency.
Page 98: Output Frequency Detection (Pr. 42, Pr. 43)
PARAMETERS 4.2.19 Output frequency detection (Pr. 42, Pr. 43) Output frequency detection (Pr. 42, Pr. 43) Related parameters Pr. 42 «output frequency detection» Pr. 190 «RUN term inal function selection» Pr. 191 «FU term inal function selection» Pr. 43 «output frequency detection for Pr.
Page 99: Monitor Display (Pr. 52, Pr. 158)
PARAMETERS Pr. 44, Pr. 45 Refer to Pr. 7. Pr. 46 Refer to Pr. 0. Pr. 47 Refer to Pr. 3. Pr. 48 Refer to Pr. 9 4.2.20 Monitor display (Pr. 52, Pr. 158) Related parameters Pr. 52 «control panel/PU main display Pr.
Page 100
PARAMETERS <Setting> Set Pr. 52 and Pr. 158 in accordance with the following table: Parameter Setting Pr. 52 Pr. 158 Full-Scale Value of Signal Type Unit Control AM Level Meter PU main panel monitor terminal Output 0/100 0/100 Pr. 55 frequency Output current 0/100… -
Page 101: Monitoring Reference (Pr. 55, Pr. 56)
PARAMETERS Monitoring reference (Pr. 55, Pr. 56) 4.2.21 Monitoring reference (Pr. 55, Pr. 56) Related parameters Pr. 55 «frequency monitoring reference» Pr. 158 «AM terminal function selection» Pr. 56 «current monitoring reference» Pr. 901 «AM terminal calibration» Set the frequency or current which is referenced when the output frequency or output current is selected for the AM terminal.
Page 102: Automatic Restart After Instantaneous Power Failure (Pr. 57, Pr. 58)
PARAMETERS Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure (Pr. 57, Pr. 58) 4.2.22 Automatic restart after instantaneous power failure (Pr. 57, Pr. 58) Pr. 57 «coasting time for automatic restart after instantaneous power failure» Pr. 58 «cushion time for automatic restart after instantaneous power failure» You can restart the inverter without stopping the motor (with the motor coasting) when power is restored after an instantaneous power failure.
Page 103: Remote Setting Function Selection (Pr. 59)
PARAMETERS Remote setting function selection (Pr. 59) 4.2.23 Remote setting function selection (Pr. 59) Related parameters Pr. 59 «remote setting function selection» Pr. 1 «maximum frequency» Pr. 7 «acceleration time» Pr. 8 «deceleration time» If the operator panel is located away from the Pr.
Page 104: Shortest Acceleration/Deceleration Mode (Pr. 60 To Pr. 63)
PARAMETERS CAUTION When selecting this function, re-set the maximum frequency according to the machine. 4.2.24 Shortest acceleration/deceleration mode (Pr. 60 to Pr. 63) Pr. 60 «shortest acceleration/deceleration mode» Related parameters Pr. 61 «reference current» Pr. 7 «acceleration time» Pr. 62 «reference current for acceleration» Pr.
Page 105
PARAMETERS Acceleration/deceleration reference current (Pr. 61, Pr. 62, Pr. 63) <Setting> Set these parameters to improve performance in the intelligent mode. (1) Pr. 61 «reference current setting» Setting Reference Current 9999 (factory setting) Referenced from rated inverter current 0 to 500A Referenced from setting (rated motor current) (2) Pr. -
Page 106: Retry Function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67 To Pr. 69)
PARAMETERS Retry function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67, Pr. 68, Pr. 69) 4.2.25 Retry function (Pr. 65, Pr. 67 to Pr. 69) Pr. 65 «retry selection» Pr. 67 «number of retries at alarm occurrence» Pr. 68 «retry waiting time» Pr. 69 «retry count display erasure» When any protective function (major fault) is activated and the inverter stops its output, the inverter itself resets automatically and performs retries.
Page 107
PARAMETERS Use Pr. 67 to set the number of retries at alarm occurrence. Pr. 67 Setting Number of Retries Alarm Signal Output Retry is not made. 1 to 10 1 to 10 times Not output. 101 to 110 1 to 10 times Output. -
Page 108: Applied Motor (Pr. 71)
PARAMETERS Applied motor (Pr. 71) 4.2.26 Applied motor (Pr. 71) Related parameters Pr. 71 «applied motor» Pr. 0 «torque boost» Pr. 12 «DC dynamic brake voltage» Pr. 19 «base frequency voltage» Pr. 80 «motor capacity» Pr. 96 «auto tuning setting/status» Set the motor used.
Page 109: Pwm Carrier Frequency (Pr. 72, Pr. 240)
PARAMETERS PWM carrier frequency (Pr. 72, Pr. 240) 4.2.27 PWM carrier frequency (Pr. 72, Pr. 240) Pr. 72 «PWM frequency selection» Pr. 240 «Soft-PWM setting» You can change the motor tone. By parameter setting, you can select Soft-PWM control which changes the motor tone.
Page 110: Voltage Input (Pr. 73)
PARAMETERS Voltage input (Pr. 73) 4.2.28 Voltage input (Pr. 73) Related parameters Pr. 73 «0-5V/0-10V selection» Pr. 22 «stall prevention operation level» Pr. 38 «frequency at 5V (10V) input» You can change the input (terminal 2) specifications in response to the frequency setting voltage signal.
Page 111: Input Filter Time Constant (Pr. 74)
PARAMETERS Input filter time constant (Pr. 74) 4.2.29 Input filter time constant (Pr. 74) Pr. 74 «filter time constant» You can set the input section’s internal filter constant for an external voltage or current frequency setting signal. Effective for eliminating noise in the frequency setting circuit. Increase the filter time constant if steady operation cannot be performed due to noise.
Page 112
PARAMETERS <Setting> Pr. 75 PU Disconnection PU Stop Reset Selection Setting Detection Selection Reset input normally enabled. Pressing the If the PU is disconnected, Reset input enabled only when the STOP operation will be continued. RESET protective function is activated. decelerates the Reset input normally enabled. -
Page 113: Parameter Write Inhibit Selection (Pr. 77)
PARAMETERS Note: 1. By entering the reset signal (RES) during operation, the inverter shuts off output while it is reset, the data of the electronic overcurrent protection and regenerative brake duty are reset, and the motor coasts. 2. The PU disconnection detection function judges that the PU is disconnected when it is removed from the inverter for more than 1 second.
Page 114: Reverse Rotation Prevention Selection (Pr. 78)
PARAMETERS <Setting> Pr. 77 Function Setting Parameter values may only be written during a stop in the PU operation mode. (Note 1) Write disabled. Values of Pr. 75, Pr. 77 and Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» may be written. Write enabled even during operation. Note: 1.
Page 115: Operation Mode Selection (Pr. 79)
PARAMETERS Operation mode selection (Pr. 79) 4.2.33 Operation mode selection (Pr. 79) Related parameters Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» Pr. 4 to Pr. 6, Pr. 24 to Pr. 27, Pr. 232 to Pr. 239 «multi-speed operation» Used to select the operation mode of the inverter. Pr.
Page 116
PARAMETERS Note: Either «3» or «4» may be set to select the PU/external combined operation. These settings differ in starting method. (1) Switch-over mode During operation, you can change the current operation mode to another operation mode. Operation Mode Switching Control/Operating Status Switching External operation to PU 1) Operate the control panel keys to select the PU operation… -
Page 117
PARAMETERS 2) Function MRS Signal Function/Operation Output stopped during external operation. Operation mode can be switched to PU operation mode. Parameter values can be rewritten in PU operation mode. PU operation allowed. Forcibly switched to external operation mode. External operation allowed. Switching to PU operation mode inhibited. -
Page 118
PARAMETERS (3) Operation mode switching by external signal 1) Preparation Set «8» (switching to other than external operation mode) in Pr. 79. Use any of Pr. 180 to Pr. 183 (input terminal function selection) to set the terminal used for X16 signal input. Refer to page 142 for Pr. -
Page 119: General-Purpose Magnetic Flux Vector Control Selection (Pr. 80)
PARAMETERS 4.2.34 General-purpose magnetic flux vector control selection (Pr. 80) Related parameters Pr. 80 «motor capacity» Pr. 71 «applied motor» Pr. 83 «rated motor voltage» You can set the general-purpose magnetic flux Pr. 84 «rated motor frequency» vector control. Pr. 96 «auto tuning setting/status» General-purpose magnetic flux vector control Provides large starting torque and sufficient low-speed torque.
Page 120: Offline Auto Tuning Function (Pr. 82 To Pr. 84, Pr. 90, Pr. 96)
PARAMETERS Offline auto tuning function (Pr. 82 to Pr. 84, Pr. 90, Pr. 96) 4.2.35 Offline auto tuning function (Pr. 82 to Pr. 84, Pr. 90, Pr. 96) Related parameters Pr. 82 «motor exciting current» Pr. 7 «acceleration time» Pr. 9 «electronic overcurrent Pr.
Page 121
PARAMETERS <Operating conditions> The motor is connected. The motor capacity is equal to or one rank lower than the inverter capacity. Special motors such as high-slip motors and high-speed motors cannot be tuned. The motor may move slightly. Therefore, fix the motor securely with a mechanical brake, or before tuning, make sure that there will be no problem in safety if the motor runs. -
Page 122
PARAMETERS Parameter details Parameter Setting Description Number 0 to 500A Set the rated motor current (A). 0, 100 Thermal characteristics suitable for standard motor Thermal characteristics suitable for Mitsubishi’s constant- 1, 101 torque motor 3, 103 Standard motor 13, 113 Constant-torque motor Select «offline auto tuning setting»… -
Page 123
PARAMETERS (3) Monitoring the offline tuning status When the parameter unit (FR-PU04) is used, the Pr. 96 value is displayed during tuning on the main monitor as shown below. When the control panel is used, the same value as on the PU is only displayed: Control panel (FR-PA02- ) display (For inverter trip) -
Page 124
PARAMETERS 4) Error display definitions Error Display Error Cause Remedy Inverter trip Make setting again. Increase Current limit (stall prevention) function was acceleration/deceleration time. activated. Set «1» in Pr. 156. Converter output voltage reached 75% of Check for fluctuation of power rated value. -
Page 125
PARAMETERS <Setting the motor constant as desired> To set the motor constant without using the offline auto tuning data <Operating procedure> 1. Set «801» in Pr. 77. Only when the Pr. 80 setting is other than «9999», the parameter value of the motor constant (Pr. 90) can be displayed. Though the parameter values of other than the motor constant (Pr. -
Page 126: Computer Link Operation (Pr. 117 To Pr. 124)
PARAMETERS 4.2.36 Computer link operation (Pr. 117 to Pr. 124) Pr. 117 «station number» Pr. 118 «communication speed» Pr. 119 «stop bit length/data length» Pr. 120 «parity check presence/absence» Pr. 121 «number of communication retries» Pr. 122 «communication check time interval» Pr.
Page 127
PARAMETERS <Setting> Parameter Name Setting Description Number Station number specified for communication from the Station PU connector. 0 to 31 number Set the inverter station numbers when two or more inverters are connected to one personal computer. 4800 baud Communica- 9600 baud tion speed 19200 baud… -
Page 128
PARAMETERS *1. If a data error is detected and a retry must be made, execute retry operation with the user program. The inverter comes to an alarm stop if the number of consecutive retries exceeds the parameter setting. *2. On receipt of a data error occurrence, the inverter returns «reply data 3)» to the computer again. -
Page 129
PARAMETERS Note: 1. The inverter station numbers may be set between H00 and H1F (stations 0 and 31) in hexadecimal. 2. *3 indicates the control code. 3. *4 indicates the CR or LF code. When data is transmitted from the computer to the inverter, codes CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed) are automatically set at the end of a data group on some computers. -
Page 130
PARAMETERS 2) Inverter station number Specify the station number of the inverter which communicates with the computer. 3) Instruction code Specify the processing request, e.g. operation, monitoring, given by the computer to the inverter. Hence, the inverter can be run and monitored in various ways by specifying the instruction code as appropriate. -
Page 131
PARAMETERS Note: 1. When the data from the computer has an error, the inverter will not accept that data. 2. Any data communication, e.g. run command, monitoring, is started when the computer gives a communication request. Without the computer’s command, the inverter does not return any data. -
Page 132
PARAMETERS <Setting items and set data> After completion of parameter settings, set the instruction codes and data then start communication from the computer to allow various types of operation control and monitoring. Number Instruction Item Description of Data Code Digits H0001: External operation Read H0002: Communication operation… -
Page 133
PARAMETERS Number Instruction Item Description of Data Code Digits b0: Inverter running (RUN) b1: Forward rotation 0 0 0 0 0 0 b2: Reverse rotation (For example 1) Inverter status b3: Up to frequency (SU) 2 digits [Example 1] H02 … During forward b4: Overload (OL) monitor rotation… -
Page 134
PARAMETERS Number Instruction Item Description of Data Code Digits H00 to H6C and H80 to HEC parameter values are changed. Read H00: Pr. 0 to Pr. 96 values are accessible. Link H01: Pr. 117 to Pr. 158 and Pr. 901 to Pr. 905 parameter values are accessible. -
Page 135
PARAMETERS <Error Code List> The corresponding error code in the following list is displayed if an error is detected in any communication request data from the computer: Error Item Definition Inverter Operation Code number errors consecutively Computer NAK detected in communication request data error from the computer is greater than allowed number of retries. -
Page 136
PARAMETERS (5) Communication specifications for RS-485 communication Operation Mode Operation Communication Item Location Operation from PU External Operation Connector Run command (start) Enable Disable Enable Running frequency setting Enable (Combined operation mode) Computer user Monitoring Enable Enable program via PU connector Parameter write Enable (*3) Disable (*3) -
Page 137: Pid Control (Pr. 128 To Pr. 134)
PARAMETERS PID control (Pr. 128 to Pr. 134) 4.2.37 PID control (Pr. 128 to Pr. 134) Related parameters Pr. 128 «PID action selection» Pr. 73 «0-5V/0-10V selection» Pr. 79 «operation mode selection» Pr. 129 «PID proportional band» Pr. 180 to Pr. 183 (input terminal function selection) Pr.
Page 138
PARAMETERS (2) PID action overview 1) PI action A combination of proportional control action (P) and integral control action (I) for providing a manipulated variable in response to deviation and changes with time. [Operation example for stepped changes of process value] Note: PI action is the sum of P and I Deviation Set point… -
Page 139
PARAMETERS 4) Reverse action Increases the manipulated variable (output frequency) if deviation X (set point — process value) is positive, and decreases the manipulated variable if deviation is negative. Deviation Process value [Heating] Cold fi up Set point fi down Set point Process value 5) Forward action… -
Page 140
PARAMETERS (3) Wiring example Pr. 190 = 14 Pr. 191 = 15 Pr. 192 = 16 Inverter Pump Motor Power supply Forward rotation Reverse rotation For 2-wire For 3-wire type type (Note 2) Detector Upper limit Lower limit Setting potentiometer Limit signal common (Set point setting) Forward rotation output… -
Page 141
PARAMETERS (4) I/O signals Signal Terminal Used Function Description Set point input Enter the set point for PID control. Enter the 4 to 20mADC process value signal Process value input from the detector. Output to indicate that the process value Upper limit output signal exceeded the upper limit value. -
Page 142
PARAMETERS (5) Parameter setting Parameter Setting Name Description Number No PID action For heating, pressure control, action PID reverse action etc. selection For cooling, etc. PID forward action If the proportional band is narrow (parameter setting is small), the manipulated variable varies greatly with a slight change of the process value. -
Page 143
PARAMETERS (7) Calibration example (A detector of 4mA at 0 C and 20mA at 50 C is used to adjust the room temperature to 25 C under PID control. The set point is given to across inverter terminals 2-5 (0-5V).) START Determine the set point. -
Page 144
PARAMETERS <Set point input calibration> 1. Apply the input voltage of 0% set point setting (e.g. 0V) to across terminals 2-5. 2. Make calibration using Pr. 902. At this time, enter the frequency which should be output by the inverter at the deviation of 0% (e.g. 0Hz). 3. -
Page 145: Output Current Detection Function (Pr. 150, Pr. 151)
PARAMETERS 4.2.38 Output current detection function (Pr. 150, Pr. 151) Related parameters Pr. 150 «output current detection level» Pr. 190 to Pr. 192 (output terminal function Pr. 151 «output current detection time» selection) If the output current remains higher than the Pr. 150 setting during inverter operation for longer than the time set in Pr.
Page 146: Zero Current Detection (Pr. 152, Pr. 153)
PARAMETERS Zero current detection (Pr. 152, Pr. 153) 4.2.39 Zero current detection (Pr. 152, Pr. 153) Related parameters Pr. 152 «zero current detection level» Pr. 190 to Pr. 192 (output terminal function selection) Pr. 153 «zero current detection time» When the inverter’s output current falls to «0», torque will not be generated. This may cause a gravity drop when the inverter is used in vertical lift application.
Page 147: Stall Prevention Function And Current Limit Function (Pr. 156)
PARAMETERS CAUTION The zero current detection level setting should not be too high, and the zero current detection time setting should not be too long. Otherwise, the detection signal may not be output when torque is not generated at a low output current.
Page 148
PARAMETERS <Setting> Refer to the following tables and set the parameter as required. Stall Prevention Stall Prevention OL Signal OL Signal Operation Voltage Operation Voltage Output Output Fast- Fast- : Activated : Activated Response Response : Not : Not activated Operation Operation Current… -
Page 149
Page 150: User Group Selection (Pr. 160, Pr. 173 To Pr. 176)
PARAMETERS 4.2.41 User group selection (Pr. 160, Pr. 173 to Pr. 176) Pr. 160 «user group read selection» Pr. 173 «user group 1 registration» Pr. 174 «user group 1 deletion» Pr. 175 «user group 2 registration» Pr. 176 «user group 2 deletion» Among all parameters, a total of 32 parameters can be registered to two different user groups.
Page 151
PARAMETERS (3) Set the required value in Pr. 160 to make the user group or groups valid or invalid. Pr. 160 Setting Description Previous parameters read User group 1’s parameters read User group 2’s parameters read User group 1 and 2 parameters read Note: 1. -
Page 152: Actual Operation Hour Meter Clear (Pr. 171)
PARAMETERS Actual operation hour meter clear (Pr. 171) 4.2.42 Actual operation hour meter clear (Pr. 171) Related parameter Pr. 171 «actual operation hour meter Pr. 52 «Control panel/PU main clear» display data selection» You can clear the actual operation hour of the monitoring function. Parameter Factory Setting…
Page 153
PARAMETERS <Setting> Refer to the following list and set the parameters. Signal Related Setting Function Name Parameters Pr. 4 to Pr. 6 Pr. 59 = 0 Low-speed operation command Pr. 24 to Pr. 27 Pr. 232 to Pr. 239 Pr. 59 = 1, 2 * Remote setting (setting clear) Pr. -
Page 154: Output Terminal Function Selection (Pr. 190 To Pr. 192)
PARAMETERS Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192) 4.2.44 Output terminal function selection (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192) Pr. 190 «RUN terminal function selection» Pr. 191 «FU terminal function selection» Pr. 192 «ABC terminal function selection» You can change the functions of the open collector and contact output terminals. Parameter Terminal Factory…
Page 155: Cooling Fan Operation Selection (Pr. 244)
PARAMETERS Pr. 232 to Pr. 239 Refer to Pr. 4. Pr. 240 Refer to Pr. 72. Cooling fan operation selection ( Pr. 244) 4.2.45 Cooling fan operation selection (Pr. 244) Pr. 244 «cooling fan operation selection» You can control the operation of the cooling fan built in the inverter 0.75K or more. (whether there is a cooling fan or not depends on the models.
Page 156: Slip Compensation (Pr. 245 To Pr. 247)
PARAMETERS Slip compensation (Pr. 245 to Pr. 247) 4.2.46 Slip compensation (Pr. 245 to Pr. 247) Pr. 245 «rated slip» Pr. 246 «slip compensation time constant» Pr. 247 «constant-output region slip compensation selection» The inverter output current may be used to assume motor slip to keep the motor speed constant.
Page 157: Stop Selection (Pr. 250)
PARAMETERS Ground fault detection at start (Pr. 249) Stop selection (Pr. 250) 4.2.47 Stop selection (Pr. 250) Related parameters Pr. 250 «stop selection» Pr. 7 «acceleration time» Pr. 8 «deceleration time» Pr. 44 «second acceleration/ deceleration time» Pr. 45 «second deceleration time»…
Page 158
PARAMETERS When the Pr. 250 value is 8888, the functions of terminals STF and STR change as shown below: STF = start signal, STR = rotation direction signal Inverter Operating Status Stop Forward rotation Reverse rotation When the Pr. 250 value is any of 1000 to 1100 seconds, the functions of terminals STF and STR are the same as when the Pr. -
Page 159: Meter (Frequency Meter) Calibration (Pr. 901)
PARAMETERS Display meter (frequency meter) calibration (Pr. 900) 4.2.48 Meter (frequency meter) calibration (Pr. 901) Related parameters Pr. 901 «AM terminal calibration» Pr. 55 «frequency monitoring reference» Pr. 56 «current monitoring reference» Pr. 158 «AM terminal function selection» By using the control panel or parameter unit, you can calibrate a meter connected to terminal AM to full scale deflection.
Page 160
PARAMETERS <Operation procedure> When using the control panel (FR-PA02- 1) Select the PU operation mode. 2) Set the running frequency. 3) Press the key. 4) Read Pr. 901 «AM terminal calibration». 5) Press the key to run the inverter. (Motor need not be connected.) 6) Hold down the key to adjust the meter pointer to a required position. -
Page 161: Biases And Gains Of The Frequency Setting Voltage (Current)
PARAMETERS Bias and gain of frequency setting voltage (current) and built-in frequency setting potentiometer (Pr. 902 to Pr. 905, Pr. 922, Pr. 923) 4.2.49 Biases and gains of the frequency setting voltage (current) (Pr. 902 to Pr. 905) Related parameters Pr.
Page 162
PARAMETERS Pr. 903 «frequency setting voltage gain» (Pr. 902, Pr. 904, Pr. 905 can also be adjusted similarly.) <Adjustment procedure> W hen using an external frequency setting signal to set the frequency. (1) Power-on (monitoring mode) Hz RUN MODE STOP RESET (2) Choose the PU operation mode. -
Page 163
PARAMETERS 2) Set «1» (PU operation mode) in Pr. 79 «operation mode selection». Example: To change the external operation mode (Pr. 79=2) to the PU operation mode (Pr. 79=1) Using the key, MODE choose the «parameter setting mode» as in 1). Parameter setting mode Most significant Least significant… -
Page 164
PARAMETERS (3) Read Pr. 903 and show the current setting of the gain frequency. (Pr. 902, Pr. 904 and Pr. 905 can also be adjusted similarly.) Parameter setting mode Using the key, choose the MODE «parameter setting mode» as in (2)-1). PU EXT MODE STOP… -
Page 165
PARAMETERS (5) How to adjust the gain frequency only without the voltage being adjusted Monitoring the analog Press the key once to display voltage across terminals 2-5 the current analog voltage adjustment. Hz RUN Example: When analog voltage adjustment value is 100% Press for 1.5 sec. -
Page 166
PARAMETERS Note: 1. If the Pr. 903 or Pr. 905 (gain adjustment) value is changed, the Pr. 20 value does not change. 2. When the Pr. 903 or Pr. 905 value is set, the value of Pr. 38 «frequency at 5V (10V) input»… -
Page 167
C H A P T E R 5 CHAPTER 5 PROTECTIVE PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS This chapter explains the «protective functions» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment. 5.1 Errors (Alarms)…………156 5.2 Troubleshooting …………165 Chapter 1 5.3 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection .. -
Page 168: Protective Functions
5.1 Errors (Alarms) PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5 PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.1 Errors (Alarms) If any fault has occurred in the inverter, the corresponding protective function is activated to bring the inverter to an alarm stop and automatically give the corresponding error (alarm) indication on the optional control panel or the parameter unit display. If your fault does not correspond to any of the following errors or if you have any other problem, please contact your sales representative.
Page 169
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Panel Indication E. OC3 FR-PU04 OC During Dec Overcurrent shut-off during deceleration Name When the inverter output current reaches or exceeds approximately 200% of the rated current during deceleration Description (other than acceleration or constant speed), the protective circuit is activated to stop the inverter output. -
Page 170
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Panel Indication E. THM FR-PU04 Motor Overload Motor overload shut-off (electronic overcurrent protection) Name (Note 1) The electronic overcurrent protection in the inverter detects motor overheat due to overload or reduced cooling capability Description during constant-speed operation to stop the inverter output. When a multi-pole motor or two or more motors are run, provide a thermal relay in the output side of the inverter. -
Page 171
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Panel Indication E. BE FR-PU04 Br. Cct. Fault (Note) Brake transistor alarm detection (Note 2) Name If a brake transistor fault occurs due to excessively large regenerative energy from the motor, for example, that fault is Description detected to stop the inverter output. -
Page 172
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Panel Indication E.OPT FR-PU04 Option Fault Option alarm Name Stops the inverter output if the dedicated option used in the inverter results in setting error or connection (connector) fault. Description When the high power factor converter connection is selected, this alarm appears if an AC power supply is connected to L Check point Check that the plug-in option connector is plugged securely. -
Page 173
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Panel Indication E. LF FR-PU04 E. LF Output phase failure protection Name This function stops the inverter output if one of the three Description phases (U, V, W) on the inverter’s output side (load side) results in open phase. Check point Check the wiring (Check the motor for a fault.) Corrective action… -
Page 174
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS (3) Warnings Operation Panel Indication FR-PU04 OL (Stll Prev STP) Stall prevention (over current) Name During If a current of more than 150% (Note 4) of acceleration the rated inverter current flows in the motor, this function stops the increase in frequency until overload… -
Page 175
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Operation Panel Indication FR-PU04 Stall prevention (overvoltage) Name During If the regenerative energy of the motor deceleration increases too much to exceed the brake capability, this function stops the decrease Description in frequency to prevent overvoltage shut- off. As soon as the regenerative energy has reduced, deceleration resumes. -
Page 176: To Know The Operating Status At The Occurrence Of Alarm
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.1.2 To know the operating status at the occurrence of alarm When any alarm has occurred, the display automatically switches to the indication of the corresponding protective function (error). By pressing the key at this point MODE without resetting the inverter, the display shows the output frequency. In this way, it is possible to know the running frequency at the occurrence of the alarm.
Page 177: Troubleshooting
5.2 Troubleshooting PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.2 Troubleshooting POINT:Check the corresponding areas. If the cause is still unknown, it is recommended to initialize the parameters (return to factory settings), re-set the required parameter values, and check again. 5.2.1 Motor remains stopped (1)Check the main circuit Check that a proper power supply voltage is applied (control panel display is provided).
Page 178: Speed Greatly Differs From The Setting
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.2.3 Speed greatly differs from the setting Check that the frequency setting signal is correct. (Measure the input signal level.) Check that the following parameter settings are correct (Pr. 1, Pr. 2, Pr. 38, Pr. 39, Pr. 245, Pr. 902 to Pr. 905, Pr. 19). Check that the input signal lines are not affected by external noise.
Page 179: Operation Mode Is Not Changed Properly
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.2.8 Operation mode is not changed properly If the operation mode does not change correctly, check the following: 1. External input signal …Check that the STF or STR signal is off. When it is on, the operation mode cannot be changed. 2.
Page 180: Precautions For Maintenance And Inspection
5.3 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.3 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection The transistorized inverter is a static unit mainly consisting of semiconductor devices. Daily inspection must be performed to prevent any fault from occurring due to adverse influence by the operating environment, such as temperature, humidity, dust, dirt and vibration, changes in the parts with time, service life, and other factors.
Page 181: Insulation Resistance Test Using Megger
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.3.4 Insulation resistance test using megger (1)Before performing the insulation resistance test using a megger on the external circuit, disconnect the cables from all terminals of the inverter so that the test voltage is not applied to the inverter. (2)For the continuity test of the control circuit, use a meter (high resistance range) and do not use the megger or buzzer.
Page 182
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Daily and Periodic Inspection Interval Periodic* Inspection Description Method Criterion Instrument Item Ambient temperature: -10 C to +50 C, Thermo- Check ambient Surrounding non-freezing. meter, temperature, humidity, Refer to page 11. environment Ambient hygrometer, dust, dirt, etc. humidity: 90% recorder or less, non- condensing. -
Page 183
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Interval Periodic* Inspection Description Method Criterion Instrument Item (1) Auditory check. (1) No fault. (1) Check for chatter during operation. (2) Visual check. (2) No fault. Relay (2) Check for rough surface on contacts. (1) Check balance of (1) Measure voltage (1) Phase-to- output voltages… -
Page 184
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Checking the inverter and converter modules <Preparation> (1)Disconnect the external power supply cables (L ) and motor cables (U, V, (2)Prepare a meter. (Use 100 range.) <Checking method> Change the polarity of the meter alternately at the inverter terminals L U, V, W, + and , and check for continuity. -
Page 185: Replacement Of Parts
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.3.6 Replacement of parts The inverter consists of many electronic parts such as semiconductor devices. The following parts may deteriorate with age because of their structural or physical characteristics, leading to reduced performance or failure of the inverter. For preventive maintenance, the parts must be changed periodically.
Page 186
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Removal 1) Remove the front cover (refer to page 5). 2) Unplug the fan connector. The cooling fan is connected to the cooling fan connector beside the main circuit terminal block of the inverter. Fan connector 3) Remove the inverter and cooling fan. -
Page 187
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Reinstallation 1) After confirming the orientation of the fan, reinstall the fan to the AIR FLOW cover so that the arrow on the left of «AIR FLOW» faces in the opposite direction of the fan cover. Note: If the air flow is set in the wrong direction, the inverter life can be… -
Page 188
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS (2) Smoothing capacitors A large-capacity aluminum electrolytic capacitor is used for smoothing the DC in the main circuit, and an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is also used for stabilizing the control power in the control circuit. Their characteristics are adversely affected by ripple current, etc. When the inverter is operated in an ordinary, air-conditioned environment, change the capacitors about every 5 years. -
Page 189: Measurement Of Main Circuit Voltages, Currents And Powers
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS 5.3.7 Measurement of main circuit voltages, currents and powers Measurement of voltages and currents Since the voltages and currents on the inverter power supply and output sides include harmonics, accurate measurement depends on the instruments used and circuits measured. When instruments for commercial frequency are used for measurement, measure the following circuits using the instruments given on the next page.
Page 190
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS Measuring Points and Instruments Remarks Item Measuring Point Measuring Instrument (Reference Measured Value) Power supply Is the commercial power supply Moving-iron type AC voltage Across L within permissible variation of AC voltmeter (V1) voltage (Refer to page 179) Power supply side Moving-iron type AC current… -
Page 191: Specifications
CHAPTER 6 SPECIFICATIONS This chapter provides the «specifications» of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment 6.1 Standard Specifications ………. 179 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6…
Page 192: Standard Specifications
6.1 Standard Specifications SPECIFICATIONS 6 SPECIFICATIONS 6.1 Standard Specifications 6.1.1 Model specifications (1) 3-phase 400V power supply Type FR-E540- K-EC 0.75 Applicable motor capacity 0.75 (kW) (Note 1) Rated capacity (kVA) (Note 2) 13.0 Rated current (A) (Note 6) 1.6(1.4) 2.6(2.2) 4(3.8) 6(5.4) 9.5(8.7) 150% 60 seconds 200% 0.5 seconds Overload capacity…
Page 193
SPECIFICATIONS (2) Single-phase 200V power supply Type FR-E520S- K-EC 0.75 Applicable motor capacity 0.75 (kW) (Note 1) Rated capacity (kVA) (Note 2) 0.95 Rated output current (A) 150% 60 seconds 200% 0.5 seconds (inverse-time Overload capacity (Note 3) characteristics) Rated output voltage(Note 4) Three phase, 200V to 240V 50Hz/60Hz Rated input AC voltage, Single phase, 200V to 240V 50Hz/60Hz… -
Page 194: Common Specifications
SPECIFICATIONS 6.1.2 Common specifications Soft-PWM control/high carrier frequency PWM control can be selected. Control system V/F control or general-purpose magnetic flux vector control can be selected. Output frequency range 0.2 to 400Hz (starting frequency variable between 0 and 60Hz) Across terminals 2-5: 1/500 of maximum set frequency (5VDC input), Analog input 1/1000 (10VDC, 4-20mADC input).
Page 195
SPECIFICATIONS Maximum/minimum frequency setting, frequency jump operation, external thermal relay input selection, automatic restart operation after Operation functions instantaneous power failure, forward/reverse rotation prevention, slip compensation, operation mode selection, offline auto tuning function, PID control, computer link operation (RS-485). 2 open collector output signals can be selected from inverter running, up to frequency, frequency detection, overload alarm, zero current Operating status detection, output current detection, PID upper limit, PID lower limit, PID… -
Page 196: Outline Drawings
SPECIFICATIONS 6.1.3 Outline drawings FR-E540-0.4K, 0.75K, 1.5K, 2.2K, 3.7K-EC FR-E520S-0.4K, 0.75K, 1.5K, 2.2K-EC 2- 5 hole Inverter Type FR-E540-0.4K, 0.75K-EC 116 44 FR-E540-1.5K to 3.7K-EC 136 64 FR-E520S-0.4K, 0.75K-EC 136 64 FR-E520S-1.5K, 2.2K-EC 156 84 Cooling fan Note: There is no cooling fan in the FR-E540-0.4K, 0.75K-EC and FR-E520S-0.4K, 0.75K-EC.
Page 197
SPECIFICATIONS FR-E540-5.5K, 7.5K-EC 2- 5 hole Cooling fan (Unit: mm) -
Page 198: Appendix
APPENDIX A P P E N D I X This chapter provides «supplementary information» for use of this product. Always read the instructions before using the equipment. Appendix 1 Data Code List ………. 185…
Page 199: Appendix 1 Data Code List
APPENDIX 1 Data Code List APPENDIX Appendix 1 Data Code List Link Parameter Extension Data Code Func- Parameter Name Setting tion Number Read Write (Data Code 7F/FF) Torque boost Maximum frequency Minimum frequency Base frequency Multi-speed setting (high speed) Multi-speed setting (middle speed) Multi-speed setting (low speed) Acceleration time Deceleration time…
Page 200
Link Parameter Extension Data Code Func- Parameter Name Setting tion Number Read Write (Data Code 7F/FF) Up-to-frequency sensitivity Output frequency detection Output frequency detection for reverse rotation Second acceleration/deceleration time Second deceleration time Second torque boost Second V/F (base frequency) Second electronic overcurrent protection Control panel/PU main display… -
Page 201
Link Parameter Extension Data Code Func- Parameter Name Setting tion Number Read Write (Data Code 7F/FF) Motor capacity Motor exciting current Rated motor voltage Rated motor frequency Motor constant (R1) Auto-tuning setting/status Station number Communication speed Stop bit length/data length Parity check presence/absence Number of communication retries Communication check time… -
Page 202
Link Parameter Extension Data Code Func- Parameter Name Setting tion Number Read Write (Data Code 7F/FF) RL terminal function selection RM terminal function selection RH terminal function selection MRS terminal function selection RUN terminal function selection FU terminal function selection A, B, C terminal function selection Multi-speed setting (speedMulti-speed setting (speed 9)
002 — Allen Bradley PowerFlex4 Руководство пользователя (94)_rus.pdf 1.19 MB
Руководство пользователя на русском языке 94 страницы.
003 — ALTIVAR 18 Инструкция (31)_rus.pdf 453.74 KB
Инструкция к частотным преобразователям «ALTIVAR 18 » на русском языке 31 страница.
003 — ALTIVAR 18 Руководство (127)_eng.pdf 804.83 KB
Руководство по эксплуатации ALTIVAR 18 на английском языке 127 страниц.
003 — ALTIVAR 28 — Руководство по эксплуатации (48)_rus 860.81 KB
Руководство по эксплуатации для частотного преобразователя «Altivar 28». На русском языке 48 страниц.
003 — ALTIVAR 31 — Руководство по программированию (77)_rus.pdf 1.82 MB
Инструкция по программированию инвертора Altivar 31. На русском языке 77 страниц.
003 — ALTIVAR 31- Руководство по эксплуатации (17)_rus.pdf 689.52 KB
Руководство по эксплуатации и схема подключения для инверторов Altivar 31. На русском языке 17 страниц.
003 — ALTIVAR 312 Руководство по программированию (120)_rus 2.4 MB
Руководство по программированию частотного преобразователя ALTIVAR 312. а русском языке 120 страниц.
003 — ALTIVAR 58 — каталог и тамже размеры и вес (97)_rus 1.95 MB
Каталог. Там можна найти размеры и вес частотника. Всего 97 страниц на русском языке.
003 — ALTIVAR58 — руководство по программированию (59)_rus 1.93 MB
Руководство по программированию частотника ALTIVAR 58. На русском языке 59 страниц.
004 — Danfoss VLT 2800 Manua(120)_rus.pdf 3.1 MB
Руководство к частотному преобразователю Danfoss VLT 2800. На русском языке 120 страниц.
004 — DANFOSS VLT5000 (223)_rus 8.17 MB
Инструкция на русском языке
004 — Инструкция по эксплуатации_FC300(98)_rus .pdf 3.31 MB
Инструкция по эксплуатации к частотному преобразователю DANFOOS FC300. На русском языке 98 страниц.
004 — Руководство для проэктирования_FC300 (196)_rus.pdf 3.33 MB
Руководство для проэктирования к частному преобразователю DANFOOS FC300. На русском языке 196 страниц.
004 — Руководство по программированию_FC300(219)_rus.pdf 4.52 MB
Руководство по программированию к частотному преобразователю DANFOOS FC300. На русском языке 219 страниц.
006 — FUJI AF300 E11 Manual (146)_engl 2.01 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю FUJI AF300 E11 на английском языке 146 страниц (отдельно есть перевод параметров на русском языке)
006 — FUJI AF300E$ (Instruction book GEI_100211G) (134)_engl 1.02 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю FUJI AF-300E$ GE на английском языке 134 страницы. Отдельно на русском языке есть таблица праметров для программирования преобразователя.
006 — FUJI FRENIC FRN-G11S (188)_rus 3.67 MB
Инструкция на русском языке 188 страниц к частотнику FUJI FRN-G11S
006 — FUJI FRENIC 5000G9S_P9S Инструкция (128)_engl 16.21 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю FUJI FRENIC 5000G9S_P9S. На английском языке 128 страниц
006 — FUJI FRENIC 5000P9S (101)_немец 2.21 MB
Инструкция к частотнику FUJI FRENIC 5000P9S на немецком языке — 101 страница.
007 — HITACHI L100 Manual (163)_engl 3.38 MB
HITACHI L100 Instruction Manual на английском языке 163 страницы.
007 — HITACHI L100 Инструкция (76)_rus 1.02 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю HITACHI L100 на русском языке 76 страниц.
007 — HITACHI L200 Инструкция (276)_rus 6.5 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю HITACHI L200 на русском языке 276 страниц.
007 — HITACHI L200 Руководство по эксплуатации (124)_rus 2.23 MB
HITACHI L200 Руководство по эксплуатации 124 страницы на Русском языке.
007 — HITACHI J300 — Инструкция по эксплуатации (109)_rus 1.39 MB
Инструкция по эксплуатации к частотному преобразователю HITAGHI J300 на русском языке 109 страниц.
007 — HITACHI L100 Инструкция (76)_rus 1.02 MB
Инструкция для частотного преобразователя HITACHI L100 на русском языке 76 страниц.
007 — Hitachi L300P Руководство (103)_rus.pdf 2.4 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю HITACHI L300P на русском языке.
007 — HITACHI SJ100 Instruction manual (213)_engl 5.02 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю HITACHI SJ100 на английском языке 213 страниц.
007 — HITACHI SJ300 Manual (130)_rus 2.15 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю Hitachi SJ300 на русском языке.
007 — HITCHI J300 Instruction Manual (130)_engl 693.04 KB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю HITCHI J300 на английском языке 130 страниц.
009 — LENZE SMD инструкция по эксплуатации (24)_rus 1.29 MB
Инструкция на русском языке 24 страницы.
011 — Magnetek GPD 505 Manual (151)_eng 2.03 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю Magnetek GPD 505 на английском языке 151 страница.
011 — Magnetek GPD205 Техническое реководство (88)_eng.pdf 905.9 KB
Техническое руководство по частотным преобразователям Magnetek GPD205. Файл на английском языке из 88 страниц.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR_A240 Инструкция (124)_eng.pdf 8.41 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю Mitsubishi FR-A240E на английском языке 128странец. При необходимости могу сделать таблицу настроек параметров на русском.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-A044 — Инструкция (167)_eng.pdf 9.28 MB
Инструкция к частотным преобразователям серии MITSUBISHI FR-A044, на английском языке 167 страниц.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-A044 Руководство (167)_eng.pdf 9.28 MB
Инструкция на частотные преобразователи MITSUBISHI FR-A044. На английском языке 167 страниц.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-A500 Инструкция (186)_rus.pdf 2.56 MB
Инструкция на русском языке из 186 страниц
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-E500 Инструкция (194)_rus.pdf 2.8 MB
Инструкция на русском языке, 194 страницы.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-E520 ( E540 ) Руководство по эксплуатации (278)_rus.pdf 4.5 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации частотных преобразователей Mitsubishi FR-E520 (E540). На русском языке 278 страниц.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-E700 Руководство по установке (28)_rus.pdf 1.2 MB
Руководство по установке к частотному преобразователю MITSUBISHI FR E740. На русском языке 28 страниц.
012 — Mitsubishi FR-E700_Руководство (310)_eng.pdf 17.87 MB
Инструкция к частотным преобразователям Mitsubishi FR-E700. Файл на английском языке из 310 страниц.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-F700 руководство по установке(24)_rus 1.09 MB
Руководство по установке частотного преобразователя MITSUBISHI FR-F700. На русском языке 24 страницы.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-F740 руководство по эксплуатации(506)_rus 13.83 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации частотного преобразователя MITSUBISHI FR-F740 . На русском языке 506 страниц.
012 — MITSUBISHI FR-S500 (E500)(F700)(A700) — Руководство для начинающего (108)_rus.pdf 2.71 MB
Руководство для начинаючего. На русском языке 108 страниц.
012 — Mitsubishi FR-S500 Руководство по эксплуатации (84)_rus.pdf 1.72 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации частотных преобразователей Mitsubishi FR-S500. Файл на русском языке, 84 страницы.
015 — IDM G5+SERIES Руководство пользователя_engl.pdf 1.75 MB
Руководство пользователя на английском языке.
015 — OMRON 3G3JV SYSDRIVE_Руководство пользователя (161)_rus.pdf 2.08 MB
Руководство пользователя на частотные преобразователи OMRON 3G3JV. Текст на русском языке 161 страница.
015 — OMRON F7 Быстрый старт (146p) (169)_rus.pdf 5.29 MB
015 — OMRON F7 Quick start(146p) (169)_rus.pdf
015 — OMRON F7 Руководство по эксплуатации (367)_rus.pdf 9.68 MB
Руководство по експлуатации на русском языке (367 страниц).
015 — OMRON V7 Руководство пользователя (247)_rus.pdf 5.32 MB
Руководство пользователя по Инверторам OMRON V7 на русском языке 247страниц.
015 — OMRON VS Mini J7 Руководство пользователя (176)_rus.pdf 3.1 MB
Руководство пользователя на русскоя языке 176 страниц.
016 — SAFTRONICS FP5_GP5 Руководство (101)_eng.pdf 5.23 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации на английском языке 101 страница. (Дополнительно имеется таблица настройки параметров на русском языке).
016 — Saftronics FP5- GP5 Техническое руководство (108)_eng.pdf 1.31 MB
Техническое руководство на английском языке 108 страниц.
016 — Saftronics PC7 Руководство (225)_eng.pdf 2.19 MB
Руководство к частотному преобразователю SAFTRONICS PC7. На английском языке 225 страниц. На русском языке можно почитать инструкцию от частотного преобразователя OMRON V7. Эти частотники очень похожи друг на друга.
017 — Combivert F4C Руководство по программированию (278)_rus 8.16 MB
Siemens Combivert KEB F4C — Руководство по программированию на русском языке 278 страниц.
017 — MIKROMASTER MM440 Руководство по эксплуатации(140)_rus 5.85 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации к частотному преобразователю Siemens MM440 на русском языке 140 страниц.
017 — MM440_Описание параметров (169)_rus 2.04 MB
Описание параметров к частотному преобразователю Siemens Micromaster MM440. На русском языке 169 страниц.
017 — SIEMENS MM420 — Руководство по эксплуатации (130)_rus 6.87 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации к частотному преобразователю SIEMENS MM420. На русском языке 130 страниц.
017 — Siemens SED2 Руководство (81)_rus 2.1 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю Siemens SED2 81 страница на Русском языке.
019 — TOSHIBA G3 (134)_eng.pdf 1.64 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю «Toshiba G3» на английском языке.
019 — Toshiba Tosvert VF-S11 Инструкция (258)_rus 3.79 MB
Toshiba Tosvert VF-S11 Инструкция 258 страниц на русском языке
019 — TOSHIBA VF-S9 (198)_engl 4 MB
TOSHIBA VF-S9 инструкция на английском языке 198 страниц.
020 -COMMANDER SK — Расширенное руководство пользователя (202)_rus.PDF 5.68 MB
Расширенное руководство пользователя, на русском языке 202 страницы.
020 — Commder_SE Руководство пользователя (86)_rus 1.19 MB
Руководство пользователя к частотному преобразователю CONTROL TECHNIQUES COMANDER SE на русском языке 86 страниц.
020 — Commder_SE Руководство пользователя (86)_rus 1.19 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю COMANDER SE фирмы CONTROL TECHNIQUES. На русском языке 86 страниц.
022 — Yaskawa P7 Руководство пользователя (252)_eng.pdf 3.85 MB
Руководство пользователя на частотные преобразователи Yaskawa P7. Состоит из 252 страниц на английском языке
022 — Yaskawa VS-606 V7 Краткая инструкция (23)_rus .pdf 3.66 MB
Краткая инструкция на русском языке к частотным преобразователям Yaskawa VS-606 V7.
022 — YASKAWA F7 Руководство по эксплуатации (374)_rus.pdf 6.95 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации YASKAWA F7 на русском языке 374 страницы.
022 — Yaskawa GPD315 V7 Руководство (162)_eng.pdf 2.13 MB
Руководство на частотные преобразователи «Yaskawa GPD315 V7». На английском языке 162 страницы.
022 — Yaskawa GPD506_P5 Техническое руководство (168)_eng 3.68 MB
Техническое руководство к частотным преобразователям серии GPD506/P5 фирм Yaskawa и Magnetek (168 страниц на английском языке)
022 — Yaskawa J7 Техническое руководство (96)_eng 3.21 MB
Техническое руководство к инверторам серии J7. На английском языке 96 страниц.
022 — Yaskawa V7 and V74X Drives Техническое руководство (155)_eng.pdf 2.45 MB
Руководство по експлуатации к частотным преобразователям Yaskawa V7, на английском языке 155страниц. Очень похожая на нее, Инструкция к частному преобразователю OMRON V7 (на русском языке), отличается только некоторыми параметрами. Инструкция на OMRON находится в вкладке «ИНСТРУКЦИИИ ПОЧАСТОТНИКАМ».
022 — Yaskawa V7 and V74X Инструкция (64)_eng.pdf 3.44 MB
Инструкция на частотные преобразователи серии Yaskawa V7 and V74X. На английском языке 64 страницы.
022 — Yaskawa V7 and V74X Руководство (158)_eng.pdf 2.23 MB
Инструкция к частотным преобразователям Yaskawa V7, на английском языке 158страниц. Очень похожая на нее, Инструкция к частному преобразователю OMRON V7 (на русском языке), отличается только некоторыми параметрами.
022 — YASKAWA V7 Инструкция по быстрому запуску (29)_rus.pdf 3.57 MB
Руководство по быстрому запуску частотных преобразователей » YASKAWA V7 «, на русском языке 29 страниц.
022 — Yaskawa VS Mini J7 Инструкция (117)_eng.pdf 2.06 MB
Инструкция на частотные преобразователи » Yaskawa VS Mini J7 «. Состоит из 117страниц на англйском языке
022 — Yaskawa VS Mini Руководство (77)_eng.pdf 2.95 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации частотных преобразователей Yaskawa VS Mini. Файдл на английском языке 77 страниц.
022 — Yaskawa VS mini, J7 and V7 Инструкция (76)_eng.pdf 2.64 MB
Инструкция на частотные преобразователи Yaskawa VS mini, J7 and V7. На английском языке 76 страниц.
022 — Yaskawa VS-606 V7 Инструкция (174)_eng.pdf 1.75 MB
Инструкция на частотные преобразователи Yaskawa VS-606 V7. На английском языке 174 страницы.
022 — Yaskawa VS-606-V7 Руководство (166)_eng.pdf 3.96 MB
Руководство по експлуатации к частотным преобразователям Yaskawa VS, на английском языке 166страниц. Очень похожая на нее, Инструкция к частному преобразователю OMRON VS (на русском языке), отличается только некоторыми параметрами. Инструкция на OMRON находится в вкладке «ИНСТРУКЦИИИ ПОЧАСТОТНИКАМ».
023 — NORDAC SK 700E Руководство по эксплуатации (120)_rus 14.63 MB
Руководство по эксплуатации к частотному преобразователю NORDAC SK 700E на русскоя языке 120 страниц.
028 — INVT CHE100_manual (125)_engl 1.86 MB
Инструкция к частотному преобразователю INVT CHE100 125 страниц на Английском языке.
028 — INVT CHE100_manual (125)_engl 1.86 MB
Инструкция на английском языке 125 страниц.
028 — INVT CHF100 (42)_rus 1.48 MB
Краткая инструкция к частотному преобразователю INVT CHF100 на Русском языке.
030 — Drivecon XT Series Instruktion Manual (120)_engl 2.76 MB
Drivecon XT Series. Инструкция на английском языке 120 страниц. На русском языке имеется много инструкций для частотника VACON, это тоже самое.
030 — Drivecon XT Service Manual (59)_engl 2.12 MB
Drivecon XT. Service Manual (59)_engl.
030 — VACON — Преобразователи чачтоты серии NXP-C (108)_rus 3.63 MB
Преобразователи чачтоты VACON серии NXP/C. На русском языке 108 страниц.
030 — VACON NX Руководство по прикладным программам (266)_rus 3.55 MB
VACON NX. Руководство по прикладным программам на русском языке 266 страниц.
800 — EFECTOR500 PN-2224 — датчик давления 10атм (4)_rus 100.77 KB
EFECTOR500 PN-2224 — датчик давления
800 — EFECTOR500 PN-2224 — Инструкция по эксплуатации (20)_rus.PDF 367.92 KB
Инструкция по эксплуатации к датчику давления (регулятору давления) EFECTOR500 PN-2224. На русском языке 20 страниц.
801 — XMLG_каталог датчиков 710.74 KB
Характеристики датчиков серии XMLG
997 — Файл настроек частотника FR-E540 616 B
Файл с параметрами для частотника Mitsubishi FR-E540. Открывается программой «VFD Setup 3.11 «. Частотник настроен для работы в амплитудно-частотном режиме от сети 380В. Тепловая защита двигателя отключена. Режим управления терминальный (т.е. от внешних выключателей и потенциометра). Максимальная частота 50Гц. Время разгона/торможения 5 сек.
998 — Как подключить частотник FR-E540 к порту RS485 881.12 KB
Как подключить частотник FR-E540 к порту RS485
999 — Что такое частотник и зачем он нужен.mht 203.19 KB
Эта статья для людей, чья специальность не предполагает глубоких знаний в области электропривода, но в силу обстоятельств которые вынуждены с ним столкнуться. Здесь можно будет найти некоторые ответы на вопросы что такое частотник и как устроен электродвигатель.
Преобразователь частоты Mitsubishi FR-E540-1,5 K EC 1,5кВт 380В
Преобразователи частоты Mitsubishi Electric компактной серии FR-E500
Благодаря великолепным возможностям и функциональному набору, преобразователи частоты Mitsubishi Electric FR-E500 (до 7,5 кВт) получили очень широкое распространение практически во всех отраслях промышленности. Преобразователи имеют автоматическое адаптивное векторное управление, которое позволяет сохранить момент на низких оборотах двигателя.
Встроенный интерфейс RS-485 позволяет включить в сеть до 32 преобразователей.
Поддерживаются сети: Profibus/DP, DeviceNet and CC-Link.
— Диапазон выходных частот: 0,2 — 400 Гц
— Векторное управление с автоматической настройкой на двигатель
— 15 программируемых установок скорости
— Перегрузка по току 150 % в течение 1 мин
— Встроенный ПИД-регулятор
— Встроенный тормозной транзистор
— Встроенный интерфейс RS485
— Насосы и вентиляторы
— Упаковочные и дозирующие машины
— Обрабатывающи станки
— Конвейеры и транспортеры
— Текстильные станки
— Мешалки
— Эскалаторы
— Лебедки
— Экструдеры
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Консультации и помощь по вопросам эксплуатации
Монтаж и пусконаладка
Доставим товар и проведем пусконаладочные работы оборудования.
Обучение и инструктаж при запуске.
Модернизация оборудования
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Установка оборудования.
Гарантийное обслуживание и ремонт
Устранение в течение гарантийного срока эксплуатации дефектов и неисправностей.
Подробнее в разделе «Гарантийное обслуживание».
Преобразователь частоты Mitsubishi FR-E540-1,5 K EC 1,5кВт 380В(0) — Гарантия 1 год
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Пример стоимости отправки: до г. Санкт-Петербурга, не более 30 кг – 600р. (Деловые линии, 1-2 дня).
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