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Подключение к ПЛК Schneider Electric TSX Micro и TSX Premium
demonlibra » 31 май 2012 19:23
Для подключения к ПЛК Schneider Electric TSX Micro и TSX Premium необходимо следующее:
— ПК или ноутбук с портом USB;
— конвертер (USB/RS 485 converter) — модель TSX CUSB 485;
— кабель (mini-DIN/RJ45 cordset) — модель TSX CRJMD 25;
— программа PL7 JUNIOR (для подключения к TSX Micro) или PL7 PRO (для подключения к TSX Premium).
Не бойся поломать. Бойся не починить ))
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Подключение к ПЛК Schneider Electric TSX Micro и TSX Premium
demonlibra » 04 ноя 2019 21:32
I try to explain situation.
In FLASHDRIVE (data store without power) of PLC store special program for your machine.
This program working with many parameters. This parameters store in memory ROM (always need power from power supply or battery).
If battery is dead and you switched off the machine this ROM is cleared.
Ussualy this parameters can be entered from control panel of the machine. Maybe you need password to enter parameters.
To repair the machine, Now you need to get this special parameters and maybe password. You have two way:
1. send request to your dealer
2. try to find the same machine (exactly the same) in work condition to see all parameters
Не бойся поломать. Бойся не починить ))
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- Зарегистрирован: 02 июл 2017 20:43
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 05 мар 2018, 16:51
Передо мной стоит задача обслуживать оборудование под управлением ПЛК Modicon Micro TSX.
С контроллерами ScE сразу скажу, что незнаком. Сейчас делаю первые шаги в unityPro, многое понятно, т.к. опыт работы с АСУТП на базе Siemens имеется. Да и информации в сети много.
а вот по PL7 маловато…
что я уже смог понять — для работы с Micro нужен софт PL7 Pro или PL7 Micro; нужен специальный кабель (как он верно называется?). Больше информации не нарыл, но судя по картинкам в сети интерфейс и подход похож на Unity Pro.
прошу помощи в том, чтобы сделать первые шаги.
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Modicon Micro TSX
arman9414 » 06 мар 2018, 08:55
Данный момент PL7 новый ОС не поддерживается и из производство тоже сняли. Если вопросы будет могу помочь
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Modicon Micro TSX
berrter » 06 мар 2018, 09:50
PL7 Pro + WIN XP(под WIN7 не работает драйвер менеджер )+CD-DRIVER_V26 + кабель USB-RS485 почти любой ,лучше на FTDI.Фирменный собран на FTDI
,но он не имеет гальванической развязки -и это за деньги отличные от цены noname кабелей.+терпения ,связь драйвера с PLC иногда очень трудно настроить .
В эксплуатации у нас около 15 TSX3722 некоторым по 9 лет.Небольшие доработки программ ,анализ неисправностей + написание своих
усовершенствований и доработка электросхем .
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 07 мар 2018, 13:50
berrter писал(а): ↑06 мар 2018, 09:50связь драйвера с PLC иногда очень трудно настроить
более подробно можно?
самое интересное — какой там интерфейс в плк — 485 или 232??
нашлись два кабеля, пробовал обоими — никак. система — все-таки 7-ка, драйвер юнител стоит, также стоит юнити про. контроллер правда — премиум.
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- Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2018, 13:41
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Modicon Micro TSX
berrter » 07 мар 2018, 15:10
485 PL7 PRO (под WIN7 не работает драйвер менеджер ) сам драйвер работает -не работает менеджер для его настройки
добьёшься сообщения ”Not possible to establish the physical link with PC address SYS via driver UNITELW01″ тогда и пиши
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Modicon Micro TSX
agent_serg » 07 мар 2018, 21:28
Помнится, были танцы с бубном вокруг Unitelway драйвера и кабеля.
На кабеле есть переключатель TER/DIRECT. Его надо угадать.
Драйвер, устанавливаемый с PL7 я удалял (он не работал) и ставил из драйвер-пака.
Под Win7 x86 всё работает.
На одной из ответственных установок TSX Micro 3722 работает с 2004 года.
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 08 мар 2018, 09:14
berrter писал(а): ↑07 мар 2018, 15:10тогда и пиши
а сейчас нельзя писать?
так, что сейчас имеем. Имеем Премиум (про микро пока забыли). Имеем кабель. я не знаю, что это за кабель, но им на другой установке подключен премиум к операторскому компу, поэтому я решил, что это то, что нужно. есть ноут с юнити про и ОС вин7. на ноуте также установлен драйвер юнител.
соединяю комп и плк, на кабеле появляется некая индикация. в юнити выбираю в настройках связи драйвер юнител, пробую установить связь — нет связи.
вопросы — можно ли работать с юнити про или нужен именно PL7? какие конкретно настройки и где нужно выставлять?
ну спрашивать тот это или не тот кабель глупо, его никто кроме меня не видел…
- завсегдатай
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Modicon Micro TSX
ogorsv » 08 мар 2018, 22:36
Добрый день!
1. Premium может иметь прошивку под Unity или под PL7.Перепрошить ПЛК можно с помощью OS Loader.
2. Кабель для подключения по Unitelway или TSXPCX1031, TSXPCX3030, или TSXCUSB485 c «хвостиком» TSXCRJMD25. Пытаться подключаться самопалом я бы не стал.
3. Подключение через драйвер Unitelway можно проверить в Driver Manager.
4. В Москве есть Центр обучения Schneider Electric. Приезжайте на обучение)
С уважением,
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 13 мар 2018, 14:34
berrter писал(а): ↑06 мар 2018, 09:50CD-DRIVER_V26
если бы еще кто подсказал, где эту версию дров найти. за половину рабочего дня поисков результат нулевой.
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- Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2018, 13:41
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Modicon Micro TSX
berrter » 13 мар 2018, 16:17
и всё-таки они существуют
постараюсь сегодня выложить куда нибудь
кстати ,это не панацея -не факт что поможет
хотя у нас сотрудники ставили под win7 на виртуальную машину XP
Это заняло не один день.
Скрины с моего компа под XP.
У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.
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- Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2018, 13:41
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 14 мар 2018, 08:17
agent_serg, berrter, спасибо за ссылки. но установленный с них драйверменеджер — v2.0 IE10. на скринах же видно, что версия v2.6… в этом ли дело или нет, но на ХР и на 7-ке 32 разряда не могу установить XWAY Test соединение.
Самое обидное, что Шнайдер по этому поводу ничего официально не говорит. на сайте лежат такие же дрова, как я пробовал ставить (НЕ 2.6).
Безвыходная ситуация
добавляю через полчаса — теперь у меня на ноуте точно такие же версии драйвера и менеджера, но результат прежний. значит нужно играться настройками ком-порта и драйвера?
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Modicon Micro TSX
agent_serg » 14 мар 2018, 15:42
franzferdinand писал(а): ↑14 мар 2018, 08:17значит нужно играться настройками ком-порта и драйвера?
COM-порт точно не настраивал, да и Unitelway-драйвер не трогал.
Каким кабелем соединяетесь?
У нас кабель воткнут в разъём TER контроллера, а переключатель на кабеле в положениии «0».
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- Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2018, 13:41
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Modicon Micro TSX
berrter » 14 мар 2018, 15:56
TER и AUX равнозначны -только на AUX вроде есть опторазвязка
только-что проверял на обоих портах под XP
если кабель нефирменный можно попробовать включить FORCE VIRTUAL COM PORT в настройках драйвера
у меня DTECH-5019 (хотя есть фирменный),на коленке собрал -два проводка под клеммы и в AUX
всё работает
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 14 мар 2018, 16:44
мужики, я пока до прибора даже не ходил, я сейчас пробую только лишь XWAY test. не соединяется.
berrter писал(а): ↑14 мар 2018, 15:56
на коленке собрал -два проводка под клеммы и в AUX
всё работает
я правильно понимаю, что в разъеме TER достаточно использовать лишь клеммы 1 и 2 (A и В)?
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- Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2018, 13:41
- Имя: Андрей
Modicon Micro TSX
berrter » 14 мар 2018, 16:51
А с чем хочешь соединиться ?
без ПЛК ничего никуда не соединиться
да достаточно А и В -желательно GND
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 15 мар 2018, 08:37
berrter, ну вообще хочу соединяться с премиумами и микро. но сейчас пробую на столе — в юсб вставляю переходник юсб-485 МОХА, он определяется как ком-порт-1, и я пробую сделать XWAY test соединение без контроллера. вроде в видео-примерах показывают, что тестовое соединение можно сделать без прибора.
Последний раз редактировалось franzferdinand 15 мар 2018, 10:07, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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- Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2018, 13:41
- Имя: Андрей
Modicon Micro TSX
berrter » 15 мар 2018, 09:21
проверить УЖЕ не могу -XP приказала долго жить
но вроде как не должно
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- Имя: Антон
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Modicon Micro TSX
franzferdinand » 19 апр 2018, 11:06
Дошли руки до этой задачи.
Получается соединиться и с микро, и с премиумом. И на ВинХР, и на 32-разрядной семерке… Дрова тоже НЕ те, про которые здесь пишут, а какие-то из комплекта установки ПЛ7Про.
Дело в переходнике было. Взял ДИН-штекер, преобразователь МОХА 1130 — и сразу все ок. с безымянным китайским адаптером 485-ЮСБ тоже все ок.
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Modicon Micro TSX
Jackson » 30 май 2018, 16:40
На заметку (информация из памяти, мало ли пригодится).
Подключался к Микро при помощи кабеля TSX-PCU-1030, к слову тот же кабель подходит и для старинного Nano (которых наверное и вживых-то уже не осталось). Кабель шёл в комплекте с ПЛ7. Однако, в какой-то момент при установке на очередной ПК с более новой XP кабель не заработал, проблема с драйверами, перебор разных драйверов результата не дал. Оказалось, что шнайдер с тех пор выпустил новый кабель — TSX-PCX-1031, универсальный и для Nano и для Micro и для Premium и не только для ПЛ7, и новые драйверы разрабатывались уже под него, и с этими драйверами работал и «старый» TSX-PCU-1030 тоже. Этот «новый» кабель у меня даже где-то лежит, с переключателем (новым он был лет так 10-15 назад), им я работал даже из-под вин98, Ме, NT, 2000 и естественно XP. Более поздние операционки не пробовал.
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- ↳ Для дома, для семьи
- ↳ Комната смеха
- ↳ Электродвижение

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000460 AC (перемен.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 8
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000460 AC (перемен.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 8
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 24 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: да
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 24 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV000494 Нет (без)
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 12
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 9 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0.1 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 12
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 24 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: да
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 24 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV000494 Нет (без)
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 32
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 7 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0.1 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 4
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000509 AC/DC (перемен./постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000509 AC/DC (перемен./постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 24 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 10 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV000511 Реле
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 3 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 8
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 10 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 8
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV003968 Плоский штекерный разъем
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 8
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000460 AC (перемен.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 32
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 32
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV003968 Плоский штекерный разъем
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: —
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 0 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 0 В
Тип цифров. выхода: —
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 0 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 8
Количество цифров. входов: 8
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 0 мА
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000509 AC/DC (перемен./постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000460 AC (перемен.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 24 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: да
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 100 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 10 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV000511 Реле
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 3 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 12
Количество цифров. входов: 16
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 11 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 9 мс

Тип подключения: EV005753 Соединение с винтовым-/пружинным зажимом
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000509 AC/DC (перемен./постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 24 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: да
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 24 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 10 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV000511 Реле
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: нет
Выход. ток: 3 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 12
Количество цифров. входов: 16
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 11 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0.1 мс

Тип подключения: EV003968 Плоский штекерный разъем
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 24 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 24 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 24 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV001529
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: да
Выход. ток: 0.5 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 12
Количество цифров. входов: 16
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 7 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0.1 мс

Тип подключения: EV003968 Плоский штекерный разъем
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на входе: 19 В
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 19 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV001529
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: да
Выход. ток: 0.5 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 12
Количество цифров. входов: 16
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 7 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0.1 мс

Тип подключения: EV003968 Плоский штекерный разъем
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 24 В
Конфигурируемые цифров. выходы: нет
Конфигурируемые цифров. входы: нет
Предельно допуст. напряжение на выходе: 19 В
Тип цифров. выхода: EV001529
Возможна защита выходов от короткого замыкания: да
Выход. ток: 0.1 А
Количество цифров. выходов: 32
Количество цифров. входов: 32
Ток на входе на сигнале 1: 3.5 мА
Задержка при обмене сигналом: 0.1 мс

Тип подключения: EV000415 Винтовое соединение
Высота: 165 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 160 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности: да
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Количество аналог. входов: 4
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Вход, ток: нет
Вход, напряжение: нет
Вход, термопара: да
Выход, по току: нет

8 АНАЛОГ.ВХ., 0-10V/±10V, 12БИТ

Тип подключения: EV000415 Винтовое соединение
Высота: 165 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 160 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности: да
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Количество аналог. входов: 8
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Вход, ток: нет
Вход, напряжение: да
Вход, термопара: нет
Выход, по току: нет

Тип подключения: EV000415 Винтовое соединение
Высота: 165 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 160 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности: да
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Количество аналог. входов: 8
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Вход, ток: да
Вход, напряжение: нет
Вход, термопара: нет
Выход, по току: нет

Тип подключения: EV000415 Винтовое соединение
Высота: 165 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 160 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности: да
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Количество аналог. входов: 4
Количество аналог. выходов: 2
Вход, ток: да
Вход, напряжение: да
Вход, термопара: нет
Выход, по току: да

2 АНАЛОГ. ВЫХ., ±10V, 0-20MA/4-20MA

Тип механического компонента: EV000154 Прочее
Тип документации: EV009274
Тип электрического компонента: EV000154 Прочее

4 АНАЛОГ. ВЫХ., 0-10V/±10V, 11БИТ+ЗНАК

Тип механического компонента: EV000154 Прочее
Тип документации: EV009274
Тип электрического компонента: EV000154 Прочее

Высота: 90 мм
Ширина: 54 мм
Глубина: 95 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности:
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1:
SIL согл. IEC 61508:
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000154 Прочее
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000154 Прочее
Категория согл. EN 954-1:
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib):
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia):
Подходит для контроля температуры: Нет
Возможно позиционирование одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого позиционирования: Нет
Возможен контроль одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого контроля: Нет
Подходит для подвижного отрезного станка: Нет
Подходит для управления камерой: Нет
Подходит для управления маршрутом: Нет
Подходит для измерения потока: Нет
Возможен контроль потока: Нет
Подходит для определения абсолютного значения: Да
Подходит для определения данных приращений: Да
Подходит для ЧПУ:
Доступна функция электронного позиционирования:
Подходит для SSI:
Подходит для NC:
Подходит для контроля давления: Нет
Подходит для контроля сварки: Нет
Подходит для взвешивания: Нет
Подходит для счета: Да
Количество функций:

Высота: 90 мм
Ширина: 54 мм
Глубина: 95 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности:
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1:
SIL согл. IEC 61508:
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000154 Прочее
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000154 Прочее
Категория согл. EN 954-1:
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib):
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia):
Подходит для контроля температуры: Нет
Возможно позиционирование одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого позиционирования: Нет
Возможен контроль одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого контроля: Нет
Подходит для подвижного отрезного станка: Нет
Подходит для управления камерой: Нет
Подходит для управления маршрутом: Нет
Подходит для измерения потока: Нет
Возможен контроль потока: Нет
Подходит для определения абсолютного значения: Да
Подходит для определения данных приращений: Да
Подходит для ЧПУ:
Доступна функция электронного позиционирования:
Подходит для SSI:
Подходит для NC:
Подходит для контроля давления: Нет
Подходит для контроля сварки: Нет
Подходит для взвешивания: Нет
Подходит для счета: Да
Количество функций:

Высота: 90 мм
Ширина: 54 мм
Глубина: 95 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности:
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1:
SIL согл. IEC 61508:
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000154 Прочее
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000154 Прочее
Категория согл. EN 954-1:
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib):
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia):
Подходит для контроля температуры: Нет
Возможно позиционирование одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого позиционирования: Нет
Возможен контроль одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого контроля: Нет
Подходит для подвижного отрезного станка: Нет
Подходит для управления камерой: Нет
Подходит для управления маршрутом: Нет
Подходит для измерения потока: Нет
Возможен контроль потока: Нет
Подходит для определения абсолютного значения: Да
Подходит для определения данных приращений: Да
Подходит для ЧПУ:
Доступна функция электронного позиционирования:
Подходит для SSI:
Подходит для NC:
Подходит для контроля давления: Нет
Подходит для контроля сварки: Нет
Подходит для взвешивания: Нет
Подходит для счета: Да
Количество функций:

Высота: 90 мм
Ширина: 54 мм
Глубина: 95 мм
Подходит для функций безопасности:
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1:
SIL согл. IEC 61508:
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000154 Прочее
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000154 Прочее
Категория согл. EN 954-1:
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib):
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia):
Подходит для контроля температуры: Нет
Возможно позиционирование одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого позиционирования: Нет
Возможен контроль одной оси: Нет
Подходит для многоосевого контроля: Нет
Подходит для подвижного отрезного станка: Нет
Подходит для управления камерой: Нет
Подходит для управления маршрутом: Нет
Подходит для измерения потока: Нет
Возможен контроль потока: Нет
Подходит для определения абсолютного значения: Да
Подходит для определения данных приращений: Да
Подходит для ЧПУ:
Доступна функция электронного позиционирования:
Подходит для SSI:
Подходит для NC:
Подходит для контроля давления: Нет
Подходит для контроля сварки: Нет
Подходит для взвешивания: Нет
Подходит для счета: Да
Количество функций:

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Тип механического компонента: EV000154 Прочее
Тип документации: EV009274
Тип электрического компонента: EV000154 Прочее

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Тип механического компонента:
Тип документации:
Тип электрического компонента:

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Тип подключения: EV000158 Штырь (Pin)
Способ монтажа : EV000644 Сверху
Количество полюсов: 4
Длина: 216 мм
Номин. продолжительный ток Iu: 80 А
Условный номин. ток короткого замыкания Iq : 0 кА
Размер шага: 9 мм
Макс. допустимое раб. напряжение Ue: 400 В
Подходит для количества подключаемых устройств: 12
Подходит для устройств с N-шиной: да
Подходит для аппаратов с вспомогат. выключателем (доп. контактом): нет
Количество фаз: 4
Изолированн.: да
Номин. импульсное напряжение: 6 кВ
Поперечное сечение: 0 мм²
Количество модулей (модульная ширина): 12
Номин. кратковременно выдерживаемый ток Icw: 0 кА

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Тип подключения: EV000158 Штырь (Pin)
Способ монтажа : EV000644 Сверху
Количество полюсов: 4
Длина: 216 мм
Номин. продолжительный ток Iu: 80 А
Условный номин. ток короткого замыкания Iq : 0 кА
Размер шага: 9 мм
Макс. допустимое раб. напряжение Ue: 400 В
Подходит для количества подключаемых устройств: 12
Подходит для устройств с N-шиной: да
Подходит для аппаратов с вспомогат. выключателем (доп. контактом): нет
Количество фаз: 4
Изолированн.: да
Номин. импульсное напряжение: 6 кВ
Поперечное сечение: 0 мм²
Количество модулей (модульная ширина): 12
Номин. кратковременно выдерживаемый ток Icw: 0 кА

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: EV000241
Высота: 151 мм
Ширина: 282.7 мм
Глубина: 152 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: да
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: да
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: да
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 12
Количество цифров. входов: 16
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 1
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 8
Количество аналог. выходов: 4
Тип памяти: EV000506 RAM
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 28 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: EV000241
Высота: 151 мм
Ширина: 341.4 мм
Глубина: 152 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: да
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: да
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: да
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 1
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: EV000506 RAM
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 256 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: EV000241
Высота: 151 мм
Ширина: 341.4 мм
Глубина: 152 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: да
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: да
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: да
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 1
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: EV000506 RAM
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 256 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: EV000241
Высота: 151 мм
Ширина: 341.4 мм
Глубина: 152 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: да
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: да
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: да
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 1
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 8
Количество аналог. выходов: 1
Тип памяти: EV000506 RAM
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 256 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Модель/исполнение: —
Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Тип питающего напряжения: —
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Дублирование: нет
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: —
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: —
Категория согл. EN 954-1: —
Радиостандарт UMTS: нет
Радиостандарт GSM: нет
Радиостандарт GPRS: нет
Поддержка протокола SafetyBUS p: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIsafe: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET IO: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFINET CBA: нет
Поддержка протокола Foundation Fieldbus: нет
Поддержка протокола EtherNet/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола AS-Interface Safety at Work: нет
Задатчик связей вводы/вывода: нет
Радиостандарт WLAN 802.11: нет
Радиостандарт Bluetooth: нет
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: нет
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: нет
Возможна установка спереди: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS-Safety: нет
Поддержка протокола SERCOS: нет
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Системное комплектующее: нет
Поддержка протокола других шинных систем: нет
Поддержка протокола SUCONET: нет
Поддержка протокола DeviceNet: нет
Поддержка протокола Data-Highway: нет
Поддержка протокола MODBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола KNX: нет
Поддержка протокола INTERBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола CAN: нет
Поддержка протокола PROFIBUS: нет
Поддержка протокола ASI: нет
Поддержка протокола TCP/IP: нет
Поддержка протокола LON: нет
Напряжение питания постоян. тока (DC): 0 В
С оптическим интерфейсом: нет
Количество HW-интерфейсов USB: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-485: 0
Количество цифров. выходов: 0
Количество цифров. входов: 0
Количество других HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов Industrial Ethernet: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-422: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов RS-232: 0
Количество параллельных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Количество HW-интерфейсов TTY: 0
Напряжение питания 60 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
Напряжение питания 50 Гц перемен. тока (AC): 0 В
С дисплеем: нет
Количество аналог. входов: 0
Количество аналог. выходов: 0
Тип памяти: —
Количество HW-интерфейсов PROFINET: 0
Количество беспроводных HW-интерфейсов: 0
Объем памяти: 0 кБайт
Количество релейных выходов: 0

Корзина расширения для TSX Micro. серия продукта: платформа автоматизации Modicon TSX Micro. Преимущества: и повышенной производительностью у вас теперь будет настоящий партнер. Обеспечивая существенную экономию в ответ на рыночные тенденции, это решение предлагает производителям оборудования универсальность и модульность, необходимую для извлечения максимальной выгоды…. применения: Контроль и amp; производства оборудования..

Высота: 0 мм
Ширина: 0 мм
Глубина: 0 мм
Возможность монтажа на рейку: нет
Подходит для функций безопасности: нет
Тип выход. напряжения: EV000509 AC/DC (перемен./постоян.)
Макс. входной перемен. ток AC 60 Гц: 0 А
Макс. вход. перемен. ток AC 50 Гц: 0 А
Макс. выход. постоян. ток DC: 0 А
Дублирование: нет
Тип вход. напряжения: EV000461 DC (постоян.)
Уровень исполнения согл. EN ISO 13849-1: —
SIL согл. IEC 61508: 0
Категория взрывобезопасности по пыли: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория взрывобезопасности по газу: EV000494 Нет (без)
Категория согл. EN 954-1: EV000599 1
Монтаж на стену/непосредственная установка: да
Возможна сборка на полках/стойках: да
Возможна установка спереди: да
Дополнит. исполнение (EX ib): нет
Дополнит. исполннение (EX ia): нет
Количество слотов: 2
Макс. вход. постоян. ток DC: 0 А

Тип подключения: EV000158 Штырь (Pin)
Способ монтажа : EV000644 Сверху
Количество полюсов: 4
Длина: 216 мм
Номин. продолжительный ток Iu: 80 А
Условный номин. ток короткого замыкания Iq : 0 кА
Размер шага: 9 мм
Макс. допустимое раб. напряжение Ue: 400 В
Подходит для количества подключаемых устройств: 12
Подходит для устройств с N-шиной: да
Подходит для аппаратов с вспомогат. выключателем (доп. контактом): нет
Количество фаз: 4
Изолированн.: да
Номин. импульсное напряжение: 6 кВ
Поперечное сечение: 0 мм²
Количество модулей (модульная ширина): 12
Номин. кратковременно выдерживаемый ток Icw: 0 кА
Automation platform Modicon TSX Micro and PL7 software Automation platform Modicon TSX Micro and PL7 software 01-04 Catalogue January 04 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com General contents Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 - Modicon TSX Micro PLC Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/2 b TSX 37-05/08/10/21/22 PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/4 2- Discrete I/O Selection guide I/O modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/2 b 2.1 - Discrete I/O modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/6 b 2.1 - Safety module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/18 b 2.1 - Extension module for Nano PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/24 Selection guide Telefast® 2 pre-wired system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/26 b 2.2 - Telefast 2 pre-wired system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/32 b 2.2 - Tego installation system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/44 Selection guide Phaseo power supplies for DC control circuits . . . . page 2/50 b 2.3 - Phaseo power supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/52 3 - Application-specific modules Selection guide analogue I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/2 b 3.1 - Integrated channels and analogue I/O modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/4 b 3.1 - Process control of semi-continuous processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/10 Selection guide counter/positionning modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/14 b 3.2 - Integrated channels and counter/positioning modules . . . . . . . . . page 3/16 b 3.2 - Absolute encoder positioning module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/22 4 - Communication Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/2 b 4.1 - Ethernet TCP/IP network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/6 b 4.2 - CANopen machine bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/22 b 4.2 - AS-Interface sensors/actuators bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/26 b 4.3 - Modbus Plus network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/34 b 4.3 - Modbus bus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/38 b 4.4 - Fipway network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/46 b 4.4 - Fipio bus Agent function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/50 b 4.4 - Uni-Telway bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/60 b 4.4 - Asynchronous serial links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/64 5 - PL7 software and Magelis terminals Selection guide PL7 programming software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/2 b PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/2 b PL7 SMC, PL7 DIF, SDKC, PL7 FUZ optional software . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/20 b FTX 117 Adjust terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/28 Selection guide Magelis terminals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/30 6 - Services b Documentation and power consumption of TSX Micro PLC modules . . . page 6/2 b Standards, certifications and community regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/6 b Schneider Electric worldwide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/10 b Product references index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/16 3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 1 SS301-EN_Ver1.0.fm/0 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Contents 1 - Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 - Modicon TSX Micro PLCs Selection guide PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/2 b TSX 37 05 PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/4 1 b TSX 37 08 PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/5 b TSX 37 10 PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/6 b TSX 37 21/22 PLCs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/7 b Functions, memory structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/8 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/13 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/15 b Dimensions, mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1/17 SS301-EN_Ver1.0.fm/1 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Applications For low to medium complexy control systems 1 No. of slots No. of discrete I/O, connection Base 3 (2 equipped with discrete I/ O module) Extension 2 (1 equipped with discrete I/ O module) – Per HE10 connector (1) Per terminal block (1) 92 60 (28 I/O) 120 88 (56 I/O) 2 (1 equipped with discrete I/O 2 Remote I/O (except bus) – App-spec. inputs/outputs Integrated analogue Analogue Integrated counting – 2 half-format modules (4, 8 I - 2, 4 O ou 4 I/2 O) 2 x 500 Hz channels using discrete inputs – 124 (28 I/O) 96 inputs/outputs via 1 half-format Counting Communication 2 half-format modules (1, 2 x 40 kHz channels, 2 x 500 kHz channels, 1 x 1 MHz SSI channel) 1 x integrated RS 485 channel (TER port) Field bus connections AS-Interface master Fipio agent function CANopen master – – – 1 AS-Interface bus half-format Bus and serial link connections Integrated Modbus (RTU) Integrated Uni-Telway Modbus/Uni-Telway/Fipio 1 slave port (TER port) 1 voie maître/esclave (prise TER) – 1 master/slave port (TER port) Integrated character mode 1 TER port Ethernet TCP/IP Nertwork cards – – Network connections 1 Ethernet TCP/IP external module Process control Control loops, 3 integrated functions : PID, PWM (pulse width modulation) et SERVO (discrete valve Real-time clock – Integrated (second, minute, hour, 11 Kwords – – 14 Kwords Memory capacity Integrated RAM Extension (2) Data storage Power supply a 100/240 V (integrated c 24 V sensor power supply) Type of PLCs TSX 37 05 028DR1 Pages 1/15 TSX 37 08 056DR1 TSX 37 10 028pR1 (1) The value in bracket and in italics corresponds to number of I/O providing with the basic PLC configuration. (2) For program and constants zones. 1/2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 1 For control systems which require a signifiant amount of processing (program and data) and:or communication module) For control systems which require low-cost analogue I/O and fast counting functions 1 3 (non-equipped with discrete I/O module) 2 184 (28 ou 64 I/O depending on model) – 248 160 module connecting to 4 Nano componants (PLC base or discrete/analogue extension, 200 m max.) 8 inputs 8 bits, 1 ouput 8 bits 4 half-format modules (4, 8 I - 2, 4 O ou 4 I/2 O) 2 x 500 Hz channels using discrete inputs and 2 integrated 10 kHz channels 4 half-format modules (1, 2 x 40 kHz channels, 2 x 500 kHz channels, 1 x1MHz SSI channel) 1 x integrated RS 485 channel (AUX port) module (31 slaves) 1 PCMCIA card in slot for a communication card 1 PCMCIA card in slot for a communication card 1 master/slave port (AUX port) 1 master/slave port (AUX port) 1 PCMCIA card in slot for a communication card: serial link, Uni-Telway bus, Modbus bus or Fipio bus (agent) 1 AUX port or Modem (PPP) RS 232C serial link 1 PCMCIA card in slot for a communication card: Fipway network or Modbus Plus network control) with MMI on CCX 17 operator panel (control and adjustment of 9 loops maximum) day, month and year) 20 Kwords 128 Kwords 128 Kwords c 24 V non-isolated TSX 37 10 128Dp1 TSX 37 10 1ppDTK1 TSX 37 21 101 a 100/240 V (integrated c 24 V sensor power supply) c 24 V non-isolated TSX 37 21 001 TSX 37 22 101 TSX 37 22 001 1/3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description, selection 1 TSX 37 05 PLCs Presentation 1 The TSX 37 05 PLC comprises a rack which integrates a 100/240 V power supply, a processor including a 11 Kword memory (program, data and constants), 1 Flash EPROM backup memory, a TSX DMZ 28DR discrete I/O module (16 inputs and 12 relay outputs) and an available slot. The available slot can accept: b 1 standard format discrete I/O module of any type. b 2 half format discrete I/O, safety, analog I/O or counter modules. Description The TSX 37 05 PLC comprises: 2 3 1 1 2-slot rack. 2 Centralized display block. 3 Terminal port (TER) (Uni-Telway master/slave, Modbus RTU slave protocol or characters string). 4 Cover for accessing the power supply terminals. 5 Discrete module with 16 inputs and 12 outputs, placed in the first slot (positions 1 and 2). Including screw terminal block. 6 Cover for accessing optional battery. 4 8 6 5 7 Available slot. 7 8 Reset button. Selection Selection of modules to be inserted in addition to the 16-input/12-output module present at rack no. 1 Type of module to be inserted Discrete Inputs/Outputs Preventa safety module Analogue I/O Counter/positioning channels Max number of modules 1 2 Format Standard Half Connection Connector Term.blk 8 inputs 12 inputs 32 inputs 4 outputs 8 outputs 32 outputs 16 inputs/outputs 28 inputs/outputs 64 inputs/outputs 4 or 8 inputs 2 or 4 outputs 4 inputs and 2 outputs 1 incremental code channel 2 incremental code channels 1 absolute encoder channel Possible insertion Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/4 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Presentation, description, selection (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 TSX 37 08 PLCs Presentation The TSX 37 08 PLC comprises a rack which integrates a 100/240 V power supply, a processor including a 11 Kword memory (program, data and constants), 1 Flash EPROM backup memory, 2 TSX DMZ 28DR discrete I/O modules (16 inputs and 12 relay outputs) and an available slot. The available slot can accept: b 1 standard format discrete I/O module of any type. b 2 half format discrete I/O, safety, analog I/O or counter modules. 1 Description 2 3 The TSX 37 08 PLC comprises: 1 1 3-slot rack. 2 Centralized display block. 3 Terminal port (TER) (Uni-Telway master/slave, Modbus RTU slave protocol or characters string). 4 Cover for accessing the power supply terminals. 5 Two discrete modules with 16 inputs and 12 outputs, placed in the first and second slot (positions 1 to 4). Including screw terminal block. 6 Cover for accessing optional battery. 4 8 1 5 7 7 Available slot. 8 Reset button. Selection Selection of modules to be inserted in addition to the 16-input/12-output module present at rack no. 1 Type of module to be inserted Discrete Inputs/Outputs Preventa safety module Analog I/O Counter/positioning channels Max number of modules 1 2 Format Standard Half Connection Connector Term.blk 8 inputs 12 inputs 32 inputs 4 outputs 8 outputs 32 outputs 16 inputs/outputs 28 inputs/outputs 64 inputs/outputs 4 or 8 inputs 2 or 4 outputs 4 inputs and 2 outputs 1 incremental code channel 2 incremental code channels 1 absolute encoder channel Possible insertion Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/5 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description, selection (continued) 1 TSX 37 10 PLCs Presentation 1 Compact and modular TSX 37 10 PLCs differ in their supply voltage and the type of discrete I/O module fitted in the first slot. Each TSX 37 10 configuration comprises a rack which integrates a power supply (c 24 V or a 100/240 V), a processor including a 14 Kword RAM memory (program, data and constants), a Flash EPROM backup memory, a real-time clock, a discrete I/O module (28 or 64 I/O) and an available slot. A TSX RKZ 02 mini extension rack enables the number of slots to be increased by 2 (4 positions). Each available slot can accept: b 1 standard format discrete I/O module of any type. b 2 half format discrete I/O, safety, analog I/O or counter modules. Also, TSX 37 10 PLCs can connect to the Ethernet network TCP/IP or to a Modem via the TSX ETZ 410/510 external stand-alone module. Description 2 4 3 1 12 6 5 7 8 11 10 9 TSX 37 10 PLCs and the TSX RKZ 02 mini extension rack comprise: 1 2-slot base rack. 2 Centralized display block. 3 Terminal port (TER) (Uni-Telway, Modbus RTU master/slave protocol or characters string). 4 Cover for accessing the power supply terminals. 5 28 or 64 discrete I/O module, placed in the first slot (positions 1 and 2). 6 Cover for accessing optional battery. 7 Mini extension rack with 2 available slots -(positions 5 to 8). 8 LED showing presence of c 24 V. 9 Power supply terminals protected by removable cover, to connect an auxiliary c 24 V power supply if PLCs are supplied with a 100/240 V. 10 Earth terminal. 11 Connectors to the base PLC. 12 Reset button. Selection TSX 37 10 base PLC selection Power supply c 24 V I/O module integrated in 1st slot Number of inputs c 24 V a 110/120 V 16 16 16 a 110/240V 32 16 16 Connection HE 10 Connector Number of outputs Solid state c Relay 24 V 12 12 12 32 12 12 Reference Screw terminal block TSX 37 10 128DT1 TSX 37 10 128DTK1 TSX 37 10 128DR1 TSX 37 10 164DTK1 TSX 37 10 028AR1 TSX 37 10 028DR1 Selection of modules to be inserted (3 slots available, that is a maximum of 6 positions) Type of module to be inserted Discrete Inputs/Outputs Maximum number of modules (1) 1 2 4 8 inputs 12 inputs 32 inputs 4 outputs 8 outputs 32 outputs 16 inputs/outputs 28 inputs/outputs 64 inputs/outputs Preventa safety module AS-Interface bus or I/O extension Analog I/O 4 or 8 inputs 2 or 4 outputs Counter/positioning 1 or 2 incremental encoder channels channels 1 absolute encoder channel Communication Ethernet TCP/IP or external Modem 6 Format Stand. Half Connection Connect. Term.blk (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) External module Possible selection or insertion (1) With TSX RKZ 02 mini extension rack. (2) This includes a standard format module to be inserted in the 1st slot of the PLC. (3) The remote discrete I/O extension modules and AS-Interface bus modules are installed in position 4 which means that their use is mutually exclusive. Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/6 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description, selection (continued) 1 TSX 37 21/22 PLCs Presentation Modular TSX 37 21/22 PLCs differ in their supply voltage and/or the possibility of fast counting and analogue functions integrated on the base. Each PLC comprises: a 3-slot rack which integrates a power supply (c 24 V or a 100/240 V), a processor including a 20 Kword RAM memory (program, data and constants), 1 Flash EPROM backup memory, 2 slots for a PCMCIA card (1 communication card and 1 memory extension card of 128 Kwords maximum) and a real-time clock. A TSX RKZ 02 mini extension rack enables the number of slots to be increased by 2 (4 positions). Each available slot can accept: b 1 standard format discrete I/O module. b 2 half format discrete I/O, safety, analog I/O or counter modules. Also, TSX 37 21/22 PLCs can connect to the Ethernet network TCP/IP or to a modem via the TSX ETZ 410/510 external stand-alone module. 1 Description TSX 37 21/22 PLCs and the TSX RKZ 02 mini extension rack comprise: 9 3 4 5 2 10 1 14 6 7 8 15 11 1 3-slot base rack (positions 1 to 6). 2 Slot reserved for a standard format module. 3 Centralized display block. 4 Terminal port (TER) (Uni-Telway, Modbus RTU master/slave protocol or characters string). 5 Man-machine interface port labeled AUX. 6 Cover for accessing the power supply terminals. 7 Slot for a PCMCIA memory extension card. 8 Slot for a PCMCIA communication card. 9 On TSX 37 22, SUB-D connectors type for integrated analogue and counter functions. 10 Mini extension rack with 2 available slots (positions 7 to 10). 13 12 11 LED showing voltage presence of c 24 V. 12 Power supply terminals protected by removable cover, to connect an auxiliary c 24 V power supply if PLCs are supplied with a 100/240 V. 13 Earth terminal. 14 Connectors to the base PLC. 15 Reset button. Selection Selection of modules to be inserted (5 slots available, that is a maximum of 9 positions) Type of module to be inserted Maximum number of modules (1) 1 3 4 5 Discrete Inputs/ Outputs 8 inputs 12 inputs 32 inputs 4 outputs 8 outputs 32 outputs 16 inputs/outputs 28 inputs/outputs 64 inputs/outputs Preventa safety module AS-Interface bus or I/O extension Analog I/O 4 or 8 inputs 2 or 4 outputs 2 inputs and 4 outputs Counting/ 1 or 2 incremental encoder channels positioning 1 absolute encoder channel Communication Serial link (PCMCIA card on CANopen bus processor) Modbus bus Fipio Agent bus Uni-Telway bus Modbus Plus network Fipway network Communication Ethernet TCP/IP or external Modem 9 (3) (2) Format Stand. Half Connection Connect. Term.blk (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (3) (4) (4) External module Possible insertion (1) With TSX RKZ 02 mini extension rack. (2) Comprises a standard format module to be placed in 1st slot of the PLC. (3) The remote discrete I/O extension modules and AS-interface bus modules are installed in position 4 which means that their use is mutually exclusive. (4) With a maximum of 2 (TSX AMZ 600/ASZ 200) modules in the base. Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/7 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Functions 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Functions Discrete inputs/outputs 1 The range of in-rack discrete I/O modules offers several possibilities for meeting requirements: b Cost-effective connection where a c 24 V solution is required (mixed I/O modules with HE type 10 connectors for direct connection to pre-actuators in the device using cables with flying leads or direct connection to the TELEFAST2 pre-wired system). b Connection to the screw terminal block on the front panel of mixed I/O modules. A set of half format modules enable the PLC configuration to be adapted as closely as possible to the user's requirements in terms of number, range of I/O and type of connection. For further details, see pages 2/6 to 2/17. The TSX DPZ 10D2A Preventa type safety relay module provides a monitoring function for the emergency stop pushbuttons or limit switches, and is adapted to conform to the safety requirements stipulated in EN 954-1. For further details, see pages 2/18 to 2/23. Remote discrete I/O extension module TSX 37 10/21/22 Micro PLCS offer two different possibilities for extending the I/O: b Either with the TSX STZ 10 remote discrete I/O extension module. The discrete I/ O of 4 Nano PLCs can be used at a distance of up to 200m (one of which can be a Nano extension PLC). These Nano PLCs can be used as remote discrete I/O or local slave PLCs. For further details, see pages 2/24 et 2/25. b The AS-Interface sensor/actuator bus. TSX Micro PLCs are connected to the AS-Interface bus via an AS-Interface master module. In this case, the PLC becomes the master station on the bus and manages a maximum of 248 I/O over a distance of up to 100 m (200 m with a repeater). For further details, see pages 4/26 to 4/29. b The CANopen machine bus. The communication of the Micro TSX 37 21/22 PLCs enables the connectivity to the CANopen machine bus. It is appeared as a PCMCIA card equipped with a cable (length 0.5m) and a tap junction (with 9-way SUB-D connector). This TSX CPP 110 kit allows the direct linking to the bus and ensures the role of the master on the CANopen bus. The PCMCIA card is inserted into the reserved slot for communication card, available on the TSX 37 21 and TSX 37 22. For further details, see pages 4/22 to 4/25. Analogue I/O and process control TSX Micro PLCs offer several ways of performing analogue processing: b For data input or commands which do not need a high resolution level, using I/O integrated in TSX 37 22 PLCs. b For precise measurement and commands, using TSX AEZ/ASZ/AMZ ppp half format analogue I/O modules. b To locate analog I/O remotely via the TSX STZ 10 rackmaster module with TSX 37 10/21/22 PLCs. The latter enables the use of three TSX AMN 400p analog extensions, each equipped with 3 analogue inputs and one analog output. For further details, see pages 3/5 and 3/6. TSX Micro PLCs have, as standard, process control functions which can be accessed by the user via the PL7 Micro, PL7 Junior or PL7 Pro programming software. For further details, see pages 3/10 to 3/13. Description: pages 1/4 to 1/7 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/8 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Counting/positioning Counter modules TSX Micro PLCs offer several ways of counting: 1 b Using 500 Hz discrete inputs (2 up/down counter channels with upcounting, downcounting or up/down counting functions, with or without detection of direction of operation). b 10 kHz counter channels integrated into TSX 37 22 PLC bases (2 10 kHZ fast counter channels, with 1 channel having down-counting functions as above). b Counting/positioning TSX CTZ modules pA, from 40...500 kHz or TSX CTZ 2B, from 200 kHz...1 MHz. These half format modules are inserted in the available slots in the base rack. For further details, see pages 3/16 to 3/25. Communication TSX Micro PLCs offer several possibilities: b Integrated communication which offers cost-effective dialogue functions via the terminal port for TSX 37 05/08/10 PLCs or via the terminal and man-machine interface ports for TSX 37 21/22 PLCs. These RS 485 type non-isolated links use Uni-Telway master/slave, Modbus RTU slave or character string. Also TSX 37 10/21/22 PLCs integrate Modbus master protocol. b PCMCIA format communication card for TSX 37 21/22 PLCS. They have a dedicated slot for the PCMCIA format communication card ("Full-duplex" asynchronous serial link, CANopen bus, Fipio bus, Uni-Telway or Modbus, Modbus Plus or Fipway network). b Ethernet TCP/IP 10/100 MHz external modules. This external module connects to the terminal port of TSX 37 10/21/22 PLCs and has Uni-TE and Modbus messaging. It also allows connection to an external modem using PPP protocol. For further details, see pages 4/6 to 4/21. Fan modules TSX FAN ppP fan modules installed above TSX Micro PLCs ensure a forced air convection, which creates a uniform ambient temperature within the enclosure and eliminates any hot spots which might exist. Fan modules are required when the ambient temperature is between 60 °C and 70 °C. Forced ventilation is used to eliminate hot spots (1). Three types of fan module are available: c 24 V, a 110 V and a 220 V. One fan module is required for a TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 configuration, two fan modules are required for a TSX 37 10/21/22 configuration with the TSX RKZ 02 mini rack. TSX FAN ppP TSX 37 05/08/10 TSX 37 10 + TSX RKZ 02 TSX 37 08/21/22 TSX 37 21/22 + TSX RKZ 02 Description: pages 1/4 to 1/7 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 (1) For an ambient temperature of between 25 °C…60 °C, the use of fan modules increases the MBTF. References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/9 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Memory structure Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Memory structure 1 The memory structure of TSX Micro PLCs consists of two distinct zones: b An internal RAM memory designed to receive the application (data, program and constants) of v 11 Kwords for TSX 37 05/08 PLCs, v 14 Kwords for the TSX 37 10 PLC, v 20 Kwords for TSX 37 21/22 PLCs. b A Flash EPROM memory of: v 12 Kwords for TSX 37 05/08 PLCs, v 16 Kwords for TSX 37 10/21/22 PLCs designed to back up the application program (11 or 14 Kwords maximum) and to back up 1024 %MW internal words in the event of a battery failure or no battery. For TSX 37 21/22 PLCs, the internal RAM memory can be extended via a 32, 64 or 128 Kwords PCMCIA memory card, either RAM or Flash EPROM. The same memory card incorporated the possibility of contained a storage zone for additional data, e.g. for production data and manufacturing recipes. PCMCIA memory extension cards for TSX 37 21/22 PLCs These cards can be used to extend the PLC internal memory for storing the application program and constants. Two types of memory card are available: b Battery-backed RAM type memory card Used in particular during application program creation and debugging, this card enables all application transfer and modification services in online mode. The memory is backed up by a removable battery integrated in the memory card. b Flash EPROM type memory card Used when the debugging of the application program is complete, this card enables one global transfer only of the application and avoids the problems of backup via battery. A third type of card can also be used to store additional data: b Battery-backed RAM type memory card or battery-backed RAM and Flash EPROM Used particularly in association with the Modem link, these are used to extend the processor's internal memory, and also to store recipe or data log for later consultation via a telephone link. The RAM memory is backed up by a removable battery integrated in the memory card. Another type of PCMCIA memory card is available: b Backup type memory card (for TSX 37 21/22 PLCs) Previously loaded with the application program, this card is used to reload the application program into the internal RAM memory and the internal Flash EPROM memory of the processor, without requiring the use of a programming terminal. Program loader The TSX PRG LDR module is designed to simplify duplicating or updating applications on Nano and TSX Micro PLCs without the need for a programming terminal. An application (15 Kwords maximum in internal RAM) can be transferred from a PLC in the TSX PRG LDR module (and saved within it), then transferred from the TSX PRG LDR module to the PLC. 1 The front panel of the TSX PRG LDR module comprises: 1 A cord for connecting to the PLC terminal port. 2 Four operation indicator LEDs. 3 A W/R button which selects the program transfer direction (PLC V module or module V PLC). 4 A GO button to start the transfer. 5 A Write Only switch which prevents PLC V module transfer. 6 A Program Protect switch which protects the PLC application as read-only after the transfer. 2 3 6 Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 5 4 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/10 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Memory structure (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Application memory The application memory is divided into memory zones, which are physically shared between the internal RAM memory and the PCMCIA memory card (if the TSX 37 21/ 22 PLC has a memory card): 1 b The application data zone which is always is the internal RAM memory. b The application program zone in the internal RAM memory or on the PCMCIA memory card. b The constants zone in the internal RAM memory or on the PCMCIA memory card. b The Flash EPROM zone for the application program backup, the constants and 1 K internal words. b The file storage zone in the PCMCIA memory card. If the content of the RAM memory is lost (battery fault or no battery) then the content of the Flash EPROM memory (program, constants and 1 K internal words) is automatically transferred to the internal RAM memory. The backup copy of the application in the Flash EPROM memory requires that the PLC does not have a PCMCIA memory extension card and that the size of the program and the constants does not exceed 16 Kwords. Two types of application memory organization are possible for TSX Micro PLCs depending on whether the PLC is equipped with a memory extension in the form of a PCMCIA card: TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 (without PCMCIA card) Application in the internal RAM The application is loaded entirely in the battery-backed internal RAM of the processor with a capacity of: Backup copy Flash EPROM 11/14/20 Kwords Internal RAM Program 12/16 Kwords Data Program and constants Constants 1 Kwords int. %MW 1 Application data (17.5 Kwords maximum). 2 Descriptor and exedutable code for tasks. 3 Constant words, initial values and configuration. Backup copy Flash EPROM PCMCIA card 1 2 3 4 128 32/64/128 16 Kwords Kwords Kwords Internal RAM 20 Kwords TSX 37 21/22 (with a PCMCIA card) Data 1 Kwords int. %MW Program Constants Additional data storage Application data (17.5 Kwords maximum). Descriptor and exedutable code for tasks. Constant words, initial values and configuration. According to the PCMCIA card model. b 11 Kwords for TSX 37 05/08, shared, for example: as 3 Kwords of application data and 8 Kwords of the program and its constants. b 14 Kwords for TSX 37 10, shared, for example: as 500 words of application data and 13.5 Kwords of the program and its constants. b 20 Kwords for TSX 37 21/22, shared, for example: as 4 Kwords of application data and 16 Kwords of the program and its constants. Application in the internal Flash EPROM The total volume is equal to the application volume in RAM, limited to 11 Kwords or 15 Kwords, to which the backup of the first 1024 data words (%MW) is added. Application in the PCMCIA card The PCMCIA memory card contains the program and the constants. The additional data storage zone for 128 Kword data (available according to the PCMCIA card model) can be used for distributed applications, for storing information which can be consulted remotely via Modem. This zone can also be used for storing manufacturing recipes. Internal RAM data The data zone can be extended to 20 Kwords, and is only held in the PLC internal RAM. Data backup The first 1024 words are backed up by the PLC internal Flash EPROM memory. PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software aids the application designer in the management of the structure and the occupation of memory space for TSX Micro PLCs. Application protection Whatever the PLC's memory structure is: application in internal RAM or on the PCMCIA card, it is possible to protect the structure to prohibit access (reading or program modification) in online mode using PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software. Backup application Micro TSX 37 21/22 PLCs make it possible to save the 32 Kwords maximum application (programs and constants) on a Backup TSX MFP BAK 032P memory card. The internal RAM memory can thus be reloaded with the contents of this Backup memory card. This Backup function is not available if the application runs on a PCMCIA RAM or Flash EPROM memory card. Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/11 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Centralized display, description 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Centralized display 1 TSX Micro PLCs are equipped with a display block which groups together centrally all the data required for the control, diagnostics and maintenance of the PLC and all its modules, as well as simple man-machine interface functions. The centralized display provides: b Display of the local or remote I/O channel states (I/O of Nano PLCs). b Display of devices on the AS-Interface bus and AS-Interface bus diagnostics (see page 4/26). b Display of diagnostics of faulty channels or modules. b Display of internal data: v bits, v bit strings, v word strings, v program variables (active steps, application information, etc). b 4-digit multiple digital display. Description The centralized display block comprises: 2 1 BASE EXT 64 16 R I/O 64 16 WRD 1 Three blocks of 32 LEDs representing the slots in which the modules are installed in the base rack or mini extension rack. RUN 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 1 5 9 13 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 2 6 10 14 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 3 7 11 15 3 7 11 15 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 1 5 9 13 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 2 6 10 14 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 3 7 11 15 3 7 11 15 Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 3 DIAG 64 16 2 An information line consisting of LEDs which show the display operating modes. TER > 1s. DIAG I/O ERR BAT Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 4 3 A command push button which provides access to the various display operating modes. 4 v v v v v Five LEDs: RUN, PLC run/stop, TER, traffic on the terminal port, I/O, I/O fault, ERR, processor or application fault, BAT, battery fault or no battery. References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/12 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Characteristics TSX Micro PLCs have been developed to conform to the national and international standards concerning electronic devices for industrial control systems: b Specific requirements for programmable controllers: functional characteristics, resistance, robustness, safety, etc. IEC 61131-2, CSA 22-2, UL 508. b Merchant navy requirements from the main European bodies: BV, DNV, GL, GOST, LR, RRS. b European directives (low voltage, electromagnetic compatibility), e marking. b Electrical qualities and self-extinguishing capacity of insulating materials: UL 746C, UL 94, etc. See page 6/4. 1 Environmental characteristics (characteristics common to all TSX Micro PLC components) Temperature Relative humidity Operation °C 0...+ 60 (+ 5...+ 55 conforming to IEC 61131-2), 0…+ 70 with TSX FAN ventilation modules Storage °C - 25...+ 70 (conforming to IEC 61131-2) Operation 10 %...95 %, without condensation Storage 5 %..95 % conforming to IEC 61131/2 without condensation Altitude Mechanical withstand m 0…2000 Resistant to vibrations Conforming to IEC 68-2-6, Fc test Resistant to shocks Conforming to IEC 68-2-27, Ea test Resistant to Withstand to electrostatic discharge electrostatic discharge Resistance to HF Resistant to electromagnetic fields interference Resistant to rapid transient bursts Conforming to IEC 1000-4-2, level 3 (1) Conforming to IEC 1000-4-3, level 3 (1) Conforming to IEC 1000-4-4, level 3 (1) Resistant to shock waves Conforming to IEC 1000-4-5 Resistant to damped oscillatory waves Resistance to LF interference Conforming to IEC 1000-4-12 Conforming to IEC 61131-2 Power supply characteristics Nominal V Power supply a a 100...240 Power supply c c 24 V a 90…264 Frequency Limit (including ripple) Nominal (limit) Hz 50-60 (47-63) c 19.2...30V possible up to 34 V for 1 hr per 24 hrs – Current Nominal input A y 0.7 (a 100 V), ≤ 0.3 (a 240 V) 2 Inrush (2) A y 60 y 60 y 1/2 period, repetition ≥ 1 s y 10 ms, repetition u 1 s Type of power supply Primary Voltage Secondary Micro-breaks Accepted duration Power Total useful (typical) c 5 V output W 24 (32 peak) 16 (18 peak) A 2.8 (3.2 peak) 2.8 (3.2 peak) Output c 24 VR (for relay outputs) c 24 V output sensors Overloads A 0.5 (0.6 peak) – A 0.4 (0.6 peak) – Yes Yes Yes Yes 2000 - 50/60 Hz No isolation, 0 V internal connected to the PLC ground Output currents Protection integrated on the outputs against Short-circuits Isolation Dielectric resistance Primary/ secondary V rms (1) Minimum level in the test conditions defined by the standards. (2) Values to be taken into account when starting up several devices at the same time or when sizing protection devices. Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/13 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued) 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Processor chracteristics 1 Type of PLc No. of slots Functions (Max.no.) TSX 37 05 2 – 60 (28 I/O) 92 Basic With extension rack, 2 slots Discrete I/ Screw terminal block O(1) HE10 connector 64 channel modules Integrated Modules Type of modules Regulation Counting Integrated channels (2) Modules Type of modules Discrete I/O Integrated Serial link connections Type of links Networks Ethernet TCP/IP and bus Fipway network, connections Modbus Plus AS-Interface bus CANopen bus Modbus bus, Uni-Telway, Characters string Extension by Nano base and Nano extension (200 m maxi) Internal RAM which can be backed up Program and constants Data storage Max. data Internal bits %Mi storage size Internal words %MWi Constants words %KWi Application structure Master task Fast task Event processing Execution time Without Boolean for 1 instruction PCMCIA On word or fixed-point card arithmetic With Boolean PCMCIA On word or fixed-point card arithmetic No. of Without 100 % boolean K instructions PCMCIA executed by ms card 65 % boolean and 35 % numerical With 100 % boolean PCMCIA card 65 % boolean and 35 % numerical Overhead système Master task 88 (56 I/O) 120 TSX 37 10 2 4 124 (28 I/O) 184 (28 or 64 I/ O) 2 TSX 37 21 3 5 160 (–) 248 (–) TSX 37 22 1 3 – 8 I et 1 O 2 4 Half format module 4 or 8 I, 2 or 4 O, 4 I/O The number of loops is limited by the number of analogue modules and by the size of memory – 2 channel 10 kHz 2 2 (3) 4 (3) Half format module 1 or 2 channel 40/500 kHz, 1 channel SSI 1 MHz 2 channels 500 Hz 1 link with 1connector (TER) 19.2 Kbit/s 1 link with 2 connectors (TER and AUX) 19,2 Kbit/s Uni-Telway master/slave Modbus slave RTU Modbus master/slave RTU Character mode Character mode – 1 (Ethernet TCP/IP external module or RS 232 Modem) – 1 (4) Analog I/O Real time clock Memory Max. capacity TSX 37 08 3 – – – 1 Half format module (profil M2) (5) 1 (4) 1 (4) 1 (4) – 1 half-format module (5) for 96 discrete I/O or 12 analogue I/O (4 Nano bases 24 I/O or 3 analogue extensions 3 I/1 O) – Kwords 11 Kwords Kwords bits Kwords Words 14 20 128 with PCMCIA card 128 µs µs – – 256 1 (6) 128 (6) 1 1 8 0,25 4,81 µs µs – – 0,19 4,50 Kinst/ ms Kinst/ ms Kinst/ ms Kinst/ ms ms 3,03 5,88 0,25 0,27 – 4,00 – 0,266 1,9 1,6 1 (6), 17,5 with PCMCIA card 16 (where 1 has priority) 0,13 4,50 2,3 (1) The value in bracket and in italics corresponds to number of I/O providing with the basic PLC configuration. (2) Maximum number of couting/positioning channels, see page 3/16. (3) TSX CTZpp counting/positioning modules, only in the TSX Micro base. (4) PCMCIA to insert in the communication card slot (5) The remote discrete I/O extension modules and AS-Interface bus modules are installed in position 4 which means that their use is mutually exclusive. (6) Default size, can be extended, but will have an adverse effect on the size of the application program. Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/14 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Basic TSX 37 05/08 PLC configurations (1 slot available) Power supply Integrated memories RAM a 100…240 V TSX 37 05/10 p28pp1 11 Kwords Flash EPROM 12 Kwords Weight 1 modules with Via screw 16 I c 24 terminal block V,12 O relay (supplied) TSX 37 05 028DR1 kg 2.370 2 modules with Via screw 16 I c 24 V, terminal block 12 O relay (supplied) TSX 37 08 056DR1 2.720 1 Basic TSX 37 10 PLC configurations (1 slot available) Power supply Integrated memories RAM c 24 V 14 Kwords Flash EPROM 15 Kwords TSX 37 08 056 DR1 a 100…240 V TSX 37 10 164DTK1 Integrated memory Discrete I/ Reference O modules Type Connection 14 Kwords 15 Kwords Integrated memory Discrete I/ Reference O modules Type Connection Weight 1 module with Via screw 16 I c 24 V terminal block 12 Solid state O (supplied) 0.5 A TSX 37 10 128DT1 kg 1.870 1 module with 16 I c 24 V 12 O relay TSX 37 10 128DR1 1.900 Via screw terminal block (supplied) 1 module with Via HE 10 type TSX 37 10 128DTK1 16 I c 24 V connector 12 Solid state O 0.5 A 1.740 1 module with Via HE 10 type TSX 37 10 164DTK1 32 I c 24 V connector 32 Solid state O 0.1 A 1.820 1 module with 16 I a 115 V 12 O relay Via screw terminal block (supplied) TSX 37 10 028AR1 1.910 1 module with 16 I c 24 V 12 O relay Via screw terminal block (supplied) TSX 37 10 028DR1 1.910 Basic TSX 37 21/22 PLC configurations (3 slots available) Power supply c 24 V a 100…240 V Integrated memories RAM Flash EPROM 20 Kwords 5 Kwords Integrated functions Reference – TSX 37 21 101 kg 1.720 8 analog inputs 0-10 V 1 analog output 0-10 V 1 Up/down counter 10 kHz 1 counter 10 kHz TSX 37 22 101 1.750 – TSX 37 21 001 1.720 8 analog inputs 0-10 V 1 analog output 0-10 V 1 Up/down counter 10 kHz 1 counter 10 kHz TSX 37 22 001 1.750 Use Number maximum Reference PLCs TSX 37 10/21/22 1 mini rack per PLC TSX RKZ 02 20 Kwords 15 Kwords TSX 37 22 p01 Weight Mini extension rack Capacity 2 slots (possibility of 4 positions) Weight kg 0.630 Documentation TSX Micro base and module installation manual See page 1/4 – TSX RKZ 02 Description: pages /4 to 41/7 Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/15 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com References (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs References (continued) Extension for application memory 1 Use TSX 37 21/22 Memory size Application 32 Kwords Reference Data storage – 128 Kwords – 128 Kwords – 128 Kwords 64 Kwords TSX MRP pppP 128 Kwords TSX MRP 032P TSX MRP 232P TSX MRP 064P TSX MRP 264P TSX MRP 0128P TSX MRP 2128P Weight kg 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 Extension Flash EPROM PCMCIA memory Use TSX 37 21/22 Memory size Application 32 Kwords Reference Data storage – 128 Kwords – 128 Kwords – 64 Kwords 128 Kwords TSX MFP 032P TSX MFP 232P TSX MFP 064P TSX MFP 264P TSX MFP 0128P Weight kg 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 0.060 Backup card (1) Use Memory size Application TSX 37 05/08/ 32 Kwords 10 Reference Data storage – TSX MFP BAK 032P Reference Weight kg 0.060 Fan modules Description Quantity to be used Supply Fan modules (2) 1 for TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 2 for TSX 37 10/21/22 with TSX RKZ 02 c 24 V TSX FAN D2P a 100…120 V TSX FAN A4P a 200…240 V TSX FAN A5P TSX FAN ppP Weight kg 0.500 0.500 0.500 Separate parts Description Use Program loader with terminal port conn. cable Connection accessories Simplifies duplication, updating or backup of 15 Kwords applications (program) and constants in internal RAM (length: 0.3m) TSX PRG LDR Discrete I/O Discrete I/O with Telefast 2 See page 2/14 See pages 2/34 and 2/35 See page 3/9 See page 3/19 TSX PLP 01 TSX PLP 101 TSX BAT M01 – – 0.030 0.320 0.010 TSX RAZ 01 0.010 TSX P CAP 0.030 Backup batteries Cover for empty slot Gripper Quantity Integrated analog I/O Integrated counter channels TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 internal RAM – Pack of 10 – RAM type PCMCIA memory card TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Pack of 10 Memory extension card (PCMCIA type 1) Unity reference Weight kg 0.150 – – TSX PRG LDR (1) Card previously loaded to enable the TSX Micro application program to be updated without needing a programming terminal (the program must be entirely contained in the internal RAM). (2) One fan module for a TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 configuration, two fan modules for a TSX 37 10/ 21/22 configuration with mini rack TSX RKZ 02. Required for an ambient temperature between 60 °C and 70 °C. (3) Cover to be mounted in positions which do not hold a module to obtain IP 20 level of protection. Description: pages /4 to 41/7 Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 Dimensions, mounting: page 1/17 1/16 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Dimensions, mounting 1 TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 PLCs Dimensions, mounting Front view Mounting c 108,3 (1) a 140 17 AF1-AE4 b 132,5 (2) J (4) G H 152 (3) TSX 37 a 05 028DR1 170.3 08 056DR1 227.9 10 028/128/164pp1 170.3 21/22 p01 227.9 (1) Empty PLC (2) With screw terminal block (3) With HE 10 type or SUB-D connectors (4) Fixing holes for M4 screws 1 5,5 151 151 5,5 Side view b – – 282.7 341.4 c – 19 – 19 TSX 37 05 028DR1 08 056DR1 10 028/128/164pp1 21/22 p01 G 159.2 198.9 159.2 198.9 H – – 271.7 311.4 J 5 24 5 24 Mounting for TSX FAN ppP modules 32,5 58 54 110 138 140 146 150 Installation regulations 100 (1) (3) 100 150 (1) (1) (3) (1) 150 (1) (1) (2) (1) u 50 mm (2) Switch gear or enclosure (3) Cable ducting or wiring clip Description: pages 1/2 to 1/7 Functions: pages 1/8 and 1/9 Characteristics: pages 1/13 and 1/14 References: pages 1/15 and 1/16 1/17 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 2 2/0 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Contents 2 - Discrete I/O 2.1 - Discrete I/O Selection guide I/O modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/2 b Discrete I/O modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/6 b Safety module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/18 b Extension module for Nano PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/24 2.2 - Connection interfaces 2 Selection guide Telefast® 2 pre-wired system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/26 b Telefast 2 pre-wired system v Presentation, compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/32 v References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/34 v Accessories for connection sub-bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/40 v Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/42 b Installation system v Tego Dial for Human-Machine interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/44 v Tego Power for motor power-starter components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/46 v Compatibility Tego system/Modicon PLCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/48 2.3 - Phaseo power supplies Selection guide power supplies for DC control circuits . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/50 b Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/52 b Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/56 b References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/60 b Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2/62 2/1 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Discrete I/O modules Applications with standard format modules I/O connection on screw terminal block: via bare wires, via wires fitted with cable ends, or wires fitted with Type Nature 32 inputs Inputs c 24 V Connection Connection via screw terminal block (supplied with the module) 2 2.1 32 outputs Outputs c 24 V solid state 0.5 A Outputs c/a relay 2A (Ith) Possible association with Connection sub-base Telefast 2 sub-base I/O adaptor sub-base Possible association with Tego systems Tego Dial Tego Power Isolated inputs Control Sensor voltage monitoring IEC 1131-2 conformity Logic Prox.sens. compat. conforming to standard IEC 947-5-2 Type 2 Positive c 2-wire, c/a 2-wire, c 3-wire PNP Isolated outputs Control IEC 1131-2 conformity Protection Logic Type of modules TSX DEZ 32D2 Pages 2/13 Preactuator voltage monitoring Configurable fallback of outputs Yes Protected Positive Configurable fallback of outputs TSX DSZ 32T2 TSX DSZ 32R5 – Non-protected – 2/2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 open or closed tags (minimum cross-section 0.2mm2, maximum 1.5 mm2) I/O connection on HE 10 type connector: with preformed cables with flying leads (cross-section 0.324 mm2), ribbon cables (cross-section 0.08 mm2) or conection cables (crosssection 0.324 mm2). 2 2.1 16 inputs/12 outputs Inputs c 24 V Relay outputs 3 A (lth) Inputs a 100…120 V Relay outputs 3 A (lth) 32 inputs/32 outputs Inputs c 24 V Outputs c 24 V/0.1 A Inputs c 24 V Outputs c 24 V/0.5 A Connection via 20-way HE 10 connector 8, 12 or 16 channels, with or without LED, with common or terminals per channel Inputs: 16 channels c 5 V TTL, c 24 V, c 48 V, a 48 V, a 115 V or 230 V, 2 terminals per channel Outputs: 8 or 16 channels, with 1 N/O, 1 or 2 C/O or solid state relays, c 5…48 V, c 24 V, a 24…240 V 1 or 2 terminals per channel Yes (see page 2/44) Yes (see page 2/46) Sensor voltage monitoring Type 1 Positive/Negative c 2-wire, c 3-wire PNP/NPN Type 2 – c/a 2-wire, a 2-wire Type 1 Positive c 2-wire, c 3-wire PNP Preactuator voltage monitoring Configurable fallback of outputs Yes Protected Positive TSX DMZ 28DR TSX DMZ 28AR TSX DMZ 28DT TSX DMZ 28DTK TSX DMZ 64DTK 2/3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Discrete I/O modules Applications for half-format modules I/O connection on screw terminal block: via bare wires, via wires fitted with cable ends, or wires fitted with maximum 1.5 mm2. Type Nature 12 inputs Inputs c 24 V Connection Connection via screw terminal block (supplied with the module) 2 2.1 Possible association with Telefast 2 8 inputs Inputs a 100…120 V Inputs a 200…240 V 8 outputs Outputs c/a relay 3 A (lth) Connection sub-base I/O adaptor sub-base Possible association with Tego systems Tego Dial Tego Power Isolated inputs Control EC 1131-2 conformity Logic Prox.sens.compat. conforming to standard IEC 947-5-2 Isolated outputs Sensor voltage monitoring Type 1 Type 2 Positive/negative – c 2-wire c/a 2-wire, c 3-wire PNP/NPN a 2-wire Type 1 a 2-wire Control Configurable fallback of outputs IEC 1131-2 conformity Protection Logic – Non-protected – Type of modules TSX DEZ 12D2 Pages 2/13 TSX DEZ 08A4 TSX DEZ 08A5 TSX DSZ 08R5 2/4 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 open or closed tags (minimum cross-section 0.28 mm2), I/O connection on HE 10 connector: with preformed cables with flying leads (cross-section 0.324 mm2) ribbon cables (cross-section 0.08 mm2) or connection cables (cross-section 0.324 mm2). 2 2.1 4 outputs Outputs c 24 V/2 A 8 outputs Outputs c 24 V/0.5 A 12 inputs Inputs c 24 V 8 inputs/8 outputs Inputs c 24 V Outputs c 24 V/0.5 A Connection via 20-way HE 10 connector 8, 12 or 16 channels, with or without DEL, with common or 2 terminals per channel Inputs: 16 channels c 5 V TTL, c 24 V, c 48 V, a 48 V, a 115 V or 230 V, 2 terminals per channel Outputs: 8 or 16 channels with 1 N/O pr C/O pr spmod state remaus, c 5…48 V, c 24 V, a 24…240 V 1 or 2 terminals per channel Yes (see page 2/44) Yes (see page 2/46) Sensor voltage monitoring Type 2 Positive c/a 2-wire, c 2-wire c 3-wire PNP Type 1 c 2-wire, c 3-wire PNP Preactuator voltage monitoring Configurable fallback of outputs Preactuator voltage monitoring. Configurable fallback of outputs Yes Protected Positive Yes Protected Positive TSX DSZ 04T22 TSX DSZ 08T2 TSX DSZ 08T2K TSX DEZ 12D2K TSX DMZ 16DTK 2/5 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connection principles 0 Discrete I/O modules Connection principles Connecting modules with screw terminal blocks The screw connection terminal blocks are fitted with a removable cover ensuring: b The screws are held in place b Personnel safety Each terminal on a screw terminal block can accept bare wires or wires fitted with cable ends, with closed or open tags. The capacity of each terminal is: b Minimum: v 1 wire 0.28 mm2 (AWG 23) without cable end b Maximum: v 2 wires 1 mm 2 (AWG 17) with cable end, or v 1 wire 1.5 mm2 (AWG 15) without cable end, or v 1 open or closed tag for wires of 1 mm2 (AWG 17). 2 2.1 Connecting modules with HE 10 type connectors Prewired cable with 20 flying leads, gauge 22 (0.324 mm2) 1 Used for the simple and direct wire to wire connection of the I/O of modules with connectors 1 to the sensors, preactuators or terminals. The prewired cable 3 comprises: At one end, a moulded HE 10 type connector 2 with 20 x 0.34 mm2 cross-section wires in a sheath. At the other end 4, flying leads -differentiated by colour coding conforming to DIN 47100. 2 3 TSX CDP 301: length 3 m, TSX CDP 501: length 5 m, TSX CDP 1001: length 10 m. 4 1 Sheathed rolled ribbon cable, gauge 28 (0.08 mm2) 4 3 Used to connect the I/O of modules with HE 10 type connectors 1 to Telefast 2 connection and adaption rapid wiring interfaces 2. The cable 3 comprises 2 HE 10 type connectors 4 and a sheathed rolled ribbon cable with 0.08 mm2 cross-section wires. Bearing in mind the small cross-section of the wire, this method of connection is only recommended for low current I/O (100 mA maximum per input or per output). TSX CDP 102: length 1 m, TSX CDP 202: length 2 m, TSX CDP 302: length 3 m. Connection cable, gauge 22 (0.324 mm2) Used to connect the I/O of modules with HE 10 type connectors 1 to Telefast 2 connection and adaption rapid wiring interfaces 2. The cable 5 comprises 2 moulded HE 10 type connectors 6 and a cable suitable for carrying higher currents (500 mA maximum). 6 TSX CDP 053: length 0.5 m, TSX CDP 103: length 1 m, TSX CDP 203: length 2 m, TSX CDP 303: length 3 m, TSX CDP 503: length 5 m, TSX CDP 1003: length 10 m. 5 4 6 2 Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 Connections : Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/6 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connection principles (continued), description 0 Discrete I/O modules Connection principles (continued) Connection to Tego Dial and Tego Power systems The TSX DMZ 16 DTK 1 module is also designed for association with Tego Dial and Tego Power (1) systems set up. In the example the connection is achieved by simply connecting cable TSX CDP pp3 2 to the APE-1B24M Dialbase sub-base 3 installed on the Dialpack console 4, which is fitted with a mounting plate 5 for MMI components. 1 2 2.1 3 2 4 5 Description Discrete I/O modules connected via screw terminal block Half-format or standard format I/O modules with connection via screw terminal block comprise: 1 1 At rigid metal casing. 2 At locking mechanism for fixing the module in its slot. This can only be accessed when the terminal block is removed. 3 At removable screw terminal block for connection to sensors and preactuators. 4 At cover for the terminal block screws, which also serves as a label holder. 2 3 4 Half-format or standard format I/O module Discrete I/O modules connected via connector I/O modules with connection via connector comprise: 1 1 At rigid metal casing. 2 At locking mechanism for fixing the module in its slot. 3 One, two or four HE 10 connectors for connection to sensors and preactuators. 1 2 2 3 3 Half-format I/O module Standard format I/O module Discrete I/O module connected via connector and cage terminal The TSX DMZ 16DTK module comprises: 1 2 3 4 At rigid metal casing. At locking mechanism for fixing the module in its slot. One HE 10 connector for connection to sensors and preactuators. At cage terminal for connecting the input and output power supplies. (1) See pages 2/44 to 2/3. Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 References : References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/7 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Functions, compatibility 0 Discrete I/O modules Functions I/O assignment By software configuration, specific functions can be assigned to certain inputs. The first four inputs of a discrete I/O module located in slot 1 of a TSX Micro PLC can be configured as discrete inputs, latching inputs, event-triggered inputs or up/down counter inputs. Inputs which can be configured as latching inputs These are inputs %I1.0 to %I1.3. The principle is that, on a pulse which is shorter than the PLC scan, the pulse is stored and processed on the next PLC scan. The pulse is taken into account when the input changes state (rising and/or falling edge depending on the selected configuration). 2 Inputs which can be configured as event-triggered inputs These are inputs %I1.0 to %I1.3. On command events, the application program is diverted directly to the event processing associated with the input causing the event. The event is taken into account when the input changes state (rising and/or falling edge depending on the selected configuration). 2.1 Inputs which can be configured as up/down counter inputs These are inputs %I1.0 to %I1.3. Depending on the software configuration, these inputs enable the creation of up to 2 up/down counter channels, each of which can execute one of the following functions independently: upcounting function, downcounting function, up/down counting with or without direction discrimination. RUN/STOP command Input %I1.8 can be set to control the RUN/STOP command on the PLC. This is taken into account on a rising edge. At STOP command via an input has priority over the RUN command via the terminal or network. Program and data backup input Input %I1.9 can be set to back up the application program in the Flash EPROM memory (in the internal RAM) and the first 1000 words %MWi maximum on a rising edge. Alarm output On a PLC base, output %Q2.0 can, after configuration, be assigned to the ALARM function. When setting the PLC to RUN and if no blocking fault is detected, the alarm output changes to state 1. It can be used in safety circuits external to the PLC, for example to control the output preactuators power supply, or the TSX Micro PLC power supply. 2/3-wire proximity sensor compatibility Type of sensors Types of inputs c 24 V Type 1 Positive logic c 24 V Type 2 Positive logic c 24 V a 100…120 V Type 2 a 200…240 V Type 1 Negative logic All c 3-wire prox. sensors, PNP type All c 3-wire prox. sensors, NPN type c 2-wire proximity sensor, Telemecanique or other brand having the following characteristics: b Residual voltage, closed y 7 V b Minimum switching capacity y 2.5 mA b Residual current, open y 1.5 mA c/a 2-wire proximity sensor (1) a 2-wire proximity sensor (1) Compatible (1) In the nominal voltage range a 220…240 V. Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 References : References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/8 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 Discrete I/O modules Characteristics of c 24 V input modules (1) Type of modules Number of inputs Connection Nominal input values TSX DEZ 12D2/TSX DMZ 28DR 12/16 Screw terminal block Voltage V Current Sensor supply (ripple included) Input limit values At state1 Voltage Current At state 0 Voltage Current Input impedance at state 1 Configurable State 0 to 1 response time State 1 to 0 IEC 1131-2 conformity Proximity sensor compatibility 2/3-wire Isolation resistance Type of input Consumption Dissipated power mA Isolation V rms V rms Between channels and ground Between channels and internal logic V mA V mA KΩ ms ms MΩ W Type of modules Number of inputs Connection Nominal input values Voltage Current Sensor supply (ripple included) Input limit values At state1 Voltage Current At state 0 Voltage Current Input impedance at state 1 Configurable State 0 to 1 response time State 1 to 0 EC 1131-2 conformity Proximity sensor compatibility 2/3-wire Isolation resistance Type of input Consumption Dissipated power Isolation Between channels and ground Between channels and internal logic References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 Connections : V mA V mA V mA KΩ ms ms MΩ W V rms V rms TSX DEZ 12D2K/TSX DEZ 32D2 12/32 HE 10 connector/screw terminal block TSX DMZ 16DTK 8 HE 10 connector/ enclosed terminal block c 24 (positive c 24 (negative c 24 (positive logic) logic) logic ) 9 6 7 19…30 (possible up to 34 V, limited to 1 hour per 24 hours) u 11 y8 u 11 > 2.5 >6 > 2.5 <5 > Ual - 5 <5 < 1,5 <2 < 1.5 2.4 4 3,4 0.1…7.5 0.1…7.5 Yes, type 1 – Yes, type 2 Yes, type 1 Yes > 10 at c 500 V Resistive Current sink Resistive See page 6/4 TSX DEZ 12D2: 2,7 TSX DEZ 12D2K: 2,7 3 TSX DMZ 28DR: 4.5 TSX DEZ 32D2: 6 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute 1500 - 50/60 Hz for1 minute TSX DMZ 28DTK/DMZ 28DT TSX DMZ 64DTK TSX ACZ 03 (3) 16 32 8 HE 10 connector/screw terminal HE 10 connector SUB- D connector block c 24 (positive logic) 7 3.5 8 19…30 (possible up to 34 V, limited to 1 hour per 24 hours) u 11 > 2.5 <5 <5 <5 < 1.5 < 1.4 < 1.4 3.4 6.3 2.67 0.1…7.5 1/1.5 (fixe) 0.1…7.5 0.2/0.3 (fixe) Yes, type 1 Yes > 10 at c 500 V Resistive Current sink Resistive See page 6/4 5 – 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute – 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute – (1) Characteristics at 60 °C for 60 % I/O loading or at 30 °C for 100 % I/O loading. (2) Adaptation and analogue adjustment module enables the transformation of 8 integral analogue inputs for TSX 37 22 bases into 8 discrete inputs (see page 3/4). 2 2.1 Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/9 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued) 0 Discrete I/O modules Characteristics of a.c. input modules (1) Type of modules Number of inputs TSX DEZ 08A4 8 Connection Screw terminal block Nominal input values a 100…120 a 200…240 a 100…120 50 Hz mA 11 10 11 60 Hz mA 13 12 13 Frequency Hz 47…63 Sensor supply V 85…132 170…264 85…132 Voltage V u 74 u 120 u 74 Current mA u 6 (for U = 74 V) u 6 (for U = 164 V) u 6 (for U = 74 V) Voltage V < 20 < 40 < 20 Current mA <4 <5 <4 50 Hz ms 11…18 60 Hz ms 9…16 50 Hz ms 11…24 60 Hz ms 10…22 Yes, type 1 Yes, type 2 1.4 5.6 2 Input limit values At state 1 At state 0 Response time State 0 to 1 State 1 to 0 IEC 1131-2 conformity Yes, type 2 Proximity sensor compatibility 2-wire Yes Isolation resistance MΩ > 10 at c 500 V Type of input Capacitive Consumption See page 6/4 Dissipated power Isolation TSX DMZ 28AR 16 V Voltage Current 2.1 TSX DEZ 08A5 W 1.7 Between channels and ground V rms 2000 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute Between channels and internal logic V rms 2000 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute (1) Characteristics at 60 °C for 60 % I/O loading or at 30 °C for 100 % I/O loading. References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 Connections : Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/10 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued) 0 Discrete I/O modules Characteristics of solid state output modules (1) Type of modules Number of outputs Connection Nominal output values TSX DSZ 08T2K DMZ 28DTK DSZ 08T2 DMZ 28 DT DSZ 32T2 8 12 8 12 32 HE 10 connector Screw terminal block Voltage V c 24 Current A 0.5 Tungsten filament lamp W 10 Limit output values Voltage V 19…30 (possible up to 34 V, limited at 1 hour per 24 hours) Current (for U = 30 ou 34 V) A 0.625 Logic Positive, current source Leakage current at state 0 mA < 0.5 (< 2 for accidental disconnection of the 0 V module) Residual voltage V < 0.3 (for I = 0.5 A) Minimum load impedance Ω 48 Response time From state 1 ms < 0.5 (2) From state 0 ms < 0.5 Switching frequency on inductive load Hz < 0.6/LI2 Built-in protection Against overvoltages By Zener diode Against reverse polarity By reverse mounted diode on power supply. Provide 1 fast-blow fuse on the + c 24 V of the preactuator supply. Against short-circuits and A By current limiter and thermal breaker overloads 0.75 y Id y 2 Paralleling of outputs 2 outputs max. Consumption See page 6/4 Nominal dissipated power Via module W 3.5 3.2 Via channel at 1 W 0.15 Isolation(test voltage) Between output and ground V rms 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute Between outputs and V rms 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute internal logic Insulation resistance MΩ > 10 at c 500 V Type of modules Nombre of sorties Connection Nominal output values Limit output values TSX DSZ 04T22 4 Screw terminal block Voltage Current Tungsten filament lamp Voltage Current (for U = 30 ou 34 V) Logic Leakage current at state 0 mA Residual voltage Minimum load impedance Response time From state 1 (2) From state 0 Switching frequency on inductive load Built-in protection Against overvoltages Against reverse polarity Against short-circuits and overloads Paralleling of outputs Consumption Nominal dissipated power Via module Via channel at 1 Isolation(test voltage) Between output and ground Between outputs and internal logic Insulation resistance References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 Connections : V A W V A V Ω ms ms Hz A W W V rms V rms MΩ TSX DMZ 16DTK 8 HE 10 connector, cage terminal block 2 2.1 TSX DMZ 64DTK 32 HE 10 connector c 24 2 0.5 0.1 15 10 1.2 max. 19…30 (possible up to 34 V, limited at 1 hour per 24 hours) 2.5 0.625 0.25 Positive, current emis < 0.5 < 0.5 ( < 2 for accidental < 0.1 disconnection of the 0 V module) < 0.8 (for I = 2 A) < 0.3 (for I = 500 mA) < 1.5 12 48 220 <1 < 0.5 < 0.25 <1 < 0.5 < 0.25 < 0.5/LI2 < 0.6/LI. < 0.5/LI By Zener diode By reverse mounted diode on power supply. Provide 1 fast-blow fuse on the + c 24 V of the preactuator supply. By current limiter and By current limiter and thermal By current limiter and elecctronic breaker breaker elecctronic breaker 2.6 y Id y 5 0.75 y Id y 2 0.125 y Id y 0.185 2 outputs max. 3 outputs max. See page 6/4 3.8 3 3.5 1.15 (U = 24 V) 0.15 < 0.7 (U = 24 V) 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute > 10 at c 500 V (1) Characteristics at 60 °C for 60 % I/O loading or at 30 °C for 100 % I/O loading. (2) All outputs have fast demagnetisation circuits for electro-magnets. Discharge time of electro-magnets < L/R. Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/11 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued) 0 Discrete I/O modules Characteristics of relay outputs (connection via screw terminal block) (1) Type of modules TSX DSZ 08R5 8 Number of outputs a c Operating limit values V V Type of contact 2 Response time Built-in protection 32 19…264 10…34 A 3 (5 A max. per common of each group of channels) 2 ( 7 A max. per common of each group of 16 channels Voltage Power V VA 24 50 (8) 48 50 (10) 110 (7) 110 110 (10) 220 (7) 220 220 (10) 24 50 (6) 48 100 (5) 110…120 200…240 200 (4) 200 (6) Inductive AC - 14 Voltage and AC - 15 Power V VA 24 24 (7) 48 10 (15) 24 (13) 110 10 (16) 50 (12) 110 (3) 220 10 (16) 50 (14) 110 (10), 220 (2) 24 24 (2) 48 50 (2) 110…120 200…240 10 (9) 10 (11) 50 (3) 50 (5) Resistive DC-12 Voltage Power V W 24 24 (1 x 106 cycles of operations) 40 (0.3 x 106 cycles of operations) 24 12 (0.5 x 106 cycles of operations) 24 (0.3 x 106 cycles of operations) 48 (0.15 x 106 cycles of operations) Inductive DC - 13 Voltage (L/R = 60 ms) Power V W 24 10 (2 x 106 cycles of operations) 24 (1 x 106 cycles of operations) 24 6 (0.12 x 106 cycles of operations) 12 (0.06 x 106 cycles of operations) 24 (0.03 x 106 cycles of operations) Activation ms < 10 Desactivation ms < 10 Resistive AC-12 2.1 d.c. load TSX DSZ 32R5 NO Thermal current a.c. load TSX DMZ TSX DMZ 28AR 28DR 12 12 Against short-circuits and overloads None, obligatory mounting of a fast blow fuse per channels or groups of channels Against inductive overvoltages in a None, obligatory parallel mounting of a RC circuit or an MOV (ZNO) peak limiter appropriate to the voltage None, obligatory mounting of a flywheel diode on the terminals of each preactuator See page 6/4 Against inductive overvoltages in c Consumption Type of modules Dissipated power per module W TSX DSZ 08R5 1.5 Isolation (test voltage) V rms V rms MΩ 2000 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute 2000 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute > 10 at c 500 V Between outputs and ground Between outputs and internal logic Insulation resistance TSX DMZ TSX DMZ 28AR 28DR 4.5 5.6 TSX DSZ 32R5 3.5 (1) Characteristics at 60 °C for 60 % I/O loading or at 30 °C for 100 % I/O loading. (2) For 0.1 x 106 operations. (3) For 0.15 x 106 operations. (4) For 0.2 x 106 operations. (5) For 0.25 x 106 operations. (6) For 0.3 x 106 operations. (7) For 0.5 x 106 operations. (8) For 0.7 x 106 operations. (9) For 0.8 x 106 operations. (10) For 1 x 106 operations. (11) For 1.2 x 106 operations. (12) For 1.5 x 106 operations. (13) For 2 x 106 operations. (14) For 3 x 106 operations. (15) For 5 x 106 operations. (16) For 10 x 106 operations. References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 Connections : Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/12 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Discrete I/O modules References Discrete input modules Nature of current c Input voltage 24 V (positive logic IEC type 2) Modularity (no.of channels) 12 Format Connection Reference Weight kg Half 0.160 32 Standard Via HE 10 type TSX DEZ 12D2K connector (1) Via screw terminal TSX DEZ 32D2 block (supplied) 0.290 2 24 V ((positive 12 logic IEC type 1 or (negative logic) Half Via screw terminal TSX DEZ 12D2 block (supplied) 0.230 100…120 V IEC type 2 8 Half Via screw terminal TSX DEZ 08A4 block (supplied) 0.230 200…240 V IEC type 1 8 Half Via screw terminal TSX DEZ 08A5 block (supplied) 0.230 Format Connection Reference Half Via HE 10 type connector (1) TSX DSZ 08T2K TSX DEZ 12D2 a 2.1 Discrete output modules Nature of current c solid state protected TSX DSZ 08T2K c/a relay, not protected Output voltage Modularity (no.of channels) 24 V/0.5 A 8 protected Weight kg 0.180 Via screw terminal TSX DSZ 08T2 block (supplied) 0.240 32 Standard Via screw terminal TSX DSZ 32T2 block (supplied) 0.420 24 V/2 A protected 4 Half Via screw terminal TSX DSZ 04T22 block (supplied) 0.310 c 24 V or a 24…240 V 8 Half Via screw terminal TSX DSZ 08R5 block (supplied) 0.260 32 Standard Via screw terminal TSX DSZ 32R5 block (supplied) 0.580 Discrete I/O modules Nombre d’E/S 16 28 TSX DMZ 16DTK Number, type of inputs 8, c 24 V (positive logic IEC type 1) Number, type Format of outputs 8, solid state Half c 24 V/0.5 A protected Connection 16, c 24 V (positive logic IEC type 1) 12, solid state Standard c 24 V/0.5 A protected Via HE 10 type connector (1) TSX DMZ 28DT TSX DMZ 64DTK Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 Via HE 10 type TSX DMZ 16 DTK connector (1) and enclosed terminal block TSX DMZ 28DTK Weight kg 0.160 0.330 Via screw terminal TSX DMZ 28DT block (supplied) 0.465 12, relay Standard 50 VA not protected Via screw terminal TSX DMZ 28DR block (supplied) 0.500 16 12, relay Standard a 100…120 V 50 VA IEC type 2 not protected Via screw terminal TSX DMZ 28AR block (supplied) 0.500 32, c 24 V (positive logic IEC type 1) Via HE 10 type connector (1) 0.410 16, c 24 V (positive logic IEC type 1 or negative logic 64 Reference 32, solid state Standard c 24 V/0.1 A protected TSX DMZ 64DTK (1) Module supplied with HE 10 type connector cover. Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 2/13 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com References (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Discrete I/O modules References (continued) Connecting cables for I/O modules fitted with HE 10 type connectors Description Constitution Section Use 20-wire 1 HE 10 type 0.324 mm2 preformed connector, cable moulded (500 mA max.) 1 end free with wires identified 2 Length Reference 3m TSX CDP 301 Weight kg 0.405 5m TSX CDP 501 0.720 10 m TSX CDP 1001 1.210 1m TSX CDP 102 0.090 2m TSX CDP 202 0.170 3m TSX CDP 302 0.250 0.5 m TSX CDP 053 0.085 1m TSX CDP 103 0.150 2m TSX CDP 203 0.280 3m TSX CDP 303 0.410 5m TSX CDP 503 0.670 10 m TSX CDP 1003 1.230 TSX CDP pp1 Preformed connection cables (100 mA max.) 2.1 2 HE 10 type 0.08 mm2 connectors for Telefast 2 system Connecting 2 HE 10 type cables connectors, (500 mA max.) moulded, for Telefast 2, Tego Dial et Tego Power systems TSX CDP pp2 0.324 mm2 Simulator sub-base for I/O modules fitted with HE 10 type connectors Description TSX CDP pp3 2 01 2 01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Telefast 2 16-channel simulator sub-base for discrete inputs/outputs 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Use Reference ABE 7TES160 Has 2 HE 10 type connectors which enable it to be inserted between the PLC I/O module and the ABE 7H/P/R/S Telefast 2 I/O sub-base. Used for display, forcing, inhibition or continuity of discrete I/O Weight kg 0.350 Replacement parts ABE 7TES160 Description Use Screw terminal blocks For half-format modules (supplied with I/O modules with screw terminal block connection) For standard format modules TSX BLZ H01 TSX BLZ L01 Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 Connections: pages 2/15 to 2/17 Reference TSX BLZ H01 Weight kg 0.055 TSX BLZ L01 0.115 2/14 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections 0 Discrete I/O modules Connections TSX DEZ 12D2K TSX DEZ 12D2 Positive logic Positive logic Inputs A Inputs Sensors 0 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 13 13 13 (1) 14 24 V 14 (1) 14 15 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 11 12 10 11 10 11 11 2.1 9 10 9 10 8 9 8 9 7 8 7 8 5 6 7 6 7 7 2 4 6 5 6 3 4 5 4 5 2 3 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 0 1 1 2 2 Inputs Sensors 0 1 Sensors 1 Negative logic 24 V (1) 24 V TSX DEZ 32D2 TSX DSZ 32T2 Sensors Outputs 1 0 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 14 16 15 Preactuators 0 1 3 21 1 2 22 23 3 24 25 4 5 26 27 6 7 8 28 29 9 30 10 11 31 12 32 33 13 34 35 FU1 14 15 1 4 6 7 7 8 10 11 11 13 14 + 24 V 14 FU2 (2) + 24 V 0 1 16 FU1 18 (3) FU2 17 19 20 3 7 27 9 29 6 8 13 33 12 6 7 15 35 26 27 9 10 28 29 11 12 30 31 13 14 34 24 25 8 32 14 22 23 5 30 31 21 4 28 11 20 3 26 10 18 19 1 24 25 16 0 2 23 5 15 17 22 4 14 15 (3) 21 2 12 13 13 15 15 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 12 8 9 9 10 10 6 7 7 8 9 9 4 5 5 6 8 2 3 3 4 6 Outputs 1 2 5 5 – + 0 0 2 FU1 (2) 20 Preactuators 3 4 18 19 Outputs 1 2 – + 17 TSX DSZ 32R5 FU3 (3) 32 33 15 34 35 – + (1) 0.5 A fast blow fuse (2) 10 A fast blow fuse (3) Fast blow fuses, rated according to the load Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 2/15 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Connections (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Discrete I/O modules TSX DEZ 08A4/08A5 TSX DSZ 08T2K TSX DSZ 08T2 Inputs Sensors 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 4 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 7 2 2 3 4 Outputs 1 1 2 5 Preactuators 0 Preactuators 1 2 3 2 Outputs 0 1 6 7 8 7 7 8 7 9 9 10 9 10 10 11 2.1 11 12 12 11 24 V 13 12 (2) 13 (1) 14 14 13 14 15 15 24 V TSX DEZ 28DTK (2) 15 16 17 18 19 20 TSX DMZ 28DT TSX DMZ 28DR Positive logic (Sink) A Sensors 0 1 Sensors Inputs Inputs Sensors Inputs 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 9 11 11 10 8 14 14 16 (1) (1) B 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (3) 20 0 20 21 21 2 18 24 V 19 19 0 15 17 18 24 V 14 16 15 17 (1) 13 14 15 15 15 12 13 13 14 11 12 11 12 13 10 11 10 12 13 9 10 9 10 12 24 V 7 8 7 8 8 9 5 6 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 3 4 3 4 5 5 6 2 3 2 4 4 1 2 1 2 2 3 0 1 0 1 1 22 2 22 23 1 3 2 23 4 3 (3) 24 5 4 25 6 5 7 6 8 9 10 28 11 12 24 V 24 V 14 15 17 16 Preactuators Outputs 19 29 28 32 10 31 9 34 Outputs (3) 32 33 11 34 35 Outputs 19É240 V 24 V Preactuators Negative logic (Source): + 24 V = terminal 17 - 24 V = terminal 18 = common (1) 0.5 A fast blow fuse (2) 10 A fast blow fuse (3) Fast blow fuses, rated according to the load 20 Preactuators Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 8 35 18 7 30 30 33 (2) (2) (3) 31 11 13 27 29 10 11 26 5 6 27 9 10 9 4 26 8 7 24 25 3 References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 2/16 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections (continued) 0 Discrete I/O modules Connections (continued) TSX DSZ 04T22 TSX DSZ 08R5 Preactuators Outputs 0 Preactuators 1 (2) 1 TSX DMZ 16DTK 0 1 1 3 Outputs (2) 2 3 5 5 6 (2) 3 7 4 9 Sensors 10 10 5 11 5 6 Inputs 6 8 8 9 3 4 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 Outputs 11 Preactuators 2 2.1 12 12 (1) 1 2 4 4 5 24 V 1 2 3 3 0 2 2 2 Inputs Sensors 13 6 (2) 13 (3) 14 14 7 15 15 24 V (4) 19…240 V 24 V TSX DMZ 28AR 24 V TSX DMZ 64DTK Sensors Inputs 0 1 2 A1/A0 Inputs Sensors 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 (3) 110 V 18 (3) 19 (2) 0 20 24 V 21 1 2 22 B1/B0 23 3 (2) 24 1 2 26 3 4 28 5 6 30 7 8 32 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 4 5 27 7 29 6 (2) 8 31 9 10 (2) N° of channels A1 A0 16 0 17 1 18 2 19 3 20 4 21 5 22 6 23 7 24 8 25 9 26 10 27 11 28 12 29 13 30 14 31 15 33 11 34 35 Outputs 19…240 V 24 V Preactuators 24 V (5) Outputs N° of channels B1 B0 16 0 17 1 18 2 19 3 20 4 21 5 22 6 23 7 24 8 25 9 26 10 27 11 28 12 29 13 30 14 31 15 (1) 0.5 A fast blow fuse (2) Fast blow fuses, rated according to the load (3) 0.5 A fast blow fuse (4) 6.3 A fast blow fuse (5) 2 A fast blow fuse 20-wire preformed cable TSX DEZ/DSZ/DMZ ppppK Correspondence between HE 10 connector pin and colour of wire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 white brown green yellow grey pink blue red black purple 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 grey/pink red/blue white/green brown/green white/yellow yellow/brown white/grey grey/brown white/pink pink/brown Preactuators Characteristics: pages 2/9 to 2/12 References: pages 2/13 and 2/14 2/17 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Use of Preventa safety modules Safety Production workshops and technical building installations are subject to increasing requirements in terms of machine safety 2 2.1 A good machine is a safe machine, combining: b Safety of personnel (machine is not dangerous). b Availability of the production tool (machine operational at any time). b Safety is achieved by: v simultaneously optimising safety and availability, v using basic principles: redundancy, self-monitoring, etc, v considering reliability (failure determining the behavior of the machine in a specified position, positive safety features), v ease of maintenance. The machinery directive and the work equipment directive The machinery directive A machine manufacturer is required to conform to the machinery directive. The machinery directive (89/392/EEC, 91/36/EEC, 93/44/EEC and 93/68/EEC) is designed to ensure the free circulation of machinery and safety components in European Union countries and to improve the level of safety for personnel. Harmonised European standards establish technical specifications which comply with the minimum safety requirements defined in the corresponding directive. Manufacturers must produce machinery which conforms to safety requirements. The work equipment directive The user is required to ensure that his range of machines conforms to the use of work equipment by workers at work directive. Directive 89/655/EEC lays down the minimum objectives for protection in the working environment and in particular concerns the use of products. The directive specifies the general framework of preventative measures which should be taken in the workplace. Safety and automated systems All dangerous areas must be identified and have restricted access, controlled in a secure manner, ie. any breakdown or careless operation must leave the automated system in a safe position. It should be noted that the use of safety products does not necessarily mean that the machine conforms to the machinery directive. It is the operation, wiring, compatibility and scheme used, which make the entire machine safe. It is more important to think in terms of safety solutions rather than safety products. Groupe Schneider, safety specialists Groupe Schneider, specialists in safety, has a range of several thousand products, all concerned directly or indirectly with safety. Some of these products are exclusively designed for safety. Preventa safety module “Mushroom head” emergency stop button Two-handel control Safety module integrated in PLC For further details on components for safety applications, please consult our specialist catalogue. 2/18 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation (continued) 0 Use of Preventa safety modules Non-controlled safety systems The control signal from the protection device (emergency stop pushbutton illustrated to the left) acts directly on the power contactor of the machine. In this type of scheme, the risks of simple faults are: b emergency stop button being shorted. b KM1 contactor sticking. When the operator presses an emergency stop button, the instruction is not processed, and another sequence can begin following the emergency stop, despite the presence of the fault. KM1 KM1 In the case of failure, the safety function (1) is compromised. Therefore, a reliable intermediate relay system must be used. (1) A safety function is a function whose non-execution or untimely execution results in the immediate placement of the equipment into a non-hazardous position. KM1 2 2.1 M Safety system controlled by a Preventa safety module Feedback loop KM6 KM5 Emergency stop Preventa safety module KM5 KM5 KM6 KM6 Run Redundancy KM6 KM5 KM5 and KM6 contactors with mechnically linked contacts M Independent safety circuits Preventa safety modules provide a reliable interposing relay function by eliminating the risks of: b A control circuit fault (inputs). b A power circuit fault (outputs). b A fault on an internal safety module component. The safety function remains operative whenever any one of these faults occur. For the use of mechanically linked contacts CA2-DN22/DN31, LC1-D09/D18/D25, LP1-D09/D18/D25 with contacts which can be used in the feedback loop, please consult your Regional Sales Office. 2/19 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description 0 Safety automation system solutions Preventa safety module type TSX DPZ Presentation The TSX DPZ 10D2A Emergency stop monitoring module integrated into the TSX Micro PLC combines: b The ease of use of Preventa safety modules. b PLC diagnostics performance. It also maintains all the advantages of a standard PLC (extended choice of I/O, ease of installation, flexibility of hardware and software developments, etc). TSX Micro 2 The TSX DPZ 10D2A Emergency stop monitoring module combines a Preventa (XPS) hard-wired safety relay and a discrete acquisition function in a half-slot, for full diagnostics of input contacts and the state of safety circuit outputs. Safety relay 2.1 K4 The TSX DPZ 10D2A safety module is used to interrupt one or more Emergency or safety stop control circuits in complete safety, in accordance with EN 60204-1. The proven safety of hard-wired technology and the capacity of the TSX Micro PLC make module TSX DPZ 10D2A the optimum solution for making machines more reliable, safer, more compact and more cost-effective. K3 Solution with safety relay and separate PLC Application developments requiring safety systems and PLC diagnostics LModule TSX DPZ 10D2A is suitable for Emergency stop and limit switch monitoring applications, requiring a level of safety up to category 3 (1) according to EN 954-1 (safety related parts of control systems). (1) For more information on control system safety categories, please consult our specialist catalogue “Preventa safety solutions”. TSX Micro + TSX DPZ K4 K3 Simplification using the safety module integrated in the PLC Description Emergency stop monitoring module TSX DPZ 10D2A comprises: 1 1 A metal casing with a locking system for fixing the module in its slot. This system is only accessible when the screw terminal block is removed. 2 2 A removable screw terminal block for connecting sensors and preactuators. 3 Characteristics: page 2/22 3 A cover giving access to the screw terminal block, which also holds the marker legend. References: page 2/22 Connections: page 2/23 2/20 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Functions 0 Safety automation system solutions Preventa safety module type TSX DPZ Safety module TSX DPZ 10D2A provides the following functions: b Monitoring of 1 to 4 dual (or single), N/C (normally closed) contacts in pushbuttons, Emergency stops or limit switches on safety guards for an Emergency stop or immediate safety stop system (category 0 Emergency stop conforming to EN 418). b Hard-wired safety module identical to Preventa safety module XPS: v 2 N/O safety output circuits, v category 3. b Safety module independent of the TSX Micro PLC processor: the PLC does not affect the safety module. b 10 LEDs on the TSX Micro PLC display panel: power supply failure and full diagnostics of the safety system. b Electronic data acquisition units for full diagnostics of the safety system: v reading the state of the 8 pushbutton or limit switch inputs, v reading the enable input and the feedback loop, v reading the control signal of the 2 safety outputs, v monitoring the external power supply for the module. This electronic data acquisition is designed so that the first failure will not adversely affect the safety function. If the safety system uses more sensors, it is possible to daisy-chain several TSX DPZ 10D2A modules. 2 2.1 Schematic diagram To ensure correct operation of the safety function whatever the first failure, the following must be used : b At the inputs: Emergency stop pushbuttons or safety limit switches with dual contacts. b At the outputs: if relaying is required, use relays with guided contacts. b Module power supply: use an F1 protection fuse (see characteristics on page 2/22). F1 14 S4 12 S5 10 S6 8 S7 TSX DPZ 10D2A Ix,4 Ix,5 Ix,6 Ix,7 6 Ix,9 K1 ESC 5 K2 K1 4 7 S3 K2 Ix,8 Ix,3 9 S2 Bus interface K3 K4 Isolation S8 Ix,2 Bus 11 S1 Ix,1 13 Ix,0 S0 15 0V 3 K3 K4 N(-) 6-7 1-2 et 1-3 4-5 14-15 14-12, 12-10, 10-8, 8-6, 7-9, 9-11, 11-13, 13-15 L1(+) F2 K2 K1 2 1 Control of the safety system. Safety outputs, volt-free. Feedback loop and run enable (ESC: additional enable conditions). Monitoring of module c 24 V external power supply. 8 read channels for the Emergency stop pushbutton or limit switch contacts Functional diagram 2 1 3 1st contact (S4,S5,S6,S7) 2nd contact (S0S1,S2,S3) Enable button (S8) External start conditions (ESC) K4 safety output 1-2 K3 safety output 1-3 Power suply fuse (F1) Output protection fuse(F2) 1 Emergency stop or limit switch activated. 2 Emergency stop reset or limit switch closed. 3 Error on contact S0…S3. Characteristics: page 2/22 References: page 2/22 Connections: page 2/23 2/21 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics, references 0 Safety automation system solutions Preventa safety module type TSX DPZ Standards and certifications Standards Whole machine Electrical equipment of industrial machines Emergency stop device Safety of machinery: safety related parts of control systems Specific requirements Product PLC EN 60204-1 ou IEC 204-1, EN 292 EN 418 EN 954-1 category 3, pr EN 954-2, EN 1088 IEC 61508 (SIL 2) IEC 1131-2 or EN 61131-2, CSA 22-2, UL 508 BG, INERIS, INRS, UL, CSA Certifications 2 2.1 General characteristics Power supply Protection via external F1 fuse Consumption on internal 5 V Isolation Nominal voltage Limit operating voltage Error signalling Maximum consumption Conforming IEC 947-5-1 V V V mA A mA kV c 24 c 21.6…30 c < 16 < 200 1 (gl) < 20 4 (overvoltage category III, degree of pollution 2) V A V rms W c 24 8 1 Positive 10/100 µs 1500 - 50/60 Hz for 1 minute < 4.5 V V A mA V VA V VA 2 volt-free outputs a 19…264 c 17…250 1.25 10 a 24 a 48 30 60 c 24 30 Characteristics of discrete inputs Nominal voltage Modularity Emergency stop or limit switch discrete inputs Feedback loop discrete input Logic Inrush current Isolation between input and earth Power Dissipated in the module Characteristics of safety relay outputs Modularity Limit operating voltage Max. thermal current (I the) Minimum current a.c. load d.c. load a.c. d.c. Inductive AC-15 duty Inductive DC-13 duty (L/R = 100 ms) Voltage Power Voltage Power Response time Type of contacts External output protection via Conforming IEC 947-5-1 F2 fuse Isolation between input and earth Insulation voltage conforming DIN VDE 0110 part 2 Test voltage ms A < 100 AgNi gold flashed 4 (gl) V V rms 300 2000-50/60 Hz for 1 minute Operation Stockage °C °C Without cable end With cable end mm2 mm2 - 10 °C…+ 60 °C - 25 °C…+ 60 °C IP 20 conforming IEC 529 1 x 0.8 minimum 2 x 1 maximum a 110 140 a 220 165 Environment Temperatures Degree of protection Connecting cable c.s.a. Reference Inputs number Voltage 4 Emergency stops or limit c 24 V switches (dual or single contacts) 1 Start button Safety outputs 2 “N/O” (volt-free) 1.25 A (l the) Connection Format Via screw terminal block (suplied) Half-format Reference TSX DPZ 10D2A Weight kg 0.280 TSX DPZ 10D2A Connections: page 2/23 2/22 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections 0 Safety automation system solutions Preventa safety module type TSX DPZ Category 3 wiring diagrams (redundant inputs and outputs): recommended applications Connection of 4 sensors with dual contacts Connection of 4 sensors with dual contacts for existing installations F1 F1 24V 24V 14 14 S4 S4 12 12 S5 S5 10 10 S6 S6 8 8 S7 S7 ESC 5 K3 K4 S8 5 K3 K4 S8 4 4 7 7 S3 9 S2 S3 K3 11 K4 S1 2 6 6 ESC 13 9 S2 2.1 K3 11 K4 S1 13 S0 S0 0V 15 0V 15 3 3 2 K3 K4 L1(+) F2 K3 1 K4 L1(+) 2 F2 1 N(-) N(-) The states of all the contacts in the input circuit are read by the PLC. The consistency test carried out by the PLC program on the input contacts enables it to signal and locate precisely the faulty contact(s). When using less than 4 dual contacts, the input terminals not in use must be linked. For example, if contacts S0 and S4 are not in use, a bridge is required between terminals 14 and 12 and terminals 13 and 15. Wiring diagram with single contacts Connecting TSX DPZ 10D2A modules in series Connection of 4 sensors with dual contacts Connection of 4 sensors with dual contacts for existing installations F1 24V Suitable for use with existing wiring; with one contact on the safety module and one contact for diagnostics, this wiring enables global reading of the state of contacts S4 to S7 and individual reading of contacts S0 to S3. The consistency test carried out by the PLC program on the inputs enables it to signal any inconsistency with partial location of the fault. 24V 14 F1 S4 15 12 14 S5 10 S6 8 S7 7 6 ESC S8 ESC K3 S8 K3 5 K4 4 4 7 L1(+) 9 11 13 K4 24V 3 2 1 F1 K3 0V 15 14 K4 K3 L1(+) F2 3 7 6 2 5 1 K3 N(-) Not all faults are detected. A short-circuit on a pushbutton or limit switch is not detected. When using less than 4 single contacts, the input terminals not in use must be linked. For example, if contact S5 is not in use, a bridge is required between terminals 10 and 12. K4 4 N(-) Characteristics: page 2/22 F2 15 0V K3 6 5 K4 K4 3 2 1 The connection of safety relay outputs in series enables diagnostics for up to 32 single or dual contact pushbuttons or limit switches. The number of modules connected in series is limited by the number of slots available on the TSX Micro PLC. References: pages 2/22 2/23 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 TSX STZ extension module for Nano PLCs Presentation The TSX STZ 10 I/O extension module is used to connect up to 4 Nano devices, which may be PLC bases, analogue I/O extensions or a discrete I/O extension. These remotely installed Nano bases or extensions (200 metres maximum from the TSX Micro PLC) can be used as : b I/O of the Micro PLC. In this case the number of I/O managed by the TSX Micro PLC can be increased by 96 discrete I/O or 12 analogue I/O. 2 b Local “slave” PLCs (1) with data exchanges from application to application between Micro and each Nano base (the maximum number of Nano bases is limited to 3). In this application, an FTX 117 terminal or PL7 07 software is required for software installation on Nano “slave” PLCs. 2.1 It is possible to combine both types of configuration on one link. The TSX STZ 10 half-format module is inserted in position 4 which means that its use excludes integration of the TSX SAZ 10 AS-Interface bus master module. Remote discrete I/O configuration TSX Micro Remote discrete or analogue I/O configuration enables : b A reduction in wiring costs in installations spread over a wide area. b The I/O status display to be positioned close to the operative part. b The application to be developed as required by adding I/O blocks. Nano base 24 I/O It is not necessary to configure or program the Nano bases. To simplify use of these architectures, the Nano I/O are considered, by the PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software, to be objects integrated in the TSX Micro PLC. Analogue Nano extension (3 inputs/ 1 output) Length 200 m Nano base 24 I/O Configuration: One to four Nano PLC bases with 10, 16 or 24 I/O, i.e. a maximum of 96 discrete I/O. Analogue Nano extension (3 inputs/ 1 output) Local “slave” PLC configuration Apart from the advantages already mentioned, this type of configuration enables each sub-assembly or process block to be handled independently, and only the data necessary for the synchronization and control of sub-assemblies to be handled at the highest level. This structure also ensures better availability in the event of sub-assembly failure or repair. TSX Micro master Length 200 m This configuration enables application data to be exchanged between a TSX Micro PLC and up to three Nano PLCs. This data, set at two read words and two write words per Nano, is exchanged transparently with the Micro master. Slave Nano PLCs are programmed and set up in PL7 language, using an FTX 117 dedicated terminal or PL7 07 software. Nano base slave Nano base slave Nano base slave Mixed configuration Analogue Nano extension (3 inputs/1 output) TSX Micro master It is possible to combine both types of configuration on one link, in which case the maximum number of Nano PLCs is limited to 4. Length 200 m Nano base slave Nano base 24 I/O Nano base slave (1) Cannot be used with Nano extensions. References : page 2/25 2/24 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Description, selection, reference 0 TSX STZ extension module for Nano PLCs Description The front panel of the TSX STZ 10 I/O extension module for Nano PLCs comprises : 1 Locking system for fixing the module in its slot. 2 v v v 2 1 Three indicator lamps to display module operating status : RUN : correct operation of module, ERR : error in module, COM : display of link traffic . 2 3 Opening for cable routing. 3 Location: position 4 of TSX Micro PLC base. Selection of Nano bases or extensions Type 10 discrete I/O bases (6 inputs, 4 outputs) (1) 16 discrete I/O bases (9 inputs, 7 outputs) (1) 24 discrete I/O bases (14 inputs, 10 outputs) (1) Extensions 9 inputs/7 outputs (2) Extensions 14 inputs/10 outputs (2) Analogue extensions (3 inputs, 1 output) (3) Power supply a c 100/240 V 24 V 2.1 Type of discrete input Type of discrete output 1 analogue channel References modules as extension c a c 24 V transistors Relay 24 V 115 V Negative Positive c 24 V Inputs Outputs logic logic a 24/240 V TSX 07 30 1028 TSX 07 30 1008 TSX 07 30 1002 TSX 07 30 1022 TSX 07 30 1012 TSX 07 31 1628 TSX 07 31 1648 TSX 07 31 1608 TSX 07 31 1602 TSX 07 31 1622 TSX 07 31 1612 TSX 07 31 2428 TSX 07 31 2408 TSX 07 31 2402 TSX 07 31 2422 TSX 07 31 2412 TSX 07 EX 1628 TSX 07 EX 1612 TSX 07 EX 2428 TSX 07 EX 2412 TSX AMN 4000 TSX AMN 4001 Function performed (1) Maximum 4 bases with remote discrete I/O configuration, maximum 3 bases with “slave” PLC configuration. (2) Maximum 1 discrete extension.. (3) Maximum 3 analogue extensions. Reference I/O extension module for Nano PLCs The TSX STZ 10 half-format module can be inserted in position 4 which means that its use excludes integration of the TSX SAZ 10 AS-Interface bus module. Description Remote discrete I/O extension module Use Format TSX 37 10 Half TSX 37 21/22 PLCs Connections Reference Via terminal TSX STZ 10 block integrated in module Weight kg 0.180 TSX STZ 10 Presentation : page 2/24 2/25 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Selection guide Telefast® 0 2 pre-wired system Discrete input and/or output sub-bases 817437 817438 Discrete input or output 817436 Applications 2 2.2 Relay amplification – Equipped with relay – Control voltage c 24 V Output voltage c 24 V Output current per channel 0.5 A Modularity 16 No. of terminals per channel 1 1 to 3 1 2 Type of connection terminals Signal Signal, common (configurable c 24 V or 0 V) Signal Signal, Common (configurable c 24 V or 0 V) Connectors 20-way HE10 connector Terminal block removable No No Screw Screw or spring type of terminals 8 -12 -16 Additional or optional* function Low cost version fitted with cable Miniature sub-bases Compact size * Type 2 input * (1) Isolator * Device type ABE7H20Eppp 7H32Eppp ABE7H16Cpp ABE7HppR1p 7HppR50 ABE7HppR2p ABE7HppS21 Pages 2/34 2/35 (1) For TSX Micro and Premium PLCs. 2/26 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 521500 817432 Discrete input and output 2 – Removable electromechanical or solid state – No Yes 2.2 c 24 V c 24 V 0.5 A c 24 V (solid state) c 5... 24 V, a 230 V (electromechanical) 0.5 A 16 5 A (E.M.), 2 A (solid state) 5 A (th) 16 8 passive inputs 8 relay outputs 1 2 1 Signal, 2 common connections between the inputs and the outputs. Signal, common, 2 common connections between the inputs and the outputs. 1 N/O contact and common, 4 output channels 2 input connection points 20-way HE10 connectors No Screw Miniature sub-base Synergy with Tego Power and API Micro PLC Miniature sub-base - Common per 4 channels Synergy with Tego Power and API Micro PLC ABE-7H16CM11 ABE-7P16M111 ABE-7R16M111 2/38 2/37 2/34 ABE-7H16CM21 2/27 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Selection guide Telefast® 0 2 pre-wired system Discrete input and output sub-bases Discrete output 817440 Applications 2 2.2 Relay amplification Electromechanical, fixed Electromechanical or solid state Equipped with relay Yes Yes Control voltage c 24 V Output voltage c 5 V... 30 V a 230 V Output current per channel 2 A (th) 3 A (th) Modularity 8 8 - 16 No. of terminals per channel 2 1 Type of connection terminals 1 N/O contact and common Volt-free 1 N/O contact Connectors 20-way HE 10 connector Terminal block removable Yes type of terminals Yes No No c 5 V... 150 V a 230 V c 24 V (solid state) c 5 V... 24 V, a 230 V (E.M.) c 5 V... 150 V a 230 V 5 A (th) 2 A (solid state), 6 A (electromechanical) Depends on relay mounted 0.5 to 10 A 16 8 or 16 2 1 2 to 3 1 N/O contact and common 1 N/O contact Signal, Polarities Yes No No Screw Screw or spring Screw or spring Additional or optional* function Miniature sub-base Bistable relay Volt-free or common per 8 channels Miniature sub-bases Common per 4 channels Isolator and fuse Device type ABE7R08S216p ABE7RppS1pp ABE7R16T111 ABE7P16T111 ABE7P16T2ppp 7P08T3ppp Pages 2/36 2/37 2/38 ABE7RppS2pp (1) For TSX Micro and Premium PLCs. 2/28 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 817439 Discrete input 2 Electromechanical, removable Solid state, fixed – – Solid state, fixed Solid state, removable Yes Yes – – Yes No From c 24 V to a 230 V From 5 V TTL to a 230 V c 5 V... 150 V a 230 V 5A (th) 2.2 c 24 V 8 A (th) from 0.5 to 2 A 2 to 3 2 to 6 1 C/O contact or 1 N/O contact and common 1 C/O contact or 2 C/O contacts and common 125 mA 0.5 A 125 mA 12 mA 2 3 2 Signal and 0 V Signal c 24 V and 0 V Signal can be Signal isolated, Protected common 16 No Yes Screw Screw or spring Volt-free or common per: Fault signal Isolator and fuse (indicator) 3-wire proximity sensor Isolator and fuse (indicator) – ABE7SppS2Bp ABE7H16F43 ABE7H16R3p ABE7H16S43 ABE7S16E2pp ABE7P16F31p 2/36 2/35 2/36 2/39 8 channels 4 channels ABE7R16T2pp ABE7R16T3pp 2/37 No No Yes Screw Screw or spring Signal and common No 2/29 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Telefast® 0 2 pre-wired system Analogue sub-bases Analogue signals and special functions 817431 Applications 2 Compatibility TSX Micro Premium Standard Type of signal Counter inputs and analogue I/O Counter inputs Axis control Position control Analogue inputs Current Voltage Pt 100 Functions Passive connection, point-to-point with shield continuity Modularity 1 counter channel or 8 analogue inputs + 2 analogue outputs 8 channels Control voltage c 24 V Output voltage c 24 V Output current per channel 25 mA Number of terminals per channel 2 2 or 4 Type of connector 15-way SUB-D + 9-way SUB-D 25-way SUB-D Terminal block removable No No Screw Screw Device type ABE-7CPA01 ABE-7CPA02 Pages 2/42 2.2 type of terminals Analogue outputs Current Voltage 4 channels 2 or 4 ABE-7CPA21 2/30 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 817434 817435 817435 0 2 Premium TSX AEY810 Premium TSX CAYp1 TSX CTY2C Premium TSX AEY1614 Premium TSX PAY2p2 Analogue inputs Current Voltage Pt 100 Isolated analogue inputs Inputs Counter Inputs for thermocouples I/O Distribution of sensor power supplies per limiter (25 mA) Distribution of isolated sensor power supplies per converter Acquisition of value from an absolute encoder Connection of 16 thermocouples with cold junction compensation Safety module (BG) 8 channels 8 channels 1 channel 16 channels 12 Emergency stops 2.2 – – 2 or 4 1 25-way SUB-D 25-way SUB-D 15-way SUB-D 25-way SUB-D 50-way SUB-D No No No No No Screw Screw or spring Screw Screw Screw ABE-7CPA03 ABE-7CPA31p ABE-7CPA11 ABE-7CPA12 ABE-7CPA13 2/31 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Connection cables for Micro PLCs 2 0/15 1 2 3 0/7 8/15 2 2.2 2 4 4 2 5 U1 1 I/O modules equipped with HE 10 connectors. Available in modules of 8, 12, 28 and 64 I/O. 2 A single type of cable equipped with 20-way HE 10 connectors irrespective of the 8, 12 or 16-channel modularity. The HE 10 connectors may be moulded (TSX CDPppp) or self-perforating (ABF-H20Hppp). These cables are available in 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 metre lengths. They use AWG 28 (0.08 mm2) for connection of inputs and relay sub-bases, and AWG 22 (0.324 mm2) for direct connection of the 8 and 28 I/O module 0.5 A outputs. 3 16 channels may be split into 2 x 8 channels using splitter sub-base ABE-7ACC02. 4-5 8-channel and 16-channel sub-bases respectively. (1) The c 24 V power supply is connected using Telefast 2 sub-bases only. The c 0 V connections must be equipotential. Schneider Electric 2/32 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Compatibility 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Micro PLC I/O modules and interface sub-bases I/O modules for TSX Micro PLCs c 24 V discrete I/O Integrated in the PLCs TSX 8I+8Q – 1 x 16 I 1 x 12 Q 37 10 128DTK1 With modules TSX TSX TSX – – DMZ 16DTK DMZ 28DTK – – Counter Auxiliary inputs – – Inputs Outputs 2 x 16 I 2 x 16 Q 37 10 164DTK1 1 x 12 I – 1x8Q – – DMZ 64DTK – – DEZ 12D2K DSZ 08T2K CTZ 1A – – CTZ 2A – – Analogue and counter – 37 22 001 CTZ 1A CTZ 2A 37 22 101 – – Counter 2 Connection sub-bases 8 chans. 12 chans. ABE-7H08Rpp (1) (1) (1) ABE-7H08S21 (1) (1) (1) ABE- (2) 7H08R10 ABE-7H12Rpp 2.2 ABE-7H012S21 16 chans. ABE-7H16Rpp/H16Cpp/ H20Eppp ABE- (3) 7H016R20 ABE-7H16S21 ABE-7H16R23 ABE-7H16F43 ABE-7H16S43 Input adaptor sub-bases 16 chans. ABE-7S16E2pp (5) ABE-7P16F3pp (5) Input and output adaptor sub-bases 16 chans. 8I+8Q ABE-7H16CMp1 ABE-7p16M111 Output adaptor sub-bases 8 chans. 16 chans. ABE-7S08S2pp (1) ABE-7R08Sppp (1) ABE-7P08T330 (1) ABE-7S16Sppp ABE-7R16Sppp (4) ABE-7R16Tppp (4) ABE-7P16Tppp (4) Sub-bases for analogue/counter I/O ABE-7CPA01 ABE-7CPA11 ABE-7CPA02 ABE-7CPA03 (1) Via splitter sub-base ABE-7ACC02, which allows 16 channels to be split into 2 x 8 channels. (2) With module TSX CTZ 1A, to be used with sub-bases with no LED. (3) With module TSX CTZ 2A, to be used with sub-bases with no LED. (4) The last four channels are not used and remain at 1. (5) The last four channels are not used. Pre-wired cables Schneider Electric 2/33 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Connection sub-bases for analogue and counter channels Connection sub-base for counter and analogue channels 816477 Functions Counting and analogue For PLCs Modicon TSX Micro Type of Reference connection Weight kg 15-way SUB-D Screw ABE-7CPA01 0.300 Counting Modicon Axis control Premium Position control TSX CTYpA TSX CAYp1 15-way SUB-D Screw ABE-7CPA01 0.300 Parallel output absolute encoder connection TSX CTYpA TSX CAYp1 15-way SUB-D Screw ABE-7CPA11 0.330 Distribution Modicon of 16 Premium thermocouples TSX AEY1614 25-way SUB-D Screw ABE-7CPA12 0.300 Passive distribution of 8 channels on screw terminal block with shielding continuity TSX 47/107 Modicon Premium TSX AEM8p1 25-way SUB-D Screw TSX AEM16pp TSX ASY810 TSX AEY1600 TSX ApY800 ABE-7CPA02 0.290 Distribution of 4 analogue output channels Modicon Premium TSX ASY410 TSX AEY420 25-way SUB-D Screw ABE-7CPA21 0.210 Distribution and supply of 8 analogue channels with limitation of each current loop TSX 47/107 Modicon Premium TSX AEM8p1 25-way SUB-D Screw TSX AEM16pp TSX AEY800 TSX AEY1600 ABE-7CPA03 0.330 Distribution and Modicon supply of 8 Premium analogue input channels isolated from each other with 25 mA/ channel limiter TSX AEY810 ABE-7CPA31 0.410 ABE-7CPA31E 0.410 Safety TSX PAY2p2 ABE-7CPA13 0.290 2 2/40 Type of connection Telefast 2 side Integrated analogue and counter TSX 37.22 TSX CTZpA ABE-7CPA02 2.2 Compatible modules Modicon Premium Modicon Premium 25-way SUB-D Screw Spring 25-way SUB-D Screw Schneider Electric Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Accessories for connection sub-bases 816483 Software Description Operating system Reference Software for client label marking Under Windows version 3.1 or 95 ABE-7LOGV10 0.350 Pack of 25 pre-cut label sheets (160 labels) – ABE-7LOGF25 0.200 2 Accessories ABE-7ACC02 Description No. of Characteristics channels Order in Unit multiples of reference – – 10 ABE-7ACC01 0.008 – 16 as 2 x 8 channels 1 ABE-7ACC02 0.075 – 16 as 2 x 16 channels 1 ABE-7ACC10 0.075 16 as 2 x 16 channels 1 ABE-7ACC11 0.075 – 10 mm wide 4 ABE-7ACC20 0.007 – 12 mm wide 4 ABE-7ACC21 0.010 – – 100 ABE-7ACC30 0.100 Enclosure feedthrough with industrial connector 32 40-way 1 ABE-7ACC80 0.300 Plug-in 40-way male connector 32 For mounting on ABE-7ACC80 1 ABE-7ACC81 0.370 Enclosure feedthrough 16 19-way with CNOMO M23 connector (1 x 20-way HE 10 8 and 12 19-way connector, PLC end) 1 ABE-7ACC82 0.150 1 ABE-7ACC83 0.150 Impedance adaptor for Type 2 compatibility – Used with ABE7ACC82 and ABE-7ACC83 1 ABE-7ACC85 0.012 IP 65 cable gland – For 3 cables 1 ABE-7ACC84 0.300 Additional snap-on terminal blocks (shunted terminals) 8 10 screw terminals 5 ABE-7BV10 0.030 10 spring terminals 5 ABE-7BV10E 0.030 20 screw terminals 5 ABE-7BV20 0.060 20 spring terminals 5 ABE-7BV20E 0.060 816480 Kit for fixing on solid plate Splitter sub-base Redundant output sub-base Redundant input sub-base Removable continuity blocks Locating device for removable terminal block 816481 ABE-7ACC80 + ABE-7ACC81 816482 ABE-7BV20 2 01 2 01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 816479 ABE-7TES160 816484 Weight kg 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Weight kg I/O simulator sub-base 16 Display, forcing inhibition, continuity 1 ABE-7TES160 0.350 Adhesive label holder – For 6 characters 50 AR1-SB3 0.001 Fast blow fuses 5 x 20, 250 V, UL – 0.125 A 0.5 A 1A 2A 4A 6.3 A 10 10 10 10 10 10 ABE-7FU012 ABE-7FU050 ABE-7FU100 ABE-7FU200 ABE-7FU400 ABE-7FU630 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 AR1-SB3 2.2 “Flexible commoning links” accessories Description ABF-C08Rppp Schneider Electric For common Flexible Coil commoning links a Modularity 8 x 1 mm2 c Colour White Red Blue Distance between cable ends cm 12 2 12 2 12 2 Reference ABF-C08R12W ABF-C08R02W ABF-C08R12R ABF-C08R02R ABF-C08R12B ABF-C08R02B Weight kg 0.020 0.010 0.020 0.010 0.020 0.010 2/41 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Passive connection sub-bases 816461 816460 Passive connection sub-bases for discrete signals 2 "Low cost" sub-bases Function No. No. of terminals For PLCs of per on chan- chan- row nels nel number Input or Output 16 1 2 Length Type Reference of PLC of connection connection cable m Modicon TSX Micro/Premium Weight kg 1 Screw ABE-7H20E100 0.330 2 Screw ABE-7H20E200 0.410 3 Screw ABE-7H20E300 0.480 1.5 Screw ABE-7H32E150 0.360 3 Screw ABE-7H32E300 0.460 ABE-7H20Eppp 2.2 Siemens S7 "Miniature" sub-bases Function No. No. of terminals of per on chan- chan- row nels nel number 16 816462 Input or Output 816463 ABE-7H16C21 Input 16 and Output (1) 1 1 LED per channel Polarity distribution Type Reference of connection No No Screw ABE-7H16C10 0.160 Yes No Screw ABE-7H16C11 0.160 Weight kg 2 2 Yes 0 or 24 V Screw ABE-7H16C21 0.205 3 3 Yes 0 and 24 V Screw ABE-7H16C31 0.260 1 1 Yes No Screw ABE-7H16CM11 0.160 2 2 Yes 0 or 24 V Screw ABE-7H16CM21 0.200 ABE-7H16CM21 (1) 8 I + 8 Q : these products have 2 commons connections which enable inputs and outputs to be connected to the same sub-base at the same time. Schneider Electric 2/34 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Passive connection sub-bases Passive connection sub-bases for discrete signals (continued) 816464 Function ABE-7H16R50 Input or Output No. of channels No. of terminals LED Polarity Isolator (I) Type of Reference per on per distribution Fuse (F) connection chan- row chanper nel number nel channel 8 1 2 12 1 2 816465 16 1 1 2 1 Weight kg No No – Screw ABE-7H08R10 0.187 Yes No – Screw ABE-7H08R11 0.187 Yes 0 or 24 V – Screw ABE-7H08R21 0.218 I Screw ABE-7H08S21 0.245 No No – Screw ABE-7H12R10 0.274 Yes No – Screw ABE-7H12R11 0.274 2 No No – Screw ABE-7H12R50 0.196 2 No 0 or 24 V – Screw ABE-7H12R20 0.300 Yes 0 or 24 V – Screw ABE-7H12R21 0.300 I Screw ABE-7H12S21 0.375 1 No No – Screw ABE-7H16R10 0.274 Yes No – Screw ABE-7H16R11 0.274 Spring ABE-7H16R11E 0.274 Screw ABE-7H16R50 0.196 Spring ABE-7H16R50E 0.196 2 2.2 ABE-7H16R31 2 2 2 No No – No 0 or 24 V – Screw ABE-7H16R20 0.300 Yes 0 or 24 V – Screw ABE-7H16R21 0.300 Spring ABE-7H16R21E 0.300 Screw ABE-7H16S21 0.375 Spring ABE-7H16S21E 0.375 I 816466 3 3 No 0 and 24 V – Screw ABE-7H16R30 0.346 Yes 0 and 24 V – Screw ABE-7H16R31 0.346 Type 2 16 input (1) 2 2 Yes 0 and 24 V – Screw ABE-7H16R23 0.320 Input 16 2 1 Yes 24 V I, F (2) Screw ABE-7H16S43 0.640 Output 16 2 1 Yes 0V I, F (2) Screw ABE-7H16F43 0.640 ABE-7H16p43 (1) For Modicon TSX Micro, Premium and Numerical Controller NUM 1020/1060. (2) With LED to indicate blown fuse. Schneider Electric 2/35 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Connection sub-bases with soldered relays and plug-in terminal blocks 816467 Sub-bases with soldered solid state inputs, plug-in terminal blocks 2 Number No. of Isolation of terminals PLC/application channels per channel 16 2 Yes ABE-7S16E2pp Voltage Reference V Type of connection c 24 Screw ABE-7S16E2B1 0.370 Spring ABE-7S16E2B1E 0.370 Screw ABE-7S16E2E1 0.370 Spring ABE-7S16E2E1E 0.370 Screw ABE-7S16E2E0 0.386 Spring ABE-7S16E2E0E 0.386 Screw ABE-7S16E2F0 0.397 Spring ABE-7S16E2F0E 0.397 Screw ABE-7S16E2M0 0.407 Spring ABE-7S16E2M0E 0.407 c 48 a 48 a 110 2.2 a 230 Weight kg Sub-bases with soldered solid state outputs, plug-in terminal blocks No. of Isolation Output channels PLC/ voltage application V 8 No c 24 Output current A Fault detection signal (1) Type of connection Reference 0.5 Yes (2) Screw ABE-7S08S2B0 0.252 Spring ABE-7S08S2B0E 0.252 Screw ABE-7S08S2B1 0.448 Spring ABE-7S08S2B1E 0.448 Screw ABE-7S16S2B0 0.405 Spring ABE-7S16S2B0E 0.405 Screw ABE-7S16S1B2 0.400 Spring ABE-7S16S1B2E 0.400 2 16 No c 24 0.5 Yes (2) Yes (2) No Weight kg Sub-bases with soldered electromechanical relays, plug-in terminal blocks No. of Relay channels width mm No. of contacts 8 1 “N/O” Polarity distribution/ application 2 Contact common Screw per group of 4 channels Spring ABE-7R08S111 0.244 ABE-7R08S111E 0.244 Volt-free Screw ABE-7R08S216 0.250 Spring ABE-7R08S216E 0.250 Screw ABE-7R08S210 0.352 Spring ABE-7R08S210E 0.352 Contact common Screw per group of 8 channels Spring ABE-7R16S11 0.352 ABE-7R16S111E 0.352 Volt-free ABE-7R16S210 ABE-7R16S210E 0.547 0.547 816468 5 Output current A Bistable 10 ABE-7R08S216 16 5 10 1 “N/O” 1 “N/O” 1 “N/O” 2 5 2 5 Volt-free Type of connection Screw Spring Reference Weight kg Common per Screw ABE-7R16S212 group of 8 chan. Spring ABE-7R16S212E on both poles (1) A fault on a sub-base output Qn will set PLC output Qn to safety mode which will be detected by the PLC. (2) Can only be used with modules with protected outputs. 0.547 0.547 Schneider Electric 2/36 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Plug-in relay sub-bases 816469 Sub-bases for plug-in solid state input relays (1) No. of Term- For chan- inals/ relay nels channel type 16 2 ABE-7R16T210 Isolation Input PLC/ connection application ABS-7E Yes ABR-7 ABS-7S33E Volt-free Polarity distribution Type of connection Reference Weight Screw ABE-7P16F310 0.850 Spring ABE-7P16F310E 0.850 Screw ABE-7P16F312 0.850 kg 2.2 Output sub-bases, equipped with plug-in electromechanical relays (2) 816471 No. of Relay Type chan- width of nels mm relay 16 5 No. and type of contacts ABR-7S11 1 N/O ABE-7R16M111 10 ABR-7S21 1 N/O ABR-7S23 1 C/O 12 ABR-7S33 1 C/O ABR-7S37 2 C/O 2 Polarity distribution/ application Reference Weight Contact common per group of 4 channels ABE-7R16T111 0.600 Contact common per group of 4 output channels + 2 input common terminals ABE-7R16M111 (3) 0.600 Volt-free ABE-7R16T210 0.735 Common on both poles (4) ABE-7R16T212 0.730 Contact common (4) ABE-7R16T231 0.730 Volt-free ABE-7R16T230 0.775 Volt-free ABE-7R16T330 1.300 Common on both poles (5) ABE-7R16T332 1.200 Volt-free ABE-7R16T370 1.300 kg (1) Not equipped with relays. (2) Both technologies (electromechanical and solid state) may be combined on the same sub-base. (3) 2 connection methods are available, enabling inputs and outputs to be connected to the same sub-base at the same time. (4) Per group of 8 channels. (5) Per group of 4 channels. Schneider Electric 2/37 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Plug-in relay sub-bases Sub-bases for solid state and/or electromechanical output relays, plug-in (1) No. of Relay For chan- width relay nels type mm 16 5 Isolator per channel ABR-7S11 No ABS-7SC1B Fuse per channel 816473 2.2 ABR-7S2p No ABS-7SA2p ABS-7SC2p ABE-7ACC20 No No 16 12 12 ABR-7S33 No ABS-7SA3p ABS-7SC3pp ABE-7ACC21 ABR-7S33 No ABS-7SA3p ABS-7SC3pp ABE-7ACC21 ABR-7S33 No ABS-7SA3M ABS-7SC3E ABE-7ACC21 Yes Weight Contact common per group of 4 channels ABE-7P16T111 0.550 Contact common per group of 4 output channels and 2 common input terminals ABE-7P16M111 (2) 0.550 Volt-free ABE-7P16T210 (3) 0.615 ABE-7P16T230 (3) 0.655 Spring ABE-7P16T230E (3) 0.655 Screw Yes Volt-free Screw ABE-7P16T214 0.675 No Common on both poles (4) Screw ABE-7P16T212 0.615 Yes Common on both poles (4) Screw ABE-7P16T215 0.670 No Volt-free Screw ABE-7P08T330 0.450 Spring ABE-7P08T330E 0.450 Screw ABE-7P16T330 0.900 Spring ABE-7P16T330E 0.900 Common on both poles (5) Screw ABE-7P16T332 0.900 Yes Volt-free Screw ABE-7P16T334 0.900 Yes Common on both poles (5) Screw ABE-7P16T318 1.000 Spring ABE-7P16T318E 1.000 ABE-7P16T2pp 8 Reference kg 2 10 Polarity Type distribution/ of application connection No Volt-free (1) Not equipped with relays (2) 2 connection methods are available, enabling inputs and outputs to be connected to the same sub-base at the same time. (3) With relay ABR-7S21 for sub-base ABE-7P16T210, with relay ABR-7S23 for sub-base ABE-7P16T230p. (4) Per group of 8 channels. (5) Per group of 4 channels. Schneider Electric 2/38 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Telefast® 2 pre-wired system Plug-in relays Plug-in solid state relays (Order in multiples of 4) Relay Funcwidth tions Input circuit Current 816475 mm Nominal voltage V Output circuit Current (1) Nominal voltage A V Unit reference Weight kg 5 Output c 24 2 c 24 ABS-7SC1B 0.010 10 Output c 24 0.5 c 5…48 ABS-7SC2E 0.016 a 24…240 ABS-7SA2M 0.016 c 24 ABS-7EC3AL 0.014 ABS-7SC1B 12 Input Output c 5 TTL 24 Type 2 – c 24 ABS-7EC3B2 0.014 48 Type 2 – c 24 ABS-7EC3E2 0.014 a 50 Hz 48 – c 24 ABS-7EA3E5 0.014 a 60 Hz 110…130 – c 24 ABS-7EA3F5 0.014 a 50 Hz 230…240 – c 24 ABS-7EA3M5 0.014 c 24 2 c 24 Self-protected ABS-7SC3BA 0.016 1.5 c 5…48 ABS-7SC3E 0.016 1.5 a 24…240 ABS-7SA3MA 0.016 Order in multiples of Unit reference 2 2.2 816476 Plug-in electromechanical relays ABR-7S2p Relay width mm Control voltage V Output current (1) A (Ith) No. of contacts 5 c 24 5 1 N/O 4 ABR-7S11 0.005 10 c 24 5 1 N/O 4 ABR-7S21 0.008 1 C/O 4 ABR-7S23 0.008 10 1 C/O 4 ABR-7S33 0.017 8 2 C/O 4 ABR-7S37 0.017 8 1 C/O 4 ABR-7S33E 0.017 c 24 816474 12 c 48 ABR-7S3p Weight kg Accessory Description Reference Extractor for 5 mm miniature relays ABE-7ACC12 Weight kg 0.010 (1) See characterics table for specifications of relays in the sub-bases Schneider Electric 2/39 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Dimensions Telefast® ABE-7H20Eppp ABE-7H32Eppp 2 pre-wired system ABE-7H16R50, ABE-7H12R50, ABE-7H08R1p, ABE-7H08R21, ABE-7R08S111/S111E, ABE-7H08S21, ABE-7CPA21 ABE-7H16Cpp/ABE-7H16CMpp, ABE-7p16M111/ABE-7p16T111 2 b 35 b b1 Common side view 0 1 1 1 1 84 a 55 15 c c+9 7H20E/7H32Eppp 67 56 59 7Hppppp/CPA21 70 58 58 7R08S111p 77 58 58 ABEa b b1 c 7p16M111/T111 110 89 58 54 ABE-7H16p43 77 b ABE-7R16S21p, ABE-7S16S2B0/S2B02E, ABE-7S16E2pp/S16E2ppE, ABE-7S08S2B1/S08S2B1E ABE-7CPA31 b + 12 35 b1 1 Additional shunt terminal block ABE-7BV10/7BV20 Common side view ABE-7H16R2p, ABE-7H12R2p, ABE-7H16R3p, ABE-7H16R1p, ABE-7H12R1p, ABE-7H12S21, ABE-7H16S2p, ABE-7R16S11p, ABE-7R08S210, ABE-7S08S2B0, ABE-7CPA02, ABE-7CPA03 ABE7S16S1B2, ABE-7R08S216 7H16Cpp/CMpp 106 49 41,5 60 70 2.2 ABEb b1 c 1 206 15 125 c c1 All sub-bases b1 58 c 58 7pR08S210p, 7S16S1B2p, 7R08S216 77 58 58 ABE-7CPA01, ABE-7CPA11/CPA12/CPA13 58 67 211 15 70 35 89 35 58 ABE7pppppp b 70 b1 58 c 58 1 Additional shunt terminal block ABE-7BV10/7BV20 ABE-7R16T2pp, ABE-7P16T2pp 143 64 Note : details of the front view are the same as for the ABE7CPA01. ABE-7P08T330 73 15 89 89 35 58 ABE-7R16T3pp, ABE-7P16T3pp, ABE-7P16F31p Common side view 272 150 74 83 Schneider Electric 2/42 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Dimensions Telefast® ABE-7ACC02 0 2 pre-wired system ABE-7ACC03 ABE-7ACC04, ABE-7ACC05 ABE-7ACC10, ABE-7ACC11 A C B D C D 89 35 89 35 70 35 15 B 58 A C 58 B 58 A 50 48 57 15 88 15 2 66 48 48 57 57 Note : Drawing representing ABE-7ACC04 and ABE-7ACC05 ABE-7ACC80 ABE-7ACC82, ABE-7ACC83 54 112 130 140 50 88 2.2 25 42 43 74 65 34 52 32 64,5 35 ABE-7TES160 35 89 80 103 120 58 ABE-7ACC84 15 72 43 30 54 32 170 50 59 Fixing centres for sub-bases using mounting kit ABE-7ACC01 b G = a-12 6 H = b+12 a ABE-7 ACC02 ACC03 ACC04 ACC05 ACC10/11 H08Rpp H08S21 H12R50 H16R50 R08S111 CPA01 CPA02 CPA1p CPA03 G 38 53 53 53 53 72 72 72 72 72 131 113 131 113 H 82 101 101 101 101 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 ABE-7 H12R1p H12R2p H16R1p H16R2p H16R3p H12S21 H16S21 R08S210 R16S111 R16S21p S08S2B0 S08S2B1 G 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 194 113 194 H 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 ABE-7 H16F43 H16S43 S16E2pp S16S1B2 S16S2pp R16T2pp P16T2pp R16T3pp P08T330 P16T3pp P16F3pp G 194 194 194 113 194 199 199 260 150 260 260 H 82 82 82 82 82 101 101 101 101 101 101 Schneider Electric 2/43 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description 2 Installation system Tego Dial for Human-Machine interfaces Presentation 2 The modular Tego Dial system is used to define human-machine interfaces. It facilitates the installation of Ø 22, Ø 16 and Ø 30 mm control and signalling units, DIN format display units, Magelis terminals and display units, XBL keypads and other products. Tego Dial simplifies an HMI application by : definition of the application by Tego Dial Design software, quick assembly of dialogue and display units, through the use of modular elements, standard connections from the dialogue units to PLCs, bus and other products, facilitates the integration of the dialogue application into the machine, control panel, enclosure, machine housing or intermediate suspension arm. Description b Tego Dial Design definition software This software on CD-ROM facilitates graphical definition of the dialogue application in relation to the control units, pilot lights and display units necessary for the device. It selects the correct Tego Dial components that are required for the application and also features a legend design and printing function, both for the front panel and the connections. 2.2 b Dialboard front panels 1 The front panels basically comprise a grey, RAL 7016, painted aluminium frame which is covered by a polycarbonate film. Six sizes are available based on a modular pattern of height H = 50 mm and width W = 75 mm 2. The sizes are 3H x 4W, 3H x 6W, 6H x 4W, 9H x 2W, 9H x 4W and 9H x 6W. 3 1 3H H = 50 mm, L = 75 mm 9H 9H 3H 4L 9H 6H 6L 4L 2L 4L 6L 2 b Dialpack control console enclosers 3 Four control consoles are available in the following modular sizes : 3H x 4W, 6H x 4W, 9H x 4W and 9H x 6W. The Dialpack console is an assembly comprising a Dialboard type front panel and a sheet steel folded and welded enclosure, painted with textured grey RAL 7016. The front panel is hinged and can be opened to 120°. Closing is by a 1/4-turn device, with stop, and locking by Ronis key no. 455. Double bar or CNOMO triangular key locks are also available. A customising component in 2 versions - yellow or unpainted - enhances the Dialpack unit and makes it more ergonomic. A Dialpack S version in stainless steel type 304 is available for corrosive environments. This version conforms to enclosure standard EN 50298. b Plates and cross-pieces 4 A range of modular dimensioned plates facilitates the installation of all combinations of control and signalling units, operator dialogue terminals and other devices. These plates are attached directly to the framework of the front panel. The plates, made from sheet steel and painted grey RAL 7016, are designed for the following product ranges : v Ø 22, Ø 16 and Ø 30 control and signalling units, v DIN format display units, v Electronic operator terminals and displays (Magelis and others), v keypads, v other units : joystick controllers, cam switches, etc. Cross-pieces aid vertical mounting of several rows of plates. Cut-outs in the plates are dimensioned to suit the dialogue or display units that are to be installed. Some plate versions for Ø 22 units are available with knock-outs, which need to be removed before mounting the unit. Other versions incorporate cut-outs for the transparent polycarbonate legend holders (included with the plate). Alternatively, solid plates are also available for mounting any special equipment required. b Toolkit 5 The installation of dialogue and display units requires cutouts to be made through the polycarbonate film. To simplify this operation, the plate is marked with cut-out guides and a toolkit is available, comprising : a mallet, cutting tools and replacement blades. 4 5 b Pre-assembled kits Dialboard and Dialpack with pre-assembled plates and cross-pieces are available. 2/44 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 2 Installation system Tego Dial for Human-Machine interfaces Standard connections 1 5 1 5 7 2 5 B P Other products A D C A F E = 230Vac C B Ue E D H G J I points G F L Klbase 16 I H Dia K J N M 230 M L APE1B N O P O 6 Tego Dial offers a range of interface components and cabling accessories that simplify connections between control and signalling units and PLCs, buses and other products. The main components which make up this range are : v prefabricated connection cables and insulation displacement connectors 1, 5 mm pitch, for connecting control and signalling units to Dialbase interfaces, v Dialbase 8I/8O or 16I interfaces 2 with integrated commons, for connecting control and signalling units to PLCs via prefabricated Telefast connection cables 5, v an active splitter block 7 for connecting a Dialbase 8I/ 8O interface to PLCs with a connection modularity greater than 8I/8O, v a Dialbase 230 V interface 3 for connecting control and signalling units to any product up to 230V, v a Dialbase AS-i 4I/4O interface 4 with integrated commons, for connecting control and signalling units to the AS-i bus. The selection guide on page 2/40 indicates the type and quantity of components (Dialbase interfaces, active splitter block, Telefast connection cables) required to connect the control and signalling units to the various types of PLC. The most efficient connection is achieved using the Dialbase 8I/ 8O interface and the Telemecanique TSX Micro PLC TSX DMZ16DTK card 6. 2 2.2 AS-i Bus 3 Q4 108 Q1 1 101 201 301 4 104 204 105 205 206 4 Dialfix and Dialmove suspension arms Dialpack control consoles can be fitted directly using 4 adjustable lugs, ref. AE3-FX122. However, for improved ergonomy, they are usually mounted on a suspension arm. This can either be fixed (Dialfix) or moving (Dialmove). Dialfix fixed arms Two versions are available : v a straight fixed arm kit, comprising a straight Ø 70 mm tube, 500 or 1000 mm in length, and a pair of clamps (one for each end). Depending on the positioning of the clamps, an inclination of ±15° from the natural position can be achieved, v an elbowed (90°) fixed arm kit, 500 mm in length. This kit also includes the pair of clamps described above. Arms for corrosive environments The arms are in 304 type stainless steel and provide 350° rotation on the Dialpack fixing side. Two models are available: v straight arm kit, length 1000 mm, v 90° elbowed arm kit, length 500 mm. Dialmove moving arm This arm enables an extensive choice of mounting configurations. The cabling runs through the elements, which have removable side covers for easy access. Numerous configuration possibilities can be achieved by combining the following components: v straight tubes (100 to 1000 mm long), v fixed 90° joint, v wall fixing bracket (straight or elbowed, fixed or mobile), v straight fixing plates (one fixed, other rotating) for Dialpack, v 15° tilted joints, v pivoting joint (-90° to +90° in the same plane). 2/45 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Installation system Tego Power for motor power-stater components General presentation Tego Power is a modular system which standardises and simplifies the implementation of motor power-starters with its prewired control and power circuits. Hence, installation of a motor power-starter is quick, simple, safe and flexible with no wires needed for connection. In addition, this system enables the motor power-starter to be customised at a later date. The system reduces maintenance time and optimises panel space, by reducing the number of terminals, the amount of ducting and intermediate interfaces. Two solutions are offered : b A solution using Quickfit technology for TeSys motor power-starter components with spring terminals : model d contactors (9 to 32 A) and the GV2-ME motor circuit-breaker. b A solution for TeSys motor power-starter components with screw terminals : model d (9 to 18 A) and model k (6 to 12 A) contactors and GV2 motor circuit-breakers. Tego Power Design definition software This software on CD-ROM enables the motor power-starter application to be graphically defined according to the circuit-breakers and contactors used. It determines which Tego Power products are required for the application. Referencing labels can also be created for the starters. 2 1 3 6 2.2 System for Quickfit technology TeSys motor power-starters with spring terminals The motor power-starters concerned are those formed by combining : b GV2-M circuit-breakers, b with 9 to 32 A model d (LC1) contactors. Consisting of simple parts, Tego Power Quickfit technology is used to create motor starter assemblies up to 15 kW/400 V. The main components which make up this range are : For the power circuit b a power kit comprising, for each starter, a plate 1 for mounting the contactor and the circuit-breaker, and the two power connection modules 2, b a power splitter box 5 for 2 or 4 starters, b an upstream terminal block 6 for a power supply up to 63 A (16 mm2), b a downstream terminal block 7 for connecting the motor power supply cables and the earth cables (6 mm2). For the control circuit b a control splitter box 3 for 2 or 4 starters, with control-command data on HE 10 connector. The data on 4 to 8 starters can be fed back directly to the PLC via an 8I/8O or 16I/8O Telefast cable or to a fieldbus module (AS-i, Fipio, CANopen, DeviceNet, Interbus, Profibus) (see opposite page). b a control circuit connection module 4 which plugs directly into the contactor and the circuit-breaker on each starter. This module concentrates the motor starter control-command data. It integrates the circuit-breaker status data in the prewiring of the contactor control circuit. 5 4 2 2 7 1 System for TeSys motor power-starters with screw terminals The motor power-starters concerned are those formed by combining : b GV2 circuit-breakers (mainly GV2-ME and GV2 P), b with 6 to 12 A model k contactors (LC1, LP1, LC2, LP2, LP4, LP5) and 9 to 18 A model d contactors (LC1). 2 The main components which make up this range are : b modular sub-bases 1 for 2 or 4 direct or reversing contactors, consisting of a prefabricated power busbar system and a control-command circuit. These sub-bases can be combined to form a variable configuration of 2, 4, 6 or 8 direct starters. b the sub-base interconnection kit to interconnect the control and power circuits on two sub-bases. b connection blocks 2 and 3 which perform the following three functions : v ensure the mechanical fixing of the motor starter to the modular sub-base, v connect the power terminals of the contactor and circuit-breaker, v connect the auxiliary contact and A1-A2 coil terminals to the modular sub-base. 3 2/46 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation (continued) 0 Installation system Tego Power for motor power-starter components Communication modules General Communication modules are used to send I/O data from a Tego Power motor powerstarter configuration to the PLC. The communication modules is selected according to the type of connection required : b in parallel mode (modules, terminal blocks or HE 10), b or in serial mode on the bus (AS-i bus, Interbus S, Fipio, Profibus DP, CANopen or DeviceNet modules). The communication modules are the same, whether the TeSys motor power-starter system uses spring or screw terminals. 1 2 2 Modules in a TeSys motor power-system with spring terminals 3 Motor power-starters can be connected to a PLC or a bus in two ways : b by direct connection from the control circuit splitter box 3 with 4 starters, with an HE 10 connector (8I/8O) or two HE 10 connectors (16 I and 8 O), b by a Tego Power module 1 using an APP-2CX adaptor plate 2. 2.2 Modules in a TeSys motor power-starter system with screw terminals 4 A module 4 is mounted by direct mechanical assembly on the modular sub-base , with no screws or accessories. The electrical connection between the modular sub-base and the communication module is made using an HE 10 connector. 2/47 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Compatibility 0 Tego Dial/Tego Power installation system Tego Dial for Human-Machine interfaces and Tego Power for motor power-starter components Automation platform Tego Dial components Tego Power components Tego Dialbase 8 I/8 O Tiego Dialbase 16 I Communication module or control splitter box with 8 I/8 O APE 1B24M APP 1CH, APP 2R4H1/H3 2 2.2 Type Modularity of connection to the PLC Compatible I/O modules APE 1B24E TSX Micro platform Tego Dial Tego Power 8 inputs + 8 outputs 16 inputs + 16 outputs 16 inputs 8 inputs + 8 outputs 16 inputs + 16 outputs TSX DMZ 16DTK 1 TSX DMZ 64DTK 1 (1) TSX DMZ 64DTK/28DTK TSX DMZ 16DTK 1 1 TSX DMZ 64DTK 1 Premium platform Tego Dial 16 inputs + 16 outputs 16 inputs Tego Power 16 inputs + 16 outputs TSX DEY 16FK/32D2K/64D2K TSX DSY 32T2K/64T2K TSX DEY 16FK/32D2K/64D2K TSX DEY 32D2K/64D2K/16FK TSX DSY 32T2K/64T2K 1 (1) 140 DDI 353 00/10, 140 DDI 853 00, 140 DD0 353 00/10 140 DDI 353 00/10, 140 DDI 853 00 140 DDI 353 00/10, 140 DDI 853 00, 140 DD0 353 00/10 1 (1) 1 Quantum platform Tego Dial 32 inputs + 32 outputs 32 inputs Tego Power 32 inputs + 32 outputs 1 1 Advantys STB discrete I/O Tego Power 16 inputs + 8 outputs STB EPI 1145 (1) For the connection of a second Dialbase APE 1B24M, use 2 x TSX DP pp3 connecting cables. 2/48 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Connection accessories 2 2.2 Control splitter box Control splitter box 16 I/16 O Splitter box 16 I + 16 O in 2 x (8E+8S) Splitter box 16 to 2 x 8 Telefast connecting cables APP 2RH2/H4 APE 1R1628 ABE 7ACC 02 TSX CDP pp3 ABF M32Hpp0 STB XCA 300p 1 1 2 1 1 1 (2) 1 3 1 (3) 1 3 2 2 1 (2) 1 3 1 (3) 1 3 1 2 1 1 (2) 1 1 (3) 1 2 1 2 APP 2R2E (2 motor-starters) APP 2R4E 1 (4 motor-starters) (4) (2) 8 I + 8 O remain available. To connect a second APP-1CH module or APP-2ppp 8 E + 8 S control splitter box, use a additional TSX CDP pp4 cable. (3) 8 O remain available on ABE-7ACC02. To connect them a second AAP-2ppp 16 I/8 O control splitter box, use a additional TSX CDP pp3 cable. (4) For 8 motor-starters, to use 2 APP 2R4E control and power splitters. 2/49 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Phaseo power supplies for d.c. control circuits Functions Supplies for d.c. control circuits Type of product Single-phase, modular switch mode power supplies Single-phase, regulated switch mode power supplies Applications Industrial, commercial or residential applications. Modular format allowing integration into panels. Simple, low power equipment. Industrial applications, low and medium power. Machine equipment applications. Industrial or commercial applications on sites sensitive to mains interference. Protection against accidental restarting. Nominal power 22 W 7 W…30 W 48…240 W 60…240 W Input voltage a 100…240 V single-phase a 100…240 V single-phase c 110…220 V compatible (1) a 100…240 V single-phase a 100…240 V single-phase, c 110…220 V compatible (1) Output voltage c 12 V adjustable c 24 V adjustable c 24 V adjustable c 12, 24 V or 48 V adjustable Technology Primary switch mode electronic power supplies. Secondary protection Integrated, against overloads and short-circuits, with automatic reset. Signalling Output indicator lamp. Other characteristics – Connection by lug- – clamps possible Mounting Direct on 7 rail Direct, on 7 rail and on panel Direct on 7 rail Disturbance (conforming to EN55011/22) conducted and radiated cl.B cl.A (7/15 W) cl.B (30 W) cl.B EN 50081-1, IEC 61000-6-2 (EN 50082-2), IEC 950, EN61131-2/A11 EN 50081-2, IEC 61000-6-2, EN 60950 UL, CSA, TÜV cULus, TÜV EN 50081-1, EN 50081-1, IEC 61000-6-2, IEC 61000-6-2, (EN 50082-2), (EN 50082-2), IEC 950 IEC 950, 61000-3-2 UL, CSA, TÜV, CTick Device type ABL 7RM ABL 7CEM ABL 7RE Pages – 2/52 2 2.3 Conforming to standards Approvals 30 W c 24 V adjustable Integrated, against overloads and short-circuits, with manual and automatic reset. Output and input indicator lamp. Anti-harmonic distortion filter ABL 7RP (1) Compatible input voltage, not indicated on the product. Schneider Electric 2/50 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 2-phase regulated switch mode power supplies 3-phase regulated switch mode power supplies Regulated switch mode power supplies for AS-i 2 Industrial applications. Industrial applications. In-line continuous process equipment, machine tools, injection presses, etc. Industrial applications. Supply of d.c. voltage necessary for AS-i systems. 120 and 240 W 240 and 480 W 120 W 240…960 W 72 W a 2 x 380…415 V 2-phase a3x 380…415 V 3-phase a3x 400…520 V 3-phase a 100…240 V single-phase a3x 400…520 V 3-phase c 24 V adjustable 2.3 145 W c 30 V 2 x 72 W c 24 V adjustable Primary switch mode electronic power supplies. Integrated, against overloads and short-circuits, with manual and automatic reset. Integrated, against overloads and short-circuits, overvoltage and undervoltage. Output indicator lamp. Output and input indicator lamps. – – Direct on 7 rail Direct on 7 rail (except ABL-7UPS 24200 and ABL-7UPS24400) Direct on 7 rail cl.B cl.B cl.B EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2, EN 60950 EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2, EN 60950 – – ABL 7REQ ABL 7UEQ 2/52 Anti-harmonic distortion filter ABL 7UES – EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2, EN 60950, IEC 61000-3-2 cULus, c us EN 50081-1, IEC 61000-6-2, EN 55022 class B ABL 7UPS ASI ABL UL, CSA, TÜV – Schneider Electric 2/51 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits ABL-7 power supplies The ABL-7 range of power supplies is designed to provide the d.c. voltage necessary for the control circuits of automation system equipment. Split into three families, this range meets all the needs encountered in industrial, commercial and residential applications. Single-phase or 3-phase, of the electronic switch mode type, they provide a quality of output which is suitable for the loads supplied and compatible with the mains supply available in the equipment. Clear guidelines are given for selecting protection devices which are often used with them and thus a comprehensive solution is provided, which can be used in total safety. 2 Phaseo switch mode power supplies These switch mode power supplies are totally electronic and regulated. The use of electronics makes it possible to significantly improve the performance of these power supplies, which offer: - very compact size, - integrated overload, short-circuit, overvoltage and undervoltage protection, - a very wide range of permissible input voltages, without any adjustment, - a high degree of output voltage stability, - good performance, - LED indicators on the front panel. 2.3 Phaseo power supplies are available in single-phase and 3-phase versions. They deliver a voltage which is precise to 3%, whatever the load and whatever the type of mains supply, within a range of 85 to 264 V for single-phase, or 360 to 550 V for 3-phase. Conforming to IEC standards and UL and CSA certified, they are suitable for universal use. The inclusion of overload and short-circuit protection makes downstream protection unnecessary if discrimination is not required. ABL-7 RE and ABL-7 RP supplies are also equipped with an output undervoltage control which causes the product to trip if the output voltage drops below 19 V, in order to ensure that the voltage delivered is always usable by the actuators being supplied. All the products are fitted with an output voltage adjustment potentiometer in order to be able to compensate for any line voltage drops in installations with long cable runs. Most of our power supplies are designed for direct mounting on 35 and 75 mm 7 rails. 108700-13-M These power supplies are available in single-phase and 3-phase versions and are split into three families: Compact single-phase supply ABL-7CEM: b power less than or equal to 30 W (1.2 A), b compact size, b for all low power equipment, b suitable for use in automation system environments based on the Nano and Twido platforms, or in any automation system configuration requiring a c 24 V supply. ABL 7CEM 43367-15-M Universal single-phase supplies ABL-7RE and ABL-7RP: b ABL-7RE v power between 48 W (2 A) and 240 W (10 A), v compact size, v for all machine equipment, v suitable for use in automation system environments based on the Micro and Premium platforms, or in any automation system configuration requiring a c 24 V supply. b ABL-7RP v power between 60 W (2.5 A) and 240 W (10 A), v output voltage available: c 12, 24 and 48 V, v input filter (PFC) for commercial and residential environments (conforming to standard EN 61000-3-2), v two operating modes possible for handling of overload and short-circuit faults: - "AUTO" mode which provides automatic restarting of the power supply on elimination of the fault, - "MANU" mode which requires manual resetting of the power supply to restart. Resetting is achieved by switching off the mains power. ABL-7RP Characteristics : pages 2/56 to 2/59 References : page 2/61 Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/52 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Presentation (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 530894 108387-25-M Power supplies for d.c. control circuits ABL-7UPS ABL-7REQ Phaseo switch mode power supplies (continued) 3-phase and single-phase process supplies ABL-7U and ABL-7REQ: b ABL-7UE v power between 120 W (5 A) and 480 W (20 A), v compact size, v voltages between 3 x 380 V and 3 x 500 V, v for use in industrial applications, for all in-line or continuous process equipment, machine tools and injection presses, etc. v suitable for use in automation system environments based on the Premium and Quantum platforms, or in any automation system configuration requiring a c 24 V supply. b ABL-7UPS v power between 120 W (10 A) and 960 W (40 A). Identical to the ABL-7UE range, this power supply differs in that it includes a filter (PFC) which means that it can be connected directly to the public mains supply, in compliance with standard EN 61000-3-2. This product, for world-wide use, is UL certified. b ABL-7 REQ v power between 120 W (5 A) and 240 W (10 A), v compact size, v can be connected to 2-phase input voltages between 380 V and 415 V, to replace older power supplies connected by only two wires. Economical, more competitive, yet with a smaller input voltage range it can, in certain cases, be used in place of the 3-phase versions. 2 2.3 Using c 24 V b Using c 24 V enables so-called protection installations (PELV) to be built. Using PELV is a measure designed to protect people from direct and indirect contact. Measures relating to these installations are defined in publication NF C 12-201 and in standard IEC 364-4-41. b The application of these measures to the electrical equipment in machines is defined in standard NF EN 60204-1 and requires: v that the voltage used is below 60 V d.c. in dry environments and below 30 V in damp environments, v the connection of one side of the PELV circuit, or one point of the source, to the equipotential protection circuit associated with higher voltages, v the use of switchgear and control gear on which measures have been taken to ensure "safety separation" between power circuits and control circuits. b A safety separation is necessary between power circuits and control circuits in PELV circuits. Its aim is to prevent the appearance of dangerous voltages in c 24 V safety circuits. b The reference standards involved are: v IEC 61558-2-6 and EN 61558-2-6 (safety transformers), v IEC 664 (coordination of isolation). Telemecanique power supplies meet these requirements. b Moreover, to ensure that these products will operate correctly in relation to the demands of their reinforced isolation, it is recommended that they be mounted and wired as indicated below: v they should be placed on an earthed mounting plate or rail, v they should be connected using flexible cables, with a maximum of two wires per connection, and tightened to the nominal torque, v conductors of the correct insulation class must be used. b If the d.c. circuit is not connected to an equipotential protection conductor, an earth leakage detector will indicate any accidental earth faults (please consult your Regional Sales Office). Operating voltage b The permissible tolerances for the operating voltage are listed in publications IEC 1131-2 and DIN 19240. b For nominal voltage Un = c 24 V, the extreme operating values are from - 15 % to + 20 % of Un, whatever the supply fluctuations in the range -10 % to + 6 % (defined by standard IEC 38) and load variations in the range 0-100 % of In. All Telemecanique c 24 V power supplies are designed to provide a voltage within this range. b It may be necessary to use a voltage measurement relay to detect when the normal voltage limits are being surpassed and to deal with the consequences of this (please consult your Regional Sales Office). Characteristics : pages 2/56 to 2/59 References : page 2/61 Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/53 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Selection 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits Selection of power supplies The characteristics to be taken into account when selecting a power supply are: - the required output voltage and current, - the mains voltage available in the installation. An initial selection can be made using the table opposite. This may however result in several products being selected as suitable. Other selection criteria must therefore be taken into account. b The quality of the mains power supply The Phaseo range is the solution because it guarantees precision to 3% of the output voltage, whatever the load current and the input voltage. In addition, the wide input voltage range of Phaseo power supplies allows them to be connected to all mains supplies within the nominal range, without any adjustment. The Phaseo RP family can also be connected to c 110 and 220 V emergency supplies. 2 b Harmonic pollution (power factor) The current drawn by a power supply is not sinusoidal. This leads to the existence of harmonic currents which pollute the mains supply. European standard EN 61000-3-2 limits the harmonic currents produced by power supplies. This standard covers all devices between 75 W and 1000 W, drawing up to 16 A per phase, and connected directly to the public mains power supply. Devices connected downstream of a private, low voltage general transformer are therefore excluded. Regulated switch mode supplies always produce harmonic currents; a filter circuit (Power Factor Correction or PFC) must therefore be added to comply with standard EN 61000-3-2. Phaseo ABL-7RP and ABL-7UPS power supplies conform to standard EN 61000-3-2 and can therefore be connected directly to public mains power supplies. 2.3 b Electromagnetic compatibility Levels of conducted and radiated emissions are defined in standards EN 55011 and EN 55022. The majority of products in the Phaseo range have class B certification and can be used without any restrictions due to their low emissions. ABL-7CEM24003 and ABL-7CEM24006 power supplies have class A certification. It is recommended that they should not be used in the following equipment: trains, aircraft, nuclear applications and in any environment where malfunctioning could cause serious injuries or lead to death. These products are designed for use in industrial equipment and are not suitable for use in residential environments. b Behaviour in the event of short-circuits Phaseo power supplies are equipped with an electronic protection device. This protection device resets itself automatically on elimination the fault (around 1 second for ABL-7 RE/RP, around 3 seconds for ABL-7 UE/UP/REQ) which avoids having to take any action or change a fuse. In addition, the Phaseo ABL-7RP/U/REQ ranges allow the user to select the reset mode in the event of a fault: - in the "AUTO" position, resetting is automatic, - in the "MANU" position, resetting occurs after elimination of the fault and after switching the mains power off and back on. This feature allows Phaseo ABL-7RP/U/REQ power supplies to be used in installations where the risks associated with untimely restarting are significant. b Behaviour in the event of phase failure In the event of failure of one phase, all Phaseo 3-phase power supplies switch to relaxation mode for as long as the input voltage is < 450 V. For operation on higher voltages (e.g. 480 V), use of an upstream GV2 type residual current protection device is recommended. b Selection of reset mode v on the ABL-7RP family of products: By microswitch on the front panel of the product. v on the ABL-7U/REQ family of products: By jumper on the front panel. Warning: selection of the function is only possible after the mains power supply has been switched off for at least 5 minutes. The jumper is moved using a pair of insulated, flat-nose pliers. Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 Characteristics pages 2/56 to 2/59 References : page 2/61 Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/54 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Selection (continued) 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits Selection according to application characteristics Type of mains supply Rated mains supply voltage Permissible variation Output voltage Output current Single-phase 2-phase a 100…240 V 50/60 Hz c 110… 220 V (1) Wide range 85…264 V, 47…63 Hz c 100...250 V (1), c 105...370 V (2) 100…240 V 50/60 Hz Wide range 85…264 V 47…63 Hz 2 x 380…415 V 3 x 50/60 Hz 380…415 V 50/60 Hz 340…460 V 340…460 V 47…63 Hz 47…63 Hz 3 x 400…520 V 50/60 Hz Wide range 360…550 V 47…63 Hz 3 x 380…520 V 50/60 Hz Wide range 340…550 V 47…63 Hz 12 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 48 V 0.3 A 24 V 24 V 2 ABL7CEM24003 ABL7CEM24006 ABL7CEM24012 0.6 A 1.2 A 2A ABL7RE2402 2.5 A ABL7RP4803 3A 5A 3-phase ABL7RP1205 10 A ABL7RP2403 ABL7RP2405 ABL7RP2410 ABL7RE2403 ABL7RE2405 ABL7RE2410 ABL7REQ24050 ABL7REQ24100 2.3 20 A ABL7UES24050 ABL7UEQ24100 ABL7UEQ24200 ABL7UPS24100 ABL7UPS24200 ABL7UPS24400 40 A Conforming to EN 61000-3-2 Yes (not applicable for ABL-7CEM) No No No Integrated automatic protection Yes Automatic or manual restart on ABL-7RP Automatic restart only on ABL-7CEM Yes Automatic restart Yes Automatic or manual restart No Yes (1) Values for ABL-7RP power supplies, not indicated on the product. (2) Values for ABL-7CEM power supplies, not indicated on the product. Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 Characteristics : pages 2/56 to 2/59 References : page 2/61 Dimensions : page 2/62 and 2/63 Schemes : page 2/63 2/55 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Characteristics Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies Technical characteristics Type of power supply Product certifications Conforming to standards Safety EMC Low frequency harmonic currents ABL-7CEM cULus, TÜV UL 508 IEC/EN 60950 EN 50081-2, EN 50082-2 – ABL-7RE UL, CSA, TÜV, CTick UL 508, CSA 22.2 n° 950 – a 100…240, c 110…220 compatible (1) a 85…264, c 105…370 compatible (1) 47…63 > 70 % 0.1 (7 W)/0.2 (15 W)/0.45 (30 W) 0.17 (7 W)/0.3 (15 W)/0.68 (30 W) < 50 0.45 approx. Orange LED a 100…240 Green LED c 24 0.3/0.6/1.2 Adjustable from 90 to 110 % 2 % max < 200 (peak-peak) > 20 See curves page 2/59 Permanent/automatic restart Green LED 1.05 In U > 1.2 – 1.1 In Tripping if U > 1.5 Un Tripping if U < 0.8 Un ABL-7RP IEC/EN 61496-1-2 EN 50081-1, IEC 61000-6-2 (EN 50082-2) – EN 61000-3-2 Input circuit 2 2.3 LED indication Input voltages Rated values V Permissible values V Permissible frequencies Efficiency at nominal load Current Ue = 240 V consumption Ue = 100 V Hz Current at switch-on Power factor A A A a 85…264 single-phase > 85 % 0.6 (48 W)/0.83 (72 W) 1.2 (120 W)/2.5 (240 W) 1.2 (48 W)/1.46 (72 W) 1.9 (120 W)/3.6 (240 W) < 30 0.65 approx. Orange LED a 100…240, c 110…220 compatible (1) a 85…264, c 100…250 compatible (1) 0.4 (72 W)/0.6 (120 W) 1.3 (240W) 0.8 (72 W)/1 (120 W)/2.8 (240 W) 0.98 approx. Output circuit LED indication Nominal output voltage (U out) Nominal output current Precision Output voltage Line and load regulation Residual ripple - interference Micro-breaks Holding time at I max and Ve min Temporary overloads Permissible inrush current (U out >19V) Protection Short-circuit V A mV ms Overload Overvoltage Undervoltage Green LED 12, 24 and 48 2/3/5/10 2.5/5/10 Adjustable from 100 to 120 % ±3% > 10 > 20 Permanent/automatic restart Permanent/automatic restart or restart after switching off mains power Operating and environmental characteristics Connections Ambient conditions Input Output Storage temperature Operating temperature Max. relative humidity Degree of protection Vibrations Operating position MTBF at 40° Connections Series Parallel Dielectric strength Input/output Input/earth Output/earth (and output/output) Input fuse incorporated Disturbance Conducted Radiated Immunity Electrostatic discharge Electromagnetic Conducted interference Mains interference Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 References : page 2/61 mm2 mm2 °C °C 2 x 2.5 + earth 2 x 2.5 2 x 2.5 + earth, multiple output, depending on model - 25… + 70 - 10… + 60 (derating as 0… + 60 (derating as from 50° C, mounted vertically) from 50° C, mounted vertically) 20…90 % 95 % without condensation or dripping water IP 20 conforming to IEC 529 Conforming to IEC 61131-2 Vertical and horizontal Vertical (see derating curve, page 2/58) > 100 000 h Possible (see page 2/59) No Possible (max. temperature 50° C) 3000 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min 3000 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min 2000 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min 3000 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min 500 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min 500 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min Yes (not interchangeable) EN 50081-2 (generic) EN 50081-1 EN 55011/EN 55022 class A EN 55011/EN 55022 class B (7 and 15 W) EN 55011/EN 55022 class B (30W) EN 55011/EN 55022 class B IEC 61000-6-2 (generic) EN 61000-4-2 (4 kV contact/8 kV air) EN 61000-4-3 level 3 (10 V/m) EN 61000-4-4 level 3 (2 kV) , EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6 level 3, EN 61000-4-8 level 4 EN 1000-4-11 (voltage drops and cuts) (1) Compatible input voltage, not indicated on the product. Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/56 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Characteristics (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies Technical characteristics Type of power supply Product certifications Conforming to standards Safety EMC Low frequency harmonic currents ABL-7REQ24p – ABL-7UEQ24p ABL-7UES24p EN 60950 EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2 – ABL-7UPS24p cULus, c us EN 61000-3-2 Input circuit LED indication Input voltages 2 – Rated values Permissible values Permissible frequencies Efficiency at nominal load Current consumption Ue = 400 V Current at switch-on Power factor 2-phase operating mode V V Hz a 2 x 380…415 a 3 x 380…415 a 3 x 400…520 a 2 x 340…460 a 3 x 340…460 a 3 x 360…550 50…60 > 85 % > 90 % A V 0.65 (120 W)/1.2 (240 W) <35 0.6 – V A Green LED c 24 5/10 mV Adjustable from 100 to 116% 1 % max < 200 (peak-peak) ms 15 A a 3 x 400…520 a 3 x 360…550 0.75 (240 W)/1.5 0.7 (240 W)/1.2 (480 W)/1.7 (960 W) (480 W) 0.55 0.7 0.7/0.9 (960 W) Relaxation if input voltage < a 450 Output circuit LED indication Nominal output voltage (U out) Nominal output current Precision Output voltage Line and load regulation Residual ripple - interference Micro-breaks Holding time for I max and Ve min Temporary overloads Permissible inrush current (U out >19V) Protection Short-circuit Overload Overvoltage Undervoltage 2.3 10/20 5 10 10/20/40 Between 8 and 13 See curves, page 2/59 V V Permanent/automatic or normal restart 1.20 In < 50 ms 28.5 typical 19 typical Operating and environmental characteristics Connections Input Output Ambient conditions Storage temperature Operating temperature Maximum relative humidity Degree of protection Vibrations Operating position MTBF Connections Series Parallel Dielectric strength Input/output Input/earth Output/earth (and output/output) Input fuse incorporated Disturbance Conducted/radiated Immunity Electrostatic discharge Electromagnetic Conducted interference Mains interference Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 References : page 2/61 mm2 mm2 2 x 1.5…2.5 mm2 + earth 4 x 1.5…2.5 mm2 4 x 4…6 mm2 °C °C - 25…+ 70 0° C…+ 60° C 30…90 % IP 20 or IP XXB Conforming to IEC 61131-2 Vertical > 100 000 h Possible See page 2/58 4 x 1.5…2.5 mm2 4 x 1.5…2.5 mm2 + earth (240 W) 4 x 4…6 mm2 + earth (480 W) 4 x 4…10 mm2 + earth (960 W) 3750 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min 3500 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min 500 V/50 and 60 Hz 1 min No EN 55011/EN 5022 - class B EN 61000-4-2 (4 kV contact/8 kV air) EN 61000-4-3 level 3 (10 V/m) EN 61000-4-4 level 3 (2 kV) , EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6 level3, EN 61000-4-8 level 4 (for ABL-7RE/RP) EN 61000-4-11 (voltage drops and cuts) Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/57 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Output characteristics 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies Derating The ambient temperature is a determining factor which limits the power that an electronic power supply can deliver continuously. If the temperature around the electronic components is too high, their life will be significantly reduced. Conversely, a power supply can deliver more than its nominal power if the ambient temperature remains largely below the rated operating temperature. The rated ambient temperature for Phaseo power supplies is 50 °C. Above this, derating is necessary up to a maximum temperature of 60 °C. 2 The graph below shows the power (in relation to the nominal power) which the power supply can deliver continuously, according to the ambient temperature. P/Pn (%) 140 120 100 80 2.3 3 2 1 60 50 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Maximum operating temperature (°C) 1 ABL-7RE, ABL-7RP, ABL-7U mounted vertically 2 ABL-7CEM mounted vertically 3 ABL-7CEM mounted horizontally Derating should be considered in extreme operating conditions: - intensive operation (output current permanently close to the nominal current, combined with a high ambient temperature), - output voltage set above 24 V (to compensate for line voltage drops, for example), - parallel connection to increase the total power. General rules to be complied with Intensive operation See derating on above graph. Example for ABL-7RE: - without derating, from 0 °C to 50 °C, - derating of nominal current by 2%, per additional °C, up to 60 °C. Rise in output The nominal power is fixed. voltage Increasing the output voltage means that the current delivered must be reduced Parallel connection The total power is equal to the sum of the power supplies used, but the to increase the maximum ambient temperature for operation is 50 °C. To improve heat dissipation, the power supplies must not be in contact power (except ABL-7CEM) with each other In all cases, there must be adequate convection round the products to ensure easier cooling. There must be a clear space of 50 mm above and below Phaseo power supplies and of 15 mm at the sides. Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 References : page 2/61 Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/58 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Output characteristics (continued) 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies Load limit ABL-7CEM24ppp ABL-7RE24pp/ABL-7RPpppp ABL-7Upp24pp/ABL-7REQpppp U out (%) U out 100 % 2 19 V 50 % 1 2 I out In I out 1,1 x In 1,2 x In 1,2 x In 1 ABL-7RE24pp/ABL-7RPpppp 2 ABL-7Upp24pp/ABL-7REQpppp Temporary overloads ABL-7CEM ABL-7RE/ABL-7RP I out T (ms) 100 90 I out T (ms) 20 I out:(0...100%) I out:(0...100%) 2.3 18 80 70 16 60 50 14 40 12 30 20 10 10 0 0 1,8 2 2,2 2,4 1,2 2,6 x In 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 x In ABL-7U T (ms) 800 700 600 I out=0% I out=50% 500 Example: For an ABL-7UPS24ppp power supply with 50 % loading. (I out = 50 %), this power supply can absorb a current peak of 1.6 x In for 250 ms with an output voltage u 19 V. 400 300 250 200 I out=80% I out=100% 100 0 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 x In Series or parallel connection (1) ABL 7 ABL 7 + ABL 7 + ABL 7 + Parallel connection + Series connection (1) 2 x c 24 V / I out Family c 24 V / 2 x I out Series Parallel ABL-7CEM 2 products max (1) No ABL-7RE/RP 2 products max 2 products max ABL-7U/REQ 2 products max 2 products max (1) 2 Shottky diodes 2 A/100 V on ABL-7CEM only. Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 References : page 2/61 Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/59 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Selection 0 Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies Upstream protection ABL-7CEM, ABL-7RE and ABL-7RP power supplies: protection of the power supply line Type of mains supply Type of protection 2 2.3 a 115 V single-phase Thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker GB2 C60N ABL-7CEM24003 GB2-CD06 ABL-7CEM24006 GB2-CD07 ABL-7CEM24012 GB2-CD07 ABL-7RE2402 GB2-pB07 24183 MG24516 (1) 24184 MG24517 (1) 24184 MG24517 (1) MG24517 (1) ABL-7RE2403 GB2-pB07 ABL-7RE2405 a 230 V single-phase gG fuse Thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker gG fuse GB2 C60N 2A GB2-CD07 2A 2A GB2-CD08 2A GB2-CD08 2A GB2-DB06 24184 MG24517 (1) 24185 MG24518 (1) 24185 MG24518 (1) MG24516 (1) MG24517 (1) 2A GB2-DB06 MG24516 (1) 2A GB2-pB08 MG24518 (1) 4A GB2-DB07 MG17453 (1) 2A ABL-7RE2410 GB2-pB12 MG17454 (1) 6A GB2-DB08 MG24518 (1) 4A ABL-7RP2403 GB2-pB07 MG24517 (1) 2A GB2-DB07 MG24516 (1) 2A ABL-7RP2405 GB2-pB07 MG24517 (1) 2A GB2-DB07 MG24516 (1) 2A ABL-7RP2410 GB2-pB09 MG24519 (1) 4A GB2-DB07 MG24516 (1) 2A ABL-7RP4803 GB2-pB07 MG24517 (1) 2A GB2-DB07 MG24516 (1) 2A 2A 2A 2A ABL-7REQ power supplies: protection of the power supply line Type of mains supply Type of protection a 400 V 2-phase Thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker 2-pole gG fuse GB2-DBpp C60N ABL-7REQ24050 DB07 24100 10 A ABL-7REQ24100 DB08 24100 10 A ABL-7UEQ, ABL-7UES and ABL-7UPS power supplies: protection of the power supply line Type of mains supply Type of protection a 400…480 V 3-phase Thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker 2-pole gG fuse GV2-MEpp C60N ABL-7UEQ24100 GV2-ME08 (1) 24212 4A ABL-7UEQ24200 GV2-ME08 (1) 24213 6A ABL-7UES24050 GV2-ME08 (1) 24210 2A ABL-7UPS24100 GV2-ME08 (1) 24210 2A ABL-7UPS24200 GV2-ME08 (1) 24211 3A ABL-7UPS24400 GV2-ME08 (1) 24212 4A (1) UL certified circuit-breaker. Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 References : page 2/61 Dimensions : page 2/62 Schemes : page 2/63 2/60 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies ABL 7CEM single-phase regulated switch mode power supplies 108700-13-M Mains input voltage 47...63 Hz V ABL-7CEM Output Nominal voltage power Nominal current c V W A 7 0.3 auto no ABL-7CEM24003 0.150 15 0.6 auto no ABL-7CEM24006 0.180 30 1.2 auto no ABL-7CEM24012 0.220 a 100…240 24 single-phase wide range c 110…220 (1) Autoprotect reset Conforming Reference to standard EN 61000-3-2 Weight kg 2 ABL-7RE single-phase regulated switch mode power supplies 43367-15-M Mains input voltage 47...63 Hz V a 100…240 single-phase wide range Output Nominal voltage power Nominal current Autoprotect reset Conforming Reference to standard EN 61000-3-2 Weight c V W A 24 48 2 auto no ABL-7RE2402 0.520 72 3 auto no ABL-7RE2403 0.520 120 5 auto no ABL-7RE2405 1.000 240 10 auto no ABL-7RE2410 2.200 kg 2.3 ABL-7RP single-phase regulated switch mode power supplies ABL-7RE2405 ABL-7RP2405 ABL-7RP4803 Mains input voltage 47...63 Hz V 530894 a 100...240 single-phase wide range c 110...220 (1) Nominal current c V W A 12 60 5 auto/man yes ABL-7RP1205 1.000 24 72 3 auto/man yes ABL-7RP2403 0.520 120 5 auto/man yes ABL-7RP2405 1.000 240 10 auto/man yes ABL-7RP2410 2.200 144 2.5 auto/man yes ABL-7RP4803 1.000 48 Autoprotect reset Conforming Reference to standard EN 61000-3-2 Weight kg ABL-7REQ 2-phase regulated switch mode power supplies Mains input voltage 47...63 Hz V ABL-7REQ Output Nominal voltage power a 380…415 Output Nominal voltage power Nominal current Autoprotect reset Conforming Reference to standard EN 61000-3-2 Weight c V W A 24 120 5 auto/man no ABL-7REQ24050 0.850 240 10 auto/man no ABL-7REQ24100 1.200 kg ABL-7U 3-phase regulated switch mode power supplies 108387-25-M Mains input voltage 47...63 Hz V Output Nominal voltage power Nominal current c V W A 24 240 10 auto/man no ABL-7UEQ24100 1.200 480 20 auto/man no ABL-7UEQ24200 2.100 120 5 auto/man no ABL-7UES24050 1.300 240 10 auto/man yes ABL-7UPS24100 1.300 480 20 auto/man yes ABL-7UPS24200 2.300 960 40 auto/man (1) Compatible input voltage, not indicated on the product. yes ABL-7UPS24400 4.500 Characteristics : pages 2/56 to 2/59 Schemes : page 2/63 a 3x380…415 a 3x400…520 24 ABL-7UPS Presentation : pages 2/52 and 2/53 Dimensions : page 2/62 Autoprotect reset Conforming Reference to standard EN 61000-3-2 Weight kg 2/61 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Dimensions 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits ABL-7RE2405 ABL-7RP1205/2405/4803 2 120 120 27 ABL-7CEM24ppp ABL-7CEM24003 ABL-7RE2410 ABL-7RP2410 120 ABL-7RE2402/2403 ABL-7RP2403 120 ABL-7RE24pp/ABL-7RPpppp Common side view Mounting on 35 and 75 mm rails 54 ABL-7CEM24006/ ABL-7CEM24012 135 ABL-7REQ24ppp/ABL-7UEQ24100/ABL-7UES24050/ ABL-7UPS24100 120 75 127 Common front view 70 2.3 95 45 a P 6 68 Panel mounting (1) 60 (62,5) ABL- P mm 130 154 154 171 171 7REQ24050 7REQ24100 7UEQ24100 7UES24050 7UPS24100 35 (38,5) (1) 2 x M4 or 2 x Ø4.5 ABL-7UEQ24200 a mm – – – 15 15 ABL-7UPS24200 201 6 84 240 209 170 197 60 84 ABL-7UPS24400 230 242 81 106 275 Presentation: pages 2/52 and 2/53 Characteristics: pages 2/56 to 2/59 References: page 2/61 Schemes: page 2/63 2/62 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Schemes 0 Power supplies for d.c. control circuits N N L ABL-7RE2410 L ABL-7RE2405 L N ABL-7RE2402/2403 Filter + + + L/+ N/ N/ ABL-7RP2410 L/+ ABL-7RP1205/2405/4803 L/+ N/ ABL-7RP2403 + + + 2 Filter Filter – + – + – + – + – + + 2.3 L NC + N ABL-7CEM24ppp ABL-7REQ24ppp ABL-7UEppppp + + + + L1 L2 N pages 2/52 and 2/53 + + L1 L Presentation: ABL-7UPppppp L2 L3 L3 Characteristics: pages 2/56 to 2/59 References: page 2/61 Dimensions: page 2/62 2/63 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 3 3/0 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Contents 3 - Application-specific modules 3.1 - Integrated analogue channels and analogue I/O modules Selection guide analogue I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/2 b TSX ApZ integrated channels and analogue I/O modules . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/4 b Process control of semi-continuous processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/10 3.2 - Integrated counter channels and counter/positioning modules Selection guide counter/positionning modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/14 b TSX CTZ pA integrated channels and counter modules . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/16 b TSX CTZ 1B absolute encoder positioning module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3/22 3 3/1 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Integrated analogue channels and analogues I/O modules Applications Integrated analogue inputs/outputs Analogue inputs 1 3 3.1 Type on inputs/outputs High level inputs Voltage outputs High level inputs Type Voltage Current Voltage Current Multirange Range 0...10 V 0...20 mA 4...20 mA ± 10 V 0...10 V 0...20 mA 4...20 mA B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T,U, Pt 100 , Ni 1000 (2 or 4 wire) ±10 V, 0...10,V,1...5V 0...20 mA,4...20 mA (external shunt supplied)) Modularity 8 input channels 1 output channel Isolation High level inputs thermocouples, temperature probes 8 channels 4 channels Between channels Common point Between bus and channels Common point a 1000 V rms. c 30 V (differential channels) a 500 V rms. Between channels and earth Common point a 1000 V rms. a 500 V rms. Acquisition time 32 ms (normal scan), 4 ms per channel used (fast scan) 520 ms Inputs User-definable filtering 0…4.1 s (0 in fast scan) User-definable filtering 0...66.3 s Outputs 50 µs – Resolution 8 bits 11 bits + sign Connection Via 15-pin SUB-D connector or Telefast 2 (ABE 7CPA01) Via screw terminals (supplied with module) Type of modules 1 I/O analogue inputs integrated in TSX 37 22 TSX AEZ 801 Pages 3/4 3/9 Response time 12 bits TSX AEZ 802 16 bits TSX AEZ 414 3/2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Analogue outputs Analogue inputs/outputs Remote analogue inputs/outputs (200 m) High level inputs Isolated outputs 3 Voltage outputs Voltage outputs/current High level inputs High level outputs Voltage Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current ± 10 V ± 10 V 0...20 mA 4...20 mA ± 10 V 0...10 V 0...20 mA 4...20 mA ± 10 V 0...10 V 0...20 mA 4...20 mA 4 channels 2 channels 4 inputs/2 outputs 3 input channels/1 output channel, 3 modules max. a 1000 V rms. (betwenn inputs and outputs) Common point a 1000 V rms. a 1500 V rms. – a 1000 V rms. a 1500 V rms. a 1000 V rms. a 2000 V rms. – 16 ms (normal scan), 4 ms per channel used (fast scan) 1.5 ms per channel – User-definable filtering 0…4.1 s (0 en cycle rapide) 400 µs – 11 bits, + sign (with range ± 10 V) 7 bits + sign/11 bits + sign depending on configuration 400 µs 11 bits + sign 3.1 300 µs 400 µs 11 bits – Via integrated screw terminal block TSX ASZ 401 3/9 TSX ASZ 200 TSX AMZ 600 TSX AMN 400p – 3/3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description 0 Integrated analogue channels and analogue I/O modules Presentation TSX Micro PLCs provide three ways of performing analogue processing: b With input half format TSX AEZ ppp modules, and TSX ASZ ppp analogue outputs modules and TSX AMZ 600 analogue I/O installed in the available slots (base or mini extension rack). b Or by using the analogue I/O integrated into TSX 37 22 PLC bases. b Or by using Nano remote analogue I/O extension modules (see pages 2/25 and 2/26). b The maximum number of analogue modules in a TSX Micro PLC configuration is: v 2, for a TSX 37 05/08/10 configuration, v 4, for a TSX 37 21/22 configuration (2 TSX ASZ 200/TSX AMZ 600 modules maximum in the base). These analogue input or output modules are always connected via screw terminal blocks. 3 Description TSX AEZ/ASZ/AMZ analogue I/O modules 1 TSX AEZ/ASZ/AMZ analogue I/O modules comprise: 1 Rigid metal casing. 2 Locking system for fixing the module in its slot. This system can only be accessed when the screw terminal block is removed. 3 Module reference label. 4 Connector for fitting screw terminal block. 3.1 2 3 4 Connection equipment supplied with each module: 5 TSX BLZ H01 removable screw terminal block for connection of analogue sensors and actuators. 5 Integrated analogue I/O Eight 0...10 V inputs and one 0...10 V output are integrated in TSX 37 22 PLC bases. These integrated channels can receive the TSX ACZ 03 adjustment/adaptor module, which enables: b The use of 4 potentiometers for the user to adjust the 4 application constants (setpoint, threshold, etc.). b Conversion of 0...10 V inputs to 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA inputs. b Conversion of 8 0...10 V inputs to 8 c 24 V discrete inputs. 1 1 A 15-pin SUB-D type connector for connecting the analogue sensors/pre-actuators or mounting the TSX ACZ 03 adaptor. 2 A 15-way SUB-D type connector for connecting the analogue sensors/preactuators or the discrete sensors. 3 Potentiometers for adjusting the first 4 input channels. TSX 37 22 TSX ACZ 03 2 3 Connection principle for integrated analogue channels using the Telefast 2 pre-wired system Drive The Telefast 2 pre-wired system facilitates installation of modules by providing access to inputs via screw terminal blocks. Connection is via a TSX CCP S15 ppp shielded cable (length 0.5 to 2.5 m) fitted with SUB-D type connectors at each end. The ABE 7CPA01 wiring connection base is used to connect the following: b 8 analogue inputs (or 8 c 24 V discrete inputs with TSX ACZ 03 adaptor module). b 1 analogue output. b 1 c 10 V reference output for using 4 external potentiometers for the last 4 channels (4.7 kΩ, precision ± 20 % maximum), if required. TSX 37 22 TSX CCP S15 ABE 7CPA01 Functions: pages 3/5 and 3/6 Characteristics: pages 3/7 and 3/8 References: page 3/9 3/4 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Functions 0 Integrated analogue channels and analogue I/O modules Functions Analogue I/O modules do not require an external power supply: energy is provided via the TSX Micro PLC power supply. For maximum reliability, these modules do not contain any electromechanical components: there are no multiplexing relays, no configuration switches, and no adjustment potentiometers. These modules only contain solid state components, and are configured using PL7 Micro or PL7 Junior or PL7 Pro software. TSX AEZ 801/802 analogue input modules These modules (TSX AEZ 801 and TSX AEZ 802) are analogue input modules, with 8 high level multirange voltage or current channels. For each input, they offer a choice between + 10 V or 0...10 V (TSX AEZ 801) and 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA (TSX AEZ 802) ranges, according to the selection made in the configuration. The various functions of the TSX AEZ 801/802 analogue input modules are as follows: b Scanning of input channels used by solid state multiplexing (normal or fast) and acquisition of values. b Analogue/digital conversion (11 bits + sign or 12 bits) of input signals. 3 3.1 The processing performed by the PLC processor, in addition to these functions: b Monitoring of input overshoots. b Filtering measurements. b Converting input measurements to user format for display in directly readable units. TSX AEZ 414 analogue input modules The TSX AEZ 414 module is an analogue input module with 4 different channels. Depending on the selection made in configuration and for each channel, it provides the thermocouple, temperature probe or high level voltage and current ranges via external resistors supplied with the module (see page 3/7 for the various ranges). The functions of the TSX AEZ 414 analogue input module are as follows: b Selection of the input range of each channel. b Scanning of input channels by multiplexing and acquisition of values. b Analogue/digital conversion (16 bits) of input signals. b Monitoring of input value overshoots and sensor connections. b Automatic linearization for Pt 100 and Ni 1000 temperature probes. b Automatic linearization and internal or external cold junction compensation for thermocouple ranges. b Converting input measurements to user format for display in directly readable units (physical units or user range). b Detection of sensor connection faults for thermocouple ranges. TSX ASZ 401/200 analogue output modules The TSX ASZ 401 module provides 4 common point analogue outputs (+ 10 V or 0...10 V). The TSX ASZ 200 module offers a choice between + 10 V, 0...20 mA and 4...20 mA ranges for both the common point outputs. The various functions of the TSX ASZ 401/200 analogue output modules are as follows: b The acceptance of digital values corresponding to analogue values obtained as output. These values are calculated by the PLC task to which the channels are assigned (MAST or FAST). b Processing dialog faults with the PLC and setting the outputs to fallback state (value 0 or maintained). b Selection of the range for each output: voltage or current (module TSX ASZ 200). b Analogue/digital conversion (11 bits + sign) of output values. Presentation, description: page 3/4 Characteristics: pages 3/7 and 3/8 References: page 3/9 3/5 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Integrated analogue channels and analogue I/O modules TSX AMZ 600 analogue mixed I/O module (1) TSX AMZ 600 provides 6 common point channels, high level multirange voltage (0...10 V, ± 10 V)/current (0...20 mA, 4...20 mA) of which: b 4 input channels. b 2 output channels. The 4 input channels guarantee the following functions: b Scanning of input channels used by solid state multiplexing (normal or fast) and acquisition of values. b Analogue/digital conversion (11 bits + sign or 12 bits) of input signals. The processing performed by the PLC processor, in addition to the above functions is: b Monitoring of input overshoots. b Filtering measurements. b Converting input measurements to user format for display in directly readable units. 3 The 2 output channels guarantee the following functions: b The acceptance of digital values corresponding to analogue values obtained as output. These values are calculated by the PLC task to which the channels are assigned (MAST or FAST). b Processing dialog faults with the PLC and setting the outputs to fallback state (value 0 or maintained). b Selection of the range for each output: voltage or current (module TSX ASZ 200). b Analogue/digital conversion (11 bits + sign) of output values. 3.1 Integrated analogue channels on TSX 37 22 PLC bases TSX 37 22 PLCs integrate as standard a high level analogue interface with 8 input channels 0...10 V and one 0...10 V output channel. This interface enables the PLC to meet the requirements of applications which require analogue processing but where the performance criteria and characteristics of an analogue input module cannot be justified. The various functions of integrated analogue channels are as follows: b Scanning of input channels by solid state multiplexing (normal or fast) and acquisition of values. b Analogue/digital conversion (8 bits) and filtering of input measurements. b Updating the digital output value by the processor. b Analogue/digital conversion of the output value. b Processing dialog faults with the PLC and in particular setting the output to fallback state. b Supplying a reference voltage for potentiometers, either external or included in the TSX ACZ 03 adjustment/adaptor module. Remote extension of analogue I/O modules TSX Micro Nano analogue extension (3I/1O) It is possible to link the TSX STZ 10 I/O extension module (installed in position 4 of the base) to up to 3 high level Nano analogue I/O modules (3 input channels/1output channel per module). Length 200m Nano analogue extension (3I/1O) Nano analogue extension (3I/1O) Nano analogue extension (3I/1O) Presentation, description: page 3/4 Characteristics: pages 3/7 and 3/8 (1) Requires a PLC with a version u 5.0 operating system. Installation of the TSX AMZ 600 involves version u 4.2 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software. References: page 3/9 3/6 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 Integrated analogue channels and analogue I/O modules Characteristics of I/O modules Type of input modules Number of channels TSX AEZ 801 8 Input ranges V rms V rms ± 10 V 0…20 mA Thermocouples, temperature probes, high 0…10 V 4...20 mA level (see range below) 11 + sign 12 16 32 520 4 x No. of channels used – Digital of the first order with modifiable filtering coefficient Cut-off freq. # 33 Hz Cut-off freq. # 169 Hz (thermocouples) (1) 0.16 0.15 see below 0.46 0.4 see below 0.068 0.054 0.08 (voltage), 0.1 (current) 2.2 MΩ 250 MΩ 10 MΩ 1000 500 1000 500 V mA Common point ± 30 See page 6/4 Analogue/digital conversion Acquisition period Normal cycle Fast cycle Measurement filtering Hardware filtering 1st order Maximum error At 25 °C 0...60 °C Maximum temperature drift Input independence Isolation Betw. chann. and bus Betw. chann. and earth Betw. channels Maximum excess -voltage on inputs Consumption bits ms ms % FS % FS %/10 °C TSX AEZ 802 TSX AEZ 414 4 c 30 V (differential inputs) ± 30 ± 7.5 3.1 Input ranges for TSX AEZ 414 Voltage/current Maximum error Temperature probe Maximum error Thermocouple Maximum error (3) At 25 °C 0...60 °C % FS % FS At 25 °C 0...60 °C °C °C At 25 °C 0...60 °C 3 Ext. c. Int. c. Ext. c. Int. c. °C °C °C °C ± 10 V 0...10 V 0.03 0.03 0.30 0.30 Pt 1000 0.7 + 7.9 10-4 x M (2) 1.7 + 37.5 10-4 x M (2) B E 3.6 1.3 3.6 3.8 19.1 4.5 19.1 5.5 0...5 V 0.04 0.33 Ni 1000 0.2 0.7 J 1.6 4.6 5.4 6.9 1...5 V 0.06 0.40 0…20 mA 4…20 mA 0.18 0.22 0.47 0.59 K 1.7 4.8 6.4 7.7 L 1.6 4.6 5.2 6.8 N 1.5 3.7 6.1 7 R 2.6 4.2 14.1 14.5 S 2.9 4.6 16.2 16.6 T 1.6 4.6 5.5 7.1 U 1.3 3.8 4.7 5.9 Analogue output module characteristics Type of output modules Number of channels Output ranges Digital/analogue conversion Response time Maximum resolution Output load Maximum error At 25 °C At 60 °C Type of protection Maximum voltage without damage Maximum temperature drift Isolation Betw. chann. and bus Betw. chann. and earth Betw. channels Consumption Presentation, description: page 3/4 Functions: pages 3/5 and 3/6 bits µs KΩ % FS % FS V %/10 °C V rms V rms TSX ASZ 401 4 ± 10 V 0...10 V 11 + sign 11 400 5 mV >2 0.25 0.15 0.65 0.55 Permanent short-circuit ± 30 0.096 1000 1000 TSX ASZ 200 2 ± 10 V 11 + sign 300 6 mV >1 0.50 0.58 0.083 1500 1500 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA, 11 400 6 µA < 0.6 0.57 0.83 Perm. open circuit 0.107 Common point See page 6/4 (1) Cut-off frequency # 10.8 kHz (temperature probes), # 255 Hz (high level). (2) Precise measurements are given as a function of measurement M for 4-wire temperature probe cabling. (3) Ext. c: with external cold junction compensation; Int. c: with internal cold junction compensation. References: page 3/9 3/7 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued) 0 Integrated analogue channels and analogue I/O modules Analogue input characteristics (mixed module and integrated channels) Type of input modules TSX AMZ 600 Number of channels Input ranges Analogue/digital conversion Resolution Acquisition period Measurement filtering Hardware filtering bits Normal cycle Fast cycle ms ms 1st order 4 ± 10 V 0...10 V 0...20 mA 11 + sign 11 11 4...20 mA 11 (from 0 to 20 mA) 12 µA (1900 pts) 12 µA (1500 pts) – 32 6 mV (3800 pts) 6 mV (1900 pts) 16 4 x No. of channels used Digital of the first order with 6 filtering values Cut-off freq. # 33 Hz Maximum error 3 At 25 °C % FS 0.16 (16 mV) 0.10 (10mV) 0.15 (30 µA) 0.15 (20 µA) 0...60 °C % FS %/10 °C 0.46 (46 mV) 0.40 (80 µA) 0.054 250 Ω 0.40 (80 µA) V rms V rms 0.46 (46 mV) 0.068 2.2 MΩ 1000 1000 V mA Common point ± 30 See page 6/4 Temperature drift Input impedance Isolation 3.1 Betw. chann. and bus Betw. chann. and earth Betw. channels Maximum excess -voltage on inputs Consumption Integrated in the TSX 37-22 8 0...10 V 0…20 mA/ 4…20 mA (1) 8 ± 7.5 Cut-off freq. # 600 Hz Voltage Current 1.8 2.8 4 5.6 0.75 0.8 54 kΩ 499 kΩ None None (0 V w.r.t. earth) Common point +30/-15 ± 15 Analogue output characteristics (mixed module and integrated channel) Type of output modules TSX AMZ 600 Number of channels Output ranges Analogue/digital conversion Response time Maximum resolution Output load Maximum error bits µs At 25 °C At 60 °C KΩ % FS % FS Type of protection Maximum voltage without damage Maximum temperature drift Isolation V %/10 °C Betw. chann. and bus V rms Betw. chann. and V rms earth Betw. channels Consumption 2 ± 10 V 11 + sign 0...10 V 11 At 25 °C At 60 °C Maximum temperature drift Type of protection mA mV mV %/10 °C 4...20 mA 11 (from 0 to 20 mA) 400 6 mV (3800 pts) 6 mV (1900 pts) > 2 (10 mA max) 0.5 (50 mV) 0.58 (58 mV) Permanent short-circuit 12 µA (1900 pts) 12 µA (1500 pts) < 0.6 (12 mA max) 0.57 (114 µA) 0.83 (166 µA) Perm. open circuit ± 30 ± 7.5 0.083 1000 0.107 1000 Common point See page 6/4 Characteristics of 10 V reference output c for potentiometers Output current Maximum error 0...20 mA 11 – – – – – Integrated in: TSX 37-22 1 0...10 V 8 50 40 mV >5 1.5 3 Permanent short-circuit Short-circuit on 0 V or on 5 V 0.5 None None (0 V w.r.t. earth) – (2) 10 390 600 1 Permanent short-circuit (1) With the TSX ACZ 03 adjustment/adaptor module. For specifications of 8 c 24 V discrete inputs, see page 1/9. (2) Output for a maximum of 4 adjustment potentiometers (internal or external). Presentation, description: page 3/4 Functions: pages 3/5 and 3/6 References: page 3/9 3/8 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Integrated analogue channels and analogue I/O modules Analogue input modules Type of input High level analogue with common point TSX AEZ 802 Number of channels 8 Isolated high 4 level analogue thermocouples, temperature probes Range of input signal Resolution Reference (1) TSX AEZ 801 Weight kg 0.200 ± 10 V, 0…10 V 11 bits + signal 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA 12 bits TSX AEZ 802 0.200 ± 10 V, 0…10 V, 16 bits 0…5 V, 1…5 V, 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA, B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, Pt 100, Ni 1000 (2 or 4-wire) TSX ASZ 414 0.210 Reference (1) TSX ASZ 401 Weight kg 0.200 TSX ASZ 200 0.200 Analogue output modules Type of outputs Analogue with common point Number of Range of outputs signals channels 4 ± 10 V, 0…10 V 2 TSX ASZ 401 ± 10 V, 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA Resolution 11 bits + signal 11 bits + signal or 12 bits 3.1 Analogue mixed I/O module Type of input 4 high level analogs with common point TSX ASZ 200/AMZ 600 Range of I/O 2 high level analogs with ± 10 V, 0…10 V common point 0…20 mA 4…20 mA Resolution 11 bits + signal or 12 bits Reference (1) TSX AMZ 600 Weight kg 0.240 Reference Weight kg 0.075 Accessories and connection cable Description ABE 7CPA01 Type of outputs 3 Use Functions performed Adaptation module Analogue I/O channels integrated in TSX 37 22 (direct connection) Adjustment of constants using TSX ACZ 03 4 integrated potentiometers. Adaptation to 0…20 mA current, 4…20 mA, adaptation to 8 discrete c 24 V channels SUB-D type connectors (lots of 2) TSX 37 22 integrated 15-pin SUB-D type analogue and counter I/O connector channels Telefast 2 Integrated analogue I/O connection base channels TSX 37 22 Description Cable (section 0.205 mm 2) For connection From Integrated analogue I/O (15-pin SUB-D type connector) Connection via screw terminal block with integrated channels to Base ABE 7CPA01 (15- pin SUB-D type connector) TSX CAP S15 0.050 ABE 7CPA01 0.300 Length Reference m (1) 0.5 1 2.5 TSX CCP S15 050 TSX CCP S15 100 TSX CCP S15 Weight kg 0.110 0.160 0.300 Replacement parts TSX CCP S15 Description Connection terminal block TSX BLZ H01 Presentation, description: page 3/4 Functions performed Reference Connection to terminal screw block (supplied with module TSX ApZ) TSX BLZ H01 Batch of 4 Adaptation for 250 Ω ± 0.1 % current range for TSX AEZ 414 TSX AAK2 resistors module (supplied with module TSX AEZ 4 14) (1) Product supplied with TSX BLZ H01 screw connection terminal block. Functions: pages 3/5 and 3/6 Weight kg 0.060 0.020 Characteristics: pages 3/7 and 3/8 3/9 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, fonctions 0 Process control of semi-continuous processes Presentation The CCX 17 industrial operator panel displays and controls all the PID controller parameters which can be modified without having to program the TSX Micro or Premium PLC application program. 3 The PID_MMI man-machine interface function, included in the PL7 Junior software, provides an application program on the CCX 17 industrial operator panel for controlling and adjusting PID loops. It enables the CCX 17 operator panel to manage: b Selection of a PID loop. b Display and control of that PID loop. b Adjustment of the PID loop parameters. This man-machine interface function is easily installed for any man-machine interface application on the CCX 17 operator panel. The three preconfigured screens enable the required operations to be performed on any PID controller. Process control function The CCX 17 operator panel can manage up to 9 PID controllers. Installation of the man-machine interface function is simple and is performed as follows: b The PID_MMI function is activated on each scan of the TSX Micro or Premium PLC (unconditional call-up). b A single call-up of the PID_MMI function manages all the PID loops in the TSX Micro or Premium PLC -application. 3.1 Output Analog control Output“UP” Discrete servo control Inputs 4…20 mA SERVO PID Measure KP TI TD Output “DOWN” Thermocouple Setpoint Controller Input position feedback Probe PWM Output Discrete control PWM The PID function sets a PID serial/parallel algorithm and works out the control signal on the basis of: b A measurement sampled by an input module. b The setpoint value fixed either by the operator or by the program. b The values of the various controller parameters (KP, TI, TD, sampling period, etc). The analogue control signal from the controller can be processed: b Either directly by a TSX Micro or Premium PLC analogue output module connected to the actuator. b Or via the PWM or SERVO adaptations depending on the type of actuator for discrete control. The PWM function provides the required adaptation to control a pulse width modulation actuator via a discrete output. The SERVO function provides the required adaptation to control a motorised actuator with “UP/DOWN” control provided by a discrete output. It has a position feedback input to execute servo control. These two functions are installed in cascade on the PID controller function. Description: page 3/12 Characteristics: pages 3/11 and 3/12 References: page 3/13 3/10 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Functions, characteristics 0 Process control of semi-continuous processes Control and man-machine interface functions The CCX 17 industrial operator panel displays and controls all the PID controller parameters which can be modified without having to program the Micro or Premium PLC application program. Ex 1: LIBELLE1 2: LIBELLE2 3: LIBELLE3 4: LIBELLE4 5: LIBELLE5 6: LIBELLE6 Rf 7: LIBELLE7 8: LIBELLE8 9: LIBELLE9 LOOp SELECT MOD PID loop selection screen AUTO UP DN LIBELLE2 PV : SP : OUT : SUP : INF : The PID_MMI man-machine interface function, included in the PL7 Junior software, provides an application program on the CCX 17 industrial operator panel for controlling and adjusting PID loops. It enables the CCX 17 operator panel to manage: b Selection of a PID loop. b Display and control of that PID loop. b Adjustment of the PID loop parameters. This man-machine interface function is easily installed for any man-machine interface application on the CCX 17 operator panel. The three preconfigured screens enable the required operations to be performed on any PID controller. The CCX 17 operator panel can manage up to 9 PID controllers. Installation of the man-machine interface function is simple and is performed as follows: b The PID_MMI function is activated on each scan of the TSX Micro or Premium PLC (unconditional call-up). b A single call-up of the PID_MMI function manages all the PID loops in the TSX Micro or Premium PLC -application. 3 3.1 MOD PID loop control screen LIBELLE2 UP DN TI(s) : TS(s) : OUT_MAX : KP : TD(s) : Sa PV_DEV : OUT_MIN : MOD PID loop adjustment screen Characteristics Function PID Type Maximum number Sampling period Operating mode Measurement Control Proportional gain Integral action Derivative action Execution time (ms) Process control PWM functions with pulses outputs SERVO No man-machine interface Man-machine interface Type Modulation period Execution time (ms) Type Operating mode Execution time (ms) Presentation: page 3/10 Universal, serial/parallel structure Limited by the number of analogue modules and by the memory data capacity Adjustable from 10 ms to 5 min 20 s Smooth changeover manual/automatic Direct measurement in 0/10 000 format Continuous output in 0/10 000 format Adjustable from - 100...+ 100 Time adjustable from 0…2000 s. Integral saturation. Pure integration operation Time adjustable from 0…1000 s on measurement or deviation TSX TSX 37 21/22 TSX 57 10 TSX 57 20 37 05/08/10 Internal RAM Cartridge Internal RAM Cartridge 1.08 0.9 0.96 1.5 0.9 1 1.32 1.1 1.17 1.7 1.1 1.2 Pulse width modulation Adjustable from 0…327.67 s 0.6 0.5 0.53 0.7 0.5 0.56 Position control of bidirectional motorised actuator (±) v with position feedback: with discrete servo control with adjustable hysteresis v without position feedback: pulse widths are proportional to the PID output variation. Setting parameters for valve opening times and minimum pulse duration. 0.96 0.8 0.85 1 0.8 0.89 References: page 3/13 3/11 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Description, characteristics 0 Process control of semi-continuous processes CCX 17 industrial operator panels i Description Front of CCX 17 20 panels CCX 17 20 industrial operator panels comprise: 1 A display screen, back-lit LCD with 2 to 4 lines of 40 characters. 2 A keypad divided into 3 zones: v system keys, v cursor movement keys, v numeric keys. 3 Four control buttons with identification labels. 4 Three signalling lamps activated during self-tests and by the PLC application during operation. 1 3 2 4 Front of CCX 17 30 panels CCX 17 30 industrial operator panels comprise: 1 A display screen, back-lit LCD with 4 to 8 lines of 40 characters. 2 A keypad divided into 3 zones: v system keys, v cursor movement keys, v numeric keys. 3 Eight control buttons with identification labels. 4 Three signalling lamps activated during self-tests and by the PLC application during operation 1 3 3 2 3.1 4 Underside of CCX 17 20/30 panels Located on the underside of CCX 17 20/30 industrial operator panels are: 1 A removable screw terminal block for the c 24 V power supply and the alarm relay connector. 2 A 26-way high density SUB-D for the Uni-Telway link to PLCs. 3 A 3.15 A TD5 X 20 fuse carrier. 4 Un emplacement pour pile de sauvegarde. Depending on the version: 5 A removable screw terminal block for connecting the discrete solid state outputs of the panel. 6 A 9-way SUB-D 9 connector for connecting to a printer. 7 A PCMCIA card slot for connection to the Fipio bus or storing/retrieving the MMI application. 2 6 4 5 7 3 1 Characteristics Type of panels Display Control keys beside screen Status messages Message groups Messages per group Alarm messages Alarm logs Operator action log Connections Supply voltage Data backup Discrete inputs/outputs Protection Temperature Standard Nb of characters per line Character size mm Number Number Number Number Number Number Number PLCs Printer V Number Voltage Current Front view Back view Operating Storage Shock resistance Vibration resistance Certifications Presentation: page 3/10 T CCX 17 20 Lp Back-lit LCD 4 single height, 2 double height Type of screen Number of lines V mA °C °C T CCX 17 30 Lp 8 single height, 4 double height 40 single height, 20 double height 5,3 ou 10,6 2 rows of 2 2 rows of 4 150 300 50 100 8 16 150 300 150 300 50 of eacj 100 of eacj Integrated Uni-Telway bus, Fipio bus (with PCMCIA card TSX FPP 10) RS 232C link for T CCX 17pppPS c 24 non-isolated TSX PLP 01 battery (annual replacement recommended). See page 1/16 4 c 24, positive logic 350 IP 65 IP 20 0…45 - 20…+ 70 IEC 68-2-27 IEC 68-2-6 e, UL References: page 3/13 3/12 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References, dimensions 0 Process control of semi-continuous processes CCX 17 industrial operator panels CCX 17 operator panel with LCD screen Number of lines 4 T CCX 1720 Lp 8 Number of keys 4 8 Connexion Printer port Nb discrete Reference bus outputs (1) Uni-Telway – – T CCX 1720 LW Weight Kg 1.450 Uni-Telway, – Fipio (2) Yes – T CCX 1720 L 1.510 4 T CCX 1720 LPS 1.510 Uni-Telway – – T CCX 1730 LW 1.470 Uni-Telway, – Fipio (2) Yes – T CCX 1730 L 1.530 4 T CCX 1730 LPS 1.560 Separate parts Description Fipio Agent PCMCIA card T CCX 1730 Lp RAM memory PCMCIA cards Use Capacity of Reference memory – TSX FPP 10 Connection to Fipio bus (3) (all operator panel except T CCX 17p0 LpW) Back up MMI applications 32 Kwords (4) 64 Kwords TSX MRP/MFP pppP Weight Kg 0.110 TSX MRP 032P 0.060 TSX MRP 064P 0.060 128 Kwords TSX MRP 0128P 0.060 Flash EPROM memory Archive MMI applications 64 Kwords TSX MFP 064P PCMCIA cards 128 Kwords TSX MFP 0128P 0.060 3 3.1 0.060 Connecting cables Use from Uni-Telway CCX 17 20/30 PCMCIA card Longueur to TSX Micro and Premium 2.5 m TER/AUX terminal port 5m Reference Weight Kg XTB Z968 0.180 XTB Z9681 0.340 TSX SCA 62 subscriber socket 1.8 m XTB Z908 0.240 PC via adaptor TSX SCA 72 Bus Fipio 3m T CCX CB9 030 0.250 – See page 4/56 (1) Includes the T CCX CB 10 cable as standard (0.2 m long with 2 2x26-way and 25-way SUB-D connectors). Includes a multilingual quick reference guide as standard (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish). (2) Includes the MMI application archive and retrieval function on a PCMCIA card. (3) The CCX 17 operator panel connected on a Fipio bus communicates with the bus arbitrator PLC station. (4) Only compatible with MMI applications on T CCX 1720 ppp operator panels. Dimensions, mounting 134 9 80 225 207 Presentation: page 3/10 137 ± 0,5 Flush-mounted 152 Dimensions Description: page 3/12 210 ± 0,5 Fixed by 4 or 6 locking clips (supplied) pressure mounted (on panel 1 to 6 mm thick) Characteristics: pages 3/11 and 3/12 3/13 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Integrated counter channels and counter/positionning modules Applications Counter channels integrated in TSX Micro PLCs 1 3 1 Number of channels(1) 2 independant channels Frequency per channels 500 Hz (450 Hz for incremental encoderwith phase-shifted signals) 8 ms (taking account of an event-triggered input and positionning of a discrete module output in master Response time 2 independant channels (not excluding the 2 upcounter channels on the discrete inputs 10 kHz Counter/measurement inputs Channels 0 and 1: 4 x c 24 V inputs for proximity sensors and mechanical contacts, compatibles with Totem Pôle incremental encoders Channel 11: c 5/24 V for 1 Totem Pole or RS 422 incremental encoders Channels 11 and 12 : c 24 V inputs for proximity sensors and mechanical contacts Auxiliary inputs 1 input per channel : preset (using 2 nd counter input) 1 c 24 V input per channel: preset Counting capacity 24 bits + sign (0 to + 16 777 215 points or ± 16 777 215 points) – Functions Downcounting with preset input, upcounting with reset input. Up/down counting with preset input, configurable counter input: - 1 upcounter input/1 downcounter input, - 1 up/downcounter input and 1direction input, - incremental encoder with phase-shifted signals or proximity sensor. Processing Inputs : Counter enable, counter present. Comparison: Downcounting: to value 0. Upcounting: 2 thresholds and 1setpoint. Up/down counting: 2 thresholds. – Events Events associated with each counter channel, causing activation of the priority event-triggered task Connection Via screw terminals (supplied with module) Via 20-way HE 10 type connectors Via 15-way SUB-D connectors Via Telefast 2 pre-wired system (ABE 7CPA01) Type of modules 1 Counter channels on discrete inputs 2 Counter channels integrated in TSX 37 22 3.2 Pages 3/16 (1) Max. 6 channels with TSX 37 05/08/10, 8 channels with TSX 37 21 and 9 channels with TSX 37 22 (see page 3/16). 3/14 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Counter modules for incremental encoder 1 channel Positionning module for SSI absolute encoder 2 independant channels 40 kHz 1 channel 500 kHz task with cycle time = 5 ms) 3 200 kHz or1 MHz – Per channel : c 5/24 V inputs for 1 Totem pole or RS 422 incremental encoder or for c 24 V proximity sensors and mechanical contacts Channel 0 : c 5 V or 10 ... 30 V SSI serial absolute encoder, 8 …25 bits or c 5/10/30 V parallel output absolute encoder 8 …24 bits with Telefast 2base (ABE 7CPA11) 3 x c 24 V inputs: enable, preset and capture 1 c 24 V output: line, incremental encoder supply check 2 x c 24 V input: capture In modulo mode, 25 bits (0…33 554 431 points) 3.2 In modulo mode, 8 …25 bits (0 … 33 554 431 points) - Read of bit number of absolute encoder frame - Modulo and offset functions Inputs: Counter enable, counter preset, capture current value and 2 setpoints Inputs: 2 capture inputs - Comparison to the position value: 4 thressholds causing activation of priority event-triggered task Counter outputs (to be applied to discrete output modules: - Downcounting: 1 predefined SET/RESET output. - Upcounting: 2 SET/RESET outputs, 1 predefined and 1 adjustable. - Up/downcounting: 2 adjustable SET/RESET outputs. - Capture: 2 capture registers on rising or failling edge of the physiqual inputs crossing a threshold, crossing a setpoint, present done, enable done, capture done - Via 15-way SUB-D connectors for incremental encoder inputs - Via 20-way HE 10 connector for auxiliary and power supply inputs - Via Telefast 2 pre-wired system (ABE 7CPA 01/CPA11) TSX CTZ 1A 3/19 TSX CTZ 2A - Via 9-way SUB-D connectos for absolute encodeur - Via 15-way SUB-D 15 for capture et power supply encodeur TSX CTZ 2AA TSX CTZ 1B 3/25 3/15 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description 0 Integrated counter channels and counter modules Presentation Counter functions are required for counting items or events, grouping objects, controlling input and output flow, measuring the length or position of elements and measuring speed, frequency or duration. TSX Micro PLCs provide 3 ways in which these functions of downcounting, upcounting or up/down counting can be performed: On the inputs of the discrete I/O module located in the first slot of TSX Micro PLCs, or b Using the counter channels 11 and 12 integrated in TSX 37 22 PLCs, or b With TSX CTZ counter modules installed in the available slots on TSX Micro PLC bases. Maximum number of counter channels permitted 3 Counter channels on TSX 37 05/08/10 TSX 37 21 TSX 37 22 Discrete input module Integrated TSX CTZ modules Max. no. of channels 0 1 2 0 1 2 4 4 4 5 4 6 7 7 6 7 6 8 0 0 7 7 0 1 6 7 0 2 6 8 1 0 6 7 1 1 6 8 1 2 5 8 2 0 6 8 2 1 5 8 2 2 5 9 Description Counting (500 Hz) on the inputs of discrete modules The first 4 inputs of the TSX DEZ/DMZ pppp 28, 32 or 64 discrete I/O module located in slot no. 1 enable two counter channels to be used. 3.2 1 20-way HE 10 connector (or screw terminal block depending on the model) for connecting: v Counter sensors or c 24 V incremental encoder for channel 0, v Counter sensors for channel 1, v c 24 V encoder power supply. 1 Counter channels (10 kHz) integrated in TSX 37 22 PLCs TSX 37 22 PLC bases have an integral counter interface (2 channels) which can be accessed via: 1 v v v v 1 Two 15-way SUB-D connectors for connecting: Counter sensors or incremental encoder for -channel 11, Counter sensors for channel 12, Auxiliary preselection input, Power supplies for auxiliary inputs, sensors and incremental encoder. The second connector can take the Telefast 2 ABE 7CPA01 wiring system to facilitate installation. TSX CTZ 1A/2A (40 kHz) and TSX CTZ 2AA (500 kHz) counter modules The TSX CTZ 1A (1 channel) and TSX CTZ 2A/2AA (2 channels) half-format counter modules have on their front panel: 1 3 2 1 v v v One high-density 15-way SUB-D connector per channel for connecting: counter sensors or incremental encoder, encoder power supply, encoder power supply feedback for checking that this is correctly supplied. 2 20-way HE 10 connector for connecting the following to each channel: v auxiliary inputs: preselection, counter enable and read, v power supplies for auxiliary inputs, sensors and -incremental encoder(s). 3 Locking system for fixing the module in its slot. Specification: page 3/17 Characteristics: page 3/18 References: page 3/19 Connections: pages 3/20 and 3/21 Dimensions: page 3/21 3/16 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Specifications 0 Integrated counter channels and counter modules Applications Example of upcounting or downcounting Counter sensor SM Operating direction This example shows the grouping of objects supplied by a conveyor belt for packaging. This simple counting application uses a sensor (proximity sensor, photoelectric sensor) linked to a preset counter. When the preset value is reached the packaging command is activated and the control system initiates a new packaging cycle. Counter Time Examples of up/down counting Tunnel Input sensor In this example objects are upcounted or downcounted in a tunnel. The system checks that a critical threshold is not crossed in order to detect any malfunction in the tunnel. Output sensor SM Operating direction 3 This up/down counting application uses two sensors (proximity sensors or photoelectric sensors) linked to a threshold up/down counter. Each input sensor pulse increments the counter, each output sensor pulse decrements it. Crossing the authorised maximum threshold sets off an alarm. 3.2 Tunnel total Max. Mini Alarm Time In this example, the length of objects travelling on a conveyor belt is measured in order to sort them. Edge detection sensor Ci Pulse counter This up/down counting application follows this sequence: a sensor detects the presence of the object on the conveyor belt. While the object is on the belt, the pulses from the generator linked to the forward movement of the conveyor belt are counted. The number of pulses represents an image of the length of the object. This measurement can then be compared to various minimum and maximum thresholds. Pc Presence of item L max. L mini Item outside range Time Example of up/down counting with processing In this example the correct operation of a pump is checked by taking account of its rotation speed. This speed should lie between a low threshold (pump fault) and a high threshold (pump cut-out). Speed sensor The speed of the pump is measured by taking account of the pulses supplied by an incremental encoder (or proximity sensor) during a unit of time (time base worked out by the TSX 37 22 PLC system). The current value obtained is compared to the two predefined thresholds in order to detect any anomaly. Pc V max. V mini Alarm Description: page 3/16 Time Characteristics: page 3/18 References: page 3/19 Connections: pages 3/20 and 3/21 Dimensions: page 3/21 3/17 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 Integrated counter channels and counter modules Flowchart of operation Functional flowchart of a counter channel. Configuration and adjustment %KW, %MW Configuration parameters Adjustment parameters Upcounting and/or downcounting function with processing: - compare measurement at 2 thresholds and 2 setpoints - event management %Q, %QW %I, %IW IA, IB and IZ: - incremental encoder input - detector inputs Auxiliary inputs processing IPres: preset or reset input IEna: counting enable input IRead: read input Counter outputs (1) Monitor power supply and incremental encoder line break (1) 3 Discrete= sensor or incremental encoder signals TSX DSZ discrete output module Output 0 Output 1 (1) With TSX CTZ 1A/2A/2AA counter module. Physical inputs TSX DSZ discrete module Integrated counting TSX CTZ modules IA IB (2) per chan. chan. 11 chan.12 per chan. IZ IPres (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) IVal (3) (3) (3) (3) IRead CO (3) Physical input available 3.2 Counting functions are configured and installed using PL7 Micro or PL7 Junior software (see page 5/11). (2) Input IB can be defined by software configuration in input IPres. (3) Software input possible. Electrical characteristics Type of counter module/channel Number of channels Frequency on counter inputs kHz Frequency limitation Envent processing response time Hz ms Processing response time in master task (scan time: ms 5 ms) Sensor power supply monitoring Voltage V Current mA Consumption TSX CTZ 1A 1 40 TSX CTZ 2A 2 Integrated TSX CTZ 2AA TSX 37 22 Discrete inputs/outputs TSX DEZ/DMZ c 24 V a 100…120 V 0.5/0.45 (4) 0.02 100, with c 24 V sensors with mechanical output (limit switches…) Taking account of an input and positioning of a discrete module output: 1.5 2 Taking account of an event-triggered input and positioning of a discrete module output: 8 500 y 2.5 y 0.5 See page 6/4 10 – – Input characteristics (5) Type of counter module/channel Counter inputs TSX CTZ 1A/2A/2AA Nominal values Limit values Voltage Current Voltage At state 1 At state 0 Logic Input impedance Voltage Current V mA V V mA Voltage Current V mA For nominal U For U = 2.4 V RS 422 compatibility Response time (Immunite avec utilisation de contacts mecaniques) Type of inputs IEC 1131 conformity Proximity sensor compatibility Description: page 3/16 Applications: page 3/17 kΩ kΩ ms c5 18 5.5 u 2.4 > 3.7 (U = 2.4 V) (7) y 1.2 < 1 (U = 1.2 V) Positive 0.270 > 0.440 (U = 2.4 V) (8) 3 Integrated channels c 24 Auxiliary inputs TSX CTZ pp Integrated chan. c5 3 19…30 (6) 2…5.5 u 11 u 2.1 > 6 (U = 11 V) > 2 (U = 2.4 V) c 24 8.7 7 19…30 19…30 (6) u 11 > 6 (U = 11 V) > 6 y5 < 2 (U = 5 V) y1 < 0.65 <5 <2 y5 <5 < 1.4 1.4 – 0.270 > 0.270 2.7 – 3.4 2.4 < 0.250 (9) 0.2…1 4 10 19…30 > 2.5 – Resistive – Current sink Resistive – Type 2 – Type 1 Type 2 – 2-wire/3-wire – 2-wire/3-wire (4) 0.45 kHz for an incremental encoder with phase-shifted signals. (5) For characteristics of TSX DEZ/DMZ pppp discrete input modules, see page 2/8. (6) Up to 34 V for 1 hr in 24 hours. (7) For TSX CTZ 2AA module: > 6.8 mA (U = 3 V). (8) For TSX CTZ 2AA module: > 0.350 ký (U = 3V). (9) For TSX CTZ 2AA module: < 25 µs (state 0 to 1), < 50 µs (state 1 to 0). References: page 3/19 Connections: pages 3/20 and 3/21 Dimensions: page 3/21 3/18 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Integrated counter channels and counter modules References Counter modules Type of inputs 2/3 -wire proximity sensors PNP/NPN, c 24 V, Incremental encoders c 5 V RS 422, c 10…30 V Totem Pole Counter frequency No. on chan. 40 kHz 1 500 kHz TSX CTZ 1A TSX CTZ 2A/2AA Connection accessories Description For connection of SUB-D connectors (sold in lots of 2) ABE 7CPA01 ABE 7H16R20 Telefast 2 connection sub-bases Reference (1) TSX CTZ 1A Weight kg 0.200 2 TSX CTZ 2A 0.210 2 TSX CTZ 2AA 0.220 TSX CTZpA module counter sensors or encoder TSX 37 22 integrated counter Type of connectors/ connection to High-density 15-way SUB-D TSX CAP H15 Weight kg 0.050 15-way SUB-D TSX CAP S15 0.050 Counter sensors and c 24 V power supply TSX CTZ pA/2AA module TSX 37 22 int.counter ABE 7CPA01 0.300 Auxiliary inputs c 24 V power supply and c 5 V/10…30 V encoder power supply 20-way HE 10 TSX CTZ 1 A Totem Pole 20-way HE 10 TSX CTZ 2A/2AA module ABE 7H08R10 0.190 ABE 7H16R20 0.300 TSX TAP S15 05 0.260 TSX TAP S15 24 0.260 Connection interfaces for c 5 V RS 422 encoder TSX CTZ pA/2AA module incremental encoder c 10...30 V Totem Pole encoder TSX CTZ pA/2AA module Reference 3 3.2 Connection cables Description TSX TAP S15pp Cable (cross-section 0.205 mm2) From To Length Integrated counter (15-way SUB-D connector) ABE 7CPA01 sub-base (15-way SUB-D connector) 0.5 m Weight kg TSX CCP S15 050 0.110 1m TSX CCP S15 100 0.160 2.5 m TSX CCP S15 0.300 2.5 m TSX CCP H15 0.300 3m TSX CDP 301 0.400 5m TSX CDP 501 0.660 10 m TSX CDP 1001 1.210 TSX CDP 102 0.090 TSX CDP 202 0.170 TSX CDP 302 0.250 TSX CDP 053 0.085 TSX CDP 103 0.150 TSX CDP 203 0.280 3m TSX CDP 303 0.410 5m TSX CDP 503 0.670 10 m TSX CDP 1003 1.230 TSX CTZ pA module counter ABE 7CPA01 or sensors or encoder (high density TSX TAP S15 pp 15-way SUB-D connector) sub-base(15-way SUB-D connector) Pre-formed cables with 20 Auxiliary inputs, c 24 V power Free end with flying leads supply and labelled wires (500 mA maxi) c 5 V/10…30 V encoder power supply (moulded 20-way HE 10 connector) Pre-formed connection cables (100 mA maxi) TSX CCP S15 TSX CDP p01 Connection cables (500 mA maxi) Auxiliary inputs, c 24 V power supply and c 5 V/10…30 V encoder power supply ( 20-way HE 10 connector) ABE 7H08R10/16R20 1 m Telefast 2 sub-base (20-way HE 10 2m connector) 3m Auxiliary inputs, c 24 V power ABE 7H08R10/16R20 0.5 m (20-way HE 10 supply and c 5 V/10…30 V encoder power connector) 1m supply (moulded 20-way HE 10 connector) 2m Reference (1) Module supplied with HE 10 type connector cover. TSX CDP p02 Description: page 3/16 TSX CDP pp3 Applications: page 3/17 Characteristics: page 3/18 Connections: pages 3/20 and 3/21 Dimensions: page 3/21 3/19 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections 0 Integrated counter channels and counter modules Connections Connection to integrated counter channels Connection examples for counter and auxiliary inputs 24 Encoder power supply 1 2 + + – – 3 TSX 37 22 5V 22 28 + 24 V 26 – 0 V 27 c 24 V input power supply ++ – – 10...30 V 25 Telefast 2 23 – + 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 ABE 7CPA01 16 Channel 11 – IPres12 4 Preset 20 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3 GND IPres11 Preset + 14 3 IA – 1 Channel 12 – A + IA + 24 V 4 Counter sensor GND c 24 V input power supply ++ – – 28 + 24 V 26 – 0 V 27 + + – – 3.2 3 Telefast 2 23 – + Z 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 + IB – 10 NC IB = 24 V NC 0V NC + 10…30 V 2-wire proximity sensor – B IB + 24 V 8 Channel 11 + TSX TAP S15 24 1 NC 7 2 NC 8 3 IZ + 24 V 9 4 NC 10 5 IA + 24 V 11 6 NC 12 NC IB + 5 V NC 0V NC +5V – IZ + 24 V 14 IA – 1 – A IA + 24 V 4 + TSX TAP S15 05 1 IB 7 2 Sup.Ret.. 8 3 IZ + 5 V 9 4 IZ 10 5 IA + 5 V 11 6 IA 12 IZ – 16 ABE 7CPA01 1 Encoder 2 TSX TAP S15 05/24 connector Preset 20 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 GND IPres11 3 Cable with connectors TSX CCP S15ppp. 4 TSX CAP S15 connector GND Connection to TSX DEZ/DMZ discrete input module Example of connecting inputs TSX DMZ 28DR Example of connecting inputs TSX DMZ 64DTK + ++ – – PNP – 6 8 9 10 11 3 2 203 9 102 11 202 12 14 15 100 13 101 14 16 15 200 17 18 19 4 + IA IB + 12 + – – 10 13 FU1 + 103 7 8 104 + 7 205 204 5 6 PNP 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 4 105 C C C C 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 + 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 2 3 – Telefast 2 1 2 + 0 1 PNP ++ – – – 1 3 2 1 3/20 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections (continued), dimensions 0 Integrated counter channels and counter modules Connection to module TSX CTZ 1A/2A/2AA Example of connecting counter inputs c 24 V counter sensor power supply ++ – – 1 2 28 + 24 V 26 – 0 V 27 + + – – Telefast 2 Channel 0 Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 1 EPSR 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 3 – 0 V 25 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3 GND TSX CTZ pp IZ – 16 ABE 7CPA01 – Z IZ + 24 V 14 3 -wire proximity sen PNP + 4 IB – 10 – B IB + 24 V 8 + Channels 0 and 1 IA – 1 3 – A + IA + 24 V 4 GND Example of connecting auxiliary I/O ++ – – c 24 V auxiliary I/O power supply 102 ++ – – 6 10...30 V 5V 100 Telefast 2 110 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 Read Channel 1 C C C C 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 210 + ICapt1 1 2 3 4 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 5 NC IB + 24 V NC 0V NC + 10…30 V Enable + 209 108 IPres1 208 Preset 206 + 106 ICapt0 Channel 0 105 Cable with connectors TSX CCP H15. TSX CAP H15 connector. Cable with connectors TSX CDPpp1. Ribbon or cable with connectors TSX CDPpp2 ou TSX CDP pp3. Read Enable + TSX TAP S15 24 1 NC 7 2 NC 8 3 IZ + 24 V 9 4 NC 10 5 IA + 24 V 11 6 NC 12 IVal1 IVal0 205 104 Preset + 3 4 5 6 NC IB + 5 V NC 4 NC +5V 109 + ABE 7H16R20 for 2 channels or ABE 7H08R10 for 1 channel 1 Encoder. 2 Connecteurs TSX TAP S15 05/24. TSX TAP S15 05 1 IB 7 2 Sup.Ret. 8 3 IZ + 5V 9 4 IZ - 10 10 5 IA + 5 V 11 6 IA 12 3.2 101 IPres0 204 Dimensions 27,4 70,4 43 TSX TAP S15 pp 31 55 38 47 Mounting through enclosure (dust and damp proof): v cu-out Ø 37, v panel with 5 mm maximum. Description: page 3/16 Applications: page 3/17 Characteristics: page 3/18 References: page 3/19 3/21 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description, operation 0 TSX CTZ 1B absolute encoder positioning module Presentation The 1 channel TSX CTZ 1B positioning module completes the TSX Micro platform range in the counting and positioning field through the acquisition of information from a SSI series absolute encoder. This type of module allows for the following and actual positioning of a moving object, including after a loss of power. This characteristic, linked to the absolute encoder is used to simplify the installation of positioning applications. It also simplifies the input interfaces by suppressing homing, adjustment … Depending on the model, the TSX Micro PLCs can receive the maximum of: b TSX 37 05/10, 2 TSX CTZ 1B modules in slots 3 and 4. b TSX 37 08, 2 TSX CTZ 1B modules in slots 5 and 6. b TSX 37 21/22, 4 TSX CTZ 1B modules in slots 3, 4, 5 and 6. b and this within the limit of the number of channels generated by the TSX Micro PLC (see page 3/16). 3 Description The front panel of the TSX CTZ 1B half-size positioning module (1 channel) includes: 1 3.2 3 2 1 A 9-pin SUB-D connector for connecting the SSI absolute encoder. 2 A high density 15-pin SUB-D connector for connecting: v 2 position value capture sensors , v absolute encoder supply. A latch system for fixing the module in the slot. Operation Functional synoptic of the positioning channel: Configuration and adjustment %MW, %MDW Configuration/adjustment parameters %I, %IW Comparer 0 %Q, %QW Comparer 1 Position value SSI link Absolute encoder input Filter Capture input 0 Comparer 2 Events EVT Comparer 3 Modulo Event task Capture Capture input 1 Implementation of the TSX CTZ 1B requires the use of version u 4.2 of the PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software. The TSX Micro PLC receiving the module should be equipped with the operating system version u 5.0. Characteristics: page 3/23 References: page 3/24 Connections: page 3/25 3/22 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 TSX CTZ 1B absolute encoder positioning module Electrical characteristics Module type Channel number Positioning input TSX CTZ 1B 1 cV Voltage SSI absolute Number of bits encoder Frequency Distance Parallel output encoder (1) 5, 10...30 8 …25 bits kHz 200 1000 m 150 max. (encoder-module) 10 max. (encoder-module) Number of bits 24 Capture input characteristics Number of inputs 2 Nominal values Voltage Current Limit values Voltage 24 mA 8 V 19...30 (wave included), up to 34 for 1 hour in 24. Voltage V > 11 Current mA > 3 (U = 11 V) Voltage V <5 Current mA < 1.5 k ohms 3 0 to 1 state µs < 50 1 to 0 state µs < 50 At state 1 At state 0 Input impedance Acceptance time V Input type Resistive IEC 1131 conformity Type 1 sensor 3 3.2 Detector compatibility 2 wire/3 wire (24 V) with the following specifications: b waste voltage at state 1y7 V b switched current y 2.5 mA b residual current u1.5 mA (1) Using an absolute encoder with parallel outputs requires the Telefast 2 ABE 7CPA 11 adaptation base. This base is used to multiplex up to 4 absolute encoders. This multiplexing is controlled by the TSX Micro PLC discrete outputs. Functions Module type Read frequency TSX CTZ 1B Depending on mode: 200 kHz in slow mode 1 MHz in fast mode Comparative function 4 thresholds each linked to 1 maskable EVti event (activation upon event tasks) and to 1 position bit in relation to the (upper/lower) threshold Capture/measure function 2 capture inputs and 2 capture registers (on rising or falling edge) Modulo function The number of encoder data bits can be configured, with: b The modulo function limits the dynamic of the position value to a number of points defined by the "modulo" parameter value. The "modulo" passage causes an EVti activation event for the event task b The reduction function is used to reduce the position value supplied by the absolute encoder Offset function Two offset functions for the position measure are available: b Correction function for the encoder offset on the "zero" mechanical position b Position measure adjustment function: corresponds to the position value adjustment (more or less) Checks The checks are of the following type: b Detecting the encoder feedback voltage b Checking the encoder link b Parity check Description: page 3/22 References: page 3/24 Connections: page 3/25 3/23 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 TSX CTZ 1B absolute encoder positioning module Positioning module for absolute encoder Input type Specifications Parallel or serial absolute Acquisition of 200/1000 kHz SSI encoder (1) c 5 V, c 10...30 V Channel Reference number 1 TSX CTZ 1B Weight kg 0.205 Add. (2) 3 Weight kg 0.050 Connection accessories Designation TSX CTZ 1B 3 ABE 7CPA01 Absolute SSI encoder Connector on TSX CTZ 1B module 9-pin SUB-D type Capture inputs, encoder supply High density 15-pin SUB-D 4 type TSX CAP H15 0.050 Telefast 2 connection base Capture inputs, encoder supply 9-pin SUB-D type – ABE 7CPA01 0.300 Telefast 2 adaptation base Absolute encoder with parallel outputs (16…24 bits) c 5 V, c 10…30 V High density 15-pin SUB-D – type ABE 7CPA11 0.300 From To Reference (1) TSX CTZ 1B module, encoder supply and capture inputs (high density 15-pin SUB-D type) ABE 7CPA01 base (15-pin SUB-D type connector) Weight kg 0.300 SUB-D connectors (batch of 2) Reference TSX CAP S9 Cable equipped with SUB-D type connectors Designation 3.2 Connection Cable length 2.5 m (0.205 mm2 section) Add. (2) 5 TSX CCP H15 (1) Absolute encoder with parallel outputs and ABE 7CPA11 adaptation base. This base is used to multiplex up to 4 absolute encoders on the encoder input of the TSX CTZ 1B module. (2) Addresses, see page 3/21. Description: page 3/22 Characteristics: page 3/23 Connections: page 3/25 3/24 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections 0 TSX CTZ 1B absolute encoder positioning module Connections to the TSX CTZ 1B module Absolute encoder conection Sensor/supply connection examples ++ – – 44 3 1 Capture input 0 Supply c 24 V sensors + + – – 6 4 – 6 5 6 4 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 + – 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 GND 3 1 PNP ABE-7CPA01 3 12 8 27 28 22 24 25 NPN + – 8 Capture input 1 7 + c 10/30 V 3 wire detector connection and encoder supply c 10/30 V 12 8 27 28 9 22 24 25 c5V 3 2 wire detector connection and encoder supply c 5 V 3.2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 GND + + – – ABE-7CPA11 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Serial absolute SSI encoder. Absolute encoder with parallel outputs. TSX CAP S9 9-pin SUB-D type connector. TSX CAP H15 high density 15-pin SUB-D type connector. TSX CCP H15 equipped cable. 3 wire PNP detector. 3 wire NPN detector. 2 wire detector. Mechanical contact. Description: page 3/22 Characteristics: page 3/23 References: page 3/24 3/25 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 0 4 4/0 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Contents 4 - Communication Selection guide bus and network modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/2 4.1 - Ethernet TCP/IP network b Ethernet TCP/IP network modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/6 b ConneXium Ethernet cabling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/16 4.2 - Machine bus and sensors/actuators bus b CANopen machine bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/22 b AS-Interface sensors/actuators bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/26 b Phaseo power supplies for AS-Interface bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/30 4.3 - Modbus Plus network/Modbus bus b Modbus Plus network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/34 b Modbus bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/38 4.4 - X-Way network and buses 4 b X-Way communication architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/42 b X-Way communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/44 b Fipway network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/46 b Fipio bus Agent function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/50 b Fipio/Fipway on fibre optic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/54 b Fipio bus and Fipway network cabling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/56 b Uni-Telway bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/60 b Asynchronous serial links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4/64 b Connecting cables for PCMCIA cards and TER/AUX ports . . . . . . . . . page 4/68 4/1 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Network and buses Applications Local area network conforming to TCP/IP standard Local area network conforming to Modbus Plus standard Types of network or bus Ethernet TCP/IP or RS 232 Modem (PPP) Modbus Plus 10/100BASE-T (RJ45) CSMA-CD 10/100 Mbit/s Modbus Plus standard Rotating token 1 Mbit/s Double twisted shielded pair Twisted pair 64 100 m max. between hub and terminal device 1 max. 32 per segment, 64 on all segments 450 m per segment 1800 m with 3 repeaters Structure 4 Physical interface Access method Rate Medium Configuration Maximum number of devices Maximum length No. of links/station Services - TCP/IP ou PPP: Messagerie Uni-TE or Modbus - BOOTP/DHCP server - SNMP Agent service - Tranparency communication on Ethernet or Modem link - Integrated Web server with or without Web user page (8 Mb) Modbus message handling service: - Write/read variables - Global database - Peer Cop service Type of TSX Micro PLC base TSX 37 10/21/22 PLC bases TSX 37 21/22 PLC bases Nature of modules Independent module Type III PCMCIA card Type of modules TSX ETZ 410/510 TSX MBP 100 Pages 4/15 4/37 4/2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Local area network conforming to Fip standard CAN field bus Open industrial field bus conforming to AS-i standard Fipway Bus CANopen V4.02 AS-Interface Fip standard Bus managed by bus arbitrator ISO 11898 CSMA/CA, multi-master 10 Kbit/s...1 Mbit/s according to distance AS-Interface standard, M2 profile Master/slave 167 Kbit/s Twisted shielded pair Fibre optic via transceivers or repeaters Double twisted shielded pair 2-wire AS-Interface cable 32 per segment, 64 on all segments 1000 m per electrical segment 5000 m max. with repeaters 127 slaves From 20 m (1 Mbit/s)...2500 m (20 Kbit/s) 31 sensor/actuator devices 100 m 200 m with repeaters - CANopen : - Implicit PDO exchange - Explicit SDO exchange or CAN function block - Explicit PDU CAN exchange Transparency of exchanges with sensor/actuator devices Uni-TE COM/shared table Application-to-application Telegram 4 TSX 37 10/21/22 PLC bases Type III PCMCIA card Half-format module to be insert in slot 4 TSX FPP 20 TSX CPP 110 TSX SAZ 10 4/49 4/25 4/27 4/3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Network and buses Applications Modbus open industrial field bus Open industrial fiedbus conforming to Fip standard 1 2 Types of network or bus Structure 4 Modbus RTU Fipio (agent) Physical interface RS 485, isolated via TSX P ACC 01 tap Norme Fip Access method Rate Slave 19,2 Kbit/s max. Bus managed by bus arbitrator 1 Mbit/s Médium Configuration Maximum number of devices Master/slave Double twisted shielded pair Twisted shielded pair Fibre optic via transceivers or repeaters 28 devices max. 98 slave addresses max. 32 per segment, 128 on all segments 248 slave addresses max. Maximum length 1300 m max. for isolated RS 485 No. of links/station 1 max. Services Modbus slave RTU Type of TSX Micro PLC base TSX 37-05/08/10 PLC bases Nature of modules Built-in link on terminal port Type of modules Modbus master/slave RTU 13 Modbus functions (read/write bits and words, diagnostic…) 1 TER terminal port Pages 4/40 From 1000 m to 15,000 m (depending on the medium use) with repeaters - Uni-TE Periodic data exchange Application-to-application Transparent exchange of remote I/O TSX 37-21/22 PLC bases 2 Type III PCMCIA card AUX TSX FPP 10 terminal port 4/53 4/4 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Uni-Telway multicomponent industrial bus Asynchronous serial links 1 2 Uni-Telway Character mode RS 485 non-isolated RS 485 isolated via TSX P ACC 01 tap RS 232D RS 485 isolated 20 mA CL RS 232D RS 485 isolated RS 422 20 mA CL Master/slave 19,2 Kbit/s max. – 0,3...19,2 Kbit/s 1,2...19,2 Kbit/s Double twisted shielded pair – Double twisted shielded pair Point-to-point Point-to-point in RS 422 Multipoint in RS 485 Point-to-point Multipoint 15 m 1000 m 1300 m TSX SCP 114 TSX SCP 112 5 (excluding programming terminal) 10 m non-isolated 1300 m isoled Point-to-point in RS 232D, 28 in RS 485, 16 in 20 mA CL 15 m in point-to-point 1000 m in RS 485 1300 m in 20 mA CL 4 1 max. - Uni-TE Client/Server 240 bytes (128 bytes on terminal port) - Application-to-application 240 bytes (128 bytes on terminal port) - Transparency of all devices on X-Way architecture via the master TSX 37-05/08/10 PLC bases TSX 37-21/22 PLC bases Built-in link on terminal port 1 TER terminal port - 4096 characters max. - 7 or 8 bits, 1or 2 stop bits - Even, odd or none parity Type III PCMCIA card 2 AUX terminal port TSX SCP 11p TSX SCP 111 (1) 4/63 4/65 (1) At the end of reference, replace p by 1: RS 232D, by 2: 20 mA CL or by 4: isolated RS 485. 4/5 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link TSX Micro platforms connect to the Ethernet TCP/IP network via 2 external and autonomous TSX ETZ 410/510 modules. These modules are also used to link to an external modem. Ethernet TCP/IP TSX ETZ 410 module The TSX ETZ 410 module includes: b A Modbus/Uni-TE TCP/IP communication profile on Ethernet 10/100 Mbits/s or TCP/IP via RS232 serial link connected to an external 56K bit/s modem. b The integrated Web server function. The integrated Web server provides access to: v the module configuration, v the PLC diagnostics system function, “Rack Viewer”, v the communication diagnostics function, v the access function to the PLC data and variables, “Data Editor”, v and accepts the scanned input/output function; the TSX ETZ 410 can be scanned by a device which supports the exchange of I/O Scanning input/outputs. Ethernet TCP/IP TSX ETZ 510 module The Ethernet TSX ETZ 510 uses all the functions of the TSX ETZ 410 module, and in addition, the following functions on the level of the integrated Web server function. 4 b Graphic object editor function to assist in creating Web user pages. b Configuration tool for the integrated WEB server. 4.1 Integration into structures The Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 modules communicate with the Micro TSX 37 10/21/22 PLCs, which are equipped with the operating system version IE u 2.0. They connect: b v v v Via the: TSX 37 10/21/22 PLC terminal port (TER), TSX 37 21/22 PLC auxiliary port (AUX), TSX SCP114 serial link PCMCIA card inserted into the TSX 37 21/22 PLC. b On a Uni-Telway bus, via the TSX SCA 50 derivation box or the TSX P ACC 01 isolation box. The Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 modules are configured with the assistance of a standard browser using: b The Ethernet network. b RS 232C serial link (PPP protocol). The Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 modules ensure that the TSX Micro PLC TER port is duplicated; the PLC connected to the TSX ETZ 410/510 module via this TER port can be accessed locally by a programming terminal equipped with PL7 TSX Micro/ Junior/Pro software. Functions: pages 4/8 to 4/12 Description: page 4/13 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/6 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Structure 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link TCP/IP profile on Ethernet and on the serial link by modem Summary of the OSI structure OSI model Ethernet TCP/IP profile Modem serial link 7 Application Uni-TE Modbus Uni-TE Modbus 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport TCP TCP 3 Network IP IP 2 Link Ethernet II or LLC IEEE 802.2 MAC IEEE 802.3 PPP 1 Physical CSMA-CD IEEE 802.3 RS 232 point to point The distributed automation applications can use a unique communication network which meet: b The needs of real-time workshop performance. b The open access requirements for the monitoring/commanding software based upon products using standard communication protocols or applications using Internet technology. Ethernet and the point to point protocol (PPP) via serial link respond to different requirements in terms of data rate, capacity for open access on TCP/IP and flexibility in terms of topology. 4 4.1 Ethernet communication affects essentially the following applications: b Co-ordination between programmable PLCs. b Local or centralized supervision. b Communication with production information management. b Communication with remote inputs/outputs. The various services offered are as follows: b The TCP/IP protocol standard permits communication with: v the Quantum platforms in the Modbus messaging, with the 140 NOE 771 pp module, v the M1E CPUs associated with the Momentum inputs/outputs I/O base in Modbus messaging, v the Premium platforms with TSX ETY 110 module (outside of Ethway profile) or TSX ETY 410p/510p module, v a PC terminal, which supports a standard browser for the Ethernet network, v a PC terminal, with a modem which supports a standard browser for the serial link, v all Uni-TE/Modbus TCP/IP devices (ATV 58 drive, Magelis terminals, etc.). b The SNMP V1 network agent function. All Ethernet modules integrate the MIB II standard (Management Information Base RFC 1213) and the Ethernet Transparent Ready private MIB. These are compatible with the main network administration software available on the market. Functions: pages 4/8 to 4/12 Description: page 4/13 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/7 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Functions 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Ethernet link PC + Internet browser Quantum c 3 1 5 Premium 2 Premium 3 a a 2 b TSX Micro 5 TSX Micro b 3 3 4 Momentum ATV 58 4.1 Device T XBT F Magelis Modem link 1 1 2 4 6 2 4 5 6 b TSX Micro 5 2 b 6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 See functions on page 4/9. a Premium Ethernet TSX ETY 410p/510p module. b TSX Micro Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 module. c Quantum Ethernet 140 NOE 711 pp module. Presentation: page 4/6 Description: page 4/13 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/8 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Services linked to Ethernet applications The TSX ETZ 410/510 modules integrate the services linked to the Ethernet applications: 1 Integrated Web server services: v IP configuration for the TSX ETZ 410/510 via standard browser on the Ethernet network or locally, v Access security, v PLC diagnostics system Function “RackViewer”, v Communication diagnostics function, v Access function to the PLC data and variables, “Data Editor”, v Download of Uni-TE PL7 applications, v Graphic object editor (only on TSX ETZ 510), v display of predefined Web pages, v User Web pages (only on TSX ETZ 510). 2 Scanned inputs/outputs service performed from the Premium or Quantum PLC (I/O Scanning function). 3 Uni-TE messaging in TCP/IP in Client/Server mode: v Remote terminal: Terminal transparence (see page 4/45). 4 Un-TE messaging in TCP/IP in Client/Server mode: v Conversion of Modbus requests to Uni-TE requests going to the TSX Micro PLC and vice versa for the reply. 4 5 TCP/IP messaging gateway to Uni-TE. 4.1 6 API calling/called (only for Modem link). Standard Ethernet services for TSX ETZ 410/510 The TSX ETZ 410/510 modules conform to the following standard protocols: b BOOTP: attribution of IP address via a server (also for addressing by default or from a PC equipped with a standard browser). b DHCP (1): automatic reconfiguration by replacing a faulty module (FDR function). b SNMP (2): network management protocol. The TSX ETZ 410/510 modules integrate the standard MIB II and the private Ethernet Transparent Ready MIB. (1) Only for Ethernet link: Bootstrap Protocol: protocol for starting up terminals or stations without a disk via centralized management of network parameters. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: protocol, which allows a station connected to a network to dynamically obtain its configuration. (2) Simple Network Management Protocol: Network management protocol which is used to monitor a remote network by requesting the status of the stations and modifying their configuration, performing security checks and observing various information linked to data transmission. It can also be used to manage remote data bases and software. Presentation: page 4/6 Description: page 4/13 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/9 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Scanned inputs/outputs service The Ethernet ETZ 410/510 modules for the TSX Micro PLC accept the scanned I/O service, which is performed by the Premium or Quantum modules using the I/O Scanning service (TSX ETY 410p/510p, 140 NOE 771 pp). Flow chart %MW word table Read Write Momentum Premium ATV 58 4 TSX Micro Premium Magelis 4.1 TSX Micro This service is used to manage the exchange of remote inputs/outputs on the Ethernet network after a simple configuration and without the need for specific programming. Inputs/outputs are scanned transparently with the assistance of read/write requests according to the Modbus protocol on the TCP/IP profile. This principle of scanning via a standard protocol is used to communicate with any device supporting a Modbus server on TCP/IP or with a built-in Modbus/Uni-TE converter on TCP/IP. Integrated Web server The Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 modules have an integrated Web server. On a TSX Micro PLC level, the functions of the Web server allow: v v v v v v configuration, diagnostics, access to variables, graphic editing, display of predefined Web pages and use of a Web page configuration tool. This server is a PLC real-time data server. All TSX Micro PLC CPU data which support one of these modules are presented in the form of standard HTML-web pages and can also be accessed by all standard browsers capable of embedded Java or by FactoryCast software (supplied on CD-Rom with each Ethernet module). All functions from the Web server do not require any configuration or programming, either on the level of the TSX Micro PLC, or on the level of the compatible PC which supports the Internet browser. Furthermore, this module can be used in an existing configuration without any modification to the current program. Presentation: page 4/6 Description: page 4/13 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/10 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Configuration function The configuration function for the module is a predefined function. It allows: b b b b b b Altering the user name and password for access to the secure page. Configuration of the TCP/IP parameters. Configuration of the Uni-Telway parameters. Automatic re-configuration. Configuration of the SNMP parameters. The module reset. “Rack Viewer” function, TSX Micro PLC diagnostics The predefined “Rack Viewer” function (display of PLC rack) is used to diagnose the TSX Micro PLC connected to the network via the Ethernet module. This is a predefined secure function (accessed using a password) which allows real-time display from a standard browser: b The status of the LEDs on the front panel of the PLC. b The version type of the PLC. b The hardware configuration of the PLC with the status of the system words and bits. b The detailed diagnostics of each I/O module or application share this configuration. 4 4.1 Communication diagnostics function The communication diagnostics function is a predefined secure function (accessed using a password) which allows real-time display from a standard browser: b The Ethernet network statistics. b The Uni-Telway bus statistics. b The RS 232 Modem serial link diagnostics. “Data Editor” function, access to the PLC data and variables The access to the variables function is a predefined and secure function (accessible by password) allowing the creation of an events table to access the list of PLC variables in read or write. The variables to be displayed can be entered and displayed as: b Address (%MW99) for the TSX ETZ 410 module. b Symbol (S_Pump 234) or address (%MW99) for the TSX ETZ 510 module. In order to be able to write a value in a variable, you will need to enter and confirm a second password. The animation tables created by the operator can be saved in the Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 module. Presentation: page 4/6 Description: page 4/13 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/11 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Graphic object editor function (available on the TSX ETZ 510 module) The graphic object editor function enables you to create graphic designs, including animated graphic objects, linked to PLC variables. These customized designs can be used in user Web pages created with FactoryCast software. These designs are created using simple cut/paste operations and the objects are set according to the needs of the user (color, PLC variables, label…). Once the designs have been created, they can be saved in a transparent way in the Ethernet TSX ETZ 510 module. Display of predefined Web pages (available on the TSX ETZ 510 module) The TSX ETZ 510 module also has an 8 M bytes (1) Flash EPROM type memory, which is accessible as a hard disk and permits the reception (hosting) of Web pages defined by the user. These Web pages can be created using any standard tool that lets you create and edit in HTML format. Eight pages can be enhanced by inserting animated graphic objects provided by the graphic object editor. 4 Once created, these Web pages allow you to: b Display all PLC variables in real time. b Insert hyperlinks to external servers (documentation, suppliers…). 4.1 This function is particularly useful for creating graphics and images intended for: b Display, monitoring, diagnostics. b Development of real time production reports. b Maintenance assistance. b User guides. FactoryCast configuration tool for the integrated WEB server (only available on the TSX ETZ 510 module) The FactoryCast software, version > 2.2.1 (supplied on the CD-Rom with the TSX ETZ 510 module), allows you to configure and administer the Web server embedded in the module. It is common to the TSX Micro, Premium and Quantum automation platforms. It provides the following functions: b Access security. b Definition of the User names and associated passwords to access the Web pages. b Definition of the access to the variables authorized in modification. b Access to the PL7 application and to the TSX Micro PLC data. b Save/restore a complete Web site. b Transfer of Web pages created in local mode by the user on a PC-compatible workstation to the TSX ETZ 510 module and vice versa. (1) Memory that is insensitive to power outages and to PLC resets. Presentation: page 4/6 Description: page 4/13 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/12 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Description 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Description of the TSX ETY 410/510 modules The Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 modules are autonomous and thus do not fit into a TSX Micro PLC rack, but fix onto a DIN profile or on AM1-PA perforated mounting plate. 1 2 3 4 The front of the TSX ETZ 410/510 modules are arranged as follows: 5 1 Three display LEDs indicating the module status (RUN, ERR, RX/TX). 2 A screened-on label indicating the module's MAC address (default address set in the M bit). 3 A mini DIN connector for terminal port (TER address). 4 An RJ45 connector for Uni-Telway auxiliary port RS 485 serial link (RS 485 address). 5 An RJ45 normalized connector for connecting to the Ethernet network (10/100BASE-T address). 6 A 9 pin male SUB-D connector for RS 232 serial link (Modem). 7 A screw terminal block for connecting to the external power supply c 24 V. 8 A support plate enabling it to be fixed to the module. 6 7 8 Wiring system The TSX ETZ 410/510 modules support two kinds of exclusive TCP/IP connections: b By Ethernet network via 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX (RJ45) interface, see page 4/21 for accessories and connection cables. b By Modem via RS 232 serial link, see page 4/66 for accessories and connection cables. 4 4.1 The TSX ETZ 410/510 modules are connected to the TSX Micro PLCs TSX 37 10/21/22 via: b The terminal port (TER) or the auxiliary port (AUX). b The PCMCIA RS 485 TSX SCP114 serial link. Flow chart The wiring chart opposite corresponds to one of the methods of connection. The TSX ETZ 410/510 module is attached to the TSX Micro PLC via its terminal port (TER or AUX). 1 TSX PCU 1031: Uni-Telway connection cable between a compatible PC and the TER port of the TSX ETZ 410/510 module. TSX ETZ 410/510 TSX Micro 1 2 3 Presentation: page 4/6 3 490 NTW 000pp: shielded twisted pair cable connection right of the module (rep. 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX) to Ethernet via hub (see page 4/21). Length from 2...80 m. 4 Modem Ethernet 2 TSX ETZ CDN 003: connection cable (0.35 m cable, supplied with the TSX ETZ 410/510 module) between the module (rep. RS 485) and the TER/AUX port of the TSX Micro PLC. The TSX CX 100 cable authorizes a connection with longer lengths (up to 10 m). 4 RS 232 cable between the SUB-D 9 connector contacts of the module (rep. RS 232) and the Modem. 5 5 Connection for external power supply c 24 V (see Phaseo power supply page 2/61). Functions: pages 4/8 to 4/12 Characteristics: page 4/14 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/13 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Characteristics of the TSX ETY 410/510 modules Type of link Structure Nature Topology Physical interface Protocol Transmission Mode Binary data rate Medium Configuration Number of stations Length Ethernet Serial link by Modem Local industrial heterogeneous network which conforms to the IEEE 802.3 standard Star-shaped or tree-structure network – – Telephone line (1) Manchester-type baseband 10/100 M bit/s with automatic recognition 10BASE-T, double shielded twisted pair of type STP, impedance 100 Ω ± 15 Ω 100BASE-T, Ethernet cable category 5 conforms to standard EIA/TIA 568A Point-to-point connection (via normalized RJ45 connector) enabling a star-shaped network to be formed (the stations are linked to hubs or switches). 64 stations max. per network 100 m max. between terminal device and hubs Half or full duplex RS 232 link to 56 K bit/s max Shielded RS 232 cable (crossover DTE/DTE) – RTC Link Point-to-point protocol 2 (point to point link) – Services and functions supported by the module Shared services Different shared services: - scanned inputs/outputs service performed from the Premium/Quantum PLC with the I/O Scanning function - inter-PLC communication in Uni-TE or Modbus TCP/IP - download of Uni-TE PL7 applications - diagnostics module - remote terminal: Terminal transparence (see page 4/45) - adjustment, debugging and modifications to the program TCP/IP services in Uni-TE: - client/server mode (32 simultaneous connections) - 128 byte client/server requests (synchronous mode) - 1Kbyte client/server requests (asynchronous mode) In Modbus: - client/server mode (32 simultaneous connections) - 128 byte synchronous requests Integrated Web server function (2) Different Integrated Web server services: - maximum simultaneous connection of 8 standard browsers - IP configuration for TSX ETZ 410/510 module via standard browser - PLC diagnostics system function “RackViewer” - communication diagnostics function - access function to the PLC data and variables “Data Editor” - graphic objects editor (3) - Web pages defined by the user (8 Mb available) (3) 4 4.1 Electrical specifications Supply voltage Nominal Limits c c Wave rate 24 19.2…30 5% max. Accepted micro-cuts ms 1 Permitted overvoltage c 34 max. (for 1 hour in 24) mA mA 100 50…200 W 2.4 (4 max.) without consumption on terminal port Power consumption Nominal Limits Power dissipation Environment Conforming to standards The TSX ETZ 410/510 modules conform to the TSX Micro PLC requirements (see page 1/13), which meet the following standards: ISO/IEC 8802-3, ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3 (4th edition 1993-07-08), conforming to the FCC-B rule for radiated emissions (50082-1) (1) Transmission via Modem can also be by radio or satellite. (2) Requires a standard browser on the PC (i.e. Internet Explorer version 4, Netscape version 4.05 or other) which is capable of executing Java code. (3) Services available on the TSX ETY 510 module. Presentation: page 4/6 Description: page 4/13 Functions: pages 4/8 to 4/12 References: page 4/15 Dimensions: page 4/15 4/14 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References, dimensions 0 Ethernet network and TCP/IP Modem serial link Ethernet TCP/IP network modules Designation Ethernet modules for Micro TSX 37 10/21/22 PLC (1), (2) Data rate and communication profile Integrated Web Server References Diagnostics Web user pages Ethernet 10/100 Mbps or yes – TSX ETZ 410 Modem 56 Kbps yes 8 Mb available TSX ETZ 510 Uni-TE on TCP/IP or Modbus on TCP/IP Weight kg 0.280 0.280 Connection cables and accessories Designation Ethernet twisted shielded cables (3) From To Use Length TSX ETZ 410/510 Ethernet Hub (RJ45 Link to Ethernet module connector) network (RJ45 connector See page 4/21 add. ETH) TSX ETZ 410/510 TSX P ACC 01 2m 5m 12 m 40 m 80 m References (3) 490 NTW 000 02 490 NTW 000 05 490 NTW 000 12 490 NTW 000 40 490 NTW 000 80 Weight kg – – – – – RS 485 Uni-Telway TSX ETZ 410/510 Compatible PC cables module (female SUB-D (mini DIN 9 pin connector) connector add. TER) TSX SCA 50 connection box Uni-Telway bus link via terminal port 2.5 m TSX PCU 1031 Uni-Telway bus link via terminal port 10 m (4) (5) TSX CX 100 Terminal port (TER) connection box TSX ETZ 410/510 module or TSX Micro PLC (mini DIN connector add. TER) 1 m (TER port TSX P ACC 01 Uni-Telway bus link cable) isolation signals for buses > 10m in length, end of line adaptation, bus cable derivation 0.690 TSX ETZ 410/510 module (mini DIN connector add. TER) Derivation and prolonging of bus cable, end of line adaptation 0.520 Uni-Telway derivation bus Passive derivation Uni-Telway box derivation bus TSX SCA 50 – TSX SCA 50 0.140 – 4 4.1 (1) Requires a TSX 37 10/20/21 PLC with a version u 2.0 operating system, supplied with a TSX ETZ CDN 003 link cable (0.35 m in length). These modules should be supplied with c 24 V. (See supply process page 2/61). (2) Supplied with CD-Rom including the FactoryCast V2.2.1 software, the Ethernet Transparent Ready Part A, the user manual for the Ethernet TSX ETZ 410/510 modules. (3) Add the letter U to the end of the reference for CSA 22.1, NFPA 70 and UL approved cables (flame-retardant). (4) Free wire on the side of the TSX SCA 50 connection box. (5) If the 0.35 m of TSX ETZ CDN 003 cable, supplied with the TSX ETZ 410/510 modules, is not suitable, it is possible to use the TSX CX 100 cable (10 m in length). In this case, attach an 8 pin RJ45 connector (category 5) to the end of the free wire. Dimensions, mounting TSX ETZ 410/510 modules 16 5,4 Mounting on profiled AM1 DE200 or AM1 DP200 or on AM1 PA mounting plate 88,9 140 143,7 (1) 132,7 (2) 34,63 39,83 5,15 116,7 30,7 58,55 150 151,5 4 (1) 136.2 mm with profiled AM1 DP200 (2) Assembly on AM1 PA mounting plate Presentation: page 4/6 Description: page 4/13 Functions: pages 4/8 to 4/12 Characteristics: page 4/14 4/15 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 5 ConneXium industrial Ethernet Presentation As part of its Transparent Ready family of products, Schneider Electric offers a range of industrially hardened network hubs, switches, transceivers, bridges, and cables. These Ethernet-standard communication components enable you to integrate Ethernet solutions from the device level to the control network, and beyond to the corporate intranet. Each ConneXium Industrial Ethernet product is designed with compliance to Ethernet standards, and with third-party compatibility in mind. b ConneXium Hubs connect devices and provide segments to shared communication among PLCs. TF Hubs are low-cost solutions which enable communications with devices, such as Momentum I/O, to Ethernet networks. b ConneXium Switches segment the application in different zones, groups, or cells/machines. The proper placement of switches can increase network performance by relieving network congestion. TF switches implement SNMP protocol, allowing standard network management tools to monitor and diagnose the network, and thus are a key architectural component for real-time and deterministic network communication. b ConneXium Transceivers provide connections to fiber optic networks in areas of high electromagnetic interference. The use of multiple transceivers enables long distances between process areas. 4 b ConneXium Bridges enable Modbus to Ethernet and Modbus Plus to Ethernet communications, with multiple ports allowing flexibility among network components. b ConneXium Cables connect each automation device to the attached hub, switch, transceiver, or bridge. Cables are available in fiber optic and twisted pair options, with a wide variety of connectors and cable lengths. 4.1 Optical redundant network 200 Mbit/s full duplex Switch Switch Switch Hub Transceiver Fiber optic Hub Transceiver Premium Quantum Hub Optical loop Hub Hub TSX Micro Quantum Momentum Magelis I/O Remote location Momentum I/O All Ethernet cabling system components are built to rigorous industrial standards, and are designed to perform in harsh environments. ConneXium Switches and Hubs support a high level of resilience. Their scalable redundant features - from single to double ring structure - make it easy to build the kind of fault-tolerant network that fits the specific requirements of your environment. Characteristics: pages 4/17 to 4/20 References: page 4/21 4/16 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 5 ConneXium industrial Ethernet Characteristics of hubs Mechanical characteristics Models 499 NEH 104 10 Operating temperature ° C (F) Relative humidity 499 NEH 141 00 499 NOH 105 10 0...60 (32...140) 10...95 % (non-condensing) Dimensions (W x H x D) mm (in) 40 x 125 x 80 (1.58 x 4.92 x 3.15) 47 x 135 x 111 (1.85 x 5.31 x 4.37) 80 x 140 x 80 (3.15 x 5.51 x 3.15) Weight g (Lb) 520 (1.2) 240 (0.529) 900 (2) Enclosure IP 30 IP 20 IP 30 Agency approvals and compliance cUL 1950 ; FM 3810 ; FM 3611 Class 1, Div. 2; e ; Germanischer Lloyd ; IEC 61131 2 Electrical characteristics Models 499 NEH 104 10 499 NEH 141 00 499 NOH 105 10 Technology Ethernet 10 Mbit/s Ethernet 100 Mbit/s, class 2 Ethernet 10 Mbit/s Interfaces 4 10BASE-T ports with RJ45 shielded connectors 4 100BASE-TX ports with RJ45 shielded connectors - 3 10BASE-T ports with RJ45 shielded connectors - 2 10BASE-FL ports with BFOC connectors Connection type Twisted pair cable Operating voltage VDC – Twisted pair cables or redundant fiber optic ring 18...32, safety low voltage Terminal block 1 x 5-pin, pluggable Redundancy Power supply 4.1 Power supply and optical ring Power consumption at 24 VDC mA 80 typical, 130 maximum Maximum range m (ft) Twisted pair line length, max 100 (max 330) Fiber optic: max 3100 (max 10.000) Twisted pair: max 100 (max 330) cascaded 4 max 4 max in a ring – Number of hubs Fault indicator LED indicators 4 210 typical, 270 maximum 2 max 160 typical, 350 maximum 11 max Power supply failure, permanent fault in hub, faulty link status of TP port (volt-free contact 1 A max. under c 24 V) P1, P2 power, DA/STAT, data collision, segmentation, and link status per port References: page 4/21 4/17 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued) 5 ConneXium industrial Ethernet Characteristics of switches Mechanical characteristics Models Operating temperature ° C (F) Relative humidity 499 NES 181 00 0…60 (32...140) 499 NES 171 00 0...50 (32...122) 499 NOS 171 00 499 NES 251 00 0…60 (32...140) (- 20…85 on storage) 10…95 % (non-condensing) Dimensions W x H x D mm (in) 47 x 135 x 111 110 x 131 x 111 Weight g (Lb) 230 850 43 x 143,8 x 75,2 (mounting on panel or DIN rail ) 190 Enclosure IP 20 Agency approvals and compliance cUl 1950, cUL 308 ; cUL 1604 ; FM 3810 Classe 1, Div.2 ; Germanischer Lloyd ; IEC 61131 2, e UL 508, CSA 1010, 89/336/EEC, 73/23 EEC (EN 61131 2) Models Technology 499 NES 181 00 499 NES 171 00 499 NOS 171 00 Ethernet 10 Mbit/s and Fast Ethernet 100 Mbit/s 499 NES 251 00 Interfaces - 8 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX ports with shielded RJ45 connectors - 5 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX ports with shielded RJ45 connectors 2 100BASE-FX ports with SC connectors - 5 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX ports with shielded RJ45 connectors Connection type Twisted pair cable Twisted pair cables and redundant fiber optic ring Twisted pair cable Electrical characteristics 4 - 5 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX ports with shielded RJ45 connectors - 2 100BASE-TX ports with RJ45 connectors 4.1 Operating voltage VDC Terminal block mA Redundancy Maximum range Fault indicator LED indicators 19,2…30, safety low voltage 1 x 3 contacts 1 x 5 contacts Power consumption at 24 VDC Number of hubs 18...32, safety low voltage m (ft) 125 typical 290 max 800 max 100 (120 to 19,2 V) - Power supply - Power supply - Optical and/or copper ring structure - Fast media redundancy < 0.3 s - Redundant manager – 100 cascaded – Twisted pair line length, max 100 (max 330) 2 max Fiber optic: 3100 maxi 100 Twisted pair: 100 maxi in a ring – Maximum 50 @ 100 Mbit/s – Power supply failure, permanent fault in switch; faulty link status of TP – port; at least one port has auto-partitioned (volt-free contact 1 A max. under c 24 V), self-test error, ring monitoring not possible P1, P2 power, redundancy manager, data exchange/port Power: OK power supply, LINK/Active: Ethernet link, 100MB: self commutable data rate References: page 4/21 4/18 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Characteristics (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 5 ConneXium industrial Ethernet Characteristics of transceivers Mechanical characteristics Models Operating temperature 499 NTR 100 10 ° C (F) Relative humidity Dimensions (W x H x D) 499 NTR 101 00 0...60 (32...140) 10...95 % (non-condensing) mm (in) 40 x 134 x 80 (1.58 x 5.28 x 3.15) 47 x 135 x 111 (1.9 x 5.3 x 4.4) Enclosure IP 30 IP 20 Agency approvals and compliance cUL 1950 ; FM 3810 Class 1, Div. 2 ; e ; cUL 1950 ; cUL 508 ; cUL 1604 ; Germanischer Lloyd ; IEC 61131 2 FM 3810 Class 1, Div. 2 ; e ; Germanischer Lloyd ; IEC 61131 2 Electrical characteristics Models 499 NTR 100 10 499 NTR 101 00 Technology Ethernet 10 Mbit/s Ethernet 100 Mbit/s Interfaces 1 10BASE-T port with shielded RJ45 1 100BASE-TX port with shielded RJ45 connector connector 1 10BASE-FL port with BFOC connector 1 100BASE-FX ports with SC connector Twisted pair cable and fiber optic Ethernet cable Connection type Operating voltage VDC Terminal block Power consumption at 24 VDC 18...32, safety low voltage 1 x 5-pin, pluggable mA 80 typical 100 maximum Power supply Maximum range m (ft) Link budget dB 10BASE-T 100 (328) 10BASE-TX 100 (328) 10BASE-FL 3100 (1070) 10BASE-FX 3100 (1070) 11.5 db for 50/125 and 62.5/125 µm fiber 8 db for 50/125 µm fiber, 11 db for 62.5/125 µm fiber P1, P2 power, redundancy manager, data exchange/port Redundancy LED indicators 4 160 typical 190 maximum 4.1 References: page 4/21 4/19 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued) 5 ConneXium industrial Ethernet Characteristiques of bridges Mechanical characteristics Type of bridges Operating temperature °C Relative humidity 174 CEV 200 30 174 CEV 300 20 0…50 0…60 10…95 % (non-condensing) 20…90% (non-condensing) Dimensions (W x H x D) mm 122 x 229 x 248 35 x 95 x 60 Weight g 4263 500 Enclosure IP 20 Agency approvals and compliance UL, CSA, e Electrical characteristics Type of modules 174 CEV 200 30 174 CEV 300 20 Networks link Modbus Plus to Ethernet Modbus to Ethernet Technology Ethernet 10 Mbit/s Interfaces - 1 10BASE-T port with shielded RJ45 connector; 10BASE2 (type BNC) ; 10BASE5 (type AUI) - 1 dual/simple pair cable Modbus Plus - 1 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX port with shielded RJ45 connector - 1 RS 232/RS 485 serial port with shielded RJ45 connector Connection type 1 RJ45, AUI, BNC cable Twisted pair blinded cable 110/220 AC (- 15 %/10 %), 47…63 Hz 24 DC Power consumption 1 A typical 125 mA max Redundancy – Power supply 10BASE-T: 100 10BASE2: 100 10BASE5: 100 Modbus Plus: 450 10BASE-T: 100 4 4.1 Operating power Max. length of segments V m References: page 4/21 4/20 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 5 ConneXium industrial Ethernet References Industrial ConneXium Description Hubs 499 NEH 104 10 Switches Tranceivers Type of Ethernet network Available ports Reference 10 Mbit/s 8 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX ports 499 NES 181 00 Weight kg 1,450 4 10BASE-T ports 499 NEH 104 10 0,520 3 10BASE-T ports 2 10BASEFL ports 499 NOH 105 10 0,900 100 Mbit/s 4 100BASE-TX ports 499 NEH 141 00 0,520 10/100 Mbit/s 5 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX ports 499 NES 251 00 0,190 5 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX ports 499 NES 171 00 and 2 100BASE-TX ports 1,450 5 100BASE-TX ports and 2 100BASE-FX ports 499 NOS 171 00 1,450 1 10BASE-T port and 1 10BASE-FL port 499 NTR 100 10 100 Mbit/s 1 100BASE-TX port and 1 100BASE-FX port 499 NTR 101 00 Type of connection Available ports Reference Modbus Plus/Ethernet (dual/simple pair Modbus) 1 10BASE-T (type RJ45) port or 174 CEV 200 30 10BASE2 (type BNC) or 10BASE5 (type AUI) Modbus/Ethernet 1 10BASE-T/10BASE-TX port (type RJ45) 174 CEV 300 20 Utilisation Ports Ethernet disponibles Reference For connecting a10BASE-5 interface device (2) to a 10BASE-T Ethernet network segment (twisted pair) 1 10BASE-5 (type AUI) port and TSX ETH NTR1 1 10BASE-T (type RJ 45) port 10 Mbit/s 0,520 499 NES 251 00 Description Bridges 499 NES 171 00 0,520 Weight kg 4,260 0,500 4 4.1 Accessoires de raccordement Description Mini transceiver 499 NTR 100 10 Weight kg – Câbles de raccordement Description Shielded and foil twisted pair cord cable Preformed at each end Length 2 connectors RJ45 type 2m For connection to DTE terminal 5m 174 CEV 300 10 12 m 40 m 80 m 490 NTW 000pp Shielded and foil twisted pair crossed cord cable 2 connectors RJ45 type For connection between hubs, switches and transceivers 5m 15 m 40 m 80 m 490 NOC 000 0p Fiber optic cable for terminal equipment to optical cross connecting bay 1 connector SC type and 1 connector MT/RJ 5m Reference 490 NTW 000 02 (1) 490 NTW 000 05 (1) 490 NTW 000 12 (1) 490 NTW 000 40 (1) 490 NTW 000 80 (1) 490 NTC 000 05 (1) 490 NTC 000 15 (1) 490 NTC 000 40 (1) 490 NTC 000 80 (1) 490 NOC 000 05 Weight kg – – – – – – – – – – 1 connector ST type (BFOC) and 5 m 1 connector MT/RJ 490 NOT 000 05 – 2 connectors MT/RJ type 490 NOR 000 05 – 5m (1) Category 5 of the EIA/TIA-568 international wiring-standard, class D of IEC 11801/EN50173 approved cables. Add the letter U to the end of the reference for CSA 22.1, NFPA 70 and UL approved cables. (2) For example, a TSX Series 7 PLC equipped with a TSX ETH 107 Ethernet module. Characteristics: pages 4/17 to 4/20 4/21 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 CANopen machine bus Presentation Originally used in the automotive industry, CAN is increasingly used in general industry. Several fieldbuses based on CAN lower layers and components are available. The CANopen machine bus conforms to the ISO 11898 international standard, promoted by the CAN In Automation association, which consists of users and manufacturers and offers an excellent assurance of open access and interoperability due to its standardised devices and communication profiles. Lexium MHD TSX Micro Advantys STB Premium Twin Line TLC CANopen bus From 1 to 127 slaves 4 ATV 38 ATV 58/58F FTB 1CN TeSys model U FTB 1CN Tego Power The CANopen bus is a multimaster bus which ensures reliable deterministic access to realtime data in control system devices. The CSMA/CA protocol is based on broadcast exchanges, sent cyclically or on an event, which ensures optimum use of the passband. A message handling channel can also be used to define slave parameters. 4.2 The bus uses a double shielded twisted pair, on which 127 devices maximum are connected by daisy chaining. The variable data rate between 20 Kbps and 1 Mbps depends on the length of the bus (between 30 and 5000 m). Each end of the bus must be fitted with a line terminator. The CANopen bus is a set of profiles on CAN systems, possessing the following characteristics: b Open bus system. b Data exchanges in real-time without overloading the protocol. b Modular design allowing modification of size. b Interconnection and interchangeability of devices. b Standardised configuration of networks. b Access to all device parameters. b Synchronisation and circulation of data from cyclic and/or event-controlled processes (short system response time). b Interoperability between numerous international manufacturers. Description: page 4/23 Characteristics: page 4/24 References: page 4/25 4/22 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Connectable devices, description Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 CANopen machine bus Connectable devices TeSys model U Advantys FTB The TSX CPP 110 module performs the role of the master on the CANopen bus, and other Telemecanique devices (slaves) which can be connected on the bus are: b TeSys model U starter-controllers. b TeSys model d using the Tego Power installation assistance system. b Advantys STB distributed I/O. b Advantys FTB, IP 67 monobloc I/O splitter boxes. b Advantys FTM, IP 67 modular I/O splitter boxes. b Altivar 31, variable speed drives for asynchronous motors 0.18…15 kW. b Altivar 58, variable speed drives for asynchronous motors 0.37…75 kW. b Altivar 58F, variable speed drives with flux vector control for asynchronous motors 0.75…55 kW. b Twin Line TLC servodrives for brushless motors 3…16 A. b Lexium MHDA servodrives for brushless motors 1.5…70 A. Are also compatible: b Any third-party device which conforms to the CANopen standard profile. b Any CAN device which uses CAN V2.0B identifiers on the ISO 11898 physical layer. The TSX CPP 110 PCMCIA card supports the V4.02 CANopen standard with in particular the heartbeat network management. Altivar ATV 31 Twin Line TLC 4 Example of connectable devices on the CANopen bus Description 1 2 The Modicon TSX Micro/Premium platforms connect to the CANopen bus by means of the TSX CPP 110 type III PCMCIA card inserted in the processor or coprocessor communication port slot. 4.2 The TSX CPP 110 machine bus CANopen set comprises: 1 A PCMCIA card, type III with fixing screws. 2 A tap junction equipped with one 9-way SUB-D connector for connecting the CANopen bus. 3 A connection cable length 0.5 m, interdependent of the PCMCIA card and the tap junction. 3 TSX CPP 110 Presentation: page 4/22 Characteristics: page 4/24 References: page 4/25 4/23 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro/Premium automation platform Characteristics 0 CANopen machine bus Software setup The CANopen bus is configured using dedicated SyCon (1) software, which should be ordered separately, reference SYS SPU LFp CD28M. This software is used: b To describe all devices connected on the bus. b To generate the “.CO” file including the informations relating to the devices connected. This extension file is imported into the PLC application via the PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software. If the configuration file is too large in relation to the TSX Micro/Premium processor capacity (see characteristics table), it is possible to load the master configuration directly by inserting the TSX CPP 110 card in a PCMCIA port (type III) on the PC on which SyCon software has been installed. In PL7, it is possible to configure the CANopen bus card so that the PLC processor/TSX CPP 110 card exchanges are executed at the same rate as the master task or the fast task. The process data exchanged with the slaves can be accessed by %MW standard words, the number of which depends on the type of processor and the task in which the module has been declared. PL7 standard function blocks are used to define the device parameters. Example of SyCon configuration devices screen 4 Nota : In addition to supporting the CANopen protocol which uses V2.0A standard CAN identifiers on 11 bits, the card enables direct access to the CAN link layer via CAN V2.0B identifiers on 29 bits, used by the majority of CAN devices. In certain applications this enables simultaneous control of CANopen devices and dedicated CAN products. (1) The SyCon field bus configurator software also makes it possible to describre the I/O configuration of Profibus DP bus for Modicon Premium and Modicon Quantum platforms and the I/O configuration of INTERBUS bus for Modicon Quantum platform. 4.2 Characteristics Type of bus Structure Type Physical interface Topology Access method CANopen Industrial bus ISO 11898 Devices linked by daisy-chaining CSMA/CA, multimaster, producer/consumer, prioity information Transmission Data rate Medium 20 Kbit/s…1 Mbit/s depending on the length of bus Double shielded twisted pair Physical configuration Number of devices Length of bus according to data rate 127 max. 1 Mbit/s 800 Kbit/s 20 45 5 maxi (4 repeaters) 64 devices m Segments Number No. of devices per segment Max. length of m segment Equivalent length m of a repeater Software configuration 170 Ko words words 250 Kbit/s 250 125 Kbit/s 500 32 devices 16 devices 190 210 50 Kbit/s 1000 20 Kbit/s 2500 15 Micro TSX 37 21 001/101 22 001/101 Size of configuration data (1) Max. size Master task of CANopen I/O Fast task data 500 Kbit/s 100 0…8 256 %MW 32 %MW Premium TSX P57 and Atrium T PCX 57 103 M 2p3M/ 3p3M/ 453M 2p23M 363M 4823M 0…12 16 32 64 384 %MW 512 %MW 1024 %MW 3584 %MW 48 %MW 64 %MW 128 %MW 256 %MW (1) This size can be exceeded if the configuration is loaded in the memory of CANopen PCMCIA card via the SyCon software. Presentation: page 4/22 Description: page 4/23 References: page 4/25 4/24 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 CANopen machine bus References CANopen machine bus set Description Services No. of module per PLC/PC 1 on Micro CANopen - PDO cyclic TSX 37 21/22 master V4.02 exchanges 1 on Premium PCMCIA card - CMS TSX P57 (1) (type III) message handling (SDO) 1 on Atrium - management TPCX of bus operating modes Use Reference Supplied with a tap junction and cable length 0.5 m TSX CPP 110 Weight kg 0.230 Sycon configuration softwares The SyCon software is the configurator for machine bus and field bus of Telemecanique. It supports the buses: b CANopen for TSX Micro et Premium platforms. b Profibus DP for Premium et Quantum platforms. b INTERBUS for Quantum platform. TSX CPP 110 The SyCon tool includes also the device description for Telemecanique I/O modules. Description Type Reference SyCon V2.8 configuration software licenses (2) Single (1station) Group (3 stations) Team (10 stations) Site (up to 10 stations) SYS SPU LFU CD28M SYS SPU LFG CD28M SYS SPU LFT CD28M SYS SPU LFF CD28M Weight kg – – – – SyCon V2.8 configuration software update Single (1station) SYS SPU LRU CD28M – SyCon V2.8 configuration software upgrade for previous version Group (3 stations) Team (10 stations) Site (up to 10 stations) 4 4.2 SYS SPU LUG CD28M SYS SPU LUT CD28M SYS SPU LUF CD28M – – – (1) Unauthorized on TSX P57 153M Premium processor. (1) A software kit of single type (1 station) including PL7 Micro et Sycon softwares is also available, see page 5/18. Presentation: page 4/22 Description: page 4/23 Characteristics: page 4/24 4/25 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description, diagnostics 0 TSX SAZ master module for AS-Interface bus Presentation The TSX SAZ 10 AS-Interface bus module enables the TSX Micro PLC to act as the AS-Interface bus master. In this way up to 31 sensor/actuator type devices may be managed on the one AS-Interface bus. Up to 4 inputs and/or outputs can be connected to each device, giving a maximum of 248 I/O on one segment. Sensors XVA indicator bank TSX Micro + TSX SAZ 10 AS-Interface bus XAL control station 4 Intelligent sensors XBL keypad Motor starter TSX SUP A02 power supply The AS-Interface bus comprises a master station (TSX Micro PLC) and slave stations. The TSX SAZ 10 module supports the AS-Interface M2 profile, interrogates the device connected on the AS-Interface bus in turn and stores the data (state of sensors/actuators, operational status of devices) in the PLC memory. Communication management on the AS-Interface bus is completely transparent with regard to the PLC application program. An AS-Interface power supply for bus must be used for powering the various components on the AS-Interface bus. Ideally this PSU should be situated nearest to the stations with the largest current demands. See page 2/51, Phaseo power supplies. 4.2 Description The TSX SAZ 10 AS-Interface bus master is a half-format module designed to slot into the basic configurations of TSX 37 10/21/22 TSX Micro PLCs, in position 4 (one TSX SAZ 10 module per configuration) (1). The front panel comprises: 1 An opening with locating device for routing AS-Interface bus ribbon or round cable (to be connected to a terminal block inside the module). 2 Four indicator lamps: v RUN: the module is active, v ERR: module fault or bus connection fault, v COM: AS-Interface bus communication is active, v AS-Interface: bus configuration error. 3 A pushbutton to transfer the AS-Interface bus display to the PLC front panel. 2 3 1 Diagnostics BASE EXT 64 16 0 R I/O 64 16 4 8 12 9 13 1 5 9 13 14 2 6 10 14 7 11 15 15 3 7 11 15 12 12 0 4 8 12 13 13 1 5 9 13 6 10 14 14 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 8 12 14 1 2 RUN 0 4 2 DIAG 64 16 12 13 3 WRD 6 The TSX Micro PLC centralised display block enables the display of the status of all the I/O channels, and the diagnostics for devices on the AS-Interface bus (present, missing, faulty, not conforming to the configuration): TER > 1s. DIAG 3 I/O ERR BAT 4 1 Device number. 2 Control pushbutton for accessing the various operating modes of the display block. 3 State of the 4 device inputs. 4 State of the 4 device outputs. (1) When the TSX SAZ 10 module is in position 4, the upper position 3 can only receive a TSX ApZ pppp analogue or TSX CTZ ppp counter half-format module. 4/26 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com References, connections Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 TSX SAZ master module for AS-Interface bus References AS-Interface bus module Description AS-Interface bus master module for TSX 37 10/21/22 PLCs TSX SAZ 10 Protocol Number of I/O Reference AS-Interface V1 31 devices, thus 248 I/O maximum TSX SAZ 10 Connection accessories Description Connection to cable Connection modules Via vampire clip for ribbon cable XZ SDE11p3 Cover for connection – module Description XZ SDP Ribbon cables for AS-Interface bus Supply Type and number of Reference connectable cables 2 ribbon cables for XZ SDE1113 AS-Interface bus (yellow) Weight kg 0.070 2 ribbon cables: - 1 for AS-Interface bus (yellow) - 1 for separate supply (black) XZ SDE1133 0.070 – XZ SDP 0.030 Length Reference XZ CB10201 Weight kg 1.400 XZ CB10501 3.500 100 m XZ CB11001 7.000 – Please consult our “AS-Interface cabling system” catalogue For AS-Interface bus 20 m (yellow) 50 m Other AS-Interface accessories XZ CB1pp0p Weight kg 0.180 4 4.2 Connections TSX SAZ 10 module XZ SDE11p3 1 + 2 Yellow cable Yellow or black cable - 1 AS-Interface cable locking collar. 2 AS-Interface bus cable (ribbon with locating device or round) (+ brown, - blue). 4/27 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Software setup Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Master modules for AS-Interface bus Software setup The AS-Interface bus is configured using PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software. The services offered are based on the principle of simplicity: b Management of profile tables, parameters and data by the master (this management is transparent to the user). b Topological I/O addressing: each AS-Interface slave declared on the bus is assigned a topological address on the bus. This is transparent to the user. b Each sensor/actuator for the AS-Interface bus interfaces is treated as an in-rack I/O by the TSX Micro/Premium PLC. AS-Interface bus configuration All devices on the AS-Interface bus are configured implicitly using the following sequence of screens: b Declaration of the AS-Interface bus master module v The TSX SAZ 10 module is always inserted and declared in position no. 4 on TSX 37 10/21/22 TSX Micro automation platforms. 4 Declaration of the TSX SAZ 10 TSX Micro module v TSX SAY 100/1000 modules can be inserted into any position on TSX/PCX 57 Premium automation platforms (except positions reserved for processors and power supplies). b Configuration of AS-Interface slave devices Using the configuration screen, it is possible to configure all the slave devices corresponding to all interface I/Os on the AS-Interface bus. Depending on its type, the configuration for each device consists of defining, as appropriate: 4.2 v Schneider Electric AS-Interface devices. The user selects the AS-Interface device catalog reference from the various discrete, analog, or safety interfaces listed. This selection automatically determines the AS-Interface profile and the parameters associated with each interface. v Third-party AS-Interface device. The user can use PL7 Micro/Junior software to manage a “customized” list of sensors/actuators of different brands. This list, specifying the AS-Interface profile and parameters, is compiled to meet the needs of the user. Configuration of slave devices for TSX SAY 100 Programming After configuration, the I/Os connected on the AS-Interface bus are processed by the application program in the same way as an in-rack I/O of the PLC, using either the address (e.g. %I4.016.2, input 2 of slave 16 of the AS-Interface bus), or the associated symbol (e.g. Start_conveyor). PL7 Junior/Pro software has an integrated function block library containing the specific diagnostic DFBs for AS-Interface bus. Its check for the appearance of any error on the AS-Interface (bus or slaves). Configuration of slave devices in TSX SAY 1000 4/28 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Diagnostics, characteristics 0 Master modules for AS-Interface bus Diagnostics 1 2 Diagnostics performed using the centralized display unit of the TSX Micro platform or using the display unit of TSX SAY 100/1000 modules can be completed using a PC terminal on which PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software has been installed. The terminal connected to the TSX Micro/Premium PLC is used to perform diagnostics of the operating state of the AS-Interface V1 TSX SAZ 10 and TSX SAY 100 master modules, the bus and the slave devices on the bus. For the AS-Interface V2 TSX SAY 1000 master module, the diagnostics are identical to those of the AS-Interface V1 module, and in addition, take into account developments in the M2E standard. 3 4 Diagnostics are performed using a single screen divided into four sections providing information on: Diagnostics of the TSX SAY 100 module using PL7 1 1 2 3 4 Status of the TSX SAZ 10 or TSX SAY 100/1000 module (RUN, ERR, I/O). Status of the AS-Interface channel connected to the module. Faulty interface (or slave). Data relating to any selected interface (profile, parameters, forcing, etc). 2 4 In the event of an AS-Interface module or channel fault, a second screen can be accessed, which clearly shows the type of fault, which may be at internal or external level. 4.2 3 4 Diagnostics of the TSX SAY 1000 module using PL7 Characteristics Type of module AS-Interface profile Type of addressing Product certification Ambient air temperature Operation Storage Degree of protection Vibration resistance Shock resistance Number of connectable interfaces With standard addressing (or slaves) With extended addressing Type of connectable interfaces With standard addressing With extended addressing Bus connection Module power supply Display/diagnostics TSX SAZ 10 TSX SAY 100 M2(AS-Interface V1) Standard AS-Interface No. 12001, AS-Interface No. 18801, IEC 61131 2 IEC 61131 2 0…+60 °C. -25…+70 °C. IP 20 Conforming to IEC 68 2 6. Fc tests. Conforming to IEC 68 2 27. EA tests. 31 slaves – Discrete I/Os (4I/4O) TSX SAY 1000 M2E (AS-Interface V2) Standard and extended Pending 31 slaves Discrete I/Os (4I/4O) (1) Analog I/Os (a maximum of 4 channels) Safety interfaces Discrete I/Os (4I/3O) By 3-way SUB-D connector (included with the module) – By terminal block inside module (polarity locating device) Via power supply integrated into the host platform of the module Via: v centralized display unit on TSX Micro PLC or via the display unit of TSX SAY 100/1000 modules v use of the PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software diagnostics function v use of the ASI-TERV1 adjustment console (infrared link) (1) If the interfaces are connected using extended addressing, the type of discrete I/Os is 4I/3O (instead of 4I/4O). 4/29 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Presentation 0 Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies for AS-Interface Power supplies for AS-Interface Consistent with the standard Phaseo line, the range of ASI ABL power supplies is designed to deliver a d.c. voltage, as required by networks operating under the AS-Interface protocol. Three versions are available to meet all needs encountered in industrial applications, in enclosures, cells or floor-standing enclosures. These single-phase, electronic, switch mode power supplies guarantee the quality of the output current, in accordance with the electrical characteristics and conforming to standard EN 50295. PE N b ASI ABLB300p Operating on a 100 to 240 V a.c. supply, this power supply delivers a voltage of 30 V d.c. Available in 2.4 and 4.8 A ratings, the parallel output terminal blocks allow the bus to be connected separately to the slaves and the master. Input and output LEDs allow fast and continuous diagnostics. L 100-240V 24 V AS-i : 2,4 A ASI ABLB3002 AS-i + AS-i GND AS-i + AS-i GND (1) 4 AS-InterfaceAS-Interface master module Earth fault Reset PE N L 100-240V + 2 Fault Fault + 24 V 4.2 1 Reset Fault ON OFF AS-i : 2,4 A ASI ABLD3002 TEST RESET AS-i + AS-i GND AS-i + AS-i Warning: the earth (GND) (2) connection must be made. In the event of disconnection, the built-in detector becomes inoperative. To obtain earth connection diagnostics, it is recommended that an ASI ABLB300p power supply be used together with insulation relay RMO PAS 101. GND (2) AS-InterfaceAS-Interface master module PE N b ASI ABLM3024 Operating on a 100 to 240 V a.c. supply, this product delivers two d.c. outputs which are totally independent in the way they operate. Two output voltages - 30 V d.c./2.4 A (AS-Interface supply) and 24 V d.c./3 A - are available, so making it possible to supply the control equipment without an additional power supply. Input and output LEDs allow fast and continuous diagnostics. L 100-240V 24 V b ASI ABLD300p Operating on a 100 to 240 V a.c. supply, this power supply delivers a voltage of 30 V d.c. Available in 2.4 and 4.8 A ratings, it allows diagnosis and management of earth faults on AS-Interface networks. In the event of an earth fault, the Phaseo power supply trips out, thus stopping dialogue on the bus. Restarting is only possible after deliberate acknowledgement of the fault. Two I/O are provided, which may be used to monitor status. The parallel output terminal blocks are used to connect the bus separately to the slaves and the AS-Interface master. Input, output and fault LED’s allow fast and continuous diagnostics. AS-i AS-i : 4,8 A ASI ABLM3024 24 V - 3 A 24 30,5 V (1) Recommended connection. (2) Compulsory connection. + AS-i + AS-i GND AS-i + AS-i GND (1) AS-Interface AS-Interface 24 V d.c. master control module Characteristics: page 4/31 References: page 4/33 Dimensions: page 4/33 Schneider Electric 4/30 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Characteristics 0 Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies for AS-Interface Technical characteristics Type of power supply Functions Product certifications Conforming to standards ASI ABLB3002 ASI ABLB3004 ASI ABLD3002 Supply to the AS-Interface system ASI ABLD3004 ASI ABLM3024 24 V c supply UL 508, CSA 22-2 n° 950 EN 60950, TÜV EN 50081-1, IEC 61000-6-2, EN 55022 class B No Safety EMC Low frequency harmonic currents Input circuit LED indication Input voltage Rated values Permissible values Permissible frequencies Efficiency at nominal load Current consumption Current at switch-on Power factor V V Hz % A Orange LED a 100…240 a 85…264 47…63 > 83 0.5 < 30 > 0.65 > 80 1 0.5 1 2.4 4.8 Output circuit LED indication Nominal output voltage Nominal output current Precision Micro-breaks Protection Adjustable output voltage Line and load regulation Residual ripple - interference Holding time for I max and Ve min Short-circuit Overload Overvoltage V A V Green LED c 30 (AS-Interface) 2.4 4.8 – mV ms 3% 300 - 50 10 Permanent/automatic restart after elimination of the fault 1.1 In Tripping if U > 1.2 Un Undervoltage Tripping if U < 0.95 Un 2.4 c 24 3 100 to 120 % U > 1.5 Un U < 0.8 Un 4 4.2 Operating characteristics Connections Environment Operating position MTBF Dielectric strength Input fuse incorporated Emissions Immunity Presentation: page 4/30 Input Output Storage temperature Operating temperature Maximum relative humidity Degree of protection Vibration mm2 mm2 °C °C h Input/output Input/earth Output/earth (and input/output) Conducted/radiated Electrostatic discharge Electromagnetic Conducted interference Mains interference References: page 4/33 2 x 2.5 screw terminals + earth 2 x 2.5 screw terminals + earth, multiple output - 25 to + 70 0 to + 60 (derating from 50) 95 % (without condensation or dripping water) IP 20 (conforming to IEC 529) EN 61131-2 Vertical > 100000 (conforming to Bell core, at 40 °C) 3000 V/50 Hz/1 mm 3000 V/50 Hz/1 mm 500 V/50 Hz/1 mm Yes (not interchangeable) Class B (conforming to EN 55022) EN 61000-4-2 (4 kV contact/8 kV air) EN 61000-4-3 level 3 (10 V/m) EN 61000-4-4 level 3 (2 kV), EN 61000-4-6 (10 V) EN 61000-4-11 Dimensions: page 4/33 Schneider Electric 4/31 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Characteristics, selection 0 Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies for AS-Interface Output characteristics Derating The ambient temperature is a determining factor which limits the power that an electronic power supply can deliver continuously. If the temperature around the electronic components is too high, their life will be significantly reduced. The graph below shows the power (in relation to the nominal power) which the power supply can deliver continuously, according to the ambient temperature. P/Pn (%) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 Maximum operating temperature (°C) 4 40 50 60 70 Selection Upstream protection of power supplies for use on the AS-Interface system Mains supply a 115 V single-phase Type of Thermal-magnetic protection circuit-breaker Single-pole GB2 CBpp 2-pole GB2 DBpp C60N ASI ABLB3002 GB2 pB07 MG24517 (1) ASI ABLB3004 GB2 pB08 MG24518 (1) ASI ABLD3002 GB2 pB07 MG24517 (1) ASI ABLD3004 GB2 pB08 MG24518 (1) ASI ABLM3024 GB2 pB07 MG24517 (1) (1) UL certified circuit-breaker. 4.2 Gg fuse a 230 V single-phase Thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker Gg fuse 2A 4A 2A 4A 2A GB2 DBpp GB2 DB06 GB2 DB07 GB2 DB06 GB2 DB07 GB2 DB06 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A C60N MG24516 (1) MG17453 (1) MG24516 (1) MG17453 (1) MG17453 (1) Function diagram 10 N L + 5 1 1 ON/OFF DDT 2 Supply AS-i + AS-i – , and GND (4) 2 AS-i + 6 7 8 9 24 V AS-i – (1) 1 AS-i : 2,4 A 4 3 3 or 10 Reset (1) Reset (1) 4 Test (3) 5 AS-i + AS-i GND AS-i + AS-i 6 7 8 9 GND 2 (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) Fault AS-i Fault + Fault – Relay off Relay on Input at state 0 or contact open Input at state 1 or contact closed LED off LED on (1) 30 ms min. (2) 15 ms. (3) 20 ms. (4) Warning: the earth fault detector will only operate if the earth (GND) terminal is connected. Presentation: page 4/30 Characteristics: page 4/31 References: page 4/33 Dimensions: page 4/33 Schneider Electric 4/32 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References, dimensions, schemes 0 0 Phaseo regulated switch mode power supplies for AS-Interface ASI ABL regulated switch mode power supplies Mains input voltage 47…63 Hz V 100…240 single-phase wide range Output voltage cV Nominal power W Nominal current A Auto-protect reset 30 72 2.4 auto no ASI ABLB3002 0.800 145 4.8 auto no ASI ABLB3004 1.300 72 2.4 auto yes ASI ABLD3002 0.800 145 4.8 auto yes ASI ABLD3004 1.300 2 x 72 2.4 + 3 auto no ASI ABLM3024 1.300 30 + 24 Earth fault detection Reference Weight kg Dimensions ASI ABLB3002 ASI ABLD3002 ASI ABLM3024 ASI ABLp3004 4 120 120 Common side view Mounting on 35 and 75 mm rails 4.2 54 120 81 Schemes L N 2 1 + ASI ABLM3024 L N ASI ABLD300p L N ASI ABLB300p Set Fault detector AS-i GND AS-i + GND AS-i AS-i + + GND Filter AS-i AS-i + ON/ OFF GND AS-i AS-i + AS-i GND AS-i + Filter GND AS-i AS-i + Filter 24 V Presentation: page 4/30 Characteristics: page 4/31 Schneider Electric 4/33 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Modbus Plus network Presentation Premium 3 Ethernet TCP/IP or Fipway Quantum 1 Momentum 2 Premium Lexium MHDA XBT-F Momentum 3 5 Modbus Plus Bridge Premium Third-party device TSX Micro Modbus Plus ATV 58 Gateway 2 Modbus 1 Quantum 4 4 Modbus device The Modbus Plus network is a high-performance industrial local network which can respond to Client/Server type extended architectures,combining a high data rate (1 Mbit/s), simple and economical transmission support and several message handling services. The main data exchange functions between all devices connected to the network are: 4.3 b The message exchange function according to the Modbus protocol. b The “global database” function (Shared Table service, periodic, controlled by the application: a station with the token can send 32 words to a maximum of 63 other stations connected on the network). 1 The Premium (or TSX Micro) client communicates with the Quantum server on the Modbus Plus network via function block (communication function). 2 The Quantum client communicates with the Premium server on the Modbus Plus network via MSTR function blocks. 3 A Premium (or TSX Micro) client connected to the Ethernet TCP/IP or Fipway network can communicate in read/write mode with a Modbus Plus station (the Premium PLC therefore acts as a gateway). 4 A Premium (or TSX Micro) client connected to the Modbus Plus network can access a remote station via the Modbus Plus/Modbus gateway. 5 A Premium client connected to the Modbus Plus network can make exchanges with the Momentum distributed inputs/outputs via the Peer cop function. 4/34 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Description, characteristics 0 Modbus Plus network Description The type III TSX MBP 100 card is used to connect the Premium/TSX Micro PLCs and Atrium coprocessor to the Modbus Plus network. This card is installed in the slot reserved for processors or coprocessors: 1 A host slot on processors or coprocessors. 2 A protective cover. 1 3 A removable cover with fixing screw (access to 20-way miniature connector). 4 1 2 3 4 Two indicator lamps: v ERR: card or link fault, v COM: activity on the line. Connectors to be ordered separately: v TSX MBP CE 0pp drop cables. 4 Characteristics Structure Transmission Type Industrial bus Physical interface RS 485 Method of access Token bus Mode Synchronous HDLC Data rate 1 Mbit/s Medium Twisted pair Number of devices 32 per segment, 64 maximum on all segments (1,800 m maximum) Number of addresses 64 devices maximum per segment Length of bus 450 m maximum per segment, 1,800 m maximum with 3 repeaters Number of segments Cascaded: 5 maximum using Modbus Plus BP85 bridges Global database - 4096 byte common database - cyclical exchange of 32 broadcast words “Peer to peer” dialogue Read/write services (number of requests: 100 registers per transaction) Peer Cop Cyclical exchange service (on Premium only): 500 words per station (broadcast or point-to-point) 4.3 Configuration Services 4/35 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Connections Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Modbus Plus network Wiring system 11 5 3 5 8 6 5 4 9 7 7 7 12 10 1 1 4 4.3 2 1 TSX MBP 100: Modbus Plus PCMCIA card, for type III processor slot on TSX Micro or Premium platforms. 2 170 PNT 110 20: communication module for Momentum I/O base unit. 3 490 NAA 271 0p: trunk cable, shielded twisted pair with shielding drain (flying leads). In lengths of 30, 150, 300, 450 or 1,500 m. 4 170 MCI 020/021 p p: drop cable equipped at each end with an RJ45 connector (baseT interface). In lengths of 0.25, 0.75, 3 or 10 m. 5 990 NAD 230 00: IP 20 local site tap, provides a tap link from the trunk cable for connecting 1 device (connection of conductors requires wiring tool 043 509 383). Integrates the line terminal. 6 990 NAD 230 10: IP 65 zamac local site tap, provides a tap link from the trunk cable for connecting 1 device (screw terminal connection). It also has an RJ45 connector for connecting a programming and maintenance terminal. 7 170 XTS 020 00: IP 20 tee, provides a tap link from the Modbus Plus cable (cable with connectors at each end of an RJ45 connector). It has a 9-way SUB-D female connector for connecting the device. 8 TSX MBP CE 030/060: drop cable for Modbus Plus PCMCIA card, equipped on the PCMCIA side with a 20-way miniature connector and with flying leads on the 990 NAD 230 00/010 local site tap side. In lengths of 3 or 6 m. 9 990 NAD 211 10/30: drop cable equipped on the device side with a 9-way SUB-D male connector and with flying leads on the 990 NAD 230 00/010 local site tap side. In lengths of 2, 4 or 6 m. 10 TSX MBP CE 002: drop cable for Modbus Plus PCMCIA card, equipped on the PCMCIA side with a 20-way miniature connector and on the network side with a 9-way SUB-D female connector. Can be used as an extension for cable 990 NAD 211 10/30. In lengths of 0.2 m. 11 AS MBKT 185: set of 2 line terminators (impedance adapter) to be placed at each end of the segment. The AS MBKT 185 terminators are placed directly at the end of the cable (without a tap or tee). 990 NAD 230 11: set of 2 line terminators (impedance adapter) for IP 65 local site tap 990 NAD 230 10, to be placed at each end of the segment. 12 170 XTS 021 00: set of 2 line terminators (impedance adapter) for tee 170 XTS 020 00, to be placed at each end of the segment. For wiring system: b Quantum platform: please refer to our catalog. b Lexium drive for brushless motors: please refer to our catalog “Lexium movement command”. b Altivar drive for asynchronous motors: please refer to our catalog “Progressive starters and speed controllers”. 4/36 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Modbus Plus network Reference Description Number per PLC Use TSX MBP 100 Weight kg 0.110 Reference (1) 170 PNT 110 20 Weight kg 0.110 Addr. Reference 5 990 NAD 230 00 Weight kg 0.230 6 6 990 NAD 230 20 990 NAD 230 21 – – 6 990 NAD 230 10 0.650 7 170 XTS 020 00 0.260 11 AS MBKT 185 – 11 990 NAD 230 22 – 11 990 NAD 230 11 – 2 impedance adapters for tee (IP 20) 170 XTS 020 00 12 170 XTS 021 00 – DIN rail mounting for 990 NAD 230 10 local site tap Replacement port protectors to prevent ingress into the RJ45 quick connect programming port of 990 NAD 230 10 tap Mounting trunk and tap wires in the local site tap. – 990 NAD 230 12 – Sold in lot of 4 990 NAD 230 23 – – 043 509 383 – Addr. Length Reference 3 10 30 m 150 m 300 m 450 m 1,500 m 0.25 m 1m 3m 10 m 0.2 m 490 NAA 271 01 490 NAA 271 02 490 NAA 271 03 490 NAA 271 04 490 NAA 271 06 170 MCI 020 10 170 MCI 020 36 170 MCI 021 20 170 MCI 020 80 TSX MBP CE 002 – – – – – – – – – – 8 3m TSX MBP CE 030 0.340 6m TSX MBP CE 060 0.530 Modbus Plus 1 with TSX Micro PCMCIA card TSX 37 21/22 1 with Premium/Atrium TSX MBP 100 Description Communication module for Momentum I/O base units 170 PNT 110 20 Addr. Composition Reference Type III slot on: TSX 37 21/22 PLC Premium processor TSX 57 10/20/30/40 Atrium T PCX 57 20/30 coprocessor Connection 1 1 PCMCIA type III card Addr. Modbus Plus network on Momentum I/O 2 base units Connection accessories (1) Description Use Mounting Modbus Plus IP 20 tee, requires the wiring tool – taps 043 509 283 IP 20 tap for tap link connection (screw DIN rail terminal connection), supports 1 RJ45 Mounting plate connector on front panel IP 65 tap for tap link connection (tee), supports 1 RJ45 connector on front panel IP 20 tee with 2 RJ45 connectors for Modbus Plus cable and 1 9-way SUB-D connector for tap link devices Line 2 impedance adapters for local site tap terminators (IP 20) 990 NAD 230 00 (set of 2) 2 impedance adapters for tap (IP 20) 990 NAD 230 20/21 2 impedance adapters for local site tap (IP 65) 990 NAD 230 10 Mounting kit for IP 65 tee Protector pack Wiring tool 4 4.3 Connection cables (1) Description Use From Modbus Plus Local site tap trunk cables To Local site tap 990 NAD 230 00/10 Drop cables IP 20 IP 20 170 XTS 020 00 tee 170 XTS 020 00 tee PCMCIA card TSX MBP 100 (miniature connector) Drop cable with 9 way male SUB-D connector Local site tap 990 NAD 230 00/10 4 Communication Local site tap 990 NAD 230 00/10 9 2.4 m 990 NAD 211 10 module for Momentum I/O 6m 990 NAD 211 30 base units (1) For other Modbus Plus network connecting cables and accessories, please consult your Regional Sales Office. (2) DIN rail mounting with the kit 990 NAD 230 12. Weight kg 0.530 0.530 TSX MBP CE 030/060 4/37 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description 0 Modbus Bus Presentation Magelis iPC ATV 58 Modbus XBT TSX Micro/Premium April 5000 Quantum The Modbus bus is used for master/slave architectures (it is necessary, however, to check that the Modbus services used by the application are implemented on the devices concerned). The bus comprises one master station and several slave stations. Only the master station can initiate the exchange (direct communication between slave stations is not possible). Two exchange mechanisms are possible: b Question/answer, where the requests from the master are addressed to a given slave. The master then waits for the response from the slave which has been interrogated. b Broadcasting, the master broadcasts a message to all the slave stations on the bus. These stations execute the order without transmitting a response. 4 Description 4.3 The TSX Micro/Premium PLCs or Atrium coprocessors offer various Modbus bus connection possibilities. 1 Built-in links to the TSX Micro processor or to the TSX SCY p1601 Premium module 1 Via integrated port on the TSX Micro processor. The TER port (8-way mini DIN) has Modbus RTU master/slave (1) protocol. TSX Micro 2 Via integrated port on the TSX SCY 11601/21601 module for Premium PLCs. This module has an isolated Half-duplex RS 485 serial link channel (25-way SUB-D connector) with multiprotocol (including Modbus); (for the TSX SCY 11601 module, only the Modbus protocol is supported). 3 6 TSX SCP 11 multiprotocol PCMCIA cardsp 5 4 Premium TSX SCY 11601 TSX SCY 21601 3 A slot on the TSX Micro/Premium processors, the Atrium coprocessor and the TSX SCY 21601 module(2) exists for the multiprotocol TSX SCP11p cards, including Modbus, featuring: 4 A protective cover. 2 5 A removable cover with fixing screws (to access a 20-way miniature connector). 6 Two LEDs: v ERR lamp: card or link fault, v COM lamp: data transmission or reception. 3 Cable connector to be ordered separately: TSX SCP/SCY cable. 6 4 (1) Modbus RTU slave Protocol with TSX 37 05/08. (2) This slot is also designed for Fipway TSX FPP 20 or Jnet TSX JNP 112/114 PCMCIA network cards. 5 References: pages 4/40 and 4/41 4/38 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 Modbus Bus Characteristics Physical Interface Structure Transmission Configuration TSX Micro terminal port PCMCIA card Isolated RS 485 (1) Type Non-isolated RS 485 TSX 37 05/08 TSX 37 10/21/22 Heterogeneous industrial bus Method of access Slave Master/slave Type Mode Asynchronous in baseband Frame RTU RTU/ASCII Data rate 1.2...14.2 Kbps Medium Double shielded twisted pair Number of devices 28 max. in RS 485 Point-to-point in RS 422 0.6..19.2 Kbps (for TSX SCP 111) 1.2...19.2 Kbps 1.2... 19.2 Kbps (for TSX SCP 112/114) Double Quintuple Double shielded twisted pair shielded shielded twisted pair, twisted pair doubled 16 max. 2 32 (point-to-point) Max. number of link addresses Length of bus 98 98 Tap links Services Master/slave 248 10 m max. non isolated link 1,300 m max. on isolated link (2) – 1,300 m excluding tap links 15 m max. Requests Bits: 1,920 bits per request Words: 120 words per request Security One CRC 16 check parameter on each frame Monitoring No flow control Modbus functions available on Premium/TSX Micro PLCs or on Atrium coprocessor Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0B 0C 0F 10 11 – 20 mA CL Non-isolated RS 232D TSX SCY integrated port for integrated Premium RS 485 TSX TSX SCY 11601 SCY 21601 248 100 to 1,000 m 15 m max. according to rate – – 98 1,300 m excluding C 4 15 m Diagnostic counters, event counters Modbus slave Read n output bits Read n input bits Read n output words Read n input words Write 1 output bit Write 1 output word Exceptional read status Diagnostic Event counter Event connection Write n output bits Write n output words Identification – Modbus master Read bits Read input bits (3) Read words Read input words (3) Write 1 bit or n bits Write 1 word or n words Exceptional read status Diagnostic Event counter Event connection – – Slave identification Other requests accessible via SEND_REQ generic function blocks 4.3 (1) Point-to-point RS 422 compatible connection. (2) For an isolated link, you must use the TSX P ACC 01 terminal port cable connector. (3) Requests not available on TSX 37 10/21/22 terminal port. References: pages 4/40 and 4/41 4/39 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Modbus Bus Modbus bus connection elements Description Protocol Physical layer Reference Weight kg – TSX Micro PLC integrated link (TER port) Modbus (RTU) Uni-Telway character mode Non-isolated RS 485 Refer to our catalog “TSX Micro automation platform” Communication module for Premium/Atrium Modbus Character mode Uni-Telway - 1 RS 485 isolated integrated channel TSX SCY 21601 (channel 0), (1 to 97 slaves) - 1 slot for PCMCIA card (channel 1) (1) 0.360 Modbus 1 RS 485 isolated integrated channel (channel 0), 1.2...19.2 Kbps (1 to 247 slaves) TSX SCY 11601 0.340 RS 485 (RS 422 compatible) 1.2...19.2. Kbps TSX SCP 114 0.105 RS 232D (9 signals) 0.6...19.2. Kbps TSX SCP 111 0.105 20 mA CL 1.2...19.2. Kbps TSX SCP 112 0.105 TSX Micro 4 TSX SCY 21601 TSX SCY 11601 PCMCIA cards type III for Premium processor, Atrium coprocessor, PLC TSX 37 21/22 or TSX SCY 21601 module Modbus Character mode Uni-Telway TSX SCP 11p 4.3 Modbus connection accessories Description TSX SCA 50 Use Reference Weight kg 0.520 Passive junction box Bus tap link and extension, line termination adaptation TSX SCA 50 2 channel passive subscriber socket (2 or 4 wire) (2) Tap link of 2 devices with 2 wires TSX SCA 64 Tap link of 1 master device and/or 1 slave device with 4 wires Fitted with 2 female 15-pin SUB-D connectors 0.570 Active adapter RS 232C/RS 485 Connection of an RS 232C device as RS 485 Isolation of signals and line termination adaptation TSX SCA 72 0.520 TSX Micro PLC TER Bus tap link cable (2 or 4-wire) terminal port cable Isolation of Modbus signals connector Line termination adaptation Supplied with cable (length 1 m) fitted with a mini-DIN connector (TER port) TSX P ACC 01 0.690 Line terminators (sold in lot of 2) TSX SCA 10 0.030 TSX SCA 64 2/4-wire cabling Can be connected to the front panel of the TSX SCA 64 subscriber socket (1) PCMCIA type III slot for 1 TSX SCP 111/112/114, TSX FPP 20 or TSX JNP 112/114 card. (2) 2 or 4 wire cabling, compatible with the TSX SCA 64 subscriber socket requires a max. 10 mm external diameter Modbus cable. Characteristics: page 4/39 4/40 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References (suite) 0 Modbus Bus Modbus connection cables Description RS 485 double shielded twisted pair trunk cables Cables for isolated RS 422/485 tap link Use From Modbus Bus TSX SCP 114 card Built-in channel (channel 0) Premium TSX SCY 11601, TSX SCY 21601 module RS 232D tap link cables TSX SCP 111 card Length Reference 100 m TSX CSA 100 5.680 200 m TSX CSA 200 10.920 500 m TSX CSA 500 30.000 3m TSX SCP CM 4030 0.160 TSX SCA 64 subscriber 3 m socket, 2/4 wires TSX SCP CM 4530 0,180 Modbus standard device, 4 wires (1) (point-to-point) 3m TSX SCP CX 4030 0.160 TSX SCA 50 housing, 2 wires (1) 3m TSX SCY CM 6030 0.160 TSX SCA 64 subscriber 3 m socket, 2 wires TSX SCY CM 6530 0.160 Communication device 3 m (Modem, converter, etc) (DCE) (2) TSX SCP CC 1030 0.190 Terminal device with point-to-point (DTE) (2) 3m TSX SCP CD 1030 0.190 10 m TSX SCP CD 1100 0.620 0.160 To – TSX SCA 50 housing 2 wires (1) Weight kg 4 4.3 Cable for tap link 20 mA CL TSX SCP 112 card Multidrop Modbus (1) 3m TSX SCP CX 2030 Other connecting cables – – – See page 4/66 – (1) End of cable fitted with free wires. (2) End of cable fitted with a male 25-pin SUB-D connector. Characteristics: page 4/39 4/41 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Communication architecture 0 Level 3 Ethernet Monitor Pro Ethernet TCP/IP (Uni-TE, Modbus) Ethernet TCP/IP (Uni-TE, Modbus) Level 2 TSX Micro TSX ETZ TSX ETZ Modbus bus Uni-Telway bus 4 Premium Modem ATV 28 ATV 58 Level 1 Modem TSX Micro Fipway/Modbus Plus TSX Micro 4.4 TSX Micro Magelis AS-Interface bus XAL control station Nano Intelligent sensor Nano Nano Nano 4/42 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Digital HP Magelis iPC (1) Service Global Data Ethernet TCP/IP (Modbus) Quantum + Web serveur Quantum 4 Premium + Web serveur Ethernet Premium Magelis iPC Modbus Plus I/O Scanning Momentum TSX Micro Premium Bridge Premium 4.4 ATV 58 T XBT F Magelis Premium I/O extension rack AS-interface bus Quantum Sensors Premium I/O extension rack T AS-interface bus Motor starter T Bus X XAL control station Intelligent sensors XBL keypad Motor starter (1) PC industriel Magelis iPC in configuration “Thin Client” : PC having only Windows and an Internet browser. 4/43 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com X-Way and the OSI model Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 X-way communication X-Way and the OSI model The communication architecture of the programmable TSX Micro/Premium PLCs, like that of TSX 17 or TSX model 40 PLCs, is compliant with the OSI model. Telegram 7 Application Common words/shared table Application-to-application communications Uni-TE Modbus (1) Uni-TE 4 6 Presentation 5 Session 4 Transport 3 Network 2 Link Uni-Telway WorldFip ISO 8802 3 Ethernet ISO 8802 3 Ethernet 1 Physical RS 485 19.2 Kbps WorldFip 1 Mbps ISO 8802 3 10 Mbps 10/100 Mbps Uni-Telway Fipio/Fipway Ethway TCP X-Way addressing system IP ISO 8802 3 Ethernet TCP The physical layer enables the physical transmission of data signals between 2 systems via a medium. In order for a network to operate correctly, and to ensure full security of personnel in compliance with IEC 1131 2, it is necessary to implement the wiring recommendations described in the reference manual TSX DR NET F “X-Way communication” (or in the TSX CD DMTE 13E CD-ROM “Technical documentation”). 4.4 The application layer concerns application programs, data exchange and cooperation conventions. This layer provides the following services: b Industrial Uni-TE message, available on TSX Micro/Premium/TSX PLCs. b Distributed COM database available on TSX Micro/Premium/TSX PLCs, or Shared Table service available on TSX Micro/Premium PLCs. b Periodical data exchange on Fipio bus, see page 4/50. b Application-to-application communication. b Telegram. Size of requests Ethway, Ethernet Fipway Fipio Uni-Telway TCP/IP (1) Uni-TE service 256 bytes (2) 128 bytes 128 bytes 240 bytes (3) COM service 256 word 128 word – – database (4) database Application-to256 bytes 128 bytes 128 bytes 240 bytes (3) application Telegram – 16 bytes – – (1) Ethway not available on TSX Micro PLC. (2) 1 K bytes with requests executed as a background task. (3) 128 bytes on TSX Micro/Premium/TSX model 40 terminal port, 32 bytes on TSX 17 20/47 20/25. (4) COM service not available with Ethernet TCP/IP. Uni-TE services The Uni-TE protocol is the industrial message handling system supported by the X-Way communication architecture. It operates on the question/answer or request/confirmation principle. A device which supports the Uni-TE protocol can be a: b Client: this device initiates communication. It asks a question (reads), transmits data (writes) or sends an instruction (Run, Stop, etc.). b Server: this device executes the service requested by the client and sends a confirmation after execution. 4/44 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com X-Way and the OSI model (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 X-way communication The services provided depend on the type of device (PLC, numerical controller, programming terminal, supervision station, etc.). Depending on its function, each device can be Client and/or Server. A Client PLC can access other devices on the architecture via its application program: It can read/write objects on another PLC or numerical controller, select programs on a numerical controller, etc. Network transparency When connected to any station in the network or directly connected to the Fipway/ Ethernet TCP/IP network, a programming terminal can communicate with any other station in the network (as if the terminal were physically connected to the PLC with which it is dialoguing). Network transparency also applies between stations connected to different segments of the same multinetwork architecture. COM service and Shared Table service (exclusive services one from another) The COM service is made up of a set of dedicated words called common words. Each Fipway/Ethway network station may or may not access the database (in read only or read/write mode). All PLC stations exchanging common words (32 stations on Fipway, 64 stations on Ethway) are allocated, in a dedicated database (128 words for Fipway, 256 words for Ethway), a write zone (set at 4 words for the Fipway network, and variable from 4 to 64 words for the Ethway network) per TSX Micro/Premium station. COM words are updated automatically during each scan of the general sequential program (master task) without the intervention of the application program. 4 The Shared Table service can be used to exchange a table of internal words divided into as many zones as there are TSX Micro/Premium PLCs which comprise the Fipway network. The exchange principle is based on the broadcasting, by each PLC, of a word memory zone (broadcast zone) to the other PLCs on the network. Each network station is allocated an exchange table comprising 128 internal words for the 32 PLCs that share the service, with a broadcast zone assigned to each PLC, variable from 1 to 32 internal words. Application-to-application communication This consists of using the user application program to send word tables between 2 devices, which may be TSX Micro/Premium and TSX PLCs. This service is particularly suitable for: b Sending alarm messages from a PLC to a supervision station. b Exchanging data tables between two PLCs controlled by the application programs of the transmission and destination device. b Sending broadcast messages to all stations and devices. 4.4 Telegram The telegram service available on Fipway is a special case of application-toapplication messages. It enables short messages to be sent and received on a priority basis (maximum 16 characters). A telegram from a TSX Micro/Premium PLC is sent immediately without waiting for the end of the cycle. The telegram is received by the TSX Micro/Premium PLC in: b The event-triggered task (processed as soon as the message arrives in the network card). b The fast task or master task (when scanning the reception function). b A PLC can only process one telegram at a time. Use in a multinetwork The X-Way communication architecture is designed to cover multinetwork applications capable of dealing with problems of: b Concentration, the architecture is particularly suitable for feedback of supervision data to a higher level. b Redundancy, each PLC monitors the correct operation of both networks to which it is connected. If one of the networks should fail, all traffic could be transferred to the valid network. b Inter-network communication. These architectures comprise several network segments which are interconnected by “bridge PLC” stations. Transparent communication is then offered between the entire architecture. 4/45 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Fipway network Presentation Magelis iPC Ethernet TCP/IP Premium Fipway TSX TSX 17 20 Premium TSX Micro Bus X 4 The Fipway network is an open local area network for communication between the various TSX Micro, Premium and TSX Series 7 PLCs using the X-Way services. Communication conforms to the FIP standard with access via a bus arbitrator. TSX Micro (TSX 37 21/22) and Premium PLCs can be connected to a Fipway network using a Fipway PCMCIA card which is inserted in each processor or into the TSX SCY 21601 (Premium) communication module. Supported X-Way services (see pages 4/44 to 4/45) are: b Uni-TE services. b Distributed database (COM) or Shared Table. b Telegram (service only available when the PCMCIA card is inserted in the processor). b Application-to-application communication. 4.4 For characteristics, Fipway network wiring and connection accessories, see pages 4/56 to 4/59. Characteristics: page 4/41 References: page 4/48 Performances: page 4/43 4/46 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 Fipway network Characteristics The Fipio industrial fieldbus is standard of communication between various control system components. It conforms to the WorldFip standard. Type of bus/network Structure Type Fipway network Open industrial fieldbus conforming to WordFip standard Topology Devices linked by daisy-chaining or tap link connections Maximum length Transmission m Access method Producer/consummer principal Management by fixed arbitrator Mode Physical layer in baseband on shielded twisted pair, conforming to NF C 46 604 Data rate Mbit/s Number of devices Segments Per segment 32 stations Maxi 64 stations Number Unlimited Length Services 1 150 Ω shielded twisted pair, 62.5/125 ou 50/125 fibre optic using electrical/fibre optic repeaters Medium Configuration 5 000 m 4 1 000 maximum per electrical segment 3 000 maximum per optical segment COM (1) Distributed database: 128 mots maximum 0 or 4 % NWi words for TSX Micro and Premium station with addresses 0 to 31 Shared table(1) Shared table of internal words: 128 words maximum 1 to 32 % MWi words per TSX Micro and Premium station with addresses 0 to 3 (2) Uni-TE Point-to-point requests with confirmation report: 128 bytes maximum, can be used by all devices connected to the same X-Way architecture (access by the Client device to the Server device system functions) Application-to-application Point-to-point messages: 128 bytes maximum between 2 devices, can be used by all TSX Micro (1)/Premium/TSX Serie 7 Telegram Point-to-point priority messages: 16 bytes maximum between 2 Premium (3) or TSX Series 7 stations with addresses 0 to 15 Security Control characters in each frame and acknowledgement of point-to-point messages conforming to standard NF C 46 603 4.4 (1) The COM and Shared table service are mutualy exclusive. (2) Service reserved for TSX Micro and Premium PLCs. (3) Service only available when Fipway PCMCIA card is installed in the processor. Presentation: page 4/40 References: page 4/42 Performances: page 4/43 4/47 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Performances, description 0 Fipway network Performances The operating principle of a Fipway network gives ensured, constant network cycle times whatever the traffic and number of stations (2 to 64). This enables the Fipway network to be updated (addition or removal of stations) without changing the performance. Event Report CT1 CT1 Device 1 Fipway network 4 Device 2 CT1 CT1 NCT NCT CT2 CT2 Maximum transmission time b Telegram (TLG): priority application messages are transmitted in less than 10 ms (one telegram per station). b Common words (COM): the database of common words is updated every 40 ms. b Shared Table: the exchange table is updated every 40 ms. Uni-TE message handling system: Uni-TE or standard application-to-application messages are normally transmitted in less than 80 ms (40 ms for stations with addresses below 32). Where there is a large amount of traffic, some messages can wait for several cycles before being transmitted. The network characteristics enable a maximum of 210 messages of 128 bytes per second to be transmitted. The performance can be improved by inhibiting the Telegram service in the network. With such network characteristics, the response time at application level depends almost exclusively on the processing capacity of the devices which are connected. For example, the remote loading of a 50 K word program takes less than two minutes on a network with normal load. CT1 = Cycle time of device 1. NCT = Cycle time of Fipway network. CT2 = Cycle time of device 2. Action The response time must be evaluated by the designer of each application in relation to the devices connected. The processing time of a device can vary from one to two cycle times as a function of asynchronous operation. Connectable devices TSX 7 PLCs Magelis iPC industrial PC Magelis operator dialogue terminals Connection via Fipio/Fipway integrated link or via the TSX FPM 100 module of TSX/PMX model 40 PLCs. Connection via the TSX FPG 10 module of TSX 17 20 TSX Micro PLCs. Equipped with TSX FPC 10M for PC compatible (ISA bus). They access all devices in the X-Way architecture. The various X-Way drivers are available on CD-ROM, see page 5/19. Connection via the TSX FPP 20 PCMCIA card. 4.4 Presentation: page 4/40 Characteristics: page 4/41 References: page 4/42 4/48 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Fipway network Description 3 4 2 1 TSX Micro/Premium PLCs have a slot on the processor for a type III PCMCIA communication card. This can be fitted with the TSX FPP 20 fipway network connection card, which is also inserted into the TSX SCY 21601 communication module slot. The TSX FPP 20 card comprises: 1 Protective cover 2 Removable cover with fixing screws for access to the 20-way miniature connector 3 Two indicator lamps: v ERR lamp: card fault, link fault, v COM lamp: data transmission or reception. Connector to be ordered separately: TSX FP CG 010/030, 1 or 3 m cable for connection to the TSX FP ACC 3/ACC 4 T-junction box (on 9-way SUB-D connector). References Description Fipway card TSX FPP 20 Number per Premium PLC 1 with 37 20 1 with 57 10 1 with 57 20 3 with 57 30 4 with 57 40 Use Composition 1 type lll Type lll slot on, PCMCIA - TSX Micro/ Premium processor card - TPCX 57 10/30 coprocessor - TSX SCY 21601 module Reference TSX FPP 20 Weight kg 0.110 4 Communication See page 4/47 For Premium PLC module - 1 isolated 2 wire RS 485 integrated channel (Half-duplex) - 1 slot for type lll PCMCIA card 2 channels TSX SCY 21601 Set of X-Way drivers for PC compatible 1 CD-Rom See page 5/19 0.360 TSX SCY 21601 Includes all X-Way drivers – Connection cables and accessories (1) Description Cables for PCMCIA Use From TSX FPP 20 card (miniature connector) To TSX FP ACC 3/4 box (SUB-D 9-way connector) Length Reference 1m TSX FP CG 010 Weight kg 0.210 3m TSX FP CG 030 0.410 4.4 TSX FP CG 010/030 (1) For other Fipway network accessories and connection cables, see pages 4/58 and 4/59. Presentation: page 4/40 Characteristics: page 4/41 Performances: page 4/42 4/49 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 Fipio bus Agent function Presentation Premium (Bus manager) Lexium Momentum TSX Micro (Agent) CCX 17 Fipio bus ATV 58 Intelligent sensors XAL keyboard Premium (Agent) Bus AS-i Motor starter T 4 TSX Micro (TSX 37 21/22) or Premium PLCs, fitted with a TSX FPP 10 PCMCIA card on their integrated communication channel, are agents on the Fipio bus. The bus manager is a TSX P 57 153/253/2823/353/453/4823, Atrium coprocessor T PCX 57 203/353. The Fipio bus enables I/O to be remotely located close to the devices to be controlled (Momentum, Altivar, etc). The Agent function enables offline processing, by locating a TSX Micro PLC close to the machine. In addition to the standard Fipio services (see pages 4/39 to 4/45), TSX Micro (TSX 37 21/22) and Premium PLCs allow exchanges of input and output variables with the bus manager PLC. These exchanges are performed cyclically, automatically and without the involvement of the application program at the same rate as the task for which the agent PLC has been configured. 4.4 For characteristics, Fipio bus wiring system and connection accessories, see pages 4/50 to 4/59. Application services The application services supported by TSX Micro (TSX 37 21/22) and Premium Agent function PLCs are: b Uni-TE service, X-Way industrial message handling service suitable for operator dialogue, diagnostics and control functions (requests of up to 128 bytes). b Application-to-application communication service, which consists of the transmission of tables between 2 devices controlled by their respective application programs (messages of up to 128 bytes). b New periodic data exchange service for exchanging a 64 word table between the bus manager PLC and the Premium Agent PLC. Sofware setup see page 4/52. Characteristics: page 4/51 References: page 4/52 Description: page 4/53 4/50 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics 0 Fipio bus Agent function Characteristics The Fipio industrial fieldbus is standard of communication between various control system components. It conforms to the WorldFip standard. Type of bus/network Structure Type Fipio bus Open industrial fieldbus conforming to WordFip standard Topology Devices linked by daisy-chaining or tap link connections Maximum length Transmission m Access method Producer/consummer principal Management by fixed arbitrator Mode Physical layer in baseband on shielded twisted pair, conforming to NF C 46 604 Data rate Mbit/s Number of devices Segments Per segment 32 connexion points per segment Maxi 128 on all segments Number Unlimited Length Services 1 4 150 Ω shielded twisted pair, 62.5/125 ou 50/125 fibre optic using electrical/fibre optic repeaters Medium Configuration 15 000 m 1 000 maxi per electric segment 3 000 maxi per optical segment Input/output exchanges Periodic and deterministic exchanges of variables between bus manager PLC and Agent PLC (64 %MWi consecutive words: 32 %MWi for transmmission and 32 %MWi for reception) Uni-TE Point-to-point requests with confirmation report: 128 bytes maximum, can be used by all devices connected to the same X-Way architecture (access by the Client device to the Server device system functions) Application-to-application Point-to-point messages: 128 bytes maximum between 2 devices, can be used by all TSX Micro(1)/Premium/TSX Serie 7 Security Control characters in each frame and acknowledgement of point-to-point messages conforming to standard NF C 46 603 4.4 (1) TSX 37 21/22 only. Presentation: page 4/50 References: page 4/52 Description: page 4/53 4/51 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Software setup, description 0 Fipio bus Agent function Software setup Each TSX Micro/Premium PLC Fipio Agent uses 64 %MWi consecutive internal words to exchange periodic data. The first 32 words are reserved for sending data to the manager, and the remaining 32 are reserved for receiving data from the manager. PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro application-specific screens allow the configuration of the Fipio Agent PCMCIA card. This consists of: b Indicating the connection point number (1 to 127). b Indicating the address at the beginning of the 64 %MW word table reserved for sending data to and receiving data from the manager. Description TSX Micro (TSX 37 21/22)/Premium PLCs have a slot in the processor for a type III PCMCIA communication card. This can be fitted with a TSX FPP 10 Fipio bus connection card. 4 3 The TSX FPP 10 card comprises: 1 A protective cover. 2 A removable cover with fixing screws giving access to the 20 way miniature connector. 1 3 Two indicator lamps: v ERR lamp: card fault, link fault, v COM lamp: transmission or reception of data. 2 4 Connector to be ordered separately: 4 TSX FP CG 010/030, 1 or 3 m cable for connecting the TSX FP ACC 4 tap junction (on 9-way SUB-D connector). 4.4 Presentation: page 4/50 Characteristics: page 4/51 Description: page 4/53 4/52 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References Fipio bus Agent function References Fipio bus connection component Description Composition Use Fipio Agent 1 type III PCMCIA function card Version V1.8 TSX FPP 10 Reference On TSX Micro TSX FPP 10 processors (TSX 37 21/22), Premium/ Atrium processors Weight kg 0.110 Fipio bus connection accessories (1) Description Insulated bus cable connector (in black polycarbonate, IP 20) TSX FP ACC 3 Use Reference Trunk cable tap link, supports 2 x 9-way female SUB-D connectors (for TSX FP CG 010/030 PCMCIA card cable), for connection of TBX dust and damp proof module c 24 V supply TSX FP ACC 3 Weight kg 0.090 TSX FP ACC 4 0.660 Dust and damp Trunk cable tap link proof bus cable connector 4 TSX FP ACC 4 Fipio bus connection cables (1) Description Use From Cables for TSX FPP 10 PCMCIA card card (miniature connector) Length To TSX FP ACC 4 1 m cable connector (9-way SUB-D connector) 3 Reference TSX FP CG 010 Weight kg 0.210 TSX FP CG 030 0.410 (1) For other Fipio bus accessories and connection cables, see pages 4/52 and 4/53. TSX FP CG 010/030 4.4 Presentation: page 4/50 Characteristics: page 4/51 References: page 4/52 4/53 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro platform automation Presentation 0 Fipio/Fipway optic transceiver Presentation The OZD FIP G3 optic transceivers are particularly adapted for use with applications which are subject to harsh electrical environments or which are distributed over large areas: b Public buildings. b Large-scale industrial sites. b Water treatment and distribution. b Transport and highway tunnel infrastructures, etc. The OZD FIP G3 optic transceiver enables conversion of a FIP electric interface to 2 FIP optic interfaces and vice versa. As a result, it allows redundant ring topologies to exist; these improve installation availability even when a line is broken at a point in the medium. In these situations, the length of the bus or the Fipio/Fipway ring can reach 20 Km, with a maximum of 32 Fipio or 20 Fipway transceivers. See characteristics on page 4/49. These characteristics may be increased using mixed topologies such as 2 serial optic rings or 2 serial optic buses; please consult our regional office. Wiring system Premium 4 CCX 17 3 3 4 4 6 6 2 1 2 1 6 6 1 1 6 4.4 2 Optic ring 1 6 4 6 4 2 6 6 3 2 6 5 5 Third party Momentum TSX Micro or Premium + TSX FPP 10 Magelis iPC + TSX FPC 10M 1 OZD FIF GG3: Fipio/Fipway optic transceiver. 2 TSX FP CAp00: 150 Ω shielded twisted pair trunk cable (diameter 8 mm) for use in standard environments and inside buildings. 3 TSX FP CG 0p0: tap-off connection cable for TSX FPP 10/20 PCMCIA module card for TSX Micro/Premium PLCs. 4 TSX FP ACC 3/4: T-junction box. It also has two 9-way female SUB-D connectors for connecting any device which connects to the bus by a PCMCIA card. 5 TSX FP ACC 2/12: 9-way female SUB-D connector for Fipway/Fipio connection using daisy chaining or tap link connection. 6 TSX FP ACC 7: line terminator to be placed at each segment end. TSX LES 65: terminal block for TSX Series 7 PLC, which performs the address coding. Characteristics: page 4/55 References: page 4/55 4/54 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Presentation (continued), characteristics, references Modicon TSX Micro platform automation 0 Fipio/Fipway optic transceiver Performances Fipio bus operating mode and performance on fiber optics After configuration in Fipio mode, the processor scans the various application devices according to the software configuration: b Image variables of the input values and of the output command values of a configured device are scanned as quickly as possible on the bus, whilst respecting the existing relationships between periods of different tasks which use these devices. b Appearance or disappearance of a configured device is detected on the bus within a maximum time of 200 ms. b Exchanges occur at the rate defined by the programmer, from 10 to 20 Uni-TE messages per second. The network cycle time is double that of the electrical bus when OZD FIP G3 transceivers are used. Fipway bus operating mode and performance on fiber optics The operating principle is identical to that on an electrical network, in that the number of stations is limited to 32 and the transmission time is as follows: b For the Common words and Shared Table services, updating of the entire database is carried out every 40 ms maximum. For Uni-TE message handling, the network characteristics are used to transmit a maximum of 230 messages of 128 bytes per second. 4 Characteristics (with OZD FIP G3 optic transceivers) (1) Type of bus/network Fipio bus Structure Type Topology Access method Transmission Mode Data rate Medium (2) Inter-repeater distance No. of connection points Maximum no. of devices Configuration No. of segments Length Maximum optic distance between 2 OZD FIP G3 transceivers Tap links Services Fipway network Open industrial support conforming to Fip standard In redundant rings or in a line with simple redundant links Producer/consumer principle Producer/consumer principle Management by a fixed arbitrator Management by an automatically elected arbitrator Multimode (860 nanometres) 1 Mbit/s Fiber optic 50/125 - 17 dBm or 62.5/125 - 15 dBm 2,500 m for 50/125 and 2,800 m for 62.5/125 32 optic transceivers 20 optic transceivers 16 Fipio devices can be connected to the same 16 stations can be connected to the same fiber fiber optic transceiver optic transceiver but the maximum number of stations is 32 The loop (or fiber optic line) is similar to a non cascadable segment Maximum circumference of the ring (or length of the line): 20 km 1,500 m, with the following on the ring or the line: 32 optic transceivers 2,000 m, with the following on the ring or the line: < 32 optic transceivers 3,000 m, with the following on the ring or the line: 2 optic transceivers From the OZD FIP G3 fiber optic transceiver, the maximum length of the electrical tap link is 100 m Same as page 4/56 except for the Telegram service, which is not available with OZD FIP G3 fiber optic transceiver. 4.4 References Description Optic transceiver Fipio/Fipway (3) Max. number of transceivers 32 with Fipio 20 with Fipway Connectable devices Fipio bus - TSX Micro/Premium - TBX remote I/Os with TBX LEP 30 - Remote Momentum I/O - CCX 17 panels (version 2.4) - Magelis iPC industrial PCs - Lexium drives, etc. Fipway Reference network TSX Micro, OZD FIP G3 Premium (with TSX FPP 20 PCMCIA card) Weight kg 0.500 TSX Micro/Premium PLC connection components (4) Description OZD FIP G3 TSX FPP 20/10 Use Composition Reference Fipway card TSX 37 21/22 Micro PLC, Premium processor, Atrium coprocessor 1 type III TSX FPP OZD 200 PCMCIA card 0.110 Fipio card agent function TSX 37 21/22 Micro PLC, Premium processor, Atrium coprocessor 1 type III TSX FPP 10 PCMCIA card 0.110 Weight kg (1) These characteristics can be increased using mixed topologies; please consult our regional office. (2) Devices connected on electrical tap links are compatible with the WorldFip physical layer. (3) For TSX FP ACC 8M fiber optic electrical repeater, see page 4/58. (4) For accessories and connection cables, see pages 4/58 and 4/59. Presentation: page 4/54 4/55 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections 0 Fipio bus and Fipway network Fipio bus and Fipway network wiring system 4 9 4 7 5 Daisy chaining 8 1 or 2 14 13 1 or 2 Daisy chaining 4 24 V 15 1 9 TSX Serie 7 model 40 with PCMCIA 10 3 3 7 or 6 6 8 1 or 2 13 Fiber optic link 3 1 12 11 TSX Series 7 model 40 Integrated link 14 24 V 14 24 V 11 4 TSX SAP 10 TBX (IP 20) Premium (bus manager) Momentum Lexium, ATV 38/58/68 FipConnect third product 10 or 5 14 TSX SAP 10 TBX (IP 20) Premium bus manager Momentum Lexium, ATV 38/58/68 FipConnect third-party products CCX 17 FipConnect third-party products or TSX 17 20 TSX 17 20 Daisy chaining TSX Micro Agent Premium Agent Magelis XBT F Magelis iPC Compatible PC 14 1 or 2 TSX Series 7 model 40 Integrated link Proof I/O IP 65 or IP 67 (1) F Connection to Fipway network and Fipio bus Connection to Fipway bus Connection to Fipio bus (1) Dust and damp proof I/O modules on Fipio bus for IP 65 modules: TBX EEP/ESP modules and connections, see pages 4/6 to 4/11, IP 67 modules: TSX EEF/ESF/EMF modules and connections, consult our Modicon Premium automation platform catalogue. Connectable devices Devices to be connected on Fipio 4.4 Premium Fipio Agent Premium bus manager TSX Micro Fipio Agent Lexium ATV 58E ATV 58H/P/F, ATV 68/68F CCX 17 Industrial Magelis iPC PCs XBT-F, TXBT-F Magelis terminals PC compatible Momentum TBX IP 20 TBX IP 65 with telealimentation TBX IP 65 without telealimentation IP 67 I/O TBX SAP 10 AS-i gateway Devices to be connected on Fipway Premium TSX Micro TSX Series 7 model 40 (integrated link) TSX Series 7 model 40 (PCMCIA) TSX 17 20 XBT-F, TXBT-F Magelis terminals Magelis iPC industrial PC PC compatible LUF P1 Modbus gateway Boxes TSX FP TSX FP TSX FP TBX FP ACC4 8 ACC14 6 ACC3 7 ACC10 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D C/D (2) D (1) TSX EF ACC99 Connectors TSX FP TSX FP TBX TBX ACC 2 9 ACC12 9 BLP01 10 BLP10 C/D C/D C/D C/D C/D TBX BAS10 C/D C/D C/D C/D C/D D C/D (3) D (3) TBX BLP10 TBX BAS10 C/D D D Boxes TSX FP TSX FP TSX FP TBX FP ACC4 8 ACC14 6 ACC3 7 ACC10 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D TSX EF ACC99 C/D Connectors TSX FP TSX FP TBX ACC2 9 ACC12 9 BLP01 C/D C/D C/D C/D C/D recommended connection C: connection by daisy chaining possible connection D: connection by tap link (1) Possible if only one TBX IP 65 module is used. (2) The connection by daisy chaining with the TBX FP ACC 10 connection box is only possible with the first TBX module on Fipio bus. (3) The TBX BAS connector is only used for TBX IP 65 output modules. Characteristics: page 4/50 4/56 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Connections (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Fipio bus and Fipway network Cables 1 TSX FP CAp00: trunk cable, shielded twisted pair 150 Ω (8 mm diameter) for normal environments and use inside buildings. 2 TSX FP CRp00: trunk cable, shielded twisted pair 150 Ω and 1 x 1.5 mm2 pair for remote supply (9.5 mm diameter) for harsh environments and use outside buildings. 3 TSX FP CCp00: tap link cable, shielded twisted pair 150 Ω ( 8 mm diameter) for normal environments and use inside buildings. 4 TSX FP CG0p0: tap link connecting cable for PCMCIA TSX FPP 10/20 communication card for TSX Micro/Premium/TSX Series 7 PLCs, FT 2100 terminals and PC compatibles. Connection to the bus is via a 9-way SUB-D connector on the TSX FP ACC3/ACC4 junction box. 5 TSX FP CE030: tap link connecting cable for TSX FPC 10 or FCP FPC 10 PC communication card (ISA bus) for FTX 517, CCX 77/87 terminals and PC compatibles. Connection to the bus is via a 9-way SUB-D connector on the TSX FP ACC 3/ACC 4 junction box. Connection boxes 6 TSX FP ACC14: Polycarbonate IP 20 junction box: provides tap link from the trunk cable to connect 1 device via TSX FP CCp00 tap link cable or several devices in a daisy chain. 4 7 TSX FP ACC3: IP 20 box for connecting 2 PC or PCMCIA cards (TSX FPP 10, TSX FPC 10, TSX FPP 20/200, FCP FPP 10) on a 9-way SUB-D connector. 8 TSX FP ACC4: IP 65 junction box. It also has a 9-way female SUB-D connector for any device which is connected to the bus via a PCMCIA card (in this case, the box is IP 20). TSX EF ACC99: IP 65 junction box for IP 67 I/O modules, consult our Modicon Premium automation platform catalogue. Connectors 9 TSX FP ACC2 and TSX FP ACC12: 9-way female SUB-D connector for Fipway/Fipio connection (TSX FP ACC 2 connector for TSX 17 20 micro-PLC for example). Used for daisy chain or tap link connection (90° output high or low, 45° output high or low). 4.4 10 TBX BLP01: connector for TBX I/O modules (IP 20). 11 TSX LES65: connecting cable for TSX/PMX model 40 PLCs. Used for address coding. 12 TSX FP ACC6: electrical repeater: used to increase the number of stations (max 64) and the length of the network by creating an additional segment of up to 1000 m (a maximum of 4 repeaters in cascade giving a network length of 5000 m). TSX EF Cppp: dust and damp proof connectors for IP 67 I/O modules, consult our Modicon Premium automation platform catalogue. Other elements 13 TSX FP ACC8M: fibre optic/electrical repeater: used to connect electrical segments via a fibre optic link (particularly suitable for zones with a high level of interference) or to connect a fibre optic device. 14 TSX FP ACC7: Line terminator, to be installed at both ends of a segment. 15 TSX FP JF020: fibre optic jumper (length 2 m). For fibre optic connection of the TSX FP ACC 8M repeater to a patch panel. The maximum length of the fibre optic cable (62.5/125) between 2 repeaters is 3000 m. TSX EF ACC7: line terminator, to be installed at both ends of a segment requiring IP 67 protection, consult our Modicon Premium automation platform catalogue. TSX FP ACC9: network wiring test tool. This is used for testing the continuity of segments, the connections of the various devices and the installation of line terminators. 4/57 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Fipio bus and Fipway network Fipway network/Fipio bus connection accessories (1) Description Female connector for TSX FPG10p module (TSX 17 micro-PLCs) Use Rep. Reference Weight kg 0.080 Connection by daisy chaining Zamac material 9 TSX FP ACC2 10 TSX FP ACC12 0.040 TSX FP ACC14 0.120 7 TSX FP ACC3 0.090 8 TSX FP ACC4 0.660 TSX EF ACC99 0.715 TSX FP ACC 12 Female isolating Connection by daisy chaining connector for devices with or tap link black polycarbonate material IP 20 9-way SUB-D connectors Insulated bus connection Trunk cable tap link (for connecting the c 24 V 6 box power supply of TBX dust and damp proof modules) (black polycarbonate, IP 20) TSX FP ACC14 Trunk cable tap link supports 2 x 9-way SUB-D female connectors (for PCMCIA card cable TSX FP CG 010/030) For connecting c 24 V power supply of TBX dust and damp proof modules Dust and damp proof bus Trunk cable tap link, supports connection box 1 x 9-way female SUB-D connector (for PCMCIA (Zamac material, IP 65) card cable TSX FP CG 010/030) 4 Trunk cable tap link via 2 M23 connectors Remote c 24 V power distribution via 7/8” connector PC compatible terminal connection via 9-way female SUB-D connector TSX FP ACC3 TSX FP ACC4 4.4 Line terminators (sold in lots of 2) 2 impedance adaptors 14 TSX EF ACC7 0.020 Electrical repeater (IP 65) Increases the length of the network or bus by 12 allowing the connection of 2 segments of up to 1000 m each TSX FP ACC6 0.520 Electrical/fibre optic repeater (IP 65) Used to connect (via patch panel) an electrical segment (1000 m max.) and a fibre optic segment (3000 m max.) TSX FP ACC8M 0.620 FIP wiring test tool Used to test each cable segment of the network TSX FP ACC9 0.050 13 TSX EF ACC99 Fipio/Fipway communication cards PCMCIA cards Type III cards See pages 4/49 and 4/53 ISA bus PC card Fipio/Fipway connection card for PC compatible Card with short format on ISA bus Windows 95/98 and Windows NT4 compatible TSX FPC10M 0.140 (1) The characteristics and performances of the Fipio bus or Fipway network are dependent on the above TSX FP accessories being used. 4/58 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References (continued), Dimensions 0 Fipio bus and Fipway network Fipway network/Fipio bus connecting cables (1) Description Type Trunk cables Conditions of use Rep. Length Reference 100 m TSX FP CA100 Weight kg 5.680 200 m TSX FP CA200 10.920 500 m TSX FP CA500 30.000 100 m TSX FP CR100 7.680 200 m TSX FP CR200 14.920 500 m TSX FP CR500 30.000 I/O IP 67, in normal environment (2) and inside building 100 m TSX FP CP 100 7.680 500 m TSX FP CP 500 30.000 In normal environment(2) 3 and inside building 100 m TSX FP CC100 5.680 200 m TSX FP CC200 10.920 500 m TSX FP CC500 30.000 3m TSX FP CE030 0.410 2m TSX FP JF020 0.550 8 mm In normal environment 1 shielded twisted (2) pair 150 Ω and inside building 1 9.5 mm, 1 shielded In harsh environment (3) twisted pair 150 Ω outside building or in garland (4) 9.5 mm, 1 shielded twisted pair 150 Ω and 1 x 1.5 mm2 pair for remote supply 8 mm, 2 shielded twisted pairs 150 Ω Tap link cables Cable for PCs card Fibre optic jumper 2 shielded twisted pairs Double fibre optic 62.5/125 From TSX FPC10M card 5 to TSX FP ACC3/4 box For electrical/fibre optic 15 repeater (1) The characteristics and performances of the Fipio bus/Fipway network are dependent on the above TSX FP accessories being used. (2) Normal environment: v without special environmental restrictions, v operating temperature between + 5 °C and + 60 °C, v fixed installations. (3) Harsh environment: v resistance to hydrocarbons, industrial oils, detergents, solder chips, v up to 100% humidity, v saline environment, v extreme variations in temperature, v operating temperature between - 10 °C and + 70 °C, v mobile installations. (4) Mobile installations: cables as per VDE 472, part 603/H: v for use on cable drag chain with minimum bend radius of 75 mm, v for use on gantry crane (strikethrough: portal support), subject to compliance with conditions for use such as acceleration, speed, length etc: contact our regional branch office for further information. v not authorized for use on robots, or multi-axis applications. 4 4.4 Dimensions TSX FP ACC6 = 27 220 = 205 116 = 50 79 = 50 83 65 80 RUN DEF 25 20 = ø ¡ = ¡ 20 ø = RUN DEF 20 104 68 = 160 = 50 = = 20 = 175 20 TSX FP ACC14 20 80 TSX FP ACC8M 25 TSX FP ACC4 4/59 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, characteristics 0 Uni-Telway bus Presentation The Uni-Telway bus is a standard means of communication between control system components (PLCs, MMI terminals, supervisors, variable speed drives, numerical controllers, weighing equipment, etc.). It is suitable for architectures designed to manage control and monitoring devices via a PLC, or architectures used for MMI (supervision, etc.). Premium The Uni-Telway bus requires a master station which manages the allocation of bus access rights to the various connected stations (known as slave stations). Uni-Telway CCX 17 4 ATV 58 TSX Micro Characteristics Physical interface Structure Transmission 4.4 Configuration Service Type RS 485 non isolated Premium RS 485 terminal port isolated module (TER/AUX) integrated port (1) Heterogeneous industrial bus Isolated RS 485/ 20 mA CL PCMCIA RS 422 PCMCIA card card Non-isolated RS 232D PCMCIA card Link Multidrop Method of access Master/Slave principle Mode Asynchronous transmission in baseband Data rate 1.2…19.2 Kbit/s Medium Shielded double twisted pair Number of devices 5 max. 28 max. Number of connection addresses Length of bus 8 max. 96 max.(1 device can occupy several datalink addresses) 10 m max., 1,000 m with TSX P ACC 01 1,000 m max. excluding tap links 1300 m max., excluding tap links 15 m (unlimited via modem) Tap links – 20 m 15 m – Uni-TE Point-to-point requests with confirmation (question/response), of up to 240 bytes (2) initiated by any connected device Point-to-point 0.3…19.2 Kbit/s 16 max. 20 m 2 Unsolicited point-to-point data, without confirmation, of up to 240 bytes(2) initiated by any connected device Broadcast messages of up to 240 bytes (2) initiated by the master device Other functions Transparent communication, via the master, with any device in an X-Way architecture Diagnostics, debugging, adjustment and programming of PLCs Security Monitoring Check character on each frame, acknowledgement and, if required, repetition of messages ensure security of transmission Bus status table, transmission error counters and device status can be accessed by program in each device Status of the bus and devices connected from the master PLC accessible using PL7 software. (1) TSX SCY 21601 single format module. (2) Limited to 128 bytes with TSX Micro/Premium PLC terminal port. Connections: page 4/62 References: page 4/63 4/60 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Characteristics (continued), description 0 Uni-Telway bus Performances 1 The Uni-Telway bus cycle time depends on: b The number of devices polled (datalink addresses). b The data rate. b The turnaround time of each device. b The number, length and type of messages. 2 BCT = Bus Cycle Time, is the interval between two polls from the same device. BCT (ms) 400 300 200 The curves opposite give the Uni-Telway cycle time as a function of the number of slaves operating at 9.6 Kbit/s or 19.2Kbit/s, with a typical turnaround time of 5 ms per device (excluding messages). 100 The following table shows the time to be added (in ms) to obtain the true BCT value as a function of the traffic (N = Number of usable characters): 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 27 1 = 9.6 Kbit/s 2 = 19.2 Kbit/s Event Device 1 Report CT1 CT1 Uni-Telway bus Time (ms) at 9.6 Kbit/s 24 + 1.2 N (1) at 19.2 Kbit/s 17 + 0.6 N (1) Slave to Master 19 + 1.2 N (1) 12 + 0.6 N (1) Slave to slave 44 + 2.3 N (1) 29 + 1.15 N (1) CT1 CT1 BCT In a distributed control system architecture the application-to-application response time depends not only on the communication system, but also on: BCT 4 b The processing times of the message source and destination devices. b The degree of asynchronism between the bus and processor cycle times. CT2 CT2 Device 2 Exchanges Master to slave Action This response time must be evaluated by the designer of each application according to the devices which are connected. BCT = Uni-Telway bus cycle time CT1 = Device 1 bus cycle time CT2 = Device 2 bus cycle time The processing time of a device may vary from one to two cycle times depending on the degrees of asynchronism. Description TSX Micro/Premium PLCs TSX Micro/Premium PLCs provide various ways of connecting to the Uni-Telway bus. 4.4 1 By integrated TSX Micro/Premium processor or Atrium coprocessor port The AUX port (2) (8-way mini-DIN) has one non-isolated RS 485 serial link channel (maximum distance 10 m). 2 By TSX SCY 21601 integrated port for Premium PLC or Atrium coprocessor This module has one Half-duplex isolated RS 485 serial link channel, which is multiprotocol, including Uni-Telway. 3 Via multiprotocol PCMCIA card A slot on the TSX 37 21/22/Premium PLC processors, the Atrium coprocessor and the TSX SCY 21601 module (3) accepts the following multiprotocol cards: TSX Micro v TSX SCP 114 PCMCIA card Isolated RS 485/RS 422 link. This type of card corresponds to the Uni-Telway standard. 2 1 v TSX SCP 112 PCMCIA card 20 mA current loop link. This type of card is used for a multidrop link (2 to 16 devices) and requires a c 24V external power supply. 3 Premium v TSX SCP 111 PCMCIA card Non isolated RS 232D link. This type of card can be used for direct point-to-point links or via Modem. TSX SCY 21601 (1) N = Number of usable characters corresponding to the messages to be exchanged. (2) TER port for TSX 37 05/08/10 PLC. (3) This slot can also accept the TSX FPP 20 PCMCIA card for Fipway networks, or the TSX JNP 112/114 PCMCIA card for JNet networks. Connections: page 4/62 References: page 4/63 4/61 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Connections 0 Uni-Telway bus Uni-Telway bus wiring system 12 FT 2100 TSX 17 20 2 4 2 1 2 11 5 2 TER AUX 3 Device 10 Adaptor 8 3 TSX Micro (TER terminal port) 9 7 4 ATV 38/58 6 1 TSX CSA ppp: bus cable, double shielded twisted pair. The shielding must be connected to the earth of each device. 2 TSX SCA 50: passive T-junction box, matches the impedance when it is installed at the end of the line. 3 TSX SCA 62: passive 2-channel Uni-Telway subscriber socket, is used for coding the address of two connected devices, and matching the impedance when it is installed at the end of the line. 4 TSX SCA 60/61: passive terminal block, used for intermediate devices that have a 15-way female SUB D connector: v TSX SCA 60 used for intermediate devices, v TSX SCA 61 used for end devices. 5 TSX P ACC 01: connection box, used for connecting a TSX Micro/Premium PLC to the Uni-Telway bus via the PLC terminal port. The connecting cable (length 1 m) is integrated in the connection box. It isolates the signals (for distances >10 m) and is used to match the end of line impedance. It is also used to set the operation of the terminal port (Uni-Telway Master/Slave or character mode). 6 TSX LES 64/74: cable connectors for extensions to the Uni-Telway bus, used to connect TSX model 40 PLC processors that have an integral Uni-Telway port as standard. They are used for coding the address of the connected device. 7 TSX SCP 114 : PCMCIA card for connecting TSX Micro (1)/Premium PLCs to the Uni-Telway bus. 8 TSX SCP CU 4030: Uni-Telway connecting cable between the TSX SCP 114 PCMCIA card (on TSX P57 p0M processor or TSX SCY 21601 module) and the TSX SCA 50 junction box. 9 TSX SCY CU 6530: Uni-Telway connecting cable between the TSX SCY 21601 module integrated channel and the TSX SCA 62 subscriber socket. 10 XBT-Z908: Uni-Telway connecting cable between the CCX 17 and the TSX SCA 62 subscriber socket. 11 TSX PCX 1031: universal connecting cable between a PC compatible (COM port, 9-way SUB D connector) and the TER or AUX port for TSX Micro/Premium PLCs or the TSX P ACC 01 connection box (8-way mini-DIN connector). 12 TSX CSC 015: connecting cable between the TSX 17 micro-PLC (via a TSX 17 ACC 5 adapter or a TSX SCG 1161 module) and TSX SCA 62 subscriber socket. 4.4 TSX DG UTW F: this manual describes the operating principles and the architectures of the Uni-Telway bus. It is required for setting up and installing the Uni-Telway bus. TSX DR NET F: this manual describes the X-Way architectures, services and address mechanisms. It includes the coding of Uni-TE requests as well as precautions for connecting earths for the networks. It also includes the principles of asynchronous serial transmission. (1) With TSX 37 21/22 PLCs. Characteristics: pages 4/60 and 4/61 Description: page 4/61 References: page 4/63 4/62 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Uni-Telway bus Elements for connection to Uni-Telway bus Description Integrated link on processor TSX Micro Protocol Physical layer Uni-Telway Non isolated RS 485 Character mode Communication module Uni-Telway 1 isolated 2-wire RS 485 Modbus/Jbus integrated channel Character mode (channel 0), 1 PCMCIA card slot (channel 1) (2) Type III PCMCIA cards for Premium processors, Atrium coprocessors, TSX 37 21/22 PLCs, or TSX SCY 21601 modules Uni-Telway RS 232 D (9 signals) Modbus/Jbus 0.3…19.2 Kbit/s Character mode RS 485 (RS 422 compatible) 1.2…19.2 Kbit/s PLC TSX Micro Addr. Reference (1) – See page 1/15 Premium – Atrium – Premium Atrium 20 mA CL 1.2…19.2 Kbit/s Weight kg – Consult our catalog ”Modicon Premium automation platform” Consult our catalog ”Modicon Premium automation platform” TSX SCY 21601 0.360 7 TSX SCP 111 0.105 7 TSX SCP 114 0.105 7 TSX SCP 112 0.105 TSX SCY 21601 TSX SCY 21601 Set of X-Way drivers for PC compatibles Includes all the X-Way drivers see page 5/15 1 CD-Rom – TSX CD DRV 20M – Uni-Telway bus connection accessories Description TSX SCP 11 p TSX P ACC 01 TSX SCA 50 Passive T-junction box Tap link and extension of bus cable, 2 TSX SCA 50 0.520 Passive 2-channel subscriber socket 2-channel tap link (15-way female SUB-D connector) and 3 extension of bus cable, address coding and end of line adaptation TSX SCA 62 0.570 Active adaptation box RS 232C/RS 485 Connection of an RS 232C device active adapter unit (using Uni-Telway protocol), adaptation and isolation of signals, end of line adaptation (no address coding) TSX SCA 72 0.520 – 4.4 Uni-Telway bus connecting cables (3) Description Use From Uni-Telway bus Cables for isolated RS 485 TSX SCP 114 card tap link TSX SCY 21601 module integrated channel (channel 0) RS 232 terminal port/peripheral device connecting cable Characteristics: pages 4/60 and 4/61 Weight kg 0.690 TSX P ACC 01 TSX SCA 72 TSX PCX 1031 Addr. Reference Terminal port connection Isolation of Uni-Telway signals for bus length > 10 m, end 5 box of line adaptation, bus cable tap links. Supplied with cable (1 m length) equipped with a mini-DIN connector (TER or AUX ports) Double shielded twisted pair RS 485 cables TSX SCA 62 Use TSX Micro/ Premium or Atrium port or TSX P ACC 01 box (TER or AUX) Addr. Length To – TSX SCA 50 T-jun. box TSX SCA 62 sub. sock. TSX SCA 50 T-jun. box TSX SCA 62 sub. sock. RS 232D port for 9-way SUB D type PC compatible USB port of PC 4 100 m Reference (1) TSX CSA 100 Weight kg 5.680 200 m TSX CSA 200 10.920 500 m TSX CSA 500 30.000 8 3m TSX SCP CU 4030 0.160 – 3m TSX SCP CU 4530 0.180 – 3m TSX SCP CU 6030 0.180 9 3m TSX SCP CU 6530 0.200 11 2.5 m TSX PCX 1031 0.170 – 2.5 m TSX PCX 3030 – 1 (1) Product supplied with bilingual Quick Reference Guide: English and French. (2) Type III PCMCIA type III slot for TSX SCP 111/112/114, TSX FPP 20 or TSX JNP 112/114p card (3) For information on other connection cables, please see page 4/64. Description: page 4/61 Connections: page 4/62 4/63 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description, characteristics 0 Asynchronous serial links Presentation Premium TSX SCY 21601 2 1 3 3 TSX Micro 5 1 3 4 4 TSX Micro/Premium PLCs provide, via their processor, coprocessor or TSX SCY 21601 communication module, several possible ways for exchanging data in character mode with devices equipped with an asynchronous serial link interface: b RS 485 integrated port. b Type III PCMCIA card with RS 232D, RS 485 (RS 422 compatible) or 20 mA current loop link. Protocols supported are character mode (ASCII), Uni-Telway and Modbus. Other protocols are also available, or can be developed on request, on a RS 485 or RS 232D link, which enables TSX Micro/Premium PLCs to communicate on third-party architectures. These products are offered within the framework of the Schneider Alliances partnership programme. The list of modules available can be obtained from your Regional Sales Office, or from our Internet site www.schneideralliances.com. Description Integrated links 1 Via integrated port on the processor or coprocessor The AUX (1) port (8-way mini-DIN connector) has one non-isolated RS 485 serial link channel (maximum distance 10 m). 2 Via integrated port on the TSX SCY 21601 module This module for Premium PLCs has one isolated RS 485 serial link channel (25-way SUB-D connector). Half duplex multiprotocol, including Uni-Telway. TSX SCP 11p multiprotocol PCMCIA cards 3 A slot on the processor, coprocessor and on the TSX SCY 21601 module takes cards which comprise: 4 A removable cover with fixing screws for access to the 20-way miniature connector. 5 Two indicator lamps: v ERR lamp: card or link fault, v COM lamp: data transmission or reception. Connector cable to be ordered separately: TSX SCP Cp ppp cable. (1) TER port for TSX Micro TSX 37 05/08/10 PLC. Characteristics Type 4.4 Physical layer Data rate Transmission Size Data Stop bit Parity bit Stop on silence Reception echo Repeat 1st char. echo Auto LF Back space Beep Flow mgmt by Xon-Xoff byRTS/CTS RTS/CTS delay Stop on reception End of message PSR management Services Non isolated Isolated RS 485 RS 485 terminal TSX SCY 21601 port integrated port (1) 1.2…19.2 Kbit/s 1.2…19.2 Kbit/s (2) 120 characters 7 or 8 bits 1 or 2 bits Even, odd or none PCMCIA cards RS 232D 0.3…19.2 Kbit/s PCMCIA cards RS 485 RS 422 Compatible 1.2…19.2 Kbit/s PCMCIA cards 20 mA current loop (3) 4096 characters max. Parameters which can be accessed in configuration mode. (1) For characteristics of the communication module integrated channel, consult our Modicon Premium automation platform catalogue. (2) With the TSX P57 3p3/453 processor, data rate up to 115 Kbit/s during program uploading. (3) Point-to-point or multidrop link. References: page 4/59 4/64 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References Asynchronous serial links References Asynchronous serial link elements (character mode) Description Integrated link on processor Protocol Physical layer PLC Character mode Uni-Telway RS 485 non-isolated TSX Micro Premium – RS 232 D (9 signaux) 0,3…19,2 K bits/s TSX SCP 111 – RS 485 (compatible RS 422) 1,2…19,2 K bits/s TSX SCP 114 – BC 20 mA 1,2…19,2 K bits/s TSX SCP 112 – Atrium Character mode Uni-Telway Modbus/Jbus Type III PCMCIA cards for Character mode TSX 37 21/22, PLC, Uni-Telway TSX/PCX Premium Modbus/Jbus processor or TSX SCY 21601 module Weight kg – Consult our catalog ”Modicon Premium automation platform” Consult our catalog ”Modicon Premium automation platform” TSX SCY 21601 TSX Micro Communication module Reference (1) See page 1/15 - 1 isolated RS 485 Premium integrated chan. Atrium (channel 0), - 1 type III PCMCIA card slot (channel 1) (2) – – Premium 4 Asynchronous serial link connection accessories Description Use Terminal port connection Isolation of RS 485 signals, end of line box adaptation, supplied with cable for connection to PLC Length Reference 1m TSX P ACC 01 Length Reference Weight kg 0.690 Connecting cables for asynchronous serial links Description TSX SCY 21601 TSX SCP 11p Use From Cables for isolated RS 485 TSX SCP 114 card connection Universal cable for terminal port/RS 232 device Cables for RS 232D connection TSX SCY CU 6030 0.180 TSX Micro/Premium/ Atrium port (TER or AUX) or TSX P ACC 01 box RS 232D of a 2.5 m terminal device (DTE) (5) USB port of PC 2.5 m TSX PCX 1031 0.170 TSX PCX 3030 – TSX SCP 111 card Communication device: modem, converter, (DCE) (4) TSX SCP CC 1030 0.190 Point-to-point 3m terminal device (DTE) (4) 10 m TSX SCP CD 1030 0.190 TSX SCP CD 1100 0.620 Current loop device (3) TSX SCP CX 2030 0.160 TSX SCP 112 card 4.4 3m 3m (1) Product supplied with a bilingual Quick Reference Guide: English and French. (2) PCMCIA type III slot can receive one TSX SCP 111/112/114, TSX FPP 20 or TSX JNP 112/114 card. (3) End of cable fitted with flying leads. (4) End of cable fitted with a 25-way male SUB-D connector. (5) End of cable fitted with a 9-way male SUB-D connector. For use, to order separatly one TSX CTC 10 adaptator (9-way male SUB-D connector/25-way male SUB-D connectors). TSX PCX 1031 Presentation: page 4/58 3m Integrated channel (channel 0) module TSX SCY 21601 TSX P ACC 01 Cable for BC 20 mA connection 3m Weight kg TSX SCP CX 4030 0.160 To RS 485/RS 422 device (3) RS 485/RS 422 device (4) via TSX SCA 50 box Description: page 4/58 Characteristics: page 4/58 4/65 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 Connecting cables for PCMCIA cards and TER/AUX ports TSX Micro/Premium PLC TSX SCP 111 PCMCIA card Protocol Length Reference Character mode 3m Weight kg TSX SCP CD 1030 0.190 10 m TSX SCP CD 1100 0.620 DCE terminal (Modem...) 2 RS 232D Character mode Uni-Telway 3m TSX SCP CC 1030 0.190 TSX SCA 50 T-junction box 3 RS 485 Character mode (2-wire isolated) Uni-Telway 3m TSX SCP CU 4030 0.160 RS 422/485 Character mode (2-wire isolated) Modbus 3m TSX SCP CM 4030 0.160 TSX SCA 62 2-channel subscriber socket 4 RS 485 Uni-Telway (2-wire isolated) 3m TSX SCP CU 4530 0.160 TSX SCA 64 2-channel subscriber socket 4 RS 422/485 (2/4 wire) Modbus 3m TSX SCP CM 4530 0.180 DTE Terminal 3 RS 422/485 (4-wire) Modbus 3m TSX SCP CX 4030 0.160 TSX SCP 112 PCMCIA card Active or passive terminal 3 Character mode Uni-Telway Modbus 3m TSX SCP CX 2030 0.160 TER/AUX ports TSX P ACC 01 RS 485 junction box Uni-Telway 1m Included with TSX P ACC 01 TSX P ACC 01 RS 485 junction box 5 Uni-Telway 2m T FTX CB1 020 0.100 5m T FTX CB1 050 0.190 0.170 TSX SCP 114 PCMCIA card 4 4.4 Device to be Physical link connected DTE terminal 2 RS 232D 1 20 mA current loop DTE terminal (PC, printer) 6 RS 232 Character mode 2,5 m TSX PCX 1031 (1) 7 RS 232 Character mode 2,5 m TSX PCX 3030 1 25-way male miniature connector. 2 25-way male SUB-D connector. 3 Flying leads. 4 5 6 7 – 15-way male SUB-D connector. 8-way female mini-DIN connector. 9-way female SUB-D connector. USB type connector. (1) Separate parts see page 4/67. 4/66 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References (continued) 0 Connecting cables for PCMCIA cards and TER/AUX ports TSX Micro/Premium PLC TER/AUX ports (contin.) 1 Device to be Physical link connected DTE terminal RS 232 (slave PC ) 2 RS 485 Protocol Length Reference Uni-Telway 2.5 m TSX PCX 1031 Weight kg 0.170 Uni-Telway 2.5 m TSX PCX 3030 – Character mode Uni-Telway 2.5 m TSX PCX 1031 (1) Character mode Uni-Telway 2.5 m TSX PCX 3030 DCE terminal RS 232 (Modem M/Sl. USA/Europe) 4 Character mode Uni-Telway 3m TSX PCX 1130 (2) 0.140 CCX 17, panel, RS 485 XBT terminal 5 Uni-Telway 2.5 m XBT Z968 0.180 3 RS 232 RS 485 DTE terminal RS 232 (printer, slave PC without RTS) 2 3 RS 232 TSX SCY 21601 communication module integrated port 5 – 4 TSX SCA 50 RS 485 Uni-Telway T-junction box 6 (2-wire isolated) Modbus/Jbus TSX SCA 62 2-channel subscriber socket 7 0.170 RS 485 Uni-Telway (2-wire isolated) 5m XTB Z9681 0.340 3m TSX SCY CU 6030 0.180 3m TSX SCY CM 6030 0.180 3m TSX SCY CU 6530 0.200 4.4 RS 485 terminal 6 RS 485 Character mode (2-wire isolated) 3m TSX SCY CM 6030 0.180 Separate parts Description SUB-D adapter Description Reference 9-way male SUB-D connector/25-way female SUB-D connectors TSX CTC 07 9-way male SUB-D connector/25-way male SUB-D connector 1 8-way female mini-DIN connector. 2 9-way female SUB-D connector. 3 USB type connector. 4 5 6 7 TSX CTC 10 Weight kg 0.060 0.060 9-way male SUB-D connector. 25-way male SUB-D connector Flying leads. 15-way male SUB-D connector (1) To be ordered separatly: TSX CTC 07 and TSX CTC 10 adapters, see above separate parts. (2) Point to point, supplied wih 1 SUB-D adapter: TSX CTC 09 9-way female/25-way male SUB-D connector. 4/67 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 5 5/0 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Contents 5 - PL7 software and Magelis terminals 5 - PL7 software and Magelis terminals Selection guide PL7 programming software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/2 b PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/4 b PL7 SMC application converter software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/20 b PL7 DIF application comparison software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/22 b Logiciel SDKC C language development software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/24 b PL7 FUZ fuzzy logic processing software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/26 b FTX 117 Adjust terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/28 Selection guide XBT Magelis dialog terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5/30 Selection guide XBT-F/G Magelis terminals with graphic screen. . . . page 5/32 5 5/1 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Programming softwares 5 Applications Application development and installation Type of PLC TSX Micro Services Programming Debugging Adjustment Instruction list Ladder language Grafcet language Structured text language DFBs function blocks Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Fonctional view Import/export od function modules Diagnostic DFBs Runtime screens Functions No No No TSX Micro/Premium/Atrium Yes (with macro-steps for Premium) Yes Use (for Premium/Atrium) Creation/use for Premium/Atrium No Yes (Premium/Atrium) No Yes (Premium/Atrium) No Yes (Premium/Atrium) Creation/use Development debugging of applications with: b A broswer accessing all the application components b Dedicated editors b Two types of application structure: single task or multitask b Master and fast tasks divided into sections b Possibility of selecting the desired language in each section b Debugging simplified by automatic creation of animation tables For Premium: b Use of Grafcet macro-steps b Application split into function modules b Use of function blocks: DFBs reusable in any application in order to improve application legibility and development b Creation of runtime screens (synoptics, text, values) which are displayed depending on the state of the process in order to simplify operation and control of an installation b Diagnostic “viewer” Name of software PL7 Micro PL7 Junior PL7 Pro Type of software TLX CD PL7M P 43M TLX CD PL7J P 43M TLX CD PL7P P 43M Pages 5/18 5/19 5/2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Application conversion Development of functions in C language Comparison of PL7 Premium Availability of Premium applications applications Development of a multi-PLC data server Premium/Atrium Nano/TSX Micro/ Premium/Atrium Quantum/Momentum/ TSX Series 7/April 5 Conversion of SMC PLC Enhances the library of PL7 applications for functions by developing TSX Micro/Premium PLC functions in C language: applications: b Creation of functions b Selection of sequences to families. translate into Ladder b Development of functions language. in C langage. b Conversion of symbol b Debugging of functions database. (step by step, breakpoints, b Reassignment of I/O …) b Conversion report. b Generation of disks for installation on over PL7 PL7 Junior/Pro software stations. required. b Use of new functions in applications. Automatic comparison of 2 Premium applications with identification of all the differences. Continuity of operation in a Premium PLC redundant architecture automate Premium. Possible to have shared I/O on a Fipio bus or redundant I/O Typical “Normal/Backup” changeover time: 1 to 2 s Development of a multi-PLC data server accessible by “Client” applications: b Access to server in local or remote mode. b Access to variables in the form of symbols in one or more PLCs. b Management of Uni-TE and Modbus protocols. b Programming in Visual Basic or C++. b Simulates access to variables for debugging. PL7 SMC PL7 SDKC PL7 DIF Warm Standby OFS TLX LC SMC PL7 40M TLX L SDKC PL7 41M TLX CD PL7 DIF 4EF TLX CD WSBY P 40F TLX CD OFS 25M 5/21 5/25 5/23 Consult our Modicon Premium automation platform catalogue PL7 Pro software required. Other software: v PL7 FUZ, software for fuzzy logic processing for TSX Micro/Premium platforms: TLX L PL7 FUZ 34 M, see page 5/27. v SyCon, CANopen machine bus configuraor (TSX Micro/Premium) and INTERBUS fieldbus (Quantum) and Profibus DP (Premium/Quantum): SYS SPU LFp CD28M, see page 4/25. 5/3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Offer, new developments Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software To meet the evolving hardware and software needs of our customers, Schneider Electric introduces PL7 version 4.4 programming software for the Modicon TSX Micro and Modicon Premium platforms. Modicon TSX Micro automation enhancements CANopen connectivity Micro TSX 37 21 and 37 22 PLC communications are enriched with the addition of a CANopen machine bus, made possible through the use of a PCMCIA card equipped with a cable (length 0.5m) and a tap junction (with 9-way SUB-D connector). This TSX CPP 110 kit allows a direct link to the bus and ensures the role of the master on the CANopen bus. The PCMCIA card is inserted into the reserved communication card slot that is available on the TSX 37 21 and TSX 37 22 CPU. Extension memory size In order to extend the memory of existing applications or to create more complex applications, the memory capacity of TSX 37 21/22 PLCs can be extended from 64 Kwords to 128 Kwords (program and constants). The CPU bases are capable of receiving 3 different memory cards: b 128 Kwords application RAM memory TSX MRP 0128P. b 128 Kwords application Flash EPROM memory TSX MRF 0128P. b 128 Kwords application and 128 Kwords data storage RAM memory TSX MRP 2128P. TSX CPP 110 SyCon configuration software for CANopen machine bus A version of PL7 Micro programming software (1-station) is available with SyCon configuration software for the CANopen machine bus (reference TLX CD PL7M PC44M). 5 Modicon TSX Premium automation enhancements TSX CSY 164 TSX WMY 100 PL7 Micro Junior/Pro software version 4.4 software enhancements CANopen connectivity b The Premium TSX P57 103M low-end processor has CANopen machine bus connectivity via the use of the new TSX CPP 110 PCMCIA card (see “CANopen connectivity” for TSX Micro platform, above). This new card is compatible with all Premium processors and Atrium coprocessors (except TSX P57 153M processor with embedded Fipio bus link). New application-specific modules: b TSX CSY 164 SERCOS motion control module. PL7 version 4.4 Junior/Pro software makes it possible for this module to individually declare the 16 channels as real axes, imaginary axes or remote axes. This new 16-channel module is in addition to the current TSX CSY 84 module with 8 real axes. b TSX WMY 100 FactoryCast HMI Ethernet module. This new Ethernet TCP/IP module with embedded Web server offers additional HMI web services compared to current modules (TSX ETH 110WS/4103/5103). New features include acquisition of PLC data in the HMI database of the module, Email with automatic messaging on events, math and logic functions, and connection to relational databases. PL7 version 4.4 enables new TSX Micro/Premium modules to take advantage of additional functionalities: b PL7 software registrations by the Internet, electronic mail, fax or phone (obligatory registration before 22nd day). b Change in the Fipio catalogue for Momentum distributed I/O. b Transfer of PL7 user rights between PCs via floppy disk or network. b Enriched export files of the data application (FEF) for better compatibility with Unity software after migration. PL7 Micro Junior/Pro software packages are offered according to two alternatives depending on the type of PLCs/PC cable: connection on the RS 232C port, or the USB port of a PC. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/17 to 5/19 5/4 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Presentation PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software packages are designed for Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP (1) operating systems and therefore benefit from all the facilities relating to these: Ergonomics of the software More user-friendly and productive ergonomics thanks to: b Access to contextual menus by right-clicking with the mouse for fast access to the services available for the select ed object. b Contextual help: direct access to help correspondingto the selected object. b Tool tips: explanatory messages appear when skimming over the toolbar buttons. Furthermore, some important functions make the software easier and safer to use: Multi-instance The multi-instance function enables several applications to be worked on simultaneously. This function enables: b Several different applications present on the PC to be opened in offline mode in order to check or copy data. b Debugging of two (or more) applications on two PLCs present on the same network in on-line mode. This is particularly useful when debugging inter-PLC communication functions. 5 Management of access rights Use of the various PL7 software functions can be limited and controlled by managing the access rights. There are 5 user profiles (differentiated by passwords) which characterize the functions available to users on the programming terminal. The profiles range from read-only access to an application (lowest profile) to full programming (profile with the most rights). Automation OLE Terminal PC Serveur Automation Applicatifs Client OLE Terminal PC Client PL7 Fipway Premium TSX Micro Application server PL7 Pro software can be launched in OLE Automation server mode from a third-party client application. In this case, certain PL7 program functions can be executed following commands sent by an OLE client application. This instance of the program then no longer reacts to commands from the operator keyboard. Server mode can be launched in offline mode (COM) if both programs are on the same machine, or in remote mode (DCOM), if the programs are installed on different machines. The commands available are as follows: b Manage an execution context (open/close an application, modification of the address and driver of the connected PLC; PLC status). b Control the PLC (connection/disconnection, send a RUN/STOP/INIT command, program uploading/downloading). b Read data (application or symbol export only in source format, read symbol/comment associated with an address, read application identity). (1) However, compatibility with the Windows 95 operating system is no longer provided and USB port is not compatible with Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/5 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Setup 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Application creation and debug tools Application browser (conventional view) Access to all programming and debug tools is gained via the application browser. This gives a global view of the program and enables all the application components to be accessed quickly via contextual menus. 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 Configuration editor. Program editor. DFB user function block editor. Variable editor. Animation table editor. Documentation editor. Operating screen editor. 4 Concept of sections and Grafcet enhancement In order to make programs more comprehensible, the FAST and MAST tasks are split into sections. Each section 1 has a name, a comment and is programmed in one of the four languages available in PL7. A section programmed in Grafcet language can contain a main chart 2 and macro-steps 3. Version u V4.0 of PL7 allows comments to be added to each macro-step. To protect intellectual property or avoid any unwarranted modification, each section can be write-protected or read/write-protected. 5 6 7 Function views of an application 1 5 2 3 PL7 Pro software can be used to structure an application for a Premium platform into functional modules that are broken down into sections (program code), animation tables and operating screens. Independently of the multitask structure of the PLC, the designer can define a multilevel tree structure of the automation application. At each level, it is possible to attach program sections written in Ladder language (LD), Structured Text (ST), Instruction List (IL), Grafcet (SFC), and animation tables. Two types of view are available at all times: b A representation showing a tree structure of modules can provide a breakdown according to consistent functions in relation to the process to control. b The classic representation of the application browser provides a view of the execution order of the program sections for each PLC. The operation services associated with the functional view are available in one or the other view. In particular, a single command can be used to force whether or not a functional module is executed. In this case, every section attached to the functional module is automatically forced. Exporting/importing functional modules All or part of the tree structure can be exported into functional modules. In this case, all program sections of the different module levels are exported. During an import, an assistant can be used to reassign the data associated with the module in stages. Presentation: page 5/5 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/6 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Setup (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Configuration editor Hardware configuration The configuration editor intuitively and graphically enables the declaration and configuration of the various components of the TSX Micro/Premium PLC application: b Processor, coprocessor. b Tasks. b Application-specific I/O modules. b Memory. b ... By clicking on an unconfigured position, the display of a dialog box shows the available I/O modules, classed according to family. Once the various modules are positioned, selecting them accesses parameter entry for each module. Software configuration The configuration editor can also be used to set the software parameters of the application: choice of the number of constants, number of internal words and the number of each type of function block. The configuration editor provides access to parameter entry for the function blocks. The copy/paste function for these parameters is available from version u V4.0 of the PL7 software onwards. Configuration of Grafcet objects When programming in Grafcet language, the configuration editor can define Grafcet objects (steps, macro-steps, etc.) and execution parameters (number of steps and active transitions). Setup of application-specific functions 5 A number of tools are provided as standard for setting up the various applications: discrete I/O, analog I/O, counting, motion control (1), man-machine interface (MMI), communication, weighing (1), Warm Standby redundancy (2). The parameter screens for the application-specific functions are accessed from the I/O configuration screen by clicking on the position in which the module has been defined. The screens enable the main operating characteristics of the chosen application to be defined, for example: b b b b b b Filter values for discrete I/O. Voltage or current range for analog I/O. Threshold values for counting. Path of axes for position control. Calibration change during weighing. Transmission speed for communication. (1) PL7 Junior/Pro function available on a Premium platform. (2) PL7 Junior/Pro function available on a Premium platform based on a TSX P57 353/453 processor (version with integrated Fipio link). Presentation: page 5/5 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/7 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Software structure 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Software structure PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software offers two types of structure: b Single task: this is the simplified structure offered by default, where a single master task consisting of a main program, comprising several sections and subroutines, is executed. b Multitask: this structure, which is better suited to high-performance real-time applications, consists of a master task, a fast task and event-triggered tasks, which have the highest priority. Master and fast tasks are divided into sections. Structured and modular programming Mast Fast Sas(LD) Alarm_Sas(LD) Furnace_1(Grafcet) Safety_Mon(LD) PRE(LD) CHART Alarm_Furnace(ST) POST(IL) Alarm_Cleaning(ST) SR0 PL7 program tasks comprise several parts called sections and subroutines. Each section can be programmed in the appropriate language for the processing to be carried out. Such division into sections enables a structured program to be created and program modules can easily be generated or added. SR0 Subroutines can be called from any section of the task to which they belong or from other subroutines in the same task. Cleaning(ST) Simple task software structure There are two types of cyclic execution: b Normal cyclic execution. This is the default option. b Periodic execution. This type of execution, as well as the period, are selected by the user during configuration. 5 Normal execution (cyclic) Internal processing Input acquisition (%I) RUN STOP Program processing At the end of each scan, the PLC system launches the execution of a new scan. The execution time of each scan is monitored by a software watchdog whose value is defined by the user. In the event of overrun, a fault occurs causing: b The scan to stop immediately (STOP). b A display on the front panel of the PLC. b The alarm relay of the main rack power supply to be set to 0. Update of outputs (%O) Periodic execution Launch of the period Input acquisition (%I) RUN STOP Program processing A new scan is executed at the end of each period. The execution time of the scan must be less than the time of the period defined (1 to 255 ms). In the event of overrun, the latter is stored in a system bit (%S19), which can be set to 0 by the user (by program or by the terminal). A software watchdog which can be configured by the user monitors the scan time. In the event of overrun, an execution fault is signaled (see normal execution). Update of outputs (%O) Internal processing End of period Presentation: page 5/5 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/8 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Software structure (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Multitask software structure PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software offers a Multitask software structure, consisting of: b A master task (divided into sections, one of which may contain Grafcet). b A fast task (divided into sections). b One or more event-triggered tasks (only one section per task). These tasks are independent and are executed in "parallel", with the PLC processor managing the execution priority. When an event occurs, or at the start of the fast task cycle: b The current execution of lower priority tasks is stopped. b The event-triggered task or the fast task is executed. b The interrupted task takes over again when processing of the priority task is completed. Fast task Event triggered tasks Master task Alarm_Sas(LD) Sas(LD) Safety_Mon(LD) Furnace_1(LD) PRE(LD) Alarm_Furnace(ST) Alarm_Cleaning(ST) SR0 CHART POST(IL) SR0 Drying(LD) Priority + ... – This structure can optimize use of the processing power, and can be used to structure the application and simplify design and debugging, as it is possible to write and debug each task independently of the others. Master task This compulsory task, which executes the main program, is periodic or cyclic (see single task structures). It is activated systematically. It is intended for sequential processing. Each section can be programmed in Ladder, Structured Text or Instruction List language. One section is dedicated to Grafcet language; when this language is chosen, 3 processing operations are proposed: b Preliminary processing (PRE) is programmed in Ladder, Structured Text or Instruction List language and processes initializations on power return, operating mode modifications, input logic. b Sequential processing (CHART) includes the graphic transcription and management of Grafcet charts. It provides access to processing of the actions and transition conditions. b Post-processing (POST). This is programmed in Ladder, Structured Text or Instruction List language and is used to process all the instructions from the 2 preceding processing operations and the indirect safety functions specific to the outputs. 5 Fast task This task, which is higher priority than the master task, is periodic in order to leave time for execution of the lower priority task. Processing operations in this task must be as short as possible so as not to adversely affect the master task. It is useful when fast periodic changes in discrete inputs need to be monitored. Each section of this task can be programmed in Ladder, Structured Text or Instruction List language. Event triggered tasks Unlike the tasks described above, these tasks are not linked to a period. Their execution is triggered by an event occurring in an application-specific module (eg.: overrun of a counter threshold, change in state of a discrete input). These tasks have higher priority than all other tasks, and they are therefore suitable for processing operations requiring very short response times to the occurrence of an event. They can be programmed in Ladder, Structured Text or Instruction List language. Number of EVTi control events: b TSX Micro PLCs: 8 events with TSX 37 10 and 16 events with TSX 37 21/22. b Premium PLCs: 32 events with TSX 57 10 and 64 events with TSX 57 20/30/40 and PCX 57 20/30. TSX Micro TSX 37 21/22 and Premium PLCs have 2 priority levels (EVT0 event has priority over other EVTi events). Presentation: page 5/5 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/9 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Ladder language, structured text language Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Ladder language (LD) Program structure (section, SR or event-triggered task) Programs written in Ladder language consist of a series of rungs which are executed sequentially by the PLC. Each rung may be: b Identified by a label. b Completed by a comment of up to 222 characters. A rung consists of 7 lines on TSX Micro and 16 lines on Premium, with 11 columns, allowing a maximum of 10 contacts and one coil per line. Program editor: Ladder language The Ladder language editor offers several tools for constructing rungs in a userfriendly way: b A palette of graphic elements for direct access to the various graphic symbols of the language via the mouse or the keyboard: contacts, Boolean logic, coils, operation blocks, predefined function blocks… b A rung can be drawn without having to fill in each element. b The language objects can be entered and displayed in either symbol or address format. b The symbol and address of each object can be displayed simultaneously. b A rung is constructed simply by selecting the symbol from the graphic palette and placing it in the correct position in the grid on-screen. b An automatic link line function optimizes the number of user actions. The Ladder language editor is used to call up immediately the functions which assist data entry: b Access to function libraries. b Access to the variables editor. b Cut, copy, paste. 5 Structured Text language (ST) Structured Text language is a sophisticated algorithmic type language which is particularly suitable for programming complex arithmetic functions, table operations, message handling, etc. Program structure (section, SR or event-triggered task) Structured Text language enables direct transcription of a flowchart analysis and is organized into statements. Each statement consists of a label (1000 labels max), comments (256 characters max) and instructions. There are four methods for controlling statements: b Conditional action IF. b Conditional iterative action WHILE (action repeated while a condition is true). b Conditional iterative action REPEAT (action repeated until a condition is true). b Repetitive action FOR (action repeated a certain number of times). Program editor: Structured Text language The editor enables statements to be entered one after another. The editor provides help with entering: b Modifications, insertion, etc. b Cut, copy, paste. Objects can be entered and displayed in either symbol or address format. Different colors are used for the objects, language key words and program comments to make it easier to read. Presentation: page 5/5 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/10 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Grafcet language, Instruction List language Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software TSX Micro PLC b 96 steps maximum on 8 pages for TSX 37-10 and 128 steps for TSX 37-21/22 b 1024 transitions maximum b 11 elements maximum per divergence/convergence Premium PLC b maximum of 250 steps on 8 pages b 64 macro-steps of 250 steps. b A "generic" comment can be associated with each macro-step b 1024 transitions maximum b 11 elements maximum per divergence/ convergence b 1024 steps maximum in the application Grafcet language (SFC) Grafcet language is used to describe, in a simple and graphic manner, the sequential part of control systems. It corresponds to the SFC "sequential function chart" language described in standard IEC 1131-3. Structure of the section in the master task Grafcet SFC language is only used in one section of the master task. This is structured in three processing operations, see page 5/8. Programs written in Grafcet SFC language consist of: b Macro-steps (1) which are the only representation of a set of steps and a transition. b Steps, with which the actions to be executed are associated. b Transitions, with which the conditions are associated (transition conditions). b Directed links, connecting the steps and transitions. See characteristics page 5/16. The actions (continual, pulsed on activation or deactivation) and transition conditions can be programmed in the desired language: Ladder, Structured Text or Instruction List. Program editor: Grafcet SFC language The editor offers 8 pages, each consisting of 11 columns and 14 lines, giving 154 cells per page. A palette of graphic objects is used for direct access to each graphic symbol (macro-steps, steps, transitions, sequence selection, simultaneous activation/ deactivation and connectors). Programming of the transition conditions and actions is performed simply by clicking on the required chart element. On a Grafcet page, comments of up to 64 characters can be entered in any cell. Functions which assist entry: cut, copy, paste, etc. are available to the user. 5 Instruction List language (IL) Instruction List language is a language representing, in the form of text, the equivalent of a Ladder diagram. It is used for writing Boolean equations and making use of the functions available in the language. Program structure (section, SR or event-triggered tasks) A program in Instruction List language comprises a sequence of instructions from the following different families: b Bit instructions, for example read input n° 3: LD %I1.3. b Instructions on function blocks, for example start timer n° 0: IN %TM0. b Numerical instructions on single, double and floating point integers, for example, perform an addition: [%MW10:= %MW50 + 100]. b Instructions on word tables, character strings, for example, perform an assignment: [%MW10:10:=%KW50:10]. b Program instructions, for example, call subroutine n° 10: SR10. Each instruction is composed of an instruction code and a bit or word type operand. Program editor: Instruction List language As in Ladder language, instructions are organized into sequences of instructions (equivalent to a rung). Each sequence of instructions can be identified by a label %Li, with i being from 0 to 999 and accompanied by a comment of 222 characters maximum. Each sequence of instructions is composed of one or more test instructions. The result of these instructions is applied to one or more action instructions. Objects can be entered and displayed in either symbol or address format. The editor provides help with entering data. (1) With Premium PLCs only. Presentation: page 5/5 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/11 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Functions 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Functions User DFB function blocks PL7 Pro software offers the user the possibility (for Premium PLCs) of creating their own function blocks which meet the particular needs of their applications. Once they have been created in the library, these function blocks can be used with PL7 Junior/Pro software. These user function blocks enable an application to be structured. They are used as soon as a program sequence is repeated several times in the application or to freeze a standard type of programming. They can be exported to all other PL7 applications. Using a DFB function block in one or more applications enables: b Simplification of program entry and design. b Improved program readability. b Easier debugging (all variables handled by the DFB function block are identified on its interface). b Use of DFB-specific internal variables (independent of the application). A DFB derived function block is set up in three phases: b Design of the DFB which has a name, parameters (I/O), variables and code in Structured Text or ladder language. b Creation of a DFB instance in the variables editor or when calling the function in the program editor. b Using this instance in the program in the same way as a standard function block. Variables editor The variables editor is used to: b Symbolize the various application objects (bits, words, function blocks, I/O, …). b Define the parameters of the predefined function blocks (timers, counters, registers etc.). b Enter the values of the constants and select the display base (decimal, binary, hexadecimal, floating point, message). b Define the DFB user function block parameters. Each symbol (32 characters max, accented characters are permitted) can be accompanied by a comment (508 characters max). Editing services are available in the editor: b Find/replace an object in a part of the program or in a set of function modules (PL7 Pro). b Find a character string in a list of symbols or comments. Version u V4.0 of PL7 offers enhanced functions due to: b Copy/paste function for one or more symbol(s) and comments. b Display in plain language of the overlap of different types of variable on a single memory address (for example, single and double format internal words, %MW0/%MD0). b Highlighting of objects used by the application program. b Opening the application variable database to third-party tools by importing/exporting text files (.txt). This new function makes it possible to create/modify application databases using a third-party software (for example TSX Microsoft Excel) that has extended edit functions. 5 Animation table Tables containing the application variables to be monitored or modified can be created by entering them or automatically initialized from the selected phrase or rung. Variables can then be: b Modified. b Forced to 0 or 1 for bit objects. For each numerical variable, it is possible to select the display base (decimal, binary, hexadecimal, floating point, ASCII message). Version u V4.0 of PL7 offers new options for animation tables: b Display of the comment associated with variables. b Assignment of a single value to a number of variables. b Change of display format for a number of variables. b Display of the list of forced bits. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/12 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Documentation editor The documentation editor is built around the Documentation Browser which displays the contents of the documentation file in a tree structure. It can be used to print all or part of the application documentation file on any graphic printer which can be accessed in Windows and uses True Type technology, in A4 or US letter print formats. The documentation editor is used to define: b A title page, including the name of the designer and project. b General information pages. b A footer. The documentation editor automatically generates: b The contents. b The application documentation file: hardware and software configuration, program with its comments (including those relating to the macro-steps and subroutines). b The list of variables sorted by address or symbol. b The cross-references, sorted by address or symbol. Runtime screens The runtime screen tool is integrated in PL7 Pro software (creation and use of screens). It is intended in particular, for debugging when starting up installations and for diagnostics on faults or malfunctions. It comprises data (explanatory texts, dynamic values, synoptics, etc.) and enables a simple and fast action (modification and dynamic monitoring of PLC variables). 5 The editor enables the design of these screens using the following tools: b Screen: creation of runtime screens, which can be classed according to family. b Message: creation of messages used. b Objects: creation of a graphic objects library. When the station is connected to the PLC, the user can display screens dynamically depending on the state of the process. Screen sequencing is possible, depending on the attributed priority, via either the keyboard or PLC request. In online mode, runtime screens enable direct access to the PL7 program from synoptics by simply clicking on the selected object. It is also possible to activate the animation table functions or cross references once one or more variables have been selected on the screen. Version u V4.0 of PL7 software also enables character string type objects to be displayed. Synoptics can be displayed on the full screen for ease of viewing. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/17 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/13 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Debugging tools PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software offers a complete set of tools for debugging applications. A tool palette provides direct access to the main functions: b Setting stop points. b Step by step program execution. b Independent execution of the master (MAST), fast (FAST) and event-triggered (EVTi) tasks. Animation of program elements Parts of the program are animated directly when the TSX Micro/Premium PLC is in RUN (rung, Structured Text statement or sequence of instructions in Instruction List language) by activating the PL7 animation function. Animation is used to display the status of program variables, whatever the language used. The animation can be frozen. Several windows can be displayed and animated simultaneously. Animation tables Tables containing the application variables to be monitored or modified can be created by entering them or automatically initialized from the selected program part. Variables can then be modified, forced to 0 or to 1 for bit objects. These tables can be stored in the application and therefore retrieved at a later date. Debugging the DFBs b Animation table: all public parameters and variables are displayed and animated in real time. It is possible to modify and force the desired objects. b As for the rest of the program, it is possible to use the following functions: breakpoint, step-by-step and program diagnostics. 5 Grafcet debugging In online mode, the browser gives a hierarchical view of the chart with CHART module and macro-step nesting. Animation is characterized by the presence or absence of indicator colors. The Grafcet debug bar: b Displays the state of the chart. b Modifies the state of the chart. b Gives information on the state of the Master task. Debugging the application-specific functions The debug screens for the application-specific functions are accessed from the I/O configuration screen by clicking on the position in which the module has been defined, when the terminal is in online mode. These screens are used for: b Displaying and modifying the state of the I/O. b Forcing the I/O. b Displaying and modifying the current values. b ... Diagnostics The debug screens provide access to the general module or channel diagnostics. These screens identify: Internal module faults. b External faults from the application. b E.g.: range overrun fault for an analog module. With version u V4.0 of PL7 software, the Premium platform system diagnostics are extended. It is possible to monitor system bits and words as well as to display associated time-stamped messages automatically, without the need for additional programming. This monitoring applies to the system elements (processor, memory,tasks, …), in-rack I/O and remote I/O on the Fipio bus. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/18 to 5/19 5/14 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Variable cross-references For every variable, this function can be used to: b Search for program modules where this variable is used. b Obtain the list of statements, rungs or expressions. b Display and check activation conditions. A log is used to keep track of this navigation. Options relating to the variable, can be associated with the search (extract bit, table object, function block elements, network object, etc.). This function can be initialized from the program or runtime screens. Application converters PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro software includes application converters which make it possible to reuse in full or in part, applications already written in: b PL7 2, applications for TSX 17, TSX 27 or TSX 47 10/20/25 PLCs. b PL7 3 (1), applications for TSX/PMX 47...TSX/PMX 107 PLCs. b ORPHEE (1), applications for April Series 1000 PLCs. The converters offer the following utilities: b Translation of language objects into the new PL7 syntax with retrieval of associated symbols and comments. b Possibility of manually reassigning objects. b Configuration check: the tool checks whether the configuration resources required by the program to be converted are compatible with the configuration of the destination application. b Conversion (1) with generation of source files (Ladder, Structured Text or Grafcet) in PL7 Junior/Pro format. b Conversion ensures that instructions which are translated are functionally identical to the original program. b A translation report gives a summary: v result of the conversion with the cause of non-translation where possible, v correspondence of variables in PL7 with original variables. 5 X-Way communication drivers The communication drivers (Uni-Telway COM port ans USB port, PC side) are available in the PL7 software CD-Rom. Depending on needs, another drivers can be be installed from TLX CD DRV20M CD-Rom (to order separately). See following table. Type of drivers Windows XP Windows 2000 V1.6 IE17 V1.3 IE05 V1.2 IE03 V1.1 IE04 V1.1 IE02 V1.2 IE04 V1.0 IE06 V1.7 IE13 V1.1 IE06 Inclus PL7 Uni-Telway TSX FPC10 TSX FPC20 TSX SCP 114 Ethway ISAway PCIway XIP Modbus USB for mini-DIN terminal port USB for USB terminal port V1.0 IE14 Windows NT Windows 95 OS/2 DOS V1.9 IE17 V1.3 IE08 V1.3 IE08 V1.1 IE04 V1.1 IE03 V1.5 IE06 – V1.7 IE13 V1.1 IE06 – Windows 98 Millenium V1.6 IE17 V1.3 IE05 V1.2 IE04 V1.1 IE04 V2.6 IE06 V1.2 IE04 – V1.7 IE13 V1.1 IE06 – V7.8 IE18 V2.4 IE14 V1.2 IE04 V1.1 IE04 V2.6 IE06 V1.2 IE09 – V1.7 IE13 V1.1 IE06 – – V2.4 IE13 V1.5 IE05 – V2.6 IE22 – – – – – V7.4 IE14 V2.2 IE11 – – – – – – – – – – – – – (1) Function or functionality requiring PL7 Junior/Pro software. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 Reference: pages 5/17 to 5/19 5/15 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Characteristics Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Functions and instructions Predefined function blocks (1) b b b b b b b 64/255 Timers: %TMi (0 ≤ i ≤ 254) 10 ms to 9999 ms 32/255 Up/Down counters: %Ci (0 ≤ i ≤ 254) 0 to 9999 (word) 64/255 Timers PL7-2: %Ti (0 ≤ i ≤ 254) 8/255 Monostables: %MNi (0 ≤ i ≤ 254) 16 steps 4/255 LIFO or FIFO 16 bit registers: %Ri (0 ≤ i ≤ 254) 8/255 Drums : %DRi (0 ≤ i ≤ 254) 16 steps The total number of timers %TMi and %Ti is limited to 64/255 Type of PL7 instructions b b b b b b b b b b b Instructions on word and double word tables. Logical instructions on words and double words. Arithmetic instructions on words and double words. Instructions on floating point words. Instructions on bit tables. Character string instructions. Binary conversion instructions. Time management instructions. Logarithmic and exponential instructions. Trigonometric instructions. Instructions on program. Addressable objects (2) Bit objects b b b b b b 5 b b b b b b b b Word objects %I/Qx.i: I/O module inputs/outputs %Mi: internal bits 256 on TSX Micro TSX 37, 3692 on TSX P57 1p3M, 8056 on TSX P57 2p3M/T PCX 57 203M 16248 on TSX P57 3p3M/453M and T PCX 57 353M %Si: 128 bit system %Xi: Grafcet step bits 96 on TSX Micro TSX 37-10, 128 on TSX Micro TSX 37-21/22 1024 (3) on Premium %XMj: 64 macro-step bits on Premium PLC %…i.j.: function block bits %…i.Xk: bits extracted from internal words, systems, constants, from I/O, common networks Indexed objects b %MWi, %MDi, %MFi: single length internal words, double length, floating b %KWi, %KDi, %KFi: single length constant words, double length, floating b %IWi.j/%QWi.j: module I/O words b %SWi: 128 system words b %NWi: common words on the network b %MBi:L, %KBi:L: character string b %…i.j: function block words b %…i[%MWi]: indexed objects (I/O bits, constant internal words) Structured objects b %i[%MWj]: bits (inputs, outputs and internal) b %Mpi[%mWj]: internal words, (single/double length and floating) b %Kpi[%mWj]: constant words (single and double length and floating point) b %MWi[MWj]: table of internal words b %Mi:L: bits string (I/O, internal and Grafcet bits) b %ppi:L: constant internal words (single or double length, floating and words system) b %pBi:L: character string (internal words and constants) (1) Function requiring PL7 Junior/Pro software. (2) If the maximum number of objects are not specified in this table, consult our Modicon Premium automation platform catalogue. (3) 1024 step bits and macro-step step bits. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Reference: pages 5/17 to 5/19 5/16 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Selection 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Selection The selection table shown below can be used to define the most suitable programming software in terms of services that are required and the TSX Micro/Premium automation platforms used. Utilities/functions Programming software Languages Instruction List Ladder language Grafcet Grafcet macro-steps Structured Text DFB function blocks Creation Operation Display Functional views Application Function modules Creation Operation DFB function blocks for application diagnostics Creation Operation Display Diagnostics viewer Runtime screens Creation Operation Application converters PL7 2 PL7 3 Orphee Software extensions SMC (converter) SDKC (C language dev) PL7 DIF (comparison of PL7 applications) PL7 FUZ (sofware for fuzzy logic processing) OFS (data server) WSBY (Warm Standby redundancy) Sycon (fieldbus configurator) PL7 TSX TSX TSX Micro Micro Micro Micro TSX Micro PL7 Junior TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium Premium TSX Micro/Premium PL7 Pro TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium Premium TSX Micro/Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro TSX Micro TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium TSX Micro/Premium Premium CANopen CANopen, Profibus DP 5 References Multilingual software packages (English, French, German, Spanish and Italian) for PC compatibles (1) equipped with Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP operating systems. For one station, these packages comprise: b A CD-ROM supporting the PL7 multilingual software, the PL7 demonstration applications and the terminal link Uni-Telway driver. b A cable reference TSX PCU 1031, PC compatible with TSX Micro/Premium PLC (length 2.5 m). Not supplied with software upgrade or update packages and PL7 software licenses. b Two CD-ROMs containing multilingual technical documentation. b A CD-ROM containing the TSX Micro/Premium platform operating systems. For packages for 3 stations, the above quantities are multiplied by three. For software licenses, TSX PCX 1031 cables must be ordered separately, according to the required number of users. All documentation reference (software setup manuals) reference TLX DOC PL7 43F should be ordered separately. (1) Typical recommended configuration: Pentium processor, 266 MHz, 128 Mb of RAM memory, CD-ROM drive for installation of the PL7 program, VGA screen or above. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 5/17 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform References 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software PL7 Micro software packages PL7 Micro software enables programming in Instruction List, Ladder, Structured Text and Grafcet language. It can also be used to set up application-specific functions and perform maintenance and diagnostics of the developed applications. It includes the PL7 2 application converter. Description For PLC Type of device and update Single (1 station) Reference (1) TLX CD PL7M p44M Group (3 stations) TLX CD3 PL7M p44M – Single (1 station) TLX CD PL7M PC44M – Software updates TSX Micro for previous version of PL7 Micro Single (1 station) TLX RCD PL7M P 44M – Group (3 stations) TLX RCD3 PL7M P 44M – Software update for previous version of PL7 Micro supplied with SyCon V2.8 Single (1 station) TLX RCD PL7M PC44M – PL7 Micro TSX Micro software packages PL7 Micro and TSX Micro SyCon V2.8 software package Weight kg – Mises à jour logiciels PL7 Micro 5 TSX Micro PL7 junior software packages PL7 Junior software enables programming in Instruction List, Ladder, Structured Text and Grafcet languages. It can also be used to set up application-specific functions and perform maintenance and diagnostics of the developed applications. It includes the PL7 2, PL7 3 and ORPHEE application converters. Description For PLCs Single (1 station) Reference (1) TLX CD PL7J p44M Group (3 stations) TLX CD3 PL7J p44M – Software updates TSX Micro, for previous Premium, version of Atrium PCX PL7 Junior Single (1 station) TLX RCD PL7J P44M – Group (3 stations) TLX RCD3 PL7J P44M – Software upgrade TSX Micro, packages from Premium, previous version of Atrium PCX PL7 TSX Micro Single (1 station) TLX UCD PL7J P44M – Group (3 stations) TLX UCD3 PL7J P44M – PL7 Junior TSX Micro, software packages Premium, Atrium PCX Type Weight kg – (1) p in reference, defines the type of connecting cable PC/PLC (length 2.5 m) v P: TSX PCX 1031 cable for RS 232C port of PC, v PU: TSX PCX 3030 cable for USB port of PC. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 5/18 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com References (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro programming software Ensembles logiciels PL7 Pro Functions on PL7 Pro software are identical to those on PL7 Junior software. It also offers the user the possibility of creating his own function blocks (DFBs) and graphic runtime screens. Description For PLCs Type TSX Micro, Premium, Atrium PCX Single (1 station) Reference (1) TLX CD PL7P p44M Group (3 stations) TLX CD3 PL7P p44M – Single (1 station) TLX RCD PL7P P44M – Group (3 stations) TLX RCD3 PL7P P44M – Single (1 station) TLX UCD PL7P P44M – Group (3 stations) TLX UCD3 PL7P P44M – Type Reference PL7 TSX Micro Open Team TSX Micro software license Team (10 stations) (2) TLX OT PL7M P44M Weight kg – PL7 Pro Open Team software license TSX Micro, Premium, Atrium PCX Team (10 stations) (2) TLX OT PL7P P44M – PL7 Pro Open Site software license TSX Micro, Premium, Atrium PCX Site > 10 stations (2) TLX OS PL7P P44M – PL7 Pro Servi software license TSX Micro, Premium, Atrium PCX Client/server network TLX S PL7P P44M architecture server device. Use of the PL7 Pro via client station (Thin client) on network and with access rights. PL7 Pro software package Software updates for previous version of PL7 Pro TSX Micro, Premium, Atrium PCX Software upgrade packages from previous versions of PL7 Junior TSX Micro, Premium, Atrium PCX Weight kg – PL7 Micro/Pro software licenses Description For PLCs – 5 Separated elements Description Use Reference X-Way drivers package for Includes all X-Way drivers (see page 5/15) compatible PC Includes multilingual user documentation. Description Universal terminal port cable TLX CD DRV20M Weight kg – Used from processor to PC port Length Reference Mini-DIN port TSX Micro/Premium RS 232D (15-way SUB-D connector) 2.5 m TSX PCX 1031 Weight kg 0.170 USB Port 2.5 m TSX PCX 3030 0.150 TSX PCX 1031 Description Set of manuals PL7 software (in english) Description Reference Hard copy including PL7 reference manuals, functions, communication, converters and diagnostics TLX DOC PL7 44E Weight kg 3.410 (1) p in reference, defines the type of connecting cable PC/PLC (length 2.5 m) v P: TSX PCX 1031 cable for RS 232C port of PC, v PU: TSX PCX 3030 cable for USB port of PC. (2) Team user stations from the same geographical site. Presentation: page 5/5 Setup, language: pages 5/6 to 5/11 Functions: pages 5/12 to 5/15 Characteristics: pages 5/16 to 5/18 5/19 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, setup 0 PL7 SMC application converter software Presentation The application converter software for SMC PLCs is a PL7 Junior and PL7 Pro software option. It enables parts of, or in certain cases, the entire existing SMC PLC application to be reused with Micro/Premium PLCs. The converter generates instructions in PL7 language which are functionally identical to the original instructions. If the application has been archived using VPSOFT programming software (version 3.02 minimum) for SMC PLCs, it is possible to translate the program and comments and retrieve the entire database (variable symbols and comments). If this is not the case, the program only can still be converted once it has been transferred with VPSOFT software. Program conversion is possible for SMC 200/500, SMC 23/35 and SMC 50/600 PLC applications. The SMC converter provides the following functions: b Selection of the application in the directory where SMC applications are stored. b Selection of the program to be converted: sequences to be converted. b Code and data analysis: associations are suggested for SMC variables with PL7 correspondence (bits, words, double words or reals). b Code and variable conversion in order to generate a PL7 equivalent. b Report which shows the user the conversion success rate, associations and causes of non-conversion when applicable. b Target configuration for displaying or entering a configuration required for arranging variables in PL7. It is possible to convert only the SMC database. Software setup Once installed, the SMC converter is activated from PL7 (File/Convert command). Translated program modules are converted into an importable source format in a new PL7 application or in the current application. 5 A consistency check is performed with the current application configuration. It is also possible to modify the destination application while the converter is being used. Functions: page 5/21 Reference: page 5/21 5/20 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Functions, reference Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 SMC application converter software Functions Database conversion The converter is extremely easy to use. All or part of the symbolised database can be retrieved. Its reassignment services operate on individual data or blocks of data addresses. I/O reassignment: The converter in particular enables discrete I/O variables from an SMC PLC to be directly reassigned by module to TSX Micro/Premium PLC modules. It is also possible to merge objects from several SMC modules into a single Premium module (when using-modules with 64 channels for example). Program conversion The SMC sequential program conversion can be carried out on the entire program or on a selected part of the program. The result of the conversion is a PL7 format source file which can be imported into any task written in Ladder language. Once an analysis phase is completed, the software offers default correspondence and requests additional information when necessary. A conversion report provides the following information: b Result of the conversion for each instruction with the cause of non-conversion if applicable. b List of variable correspondence before and after conversion, including I/O reassignment. 5 Reference This software extension conforms to SMC PLC application conversion requirements using PL7 Junior and PL7 Pro setup software. It comprises: b A set of 3"1/2 disks. b A multilingual user manual (English, French and Spanish). Logiciel convertisseur d'applications pour automates SMC Description Function PL7 SMC application converter software Facilitates conversion of SMC 200/500 and SMC 25/35/50/600 applications to PL7 applications. Converts sequential information into Ladder language and data Target PLC extension PL7 Junior/Pro Micro/Premium Reference Weight kg TLX LC SMC PL7 40M 0.560 Rererence, setup: page 5/20 5/21 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Presentation, setup Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 DIF application comparison software Presentation PL7 DIF application comparison software for Premium platforms is an optional program which complements the PL7 Pro programming software. It is used to compare two PL7 applications generated by PL7 Pro and automatically provide an exhaustive list of all the differences between them. The PL7 DIF program increases productivity in the main life phases of a control system based on a Premium platform: b Application development and debugging. b Starting up installations and processes. b Operation and maintenance of installations and processes. PL7 DIF software is an efficient tool for handling PL7 applications for: b Control system design offices. b Operation and maintenance managers. b Installers and systems integrators. Software setup The PL7 DIF software can be used in one of two modes: b Interactive mode, when the comparison is launched by an operator command (double-click on the PL7Diff software icon). b “Batch” mode, when it is launched by a previously established call command. These comparison commands locate all the differences between two applications in terms of: 5 b b b b b b b The hardware configuration. The application access protection. The software structure with the section validation conditions. The application program regardless of the language(s) used. The function modules. The code for the DFB user function blocks. All the variables. The result of the comparison between the two applications can be: b Displayed. b Printed. b Saved in .txt format in a differences list. Comparison The end of the comparison operation is signalled by the appearance of the application browser with its three tabs. 1 1 Identification tab for accessing the characteristics of the two applications being compared. The differences are marked by the sign #. 2 Browser tab for accessing the application multilevel tree structure. 2 3 3 List tab for accessing: v Printing the comparison list, v Creating the comparison file. References: page 5/23 5/22 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Setup (continued), references 0 PL7 DIF application comparison software Setup (continued) Display of results The representation of the application multilevel tree structure, which can be accessed via the browser tab after launching a comparison, is annotated by 4 symbols in which the information associated with application 1 appear in blue and those associated with application 2 appear in red: This branch, found in this level of the tree structure, contains at least one difference This block contains at least one difference This section is only present in application 1 This section is only present in application 2 The programming language of this section differs between application 1 and application 2 In the example opposite, a difference on the rung causing changeover to manual mode is detected: 1 2 1 This line [7] displayed in blue belongs to application 1. 2 This line [7] displayed in red belongs to application 2. The source code extracts of both applications can be used to locate the differences precisely. 5 Printing a comparison list/creating a comparison file The list tab is the means of accessing the functions for printing a comparison list or creating a comparison file: Access to the list form for printing a comparison list (or creating a comparison file) Used to include the block selected in the tree structure in the comparison list (or the comparison file) Used to exclude the block selected in the tree structure of the comparison list (or the comparison file) Used to create the comparison list (or the comparison file) according to the selections above Starts printing the comparison list (or saving the comparison file) References This software extension can be used to compare two PL7 applications generated by PL7 Pro and designed for TSX Micro/Premium platforms. It comprises one CD-Rom (three disks), containing the PL7 DIF software with its documentation (English and French). A software subscription is available for this extension (please consult your Regional Sales Office). PL7 DIF application comparison software Function Target extension PLC target Using for comparing PL7 Pro applications generated TSX Micro/ by PL7 Pro version u V4 Premium Type of device Reference Weight kg 1 station TLX CD PL7 DIF 41 – 3 stations TLX CD3 PL7 DIF 41 – Presentation: page 5/22 5/23 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Presentation, setup Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 SDKC software Presentation C language function development software, also called SDKC, is a PL7 Micro, PL7 Junior and PL7 Pro software option. It enables new functions to be developed (internal code written in C language) and extends and completes the standard set of functions offered by PL7 software. SDKC software also integrates a creation and management service for families of functions, so they can be integrated in the PL7 library. Finally, it can be used to generate the function which ensures the protection of PL7 applications by reading a signature in the PCMCIA card inserted in the PLC. Setup C language development software is a genuine tool for managing the entire function which has been created: b A user-friendly creation interface, integrated in PL7, with automatic file organisation. b Powerful debug and test tools. b Management of compatibility and software version for the functions created. b Generation of disks for the subsequent installation of functions on other development stations. Management of function families The software enables different function families to be defined. These functions, also known as EF, are classed according to family, allowing the user to create a sequential library of functions written in C language. These functions, which will eventually form a part of the PL7 library, can be: b Used in all languages. b Displayed by the PL7 library tool. b Classed according to family/function. 5 The user has the following data at his disposal: b Date of creation and generation of the function. b The version number of the function family. Editing functions The various SDKC software editor tabs enable the user to create the function by: b Declaring the interface (name, type and comment) for each input, output or I/O parameter. b Writing the source code file in C language. b Declaring the constants as separate files. A function written in C language can access numerous internal PLC services such as real-time clock, PLC variables, system words, mathematical functions. In particular, it is possible to carry out numerical processing in floating point format, if the target PLC allows. Reference: page 5/25 5/24 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Setup (continued), reference Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 SDKC software Setup (continued) Debugging the functions The function created must be generated under the “debug” format to be tested. Once it has been inserted in an application and loaded to a PLC, the execution of a function can be checked using numerous debug tools. A specific function debug menu in C language accesses the following services: b b b b Breakpoint insertion. Step by step execution. Display of code with breakpoints shown. Display of data manipulations. Functions library enhancement After developing, generating, then debugging the function, the last step consists of generating a function family installation disk. This enables the function library on the user's programming terminal to be enhanced. Managing the versions allows the level of any functions installed on a station to be known at any time. These functions can be used in all PL7 languages. 5 Reference This software extension enables standard functions offered by PL7 Micro, PL7 Junior and PL7 Pro version > V4 software to be extended. It comprises: b A set of 3"1/2 disks. b A bilingual user manual (English and French). This software is supplied with a Microsoft Visual C++ software package registration card. PL7 SDKC procedure creation software Description Function Target PLC extension PL7 SDKC software Procedure written in PL7 Micro/ extension C language with Junior/Pro access to floating TSX Micro/ point functions Premium Debug in PLC Reference Weight kg 0.930 TLX L SDKC PL7 41M Presentation: page 5/24 5/25 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Presentation, setup Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 FUZ software for fuzzy logic processing Presentation PL7 FUZ software is a PL7 TSX Micro/Junior/Pro software option enabling fuzzy logic processing in order to optimise the control of processes from Micro and Premium PLCs. This is a software function which can be integrated in any PL7 program. lt includes setup and debug tools. This function is particularly suitable for controlling: b Systems which are difficult to model or non-linear systems, with wide variation of inputs or an insufficient sensor resolution. b Systems which are difficult to control and require experience and human intuition. It enables: b Boolean logic limits to be exceeded (true or false state). b The representation of physical measurements by gradual concepts. b Benefit to be gained from the expertise of operators when controlling a proces.s The fuzzy logic function is characterised by: b 5 physical measurements used as inputs (temperature, pressure, speed…). b 20 graphic related functions which allow the physical measurement inputs to be represented by predefined associated linguistic terms. A temperature will be represented for example by the terms: low, average, high according to the limits for the various terminals. b 25 linguistic rules which determine the state to be applied to the outputs (3 conditions and 2 conclusions per rule). b 4 numerical variables as outputs, results applying to the function input values b The possibility of debugging its control offline. Once inserted in a program, the fuzzy function can either operate in continuous mode (function executed on each scan) or on request (a single iteration on each execution). The operating mode enables the function to be used in automatic mode (calculation of the outputs depending on the state of the inputs) or in manual mode (applications with predefined output values). 5 Software setup The fuzzy logic function software is set up in 2 steps: b Integration of the fuzzy function in the application program, in the same way as any other standard function. b Setting the fuzzy function parameters using the setup screen. Integration in the program The fuzzy logic function is inserted in the program in all the available languages. The software checks the various function parameters: b The 5 input variables. b The 4 output variables (plus an error bit). b The internal variables necessary for the function to operate correctly. The function setup screen is used to access parameters (I/O), membership functions, linguistic rules, as well as debug functions. Membership functions The membership functions are described intuitively using a suitable layout. A membership function is characterised by: b The selection of one of the parameters (I/O). b The choice of associated linguistic terms from a library of terms predefined or created by the user. b The type of function to apply for the inputs (trapeze, triangle, etc) as well as its characteristic values and the functions to apply for the outputs (singleton). Reference: page 5/27 5/26 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Setup (continued), reference Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 PL7 FUZ software for fuzzy logic processing Setup software (continued) Linguistic rules Linguistic rules (25 maximum) enable experts' know-how to be transcribed using conditions/conclusions such as: If…Then… b The definition of a rule is made easier by selecting the input parameters (3 per rule). b By assigning one of the possible linguistic terms to each input. b By defining the outputs affected by this rule (2 per rule) as well as the associated linguistic terms. Simulation and debug The fuzzy function is easily debugged using the setup and debug screen, especially simplified by the possibility of simulating the operation offline. Offline simulation Once the parameter entry screens have been completed, it is possible to perform the fuzzy function operation offline. The debug screen offers the possibility of: b Forcing values for the various input variables. b Starting the simulation using the “Start” key. The results achieved are: The values which will be applied to the outputs in normal operation. The percentages obtained under the various rules. Debug in online mode In online mode the debug screen enables: b Display of the state of the I/O. b Access to the involvement percentages obtained under the various rules. 5 It can also: b Force the inputs for testing precise operating points. b Change to manual mode to apply predetermined values on the outputs. b Change the operating mode: on request, or continuously by defining a period of activation. Reference This software extension enables standard functions offered by PL7 Micro, PL7 Junior and PL7 Pro software to be extended into the domain of fuzzy logic. It comprises: b A set of 3"1/2 disks. b A multilingual user manual (English, French and German). Software for fuzzy logic processing Description PL7 FUZ software extension Presentation: page 5/26 Function Development and debugging of fuzzy logic applications. Defines the membership functions and fuzzy rules for the applications. Target PLC Reference Weight extension kg PL7 Micro/Junior/Pro TLX L PL7 FUZ 34M 0.560 TSX Micro/Premium Setup: page 5/26 5/27 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Presentation, description, functions 0 FTX 117 Adjust terminal Presentation The FTX 117 Adjust pocket terminal is used for adjusting Nano/Micro/Premium PLCs. It is used to: b Read, modify and force valid parameters. b Save and retrieve PLC object lists. b Up/down load programs and PLC data (one program and up to 10 data files per protected RAM memory PCMCIA card). The PLC provides the power supply to the FTX 117 Adjust terminal. Description The front panel of the FTX 117 Adjust terminal comprises: 1 1 A connector for connecting a T FTX CB1 020 cable to the PLC. 2 2 A back-lit screen with 4 lines of 16 alphanumeric characters. 3 A keypad with 35 keys. 3 4 A slot for the type 1 PCMCIA memory card. 5 5 Magnets on the rear of the terminal which are used to keep it in a vertical position on a metal support. 4 6 A carrying strap. 6 5 Functions All functions can be easily accessed at any moment using 7 editors with the following menus: b TSX: has menus for: v displaying the type of PLC, v modifying/displaying the PLC operating mode: RUN/STOP/ERR, v naming the application and the presence of forced bits, v module diagnostics, v setting the internal clock of the PLC. b DAT: data editor used to: v access all variables in real-time display, v modify or force valid variables, v access to the modification and display of Grafcet steps, v convert word objects into Hexadecimal, ASCII, decimal or binary code. b DT-i: object list editor used to: v display or modify a list of 16 variables, v store and retrieve an object list (63 lists maximum), v This function requires a PCMCIA card. b Frc: editor to find forced bits is used to: v find and display forced bits in the PLC. b FTX: terminal editor is used to: v show the terminal versio, v select the language (English, French, German, Italian Spanish), v adjust a beep sound and lighting. b Adr: connection editor used to access PLCs connected to the UNI-Telway bus (master or slave). b Trf: transfer editor requiring a PCMCIA RAM memory card. Used for transfers from PLCs to the PCMCIA card and vice versa, a program and one or more %MWi data files (up to 10 data files) via the FTX 117 terminal. TSX 0720-10 RUN ERR I/O APP : Exec f Mod0=OK Example of TSX editor %IW0.0 %IW0.0 %IW0.1 %IW0.0 0 0 200 0 Example of DAT editor Transfer list Format Card ADJ (max 62) : Example of DT-i editor %Q00 1f End of list Example of Frc editor References: page 5/29 Encombrements: page 5/29 5/28 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Function (continued), references, dimensions Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 FTX 117 Adjust terminal Functions (continued) Objects which can be accessed by the terminal Language element Inputs Outputs Type Symbol Action (1) Input bit %Ix.i R, W, F Input word (single, double) %IWi, %IDi (2) %Qx.i R, W Output bit Output word (single, double) Internal variables Internal bit %QWi, %QDi R, W (2) %Mi R, W, F (3) System bit/word (single, double) Grafcet objects Functions blocks R, W, F %Si, %SWi, %SDi Internal word (single, double, floating point) %MWi, %MDi (2), %MFi (2) Constant word (single, double, floating %KWi, %KDi point) (2), %KFi (2) Network common word %NW{i}k (2) R, W (4) Step state %Xi R, W (2) Step activity time %Xi, T (2) R, W R R, W Timer, monostable, register, up/dowm counter, drum controller Indirect access %TMi.z, R, %Mi.z, %Ri.z, W (dep. on %Ci.z, object) %DRi.z Use Reference References Description T FTX 117 ADJ 02 Description Weight kg T FTX 117 ADJ 02 0.380 Portable mini terminal (5) Adjustment of Nano/ LCD screen, 4 lines TSX Micro/Premium of 16 characters, 35key dust and damp proof keypad. Power supply via PLC terminal port Protected RAM memory type 1 PCMCIA cards Back up lists of PLC 32 K words T FTX RSM 3216 objects (28 K useful words) 128 K words T FTX RSM 12816 (123 K useful words) 0.060 Battery For RAM type PCMCIA memory card 0.010 – TSX BAT M01 5 0.060 Dimensions T FTX 117 ADJ 02 95 185 30 T FTX RSMpp16 25 80 (1) R : read, W : write, F : force. (2) On TSX Micro/Premium only. (3) No forcing on Nano. (4) Only certain system bits and words can be written. (5) Includes the cable for connecting to Nano/TSX Micro/Premium T FTX CB1 020 (2 m length) and multilingual installation guide. Presentation: page 5/28 Description: page 5/28 5/29 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Magelis display units and terminals Applications Display of text messages Type of unit Compact display units Display units Type Back-lit green LCD, height 5.5 mm or Back-lit green, orange or red LCD, height 4.34…17.36 mm Fluorescent green matrix (5 x 7 pixels), height 5 mm or Back-lit LCD (5 x 7 pixels), height 9 mm Back-lit monochrome matrix LCD (240 x 64 pixels), height 5.3 or 10.6 mm Capacity 2 lines of 20 characters or 1 to 4 lines of 5 to 20 characters 2 lines of 20 characters 4 to 8 lines of 20 to 40 characters Via keypad with 8 keys (4 with changeable legends) Display only or via keypad with 4 function keys + 1 service key or 5 service keys Application 512 Kb Flash 128 Kb/256 Kb Flash 384 Kb Flash EPROM Extension via type II PCMCIA – Maximum number of pages 128/200 application pages 256 alarm pages 100/200 application pages 128/256 alarm pages 256 print-out form pages (1) 600 application pages 256 alarm pages 256 print-out form pages (1) Variables per page Representation of variables 40…50 Alphanumeric Recipes Curves Alarm logs Real-time clock Alarm relay – – – Depending on model Access to the PLC real-time clock – No Asynchronous serial link Downloadable protocols RS 232 C/RS 485 Uni-Telway, Modbus RS 232 C/RS 485/RS 422 Uni-Telway, Modbus, AEG and for PLC brands: Allen Bradley, GE Fanuc, Omron, Siemens Bus and networks Printer link – – AS-i using 22.5 pitch module RS 232 C asynchronous serial link (1) Display Data entry 5 Memory capacity Functions Communication Display of text messages and/or semi-graphics 50 Alphanumeric, bargraph, gauge Development software XBT L1001 and XBT L1003 (under Windows 98, 2000 and XP) Operating systems Magelis Type of terminal XBT N Pages (1) Depending on model XBT H XBT HM Consult our “Operator dialogue terminals” catalogue 5/30 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Display of text messages Control and parametering of data Display of text messages and/or semi-graphics Control and parametering of data Terminals Fluorescent green matrix (5 x 7 pixels), height 5 mm or Back-lit LCD (5 x 7 pixels), height 9 mm Fluorescent green matrix (5 x 7 pixels), height 5 mm or Back-lit LCD (5 x 7 pixels), height 5 mm Back-lit monochrome matrix LCD (240 x 64 pixels), height 5.3 or 10.6 mm 2 lines of 20 characters 2 or 4 lines of 40 characters 4 to 8 lines of 20 to 40 characters Via keypad with 8 function keys + 9 service keys or keypad with 12 function keys + 10 service keys + 12 numeric keys Via keypad with 24 function keys + 10 service keys + 12 alphanumeric keys Via keypad with 12 function keys 10 service keys 12 numeric keys 4 soft function keys 256 Kb Flash EPROM 384 Kb Flash EPROM 512 Kb Flash EPROM 800 application pages 256 alarm pages 256 print-out form pages (1) 800 application pages 256 alarm pages 256 print-out form pages (1) 5 – 400 application pages 256 alarm pages 256 print-out form pages (1) 50 Alphanumeric – – Depending on model Access to the PLC real-time clock No Alphanumeric, bargraph, gauge Built-in Yes Access to the PLC real-time clock No RS 232 C/RS 485/RS 422 Uni-Telway, Modbus, AEG and for PLC brands: Allen Bradley, GE Fanuc, Omron, Siemens AS-i using 22.5 pitch module RS 232 C asynchronous serial link (1) – AS-i using 22.5 pitch module XBT L1001 and XBT L1003 (under Windows 98, 2000 and XP) Magelis XBT P XBT E XBT PM Consult our “Operator dialogue terminals” catalogue 5/31 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Selection guide Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Magelis graphic terminals and stations Applications Display of text messages and graphic objects Control and parametering of data Type of unit Graphic terminals Display Type Back-lit monochrome LCD (320 x 240 pixels) or Colour LCD STN with touch-sensitive screen (320 x 240 pixels) with optimum viewing angle (1) Capacity 5.7" Data entry Via touch-sensitive screen 4 tactile feedback keys (XBT-FC) 5 Memory capacity Functions Communication Application 8 Mb Flash EPROM (via PCMCIA type II card) Extension By PCMCIA type II card, 8 or 16 Mb Maximum number of pages 50 to 720 application, alarm, help and print-out form pages depending on the memory card used (512 alarms maximum) Variables per page Representation of variables 64 Alphanumeric, bitmap, bargraph, gauge, potentiometer, selector Recipes Curves Alarm logs Real-time clock Alarm relay 125 records maximum with 5000 values maximum 16 Yes Access to the PLC real-time clock Yes Asynchronous serial link Downloadable protocols RS 232 C/RS 485/RS 422 Uni-Telway, Modbus, AEG and for PLC brands: Allen Bradley, GE Fanuc, Omron, Siemens Bus and networks Modbus Plus, Fipio/Fipway with add-on PCMCIA type III card, Ethernet 10/100 TCP/IP (1) (2) Printer link RS 232 C asynchronous serial link (depending on model) Development software XBT L1003 (under Windows 98, 2000 and XP) Operating systems Magelis Type of terminal XBT F01/F03/FC Pages Via keypad with 10 static function keys 8 soft function keys 12 service keys 12 alphanumeric keys Consult our “Operator dialogue terminals” catalogue (1) Depending on model. (2) TCP/IP with Modbus protocol for XBT F. TCP/IP with X-Way protocol for TXBT F. 5/32 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 Dialogue applications with combined processing New Technology touch-sensitive graphic terminals Graphic stations Back-lit monochrome LCD (640 x 480 pixels) Back-lit monochrome (blue or black and white Back-lit colour LCD TFT (640 x 480 or Back-lit colour LCD TFT (640 x 480 pixels) with optimum viewing angle mode) or colour LCD STN or LCD TFT (320 x 240 pixels) (1) pixels) or Back-lit colour LCD TFT (640 x 480 pixels or 800 x 600 pixels) or Back-lit colour LCD STN (640 x 480 pixels) 9.5" (monochrome) 10.4" (colour) Via touch-sensitive screen 8, 12 or 16 tactile feedback keys (XBT-FC) (1) Via keypad with 12 static function keys 10 soft function keys 12 service keys 12 alphanumeric keys 5.7" (monochrome or colour) 7.4", 10.4" and 12.1" (colour) 10.4" (colour) Via touch-sensitive screen (1) Via keypad with 12 static function keys 10 soft function keys 14 service keys 15 alphanumeric keys Pointing device External keypad connection 4…8 Mb 1 (1) 1.6 Gb (hard disk) By "Compact Flash" card, 16 or 32 Mb By PCMCIA type II card, 8 or 16 Mb 30 to 480 application, alarm, help and print-out form pages depending on Limited by the internal Flash memory capacity or the memory card used "Compact Flash" card memory capacity (512 alarms maximum) XBT F02/F03/FC 5 Limited by hard disk capacity (1024 alarms maximum) Unrestricted Alphanumeric, bitmap, bargraph, gauge, button, light, clock, flashing light, keypad 128 Alphanumeric, bitmap, bargraph, gauge, potentiometer, selector – Yes, with log 32 Built-in – Yes RS 232 C/RS 485 Uni-Telway (3), Modbus, Modbus TCP/IP RS 232 C/RS 485/RS 422 Uni-Telway (3), Modbus Ethernet (1), IEEE 802.3 10 BaseT, RJ 45 For future use Modbus Plus, Fipio/Fipway with add-on PCMCIA type III card, Ethernet 10/100 TCP/IP (1) (2) Parallel link VJD SPUL FUCDV10M (under Windows 2000 and XP) Magelis (CPU 100 MHz RISC) XBT L1003 (under Windows 98, 2000 and XP) Windows 95 (4) XBT G TXBT F Consult our “Operator dialogue terminals” catalogue (3) Uni-Telway version V2 for Nano/Micro/Premium PLCs. (4) Depending on model, the TXBT F station incorporates an Atrium PCX 57 coprocessor. 5/33 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com 0 6 6/0 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Contents 6 - Services 0 6 - Services b Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/2 b Power consumption of TSX Micro PLC modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/4 b Standards, certifications and environment conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/6 b Automation product certifications and community regulations . . . . . . . . page 6/8 b Schneider Electric worldwide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/10 b Product references index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6/16 6 6/1 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com References Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Documentation PLC products generally include: b A multilingual installation guide in B7 format (128 x 92 mm) for TSX PLC bases and their modules. b An installation and start-up manual for PL7 software, in A5 format (216 x 181 mm). A multilingual contextual on-line help is included with PL7 software. The paper version of the hardware and software installation manuals should be ordered separately. Documentation on CD-Rom (in english) Description TSX technical documentation Composition Reference (1) Includes all documentation for TSX CD D MTE 13E PLCs, software, networks, buses and terminals Weight kg 0.120 Documentation (paper edition) (in english) PLCs Description Included with product Reference (1) TSX DM 37 50E Weight kg 0.660 Premium PLC hardware To be ordered separately installation: bases, discrete I/O modules, applicationspecific modules, Telefast 2, process and AS-Interface bus supplies TSX DM 57 43E 0.740 Nano PLC programming and installation TLX DM 07 117E 0.265 TLX DM 07 DSE 0.320 Micro PLC hardware To be ordered separately installation: bases, discrete I/O modules, applicationspecific modules, Telefast 2, process and AS-Interface bus supplies 6 T FTX 117 071E (FTX 117 terminal) TLX L PL7 07p30E (PL7-07 logiciel) PL7 software Description Included with product Set of manuals PL7 software (reference, application-specific functions, converters, operating screens, diagnostics) To be ordered separately Reference (1) TLX DOC PL7 44E Weight kg 3.410 Reference (1) TMX DM M17 W V6E Weight kg 0.340 Terminals Description Included with product Designing CCX 17 applications under Windows TMX LP M17 XWF 6EF (1) For documentation in french, german, spanish, etc., please consult your Regional Sales Office. 6/2 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com References (continued) Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Documentation Documentation in bound A5 format (in english) Buses and networks Description Included with product Reference (1) TSX DR NET E Weight kg 0.320 X-Way communication reference manual To be ordered separately Buses and network wiring To be ordered separately guide TSX DG KBL E 0.160 Fipway network installation and setup To be ordered separately TSX DG FPW E 0.140 Fipio bus reference manual To be ordered separately TSX DR FIP E 0.230 Fipio/Fipway fibre optic transceiver setup To be ordered separately TSX DM OZD 01E 0.110 Modbus Plus network installation guide To be ordered separately 890 USE 100 00 0,140 Uni-Telway bus installation and setup To be ordered separately TSX DG UTW E 0.060 6 Modbus bus user manual To be ordered separately TSX DG MDB E 0.040 (1) For documentation in french, german, spanish, etc., please consult your Regional Sales Office. 6/3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Power consumption of TSX Micro PLC modules The power supplies incorporated into TSX Micro PLC bases have sufficient nominal power to enable them to activate 60% of discrete inputs and/or outputs simultaneously at state 1. At peak power, these power supplies can activate 100% of discrete inputs and/or outputs simultaneously at state 1 without tripping. Note: b Base supplied in a.c., c 24 V process power supply must be used for the mini extension rack when this supports analogue I/O modules and relay output modules. b Base supplied in d.c., providing c 24 V voltage for the mini extension rack, even if this supports analogue I/O modules and relay output modules. For configurations near the limit, it is however necessary to establish the power consumption using the table below. Reference Format Number 1/2 : half S : standard Nominal currents consumed in mA (1) Voltage c 5 V Voltage c 24 VR Module Total Module Total Voltage c 24 V (2) Module Total Discrete inputs TSX DEZ 12D2K TSX DEZ 32D2 TSX DEZ 12D2 positive logic inputs negative logic inputs TSX DEZ 08A4 TSX DEZ 08A5 1/2 S 1/2 20 60 20 1/2 1/2 20 20 TSX DSZ 08T2K TSX DSZ 08T2 TSX DSZ 32T2 TSX DSZ 04T22 TSX DSZ 08T5 TSX DSZ 32T5 1/2 1/2 S 1/2 1/2 S 46/56 46/56 106/146 30 25 50 TSX DMZ 16DTK TSX DMZ 28DTK TSX DMZ 28DT TSX DMZ 28DR positive logic inputs negative logic inputs TSX DMZ 28AR TSX DMZ 64DTK 1/2 S S S 46/56 56/68 56/68 45 76/104 170/254 87/123 83/107 Discrete outputs 35/38 35/38 72/94 32/36 55/85 115/175 125/175 Discrete I/O 6 85/125 106/160 95/131 S S 40 110/152 1/2 20 TSX AEZ 801 TSX AEZ 802 TSX AEZ 414 TSX ASZ 401 TSX ASZ 200 TSX AMZ 600 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 30 30 40 30 30 30 TSX CTZ 1A TSX CTZ 1B TSX CTZ 2A TSX CTZ 2AA 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 100 100 100 120 Preventa safety module TSX DPZ 10D2A 55/76 104/132 104/132 85/125 147/197 Analogue I/O 60 60 85 90 150 180 Counting/positioning Total (to report page 6/5) 15 15 15 15 Total current (mA) (1) The first value corresponds to the module consumption with 60% of inputs and/or outputs at state 1 simultaneously. The second value is for 100% of inputs and/ or outputs at state 1. (2) c 24 V sensor voltage, provided by the a 100…240 V power supply on basic configurations, is limited to supplying approx. 100 inputs. In excess of this, use a process power supply (see page 2/61). 6/4 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Power consumption of TSX Micro PLC modules Reference Format Number 1/2 : half S : standard Nominal currents consumed in mA (1) Voltage c 5 V Voltage c 24 VR Module Total Module Total Voltage c 24 V (2) Module Total Report Communication TSX CPP 110 TSX ETZ 410/510 TSX STZ 10 TSX SAZ 10 (3) TSX SCP 111 TSX SCP 112 TSX SCP 114 TSX FPP 10/20 TSX MBP 100 TSX P ACC 01 – (4) 1/2 1/2 – – – – – – 60 130 100 140 120 150 330 220 150 FTX ADJ 117 02 XBT H811050 – – 310 150 Terminals Consumption by voltage Total current (mA) a power supplies Nominal current Peak current – 2800 3200 500 600 400 600 c power supplies Nominal current Peak current – 2800 3200 – – – – (1) The first value corresponds to the module consumption with 60% of inputs and/or outputs at state 1 simultaneously. The second value is for 100% of inputs and/ or outputs at state 1. (2) c 24 V sensor voltage, provided by the a 100…240 V power supply on basic configurations, is limited to supplying approx. 100 inputs. In excess of this, use a process power supply (see page 2/61). (3) (Consumption on c 30 V of the power supply for the AS-i bus : 50 mA typical (100 mA max). (4) External module to be supplied with c 24 V: 100 mA typical (200 mA max). 6 6/5 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform Standards and certifications 0 Standards, certifications and environment conditions Standards and certifications Modicon TSX Micro PLCs have been developed to conform to the principal national and international standards concerning electronic equipment for industrial automation systems. b Requirements specific to programmable controllers: functional characteristics, immunity, resistance, safety, etc.: IEC 61131-2, CSA 22.2 N° 142, UL 508. b Merchant navy requirements of the main international bodies: ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LR, RINA, RMRS, etc. b Compliance with European Directives: v Low Voltage: 73/23/EEC amendment 93/68/EEC, v Electromagnetic Compatibility: 89/336/EEC amendments 92/31/EEC and 93/68/ EEC. b Electrical qualities and self-extinguishing capacity of insulating materials: UL 746C, UL 94. b Hazardous areas classification: CSA 22.2 No. 213 Class I, Division 2 II , groups A, B, C and D . Characteristics Service conditions and recommendations relating to environment Temperature Operation °C 0...+ 60 (to IEC 61131-2, + 5...+ 55) 0...+ 70 with TSX FAN fan modules Storage °C -25...+ 70 (according to IEC 61131-2) Relative humidity Operation % 10…95 without condensation Storage % 5…95 without condensation (according to IEC 61131-2) Altitude m 0…2000 Supply voltage TSX 37 10/21/22 1pp TSX 37 05/08/10/21/22 0pp Nominal voltage V c 24 a 100...240 Limit voltages c 19..30 a 90...264 Nominal frequencies Hz – 50/60 Limit frequencies Hz – 47/63 Protective treatment of Modicon TSX Micro PLCs TSX Micro PLCs meet the requirements of "TC" treatment (Treatment for all Climates). For installations in industrial production workshops or environments corresponding to "TH" treatment (Treatment for Hot and humid environments), TSX Micro PLCs must be embedded in envelopes with a minimum IP 54 protection, in compliance with IEC 60664 and NF C 20 040. 6 TSX Micro PLCs themselves offer protection to IP 20 level (1). They can therefore be installed without an envelope in reserved-access areas which do not exceed pollution level 2 (control room with no dust-producing machine or activity). The pollution level 2 does not take account of more severe environmental conditions: air pollution by dust, smoke, corrosive or radioactive particles, vapours or salts, attack by fungi, insects, ... Environment tests Name of test Standards Levels Immunity to LF interference (e) (2) Voltage and frequency variation IEC/EN 61131-2 Direct voltage variation Harmonic 3 Short momentary interrupt Voltage shut-down/start-up IEC/EN 61131-2 IEC/EN 61131-2 IEC/EN 61131-2 IEC/EN 61131-2 0.85 Un/0.95 Fn for 30 minutes; 1.15 Un/1.05 Fn for 30 minutes; 0.8 Un/0.9 Fn for 5 seconds; 1.2 Un/1.1 Fn for 5 seconds 0.85 Un...1.2 Un for 30 minutes with 5% ripple (peak values) 10 % Un; 0°/5 min...180°/5 min 10 ms with a supply; 1 ms with c supply Un-0-Un; Un for 60 s; 3 cycles separated by 10 s Un-0-Un; Un for 5 s; 3 cycles separated by 1 to 5 s Un-0.9-Udl; Un for 60 s; 3 cycles separated by 1 to 5 s Where: Un: nominal voltage Fn: nominal frequency Udl: detection level when powered (e): tests required by European directives e and based on IEC / EN 61131-2 standards. (5) In the case where a position is not occupied by a module, a TSX RAZ 01 protection cover must be installed. (6) Devices must be installed and wired in compliance with the instructions provided in the TSX DG KBL E manual "Electromagnetic compatibility of networks and field buses". 6/6 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Environment tests Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Standards, certifications and environment conditions Name of test Standards Levels Immunity to HF interference. (e) (1) Damped oscillatory wave IEC 61000-4-12 Electrical fast transient bursts IEC 61000-4-4 Surge IEC 61000-4-5 Electrostatic discharges Radiated electromagnetic field IEC 61000-4-2 IEC 61000-4-3 Conducted interference induced IEC 61000-4-6 by radiated field a / c supply: 1kV in serial mode Discrete I/O u 24V: 1 kV in serial mode a / c supply: 2 kV in wire/common mode Discrete I/O > 48V: 2 kV in common mode; other ports: 1 kV in common mode a / csupply: 2 kV in wire mode/1 kV in serial mode; Discrete I/O a: 2 kV in wire mode/1 kV in serial mode; Discrete I/O c: 2 kV in wire mode/0.5 kV in serial mode; shielded cable: 1 kV in common mode 6 kV contact, 8 kV air 10 V/m; 80 MHz...2 GHz Sinusoidal modulation amplitude 80 %/1 kHz 10 V/0,15 MHz...80 MHz Sinusoidal modulation amplitude 80%/1 kHz Electromagnetic emissions (e) (1) (2) Interference voltage IEC 61000-6-4 Interference field IEC 61000-6-4 Class A 150 kHz...500 kHz quasi-peak 79 dB (µV); average 66 dB (µV) 500 kHz...30 MHz quasi-peak 73 dB (µV); average 60 dB (µV) Class A, 10 m measurement 30 MHz...230 MHz quasi-peak 40 dB (µV); 230 MHz...1 GHz quasi-peak 47 dB (µV) Immunity to climatic variations Dry heat Cold Continuous humid heat IEC 60068-2-2 Bd IEC 60068-2-1 Ad IEC 60068-2-3 Ca Cyclical humid heat Cyclical temperature variations IEC 60068-2-3 Db IEC 60068-2-14 Nb Temperature Rise IEC 61131-2/UL 508 CSA 22-2 No.142 60 ° C for 16 hours (D.O); 40 ° C for 16 hours (D.C) 0 ° C for 16 hours 60 ° C with 93 % relative humidity/96 hours (D.O); 40 ° C with 93...95 % relative humidity/96 hours (D.C); [55 ° C (D.O)/40 ° C (D.O)] - 25 ° C with 93...95 % relative humidity; 2 cycles: 12 hours/12 hours 0 ° C...60 ° C/5 cycles: 6 hours/6 hours (D.O) 0 ° C...40 ° C/5 cycles: 6 hours/6 hours (D.C) Ambient temperature: 60 ° C Withstand to climatic variations Dry heat (power off) Cold (power off) Humid heat (power off) IEC 60068-2-2 Bb IEC 60068-2-1 Ab IEC 60068-2-30 dB Heat shocks when not operational IEC 60068-2-14 Na 70 ° C for 96 hours -25 ° C for 96 hours 60 ° C-25 ° C with 93...95 % relative humidity; 2 cycles: 12 hours/12 hours - 25 ° C...70 ° C; 2 cycles: 3 hours/3 hours Immunity to mechanical constraints Sinusoidal vibrations Shocks IEC 60068-2-6 Fc IEC 60068-2-6 Fc IEC 60068-2-27 Ea 3 Hz...100 Hz/1 mm amplitude/0.7 g; endurance: fr/90 min/axis (application coefficient < 10) 10...150 Hz/150 µm amplitude/2 g; endurance: 10 cycles of 1 octave/min 15 g-11 ms; 3 shocks/direction/axis 6 Withstand to mechanical constraints Flat freefall Controlled position freefall Random freefall, equipment in packaging IEC 60068-2-32 Ed IEC 60068-2-31 Ec IEC 60068-2-32 method 1 10 cm/2 falls 30 ° or 10 cm/2 falls 1 m/5 falls Equipment and personnel safety (1) c 24 V supply: no isolation; a 100/220V supply: 2,000 V rms Dielectric strength and insulation UL 508/CSA 22-2 No.14 Discrete I/O u 48 V: 500 V rms; Discrete I/O > 48 V: 2,000 V rms; > 10 MΩ resistance (e) IEC 60950 Continuity of earth(e) UL 508 < 0,1 Ω/30 A/2 min CSA 22-2 No.142 Leakage current (e) CSA 22-2 No.142/IEC 60950 < 3.5 mA fixed device Protection offered by enclosures CSA 22-2 No.142 IP 20 (e) IEC 60950 Withstand to impacts CSA 22-2 No.142/IEC 60950 500 g sphere: fall from 1.3 m D.O: Device Open (device to be embedded in an envelope; D.C: Device Closed (device can be installed without envelope), see (1) page 6/6 (e): tests required by European directives e. and based on IEC / EN 61131-2 standards. (1) Devices must be installed and wired in compliance with the instructions provided in the TSX DG KBL E manual "Electromagnetic compatibility of networks and field buses". (2) These tests are performed without a cabinet, with devices fixed on a metal grid and wired as per the recommendations in the industrial TSX DG KBL E manual "Electromagnetic compatibility of networks and field buses". 6/7 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Automation products certifications In some countries, certification of certain electrical components is enforced by law. A standard conformity certificate is then issued by the official organization. Each certified product must carry approval symbols when enforced. Use on board merchant navy vessels generally requires prior approval (= certification) of an electrical device by certain marine classification authorities. Key CSA C-Tick GOST UL Key ABS BV DNV GL LR RINA RMRS Certification body Canadian Standards Association Australian Communication Authority Institut de recherche Scientifique Gost Standardt Underwriters Laboratories Classification authority American Bureau of Shipping Bureau Veritas Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd Lloyd's Register Registro Italiano Navale Register of Shipping Country Canada Australia C.I.S., Russia USA Country USA France Norway Germany United-Kingdom Italiy C.I.S. The table below shows the situation as of the 01.05.2002 for certifications obtained or pending from organizations for base PLCs. An overview of certificates for Telemecanique products is available on our Internet web site : www.telemecanique.com Product certifications Certifications C-Tick Certified Pending certification 6 Advantys STB CCX 17 Lexium MHD/BPH Magelis iPC Magelis XBT-F/FC Magelis XBT-G/H/P/E/HM/PM Momentum Nano Premium Quantum TBX Telefast 2 TSX Micro TSX/PMX 47 à 107 Twido Twin Line UL CSA ACA SIMTARS GOST USA Canada Australia Australia CEI, Russia Hazardous locations Class 1, div 2 (1) US (1) (1) Hazardous locations: CSA 22.2 no. 213, certified products are suitable for use in Class I, division 2, groups A, B, C and D or non-hazardous locations only. (2) cULus north-american certification (Canada and US). Specific certifications BG Germany AS-Interface Europe TSX DPZ 10D2A safety module (TSX Micro) TSX PAY 262/282 safety modules (Premium) TSX SAZ 10 master module (TSX Micro) TSX SAY 100/1000 master modules (Premium) TBX SAP 10 Fipio bus/AS-Interface bus gateway 6/8 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Modicon TSX Micro automation platform 0 Automation products certifications Community regulations Marine classification Marine classification des authorities Certified Pending certification ABS BV DNV GL LR USA France Norway Germany Unit.-Kingdom Italiy RINA RMRS C.I.S. Advantys STB CCX 17 Lexium MHD/BPH Magelis iPC Magelis XBT-F/FC Magelis XBT-H/P/E/HM/PM Momentum Nano Premium Quantum TBX Telefast 2 TSX Micro TSX/PMX 47 à 107 Twido Twin Line Community regulations European directives The opening of European markets implies a harmonization of regulations in the various European Union member states. European Directives are documents used to remove obstacles to the free movement of goods and their application is compulsory in all states of the European Union. Member states are obliged to transcribe each Directive into their national legislation and, at the same time, to withdraw any conflicting regulations. The Directives, particularly those of a technical nature with which we are concerned, only set objectives, called “general requirements”. The manufacturer must take all necessary measures to ensure that his products conform to the requirements of each Directive relating to his equipment. As a general rule, the manufacturer affirms that his product conforms to the necessary requirements of the Directive(s) by applying the e label to his product. e marking is applied to Telemecanique products where relevant. 6 The significance of e marking b e marking on a product means that the manufacturer certifies that his product conforms to the relevant European Directives ; it is necessary in order that a product which is subject to a Directive(s) can be marketed and freely moved within the European Union. b e marking is intended solely for the national authorities responsible for market regulation. For electrical equipment, only conformity of the product to standards indicates that it is suitable for use, and only a guarantee by a recognised manufacturer can ensure a high level of quality. One or more Directives, as appropriate, may apply to our products, in particular : b The Low Voltage Directive 72/23/EEC amended by Directive 93/68/EEC : e marking under the terms of this Directive is compulsory as of 1 January 1997. b The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC, amended by Directives 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC : e marking on the products covered by this Directive has been compulsory since 1 January 1996. 6/9 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Schneider Electric worldwide 0 Up-dated: 28-07-2003 Afghanistan Contacts are assured by Albania Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Austria Algeria b Schneider Electric voie A Lot C22 Zone industrielle Rouiba - Alger Andorra Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric France Angola Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric South Africa Anguilla Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Antartica Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Brazil Antigua & Barbuda Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Argentina b Schneider Argentina Viamonte 2850 - 1678 Caseros (provincia Buenos Aires) Armenia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Russian Fed. Aruba Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Australia b Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty. 2 Solent Circuit Limited Austria 6 b Schneider Austria Ges.m.b.H. Schneider Electric India Norwest Business Park Baulkham Hill _ NSW 2153 Birostrasse 11 1239 Wien Tel. : +213 21 92 97 02 à 09 Fax : +213 21 92 97 00 à 01 Tel.: +54 1 716 88 88 Fax: +54 1 716 88 33 www.schneider-electric.com.ar Tel.: +61 298 51 28 00 Fax: +61 296 29 83 40 www.schneider.com.au Tel.: +431 610 540 Fax: +431 610 54 54 www.schneider-electric.at www.squared.com Azerbaijan Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Russian Fed. Bahamas b Schneider Electric Union Village PO Box 3901 - Nassau Tel. : +1 242 327 42 91 Fax : +1 242 327 42 91 Bahrain b Schneider Electric Floor 1 - Juma Building Abu Horaira Avenue PO Box 355 - 304 Manama Tel.: +97 322 7897 Fax: +97 321 8313 Bangladesh Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric India Barbados Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Belarus b Schneider Electric Industries SA Prospect Macherova 5, of. 202 220004 Minsk Tel. : +375 172 23 75 50 Fax : +375 172 23 97 61 Belgium b Schneider Electric nv/sa Dieweg 3 B - 1180 Brussels Tel.: +3223737711 Fax: +3223753858 www.schneider-electric.be Belize Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric USA Benin Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Ivory Coast Bermuda Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Bhutan Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric India Bolivia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Chile Bosnia and Herzegovina Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Croatia Botswana Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric South Africa Bouvet island Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Brazil b Schneider Electric Brazil Ltda. Avenida Das Nações Unidas 23223 Jurubatuba - CEP 04795-907 São Paulo-SP Tel.: +55 55 24 52 33 Fax: +55 55 22 51 34 www.schneider-electric.com.br Tel.: +3592 919 42 Fax: +3592 962 44 39 www.schneiderelectric.bg Brunei (Darussalam) Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Singapore Bulgaria b Schneider Electric Expo 2000, Boulevard Vaptzarov 1407 Sofiav Burkina Faso Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Ivory Coast Burundi Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Kenya Cambodia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Viet Nam Cameroon b Schneider Electric Cameroon 166, rue de l'Hôtel de Ville BP12087 - Douala Tel.: +237 343 38 84 Fax: +237 343 11 94 Canada b Schneider Canada 19, Waterman Avenue M4 B1Y2 Toronto - Ontario Tel.: +1 416 752 8020 Fax: +1 416 752 4203 Cape Verde Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Senegal Caribee Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Cayman islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Central African Republic Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Cameroon Chad Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Cameroon Chile b Schneider Electric Chile S.A. Avda. Pdte Ed. Frei Montalva, 6001-31 Tel.: +56 2 444 3000 Conchali - Santiago Fax: +56 2 423 9335 www.schneider-electric.co.cl China b Schneider Beijing Landmark bldg-Room 1801 8 North Dong Sanhuan Rd Chaoyang District 100004 Beijing www.schneider-electric.com.cn Tel.: +86 10 65 90 69 07 Fax: +86 10 65 90 00 13 www.schneider-electric.ca 6/10 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Schneider Electric worldwide 0 Up-dated: 28-07-2003 Christmas island Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Cocos (Keeling) islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Colombia b Schneider Electric de Colombia Calle 45A #102-48 Bogota DC S.A. Tel.: +57 1 426 97 00 Fax: +57 1 426 97 40 Comoros Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric la Reunion Congo Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Cameroon Cook islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Costa Rica b Schneider Centroamérica Ltda. 1.5 kmts oeste de la Embajada Americana, Pavas, San José, Costa Rica C.A. Apartado: 4123-1000 San Jose Tel.: +506 232-60-55 Fax: +506 232-04-26 Croatia b Schneider Electric SA Fallerovo Setaliste 22 HR - 10000 Zagreb Tel.: +385 1 367 100 Fax: +385 1 367 111 Cuba b Schneider Electric Bureau de Liaison de La Havane Calle 36- N°306-Apto1 Entre 3ra y 5ta Avenida Miramar Playa Habana Tel.: +53 724 15 59 Fax: +53 724 12 17 Cyprus b Schneider Electric Cyprus 28 General Timayia Avenue Kyriakos Building, Block #A301 Larnaca 6046 Tel.: +00357 248 12646 Fax: +00357 246 37382 Czech Republic b Schneider Electric CZ, s.r.o. Thámova 13 Praha 8 - 186 00 Tel.: +420 2 810 88 111 Fax: +420 2 24 81 08 49 www.schneider-electric.cz Tel.: +45 44 73 78 88 Fax: +45 44 68 5255 www.schneider-electric.dk Democratic Rep. of Congo Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Cameroon Denmark b Schneider Electric A/S Baltorpbakken 14 DK-2750 Ballerup Djibouti Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Egypt Dominican Republic b Schneider Electric Calle Jacinto Manon Esq. Federico Geraldino Edificio D' Roca Plaza Suite 402, Ens. Paraiso - Santo Domingo Ecuador b Schneider Electric Ecuador SA Av.Republica del Salvador 1082 y Nac Tel. : +593 2 224 42 42 Edificio Mansion Blanca-Quito Fax : +593 2 224 42 94 Egypt b Schneider Electric Egypt sae 68, El Tayaran Street Nasr City, 11371 - Cairo El Salvador Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric USA Equatorial Guinea Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Cameroon www.schneider-ca.com Tel.: +1 809 334 66 63 Fax: +1 809 334 66 68 Tel.: +20 24 01 01 19 Fax: +20 24 01 66 87 www.schneider.com.eg Eritrea Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Egypt Estonia b Lexel Electric Ehitajate tee 110 EE 12618 Talinn Ethiopia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Egypt Falkland islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Brazil Faroe islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Fiji Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Finland b Schneider Electric Oy Sinimäentie 14 02630 Espoo Tel. : +358 9 527 000 Fax : +358 9 5270 0376 www.schneider-electric.fi France b Schneider Electric SA 5, rue Nadar 92500 Rueil Malmaison Tel.: +33 (0)1 41 29 82 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 47 51 80 20 www.schneider-electric.fr French Polynesia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia French West Indies Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Gabon Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Cameroon Gambia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Senegal Georgia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Russian Fed. Germany b Schneider Electric GmbH Gothaer Straße 29 D-40880 Ratingen Tel.: +49210 240 40 Fax: +492 10 240 49 256 www.schneiderelectric.de Ghana b Schneider Electric Ghana PMB Kia 3rd Floor Opeibea House Airport Commercial Center Liberation road - Accra Tel. : +233 21 70 11 687 Fax : +233 21 77 96 22 Gilbraltar Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Spain Greece b Schneider Electric AE 14th km - RN Athens-Lamia GR - 14564 Kifissia Greenland Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Grenada Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Guadeloupe Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Martinique Guam Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia 6 Tel. : +372 650 97 00 Fax : +372 650 97 22 Tel.: +302 106 29 52 00 Fax: +302 106 29 52 10 www.schneider-electric.com.gr 6/11 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Schneider Electric worldwide 0 Up-dated: 28-07-2003 Guatemala Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Guinea-Bissau Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Sénégal Guinea Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Ivory Coast Guyana Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Haiti Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Heard & Mac Donald isl. Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Honduras Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Hong Kong b Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Room 3108-28, 31th Floor, Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Wanchai Tel.: +852 25 65 06 21 Fax: +852 28 11 10 29 Fehérvári út 108 – 112 H-1116 Budapest Tel.: +36 1 382 26-06 Fax: +36 1 206 1429 www.schneider-electric.hu Ltd Hungary b Schneider Electric Hungária Villamossági Rt. Iceland Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Denmark India b Schneider Electric India Max House, 1 Dr Jha Marg, Okhla 110 020 New Dehli Tel. : +91 11 631 85 84 Tel. : +91 11 631 71 61 www.schneiderelectric-in.com Indonesia b P.T. Schneider Indonesia Ventura Building 7th Floor Jalan R.A. Kartini Kav.26 Cilandak - 12430 Jakarta Tel.: +62 +21 750 44 06 Fax: +62 +21 750 44 15/ 16 www.schneider-electric.co.id Iran (Islamic Republic of) b Telemecanique Iran 1047 Avenue VALI ASSR P.O. Box 15875-3547 15116 Teheran Tel.: +98 218 71 01 42 Fax: +98 218 71 81 87 Irak b Schneider Electric Industries SA 38050 Grenoble Cedex 9 Tel.: +33 04 76 60 54 27 Fax: +33 04 76 60 56 60 Ireland b Schneider Electric Ireland Maynooth Road Cellbridge - Co. Kildare Tel.: +353+0 1 6012200 Fax: +353+0 1 6012201 www.schneiderelectric.ie Italy b Schneider Electric S.p.A. Centro Direzionale Colleoni Palazzo Sirio - Viale Colleoni, 7 20041 Agrate Brianza (Mi) Tel.: +39 39 655 8111 Fax: +39 39 605 6237 www.schneiderelectric.it Ivory Coast b Schneider Electric Afrique de Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 18 BP 2027 Abidjan 18 Tel.: +225 21 75 00 10 Fax: +225 21 75 00 30 l'Ouest Jamaica b Schneider Electric Shop#5, Plaza Dunrobin 30 Dunrobin Avenue - Kingstown Tel. : +1876 755 41 27 Tel. : +931 87 74 Japan b Schneider Electric Japan Ltd Torigoe F. Bldg 1-8-2, Torigoe Taito-Ku - 111-0054 Tokyo Tel.: +81 358 35 35 81 Fax: +81 358 35 35 85 Jordan b Schneider Electric Industr. Jordan Jordan University Street Abu Al Haj Commercial Complex 2nd Floor - Office # 202 - Amman 6 Kazakstan b Schneider Electric Kazakhstan Liaison Office Tel.: 962 65 16 78 87 Fax: 962 65 16 79 1 Prospekt Abaia 157 off 9 480009 Almaty Tel. : +7 327 250 93 88 Tel. : +7 327 250 63 70 Tel. : +254 2.824.156 Fax : +254 2.824.157 Kenya b Schneider East Africa Power Technics Complex Monbasa Road - PO Box 46345 Nairobi Kiribati Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Korea b Schneider Electric Korea Ltd 3Floor, Cheil Bldg., 94-46, 7-Ka Youngdeungpodong, Youngdeungpo-ku 150-037 Seoul Tel. : +82 2 2630 9700 Fax : +82 2 2630 9800 Kurdistan Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Russian Fed. Kuwait b Schneider Electric Kuwait Al Gaas Tower - Sharq 2nd Floor PO Box 20092 - 13 061 Safat Kyrgyz Republic Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Russian Fed. Laos Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Thailand Latvia b Lexel Electric 60A A.Deglava str. LV1035 Riga Tel. : +371 780 23 74/75 Fax : +371 754 62 80 Lebanon b Schneider Electric Liban Tabaris, Avenue Charles Malek Immeuble Ashada, 8 P.O. Box 166223 - Beyrouth Tel. : +961 1 20 46 20 Tel. : +961 1 20 31 19 Lesotho Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric South Africa Liberia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Ghana Libya Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Tunisia Liechtenstein Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Switzerland Lithuania b Lexel Electric 44, Verkiu str. LT-2012 Vilnius Loro Sae Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Luxembourg b Schneider Electric Industrie SAS Agence de Metz 1, Rue Graham Bell - BP n° 35190 57075 Metz cedex 3 - France www.schneider-electric.co.jp www.csinfo.co.kr/schneider/ Tel.: +965 240 75 46 Fax: +965 240 75 06 Tel. : +370 278 59 59/61 Fax : +370 278 59 60 Tel.: 33 03 87 39 06 03 Fax: 33 03 87 74 25 96 www.schneider-electric.fr 6/12 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Schneider Electric worldwide 0 Up-dated: 28-07-2003 Macau Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric China Macedonia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Bulgaria Madagascar Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric la Reunion Malawi Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric South Africa Malaysia b Schneider Electric (Malaysia) Sdn No.11 Jalan U1/19, Seksyen U1 Bhd Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park 40150 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan Maldives Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Reunion Mali Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Senegal Malta Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Tunisia Marshall islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Martinique b Schneider Electric Schneider Electric Immeuble Cottrell - ZI de la Lézarde 97232 Le Lamentin Mauritania Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Senegal Mauritius b Schneider Electric Route côtière Calodyne - Mauritius Mayotte Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Reunion Mexico b Groupe Schneider Mexico Calz. Rojo Gomez N° 1121-A Col. Guadalupe del Moral México, D.F. - C.P. 09300 Micronesia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Moldova Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Romania Monaco Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric France Mongolia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Russian Fed. Montserrat Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Morocco b Schneider Electric Morocco 26, rue Ibnou Khalikane Quartier Palmiers 20100 Casablanca Mozambique Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric South Africa Myanmar Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Singapore Namibia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric South Africa Nauru Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Nepal Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric India Netherlands b Schneider Electric BV Waarderweg 40 - Postbus 836 2003 RV Haarlem Netherlands Antilles Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. New Caledonia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia New Zealand b Schneider Electric (NZ) Ltd 14 Charann Place Avondale P.O. Box 15355 - New Lynn Auckland Nicaragua Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Niger Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Ivory Coast Nigeria b Schneider Electric Nigeria Limited Biro plaza - 8th Floor - Plot 634 Abeyemo Alakija Street Victoria Islan - Lagos Tel. : (603) 7883 6333 Fax : (603) 7883 6188 www.schneiderelectric.com.my Tel.: +05 96 51 06 00 Fax: +05 96 51 11 26 Tel.: 230 282 18 83 Fax: 230 282 18 84 Tel.: +525 686 30 00 Fax: +525 686 24 09 www.schneiderelectric.com.mx Tel.: +212 299 08 48 to 57 Fax: +212 299 08 67 and 69 www.schneider.co.ma 6 Tel.: +31 23 512 4124 Fax: +31 23 512 4100 www.schneider-electric.nl Tel. : +64 9 829 04 90 Fax : +64 9 829 04 91 www.schneider-electric.co.nz Tel. : +234 1 2702973 Fax : +234 1 2702976 Niue Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Norfolk island Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia North Korea Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric China Northern Mariana islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Norway b Schneider Electric Norge A/S Solgaard Skog 2 Postboks 128 - 1501 Moss Tel.: +47 6924 9700 Fax: +47 6925 7871 Oman b Schneider Electric CA c/o Arab Development Co PO Box 439 - 113 Muscat Tel.: +968 77 163 64 Fax: +968 77 104 49 Pakistan b Schneider Electric Pakistan 43-L, 2nd floor, M.M. Alam Road, Gulberg II - Lahore Tel.: +92 42 5754471 à 73 Fax: +92 42 5754474 Palau Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Panama Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Papua New Guinea Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Paraguay Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Uruguay www.schneider-electric.no 6/13 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Schneider Electric worldwide 0 Up-dated: 28-07-2003 Peru b Schneider Electric Peru S.A. Philippines b Schneider Electric Philippines, Inc 5th Floor, ALCO Building Los Telares n°231 Urb. Vulcano, Ate Lima 03 391 Sen, Gil Puyat Avenue Makati 1209 Pitcairn Contacts are assured by Poland b Schneider Electric Polska Sp.zo.o. ul. Lubinowa 4a b Schneider Electric Portugal www.schneider-electric.com.pe Tel. : +632 896 6063 Fax : +632 896 7229 Schneider Electric Australia 03-878 - Warszawa Portugal Tel.: +511 348 44 11 Fax: +511 348 05 23 Av.do Forte, 3 Edificio Suécia II, Piso 3-A CP 2028 Carnaxide 2795 Linda-A-Velha Tel.: +48 22 511 8 200 Fax: +48 22 511 8 210 www.schneider-electric.pl Tel.: +351 21 416 5800 Fax: +351 21 416 5857 www.schneiderelectric.pt Puerto Rico Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Qatar b Schneider Electric Qatar Branch c/o Khalifa BinFahred Al Thani Trad.and Co - P.O. Box 4484 Doha Tel.: +97 4424358 Fax: +97 4424358 Reunion b Schneider Electric Immeuble Futura, 190, rue des 2 canons BP 646 - 97497 Sainte Clothilde Tel.: +262 28 14 28 Fax: +262 28 39 37 Romania b Schneider Electric Bd Ficusului n°42 Apimondia, Corp.A, et.1, Sector 1 Bucuresti Tel.: +401 203 06 50 Fax: +401 232 15 98 www.schneider-electric.ro Russian Federation b Schneider Electric ZAO Enisseyskaya 37 129 281 Moscow Tel.: +7095 797 40 00 Fax: +7095 797 40 03 www.schneider-electric.ru Rwanda Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Kenya Samoa Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia San Marino Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Italy Sandwich & Georgia island Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Sao Tome & Principe Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Senegal Saudi Arabia b Schneider Electric Second Industrial City P.O. Box 89249 - 11682 Riyadh Tel.: +966 1 265 1515 Fax: +966 1 265 1860 Senegal b Schneider Electric Sénégal BP 15952 - Dakar-Fann Rond point N'Gor - Dakar Tel.: +221 820 68 05 Fax: +221 820 58 50 Seychelles Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Reunion Sierra Leone Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Ghana Singapore b Schneider Electric Singapore Pte 10 Ang Mo Kio Street 65 Ltd 6 Slovak Republic b Schneider Electric Slovakia spol s.r.o. Tel.: +65 484 78 77 Fax: +65 484 78 00 www.schneider-electric.com.sg Borekova 10 SK-821 06 Bratislava Tel. : +02 45 52 40 10 and 40 30 Fax : +02 45 52 40 00 www.schneider-electric.sk Tel. : +386 1 23 63 555 Fax : +386 1 23 63 559 www.schneider-electric.si #02-17/20 TechPoint Singapore 569059 Slovenia b Schneider Electric, d.o.o. Dunasjka 47 1000 Ljubljana Solomon islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Somalia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Egypt South Africa b Schneider Electric South Africa Private Bag X139 Halfway House 1685 - Midrand. Tel.: +27 11 254 6400 Fax: +27 11 315 8830 www.schneider-electric.co.za (PTY) Ltd Spain b Schneider Electric España, S.A. Pl. Dr. Letamendi, 5-7 08007 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 484 3100 Fax: +34 93 484 3308 www.schneiderelectric.es Sri Lanka b Schneider Electric Industries SA Liaison office SRI Lanka Level 3B Valiant towers 46/7 Nawam Mawatha-Colombo 2 Tel. : +94 77 48 54 89 www.schneiderelectric-in.com St Helena Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Italy St Kitts & Nevis Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. St Lucia Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. St Pierre et Miquelon Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. St Vincent & Grenadines Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Sudan Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Egypt Suriname Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric United States Svalbard & Jan Mayen isl. Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Denmark Swaziland Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric South Africa Sweden b Schneider Electric AB Djupdalsvägen 17/19 19129 Sollentuna Tel.: +46 8 623 84 00 Fax: +46 8 623 84 85 www.schneider-electric.se Switzerland b Schneider Electric (Switzerland) Schermenwaldstrasse 11 CH - 3063 Ittigen Tel.: +41 31 917 3333 Fax: +41 31 917 3355 www.schneider-electric.ch S.A. 6/14 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Schneider Electric worldwide 0 Up-dated: 28-07-2003 Syrian Arab Republic b Schneider Electric Syria Taiwan, Republic of China b Schneider Electric Taiwan Co Ltd 2FI., N°37, Ji-Hu Road, Nei-Hu Dist., Tel. : +886 2 8751 6388 Elba Street - Malki Gheibeh and Qassas bldg, 1st floor PO Box 33876-Damascus Taipei 114 Tel. : +963 11 37 49 88 00 Fax : +963 11 37 17 55 9 Tajikistan Contacts are assured by Tanzania, United Rep. of Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Kenya Thailand b Schneider (Thailand) Ltd 20th Floor Richmond Building 75 Sukhumvit 26 Road, Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 Togo Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Ivory Coast Tokelau Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Tonga Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Trinidad & Tobago b Schneider Electric 6, 1st Street West Ext. Beaulieu Avenue Trincity Trinidad West Indies Tel.: 1868 640 42 04 Fax: 1868 640 42 04 Tunisia b Schneider Electric Tunisia Rue du Lac Oubeira 1053 Les Berges du Lac - Tunis Tel.: +216 71 960 477 Fax: +216 71 960 342 Turkey b Schneider Elektrik Sanayi Ve Tütüncü Mehmet Efendi Cad. N°:110 Tel.: +90 21 63 86 95 70 Kat 1-2 - 81080 Göztepe – Istanbul Fax: +90 21 63 86 38 75 Ticaret A.S. Turkmenistan b Schneider Electric Turkmenistan Liaison Office www.schneider-electric.com.tw Fax : +886 2 8751 6389 Schneider Electric Russian Fed. rue Neitralny Turkmenistan 28, off.326/327 74 000 Achgabad Tel.: +662 204 9888 Fax: +662 204 9816 www.schneider-electric.co.th www.schneiderelectric.com.tr Tel. : +993 12 46 29 52 Fax : +993 12 46 29 52 Turks & Caicos islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Tuvalu Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Uganda Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Kenya Ukraine b Schneider Electric Rue Krechtchalik 2 252601 Kiev Tel.: +380 44 462 04 25 Fax: +380 44 462 04 24 United Arab Emirates b Schneider Electric Abu Dhabi PO Box 29580 Office Floor 2/Lulu Street Al Marina Plaza Tower Abu Dhabi Tel.: +9712 6 339444 Fax: +9712 6 316606 United Kingdom b Schneider Electric Ltd Braywick House East Windsor Road - Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 1 DN Tel.: +44 (0)1 628 508 500 Fax: +44 (0)1 628 508 508 www.schneider.co.uk United States b Schneider Electric North American Division 1415 Roselle Road Palatine - IL 60067 Tel.: +1 847 397 2600 Fax: +1 847 925 7500 www.squared.com Uruguay b Schneider Electric Uruguay S.A. Ramon Masini 3190 Montevideo Tel. : +59 82 707 2392 Fax : +59 82 707 2184 Uzbekistan Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Russian Fed. Vanuatu Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Vatican city St./Holy See Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Italy Venezuela b Schneider Mg SD TE, S.A Calle 162/ Piso 2 Edificio Centro Cynamid La Urbina, 1070 - 75319 Caracas Tel.: +58 2 241 13 44 Fax: +58 2 243 60 09 Viet Nam b R.R.O. of Schneider Electric Unit 2.9, 2nd Floor, e-Town Building 364 Cong Hoa Street Tan Binh District - Ho Chi Minh City Tel.: +84 8 8103 103 Fax: +84 8 8120 477 Industries S.A.S. in Viet Nam Virgin islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Dominican Rep. Wallis & Futuna islands Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Australia Western Sahara Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric Morocco Yemen Contacts are assured by Schneider Electric U.A.E. Yugoslavia b Schneider Electric Jugoslavija Ratarski put 27d 11186 Belgrade Tel.: +381 11 192 414 Fax: +381 11 107 125 d.o.o. Zambia b Schneider Zambia Zambia Office c/o Matipi Craft Center Building Plot 1036 - Accra Road PO Box 22792 - Kitwe Tel.: +260 222 22 52 Fax: +260 222 83 89 Zimbabwe b Schneider Electric Zimbabwe Liaison Office 75A Second Street (corner Livingstone Avenue) Harare Tel.: +263 4 707 179/180 Fax: +263 4 707 176 www.schneider-electric.com.ua 6 www.schneider-electric.com.ve 6/15 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Product reference index 0…9 043 509 383 170 MCI 020 10 170 MCI 020 36 170 MCI 020 80 170 MCI 021 20 170 PNT 110 20 170 XTS 020 00 170 XTS 021 00 174 CEV 200 30 174 CEV 300 20 490 NAA 271 01 490 NAA 271 02 490 NAA 271 03 490 NAA 271 04 490 NAA 271 06 490 NOC 000 05 490 NOR 000 05 490 NOT 000 05 490 NTC 000 05 490 NTC 000 15 490 NTC 000 40 490 NTC 000 80 490 NTW 000 02 490 NTW 000 05 490 NTW 000 12 490 NTW 000 40 490 NTW 000 80 6 499 NEH 104 10 499 NEH 141 00 499 NES 171 00 499 NES 181 00 499 NES 251 00 499 NOH 105 10 499 NOS 171 00 499 NTR 100 10 499 NTR 101 00 990 NAD 211 10 990 NAD 211 30 990 NAD 230 00 990 NAD 230 10 990 NAD 230 11 990 NAD 230 12 990 NAD 230 20 990 NAD 230 21 990 NAD 230 22 990 NAD 230 23 A ABE 7CPA01 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/21 4/21 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/15 and 4/21 4/15 and 4/21 4/15 and 4/21 4/15 and 4/21 4/15 and 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/21 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 4/37 3/9, 3/19 and 3/24 ABE 7CPA11 3/24 ABE 7H08R10 3/19 ABE 7H16R20 3/19 ABE 7TES160 2/14 ABE 7ACC01 2/41 ABE 7ACC02 2/41 ABE 7ACC10 2/41 ABE 7ACC11 2/41 ABE 7ACC12 2/39 ABE 7ACC20 2/41 ABE 7ACC21 2/41 ABE 7ACC30 2/41 ABE 7ACC80 2/41 ABE 7ACC81 2/41 ABE 7ACC82 2/41 ABE 7ACC83 2/41 ABE 7ACC84 2/41 ABE 7ACC85 2/41 ABE 7BV10 2/41 ABE 7BV10E ABE 7BV20 ABE 7BV20E ABE 7CPA01 ABE 7CPA02 ABE 7CPA03 ABE 7CPA11 ABE 7CPA12 ABE 7CPA13 ABE 7CPA21 ABE 7CPA31 ABE 7CPA31E ABE 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TSX 07 EX 1612 TSX 07 EX 1628 TSX 07 EX 2412 TSX 07 EX 2428 TSX 37 05 028DR1 TSX 37 08 056DR1 TSX 37 10 028AR1 TSX 37 10 028DR1 TSX 37 10 128DR1 TSX 37 10 128DT1 TSX 37 10 128DTK1 TSX 37 10 164DTK1 TSX 37 21 001 TSX 37 21 101 TSX 37 22 001 TSX 37 22 101 TSX AAK2 TSX ACZ 03 TSX AEZ 414 TSX AEZ 801 TSX AEZ 802 5/19 5/19 5/19 5/18 5/18 5/18 5/19 5/18 5/18 5/19 5/19 5/18 5/19 5/18 5/18 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 2/25 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 3/9 3/9 3/9 3/9 3/9 6/16 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com Product reference index TSX AMN 4000 TSX AMN 4001 TSX AMZ 600 TSX ASZ 200 TSX ASZ 401 TSX BAT M01 TSX BAT M01 TSX BLZ H01 TSX BLZ H01 TSX BLZ L01 TSX CAP H15 TSX CAP S15 TSX CAP S9 TSX CCP H15 TSX CCP S15 050 TSX CCP S15 100 TSX CCP S15 TSX CD DRV 20M TSX CDP 053 TSX CDP 1001 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3/19 TSX TAP S15 24 3/19 TSX MRP 032P 3/13 X XBT Z968 XBT Z9681 4/67 XTB Z908 XTB Z968 XTB Z9681 XZ CB10201 XZ CB10501 XZ CB11001 XZ SDE1113 XZ SDE1133 XZ SDP 6 4/67 4/67 3/13 3/13 3/13 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/27 4/27 6/17 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com