Dräger Medical
VISTA Monitors
Quick Guide
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Table of Contents
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Instructions for Use
Infinity Vista
Infinity Patient Monitoring Series
Related Manuals for Dräger Infinity Vista
Summary of Contents for Dräger Infinity Vista
Page 1
Instructions for Use Infinity Vista Infinity Patient Monitoring Series… -
Page 3: Infinity Configured Monitoring Series
Infinity Configured Monitoring Series Infinity Vista Instructions for Use WA R N I NG : F o r a f u l l u n d e r s ta n d i n g o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h i s e q u i p m e n t , t h e u s e r s h o u l d c a r e f u l l y r e a d t h i s m a n u a l b e f o r e o p e r a t i n g .
Page 4
Germany judgment that only trained health care professionals can provide. Infinity Vista Instructions for Use Software Version VF6 This device is subject to EU Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE). It is not registered This product is covered by one or more for use in private households, and may of the following patents: 5,224,484;… -
Page 5: Infinity Vista Software Release Notes
Infinity Vista monitor. For network data transfer only: — After a network transfer of telemetry data to an Infinity Vista monitor, ST trend points may appear two minutes apart. NBP parameter values transferred from an Infinity Vista monitor to an Infinity Vista XL/Gamma X XL monitor are displayed in the trend graphs rather than in the trend tables of the destination monitor.
Page 6: Intended Use
ST Segment Analysis This device will produce visual and audible alarms if any of these parameters vary beyond preset limits and produce timed or alarm recordings. The devices will connect to R50 recorders either directly or via the Infinity network. Infinity Vista…
Page 7: Documentation Features
NOTE: A NOTE provides additional information intended to avoid inconveniences during operation. Infinity Vista…
Page 8: Chapter Overview
Respiration ………………..11 Pulse Oximetry………………12 Non-Invasive Blood Pressure…………..13 Invasive Blood Pressure ……………. 14 Temperature ……………….. 15 Appendices Options and Accessories……………. A Cleaning, Disinfecting, Sterilizing…………B Default Settings and Biomedical Support ……….C Technical Data………………D Glossary Index Infinity Vista…
Page 9: Table Of Contents
NSTRUCTIONS FOR Table of Contents Infinity Configured Monitoring Series…………..i-i Infinity Vista Software Release Notes Software Version VF6 ………………i-iii Intended Use ……………………i-iv Indications for Use ………………….i-iv Documentation Features ………………..i-v Warnings, Cautions, Notes ………………i-v Chapter Overview ………………….i-vi Table of Contents ………………….i-vii CHAPTER 1: Overview Important General Safety Considerations…………..1-2…
Page 10
CHAPTER 5: Alarms and Messages Alarm Grades …………………….5-2 Life-Threatening Alarms………………5-2 Serious Alarms………………….5-3 Advisory Alarms …………………5-3 Alarm Settings …………………..5-4 Setting Alarm Limits ………………..5-5 Turning Parameter Alarms On/Off……………..5-6 Turning Alarm Recordings On/Off……………..5-7 Alarm Validation ………………….5-8 Silencing Alarms ………………….5-9 Alarm Silence Key………………..5-9 viii Infinity Vista… -
Page 11
Preparing the Patient’s Skin ………………8-3 Positioning the Electrodes………………8-4 ECG Monitoring Settings ………………..8-7 Cable Type …………………..8-7 Lead Selection and Display Amplitude …………..8-8 Cascade Display………………….8-9 One- or Two-Channel Signal Processing…………8-10 Pulse Tone Source………………..8-11 Pulse Tone Volume ………………..8-12 Pacer Detection …………………8-13 Displaying Sync Marks ………………8-14 Infinity Vista… -
Page 12
CHAPTER 11: Respiration Monitoring Overview……………………11-2 Patient Preparation………………….11-2 Selecting and Preparing the Electrodes ………….11-2 Preparing the Patient’s Skin …………….11-2 Electrode Placement for Respiration Monitoring……….11-3 Rsp Safety Considerations………………11-4 Respiration Monitoring Display ……………..11-5 Rsp Display Channel ………………..11-5 Resp Display Amplitude ………………11-6 Infinity Vista… -
Page 13
NBP Safety Considerations………………13-3 Cuff Selection and Placement ………………13-4 NBP Measurements…………………13-6 Single Measurements ……………….13-6 Interval Mode ………………….13-6 Inflation Mode………………….13-8 Measurement Tone …………………13-10 NPB Alarms……………………13-11 CHAPTER 14: Invasive Blood Pressure Overview……………………14-2 Invasive Pressure Labels………………..14-3 IBP Display……………………14-3 Display Channel and Waveform Amplitude…………14-4 Infinity Vista… -
Page 14
Masimo SET SpO2 Pod ………………..B-4 CHAPTER C: Default Settings and Biomedical Support Default Settings ………………….C-2 Biomedical Support…………………. C-8 Startup Tests ………………….C-8 Checking the NBP Calibration …………….C-9 Biomed Menu ………………….. C-10 Saving a Patient Setup ………………C-11 Infinity Vista… -
Page 15
Parameter Colors ………………..C-14 NBP/SpO2 Interlock ………………… C-16 ASY/VF Alarms ………………… C-16 Pacer Mode ………………….C-17 CHAPTER D: Technical Data Overview……………………D-2 Regulatory Compliance ………………D-2 Basic System Components………………. D-3 Monitoring Specifications ………………D-7 Electromagnetic Compatibility……………… D-15 Glossary Index Infinity Vista xiii… -
Page 16
This page intentionally left blank Infinity Vista… -
Page 17
Pacemaker Safety ………………..1-6 Device Markings ………………….1-7 General Description…………………..1-8 Front Panel ……………………1-9 Back Panel……………………1-10 Left Side Panel ………………….1-11 Right Side Panel ………………….1-12 Infinity Vista Display………………..1-13 Alarm Colors………………….1-13 Parameter Colors ………………..1-14 Rotary Knob …………………….1-14 Fixed Keys……………………1-15 Menus ………………………1-16 Power Sources………………….1-17 MultiMed/NeoMed Pod ………………..1-18 Recorder ……………………1-19… -
Page 18: Important General Safety Considerations
(EMI), and also as to its ability to block the effects of EMI from external sources. The monitor complies with the following standards pertaining to EMI emissions and susceptibility: EN55011 and EN60601-1-2. Infinity Vista…
Page 19: Reducing Emi
CAUTION: Place the monitor on a flat and stable surface to prevent it from falling. Do not place the monitor into a cabinet, wall recess or similar enclosure during operation. These units are convection cooled (no fan) and need adequate airflow to dissipate heat. Infinity Vista…
Page 20: Electrical Safety
Dräger. It is the user’s responsibility to contact Dräger to determine compatibility and warranty status if connections to other manufacturers’ equipment are desired. CAUTION: When connecting peripheral devices to the monitor, make sure that the entire system complies with the following requirement: IEC 60601-1-1: Safety requirements for medical electrical systems. Infinity Vista…
Page 21: Safety, Inspection, And Maintenance
(using the AC adapter) when not in use. If the monitor is stored unconnected from line or lead acid/lithium ion battery power, the capacity of the internal battery is drained in approximately three years. Infinity Vista…
Page 22: Electrosurgery And Defibrillation Safety
, a n d t u r n e d o n f o r pat i e n ts w i t h pa c e m a k e r s . Infinity Vista…
Page 23: Device Markings
This device bears the P label in accordance with the provisions of the Directive 93/42/EEC of 14June 1993 concerning medical devices. 0123 IPX1 Protected against harmful effects of dripping water. Non-Invasive Blood Pressure. Invasive Blood Pressure. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) disposal requirements. Infinity Vista…
Page 24: General Description
VERVIEW General Description The Infinity Vista monitor is a durable, lightweight and portable patient monitor that can operate as a stand-alone device or as part of the Dräger Infinity network. The monitor can travel with the patient from one clinical station to another — i.e. from the bedside to the OR to a step-down unit and back.
Page 25: Front Panel
RONT ANEL Front Panel Fixed Keys Power ON/OFF Key Rotary Knob Infinity Vista…
Page 26: Back Panel
VERVIEW Back Panel Power Supply Connection X7: Alarm Output, R50 Recorder, RS232 X5: External VGA Battery Compartment Cover 1-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 27: Left Side Panel
ANEL Left Side Panel NBP Hose Connection Connection ULTI Infinity Vista 1-11…
Page 28: Right Side Panel
VERVIEW Right Side Panel Carrying Handle Memory Card Slot USB Connector QRS Sync. Output 1-12 Infinity Vista…
Page 29: Infinity Vista Display
NFINITY ISTA ISPLAY Infinity Vista Display Message Area Waveform Channels Parameter Boxes Alarm Colors Colors are used to call your attention to important events: Black letters on a red background are used for life-threatening alarms and their messages (e.g., Asystole).
Page 30: Parameter Colors
1. Dial to highlight the desired menu option. 2. Press the knob to activate the option. 3. Dial in the desired setting. 4. Press the knob to confirm the change. 5. To exit the menu, press the fixed key. Main Screen 1-14 Infinity Vista…
Page 31: Fixed Keys
Press this key to access the monitor’s Main Menu. Main Screen Press this key to return to the monitor’s main screen from any open menu or display, or to return to monitoring after Standby or a patient discharge. Infinity Vista 1-15…
Page 32: Menus
(i.e. full arrhythmia monitoring, invasive blood pressure monitoring). Parameter boxes for invasive blood pressure (IBP) show the labels ART, PA, CVP, ICP or a generic pressure label (GP1 or GP2); see the chapter Invasive Blood Pressure. 1-16 Infinity Vista…
Page 33: Power Sources
The monitor can be operated with battery power or connected to line power via an AC adapter. See the chapter Monitor Setup for a description of battery operation and the AC adapter. Monitor with Battery Monitor with AC Adapter Infinity Vista 1-17…
Page 34: Multimed/Neomed Pod
M or N pod. See the chapter Monitor Setup for ULTI information on assembling the patient cables. MultiMed 5 Pod and Accessories MultiMed 6 Pod and Accessories NeoMed Pod and Accessories 1-18 Infinity Vista…
Page 35: Recorder
Additionally, radiated and conducted emissions classification, suitability for flammable locations and water ingress protection must be considered based on the intended use of the system. Complete Menu Structure (see below) Infinity Vista 1-19…
Page 36
Name (dial in) (dial in) Admit Date (current date) Care Unit (select) Bed Label (select) Discharge Discharge Patient? Transfer Care Unit (select) Transfer Bed (select) Start Transfer Confirm Cancel Copy Data Copy to Card Name Start Transfer 1-20 Infinity Vista… -
Page 37
Monitor Options Speaker Volume 10, 20…100% Trend Setup Channel 1 (select parameter) Channel 2 (select parameter) Channel 3 (select parameter) Recordings Primary Recorder (select) Secondary Recorder (select) Review Event Recall Biomed (password) Alarm Groups 1 — 255 Standby Infinity Vista 1-21… -
Page 38
Bottom Channel Waveform Wave+NBP Trend Graphs Trend Tables Event Recall Channel Display Menu (Channel 1, 2, 3) Waveform (select param.) Size (param.specific) Alarm Limits Table (Parameter) Upper (dial in) Autoset Lower (dial in) Alarm Record Record Store Str/Rec 1-22 Infinity Vista… -
Page 39
Pacer Detect (if Pacer Mode = adv.) Fusion QRS Mark Arrhythmia Setup Rate (dial in) Count (dial in) Alarm Record Record Store Str/Rec ECG Processing ECG1 ECG1&2 ECG Leads 3, 5, 6 Arrhythmia Basic Full Relearn (last relearn) Infinity Vista 1-23… -
Page 40
(Resp P-Box) Resp Mode Manual Auto Resp. Marker Relearn (last relearn) Apnea Time 10 . . . 30 Coincidence Menu (SpO2 P-Box) Tone Source SpO2 Tone Volume 10, 20…100% Bar Graph Averaging Normal Fast Sensor Type (informational only) 1-24 Infinity Vista… -
Page 41
2 . . . 240 Calibration Mode Inflation Mode Adult: 270 Ped: 180 Neo: 140 Measurement Tone IBP Menu (IBP P-Box) Label (select pressure) Zero Cal. Factor 80 . . . 120 1 . . . 300 Mano. Cal. (mmHg) Infinity Vista 1-25… -
Page 42
Units °C or °F Pressures mmHg or kPa mm or mV Service (password) (service functions) Monitor Setup Alarm Light (not implemented) Parameter Colors (select color) NBP/SpO Interlock ASY/VF Alarms Always On Follow HR Pacer Mode Basic Advanced 1-26 Infinity Vista… -
Page 43
2 Monitor Setup Getting Started…………………..2-2 Using the AC Adapter …………………2-2 Using the Battery ………………..2-3 Assembling MultiMed and NeoMed Pods ………….2-8 Starting the Monitor…………………..2-9 Main Screen Configuration ………………2-10 Waveform Selection ………………..2-10 Bottom Channel Display………………2-11 Setting the Master Speaker Volume…………….2-13 Standby…………………….2-14 Saving Setups ………………….2-15… -
Page 44: Getting Started
In case of a power failure, the monitor switches to battery power without loss of monitoring data or settings. CAUTION: Use only the AC adapter approved by Dräger. Using a non-approved power supply could damage the monitor. Infinity Vista…
Page 45: Using The Battery
Lead acid and lithium-ion batteries can be installed or removed by the user. The green battery gauge displayed at the bottom left of the screen indicates the battery run time remaining for uninterrupted monitoring. NOTE: The battery gauge appears only when you operate the monitor on battery power. Infinity Vista…
Page 46
STEPS: Selecting the Screen Brightness 1. Press the fixed key. Menu 2. Click on Monitor Setup 3. Click on Main Screen 4. Click on Screen Brightness 5. Select and click the knob. Bright Infinity Vista… -
Page 47
The terminals of the battery must be pushed into the clip in the left side of the battery compartment. 4. With the battery pushed into the left side of the battery compartment, press the right side of the battery into the clip at the right side. Infinity Vista… -
Page 48
2. Wait until the battery is fully charged before monitoring a patient. (The Battery Charging message no longer appears.) NOTE: If the battery does not charge properly, the message Battery Charger Error appears. Contact your Biomedical technician to replace the battery. Infinity Vista… -
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. Infinity Vista… -
Page 50: Assembling Multimed And Neomed Pods
TEMP B connectors of the N ™ pod are not supported with the Infinity Vista monitor. WA R N I N G : D o n o t u s e t h e N P o d d u r i n g e l e c t r o s u r g e r y.
Page 51: Starting The Monitor
Biomed technician. Do not use the monitor if you do not have an AC Adapter or a fully charged battery. Call your Biomed if you are not familiar with the use of the battery or the power adapter. Infinity Vista…
Page 52: Main Screen Configuration
NOTE: If you change the monitor’s parameter display and the central station is storing waveforms selected manually (Auto Track OFF), you must also change the parameters at the central station. For more information, see the Instructions for Use of the central station. 2-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 53: Bottom Channel Display
3. Click on Main Screen 4. Click on Bottom Channel NOTE: You can also call up the Bottom Channel menu by pressing the Fast Access fixed key. 5. Click on to select one of the following bottom channel displays: Infinity Vista 2-11…
Page 54
ONITOR ETUP Bottom Channel showing all parameter boxes Bottom Channel showing NBP values 2-12 Infinity Vista… -
Page 55: Setting The Master Speaker Volume
Low, but set the QRS and SpO pulse tones to High in the ECG or SpO menu (see ECG and SpO chapters), the master volume setting prevails and pulse tones sound at a low volume. Infinity Vista 2-13…
Page 56: Standby
3 minutes or until you press the All Alarms OFF fixed key. During standby, you can modify patient demographic data at the central station at any time. The new data is transferred to the monitor and available when monitoring resumes. 2-14 Infinity Vista…
Page 57: Saving Setups
6. Click on , select ) and click the knob. Save Setup Confirm Cancel The monitor saves the current monitoring setup for future use. The setup is available even after the current patient has been discharged from this monitor. Infinity Vista 2-15…
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ONITOR ETUP This page intentionally left blank 2-16 Infinity Vista… -
Page 59
3 Network Applications Overview…………………….3-2 Wireless Network Operation………………3-3 Care Unit and Bed Label Assignments…………….3-5 Network Safety Considerations………………3-6 Alarm and Status Messages ………………3-7 WA R N I N G : B e f o r e o p e r a t i n g t h e m o n i t o r i n a w i r e l e s s n e t w o r k c o n f i g u r a t i o n , p l e a s e r e a d t h e N e t w o r k S a f e t y C o n s i d e r a t i o n s a t t h e e n d o f t h i s c h a p t e r. -
Page 60: Overview
Initiate a Relearn of a patient’s ECG and respiration pattern from a central station. Set arrhythmia parameters from a central station. Collect diagnostic logs at a central station. Basic Network Components Access Point Infinity Vista with Wireless LAN PC Card Wireless LAN PC Card Infinity Vista…
Page 61: Wireless Network Operation
Bed Disconnected. Network setup and configuration are Service functions performed during network installation. For information about installation and configuration of wireless components, refer to the Dräger publication “Infinity Network Planning, Design, and Installation Handbook— Wireless Extensions Supplement.” Infinity Vista…
Page 62
If the bedside monitor’s speaker volume had been set to OFF during network operation, upon loss of communication with the network, it is automatically reset to 50% (default stand-alone level), or to 100% in case of an active alarm (network error message). Infinity Vista… -
Page 63: Care Unit And Bed Label Assignments
Patient Admit menu, wait until the list has been fully transmitted. The overall list of available care units and bed labels is established during network installation. If you cannot find the desired care unit or bed label as a menu choice, contact your Biomed or DrägerService. Infinity Vista…
Page 64: Network Safety Considerations
Access points are not considered medical equipment and should be kept out of the patient’s vicinity. The maximum number of wireless bedside monitors per dedicated access point on the Infinity Network is eight. The maximum number of wireless bedside monitors per dedicated access point on the OneNet Network™ is six. Infinity Vista…
Page 65: Alarm And Status Messages
ARR and ST) have been changed at the central station. Remote Relearn Relearning of the patient’s ECG or respiration pattern has been initiated at the central station. Silence by Remote Alarm has been silenced at the central station. Infinity Vista…
Page 66
ETWORK PPLICATIONS This page intentionally left blank Infinity Vista… -
Page 67
4 Admission/Discharge/Transfer Overview…………………….4-2 Patient Admission ………………….4-2 Admit Menu………………….4-3 Patient Category………………….4-4 Name and ID ………………….4-5 Admit Date …………………..4-6 Patient Discharge ………………….4-7 Data Transfer……………………4-8 Transfer Across the Network ……………..4-8 Transfer with a Data Memory PC Card …………..4-10… -
Page 68: Overview
The central station offers more data entry fields (such as birth date, height, weight), which the Infinity Vista monitor does not display but which can be reviewed or edited at the central station (see the Instructions for Use of the central station).
Page 69: Admit Menu
3. Click on Patient Admit NOTE: You cannot enter selections for Care Unit and Bed Label when the monitor is operating as a stand-alone device. For information on selecting the care unit and bed label, see the chapter Network Applications. Infinity Vista…
Page 70: Patient Category
Default Settings and Biomedical Support). Returns waveform display scales (sizes) to their category-specific default settings (see appendix Default Settings and Biomedical Support). Sets the display range for trend values according to the selected patient category (see Trends chapter). Infinity Vista…
Page 71: Name And Id
6. To exit the name entry line, click on the up arrow ( n ). 7. Enter the patient ID accordingly. Infinity Vista…
Page 72: Admit Date
. The monitor automatically enters the current date. 3. If necessary, edit the date by clicking on the day, month, or year entry fields and dialing in the desired date. 4. To exit the date entry line, simply scroll off to the left or right. Infinity Vista…
Page 73: Patient Discharge
Discharge banner for this bedside monitor. NOTE: You can also discharge a patient from the prompt upon leaving New Patient? the Standby mode. In this case, however, the patient’s name remains displayed at the central station until you admit a new patient. Infinity Vista…
Page 74: Data Transfer
(i.e. IBP), and ignores the rest. For data transfer between Infinity Vista monitors, lead V+ is transferred only if both the source and the destination monitors are using a 6-lead ECG cable. Use of a smaller lead set cable only transfers data corresponding to the smaller lead set.
Page 75
If the transfer is interrupted or unsuccessful, the destination monitor displays a transfer error message. In this case, the source monitor retains its data and you can attempt the transfer again. Infinity Vista… -
Page 76: Transfer With A Data Memory Pc Card
NOTE: While the monitor is operating in the wireless network, no data transfer via the memory card can take place, because the wireless card occupies the memory card slot. 4-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 77
Copy Data 5. Click on . The monitor displays the Copy to Card menu. Copy to Card 6. When the message ‘Ready’ appears in the Status field, click on Start to cancel the transfer). Transfer: Confirm Cancel Infinity Vista 4-11… -
Page 78
2. Press the fixed key. Menu 3. Click on Admit/Discharge 4. Click on Copy Data 5. Click on . The Copy to Monitor menu appears with the Copy to Monitor patient Name, ID and Status in the corresponding fields. 4-12 Infinity Vista… -
Page 79
If it was unable to copy data from the card, the monitor displays the error message ’Card data copy unsuccessful.’ If the data on the card is older than 24 hours, the error message ‘No data to copy for last 24 hours’ alerts the user of the invalid procedure. Infinity Vista 4-13… -
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DMISSION ISCHARGE RANSFER This page intentionally left blank 4-14 Infinity Vista… -
Page 81
5 Alarms and Messages Alarm Grades …………………….5-2 Life-Threatening Alarms ………………5-2 Serious Alarms ………………….5-3 Advisory Alarms………………….5-3 Alarm Settings …………………..5-4 Setting Alarm Limits ………………..5-5 Turning Parameter Alarms On/Off ……………..5-6 Turning Alarm Recordings On/Off……………..5-7 Alarm Validation ………………….5-8 Silencing Alarms………………….5-9 Alarm Silence Key ………………..5-9 All Alarms OFF Key………………..5-10 Assigning Alarm Groups ………………..5-11 Central Alarms ………………….5-12… -
Page 82: Alarm Grades
O ff , t h e r e i s n o a l a r m a n n u n c i a t i o n f o r a s y s t o l e a n d v e n t r i c u l a r f i b r i l l a t i o n . Infinity Vista…
Page 83: Serious Alarms
The monitor displays the alarm cause in both the parameter box and the message area. The monitor stops the alarm automatically when the condition ceases to exist. The monitor stops the alarm when a new alarm of equal or higher grade is triggered. Infinity Vista…
Page 84: Alarm Settings
Click on the up or down arrow in the upper left-hand corner of the table. NOTE: Set the alarm volume (10 to 100%) in the Monitor Setup menu (see the chapter Monitor Setup). Set arrhythmia alarms and alarm recordings on the Arrhythmia Setup table (see the chapter Arrhythmia). Infinity Vista…
Page 85: Setting Alarm Limits
After using the AutoSet function, you can change individual alarm limits at any time. Due to slight rounding differences in values, the alarm limits display for kPa values at the central station does not match the alarm limits display for kPa values at the Infinity Vista monitor. Infinity Vista…
Page 86: Turning Parameter Alarms On/Off
O ff , t h e r e i s n o a l a r m a n n u n c i a t i o n f o r a s y s t o l e a n d v e n t r i c u l a r f i b r i l l a t i o n . Infinity Vista…
Page 87: Turning Alarm Recordings On/Off
2. Scroll to the Record column of the desired parameter and click the knob. 3. Dial in the desired recording/storage setting and click the knob. See the Recordings chapter for a description of alarm recordings, stored recordings, and the Event Recall screen. Infinity Vista…
Page 88: Alarm Validation
ECG/Heart rate (HR) Pulse rate (PLS) ST Segment Analysis* Respiration Rate (Rsp) Arterial Oxygen Saturation (SpO T, PVC, Arrhythmia Events Non-invasive blood pressure (NBP) Invasive blood pressure (ART, PA, CVP, ICP, GP1, GP2*) *Available only if option is enabled Infinity Vista…
Page 89: Silencing Alarms
If the monitor detects two or more new alarm conditions during the silence period: The monitor delivers the audible signal for the newest alarm with the highest priority. Both alarming parameter boxes blink. The message for both alarms is displayed alternately in the message area of the screen. Infinity Vista…
Page 90: All Alarms Off Key
All new alarms are blocked. Currently activated alarms, including latched alarms, are acknowledged. When on the network, the message banner All Alarms OFF appears in the bedside monitor’s remote display on the central station and in the ClusterView. 5-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 91: Assigning Alarm Groups
STEPS: Assigning Alarm Groups 1. Press the fixed key. Menu 2. Click on Monitor Setup 3. Click on Alarm Groups 4. Click the knob, dial in the number of the desired alarm group, and click the knob again. Infinity Vista 5-11…
Page 92: Central Alarms
Silence active alarms. Turn alarm recordings On or Off. Changes made to the alarm limits at the central station take effect immediately at the bedside monitor. For more information, see the Instructions for Use of the central station. 5-12 Infinity Vista…
Page 93: Messages
B i o m e d o r D r ä g e r S e r v i c e . Infinity Vista…
Page 94
*** if this is the lead currently being monitored. If another valid lead is being monitored (i.e. ECG 1&2) then the parameter value for HR, ST<lead1> and ST<lead2> is <value> Message: ARR Lead not connected. • Check lead connections Cannot Learn Lead <lead> Parameter value: <value> 5-14 Infinity Vista… -
Page 95
To detect the QRS, the amplitude should be at least 0.5 mV on the mV scale. • Reposition or change the electrodes if the amplitude is still low. • Use good skin preparation. Infinity Vista 5-15… -
Page 96
(if disposable). Dried out gel on the electrode Wrong cable type selection. • Select another ECG lead for processing if the electrode or lead The M pod may ULTIMED EOMED cannot be replaced. be defective. 5-16 Infinity Vista… -
Page 97
• Select correct ST lead(s). <1> and/or ST Lead ST<lead1> or ST<lead2> • Verify ST lead(s) connection. <2> Invalid connection restored from a fault. ST<lead1> and/or Excessive signal noise. ST<lead2> parameter Bad contact of electrodes. value: <blank> Interference from auxiliary equipment. Infinity Vista 5-17… -
Page 98
Parameter value: *** Large baseline shifts. • Find the source of interference and remove it. Patient movement. TENS interference. • Replace the electrodes if necessary. IV infusion pump interference. • Change the cable or lead wires. 5-18 Infinity Vista… -
Page 99
• Turn the monitor off, then on. — Power Cycle Monitor hardware failure. • If the message does not clear, Parameter value: *** take the unit out of operation and call your Biomed. Message: PLS Fault Parameter value: *** Infinity Vista 5-19… -
Page 100
Message: PLS as a result. The possible sources of Regulate Error excessive light are: Parameter value: *** Surgical or bilirubin lamp Fluorescent lights Infrared heating lamps Sunlight 5-20 Infinity Vista… -
Page 101
A MultiMed with an SpO sensor • Remove the sensor intermediate intermediate cable and an SpO cable from the MultiMed; or : Duplicate pod are connected to the monitor at Device Connected • Remove the SpO pod. the same time. Infinity Vista 5-21… -
Page 102
The detected temperature is • Check your patient. outside the measurement range. Message: T Too High • Check the probe for defects. Parameter value: • Check the patient cable <blank> connections. • Change the probe, if necessary. 5-22 Infinity Vista… -
Page 103
• Zero and calibrate the transducer, pressure from the IV infusion if necessary. Message: IBP Too system. Parameter value: — — — Note that the label “IBP” is replaced on screen with the user-defined label (e.g., “ART Too Low”). Infinity Vista 5-23… -
Page 104
Measurement time has exceeded 2 • Repeat the measurement. Time-out minutes. Parameter value: *** Message: NBP Open There is no significant increase in • Verify the cuff connection. Line cuff pressure during the inflation cycle. Parameter value: *** 5-24 Infinity Vista… -
Page 105
• Verify all connections. • Change the cuff if necessary. Message: NBP Check There is no significant increase in • Verify all connections. Hose Connection cuff pressure during the inflation • Change the hose if necessary. cycle. Parameter value: *** Infinity Vista 5-25… -
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LARMS AND ESSAGES This page intentionally left blank 5-26 Infinity Vista… -
Page 107
6 Trends Overview…………………….6-2 Trend Setup……………………6-2 Trend Graphs …………………….6-3 Trend Table ……………………6-5 Special Conditions and Codes ………………6-6… -
Page 108: Overview
STEPS: Selecting Parameters for Trend Channel Display 1. Press the fixed key. Menu 2. Click on Monitor Setup 3. Click on Trend Setup 4. Click on the desired trend display Channel 5. Select the desired parameter and click the knob. Infinity Vista…
Page 109: Trend Graphs
Pressure trend graphs (NBP, GP1, GP2) show small vertical segments: a top segment for the systolic pressure, a bottom segment for the diastolic pressure, and a blank segment in between, representing the mean pressure. Mean only values are plotted as single curves. Infinity Vista…
Page 110
Tabular — call up the Trend Table. NOTE: If you try to scroll past the end of the trend graphs screen, the monitor emits an error tone. Infinity Vista… -
Page 111: Trend Table
STEPS: Calling up the Trend Table 1. Press the fixed key. Menu 2. Click on Review 3. Click on Trend Tables NOTE: You can also call up the Trend Table by pressing the Fast Access fixed key. Infinity Vista…
Page 112: Special Conditions And Codes
Life-threatening alarms are marked by a small dot on the bottom of the HR trend channel on the Trend Graphs screen. Technical conditions show a gap on the trend displays and the trend value is replaced by one of the technical codes listed below. Infinity Vista…
Page 113
Unplugged cable; loss of communication Measurement time-out (NBP) Learning (Rsp, ARR) Power up, patient admit, exit from Standby Standby System test blank No value (Respiration monitoring off, NBP between measurements, ST monitoring off, T over or under measurement range) Infinity Vista… -
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RENDS This page intentionally left blank Infinity Vista… -
Page 115
7 Recordings Overview…………………….7-2 Recorder Preparation ………………..7-3 Assigning Network Recorders ………………7-5 Recording Waveforms………………..7-6 Timed Recordings ………………..7-6 Continuous Recordings ………………7-7 Recording Formats ………………..7-8 Recording Trends ………………….7-10 Recording Alarms………………….7-12 Stored Recordings…………………..7-13 Event Recall ………………….7-13 Saving, Printing, Deleting Stored Recordings ………..7-15 Recording Status Messages………………7-16… -
Page 116: Overview
The monitor displays recorder status and error messages to help you follow the progress of a recording or alert you to operational errors. For a list of these messages, see the message table at the end of this chapter. Infinity Vista…
Page 117: Recorder Preparation
CAUTION: Always place recorders and laser printers on a flat and stable surface to prevent them from falling. NOTE: The configuration/installation of a network laser printer is a Service function. Use of the R50 recorder keys is not supported by Alternate Speed mm/s the Vista monitor. R50 Recorder Connection Infinity Vista…
Page 118
Store all paper in an environment that meets the recorder storage specifications listed in the “Technical Data” appendix. Failure to store paper properly can result in damage to the recorder. Infinity Vista… -
Page 119: Assigning Network Recorders
NOTE: R50 Series recorders and laser printers in a wireless network are identified in the menu by the device label assigned to them during network configuration. The Infinity network supports only one laser printer. Infinity Vista…
Page 120: Recording Waveforms
STEPS: Starting a Timed Recording 1. Press the monitor’s fixed key. Record 2. To cancel the recording, press the key again or the key on the Record Stop recorder while printing is in progress. Infinity Vista…
Page 121: Continuous Recordings
If only one recorder is available, the continuous recording request is converted to a timed recording, then stored and printed when the recorder becomes available. An uninterrupted continuous recording on a laser printer consists of up to 120 pages. Infinity Vista…
Page 122: Recording Formats
ECORDINGS Recording Formats A timed or continuous recording consists of a header and two waveforms with proper scales, units of measure and parameter labels. R50 Recording Strip Printout of Laser Printer Infinity Vista…
Page 123
A small black marker along the bottom of the printout indicates the time of the print request. NOTE: If the second waveform channel is set to Cascade, only the waveform in the first waveform channel prints out. OCRG recordings cannot be printed on a laser printer. Infinity Vista… -
Page 124: Recording Trends
The illustration Record below shows an OCRG recording strip. STEPS: Recording the Trend Table 1. Display the Trend Table. 2. Press the fixed key on the monitor. The illustration below shows a Record typical trend table recording strip. 7-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 125
1. Display the Trend Graph. 2. Press the Record fixed key on the monitor. The illustration below shows a typical trend graph recording strip. NOTE: Because of the larger paper size, laser printers are best suited to print out trend data. Infinity Vista 7-11… -
Page 126: Recording Alarms
If a cascaded waveform is displayed, the recording prints out only the top waveform. If a new alarm occurs while an earlier alarm is ready to print or the printing is in progress, the monitor finishes printing out the first alarm recording and ignores the second alarm recording. 7-12 Infinity Vista…
Page 127: Stored Recordings
The Event Recall screen shows only 4 seconds of data for each stored recording, although the monitor has actually stored 20 seconds of data for each stored recording. If you print the stored recording, the recording strip contains all 20 seconds of stored data. Infinity Vista 7-13…
Page 128
Prev 2. Click on to call up more recently stored recordings. Next 3. Click on next to the list of parameters to view additional parameters More… and their values at the time of the recording storage. 7-14 Infinity Vista… -
Page 129: Saving, Printing, Deleting Stored Recordings
1. Call up the Event Recall screen. 2. Click on to select a stored recording. Prev Next 3. Click on Print Delete NOTE: You can only delete a saved recording, if you first unlock it by clicking on again. Save Infinity Vista 7-15…
Page 130: Recording Status Messages
The recording is printed. Another recording can be initiated. Recording Started Recording in progress. Wait for the recording message to clear before requesting another recording. Recording Stored The recording has been stored. <#> Stored Recording(s) Indicates number of stored recordings. 7-16 Infinity Vista…
Page 131
8 ECG and Heart Rate Overview…………………….8-2 Patient Preparation………………….8-2 Selecting and Preparing the Electrodes ……………8-2 Preparing the Patient’s Skin ………………8-3 Positioning the Electrodes ………………8-4 ECG Monitoring Settings ………………..8-7 Cable Type …………………..8-7 Lead Selection and Display Amplitude …………..8-8 Cascade Display………………….8-9 One- or Two-Channel Signal Processing…………8-10 Pulse Tone Source ………………..8-11 Pulse Tone Volume ………………..8-12 Pacer Detection …………………8-13… -
Page 132: Overview
Ag/AgCl reusable or disposable electrodes is recommended. If using reusable electrodes, place a ¼ to ½ inch (½ to 1 cm) of conductive gel in the spacer before application and attach the electrodes to the skin with an adhesive ring. Infinity Vista…
Page 133: Preparing The Patient’s Skin
6. Change electrodes every 24-48 hours to ensure a good quality signal. However, if the electrocardiographic pattern becomes less distinct, if the patient is diaphoretic, or if skin irritation develops, the electrodes must be changed and reapplied sooner. Infinity Vista…
Page 134: Positioning The Electrodes
Gray and Brown Gray and White The following pictures show possible configurations of 3-, 5-, and 6-lead electrode sets. Note that these configurations are examples only; final configuration must be determined by a trained clinical personnel. 3-Lead Standard Configuration Infinity Vista…
Page 135
ATIENT REPARATION 3-Lead MCL1 Configuration NOTE: Select ECG I in the waveform channel for monitoring the MCL1 configuration. 5-Lead Standard Configuration Infinity Vista… -
Page 136
When monitoring neonates, the use of a 3-lead configuration is recommended. Dräger also recommends use of the N ™ Pod for neonates. Position the right arm (RA), left arm (LA) and left leg (LL) electrodes as illustrated below. Infinity Vista… -
Page 137: Ecg Monitoring Settings
ECG when switching cable types. STEPS: Selecting the Cable Type 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on More… 3. Click on ECG Leads 4. Dial in the desired cable type and click the knob. Infinity Vista…
Page 138: Lead Selection And Display Amplitude
If you change the monitor’s leads and the central station is storing waveforms selected manually (Auto Track OFF), you must also change the leads at the central station. For more information, see the Instructions for Use of the central station. Infinity Vista…
Page 139: Cascade Display
2. Click on Waveform 3. Select and click the knob. Cascade NOTE: You cannot adjust the display amplitude (Size) for the second waveform channel when Cascade is selected; the amplitude is the same as the one in the first channel. Infinity Vista…
Page 140: One- Or Two-Channel Signal Processing
1 or 2, and select a different ECG lead for display. STEPS: Selecting One- or Two-Channel Signal Processing 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on More… 3. Click on ECG Processing 4. Select the desired setting ( ) and click the knob. ECG1 ECG1&2 8-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 141: Pulse Tone Source
Oximetry) and a pulsating j symbol appears in the HR parameter box with each detected heart beat. STEPS: Selecting the Pulse Tone Source 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on Tone Source 3. Select and click the knob. Infinity Vista 8-11…
Page 142: Pulse Tone Volume
If you select a lower setting for the pulse tone, the pulse tone sounds at the volume selected. STEPS: Setting the Pulse Tone Volume 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on Tone Volume 3. Select the desired setting and click the knob. 8-12 Infinity Vista…
Page 143: Pacer Detection
2. Click on Pacer Detect 3. Dial in the desired setting ( ) and click the knob. ON, OFF or Fusion NOTE: The monitor indicates Pacer Off or Pacer Fusion Mode between the first two waveform channels. Infinity Vista 8-13…
Page 144: Displaying Sync Marks
ECG in the second channel, no QRS markers appear on the ECG. STEPS: Displaying QRS Sync Marks 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on QRS Marks 3. Dial in the desired setting ( ) and click the knob. ON/OFF 8-14 Infinity Vista…
Page 145: Ecg And Hr Safety Considerations
E C G a n d r e s p i r a t i on m o n i t o r in g . I f t h i s o c c u r s , d i s c o n t i n u e t h e i r u s e . Infinity Vista 8-15…
Page 146: Electrosurgery (Esu)
To p r o t e c t pa t i e n ts f r o m b u r n s , d o n o t u s e t h e N p o d i n a n E S U e n v i r o n m e n t . 8-16 Infinity Vista…
Page 147: Infusion Pumps
, o r f i b r i l la t e t h e c l i n i c i a n a n d n o t d e f i b r i l l a t e t h e pa t i e n t . Infinity Vista 8-17…
Page 148: High P-Waves And T-Waves
0 . 5 m V. A s y n c h r o n o u s pa c e r p u l s e s w it h o v e r s h o o t . 8-18 Infinity Vista…
Page 149: Av Sequential Or Ddd Pacemakers
Verify that the HR calculation is accurate by comparing it to the ECG waveform. Monitor the pulse or the respiration or both using a method other than ECG. For patients without pacemakers, turn the pacer detection off. Infinity Vista 8-19…
Page 150: Pacemakers With Impedance-Derived Rate Response
, t u r n t h e pa c e r d e t e c t i o n o f f . 8-20 Infinity Vista…
Page 151
Arrhythmia Alarm Recordings …………….9-7 Relearning a Patient’s ECG ………………9-7 Arrhythmia Classification Expert (ACE) The Infinity Vista monitor uses Dräger’s ACE (Arrhythmia Classification Expert) technology to screen out misleading or erroneous arrhythmia information. ACE is not rule-based; it uses trained logic to draw informed conclusions about the patient. This provides more accurate detection of legitimate cardiac events while reducing the likelihood of false alarms. -
Page 152: Overview
(see the section Relearning a Patient’s ECG, below). Date and time of the last learning phase are indicated in the HR Setup menu. NOTE: For arrhythmia monitoring, the monitor processes the leads selected for ECG monitoring (see the chapter ECG and Heart Rate). Infinity Vista…
Page 153
10 Hz and an amplitude > 10 mV p-p N is the event count set on the Arrhythmia Setup Table. In neonatal mode, you can set alarm limits for BRDY in the Alarm Limits table and the monitor alarms upon a limit violation for this event. Infinity Vista… -
Page 154: Turning Arrhythmia Monitoring On
When you turn arrhythmia monitoring on, the monitor displays the PVC rate in the HR parameter box. If the monitor detects an arrhythmia event, it displays the label of the event and an alarm message in the message area at the bottom of the screen. Infinity Vista…
Page 155: Arrhythmia Setup
O ff , t h e r e i s n o a l a r m a n n u n c i a t i o n f o r a s y s t o l e a n d v e n t r i c u l a r f i b r i l l a t i o n . Infinity Vista…
Page 156: Rate And Count
, t h e m o r e s e r i o u s o f t h e t w o c o n d i t i o n s . Infinity Vista…
Page 157: Arrhythmia Alarm Recordings
The message ARR Relearn appears in the message area. The monitor automatically relearns in the following cases: When you turn arrhythmia monitoring on or change between basic and full arrhythmia monitoring. When you change the displayed ECG leads while arrhythmia monitoring is Infinity Vista…
Page 158
During the learning phase, LRN appears in the HR parameter box and the message Arrhythmia Relearning in the message area at the bottom of the screen. Once learning is complete, date and time of the learning phase are displayed in the HR Setup menu next to the Relearn selection. Infinity Vista… -
Page 159
10 ST Segment Analysis Overview……………………10-2 ST Monitoring Display………………..10-3 ST Setup ……………………10-4 Isoelectric and ST Measuring Points …………..10-5 ST Reference Complex ………………10-6 ST Alarms ……………………10-7… -
Page 160: Overview
S T s e g m e n t d e v i a t i o n s m u s t b e d e t e r m i n e d b y a c l i n i c i a n . 10-2 Infinity Vista…
Page 161: St Monitoring Display
NOTE: When the monitor uses the Export Protocol to communicate with an external device, ST values are rounded to the nearest millimeter (or millivolt) and transmitted as whole numbers. For example, a value of 1.7 mm is transmitted as 2 mm. Infinity Vista 10-3…
Page 162: St Setup
ST waveform. Save — Saves and time-stamps the currently displayed ST waveform as a reference waveform. As new values are captured, the real-time ST segment waveform overlaps the reference waveform to show changes in the ST segment. 10-4 Infinity Vista…
Page 163: Isoelectric And St Measuring Points
ST waveform channels. 3. With the rotary knob, move the position of the ISO point to the desired location and click the knob. The corresponding value (in milliseconds) is shown next to the ISO label. 4. Click on Infinity Vista 10-5…
Page 164: St Reference Complex
ON or OFF. STEPS: Saving the ST Reference Complex 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on . Date and time of saving appear next to the Save option. Save 10-6 Infinity Vista…
Page 165: St Alarms
You can set the upper and lower limits within the following range: -15.0 mm to +15.0 mm, in 0.1 mm increments (-1.5 mV to +1.5 mV, in 0.01 mV increments, when using millivolts.) NOTE: Always check the upper and lower ST alarm limits before starting ST monitoring. Infinity Vista 10-7…
Page 166
10 ST S EGMENT NALYSIS This page intentionally left blank 10-8 Infinity Vista… -
Page 167
11 Respiration Monitoring Overview……………………11-2 Patient Preparation………………….11-2 Selecting and Preparing the Electrodes ………….11-2 Preparing the Patient’s Skin …………….11-2 Electrode Placement for Respiration Monitoring……….11-3 Rsp Safety Considerations ………………11-4 Respiration Monitoring Display………………11-5 Rsp Display Channel ………………..11-5 Resp Display Amplitude ………………11-6 Respiration Monitoring Settings …………….11-7 Rsp Mode …………………..11-7 Resp Markers………………….11-8 Apnea Time ………………….11-9… -
Page 168: Overview
Proper selection and preparation of the ECG electrodes is important for effective respiration monitoring. See the chapter ECG and Heart Rate for information on preparing and placing electrodes. Preparing the Patient’s Skin Follow the recommended instructions given in the chapter ECG and Heart Rate. 11-2 Infinity Vista…
Page 169: Electrode Placement For Respiration Monitoring
For deep abdominal breathers, you may want to move the right arm (RA) electrode, in order to span the maximum expansion and contraction of the lungs. NOTE: If you are using this electrode placement for monitoring respiration, lead I and II are compromised for monitoring ECG. Infinity Vista 11-3…
Page 170: Rsp Safety Considerations
E S U b l o c k . 11-4 Infinity Vista…
Page 171: Respiration Monitoring Display
Rsp Display Channel Display the Rsp Waveform in one of the bottom display channels as follows: STEPS: Selecting the Rsp Display Channel 1. Click on the desired waveform channel. 2. Click on Waveform 3. Select and click the knob. Infinity Vista 11-5…
Page 172: Resp Display Amplitude
R s p M a r k e r s) . STEPS: Selecting the Rsp Display Amplitude 1. Click on the channel. Rsp waveform 2. Click on Size 3. Select the desired display amplitude and click the knob. 11-6 Infinity Vista…
Page 173: Respiration Monitoring Settings
(see the section Selecting the Rsp Display Amplitude). STEPS: Selecting the Respiration Mode 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on Resp. Mode 3. Select the desired monitoring mode ( ) or turn respiration Auto Manual monitoring off ( Infinity Vista 11-7…
Page 174: Resp Markers
In manual mode, always use the displayed markers to set the waveform size at a point where shallow breaths are counted and cardiac artifacts rejected. STEPS: Displaying Resp Markers 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on Rsp. Marker 3. Select and click the knob. 11-8 Infinity Vista…
Page 175: Apnea Time
On. The detection of central apnea is accomplished through impedance plethysmography. STEPS: Selecting the Apnea Time 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on Apnea Time 3. Select the desired setting and click the knob. Infinity Vista 11-9…
Page 176: Coincidence Alarm
Check and change the electrode placement if you receive a coincidence message until you obtain a clear respiration signal. STEPS: Turning the Coincidence Alarm On/Off 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on Coincidence 3. Select the desired setting ( ) and click the knob. On/OFF 11-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 177: Relearning A Patient’s Respiration Pattern
During the learning phase, the monitor displays the message Rsp Relearning at the bottom of the screen and the label in the Rsp parameter box. During the learning phase, the patient should rest as quietly as possible and breathe normally. Infinity Vista 11-11…
Page 178: Oxycrg Monitoring (Neonatal Option)
70% to 100%. The third waveform channel shows a time- compressed respiration waveform. STEPS: Displaying the OCRG Waveforms 1. Make sure the Neonatal monitoring mode is selected. 2. Click on the channel. second third waveform 3. Click on Waveform 4. Select and click the knob. OCRG 11-12 Infinity Vista…
Page 179
CRG M ONITORING EONATAL PTION STEPS: Adjusting the OCRG Waveform Size 1. Click on the channel. third waveform 2. Click on Size 3. Select the desired size and click the knob. Infinity Vista 11-13… -
Page 180: Ocrg Recordings
If no recorder is available, the monitor stores the OCRG apnea alarm recording (see the chapter Recordings for a description of stored recordings). NOTE: OCRG recordings cannot be printed on a laser printer. This page intentionally left blank 11-14 Infinity Vista…
Page 181
12 Pulse Oximetry Intended Use ……………………12-2 Overview……………………12-2 Connections …………………….12-3 Sensor Application ………………….12-4 SpO2 Safety Considerations ………………12-5 SpO2 Monitoring Display ………………..12-6 SpO2 Display Channel ………………12-6 SpO2 Display Amplitude ………………12-7 Cascade Display………………..12-8 SpO2 Monitoring Settings……………….12-9 Pulse Tone Source ………………..12-9 Pulse Tone Volume …………………12-10 Signal Strength Bar Graph ……………..12-11 Averaging Mode ………………..12-11… -
Page 182: Intended Use
12-2 Infinity Vista…
Page 183: Connections
Service menu. When a Masimo pod is connected, the SpO menu displays Masimo* in the sensor type field. To Monitor (USB Connector X8) To Monitor (MultiMed Connector) MultiMed Pod Masimo SET™ Pod Connector for SpO Intermediate Cable Infinity Vista 12-3…
Page 184: Sensor Application
Infinity Vista monitors support Dräger, Nellcor and Masimo SpO sensors. The SpO menu shows which sensor type is currently selected. If you connect a sensor different from the type shown in the SpO menu, the monitor displays an error message.
Page 185: Spo2 Safety Considerations
. Infinity Vista…
Page 186: Spo2 Display Channel
If monitoring with a 3-lead ECG cable, you cannot display the SpO waveform in the top channel. STEPS: Selecting the SpO Display Channel 1. Click on the desired waveform channel. 2. Click on Waveform 3. Select and click the knob. SpO2 12-6 Infinity Vista…
Page 187: Spo2 Monitoring Display
The available sizes are 10% to 100%, in increments of 10% (default 50%). STEPS: Selecting the SpO Display Amplitude 1. Click on the channel. waveform 2. Click on Size 3. Dial in the desired setting and click the knob. Infinity Vista 12-7…
Page 188: Cascade Display
NOTE: The cascade SpO waveform disappears from the screen whenever you choose to display the electrocardiogram again in the first channel. If you then want to display the standard SpO waveform, select the second or third channel. 12-8 Infinity Vista…
Page 189: Spo2 Monitoring Settings
ECG (e.g., with paced patients or in the presence of HR artifacts). STEPS: Selecting the Pulse Tone Source 1. Click on the parameter box. SpO2 2. Click on Tone Source 3. Select and click the knob. SpO2 Infinity Vista 12-9…
Page 190: Pulse Tone Volume
NOTE: If you select a Tone Volume higher than the speaker volume of the monitor, the Tone Volume is that of the speaker volume. If you select a lower setting, the pulse tone sounds at the selected volume. 12-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 191: Signal Strength Bar Graph
12 seconds or less (2 to 4 seconds with the Masimo SET pod). Response time may improve as pulse rate increases. NOTE: When monitoring most patients, Dräger recommends using the Normal averaging mode. The Fast mode is designed for neonatal patients when fast reporting of oxygen desaturation is important. Infinity Vista 12-11…
Page 192
12 P ULSE XIMETRY STEPS: Selecting the Averaging Mode 1. Click on the parameter box. SpO2 2. Click on Averaging 3. Select the desired setting (Normal or Fast) and click the knob. 12-12 Infinity Vista… -
Page 193
13 Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Overview……………………13-2 NBP Safety Considerations………………13-3 Cuff Selection and Placement ………………13-4 NBP Measurements …………………13-6 Single Measurements ……………….13-6 Interval Mode ………………….13-6 Inflation Mode ………………….13-8 Measurement Tone …………………13-10 NPB Alarms ……………………13-11… -
Page 194: Overview
At the end of each NBP measurement, the NBP cuff deflates to a pressure of 10 mmHg or less (adult and pediatric modes), or to a pressure of 5 mmHg (neonatal mode). A time stamp in the NBP parameter box indicates the time of the last NBP measurement. 13-2 Infinity Vista…
Page 195: Nbp Safety Considerations
The measurement takes longer than 2 minutes for Adult 270 or Pediatric 180 inflation modes. The measurement takes longer than 90 seconds (or longer than 60 seconds in French NFC mode) for Neo 140 inflation mode. A technical alarm has occurred. Infinity Vista 13-3…
Page 196: Cuff Selection And Placement
“index line” must fall within the area marked as “range.” 4. Wrap the deflated cuff snugly around the limb without impeding blood flow. 5. Caution the patient not to talk or move upon inflation of the cuff. 13-4 Infinity Vista…
Page 197
Connect the NBP cuff and hose to the monitor’s hose connector on the left side of the device. NBP Connector Infinity Vista 13-5… -
Page 198: Nbp Measurements
2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240 minutes (or OFF default). NOTE: The minimum time between the end of an automatic interval measurement and the next automatic measurement is 30 seconds. 13-6 Infinity Vista…
Page 199
NBP Start/Stop key. During an active single NBP measurement, you cannot turn the Interval Mode on or off. To end interval measurements, press and hold the key or turn the NBP Start/Stop Interval Mode in the NBP menu. Infinity Vista 13-7… -
Page 200: Inflation Mode
For patient category Adult, you can choose inflation modes Adult 270, Pediatric 180 and Neonatal 140. For patient category Pediatric, you can choose inflation modes Pediatric 180 and Neonatal 140. For patient category Neonatal, you can choose inflation mode Neonatal 140. 13-8 Infinity Vista…
Page 201: Inflation Mode
, i f a pp r o p r i a t e , s w i t c h t o a p e d i a t r i c i n f l a t i o n m o d e . Infinity Vista 13-9…
Page 202: Measurement Tone
The loudness of the tone depends on the setting for the monitor’s speaker volume. If the volume is turned off, the tone does not sound. STEPS: Turning the Measurement Tone ON/OFF 1. Click on the parameter box. 2. Click on Measurement Tone 3. Select and click the knob. 13-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 203: Npb Alarms
You can set the systolic, mean, and diastolic alarm limits within the following range: 10 to 250 mmHg, in increments of 1 mmHg. Infinity Vista 13-11…
Page 204
13 N NVASIVE LOOD RESSURE This page intentionally left blank 13-12 Infinity Vista… -
Page 205
14 Invasive Blood Pressure Overview……………………14-2 Invasive Pressure Labels………………..14-3 IBP Display ……………………14-3 Display Channel and Waveform Amplitude …………14-4 Selecting and Preparing the Transducer…………..14-5 Zeroing and Calibration Check …………….14-6 Zero and Calibration Check Troubleshooting …………14-7 Calibrating Reusable Transducers …………..14-8… -
Page 206: Overview
NVASIVE LOOD RESSURE Overview NOTE: Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring is a locked option for the Infinity Vista monitor. During invasive blood pressure monitoring (IBP), the monitor measures arterial and venous blood pressures and Displays one or two pressure waveforms continuously (the monitoring of two invasive pressure parameters is available as an option).
Page 207: Invasive Pressure Labels
Diastolic pressure value (e.g., 85). Mean pressure value (e.g., 102). A crossed bell if invasive pressure alarms are turned off. If the second invasive pressure option is enabled, the second invasive blood pressure has its own parameter box. Infinity Vista 14-3…
Page 208: Display Channel And Waveform Amplitude
5. Select the desired display amplitude and click the knob. NOTE: The Channel setup menu makes only those pressure labels available which have been selected for the monitoring session in the IBP setup menu (or the default GP1/ GP2). 14-4 Infinity Vista…
Page 209: Selecting And Preparing The Transducer
Connect the IBP transducer to the IBP-connector on the monitor’s left side panel. The connector is only available as a hardware upgrade with the purchase of the IBP monitoring option. IBP Connector Infinity Vista 14-5…
Page 210: Zeroing And Calibration Check
See the table on Zero and Calibration Check Troubleshooting (below) to help you during the procedure. STEPS: Zeroing and Entering a Cal. Factor 1. Click on the IBP1 parameter box. 2. Re-align the transducer to the patient’s heart level. 14-6 Infinity Vista…
Page 211: Zero And Calibration Check Troubleshooting
• Call your Biomed to calibrate the transducer with a mercury manometer if calibration fails repeatedly. • Check the pressure cable for damage. Note that instead of “IBP” the messages show the selected pressure label (e.g., “ART Cannot Zero”). Infinity Vista 14-7…
Page 212: Calibrating Reusable Transducers
6. Dial in the calibration value to match the mean pressure value and click the knob. 7. If you are monitoring two invasive blood pressures, repeat these steps for the second pressure parameter. NOTE: If invasive blood pressure alarms are on, the message IBP static appears. 14-8 Infinity Vista…
Page 213: Chapter 15: Temperature
15 Temperature Overview……………………15-2 Temperature Probes………………..15-2 Placing the Probe ………………..15-2…
Page 214: Overview
1. Mark the insertion depth (2 to 4 inches) with a rubber ring or tape. 2. Insert the probe through the rectum into the colon and tape the cable in place. NOTE: Cover reusable probes with a protective rubber cover. 15-2 Infinity Vista…
Page 215
. D o n o t u s e o n p e r s o n s w i t h l a t e x h y p e r s e n s i t i v i t y. Infinity Vista… -
Page 216
15 T EMPERATURE This page intentionally left blank 15-4 Infinity Vista… -
Page 217
Options and Accessories This appendix lists Dräger-approved options and accessories for use with the Infinity Vista monitors. To place an order, please contact your local Dräger representative. Monitoring in the wireless network requires series access points and wireless LAN PC cards. -
Page 218: Options
ECG 3-lead Adapter Cable, temperature and SpO measurements 3-Lead ECG Adapter Cable for NeoMed pod (1.5 m)….55 92 162 Infinity Vista…
Page 219: Ecg
ECG 6-lead grabber-set, IEC2 ……..59 56 474 Infinity Vista…
Page 220
45 27 750 Adapter pin for neonatal electrodes, package of 5 ….51 94 779 for use with MultiMed 5 Infinity Vista… -
Page 221: Pulse Oximetry (Spo2
— Patient weight > 10 kg (22 lb.) great toe application — Patient weight 3-10 kg (6.6-22 lb.) across foot or palm and back of hand — Patient wt < 3 kg (6.6 lb.) Infinity Vista…
Page 222
Nellcor OxiMAX MAX-AL, adult, 24 pcs ……MX50071 adult sensor for finger or toe application Patient weight > 30 kg (66 lb.) Infinity Vista… -
Page 223: Temperature
52 04 651 Temp protective covers, 10 pcs (latex)……70 14 616 Infinity Vista…
Page 224: Invasive Blood Pressure (Ibp
IBP Y-adapter, 10 pin to 7 pin ……..55 88 095 Infinity Vista…
Page 225: Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (Nbp
NBP cuff, neonatal #5, 8.3-15.0 cm ……28 70 173 Infinity Vista…
Page 226: Power Sources
Power Cord Switzerland, SEV 1011 ……43 21 613 Power Cord Denmark 18 51 721 A-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 227: Displays And Display Components
R50 Recorder Paper, box of 10 rolls ……47 11 201 Infinity Vista A-11…
Page 228: Miscellaneous
RS232 Diagnostic UART cable, 3 m……47 14 346 A-12 Infinity Vista…
Page 229
Cleaning and Disinfecting Cleaning and Disinfecting……………….. B-2 Monitor ……………………B-2 Patient Cables ………………….B-2 Reusable ECG Electrodes ………………B-3 Reusable SpO2 Sensor………………B-3 NBP Cuff ……………………. B-3 Temperature probes and cables …………….B-3 Reusable Pressure Transducers and Cables …………B-4 Masimo SET SpO2 Pod ……………….. -
Page 230: Cleaning And Disinfecting
Clean the patient cables with a gauze pad moistened with a soap solution. Dry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth. To disinfect patient cables, wipe the cables with a gauze moistened with diluted alcohol. Dry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth. Infinity Vista…
Page 231: Reusable Ecg Electrodes
Never boil or autoclave the cable. Vinyl withstands temperatures up to 100 °C but begins to soften at around 90 °C. Handle gently when hot and wipe away from the tip toward the cable. Infinity Vista…
Page 232: Reusable Pressure Transducers And Cables
3. Dry thoroughly with a lint-free cloth. CAUTION: Do not use organic solvents. Do not sterilize with steam, heat, radiation or ethylene oxide (ETO). Do not use sharp objects. Make sure that no liquid enters the pod. Infinity Vista…
Page 233
C Default Settings and Biomedical Support Default Settings ………………….C-2 Biomedical Support…………………. C-8 Startup Tests ………………….C-8 Checking the NBP Calibration …………….C-9 Biomed Menu………………….C-10 Saving a Patient Setup ………………C-11 Locked Options and Demo Mode …………… C-11 Diagnostic Logs ………………..C-13 Changing Units of Measure…………….. -
Page 234: Default Settings
NOTE: Alarm Limits, Alarm On/Off, and Record On/Off settings are considered Patient Settings for all parameters except where noted. Some settings are for optional features and are only available on units with these options installed or enabled. Infinity Vista…
Page 235: Default Settings
Previous Patient VT, RUN, AIVR, Saved Setup SVT, CPT, BGM Alarm BRDY, TACH, PAUS, ARTF Alarm ASY and VF Alarm Record Record Saved Setup Recording Other Events Arrhythmia Basic Basic Saved Setup Monitoring *Not applicable for neonatal monitoring. Infinity Vista…
Page 236
Saved Setup Coincidence Alarm Saved Setup Alarm Saved Setup Alarm Limits 100/90% 100/90% 95/85% Saved Setup (upper/lower) Alarm Recording Saved Setup Tone Source Previous Patient Tone Volume Previous Patient Bar Graph Previous Patient Averaging Normal Normal Normal Previous Patient Infinity Vista… -
Page 237
Saved Setup (upper/lower) • Systolic • 160/90 • 160/90 • 120/50 • Mean • 125/60 • 125/60 • 85/40 • Diastolic • 110/50 • 110/50 • 80/35 Alarm Recording Saved Setup Cal. Factor Previous Patient Manometer Cal. Previous Patient Infinity Vista… -
Page 238
HR, SpO HR, SpO HR, SpO Saved Setup Biomed (password-protected settings) Units Previous Patient • T • °C • °C • °C • Pressures • mmHg • mmHg • mmHg • mm • mm • mm • ST Infinity Vista… -
Page 239
ST segment analysis is available as an option in the adult and pediatric monitoring modes. Service: Monitor Setup (password-protected settings) Language English English English Previous Patient Data Collection Previous Patient Line Frequency 60 Hz 60 Hz 60 Hz Previous Patient Infinity Vista… -
Page 240: Biomedical Support
It includes an overview of the Biomed menu, basic setup, saving setups, diagnostic functions, and calibration check procedures for NBP. This appendix is not a substitute for the Infinity Vista Service Manual that is available from Dräger. CAUTION: Verify that the monitor’s line frequency under the “Service” menu is set to match the 50 or 60 Hz mains power line frequency of your hospital.
Page 241: Checking The Nbp Calibration
NBP Fault condition is reported. This message does not indicate a hardware failure but the activation of the safety timer of the monitor. To clear the message, turn the monitor off, then on again. Infinity Vista…
Page 242: Biomed Menu
Test Pulse ECG Baseline, Date and Time Monitor Setup Collection, Line Frequency), and (Network Configuration, Network Setup Network Information). Access to this menu requires entering the Service password. Monitor Stup — to select the parameter display colors. C-10 Infinity Vista…
Page 243: Saving A Patient Setup
Before demonstrating or testing the monitor, disconnect all patient cables from the monitor. NOTE: In Demo mode, the All Alarms Off key is without function and creates an error tone when pressed. Infinity Vista C-11…
Page 244
NOTE: The transfer of simulated data across the network is not possible. If the monitor is connected to the network, disabling the demo mode at the bedside monitor clears the monitor’s data at the central station. C-12 Infinity Vista… -
Page 245: Diagnostic Logs
ST — mm (default) or mV Upon changing the unit of measure, the monitor displays the New Patient? prompt. You must admit a new patient and thereby discharge the current patient, or the change of units does not take effect. Infinity Vista C-13…
Page 246: Parameter Colors
Select the parameter display colors as follows: 1. Press the fixed key. Menu 2. Click on Monitor Setup 3. Click on Biomed 4. Enter the Biomed password and click the knob again. 5. Click on Monitor Setup 6. Click on Parameter Colors C-14 Infinity Vista…
Page 247
The ST reference complex is always purple. Therefore, if you choose purple as the parameter color for ECG/ST, you won’t be able to distinguish the ST waveform from the ST reference complex. NOTE: External alarm lights are not available on the Vista monitors. Infinity Vista C-15… -
Page 248: Nbp/Spo2 Interlock
Menu 2. Click on Monitor Setup 3. Click on Biomed 4. Enter the Biomed password and click the knob again. 5. Click on Monitor Setup 6. Click on ASY/VF Alarms. 7. Select Always ON Follow HR C-16 Infinity Vista…
Page 249: Pacer Mode
Menu 2. Click on Monitor Setup 3. Click on Biomed 4. Enter the Biomed password and click the knob again. 5. Click on Monitor Setup 6. Click on Pacer Mode 7. Click on Basic Advanced Infinity Vista C-17…
Page 250
EFAULT ETTINGS AND IOMEDICAL UPPORT This page intentionally left blank C-18 Infinity Vista… -
Page 251
D Technical Data Overview……………………D-2 Regulatory Compliance ………………D-2 Basic System Components ………………. D-3 Monitoring Specifications ………………D-7 Electromagnetic Compatibility ……………… D-15… -
Page 252: Overview
Overview This appendix contains technical specifications for the physical and functional aspects of the Infinity Vista patient monitor and its monitoring accessories. Upon request, Dräger makes technical information required for maintenance and/or calibration of serviceable items available to qualified technical personnel.
Page 253: Basic System Components
Output low (no QRS): < .8 V @ 30 mA sync current. 12 V 560 : output for external alarm indicator (Nurse Call Alarm Output System) Recorder UART output to interface with an R 50 Series recorder through the interface plate. Infinity Vista…
Page 254
IEC 68-2-6; 0.040 inch DA, 5 to 32 Hz; 2G peak 32 to 500 Hz Storage: per ISTA procedure 1 Drop Free fall: 250 mm, 28 repetitions Shock IEC 68-2-27 50 G, half sine, 11ms, 18 reps Water Resistance Drip-Proof (IPX 1) Infinity Vista… -
Page 255
-20°C to 40°C (-4°F to 104°F) Relative Humidity: Operating: 30% to 95%, non-condensing Storage: 10% to 95%, non-condensing with packaging Atmospheric Pressure: Operating: 550 to 775 mmHg (73 to 103 kPa) Storage: 375 to 795 mmHg (50 to 106 kPa) Infinity Vista… -
Page 256
-20 to 60qC (-4 to 140qF) Relative Humidity: (operating:) 10 to 95%, non-condensing (storage:) 10 to 95%, (with packaging) Atmospheric Pressure: (operating:) 485 to 795 mmHg (64.7 to 106 kPa) (storage:) 375 to 795 mmHg (50 to 106 kPa) Infinity Vista… -
Page 257: Monitoring Specifications
> 100 M: Electrode On Impedance < 40 M: Calibration Spike 1 mV ±5% amplitude, 20 msec duration Defibrillation Protection In accordance with IEC 601-2-27 Degree of Protection Against Electric Shock Pacer Pulse Detection On active ECG lead Infinity Vista…
Page 258
From Fiducial Point to end of the averaged ST complex, in increments of 4 ms Display Resolution 0.1 mm/0.01mV (10PV) Response Time 15 seconds Respiration Method Impedance Pneumography Sensing Electrodes RA and LL (Lead II) Number of Channels Sweep Speed 6.25 mm/s Infinity Vista… -
Page 259
Absorption-spectrophotometry Measuring Range 1 — 100% Pulse rate: 30 — 250 1/min Calibration Range 70-100% Display Range 0-100% Display Update Period 2 seconds Maximum Hold from Previous 30 seconds (in the event of artifact or other error) Update Infinity Vista… -
Page 260
Red: 660 nm 910 nm Power Red: 3 mW (max.) 4 mW (max.) Note: LED drive is current limited by hardware mechanisms. Degree of Protection Against Type CF Electric Shock Defibrillation Protection In accordance with IEC 601-1A2 D-10 Infinity Vista… -
Page 261
Biotek Index 2 simulator and Masimo’s simulator with signal strengths of greater than 0.02% and a % transmission of greater than 5% for saturations ranging from 70 to 100%. This variation equals plus or minus one standard deviation. Plus or minus one standard deviation encompasses 68% of the population. Infinity Vista D-11… -
Page 262
Degree of Protection Against Electric Shock Defibrillation Protection In accordance with IEC 601-1A2 Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NBP) Parameter Display Systolic, Diastolic, Mean Measuring Method Oscillometric technique Modes of Operation Manual (single measurement), Continuous (5 minutes), or Interval D-12 Infinity Vista… -
Page 263
Adult (270): 300 ±30 mmHg Pediatric (180): 300 ±30 mmHg Neonatal (140): 158 ±2 mmHg Static Cuff Accuracy ±3 mmHg Calibration Range Adult and Pediatric: 10 — 260 mmHg ±3 mmHg Neonatal: 10 — 150 mmHg ±3 mmHg Infinity Vista D-13… -
Page 264
(to reach 90% of the change of the lowest pulse rate of Response Time 25 1/min. Zero Balance Range ±190 mmHg Zero Resolution 0.24 mmHg Zero Accuracy ±0.48 mmHg Bandwidth DC to 16 Hz Defibrillation Protection In accordance with IEC 601-2-34 Degree of Protection Against Electric Shock D-14 Infinity Vista… -
Page 265: Electromagnetic Compatibility
OMPATIBILITY Electromagnetic Compatibility The separation distances are written with regard to the Infinity Vista monitor. The numbers provided will not guarantee faultless operation but should provide reasonable assurance of such. This information may not be applicable to other medical electrical equipment, and older equipment may be particularly susceptible to interference.
Page 266
3 A/m 3 A/m Equipment which emits high levels magnetic field 50/60 Hz of power line magnetic fields (in excess of 3A/m) should be kept at a (IEC 61000-4-8) distance to reduce the likelihood of interference. D-16 Infinity Vista… -
Page 267
If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the equipment. b) Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m. Infinity Vista D-17… -
Page 268
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies. NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people. D-18 Infinity Vista… -
Page 269: Glossary
E Glossary The following list explains terms and abbreviations you may encounter while reading this guide. Alternating Current Arrhythmia Arterial Pressure Asystole Foot augmented lead Left arm augmented lead Right arm augmented lead Battery-backed memory The circuits inside the monitor that retain information after turning off the monitor.
Page 270
ULTI patients. Off-line Not connected to or served by the network. See also Standalone. On-line Connected to or served by the network. Pulmonary Artery Pressure Parameter A monitored physiological function (e.g., heart rate). Infinity Vista… -
Page 271
VF or V Fib Ventricular fibrillation VGA video display A 15-inch video display that is used to view the bedside monitor display. The VGA display has no rotary knob or fixed keys. VT or V Tach Ventricular Tachycardia Infinity Vista… -
Page 272
LOSSARY This page intentionally left blank Infinity Vista… -
Page 273: Index
ECG 8-7 Apnea Time 11-9 SpO2 A-7 Arrhythmia synchronization A-12 alarms 9-6 Cables, pod assembly 2-8 basic functions 9-3 Calibration full functions 9-3 IBP 14-6 On/Off 9-4 NPB C-9 rate and count 9-6 Card 4-11 recordings 9-7 Infinity Vista Index-1…
Page 274
Diagnostic Log C-13 tone volume 8-12 Diastolic Pressure Electrical Safety 1-4 IBP 14-3 Electrodes NBP 13-2 3-Lead configuration 8-4 Discharge 4-7 3-Lead, neonates 8-6 Disinfecting B-2 5-Lead configuration 8-5 cables B-2 6-Lead configuration 8-6 electrodes B-3 cleaning B-3 Index-2 Infinity Vista… -
Page 275
(SpO2) 5-19 Infinity Network 3-2 recordings 7-16 Inflation, NBP 13-8 respiration 5-18 Infusion Pumps, safety 8-17 ST segment analysis 5-17 Inspection, monitor 1-5 test C-8 Interface Plate 1-13 mm/s Key 7-3 Interval Mode, NBP 13-6 Monitor Infinity Vista Index-3… -
Page 276
Patient Discharge 4-7 interval mode 13-6 Patient ID 4-5 measurement tone 13-10 Patient Name 4-5 measurements 13-6 Patient Preparation menu 1-25 ECG 8-3 neonatal monitoring 13-2 NPB 13-4 safety 13-3 13-6 Rsp 11-2 units C-13 SpO2 12-4 Nellcor Index-4 Infinity Vista… -
Page 277
7-13 pacemakers 1-6 8-18 8-19 format 7-8 peripheral devices 1-4 messages 7-16 respiration 11-12 network 7-5 site of operation 1-3 OxyCRG 7-12 11-14 SpO2 12-5 printing stored recordings 7-15 temperature probes 15-3 saving stored recordings 7-15 Infinity Vista Index-5… -
Page 278
B-3 Trend signal strength 12-11 codes 6-6 SpO2 Sensor 12-4 graphs 6-3 setup 6-2 alarms 10-7 table 6-5 description 10-2 Trend Recordings 7-10 display 10-3 Tubing, IBP 14-5 functions 10-4 T-Waves, high 8-18 isoelectric point 10-5 Index-6 Infinity Vista… -
Page 279
C-13 bed label 3-5 ST C-13 care unit 3-5 temperature 15-2 C-13 functions 3-5 messages 3-7 safety 3-6 VGA displays 1-19 Volume 2-13 8-12 pulse tone 12-10 Zeroing, IBP 14-6 Zoom, fast access 1-22 Wall Mount A-12 Infinity Vista Index-7… -
Page 280
These Instructions for Use only apply to Infinity Vista VF6 with the Serial No.: If no Serial No. has been filled in by Dräger, these Instructions for Use are provided for general information only and are not intended for use with any specific machine or device.
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